> A Fart Slave for Fillies > by StillFunk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1) Rekindling an Old Hobby > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For a while now, Diamond Tiara hadn't enjoyed her day to day life quite as much as she used to. Her parents, of course, had taken notice of how bored their precious little princess appeared to be, and had promptly bought her a small mansion of her own in an effort to cheer her up the way they always did—with expensive gifts. There, she could hold as many parties and have as many friends to visit as she desired. But even though she quite enjoyed now owning her own mansion and incessantly bragged about it in school, ensuring her immense popularity would increase even further, she still found her days at school long and tedious. Something was missing. It was no secret to anypony that Diamond Tiara had it good, especially since she bragged about it whenever she got the chance. In fact, she had it too good, if you were to ask any ordinary pony, but what should that matter to her? She wasn't an ordinary pony. She was the daughter of one of the richest stallions in Equestria, so she deserved to have it good. She deserved every dress, every pet, every toy and every expensive accessory she had acquired ever the years. And since she had been bored, she definitely deserved the mansion she had just received. She deserved all of it, not because of how she behaved or due to her accomplishments, but simply because she was Diamond Tiara, the daugther of Filthy and Spoiled Rich. She was born to be treated like a princess. She was put into this world to be spoiled. That deeply rooted feeling of entitlement, paired with her usually fast-paced and exciting lifestyle, meant that feeling bored was a nightmare for her. She wasn't used to it at all. But what really bugged her about the whole thing, the part that really got under her fur, was that even though she deserved almost everything, she definitely didn't deserve to be bored. Boredom was a feeling for poor ponies, who couldn't afford to spend a random afternoon on a private island if they so desired. It simply wasn't fair that she of all ponies should feel this way, when she was so rich and important. It should be Snips, or Scootaloo, or anypony else really. Just not her. She had been brooding with these thoughts for a while now, and had developed a tendency to doze off occasionally, sometimes while her friends sat and laughed together at her table enjoying the newest gossip. Though they wouldn't do so for long. They wanted her approval on every topic, and would usually fall silent if their pack leader wasn't laughing along with them. "Is something up, Queen?” her best friend and second in command of her girl squad, Silver Spoon, asked her one day when they were sitting at a local cafe. Diamond looked at her, disinterested, before turning her gaze back at the window she was staring at, without giving any semblance of an answer. Silver Spoon felt very small at her rejection. She debated whether it would be best to just shut her mouth and let Tiara continue her window-gazing, or if she should risk being ignored again in the hopes that she would be acknowledged this time. "It's Sunny Daze, isn't it. I totally get it, if she's out of the clique. I mean, did you see those boots she wore last week? They were sooo tasteless, and she gave you a teddy bear for your birthday. I mean, how old does she think you are? I wonder if she still sleeps with a teddy bear herself. It wouldn't surprise me one bit. It's a miracle that her cutie mark isn't just a capital L." Diamond Tiara, tired of everything really, let out an audible sigh as she spread her body out across the table, planting her face on its surface. Scared and insecure, Silver Spoon quickly stuttered an apology. "I—I'm sorry, it’s totally your choice who gets to be in the clique. I shouldn't have said anything..." "No, you're totally right!" shouted Tiara as she abruptly lifted her face off the table and slammed her front hooves into it, giving Silver Spoon and a nearby waiter a shock. "Sunny Daze is out! She's such a cunt, and now I don't want to hear another word about cutie marks, got that?" "Y—Yes, Queen, of course not. We don't talk about that kind of baby stuff, am I right?" Silver Spoon mumbled out. At least she was acknowledged. Even if it felt a little degrading. Diamond Tiara didn't really know why she had grown to loathe the concept of cutie marks so much that she couldn't even stand the phrase anymore. It had been well over a year since those three blank flanks had gotten their stamps of approval on their buttocks, and she hadn't really spend much time to think about the importance of cutie marks ever since. Incidentally, she had felt bored for about as long as they had had their rump stamps. Maybe not constantly, but probably generally. Was her boredom somehow their fault? Could she find any way to blame them for her misery? She would, but she couldn't, and that just made her angry. Yet another feeling she was having that should be reserved for poor ponies. And her feelings were just as powerful the following day, right up until the time where she was introduced to their new classmate. Young colt, Earth pony. Short tail, dull grey coat, messy black mane. She got a tingly feeling in her gut the moment she saw him, and it definitely wasn't young love. Something about him just made her sososovery happy. Probably, no, especially the way he looked at his new classmates nervously, almost hiding behind Cheerilee as he scouted the classroom for potential friends—and bullies. That's when she noticed the most likely cause of his cowering. The boy didn't even have a cutie mark. Cheerilee went on to introduce the colt, apparently named Pepper Mill (and what an awful name!) Probably because he was too shy to do so himself in front of the whole class. How adorably pathetic. Apparently, he had to move to Ponyville because of his mother’s job, but such are the lives of poor ponies sometimes. You have to live where you'll be fed. "You can go sit besides Twist, right over there. I'm sure she'll take good care of you," said Cheerilee, gesturing towards a smiling filly wearing braces sitting two rows ahead of Diamond Tiara. Twist waved at the colt as he looked over at her. His drooping ears shot upwards and a nervous smile manifested on his lips. Diamond Tiara saw a great opportunity to tear him right back down where he belonged. "Ew! Why would you place him in front of me? Do you think I want to look at his disgusting mane while in class? No. Way." Surprised, the colt took a step backwards, ears flopping back down. He looked towards Diamond Tiara with his big, round, pathetic eyes. "Ew, now he's looking at me,” Tiara said, making a couple of her friends snicker and the colt look away in shame. "Yeah, losers need a permit to look at the class queen,” giggled Silver Spoon. The colt trotted another step backwards and tried to hide behind the teacher. "Will you girls please quiet down? And stop being mean to Pepper Mill! He just got here, and he doesn't have anypony to stand up for him," scolded Cheerilee in her disappointed voice. "I will when you move him elsewhere,” snarled Tiara, giving her teacher the death glare. Now, normally, something like this would be out of the question for what would seem to be obvious reasons, but when such a request is given to you by a filly you very well know has the power to not only get you fired, but to ensure you don't ever get to work as a teacher again, you tend to be more willing to comply. And Cheerilee, begrudgingly, chose to do just that. "Eh, very well. Um, Pepper Mill, why don't you, eh, take a seat over there, besides Snips. Then we'll just have to move Peachy Pie up front instea—" "Eeeew. No. Way. I don't want him sitting behind me. He'll be staring at my plot the entire time." It was this third insult from Tiara that finally made her classmate and old bullying target, Apple Bloom, interfere. "Why do you get to choose where Pepper Mill sits? He can sit besides me, if he wants t—" "I hear your family business is doing well, Apple Bloom. It would be a shame if they suddenly had to sell the farm to pay off a certain loan, wouldn't it?” Apple Bloom’s resistance faltered. "Well, I mean, we're sitting in the same row anyways, so you won't have to look at him here, or fear him looking at y-" "Seriously, what is it with you ponies!? I don't wanna sit close to him, either. He probably stinks,” snapped Tiara. The colt looked like he was ready to cry at this point. Tiara smiled from ear to ear. "I think he should sit under Twist’s table, where we don't even have to think about him,” suggested Silver Spoon. "Great idea, girl. It's settled then." Diamond Tiara pointed at the hiding colt. "You, get underneath Twist's table. That's where you sit from now on." The colt looked downright shocked at Diamond Tiara's command. He looked up at Cheerilee with trembling lips, hoping for support from his new teacher. Cheerilee, feeling like she’d put up with Tiara's shenanigans for far too long, decided to attempt intervening again. "Now you listen here, young lady! I will not tolerete such behavior in my classr—" "You will if you value not living on the streets!" Tiara looked furious by now. As much as the equally furious Cheerilee wanted to send that little brat outside the door, or give her detention, she knew that filly wasn't joking. Indignant, she bit her lips and put her hoof on Pepper Mill's shoulder. "Come on, Pepper Mill. It'll be fun, kinda like sitting in a shelter,” Cheerilee smiled at the frail-looking colt. With his head bent in shame, the colt skulked over to Twist's table and got down underneath it. "Well then,” Cheerilee sighed, almost shaking in distress, ”shall we get on with class?” "Hey! I can still see you, ugly, you need to sit in front of Twist!” shouted Tiara. With a whimper, the colt scooted over, so he was sitting between his tablemate’s legs. Twist’s cheeks flushed red. She wasn't expecting to have a colt sitting with his head this close to her crotch today. "Yeah, and I'm sure being farted on by Twist will only make you smell better, loser,” added Silver Spoon with a giggle. Tiara, Spoon, and their posse broke out in laughter at Twist and Pepper Mill’s expense. For the first time in a long time, Diamond Tiara felt truly satisfied. She had it good. > 2) Sniffing His First Filly Fart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pepper Mill was the last foal to leave class as they go for lunch break, and he made sure to be careful. He peeked out from under the table as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon left the room together, and he waited a good five minutes after they left to go to lunch himself. He sniffled and wiped his teary eyes with a hoof as he exited the classroom alone. He was used to being bullied, but being treated this harshly during his very first class in his new school had really torn down his already frail self esteem. All he wanted now was to sit alone, eat his lunch, and be sad for a while. And so he did—in a supply closet. Meanwhile in the cafeteria, Twist, who had been the very first pony to sprint out the door the moment the bell rang, sat alone like she always did. She was still blushing from the morning’s ordeal when she was approached by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Now, Twist, being a nerd with a lisp and braces, didn't usually see this as a positive thing. Even though she hadn't been bullied by the two in a long time, she often found herself at the receiving end of an unpleasant bout of teasing. "So?" asked Tiara, ”What do you think of your new hoofstool?” The pair sat down on either side of Twist, who suddenly found whatever was on her lunch tray very interesting. "Don'th know,” she shrugged. "Yeah, but like, doesn't he stink?" Twist, who really didn't want to disagree with something thought up by these fillies, nodded. "Yea, he doeth thmell a little." Tiara and Spoon started giggling. "Oh, Twist girl, I feel bad for you, hope it isn't too bad." As the two popular fillies sat giggling beside her, at someone that wasn’t her, she started to get a weird butterfly feeling in her gut. She was starting to feel included. "It'th not that bad. I can alwayth plug my nothe if he really thtarth thmelling,” she started to giggle. "Haha, totally,” agreed Spoon. Tiara saw her opportunity and leaned in closer to Twist, putting a hoof to Twist’s ear the same way she always did with her friends when the told the kind of gossip not everypony needed to know. Silver Spoon quickly followed suit from the opposite side of the nerdy filly. Being part of this ritual usually reserved for the popular girls made Twist light up with glee as she listened to Tiara. "You know what, Twist girl? You should totally get him back for being such a stinky little loser. And I have the perfect plan. Since he's already sitting between your legs, how about you grab his head, turn it around, and shove his stupid little face in there the next time you feel a fart coming?" "That would be sooo fitting,” whispered Silver Spoon into her other ear. "Yeah, and then you tell him that if you have to smell him, he should also have to smell you." Under normal circumstances, Twist wouldn't consider this to be a good idea. Under the glow of positive attention from popular girls, Twist found this to be the best idea she ever heard. "Yeah, and then I'll tell him to thmell it, and not let go until he'th taken a big thniff." "Oh my Celestia, that's exactly what I was thinking! Twist girl, we think so much alike." Twist blushed. "We'll make Peachy Pie act like a decoy for Cheerilee. When you feel one coming, say 'blank flank' and she will play pretend sick and get Cheerilee to follow her to the nurse's office. That should give us at least five minutes to get him to smell your farts without her intervening." Twist nodded, eager to be used to carry out their cruel intentions. The bell rang and the foals returned to class. Last to enter was Pepper Mill, and he hurried down under his table. Hopefully Tiara or Spoon wouldn’t notice him while they were chatting amongst their clique. Twist was quite nervous by now. Friendship with the popular fillies was at stake—if she did a good enough job bullying Pepper Mill. She probably wouldn’t, considering she wasn’t the sharpest stick in the drawer and had no experience on the bully’s side of the cruelties. Making a good impression on the ringleaders, Tiara and Spoon, were slim, but she couldn't back out now. So she spent the entire first half of the lesson eyeing out Pepper Mill's exact position so that she knew where his head was when she had her fart ready. It just happened to be much sooner than she had anticipated. She sat still in her chair, feeling her gut to make sure she really had one ready for him. As she confirmed this, her heart started pounding. This was her moment. It was now, or never. "B-Blank Flank!" Twist blurted quickly and loudly, looking intensely out the window. Pepper Mill was used to hearing that insult. What he wasn’t used to was hearing it from the kind and nerdy looking filly in class. He turned around to see if it was really directed at him. Twist’s face was scrunched up, red as dawn, and pointed out the window. It probably wasn’t. "Urrrgh, Miss Cheerilee, I don't feel so good." a voice called out from somewhere in the room, followed by audible snickering. "Why, Peachy Pie, you don't look too well! Let's get you to the nurse’s office," Cheerilee answered, and the two left the class behind. Everypony who knew about the plan waited in anticipation, no one more so than Twist herself. She readied herself like a predator preparing to strike, slowly scooching herself forwards so that her butt cheeks were at the very tip of the chair. She mumbled quietly to herself for a moment, practicing her lines and trying to calm herself a bit. "Ith I have to deal with your thmellth, you altho hath to deal with mine, lother!" BRRRRRTTHH! As soon as she unleashed her loud stinky toot, Twist grabbed her victim’s head and forced his snout into her private area. The expression on Pepper Mill's face was a mixture of shock and disgust as he was suddenly forced to breath in an eggy fart straight out of his classmate’s butt. He immediately tried to pull his head away, but Twist held him in place with minimal effort. "You better thniff it, blank flank, ith you know whath betht for you." "You heard your superior, loser, Twist wants her farts sniffed, and you better do it, or you're going to regret it!" At this point Pepper Mill broke down crying, mumbling something incoherently into Twist's taint. Overwhelmed by sadness and shame, he inhaled deeply through his snout, smelling Twist's sulphuric stink bomb right up, fearing the consequences of not complying. "He thniffed it!" The class broke down into laughter. Only a few disappointed fillies, who knew by now that Pepper Mill was the new plaything and there was nothing they could do about it, stayed silent. "Everypony, shut it!" commanded Tiara quite suddenly. The classroom quieted down. "I didn't hear you sniff, blank flank, now sniff again before the fart smell goes away. And do it loud enough for me to hear it." Still crying and whimpering, Pepper Mill took another audible whiff of Twist's brand, putting a satisfied smile on Diamond Tiara's lips. Twist finally let go of her victim and he fell down on the floor with a whimper. Tiara had completely forgotten just how fun bullying was, but now that she had a new victim she intended to get as much fun out of him as possible. > 3) After School Humiliation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After what seemed like an eternity to Pepper Mill, the last lesson of the day finally came to an end. The colts and fillies began to scurry on home to enjoy their free time. Pepper Mill, having lived through one of the worst days of his short life, opted to sit under his table in silence, waiting for the classroom to clear out before going home himself. Unfortunately for him, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had gotten the wonderful idea of waiting around as well. His single spot of hope manifested in Apple Bloom, who was the only pony still around that wasn’t himself or his two primary tormentors. It was promptly crushed when she left after a particularly stern look from Tiara that screamed “now is not the time to play hero.” The two sadistic fillies were left alone with their victim. "Eww. What's that smell, girl? It stinks in here!” Diamond Tiara trotted closer to the trembling colt beneath Twist's table. "I don't know, Queen, but it‘s coming from over here,” giggled Silver Spoon, following behind her friend. Silver Spoon looked under the table before immediately jumping backwards, feigning shock. “EW! It's a big, smelly rat!" Pepper Mill began scooching backwards in an effort to get away from Silver Spoon, but he stopped as soon as he heard Diamond Tiara trot up behind him. He started to sniffle again, letting a few teardrops fall to the floor before he wiped his face with his hoof. Tiara leaned down to take a look at him. "Hmmm, he sure looks like a rat, but he smells too bad to be one. Wanna know what I think? I think it's a loser blank flank, who's somehow still stinking even after Twist so kindly tried to cover up his smell with her fart." Pepper‘s heart started pounding as both of his bullies started circling around him like sharks, slowly approaching from opposite directions. He frantically looked back and forth between the two. "Well, that must mean one gassing simply wasn't enough to cover up his stench. I think we better give him some more. We'd be doing a public service really. I'd rather have a blank flank that smells like farts than one that smells like him,” giggled Tiara, shooting him a look of cruel superiority. "So, are you going to obey your superiors and come out from under that table?" "Or are you going to act as stupid as you look, and make us use force?" Silver Spoon smirked. Pepper Mill felt small, helpless, and afraid as he was targeted for another bullying session. Luckily, he learned a few tricks that might quench a bully's thirst for blood from his many long recesses at his previous school. "I-I'll do your homework for— for a week if you let me go,” offered Pepper Mill to his tormenters. It wasn't the first time in her bullying career that Diamond Tiara had heard an offer like this, but it was the first time she heard Pepper Mill speak. His squeaky voice made her break down in tears laughing alongside an equally amused Silver Spoon. "Haha, how do you even end up with such a stupid sounding voice?" "Oh my Celestia, he sounds like a deflating balloon." "Two weeks, then..." offered Pepper, noting his previous offer didn't seem to interrest the young mares. "Just— please— I just— I wanna go ho-hoomeee. Waaah!" Pepper Mill finally broke down into a crying mess, making Tiara very happy, and also a bit annoyed. "Shut the fuck up, blank flank!" she demanded loudly. Pepper Mill instantly lowered the volume on his sobbing and whimpering. Looking at her pathetic victim, Tiara's smile grew wider. "Since you think you're such a businesspony, how's this for a deal? You'll do all our homework. All of it, forever, and as long as we get passing grades we'll keep your well-deserved punishments for being such an ugly, smelly blank flank loser to a bare minimum. How does that sound?" "What do you mean?" he said after choking out a sob. They both rolled their eyes. "During class, you will, of course, have to do whatever Twist tells you, since she's the one who has to deal with your presence. But during recess, you're ours, and you will do as you're told." The colt gulped. "But you will only have to stay for half an hour after school each day, and you'll get the weekends off. Anything else to add, Silver?" "Yeah, you're not allowed to call in sick. We don't care if you have a fever, you show up, always. If you have to go to the hospital or something, notify us, and tell us where you are,” said Spoon in a stern way. "Breaking the rules or getting us a failing grade will result in strict punishment,” Tiara intoned as if she was the businesspony who ran (the nonexistent) Barnyard Bullying. Watching the colt lower his head further and further with each harsh word, they spoke, “So what do you say, blank flank? Do we have a deal? Or should we return to our original torture schedule?” Fearing the consequences of not signing the verbal contract, Pepper Mill nodded silently, still crying and whimpering. "Good. We still have fifteen minutes to make you less smelly. Come here, now." Slowly, Pepper Mill came out from underneath the table, knowing fully well that he was about to be farted on again. As her victim got on his hooves, Diamond Tiara presented him with her tiny, plump filly-derrière, and gave him the dreadful command he was just waiting to hear. "Put your snout on my plothole, loser, and get ready for my perfume.” Obediently, but with an expression of pure shame and disgust, Pepper Mill placed his snout against Diamond Tiara's tight filly anus, mentally preparing himself for another faceful of farts. As the colt got into his humiliating position, Silver Spoon grabbed his head, holding him in place in case he should get any ideas of retreating once he caught a whiff of Tiara's gas. "Sniff her butt, blank flank,” ordered Silver Spoon, giggling and nudging her victim's head deeper into Tiara's rump. Begrudgingly, Pepper Mill began smelling her asshole. "Oh my Celestia, he's actually doing it." "Ew! What a fucking loser." "Hope it stinks, retard!" Listening to their barrage of insults was honestly worse than smelling Diamond Tiara's asshole. Her plot, though definitely not clean, didn't smell awful either. It was a bit sweaty, a bit earthy smelling, and a bit musky. Inhaling its scent was an unpleasant experience, but it wasn't nearly as horrible as huffing up Twist's nasty fart had been. Not even close. But he knew for a fact that he could get face-farted at any moment, and it kept him on guard. Sure enough, after only a minute of butt huffing, Diamond Tiara snickered, telling her partner-in-torment to hold on tight to their victim’s face, and telling Pepper Mill that he better get ready to take a big sniff if he didn't want to get beaten up. Pffffffffffffffffffffffffffft Sniiiiiiiiiiff "EEEEEEW!" laughed both fillies as they made Pepper Mill sniff up the polluted air. Pepper Mill, in the meantime, gagged at the nasty, rotten, cauliflower-scented rump air he just inhaled. "I think that makes it official,” said Diamond Tiara. She stepped forwards, separating her ass from Pepper Mill's muzzle once more, giving him a great opportunity to huff up some fresh air. He and Spoon watched as she inscribed something on a piece of paper and attached it to some string at a nearby table. "Tadaa!" sang Diamond Tiara, revealing her creation to her captive audience. Silver Spoon burst out laughing and Pepper started crying like a baby yet again. She presented it to Pepper Mill, with Silver Spoon forcing his head down so she could put it around his neck. "You better be wearing that every day from now on, got that?!" With those words, the two fillies walked out laughing with each other, leaving Pepper Mill weeping on the floor with his new title: School's Official Filly Fart Slave. > 4) Plots, Poots and Piss - Punishment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following day, Pepper Mill seemed to have forgotten all about his contract, as he spent the first recess staying as close as possible to Cheerilee. Twist, naturally, had been far too nervous to do anything stinky with her hoofstool in class as long as Cheerilee was present, or to try using the same type of decoy two days in a row. She relied solely on her teacher's need to use the ladies’ room to get in some abuse. Something that, sadly, hadn't come up. But most infuriating of all, to Diamond Tiara at least, was the fact that that little rat wasn't even wearing his name tag. It was clear to her that the School's Official Filly Fart Slave needed a severe punishment for neglecting the duties appropriate to his position. That disgusting blank flank pauper did not deserve a whole school day without being farted on even once. Luckily, a great opportunity for some degradation showed during the last class of the day. Diamond Tiara usually didn’t feel the need to keep herself in peak physical condition, since she had butlers to do anything she considered menial labor. So it was very uncharacteristic of her to push herself to her limits in gym class, let alone to make sure that her filly friends had given it their all as well. She wanted her herd to get as sweaty as possible for Pepper Mill's punishment. As the colts and fillies headed to their respective shower halls when the weekly hour of exercise came to an end, Pepper Mill made sure to avoid Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon on his way to clean himself. While he was focused on making sure he wasn’t anywhere near the two best friends, two foals trotted up behind him. He felt hooves wrapping around his legs and pulling back. To his horror, Toola Roola and Coconut Cream did a very good job at dragging him screaming into the fillies’ changing room. He’d noticed that they hadn’t bullied him before, and hoped he might one day befriend them. Another hope crushed, he supposed. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sat on a bench, waiting for their toy to be delivered. His loud pleas for help did nothing as Peachy Pie served as a distraction keeping the teacher in the gym, and the noise made by a large group of young foals masked Pepper Mill’s shouts. He was dumped unceremoniously before the class queen, her right hoof mare, and the gaggle of eager fillies. He cried loudly and plead for mercy, but the queen wasn’t in the mood to hear petitions. She signalled for Twist to silence him as agreed to beforehoof. Twist, nervous and excited to play a part in Tiara's bullying schemes yet again, stuffed her gym panties down Pepper Mill's throat to make him stop screaming. After, of course, making sure he knew just how filthy they were, with the traces of skid marks her butt had left him as a little present. "Thuck on my thweaty panthieth, blank flank!" Pepper Mill looked to the side, where the yellow pony with the country accent who had defended him yesterday sat alongside the other two ponies that had been yet to even laugh at him. Apple Bloom glared at her fellow former Tiara-target, Twist, while the other two looked to the side in embarrassment, listening to the awful sounds of Pepper Mill being forced to taste Twist's skid marks slide across his tongue. But it was clear that they wouldn’t be helping them. They had either been threatened or bought. He was hoping for the latter, not wanting the only nice fillies in his class to be threatened by Diamond Tiara. But he knew that it was most likely the former. The pathetic sound of Pepper Mill's cries were muffled by the salty undergarments, but they didn’t stop him from continuing to weep. Quite the opposite, really. "Did you honestly think you could get away from us just by brown-nosing Cheerilee all day?" Tiara asked condescendingly, placing one of her hind hooves right in his face. He had no choice but to breathe in its sour, sweaty scent, given his other breathing hole was stuffed with Twist's used underwear. "Well think again, loser! We had a deal, and you broke it. Now it's time to pay your fine, so suck on those panties and smell my hoof!!" With two fillies holding him down, twisting his hooves behind his back as a means of encouragement to obey, Pepper Mill made audible sucking sounds and sniffed Tiara's hoof loudly, resulting in almost every filly in the changing room breaking out into childish laughter. "Ew! He's so gross!" yelled out Silver Spoon, putting her hooves to her mouth in a display of intrigued disgust. Tiara removed her hoof from the teary-eyed colt's quivering face. "He's about to get a whole lot grosser..." She stood up and turned her petite body around, presenting her plot to Pepper Mill. The two fillies that were holding him down got him into position to sniff Tiara's asshole. Pepper Mill pushed back with all he was worth, but his efforts only slowed the inevitable: his face in her sweaty plot, with his snout pressed directly against her tight, dirty anus. "Sniff my ass, blank flank." With his mouth full of panties, it's not as if he actually had a choice, and he begrudgingly took a breath. The very moment he inhaled, his face turned green with disgust. Compared to her plot smell from yesterday, this was downright horrible. It was even worse than Twist's fart. Tiara's workout had sweated up her buttcrack to such an extent that it had caused the smell of ass musk to increase at least tenfold. The hot, stinky air Pepper Mill inhaled causes him to gag and moan in displeasure. Tiara, taking notice of his immense disgust, giggled and began to grind her ass around in his face. "I'm not hearing any sniffing back there. Sniff it loudly. You should know by now that I want to hear it." With the two fillies putting extra pressure on his front legs, still forced behind his back, Pepper Mill had no choice but to inhale the stinky plot air deeply, making his stomach turn and causing all the fillies to start laughing again. After another couple minutes of having her ass smelled by her loser slave, Tiara stepped away from him, listening to him heave for fresher air. Now it was Silver Spoon’s turn, and unlike Tiara, she had a fart ready for the blank flank, which she blasted his face with as soon as she felt his snout on her moist, sweaty rectum. "Eeew. You're such a gross little fart sniffer,” she said, as she listened to him whine while huffing up her ass gas. Pepper Mill thought her fart smelled a bit like rotten onions. "Eh, I have to farth too, and I don'th think I can hold it for much longer, girlth!" said Twist nervously, face red with embarrassment, trying to hold back a fart that she had already been holding for far too long. "Go ahead Twist, stink up that loser!" cheered the fillies as she and Spoon quickly changed places. Now, Pepper Mill had already gotten a hunch that Twist wasn't usually part of Tiara's cruel clique of obedient fillies. She didn’t fit in with them: she was nerdy, chubby, freckled, lisped, wore unstylish glasses and braces, and talked like a girl two years younger than the rest of them. But as soon as his snout touched her wet, messy anus, he understood perfectly. Tiara, who intended to make him smell filly asses every day as her main method of torturing him, wanted Twist as her subordinate because she had the stinkiest ass imaginable. This filly did not know what proper hygiene was, and she probably showered less than weekly. At least that was Pepper Mill's impression at least as he inhaled her potent butt stench, while Twist strained herself to unleash the fart without letting something... extra out as well. He was honestly surprised he hadn't noticed her body odor yesterday while having his snout held against her plot during the face fart, but the contact back then was not very direct, with him being held somewhat sideways and her chubby ass cheeks blocking him off due to her awkward sitting position. On top of that, Twist seemed to be the least fit filly in class, and being drenched in sweat from playing hoofball for an hour had probably made her, just like Diamond Tiara, a lot more stinky than otherwise. Still, her ass stench was vomit inducing, and Pepper Mill struggled for freedom against the fillies still holding him while he was being tortured by Twist's horrible, musky odor. Twist finally managed to push out her fart, and Pepper Mill found himself being drenched in the moist, eggy emmission. Her fart put her otherwise horrible ass stench to shame, reeking so violently that even the two fillies holding Pepper Mill had to turn their noses at the sulphuric, rotten gas leaking out of her with a damp bubbling sound. "Th-Thorry,” mumbled Twist, face as red as a used tampon, as everypony backed a step away from the contaminated area. Everypony except the two fillies obligated to keep Pepper Mill in place, and of course, Pepper Mill himself, whose moaning began to sound even more pathetic than before due to the increased viciousness of the bullying. "HEY, BLANK FLANK, YOU'RE NOT SNIFFING NEARLY HARD ENOUGH IF WE CAN ALSO SMELL IT!!! SNIFF IT HARDER!!!" shouted Diamond Tiara, while waving a hoof in front of her cute little snout. She did not deserve to catch a whiff of such a foul scent. Pepper Mill, on the other hoof, was a pathetic, disgusting blank flank loser that didn't deserve to take a breath of anything that smelled even remotely less terrible. Pepper Mill sniffed hard, filling his lungs with the putrid air right as Twist let out yet another moist stink bomb equally as horrible as her previous one. He gagged mid-breath, and the overworked fillies holding him turned their heads away coughing. But Pepper Mill managed to finish his powerful inhalation, his body shaking with disgust as he did. After another minute of smelling Twist's butt and her fruitless attempts to push out more gas, she and Spoon swapped places again. After sniffing Twist, Spoon's plot was nothing, and Pepper Mill managed to sniff deeply without moaning or struggling at all. Spoon was pleased with his obedience, but also slightly annoyed with his ability to handle her scent. There was no winning with her. Sooner or later, after every filly's plot was thoroughly sniffed, Pepper Mill was left lying on the floor to get a bully break. Even the three fillies who didn't join in on the bullying initially were all threatened to contribute. Although the feisty orange pegasus with a purple mane had to be held down as well to keep her ass on his snout, her struggling accidentally caused her to face-fart him against her own intent, resulting in a roomful of laughter at her expense as well as his. After that, the three non-sadistic fillies were let go since there was no way Cheerilee was still on school ground to be tattled to, and they all left the changing room, heads held low in shame. After a couple of minutes, Tiara stepped up once more. "Okay, retard, time for your real punishment. A little extra fart sniffing is just not gonna cut it for your transgressions. Fart sniffing is your daily life anyways. A punishment needs to be something special." Pepper Mill gulped. Soon, he found himself tied with towels to one of the benches, surrounded by giggling fillies planning something terrible. He felt another pair of gym panties being placed on top of his face, and then another pair of top of those. They smelled sour and sweaty. Diamond Tiara loomed in over his restrained head with her backside, her almost hairless, virgin, vagina resting on his snout. The sweet and sour scent of her barely pubescent pony pussy could be smelled through the equally sour panties on his face. "Have you ever heard of waterboarding, blank flank? It's an actual torture method that adults use to mistreat prisoners. It works by putting a piece of cloth over the victim’s face and drenching them in water, making small amounts of water seep into their lungs when they breathe, so that they constantly feel like drowning. I thought something like that would be fitting as a punishment. Only, it would be a waste of water to use on such a loser..." Pepper Mill's heart pounded as he began struggling again. Two fillies came to hold him down and ensure he didn’t escape his bindings. "...So I decided to use pee instead. Much more fitting for a loser like yourself." Pepper Mill starts crying loudly again. This was about to go from extremely harsh bullying to actual torture. "Shut the fuck up,” snapped Tiara as she unloaded her bladder and pissed all over the face of that stupid blank flank loser. Her salty liquid drenched the panties on his snout and seeped into his mouth and nostrils, making him cough violently. It tasted and smelled awfully strong and bitter. He felt like drowning. As soon as she was empty of piss, she rotated with the next filly to ensure that the piss stream on Pepper Mill's face was as constant as possible. She wanted him to constantly feel the drowning sensation. But she went straight for her apple juice in hopes that she'd get to give him a second faceful before it was time to call it quits (and maybe to taunt Apple Bloom about how happy she should be that her farm’s products went towards the noble cause of Pepper Mill’s punishment). She got to. And after that, she got to give him a third, and then a fourth. After being pissboarded for about fifteen minutes, the girls were out of apple juice, and most of them were late getting home. And so they called it a day, leaving Pepper Mill behind to be rescued by the Ponyville squash team that they knew would be playing in a few hours... he had better hope there were some mares on that team. Otherwise, he would be lying drenched in urine until tommorow. Pepper Mill was still gargling on piss as they turned off the light and left him to breathe through the soaking panties for a while, continuing to cough and splutter even as they walked out the door. "I bet you'll be wearing your sign tommorrow, right, fart slave?" Click* > 5) Stinky Cheerilee > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pepper Mill had learned two important lessons from his torture session yesterday: the Ponyville squash team luckily had one mare on it, and you don't ever cross Diamond Tiara. Having started school on a Wednesday, his third day fell on a Friday. Last day of the week. If he could get through it without pissing off his tormenters, he would get to feel the blissful relief of a weekend. He had thrown out the name tag Tiara made him almost immediately after receiving it, but recently made a new one. He tried to make it look like the original one as much as possible and hoped she wouldn't notice. He intended to do the things asked of him today without fighting back. (Unless they were as bad as pissboarding. Then he intended to run.) He got to class early and sat down beneath his table, waiting for Twist to appear. Soon she did, accompanied by her newfound girlfriends. She had an early fart, which she made him huff before Cheerilee showed up. She made him sit against a wall and shoved her thick filly plot in his face, trying to impress her coterie with her bullying skills. Pepper Mill complied with her and inhaled it deeply while Tiara and Spoon giggled, continuing to call him disgusting as he sniffed the eggy cloud. He hated it. But he could do this. He could subject himself to being a fart slave, if it meant never being pissboarded again. Even though it made him feel sick to his stomach and cry, he could serve his bullies. After she was done gassing her victim, Twist had another little surprise for him. Thirsty for approval, she scooched up a bit. "Thniff my puthy, bithch!" Crying even more, Pepper Mill inhaled the scent of her filly bits, much to the amusement of his bullies, and of Twist, who sounded like she was enjoying having her cunt sniffed perhaps a little bit more than she should. There was no torment for him during the first class, but at lunch break, his bullies had something special planned for him. "Fart slave!" Tiara called out, as Pepper Mill was taking his bag of food to the cafeteria. It made him jump, as she practically shouted it. He turned around to face his bully and bowed to her, scared of what was to come. She grabbed the lunch out of his mouth, and threw it straight into the trash. "You won't be needing that, plot huffer. You'll be eating out our assholes instead." His eyes widened, and he teared up. Licking ring muscles for lunch had not been a consideration of his, and he did not know if he would be able to voluntarily subject himself to something so disgusting. He didn't want to run either as that would certainly lead to punishment. His only real option was to bargain. "P-please! I promise, I'll smell your farts, no matter how much they smell. But please. Please don't—don't make me taste your asses!" Tiara rolled her eyes as she heard her victim's pathetic excuse of a bargain. "In case you didn't notice, none of us got to take a shower yesterday," she said, sending the colt an annoyed glare, "That's your fault, you know, since you were distracting us after gym class. The least you can do is clean our plots." Pepper Mill's eyes widened and teared even more. He wasn't just going to be tasting asses. He was going to be tasting sweaty, dirty, unwashed asses. The decision that followed was hasty and not thought out. He found cleaning sweaty plots to be too nasty for him to do obediently, so he ran. He ran away as quickly as possible, Diamond Tiara shouting threats behind him as he escaped. There was no turning back now. He had decided to flee and he knew that it would eventually lead to punishment. It was undoubtedly a worse decision to flee than to just comply and be an ass cleaner, but he couldn't bring himself to lick an anus obediently. As he ran, he spotted Cheerilee wandering around in the courtyard, and promptly shifted course toward his teacher. He stayed by her side throughout the lunch break, hoping her presence would deter a sudden attack by his bullies. He didn't tattle though, fearing his tormenters far too much to try anything like that. It worked. He didn't even see Diamond Tiara until after recess. The glare she sent him as he walked back into the classroom sent shivers down his spine, and he hurried down under Twist's table to avoid eye contact. Diamond Tiara was very, very angry with her fart slave. Did he not realize that he deserved to clean butts for lunch? Did he not realize that trying to avoid it would just lead to punishment? Oh, she intended to punish him. She intended to do disgusting things to him. But Cheerilee was certainly not making it easy. Tiara knew that Cheerilee, at least to an extent, feared her ability to end careers. Why wouldn't she? The question was, did she fear her enough to allow her to bully Pepper Mill in front of her? Probably not, but maybe, if the stakes were different, she would even aid them. A wicked grin spread onto her face as she devised a new strategy to teach her nominal “superior” and wayward subordinate who was really in control. Diamond Tiara gathered her affiliates and discreetly briefed them on her plans to prevent Pepper Mill from fleeing from her in the future. As Cheerilee turned her back to get her hooves on some papers, Silver Spoon and Sunny Daze dashed from their seats to grab him. Silver Spoon was Diamond Tiara’s best friend. Naturally, she’d do her best to please her. As her number two, she’d surely be rewarded with some extra fun with the drowned rat that the other fillies wouldn’t get. Sunny Daze, who had been kicked out of the clique, was desperate to get back in Tiara’s good graces. If that meant helping her do the dirty work in tormenting Pepper Mill, then so be it. Maybe if Tiara focused on him enough she’d forget about Sunny’s exile, or if she helped push him down maybe she would rise back up. And what about Twist? Surely she’d be overly eager to please her new friends. But her fear of getting in trouble again overrode her newfound taste for bullying, so she let Sunny Daze and Silver Spoon risk their necks. Hopefully her morning emissions were enough to keep her in the group for the day. To the malicious delight of all the fillies in the room besides those blank flank crusaders, Pepper Mill squealed as Tiara’s henchponies forced him out from his hiding spot. Cheerilee didn't get a chance to respond before the fillies rammed Pepper Mill's face in between her ass cheeks. Having her butt suddenly rammed by a colt snout took her by surprise, and she immediately shifted away with a whine. She didn't get away fast enough, however. Diamond Tiara managed to take a picture of her, standing with her plot in the air, while two fillies held a tiny colt’s head in between her ass cheeks. Cheerilee was furious as she turned around to face them, but before she could even give them a scolding, Tiara shoved the picture in her face. "Careful now, Miss Cheerilee. We wouldn't want it to go public that you abuse your students this way. Not unless you want to go to prison, that is." The look of horror in Cheerilee's eyes was wonderful to Diamond Tiara. She hadn't won yet, but this battle would be a quick one. "If you think I'm going to let you get away with this, you're sadly mistaken! I've got news for you, missy. The world doesn't revolve around you!" shouted Cheerilee as she angrily trotted towards Tiara. This was a claim Tiara had heard many times before. Obviously untrue. She was the most important filly in the world. Compared to her, nopony else even mattered. "So you think they would believe you over me? I have every girl in class backing up my claim. If this ended up in court, you'd lose in an instant." "You ain't got my back up!" shouted Apple Bloom, with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle following her example. "Shut it! This has nothing to do with any of you! So stay out of this, or you're going to regret it!" Snapped Tiara, backed by her girl squad. "Y-You can't do this," stuttered Sweetie Belle. "And your family can't borrow money anymore! Unless you stay out of it." The three fillies shut their mouths. "As for you, Miss Cheerilee, why don't you make Pepper Mill sniff your pussy, and I'll delete this image? If you don't take this bargain, I'll make you do something worse to him instead." Cheerilee stood, angry and dumbfounded, while Pepper Mill cried. She hated complying with this, but she would hate prison even more. "Okay, Tiara, you win. I'll make him smell my vagina this one time, and you delete that image and forget this ever happened. Have I made myself clear?" "Good call," Diamond Tiara smiled widely. Biting her lips, Cheerilee looked with pity at the colt she was about to abuse. "How many sniffs?" "Till class is done." She sighed. "Okay." She trotted back to her chair, and sat down behind the desk. Without looking in his direction, she signaled to Pepper Mill to come. "Come along now, Pepper Mill," she hated finishing that sentence more than anything, "Come and sniff my cunt." Reluctantly, Pepper Mill walked over with his head held low to his teacher and got under her desk the same way he usually did with Twist. He looked at her with wide, blank, pleading eyes as the class laughed. She tried to ignore his heart-wrenching display and placed a hoof on the back of his head to guide his muzzle to her marehood. "Smell it, Pepper Mill, and do it loudly so Diamond Tiara can hear it." Having no choice in the matter, Pepper Mill whimpered, closed his teary eyes, and complied. The first thing he noticed when he sniffed his teacher's pussy was that an adult cunt smelled a whole lot different from what he was used to smelling. The normally sour, pissy stench of filly bits were replaced with a sweet, sweaty, musky, and fishy aroma. It was not that it wasn't as stinky. Quite the contrary, Cheerilee's pussy smelled far worse than even Twist's girly parts. The stench was just different. It was mature and sexual. Nevertheless, he smelled it. Loudly and obediently for the remainder of the class. Diamond Tiara, holding up on her promise, deleted the image. She didn't need it after all. A fifteen-minute video of her Teacher forcing Pepper Mill to smell her pussy was far better blackmailing material. From now on her bullying would go smoothly. > 6) An Unsatisfying Week > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All weekend, Diamond Tiara spent thinking about all the bullying she was going to make Pepper Mill go through. She could barely sleep at night, that was how excited she was. Her parents, thinking their recent shower of expensive gifts was what had caused their daughter's sudden increase in happiness, were both very pleased with their efforts, and they spent the whole weekend celebrating their parenting skills, with wine and fine dining. (Not really in contrast to what they usually did.) Happiness befell the Rich family estate, and Tiara's excitement only grew ever greater, as Monday got closer. She had so many ideas of what to do with her bully victim. (Most of which involved farting on him.) She had been a creative little devil, though, and made a device to aid her in her bullying tactics. A gas mask where the filter was replaced with attachable air-tight tubes, each of which was sewn onto the ass part of a pair of panties, making it so that Pepper Mill, while wearing this device, could sniff farts for multiple fillies at once. (She, of course, didn't build it herself. Why would she when she has such a large pony staff to boss around?) She could barely contain her excitement as she went to bed late Sunday night. She almost didn't get any sleep because of it. A scenario that was less than ideal since she hadn't slept well the two previous nights either. She constantly checked the clock to see how far she was, from finally getting to put her fart mask on Pepper Mill, imagining his face of sadness and disgust as she would strap it onto his stupid loser face. The time seemed endless, but eventually, her alarm rang, and she happily got out of bed to prepare for school. She quickly ate her brunch and even skipped her morning massage, that's how busy she was taking off. She came prepared, excited and ready to bully. On the other hoof, the blank flank loser did not. Cheerilee called Pepper Mill’s name three times at attendance and got no response. Diamond Tiara realized the slave whom she had forbidden to stay home from school defied her and did exactly that. He had disappointed her. And Silver Spoon and the other fillies, but most importantly her. She had waited so long, and then he just decided to breach his contract. Did he think he would get away with this? That would have seemed to be the case, because all week, Pepper Mill stayed home. Each day he didn’t show up, Diamond Tiara got angrier and angrier. How fucking dare he disobey her like this? Friday was the last straw. She needed her fix. More than ever before, Pepper Mill needed a punishment. A harsh punishment. Much harsher than just pissboarding. Something truly devious. Something to put him in his place once and for all. Something to satisfy Diamond Tiara after missing a whole week's worth of schoolyard torture. Her idea of a punishment was— “We should—“ “Shut up, Sunny!” Her idea of a punishment was going to make Pepper Mill pay. Both for his absenteeism, and for inspiring Sunny Daze to propose her stupid ideas unprompted. Maybe Silver Spoon was onto something about kicking her out. Her plan was pretty spontaneous, but with her endless wealth, she could afford to be spontaneous. She planned a party. A party that would be held in her own private mansion. The one her parents gave her just a few weeks ago. She intended on making one special guest the center of attention, and Diamond Tiara would ensure that he showed up. All her filly friends would be very inconvenienced if he wasn't there. After all, there were no toilets near the room where she intended to host the party. > 7) The Invite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It came as a surprise when Pepper Mill found an invitation to a party in the mailbox. He didn't recall last time he saw something that wasn't a bill for mom in that box. He knew, however, that a party invite was much more likely to be a trap sent by his tormentor than an opportunity to have fun. There was no return address on the letter and it didn't state who sent it. He could imagine Diamond Tiara snickering while writing this. He could see a scenario where he showed up, just to end up bound in a corner, where all the fillies would take turns face-farting him throughout the evening, their asses all sweaty and smelly from dancing. The thought alone made him sick to his stomach, but that wouldn't all they did, not after him staying home for a week, he would be forced to lick their rumps clean, and he would definitely, without a doubt be pissboarded again. The thought back to the horrible torture session he had been given as punishment. The taste and smell of urine, the feeling of drowning, the constant laughter, his inability to move. He had no intentions of attending this party, naturally. The extraordinary risk was not only not equal to the reward, but it was also far more likely to happen. He was about to curl the invite up and hide it from his mom so she wouldn't force him to go when a little yellow filly strolled by his house. "Oh, hi Pepper Mill!," Apple Bloom called out as she waved to the startled colt. "So, are you coming to the party this evening? It's gonna be great." Seeing one of the only nice fillies in class calling out to him in a friendly manner, without Diamond Tiara and her gang being there to tell her off, Pepper Mill felt like a burden was lifted from his tiny shoulders. He had been invited to a party, not by his cruel, trap-making tormentors, but by Apple Bloom. He smiled at her, happy to be talking with one of his classmates like this. "Uhm, yes, I will, if you don't mind," he answered blushing. He closed her eyes, tilted her head and gave him the happiest smile he had seen from anypony other than Diamond Tiara since he moved here. "Great. See you there then," she said as she trotted off. Pepper Mill waved to her as she cheerfully clopped away. In this very soothing moment of his otherwise awful life, nothing could sway him from feeling happy. Even the way she bit her lip and looked back at him with concern, as she disappeared over the curved road, didn't bother him. He was definitely coming to the party, now. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "Did you tell him?" asked Diamond Tiara as her agent appeared, head held low in shame. "Y-yes, I did. You'll hold up on your end of the bargain?" Apple Bloom asked back to the cruel filly she has agreed to work for. "I will. Don't think I'm a liar. I have people for that," she answered tauntingly, making Apple Bloom feel even more ashamed. "In trade for you acting as bait, I will reduce the severity and length of his discipline from a week to two days." Apple Bloom nodded, hating helping Diamond with her disturbing cause, but wishing to make Pepper Mill suffer as little as possible. As little as possible, however, was most likely going to be a lot. > 8) The Punishment Party (light scat) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pepper Mill did not own any fancy clothing. He, in fact, didn't really own any clothing at all other than his winter stuff. But that wasn't going to stop him from trying to look swell. He had styled his mane as best he could and had put on his scarf in an effort to look at least a little stylish. His stubby tail was the one thing he really didn't like about his appearance. Other than his lack of a cutie mark. His solution ended up being to attach his mother's spare wig to it. She had undergone chemotherapy last year, and had lost her mane because of it. Since he and his mother had the same color of mane and tail, he though it didn't look half bad. And so, he went on in pursuit of a night to forget his troubles. A night spend among his fellow foals, without sniffing farts. It was a long walk to get to the forest mansion the address lead to. As he finally arrived he was awestruck by the sheer size of the place. Behind the fence laid a large garden with four fountains each of equal size to the one in Ponyville Square, and the building itself was several stories tall. It adorned windows spanned several meters in height, and it even had spears like a castle. It was beautiful, but there was something ominous about the place. He had somehow gotten it into his head that a place like this would not be where Apple Bloom would host a party, but then again, what did he know? Slowly, he walked up to the front door and knocked. The atmosphere did not get less eerie as the gigantic door opened seemingly by itself, but there was light inside and there seemed to be sound coming from a room a little further in. "H—hello?" Pepper Mill nervously called out as he walked into the hall. As soon as he had made it more than a meter into the entrance, the door slammed behind him, causing him to jump up in fear. He quickly turned around to see what happened, but wished he hadn't, because what he saw made his heart jump with fear and sink back down with sadness. He knew now that his night of lighthearted fun was never going to come. He knew that Apple Bloom, the one filly who had truly defended him in the past, had lied to him. He knew that he was here to be punished. He turned away from Peachy Pie and Coconut Cream who were holding the door closed, and he galloped into the mansion, hoping to find another way out. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he dashed towards a window at the end of the hall. He was stopped by more fillies before he reached it. They laid on top of him and held him to the ground. He tried to move, but to no avail. His crying turned audible as he begged for his freedom, but he knew it wasn't coming anytime soon. He heard the clicking of fancy horseshoes approaching, slowly and menacingly. He looked up in horror as Tiara’s second-in-command, Silver Spoon herself, stood before him, smiling. He looked down yet again to avoid eye contact. The volume of his sobs decreased, but his sadness didn’t. "Welcome to your punishment-party, Pepper Filth!" she chirped, causing the fillies holding him down to giggle. He didn't answer. He just sobbed and sniffled some more, awaiting the upcoming torture. The fillies tied him up. He struggled a bit, but Spoon's stern look kept him from going against them too much. Once he was restrained, Spoon watched the clique drag him upstairs (minus herself, obviously, that was grunt work). His body bumped painfully against the stairs. They dragged him into the party hall where she awaited. Pepper Mill looked around the room while they dragged him through it. It was decorated nicely with glitter and balloons, and there was a variety of snacks including soda, candy, chips, cake, nuts, and nachos. He was brought before Tiara. She sat on a large chair at the furthest end of the room, like a queen on her throne. She smiled cruelly at the frightened colt. He didn't want to meet her eyes, but Peachy Pie held his head so he had no choice. He dared not close his teary eyes in her presence. "So..." she said, while nonchalantly inspecting one of her newly polished hooves. "Are you ready to be tortured, you stinky little loser?" Pepper Mill's ears flopped down. He was slowly starting to accept his fate. He knew he couldn't escape this, and even if he could, they would just make it worse for him once they caught him again. All he could possibly do was bargain. He sniffled and sobbed as he spoke, his voice tainted with fear and defeat. "P-please, I will do whatever you want. J-just please don't pissboard me." Tiara liked hearing him grovel very much. The look of sadness in his eyes fit that stupid little blank flank perfectly. "Pissboarding? Do you think that’s the worst we can do?" she asked with gleeful sadism. She rose from her throne and trotted towards the shivering colt. "First, you're going to lick all of our asses clean, you got that!? We'll see if you give us any reason to go easy on you after that." Pepper Mill knew he didn't have a choice. This was what he had been trying to run away from all along. Cleaning butts was not something he could bring himself to do without some encouragement. But he had plenty of that now. How awful his time at this party would be, depended on his efforts now. He cried as he closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and stuck his tongue out. He tried to prepare himself for the eminent taste of his bully's anus. His captors laughed at his pathetic display. "Oh. My. Celestia. Look at him! He's just waiting to lick your butt, DT!" said Silver Spoon. Tiara, satisfied with her victim's unwilling compliance, turned her rump around and lowered it down towards his face. She stopped a few inches away from sitting on him. "Before cleaning it, sniff my plot,” she commanded authoritatively. Pepper Mill, frightened and desperate to both prolong the time he had before he had to eat ass and avoid whatever punishment they had in store for him, complied. He placed his nostrils against her moist plothole and inhaled the horrible, musky stench. It immediately caused him to gag and cough. She clearly hadn't bathed since last time she asked him to wash her ass. "Do you like the smell?" she asked, while her affiliates giggled at their victim's misery. Pepper Mill whimpered as he sniffed it again, taking in the vile stench. Tiara signaled to one of her guests to hold his head in place, and Pepper felt a pair of hooves grab him and force him further in between Tiara's sweaty ass cheeks. He whimpered some more at the added torture, and as Tiara finally gave him the command he already knew was coming, his whimpering turned to cries, silenced by his torturer's plot cheeks. "Enough smelling! Clean me!" she shouted while wiggling her nasty plot in his poor face. Slowly, he opened his mouth again, and Tiara helped to align her anus with it. There was no way out of this. He had to oblige. Reluctantly, he placed his tongue on her dirty, musky rectum, and licked it. He tried his best to be somewhere else in his mind, as he tasted Tiara's week-old ass musk, to the sound of giggling fillies. "Eeeeew! He's actually doing it! He's licking my ass!" "What a loser!" "I bet he likes it!" "Serves him right!" "You should totally fart on his tongue, girl!" Pepper Mill whimpered as his classmates berated him during his nasty suffering. "You better do a good job down there," commanded Diamond Tiara, putting more pressure on his muzzle. "When you're done cleaning me, I'm gonna put my anus in your open eye, so if it's not shining clean, I'm gonna give you pink eye!" He continued to tongue her stink star, slurping down her ass musk, which made him nauseous. After a short minute, his tormenter rose from his face, a string of saliva hanging between his poor tongue and her asshole. "Turn him around," she commanded, and the fillies turned him to lie on his back. "Now keep his eye open," she continued. Coconut Cream forced his left eye open. Tiara sat down on his face and forced her spit-covered asshole onto his pupil. Pepper Mill, having been frightened into total obedience had done a great job at cleaning her rump, so as disgusting as this felt he wasn't fearing an eye infection. Tiara, sadly, had no intentions of playing fair with him. He felt a dreadful, warm, dry, and stinging feeling as his bully farted into his open eye, while the fillies, yet again, giggled loudly. "Ooooops. Have fun with your pink eye, blank flank!" Tiara chirped happily, right as a second foul eruption escaped her ass, causing Pepper Mill to also smell the sour girl-gas. A significant amount of it was building up around his face. She then rose, and rewarded her best friend for her help in controlling Cheerilee with the next turn with Pepper Mill. Spoon farted before she had even sat down. "Smell it, loser!" she commanded, and the crying mess of a pony below her tight, plump plot complied with her command, inhaling the eggy stench. She sat down and pooted again, forcing Pepper Mill to smell it at point blank range. He gagged at the scent of her emissions. "Hey, blank flank! Less whining, more cleaning!" she shouted, as she lifted her ass just enough to allow her victim to open his mouth. Despite not wanting to, he did. She sat back down as he cleaned her asshole out. She farted straight down his throat, making his stomach turn, but he didn't puke. He cleaned her. After which she gave him the same treatment Tiara had with his other eye. After her, he cleaned another plot, and then another. He licked asses until everypony had taken their turn. Everypony, except for Twist that was. He knew Twist was the smelliest of all the fillies in class, and he knew Tiara was probably saving her for last for a reason. Even so, nothing could have prepared him for what happened next. Before Twist took her turn, his bullies forced a ring gag in his mouth. "You may be an obedient little bitch when we punish you, but I don't trust you to do your job without a ring gag when it's her turn," proclaimed Diamond Tiara in a devious voice, clearly enjoying herself quite a bit. Pepper Mill's heart started pounding. He only had one plot left to clean. He had to do it. How bad could it be? As he asked himself this, Twist’s moderately large plot loomed over his face. He watched in horror as she swished her tail to keep the flies away from her filthy rectum. Her stink-star was brown with residue from previous toilet visits, and Pepper Mill could practically smell its stench already. He wiggled and whined, trying to crawl away from her filthy plot, but the other fillies stopped him. "You're not going anywhere," said Diamond Tiara with sadistic glee. He turned his head to the side in a last desperate attempt to avoid her nasty ass. He had already been degraded from an air filter to an ass-sponge. He would do anything to not be degraded further into Twist's toilet paper. "We'll pissboard you if you don't look up right now," threatened Tiara angrily. Pepper Mill didn't comply. He couldn't bring himself to let Twist sit on his face. Not with such a nasty posterior. He cried in silence as his tormentors forced his face upwards manually, and Twist slowly lowered her lightly brown-colored rear down towards her soon to be seat. The stench was unbearable and accompanied by the sound of fleeing flies. It was at least twice as smelly as Tiara's ass had been and she had been the smelliest filly so far. It smelled more of ass musk than shit, but the harsh scent of feces was without a doubt present. She planted her underage plot upon her victim's open mouth and he gagged instinctively in response, his cries once again turning audible. "Eeeeeeew!" the fillies laughed all at once, Twist blushing deeply in embarrassment. Why did Pepper Mill find her anus to be so much worse than everypony else’s? Was that supposed to be a good thing? After all, the point was to make him suffer. Was it her weight? She was a bit chubby. Was she crushing him? She didn't understand just how low her hygiene standards truly were compared to the other fillies. Before Pepper Mill, she showered maybe once a week where the other fillies showered almost daily. Always eager to please, when Tiara had told her not to be as thorough with her cleaning while they bullied Pepper Mill, she had pretty much stopped cleaning herself at all. Beneath her, her victim laid moaning in torment between her chubby butt cheeks. Even without licking it, her ass emitted a rank taste into his mouth, and the dock of her tail that laid upon his nostrils was sweaty, stinky, and had a little bit of ass and shit smell on it from having occasionally touched her anus. "Is he licking?" asked Tiara curiously, sensing disgust from Pepper Mill, but not as much as she had hoped for. "N—no," replied Twist, slightly sad that she was the only filly Pepper Mill refused to clean. "As a penalty for refraining from licking the plot presented to you, you will receive three bucks to the testicles," declared Diamond Tiara. Alula turned her back to the tied up colt and bucked in between his legs. He cried in intense pain. The very next moment he felt the second swift kick, and it hit him so hard he felt an urge to puke. (Not that he didn't already, with Twist facesitting him.) The third kick hit him and he screamed at the top of his lungs into Twist's ass, much to the amusement of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "You better clean her up now, or you're getting another three kicks, loser!" Through a face full of tears, Pepper Mill finally pushed his tongue against Twist’s filthy, shitty stink-star and licked at it. Its brown color transferred to his tongue. His tastebuds felt the nasty taste of her incredibly potent asshole and leftover shit smears. He puked into his mouth. He couldn't hold it back, but since he was lying he had no choice but to swallow it again and continue eating out Twist’s plot. He lapped up her nasty, scatty grime. As he did, she farted into his open mouth, increasing the torture. The worst thing was that he already knew there would be more torture afterwards. > 9) A Toilet Slave for Fillies (scat) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once Pepper Mill was finally done suckling Twist's asshole, she rose from his (now very smelly) face. He was smeared in ass stench from the fillies he had been facesat by. After his latest tormenter's especially rank backside, he felt like his face was a week old pair of panties shared between a whole class full of fillies. His tongue felt like a used piece of toilet paper and he cried out in disgust as the taste continuously assaulted him. His balls hurt, there was a stinging sensation in his eyes, and he felt nauseous. To his surprise, after the analingus session, the fillies left him be and went to have fun by themselves. They were laughing and chatting as they enjoyed their snacks, while Pepper Mill was left on the cold floor to feel sick and cry to himself. And he very much did both those things. Eventually, after enough struggling, he managed to rid himself of the ring gag by pushing it off with his tongue so he could give his jaws a bit of rest. He almost managed to feel at ease after that. After a while of nothing torturous happening, he heard the click of expensive horseshoes that marked Tiara and Spoon’s approach, accompanied by the clopping of their clique. He instinctively curled together like a ball in his bindings. "Please, no more," he whimpered, but his pleas were ignored. The bullies grabbed him and dragged him across the floor. He didn't even struggle anymore. He hated that this was his life, but he had lost any and all willpower to oppose them. Instead, he just continued to cry silently. His eyes were red and his throat was sore from all the whining. They took him into a small room that seemed to be a broom closet. (It was still bigger than his room at home.) He heard the voice of Diamond Tiara commanding an army of his other bullies to place him into some opening. He didn't like the sound of that. He looked up and saw a porcelain stall placed on top of a thick wooden box with an opening in the bottom, and some mechanics attached to each side. He wasn't given time to process what he was looking at before he was forcefully shoved into said opening. The lid by his back hooves closed. He was trapped in complete darkness. His heart started pounding as panic overtook him. He screamed and writhed in the dark, tiny room in which he was trapped, as the walls around him closed in. Not just figuratively, they really did, and they pinned him in place taking away his ability to move even slightly. "NO! LET ME OUT! WAAAAHAHAAAA!" He wailed and screamed at the top of his lungs, but there was no response whatsoever. The fillies, once again, just left him to cry, feel sick, and be scared. He laid pinned in place for over an hour before a round source of blinding light above his upwards-turned face attacked his senses. "Soooooo..." he heard Diamond Tiara say in the smuggest tone he had ever heard anypony speak in, “Are you hungry?" she continued. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the sharp, stinging light above him, but as they did, he opened them to look at her. He finally realized exactly where he was. He was looking up at the cruel smile of Diamond Tiara from the bottom of a toilet stall. He peed himself a little in fear. She wasn't gonna... she wouldn't... Tears welled up in his eyes again as he answered the only way he could. "No..." he quietly whimpered. His cringing fear made Tiara very happy, and her already cruel smile turned even more so. "Too bad. Toilets don't get to choose when they're fed. They just take what they're given, no matter what.” "Please, I'll do anything. I'll do anything." Pepper Mill closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. "Y-You can pissboard me all you want, just please... please don't p-poop on me,” he tried to bargain. Her father always taught her that bargaining requires an understanding of what both parties want. Seems Pepper Moron didn’t get it: she wanted to revel in his despair. Well, he sort of got it, because he was offering to let her do the very first thing he begged her not to do. That showed off his desperation very nicely. Still, “There's no way out of it, Pepper Filth. You're here to be tortured, and you deserve it. Now open your mouth for me." "C-can't we talk about it?" he asked under heavy tears. "Ew. I don't talk with losers. I command them. Now, open wide." "P-please," he tried once again. Diamond Tiara just sighed and shook her head. She lifted her hoof to tinker with some mechanism Pepper Mill couldn't see. Suddenly, a shock of electricity shot through his body, making him wince in pain. She let the electricity flow through him for two whole seconds before turning it off. He hyperventilated as Tiara leaned into the stall. "You do what I tell you to, and that's final!" she snarled. They looked into each other's eyes, Pepper Mill with fear and regret and Tiara with aggravated annoyance. Slowly, he opened his mouth for her. "Good," Tiara said as she leaned back and held up the ring gag he had pushed out earlier. "This..." she continued, eying the device. "We won't need this, because you will be an obedient toilet and swallow all of our turds without vomiting any back up. Because if you don't, we're going to shock you again. Do you understand?" He tried to nod, but finding himself unable to in the tight toilet chamber, he answered her instead, whimpering heavily as he did. "Y-y-yes." Slowly, she turned around and sat atop of the toilet stall. He kept his mouth open for her in fear. "There will be pee first, so be ready for that!" she called out before relieving herself. Her stream of urine flowed into the colt's mouth and he drank the salty concoction without protest. It tasted as awful as it ever did, but fear kept him drinking. As she finished, he coughed and gagged at the foulness he had just experienced, but his self-pity was interrupted by a foul-smelling fart. "Hey, blank flank! When we fart on you, you sniff it. Seriously, you should know that by now." He took a big sniff of her brand right as another equally stinky fart erupted out of her tight anus. He could hear her straining herself above him, working out her shit. After sniffing up a third, filthy filly-fart, her asshole opened with an ominous crackling noise and the color brown emerged from within her. He shivered as he watched her work out her log of solid dung. She sighed in pleasure as she slowly worked out her dump, loving the fact that she was about to torture her fart slave like this. That she was forcing him to eat her droppings. As her turd grew longer and the smell of feces hit Pepper Mill, he instinctively closed his mouth. He had kept it open obediently up until now, but this was too much. "Wait!" he cried out. "I-I can't. I can't do it!" Tiara spread her legs and looked angrily down at her victim. How dared he disturb this moment of absolute bliss? Oh wait, it all made perfect sense, really. Beneath her laid a loser that had clung to Cheerilee and neglected to wear his nametag, depriving her of the fun promised to her in recess. She had had to discipline him for this, which had distracted all the fillies from showering, in turn depriving them of hygiene. He had even run away from his duty to rectify this during lunchtime. She had spent the whole weekend after anticipating the fun she’d have that week (and she’d bet the family fortune that Silver did too. She’d win that bet and double it.) And then Pepper Mill, that pathetic little loser, had been rude enough to make a disgusting display of absenteeism that whole week. Of course this blank flank was insolent enough to do something like that. "If you don't open that mouth right now, I'm gonna shock you for four minutes straight!" "U-use the ring-gag, please. I can't do it on my own. Whaaaa!" he cried out as he looked at the filthy log of shit dangling from his bully's anus above him. Looking at the crying colt between her legs, as he begged for a helping hoof, not with getting out or something stupid like that, but with his own torture, awakened a strange feeling in Tiara. Her cheeks turned bright red as she looked at him. "I-If I get up now, ahh, my log would break off and fall onto your face. You have to take it, blank flank. You have to eat my shit without any help." Saying the words "eat my shit" out loud, caused her to groan. She felt some sort of moisture between her legs that wasn't caused by pee. She fumbled with the electricity button and gave him three small shocks. He responded with three pathetic squeals, and when she looked back down he had his eyes closed and mouth opened wide for her. Instinctively she placed her hoof on her pussy and started rubbing it as she continued to work out her filth. She moaned in glee, and Pepper Mill in disgust, as the turd entered his open mouth. She pinched, and the brown monstrosity fell in perfectly, filling out her victim's mouth, with the top sticking out of it like a brown mountain. Pepper Mill cried at the foul taste and smell of his bully's load. It laid across his tongue, forcing the bitter, sour, fecal taste unto his taste buds. And the part that couldn't fit in his mouth stuck out, emitting its foul scent onto his nose. He wanted to puke, but he knew it would be punished harshly. "E-EAT IT!" shouted Tiara as she continued to massage her cunt. He didn't comply, but after four whole seconds of shock, he reluctantly bit into it. As his teeth dug in, and the top part broke off, it tilted onto his muzzle, making him take in the foul fecal-smell to an even greater extent. He chewed her poop, the taste increasing tenfold as the started to turn it to a paste in his mouth. He cried and whimpered as he painted the inside of his mouth brown with nasty scat. Tiara got up to better look at him while he ate shit for her. She leaned into the stall slightly, just to get a feeling of how nasty it was for him, but she quickly retracted at the stench, moaning and touching herself harder, as she did. "Open your mouth," she commanded, and he complied. She inspected his brown pasty tongue at a safe distance before giving the cruel command. "S-swallow it!"