> A Book > by King Genesis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I: The Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh no..." Those were the two words of worry spoken by our favorite young purple dragon, Spike, who has just come to a horrible realization. He has lost his path in the depths of the Everfree Forrest.. regrettably once again. After taking ten solid minutes to calm down, he quickly decided the best course of action would be to look for the dirt path that led back to the entrance of this gloomy place. Soon his legs began to pick up a steady gait as he traverses the frightening pathways when he is struck by a simple idea. Zecora the herbalist Zebra and lone equine resident of the Everfree must know the way back to town. Once he was able to locate her hut, then surely she would be able to light his way back with ease. However, soon settles in his mind about Twilight Sparkle she might enter this place desperately searching for her number one assistant. This line of thoughts provided the extra drive that made him faster. I can't let Twilight have a mental breakdown like during the Smarty Pants incident I need to get out of as soon as possible, he thought as the worse outcomes began to form in his mind. Spike is rushing so fast that his foot nearly trips in an unexpected hole dug in the ground. After regaining his composure, a sudden feeling draws him toward the entrance of this mysterious happenstance. He yearns to know more about it, he needs to learn more about it. A sudden warning from his dear friend Twilight came to mind about this hole, she had told him to express caution around this particular area. He's so entranced that he fails to notice that he had walked straight over the hole leading to a sudden fall. It was a short rush as he landed hard on the sand which made his back feel wrong in the dead center. Spike waited five minutes before attempting to recover which led to his back emitting a loud crack before the pain subsided. He looks around to see a cave with a slope leading to what appeared to be a small rounded lake. This is the Mirror Pool. This Everfree natural magical pool of H2O has the capabilities to duplicate anything that happens to swim through it, you can certainly remember when Pinkie used this to hang out with us all right. Twilight's description of the Mirror Pool echoed throughout his mind to the time he had to wait for paint to dry, definitely not the funniest adventures the drake been a part of. Spike was curious about what it felt like for somepony or some dragon to be duplicated but fear of dealing with backstabbing duplicate came to mind halting his bravery. That was until he thought of how useful he could be to Twilight, would she scold him for such foolishness or commend his drive to experiment? There was only one solution to this matter this brings us to him gathering courage and slightly buckling his knees. He begins running toward the Mirror Pool ready to jumps straight in until an unusual sound makes him stop dead in his tracks. It sounded like something fell from a high elevation... had a beast discovered the hole or did a stone come loose that could crush him. He cautiously makes his way toward where the sound originated from to find something unexpected . . . a book? "What is a book doing in a place like this?" questioned Spike as he took a closer look at the mysterious literature piece. First off, it was in such poor state which would leave Twilight Sparkle absolutely speechless if she ever found out. This must have been many years old the cover was caked in a thick blanket of moss and it reeked of an indistinguishable odor. The material which he believed to used to be leather was so weak that Spike feared moving it too much would snap it in half. Curious and carefully he opened it to the first page which read just a single word: Unknown "Unknown? Is this some sort of mystery novel? Might as well see what it's about." quietly said, Spike, who seemed strangely compelled to read more after just one word. He slowly turned the page carefully with his claws, in where he comes upon an unexpected image of interest. A Simple Drawing Of Pinkie Pie. He then notices a strange language that was unfamiliar to the young drake, each passage appeared pretty neat. Whoever the author was they had excellent hoofwriting, maybe a unicorn? An eerie chill ran up Spike's spine as he thought it would be best just to toss the book and return home. That was until a certain line caught his attention. One Hour Twenty Seven Minutes Later, around noon. Spike could be seen tailing it straight out of the Everfree Forrest main entrance, with a layer of sweat pouring down his purple scales adding a shine to each and every one. He may have been physically exhausted, but his mind was too occupied with questions to even notice. What is with this strange book? Why does it have a mysterious written language and how is Pinkie Pie tied in with it all? And the title/ word unknown what in Celestia's mane is that about? shakily thought the drake as he ignored the worried faces of ponies who passed by him. Their worried voices feel upon death ears as he left them in the dust running, the book carefully clutched in his claws. Only one thing was on his mind right now and that was this gosh darn mysterious book. When the Golden Oaks Library was in sight he ran even faster, relieved to see his and Twilight's home once again. Said mare came into view with a deeply troubled expression that laid clearly on her light purple muzzle. "Spike, slow down. Where have you been all this time?! I've been worried sick!" asked the distressed mare as she noted how exhausted he looked. "I kinda... got lost... in the Everfree... Forest again... I'm so sorry." slowly spouted out the physically tired dragon. Twilight Sparkle let out a long sigh and firmly reminds him to be cautious in that dangerous place. She levitates the book she had been previously reading and tries to find her last spot. Meanwhile, Spike gawks in terror upon looking last his friend to see almost the entire contents of the Golden Oak pilled in the main library. He notices slightly familiar sight, another miss cover book amongst all the other books similar to the one he had held in his claws. "Please someone, anyone please help me..." quickly pleaded a voice. Spike felt that chill once again run along his spine as the voice spoke for a second time. "RELEASE ME, SPIKE!" shouted the voice that clearly sounded utterly distressed. Spike could feel his cold blood freeze solid. Was that voice real or was he just hearing things? "Hey... T-Twilight did you just call out to me?" hesitantly asked the very terrified drake. Twilight shakes her head in response giving him a confused look from behind the book she was reading. She would usually pay more attention to her number one assistant, but she was a bit too aggravated from the stunt he just pulled. "WON'T YOU GET ME OUT OF HERE, SPIKE!" chimed the voice. Is this Twilight trying to get payback? Or in the hour I was gone did Owlowiscious learn how to imitate voice like a parrot? "Twilight did you call out to me again? Is this some kind of sick joke?" asked Spike who had calmed down a bit. "No, Spike. As I've told you already literally a minute earlier, I'm not calling out to you. Are you sure you're completely okay?" asked the mare who adjusted her book to look at the dragon. He didn't verbally respond, only nodding his head to reassure his response from earlier. Maybe being out in the creepy Everfree Forest was making him paranoid. But, that other book in the library it couldn't just be a mere coincidence right. He would definitely remember a book in such poor at the Golden Oak Library. "Oh for Fluffle Puff's sake... Spike, I'm located outside of that library of yours. Just.. go around back. Someone waiting for you, please hurry." said the voice which seemed calmer than before. Despite its calm tone, hearing the voice again only served to make Spike more nervous than before. It finally clicked that he was probably the only one around able to hear it so he chose to seen answers. "T-Twilight... I'm just going to go for a small walk to clear my head a bit, okay?" Said the mentally tired Spike. "Alright, Spike just be careful. And please don't get lost this time." softly said Twilight Sparkle who headed into the Golden Oak Library. Just before shutting the door she gave Spike a calm smile to help him know she was just worried. "Don't worry, your pretty close to me. It won't be a super long walk. explained the mysterious voice coming from who knows where. Spike casually walks around to the back of the Golden Oak Library where a small section of bushes hid a clear area. The voice from earlier keeps repeating the first phrase over and over until he walks through the bushes. That leads to him spotting a square-ish figure that turns out to be the book which mysterious escaped from his grasp. He isn't surprised when the first page reads the same exact word: Unknown "Oh, my flipping Celestia. What the heck does this mean?!" shouted the frustrated drake. "All you have to do is read further. Please, Spike." pleaded the voice. After grabbing the book once again, Spike climbs the Golden Oak's trunk heading through the window in Twilight and his shared bedroom. Meanwhile, the purple unicorn herself is preoccupied with her book so much so she doesn't hear Spike enter the bedroom. He sits on his small bed basket and opens the book falling to the familiar page with Pinkie Pie's drawing. Just who led me to this book, and how is Pinkie Pie involved in all of this? Where is the writer and who even wrote this thing? thinks the dragon as he turns the page to the text he can finally understand. You will sometimes find that the free will of a pony has its own limits. Just the other day I made the foolish attempt to sacrifice a Princess, then utterly failed. Why?... Just why?. Why did you stop me? I can choose my own path to follow. You're the one who gave me my own flesh, blood, and mind. I recall that you were the one to first say I had my very own free will to experience everything I this land to my heart's whim. My way of thinking isn't that special, I think the same way as many others. Just why? If you tell me that I am free to make my own decisions, then why did you stop me from carrying them out. ... Even, after all, you have foiled my plans my artificial heart still holds you dear and belongs to you alone. I still love you.💕 Spike didn't get a single word of this poem themed like dairy entry. "The free will of a pony is sometimes limited? Trying to sacrifice a princess? What for this all mean?" C'mon, just turn the page. Little Spikey Wikey. You've just entered a game that I was forced to endure for years on end. The mere malice behind the voice's words made Spike nearly fall out of his bed. He wanted to sob his little heart out, what game? All because of some book he found while lost. "Hey now stop that. It's time to solve mysteries and finally set me free. See I'm really a ghost that was forced into this stupid book and I have been trapped in here for years. And now... I want to finally be free to pass on." "W-who even are you?" asked Spike who was visibility shaken. "To be perfectly honest with you, that small detail seems to have slipped away from me. I'm not sure if I have a name or not. What I can tell you is how I got stuck in here. The writer who wrote this book found me roaming one day and then... Bam! Magically chained my soul to this thing, and this like you who have opened it can hear my voice. Technically, only you have opened it so far so the club is pretty exclusive. I can tell you that the only way to free me is to solve the mystery in this thing." "And... what is that mystery exactly?" The mysterious ghost didn't respond immediately almost like they were hesitating. Can't exactly tell you that, Spike, might be apart if the original magic. Just turn to the fourth page." He what the ghost says still confused. The next page revealed two passages, one written in that language and the other was a simple poem. At least simple in structure that is. "There's a poem, " stated Spike. Yeah, I already know that Spike. I can see every page, just read it already. I'm itching for freedom. We shall forever, be locked together. Could we possibly venture outside, my lovely mare? Sadly, I cannot support your immediate answer, which will always be never. Just below the poem, is a depiction of Pinkie's crazier side. Simply known by her full first name Pinkamena. "Hold on, is this supposed to be Pinkie Pie?" asked Spike who felt uneasy looking into the pictures eyes. "Yes, I believe so." "Did she write this poem?" "Fraid I know as much as you do on that. Moving on, is there anyone you know that has experience with ancient languages such as the one written in my prison?" responded the ghost. Spike thought about the ghosts question for a moment. Is there anypony that can help me crack this mystery? Princess Celestia, no, to busy helping all her subjects. Princess Luna, nope, isn't awake for at least six hours. There has to be... Zecora?... ZECORA! That's it! But, can she really help? Would that zebra even know about spirits and ancient languages? Well, it's worth a shot after all. "I may know some zebra who can help us with this, but it isn't a guaranteed bet. Her name is Zecora, and she lives a bit far away from Ponyville. Probably want to tell Twilight before I... we go back in there." i]"I've waited over a hundred years, Spike. As long as there's a sliver of a chance that someone can help I'm all for it. Plus beats rotting in a book any day and night. Oh and by the way why do you live with a pony if you're a dragon?" Seems pretty odd. "That's a pretty long story, I'll tell you on the way." Thing is will Zecora be able to help or will Spike and this Ghost have to watch somewhere else for assistance? Wait until the next chapter to find the answers. > II: Illusions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike leaves the Library again, completely focused on looking for Zecora to help him. The ghost hasn't got the same opinion as him. "We can't go to Everfree Forest again." "Why?" he asks. "It's dangerous, specially with the book. You'll only find figures made of sorrow. "Figures made of sorrow." That description makes Spike think, what does he mean with "sorrow"? Will Rarity, the unrequited love of his life, appear during the journey, or maybe an angry Twilight will spawn only to argue with him? He is scared of what kind of things may appear. However, he knows that this adventure hasn't got a backdoor, and he must continue his journey. He decides not to follow the ghost's advice and enters to Everfree Forest. Minutes later, Spike and the book arrive to the baleful forest. The dragon looks the aspect of the woods: It has the same facet of everyday. In spite of the outside aspect, the Forest has a completely different persepective from inside. Everything is covered with a grey, hot and sticky steam. The characteristic old trees are completely wet. There is a liquid coming out of them. Spike touches it, and feels fire coming out of his fingers. "Ouch! I felt my fingers burning!" "I told you not to come here with me, because you'll only find personified sorrow... Furthermore, that hot liquid represents love, an unrequited one... We should have stayed in Ponyville. "Love?" "Yes, Spike. Love is invading you. You should let it go." The ghost is helping Spike escape from the liquid. Is Spike getting over Rarity? "Now, it's too late... We will keep moving... until we find Zecora." "If we don't find a way to kill this curse, we will never find Zecora's house. This phrase makes Spike desperated. The liquid starts leaking faster and covers the dirty ground, touching Spike's feet. The dragon feels he is on a volcano. His feet are burning for real. "Ouch! My feet! My feet!" "Open me! Open me! Spike opens the book and the liquid stops leaking, causing the steam's disappearance. Spike is surprised. "My love! It disappeared!" "No. We are not safe yet, Spike. It's love! It won't go so easily!" Spike keeps walking slowly. Zecora's house is not so far from them. But still, the ghost is worried. He feels that the "lovely" steam is still there, waiting for the perfect moment to attack them. Spike has also the same feeling, but he's more focused on that strange drawings of Pinkie Pie that appear in the book. That means this book was written in a recent time. Was it? "Ghost, can I ask you a question?" "What?" "Do you know when this book was made?" It's a strange question for the ghost with no name. He doesn't even know when the book was invented, and feels ashamed because of that. He doesn't answer. "Ghost..." "No idea." Suddenly, a box full of jewels appears in front of Spike. Spike looks at them... He loves eating jewels. The ghost instantly knows it's a trap. "Mmmm... yummy! I've been totally hungry for hours!" "NO, SPIKE! IT'S A TRAP!" Spike eats one of the jewels and the Forest automatically turns into a spa. White walls made with quartz rise from the floor. Spike is automatically reclined on a bed, with pickles on his eyes and a towel covering him. The book is being trapped by rusty chains. "Spike, no! Stop! They are going to kill you from your inside! Spike is in his world. By surprise, a hologramic Rarity appears behind Spike. "Spikey Wikey... How are you doing, my darling? Spike smiles at her. "I'm fine... b-because you are here." The hologramic Rarity smiles at him, blushing. "Let me massage you, Spikey." "No! They are going to drain you! SPIKE!" The hologram starts touching Spike's back, but then he jumps and attacks the hologramic Rarity. The spa turns into dust and disappears, along the jewel box and the rusty chains. However, it doesn't mean the steam disappeared. It's still there... but no one can see it. Spike grabs the book and runs away from the toxic steam. "How did you know that the spa was fake... if you didn't hear me? "Rarity would never massage my back. She just wouldn't." "Oh, I see. Rarity... I know that name...It seems to be pretty..." "Yes, she is. The prettiest mare of Equestria..." Suddenly, Spike is thrown to the ground by an incredible force. "I'm feeling terrible... You... You won't touch her...YOU WON'T!" Spike is lifted by the book's force. "ONLY ONE OF US WILL CONQUER HER, DRAGON! FIGHT!... " Spike, I need your help, the book is possessed!" The book opens in the first page. From the "Unknown" text comes out a dragon hand. He touches the ground and changes the Forest's ground into black. "What?" shouts Spike. "Spike! Destroy it!" The dragon comes out of the book. It's a red-eyed Spike. He looks at the Ponyville dragon with anger, and opens his mouth to reveal teeth covered in blood. "You are commiting a mistake, dragon." The evil dragon lifts Spike. He has an indescribable force, Spike fells his chest coming out of his body. "Your only mistake here is Twilight. You should have destroyed her from the beginning. She tastes better than jewels. Spike is completely frightened... Did he say... Tastes? " I... Um... won't e-eat her..." The evil dragon magically opens a hole in the ground. He throws Spike on it. "NO!" The red-eyed Spike creates a portal to Ponyville and runs away. "No... I have to do something... The fifth page. The book automatically opens and turns into the fifth page. There's a text that reads. "One day the portals will exist. When I imagine those magical doors covering Ponyville I imagine peace. I'd visit princesses, magicians with no necessity of coming out of my house. P. S. If I can't sacrifice a princess, can I sacrifice a dragon? ... Warning! Magically, the ghost opens a portal to Zecora's house and enters. "Hello? Has someone answered the door?" says Zecora, while he notices the portal dying in her house. "I require your help, lady Zecora... Zecora finds the book. She knows it. She remembers the legend of the Book's cursed ghost. Who will be his next victim? "The Cursed Ghost. I know you very well and I don't want you to be my host." "Lady Zecora, a friend of us is in danger. Ponyville is in danger! Zecora ignores the ghost. Suddenly, he opens the book and a crystal ball comes out of it. The ball shows Rarity's house. "Oh darling, Twilight told me that you were lost in the Forest. Is that true? "Yes, Rarity." The zebra observes Spike's eyes. They are red. Red like blood, like flesh... It's an evil look. That dragon isn't Spike. "Is Spike in danger?" "Yes, lady Zecora..." Zecora nods her head and grabs the book. Will they save our favourite dragon from the mysterious hole? To be continued... > III: Sorrow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hello?" Nobody answers to the scared Spike. He is trapped inside a hole with no exit. The place is completely dark. He can't see anything. The light that should illuminate him from above doesn't exist. "Ghost? Zecora? Are you there? Can you hear me?" The only thing Spike sees is Just darkness. He can't even see his bare hands. The dragon starts gasping. "Answer me, please! Someone!" The dragon lies down in the ground he can't watch. Suddenly, a beam of light is shown upon him. From it, an enormous alicorn comes out. He recognizes its cutie mark... The Sun that illuminates all his face and fulminates his sight. Can she be? Is the Princess? "Spike. I came here to help you." The Princess... Celestia! She came there to save him! "Thank you, princess... I thought I was going to be locked here for all my life." At the same time, another beam of light appears and fulminate both the dragon and the princess. It's him... The mysterious book that completely changed Spike's life, along with Zecora, the magician. The princess starts losing her mind. "Zecora! You are here!" "I am here, Spike. I'll be now the savior of your life." Nevertheless, nothing is perfect. In all of a sudden Celestia turns into dust. Both Spike and Zecora see this and start running to the beam of light with the book. "No! You won't!" The beam of light is closed. The remaining dust of the princess turns into Lord Tirek. "WHAT?" shouts Spike. He doesn't know what to do. "Spike, darling! Do you feel OK? Your eyes have a bright red colour." "Yes, Rarity. I'm fine. Do you still have some jewels?" "Um... I still have some tiny jewels, but I don't know where..." The evil dragon starts looking for the jewels. Seconds later, he grabs a bag full of small, red jewels. "Red jewels, Rarity! Just what I needed!" "I'm glad you like them, Spikey Wikey..." The evil dragon stops thinking when he hears that nickname..."Spikey Wikey"... He remembers being in another time and place, defeating and serving Twilight Sparkle in a banquet... When he heard the nickname that stayed inside his mind for all his life.