> Training a Princess > by Meadow_Dawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 - Oh to be Untrained and Uneducated... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn’s Journal, Day 6, year 1, March 16th - Thursday I hope this won’t be a stay that lasts more than one year, but that’s why I brought my family with me…  Where to begin… I am Meadow Dawn, and I’m writing down my journey through the Commander’s Equestria as I begin my training to be a proper princess and leader. It’s March 12th, so it looks like we skipped winter back home, but that also means no Hearth’s Warming Eve celebration for nearly a whole year. Stalwart and I are thinking of celebrating it once on our own so we don’t miss out. I’m really sore today, but this is part of my homework as well, so I can tell my future self what I used to be like since my memory isn’t perfect. Yes Chrysalis, I know yours is, you keep rubbing it in and no, I won’t go into a cocoon while my foals are growing up at this age to fix that yet. Look, I know you’re worried about my head hurting for a whole day after you tried to download the map of Ponyville in intense detail, I’ll be fine. Ponies manage to learn that kind of thing all that time, now then… My Copy of schedule - mon-sat, Sundays are my day off: PT – 0800-0830 - mon/wed/fri flight, tue/thur/sat jogging/not-flight Breakfast - 900-1000 with a princess as available (don’t forget to clean up first!) Magic lessons - 1000-1200 Lunch - 1200-1300 History, general education, planning lessons: 1300-1500 Hobby experimentation - 1500-1700 Dinner – 1700-1800 as available. Write in Journal – 1800-done. Sleep – get plenty of it, you’ll need it! I was written up one schedule by Twilight while we were in quarantine and it was slightly modified to that once we were out and she could hire the tutors and trainers I would need. She was really good at getting everything coordinated and fit nearly perfectly, giving each of the tutors a note on what my schedule would be so they could be aware if I was held up who they needed to check in with and that I could have my foals nearby during less active lessons. Naturally, we managed to get a couple days off to settle in and relax. Chrysalis tried to cure my self-doubt by ensuring Stalwart gave me plenty of attention. It kinda worked for a little bit, but we’ll see how I feel as this goes on. Stalwart tells me he is going to work part-time while I’m home and being tutored. Nightfall was frustrated with having come with, but Chrysalis and I were the only ones that could tell because we tasted it. Storm came to me and asked if I had anything to do with them coming after they had changed their minds. I told her I knew was that she and Night were planning to come because of how a drone overheard the conversation and relayed it to the hive, and Twilight was really happy they were going to. Storm eyed me for a moment then shrugged, saying she was going to enjoy herself here, just that Night wanted her to ask.  Chrysalis was happy to hear my answer, but I only told her the truth. Granted, the will of the hive might have had something to do with that, and it didn’t hurt they really had already given their answer and shouldn’t break their word after making such a big stink the last year over my allegedly not doing so… Oh well, I simply prevented them from becoming hypocrites. Now with all that said, time to vent about today… ====== Dawn woke up early, grunting and groaning in the main bedroom of her room in Castle Friendship. She was granted a level close to the Princess’ own, and it was a sizable two bedroom apartment-like place. Her main bedroom she shared with Stalwart was twice as big as the bed they shared, and the second bedroom was set up as a nursery for the foals, though they seemed to sleep better when next to their mother anyway. She hit the button of the alarm clock, blearily seeing that it was seven in the morning, the sun trying to shine through the curtains into the spacious living room. She got up out of the bed, nuzzling her foals reassuringly when they whimpered and began helping shift them closer to Stalwart. They settled down once more as they felt his fur, Morning Rise laying against her father’s forelegs and Hearty Beacon laying with his head in the nook where Stalwart’s hind leg met his body. “Morning Dawn.” Stalwart whispered before trying to rest again. Dawn grunted her reply and nearly dragged her hooves along the carpet, not looking forward to the morning. She debated having breakfast earlier than the schedule said, but she decided against it. She had never been one for eating right when she woke, she would always feel nauseous and regret it later. Besides, she knew she was going to meet a princess this morning so she couldn’t let herself eat before them. She went to the living room, trying to stretch herself out slowly and get herself to wake up, but after taking care of her usual morning things, she left to the elevator to report to the training grounds.  The download of the map was a partial success, most details of the city and surrounding area were known to her, at least for routes to take and a few main locations she found interesting. It was one of the few benefits to that gigantic migraine of that day in quarantine. As she walked to the training grounds, she met a Royal Guard earth pony in full uniform, waiting attentively despite it being a good half hour before her appointed time. He seemed to just watch, and Dawn waved politely before starting to stretch. “You’re doing it wrong.” “What?” Dawn asked, looking up as she stretched out her front legs, trying to push them out from a standing position. “You’re doing it wrong.” He repeated. “Ok… how am I supposed to stretch then?” she asked, resisting the urge to apologize. The guardsman came beside her and started using his hooves to guide where she was to go. She was about to protest, but she could picture the backlash that would entail. He was offering her help, was in uniform, and looked like he knew what he was doing. If he was her trainer, then resisting or protesting was going to make it harder on herself and make it seem like she didn’t respect authority, and wouldn’t get any respect in turn. And if there was one story her parents drilled into her when she was young, it was that drill sergeants made sure that most complaining and some questions would just make it harder so the right way could be sunk in. She knew they probably weren’t going to be hardballs about it in actual training, but they were there to make sure everything was done and done right. He nodded satisfactorily as she did what he said without further prompting, and together, they stretched her body out over the course of twenty minutes. Dawn was breathing loudly but slowly by the end. “You’re really out of shape.” He commented. “I agree. It’s shameful.” Dawn replied. “When was the last time you exercised properly?” “I mean, there’s plenty of things I’d like to say is exercise, but if you’re talking running a mile or something, probably a bit over a decade since I did it consistently.” Dawn admitted sheepishly. “I went for a jog once with the commander and they also thought I was out of shape.” “I see. Today will be an evaluation,” He explained with a slight frown, “Try to keep up as best you can. I will observe and see how badly we have to whip you into shape.” “I will do my best.” Dawn nodded. “I expect nothing less. You may be a princess, but when you’re under me, you’ll get the same treatment my recruits do.” “I expect nothing less to become as good as I should be.” She echoed. “May I have your name at least?” “Sergeant Stomper. Now, let’s go.” He said, moving off to a brisk trot. Dawn steeled herself and began her exercise, fully expecting the worst out of the day. His brisk trot was much like the commander’s, and she found herself breathing hard halfway through the trot. She didn’t complain, but she could see his frequent glances in her direction after the halfway point. It was painful in its own way. She definitely was lasting longer than she remembered doing as a human, probably due to spreading out her weight on four legs, not two, and getting a little alicorn or earth pony strength and endurance over time, but she knew she was out of shape. They told her in testing and screening from traveling through the gate that her concerns about having asthma were groundless and she just needed more conditioning. By the end of the run, her tongue was numb and she was panting for breath, head held lower than normal. She kept using her wings to pump air along her body and cool herself off, only to hear him let out a ‘tsk’ sound of annoyance. “You’re in horrible shape recruit.” He said with a tone that betrayed his annoyance. “That was the minimum pace that the Royal guard would consider applicants at, not even the minimum for once they’re on duty. Even worse that you’re this bad as a princess.” “I will try to get better over time.” Dawn panted, understanding it was not ideal. “You’ll have to.” He frowned seriously. “A leader has to do better than those that follow them, as an inspiration and as a goal for them to work toward. Dismissed.” “Yes, sir.” She replied, giving him a bow before turning away and heading to the castle. She hurt. Her body felt like it was on fire and this was just the start of the day. Now she had to get back, clean up and be presentable in time for breakfast, where Celestia was going to go over things she had to learn as basics. She barely got to her room and Chrysalis relayed her own suggestions through the hive link, ‘You’d best shower quickly. Your slow pace took away half the time you have left before you have to be seated for your meal.’ ‘I understand mom. I’ll do what I can.’ She replied, knowing that they could feel her fatigue. She hopped in the shower and got some mildly warm water flowing, trying her best to be thorough with the soap and shampoo. She barely finished with five minutes to spare after she had toweled down and brushed herself, needing to skip preening. ‘Remind me to preen myself after the scheduled day is over mom… my feathers are only a slight mess.’ Dawn requested. ‘I will, now get moving!’ Chrysalis encouraged. Dawn walked on, ignoring her aches as best she could. She barely made it to the room on time and joined Celestia at the table. “Good morning Princess Celestia.” She said with a polite bow. “Good morning Dawn, It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Celestia nodded. “And a pleasure to see you too.” Dawn said as she approached the table and looked for any kind of names to indicate seating. Celestia was seated at the head of the rectangular table, the spot furthest from the main door of the room. Dawn saw no name placeholders present and chose a seat facing the door two seats down from Celestia, so she was at a respectful distance but close enough for conversation. “Interesting choice.” Celestia said. “I’m sorry?” Dawn asked, hoping for clarity. “Your sitting distance relative to your host reflects your status in society.” Celestia instructed, causing Dawn to realize her lessons were already starting. “You are considering us as connected, but not so much that you are practically family or one of the ruling nobles. If everyone were present, Luna would be at my right, Twilight at my left and chrysalis next to her, violet across from you. If Cadence and Flurry were in attendance, you would instead sit next to Violet to make room for them.” “I see. It was not my original intent to conform to that, but I’m hoping that is acceptable and I did well.” Dawn said, “What you described reminds me of older etiquette classes my grandmother tried to teach my siblings and myself.” “It normally is acceptable, though when it is just us or the other princesses, you should sit closer so you don’t appear rude by trying to be too distant to your host.” Celestia smiled. “Then with your permission, I will move closer.” Dawn smiled. Celestia nodded and Dawn moved over to the space next to Celestia. She barely sat down before servants came in, serving an egg salad, toast, and a small bowl of hot oats with cinnamon and sugar. They then set down a pitcher of milk with a few cubes of ice in them as well as a pair of glasses with the same beverage for them before leaving. Dawn smiled politely and nodded her appreciation to them before waiting for them to depart. “Now I would ask when the right time to start the meal would be.” Dawn explained, smiling nervously as she hoped not to make a mistake. “When in doubt, I usually look to my host and eat once they do.” “That would be correct.” Celestia smiled, using her magic to pick up her utensils and start eating her meal. “Mm, this is well prepared.” Dawn said after she swallowed her first bites, using magic like Celestia did. “May I ask how much you otherwise know of me?” “Only as much as Twilight included in her report, that she had a woefully underprepared princess who helped her and her family with being sheltered while they were displaced, and that you later helped in removing Solar Flare as a threat to both our worlds.” Celestia answered, taking another bite to eat. “That would be accurate.” Dawn admitted, tilting her head and raising a brow in self-entertainment as she said it. “I was given a very hooves off approach by the royal sisters and Luna informed me that she wouldn’t have allowed for it if she had known. She had trusted Celestia would have gotten my training underway.” “I see.” Celestia hummed, continuing her meal. The rest of their meal went on with Dawn explaining how she met Twilight and the little she’s otherwise learned. She tried to eat between talks, needing to nod as she finished off a mouthful before explaining. She barely realized the hour was up in time before she had to excuse herself from the table and return to her room in the castle. She approached the door to find a lilac pony with cyan hair and carrying a great deal of books and scrolls in a bag beside them reaching a hoof up to knock before the turned to see her. “Ah! Princess Dawn, good to meet you!” the unicorn said, turning to more fully face Dawn and giving a brief bow. “Good morning. I take it you are my tutor?” Dawn asked, nodding politely. “I am! We’ll start with some magic lessons and then after we have some lunch, we’ll move on to Equestrian history and start developing your planning skills.” She explained. “Excellent.” Dawn nodded, opening the door for them, “It’s good to meet you, miss…” “Oh! Right, I’m Lilac Bloom.” She answered as she walked in before looking back at Dawn. “Is something funny?” “Just a small sense of irony.” Dawn said, admitting to her chuckle, “My first unicorn teacher two years ago was Lemon Bloom. The similar names was the cause for entertainment.” “Two years ago? You haven’t had a magic teacher before then?” She asked, concerned. “I wasn’t capable of magic until two years ago.” Dawn explained as they walked in, hearing her foals make their noises asking for her. “Oh, so you ascended two years ago.” She nodded. “Not quite, I wasn’t a pony until two years ago. I ascended about half a year ago.” “Interesting. Not heard of a displaced becoming a pony.” Lilac hummed, walking to the living room table and setting down their materials. “We had a gate in the shape of a mirror that included a transformation spell. It was designed to help the subject transform into something more appropriate to that world. I suspect there was something far more to it though, considering how Celestia reacted.” Dawn chuckled as she went over to the other side of the table, her husband walking over and the foals waddling on their legs toward their mother eagerly. “Here you go Dawn, they’ve been waiting for you to be back.” Stalwart said, chuckling as he watched them go to her under their own power. Dawn smiled gently at them as she caught Beacon before he was about to fall and laid him next to Rise, letting the two go after what they sought. She blushed and stretched a wing over them as they quickly went to get their own breakfast. “Precious little things.” Lilac smiled approvingly before looking up to Dawn, “Now, I have some assessment tests that we’ll start with, and then we can move on to lessons tomorrow once I know where you’re at on all subjects.” “Ah, so not just checking on my magic and history and the like?” Dawn asked. “Well, a princess should know as much as they can about most subjects,” Lilac smirked playfully. “I’ll be in charge of your magic and history. If you need more education, these assessments will let the commander know who your other tutors might be.” “Very well, I know my current spoken language as English, not sure what it would be called here, however. I practiced writing on my own and believe myself to be competent, but your tests will say more. My mathematics halted progress at pre-calculus, and history was my worst subject. Sciences I remember a fair bit on when it comes to biology, chemistry I don’t remember as much off hoof other than it was fun to say stoichiometry.” “I’m sure. I’ve never heard the language called that though. Must be similar enough at least.” Lilac chuckled, sorting through papers and setting some aside. “We’ll go based off what you give me and see what you need for the other subjects after we test your magic.” With that conversation finished, Lilac pulled out a stopwatch and began to test Dawn on her magic understanding. Dawn frowned, struggling to answer a lot of the theoretical aspects of magic. She knew nothing about how much magic output was needed, their units of measurement, nor the wavelengths needed for certain spells or how to identify them. The practical exam of the Magic testing went well she thought, demonstrating basic magics by instinct as she always had. The intermediate magic rarely worked unless she had practiced them before and they didn’t bother with advanced, Dawn readily forfeiting after she asked for a summary of the spells they would try and she said she didn’t know any of them well enough to perform. They took a break for lunch, her foals taking a nap against her now that the testing was over. Their bellies were full again, and their padding changed. She cooked some hayburgers for the three of them and then Stalwart left to meet with the royal guard to do a physical performance assessment before he helped with training efforts. The rest of the testing was as boring as she expected, tasking her as much as she would expect for being a decade out of schooling. “Well, that should finish what we had for your assessments. I’ve also been instructed to give you a list of hobbies to pass time and then you’ll be given an instructor in that field.” She offered, providing the list in question. “Ah… right.” Dawn hummed, head hurting almost as much as her body did right then. “Well, it was a pleasure working with you, and I’ll have your curriculum ready come the morning.” Lilac Bloom said as she gathered her things. “I will look forward to it.” Dawn nodded politely, her wing once again extended over her foals as they napped. Lilac smiled, gave a small bow, and left the home. ---------- I mean, Lilac was really nice, but I’m not looking forward to tomorrow or any of it till I adjust and stop hurting so much. That Sergeant is going to be a tough cookie, I know it. Anyway, I’m done complaining and Stalwart wants some time together now that his shower is done. See you next time! ========== Day 13, year 1, March 23rd - Friday Yep. Definitely, horribly sore. For the last week, I had been gradually whipped into shape. Sergeant Stomper has been even more disappointed as I somehow showed even less stamina than our first evaluation. I tried to tell him it was because of not exercising regularly before and my body probably taking a while to adapt, but he cut me off just to tell me it was an excuse. He did the whole marine motto thing of “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” That’s not what pain is! I mean, I get why he says that, but damn this hurts! I put up with it because I know my laziness had gone on long enough and Twilight won’t allow me to give up, I don’t even have to ask her to know that! Besides, it’s only been a week! At least my assessment with Lilac was that my other education was barely acceptable, and while weaker than a college graduate in most areas, still acceptable for leadership of the lower houses. How ironic, that someone can be a leader with less knowledge or expertise than others. One would think or hope that a leader would be competent in a wide range of fields! I was then reminded firmly that there were multiple levels of leadership, and the lower levels were the uneducated or selfish leaders of Equestria who could sway or be swayed with flowery ‘right sounding’ words.  So great… I’m not even fit to be a princess by education alone! It didn’t help that I was told the princesses generally had multiple doctorates because they were immortals… Just add on to the expectations and the weight of everything that I have going against me why don’t you… Yes, mom, I know, I’m being too negative right now and that I can handle it, doesn’t mean it’s not stress inducing. I had to get a brand new schedule to make up for that. I worry I’m costing Twilight a ton in tutoring fees. Mom keeps telling me I shouldn’t fret over it, but I can’t help thinking how much I could have dragged Equestria down if I had continued as I was. It’s unacceptable. At least age has tempered my younger callous attitude to learning. Mom, of course, says that it’s also because I’m partly changeling. I will let her think that for now. New Schedule: PT – 0800-0830 - mon/wed/fri - flight, tue/thur/sat -  jogging/not-flight Breakfast - 900-1000 with a princess as available (don’t forget to clean up first!) Magic lessons - 1000-1200 Lunch - 1230-1330 Lesson on subject of the day: 1400-1600 Hobby  - 1630-1730 Dinner – 1800-1900 as available. Write in Journal as needed – 1900 Sleep – always make sure you get plenty of sleep! Subject of day: Sun – Off, Mon – Math, Tues – social studies (history/geography), Wed – Sciences, Thurs – Language: Equestrian, Fri – Foreign language of choice Even busier than before… I can’t wait… I wish I could write in a sarcasm font. I’d say more about Nightfall or Storm, but honestly, I’ve not seen them. I’m a bit surprised my training isn’t with Night if he’s doing the police training stuff, but then the hive tells me his physical fitness exam was more than adequate to begin policy and civil level combat training. At least that’s a bullet dodged. The hive tells me they are still very bitter in my direction and will complain about me occasionally. Good thing he didn’t realize he told a couple within earshot of changelings. He’s smart enough to realize they’d relay it, but not to know how sensitive their hearing can be. Whatever. He can be angry over whatever the hell he wants for all I care. I’m tired of being made the bad guy and the scapegoat for his damn problems. Now, enough negativity! Magic training has been focusing on the theoreticals and then the application of what we learned. The hive has tried to help fund the understanding needed which sped me through the most basic fundamental items, but the migraines that always ensued made them stop. A lot of the hive was worried about me, but I simply chuckled and let them know this could be typical if they adopt any other ponies into the hive in the future. It didn’t exactly allay their fears. We don’t keep secrets between each other and they know I’m just as worried about it. For my ‘hobby,’ I chose to take up croquet since I already knew some of the rules and played it in my grandmother’s yard growing up. Let me tell you, it is weird to try to croquet with my mouth! They frown on using magic because of an unfair advantage, and when we were finished, I offered to demonstrate how I grew up playing it and they frowned at my completely different stance and form as a bipedal creature. Clearly, that’s somehow ‘cheating’ too! I mean, I get why everyone should use what’s available to earth ponies, but I thought they’d be curious about it at least and not just writing it off as if I were cheating! Lesson 1: hobbies aren’t to have fun with others. Check! If this weren’t to build rapport with other nobles, I’d check the buck out at that discovery! Play it my own way so everyone can have fun. It’s late, and – oh right… I forgot to write about my flight training. … I’m an utter mess. My nerves from heights and flying started coming back, I struggle to want to go higher than about ten or fifteen feet off the ground, and am a weak flier to boot! The flight academy still required me to get over that and their trust exercises helped, but I still get anxious anyway. As I learn the stages of flight and the wing-strength needed for movement, I know I’ll get better. I didn’t play some of those computer game flight sims as a human for nothing! … ok, they were mostly arcade style and not realistic, but maybe that’ll count for something anyway? A mare can hope. All of my consoles and are being investigated by a few of the tech drones to see how the things work. The tv is being borrowed as well to inspect the electronics and how everything is converted signal-wise so it’d be possible to share what games I do have, either by copies or conversion or the like. It’ll hold some ponies’ interest once we get that done. Once they’ve looked it all over tomorrow, they’ll have it all cleaned and reassembled and installed in my home here so I can destress with my old stuff before taking it back for further evaluation and testing.  Books are still undergoing scanning and reprinting for posterity, backup, and similar ‘in case other ponies want to read them’ reasons. It’s about 10 now and I need my sleep if I’m going to make it through Saturday. I should probably schedule a masseuse to help with all these knots. Stalwart tries but he’s too rough, kinda like how I am when I try to massage his back. At least he tells me his Royal Guard training is going ok. ========== Day 14, year 1, March 24th - Saturday Not much new to add other than thank Harmony for it being the weekend now! I got the masseuse scheduled for tomorrow despite the lack of notice, and Stalwart passed his final tests to be an assistant to one of the training guards. He still has to go through basic training for combat and firearms training, but he’s expecting he is better at more traditional weapons and has already been talked to about teaching those skills in case improvised weapons are needed. He says he will be training with Nightfall in civil-level combat, but it’s not going to affect how he performs. Something tells me he met Night and something happened between them, but the emotions I taste doesn’t betray that. My legs and wings are killing me. I hope this massage will help out. This might have to be a weekly thing paid for by my allowan-no, Twilight calls it a ‘stipend.’ Same thing to me. The end result is the same. Anyway, it’s already 10 and Stalwart is already passed out with the foals tucked in against him. Rise always moves close to me when she knows I’m near, but Beacon seems to like his father more. I can’t complain. My mom complained about how all three of us liked dad more than her as little kids… Is it odd I still half-miss them? I should consider going to visit eventually, show them the foals when we can. Have to test if magic works in that world too or if I’ll be fully cut off. Anyway, I’m tired. Nearly crying from the amount of yawning because I keep putting this off till bedtime. Till next time. ========== Day 35, year 1, April 14th – Saturday Things are finally getting easier. Sergeant Stomper feels I am finally at the point where I’d pass the entrance exam for physical fitness, but I still have a ways to go to be faster and last long enough to not be exhausted once we finish. My muscles still burn, but they’re adjusting. I can feel my muscles developing compared to what I remember a year ago… ok, that might be a lie, but Stalwart commented that he could feel it and so I think I really am making progress. As long as I keep it up, he tells me I should continue to build up endurance to an acceptable amount, then even beyond that by adding more time to exercising to wake up even earlier! … if I could express my groan of excitement in ink, I would. My wings are finally a lot easier to maintain now that I’m regularly preening. Flight is still rough, but at least I don’t feel panic that I’m about to fall to the ground if I do something wrong. It’s almost liberating when your fear of heights is conquered by having some control through flight. Sure, I’ll still have that panic when I fall and it’ll be more intense than other pegasi-at-birth, but it’s good to have a fear in check somehow. Stalwart says his first recruits he helped train under the Drill Sergeant are up to snuff and he got mild praise for getting them to be more fighting fit than most trainers do their first time around. Granted, he wasn’t the Drill Sergeant, but the recruits bonded over his going through every exercise with them and showing them how it was to be done every time until near the last few weeks. He said the Sergeant does do that normally, but Stalwart was there to show them how it’s done and set the pace at first, then lets them do it on their own and sees who the natural leaders are. Oh, and my magic lessons are going well! I’m finally grasping the math behind the spells, though we had to have an exception made for a spell already. It’s ironic. The summon door spell I had tried instinctively was based on my own equestrian magic rather than theirs and ended up summoning a bunch of scrap pieces of paper. Honestly, I’m relieved because I don’t think Lilac would appreciate being made a stallion! The formula really was the same as what I would have used if I followed the lesson, but I explained that this was one Commander tried to show me when we had met, and that had a demonstrably different effect and she didn’t press the matter once she learned what the effect was. Probably helped that the effect was paper confetti. At least it vanished a few minutes later on its own. That would have been a mess to pick up after! > 2 - Adjusting Has Its Growing Pains > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 46, year 1, April 25th – Wednesday – Side event Fire Storm was frustrated. Nightfall has complained every day now for the last few weeks that he wishes they were home and had been kidnapped to stay put. She liked this place, but with Nightfall constantly complaining, she was getting sick of it. She had to agree, they had been kidnapped, but she knew she had told the commander they were coming, and Night did too. Sure, Night could say they changed their mind before they left, but she was glad she came so far. She wouldn’t get any peace without talking to Twilight though, so she tracked down someone who could point the way. The servant had told Storm that the Princess had stepped out, saying she was going to take a walk and to visit friends and left the castle. The gate guards told her The Princess had headed toward the eastern part of town. Storm grumbled, blaming herself for not asking while they were at work. She went off in that direction, figuring out exactly what it was she would say. As she flew, she saw the number of shops and houses thinned out in that part of town, it was mostly warehouses and slowly gave way to open land with no sign of Twilight or much of anyone. This part of town wasn’t used much at this time of day, she knew this from a few exploratory flights when they first settled in and learning the main places to visit. As she flew, she eventually saw a large section of land surrounded by a fence. The lawn was cared for, and rows of stones dotted the land, a familiar purple form walking through it. 'There she is.' She thought as she slowed down her flight, being quiet as she went after the form. She would let them do what they needed to out here, and then join them after. Twilight moved towards a clearing among the stones with five stones of varying designs. Storm landed nearly silently nearby. She started questioning if trying to join her while she was visiting some graves was the wrong choice. Maybe she should wait until their visit was done. It’d be the right thing to do… The stones were all differently shaped and designed. One was the statue of a pegasus in wonderbolt uniform, standing proudly. Another was an elegant statue of a pony at rest, another was covered in confetti, streamers, and balloons that floated in the air, giving the air of a constant party nearby. Another was a carving of what looked like shelters for small animals and feeding areas. The last was a tombstone, a simple marker with simple carvings. As Twilight got close, the sound of a party favor going off came from nearby and a blast of confetti came from the overly decorated statue and Twilight laughed. "Still loaded I see… one of these days, I’m going to find where that’s hidden Pinkie…" Storm blinked, listening in. She forgot that her friends weren’t alive in this world. Guilt wracked her as she realized she was inadvertently crashed in on a private affair, frustration growing as if she should have known better. "Well then girls, wanted to say sorry it took me so long to come by. I know I usually come by when I get back, just so you know I'm okay, but this time was a bit different. We have guests who came with us!" Twilight said as she took a seat. "I know there’s a first time for everything, but these ones are special. Well, to me mostly, and to Queeny… First, there is Dawn. She’s a Princess, though… she is very new to it. Sort of why I was delayed as I was having to get tutors set up and housing and all of that. You know, red tape and all. And yes AJ, I am being a perfect host as they are staying with me." Storm blinked, 'Well, figures shed tell them about dawn. She’s a big hindrance in her own way until she actually learns how to be a princess…' "But yeah, she’s… special. Rarity, you um… remember that thing you walked in on between me and Queeny? Yeah, that thing. … Um, Dawn… sort of is my lover… Chrysalis and her kinda got me to try and… well… it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. Queeny is happy I took on a lover, she knew how I always looked anyway. … AJ, I know you’d be upset, but remember me and Chrysalis aren’t married and this is something she wanted me to do. … It… sort of caused a flood gate to open and next thing I knew, Dawn was like Chrysalis… submissive to me and wearing a collar with my cutie mark on it. … It… it’s like electricity goes down my spine every time I see it around her neck." Storm resisted the urge to smirk. ‘Yeah, that sounded like shy little green alright.’ "And… Yeah, she sort of led me to Storm. … And, well… okay, I think I have a thing for strong mares. It didn’t take long before I asserted dominance and… well, she's got a collar too, and… Damn, I like having Dawn, but something about Storm just… her confidence, self-assuredness… You’d love her Dash by the way, but just… all of that. … And with a few words, she becomes putty in my hooves, eager to please and… just… yeah. Definitely have a thing for strong mares, bordering on arrogance." Twilight said facehoofing. Storm blinked. 'Wait... she's telling them about me?' "Like I said Dash, you would have either hated or loved her. She’s a skilled flyer, good at fighting and a damn fine drinking partner and wing mare." She said, getting a small smile. "And she is a hard worker, pushing herself constantly to achieve her task, and refuses to give up. … Yeah, I… I had been really worried I'd have to leave her behind. I was prepared for it, of course… I’ve left a lot of friends behind, but this was different. … She’s a close friend and… well, my lover. So yeah… “When she fought with her husband to be able to come, I had to suppress a smile, and when he finally caved, I was so relieved and happy. … I had to invite him as well, but there was no way she’d come without him, so he’s here too, doing guard training… Storm is my personal aide… Hehe, got to keep my toys close after all." She chuckled. "Oh, when its just us or I want to get her riled up, I call her Lapdog and oh the little shiver she has! … She hated the name at first, but now she wears it like a badge of honor and it almost is a direct line to her arousal… Yes, yes Rarity, I know you’d never approve of me talking about such things, but I want you to know what I’ve been up too." Storm blushed. She had no idea she meant that much to Twilight. She thought they were on good terms but… she didn’t think they were going to be that broken up over her. To think she made Twilight rant on about her this much, even more than Green… She wished she had a way of recording that speech. "Yeah, honestly I do need to find a way to thank Dawn… without her finally breaking down my inhibitions and introducing me to her, I wouldn’t have Lapdog." Twilight said and chuckled. "Now if I could just get them to stop digging at each other, things could be interesting in my seemingly growing, very strange, family…" When Twilight said that, Storm caught a glimpse of something pink and poofy standing beside her, smiling wide at her. Storm blinked, looking at the glimpse, 'Was... Was that a ghost of her friend? … I like hearing this, but I’m starting to feel like I’m intruding… maybe I should go?' Storm suddenly got a small feeling, as if someone just barely hugged her and a feeling of gratitude washed over her as she looked back. "Hmm… oh, right. We are going to try and bridge the gap between our world and Dawn's, breaking new ground to have a permanent link. The scientists at the EMSD practically drooled when I explained what we needed and let them read over Dawn's notes… you know how they get with new fields and things to do." Storm felt the hug and didn’t know how to react… so her friends were kinda ghosts and gave her a hug? 'I’m not normally a touchy-feely mare... but why can't I shake the feeling they're glad for us?' As quickly as the feeling came, it left as Twilight continued to talk about the gate and what it could mean for both their worlds. Storm frowned, half sad to feel them go and turned around to leave. Nightfall was going to get an earful tonight … if he wants to go back or complain, he can be a stallion and actually talk to Twilight! ========== Day 49, year 1, April 28th - Saturday Ugh… this was a horrible day, I’m half afraid I botched everything up. I snapped at the Sergeant, I could barely focus on my schoolwork, I disappointed Luna at dinner… Maybe I should start at the beginning. It all started when my alarm wouldn’t turn off… ---------- Beep beep beep beep. Dawn groaned, getting up as her body cried out to stay in bed. She habitually reached a wing over to the alarm to bop the button, except the button wouldn’t go down. Beep beep beep beep. “Come on…” She said, fumbling with her wing before trying to use her hoof. Beep Beep Beep Beep. “Why won’t you shut off!” She groaned, bapping the still stuck and raised button before finally reaching for the power cable and pulled it out of the wall. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. The foals woke, crying loudly in distress, though from their mother’s mood or the alarm she had no idea. She reached her magic into the device and quickly opened the battery backup cover and yanked a battery out. BEEP BEE- “Finally…” She slumped, ready to relax before remembering it wasn’t the weekend yet. “Why can’t I have two days off a week like everypony else…” “Dunno love… but you’d better get going…” Stalwart suggested groggily. She groaned, but listened. She went out to the field, a half hour early as usual to do the stretches with Sergeant Stomper. ‘At least that will be my bad thing of the day so the rest of the day should be good, right?’ She told herself, the link trying to reinforce her outlook to help her have a better day. --- “How much are you really putting into this?” Stomper asked her as she performed the stretches he required. “What do you mean?” “I’m asking if you’re taking this seriously.” “Of course.” Dawn replied, blinking her confusion. It must have been clear on her face because his expression hardened. “Then explain to me why your time hasn’t significantly improved in the last two weeks.” He said firmly. “I don’t know why,” She started to say before being cut off. “An easy-out answer.” He said. “I asked you why and I expect an answer out of my recruits.” “And the answer is I do not know yet!” Dawn said, taking a similarly strong stance, thinking angrily. ‘I don’t know yet is a perfectly valid answer in science. An honest individual is encouraged to admit when they don’t know something instead of making shit up!’ “And why don’t you know?” He countered, looking her in the eye. “Because I thought I had been putting in all my effort.” Dawn said, then felt herself growing angry as she heard him snort. “I have!” “No, you haven’t. You only think you have, and that’s what’s holding you back.” He said sternly. “And how else am I supposed to know the difference between what I think I can do and what I actually can do when what I think I can do is based on what I’ve done before!” She snapped. He gave her a cool look before answering. “Run starts now.” His stopwatch started clicking and Dawn took off, infuriated. ‘Who does that bastard think he is!’ She thought to herself as she focused her anger into her run. ‘No one knows me better than me, and it’s rude and arrogant and selfish and pigheaded to think that you know someone else better than they know themselves, especially after only a month!’ Nothing mattered to her about this run. She simply did it as she followed the path, not even aware of how her running trainer wasn’t keeping pace with her. She didn’t even notice the one quarter marker pillar she passed, or the Sergeant watching with binoculars and marking down her time. ‘When I get done with him and move on to weapons training, so help me I will make damn sure I’m better than him in every bucking way I can. Oh he’ll tell others how much he helped shape who I am as a princess to his friends, and I’ll be there or with a drone, and set his friends straight! How he didn’t do any more to help me than if I had done this shit myself! And when he tries to face me to show his superiority as so many pigheaded men do, I’ll beat the everliving tar out of him in sparring!’ She passed the halfway marker, but only noted the color of the mark, not the shape and growled, thinking she was only a quarter of the way done. Her legs were mildly burning with exertion and she growled at herself. ‘I’ll bucking show him. I’ll show them all you don’t mess with me! I try my damnedest to be nice, but I’m no bucking pushover!’ she continued her rant, unaware she had been going on for the last ten minutes now. The royal guard measured runs by the mile, but made her do two miles rather than the one she remembered doing as a human. She guessed it was because of double the legs. Considering the height difference being half, she thought it would have been kept the same, but that was yet another frustration as that still meant she had to run twice as far even if the double legs theory held out. Her best time with her trainer had been twenty-six minutes, and her legs felt like jelly. ‘I swear… I have to be almost done… right?’ She panted, eyes down and looking at the path ahead, noting the second pillar she observed, ‘Buck… halfway done and it’s probably been fifteen or twenty minutes…’ She pushed on, trying to dredge up more anger, but all her anger had left her. She continued on, trying not to think about her body, remembering how Twilight had told her during one run she lasted longer when she didn’t realize what she was doing. It felt like it helped a little bit, but then her mind kept turning to her hurting legs, making the pain be more and more noticed. She knew she felt the burn at the first marker, and would feel the fire by the second. She definitely was feeling it now and panting for breath, but she trudged on at a jog, feeling her body slow despite wanting to push herself to keep the pace. ‘Dammit, I’m only going to prove him right by the end… There’s the third marker, and it’s had to be twenty, maybe twenty-five minutes.’ She groaned, continuing her trudging along. She found herself tripped a few paces past the third marker, tumbling head over hoof twice before grinding her chin on the ground, making her wince as she tried to force her jelly-like legs to stand up. “Told you you were holding yourself back.” Stomper’s voice said. “Not… done… yet.” Dawn said, getting up and wobbling her way into more momentum. “All right.” He said, writing something down before putting his clipboard in a pouch and joined Dawn, his own pace starting up as if he was leading her on the start of the run in the first place. Dawn panted loudly, feeling like she was gasping for breath. She had to ignore the tingling in her hooves up to her knees and her mouth being dry and numb. She had to keep up with him during this last leg, or she wouldn’t stand a chance… She saw the upcoming goalpost and sighed in relief as much as her ragged breath would allow, pushing herself ahead of him to set the pace and finish this little race before tripping once more over her hooves past the post. She rolled over twice and landed on her side, wings tucked in and panting for breath, ignoring the fur that was damp with sweat and clinging to her body. “That’s all you got?” Stomper asked. Dawn simply looked up at him, breathing hard and barely moving. She didn’t feel like she had the energy to get up, let alone answer him. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He said, writing down the time on the clipboard as he always did, looking at it closely before saying, “Miss Dawn, what is your guess on how your time was.” “T-tw-“ She panted, trying to get her voice back, swallowing once, then again before managing as a croak, “Twenty… eight?” “Twenty-six minutes and forty-seven seconds… for two and a half miles.” Stomper said. Dawn blinked, her confusion plain as day despite her weakness. She couldn’t possibly have beaten her average time on a longer stretch, that wasn’t possible! Stomper set down a big bottle of Mare-power, their equivalent of Gatorade or whatever, and knelt down. “I told you. You beat your own time and added an extra quarter of a lap all on your own.” Stomper said. “You proved me right.” Dawn looked confused again, this time questioning herself. How in the world had she run an extra half a mile in just a little less than her average time? She used her magic to open the spout on the bottle and started draining it dry, trying to pace herself so she didn’t get a stomachache as he had instructed her a while ago. “Take the rest of this session off. You earned it.” He said. “That gives you ten extra minutes.” Dawn slowly managed to get back onto her belly and continued to drink, panting as she ignored the sweat threatening to drip down her muzzle. At least it wasn’t going into her eyes… “I… I don’t… know what I did different.” She finally said. “You don’t think you did anything different before?” Stomper asked. “I mean, I was angry that you were saying I wasn’t giving you everything I had.” “And?” “That’s all I know.” “No, it’s not.” He said sternly. “Then what is it I’m missing?” she growled, still panting hard, “I’d appreciate an answer rather than being talked down to.” “There. Right there is the problem.” He said, frowning and pointing at her with a hoof. “What!” She asked angrily. “You give up too damn easy.” Stomper said, “You try to do something for a fraction of the time you really need to do something, and if you don’t know it or can do it like you thought, you give up almost right away.” Dawn blinked. How the hell did he see that? He wasn’t wrong, but no one had tried to tell her that since she was in 6th grade during her IQ test, and she thought she had been better about that since then! “You also talked back to me.” His eyes narrowed. “My recruits would do extra time running or squats, but you served your sentence with that extra half mile. Time marked as served.” She frowned at him but he waved a hoof at her. “Don’t tell me a princess is taking her word back when you told me you ‘wouldn’t have it any other way.’” “No, sir. I’m seeing this through” She said through gritted teeth. “Good. Dismissed.” He said, turning away and walking off. Dawn felt her growl almost return, but stopped herself. She fumbled to her hooves and slowly made the trek back to the fort, falling onto her face twice more before remembering she could fly, and began a low flight to the castle gate. ----- “Dawn… Dawn.” Lilac’s voice said politely. “Huh? I’m sorry, what did I miss?” Dawn asked, shaking her head as she realized her eyes had glazed over. “Dawn, really, you look terrible. Are you sure you’re ok?” Lilac asked, worry plain on her face, even without a changeling’s sense of taste for emotions. “Yes, I just have jelly-legs from the exercise is all.” Dawn said, shaking her head, “I’m sorry if I wore myself out too much. Apparently, I did an extra half mile without realizing it.” “Well, let’s continue where we left off.” Lilac said. Dawn tried her best to learn, but she had to rely on the hive to help supplement and add understanding where her brain wouldn’t, only to incur a migraine halfway through the lesson without any progress on the lessons themselves. Stalwart had left to go to training once I was home. Thankfully Saturday I didn’t have any other lessons on subjects like during the week, but once dinner came around, I left the foals with my royal caretaker drone Zera and arrived at the dining room Luna preferred. “Good afternoon Princess Luna.” I said before sitting in my seat. “Good afternoon.” She said politely. “How have you been enjoying yourself so far?” “As well as can be expected. I am being reminded at how undertrained I had been and progress today has been slower than I’d like.” Dawn said. “Oh?” she asked mildly, taking a sip of some tea that was currently at the table. “My legs were like jelly after today’s run and hardly any of what my tutor instructed me on sunk in. It doesn’t help that a few days ago I learned that my knowledge was barely sufficient to be acceptable, but that it really meant I still needed to further that general education in order to be an effective leader beyond that of the lower houses.” She said sadly. “Does that mean you are giving up so soon?” Luna asked as she sipped her tea. “No, I’m just discouraged.” Dawn said quietly. “While I’m glad you are willing to voice these things to me,” Luna said as she set her cup down, “I am also here to help instruct you on our etiquette. You should keep in mind that normally such concerns are voiced in private. You never know who might be listening in, whether in the room or outside of it through spells or simple eavesdropping. You also haven’t touched your drink, which might be considered rude to some of the more petty nobles.” “So I once again have to put on a mask to survive…” Dawn said disappointedly, making a point of grabbing her tea and drinking it, barely noticing how it tasted. “Everyone has a mask they wear away from others. It is dangerous to wear your heart out on your sleeve.” Luna warned. “I grew up wearing a mask so much that I lost sight of who I was… I do not want to resort to that once more.” Dawn said. “Then you will never rise higher than the lower houses in influence.” She sipped neutrally. “Having said that, if you wish to speak to me on such things later when we both have time, I would be open to doing so.” “I think I’d like that. I don’t want to burden Twilight with my struggles too much.” Dawn nodded. “On the contrary, I think she would appreciate it.” Luna smiled as she poured herself another cup and offered Dawn some more. “She is busy, but she makes time for her friends, and she spoke highly of your potential.” “Thank you Luna… that means a lot to hear it.” Dawn said quietly. “Perhaps I’ve been too hard on myself today.” “That happens.” Luna said, taking another bite to eat before commenting, “I would recommend meditation tonight, clear your mind before asking yourself what kind of leader you want to be. I find that it helps a lot. If you still feel the same frustration come the morning, seek someone you trust to relay that to, your spouse for example.” “I will do that.” Dawn nodded. Dawn and Luna ate the rest of their meal in quiet, Dawn thinking on what she had been told. Then as they finished, she was excused from the table and returned to her room, rejoining her foals who pranced over to her as they often did. Zera came to Dawn and gave her a hug across the front. “You are feeling better now Legate?” she asked. “Yes.” Dawn said, knowing they knew from the link what the answer was. “If only a little.” “Give it time.” She said gently. “I can tend the foals while you meditate.” ---------- Ok, so thinking back, I might not have disappointed Luna. It was hard to tell, but she was right too. I can still be me and put on a façade in order to not give away how bothered I am by things. A leader is looked to for stability, and I can’t let my emotions drag me around everywhere and undermine that. It’s not going to be easy, but like everything, I’ll get better with practice. > 3 - Playing The Game > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 63, year 1, May 12th Saturday Well, Stalwart was in a mood. Can’t say I blame him either. When he got to his combat training class today, Nightfall was moody.  Now I can see him being generally moody anyway, but he and Stalwart were chosen to do some sparring, as the trainees are encouraged to do every day or so to stay in shape and practice the techniques they learn. Apparently, Nightfall caught on quicker than the others, which is fine. Stalwart says it gives him a challenge to work on and Night is set to be one of the leaders of the class… except he started getting too into it for the trainers, including the drone who relayed the events to me. He started pushing Stalwart past what the lessons covered, except Stalwart wasn’t going down nearly as easily as before… ---------- “What the hay has gotten into you night?” Stalwart half-yelled as Nightfall gave another set of kicks with his hind hooves and spun around to throw a couple punches. A crowd was starting to form among the recruits, watching the fight unfold. Nightfall said nothing as he glared at Stalwart, swinging three times before giving his answer. “Two damn times… Two damn times your wife has gotten my hopes up and let me down.” He growled. “All right you two, cut it out, break it up!” the trainer said, getting between them. “You both did your practice, now go home, all of you. Day’s over.” The crowd grumbled, a couple mentioning they wanted to see more but they all moved on as Stalwart and Nightfall stared each other down. The trainer stayed between them, then stepped back when the room was emptied and locked the door, staying with them. “What do you mean, three times she’s let you down?” Stalwart asked. “You mean she hasn’t told you?” Night snorted. “I mean that she still beats herself up over not doing what you had hoped despite doing her best that she could at the time.” Stalwart said firmly, not liking where this was going. “Let’s see, she broke my mirror beyond repair, sealing me to stay a pony and away from everyone I loved.” Nightfall listed, “She failed to take down Svik and made him turn to me to get a body, but that I can say is partly my own damn fault… and now I found out from the labs that my world signature sends me back to the one we just came from. I don’t stand a chance of going home and she told me they could.” Neither of the two stallions noticed the trainer who was staying to observe, nor the backup trainer who quietly joined them, updating the hive of the circumstances. “First, Dawn cried over that mirror several times. She kept telling me how she would have felt if it were her and she didn’t let go of that pain for nearly a year, up until she ascended.” Stalwart said coolly, surprised and angry that he would hold onto such a grudge. “You even told her it was fine afterward, despite her going to you repeatedly to apologize.” “It was fine because she paid for it with her coma from the backlash.” He snorted, “But with how much she apologized, all that told me is she did have the ability in the first place, or else she wouldn’t feel so damn guilty.” “Then you really don’t know her…” Stalwart said quietly. “The second thing was when she told me these ponies could help me get home. We just got the lab results… They’re tellin’ me my home world is the same one as Dawn and Storm.” He growled in frustration. “She got my hopes up for going home all over again!” “As I recall,” Stalwart said coldly, “she and the commander told me that they said ‘might’ and ‘maybe’ and they would try to do what they could. The commander even told me how you told her you had given up going home… so which way are you going to have your cake Nightfall, because you can’t blame Dawn for your own failings. She already blames herself for far more than she should.” Nightfall growled and started to swing at Stalwart, but Stalwart caught the hoof and moved to pin the Pegasus with his strength, ensuring he didn’t let go. “Seems to me you’re slipping.” Stalwart said neutrally. He buried his anger at the stubborn stallion and continued his pin. “You’ve changed, and I don’t know whether it’s for the better. When I first met you, you were a charismatic stallion who showed a great deal of promise. You fought with skills none of us had seen, pushed us to become better amongst ourselves.” “You don’t know anything about me!” Nightfall growled, struggling against the earth pony. “Clearly, because after you established the patrol and did a lot of good for our Equestria, you were in your prime. You got the bracer from Dawn for making up your lack of hands so you didn’t have to learn writing with your mouth, you got a full suit of armor from the princesses for getting the patrol going, made a lot of connections… And yet when you had the mirror break, you changed… Dawn and the princesses know you were stealing artifacts from museums and other places, though they didn’t know why. They kept quiet for your sake, you had proven yourself loyal to Equestria.” “I still fucking am!” he roared, finally breaking Stalwart’s grip. “You can recite my history, that doesn’t mean you know a bucking thing about who I am! ” "Your beliefs inform your thoughts. Your thoughts inform your words. Your words inform your actions.” Stalwart recited, ready to face off against the Pegasus who now was standing on his back legs, “Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.” “Quoting knockoffs of Gandhi doesn’t make your point.” Nightfall said as he moved in, starting to jab, kick, and punch as best he could. Stalwart continued to block, never returning a blow as he answered. “You’re the one acting like a foal here. Dawn is a foal at heart, but she’s no fool, and she’s doing the best she can with what she’s been given and what she knows… can you say the same?” “All right stallions, that’s enough.” The lead trainer said. “I’ve let this go on too long as it is. Night, let go of your baggage when you walk through the door. When you walk in here, you’re acting on behalf of the guard. You leave your work troubles at work and your home troubles at home.” “Yeah…” Nightfall said coolly, rubbing at the bracer-like item on his foreleg. “Whatever.” Stalwart stood and watched him go. Once the door closed, the trainer let out a sigh of relief. “Good job handling that one Stalwart. You didn’t let him get under your skin.” “That was easy for me… he has nothing he can hurt me with other than insulting my wife, and he should know better than that. Once she becomes strong enough for combat, nopony will stand up to her when she gets mad.” “Oh?” The trainer chuckled, “that kind of mare eh?” “Even if she weren’t a princess, she is ferocious when she has something to protect or care about on the line.” Stalwart said, staring the trainer in the eye. “I watched her take on Svikopi on the inside, fighting her own magic until she deliberately shattered her horn so others would stay safe. She’s a strong one, even if she doesn’t know it yet.” He whistled, “Damn. Yeah, I’d be honored to get the chance to teach someone willing to do that. She’s got more guts than most of us in the guard.” “Don’t you ever forget it.” Stalwart chuckled. ---------- I was sad on the inside, knowing that he otherwise still blamed me for those things, but I was so proud of Stalwart for standing up for me. Yes, I know he should because he’s my mate and husband, but it does me a world of good. He helps remind me of how much I had to do to get where I was, how what I did was worth it. In a way, I’d say he is a shield for me against everything, including myself. I’m going to make sure he is rewarded well tomorrow. Gotta show him exactly how much I appreciate he’s at my side and keeps me afloat. Almost have to laugh at his name only for irony’s sake. He really can be my Stalwart Shield. Ok, pun time over, time to get to bed unless he wants that reward tonight as well. Later! ========== Day 64, year 1, May 13th Sunday – Stalwart’s Journal I don’t know what got into Dawn today but I’m definitely not complaining! I woke up with her at my side while Zera looked after the foals, treated to a breakfast in bed (she really needs to learn how to use spices, I’m just saying), and then the two of us spent some more quality time together for the rest of the morning. I can say her exercising has really helped with her endurance, and I’m not just talking her running times. She’s really gotten a lot more confident and is growing in her own charm. She’s no longer the slightly chubby little lime pony I met her as and that she stayed up to when she ascended.  She now is a nicely toned thing. Sure she’s still rounded in most places, but you barely notice any fat on her and I can feel the muscle under it very easily. She’s slimmed down and gotten even more attractive. I had to dig out what the special occasion was. She likes playing coy even when she’s transparent as glass to me. She goes out of her way for things mostly because she feels an obligation or because something else is going on. I didn’t realize the hive had seen my little confrontation with Night yesterday. It explained a lot and she was really clingy and smothering me for a good part of the day. I laughed, cause I was just doing what I should be doing as her husband, and she laughed because she said she was doing the same. I think she suspects my goal that first time we met was just me hoping to get lucky with a mare, but she wasn’t wrong. I didn’t just get lucky that night, I got lucky for life! Our fun aside, which didn’t really happen much for the first while together anyway, I love my wife. Dawn, when you get to see this, I love who you are. Your smile keeps me going every day. Seeing our foals growing up and all of us together, I’m far more proud than words can describe. I know, I should probably say more stuff about what I went through, but who cares. This is my journal, and I’ll talk about my wife as much as I want! Dawn got a big surprise for this week. She was told to be ready to go to Canterlot on Tuesday for an outing. She is freaking out! Naturally, the whole family is invited to attend, and we’ll be going with, but she doesn’t handle new areas well. I’ll be there with her, and hopefully, they’ll be understanding with us needing to look after the little ones. ========== Day 65, year 1, May 14th, Monday Well, I got a wonderful scare today, something that's had me on edge for most of the time since getting it yesterday I've been asked to attend a social gathering of the houses with the princesses. I have been stressed out because of the news, I don’t handle new situations terribly well, and to top it off, I’m already involved in their hyper measured political game! Have I mentioned I bucking HATE politics? I do. All the manipulation, all the backstabbing, all the pain and loss… I may be part changeling and have a slight edge there, but ponies shouldn’t feel they ever have to do such things to get along or get things done! It of course had to start when after a finally leisurely morning with my husband and foals, making us some breakfast and I headed out to see Lilac… ========== As Dawn walked the halls of Castle Friendship and entered her tutoring room, one she had been told to use on occasion when they were about to tackle something that required being away from the chaos of raising foals, she found her tutor was not in the room and instead an older unicorn in about their late forties to early fifties with a rather large griffin in a finely tailored suit standing behind them. She froze at first in surprise, not expecting to see anyone but Lilac. She looked them over, noting the pony had a red coat of fur with a grey and white mane and was sipping tea and wore an equally well-designed suit. "Ah, good. I had hoped I did not get my times wrong." The pony said with a heavy Canterlot accent as he gave a small smile at Dawn that screamed he knew exactly what time he had to be here to meet her. "Greetings, can I help either of you?" she asked, trying hard to hide her confusion at seeing the griffin and pony present rather than her tutor. "Mmm, no. We do not need anything, merely wishing to meet the guest in our fine land and welcome them." He said in that same nearly grandfatherly tone. "Thank you, that is most considerate. In that case, you are likely aware of who I am, Princess Meadow Dawn, but I would wish to know who my kind visitors are then." Dawn said, trying to be as polite as she knew how to be. Something felt wrong and her instincts told her any misstep could be disastrous. "Oh my, where are my manners?" He said standing and bowing deeply. "Please forgive my transgression and lapse in manners Princess. I am Lord Bell Ring of House Bellator." At his name, warning bells went off in the link and Dawn quickly felt a very worried queen in her mind, overseeing her. "It is good to meet you, Lord Bell Ring." She said with as courteous a bow as she could manage. 'Ok, what's wrong with this guy…' 'He is the head of the Council and the most powerful pony under the princesses in all of Equestria.' The Queen said. 'Be very careful.' "Please, Lord Bell is fine Princess." He said, standing. "My companion here is Swiftclaw, my attendant." 'His "attendant" is a former Griffin commando. The best the Griffin military has to offer.' The Queen informed Dawn. "Pleasure to meet you Swiftclaw." Dawn said with a similar bow as best she could manage, deciding to go for a compliment to continue a conversation. "Griffins were - or perhaps better said still are to my knowledge - excellent allies while the commander was displaced." "Quite." Lord Bell said smiling. "Please won't you join me for tea? Or would you prefer something else to drink?" "Tea would be nice," Dawn said with a small smile, making sure she was extra attentive to their emotions, "I am mildly confused, however, as this is where I was to meet Lilac Bloom and she doesn't appear to have arrived. Do you know anything about that?" The emotions she tasted were muted… very controlled, unlike the vast majority of ponies who were like fire hoses of emotions. This usually meant a person either was unable to feel emotions properly or had extremely good self-control. Either made the hive nervous. "Oh, she will be along shortly." Lord Bell said as he pulled out the seat for Dawn. "I can assure you she was simply delayed, most fortunate since it allowed us to meet without your lessons being interrupted." "Indeed," Dawn replied, resisting the urge to say 'despite her normally not being so.' just in case it sounded accusatory. Besides, it was always better to let a predator or prey think they have an advantage where they do not. She didn't know which she was, but she would try her best not to be a fool. 'Mom, if you ever have advice for this guy or what he says, I am always open to it.' 'My only advice is… He and his family have always been loyal to Equestria and have never done anything that wasn't for the betterment of the nation… do not be a hindrance, remain calm and collected, and do not say more than is needed. Right now, I think he sees exactly who you are.' "So tell me, how have you found your stay here in The Castle of Friendship, and by extension Equestria, so far?" Lord Bell asked as he took his seat and poured her a cup of tea. "Sugar?" "Yes please." She nodded, "I've found it to be pleasant. It reminds me of where I had grown up in most respects and a great deal of preparation for the future is clearly present." 'So try to keep it simple since this is a test of character… joy. I will try.' She said in the link, trying her best to disguise her worry. 'Yes… If he thinks you’re a detriment to the nation or worse, a threat… I don't know what he will do.' Lord Bell added two cubes of sugar with his magic and moved her cup towards her. "Ah yes, the young Princess of Friendship does look to the future and how best to keep everyone safe. She does wear many hats as the saying goes and bears many burdens, even those she need not." Dawn accepted the cup, considering what he said, quickly sending Chrysalis a draft of what she thought of saying, only speaking it if she got approval. 'One could even say that her choosing to do so shows her dedication.' 'That's as good as anything.' Her mother said. It was clear the Queen was wary of this pony. Dawn nodded mentally and replied before sipping her drink, "One could say that her choosing to take on such burdens shows her dedication." "Or her folly." He said sipping his tea "I'm sure it always depends on one's perspective." Dawn nodded politely, taking another sip as well. "Perhaps so, perhaps no, but then, we aren't here to discuss the Princess of Friendship." He said. "I understand you are making very good progress in your training yes?" "It goes almost as well as one can hope." Dawn said with a slight bow of the head, "The first step toward improvement is accepting where your flaws are so you can then seek to minimize or eliminate those flaws and strengthen what you are able." "Hmm… this is true." He said. "Though focusing too much on those flaws and ignoring one’s strengths can be just as bad, if not worse.” 'Think I should agree with him and say that I still do not know how much I should know and trust my training until that time comes, or is that too revealing in some way?' Dawn quickly asked Chrysalis. 'I do not know Daughter....this is a test....' "I will have to keep that in mind. Part of me agrees that I should also ensure my strengths improve just as much or more, but I believe answering too quickly without proper research can lead to regret later on." Dawn said, trying to be diplomatic. He simply smiled at her as he sipped his tea, his emotions betraying nothing. She continued drinking the tea, ensuring that she didn't let her guard down, but was unsure what else to ask. 'Anything you feel I should bring up that might help since he sees me as a newcomer and no one knows I'm a changeling yet, just your adopted daughter?' 'I do not know… those of House Bellator are… difficult to read. There is a reason they have remained the head of the Council since after the Princesses took the throne.' "So do you have any questions for me?" He asked. "I am always willing to help a newcomer." Dawn hummed, setting the empty teacup down and thinking openly. "I am uncertain. Perhaps you have some pieces of advice of your own you wish to impart?" "Hmm. Well, that is a tricky one, as there are many things I could give advice on." "I have a great deal to learn,” Dawn nodded, “and thought it was a good idea to see what you might suggest, in case you mention something I could have overlooked by accident." "Hmm. Then I would suggest forging your own path." "Interesting advice." Dawn smiled lightly, sensing something based on instinct. She wasn't sure if he noticed that aspect of her or perhaps she was reading more into it than she should. "I shall give more thought to it then." He spoke after he nodded at her. "Anyway, I have taken enough of your valuable time. Thank you for having tea with an old pony." He said as he stood and bowed to her. "By your leave?" "Of course, Lord Bell. Thank you for your time and safe travels." She said with a respectful nod. He stood and left, his attendant following behind, and soon they were gone. Dawn let out a silent sigh when it was safe. 'Phew… that was more draining than I thought it’d be.' 'I think you did well.' Her mother said, hugging her. A few minutes later the door opened and Lilac entered, looking a tad disheveled. "Oh, I am so, so sorry! So my clock slowed down by a lot, so I didn't realize I was late till I went to get a snack!" She said bowing repeatedly as she apologized. 'That’s good mom… I felt like I was on eggshells, and I wouldn’t put it past him to be the reason Lilac is late.' Dawn replied before resuming addressing her tutor, "Lilac, it is perfectly all right. It happens from time to time. Please, settle in at your pace. I was occupied with a surprise meeting with Lord Bell." Her head shot up. "What! … L-Lord Bell was here?" She asked and looked around, as if expecting him to be standing in a corner. "Yes, he was." Dawn agreed, thinking about if others might drop by suddenly at any point like he did. The idea worried her. Lilac began to move around the room check-in random places. 'I do believe he had wanted to avoid being known he was here.' Chrysalis said. Dawn watched her inspect, 'So I shouldn’t have said what happened in the meantime?' 'Probably not. This is going to get around the castle now.' Chrysalis said. Lilac finished her check and seemed to relax. Dawn sighed in the link. 'This is why I'm not a fan of social things, I’m atrocious.' 'He will most likely see this as you making a move. In short, welcome to The Great Game of Houses, daughter.' 'God fucking dammit! That’s not what I wanted!' She cursed, quickly feeling sorry for herself. 'It was inevitable. You'd have joined tomorrow anyway.' 'What makes you say that?' Dawn asked warily. 'You are going to a dinner with the council.' 'Wait what!? When was I gonna be told about this!' Dawn asked, starting to panic. '… You were invited yesterday by the Princess… you've been fretting over it since then.' 'Oh…’ Dawn thought back, realizing that was the case since her mind set aside almost everything to handle Lord Bell. She resisted the urge to facedesk as Lilac began her lesson. ‘Right… I kinda forgot in the heat of the moment… fuck.' 'You will learn.' 'And I hate it already.' Dawn agreed. 'Life is filled with things we do not like.' 'I know mom... I know.' Dawn sighed before lessons continued. ---------- Look, how was I supposed to know me telling Lilac was somehow a 'move' in the dumb bucking 'game' that boils down to advanced politics like what I heard Game of Thrones was like? Almost makes me wish I had read it so I could be prepared, but it has a lot of death… in… it… bucking hell, am I going to get assassinated or die in battle now!? I need to try to sleep before mom forces me to sleep to keep from having too much panic... gods I hate this. Why can’t ponies just get along and handle things without making this a living nightmare! > 4 - The First Social Outing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 66, year 1, May 15th, Tuesday So in the end, mom did have to force me to sleep. I'm refreshed and on the train now, praying to Harmony or anything else it goes well. Since there were only two tickets, I interpreted that to mean that Celestia wanted just me and Stalwart to attend. I had to leave my foals with Caretaker Zera for the day, leaving plenty of milk for the foals to feed on while I was gone. She's watching the foals, playing with them as a larger dog for them to play with, and I'm still being visited by drones in the link, all wishing me luck in their own ways. I am still utterly overwhelmed at the sheer number of drones in the hive. One would think there is a maximum population the hive could be, based on how many eggs the queen can lay at all, but I'm told that is somehow not the case... anyway, not the time for that dilemma. We are almost to the castle and I've had to make sure everyone is in their best condition just in case, though mom tells me not to worry about the foals or their needs. The whistle just blew for arrival in a couple minutes, so I’d better pack up my saddlebags and see the welcome committee… Jeron: It was a firing squad… Just kidding, just kidding Legate! ---------- What waited for her on the platform was a royal guard, dressed in one of the suits that indicated they were ones directly responsible for governmental protection of key areas and not just normal law enforcement. "Princess Dawn?" The mare asked, approaching her. Dawn bowed her head slightly in their direction. "I am she." "Follow me." She said turning and walking towards the doors of the station. Dawn and Stalwart moved to follow the royal guard, ready to do what she needed to and walked with what little practiced grace she had. The guard seemed to pay them no mind as she walked out of the station to where a waiting sky carriage with two pegasi already strapped in came into sight. Dawn quietly gulped, bracing herself for being escorted to wherever they were going by this carriage. The guard opened the door for them and Dawn and Stalwart entered, looking around the carriage. It was a standard sky carriage, if you considered the engravings and precious metals put in the carriage ‘standard,’ and once they were seated, the guard entered with them. In moments, they felt the carriage take to the air. Dawn forced herself to relax, to keep the nerves from flying under control as the outside world swooped by as they went above the rooftops. Slowly, she allowed herself to look around and enjoy the view, then had to turn back to watch her husband experience flight. Stalwart was enjoying himself outwardly, suppressing his own nervousness at leaving the ground but appreciating the view that pegasi got to have. They flew over the city towards the castle and soon began to descend toward the landing area in one of the courtyards. Dawn sighed silently in relief as they were about to be done. She only had gotten over her fear of heights by staying in control. Not being in control still agitated those fears. Soon they landed and the door was opened for them as their escort exited the carriage. Dawn got up and she and her husband walked out of the carriage, both looking around. They were in a clear courtyard meant for carriages and chariots. Most of the ground was stone with only a few places that has grass and flowers, reminding Dawn of an airstrip before they had to move on to follow the escort walking into the castle. They were led through a rather different looking Castle than what they were used to. The layout as relatively the same, but everything looked far newer then the Castle they were used to. 'I see the place was rebuilt roughly the same after Tirek.' Dawn thought. At the mention of it, The Link showed flashes of fire, mixed with the thick smell of smoke, sounds of distant frantic gunfire, and zapping of magic as the air was filled with the taste of fear. The sky was filled with the three Princesses and the queen engaging a massive Tirek that towered over everything, all as a battle that shook the very ground was waged against the backdrop of a smoke-filled sky. 'Yes… it was.' The Queen said. Dawn mentally flinched at the memory, doing her best to hide it. The Queen pulled the memory back. 'It was… not a pleasant day.' 'That being the understatement of the century.' Dawn agreed. 'Yes.' The Queen said. Dawn and Stalwart followed on, Dawn trying to keep her nerves in check. They soon neared one of the smaller ballrooms and their guard took up a position beside the door. Dawn paused, bracing herself and asking, 'Should I just enter, or knock, or wait for someone to open it for us, or what?' 'Enter.' Dawn took a calm breath, opened the door, and she and her husband entered. It was a small ballroom with tables along one side stacked with simple food meant for snacking with a longer table meant for dining. Inside were about a dozen ponies talking in small groups. The link quickly told Dawn who were the council members, who were the bodyguards, and who were servants of those Councilmembers. All of the ponies present were dressed in the finest of clothing befitting their station, some sipped wine, some champagne, and all were exquisitely attractive in different ways, from roguishly handsome to high social class. The servants and guards glanced over, but the Council didn’t seem to so much as glance at her. Princess Luna seemed to not have arrived yet while Princess Celestia was at the snack bar, filling her wine glass. Twilight was speaking in a group of two nobles in a fine dress that accented her features well. The room had a low murmur of quiet conversation about it. 'Mom… I… what am I supposed to do? I have zero idea what is going to happen or what to do or who the right person to approach is!' She relayed, desperately trying not to look like she was having a panic attack or hesitating. She was so worried about what the right move was and making a wrong move, she didn't make any. 'Do anything. They are watching to see what you do.' Chrysalis answered 'There is no right or wrong answer here.' 'But… I… I'm awkward! I don't want to intrude…' She said, slowly walking in and suppressing a shake as she considered approaching her host and her mentor, yet not sure if she had high enough social standing for that. All her old insecurities were resurfacing. 'Enough Meadow Dawn.' The Queen said authoritatively. 'Are you or are you not my Legate?' 'I am…' She replied meekly, not sure where Chrysalis was going with this. 'Then why are you acting like a freshly hatched nymph? These ponies know you are not taught properly, they will account for that. Do you honestly think them so petty to hold it against you like they were some lower house swill?' 'I have no idea.' She said, calming as she walked forward, deciding to go with her idea on introducing herself to her hosts or Twilight as her mentor, turning to Celestia due to Twilight being busy. 'Sorry, mom.' ‘You are forgiven, now act like my daughter and Legate and show those ponies who you are!’ ‘Yes mother. So I should approach my host first, right?’ Dawn asked, starting to set aside her fears. 'Yes, that would be Princess Celestia.' Her mother said. 'Thanks… I think I should be fine now…' Dawn relayed as her body calmed from her fears. She got a slight bump from Stalwart, reminding her he was still there too. Together they made their way toward Celestia. Celestia had just finished having her wine glass filled from one of the several servants that were present and turned smiling at Dawn as she approached. "It is good to see you, Princess Dawn. I trust the trip here was pleasant?" "It was pleasant." Dawn nodded, "Your invitation was vague as to the occasion, but I suspect I will discover as it progresses." "Oh, just a little gathering to welcome you to Equestria." Celestia said smiling down at her. "Oh!" she said, caught by surprise. "I'm... I don't know what to say." "How about thank you." Stalwart said softly with a smile. "That's right." She smiled with a blush, "thank you." "Do not mention it." Celestia chuckled. "Please take some refreshments and enjoy. Dinner will be ready shortly." Dawn nodded, taking a small glass and filling it with a beverage, Stalwart doing similarly as she turned around and once again hesitated, surveying the group and trying to figure out what she would do or who she would speak to first, assuming she wasn't approached before she made a decision. Celestia moved off a ways to join the group Twilight was in. There was the group Celestia had joined consisting of Twilight, a unicorn mare named Lady Nightgale and an earth pony stallion named Lord Gallant. Two others were chatting off to the side, a unicorn named Lady Vortex and a Pegasus named Lord Swiftwing. Lord Bell was speaking to a unicorn mare named Lady Sparkler and another Pegasus named Lady Shady Sands. Off talking with their personal server was Lord Hem, an earth pony. There were a mix of Royal guards along the walls, four personal bodyguards, and six personal servants as well as another six castle servants in the room. Dawn noted each one slowly and then decided it would be best to approach Twilight first, as the order she was going to visit them likely would show where they fit in her priorities. She stood at what she believed was a respectful distance so they could continue uninterrupted. The group seemed to be discussing trade deals with Zebrica and Equestria and how a recent sand storm was affecting things. Dawn listened politely, deciding she would learn from the conversation about the goings on. It seemed there had been a large sand storm in Zebrica that buried a few rail lines and highways, making passage impossible until they were cleared, which meant products that used them to travel had to take the long way around, doubling the time and delaying everything. It seemed the storm had been planned, but an accident in how the Zebras controlled their whether caused the storm to be several times larger than expected and they lost control. It was very clearly an accident and not something done to try and make a move on Equestria, though some of the lower houses were convinced it was deliberate. They would need to be watched just so they didn't interfere with dealings with Zebrica and upset the balance and flow of information and products. 'Interesting… so most groups up top understand the situation more clearly, while the lower ones are jumping to conclusions… no wonder I was given a tutor for learning more of the different subjects. The difference in composure and consideration is clear.' Dawn thought as her husband looked around the rest of the party idly. 'Yes. The deals between Equestria and Zebrica bring wealth to both nations, the Caesar would be a fool to endanger that… that and I’m sure they have spies in place as well as their personal businesses on the ground, so they have direct streams of information ahead of official statements.' Her mother said. 'This is why they are the High Houses. They never jump to conclusions and only act on reliable facts.' 'I like that… I really like that.' Dawn thought, more actively smiling. She was a little nervous, unsure if she should keep staying near or was being rude somehow by continuing to hover too long. 'And now you see what The Game does. Those who jump to conclusions or react without facts will inevitably fall prey to the ones who remain calm.' Her queen said. 'The Great Game of Houses guarantees only the best rise. Survival of the fittest.' Lord Hem had finished his conversion with his servant and approached Dawn. "Good afternoon Princess Dawn." He said bowing. "I am Lord Hem of house Lockwood." Dawn turned to them and gave a similar bow. "Good afternoon Lord Hem. It is good to meet you. This is my husband, Stalwart Shield." "Pleasure." Stalwart said with a moderately formal bow. "No,” He stood. “The pleasure is all mine. It is not every day one meets a new Princess and a visiting dignitary from another reality nonetheless." Dawn straightened up, blushing lightly. "So my being from a different Equestria is common knowledge?" "Depends what you mean by common." "Hm. Perhaps I should ask if it is known by those present and other members of the upper houses. I suspect that means it’s not commonly known by the lower houses or the population in that event." Dawn said, looking to them for confirmation or denial. "Then you would be correct." She said. "Though I imagine that will change soon with your visit here." "It would not surprise me." Dawn smiled, almost chuckling. "Yes, the press is very good about noticing the comings and goings within the city." He chuckled "Hm, then it’s possible I’ve been noticed from my travel to and from the training grounds for my outdoor activities." Dawn thought, her expression transparently showing her trying to project how soon she'd be more known. "I'm sure you'll be fine love." Stalwart said, mistaking her thought for worry. "Hm? Oh, yes. Probably." Lord Hem said, "Well, you are staying in Ponyville, so Ponyville most likely knows about you, but as for the rest of the nation, they are only aware of your name and that you came from another world." "I see." She said, noting the difference. 'Interesting. On one hoof, he says only the upper houses know and not the lower or population, and now he says everywhere not Ponyville knows I am from another world.' 'Dawn the press covered you being here because they covered our return. However, not everyone reads the news of such things out outside did general skimming. So the press covered you, but whether people read about you is another matter.' 'Oh, ok... didn’t realize my part in that was in the news.' She hummed, "Well, plenty of time to leave a good impression potentially." 'You are from another world and returned with your family with us. Any return is reported on.' "Perhaps." He said 'Hm. Remind me to read the article when i get home.' Dawn thought. "Only perhaps?" Stalwart chuckled. "You have been here for some time. Now that you have come to the Capital, the press will most likely dig into your time here and report on it." Lord Hem explained. "Not exactly much to dig into." He said. "Just her training." "There is enough." Lord Hem said. "Like what?" Stalwart asked. "A Princess has taken interest in her, paid top bits for tutors and requisitioned trainers, as well as her times exploring around Ponyville." He said. "You do not see how that lends itself to a first impression?" "It leads to speculation, but still leaves room for the character and personality of my wife to shine." Stalwart said, "Assuming any wish to give her that chance." "There will always be those who don't." Dawn agreed with him. "Usually those aren’t the ones I should bother myself with." "As I said, her interactions within Ponyville and how she has behaved in public and the impressions she's left with those she's interacted with is what the paper will report on. That is her impression and how people will see her." He said. "I suspect the papers will have reports on her within the next few days. Then an interview will happen." Dawn nodded, even as Stalwart very slightly frowned. Dawn thought about how she should best move on, whether by asking for advice or by asking about him and his endeavors and was about to ask, then decided she would play at most not knowing she was part changeling. "Lord Hem, I understand most of the upper houses have a fairly busy schedule, what kinds of things occupy your schedule usually, or what kinds of business hold your interest?" "My family has always had a key interest in the textile industry, and generally I oversee our many holdings." He said. "Sadly, as a member of the Council, I do not have as much time to visit the holdings as we must oversee matters of the state." "I see." Dawn nodded thoughtfully. "What work does the council typically focus on?" "Matter of the State. Laws, trade, treaties… typical governmental work I'd imagine." "I can relate I think. I was not very involved in any of the process where I was born, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they were very similar." Dawn nodded. He tilted his head. "My understanding was that you hadn't been given any responsibilities before." "I was not, but I have some education on how a democratic republic otherwise tried to operate." Dawn answered, "It worked, though as with many places with power, money talks, and the leaders were not always well educated." He blinked. "We are a monarchy, though there is some democracy in a few areas… as for the other… that sounds odd. Why would they allow the lower houses to be in charge?" "Because it wasn’t Equestria." Stalwart said. 'Aaaand that’s gonna bite me in the flank... and not in the kinky way.' Dawn winced at her mother. "Clearly." Lord Hem snorted. "It was a land that has some similarities, but not a place I call home. The Equestria I came from is my home." Dawn said, trying to put a gentler spin on it. He nodded "Is it common for the houses to be business-ponies as well?" Stalwart asked. "Not all of us are descendants of the original bloodlines. Some of us gained some wealth and were able to achieve our stations." He said simply. "I am sure I don't need to explain how." "Indeed. I may like learning from those with experience, but sometimes it is best to experience directly." Dawn agreed. "Yes, there are many ways to raise connections.” He nodded, “Money, marriage… and having a brain. Even the lowest of the low commoners could reach a Council seat if they have a cunning mind." "A sharp mind is a weapon of its own, and far more deadly than any blade or weapon it can devise." Dawn agreed. "Well said Princess." Lord Hem smiled. He grabbed a wine glass from a passing servant’s tray, lifting it to what she said before taking a sip. Dawn smiled, gladdened at the approval. "I may have borrowed from similar phrases, such as 'the pen is mightier than the sword,' but I think I favor my biological father's quote more. 'A fool has to make lengthy arguments to persuade others to see his way. The wise only has to say one sentence and all understand.' It is imperfect, but one I still try to keep in mind." "Hmm… it works for the most part. Not a perfect fit, but for a simplification, it will suffice." "Simple phrases like that often are too broadly reaching for full accuracy, but are sometimes useful." She said with a slight shrug. She almost went on to complain about some more, but stopped herself to avoid rambling. "Do you have a favorite phrase or motto then, Lord Hem?" Stalwart asked. "Hmm… Yes, I do, it was said decades ago." He said swirling his wine. "Fix bayonets." "Ah, a phrase the commander said once with me." Dawn nodded. "Yes… The phrase became popular some decades ago, made famous by a testimony of a young private of the EDF if I recall." "Ah." Dawn replied, thinking about what its connotation might be. "I see." Stalwart said, recently having been taught what one was. Instinctively, the link showed Dawn an earth pony trooper in a scorched uniform, taking kind drags from a cigarette. There was an ash tray beside him with four that had been used up and a pack of unused ones and a matchbook beside him as he sat in an office. "Now then, Private First Class Charger… Can you tell us what happened with your unit’s last engagement." A voice said from somewhere behind the drone’s view. It wasn’t; an authoritative voice, but a calm and understanding, like someone who just wanted to help. The green pony ran a hoof through his blue mane. "We… we had been assigned to guard the eastern flank of the supply center… The Zebras were on primary distribution duty to the town… The insurgents had been seizing everything in the area. Needless to say, the townspeople were happy for the food. It was pretty simple job… the insurgents were using outdated gear and didn't really have armor and… it was supposed to be a cakewalk… I mean sure they could intimidate a bunch of unarmed civvies but I mean, seriously…" 'Link...' Dawn thought, recognizing the attempt to fill her memory. She tried to distance herself, or shadow herself, but her control over it was limited. Thankfully, her mother stepped in and pulled back the memories. 'Thank you, mom… I… I had a feeling it was about to get a bit much for me if it continued.' Dawn said, feeling relief, though now completely unsure what to talk about. "What kinds of things do you enjoy doing in your spare time?" Stalwart asked. "Are you okay Princess?" Lord Hem asked ignoring the question as Dawn's demeanor changed. "I'm fine." Dawn said with a slight head shake, "Just thinking about the wars I'd learned about where bayonets were heavily used… it wasn't pretty." "Yes… I can image so." Lord Hem said. "War never is." Stalwart said. "Even when just defending others, it never is." "There's a reason it's called hell, yes… I know." She said quietly. Lord Hem nodded. "It should always remain a dirty unpleasant affair. Least we become too fond of it." "Agreed." Dawn nodded quietly, grateful she didn't say 'amen.' She had no idea why that almost came to mind, but it would have stuck out too much. He nodded. "As for my interests, well, like our dear Princess of Friendship I enjoy reading." "Interesting, what genres do you enjoy most then?" Dawn asked more eagerly. "Oh, this and that. Whatever catches my interest." "Understandable." Dawn said, lightly disappointed they didn't share, but knowing better than to ask. "What of you? What are your interests, Princess?" "I've mostly gravitated toward fantasy, though Sci-fi can be entertaining as well." Dawn said, "There's been a few alternate history or time travel ones I've encountered and enjoyed, but it's not as common." "Oh?" He said "History has been a hit or miss subject with me." Dawn said, "though I'm working to overcome that." "Yes. It is a rather long story." "And only going to get longer as time goes on." She said, only remembering the lyrics to the commander's song after the fact. "Yes, a never-ending story, filled with all manner of interesting characters and events if one knows where and how to look." "Indeed." Dawn agreed, not sure what more she could add. "At least you'll have a chance to meet a lot of the ones moving forward." Stalwart said with a small smile to his wife. "I suspect she will be at the center of many of those interesting events." 'Not by choice if I stay the same as I am now…' Dawn thought. "We will see. More players could come to light after all." "Perhaps....but I have a good feeling about you." "That is appreciated." Dawn said, drinking more of her drink to hide her awkwardness. He nodded and then the doors opened to admit Princess Luna looking as regal as her station required. Dawn instinctively wanted to turn and notice her host, quickly flashing a query to the link on whether that's the correct thing to do or not 'You may leave the conversation at any time to speak to another, especially one who just arrived.' Her mother said. "Ah, our other host has arrived. Please excuse me, since I would like to greet them and extend my thanks." Dawn said, giving a polite bow of the head to Lord Hem, and turned to approach Luna to greet her. "Ah yes of course." He said bowing his head. Luna searched the room and saw Dawn's approach. "Ah, I see you made it Young Dawn. I had been worried the suddenness of the invitation would have forced you to not attend. I am glad to see my sister's prediction was correct." "I am glad you invited me. It is going to take adjusting from what I'm otherwise used to, but I'm grateful." Dawn said, omitting the fear she had to overcome. "Yes, I do not doubt you will adapt well though." Dawn chuckled weakly, recognizing what they just did when it came to using adaptation in their phrasing, speaking quietly, "Thank you, Princess Luna." She smiled. "You are most welcome young Dawn. I trust you have not had too much trouble from the wolves?" "Not at all. I was socializing with Lord Hem for a little bit of time." Dawn explained. "Ah yes. We figured they wouldn't try to play too many games with you being so young. They would much rather play with tougher prey." "I would hope so." She said quietly, feeling nervous once more. "Relax young Dawn. These ponies here are good ponies… Well, mostly. … I believe the phrase is anti-hero.” Luna said before looking back down at the green princess, “My point is they don't wish you harm. They just wish for what's best, and they are also not easily offended." "I'm glad. It still doesn't mean I don't want to do well, however." Dawn said. "You will do well. I am sure of it." "Thank you, Princess." Dawn said, giving another bow. "So tell me, what do you think of Lord Hem? He is the newest member of the Council. Only held his seat for a few years." "I'm still forming my opinion, though he's made a good impression on me so far." Dawn said. Luna nodded, then gestured toward the snack bar, leading the way. "Come drink with me." "Of course." Dawn smiled, walking with her in that direction. Luna grabbed a glass and one of the servants at the table poured her a glass of champagne Dawn took a glass as well, knowing that she was meant to join them in the drink as well as in company. She found it ironic that Luna liked the lighter colored drink and Celestia the darker, but that was for another time. Luna moved from the table so as not the block it to stand near the window. "So tell me young Dawn, how was your trip here?" "It was unique. We didn't have sky carriages back home, only the royal chariots, but it wasn't bad. Reminded me of a plane flight." "Oh… strange. The chariots are mostly used for short distances." She said. "A possible divergence." Dawn hummed. "Yes." she said sipping her drink. Dawn sipped her drink thoughtfully, unsure what more she should say or ask. Luna seemed to be watching her, as if waiting and when it became clear she wasn’t going to speak, Luna did. "So how have your lessons been going?" "Progressing, if slowly. It's easier to tell how far along I've come physically than it is with the education, but I am reasonably sure I am making progress. I'll be starting wonderbolt and EDF training after this completes I'm told." Dawn said "Ah yes. The fun begins soon." "That is one way of looking at it." Dawn smirked, "I'm prepared to be sore and repeatedly complaining out of earshot of the Sergeant at first." "Oh, there is no such thing as out of earshot." Luna sad smirking. "The EDF Drill Instructors were trained to do things exactly how Twilight was trained." "That was exactly what I was going to tell her." Stalwart chuckled, "Stomper even caught a few things, but let it slide I'll have you know." "Oops." Dawn blushed guiltily. "Oh, it is far worse with the DI’s. The EDF rules and regulations on how to handle things are a bit… looser in some areas compared to the guards." Luna explained. "Like in which ways?" Dawn asked, wanting to find out more of what was coming up. "Do you know what a paintball gun is?" Luna asked. "Yes, I do... something tells me they're used for motivation." Dawn said, adopting a stiffer posture. Luna only smiled. "Among other things, but it would ruin the experience if I spoiled the fun." "Joy." Dawn said in a deadpan voice. "Spoken like a true green recruit." Stalwart smirked. "Their training is hard, but it's to prepare them for the future.” Luna chuckled. “You most likely be put through the C-1 course as well." "And which course is that?" Dawn asked. "Why, my course of course." A familiar voice said in Dawn's ear as she saw the guards in the room reach for something in their jackets before stopping and very slowly relaxing. "Discord,” Luna frowned, “must you crash our gathering and try to frighten our guests?" "… Camp Mendez." Dawn replied with a feeling of utter dread she barely held back. "I suppose the ponies who repeatedly told me how flexible my thinking was will really have their compliments put to the test then." "Well… sort of Camp Mendez." Discord said as he laid on an empty patch of air. "More my own personal little slice of an obstacle course, where I'm free to do whatever I want." He said and looked at Luna. "And I'll have you know Moonbutt that I pride myself on my party crashing abilities." Moonbutt rolled her eyes. "I'd say take it easy on me, but that would only do me a disservice… I hope that when it is over, I will be thanking you for your training." Dawn said to discord, still fully tense and worried. He burst out laughing. "Oh yes, because I take requests from the horned and winged ones… Well, okay. I do, but not like that… and if you thank me, it means I failed my entire job." "Ahhh, that is good to know." Dawn smiled mischievously. 'makes me wonder if I will have the presence of mind to do so just to see what he'd do… is it worth it?' 'He would send you back in with it far worse.' The Queen said. 'He has been given special permission to do whatever he wants to reality in that course. Do you really want to tempt a reality manipulator?' 'Only when I'm ready to go insane.' Dawn replied, intending it to be never. "So then, I must say you've been a fun one to watch." Discord said. "Oh? What makes you say that?" Dawn asked, intrigued. "Wouldn't you like to know?" "That would be the point of me asking, yes." Dawn commented idly. He simply smirked 'Well, safe to say he already knows about me and is probably amused by that.' Dawn thought. 'He knows a lot of things.' The Queen said. "So then, I am most curious what you actually think about this pleasant little bastion of order called Equestria." He asked. "It makes me think of if my birthplace and my home world somehow merged. It's pleasantly familiar in a lot of ways." Dawn said. "Hmmm… interesting. … Well then, do enjoy the rest of your year and have a pleasant end of the year." He said and like that was gone. "I... thank you?" She said, "Isn't it still not even halfway done with the year? Should I be worried since he made a distinction between the rest of the year and the end of the year?" "It is Discord.” Luna said with a minor shrug. “Who knows why he does what he does." "Hm... I'll keep that in mind." Dawn said, 'I mean, hopefully he's not foreshadowing anything... he might just like messing with my mind.' 'I… do not know.' the queen said, not betraying any of her feelings or fears on the matter. 'We will just have to be careful.' Dawn relayed. "Any other surprises I might want to keep in mind?" "I have no idea." Luna said, sighing and rubbing the bridge of her muzzle. A moment later the doors opened to admit a servant who called out formally, "Dinner will be arriving momentarily." 'This is where we find our seats and the nameplates that would indicate where we go, correct?' Dawn confirmed. 'Minus the nameplates.' 'Then where should I sit relative to everyone else?' 'In this case, across from Twilight due to your station.' Dawn mentally nodded to her and watched Twilight, moving to where she would sit across from them. Celestia sat at the end of the table, Lune on her right and Twilight was across from Luna. 'Okay, so next to Twilight.' Chrysalis instructed. 'Moving there now.' Dawn relayed, moving to sit next to them. The council waited until she began to move before they approached their seats as well. Dawn watched, trying to see what precedent was in place for who sat down when, and noticed that the other princesses were seated but the others seemed to be watching her and staying unseated while she was not. She quickly allowed herself to sit down with as much grace as she could manage as she realized she was holding them back, or perhaps they were making sure someone of a higher station sat down first. 'It is more they want to see what you do as you aren't the host.' Chrysalis corrected her thinking. Once Dawn sat, the rest sat. Lord Bell was across from Dawn and moments later the door opened to admit covered trays. 'So they wanted to see what I do as a guest? But... I don't understand.' Dawn relayed, confused as to why it mattered before asking the link what is expected from there on for the covered trays which she assumed were their meals. The link informed her all of this was testing her. They were seeing what she does, how she thinks. They were gleaning information from every action she took, every word spoken, everything needed to know for how to use her and how she will use them, how to manipulate her and how to defend against her manipulation. The Game was being played even now and she was swimming with the sharks. Once more she felt hatred at The Game, and yet decided she would continue as best she can. She might give away a few tricks early on, but she would grow and become all the more potent and catch them off guard later. The trays were moved onto the center of the table and down it, leaving plenty of room for plates as another sent plates and silverware before each pony. There were surprisingly very few pieces of silverware. Then the covers were lifted to reveal steamed vegetables, salads, stew, bread rolls among other similar foods, minus meat that might normally be in such dishes. Dawn nodded and smiled approvingly, eyeing much of the fare with appreciation. Once the servants departed, Celestia and Luna used her magic to carefully get small portions of food and once they finished the others began as well. This was their Castle, their dining hall, they were the hosts and got to be served first. Dawn gathered portions for herself, trying to make sure she got a little of everything so she could comment on it all, though noticing how little the others seemed to be getting. 'Careful with how much you take.' the Queen warned. 'To avoid appearing gluttonous or not leaving much for the others?' Dawn asked, having taken only a few mouthfuls of each dish so far. 'As well as greed, and its rude to overeat.' 'Hm. Strange correlation to me.' Dawn noted. The Queen just shrugged. 'No different than someone taking you out to dinner and you taking advantage of it by ordering the most expensive thing on the menu.' 'I mean, that I'll grant...' Dawn relayed with a small frown. The point of food was to share it and eat it. She would have thought it would be even more rude to have guests leave hungry and having food wasted, but still, she was in a different culture, no matter how similar it may appear. The other ponies began to discuss various things, the weather forecasts or other events. Normal small talk items.  Dawn discussed with them, noting everything she could as she observed where she could. It seemed all serious talk was now over and it was just idle chitchat now as they spoke with her about her interests or various other minor events. She spoke openly, making sure she stayed polite, but realizing that only truth would help her here. Soon the main meal was done and a servant stepped in. "Desert is served." He said and another cart came in with a large cake on it, Celestia smiling as she observed it. Dawn chuckled very quietly, figuring the desert would be cake. The servants began to cut the cake and soon they each had a slice of strawberry topped chocolate cake with white frosting. Dawn smiled at the simple nature of the cake, making sure she ate once her host has started eating. The chatting was the same quiet affair. Celestia and Luna talked quietly about dreams, Twilight spoke to Lord Bell about music. Dawn listened in, not chiming in often, content to listen to the others and trying to learn. Twilight seemed rather knowledgeable about music and Luna and Celestia were obviously more than proficient in their fields. Dawn slowly felt the pressure of needing to be an expert in some kind of field but knew better than to fake any knowledge in this place. She knew it was going to be necessary to gain such expertise eventually. 'You will be. These are hobbies.' Chrysalis reminded her. 'Ah. So croquet or other things may surface, like when I take up cooking lessons.' Dawn hummed. 'Yes.' Dawn listened in on the subjects in a new light, eager to learn what she could about each of their hobbies then. Twilight seemed to have taken an interest in music alongside her magical theory and engineering studies. Lord Bell was woodworking, Celestia and Luna a private conversation about the day’s events. Dawn continued to listen, turning to the other side and noting where everyone sat socially. They seemed to go down based on how long they had sat on the council with Lord Hem at the farthest seat. The topics were wide and covered everything, from gardening to art to electronic entertainment and films. The ponies spoke as those who knew the topics they directed or told stories of well, one could even say a few of them were passionate about the subjects they spoke of. Dawn listened in to the electronic subjects the most, showing her interest. They seemed to be rather advanced in the subject having handheld devices, phones and the like. She still enjoyed the topic, trying to absorb as much as she could. Soon the cake slices where gone and Dawn sighed contentedly and quietly. She was emotionally tired from having spent so much time out with others, but it was enjoyable in its own right. The hour was quickly growing late for the dinner and guests began to excuse themselves. Dawn waited until some of the others left before going to her hosts, intent on thanking them before going as well. The two alicorns looked to her as she approached and Celestia smiled. "Going to return to your room for the night now Dawn?" "It would be wise I think." Dawn chuckled. She nodded. "Then rest well and I do hope you enjoyed the dinner." "I have. It was beneficial in a number of ways. I also look forward to how things will change as I develop." Dawn said with a bow. "As do we young Dawn." Celestia smiled. > 5 - Day of the Fallen > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 71, Year 1, May 20th, Monday Well, today I got warned that I’ll need to be socially active next week, and not just for any event, but for a memorial day that the whole country observes. I’m hoping that I can simply be present and not have to do any kind of speeches or talks beyond giving support, perhaps being honest by saying that I can only try to imagine and empathize as a guest, but give as much support as I am able. I think I’ll be ok, and I’m glad Twilight gave as much warning as she could. Now I can prepare with more than just a couple days like last time… ---------- A knock came to Dawn's door and had the familiar sound of metal on wood, announcing who it was. Dawn blinked and called out as she went to the door. "Coming! … Commander, nice to see you! What's up?" "I need to speak to you about something, may I come in?" "Of course… what's going on? Did something happen?" "Well, not exactly." Twilight said as she stepped in. "You remember what I said about Tirek months ago?" "Yeah... a horrible affair." Dawn said solemnly. She nodded. "Well… each year on the anniversary of Tirek's defeat, we hold what we call ‘The Day of The Fallen’ to remember all those who were lost defending Equestria at that time, and before and after." "Like a memorial day." Dawn nodded, trying to understand why that would warrant a visit from Twilight. "Hm. I suppose, but yes.” Twilight said, pausing before continuing to explain, “It is a major event in Equestria with pretty much every town and city celebrating and remembering those who fell." "Why do I get the feeling this isn’t like a normal celebration or just speeches about the fallen?" Dawn asked dryly. "Well, it is and isn’t… pretty much all businesses close that day and we celebrate and remember people, tell stories, and speak about them, as well as sing. We remember them." "Ok… fair warning, I’m not a good singer." "Eh, Music of Harmony will take care of that." "Assuming I have that." Dawn said worriedly. "Dawn… you are standing in our world… It’s this world doing it, not you." "Oh." Dawn blinked. "Didn't know that." "Yes. If it wants you, you will do a whole song and dance number in perfect sync with everyone else." She said with a shrug, knowing it was a normal thing. "We will see." Dawn said. "So anything I should do to prepare?" She scratched the back of her head. "The main event is held in Canterlot. It's a good idea you attend, or at least be in the public eye. The main event… We show recreations of the event that started this… the war with Tirek… I know how you are with surprises and public events, so I wanted to warn you." "Oh… so I may need to have my emotions cut off to function during…" Dawn gulped, nodding, taking a deep breath, and letting it out slowly. "Ok." She nodded. "If you don't want to attend the main event, that’s fine. You can remain here, but I strongly encourage you to join the celebrations for a time here in Ponyville. It could look poorly if you didn’t." "No, I will attend. I'll go with you." Dawn said firmly. "As much as my instincts tell me to, I won't hide from my fears." She nodded approvingly. Dawn took a deep breath, then smiled. "It’s good to see you, commander… we don’t get to see each other as often as we used to, and I understand why, but I do miss it." She nodded and smiled as she ruffled Dawn’s mane. "Tell you what, I'll take the rest of the day off. Court’s over and I can delegate paperwork to my staff." "Oh, you don’t have to!" Dawn said, not wanting to hold her back just to have visiting time. "I don't have to,” Twilight agreed, “I want to." "Well, thank you." Dawn smiled, her foals prancing up to her side, only to pause and look up at Twilight. Twilight smiled down at them. "Hello there little ones! How are you two?" Rise grinned and looked up to her while Beacon turned to hide behind his mom and look up shyly at Twilight, causing Twilight to chuckle. Rise approached and started to butt her head and legs against Twilight, grinning like she was being a bad filly and getting away with it. Twilight laughed as she watched her and the suddenly fell over as if Morning Rise knocked her over with her strength. Rise made a squeal and climbed over her, continuing to play fight with Twilight. Twilight pretended to struggle, flailing about slowly. "Ack! Noooo!!" Rise squealed again, turning into a feline-pony and pounced, imitating Zera’s cat movements, and then after a few pounces began to press herself against Twilight's chin and purr. Dawn blinked. "That's new." Twilight chuckled and ran her claw-like fingers down Rise’s back. She chuckled at the filly’s gasp and subsequent flop against Twilight, the purring not stopping. "I’ve not seen her do that before…" Dawn hummed, her daughter turning into a pegasus again and trying to entice Twilight into playing more. Twilight smirked and started to get up Rise quickly climbed to stand on top of Twilight's back, showing no fear as she grinned wildly while Beacon went back a ways to his approaching father to stand between his legs. "Hey Commander, how goes?" He asked. "Goes well Stalwart." Twilight said as she got to her hooves. "Good, got some time to spare then?" He asked, noting Rise keeping her balance and staying on Twilight with the help of some flapping of her wings. "Already cleared my schedule." Twilight said smiling. "Awesome. Glad to have you." Stalwart grinned. "Looks like Morning is too." "Yup" Twilight said before arching her back suddenly. "You ok?" Dawn asked worriedly at the sudden movement. "Yeah, why?" She asked as she used her wings to catch Rise as she tumbled from the sudden movement. "You arched your back out of nowhere, I worried you might have been hurt." Dawn said. "No…” Twilight blinked, speaking as if it were obvious while her passenger landed on her back, “just playing with Rise." Rise giggled and hugged Twilight tight, grinning wide. "Sorry." Dawn chuckled nervously. Twilight blinked and then suddenly imitated a train whistle before she started moving along the floor by skidding her hooves. Dawn laughed quietly and Rise whooped, riding on the back of Twilight, and then Beacon couldn't resist approaching Twilight, wanting on her back too. Without looking, as Twilight made chugging noises, she used her magic to lift Beacon onto her back. Beacon giggled and clung to Twilight once he was aboard, Dawn starting to shake in place with laughter as she tried to keep quiet. Twilight played along, showing no shame in how ridiculous she might look as she chugged around the room. Her experience as a parent showing by how much she just focused on looking after their happiness. Dawn watched and pulled out a camcorder to start recording the moment together, stalwart chuckling a bit louder. Twilight paid them no mind as she chugged and then made break hooves as she reached the couch. "Last stop, Sofa Kingdom! Please be sure to have all luggage with you when you disembark." She said, extending a wing to the couch. The foals both squirmed and hugged Twilight, loving their game and not wanting to go. Twilight started to tip towards the couch and they squealed, trying to stay on. She smirked, tipping them more and more till she fell onto the floor beside the couch making sure they landed on it. They squealed and squirmed playfully, nipping at Twilight for ending their game but were incredibly happy by all the giggling and laughing they made. Twilight smiled and rolled inter her back as she hugged them close, nuzzling them and ignoring the potential audience. They were all friends or better here after all, and the foals were too young to care. They were just foals, and they hugged and nuzzled back eagerly, enjoying their new playmate and the silly games they played. Dawn and Stalwart blushed only lightly, but the important part was how the foals were doing, and it kept them behaved. Twilight cuddled the twins close and the twins squealed and made their little happy noises, making Dawn and Stalwart dawww at the sight. Twilight leaned her head back to look at the two upside-down ponies. "I am keeping these." She said seriously. "Uhm, no. Not permanently. Maybe for a weekend or three." Dawn smirked. "How about… mmmmm, a century?" "Uhm, no." Dawn said. "How about a couple years?" Stalwart asked, only to get a punch in the side. Twilight couldn't help laughing. "What! If you were with them as much as me or Zera, you'd be willing to." Stalwart grinned. Twilight chuckled more, letting the two go at it and wondering if she should get popcorn. Dawn rolled her eyes. "I’ll get the chicken ready." Twilight smiled and sat up. "Okay, I suppose they can stay with you… for now." "For now." Dawn agreed. "If they run away, they’d just run to you anyway." She chuckled as she got to her hooves and moved the twins onto her back. Stalwart smiled and watched over their handling as Dawn got the chicken meat out, having gotten it to marinade some. She got out the frier and began prepping it so they could have fried chicken strips alongside some barbecue baked chicken. "Mmm…" Twilight said watching her cook. "You know how to handle meat well with your hooves. Must be a lot of practice." She said smirking. "You kidding? I cheat and use hands!" Dawn smirked. "Easier cleanup and less fur in the food. I’m open to ideas for food to go with… green beans and diced ham with a bit of mashed potatoes?" Twilight chucked as her joke went over Dawns' head. "Anything's good." "All right." Dawn said, getting out the things to cook what they would eat. Twilight moved and sat beside the couch, letting the twins tumble down. They tumbled off, giggling and turning to wrestle with each other. Twilight smiled as she sat there, watching. Beacon yelped after his sister got too rough, and scrambled to get away, sniffling as his sister tried to play on. Twilight blinked and lowered her head down. "Hey, hey, what’s wrong?" He pressed against Twilight's muzzle like taking cover, and Rise was still squealing, trying to get to him and get him to play more. "Hey, hey Rise? Why don’t you go play with your daddy? He is sooo primed for a surprise attack." She said, gesturing over to Stalwart while he wasn’t looking. Rise looked between Twilight and Stalwart, grinning wide before trying to pounce Twilight's muzzle. "Ack!" She said standing up with her face-hugger. Rise squealed and continued to play with Twilight now that Beacon was no fun. Beacon hopped down off the couch area and stayed between Twilight's legs like taking shelter away from his sister. Twilight was careful not to take any steps so she wouldn’t hurt him as she swung Rise around gently and blew on her stomach. She squealed happily and continued to wrestle and poke at Twilight until she had to let go. Twilight kept her eyes closed for safety as she wondered if Stalwart would notice and come help her so she could deal with Beacon. Stalwart popped back into the room and swiftly moved over to Rise. "Morning! Play nice!" he said firmly, still smiling as he reached for her with his mouth to lift her away carefully. Twilight nodded her thanks and moved to lay down, Beacon between her front hooves. "Hey there little guy. How you doing?" Beacon sniffed then hugged Twilight's front leg, looking up at her with big eyes. His innocent pouty face earned him some nuzzling and he smiled up at her, calming down before making a chirping sound. "There we go. That’s better. Foals should be happy." Twilight said calmly. Beacon smiled, nuzzling her leg and staring up at her face like he was studying something. She tilted her head as she watched, and he turned his head with her, leaning into her metal leg. She smiled down at him, watching the foal smile until he sneezed. She watched as he quickly turned into a little purple alicorn colt. It was an impressive imitation of her, minus the augments or cutie mark. "Hmm… so that’s what I would have looked like." She chuckled. "Very good little guy." He grinned wide and gave a squeak. She nuzzled him, idly wondering if she was caring for herself in a way before he nuzzled her back happily, sneezing again and becoming himself. She chuckled at his antics, making him giggle back and jump toward her and wanting to play. Stalwart kept Rise busy, having her play with his hoof as her opponent. She clearly loved facing off against anypony and everypony as she wiggled her butt and pounced or otherwise fought against the hoof. Twilight smiled, dodged Beacon, and pushed him over with her muzzle. He fell over and giggled, waving his hooves at her. She grinned and blew on his stomach and he squirmed and wiggled, squealing as he tried to get away from the funny feeling. Twilight smiled and used her legs to trap him and he playfully squirmed and wriggled, trying to escape the confines of the place. She leaned in and blew another raspberry on his stomach, making him squeal and squirm more, trying to bury his head under her hind leg to hide. "Hey, hey,” She chuckled, “I don’t think there’s anything there for you." He sighed as he calmed down, closing his eyes and began nipping at her. He was hungry, and it felt like he was in the right place. Stalwart failed to notice since he was busy wrestling his daughter with a hoof, acting like he was losing half the time. "Hey! Ow! … forgot how much that hurts." He whined and continued for another moment before pulling back and whimpering up at her. "Dawn, your son is hungry and trying to eat me!" "Well,” Dawn chuckled, “it’s about that time for both of them. Rise, Beacon!" When Dawn called to them, the pair seemed to perk up and quickly got to their hooves and approached her as she laid down on her usual cushion and watched them trot over. Twilight headed into the kitchen to keep an eye on the food for Dawn. She discovered a simple meal, and based on the smell, had no seasonings put in yet. There was a larger pot of water boiling for the potatoes and a smaller pot for the green beans, and Twilight went to work without missing a beat. The twins ate on, taking quite a while to get their fill from their mother. Food was finished cooking before they were done. Twilight moved around in the kitchen, addressing multiple things at once as she made sure their meal was ready, cooking up some bacon for them to crumble or tear onto their mashed potatoes before being ready to serve everyone’s Dawn smiled and let her foals settle in for sleep after having eaten. "Thanks Twilight. I'm not all that good about getting food made and tasting good... maybe I can make that my next hobby." Dawn said, thinking and smiling at that idea. "A lot of practice… I basically learned how to cook at a young age for Spike." She said as she set the table. "Came in handy with Violet" "Yeah. I haven't had to practice for anyone beyond myself…" Dawn hummed, "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Spike at all since coming here. Not a big deal I mean, just realizing it." "He’s in the Dragonlands on Ambassadorial duties." Twilight explained. "Ah." Dawn hummed. She nodded and began to place the plates of food at each spot on the table for the household, humming a tune as she worked with the speed that only came with years of practice. Dawn stayed on the cushion, letting her foals sleep against her. "You know, I’m surprised at how far along they are for only being six months old." Dawn hummed. "Probably the Changeling in them. Twilight said holding Dawn's food out with magic. Dawn accepted her food and laid it on a nearby low table, sniffing at the food and sighing appreciatively. Twilight smiled as she sat. "Hope you like it, was in a bit of a rush out of habit. I'm used to getting out everyone I need for a meal ahead of time." "It's fine Twilight. None of us would rush you here." Dawn smiled gently. "But thank you." She nodded and began to eat. Dawn started to eat her meal, sighing happily as she tasted how much better it was now that it had proper seasonings to it, not to mention the bacon. Stalwart hummed appreciatively, giving his thanks after a bite or two, while Twilight ate in silence. "This is amazing as always Twilight. Thank you." Dawn said as she munched, echoing her husband. Twilight smiled and nodded before returning to eat. Soon, the meal was over, and Dawn let out another sigh of contentment. "All full?" Twilight asked. "Yes, thank you." Dawn said, curling up around her foals. Twilight merely smiled at the scene and the resting young before going back to her meal, being the slowest eater of the three adults. “So... how much do the other princesses eat? What are their food budgets like?” Dawn asked. "They eat a lot more than I do, and their budget is… hmm. I never really checked. It's just part of the normal food budget of the castle." "Ahh. ... So, do they do their heavier eating or grazing out of public eye then? Or when they’re at an event, do they get a pass for how much they eat because they are princesses and need to eat a lot?" "More just that while at events, there is an expected type of behavior." Twilight explained. "Ok, so even when I get bigger and need more, only eat what others would and eat more in private life." Dawn said, believing she understood. "Well, I guess? I mean they eat as much as they want when not at parties." "Makes sense." Dawn smiled. It wasn’t actually an answer to what she said but she could infer that she understood correctly. Twilight simply nodded at Dawn, who stretched out carefully as she tried to consider what to talk about.. "So, plans for this afternoon?" Twilight asked. "Not much, was thinking about showing my electronics eventually to you and Stalwart, but they're still being experimented on." Dawn hummed. "Ah, yes. How’s that going?" "They're still investigating the physical pieces and the coding for them. They really want to be able to reverse engineer everything, including how the CPU's work, and only so much can be theorized about the physical pieces and how they work that still require working with the units themselves." Dawn explained. "Hmm. Odd… I wonder why they want to do that, or need to…" Twilight said, thinking. "So that the existing platforms you guys have for entertainment could copy the games and play them directly rather than need to recreate them with existing game engines. Recreating the games, assuming we can decompile them accurately and not miss anything, still takes a lot more time and effort for each individual game. The upfront labor cost is higher normally, but a fully working emulator for the platform is a more efficient use of time for the long run, and I have plenty of games and data to work from." "Ah." She said. "Besides." Dawn smirked, "It'll be fun to take a jump into that world, buy a bunch of games, and copy ‘em for money… though… that wouldn't be legal." "Why not?" "Because they're not actually mine." Dawn blinked, still frowning at what she was trying to suggest. "… and how exactly do you expect their laws to work here?" "I..." Dawn blinked, then froze as realization dawned on her. "Oh... Oooooooohhhhh." "I am surprised your hive didn’t explain this to you." "I... didn't think about it, so they didn’t answer it." Dawn blushed. "Ah." She said "I… think I may have found a way to get funding then." Dawn smirked, though still feeling guilty at the idea since it still amounted to theft. Twilight chuckled. "As much as I say that, I am wondering what the money should be put toward then." Dawn said, thinking. "Anything you'd like." "I know that, dork." Dawn said playfully. "Just… not sure what specifically I should do with it…” "Porn... lots and lots of porn." "Only a few of the games are porn." Dawn said, then blushed deep as some of them came to mind. "Oh? What are your other plans then of only some involve buying porn?" "Not really sure. That's what I was getting at." Dawn said, then facehoofed as she realized what Twilight actually asked. "Though, for some reason, I actually thought you were asking if some of the games I had were porn… Yeah, I need to do better at listening." Twilight blinked at her. "What? I made a mistake." Dawn blushed. Twilight chuckled shaking her head "Awww, come on..." Dawn whined, feeling self-conscious and looked away. Twilight just at her meal, pretending to ignore Dawn’s plight. Dawn pouted, giving a smile a moment later. "So, what kinds of things do you like to do in downtime?" "Read, train, go for walks." She said. "Ah, and here I almost expected more mundane things like playing games or the like." Dawn chuckled weakly. "Not much into games." Twilight said. "Ah. Interesting." Dawn hummed. ---------- I was really glad to have the conversation with her, and while it took a bit of warming up, we managed to chat about different things, mostly my lessons. I went to bed with my husband and foals, trying to relax and think of what I might encounter, but then my mind turned to half-dreaming and half-watching the drones work on tests on her electronics. ========== Day 79, year 1, May 28th, Monday Today was… intense. Today was the Day of the Fallen, much like the memorial day of back home. I was present for the events, to show my support, but the empathy almost overwhelmed me at times. I’m glad everyone was there, mother especially through the link. I was glad she forgave me when I had to switch my empathy off and almost shut down internally to keep from accidentally making a scene. It’s so different, actually seeing Memorial Day as something that seemingly the whole nation cared about for most of the day, that it was more than just another reason to have a sale for advertising or for hanging out with family and having a barbecue. Perhaps it had to do with how recently their engagements had been, that it might fade with time like all things do. I don’t remember how somber everyone was back home for memorial day thirty or fifty years after the last world war, I was too young for that, so maybe it would have been similar on both sides and this holiday will change to like what I’m used to in a few decades… I don’t know. I can still taste the mourning of everyone, their sadness was such a bitter note I could barely eat without tasting it. ---------- Dawn took up her brush one more time while on the train, getting every strand of hair in her mane in the right spot as she fretted over everything, trying to keep calm. 'Relax, all will be fine Daughter.' Chrysalis said in the link. 'I know…' She relayed, still feeling worried. She looked over to the commander, then felt herself calm as she began talking out loud. "I will be all right…" "Hm?” Twilight looked over at her from her book. She spoke factually at her. “Course you will be." "Yeah, just nervous about going out and about… I worry about doing things right for the right impression and so on…" Dawn explained. "Dawn, you will be fine. If you keep thinking like that, you are going to cause a self-fulfilling prophecy." "And that is why I'm telling myself I am going to be fine." Dawn said, "I will get over my social anxiety… or maybe it's just a fear of the unfamiliar." Twilight moved and put a hoof on her shoulder. "I will be fine… 'I will not let my life be ruled by fear.'" Dawn intoned, taking a breath and calming herself, mentally preparing as they almost arrived. Twilight nodded her agreement as Dawn began packing her things again. "I'm honestly expecting to give my consolations, and potentially show admiration or empathy as appropriate. Am I about right?" "No, you are more just expected to be seen." Twilight explained. "You aren't planned to give a speech or anything." "I understand, but I could still be approached, so I want to be prepared." Dawn said. Twilight nodded as Dawn felt the train come to a halt and she took another breath. "I will be ok…” Dawn repeated, then turned to Twilight with a smile, “onward my friend. I will face this and probably realize it's not nearly as bad as my emotions try to tell me." Twilight nodded yet again as she got to her hooves and began to head for the door. Dawn followed, putting her best face forward and getting a genuine chuckle as she pictured Twilight being a bobblehead with all the nodding she did. They entered a world of hustle and bustle, with banners the colors of the Equestrian flag, the royal guard banner and the EDF colors, as well as banners with Equestria's insignia as ponies went about to get to places they needed or handing out food and drinks. Dawn observed, noting the banners and the behavior of the others as best she can Twilight moved through the crowd, most of whom bowed to her as she walked by in her polished regalia, looking at her best. Dawn walked along, trying to keep up and smile at those who bowed to the commander, keeping up her public face, glad she was similarly attired. Twilight nodded to the crowd and greeted them as she walked towards the castle, Dawn doing similarly and trying her best to be friendly. As they neared the square in front of the castle there was a large screen set up along with a stage. The banners of Equestria, the Royal Guard, and The EDF were flying high together above the stage. Dawn saw it and internally braced herself. She knew her emotions were running high, but she couldn’t help it. She hoped she could safely ignore what was played if it was too much, somehow. Twilight moved to the backstage area, where they found Luna and Celestia but Cadence and Flurry Heart were absent. "Princess Celestia, we are here." Twilight said as they approached and Celestia gave a small smile. "It is good to see you, Twilight and Dawn." "Good to see you as well." Dawn gave an awkward bow, staying quieter after that greeting. "Dawn, if this is too much, there are other areas you may go. The city is a large place." Celestia suggested. "I appreciate it, though I expect the best place for me is where other princesses are. I am not exceptional socially, but I can still sense the best place for a princess is with other princesses." Dawn said. When Celestia only smiled back, she nodded back and continued. "I may be nervous, but I don’t run away from my fears, at least, if I realize I'm doing it. I would ask we continue on with my at least lending presence to the event, guest or whatever you feel is appropriate." Celestia nodded. Dawn waited for further reaction or instruction. She thought to herself as she constantly analyzed her behavior. 'Perhaps I made myself sound too altruistic or virtuous by trying too hard? Maybe she's just agreeing though. I can’t tell when they are just agreeing or if I've gone overboard…' 'Dawn, stop. You are just going to make yourself more nervous and jittery.' Chrysalis instructed. 'Yes, mom... I will try.' She relayed, feeling smaller for the reprimand before trying to calm herself and be less wound up. She was just trying to make sure she didn’t make a mistake and she genuinely couldn’t tell. Her mother hugged her. 'Thanks, mom. I will be ok.' She relayed, giggling in the link as she began thinking it was becoming a new intonation, like monks in movies who go 'ohmmm'. Her mother nuzzled her before departing. Dawn felt a bit better for the hug and let a more genuine smile appear on her face as she returned to the situation at hoof. The three princesses were discussing the coming events and what they'd do after the presentation. Dawn listened in, as if to get a sneak peek at what was to come and what she should do during. It seemed after the events, they planned to go around and enjoy the party and just be seen listen to family stories and perhaps tell a few. It seemed Celestia and Luna were actually part of the Unicornian army, back before the Exodus that lead to the Unification, so while it was centuries ago, they were former military and had stories of their own. Dawn made note of this, already telling herself it was looking better than she might have feared with the potential of war clips being played from what she saw earlier. They chatted about various things and stories they hoped to tell. Dawn waited, feeling awkward but knowing she wasn't expected to do much. "So, I’m curious what your plans are Dawn." Celestia asked. "Honestly, I don't know." Dawn said shyly. "I'm open to being anywhere you feel appropriate." "Dawn, besides the main event, there is nowhere you are ‘required’ to be. You are free to do as you wish." "So, the stage and the like is where what I'm assuming a video will play is a background item, that this is more a public social event than a place for speeches?" Dawn asked, berating herself. 'I really, really should have asked more about what to do or what role I could have done. So much for thinking this through with the time I had.' "Well, it is the main event. There will be a few speeches and the video to remind everyone what this day is about and why it is important." Celestia said. "After that, you are free to do as you wish." "Ah, that's what you meant. I will probably look at joining some of the others, listen to the stories, maybe share a meal and the like." Dawn said. She nodded. "For this day, food and drinks are often free from vendors, at least within reason." "So usual guest etiquette. Sample, but leave plenty for others." Dawn nodded. "Oh no. if you want a meal, just ask for one. Think of this like a fair or festival, only it doesn’t cost anything." "I understand." Dawn nodded. She saw Celestia nod and looked for a clock. "How much time till things begin?" "About 2 hours." "Any recommendations on what I should do as a first time visitor?" "Hmm.” She thought before giving a shake of her head. “No. Sorry." "Not a problem. If there's no issues I'll try to mingle for an hour and then be back an hour ahead in case of any plan changes or updates. Sound good?" Dawn asked. They nodded Dawn bowed again and excused herself, turning to look and head for the ponies that might be present and not busy. The city was filled with ponies and changelings going about the streets, either handing out food and drinks to those who desired them, or simply chatting with others and enjoying various booths. The booths were, of course, set up to talk about things or display items from Equestria’s past with history, often from multiple sides or personal anecdotes. Dawn walked along, taking it slow as she decided to start looking at items of the past. She didn't want to accidentally interject herself into any conversations already in progress. Most of the items on display were family heirlooms from long ago. Some were simple spearheads, some bows, or even articles of clothing that were carefully preserved. Sometimes they had small placards with information on when and where the item was from, and sometimes a member of the family who owned the item was present to answer questions. There was even a large entrance from the Canterlot Historical Museum with even older pieces in glass cases. It was an example of the only people outside of restaurateurs who were still working, overseeing the museum employees since they needed to oversee the antiques. Dawn spoke with a few of the ponies who had stories to tell, and Dawn gave them her full attention, thanking them for their time and for sharing after they were done, constantly mindful of her time by pinging through the link until she returned an hour later. The stories were sometimes brief as time had dulled details or not much had happened outside general service. Some were longer, and it was here Dawn learned of what was called The Discordian Wars. It was the name given to a multi-year long war that took place in the vacuum of power after Discord was sealed in stone. Hundreds of people tried to carve out their own kingdoms of what was Equestria, or to try and claim the throne of the ravaged nation. Luna and Celestia had the support of what would later become the Council, to eventually sit upon the throne and unite everyone. It was a dark and bloody time and many records consisted of just stories handed down through families. Dawn learned a great deal, though she couldn't help the link trying to help her understand the stories more fully, when they may not have said the whole amount, knowingly or not. Her heart ran heavy out of sympathy to the ponies, but she was also glad such times were behind everyone. The stories of the Discordian Wars were rather inaccurate at times, mostly due to age or because of unintended bias from the perspective of a single pony’s limited views. The whole picture wasn't there with their stories, just a small fragment. What was right was the War was a long, drawn out, and bloody affair, with many dying and fighting for their ideals or those ponies they believed in. In the end, the Royal Sisters prevailed and united the land, sometimes through diplomacy and sometimes through forcing others to submit and a few times… complete eradication of a faction. It had cemented the Royal Sisters as those not to be taken lightly, even though they act calm and nice, and at times silly. Under it all was a steel mind that had carved out Equestria from a war-ravaged hellscape, with them leading the charge and staring into the jaws of death and war without flinching. Dawn was glad that wasn't quite the case in her world, that things were more peaceful, possibly explaining more of the differences between them and their attitudes. 'Perhaps. This history is old and most don’t know it, their records lost or forgotten. Who’s to say the same didn’t happen in your world?' 'Hard to say… and while I don't want to believe it, it doesn't make it less true…' Dawn admitted. 'The only ones who truly know the truth are those who lived it and possibly the Changelings… hard to say if they have memories like us.' 'If they really don't have the link where I come from? Probably not…' Dawn frowned. 'If not, then the only ones who know the truth are those who lived it… the Sisters.’ 'Fair enough.' Dawn thought as she walked the streets, thinking about the past. The booths told various stories or handed out all sorts of goods or art related to this day. Dawn took her time, making sure she did what she could to take time for as many stories as she could. Even so, there were hundreds of old family stories and she could only listen to so many at once. Her time was over and she needed to return to the stage. Dawn looked around once she was back, expecting to figure out what they may want, any instructions for when they would begin and the like. She found herself being gestured at to come over by Twilight, and moved to join them. "Enjoy your walk?" Twilight asked. "It was an experience, nothing like home." Dawn nodded. "Oh? How so?" Luna asked "Where I was born, stories were rarely shared except between close friends and family. Memorial Day growing up was more about the barbecue and visiting family for most of the country it felt like… though perhaps I was sheltered or ignorant of how things were back there." Dawn said, thinking. "I'm not aware of a similar holiday home… and I just realized I said the wrong place earlier saying similar to home instead of place of birth. I hope my intent was still understood." "Ah. No, it is fine Dawn, but yes, this holiday is meant to emphasize history and our subjects are encouraged to share that history with others." "I can tell. I can already see trying to bring this tradition to my Equestria." Dawn nodded, and smiled back at Luna’s smile. "I'm really glad I came so far." Luna continued to smile and Dawn stood, waiting for something else to be said, or perhaps instructions. Soon the alicorns started to move onto the stage. Dawn followed, her heart beginning to pound, but she tried to see if she could piece things together then since no one had given her any instructions. Soon, they were out on stage, the crowd beginning to take note of them and stopping what they were doing to watch. 'Where do I go? Where should I be?' Dawn asked her mom quickly. 'Exactly where you were told to be when you got back.' ‘Except I wasn’t told!’ Dawn panicked. ‘Stand next to Twilight and stay there for the event.’ Chrysalis relayed. Dawn moved to be by Twilight in as calm a pace as she could, heart pounding as she now knew what she should be doing. They stood at the back part of the stage as the crowd’s chatter slowly died down. The crowd began to gather. At the front before the stage, active duty troopers and guards from the Canterlot Garrisons and Guard stations stood facing the stage in their dress uniforms. Dawn looked out calmly, as if she had everything together. It was then that she noticed something she hadn't expected but realized she should have. Nightfall was in the ranks of royal guard in their dress uniforms. He did not look at her, Dawn not realizing he had looked on with surprise back when she first entered, and he grimly stared at someone else on the stage as jealousy and bitterness ate at him from the inside. It disappointed Dawn that he felt that way, being able to sense his emotions over that of most of those present, but she wasn’t going to let that bother her here or now. Storm was a bit further into the crowd behind him, as close as civilians were permitted, though she was still an aide for the commander and technically in the EDF still because of it. After a minute of waiting for the crowd, Celestia approached the podium, and Dawn and all ponies present watched attentively. Celestia cleared her throat and the crowd quieted down. "Welcome to the 98th Day of The Fallen Celebrations, a time we all gather together to recall those who passed, whether in service to Equestria or other nations. We gather to honor them all the same." She said, the magic microphone amplifying her words. "We honor those who have put their lives on the line so that others may know peace. Some lost their lives in that service, some passed peacefully away in their sleep after having served. We honor them all for what they did. "While most of us here know how this holiday came to be and have been here before, I would like to take a moment more of your time before the main event. A few months ago, an item was donated to the Canterlot Museum of History, and upon hearing the story of this item, I think it should become part of the main event." Celestia paused and summoned an old, leather-bound journal from her magical storage, showing it to the crowd over her shoulder, rotating it slowly so others could see it. “This was the personal journal of Guardpony High Tower, who served in Vanhoover on the day that brought about this holiday. The history of High Tower is one that I think this holiday was meant for, for you see, while defending the city and evacuating other ponies, High Tower’s own family… they did not make it, caught in the crossover of those defending the city and Tirek. … High Tower passed away in his sleep, in a retirement home paid for by the Royal Veterans Fund. He passed away without anyone to tell his story once he was gone, and it is for that reason I plan to read passages he wrote about one of the darkest days in Equestrian History." 'Mothers keep me strong…' Dawn thought to her mother, bracing herself and preparing to shelve her emotions. 'I am here daughter.' Her mother said and held her. Celestia opened the journal and flipped a few pages to near what most likely was the end of it and cleared her throat. "December 19th, 1659, 07:41 I had another dream again. The same one as before, though this time I woke before the Princess could save me. I do not dare close my eyes for more than a second. Despite all these years, I can still remember that day vividly… I cannot remember Rose Bloom's face, but that day… I can recall every detail… every smell, taste, and sound. It is burned into my memory. The sound of automatic weapons fire from those EDF troopers, barely old enough to live on their own and tossed into Tartarus. I still don't know why that thing targeted them like it did. I can hear it… them firing their weapons in a doomed attempted to defend the city or stay alive. I don't know which. The… sickening sound as magic and debris tore through hide… the smell of smoke thick in the air and the taste of iron from my broken tooth. We did all we could… and it wasn't enough, and yet despite our defeats, somehow we came out on top. As I had laid there in the crater, having dragged myself to the closest cover in case that thing came back to take more than my strength, contemplating everything… I fully expected to die like those troopers. Then my strength returned and I could move without feeling as if there was cart loaded down with rocks on my back! What I saw when I climbed out of the hole… I hope no one ever has to see… The city was in ruins. Other guards began to climb out of the rubble. I couldn’t help thinking of the spring flowers during winter wrap up, how they came out of the snow. We organized under Lt. Fire Starter and started searching for anyone else. And then the dream repeats… over and over again never letting me rest. I think I'm going to go for a walk. The nurses here don’t like when I slip out, but I think some air will me good. Sergeant High Tower, Guard Station 117" Dawn took a deep breath, her expression solemn, but understanding. It was bad, but not as bad as she expected. She missed her eyes glistening, quietly blinking them away. Celestia closed the journal and set it on the podium. "High Tower was a pony who served with distinction, and he paid for it with never having a moments rest from his service, like many others. While there are thousands of similar stories, I believe High Tower represents the price paid by those who serve, and it encapsulates what this day is about. Remember their service and thank them for paying that price." Celestia’s voice had been strong, though filled with empathy as she took a moment to look over the crowd before speaking again. "Now, without further ado, we remember those who sacrificed themselves in the most recent conflicts." She said and stepped away from the podium as the screen turned on. Dawn gave a small nod at their speech, responding to the remembrance, then subtly gulped as the screen turned on. Music started to suddenly come from nowhere as a…feeling, an urge, began to overtake Dawn. Dawn felt like she wanted to do something, and yet she felt afraid of doing something wrong, knowing the wrong words. She wasn't attuned to this world yet as far as she knew, and she might not do things right. What if the world magic didn’t affect her because she was attuned to her own world’s version and might not react? 'Let go daughter.’ Chrysalis encouraged. ‘Let it take you. Don’t fight it and it will guide you.' Dawn slowly let go of her control, letting it happen. She heard Twilight's voice sing out as the screen showed numerous military ponies and changelings, going out against their fears, preparing for battle. The video switched as the battle began, and she and the crowd sang one line, only to have Twilight sing a new one and hear their response. She did her best to ignore the screen, to hide from it and just focus on the music and song itself, even as it showed Tirek and what could only be described as a massacre of a battle, yet everyone in that fight still continued on. The screen showed other images, including slaughter of civilians that were forced to hold weapons for their very first times, only to die as they tried to do what they could to survive. Dawn could feel her emotions running high as she tried to focus on the song itself, Twilight singing on another verse before they finally would begin the back and forth. Another scene played, showing near defeat as Dawn fought back tears, and then the whole crowd sung the chorus together, as if responding to the video itself. Things continued this way, Twilight singing another small verse, and then the back and forth of the chorus was run, finally showing victory at last. As the video faded, so too did the music and the desire over the crowd to sing, and then all was silent. Dawn was trying to hold it in. She hadn’t managed to avoid feeling for those who fell. Her feelings wouldn’t change anything, she knew that, yet she felt them all the same. Celestia approached the podium once more, her emotions showing sadness yet controlled like the other alicorns around her. "Thank you all. As always, we remember this day for those who are no longer with us. Thank you all for your service and thank you all, those who served. Past, present and future." With those parting words, she turned and began to walk back behind stage as the others followed behind. Dawn followed, not recognizing her body shaking as she did so. Even so, it wasn’t more than a minute before they were backstage, out of the public eye. Dawn looked for an empty chair and sat down, trying to get her breath back. Twilight walked over. "You did great out there Dawn." "T-thanks." She said, only then noticing her shaking through her voice. Twilight and Chrysalis both gave her a hug at hearing her shake. "I… I'm ok." She said, taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself. They both held her as the Royals approached with concern. "Are you alright Dawn?" Luna asked. "Perhaps you should take the rest of the day off." Celestia suggested. "I will be alright, just a bit too emotionally invested. It was something I knew I would face." She said, trying to push herself onward. "If you need time, it will be okay if you take it." Celestia said. "You were seen here, so there wouldn't be any backlash." "Maybe a small break as I re-center myself." Dawn admitted. Celestia nodded encouragingly. "I'll stay here." Twilight said, gaining a pair of nods from the royals before they departed. She turned to Dawn again. "Shall we go to the castle for a drink?" "Sure." Dawn said quietly, giving a nod. Twilight nodded and moved to help her up. Dawn chuckled weakly, getting up mostly fine on her own, "I'll be alright Commander, really." Twilight stayed close, concerned as they walked toward the castle gate, currently blocked off so they still had privacy. Dawn continued to walk with Twilight, her shaking slowly going away, and they soon were entering the castle and heading toward the kitchens. Dawn began wondering what drink they'll get as they entered the kitchens. She saw only a couple ponies were present, appearing to be doing preparations for dinner. They bowed to Twilight as they passed, who nodded back as she went to a door at the back of the kitchen. Dawn followed Twilight, nodding her thanks to the kitchen staff as Twilight opened the door to a set of old stone steps and began to descend them. As they descended, the light began to fade and Twilight’s horn glowed. She lit a set of lanterns along the wall to reveal a well-stocked wine cellar, which of course held other drinks meant to stay cool as well. "Ah… you're going to have me drink then?" "Just a glass of wine. Nothing major." She said looking over the shelves. "All right." Dawn agreed. She nodded grabbing a lantern to see. The light flickered gently against the cool room’s objects, giving a comforting air to Dawn as she began to calm with the feeling of safety and privacy. She was still tense, but feeling better as Twilight scanned the racks, seeming to look for something particular. "Ah! Here’s a good year." Twilight said from near the back, pulling a bottle from the shelf. She also grabbed two glasses from the kitchens, floating them down the stairs to sit on a barrel against a wall as she returned to Dawn. Dawn followed her host, moving toward the barrel in question, wondering what it would taste like. Twilight removed the cork and poured them each a glass. "This is an excellent year from what Celestia has told me." She said, stopping the bottle after they were done filling the small glasses they both had. "I wouldn’t know yet,” Dawn nodded, “though I expect I will have to know eventually." "Eh, I don’t know wines well. Not my drink of choice.” Twilight shrugged. "Yeah, that’s whisky." Dawn smirked. She nodded and smirked back, grabbing her glass as she sat on her haunches. Dawn grabbed her glass, sniffing at it and smiling gently, "Very gentle, almost fruity smell to it I think." "Well, it is made of grapes." Twilight chuckled before she sipped her glass. Her face winced very slightly, the reaction heavily suppressed. Dawn took a sip and hummed as she tasted it. She never was one for the taste of alcohol. She might not have minded the fruity flavor of it if the alcohol wasn’t more noticeable. It wasn’t bad, but just not for her. Twilight smiled at Dawn’s trying the drink, sipping more to finish her glass, despite not liking the taste. Dawn continued to drink hers, taking it slowly. Twilight knew that anything Dawn liked, she readily consumed unless she was saving the best for last. Her pace was a subtle indicator if she liked it. Twilight ignored this. In her mind, this wasn’t about liking it, this was about helping her. Dawn drank it all in the end, and her shaking had gone away, though she would have attributed it to a calm environment instead of the alcohol if she had known what Twilight thought of it. Twilight finished her drink and smiled, setting her glass down. Dawn stayed quiet, not sure what was next. "So… feel better? "I guess." Dawn shrugged subtly. She didn’t think the drink did anything, but she wasn’t about to say 'no.' Twilight smiled and went to put the bottle back and Dawn stayed put, not saying much more before she returned. "Ready to go back, or want to remain here for a bit and relax?" "I’m not sure if I'll be ready to go back for a little bit." Dawn said. Twilight nodded and smiled as she sat on her haunches once more. She was going to stay with Dawn as long as she needed to for Dawn’s sake. Dawn took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to let her mind blank. "So… I did good?" Dawn tried to confirm quietly. "Very." She nodded. "All I did was stand where I was supposed to and didn’t cry in public." Dawn said, trying to understand what she did right. "Exactly." "You were expecting me to cry?" Dawn asked. "Kinda." She said. "It’s why I warned you. I know how you are with very sad things and while you cried a bit, you didn’t break down." Dawn nodded, trying to calm herself, "I'm still sad, but I will live." "So is Luna and Celestia." Twilight said. "You'd have to be some sort of nut to not be sad." Dawn snorted and Twilight smiled. "So then, what’s left in the day?" Dawn asked. "Just the same as before, enjoying the festival. I usually visit the Memorial." "Ahh. Would you like me to come with or would you rather be alone?" Dawn offered. "You can do whatever you'd like. Not like I'll be the only one at the memorial. "Ah." Dawn said, taking that as a dismissal. "I am not sure what I'll do. Part of me is tired out from being in the public eye, but part of me wants to keep going and learn what I can, since this is a day to hear all of the stories." 'That wasn't a dismissal daughter.' Her mother said. 'She is leaving the choice to you.' 'I understand.' Dawn replied, thinking about what she'd like to do. 'Just feels like I'd be a puppy following its owner if I continued to stay at her side after that. Plus, I know myself well enough that I need to keep looking around at things to stay entertained.' 'Then look around and you can meet her there later.' Chrysalis said, 'But there is nothing wrong with staying with your friends at such a festival. It is rather normal especially when you are not from here.' 'I think I will…' Dawn nodded, liking the suggestion and getting a nod back from her mother. She relayed an idea to Twilight, looking for approval. "Mom gave a good idea. Perhaps I will go out and get more stories for a time and then meet you there." Twilight simply nodded, much like Chrysalis had. Dawn took another breath and let it out slow. "I think I'll be ok now." She nodded and walked over to hug Dawn. Dawn gave a gentle hug back, taking in that moment of solitude, knowing that when it was over, she would be in the maelstrom of people and feelings once more. Twilight held her till Dawn let go first. Dawn let go after a couple minutes, breathing calmly as she finally settled down. "Thanks Twilight." "Any time." Twilight smiled and ruffled Dawn’s mane. Dawn chuckled weakly and then got ready to leave and go to the town again to get stories. "Hmm… I may track down Storm to show her the memorial." Twilight said as she walked, using magic to put out the lanterns. "All right. I was surprised to see Night and Storm out in the crowd at first, but then it made sense when I remembered his assignment… he refused to look my way though." Dawn said with a small note of sadness. She shrugged. "His problem not yours." "Yeah…" Dawn agreed. "Hope you enjoy your time with Storm when you track her down." "Yeah. Looking forward to you joining us." She said as they walked through the castle Dawn nodded, "How soon should i join you, or when would be too long?" "Whenever you'd like. I plan to be there the rest of the day.” "All right. I'll probably join you in a couple hours then, maybe sooner depending." Dawn agreed. Twilight nodded as they began to part ways. Dawn walked off slowly toward the town and Twilight went to look for Storm, activating a little location spell on a certain article of clothing Storm always wore. Storm was at the memorial, paying her respects to the fallen and thinking about the battle of Manehattan that she somehow lived through. Nightfall stood by her in support. The memorial consisted of a garden that wasn’t much in line with the idea of being tamed. All that was missing were weeds, but the flowers and bushes grew wild, randomly blending their colors in a tangle of flower blossoms. The only clear space was the cobblestone path leading to a raised dais with the twisted and scorched remains of a first generation tank, the twisted barrel aimed out toward the street as if the remains stood guard over the area. There was a small plaque before the tank, a small chain around it to indicate to everyone not to go close or climb on it. Past the tank was an obsidian wall, polished to a shine. Thousands of names were carved into the wall, below which many, many flowers rested on the cobblestone. Storm and Nightfall were standing near the large obsidian wall, and Storm stared emptily at it, thinking about how many passed away in their battle, or if she might find her sergeant that she promised a drink once they got home. "Hell of a read." Twilight said from behind her. Storm and Nightfall turned around in surprise at the familiar voice, the pair of them nodding their hello at her. "Commander." Storm greeted. Twilight walked up and stood beside her, looking over the wall. "You look like a mare lost in her own head." "Oh really?" Storm asked, tone hollow. "Yeah.” Twilight responded, looking at her closely, “want to talk about it?” "I…" Storm hesitated, "I probably should…" "It is your call." "No, I don’t run away from my problems. I face them head on, like I always have." Storm said with a grin, then frowned as she turned to the wall as she thought about what bothered her. Nightfall stood at her side, extending his wing onto her back. "I still think about that fight… the ponies killed on both sides…" She nodded and looked at the wall, moving to her other side. "Yeah… know that feeling." "Yeah." Storm agreed. The pair stood in a respectful silence for a moment among the few others present to pay their respects. "If you'd like,” Twilight offered, “I could arrange for a therapist." "Probably should." Storm nodded. "Yes, you should." Nightfall agreed, hinting at a smirk. Twilight nodded and remained there, watching Storm closely for how she was holding up, Meadow assisting her with subtle scans to provide the clues early. Storm sighed, a sad expression surfacing on her face. Flashes of those who were dead from the helicopter crash surfaced, causing her to relive that moment where she followed the Sergeant. She couldn’t stop her fear from showing before she felt a breeze and something else that snapped her out of it. She let out her breath slowly, trying to focus on anything but that memory as she came to her senses. Twilight had moved to Storm, grabbed her, and hugged her tight. The expressions they showed, she knew very well from her own struggles and in seeing it in her soldiers who saw their first bout of real combat. Storm gasped in surprise once she knew she was held tight, her need to defend herself surfacing almost to the point where she instinctively punched twilight, but she stopped herself after her hoof raised. Storm calmed slowly as she was held, first by Twilight, then by Nightfall, both of them staying by her as she let the hug anchor her into reality instead of memory, finding calm once more. After a minute when she knew she would be fine, Storm took a step back. "I'm good now Commander, thanks.” "Course you are.” Twilight nodded, “You are going to be okay Storm." "Duh. I have your training. How could I not?" She smirked, trying to play off her usual confident self. Twilight smiled and ruffled Storm’s mane, watching as they chuckled and Nightfall stood at his wife’s side, giving Twilight a nod. She nodded back before speaking again. "So then, you two enjoying the festival?" Night shrugged. "It’s decent." Storm smirked wryly and gave him a light smack on the shoulder. "That wasn't what you were saying half an hour ago." "And you Storm, what do you think?" Twilight said, smirking back at them. "I liked it. Very respectful about a lot of this." Storm said. She noted Twilight only nodding and continued. "So yeah, I like it." Storm paused, smiling gently before looking at the memorial and repeating. "Really wanna see Sarge at some point." "Hmm… I can look into it. Find where he's stationed." "I mean, I would want to visit at least." Storm said before Nightfall chimed in. "I wouldn't mind sharing a drink with the guy who kept her safe." Twilight nodded "That can be arranged." Night nodded, his expressions muted. "Thanks Twilight." Storm said, giving a much more genuine smile. "So, I usually hang out around here and tell stories till the festival is done. You two got plans?" "Not really." Storm said, shaking her head, Night shaking his head once as well. "I just wanted to pay my respects to the ponies I served with in the place that made the most sense for a bit…" "Yeah… this place is for the first major conflict Equestria saw in centuries, but it's sort of taken on a life of its own as a symbol of all those lost in conflict." Twilight said, looking at the wall. "Sort of happens when those who knew who those names belonged to are nearly all gone…" "I mean… We don't mean anything bad by it..." Storm frowned, ears drifting back slightly as she feared they were disrespecting the fallen. "No, no. I was saying this is the perfect place for it… just has a bit of a different meaning for me is all." "I can understand that a little, yeah." Storm nodded. "It's how things were back home." Nightfall agreed. "Those who live on and aren't related or connected to them don't feel quite the same things as those that are." Twilight nodded and looked at the names. "Yeah… I mean, I look at these names, and I see those ponies behind them… like Topeze here." She said pointing at a name. "Stallion was always chewing some mint flavored gum. Only time he wasn't was when he was asleep or eating. Never could figure out how he could stand the taste… he was down in the streets of Manehatten… Sargent Salt there I know for a fact came from a criminal background… he knew way too much about how to move through Fillydelphia unnoticed and couldn’t stop swearing. Got I don't know how many people to safety before he was caught… from what we could tell, he pulled the pins on all of her grenades and brought down an old service tunnel that was from the early days of the city, except the thing wasn't on any modern maps." She said. "Wow..." Storm muttered, thinking about what that would mean for them. "Yeah, there’s those things that the rest of us mortals don’t get to know about them, just you with that curse of carrying on." Nightfall said quietly. "Yeah, history may forget, but I won't." Twilight said. "And I am sure I’ll tell those who will listen all about those lost to time. I would hardly call that a curse." "Maybe i can hear a few sometime." Storm said. Night shrugged. "I view immortality as one. Not something I'd want." "It’s not for everyone and we all got our ways of dealing. Celestia's has her politics, Luna her dream-walking, Cadence her shipping, and Flurry builds things." She said and looked at them. "And I tell stories." "I'll take my chances with mortality." Nightfall said. "Glad it works for all of you though." Storm stayed quiet, not saying much more. Twilight nodded and went back to looking at the names. Storm joined her, standing next to them, and Nightfall joined Storm, returning his wing over Storm’s back. Twilight simply read the names slowly and individually. She’d done this many times before. She knew them all by heart now, but she still read them, as if reading them will continue to etch them into her mind deeper every time. Storm stood, feeling herself give support to the commander in emotion, perhaps 'spirit' or something like what a couple zebras had suggested to her before. Twilight would spend her time this way, answering questions from ponies, telling stories about the names on the wall. She enjoyed telling the stories, gesturing and imitating the fallen or even imitating their voices to represent them. For foals, she’d tell funny stories about them, for adults she’d tell more serious stories about other details, all with that same animated storyteller vibe. Storm stayed and listened, Nightfall, keeping Storm company for a couple hours before Dawn returned. Dawn arrived when Twilight had a small crowd of foals and their parent around her listing to her telling the story of the time a recruit had the brilliant idea during a training exercise to try and go through some air vents to flank the other team. The recruit soon discovered the vents usually weren’t big enough for ponies to slip through, just as much to prevent actual enemies from getting in this way, and ended up stuck for hours and had to be cut out of the wall. Dawn snorted, smiling at the story and waiting just outside the group. The story ended with the recruit being both commended for his ‘outside the box thinking’ but reprimanded for such a dumb idea, especially when it was clear he wouldn’t have fit. Dawn nodded, approving of that kind of reaction as well, thinking her shapeshifting would let her take advantage of that kind of flexible thinking if she were to go through anything similar. With the story concluded, Twilight spotted Dawn and smiled. "Dawn, you made it." She said before excusing herself from some rather disappointed foals, only being allowed to leave after promising she’d be back later for more story time with a Princess. She then approached Dawn. "Hey, have a good time around the festival?" Dawn chuckled, waving gently at the foals before answering. "Yeah. There's a lot to learn from others." Nightfall stayed back, not wanting to deal with Dawn but trying to stay polite. "Yeah, life’s filled with stories. Everyone's got one." "Yeah..." Dawn said quietly, thinking about what stories she would have to tell. "Yup." Storm echoed, moving up to join them. "Oh! Hey, look who I found here." Twilight said gesturing to Storm and Night. "Oh, hey guys." Dawn smiled, despite knowing nights clashes with her husband. "Hey Dawn." Storm said with a smile, Night only nodding at Dawn slightly. "So, any interesting stories you’ve heard, Dawn?" "Too many to retell." Dawn smirked, though her eyes were still sad, showing not all were positive. "My favorite so far is probably the one where the soldier in their history got lost, found a strange statue, and then got displaced before coming back." "Hmm… Ah! You mean Delta-Siera-4-5-2? Yeah, that was an interesting event." "Yeah… the story of sphinx ponies found there was interesting." Dawn chuckled. She saw Twilight nod and her chuckling faded into a sigh. "Well, at least you're out and about again." Storm smirked. "You never did like to go anywhere that I could tell." "I dragged her kicking and screaming." Twilight said. "Yup. Guilty." Dawn agreed bashfully. Storm snorted and smiled, Twilight joining her while Nightfall didn’t react, outwardly impassive or mildly entertained, yet Dawn could sense his still low-burning resentment and felt her mood fall. "Well, I'm glad I was brought for the ride, for what it's worth." Dawn said, trying to smile despite of what she sensed. She only got another nod out of Twilight before deciding to encourage Twilight instead, “Well, looks like those foals are waiting for more fun stories." "Not just foals." Storm smirked. "You know you want more too, Green." "Uh huh." Dawn rolled her eyes with a smile. Twilight chuckled, but stopped and started heading back toward the crowd, ready to return to her storyteller self. 'You know… if things had been different, I could see her becoming a teacher or running a school.' Chrysalis commented in the link. 'Yeah, definitely…’ Dawn agreed. ‘I'd almost say she still should, but she's a major player in running the country.' 'Yes, and as her army to run and…’ Chrysalis paused, evaluating how much more Twilight does, ‘to add more to it would cause it all to suffer.' 'Yeah…' Dawn thought sadly. 'Though who knows what the future may hold.' 'Maybe one day she can.' Dawn thought, doing her best to ignore the subtle sour notes she detected from Nightfall. She could feel their nod of agreement and looked for where the best place to listen would be. 'Anywhere would do.' Dawn ignored that they missed the point of her thought and took up a spot nearby, intent on listening for the rest of the day. Storm and Night joined in listening, though Night had guided them away from Dawn. Twilight told many stories. Some were of her recruits’ antics, troopers doing their duty, even told an old story of her first-ever squad with the humans, back when she became a medic and took her first steps into becoming a soldier. There was even a mention of a Chief Petty Officer who, no matter what she did or how good she got at fighting, she never beat him. He always got the upper hand and beat her. Dawn chuckled a little at that story, enjoying herself. Nightfall wandered off to get food, sharing the plate with Storm as it hovered between them with his still functioning bracelet bracer thing. Dawn realized she didn’t have a proper name for it, but it didn’t matter. There were many stories told. Some were funny, some amusing, some happy, and some sad. She told personal stories and stories about those she knew. Sooner than most of the listeners realized, the sun began to set and the moon rose, signaling night and the end of the festivities. Nightfall looked up at the sky to notice the moon rising, "Well, time for us to get going." Storm let out a sigh, having enjoyed several of the stories Twilight had told. "Yeah, I guess." "It was good seeing you both again." Dawn said gently, only to feel a renewed feeling of resentment from Night that had subdued an hour prior. Storm on the other hoof was giving a small bit of something more positive, though Dawn couldn't tell what. Slowly ponies took off for their destinations, ready to get home or to bed, wherever that may be. Dawn, Storm, and Night approached Twilight, the latter two to wave goodbye. Twilight finished her story, watching the last of her audience leave as they approached and she sighed. "Hey, you ok?" Storm asked, Dawn similarly concerned in her own way. "Yeah, just always sad to see them go." "Yeah." Storm nodded. "It's tough when you have a good time." "Yeah,” Twilight agreed, “that and I never get to get through all the stories…" "Maybe one day you will." Storm encouraged. "Maybe..."She said watching the last of the audience vanish from sight. Dawn gave Twilight a light hug. "Well, see ya soon Twilight. Time for bed if I’m gonna be back to work tomorrow." Storm said. "Rest well you two." Twilight nodded. "Will do." Night answered. Twilight waved as they left. "Suppose we should head for the castle." Dawn nodded, staying close to twilight. Twilight gave one last look at the wall, taking in how it bathed in the light of oil-burning lamps, the lamps used out of respecting no electricity being laid in the memorial. After a minute of paying more respects to the ponies she knew and were gone, she walked away, Dawn at her side. "So, did you enjoy the day?' She asked. "Most of it." "Most?" Twilight questioned. "I can do without wanting to cry from empathy." Dawn said softly, “But it wasn’t bad. "Ah… right." "I will do better in the future though." Dawn reassured. "Better?" "Not be so sensitive that it cripples me." "Ah, yeah.” Twilight agreed as they walked through the street lamp lined streets. Dawn walked along, feeling both happiness and sadness at the day… it was an odd sensation, one she rarely experienced. Twilight lead the way back toward the castle and headed for the kitchens, not having eaten at all. Dawn continued to keep her company, preferring to be together, though stifling a yawn. Twilight entered the kitchen of the castle, only to find Celestia and Luna inside. None of the staff were present, just two royal sisters sitting at an impromptu table, eating and drinking, freezing in place as the door had opened and their chatter stopped, looking very much like two large teenage ponies who were caught raiding the fridge. A crumb fell from one morsel of food still hovering inches from Celestia’s face, everyone but Dawn frozen like deer in the headlights. Dawn simply thought that this was expected, since Twilight was needing to eat, surely the sisters needed to. They even had the talk about how much they otherwise needed foodwise when outside the public eye! Celestia cleared her throat and very quickly wiped crumbs from her chin as she swallowed what was in her mouth, quickly letting the food float down to the plate. "Um, Welcome! Did you two enjoy the festival?" She asked, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. "Oh yes.” Dawn grinned, trying to show her support and inferred knowledge, “Twilight was showing me how a princess would go to the kitchens after the festivities were over. Guess it’s a whole Princess-only kind of party eh?” "Actually this is the first ive seen this." Twilight said staring. Luna coughed into her hoof. "You are usually gone longer than this…" "Well, I’m not telling, as long as we get to join you." Dawn said playfully, turning to Twilight and expecting them to roll with it "Uh… sure?" Luna responded, both sisters radiating a flavor to Dawn that indicated embarrassment. Dawn smiled, taking a moment to realize they were in shock. "Hm. Guess she is super surprised. Guess you'd better finish what you can!" Dawn said mischievously. "At least she didn’t blue screen." Luna commented "True." Dawn said, patting Twilight's back with a wing, only to watch as Twilight jumped and she pulled her wing back swiftly in case Twilight thought she was under attack or something, looking on in alarm. Twilight stood there, blinking as Celestia giggled. Dawn took a step to the side, giving Twilight a little space as she reassessed the situation. "What are you doing?!" She asked. "Eating." Celestia said bluntly. "Now come in or out and close the door before someone sees." Dawn smiled a little again, watching to see what would happen. Twilight stepped in and the door closed. "Thank you, I could only image the papers having a field day if someone saw." Celestia said as she looked for where her food had gotten off too. Dawn hummed quietly, staying aside since she was going to be far less hungry than them. ‘Does the public really not realize how much they need to eat? Is it really that devastating to be caught eating after a festival if they otherwise are aware of the dietary needs? This really doesn’t make sense if that’s the case…’ "So… now that you are here, come join us." Luna said. "Yes, lets." Dawn agreed, looking at twilight. Twilight blinked and slowly approached, still somehow in shock. Dawn was unbothered. They all came for the same thing, food. "Come, sit." Celestia said, using her magic to pull up two more stools. The food on the table was still cold and unprepared, meant to be an informal thing and ready to be put away again after they were done. Dawn took up a stool readily, enjoying the idea of more companionship. Twilight was showing off her own deer in the headlights impression as she sat nearby. "So, grab whatever you like from the fridge." Celestia said Dawn grabbed some lettuce and made a salad, noting Twilight still sitting put, stunned. Luna sighed. "I told you, you should have told her about our private late night meals." "I was going to, but wasn’t sure how to explain it that wouldn’t do this.” "Well, the pony's out of the hat now." Dawn said. "Yes, and its going splendidly." Luna said with a sigh. "Relax Luna." Dawn said, slowly eating, "maybe this was the only way it could have happened. "Perhaps." She said eating her sandwich Dawn ate slowly, enjoying the simplicity of the meal. Slowly, Twilight took her seat, still not eating as she tried to make sense of this seemingly normal behavior from the royal sisters. Dawn shrugged, eating on just as the others did. After a while of eating and chatting between the sisters, they finished and departed, bidding Dawn and Twilight goodnight. Dawn waved farewell and made sure their mess was cleaned. When they left, Twilight stood and began to make her way to the door, still being quiet, now being followed by a closely watching Dawn. She said nothing as she walked back to her room, or the room she always used when visiting Canterlot anyway. They soon entered the room and Twilight automatically removed her regalia as she walked toward the bed, letting pieces drop to the floor as she did so. Dawn let her own outfit fall and moved to the bed to join her. After Twilight said nothing for a while, Dawn laid in bed with them and let herself wind down, bothered at how much Twilight was quiet. 'She's really bothered by this.' Chrysalis commented. 'Clearly.’ Dawn replied, suppressing an eye-roll. ‘But why and what can I do about it? It seems trivial to me.' 'She has never seen the Sisters as anything but prim and proper, even with their informal meetings, they still had that air about them to her.’ Chrysalis explained, ‘Them raiding the fridge like a couple of teenagers seems to be quite a shock to her.’ 'I would have thought she would have realized they would.' Dawn relayed. 'Hell, even we were going to, so why wouldn’t they?' 'Despite how she may act, Twilight still looks up to the sisters as if they are near perfect beings like she always has. They aren’t like the way she thinks, so seeing something so contrary to how she sees them behaving is a lot to take in.’ Chrysalis continued, ‘If you were to say Celestia and Luna couldn’t handle a situation, she would deny it and she'd have a twitch of her eye at the thought of them not being able to. I’ve been working on it with her for years, but its ingrained from her time as a foal.' 'Ah…' Dawn hummed, still unsure what to do about it. 'Just… talk to her. Distract her so she can process it.' "So, Twilight, I've been thinking… I don’t know what your work is like, or what Tia or Luna do for their courts. What is it like?" "Hmm… Well, depends on the day. It’s mostly listing to people talk and making decisions." She said. "Ah… that doesn’t sound too bad." Dawn hummed. "Depends on the topic." "Ah. What are the harder ones?" "Well, sometimes when the lower houses are talking, it can be quite annoying." "Spewing forth propaganda and not even knowing it, huh?' "Yes, or some selfish things like diverting pubic funds to help them build summer homes or whatever crap they want." "My first instinct is to ask, 'and how will this benefit other equestrians?'" "Oh I’d love to, and have. They have some sort of slippery answer to try and get it." She said. "Yeah, they always do." Dawn smirked wryly. "Do you just tell them no or do you make something else, like they have to spend twice as much on helping a homeless shelter first?" "I tell them I will consider it." "Ah. Technically true. We considered it for a second and went 'Nope, nope, nope, fuck off, nope.' Right?" Dawn grinned. She smirked. "Exactly." Dawn grinned more, settling in close. "Hmm… How would you like to sit in in a court session?" "Oh? You want to risk me making a mistake there already?" Dawn asked confused. "Oh please, nothing you do can be any worse then what I do." she chuckled. "Oh? Now I do want to see, if that’s what you're saying." Dawn smiled. She chuckled and winked at her "When will we do it?" "Hmm next session?" "When is that?" "Two days from now" "Sounds good. I'm in." ---------- I definitely will be bringing this over once I figure out a way to hold such an event. It’s sad, but I really liked how they paid their respects to the past and unite under that. Now I just have to be ready for whatever might come in two days! > 6 - PFC Tulip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 80, May 29th, Tuesday So, the commander let me know she had one place she needed to go to before we went back. I didn’t want to intrude, but they gave an invitation, and I was curious. It wasn’t like I had much else I planned on doing and maybe the commander wanted company... ----- Twilight worked on cooking breakfast, having carefully extracted herself from under Dawn, who still laid on the bed. Dawn yawned and stretched, waking up at the smell of food, nearly purring at the thought. Twilight said nothing as she worked in the kitchen. Dawn soon got up and drifted over, waking up enough to move at the smell of good food. "Mornin…" she tried to mumble out. "Oh hey! Morning." Twilight said, focusing on the omelets they were cooking. "Morning." Dawn repeated, smiling as she saw food being made and waking more at the sight of it, "So, what's on the agenda for today?" "Not a lot. Rest… a little later, I have somewhere to go." "Oh? Mind if I ask what?" Dawn asked. "Just visiting someone… nothing major. I try to swing by when I’m in town." "I see. Would you like me to stay out of that visit? I don't want to intrude if it's more personal." Dawn said. "It a fine either way. Shouldn't hurt." "I see." Dawn said, thinking, 'I know she says it's fine either way, but I don't want to just invite myself along. It'd be very rude of me to, but I’m also curious.' 'If that’s how you feel then don't.' Chrysalis told her, having heard their thought through the link. 'It's how I was raised.' Dawn said once she realized it was loud enough to notify the link. She tried to explain herself by reminding Chrysalis of a reprimand she had gotten for asking her grandfather if she could join a golf outing with her dad, and he gave her a talking to when she wanted to take a break for having invited herself but not wanting to play all the way through. 'Dawn, stop that. You know Twilight prefers to be direct.' Chrysalis said firmly, 'While it is a personal visit, she wouldn’t say it was fine either way unless it was.' 'Right… Sorry mom, I just need to get used to not second guessing like that. Honestly, I would like to learn.' Dawn replied before speaking out loud again, "Then I would like to join you please. I have a lot to learn and if nothing else, it will be nice to learn more about your friends and anyone else you've found important enough to visit if they’re ok with it too." Twilight nodded as she cooked. "Thank you.” Dawn said, developing a mischievous smile. “I'd give a hug, but never interrupt the chef!" "Yeah,” Twilight chuckled in agreement, “that’s usually a bad idea." "Yup." Dawn smiled, "Stalwart is allowed to because he makes my food better when he gets involved… and we won't even talk about what happens to it when he mounts me!" "Heh… That’s an interesting idea you have there… Makes me think he’s adding a little ‘secret sauce.’" "Nah, the food stinks, but we're in too good a mood to care." Dawn smirked. "I meant when he cooks." "I’m aware,” Dawn smirked, shaking her head after, “but he doesn’t do that. Neither of us are interested in that yet. Still, I'm thinking of taking on cooking as my next hobby. Any good ideas of who I should look at for that?" "Hmm… Poundcake I'd say. I'm sure he’d like to pass on the family recipes to someone." Twilight suggested. "Oh? You mean Sugarcube corner? I already visit there enough for my chocolate to be a familiar face." Dawn smiled, "Then again, maybe he'd like the idea because he already knows me… What would the best way to go about asking him be?" "Um… asking him I'd say." Twilight said simply. "Not sure how else to ask someone if you can learn from them rather than just asking him." “I mean, there's being direct, indirect, bringing gifts… I’m realizing just how silly I’m sounding now.” Dawn said with a facehoof. “Yeah, don’t use diplomacy on a friend. That doesn’t end well.” Twilight said. "I wasn’t thinking when I asked, sorry." Dawn said quietly, disappointed in herself for the near blunder she made. Twilight blinked at her and then went back to cooking. 'I think you almost took your lessons a bit too far.' Chrysalis warned. 'Maybe… sorry.' Dawn relayed, feeling disappointed that she still almost had done exactly that. Chrysalis patted her head. 'It is alright, you are still learning.' 'Thanks mom…' Dawn relayed, still contemplating how to take her lessons better next time. 'Usually you don't need to apply them to friends unless you wish to use them for political gain.' 'I think I understand.' Dawn replied, going over to the restroom to groom herself until breakfast. Dawn readied herself and brushed everything into place before coming to the table. The food was already there with Twilight waiting for her. Dawn smiled, sitting down before she gave her thanks and dug in. The two royals ate on, Twilight finishing later than Dawn, then took the dishes to the sink to clean up after their meal. Dawn’s mood had improved, though it was no surprise. A good meal always made her more contented and calm. Twilight washed the dishes and then started to head for the door. "If you're coming, then come." Twilight warned. Dawn nodded and quickly moved to follow. The two mares didn’t wear any of their royal attire. Twilight had went to the door without anything, so Dawn followed their example. They left the castle and walked the streets, quickly approaching a building that was near the edge of the city. Nothing seemed out of place, it was a nice neighborhood, though the building they were approaching was far larger and taller than any others in the area. Dawn watched, trying to figure out what the building was as they walked in. She was greeted with a nice waiting room. There were comfortable chairs and a small couch arranged in the room while gentle music played and a tv in the corner displayed a sitcom. The pair of them headed to the desk in the center, gaining the attention of a mare sitting behind it and working at a computer. Dawn stayed close to Twilight, though with enough distance to be polite and then heard the mare speak up at them. "Ah, is it that time again Twilight?" She asked. Twilight gave a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, it is Clarity. I hope it’s no trouble I brought a friend."" she asked, gesturing with her head to Dawn. Clarity looked at for a few moment critically then smiled as she pulled out a clipboard. "I don't see why not. It might do some good having a new face visit." Twilight accepted it, wrote on a line, and then held it out to Dawn. Dawn took the pen and assumed she was signing in. Sure enough, it was a sign in sheet, and she noticed as she signed in and placed her entry time that the top read, "CANTERLOT PSYCHIATRIC CARE INSTITUTE." The mare behind the counter took it back. "Head right in. You know where to go, and please make sure your friend doesn’t wander off." She said as she clicked a button and a light buzz came from the door to the right as Twilight started to head toward it. "Don't worry, I'll try not to." Dawn smiled back at them before moving to stay close to Twilight, just in case. The entered a hall that was well lit, with potted plants and other things decorating the halls and interspersed between the occasional door. Twilight knew her route well, leading on with confidence. The pair of them passed different checkpoints with orderlies and passed by others that were going from place to place. They soon reached a small room with a view out over the landscape beyond the city. There were plants in the room on the bookshelf, along with a few books between them, while a table, couch, and chairs were placed in comfortable positions in the room. Twilight moved and took a seat at the table. Dawn joined Twilight, sitting next to her. After a bit, the door opened and a dark tan unicorn mare with a light brown mane entered, wearing a worn out military jacket and a suppression ring on her horn. She saw Twilight and snapped to a crisp salute. "Ma'am, PFC Tulip reporting as requested!" "At ease Private. This is just a friendly visit as usual. Come sit. I made tea." Twilight said, having already pulled out her teamaking things onto the table, preparing tea while they waited. "This is Dawn. She’s a friend of mine." "Nice to meet you." Dawn smiled, giving a gentle nod of her head. The mare hesitated before slowly lowering her hoof. She moved over to the other side of the table, pulling out a chair and sitting across from Twilight as the purple princess poured a cup of tea for them. "So, how have you been Tulip?" Twilight asked, sliding the cup to them. The mare shrugged. "Well, from what they tell me." Twilight nodded. "I'm glad to hear that." "Yeah, they let me go outside in the garden for a bit a couple days ago. It was nice getting to smell the flowers… been a while since I got to work out there." "I am definitely glad to hear that. That must mean you are doing well." "Yeah… I guess. They won’t let me work out there, but I was able to take a walk. Sarge said I need to keep doing what they tell me, like a good soldier." "I see… What else has Sergeant Dancer been saying?" "Just that I need to listen to the doctors. Greeny keeps wanting me to try and get back out to the garden, says it would do me good since I always felt relaxed out there, so it doesn’t make sense why the doctors won't let me out there more often. Though, Ice keeps arguing with him about the fact he keeps wanting me to sneak out there. I had to break up a fight between them last night. I was worried they were going to really hurt each other. "I see…" Twilight said, listening attentively. Dawn stayed quiet, only listening since she wasn’t sure what she should say or when. "So, how do you know the Commander?" Tulip asked, looking at Dawn. "She landed in my living room and I looked out for her and her family until she could get home again." Dawn answered formally, figuring it would be best not to mention they were displaced, just in case it was related. "Ah, yeah. Training accidents can be bad. Glad she landed somewhere friendly." She said nodding. "Yeah, pushed myself a bit too hard." Twilight said chuckling. "Yeah,” Tulip nodded, “Sarge said forcing things like that is bad and can make things worse." "And i got a new friend out of it." Dawn chimed in. "Friends are always good." Tulip approved. "Definitely." Dawn agreed, debating if she should ask about the gardens or move to some other subject. Twilight watched the two of them silently as she sipped her tea, measuring how well the two got along. "So, you like the gardens?" Dawn asked, recognizing Twilight wanted them to socialize when she stayed quiet. "Yeah, I like tending to the flowers.” Tulip smiled, “Always did." "I see, what’s your favorite part of tending to the flowers?" Dawn asked. "I don’t know… They don’t really need a lot, just some water and sun and a bit of TLC. Just nice, simple work." "Ah. So it is a nice relaxed hobby." Dawn said with a small nod, gesturing with a hoof. "I know some ponies who enjoy it because it gives them control over something, or time to center themselves when life is hectic." "Though usually it's just a nice relaxing hobby." Twilight quickly said. "It’s just peaceful and enjoyable is all. Nothing more." Tulip blinked at what Dawn said, but seemed to relax when Twilight spoke. 'Hm... Perhaps I stepped close to some sort of line?' Dawn wondered. "True. I haven’t tried it myself yet, but it is peaceful." "Yeah.” Tulip nodded and began to smile, “I'm eager to get back to it." 'Going very close to a line, my daughter.’ Chrysalis informed before pausing at Dawn’s surprise at a ‘line’ she nearly crossed. ‘It is not my place to tell you. Follow Twilight’s lead. She will keep you safe.’ ‘I… okay…’ Dawn frowned, more confused now than ever. “So, any favorite flowers you like most?” "Not really. I like all flowers." Tulip answered with a small smile. "What about you? Do you like plants?" Tulip asked. "I have tried once or twice.” Dawn answered, the mystery looming over her mind. “When I was little, I didn’t like getting too dirty, and I was way too easily scared from bugs and spiders and the like. It’s silly of me, and I still am sometimes." "Oh…" she said, ears dropping a bit. "What do you do then?" "I’ve been doing a lot of studying, and I look after my foals. In a way, they’re like my flowers." Dawn smiled, trying to stay closer to the subject they liked. "Hmm… I guess.” Tulip said, frowning slightly as her posture grew more rigid. “More loud, and… running around… screaming. … Bloody… lead, screams, movement outside!" Twilight slammed her hooves together, making a loud clap, causing Dawn and Tulip to jump at the sudden noise. Dawn had her ears splayed backward and Tulip began blinking as she looked around, only to see Twilight calmly smiling. "How's the tea Tulip? I didn't put too much sugar in, did I?" She blinked several times, then shook her head as she picked it up to drink it some more. "No… no the tea is fine… Excellent as always Commander." "Tulip, if I were to start learning how to garden, what would you say I should learn first?" Dawn asked, worried if bringing up her foals had caused an issue. She took Twilight’s Segway as a cue to change subjects to safer territory as she tried to act like everything was normal like Twilight did. "Hmm… I'd say learn about the plants in your area. What they like, don't like, the soil and all that." She said. "Ahh." Dawn nodded. "Any plants that might be better for beginners?" "Hmmm. Roses are rather hearty." "I see. I will have to give them a try sometime." Dawn said, desperately trying to figure out what else to talk about. "Yeah. Roses really are tough, but are so worth it. Though technically dandelions are even better." "I see. I'll have to give it a try… I remember growing up that dandelions were a weed for several yards growing up… them and another one." Dawn hummed. "Oh, they are a weed, but doesn't change the fact they are still flowers." "True." Dawn nodded. Tulip nodded, waiting a moment as Dawn struggled to think about what was safe to discuss until she ventured to ask, "So, what have you been studying?" "Well, been getting some physical training in, got some general courses in history, science, mathematics... there's a lot." Dawn said. "Oh… um, no hobbies?" "Well, that’s what I study.” Dawn reminded them, “When I have time, I enjoy playing games or reading books. Probably will learn how to cook in the near future." "What do you read?" "Usually had been fantasy or sci-fi, often with space travel." Dawn said. "Almost thought of being a writer for a while too." "Why don't you?" "Just been extraordinarily busy." Dawn said with a shy smile. "Huh… Guess that makes sense. Icey always has her muzzle in a book when she isn’t fighting with Greeny. Always think she's going to ruin her eyes worse than they are, but she says as long as she wears her reading glasses when reading for long periods of time, she is fine." "Yup. I know how that goes. Had to wear glasses growing up for a long while, till I became a pony anyway." "Became a pony?" She said and then looked at one of the empty spaces at the table and then nodded. "Hmm… I guess you're right." she then looked at Dawn. "So, you're displaced huh?" "In a way. I am much better off as a pony anyway, even before I became a princess." Dawn smiled. "I wouldn't look back except for missing hands, but what I’d use them for is handled by magic anyway." "So you were a biped?" She asked. "I was born that way, yes." Dawn nodded. "Huh… interesting." Tulip said. "How so?" Dawn asked. She suddenly looked to another chair. "What? By Celestia really?" She said face hoofing and blushing and then looked at Dawn. "I am so sorry Dawn. Greeny literally has no filter between his brain and his mouth, I swear he's a teenager." "It's not a problem." Dawn said, trying to take this sudden change in stride. She looked at the chair. "Because you act like it… … You literally just asked her what it's like to sleep with someone as a biped… … No, I am not going to use your phrasing." she said and then sighed looking at Dawn apologetically. "And there they go… I'm sorry." She said, speaking loudly as if trying to talk over someone. Dawn chuckled, "It can be very creative, for sure, not that I had tried while I was a biped." "Oh please, don't encourage him!" She said, blushing harder and sighing, seeming to relax and looked at another chair. "Thanks Sarge." "I understand. I just don't want the subject to be avoided like it had in my childhood, leading me to be so awkward in life about it. Sometimes, it's not that big a deal or as big as others make it, and if everyone is ok talking about it, I will be supportive." Dawn said gently, thinking 'I think I'm starting to see part of the reason for their being here… as sad as it might be.' "There is being okay talking about it when appropriate, and then there is asking someone you just met that!" Tulip squeaked, clearly embarrassed. Dawn chuckled, "I mean, if that's what we want to talk about when I was a biped, I'm all for it if everyone is ok with it. Really." "We’re not. It's just Greeny being a pervert, like usual." She said and sighed. "I was afraid there would be someone like him… Or at the least who encouraged his behavior." "Honestly, my support comes less from being a pervert than being repressed for something that is natural and doesn't have to be a big deal." Dawn explained. "Having said that, I will respect your right to not have it be discussed and I'm sorry if I made things more awkward for you." Dawn apologized. Dawn paused and a compromise came to mind, "So, perhaps there are other questions about me when I was a biped that might be better?" Tulip shifted, showing how uncomfortable she was with a very red face and ears folded back slightly. "No. Nothing…" "Oh? Nothing about what things can be done with hands or the like? Perhaps complete lack of magic then?" Dawn offered. "I SAID NO!" She said then winced ears going back as she looked down. "Sorry Sarge…" she looked at Dawn. "I am sorry for yelling." "It's fine. I'm sorry for pushing the matter." Dawn said, feeling very tense and frozen from being yelled at, her fears and instincts surging to have her want to run and hide from the sudden yell. She was unaware of her ears folding back on her head again as she tried not to cave to her instincts. 'Calm yourself Dawn. Relax.’ Her mother reminded her. ‘You are safe. Twilight is with you.' "So what would you write if you had the time?" Tulip asked. 'I'm trying... trust me I'm trying' Dawn relayed, still feeling like a terrified child that is trying to keep it together as the emotions slowly dissipated, "I've had a few ideas I would love to get back to, though they'll still say focused on characters that were of the race I was before just for familiarity." "Hmm… interesting." Tulip said. Dawn felt herself surrounded in the link by dozens of soldier drones, all facing outward, ready to attack anything that dared try and harm a single hair on her head. It was their way of telling her she was safe. 'Thank you...' She said to them, feeling herself slowly calm, though feeling apologetic at the need for soldier drones to protect a Legate who otherwise should be stronger than this. "How so?" "Well, I mean… stories about a whole other world… Sure it's been done, but making something up and actually having experience in it are two different things." "Yup… The worlds I'd write about would be mostly made up, but heavily based on that experience. I have one story where the bipeds could transform into one specific animal of their world and back at will for example, or another where a biped gets pulled to another world I'd been working on for a year or two, where she gets turned into something more akin to a centaur and has to cope with the change. Still stuck on some of the various creature designs and the magic systems it would follow." "Hmm....interesting." she repeated. "In what ways?" Dawn asked, secretly eager for more details on what others found interesting about the idea. "It just… is?" She said blinking. "Oh." Dawn said, mildly disappointed, but wasn't about to show it if she could help it. Tulips blinked at her, confused by the question. "I guess I was hoping to know if it was the creatures involved, the premise, or anything else like that. No big deal." Dawn said gently. "Uh… Well I don't know anything about it really. What little I do know, it sounded interesting." Twilight refilled their teas, remaining quiet to observe them interacting and supervise. "Ahh, did you want me to say more on any part of those?" Dawn offered. "If you want." She shrugged. "Icey is listening with rapt attention, I know." "All right, then I’ll go over it for them and see what they think if that’s ok." Dawn said, beginning to explain the plot of the second story, and how it would involve the character dealing with being on the not so friendly side of society and the villain was just trying to get the heroine back at her side because they were another world's version of their lover. Tulip listened, but it seemed more out of politeness, though the way she kept glancing at "Icey" indicated the other mare was listening intently. Dawn finished with details about the 'heroine' from the bipedal groups who realize the world isn't as black and white as she thought and that the ending is still being figured out how to come to a satisfactory ending yet still have a good conflict at the end outside of the 'heroine' needing to chase down the 'monster' and realizing how the 'monster' wasn't one. Tulip nodded at the end. "Well, sounds like you got it mostly figured out." "I try at least." Dawn said with a shy smile. "The other one is less figured out, just know that there's some sort of crystals acting as catalysts for changing the world that fell from space, but also enables the bipeds to use magic. So if they were to destroy the things corrupting their world, they destroy their convenient abilities that made the heroes stand out beyond just turning into an animal form.' "Huh....weird." "Oh." Dawn said, ears folding back slightly in disappointment. It was the first time she had expressed the ideas outside of Stalwart and the hive, and that one word hurt a little more than she wanted, and she knew she was overreacting. Tulips eyes went wide. "No, no! I didn’t mean it like that, just… world where you need something to do magic? That’s… that's just weird and… the other stuff… and… I'm Sorry, I'm so sorry." "It's ok. I guess it would be an odd concept here.” Dawn said, trying once again to take it in stride. “Growing up, there were always those who dreamed of what it'd be like to use magic, and rather than picturing having horns, they would imagine just an item they could use as a focal point or a conduit for the magic inside them. It was just an extension off that cultural thought." Tulip looked really upset she seemed to have hurt Dawn’s feelings, and she looked around at the other items at the table for inspiration. "Um… uh… So right, plants in your area. Where do you live?" "Well, I'm currently over with Twilight at Castle Friendship, but I have a home over in Van Hoover." Dawn said, wanting rather badly to console them now. "Right, Ponyville and Van hoover." She said, beginning to launch into a detailed list of the sort of plants one could grow in Ponyville and what they needed, along with other relevant details. Dawn nodded, trying to listen to what they were saying. 'Hey mom, is this maybe what Twilight had in mind? Is this why she's so quiet?' 'Twilight is the only person who visits her. I think Twilight is hoping more contact with someone else will help her.' Her mother said. Tulip talked quickly and detailed as if trying to bury her blunder under a mountain of information. Dawn tried to react as if it was doing the trick to cheer her up, and after nearly an hour of the information barrage, a knock came to the door and a pony entered. "I am sorry to interrupt, but it is time for Mrs. Tulip's appointment." The mare said in a friendly tone. "That time already?" Twilight said as she glanced at the clock. "Oh…” Tulip said with transparent disappointment as she turned to look at Dawn again, “guess we have been here for a while.” "Yes Tulip, it is. I'm sure your friends will come back to visit another time." The mare at the door said encouragingly. Dawn smiled and nodded. "I would like that." “Really?" Tulip asked looking back at her hopefully. "Yes, really." Dawn said, "As long as Twilight approves, I’d enjoy visiting again." "I don't see why not.” Twilight said. The mare at the door looked relieved, as did Tulip. "Okay, see you next time then Dawn." She said happily as she got to her hooves and trotted toward the door. Dawn smiled at them gently and waved at them as they left. 'I hope I did ok…' Twilight waited a few minutes before she stood and started to walk toward the door. Dawn followed, thinking about the encounter. Soon they were back at the lobby and Twilight signed out and had Dawn do the same. Before long, they were back outside walking along the street and Dawn had to voice her thoughts. "So, did I do ok?" "Seeing as she wanted to see you again, I'd say yes.” Twilight answered. “Bit of a hiccup here and there, but Tulip is a bit of a minefield." "So, since I only almost stepped on one, that went well then." Dawn tried to confirm. "Yes, and to let you know, your foals aren’t the issue or bad, just… thinking about certain things isn’t good for her." "Ah." She walked on. "So… was it intended that I was the one to talk with your friend so much?" Dawn asked, not sure how to better phrase her question. "Pretty much. Having more than just me visiting her these days would be good for her. … She used to have a colt-friend, but one day he stopped showing up… wasn't able to deal with her." "Oh.” Dawn said sadly, “I can see how it would be stressful." "Yeah..." Twilight nodded solemnly. "Still, I liked parts of it, and it’s bound to be a bit rocky to start as I learn what to talk about or not talk about. I'm willing to give it another go like I promised. If it ends up bringing them more hope, by all means, let’s keep at it!" Dawn said cheerfully. "So what should I keep in mind about them and their situation?" "Well, as you saw, she hears voices in her head and has full on hallucinations. As a fair warning, the people she’s seeing are all dead, but she doesn’t remember that detail. Do not bring up Zebras. Let’s see…" "Hm. I would have thought multiple personalities, but I guess hearing voices seems about right too." Dawn nodded, compiling an internal list. "The ones she is seeing are her squad… were her squad. … Probably should explain how she ended up like this huh?" "If you want…" Dawn said hesitantly. She sighed and then explained. "Tulip and her squad were assigned as part of a task force with the Zebrican military to go after some insurgents who were threatening trade routes and the Caesar asked for our help. “The task force got some intel on a possible high value target, but when they went in after them, it turned out to be an ambush… Tulip and her squad, along with a couple others, got separated in the firefight. Radio contact was maintained for a time, so we knew they were taking cover in a small store, but by the time reinforcements arrived, they’d been in a firefight for over an hour… “Tulip was found in the store front, out of ammo, magic reserves depleted, and surrounded by about a dozen insurgents she killed with her bare hooves as she defended the door to the backroom where the injured were…" Twilight sighed and looked down. "A stray bullet went through the wall and killed the medic, and none of the others made it… Tulip didn’t know they’d died sometime before help arrived… she had been defending a tomb with everything she had, thinking she was keeping her friends safe. “It… it broke her.” Twilight said sadly, looking away from Dawn for a moment. “When she learned of the fate of her squad, she suffered a full break from reality and regularly gets visits from them on top of her PTSD… She is fully convinced she is only being treated for PTSD and that her squad made a full recovery and has special permission to visit her at all hours." Dawn gasped and went solemn as she tried to imagine what that was like for a brief moment until she knew the link would try to do it for her. She took a deep breath and let it out slow. "So don’t bring up anything related to that I'm assuming, which is why no zebras, running and screaming…" "Yeah…” Twilight said quietly, “I was the one who assigned her to the task force, so in a way, I am responsible for her being like this, so I visit here every time I'm in Canterlot." "I see… well, I would still enjoy visiting them again more. Maybe once or twice a month if I can manage." Dawn relayed. She nodded. "Yeah, it would do her good having more than one actual person to talk to besides the doctors." "Agreed." Dawn said, "I saw how much they cheered up when I said I would come back. I think they might be a bit lonely too." "I honestly like to think that somewhere in her head, she is aware of things, but just can't face it yet…" "I'd like to think that too…" Dawn said, "Or even realize that they've passed away but she's been kept company by their memory… any sort of compromise to be honest." ---------- We went home after that, and it really got me thinking. That’s just… I don’t have the words right now for what they went through.  They went through so much, and it only makes the weight of my becoming a princess all the heavier. I am trying not to think about how it feels like I don’t deserve it, with the hell that everyone else has to go through, or so much more that others might be doing to earn the title of hope-bearer compared to me, but even so, I was chosen, so I need to keep working at it so I can do what I was meant to do and live up to that title. I can start on the one on one cases like with Tulip and spread out from there. > 7 - The Past is Never Fully Told > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 81, May 30th, Wednesday Today I got a little over two dozen letters, most of them being from different newspapers and in email format to my public ambassador email that I forgot I had, journals, or other reporters asking me to consider granting them an interview. I probably should have expected this after my appearance at the Canterlot Day of the Fallen ceremonies. Most of them seem to be curious, though a few had even managed to reference that I was in the reports of the ponies that had come home. Several requests of them seemed to be hoof-written. To me, that spoke just as much of their interest by effort involved or professionalism, but maybe that’s from being raised in an era where internet wasn’t common in households until nearly high school. Great… I’m old school already and I’m not even 40! Just wait till I get to 512 or something! I’m not sure if I want to do an interview yet, or am ready for it. I made an appearance on the public stage at the Day of the Fallen, but I’m also nowhere near trained enough for public interactions of that level on my own yet. I barely managed the social gathering that Celestia and Luna hosted with a small group! Granted, there was no pressure and it gave me a glimpse into what I will have to be to actually interact with them properly, but this was going to be a move in ‘the game’ where many things could accidentally make waves. have I mentioned I hate the game sigh. I will not let this journal get negative! Having said all that, we also had the court date today. It was interesting, seeing what things would come up to the attention of a princess, and yet it was extremely familiar. The pompus lower houses and their requesting taxes for their projects, today’s most notable example being for funding for a “public” swimming pool just behind their main estate of course, only to then insist on rules that exempted most ponies from being able to attend. The more serious examples, however, showed me how difficult the real decisions can be. I felt like the issue at hoof was difficult to solve without knowing what all the options were as I listened, but Twilight took it in stride and came up with a method to investigate before she would give an answer. I learned that one of the most valuable parts of making decisions at this level is the levying of time to reach a secure position, or at least prepare for how to give the answer. It highlighted how if one isn’t educated in the appropriate fields, it would be easy to be persuaded by their given details to see their point of view. As much as this is interesting in learning how to be a princess, I must confess a kind of guilt to not bringing up my family more in my journals.  After all, am I not a mother first? I suppose it could be argued both ways, but I was encouraged to focus on being a parent more than ruling until Twilight came along after all. So, on to talking about my family to make up for it then! My foals are still cute, playing around and making a mess with all their toys. I’m starting to understand why some parents don’t bother cleaning up after their foals except on one day a week, if that, unless hosting some event. It’s been easier to leave the living room more or less the way the foals want it, and clean everything up on Sunday instead. Magic is definitely something I’d almost want to require as a parent, makes things so much easier… Actually- Idea… What if I were to find a way to make more of the bracelets like what I gave Nightfall, so ponies could do the more mundane tasks with magic? … actually, that’s a bad idea. Minor telekinesis was used by Night to do more than move stuff around like a quill, cutlery, or chairs like I had wanted. He used them for all kinds of other things, even using a belt of knives to fight with. It doesn’t have any more advantages than someone with hands, save one, it’s not predictable or limited to the motion a hand attached to an arm, but this could be misused by criminals for far more devious things, especially when ponies don’t realize magic could be used because the pony is a pegasus or an earth pony… Well, so much for that idea. I’d better go to bed, I’ve still got training and I’m told I have exams coming up too. At least it has gotten easier to sleep with my foals with me. I don’t suddenly wake up when they latch on... and why do I get the feeling someone will read this other than me or Stalwart and be like ‘tmi princess!’... anyway, bed. Good night. -in hastily scribbled ink- Oh! Note to self: Check with a therapist or the doctors at the Psych place to see if it would help treatments or hinder them if a magic item could help give an actual voice to the voices ponies like Tulip are hearing. ========== Day 83, Jun 1st, Friday Today is a big day for us! Our foals had started babbling and almost got to talking by the time they laid down for their nap! They’d generally been quiet, listening to Stalwart and me playing our games together or reading out loud to them for their bedtime stories, and they started trying to talk back to us. I know every parent probably gets this feeling, but they were so adorable as they tried to talk to us! We started talking back with them, emotions riding high, but their speech only kept getting better the more we talked despite my expectations that they should only be able to babble until closer to one or two years old. Of course, I should laugh because they could say “Zera” just fine, surprising us and we feigned offense, but they started saying ‘momuh’ and ‘daduh’ a few minutes later, so I think we could forgive them. They squealed in happiness when we came together and smothered them with attention, and I'm almost positive they do feed on our emotions some, or at least are sensitive to it. Probably stuffed Zera full of love from the events of the day. I’d joke that’s the real reason Chryssy assigned a caretaker to our family, to gather all our love, but it’s not like it’s doing any harm to us after all. I’m sore from all the workouts of the day, but that really made me smile and nearly glowing for the rest of the day. It wasn’t as fast as Violet began speaking I hear, but I don’t really mind. I... I just realized, I need to figure out when their birthday is based on both calendars! Let’s see, I know I ascended around February and the commander came over around March or April, but their birth got accelerated and they joined our family late May, but then we went to the commander’s world by August and then it warped back to March for their time... So that’d mean their equivalent birthday over here is around January now... hm. No idea how we wanna handle that right now, I’ll deal with it later. Oh, I also had sent off the question I had a couple days ago to the psych building that PFC Tulip was at. Not sure if I’ll get to work on the relic in question, but it’ll be good to ask the experts first to keep them in the loop. ========== Day 85, Jun 3rd Sunday I’ve had plenty of time to think about it, and now that the foals are napping so I can finally write about everything so far. Beacon is babbling in his sleep like always since they started (he’s so adorable!), but I decided that I will go forward with the interview. I thought about avoiding the spotlight because of my inexperience, but that decision had already been made when I joined Twilight at Canterlot and stood on the stage. Now I should be looking at it as a decision to either give them information and guide their queries about me, or let them guess what I’m like and let rumors build and potentially dictate my actions for me. I choose the first option, hands or hooves down. No way do I want rumors build or let others dictate who I am or what to expect out of me! So of course, now I had to figure out who it was that I wanted to interview with. This choice is nowhere near easy. Not only is there their own equivalent partisan parties, called Traditionalists and Modernists which I equated as similar to my home world’s political divisions, but each one seemed to have a bias between the existing three princesses as well! Here’s my dilemma: If I went with a single group for an exclusive, it would show a great deal of favor with the one group and toward the way it allows its bias to be shown. Getting multiple reporters together isn’t any easier either! If I grab a paper that leans Traditionalist-Celestia and another that’s an Modernist-Luna leaning group, I could be accused of holding up a stereotype. Reverse it to Modern-Tia and Tradition-Luna, and then I might be considered a contrarian or not appeal to the broader audience since the audiences generally have Traditionalists lean to Tia while the Modernists lean Twilight and Luna. In the end, accepting just a single group just did not seem like a good idea. I decided the best route would be a Traditionalist journalist from Celestia and Luna both, while the Modernist leaning paper would be a Twilight bias. It’s not a perfect plan, but it would appeal to about two thirds of the population as far as I can estimate. At least the Luna one I chose is really close to being just about the events with minimal biases shown. Here’s to hoping my letters asking for a coordinated interview between the three groups are well received. Writing an email with hooves was not easy, let me tell you that… And now I remember I could have used changeling shapeshifting to get hands. Dammit, why didn’t I think of that sooner! Ok, enough ranting, focus now… Stalwart says they were each written well enough and should be received well since I tried to tailor to each of their niches. We will see… After all, they are going to each have some time to do their one on one interviews. It’ll be an exhausting day, that’s for sure.   Anyway, I’m still drained and tomorrow I still have all of my classes and exercising like usual again. Good night. ========== Day 86, Jun 4th, Monday Stalwart told me everyone’s completed their Guard training and Nightfall’s been given his patrol route and partnered up with a pony named Blue Star for his patrol route in Canterlot. His training route was something he enjoyed, despite the graveyard shift. Storm and Night found a place close enough for both their needs. Storm is still working at Castle Friendship, and Night will work his patrols. I hope it works out for them. Night was really cold and distant on the Day of the Fallen. Still, it’s not any skin off my back and more his loss. At least Storm seems to be warming up to me, or not having any issues with me anymore. Not sure why, but I’m not complaining! Stalwart is relieved that Night is giving us some distance too. Apparently he’s been testy of Stalwart. Thankfully I know how to help cheer him up! In other news, I got a reply from the Canterlot psychologist in charge of handling PFC Tulip’s case. Their response was educational, but boiled down to it being a generally bad idea. Schizophrenia, Tulip’s hearing her squad, is generally handled by proper medication to help with the brain’s synapses misfiring and using traditional therapy to help them determine fiction from reality. Now, the potential upside to the idea was it could help with some degree of access to their subconscious, but can accidentally validate the voices that they hear which may be poor or faulty reasoning. I wrote up a letter accepting their information, thanking them and let them know I’ll be delayed in visiting again due to various reasons like my education, but would ensure Tulip would get a good long letter on Sundays that I miss. With all that settled, I felt exhausted. I’ll have to share the info with Twilight at some point, see what her thoughts were on the feedback, but the hardest part would be when. Twilight’s been super busy and dinners with the royalty are becoming less frequent, though I still try, perhaps I should try to learn from some of the other nobility. ========== Day 87, Jun 5th, Tuesday Well, busy day today. I got news on my electronics, I got responses from the newspaper groups, and my foals are being as mischievous as ever! So somehow, despite a rather thorough disassembling of my electronics and somehow putting them back together without any damage (I’m blaming/thanking magic.) and they have some working emulators and converter units for just about everything.  That was incredibly fast work, wasn’t expecting any of them back for years! I know they had some help because of the ones I already had on my computer, and that made everything a lot faster from seeing the various engine details that needed rebuilt, but I wasn’t expecting the hive to have it all done in just three months! Anyway, everything’s getting reinstalled in our home while I’m gone and we can play some of the things I grew up with if I want! … I mean, I hardly have the time, but some games are begging for me to relive or show off to Stalwart if he’s interested. Who wants to bet he’ll enjoy the shooters like most boys? (I shouldn’t tease, I’m guilty of enjoying a few myself) We’re working out plans for how to distribute copies of the games, pricing and the like. I still hesitate because it’s me profiting from the work of so many others, and yet the logic of the hive is difficult to argue against. The ponies of this world can’t play the games otherwise, it’s not as if the original creators were going to come along or be able to start distributing products here themselves, and it all has the added effect of providing entertainment to the masses and coins for funding whatever projects I wish to pursue. I have no idea what that will be yet, but I like the idea of pairing games together, grouping them and trying to sell them at a rate appropriate to the markets’ standards. I don’t want to keep the funding for selfish projects if I can help it though, that still feels like crossing a line. Movies are being copied too, though I’m more wanting to have them distributed more freely. Not sure why I’m making the exception for movies, but it otherwise seems right for me. Like, the movies show the culture I came from a lot more easily in my opinion. Granted, my library missing a bunch of movies a lot of people back home loved just from not being aware or interested in some, but a good fifty or so movies is still nothing to sneeze at! At least the ones I love are able to be shared… though I can’t help but wonder what the reactions of ponies will be when they see movies about space battles or dwarves and elves and humans and the like… Ok, definitely going to a showing if it goes into theatres so I can see crowd reactions. I don’t want to miss that! I wonder how many ponies will dream of being jedi or Starfleet officers after the showings… Ok, enough about my games and movies… Newspapers of course were asking if they could have exclusives instead, offering various things like my choice on subjects to cover, or a small compensation package to accommodate my time. I stood my ground, sending notices to all three. I made sure I was as polite as possible, something about appreciating their offers, but I wanted to work with the best from multiple perspectives to show that I wanted to show how much I valued alternate or conflicting perspectives because of how it can bring the truth to light more easily. Stalwart said it was written fine, but I still worry it could have been written better. I was nervous about the idea of them recording the conversations for better note taking and for uploading to their equivalent of the internet, but I wanted to be transparent, for better or worse.  Regardless, my answers are written and sent and it’s really late tonight. I should get to bed. ========== Day 88, Jun 6th Well, I got my notice about the Summer Sun Celebration today… It seemed like it was going to be a pretty normal day, sometimes whiney and yet happy foals, a hard workout, more lessons, and would round it off with a nice dinner with a visiting princess… ---------- Dawn walked in to the dining room, pleased to see she was being joined by other princesses. She was finally feeling confident and comfortable in the public dining scene and the warm summer air was kept at bay in the castle. She looked over to the table, and saw Celestia at the table, smiling softly at her. "Good evening Dawn. I hope you don’t mind that I decided to join you since I was in the castle." "No, very much no." Dawn grinned as she took her seat. "I've rather often enjoyed when you or the other princesses join at mealtime.” "Yes, I do apologize we do not get to meet often, but royal duties do call to me and my sister." She chuckled. "Of course." Dawn said with an understanding nod. "I still treasure what times we do get. How have you been?" "Oh, I have been well as I can be." "Glad to hear it." Dawn smiled, hesitating as she saw Celestia nod and a sour taste reminding her of sadness seemed to float over the air. "So, what of you? How have you been? I’ve read Twilight reports, but I’d like to hear it from you." "Certainly. My lessons have been going well, learning more every day, and my physical fitness test is coming up a few days before the summer sun celebrations." Dawn said. "Ah, yes.” Celestia said with a smile, the sour note becoming slightly more noticeable, “From what I am told you will pass with flying colors." "We will see…" Dawn said nervously. "From what my trainers say, I hold myself back too much by being too timid." "That is what Twilight believes as well." She nodded smiling at Dawn with amusement. "I try to laugh at the irony of being my own worst enemy, but it provides a good goal to pass. If I can manage to look past my flaws and fears, I can perform much better because of it." Dawn nodded. "Quite,” Celestia nodded, “we are all often our own worst enemies, sometimes to the point we don’t see what is right in front of our noses until it’s too late." "And that is the best time to listen to others, to keep ourselves in check to avoid it, right?" Dawn asked, feeling a bit of worry as the sad note increased again. "Hmm… Yes, yes it is." She said shaking her head a bit as if clearing something. Dawn frowned, trying to hide it and hold back her worry at possibly reminding them of worse times. "Are you alright?" Celestia asked. "Yes, just fearing I had triggered a memory of a less pleasant nature." Dawn said. "Oh, no, no. It’s fine. I just get a bit somber around the time of The Summer Sun Celebration, that’s all." "Somber?" Dawn asked, blinking. "Hm?” Celestia asked, looking at Dawn for a few seconds before realizing, “Ah, so you haven’t reached that part in your lessons yet, have you?" "No, I haven't." Dawn said with a shake of her head. "Well… while most have forgotten the meaning of the day, The Summer Sun Celebration marks the day I defeated Nightmare Moon and celebrates my victory over her." She said. “Oh.” Dawn frowned empathetically, "normally I'd say 'I see,' to show my understanding, but that is... that must have been harder than words can say." "Quite, to see ponies celebrating me banishing my own little sister. While she has returned and the day now marks my reunion with her, I still have trouble with it marking my single greatest failure, not just as a ruler, but also as a sister." Celestia said with a sigh, getting an appearance that showed she looked old. Not just old like an elderly mare, but a true age that showed the mental wear of centuries of good and bad times, "If Mother were still alive, I could only imagine the disappointment she would feel in me failing to care for Luna." "And the relief for their return and making amends." Dawn said to try comforting them, "I doubt there's anything I can say that you haven't heard already, but if there's anything you would like me to do, I will." "Just… enjoy the day. Outside of the announcement of the night activities, I spend the night with Luna and just… enjoy her being there." Celestia smiled sadly. "Yes, I have and yes, mother would be happy she returned, though that still doesn’t make up for me failing to take care of her like I promised." "Oh." Dawn said, nodding as she tried to think of what to say on the matter, any way to celebrate... but she was an outsider, and she knew if she could have her family back and supportive, shed only care about them being together. "What is it Dawn?" "Realizing how arrogant it must be for me to try and come up with something to help you both celebrate, when you both already would have had plenty of time to consider options and find out what you want… I had to admit to myself that if my birth family wanted to reconnect with me, I'd only need them present too. Everything else would be extra." She nodded. "We usually disguise ourselves and walk around whatever city we are in and just enjoy being together before going off to just talk." "Good." Dawn said, thinking, "Still, if there is anything you like that I can do for it, let me know, all right?" "Just enjoy the festivities." She said smiling, starting to get a mischievous look. "Who knows? We might even drop by while out and about … never know." Dawn chuckled lightly, "Well, thank you for the lesson. I will make sure I try. I briefly wonder if there was a summer sun celebration, why couldn’t there be a lunar moon one, but that makes sense." She nodded. "Yes, while the meaning has changed somewhat it is still marking of a specific event in history and I do hope there is never a need for a Lunar Moon Celebration." "Well… not for the same reasons." Dawn admitted, "More like a celebration of something like what ponies can enjoy about summer nights… I’m not helping my case, am I?" "I do not think ponies need reminding of what they have done for centuries." She chuckled. "I do appreciate it though, and I know Luna will as well." "Thank you." Dawn said, glad they knew what she was trying to do. Celestia eyed her. "So, I am curious as to why you’ve not asked about my and Luna's parents since I mentioned them." "I didn’t want to be rude in prying. I'm curious, but Twilight hasn’t brought up hers or asked much about mine, so I followed the precedent she seemed to set." "Twilight doesn’t really talk about some things unless asked. She doesn’t care about talking about them, they just don’t come up in normal conversation." Celestia said and smiled at her. "However most people that hear about my parents are either curious about them, or surprised I have them." Dawn chuckled, "I might get that response later, but considering I had parents and Twilight did, I figure you both would. I am curious but didn’t want to push. If you want to share, I'd be glad to listen." "Normally, I do not, but seeing as Twilight trusts you and you will be working closely with us, as well as don’t have idolized views of us, I do not see why not. Ask what you’d like I'll either answer or ask you to ask another if I don’t feel comfortable answering." "So, who were your parents? What were they like?" Dawn asked. "Well, their names were Cobble and Sweet Treat, Cobble was my father and Sweet Treat was my mother. Honestly, I know I am biased, but I’d say they were the best parents we could have had." She chuckled Dawn smiled, "that sounds nice. What would they do that made them the best?" Celestia sighed and the good cheer left her, and she spoke with a lot of hesitation between parts of her speech. "They were both Unicorns, obviously, seeing as we lived in Unicornia, but you see… Me and Luna, we were born alicorns. We still aren’t sure how but… those times were… different… alien to modern times “I was born a few years before Luna and-" Celestia hesitated again, then sighed. "‘Freak,’ ‘abomination,’ ‘affront to nature’… Those were just some of the things our home village called me. We were effectively mutants as far as the village was concerned, and the only reason our parents weren’t driven off was because of Father's years of built up goodwill and reputation. “They were still driven from the village to a small hut outside of town, and most people never wanted to deal with them for selling us things we needed. About the only one who regularly dealt with Father was the trade shop that was beside his old horseshoe cobbling shop they lived in before I was born, now abandoned. “They were best friends, practically brothers before I showed up. He became cold to Father, but never closed his door on him, nor did he ever say any bad words about us and it became well known to keep ones mouth shut when within earshot. Trinket was no small stallion and he had served in the army for a time. He was the closest thing to a family friend our parents had and without him we wouldn't have survived… “But… what makes them great was… if they’d just… dealt with us… They’d have been allowed back into the village and treat it as if nothing happened… but they refused to. “They raised us as best they could, despite the situation and protected us… The only time we were ever really hidden was when traders were in town, we’d have to hide in a cabinet while Father went to trade with them as fast as he could before the towns people spoke to them and told them of us. It was the only way to trade. "They sacrificed everything for us and cared for us, doing their best to teach us what we needed. Flight was the hardest thing. Unicorns knew very little about pegasi and they didn’t know advanced magics, just the basics, but when we showed skills in magic, Father did all he could to buy books on the subject… I don’t think he could read most of them, but he tried his best." Celestia sighed. "They worked themselves to death for us, eventually getting sick one winter and… didn’t make it.' Dawn frowned during the story, ears drooping and her eyes getting misty in empathy. She nodded, not sure what to say as she thought, 'Reminds me of some parts of the changeling history... not the same, but... damn that’s hard.' "Mother made me promise to look after Luna, as I was the oldest, Luna was just becoming a teenager.” Celestia explained, “After they passed, there wasn’t much in that village for us. We were hated, ridiculed and mistreated. Honestly, I was shocked when we started trying to pack things that Trinket showed up with saddle bags filled with food, camping gear, and everything we'd need on the road, even Sepi, the Unicornian currency… My only guess was he expected us to run away at some point and wanted us to have what we needed. He never said a word to us… just handed us the bags and walked back off into the snow toward town. “I secretly went back there and found two graves where the shack used to be, so I assume he buried mother and father after we left… We traveled around for a while, learning what we could. The cloaks Trinket gave us hid our wings so we looked like slender unicorns to most… It… made things easier." "Wow… I … I don’t know what to say." Dawn said sadly, trying to keep under control Celestia nodded, continuing. "Taught myself to read and Luna as well and found we had knack for magic… When… things were starting to get heated between the Unicorns and Pegasi. There was a call for volunteers, in case things became… difficult… as Loyal Unicornians, and after much discussion, me and Luna joined up and… needless to say we ran into… difficulties. After a display of our magic, we were sent into basic training, along with many others, though I know we were given more difficult tasks by the trainers, ‘keeping it fair’ they called it." She scoffed. Dawn nodded, reaching to her mother to keep her empathy in check. She rather badly wanted to give them hugs and her sadness on their behalf was getting out of hoof. Chrysalis checked what was happening and hugged her daughter. 'Ah yes… This is one of the reasons we see the Sisters as friends. They have experienced the… harshness of ponies.`` Chrysalis informed her, trying to keep Dawn from getting too invested. "Anyway, we graduated top of our classes, despite the opposition, even got noticed by Princess Golden because of our marks and… surprisingly she did not mistreat us. She was curious about us, not in a malicious way, more we were something she’d never seen or heard of. She wished to learn… She was one of our first friends and pretty much earned our loyalty as proud soldiers of the Unicornian Army." She said, slowly sitting straighter, stiffer, like a soldier’s discipline returning from ages past. "She had us transferred to her personal guard so she could speak with us often, and I must say, nothing bad happened besides a few skirmishes, as always. That was from the fact we needed the pegasi and them us… It was… nice." "I'm very glad you managed to get a better time after all that… I…" Dawn said, hesitating as she tried to control her emotions once again, hoping the worst was over. "Yes, it was.” Celestia consoled, “We served for a few years before… Well, I met a stallion and sort of wanted to go… Luna had wanted to explore the world, so with Golden’s blessing, we returned and I settled down with Shield Wall in a nice place near the edge of Unicornia’s border while Luna went off to explore the country… Heh… even had a couple of foals." She said smiling with a look in her eyes that seemed to focus on something far beyond the dining hall as she took another bite of her food, mind nearly a million miles away. "Life was good till… I learned something about myself I hadn’t known." Dawn stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt, feeling like she knew the answer, 'her immortality…' Celestia sighed again. "After… that… when I suspected things… and once I had it confirmed, I went looking for Luna. I found her to the north and… traveled a bit. I would keep an eye on my foals till it… it became pointless… I was a stranger to my family… Luna and I continued to grow. “We knew if our growth would be bad and… We decided to leave… We left Unicornia and traveled even beyond the Earth Pony Lands to the unknown… We walked on to see the world together.  We found many wondrous things… The beginning of the Griffon Kingdoms, the Yaks primitive society that was still developing, all of these places we watched from afar as time passed and we grew. “Our manes began changing and… we would just watch the world turn… We didn’t even know about The Exodus till much later, and by then, The Discordian Era was just beginning and we were just trying to keep our heads down for a time." Dawn nodded, realizing she could barely understand beyond what similarities the changeling history had with some emotions of their journey, yet it couldn’t be the same. "It wasn’t until we found a caravan of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies, all working together that we realized things had changed, and… Well, our training taught us to protect those in need. Then, well, we tried to find a way to deal with Discord and… the rest is history… more or less." "I… I don’t know what to say." Dawn said quietly. "It is why I do not usually talk of it except with a select few." She smiled. "But I figured it would help you understand why… What happened to Luna… it nearly killed me, I was so distraught. I let others spin the story however they wanted and… I know they meant well… by the time I realized, they spun me out as some hero and Nightmare Moon as some monster… it was too late to fix it. Everything had been common knowledge, and to contradict it would… the trust in the Throne would be damaged. For centuries, I had to pretend I had some sort of victory over a monster, and not a failure to my sister…" "I want to hug you both quite badly after that story… even though I know it does little good." Dawn admitted. Celestia chuckled, trying to bury her emotions for the empath, but bitter notes permeated the air. "It is fine Dawn. Time heals all wounds they say, and I will come to terms with it." "I..." Dawn hesitated, thinking, 'Time doesn’t heal wounds, only makes scars fade, and even then, they never go away…' 'Only if you don’t let it Daughter.’ Chrysalis warned, being mildly stern with Dawn, ‘If you refuse to let go of the past then it will weigh you down for all eternity.' "But enough about back then. Please tell me how are you finding Equestria?" "So far, it’s been good. It reminds me a great deal of the world I was born in, just with ponies instead of humans." Dawn said, trying to put the heavier items behind her for now. She chuckled. "It is semi-based off things Twilight brought back with her from a human world, at least the technology is." "Yup. That’s what she told me anyway." Dawn agreed. "It’s almost too familiar in some ways to where I keep expecting to see humans around the corner." Celestia chuckled. Dawn smiled gently at the favorable response. "Well, beyond that, things are going well. Pound Cake has agreed to get me started on baking and confection lessons after the celebrations settle down." "Oh that is good, baking is a wonderful pass time." Celestia said happily. "I hear you are a bit of a confectionist yourself, is that true?" Dawn asked. "Maaaaybe." Celestia responded coyly, "I may or may not have been baking since I was 10." "Heh." Dawn smiled, "favorite thing to cook?" "Cake… cloud cake more specifically." "I'll look forward to learning how to make that then." Dawn smiled, "is it also a favorite to eat or no?" "Why else would it be a favorite to bake?" Celestia chuckled again. "Just checking," Dawn chuckled with, "for all I know it’s fun to make but isn’t as enjoyable to eat or is too sweet or something." "Oh no. It’s quite literally the perfect baked good… though I may be biased." "Maaaaybe." Dawn smiled, using her own response against her. "I suspect I'll enjoy fudge, but that might be too heavy for long term snacking." "Maybe." Celestia replied neutrally. Dawn smiles and slowly lets the smile fade into rest, "I really enjoy our talks Celestia. Thank you for letting me." She nodded. "I enjoy them as well. Feel free to message me any time." "I will try. My hardest obstacle has always been myself, fearing I might be interrupting with idle things when I could be being more productive." Dawn said, "It’s a lesson I am still learning, and might take some time." "Well, emails luckily can be answered when available, and don’t interrupt anything." Celestia chuckled again. "... Why do I keep forgetting we have emails!" Dawn said loudly, laughing at herself. "Gosh, I’ve been without so long I just… I don’t even know why!" Celestia chuckled more at Dawn’s outburst, confessing, “I admit, it took some getting used to." "I shouldn’t have that excuse though," Dawn said, "I've had email access since I was about thirteen. Does it really only take two years to not be used to it anymore?" "Yes,” Celestia said seriously, “habits don’t last if they can’t be used." Dawn snorted at herself before giving a smile. "I will do what I can to remember my options." She nodded. "It will take time." Dawn smiled, simply enjoying their time together as the conversation lulled. "So, when are you due?" Celestia asked, doing her best to keep a straight face. "Due?! Due for what?" Dawn asked, internally panicking getting heavy deja vu at Celestia using the same words. Her mind quickly flashed to when her Tia had said those same words after she ascended to princess and she was being told she was pregnant. Celestia burst out laughing. "Oh that does work." She said between bits of laughter. "Twilight told me about how you learn of your pregnancy and I simply couldn’t resist." Dawn blushed deeply, her ears turning a deep red on the inside, and she suppressed a whimper as she replied, "no fair." This caused Celestia to chuckle. "Perhaps but I could not pass up the opportunity." "Oooof course not." Dawn said with a facehoof. Celestia simply smiled at her ---------- Part of me feels like I should have known all along, that my not knowing was a horrible thing to be corrected, but I really shouldn’t feel that way. It was a lesson that sometimes there’s far more under things than what most see at a glance, something you’d think being with the changelings would have taught me anyway.  I’ll try my best to enjoy the celebrations, but also find some way to honor the real reasons behind that day, something positive of my own like they have. ========== > 8 - Interviews and the unexpected guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 90, Jun 8th, Friday - Stalwart entry   Hey diary, Stalwart here. Talked with Dawn this morning about writing in her journal and she said to go for it, so here I am!   Dawn’s covered a lot of things that she’s been training in, and I know I could do the same thing, but I think she will look back at this and not care about the things she went through to be a princess, but looking at us and her family. (if I'm wrong future Dawn, I’m sorry! … but I doubt it) So, here’s a little more about us and our family, and when we’re older we’re going to wish our foals were this little again!   The foals are five months old and I couldn’t be prouder to be your husband and their father. I look at them, how happy they are when we’re in the room, or how soundly they sleep. It’s worth the long nights or mornings when they’re lonely. You are a good mother, even if you do worry you’re not around for your foals enough. There might come the point where they reach an age when they might not understand why you can’t be with them always, but if they really can sense or ‘taste’ our emotions like it seems, they will know just how much we love them and all we can do is hope we understand.   So, I will say I have to chuckle often (and get punched in the shoulder. You have a hard jab now, better be careful or I’ll start bruising!) when I hear you complain about training. I know you push yourself hard, but training can be just as tough on us trainers too. Not only do we often do the exercises with our recruits, but we even have to hide our own fatigue as we do the routines so you and our other trainees keep working toward that goal of what we act like we are, the inexhaustible guards and soldiers we are meant to look like. Still, I see how exhausted you are afterward and you still make the time now that you’re not completely burned out afterward to greet our foals, playing with them for a little bit before you go to your lessons.   Please know love, that I am really proud of you and your hard work both at home and in your training. I always did like a mare that was fit, but you are an amazing mare in your own right, and now I get to see a bit of muscle on you! You were adorable as a slightly rounded mare before, but now you’re downright sexy now that you’re fit!   Anyway, Stomper often dropped by while he was on lunch to give his report on you. Now Dawn, when you see this, please don’t cheat and definitely don’t tell him I told you this at all. Try to wait until after your exams are over to read this.   ~~~**~~~   Stomper has been pretty impressed with you Dawn. He can tell that you were horribly out of shape, and yet your willingness to push yourself under supervision and follow instructions despite your station was exemplary. He is tough on you only when he needs to be, as any trainer is, and he feels you’ll do well if you keep up the work. Having said that, I know you’re excited at your games and movies and stuff, but don’t let all your exercise go to waste! After all, you can’t keep up with the EDF or wonderbolt trainers the commander wants you to eventually work under if you don’t!   I’m really glad to have you Dawn, and you’d be special to me even if you had stayed a unicorn or just a princess and not part-changeling too. The royalty status and the foals are definite plusses, but I’ll be by your side for as long as I can. No matter what comes our way, I’m happy you are who you are.   ==========   Day 92, Jun 10th, Sunday   Okay Stalwart, I made sure not to read below where you warned me, no matter how tempting it was. I skipped a couple pages for that exact reason, to prevent myself from cheating! (I did spot your last bit about the games. I definitely don’t want to go back to being my weaker, out of shape self. Don’t worry… though I would game a lot if I could get away with it… but I can’t so don’t worry!)   So, I finally got the responses from the newspapers, and of course I handled that first. They finally agreed to work together and all asked when I would like to have the interview. I debated having it at a restaurant, but the background noise would be an issue, even in a party room, and I know they would appreciate a clean recording session. After checking with the link, I gave the idea of us borrowing a sound studio in Ponyville and having the meal catered. I informed them my Monday to Saturday was almost completely booked, but we could record on Sundays, maybe have an hour or two for the group interview, and then rotate through to ensure everyone had some time for a one on one, an hour each.   Chrysalis said I’m going to be very busy and overextending myself, that I’m needing to be ready for anything to come up, but I didn’t want any of them to feel shortchanged. She says I’m being too generous in the amount of time I’m giving, but I think this makes sense. There’s danger in giving them too much to work with, but in the same sense, the more they know, the less afraid they might be of me and my potential influence, right?   Now, I need to go to bed. As much as I want to game or watch a movie, I have an early day ahead of me like usual and I need to rest.   ==========   Day 98, Jun 16th, Saturday   Good news. The different newspapers all agreed to the idea of sharing time and the proposed schedule. The event would be catered so everypony could enjoy some downtime between the main event and the one on one interviews. They apparently have worked together for the release timing, since they all agreed to do their interview the Sunday after the summer sun celebration next week and would release the papers the following week.   I’m nervous about the interviews, but this next week is full of tests. Everypony wants to be done in time for the Summer Sun Celebration, where I’ll get a summer vacation week of sorts before going right back to work the following week. Apparently once I pass my physical exams, I’ll move on to tougher training by the flight crews with less supervision needed, and the EDF BT for physical training and some weapons and self-defense training.  I didn’t think I would be trained by the military, and I have conflicting thoughts on being trained by a foreign nation’s military, even if it is for my benefit and apparently without any strings attached that I can detect.   At least once everything is over, I will be resting for the week.  Mothers know I will need it! Hopefully I can visit Tulip tomorrow, or sometime soon. I know she’s liked starting up our letters but has been asking when my next visit might be and how my gardening is going. I’ve looked up more on the subject to have more to talk about, but I still don’t know what else I could talk about safely. At least an orderly will be in the room with me to stave any negative outcomes off when I do visit.   Nymph has been adorable, acting just as much like our foals as she does a foalsitter. She’s my first drone, so I can’t help but look at her as my adopted daughter, but I’m worried about her development. She’s smaller than she should be for her age, weaker overall, and just underdeveloped. I know she and Violet love to play together, not wanting to deprive my sister of a playmate and friend, but Nymph will be better off if she can possibly regain some of what she would have had. Worst case scenario, cocooning her won’t change anything and she’ll come out with the only thing taken away is a little time without her friend.   ==========   Day 100, Jun 18th - Monday   Spent the day resting. I’m more writing to clear my nerves than anything, though Nymph has been an absolute dear, trying to make sure I was well looked after or just stayed near to keep me company like she is now.    I’ve made sure to eat plenty of food that will give energy tomorrow and over a longer period. No lessons today, and since my mind wouldn’t settle down and focus, I tried to play some of my games to calm down some. I was in the middle of showing Stalwart a space shooter when our foals began crying. Stalwart grabbed them and brought them in as I saved my game and switched to something more friendly, one of my builder games.   Apparently, my foals were far more interested in me than the game for the first while. I can’t blame them, their mom was no longer just a four legged pony! I tried to keep as much of my form the same as possible for this shapeshifting exercise. I enjoyed having fur to keep warm and just wanted good hands and wrists and stuff, but those two were climbing all over my lap and poking me with their hooves and muzzles.   After a bunch of prodding, I finally realized what they were after from prolonged stomach nuzzling. I had to laugh a little bit, because in my using what limited shapeshifting my changeling side allowed, I moved what they were looking for without realizing it! So, I had to set the game aside and lifted them onto my lap so they could feed.  Much to my surprise, no sooner than they latched on, they imitated what I had done and were bipedal as well!   Stalwart laughed quietly, and of course, he took pictures. I’m positive mom was taking pictures too, all things considered. I’ve known for a while she had cameras hidden almost everywhere so they wouldn’t miss another moment like her grandfoals’ first transformation.  Doesn’t bother me, though I had a wave of self-consciousness as I fed the foals again, wings still on my back and horn on my head and I was tempted to spread my wings out to cover us, but I decided against it. It was calming though, having my foals nearby while sitting upright, almost as much as when I was half curled around them.   Stalwart didn’t seem as put off about this humanized pony form as I thought he might have been. I figured slow steps is the key to success here, but it turns out he was curious about trying a few things with me like this later anyway!   Stalwart said he didn’t have the game reflexes that would make him do well in the shooters, but he was willing to give them a try once we go shopping to get a controller meant for pony hooves. I guess that’s one thing I both took for granted about gaming, yet also didn’t… I would want my hands for gaming almost any day of the week because I grew up gaming that way, yet I somehow didn’t think anything of having Stalwart play without that advantage. It makes me wonder how some of the ponies here would play some of my games, but I won’t push beyond looking at the controllers myself. Who knows? Maybe I can make a way for him to shapeshift some or we can find a way to help ponies shift too… and now I wonder what Stalwart would be like as a human. Now I can’t get rid of the idea that he’d still have blue hair with that purplish streak in it. Definitely will be tempted to name him Dekar when we go to the human world if that happens, except he wouldn’t get the reference for a while, if ever!   … Three months… we’ve already been here three months.  I’m told we’re still working on a way to finish the mirror project, though I’m being heavily pushed to making a gate for more control. I still think making a mirror is preferred, especially if we have the lever or switch to otherwise turn it on/off as needed, but I understand that’s really insecure. Just because I want to make yet another obscure reference doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea! … Then again, for all I know, that world is real and my making a mirror rather than a gate would teach that world how to make travelling mirrors and cause the whole ‘10th Kingdom’ thing to happen for real… I hate multiverse theory sometimes…   Well, here we go. I’m off to bed, back as my pony princess self and hoping I am good enough…   ==========   Day 101, Jun 19th – Tuesday     So flipping sore… I’m utterly glad I don’t have any other classes this week. I’m needing to make use of my husband’s massaging skills after that. I barely managed to finish the five minute gallop test, resulting in just shy of three miles ran at full speed. I wasn’t collapsing at least, and I know we had been working on a combination of long distance exercises and speed while remembering how to properly breathe during the run, but this was really intense. I didn’t want to give any less than my best, no matter what for this test.   On the plus side, I finished all thirty minutes of non-stop testing that followed after a brief break. I was breathing deep, but not the gasping, rasping breath that I used to have three months ago. I had long since lost track of how many laps I made, the entire course I was taken to was new and long. No idea what posts were which distance markers either. Once the time was up and I heard his whistle to stop, I knelt down, getting my breath back as he measured where we were compared to the last marker.   Turns out I have come a damn long way, though four legs helps with the speed, not the endurance. As a human, even in my prime as a mid-teen, I only managed a single mile in eight minutes. Here? I got a rating of frigging 28 miles an hour overall. My trot is an 11, and my full on gallop is 34! Apparently I’m now at the point where I have slightly above an average pony’s speed and endurance too. (probably because I’m an alicorn though.)   With that news, I then got the next bit of news that I’m in the acceptable range for moving up to military level physical training. YAY! … I really need a damn sarcasm font or language or something. I remember when I nearly joined the military as a human with that measly best time for a single mile at nearly 8 minutes, but two miles was twenty, and I changed my mind right before I would have been given the chance to swear in... and here I am now, about to sign up for that training as a pony... oh the irony. At least it’s without the requirement for allegiance to CTS’ lands as a foreign dignitary.   Of course my foals are almost insufferably active and constantly needy of my attention while I’m tired today. That’s how it goes right? The more exhausted you are, the more they want you to spoil them and the more ready you are for what they want, the less interested they are in what you’ve prepared. I’m trying to look at this as a big lesson on what they might be like as teenagers… … Maybe I should have had Twilight keep them for a decade or two like she offered. I love them to pieces, but it might be literal pieces if I don’t get some peace and quiet somewhere when they drive me nuts eventually…   Well, Stalwart probably wouldn’t let me give them to Twilight anyway.  At least now they are fed and tucked in and I can relax. I loaded up a game, only to stare at it and turn it back off when I realized I wasn’t in the mood a couple minutes later.  One day I *will* play something for more than half an hour … probably, and I don’t just mean my showing Stalwart either. That didn’t count.   ==========   Day 102, Jun 20th - Wednesday   Well, I can’t say my fears of heights is completely gone, but I apparently am a natural flier. I wasn’t the fastest one, nor the most dexterous or stunt crazy, but it was nice performing the course and landing in the upper third of the class.   I had a straight sprint from takeoff, then had to loop around into the other courses to fly through obstacles, over others, under the rest or through hoops.  Came close to clipping the rings, but I only get penalized if they hit! I almost didn’t make it out of the dive near the end, but after picturing myself like in one of the fighter sims before, I took a slightly wider approach to keep my speed at the cost of flying a little farther overall, tackling the next stretch faster than most of the others before me. It was a half kind of compliment to see some of the rest after me imitate what I did to speed up.   My sides still hurt from all the exertion and my legs hurt from keeping them tucked in or held up, but now I can move on to the next set of courses for more severe cases, like flying through headwinds and in the rain and things like that. It still messes with my head to stand on some clouds. My mind still wants to think of them as masses of water vapor instead of whatever ‘f you’ to logic these things are.   I have the rest of the week off, outside of the Summer Sun Celebration. I’m going to enjoy it. Hopefully the worst is over.   ==========   Day 104 Jun 22nd – Friday   Today was a surprisingly normal celebration. Outside of everyone following tradition and only putting up decorations the day of, and various shop owners had to get to their stores early to prepare for the rush of sales as well as free food covered by the state.   I took the whole family out and walked through town, and of course the foals were excited at all the hustle and bustle. I’m just glad that as far as Zera, Nymph, and I could tell, they didn’t seem to shift at all while out and about. That could make a field day for any reporter who catches wind of this, let alone for the ones attending the interview in two days!   The food was amazing, and where my pony family celebrated with the others for the sake of celebrating, I made sure each thanks that was given for the holiday internally went to thanks for the reuniting of the two sisters, and the hopes that their mistake will never be repeated by anypony.   I also spent some time with the hive, borrowing random drones to celebrate the strength of the sisters, their knowledge of how hard the world is. While the hive didn’t do much in terms of celebration, something I wouldn’t mind changing if I ever had one of my own – tho that’s unlikely, they were more than happy to spend time with me in the link as I spent time with my family.   I have no idea if the two sisters used an illusion spell to chat with me like some of the population did, but regardless of if they did or not, it was a fun time that I’m glad I attended.   By the time we got back home, the foals were exhausted and resting. They still hurt some when they nurse, but I will live. There’s a certain kind of pleasure that a mother can feel from it, though I’m sure not all of them do, and I am fortunate that it is something I get to feel. Tomorrow we look after the foals some more and then Sunday is interview day… I hope I’m ready.   ==========   Day 106, June 24th, Sunday   I am utterly mentally exhausted. This wasn’t a physically demanding day, but I did not realize just how long of a day this was going to be just from discussions and answering questions! I still am still not sure what the turnout is going to be like, but all I can do now is hope for the best.   ----------   Dawn had gotten up at her usual sleep-in time for Sundays, and felt the pressure weighing in on her.  She did not look forward to this, despite all her letters saying to the contrary, but it was more the weight of the expectations of what she was meant to be in her own eyes that she knew was her biggest obstacle. She tried to remind herself as she got up that they simply wanted to find out more about her, what kind of princess she is, and what her sphere of influence will be.   She took twice as much time to clean up, taking an extra shower despite having done so last night, just to make sure everything about her appearance would be as clean and presentable as possible.   After fussing over herself long enough that her mother had to instruct her to stop, she left Castle Friendship to go to the recording studio.   She arrived an hour early, and expected that the newspaper reporters might be just arriving, doing some sound tests. Sure enough, three different groups were present from the different news groups just inside the building. There were about fifteen ponies present, not counting herself. It surprised her because in her world there were only two or three that might have been present on site, an interviewer, the cameraperson and maybe a microphone holder with those really strong arms. For three groups to bring five ponies each was unusual in her eyes. At most they needed their reporter, sound engineer, and someone for driving and other errands. She hoped she would see the reason for the number of ponies shortly.   “Ah, Dawn, you’re here. Excellent!” A brown pegasus with blonde mane said as he began approaching her, causing the others to turn and notice her approach.   “Good morning everyone.” Dawn greeted with a smile, “With how everyone else is here, I was half afraid I had the time wrong and was late!”   “Oh no, nothing of the sort.” the first pony said, a few others joining his main group of the welcoming committee. “We have to make sure all the equipment is up to snuff, do some tests and make sure everything is balanced right. If you’re up to it, we can get started on getting you set up and balanced and we can start earlier.”   “I’m game for that.” Dawn nodded again, “I remember some of the fiddling my dad had to do with that for his band, and while I’ve barely dabbled in sound engineering, I can respect the amount of work and testing needed for it. Lead the way!”   “Interesting.” he answered, though with a friendly smile, “Your dad was a musician?”   “Well, for a local band while I was growing up. Nothing professional beyond a few cassettes as far as I knew.”   “Interesting.’ He repeated with a chuckle, “Well, I look forward to asking you more later. I’m Juniper Gates of The Daily Trotter.”   “Nice to meet you Juniper.” Dawn nodded as she acknowledged the name of the newspaper, turning to the other three as they walked toward the sound room. She knew the Trotter as the paper that leaned toward Celestia and Traditionalists, partly because of their longer standing in the news industries.   “I’m Brown Cap from The Second Opinion. Nice to finally meet you.” a light blue unicorn said, wearing the hat she was named after. Dawn recognized this as the Twilight Modernist leaning newspaper, though they just as often played devil’s advocate, having more controversial items covered on both sides as a back and forth article.   “I’m Gumin Shoe from Just the Facts.” the third pony, a lighter brown earth pony said. He represented the newspaper that said it how it was and only showed the facts. It was less popular, but made the least number of inferences and only gave information it could confirm is true from multiple credible sources. Even so, it was rated as leaning slightly toward Traditionalists and Luna.   "I see.” Dawn smiled, greeting them both, “Makes me think of an alternate name for detectives I heard growing up, a ‘gumshoe.’”   “Apparently that was the point according to my parents.” He nodded. “Wouldn’t leave any question I had alone.”   “Sounds fitting.” Dawn nodded, noting the final pony who seemed content to just hover.   They entered the sound room and Dawn had to smile at the foam-covered sides, a few semi-comfortable seats in place around the table where they would be doing their recording.   The four of them put their headphones on like they were instructed and one by one, the sound engineers from each group worked together to get everyone sounding just right. They recorded a test phrase from everyone to make sure the raw audio from each line was recording correctly as well as another copy that kept all the balance changes. They made notes of every setting so the different raw audio recordings could be re-filtered again should the main copy fail, and then they gave the signal that they could start.   While the sound crews were preparing, the group in the sound room had already discussed how they wanted to start, who was going to start, and the others that had come with for other levels of support to the staff went into the listening room. Dawn had been filled in on their plan and made sure she was on board with their approach before starting their recording. They would record it as if it were a live broadcast to match their preferred styles, and edit afterward as needed for their papers while leaving the full broadcast on the websites they maintained.   “Good evening ladies and gentlecolts,” Juniper Gates started, “today we’re bringing you a very special interview. With me, also reporting, is Brown Cap from Second Opinion and Gumin Shoe of Just the Facts.”   The pair of them gave their hellos, knowing that they traded the ‘host’ position in exchange for getting their exclusives done ahead of the reporter who is acting as host.   “Hello from Just the Facts! Gumin Shoe reporting.” Gumin said.   “That’s right, what a special interview this is.” Brown Cap said, acting as co-host. “Today all three of us are sharing a recent newcomer, both to the political scene and to Equestria. The three of us would like to introduce Meadow Dawn, declared as the Alicorn of Hope. Welcome aboard.”   “It’s good to be here with all of you.” Dawn nodded, speaking into the microphone through the filter like she was taught.   “So, Princess Meadow Dawn,” Juniper explained, “was a pony who came with the Commander and others who were rescued from the last displacement. She and her family, along with a couple others, chose to come back with those who returned as a first in our history of displacements. Let’s start with that subject. What led you to join the Commander, leaving your home, and coming here?”   “A good question to start. The simple answer is I enjoyed working together with the Commander, and my royal sisters hoped to make travel between our worlds possible. We already have a few examples of this magical application on our side, and while it’s kept a secret out of concerns for safety over there, we hope to maintain good relations with this Equestria and its denizens.”   “That’s intriguing news already.” Juniper said with a genuine smile.   “I’m still imagining the possible implications if it succeeds beyond sending me back home.” Dawn chuckled, her stage nerves starting to settle down. “The project itself is in good hooves and I’m pleased to work with them.”   “I think we can work with that.” Brown Cap said, giving their own smile. “I think we’re all curious about your origins as well as your goals here in our Equestria.”   “That’s quite a large subject.” Dawn chuckled lightly.   “It is.” Brown cap said, joining the chuckling. “So, let’s start with your origins. Where did you grow up and what events led you to your becoming a princess?”   “Well, I grew up in another world before Equestria. Where I grew up, if I had to compare it to Equestria since the continent is rather similar in size and shape, would be a mid-sized town roughly three hundred miles to the northeast of where Canterlot is. After the purchase of a specific artifact, I landed in the Equestria I now call home three years ago. I adjusted to being a pony much more easily than most expected, and worked on learning magic since it was absent in my old world before settling close to Van Hoover.   “As for how I became a princess, it has a lot more history to it so I have to keep it brief and not take up the rest of the interview. In my change into a pony form, a pony named Svikopi planted a seed in my horn before I went into the world, meant to siphon my magical power to become his own and help make it easier to take over my body. His goal was to wreak vengeance on the ‘Students of Starswirl,’ our royal sisters, since Starswirl was no longer around. Once he got strong enough, he began to try taking me over, and the only option I saw to beat him, once he bragged about the seed in my horn, was to shatter it.”   The three reporters gasped in surprise, blinking as they registered what was said.   “Yeah, I get that a lot.” Dawn said with a nervous chuckle, “I know it’s a huge part of unicorns’ abilities and what makes them special, and I wouldn’t want to give it up after having spent two years to learn how to use magic that wasn’t available in my old world, but it was either me losing my agency and possibly giving rise to a new foe to Equestria or me giving up magic and living without magic like I had most of my life prior. The answer was painfully easy, no pun intended. I would far sooner choose to give up magic and shatter my horn so others could be safe since I had already spent much of my life without magic.”   “Wait, living without?” Brown Cap asked, “Why would you live without?”   “Because in our Equestria, horns don’t grow back.” Dawn said grimly. “Unlike things like nails, it does not grow back. When it is broken, it is gone for life. I don’t know about yours, but I’m guessing by your reaction that’s not true for ponies here.”   “No… It’s not. Princess Dawn,” Brown Cap spoke first after a few seconds to compose themselves, “speaking as the only unicorn present of the three of us, you have my respect for being willing to do such a thing willingly. Nearly every unicorn knows how painful it is to have a spell fail to the point where it causes some pain, or even the feedback given when a shield is shattered and the force goes right down your horn to your head. Very few unicorns would willingly do what you said you did, even without that news of the horn not growing back because the feedback you went through can kill a pony. So even though it wasn’t for anyone here in this Equestria we reach out to today, thank you for what you were willing to do. It says a great deal about you.”   “Agreed.” Gumin said with a nod.   “Hear, hear.” Juniper agreed.   “Thank you.” Dawn said quietly. “I must confess I would not be so likely to try shattering my horn again, but I am now better equipped to avoid that outcome if it were to happen again. I passed out from the pain and the next thing I knew, some strange sensation covered my body. I only later learned this was my becoming the Alicorn of Hope, and… It was a unique experience. I’m still not sure what things were dream or not until the ascension completed and I was lifted to my hooves.”   “I think that leads us to the next topic we can go ahead and discuss.” Juniper answered with a small amount of solemnness. “You mentioned earlier that you grew up without any magic. What was it like growing up? What led you to become the pony you are now?”   Dawn began relaying her history over the next while, giving general information about what her family was like, day to day routines, various struggles that might be acceptable to share while glossing over some of the others. When asked, she tried to explain a day to day life while trying to keep out the heavy religious references that dominated her life and simply stated such belief systems had a great deal of sway in her land. The group then only asked a few other questions about her family or relationships with them, and she made it plain that the household she grew up in was not a family in her eyes, despite how much she wished it was to the contrary.   “Now that we have a better understanding of your history, and half our shared interview time is over, we will begin our scheduled break and we’ll move on from the history of Meadow Dawn as presented by her and on to some of her goals for the future. I’ve been Juniper Gates-”   “I’m Gumin Shoe-”   “And I’m Brown Cap”   “And we will all return right after this break.” Juniper finished. They all heard an editing beep through their headsets that indicated that recording had finished for the moment.   The four of them went to the front room, which was now acting as their refreshment center for all the staff and relaxed.   “Halfway done.” Dawn said with a chuckle, “It both is feeling like it’s lasting a while and flew by in a flash.”   “Time often does that when you enjoy what you do.” Juniper agreed.   “Some ponies say we just like hearing ourselves talk.” Brown Cap added.   “And they’re not wrong.” Gumin smirked.   “Yeah... I think we’ve gotten a lot of things covered in such a short amount of time though, I’m starting to wonder what else each of you are going to ask!”   “Oh trust me, we could keep you all day if you’d let us.” Juniper said mischievously.   ----------   Dawn approached some of the refreshments during their break, grabbing a lemon-water with ice and sipping it as she cooled down from the warm recording room. As she did, the sound engineers were looking over their equipment and talking in low voices as they played back the recordings. She flicked her ears and tasted a mote of concern wafting from the group.   “Is everything ok?” Dawn asked, approaching them casually.   "Not sure… it seems like shortly after the interview started we picked up a bit of interference.” One engineer answered, hesitating very briefly before shoring up his confidence and saying, “The recording is still usable, so don't worry."   "Possibly something wrong with a cable?" Dawn asked. "Not sure if I can joke that someone left their cell phone on or not."   The head engineer shrugged as one of the others started inspecting the console at Dawn’s suggestion just in case. Dawn simply shrugged slightly before turning away to attempt more conversation with the reporters while the audio engineers figured it out.   "What the hay is this?" A voice asked from under the console.   Dawn flicked her ears toward them, curious what they found so quickly after her suggestion. She soon turned at the sound of shuffling and the reporters joined her in approaching the console.   The engineer scooted themselves out from under the console, holding a small black box with some wires on it.   Dawn hummed, "this is the source of the interference then?"   "It was spliced into the microphone lines." He said.   "That looks like a transmitter." One of the other engineers said.   "So we have someone who got the jump on the interview, or was told about it from the beginning then. Any way to tell how far the range is on the thing?" Dawn hummed.   "Something this small?” one of the engineers thought out loud, then nodded, “Not far, a couple dozen yards at most.”   "Then they are still here." Dawn said.   "Most likely.” They agreed, “I don't think it's transmitting now, so I don't think they realize we found it."   "What do you want us to do Princess?” the head engineer asked.   "I think we should find this person if they are nearby and find out how they knew about this and what they hoped to accomplish. My agreement for unveiling more about myself was extended to you three alone so far and while I can't blame curiosity, requests or access to these things should be done properly." Dawn said.   The group nodded and went to go search the studio building. Dawn joined them in looking, trying to think of creative places a pony might hide.   The studio wasn't that big. It had the recording booth, sound engineer room, a small break room, a service closet, as well as a bathroom.   Dawn began in the break room and engineer's room due to being in the vicinity, looking around. The engineering room held no places a pony could easily hide, even in the ceiling. The break room only had a small fridge too small for drinks, a few cabinets, a sink, and a table. A check of the cabinets only revealed the supplies everyone had brought for the upcoming meal that they’d share.   Dawn hummed and moved to the restroom, and then the closet on the off chance somepony was there. The mare’s room didn’t have anyone in it beyond one who was with the newsponies. Dawn checked the closet, feeling doubtful that somepony would hide in so obvious a place.   As the door opened, she found a dark gray pegasus mare who jumped at the sound of the door opening, staring her in the eyes like a deer in the headlights. In her hoof was a small receiver hooked up to a tape recorder into the microphone jack and headphones in her ears to hear a copy of it.   The two looked at each other for a few seconds before they bolted, taking to the air to zip over Dawn’s head. The others were startled but yelling, some trying to jump and reach her to capture their intruder.   Dawn quickly tried to use her magic to hold them, having gained a large amount of control in her magic lessons so far and hoping it would be enough. She was mildly pleased when she managed to hold the mare in her green and golden magical grip. They flapped their wings frantically as she tried to keep moving.   "Let me go! You can't do this to me I'm a member of the press!"   Dawn set her down gently in the middle of the group, though still trying to keep them in place in case they would try to bolt. "Could have fooled me the way you were acting."   She still struggled some against Dawn’s grip, but eventually managed to reach into her jumpsuit and pulled out a laminated card on a landed and began thrusting it out toward Dawn, looking annoyed.   Brown Cap took it and looked it over, then frowned as her emotions turned very sour.   "Oh gods, she's from the Manehattan Gazette." She spat   "As I said," Dawn repeated, "you were not acting like a member of the press just then. Now, please explain why you were in the janitor’s closet."   "Isn't it obvious?" The unicorn reporter said. "She's a bottom feeder trying to get the story before we do."   One to the other reported grabbed the mare’s saddlebags off her much to the Pegasus protest, and proceeded to dump it upside down, spilling its contents onto the floor. Dawn felt a great deal of aggravation at how they treated her and was about to protest when she noticed the items that were dropped.   Among the items in the saddlebags were long range listening microphone, a camera with a telescopic lens, a notebook, and dozens of photos of Dawn taken from a distance. Dawn hummed, gathering the saddlebags and putting the items back into the saddlebag other than the pictures, and began inspecting them. She weighed how they had managed to get here without being privy to the emails that Dawn had sent and decided they were very attentive.   "Is that what you were trying to do? To capitalize on the lack of information about me?" Dawn asked politely, testing them.   "No! … Yes… Kinda…" She waffled.   "There. At least she admits she's a bottom feeder." The unicorn Brown Cap said, looking to the Princess. "I do apologize for this Princess, papers like the Manehattan Gazette give all of us a bad name."   "Hey!" the grey pony protested.   Dawn reviewed the pictures, seeing each of them with interest. The first picture showed Dawn walking to Sugarcube Corner, likely when Dawn was asking if she could learn how to cook from them. The second was a picture of her doing her runs with Sgt Stomper. A third picture showed her with the rest of the family out and about during the Summer Sun Celebration. A fourth picture showed Stalwart and her foals playing in various places, and other pictures were of all of them, showing Dawn and her family over the course of weeks.   "With your permission,” Brown Cap said as if they weren’t interrupted, “I'll alert the guard to her trespassing and with luck she will spend the night in jail where she can't bother us."   "Hold." Dawn said, annoyed at their constant insults and mistreatment of her while being very intrigued at this reporter. "What do you mean ‘kinda?’"   "Literally no one knows a thing about you." The mare said, her emotions full of annoyance and disdain at the other three reporters.   "Right, and that’s what this interview session was about." Dawn said, floating the pictures up to inspect what they were. "So, what leads you to lend more than these reporters I had invited precisely for diverse approaches to who I am as a pony and princess? I had thought three different views would be quite effective at seeing different parts of me."   "Oh please, these three couldn't find their own flanks with a map and a flashlight ‘cause their too busy with their little circle jerks in their ivory towers." She said, earning a glare and indignance from the three reporters.   “Princess, you cannot seriously be wanting to entertain this tabloid reporter fantasy that she is even close to a real reporter." One of them protested. "We could easily tell you the types of stories her rag prints."   "My agreements were with you three at the moment, and I will honor our arrangement." Dawn said to them, setting the pictures aside before putting the pictures back into the rogue reporter’s bags and faced them in the meantime. "You, I find your methods inappropriate. I can commend persistence and a clear level of patience, but I don't believe I'm liking the methods employed so far."   "That's because her and her ilk at that poor excuse of a paper aren't real reporters." Brown cap explained. "I mean, honestly the garbage they put to paper is ridiculous. ‘Monsters of the Old Lands,’ ‘How a 350 member Expeditionary Force was Wiped out in an Hour.’ Please. We know what happened with that there is not unkillable monsters roaming The Old Lands."   "Don't forget ‘Ancient Weapons of the Unicornian Empire, a threat from the past.’" One of the others said.   "Killer Plant Clones" the third chimed in, all of them answering as if they were hammering a nail into a coffin.   "Those are all true!" The mare insisted.   Dawn hummed, sensing no deception from any party. "If there is one tool I heavily encourage the use of, it is a combination of skepticism and rationed thought. Occasionally, we should place a question mark on things we long since hold to be true, and might find answers that surprise us. That’s not to say our perceptions will change every time, but it is worth looking at such things from time to time to challenge what we think we know." Dawn answered, mostly to her three reporters before she turned to the gray reporter. "For now, I will have to make my own assessment after some research and will find out for myself on the accuracy of their claims."   "Princess really? It's a tabloid, far beneath something you should worry yourself about." one reporter asked with a raised brow.   The gray mare humphed as she glared the unicorn, crossing her forelegs like arms before she looked away. Dawn was curious about this motion, but decided not to pursue it.   "And yet I choose to exercise skepticism. If nothing else, I will learn what this world's tabloids are like for myself." Dawn said. "I have a great deal I am learning. Why should I skimp on this detail when it has come to my attention?"   "Because a tabloid isn't worth your time to learn about." Brown Cap protested with a frown. "Your time would be far better spent conversing with real reporters."   "Then I repeat the lesson learned will be the difference between them." Dawn said, standing her ground.   They sighed in barely hidden aggravation, emotions clearly not liking her even entertaining the idea of talking to the mare. The gray mare in turn simply said nothing, just sat there, glaring at a wall with her arms crossed, reminding Dawn of a pouting teenager or child with that attitude. Even so, Dawn couldn’t fault them for being defiant if this is how they were treated.   "Now then, what to do with you…” Dawn said, thinking out loud. “In fairness, you were trespassing and now their joint exclusives are in jeopardy. What would you do to make amends for this breach of agreement?" Dawn asked.   "I did nothing wrong." She said looking at Dawn challengingly, her emotions in the air reflecting the determination she was showing in her response.   "Then why were you hiding in a closet?" Dawn raised a brow.   "You think they’d let me anywhere near you?" She gestured to the other three.   "And yet you were quick to use your notice of being press to get us to stop." Dawn noted.   "Just because I have press access doesn’t mean there are those who will respect it." She countered. "It’s not something I exactly advertise as there are also those who do not look kindly on reporters."   "I see…” Dawn said, noting their choice of answers. “and you are otherwise not going to wait on reporting on me until they have had their chance I suppose?"   "Are you asking me to delay the truth till it gets butchered and mired by the Ivory Towers to the point knowing what is fact and fiction becomes impossible?"   "Interesting question, which indirectly answers mine. Tell me then, what truth have you discovered thus far?" Dawn asked, intending to treat this as a quiz.   The mare didnt answer just stared down Dawn.   "You have no defense? I rather like hearing truth, even if I don’t like it at first." Dawn said.   The mare simply recrossed her arms, making it clear she wasn’t going to give up what she had, if anything.   Dawn sighed, disappointed. She gave the appearance of thinking hard as she pinged her mother for advice, filling her in on the situation   'Oh,’ Chrysalis replied, ‘I did find it odd they hadn’t shown up yet.’   'Wait, what?!' Dawn asked.   'What is it?' Her mother asked, surprised at Dawn’s surprise.   'What do you mean ‘odd they haven’t shown up yet!’’   'They are some of the finest investigative reporters in Equestria. I found it odd they weren’t digging into you yet, seems they have been.'   '… Okay… So what should I do here?' Dawn replied. 'I’m at a loss on the best option.'   'Well, they don't exactly know they are on the government’s radar and used as a backup, off site records keeper.' Chrysalis explained. ‘But this one in particular won’t tell you much, especially not what she knows. She is particularly tight lipped till she’s good and ready.'   'What should I do with her?' Dawn asked for advice again.   'Depends what you want done.' Chrysalis answered.   'The best possible outcome for everyone with the least social repercussions.'   'Then toss her out. If you keep her around, the other papers will take note of it and it will affect things.'   'Thanks mom.' Dawn said, packing their things, putting the saddlebag back onto the uninvited guest, and began using her magic to lift them, calmly moving them to the door.   The other three reporters of the event seemed to be pleased with this, even as Brown Cap’s confiscated badge was put back into the pocket of the squirming gray mare. Two of them then turned back to the sound engineer’s room, one staying behind to watch.   "Hey! What’re you doing! Where are you taking me!" She protested.   "I am escorting you out. You are trespassing on a private event on this property. I gave you a chance to explain yourself, even waited for an apology to perhaps let you listen in and still have something to report since they are to have a full copy of the event available and you can verify it yourself. Instead, you responded with silence so you are being taken outside."   She struggled. "You can’t do this! I am a member of the press!   "You are attending a private meeting without an invitation, are you not? Do you barge into other events like private parties at a guest room in a restaurant too?" Dawn asked as she continued to walk to the door.   "If I have too."   "Tell me," she paused, turning to the remaining reporter still watching, "in case I am making too many assumptions about the freedom of the press and related items for this world and my general experience elsewhere, can anyone cite for me how much access the press otherwise has?"   "We have a lot of freedom; however, that doesn’t allow us to do whatever we want.” The remaining watcher. "You are correct in removing her."   "That is not a citation. May I ask what article or legal document I can review to ensure if I do this incorrectly, I can make an apology?" Dawn asked.   "The courts issued a royal decree, I want to say 126-something, about how the press has the right to request information and have access if not sensitive." An aide mentioned. "It also grants us access to public events. It does not grant rights to private ones, and this meeting is private and sensitive since it will affect our business and income if others put out information about you or this interview ahead of us."   "That is very similar to what I am familiar with." Dawn nodded, "and is close enough that I can begin research. Thank you."   Dawn resumed her leading the unwanted guest away.   "That’s a load of elephant dung and you know it!" The report said accusingly as Dawn took her away, glaring.   "You know very well what the law is." The Reporter countered. "And I am sure your rag doesn’t want another court case brought against it again about your behavior."   With that, the mare growled but stopped struggling as her emotions changed to quiet anger.   "So no, I don’t know that this is elephant dung, as it is practically identical to laws from the land I was born in.” Dawn said with mild annoyance at the accusation, deciding to give her one final chance. “Sadly my education has not covered this subject for this land yet, but I will operate by the best available information I have. Do you have the full decree mentioned so I can review it for myself?"   She said nothing and just looked at the floor. The other reporter’s citation and Dawn’s support of their information had finally subdued the mare's fight and she had resigned herself to fate.   "I would recommend if you are right to keep such a copy for your defense moving forward. If I act in error, I will make sure I apologize directly and provide you your own interview." Dawn said, setting her outside. "Please have a good day."   The gray pegasus said nothing as she just picked up her saddlebag and started to walk away.   Dawn internally sighed, 'I hope she doesn’t think ill of me. I tried to be as respectful as I could.'   'Most likely she does, but that is because you sided with the other papers. I'll find out where she is staying.' Her mother said.   'Odd, what other outcome could there have been if she didn’t prepare for this? If she was that good, she should have the relevant laws memorized, or close to it, right?'   'Manehattan Gazette has been… sued several times due to their tactics, and because of their reputation, they lose more often than not.’ Chrysalis answered, hesitating briefly before she continued, ‘What she did constitutes a gray area in the law, and when you go against far larger papers, you are going to lose. In short, it doesn't matter what she knows or said. She's lost already.'   'Almost makes me regret my choice.' Dawn replied. 'She sounds like she just has been oppressed and is doing what she can with what she has.'   'When your paper is right most of the time but because what you report on cannot be verified for various reasons, it does make it hard for you to be taken seriously. Honestly, what got us all to actually look into them was they were the only paper to correctly deduce me and Twilight were an item when she got pregnant. No other paper even entertained the idea. Since then, Twilight reads every issue, having one of my drones pick them up for her. It’d cause issues if word got out a princess read what was perceived as a tabloid.'   'Hm. I may want a copy and keep tabs. Requesting permission to send a drone to investigate what they know of me already.' Dawn announced.   'Do you want the drone to find out that info or do you want to just know where they are staying?'   'The drone to find that info and possibly what I should do to entertain her with an interview.' Dawn answered.   A drone immediately obeyed and went to find out while Chrysalis answered, ‘You want to give her an interview? She won’t just take an outright invitation.’   ‘No, but she might take a huge fan’s email and offer of insider information about how they think the foreign princess has changeling ties, giving proof that only they can give.’   ‘Oh?’ Chrysalis asked, intrigued at what scheme her daughter was hatching.   ‘Yep, I know the type, the conspiracy theorists who take skepticism mixed with paranoia to bias their thoughts, and will take not so clear videos or pictures. This ‘fan’ might manage to get pictures of the foals being different tribes of pony or imitating our commander from perspectives that would show insider access, gradually getting to the more juicy bits and perhaps later on, when the princess lets her guard down, a picture from in her home and showing her chitin can be given just before the interview.’ Dawn relayed with a wry smile mentally.   ‘Ohhhh!’ Chrysalis nearly squee’d in excitement, clapping her hooves together in the link, ‘My daughter is finally trying her hooves at a form of infiltration! I’m so proud!’   ‘Mooom… it’s just a little misdirection.’ Dawn countered.   ‘What do you think infiltration is?’ Chrysalis countered.   Dawn simply chuckled internally, making sure the investigating drone prioritized not being caught over more information, but returned her attention to the reporters as she walked into the room, "So, I apologize if I acted out of place, but hopefully we can continue uninterrupted."   ----------   I finished the rest of the day as best I could, covering all kinds of details that I made openly available, from family life and my father being a musician briefly before cancer, as well as similarities and differences between the worlds that I’ve noticed so far. There were questions of goals I had while I stayed in this Equestria and for after I had returned, and I answered as best I could, hoping they wouldn’t be too critical of my willingness to say ‘I don’t know yet.’ Only time will tell, but I’m looking forward to seeing what interactions I can have with this… let’s see how soon I can get her on my side. At least Chrysalis is excited at this. > 9 - Questions and Confessions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 107, year 1, June 25th, Monday   Today I had a lot of things going for and against me. I started the next level of flight training and am now flying through headwinds and poorer weather conditions to get us used to them. I’m doing all right for the most part, and getting used to flying in those conditions is hard work. The plus side is that I’m also getting beyond the most basic of basic spells and have a proper beginner level understanding of how magic works.   A brief consultation with Chrysalis really didn’t get me too far beyond needing to wait for a secured yet not-connected-to-my-station email to be set up so that I can manage my contacts with the gray reporter, Scorched Wing. Contacting so soon after the event would be a bad idea, even if I am eager, so I’ll wait till about Wednesday or Thursday to send my first email and a picture of my foals in the castle grounds.   ==========   Day 108, year 1, June 26th, Tuesday   Ow ow ow ow… ow. Gods I hate this new physical training. Thought I was doing fine, forgot that I was about to be brought up to EDF fitness standards, and got pushed to the point where I’m almost as weak as when I first started any physical fitness! I was so physically worn down I almost didn’t make it through some of the other lessons Twilight’s mentor had set for me.   On the plus side, Pound Cake replied to my official letter I sent before to take me on as an apprentice of sorts to learn how to cook, even though they had already approved me in person. I’m pretty excited, but also glad he doesn’t need me right away and that it’d be later in the day when I do come. He proposed Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for helping out since it’s usually slow enough he could have some time to teach.   If anything, I’m glad I’ll finally learn to cook. I’ve felt mildly bad at not knowing how and this will give me that chance.   ==========   Day 109, year 1, June 27th, Wednesday   Still hurting like crazy, but I’ve gotten the email setup and am preparing in my ‘fan email’ for after the interview goes public. It’s definitely become a highlight of my day alongside some of the silliness of my foals.  I had a lot of back and forth with Chrysalis on how my email should be made and put together. Mom, of course, told me I was ‘close,’ only to say that I’m being too direct still and had to help me change what felt like half of it.   In a way, I feel like I am learning a bit of infiltration from mom in doing this, but I prefer to think of it right now as indirect diplomacy.   ==========   Day 113, July 1st, Sunday   What a day… I got the papers from all three newspapers, as well as got the chance to listen to the recording on the website if I wanted. (I have no interest in hearing myself. Had enough of that when working customer service and hearing my calls for quality purposes!)   Well, the papers could have been worse… definitely could have been worse. Overall they had a lot of good to say, but each paper had their own take on my responses. -The Daily Trotter with Juniper Gates, the Traditionalist Celestia paper, approved of the tradition history I seemed to share and try to hold to while also sharing concerns for my hopes for ways that society can be improved without learning more about how to fund such things. -The Second Opinion, written by Brown Cap and the Modernist Twilight supportive group, was skeptical of my abilities, seeming to catch my hesitation and lack of complete thought, but seemed to appreciate my willingness to alter plans should I learn that they’re untenable or uneducated -Just the Facts, written by Gumin Shoe and had the Traditionalist Luna leaning paper, was the most accepting but critical of my admitted need for education.   I mean, like I said before, it could be worse. What’s more important is how ponies will see me. I want to hope for many of the working populace seeing me as similar to one of them for how I’d want to help things. At worst though, it could be that they will find me too wet behind the ears and unfit for leadership and cause an even greater resistance to my attempts to assist or work together. The council and the sisters wouldn’t be swayed much, but popular opinion and morale still have to be a part of some decisions… I hope this doesn’t bite me later.   After spending some time worrying about opinions of ponies who don’t have any impact on my life and shouldn’t affect me, Stalwart and mom both supported me in their own ways, and even my foals laid against me as if they were trying to cheer me up too. I’m so glad I have my family. Maybe I should write more about them instead, that always cheers me up.   They’re still adorable, walking around the place. Morning Rise is such a curious, adventuring soul. I know foals change personality sometimes, but I can see her becoming a guardspony like Stalwart wants, or perhaps striking out her own path like I had been forced to. Beacon is a meek little thing, but he constantly stays near his father anytime he needs anything other than his meal. I certainly don’t mind, it means he goes to his father for his diaper change instead, though he will settle for Zera helping him too. Heaven forbid if I try to help him, he whines and sniffles and squirms throughout! It’s a good thing I have magic, but still!   Watching the pair of them play with Zera and Nymph is encouraging. They’re energetic, eager, happy… watching them squeal as they think they almost catch her when she’s a cat is a joy of its own, and they love when she’s a dog because they know she’s not going to be running away, often climbing over her with varying degrees of success. I made sure plenty of pictures were taken and I had to laugh a little at Chrysalis saying just how much love a family ends up having, especially when they have foals. I learned many of her infiltrators take the place of a parental role with someone who thought they wouldn’t get that chance, and while they have to adopt, the amount of love is often quite pure and potent. I believe her. The sweetness of the love we seem to put out is almost intoxicating or overwhelming to me at times.   I’m enjoying relaxing on Sundays, though part of me still wishes for a meetup for Dungeons and Dragons or whatever they do here. Better not be Humans and Households though. I do not want something that mundane! If something like that hasn’t been done, I should see if it can be replicated and create my own ruleset based on what I remember… Then again, I still need to visit Tulip again. I’ll schedule that for next Sunday I think.   Oh! I forgot to mention. Most of the study of my electronics has finished. Apparently, they don’t need adaptation for use on the electrical network because it looks like they switched when they went through the mirror at home to use magic. I still want to have backups or an ability to repair them later if they break though. There’s thankfully a video conversion unit that they were able to create with some trial and error for in the meantime. It took a while to make, didn’t help that they had composite, component, and hdmi to figure out how to do, but once they had the basic concept for what information they were looking for, they could single out the signals and attempt the conversion. Sound was the easiest part for the first two, but because of the least information for the last option, it took the longest.   With all of the pieces as thoroughly examined and tested as much as needed for consistent results, most of the physical games are being copied and tested for potential distribution. I warned them about piracy laws, but then they told me I was thinking about it wrong. Changelings care more about getting information, and further emphasized the point that their copyrights are not going to be enforceable in another world. Couldn’t argue with that! I’ll allow sale as games from another world and set aside the funds just in case though. Looks like I’ll have income to do investing with! I like the idea of investing in a games development studio to put out some ideas I’ve had brewing for a few years, but there’s other routes I could take as well.   Anyway, I don’t have my tv or consoles back yet because of those details and apparently they wanted to analyze the coding architecture and figure out how to emulate the systems consistently and safely before developing a console or two that would be capable. They’ve been at it for about two months now, but I’ve gone two years without them, I can deal without for another month.   My computer was in a similar enough boat, but much more advanced. It seemed almost on par with their own home computers in many respects, but would take far longer to convert all the things I still had installed on it. They’re settling for understanding the base components… enh, why am I getting so detailed? My hand would be cramping if I really did write this out normally and it’s not like anyone else outside of family is gonna read this!   I’m going to bed. Till next time.   ==========   Day 116, July 4th, Wednesday   That didn’t take long. I started getting a few different letters from different ponies, not sure if fans or something else, asking me questions or already trying to lobby for their idea or time for their ideas so they could be heard.   I wasn’t sure if I was surprised or not, but despite wanting to possibly attempt replying, I realized trying to might be a bad idea. There were far too many to reply to personally, and while I could assign drones to do so for me, it wasn’t a great way of dealing with my time. I think that any business requests or more formal things should be disregarded until I have a plan for how to handle such things.   I have to remind myself that just like the newspaper article, my influence has far greater reach than I can imagine. I’m no longer some pebble making small waves in a small pond. Now if I do something, or make a move, it could have far reaching implications, especially if it turns out poorly or I find out I was wrong. I can’t afford to help out just because I feel bad, at least not directly.   It also doesn’t help that time feels like it’s flying again. I remember feeling this way back in middle school, where the day felt like it took forever, but also seemed to zip by. I worry that becoming immortal somehow has affected my feel for time, but Chrysalis keeps telling me that time has continued at the same rate throughout, and it’s a flaw in my own brain that struggles to keep track of it accurately. Trust me mom, I know, but I still feel, it’s why you get love from me after all!   Part of me still wanted to celebrate the fourth of July, inherited from my birth world, but at the same time, it didn’t feel right to. Sure, it was mostly just a day of visiting family followed by fireworks and didn’t have much feeling of loyalty to my country as it was. Now that I’m an immortal, albeit young, semi-leader of another country, it would be inappropriate.   Yes mom, I’m probably overcomplicating everything, again. I’d better get some sleep.   ==========   Day 120, July 8th - Sunday   Visiting Tulip went well today, she’s happy to see me again and I enjoyed seeing her in higher spirits. They liked that I had taken a bit of time to learn gardening and they tried to be mildly curious about my book for the sake of one of their squad. The orderly made sure we steered clear of different hazards and overall it was a good therapy session for Tulip.   Tulip also managed to read the newspaper, said the media is always pretty ruthless, but was sure I’d be ‘fine.’ I told her that it’s common for a lot of people to have their public face they present to the world, and an inner face that they only have when in their home. She didn’t seem terribly interested in the idea, though I couldn’t help mentioning that it was one of the themes from one of my favorite games that are about to be released for distribution once we get everything ready. She perked up mildly before hearing more and saying “that’s weird.”   Well sooooorry! I can’t help that Persona happened to be one of my favorite games that kept me going in some rough times. P3 portable kept me content during homelessness and taught me how hardships can make us stronger when we use it to focus on becoming better than we were before. P4 taught me how sometimes the truth hurts but it can be the most powerful weapon that we have. Looked forward to P5 coming out the next year before I came over, but my first impressions is overcoming all the negative views people have of you to show them how wrong they are.   OH! HOW COULD I FORGET! CHRYSALIS’S EGG JUST GOT LAID!   I’m super happy for reasons I don’t dare write down, but I had to needle mom for getting away with such a near-painless birth of a new changeling queen. Twilight hasn’t found out yet, and I’m not about to spoil anything about it, but I’m super happy for them and in a way me too. … I bet that’d be something interesting to share with Scorched Wing, since she’s been very interested in my insider intel, and I’m about to get a video of us being ourselves to them to show just how ‘inside’ their trust I am… I'd better not share anything about the egg though. I’d be severely punished if I let loose that bombshell or anything related to it.   Anyway, email off, let’s see what we can do!   ==========   Day 128, July 16th, Monday   Good news, despite my still being quite tired from physical training, Scorched Wing is ready to meet up and have their interview with me, their mystery informant “Jessie.” I’ve got it scheduled for the 29th, Sunday after next basically, and she’ll have her apology from me as well as a frank interview answering as much as I feel up to answering. Here’s to hoping she isn’t too rough on me and Chrysalis’ requirement to keep hive things completely within the hive.   ==========   Day 128, July 16th, Monday, alternate event   Storm knocked on the door to Twilight's office, knowing it was after the usual hours, but hoping she was around.   "Need something?" A guard asked, approaching her.   "Yeah, I needed to talk to the commander about something." She explained.   "She's not in right now. She's usually on the roof at this time." The guard said.   "Ah, I'll go see her there then." Storm said, turning around to go to the roof.   Storm hadn't ever really been in the castle after dark like this, outside of the first week she spent in this Equestria. She went up to the roof, looking around for the commander.   When she got to the roof, she found a makeshift camp along the roofline. She was surprised at the scene, considering it was set up on top of a fortress, yet it was as if it were out in the field.   A blanket was laid out, held down by random objects like a paperweight, a vase, a pistol, and a rock. Next to the blanket was a cooler with a couple books stacked on top of it, a picnic basket and camping chair next to the cooler. Behind the camp was a large personal telescope at the edge of the roof, Twilight standing at it and looking through it as she slowly adjusted it. A large map was next to her, pinned to the short wall that was meant to prevent someone from falling over the edge.   "Hey Commander? I need your ear for a minute." Storm said, her tone reflecting how serious she felt.   "Huh?" Twilight said, looking up from her stargazing. "Oh. Storm. Didn’t expect to see you back so soon. What's up?"   "Well, probably about to ruin your mood," Storm warned, scowling as she approached, "but I don't know who else to turn to right now."   "Ah. One of those situations." She replied as she began to walk to the cooler. She carefully moved the books onto the blanket and opened it, taking out a soda bottle and holding it out to Storm. "Drink? It's not alcohol as I like to keep a clear head when up here."   "That's fine, thanks." Storm said, taking it as she moved close. "It's about Nightfall. We had a major fight last night, and I'm not about to forgive him till he gets an attitude adjustment."   "Ah." Twilight said, craving a soda herself and taking a seat on the camp chair and gestured to the cooler for Storm to have a seat.   Storm moved to the cooler, sat down on it, and sipped the soda before she sighed, "Bucking idiot… I love him, but damn I hate him! He enjoys his job he says, yet he's constantly complained when things about Dawn come up. I mentioned that we had to get a security detail to help monitor her when she visited Canterlot, and he gets frustrated and uppity with me because she shouldn't require that… the buck does he know! He helps patrols which is good ‘n all and I'm glad he does it, but I'm tired of being talked down to and him speaking bad about Dawn, especially since she made it in the papers for doing an interview. Makes me wonder how the hell I did it in the first place."   Twilight nodded letting her talk. She noted in silent amusement that Storm really had grown once again, recognizing Dawn’s strength and her weaknesses both, no longer putting her down.   "Well, this mule thinks it's a good idea to complain to me about how he had to deal with someone who wouldn't shut up about her from one of the tabloids and pestered him for info on her. I told him he just hates being a normal pony and he'll get to shine once we're back home, and off he went on Dawn again after insisting I was wrong!" Storm said, staring at the soda, glaring daggers at it. "We fought pretty bad today about all kinds of things, and… I left him, said I wasn't coming back till he came to his senses. Good thing Vanna's being looked after by Spike tonight… she’s barely hatched and shouldn’t see us fight like this."   "Yeah…" Twilight said, wincing at what she said, thinking to her head-partner. 'I thought work with the guard would have helped him deal with his issues, but it seems to have just made them worse if Storm walked out.'   'Yeah…’ Meadow agreed. ‘Damn. Means bigger issues with him than we can help with. I figured stability would help him out instead. Guess not.'   "So yeah, I need a place here and want to look after Vanna for a bit, maybe get a clearer head in a few weeks or something." Storm said, letting out a sigh and hanging her head in slight defeat.   "You don't even need to ask." Twilight nodded. "Want your own room or would you rather stay on my floor?"   "I mean, I'll take the floor if I need to, as long as Vanna gets a good place to sleep." Storm said, not registering all of what she was hearing as she dwelled on her fight.   "I meant would you like to stay on my private floor, with me, or have your own room on a lower floor?” Twilight chuckled. “You should know I’d never let either of you sleep on the floor."   "I…" She hesitated. She liked the idea of being in her own room again, but she had gotten used to sleeping with Night and knew she wouldn't feel the same at least not knowing others were in her place with her.   Twilight didn’t say anything, just sipped her drink, letting Storm decide this.   "I think I'd like to stay with you on your floor for a little bit, see how it goes." Storm said. “Not ready to live alone again so soon.”   "I'll make the arrangements…” Twilight nodded, smiling, “and by make the arrangements, I mean have you stay on the floor and if anyone complains toss them in the dungeons."   Storm snorted, smiling briefly before sighing as a deep frown surfaced and she spoke softly. "I thought… I thought he was the one… I was so sure. Why am I not anymore?"   Twilight sighed and pulled Storm into a hug, burying Storm’s face into the purple alicorn’s chest and extending her wings around the mare. She began to stroke the mane slowly and hummed, trying to help calm them down.   Storm leaned into the hug, saying nothing more as she let Twilight pull her in and treat her like their little lapdog. She was pushed into the alicorn’s lap, Twilight ignoring the protest the camp stool gave at the extra weight, even if it was only made for her weight and nothing else. She didn’t care about the stool right then. Storm needed her.   Storm’s vision was filled with purple and her nose with the smells she associated with Twilight, a mixture of lavender soaps, old parchment, and gun oil. Storm sighed and slowly relaxed, letting herself let go of all her thoughts and worries, frustrations going away as she simply existed, tensions floating away.   Lapdog had a way of enjoying a simpler life sometimes… Right now, she could just worry about pleasing her Mistress. That was all that mattered, nothing else, and in that moment, it was exactly the escape she needed.  She sighed contentedly, blinking her eyes and slowly relaxing as she settled into that role .   "Thanks Twilight…" Storm eventually said.   "You never need to thank me for this." She said, stroking Storms mane and humming, the two of them enjoying being under the sky as it grew darker.   "Still doesn't mean you don't deserve it." Storm said, letting out a sigh.   Twilight simply smiled and scratched behind her friend’s ear. Storm chuckled, almost like putty in their hooves as she enjoyed being Lapdog.   "Want to stargaze with me?" Twilight offered with a smile.   "Sure."   Twilight smiled and opened her wings slowly, exposing Storm once more to the outside before she set Storm down and began to talk toward the telescope.   "I like to stargaze at least once a week, though in winter I do so on any and all clear nights." She said. "Ever since I was a little filly."   "Ah." Storm said, looking up at the sky. It always seemed the same to her. Sure, it changed a little in some places, but nothing that great. They were used for navigation for a reason after all.   Twilight smiled. "Let me guess… It's just dots in the sky to you isn't it?"   "I mean, to me, but I know they’re more than that. Been an explorer so I like knowing which ones to have as a reference for directions but they’re not as exciting to me."   Twilight smiled and gestured to the telescope. "Go on… Have a look."   She shrugged, getting up and going to take a look.   The telescope was aimed at a massive nebula of greens, blues, and yellows, just seeming to hang there in space, larger than the balls of flames that seemed to be near it, just hanging in a black void.   "Huh… What’s that?"   "The Statia Nebula… the only Nebula capable of being seen by a personal telescope like this due to its proximity to us. The atmosphere prevents us from being able to see it with the naked eye, but it’s up there and thousands of times bigger than Equus. … if we could see it… it would fill the night sky…" Twilight said, looking to the sky as the moon slowly rose.   "Huh… that’s really big… and really far away." Storm thought out loud.   “Yeah. There are other nebulas, but we'd need a more powerful telescope to see it." She said and carefully looked through the aiming piece, her head close to Storm’s as she looked through and slowly adjusted it until Storm could see a small pulsing star, burning gases coming off it and disappearing as they were consumed before flinging it far.   "What’s with the twinkling?" Storm asked.   "The star is pulsing, meaning its expanding and contracting as it burns through its fuel." She said, looking to the sky once more. "Most of those stars up there… they went out millions, perhaps billions of years ago… but their light is traveling such a great distance we are able to see it long after the source has died…"   "That… that’s…" Storm said before pausing. "Wait… Celestia is Princess of the Sun… and the sun is a star… What happens if our sun goes out? What’d happen to her?"   "Oh, our sun won't go out." Twilight said. "It will explode."   Storm looked at Twilight in surprise and horror.   "Don't worry, it’s not due to do that for a few million years… probably." She said. "As for what will happen to Celestia… I'm not sure. I mean she controls its movement, but if she is connected to it in the sense she will die if it does? … But she draws power from it… Hmm, an interesting question, and one I doubt even Celestia herself has an answer to."   "I… I don’t wanna think about it…" Storm said, looking visibly shaken by the thought.   Twilight frowned ears going back as she asked worriedly, "What is it? What's wrong?"   "Thinking of Celestia… the sun exploding… It’s…" she shook her head, "the hay am I getting upset for? I won’t be around then…"   "No, no. I'm sure she will be fine.' Twilight said quickly hugging Storm. She felt horrible that she made Storm feel with way. She just wanted to cheer her up and share in some of her favorite things with her, and she had to go and do this!   "Sorry, I’m being stupid… now I’ve upset you…" Storm sighed, pulling her wings in close and making herself smaller.   "What! No. I’m upset because I upset you." Twilight said.   "No, I’m just… I got a bit scared, but it’s a really, really far away thing. I don't know why that bothered me."   "Because you care about Celestia." Twilight said.   "Well, yeah…" Storm said, suppressing a yawn.   "Tired?" She asked.   "Just the cold air." Storm said, looking up at the sky, thinking.   "Ah…" She said, looking up at the sky as well. "I’ve not had anyone stargaze with me in a long time… my Pinkie was the one out of my friends who seemed to be the most interested, and we used to watch the sky together about once a month. The others would also be there if they were free… Dash having leave from the Wonderbolts, AJ her farm not tiring her out too bad… Rarity not having a show… Fluttershy caring for her animals… but we always tried to find time for each other, even though a full group got rare. Hm… Pinkie always wanted to throw a space party up there… only one I knew who wished to leave this planet and see what is up there I know… knew."   Storm felt it was her turn to hug them, moving over and doing so from the side.   Twilight leaned into her, still watching the stars. "You ever think about it? Leaving this planet to see what’s beyond the stars?"   “I haven’t thought about it before… what’s beyond the stars?" Storm asked.   "No clue… all we have is telescopes to see things… furthest we've been was the moon, but beyond there? Who knows? Could be anything… Could be nothing but lifeless rocks, floating in the void… We won't know till we get there." Twilight said as her wings shuffled. "Used to always watch and dream of going up there… never thought I’d get the chance to in my lifetime. Now my lifetime is eternity so… I'll eventually get to."   Storm hugged her again, "Yeah… if it happens in my lifetime, I think I would want to see too."   Twilight thought and looked at Storm. "What’s the highest you’ve ever flown?"   "Not sure." She said.   "Come with me." Twilight smiled, spreading her wings and taking to the air.   Storm spread her wings and took off after her.   They flew for a few hours in the cool night and soon reached an EDF air base. Within a couple more hours, they were in the back of a cargoplane, wearing sealed suits as it flew through the air.   "This… is technically an abuse of power, scrambling one of these just for this, but… you are going to love this." Twilight said over the radio as she checked Storm’s suit to make sure it was in working order.   Storm smirked, then frowned as she thought back to her fight before shaking it off and refocusing on Twilight's adjustments.   "Okay. You ready?" Twilight asked, putting the oxygen mask over Storms muzzle. "Air good?"   Storm took a breath and then nodded.   "Good… then we are ready to jump. Do exactly as I say. Understand?" Twilight said "You are going to instinctively want to use your wings. Don’t, not till I tell you. Got it?"   "Okay…" Storm said, frowning, but trusting her friend.   An alarm started to blare in the cabin. "Depressurizing cargo hold." The pilot’s voice said through the radio as Twilight went to the wall.   Storm went out to the wall Twilight went as well, feeling her fur try to fluff out and trap heat.   "Ready to jump." Twilight said. Once she got a nod from Storm, Twilight pressed a button and a different alarm started to blare as the back door began to open.   The sound of the rushing wind outside was muffled by the helmets they wore. Twilight put her googles down as she went to the middle of the cabin.   Storm took a deep breath as she realized what they were doing and made sure her goggles were down and she joined Twilight, having no clue what she was doing.   "You’re clear to jump! Go, go, go!" The pilot said and Twilight ran for the down ramp and disappeared from sight as she jumped from the plane.   Storm followed, her heart pounding as she prepared herself to plummet, keeping her wings tightly tucked in.   What greeted her when she left the plane was the tops of clouds as they now dropped from the highest point one could be while still on the planet. The curve of the planet clearly visible with ease in all directions.   Then the sun started to rise, its light shining over the land. It cast parts of the world within the light as others remained dark, blending them together as the night gave way to the day in an eternal movement controlled by the Princesses. Lakes shimmered in the early light as rivers flowed and forest’s shadows stretched on into the darkness as the light reached in. The clouds seemed to glow with the light as the muffled sound of the air rushed past the fiery pegasus.   "Whoah…" She said into her mask, breathing in as needed as she just let herself fall while facing the world.   "Breathtaking, isn’t it?" Twilight voice said in her ear from the radio. "We are higher than any pegasus could ever fly, high enough there isn’t enough air to breathe… the edge of where our world ends and space begins."   "Yeah…" Storm said through the radio, "A mare could get addicted to this kind of view!"   Twilight chuckled as they plummeted towards the planet, the dawn’s light continuing to spread.   Storm watched, enjoying herself. It was freeing in a way, just get lost in the sights. Not much could be noticed beyond where most cities were, the smaller towns barely registering in her sight, and any ponies wouldn't be seen at all.   The cities were dots of light, slowly turning off as the dawn continued to rise. All too soon, they were passing through the highest of the clouds.   Storm sighed, unhappy at the loss of the sight, but she no longer felt the pull of the planet against her, just the wind rushing against herself.   Soon they broke through, the towns, villages, and some roads becoming visible.   "We are close now!" Twilight instructed.   "What do we do once we're close enough?" Storm asked.   "Angle down so you’re going straight down and slowly open your wings while pulling up slowly. If you aren't slowing down enough, pull the red cord on your vest. That will open a chute that will slow you down. Be careful of the rapid deceleration!"   "All right!" She said, starting to follow those instructions, heart pounding faster as she felt the weight of her movement speed up again.   "Now!" Twilight said as she herself started to go through the motions.   Storm tried, watching Twilight and seeing if she could imitate them.   Twilight wings were slowly opening as she began to angle herself into a slow pull up from the nose dive. Her legs were tucked close to her body and she looked, focused on the ground before her and neck outstretched. It was clear she’d done this before.   Storm continued to imitate, trying her best to slow her descent gradually.   'Ease up, you’re going too fast! Increase your angle up speed a bit.' Twilight said.   Storm listened, groaning as her wings started to hurt even more as she increased her attempts to pull up.   'Pull the cord now!' Twilight said, seemingly without warning.   Storm growled and pulled the cord, not happy with herself for not doing it right to avoid needing the cord. The parachute deployed and Storm suddenly came to a near stop as it caught the air and dragged her to a near stop.   "Owwww…" Storm groaned, feeling sore as most of the joints near her legs felt all of the strain of the chute pulling upward at her.   "Yeah, hurts a bit, but better than blowing into the ground." Twilight said as she slowed her speed before circling back to Storm as she was drifting down and dangling from the chute.   "Yeah… fuck." Storm groaned, "That's gonna leave marks…"   "Yup." Twilight said, then smirked mischievously. "Think fast!"   Twilight pulled another cord, causing the chute to detach from the harness. Storm yelped and spread out her wings, flapping quickly to catch herself and then began to glide as the panic from her sudden tumble subsided.   “Dammit Twilight…" She tried to glare and then started laughing.   Twilight laughed as well as she used her magic to gather the now free chute and roll it up while lazily flapping her wings to stay airborne. "So….how was it?"   "That was kinda awesome." Storm chuckled.   "Damn straight." Twilight smiled.   Storm smiled more at them then started to turn to fly home, then frowned as she remembered she wasn't going back.   "Come on, I think a nap is in order." Twilight said, placing a hoof on Storm’s shoulder and turning her to face back toward the castle that was miles away. "World won’t end if I take a day off."   "Thanks, commander." Storm said.   "Don't mention it, and feel free to call me Twilight when off duty."   "All right, Twilight." She said with a yawn before chuckling. > 10 - The explosion that changed everything > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 135, July 23rd, Monday – Stalwart’s entry   I… I’m so overwhelmed right now… Rage… sadness… worry… I can barely think straight right now and the foals had been crying when I got back. I only just got them calmed down with the help of Zera, and Nymph is beside herself in grief, not leaving Dawn’s… Dawn’s…   My wife… Meadow Dawn… was blown up today… I had been having such a good day, and now it was my worst day ever. I know I should be glad she’s not dead… but she was so close to it… I…   ----------   Dawn trotted along the quiet road on her way to the Sugar Cube Corner. These days she loved to visit the place early for a little chocolate fix before her lessons. She’d get her cocoa, relax for a few minutes with her guilty pleasure, and then start her culinary lessons with Pound Cake.   Pound Cake had taken over the bakery when his parents retired, and he had been an excellent baker. He had always enjoyed Dawn’s visits, and had been happy to assist her in learning a new hobby when she asked him. He taught her with great care and expertise, not minding her being part changeling since his wife was a caretaker drone.   Dawn always enjoyed working with him. He was patient with her and her constant insecurity or questions, and she learned by his gentle encouragement. The fact that he was married to a drone meant that she could do her un-pony-like behavior as much as she wanted, with him only showing curiosity. She even showed him her form once or twice and showed a humanized version for some parts of baking. He had chuckled and looked thoughtful at what she could do with her hands when it came to baking. Jeron, of course, joked Pound almost made that lewd, but Dawn enjoyed Jeron’s humor sometimes.   She trotted along the small street, waving happily to some of the ponies along the way. It was quiet, most were at work or school and it would be a couple hours until the dinner rush happens. It doubled as the perfect time to study when Pound wanted her to relax instead of learn. He was always so sensitive to how hard she worked and made sure she never pushed herself too hard when she needed rest. She, in turn, made a note that he might make an excellent donor for caretaker drones eventually, should she ever have any of her own.   ‘And then the fire nation attacked.’ Jeron joked when Dawn appreciated the peace and quiet again.   ‘You know Jeron, that doesn’t really work well when you repeatedly keep saying that when I say it’s peaceful.’ Dawn chuckled at him as she passed by one of the public trash bins.   A deafening roar of sound, heat, and pain washed over Dawn, the sound of shattering glass echoing after as she fell to the side. The world became filled with debris faster than she could register what happened or register Jeron’s regrets at tempting fate with how much he loved to make that joke.   She groaned as she realized she was lying on her side, most of her hind legs, back, wings, and an eye in almost unbearable pain as she heard screams of panic and concern nearby and she surmised they were running away from the blast. She felt a wave of cold spread from her sides and hooves as fear crept in with it. She shivered in place on the ground, trying to open the other eye to assess the damage she took… she wished she hadn’t.   Various metal and plastic pieces covered in a deep, almost shining, red were along her body. Any attempts to open or move her right eye left it and everything around it in excruciating pain. What little she could see out of her left eye, arguably her worse eye, caused panic to set into her instinctual parts of her brain, energy draining as it wanted to make her faint and run away from the problem like when she was just a toddler.   She fought the growing urge to simply sleep or pass out, even as her body let go of the alicorn form she had to conserve energy and reverted to her hybrid form with chitin broken in most places. Her light scales had been punctured by the fragments of whatever hit her like it was only tissue paper, most pieces sticking out of her like little flags over her body.   'Mom!' She called in the link, unable to hide notes of fear in her mind despite her thought’s clarity to the situation, 'Notify Stalwart for me… I’m struggling to stay awake already!'   The sound of sirens filled the air and alarm went through the Link as they realized not just one of their own was attacked, but their Legate.   A news crew that was across the street when the blast hit, having been on a lunch break, were surprised at the blast, the glass of the restaurant shattering from the explosion and after they recovered, looked at each other and swiftly moved into action, both to help and to get a huge scoop for the news.   All of them left the building since no one was hurt inside, the customers who sat near the glass having just left a few minutes prior. One of them quickly got to the van, getting recording equipment and a camera on a stand, going for a remote access through an uplink through their now-battered but functional vehicle and flipping the ‘urgent news’ signal to tell the station to get a look and interrupt broadcasts when they see the feed. The others tried to look for ways they could help on scene until the first pony could join them with the relief efforts.   One of those newsponies came running up to her and spoke to her, his face showing horror at what he saw.   "Hey, hey! Can you hear me?" He asked, his voice shaking from adrenaline as he approached the grisly scene.   Dawn weakly nodded, the one eye trying to drift closed, yet she kept trying to keep it open to focus on something.   "Barely…" she said, her voice a whisper.   "Hey, hey, hey! Don’t go to sleep! Stay awake!" The pony said looking around and yelling for help to have the others, like his crew. "Help! Someone! Over here! She needs help!"   It wasn't long before the sirens reached the area, and the pony and his crew waved over the guards and moved out of the way for them. The pair of guards rushed over with a first aid kit, realizing quickly as they approached just how limited it would be in helping her.   "Ma'am… Ma'am can you hear me?" The guard asked, kneeling beside her while the news crew respectfully gave some space and began their work to make a proper initial news report, their earpieces now in their ears coordinating their efforts with very few others needing much medical aid.   Dawn blinked her understanding, breathing sharp cool breaths of air. Her eye began losing its focus, Dawn focusing a lot of her effort on staying conscious in spite of it. Everything was spinning.   'I feel like I've lost a lot of blood...' Dawn relayed in the link as a warning, feeling cold and scared, but trying not to focus on it lest she made herself worse. Her lips moved to try to answer the guard, but she couldn’t think of what to say.   'Don’t say such silly things!' Chrysalis said. 'You are perfectly fine.'   The entire swarm was in an uproar. Things were happening quickly, though outside the edge of Dawn’s awareness.   "Ma'am, can you tell me your name?" The guard asked.   "Meadow Dawn..." She said faintly through her breath. 'I know I'll be fine mom… I have you and the link… no matter what… I'll be fine…'   "Today marks a strange event..." A reporter started to say, Dawn struggling to hear them clearly but assumed they were radioing or something, “-one critical injury confirmed, our foreign princess, and medics are already on their way. No information is available on who or what caused this sudden explosion across the street from where we decided to have lunch this fateful day.”   Her thoughts drifted to her husband and foals, hoping they're ok and fighting to stay awake for their sake.   “Okay. Good, good. You have a family, Dawn?" the guard asked as he frantically worked to try and treat her injuries alongside his guard partner, who was calling for an ambulance over the radio.   "Yeah… S-stalwart… Two foals…" She breathed, eye fluttering as sleep kept trying to claim her. She wanted to keep it open, but she was forgetting why as she tried. 'Mom… I can't stay awake much longer… I'm trying to hold on… Make sure Tulip knows what happened... She’ll be hurt if she doesn’t hear... from... me...'   "Hey! Hey! Stay awake! Tell me about your kids." The guard said, trying to keep her awake as he worked.   'You can tell her yourself! Don't you dare fall asleep! You have too many tasks today. Your schedule is filled, and napping wasn’t in it! You know how Twilight is about schedules.' Chrysalis warned.   "So… tired… T-they're a year old." She said over her breath, barely audible. 'I… Maybe… maybe she can make an exception? But Pound Cake won't like it… See? This is why you need your daily dose of chocolate.'   'Daughter?' Chrysalis asked, now worried that her Legate had gone delusional from the event.   "Hey… Hey! Come on, stay awake! You have to tell me about them. Their names! What they are like?" The guard asked desperately, trying to get her to stay awake, turning to yell at his partner while he treated the other injured ponies, having done what they could here. "Where the hell is that ambulance!?"   'Chocolate… gotta… have a good dose of chocolate for a good day...' Dawn thought back to her mother, clinging to any train of thought she could make, no matter how incoherent as she breathed the answer to the guard. "T-they’re… a year… old, and... a boy... and a girl."   "Names! What their names?" He asked.   'Yes…’ Chrysalis said, starting to realize what Dawn was doing. She was ready to help her daughter, even if it meant keeping up with their mind’s wandering. Any conversation with her meant her daughter was awake ‘Yes, you need to help make the chocolate for the dinner rush. Without you, Pound has to do it by himself.'   'I think… I think I'm going to be late to getting there… I hope he forgives me… I like him.' She thought faintly, speaking on her breath, struggling to breathe as her vision filled with lights that danced in her eyes. "B-bacon… no… not bacon. I…"   "Hey...HEY! Stay with me!" He yelled.   'No! You're not! You're going to be right on time, like you always are.' Chrysalis said, hiding the desperation in the message despite mobilizing every drone in the area.   'Mom… I can't feel anything… I'm so cold and wet… I… I…' Dawn thought, her eye fluttering again before she started to fade out, no longer actively responding to the link.   'Legate… Daughter… DAWN!' Chrysalis yelled at her. She quickly reached into the link, realizing her daughter was growing faint, risking passing into memory.   The ambulance skidded to a stop and the paramedics got out.   "Hey, hey! Wake up! The medics are here, you’re going to be fine… You’ve got to go home to your kids and husband… Dawn come on!" The guard yelled.   Dawn was barely aware of everything that was happening around her. She could hear things and feel things, but they weren't registering at all. Her connection to the link was vague, knowing they were there and she was there, but she couldn’t react. She had no energy to react, she simply was.   The guard moved back as the medics ran over with their gurney and tools and began to work. It wasn't long before they had the unconscious mare on it and rushing back to the ambulance while the vehicle was zooming off toward the hospital as her body struggled to stay alive.   -----   Stalwart was at home, having just finished a shower after a jog to keep in shape between training recruits. It was a good little break this week while Zera and Nymph looked after the foals. He got back around the same time Dawn was about to leave, and now he stepped out, freshly dried.   A loud banging came from the door, frantic knocking echoing in the home and sounding like they were in danger of the door being broken down.   "Coming!" he called, suppressing his annoyance as he went to the door and opened it.   A guard stood there. "Sir, you need to come with me right now. There been an incident… your wife, she's been rushed to Ponyville General."   Stalwart's blood ran cold as a sneaking fear came to his mind. "Zera, Nymph! Please watch the foals!"   As soon as he heard them confirm the answer, he stepped out and closed the door behind him. "Take me to her!"   "Come with me. My Cruiser’s our front." The guard said. The insignia on his uniform said he wasn't a castle guard, indicating he was from the town. He galloped down the hall as he explained. "I don't know what happened. My partner just went crazy while we were getting a drink, yelling about an attack.”   “I was able to calm him down so he stopped scaring the ponies around us and he just took off, yelling at me to get you to the hospital and saying something happened to the Legate. Been with him long enough to know who that is, and I came straight here. I've never seen him like that.” The guard said, his concern for them transparent, “He's usually calm and collected, and that… he looked ready to tear someone’s head off."   Stalwart dashed after him, easily keeping up, "So what did happen? Who attacked? What happened to my wife!"   "I DONT KNOW!" The guard yelled in frustration before they dashed out the doors toward the cruiser, still running and all lights flashing. "I just told you everything I know. My partner wasn’t exactly coherent!"   "Sorry! I'm just worried." He said, both of them getting in and strapping in, "Not trying to put any more pressure on you."   "I get it. Don’t worry." He said as he floored the throttle and the cruiser peeled out, turning on the siren. "I'm worried too… if something caused Frin to lose it like that… he’s faced really bad shit and didn’t even flinch… I don't want to see what's caused him to lose his cool."   "Yeah…" Stalwart said, fear gripping his heart as he rode along. It had taken him nearly this full half a year to get used to riding in vehicles, and he appreciated their ability to get him places faster than galloping right now, even if he was still learning to drive.   It didn't take long before the cruiser skidded into the hospital’s parking lot.   "By Celestia…" the guard breathed, eyes wide at the scene ahead of him.   The entire area was filled with drones. Some were dressed in work uniforms, some were without, but every single one practically covered the walls of the hospital and other areas, leaving just enough room for people to get in and out. All of them looked ready to kill.   "I… I've never seen so many at one place outside the hive." Stalwart said, stunned as he unbuckled and started to get out, "I've got a bad feeling about this…"   "Yeah..." the guard said as he called it in.   The drones made way for Stalwart, the only acknowledgment they gave him as they watched the area around the hospital. More drones kept arriving by the minute. The Swarm was growing, making the building look more and more like a beehive that was ready to strike an unwanted target in its territory.   Stalwart walked in, trying to keep his fear under control as he worried for his wife. His fear wasn’t toward the hive, he knew their ire wasn’t at him.   The hospital itself was in a state of controlled chaos due to the growing swarm slowly covering it. Nurses were trying to keep everyone and themselves control as they evacuated the hospital.   A caretaker wearing a nurse hat approached Stalwart amidst the remaining chaos inside the hospital.   “Come with me.” She said at him as she turned and headed deeper into the hospital.   “Ok… why are ponies evacuating? Why is the hive all over the building?” He asked.   "They fear we will cause issues. The Swarm is gathering to defend the Legate while your pony healers try to tend to her." She said in an almost detached way.   "I..." He hesitated as he followed, his fear and worry rising. A lump in his throat rose as he asked, "So what happened to my wife?"   “She was attacked.” She said as she led him into areas normally reserved for staff only, and eventually they came to an area above the surgery room where he could see down into the surgical bay where a team worked. “This is as far as I can take you to where you can't interfere with these pony healers.”   “I understand…” He said as he braced himself and looked into the surgical bay.   He saw a team of doctors and nurses around the table, working and blocking is view of his wife more often than not. He could see a lot of blood in many places, machines that were helping keep the patient alive as several bags of medication and blood hung nearby, dripping into their patient.   He shook in place, for the first time feeling weak at the sight of blood because he caught a glimpse of it mingled with green fur that was being stained a deep forest green from the blood, reinforcing that it was his wife that was in this position.   "Is she going to be ok?" He asked, voice shaking with his body as he moved to sit down.   "We do not know." The caretaker said. "The best doctors this place has are working on her… but if she doesn't make it… We swear whoever did this will feel the full wrath of the Swarm.”   “All right…” He said as he slumped down. “Has the Commander been told?”   “She is mobilizing the castle into full combat deployment. She is almost to the point of declaring martial law.”   “I see…” He said quietly. "I'll say that if Nightfall or Storm wish to come, I'll allow it. I'd like whatever support I can get right now, and with my parents not here…"   He took a deep breath, eyes watering as he tried to get his emotions under control, fighting the immense sadness and worry that tried to take over his emotions.   The caretaker put a hoof on his shoulder. "You have The Hive… you have proven yourself a friend. As far as we are concerned, you are one of us."   He nodded and pulled her into a tight hug, tears coming to his face unbidden as he worried over the fate of his wife.   She put her hooves around him and was held as he cried without shame for a time. He held her tightly as he feared the worst, trying desperately to picture her safe and sound, only to remember the past and wish things could have continued without the attack.   It was some time before he finally calmed, using a box of tissues on a nearby table to wipe his muzzle as needed.   "Thank you…" he said quietly.   "You need not thank us."   "I want to… I'm grateful for what the hive is doing for us, for what these doctors are doing for us." Stalwart said, sniffling as he set down another used tissue into the trash. "Dawn would want me to focus on the good things right now, so that's what I'm going to try to do."   She nodded and remained there. Her duties were to the hive, and they would supersede everything else.   Stalwart took a breath and let it out, having calmed himself. "Is Chrysalis or Twilight or anypony going to come visit too?"   The door slammed open and the Queen entered, looking as calm and regal as always, but the air was charged around her. Anyone who knew her or knew that charged feeling could sense the bloodlust radiating from her.   The Queen of The Hive was pissed.   Stalwart flinched visibly at the sight, ears flat against his head briefly before he looked to Chrysalis, swallowing as he wondered what she would do next. She simply walked to the observation window and looked down into the surgical bay.   “She should be in the hive where we can care for her, not here with ponies, but that insufferable head nurse won't let me retrieve her, even when I threaten to turn her inside out.” She said hauntingly, a hint of a smile appearing briefly. “Impressive, to stand before a Queen and not budge.”   “What would you do differently to heal her?” Stalwart asked hesitantly.   “Place her in a healing cocoon where she belongs, not some lonesome table, bleeding out while ponies cut and prod her.”   "Well… I mean, if there's stuff that got lodged in her, I'd think it's still help if they get those things out first." Stalwart said to defend the doctors. "At least we know they're doing everything they can to save her."   Chrysalis humphed.   “Look, let them do what they can, and if that doesn't work, then we put her in your healing thing.” Stalwart said, trying to appease her. He watched as she remained silent and watchful before he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "So… what happened? I'm told she was attacked, but by who? What did it?"   "We do not know. Ponies think it was a gas line, but there are none where the blast was."   "Sounds suspicious to me." Stalwart frowned. He moved over to be close to Chrysalis, rather badly wanting his mother for support right then.   "Quite." Chrysalis said and carefully placed a hoof on his shoulder. "She will make it. She is my daughter."   "And my wife…” He said before giving an empty chuckle, “Besides, she's the bearer of hope. If she's at all like it, she might be a bit frail, but she'll be tough to kill."   "Exactly."   Stalwart sighed and leaned against Chrysalis. "This… this is… my worst day ever."   "Mine too." Chrysalis nodded, speaking softly in agreement.   Stalwart stood there, trying to think of anything he could ask to distract himself. "How are my foals doing?"   "They are fine. Zera is taking care of them, as is her duty. Nymph is worried. She cannot feel her queen, but she is trying to put on a brave front for the foals."   "Understandable… I’m glad they’re doing a good job…" He said, earning a nod from Chrysalis. "I… I don't think I’ll be up for working for a bit…"   "You have already been granted emergency leave." Chrysalis informed him.   "Good…" he said softly, waiting on the doctors or more guests.   The room remained quiet as they watched the doctors work.   Storm arrived after a small amount of time, taking a look at Dawn after consoling Stalwart. She was horrified by the results. She was there to watch over Dawn like Twilight asked, in spite of the hospital being covered in changeling drones. With them otherwise taking care of nearly all the security, she focused her efforts on supporting Stalwart.   Storm was in a quandary of her own over the situation. She hadn’t always gotten along with Dawn, though when Dawn forced her to see their memories, things got a bit better, but she would never had wished Dawn harm this bad, even at her worst when she hated their guts for how she made Night feel. Now that she was seeing Dawn go through this, it was hard to say that Dawn was being anything but honest in her other difficulties before. It became a good distraction from her fight with Nightfall and their breaking up afterward, only emphasizing to her how skewed he was against Dawn.   After several hours, the light indicating surgery was in progress turned off as the team down below drew the curtains to finish up, Dawn being carted out of sight.   “They will be moving her to a room for recovery.” the nurse drone said.   Stalwart sighed, the worst was probably over. "How is she?"   "I don't know. They wouldn't let drones in there due to our behavior." The nurse said turning to go. "I'll find out what room she's being placed in."   "Thank you." Stalwart said quietly.   After a bit the Nurse returned. "Follow me."   Stalwart moved to follow, Storm close behind. They were lead to one of the upper floors, into the ICU wing. Stalwart looked on with apprehension, hoping his wife will be alright.   They entered a room where Dawn laid in a bed with an IV drip. The lower half of her face was covered in bandages, her right eye being covered similarly. Her chest was bandaged more heavily, along with her front legs practically being in a cast from the bandages. That was all they could see above the blankets in tandem with the breathing machine running to a tube into her neck. Stalwart knew that things were just as bad along the rest of her body from his look during surgery.   "Oh Dawn..." Stalwart said, going to her side carefully.   The Queen approached, looking at her daughter with a horrified expression.   "She’s in a coma due to blood loss…" The nurse said. "She’s in critical condition… the doctors have done all they can."   "Thank you nurse… I know they did..." he said, still stunned as he looked at her with a new feeling of dread.   Storm winced as she saw the extent of the damage. "This… this is messed up… I’m sorry this happened to you Stalwart. If there’s anything you need, let me know."   The Queen growled, baring her sharp teeth. "I'm going to rip whoever did this to pieces, and use what remains to decorate my throne room, as a warning to what happens when someone attacks my family." She said, her voice rumbling from deep in her throat and dripping with venom.   "I just want to have my wife back." Stalwart said, putting his hoof on hers gingerly, turning to the pony nurse, "What should we expect? How long till she's up and walking? Any estimates at all?"   "We… don't know. Her chances of walking again with her hind legs are slim. Flight isn’t much more hopeful due to damage to the muscles. … They are concerned about one of her lungs and she most likely will have severe breathing problems for the rest of her life, as well as limited range of motion in her left front leg. She suffered severe nerve damage, so feeling will also be… well, low. … The doctor said it’s a miracle she even reached the ambulance alive, much less surgery." She said, having been very empathetic and growing quiet near the end, "If she wasn’t an alicorn, she'd be dead."   Stalwart felt tears want to come up to his eyes yet again, ignoring the gasp that came from Storm at that news. He looked back to Chrysalis, wondering what she would say or do about this.   Chrysalis looked ready to tear someone, anything, apart, and could give a Hydra a run for its bits as the most dangerous thing in Equestria as she glared at nothing, her teeth bared. The nurse quietly excused herself from the room.   Stalwart gritted his teeth and gripped his wife's hoof again then nodded to himself, realizing what must be done. "And when is she being taken to the hive?"   "In about fifteen minutes, and I don't care who tries to stop us." The Queen said.   Stalwart nodded. "I'd like to be there for it… please."   "I'd have to disown you if you weren’t there." She said, trying to hint at a smile, but failing due to her mood.   "And I’d fight you to get un-disowned." He smirked briefly before seeing Dawn and feeling worry again. "Can the hive help her heal more then?"   "If I have to dump all the love we have stored up into her healing to make her better, I gladly will." The Queen said.   "I will give as much as I can if you need it." Stalwart said firmly, "Anything I can do to help at all, just name it."   "Care for your little ones. Be with them in this trying time… They won’t understand what’s happening."   He nodded, taking a breath and letting it out shakily, earning a pat on the shoulder from Storm. A few moments later, a dozen changeling soldiers entered the room and moved toward the bed.   Stalwart squeezed his wife's hoof then stood aside to let them work.   They moved and very carefully picked her up, attaching a battery to the breathing machine to let it run during transport, and began to move toward the door, towing her and anything keeping her alive.   Stalwart followed them closely, yet giving them the room they needed. As they left the room, there were a couple nurses, doctors, and hospital security lying unconscious on the floor as the drones walked down the hall like a freight train down tracks.   "For interfering with the hive I’m guessing." Stalwart said.   "Probably…" Storm agreed.   The changelings didn’t answer as they walked on and out of the hospital heading toward the Hive. Stalwart and Storm followed, the hive staying on the ground so he could keep up with his mate, and soon they were at the castle and descending to the lowest levels into the entrance of the hive.   Stalwart continued down, not caring where he went right then, only that he got to see his wife was placed somewhere safe where she could recover.   The group eventually reached a chamber with an open cocoon, and some healers began to remove the medical equipment and most of the bandaging.   Stalwart flinched as he began to see the extent of his love's wounds and looked away, Storm offering him a hoof on the shoulder.   It was bad. Much of her fur on the back side, where the blast hit hardest, was gone, showing all kinds of damage to her skin, some of it blistered and raw, but she was quickly being laid in the cocoon as she started struggling to breathe without the respirator, the cocoon being sealed as the mix was pumped into the chamber.   Stalwart flinched as he heard her gasping for breath, muscles not pulling in the air needed from the nerve damage. He looked to Chrysalis worriedly, "If she is struggling to breathe, is she going to be ok in there?"   "The mix is designed to handle the worst injuries. As long as she doesn't pass into memory before it can submerge her she will be fine." She said as the cocoon filled slowly.   He watched as she sunk in, worried if she would make it as her choking noises grew more desperate, eye moving about wildly as her body struggled to breathe and keep living.   "She is my daughter. Do not doubt her." Chrysalis said.   "I’m her husband, I’m allowed to be concerned about her." He countered with worry dripping from his voice, only letting go of his tension once she finally submerged and her weak struggling for air finished, small twitches showing she hadn’t passed away.   Chrysalis remained there, watching as the mix filled in, her stance only relaxing as the last bit of air escaped and the air-escape hole was sealed, leaving Dawn suspended gently in it.   "So…” Stalwart said as he let out a sigh of relief, “she should be out of danger now, right?"   "Yes."   "Good… how long before she hatches?" Stalwart asked.   Storm approached the cocoon, reflecting on how things were the last time she saw Dawn in one of these. She could tell the change in attitude before, now holding nothing but respect for the downed mare where she had once held only contempt.   "I do not know… however long it takes her to heal." the Queen said quietly.   Stalwart nodded solemnly, "Can I visit her whenever I need to?"   "You need not ask." Chrysalis answered. "We have even prepared a room right next door."   "Thank you… I think we will want to be here for a while…" Stalwart nodded.   "I can come help foal-sit for you sometimes if you need me to." Storm offered as Chrysalis nodded her agreement with him.   "How's Twilight taking the news? Still mobilizing the army?"   "Investigators are on the ground and… yes. They just confirmed there are no gas lines there and this was an attack… the town is being locked down."   "Wait.... That’s right…" Stalwart said, starting to growl as his emotions turned his raw grief and worry into anger. "SOME MULE OF A PONY ATTACKED MY WIFE!"   "It would appear so." Chrysalis said, watching him calmly and seeing what he would do next.   He growled at the air, looking past the cocoon as he pictured the kind of pony he thought would do this, before his eyes refocused on the cocoon itself and he took a deep breath, cooling the heated anger into a deep seated cold anger.   "We are hunting." Chrysalis said.   "Yeah… let's see what they'll do when they're caught…" Stalwart said, looking through the cocoon to see the outline of his wife. He wanted to help hunt them down, he wanted to make them pay for otherwise practically killing his wife and harming so many others in the process. Despite him thinking this, he took another shuddering breath before slumped down, realizing it wouldn’t be what she would want. "It figures… she said she didn't want to be cocooned for fear of losing time with us while our foals are too young to understand. Looks like they made a choice for her."   "Life isn't always what we want it to be." Chrysalis said. "And I don't care what they do when we catch them. They attacked my daughter."   "Yeah…" Stalwart agreed, not caring at the moment what became of them.   "Let's see… the EDF will kill them for treason, or the hive will do whatever with them with nopony knowing… honestly? I'd choose the EDF route if I were them." Storm winced.   The Queen said nothing, watching the cocoon and looking still as a statue.   "You look tense mom." Stalwart said, "Is Dawn ok?"   "She is faint in the link, but there." She said. "But to have this happen, and in our territory no less…"   "I see…" He said, nodding as he looked on at the cocoon holding his wife. It didn’t look any different from the others, but he knew it was special because of the cargo it held. He sighed and moved over to the room that was pointed out for him and his foals to have.   He entered it slowly, looking around and spotting Zera and Nymph, playing with the foals, envying his twins’ innocence as he heard them whoop and dash over to him, prancing around happily at his reappearance.   Zera gave him a sad smile as Nymph went out to see the cocoon where her queen rested, joining Chrysalis.   He hugged his foals close then pulled his caretaker close, saying quietly, "I'll be relying on you a lot Zera, you and Nymph both…"   "I will always be here. My duty is to your family."   "And I'm grateful for it." He said, hugging them all, even as his foals squirmed from the lack of freedom.   Zera hugged back and Stalwart sighed, looking around at the place, noting how it was a fully furnished apartment.   He smiled, glad to have familiarity with it being set up almost identically to the home higher up in Twilight’s castle. He looked at the bed, and felt sadness that he will have to sleep there without his wife at his side.   "Would you like me to remain here to help you sleep?"   "I… would appreciate that." He nodded, giving their hug an extra squeeze before letting her go. She nodded. The Legate had chosen her, and her duty had changed from a regular caretaker to a Royal Caretaker, bound to the Legate’s family. She would do anything to care for them. He smiled at her and looked around again before going to settle on the floor with his foals where their toys were lying about, his foals quickly going back to playing and trying to get him to play together with them.   Storm stayed out of the way, watching the family play and cope while wondering where Twilight was or if she would receive new orders soon. Zera watched over them, knowing her job had not gotten any easier, but determined to fulfill her duty.   ----------   I’m glad Dawn will be healed and in the cocoon, and Nymph and Zera both are trying to help us as best we can, but our home will be sad for a while until she is returned to us. We don’t know when that will be… I hope it’s soon though, but with how much she was hurt… I’d rather she take as much time as she needs. I and the foals will be fine until she hatches as long as she comes back to us whole.   ----------   MONDAY JULY 23, YEAR 1 OF PRINCESS DAWN’S STAY WITH THE EDF   Today at approximately 10:43 AM, Ponyville suffered its first bombing in decades when a homemade explosive hidden within a public trash bin went off. Minor injuries were reported, save one severe casualty currently in critical condition at Ponyville General. All evidence indicated the bombing was meant for her do to timing as well as evidence of remote detonator we discovered.   Ponyville is still on lock down, though whoever did this could have slipped out before we realized what was going on. Investigations have begun to track down the perpetrators.   It is currently a race between EDF investigators and The Swarm on who gets to whoever did this.   If The Swarm gets to them first, I doubt we will ever find a trace of them. You do not attack The Legate and Daughter of The Queen and expect to get away with it. There is no way even I could call off Chrysalis on this. She is operating entirely independently of Equestria on this matter and there isn't much I can do to stop her.   I am curious as to who gets to them first. I do look forward to seeing this play out and if Dawn doesn't make it, there won’t be a hole deep enough they can hide from me and I will make whatever The Swarm plans to do look like a picnic. That is a promise. No one hurts my friends and gets away with it.   Dawn when you find this, I am glad you are okay, and I am so sorry this happened to you. Just know those responsible have been dealt with one way or another.   Princess Twilight Sparkle, Currently in a very bad mood. > 11 - Regrets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 137, July 25th, Wednesday Storm had taken a day to recover in her own way, flying around and fretting over Vanna. Vanna was too young of a dragon to understand more than basic needs, but it was cathartic to look after someone else and not fret over her own needs. Still, she remembered the offer Stalwart had made to her about having Nightfall visit as well. She still hadn't quite forgiven his pigheadedness, but now after spending some time with Twilight and having a bit of fun to drown out her misery, she had to admit she missed him. It didn't take much effort to fly over to his apartment and she took a deep breath and let it out slowly before giving it a knock. After a minute, she knocked again, fearing she might have come at a bad time, since he often had to work grave shifts. Storm heard no answer, and she suspected that would be the case. She still had her keys and let herself in, looking at how bad the place had become. Hardly anything was getting put away anymore. He wasn’t messy before, but the stallion clearly didn’t know how to take care of himself without her it seemed. There was a mix of happiness that she meant so much to him mingling with the guilt that she left him so abruptly, and took it as a sign she really should make up, especially with what happened to Dawn and her heat hitting next week. She went to the kitchen and began cooking, hoping he would be home for lunch like he often would try. She barely finished making up the spaghetti from the stock in the fridge, when the door opened and a sad but familiar face greeted her. "Storm?" he asked, eyes heavy from the bags under his eyes. "Yeah... hope you didn’t mind I let myself in." She asked quietly as she exited the kitchen and came to sight. He looked worse for wear, having baggy eyes and just exhausted all over. "No, it’s fine… you came back?" He said, closing the front door and then just stared at her with his heavy eyes, trying to will himself not to cry at seeing her again. “Yeah, I wanted to talk.” Storm said. "So..." Nightfall said, standing awkwardly by a window, curtains still drawn. "Look... I know we both said things that we regret." Storm said quietly, gathering her courage and adding, "In a way, I'm responsible too, cause I should have seen how much you were struggling and tried to help." "No... No that's not right... you were right." Nightfall said, "I was being a damned fool and an ass, just like you said... and now... now this is all my fault." "It's fine Nightfall, really." Storm said, going over to hug him. "No, it's not... it's really not." Nightfall said, gently using a hoof to push Storm back. "That explosion? The one that hurt Dawn?" "Yeah..." Storm said, an uneasy feeling settling in her chest. "I... May have told Blue Star that Dawn was a changeling." Storm hesitated, "Ok... What are you saying?" "I think Blue Star might have told someone." He said, "A week after I let it slip in full, and Dawn's nearly killed? That can't be a coincidence." Storm took a deep breath, and then let it out and hugged him again, "You really can be a stubborn mule. I need to report this in, and I'll get ready to move my stuff back in. By next week, you and I are going to have a talk about what it'll mean to keep each other happy and be a family. There will be some fun sprinkled in, but I am not about to just give up on you like that. that's not fair to either of us." "I... I'd like that." He admitted, "I don't know how I can handle being alone again." "I'll see you once my things are packed. If you need anything, call." She said, heading back to the door. She knew he wanted her to stay, but this was big news. The commander would want to know. If things aren't too busy, she'd come back for the night. If they were, she'll just have to give him a call. ---------- Storm went in to Twilight's room, fully expecting to be asked how her visit with her mule went. Her face was moderately grim as she steeled herself for what was to come. Twilight, and nearly everyone in the castle for that matter, was ready to go after whoever was responsible as soon as allowed and the tone of the place was like the country was on the brink of war. Twilight was at her desk looking over paper, a large map of Ponyville and the surrounding areas up on a board with colored pins in it. When Storm entered, her ear swiveled around to pinpoint the noise, turning and spotting Storm. "Ah, Storm. It’s good to see you, how are things?" "My visit with Nightfall went better than expected." She said as she went in, double checking the door was still closed. "He apologized in his own way without any prompting and even gave us something to work with as a possible lead for the attack on Dawn." "What? How does he have a lead?" She asked sitting straight up and giving Storm her full attention. "He thinks his patrol partner, Blue Star, might’ve heard from him that Dawn is part changeling, when he was ranting about the attention she kept getting, especially after I left him." Storm said seriously. Twilight frowned, asking flatly, "What?" "Yeah, he’s worried they might be the leak. No idea if they are, but it’s worth looking into." Storm said, still returning the serious air of the place. Twilight frowned and in a flash of magic, her phone appeared and she dialed a number. It barely rang once before it was answered, “I have a lead on the bombing. Pick up Guard Nightfall in the Manehatten Guard for questioning… Yes, the one that came with us… Thank you." "What about Blue Star?" Storm asked once Twilight hung up. "After talking to Night." Twilight answered. "All right." Storm said, going over to their side, "I'll be moving back in with them in time for my heat by next week." Twilight nodded before asking, "So… How was the visit?" "It was short, but I’m glad he's come to his senses." Storm said. Twilight nodded. Storm sighed, going over to them and getting more off her chest, "Kinda didn't give him much time like I had planned. Made him food but when he dropped how he might have leaked, I had to let you know right away." "You did the right thing,” Twilight nodded, “this attack has caused a lot of shockwaves. Not only was this a bombing of a foreign dignitary in our soil, this was a direct attack on my friend." "And Chrysalis cause of Dawn being in their hive ‘n whatever… Whoever did this must be really dumb, even if they were smart enough to pull this off." "Oh, most definitely." Twilight nodded darkly. Storm sighed, "Well, if there's one good thing that came of this, Nightfall got to see how bad he became because of the harm Dawn got even if he’s not the source of the leak… Try not to be too hard on him, ok?" "I promise not to cause any bodily harm if it turns out he was the leak." "That’s… oddly specific." Storm frowned, "but I'll take it." Twilight simply smiled at Storm and Storm smiled slightly back before continuing. "And if he was… I’d say showing him pictures of the surgery or the initial injuries will make it sink in if the news feeds somehow hadn’t… I think it did though, he looked like a broken stallion." She nodded and put a wing over Storm. "How you holding up? I know you and Dawn had a rough start, but you two had been getting close recently." "I … kinda had some second thoughts about her." Storm answered. "Sure, she planted some memories of hers that one time and I'm still questioning if she should have, but at the same time, I don’t think she's as bad as she came across before. Bucking naive, but not bad." Twilight nodded. "But are you okay after what happened?" Storm sighed and thought about it, giving a small shrug. "I'll live. Just wanting to see her come out ok… Nopony deserves that." Twilight nodded again, then hugged Storm. Storm hugged back and when they parted, she gave a shrug. “Figure I'll see how she and Stalwart are doing when I can. Maybe I can see if we can get on the right hoof again when she's up." "Yeah. I’m sure she’d like that." "I know she's not normally my kind a mare,” Storm gave a half nod of recognition, “but if she still comes out as her cheerful oblivious self… Well, that takes a certain kind of toughness, ya know?" Twilight smiled and ruffled Storm's mane. "My, my, did my little Lapdog mature while I wasn’t looking?" "Heeyyy!" Storm protested, hitting Twilight on the shoulder, "Dawn isn't the only one who's matured…" When Twilight wouldn’t stop chuckling, she protested further, frowning mildly, “Heyyyy. You know I'm not that bad." "I know. You are way better than when we met." She said smiling at her. Storm frowned and looked away, grumbling without meaning it, "Let's not talk about that…" Twilight smiled and stroked her mane. "You sure you’re doing okay?" Storm shrugged and continued to avoid eye contact, "Ask Dawn that. I'll live." "Not what she asked, Lapdog." Meadow reminded her. Storm sighed before saying, "I don’t know… I should be fine, but…" "Someone you have known for a long time is fighting for their life in a battle none of us can really help her with." Twilight finished. "I suppose…" Storm nodded. "Haven't been on good terms with her till you though. That’s what, a year now? "Give or take… Still, when it’s someone you personally know, and not just a stranger… It hits harder." "Yeah. Seeing the look on Stalwart's face and what he must be going through… I can barely imagine." Storm said, thinking about it. Twilight simply nodded back and Storm let out a sigh, looking at the desk and table of reports, “We are gonna get those guys commander… we are gonna get them and make them pay." "Either us or the Changelings. Personally, it makes no difference to me." Twilight shrugged. "Yeah… What have the councilmembers said about this?" "Honestly? Eerily quiet." She said. "Which means they are pissed." "Oh damn… So everyone's unhappy about this… Oh, did you hear how one couple said with the discovery of Dawn being a hybrid, they hope they might be able to have children too?" "I figured that could happen.” Twilight nodded slightly, then looked to the reports, “But yes, I have no idea what the council is doing, but I know they are making moves and rapidly. They only grow quiet when focused on other things." Storm nodded, thinking. "Ya know… Dawn became part changeling last time she was cocooned right? What if she comes out as a full changeling or something?" "Hmmm… then she gets treated like Dawn." "Sooo you're saying nothing changes?" Storm asked skeptically. "Should it?" "I... maybe?" Storm asked, blinking, "I mean, if Dawn herself isn't the same-" "Well I don’t see why she wouldn’t be herself." "You..." Storm facehooved and tried again, "I mean what if Dawn is different cause of this, like her personality is different? You know how ponies act different when they get close to dying." "I mean, I’d be concerned if she wasn’t a bit affected." "... I'm pulling a Dawn with worry, aren't I?" Storm asked flatly. "Quite." Twilight said and patted her head. "And it’s adorable how you both are rubbing off on each other." Storm let out an annoyed groan, mildly blushing before shrugging it off, "Fine. I'll just stop worrying about it then. Locked it out and threw away the key." Twilight chuckled and hugged Storm. "Is okay to worry… Truthfully, I am as well." "What things are you worried about commander?" Storm asked. "That she does come out different… not herself at all, but some stranger… that everything that was Dawn is lost as the cocoon repairs her because the damage was so extensive she was effectively dead, so it replaced the damage… that she never comes out." "Shit... I hadn’t even thought of that." Storm blinked, now worried about that idea as well. Twilight sighed as she stroked the mare's mane. "Sorry… I shouldn’t have said anything…" "No... you should. Wouldn’t do to go visit a friend without any idea what they're going through, right?" "But all I did was make you worry more." "I mean, I’ll think about it, but what I have to remind myself is I can't do anything about it. Sure, it sucks, but all we can do is wait for her to come out." "But I could have… I could have done something…" She said. "How?" Storm said critically. "A guard, increased security… something." "Are you seriously telling me that you think you weren’t already doing all you could to help her?" Storm asked with a brow raised. "I knew there were dangerous elements, those who would be a threat to her… I shouldn’t have let her go out alone." Twilight said. Storm sighed, pulled a hoof back, and hit Twilight on the shoulder. "Stop." She blinked, looking at Storm. "Stop blaming yourself when it was outside your control." Storm said sternly. "If you knew at all they were gonna make an utterly stupid move like this, you would have stopped it. This much I know. Now all we can do is make sure she's safe, which she is, and go after the bastards who did that to her." Twilight said nothing, just looking at her. Storm stared her friend down, not wanting to back down, and the pair stared at each other for a couple minutes before Storm frowned. Storm frowned, "What!" "Nothing… anyway, I have some work to attend to." Twilight said as she grabbed some papers. "Can you take this down to sublevel three, the server room?" "Why do i get the feeling you're sending me away so you can keep blaming yourself?" Storm asked with a raised brow. "I am not. I have work to do." "All right… and I’m coming back to make sure you de-stress. Can’t have you burning out in getting those idiots back right?" Storm said, taking the papers. Twilight nodded, giving a small if sad smile. Storm delivered the papers, then came back a half hour later and seeing Twilight still working on paperwork. Storm walked over and waved to Twilight, looking at what held their attention as a clue of what they might be up to, but it was fairly standard paperwork. "I was thinking on my way back from your errand." Storm said, "Kinda ironic we have a royal egg being laid by your mate and then another member of royalty ends up being put in one a couple weeks later…" "I suppose so… universe works in a weird way." "Yeah..." Storm said, then sighed and moved over to Twilight and acted like her nickname would imply, rubbing her side on Twilight as if she were a cat to get their attention. Twilight looked over at Storm. "Yes?" "I think my owner needs a bit of time to relax." Storm said bluntly, rubbing herself on Twilight's other side. "Oh?" Twilight asked. ========== Nightfall woke up to get ready for his shift with the guard, feeling an ominous weight over his head that he couldn't get rid of, even as he finished his breakfast. He wanted his family back, yet he couldn’t help but think that what happened to Dawn was linked directly to him and knew he would never let himself live that down. There was a knock on the door, soft and polite. Nightfall blinked, he wasn't expecting any visitors. "Hello? Who is it?" "Mr. Nightfall please open the door." An authoritative voice said calmly. Nightfall gulped, internally bracing himself as he wondered why his instincts had to be right. He went to the door and opened it carefully, keeping an eye on his surroundings. The only ones he saw outside were two ponies, a mare unicorn and a stallion pegasi in business casual clothing. "Mr. Nightfall could you please step out of the apartment?" The mare asked in the same voice as before. "What's this about?" He asked, still staying inside, trying to look them over to tell what they might be after or who they might be with. He couldn’t get a read on them and their clothing didn’t make them stand out. "We need to speak to you on a certain matter. Please step out of the apartment. Are you armed?" "I’m not going anywhere till you tell me who you are." Nightfall said. They reached into their jackets and pulled out ID jackets. "Operative Cherry." The mare said, showing her picture on the ID along with the crest of the MID. "This is Operative Cloud Cover, Military Intelligence Division." Nightfall sighed internally, deflating as he knew what was coming. He complied with their instructions, knowing how dangerous it was to not. He had to release all of his weapons to their care before being permitted to continue further. They took a tinted windowed SUV and spent an awkward silent trip to the industrial part of town. Nightfall raised a brow at being taken to an abandoned factory after being told who they were, but all he could do was wait. When they pulled in, they came to a stop and the side door was opened. Nightfall could only see a table and three chairs in the middle of a wide space. Their only light came from dirt covered windows. He barely stepped out with both of the agents before the SUV stepped on the gas and shot off out of the place. The two agents paid it little mind, taking the two seats opposite the table, leaving one seat open on the opposite side. “Please, have a seat.” The stallion said, gesturing to the seat Nightfall slowly took the implied seat meant for him, feeling trepidation but planned to cooperate to his fullest. The mare pulled a tape recorder out and turned it on while the stallion set up the camera. “This is operative Cherry.” She said into the tape recorder. “Operative Cloud Cover.” The stallion said as he powered on the camera before the mare spoke again. "Equestrian Defense Force Military Intelligence Division interviewing one ‘Nightfall’ in connection with incident Sierra-Indigo-Two-Three-Seven as possible lead. The date is July 30th, 1667 Celestial Calendar at 0956 hours. Commencing interview." She said and placed the recorder on the table. "Please state your name and current occupation." "Nightfall, Royal Guard." He answered. "Thank you. Now then, please describe your relationship with one Legate Princess Meadow Dawn of the Ridgeback Hive and Equestria." "Fellow ex-human from a similar world, a pony also from the same Equestria. We were loosely friends for the first half a year we were there." He answered briefly. "Thank you." She said. "Now then, we received intel that you have possible intel about Incident Sierra-Inigo-Two-Three-Seven, the recent bombing in Ponyville's main street." "Maybe." Nightfall agreed quietly, "I hope I'm wrong." "Please state what this information is." "I believe my partner for our patrol routes had found out Dawn was part changeling. There was a point during our talks when her interview happened where it probably was mentioned… by me." He said, tone indicating his shame in doing so. "I see.....and who is this partner?" "Blue Star." Nightfall said. "Is that all the intel you have?" "Yes. Nothing concrete, other than the last time I saw him was shortly after the explosives went off and the first responders were no longer needed. He's called in sick the last couple of days." "Hm… Very well. Thank you for your time." She said. "Anything to close with?" "Only that if Dawn did get hurt because of my indiscretion… I deeply regret it." Nightfall said, quiet, yet meaning every word in that moment. The recording equipment was shut off and stowed away. "Follow us:" The stallion said, clicking a button near his wrist twice and the SUV pulled back into the warehouse. Nightfall nodded and approached the vehicle, getting back in and being driven to his apartment before being let back out. His equipment was returned to him. "We spoke to your supervisor already, you will not be reprimanded for being late." The mare informed him. "Have a good day at work." Once that had been said, they returned to the SUV and it pulled away. Nightfall watched them go away with a heavy heart, hoping that he was wrong, or this would be the second time that he had almost allowed an evil to get into the world. He had insisted on trying to fight off Svik and had to have the evil unicorn sealed inside his body before, and now he had caused Dawn to be hurt. He returned to his shift, trying not to think of the harm that had fallen on Dawn and how that compared to his own pains. Part of him was wondering if it was karma getting back at Dawn, but he didn’t want to think that was right. ----- In the days that followed, they found Blue star, discovered that he was a member of a local Purists movement, but had stopped attending after Dawn's injuries. He had been readily eager to give up information about the charter, giving every name he had in exchange for some 'possible' lenience. he kept insisting he didn't know that would happen, but the MID scoffed and made sure he knew that he should have expected nothing less. > 12 - Retaliation (guest entry) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lord Bell sat in his study, idly sipping Zebrican brandy as one of his favorite pieces of music played from a classic phonograph, the sound of a cello being played expertly filling the room as he looked over various papers on his desk. Things had been a mess since the bombing a week ago had thrown things into a bit of chaos, but they had recovered and salvaged things as they always had. Still, the High Houses were very interested in learning who was bold enough to make such an overt move as to attempt a very public assassination of not just a new player to The Game, but an alicorn no less. Yes, whoever did it either had significant power behind them, an ace in the hole, or were the dumbest ponies in Equestria because they had made a move on such a high ranking player. They now had the entirety of The Council’s vested interest in who the new player was on the board. Till they receive info though, The Council was biding its time, shoring up their defenses, checking possible loose ends, and clearing weakness that could be exploited by this unknown player. Preparing to make their own move once they had a target for such an action would not go unmet. It was the equivalent of smacking them with a handkerchief and challenging them to a duel. The Council will gladly meet this challenge with all their skills. As Lord Bell was looking over reports of some moves Celestia was making when a soft knock of talons on wood echoed faintly over the music of the cello. “Enter.” The Lord said. Swiftclaw did just that. he bowed once inside and spoke formally. “My lord.” “From your behavior, I take it you have something important.” Lord Bell said, not looking up from his reports. “We have a lead on the bombing of Princess Dawn, my lord.” Swiftclaw said, not rising from his bow. This got the head of the Council's attention. He looked up from the papers. “Do go on, Swiftclaw.” With that prompt, the griffin stood to his full height and pulled a file from within his suit, placing it gently upon the Lord’s desk. Without a word Lord Bell picked it up and began to read, saying nothing as his eyes scanned over it.  “Interesting… from mild annoyance to a thorn in one fell swoop.” Lord Bell said to himself before turning to the computer that sat on the corner of his desk, seemingly the only bit of technology in the entire room that appeared to be a snapshot of the past. Within a few keystrokes and clicks, he was now within a very special chat room. LB: A meeting is being called concerning The Incident. He entered the chatroom’s video call room and waited. Slowly, one by one the others began coming online. Others indicated the message was read and gave approximate arrival times. Despite events, the Council had work and were all over Equestria. A few were even on a couple cases outside the country. Still, to get a message from this chatroom meant the meeting was important, and regardless of what they were doing, they would make time. Sure enough, within the next half-hour, the others joined the call. Some were from hotel rooms, some from personal studies, one from a private yacht somewhere in the sea, but here they all were. “What do you have Lord Bell?” Lord Gallant asked, always one to get to the point when not in a social setting, much like he was now. “We have identified the group responsible for The Incident, though not who exactly was involved.” Lord Bell said. “And I fear this may be partly our fault for overlooking them for so long as they were a minor annoyance till this point.” “Well do not keep us in suspense, who was behind this heinous act?” Lady Vortex asked, the unicorn mare was known to have taken an interest in the young Princess. Dawn herself would have guessed she was quite possibly was fond of her naive or youthful and optomistic behavior, but no one but Lady Vortex herself really knew. “I was getting to that Lady Vortex … Those responsible have been traced back to The Purist movement.” Lord Bell informed them. Several of the faces upon the screen showed the barest hints of displeasure. Despite behaviors in the past, the Council had actually been rather accepting of the Changelings. They were quite useful, if difficult and it was better to have them as an ally than an enemy. Groups that opposed changelings made things difficult or downright distasteful when it comes to such opposition, especially for such petty reasons as The Purists used. “Well then, it seems we will need to deal with them if they think they can carry out such an event.” Lady Sparkler said. “Yes, we know the chapter house involved, though not exactly who was, but I do not doubt the head of the chapter will be aware.” Lord Bell said. “We trust you already have someone to deal with this?” Lord Swiftwing said. “Yes. I have asked them to join us.” Lord Bell said as he closed his phone. Almost as if on cue, an account joined the room with a gibberish name. An audio blip indicated they joined the call, but it only showed a default logo. They would be audio only, no video. “yoU HaVE A joB FoR ME?” Came the distorted voice of the newcomer. “Yes, I am sending you a location. I need you to retrieve the pony in the photo. All others present around them are collateral and this is not to trace back to us.” Lord Bell said as the information was sent. “VeRy WEll, PayMENt wilL be HAnDLED in ThE uSuAL MaNnER.” “Of course. The drop point is in the file.” With that, the blank account disconnected from the room. “We look forward to hearing the success of this.” Lord Hem said. Without any further notice, the call ended. All that was left to do now was wait and plan how to show The Purists just who it was they decided to attack. <<>> In the woods several miles outside of Manehatten, a large building stood that looked like any meeting hall one would find in the countryside if it weren’t for the large banner of the bright yellow P. The empty section of the letter was formed by a pony hoofprint, marking it as a chapter house of The Purists. There were several ponies around the grounds. All of them wore yellow armbands, seeming to show they were members at the meeting, though it must not be important to have so few from the area. Unnoticed by those arriving, a figure clad fully in black watched from the growing shadows of the woods as the sun slowly set. The figure knew that this would only make their job easier, and watched. Ponies entered the building, and the shadowy figure identified their target as one of the first in. There were only eight present, and from what was seen, only a couple were armed with pistols only. It showed how little they felt danger while among their like-minded kin. The Figure would show them why that was foolish. Once the doors closed, they waited several minutes to ensure the meeting had started before moving from the trees, quiet as a field mouse. First, they approached the powerbox on the side of the building and after a quick work with some picks and a somewhat loud click, the lights in the building went out. The Figure retreated a ways back into the shadows, then waited. The trap had been laid. Sure enough, a unicorn carrying a flashlight came out and began to approach the powerbox. Just as they were about to inspect it, their ears swiveled towards the faintest of noises. That was all the reaction they had time to make before a blow collided with the side of their head and they dropped, being caught by The Figure and gently lowered down to ensure as little noise as possible. The Figure started to move back the way the pony had come from, knowing there was an entrance and found the back door unlocked. Entering the darkness, The Figure saw an office, some bathrooms, and a storage area before seeing some stairs leading to parts unknown. The office was checked, just in case the target was there, but they were not. This meant they were still in the main hall, where there were a few lights indicating more flashlights or light spells. There was not enough light to lead the figure to think everyone had a light. Hoofsteps started to approach the hall and The Figure moved into the shadows of the stairs as an earth pony with a flashlight started coming up the hall. “Brin! What’s taking you so damn long!” He called. As he passed the stairs, The Figure made their move, seizing the pony around the neck and yanking them toward it. Their head made a very soft thud as it impacted the corner of the wall. As the flashlight dropped, the Figure caught it and turned it off, placing it beside the downed pony. Six left, including their target. Checking this one indicated the two armed ponies were still in the main room and were the biggest threat. The Figure would need to neutralize them first. The Figure moved to the exit from the hall and took several deep breaths, calming everything, entering a very relaxed state as everything around them seemed to slow to a crawl. The Figure was moving, entering the room as quiet as a ghost. The Target was still near the small raised platform, the mare talking to one of the armed ponies as the three remained sitting and the last was at the window. The Figure moved fast. The pony beside the window was the first to notice them and try to react. They opened their mouth to speak when The Figure was on them, arm going forward as they rapidly circled, spinning the pony and slamming their head into the wall with a loud thud that got the other’s attention. The Figure grabbed the flashlight from the downed pony. The three that were sitting moved to stand. The Figure reached them, grabbing two of them and slamming their heads together hard before the third could finish drawing their pistol. A swift movement and the heavy-duty flashlight collided with their face, sending them sprawling. That left one armed still, and The Target. “It’s those fucking changelings!” The remaining collateral said, bringing up their revolver.  The Target was the one holding the flashlight as The Figure dove to the side. The first shot rang out, passing through where The Figure had been standing. As The Target moved the flashlight to try and find The Figure, the heavy-duty flashlight The Figure still had came sailing from the darkness and struck the armed pony hard in the chest, making them stumble back with a gasp of pain. Before they could recover, The Figure was before them and slammed their head into the podium, dropping them. The Target went for the dropped gun, but The Figure was faster, raining down two blows onto her head and she went limp. The Figure breathed and time seemed to return to normal for them once more.They moved and picked up The Target, beginning to head for the main door. The Target was bound once moved outside and placed within their own vehicle, The Figure returned to the building. With careful attention, The Figure moved all of the ponies back into the main hall where the target was holding the meeting. On the platform, he brought the second highest pony listed in the files he received, implicating them as the meeting leader. The front door was propped open to allow airflow. It was a summer night after all. Flashlights were returned to proper places. Now to cover The Figure’s actions, a tranquilized Manticore was placed within the room between the door and the group as the backdoor was deadbolted. Manticores were known to be extremely aggressive when waking, so it would handle the attack to come well enough. With the power turned back on and locks replaced, The Figure retreated up the road and watched the meeting hall. Within the hour, the first of the screams of panic echoed from the hall and the angered roars were mixed with several frantic gunshots from weapons far too underpowered to stop an enraged manticore. With a nod, The Figure entered The Target’s vehicle, the owner struggling in the back. The Figure drove off into the night, leaving The Purist Meeting to come to a rather abrupt end. The news reported of the manticore attack on The Purist meeting, noting how while it was rare to see manticores in the area, it was not unheard of. Five of the seven members at the meeting had been mauled to death with the two survivors in critical condition at the local hospital. The manticore had escaped and residents were being advised to lock their doors and windows and keep pets indoors and to not travel alone at night until further notice.  There was no mention of The Figure. > 13: Coping and Picking Up the Pieces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Day 149, August 6th, Monday   Storm went into the office, everyone being busy as always since the incident with Dawn two weeks ago. She had gotten approved time off for her heat being spent with Nightfall last week and now she was ready to come back with decently big news of her own.   She took up her desk near Twilight’s office, and after an hour of work, Twilight came out and spotted Storm.   “Ah, you’re back. Had a good time?” Twilight asked.   “Yeah… we did.” She said with a mild blush.   “Tell me about it at lunch?” Twilight offered, noting the blush with the help of Meadow.   “Yeah, that’d probably be for the best.” Storm admitted.   “Good. See you then.” Twilight said, resuming her work and going back to her office.   Storm smirked, trying to focus on her work.   -----   Lunch came and Storm joined Twilight, bringing in her lunch bag with her.   “You know we can bring food up if you’re hungry.” Twilight reminded her.   “It was made by my mate, and I want to see how it tastes.” Storm admitted.   Twilight’s expression hardened at the mention of Nightfall even though he wasn’t mentioned by name. Out of respect to Storm, she said nothing, despite there being significant evidence mounting that he was the source of the leak responsible for the Purists taking action.   Storm let out a sigh. Twilight did not like him at all now, not that Storm herself had any better impression at first. She could only hope that in time they would get along like she did with Twilight now.   “Anyway, I said I had some news for you.” Storm said, trying to avoid the subject.   “Right, what’s up?” Twilight asked.   “Well, had a really good time, and I saw the doctor before I came back.” Storm started to explain. She saw Twilight watch closely, a sign of worry she knew too well, even if it was buried. “Nothing bad, just not expected… I’m pregnant.”   Twilight blinked, then said, “Congratulations.”   “Thanks… They said that my protection had ‘failed’ but the enchantment ring didn’t break. We didn’t want to leave it in in case it hurts the foal, so we got it removed carefully and … and it looks like I’m going to be a mother.”   “Congratulations,” Twilight repeated, taking another bite of her salad with ample bacon bits in it and chewing thoughtfully.   “Well, here’s the weird thing.” Storm said, “The doctor said the hormones were almost as strong as if I’d been pregnant for a couple weeks now, but we agreed it was probably the failure of my protection that might have affected the results. We’ll be testing again in a month and expect it to round out to where it should be.”   “Makes sense.” Twilight agreed. “I’ve seen that happen before. How did he take the news?”   “He was happy. Vanna’s a month old now… and we were wondering if Spike could be the godfather.”   Twilight paused, surprised at the news, then gave a playful smirk, “Not going to name your owner as godmother Lapdog?”   “Hey, you’re awesome, but I think she’ll appreciate having a dragon parent too, you know?” Storm said, giving a grin as she recognized Twilight being playful.   “I guess I’ll have to get over it. Spike will be honored I’m sure.” Twilight said.   “Good, cause I’ll be pushing hard to have you as the godmother to our foal.” Storm smirked.   Twilight paused, processing the thought. It brought many mixed feelings, including what it was like to learn she was the parent to Violet, and when Chrysalis warned her that she had laid a royal egg. The only note that soured it was the idea that it was a foal that would come from Nightfall, but after a brief pause she reminded herself the sins of the father do not follow to the foal.   “I’d like that.” Twilight finally said.   “Good. I know it’s early, but I’d like that too.” Storm smiled, taking a deep breath before pulling out her meal.   Seven-layer salad sat in the bowl, numerous flavorful veggies inside, sprinkled with some bacon, and that was just her side dish. The main meal was a hayburger, some lettuce and tomato kept aside so her burger didn’t get soggy, and toasted sesame buns to hold it together. Last was a few small pancakes that had strawberries topping it, cut in a small spiral.   “Anyone making bets on if it’s a colt or a filly?” Twilight asked.   “If they are, I want a cut.” She smirked.   “How much?”   “Maybe ten percent.” Storm said, taking a bite of her pancakes before adding, “Depends on how big the pot is.”   “Probably will be getting up and running closer to when ponies can see you’re pregnant.” Twilight said.   “All right. They’re on…” Storm agreed, continuing their lunch together.   ==========       It had been a few weeks since the IED event, and Stalwart was still feeling down from the events, but trying to put on a strong front in front of the foals, who were content playing with Zera. Zera had offered again to take up being Dawn in her place so he could finally get some rest, and this time, he was thinking about it when the sound of a familiar metal-on-wood knock came to the door.   "Come in!" He called, trying to hide his weariness.   Twilight entered. "Hey, just wanted to check and see how you are doing."   "I'm hanging in there..." He said wearily as she approached, barely even getting up from the floor where Hearty Beacon was play-wrestling Stalwart's hoof and Rise was chasing after cat-Zera's tail.   She frowned. "You look like you could use a stiff drink."   "More like some sleep." He admitted quietly, out of earshot of Nymph, who was helping Zera mind Morning Rise. "Keep getting nightmares when I sleep."   "Want to talk about it?"   "I keep seeing Dawn... the way she was at the hospital... keep fighting ponies and then just... see her, laying there like that." He said shakily.   Twilight nodded and took a seat, Zera taking her cue lead the foals away to another room. "I ever tell you about my friend Dupo?"   "No." Stalwart said simply, tone indicating he was willing to listen.   She sighed. "Malcolm Dupo, sergeant and weapons officer of the PFDR and a very good friend of mine who taught me everything I know about firearms and we would spend hours discussing the finer points of weapons and their care when we weren’t maintaining them."   He nodded, indicating he was listening, listening to the foals playing in the other room.   "Pretty much. If I wasn’t busy with work or my squad, I mainly hung out with him and.... unfortunately that painted a target on his back." She said and pulled out her datapad.   "So you dealt with losing him…" He said understandingly.   "Yeah, I… think this might help you understand." She said, going through her datapad and selecting something as an audio log of a much younger and angrier sounding Twilight started to play.   Stalwart listened, hearing the soldier she sparred against, how at the time she couldn't do anything against him, even giving a small smirk at a "princess of 'being a bastard'" but then turned to her, "Sounds like you were close, if in a love-hate relationship."   "Oh yeah Mendez was my mentor who I literally never beat, taught me everything about being a soldier. I would not be surprised if that bastard is still alive but… that’s not what we are talking about." She said, trying to get the story back on track. "The import part was near the end."   "The explosion?" he asked.   She nodded. "We… I… had been causing s much damage to our enemy, they sent one of their best to take care of me. He wasn’t the type to really get his hands dirty, preferring more… psychological attacks. He managed to learn who I was close to and slowly began to set up traps for them targeting them to get to me… Dupo was the first… an explosive hidden in a weapon shipment we stole. It was inspected, but lifting the lid primed the explosive… lifting it a second time set it off."   "Oof... that's... that's sneaky." He winced.   She nodded. "Yeah… White Rabbit was… honestly one of few adversaries I could respect. Hate with every fiber of my being, but he was smart, clever, and resourceful and could fight himself if needed… He was arguably one of the most dangerous I’ve faced and what’s scary was… looking back… I think he was more on his own side then anything… He didn’t seem to care about anything other than testing his ability and improve his take downs… plus he hated Dr. Frisk so definitely not all bad."   "Ok…" Stalwart answered, not sure where she was going with this.   "Right, Right sorry off topic… the point is, I get what you are going through…" She said. "And honestly? What helped me get through it was focusing on something and using the pain as fuel."   "So I need to do something else so I don't think about… Dawn… as much. Is that it?" he asked.   "Something like that yes." She said nodding.   "Maybe..." He admits, then sighs, "Feels like running away from it some though.   "And sitting here looking half dead and wallowing is better?" She arched a brow.   "Ouch… still not pulling any punches huh?" he smirked, then sighed. "Makes me think of my promise to Dawn, that I'd carry our next foal. I think once she gets out of there, I'll take her up on it, assuming my current two don't make me regret it."   "Would you rather I sugar coat it and not help?" She asked smirking back. "And come now, they aren’t bad at all."   "No, I'm a soldier too. I can take it." He said with a brief head tilt, "Yeah, let's go with figuring out stuff to do outside of looking after my foals... maybe resume my training of your boys."   "That could help." She said, getting up.   "All right, I think I'll do that."   She nodded smiling as she stood heading for the door.   "Mind if I take a walk out there with you?" Stalwart offered.   "Not at all."   Stalwart nodded and slowly got up before approaching Twilight to walk out with her.   She used magic to open the door and found two dark green hovering spheres covered in different gems with a getting gun hanging bellow them outside with the words CELESTIA and LUNA on their fronts.   "Oh! It opened." A synthetic voice said.   "See? Told you it would." Another said.   "That is not how these doors work."   "Still worked."   Stalwart froze, noticing the gun first and foremost and wasn't sure if he should take cover before noticing their names.   "What are you two doing here?" Twilight asked.   "Oh commander," the first voice said. "We apologize. We didn't realize you were here."   "Yes, we are not intruding are we? We can leave if you'd like."   "No, no. It’s fine, just surprised is all." Twilight said.   "Twilight, what's going on here?" Stalwart asked, still nervous at the sight of the weapons.   "Huh?" Twilight asked, looking at him confused.   "Who or what are they?"   "Commander, they somehow haven't met us yet." The first voice said as Twilight looked at them and back to him.   "Huh… Oh, okay… Uh… well then, these are Celestia and Luna, my personal sentries." She said.   "A pleasure to meet you" the first voice said.   "Yo" the second said and there was a sigh. "What?"   "This is our first meeting with someone very close to the commander and all you have to say is "yo?" The Celestia-bot turned to face the Luna-bot.   "What else am I supposed to say? ‘Hi, how are you? How's your hammer hanging?"   "What? NO! Don't be ridiculous!"   "I'm not the one being ridiculous."   Stalwart listened, then slowly started to laugh, "All right, well, nice to meet you both, I'm Stalwart Shield."   They turned and looked at him. "Yes, we know. We somehow haven't crossed paths before now." The first voice said.   "Yes the probability of that is extremely low." Said the second.   "I am Celestia, and this is my sister Luna." The first voice said   "Yes, I heard…" He said, looking between them. "So… Why should we have met before?"   "Because we Patrol the castle, and you live here." Celestia-bot said.   "Huh..." Stalwart said, stumped. "Yeah, no idea how we haven't met. Dawn never mentioned you either."   "We just never seemed to cross paths." Luna-bot said. "Huh." Stalwart repeated, a new revelation at what they discovered. "So, how long has it been since you met Twilight?"   "I was 23 when I met them." Twilight said.   "So quite some time then." Stalwart confirmed, still eyeing them and the guns attached to them.   "Something wrong?" Luna-bot asked.   "Just getting used to the idea of a pair of gatling guns attached to some residents of the castle." He tried to say diplomatically.   "Oh, don't worry. They aren't armed right now." Luna-bot said   "That's... comforting." Stalwart said, looking over at Twilight for guidance for how to handle the situation.   "You need not worry Stalwart, you are a friend from the Commander's and therefore you have out protections and assistance." Celestia-bot said.   "Ah… it's a shame that such extra protection is necessary." He said formally.   "Yes… We… We are sorry to have failed you." Luna said, both spheres starting to hover lower to the ground.   "Failed me? No, not at all." he began to protest.   "The bombing. You and your family were under our protection and we failed the reasons we were programed for…" Celestia-bot said.   "How could you be responsible for us if we hadn't even met yet?" He asked.   "You are close friends with the Commander, thereby you are under our protection. Our entire existence is to protect and serve and we failed." Luna-bot said   "Well, guess we can feel guilty together then." Stalwart said, "Was on a walk with the Commander here to get more of it out of my system."   "Oh, do you mind if we accompany you?" Celestia-bot asked.   "I don't." Stalwart shrugged.   They moved to flank him and Twilight as the alicorn started walking down the hall toward the elevator.   Stalwart walked along, listening to them before trying to tactfully ask Twilight, "So... how'd you manage this feat?"   "Feet? We do not have feet, we use a series of thrusters and air propulsion to active lift along with a beware spells to make us lighter." Luna-bot said.   "Ah... Meant feat like feature." Stalwart said, hoping to clarify since the wrong person responded, "but that seems a bit useful at least."   "We aren't to this point yet." Twilight said. "Almost, but Celestia and Luna aren't from here."   "Oh?" Stalwart asked, looking among them for an explanation.   "We are from the world the commander went too before she upgrades the world's technologically development." Celestia-bot said.   "We met her when we were trying to kill her and her squad!" Luna-bot added cheerfully.   "And I'm guessing she made you her friends?" Stalwart asked.   "No, she put a sniper bullet through us both and then rebuilt and reprogrammed us." Luna said cheerfully. "She basically killed us and brought us back to life."   "Ah..." He said, unsure what to think of that course of action.   "Yes, and we much prefer things now." Celestia-bot said.   "Outside of the sometimes annoying organic quadrupeds"   "Such as?" He asked.   "The ones called "nobles" and several other organics, not you of course, you are friends with the commander."   "Ah. What things do you find annoying?" He asked.   "Their behavior." Luna-bot said.   "Sister be nice, it is just how they are." Celestia-bot replied.   "Doesn’t make it any less annoying."   "Anything more specific?" Stalwart asked.   "No, just the irrational way the other organic quadrupeds behave."   "Ah." He said, not understanding because of a lack of examples and smiled briefly before giving a sigh.   "What's wrong?" Celestia-bot asked.   "Thinking about Dawn. I was quite sure she would be really interested in you both." He answered, getting a distant look in his eyes. When the bots said nothing, he spoke again. “Just going to have to make up for it later. …You've at least met Fire Storm, right?"   "Yes.' They said.   Stalwart blinked, then grinned at twilight, "That’d be too much coincidence if they hadn’t. At that point, I'd think maybe we get some sort of special ability being born in our world like 'only meet important ponies at important events' or something? Dawn'd love joking about that."   "That would be a rather strange talent." Luna-bot said.   "Yeah…" he said with a sigh.   "What is wrong?" Luna-bot asked worriedly.   "All things circle back to who we love." He said quietly.   They stared not seeming to understand   "Don't worry about it." He said, turning ahead to resume their walk.   The followed their only sound being a very quiet humming sound that was easily ignored  -----  Stalwart sighed contentedly after they had spent some time in the gardens, feeling more like his old self once more, admitting out loud, "Going for a walk was a good idea."   "Usually helps me." Twilight said.   "Yeah… I can see why." He nodded, wondering what the bots would say this time.   "It has been shown that fresh air and light is good for organics." Luna-bot said. "Much like plants, just with more complicated feelings."   "Sister that is rude."   "But it’s true."   "I mean… maybe not wrong?" Stalwart tried to say, unsure how to feel about being compared to plants.   "Anyway, I think it’s time to service you two." Twilight said looking the bots.   "Is it that time again?" Luna-bot said.   "Yes, time for our monthly maintenance." Celestia-bot said.   "Stalwart." Twilight nodded to the stallion before starting to head toward the castle, the bots falling in at each side.   Stalwart walked in the garden slowly, letting out any remaining tension as he did until he came across some squeaky giggling and decided to investigate.   ---   Storm watched as Vanna kept digging through the dirt eagerly for no clear reason, smiling wide in innocent joy.   "She might smell a small animal like a mole, not sure what it is, just that it's there." A somewhat eye level dragon in a black tactical vest said beside her as he watched the young hatchling with his claws on his pockets. "Or she just likes dirt"   Storm smirked, "I mean, I was hoping for someone who loves flying like I do, but not having her cry is still a plus- oh hey Stalwart!"   Stalwart saw the waving pegasus and a burst of dirt in the air and approached. "Hey, what’s going on you two?"   "Giving Vanna some air and sun and letting her explore a bit." Spike said. "She might be a dragon that prefers the ground or subterranean or she might be one who loves flying and making her own caves. Or who knows. She's still too young for it all."   "Yeah. We'll see." Storm said. "Gotta give her room to be herself 'n all. Nice seeing you out n about again."   "Feeling better for it." Stalwart said. "Visiting for the weekend?"   "Just for a little bit now that we've relocated to Ponyville. Nightfall has gotten his request to transfer approved. We figured Vanna being closer to Spike was a good idea."   "Now he knows the guard duty out here is different than in the city, right?" Spike asked   "He's learning." Storm said. "But he wants to do what he can for us… all three of us, four if you count… well, you know."   Stalwart blinked. "Four of you?"   "Yeah… I’m pregnant." Storm smiled. "Despite Night saying he wasn’t attracted to ponies or some of our other issues… he's actually trying to accept what he is now and that was the result."   Spike remained quiet out of politeness as the topic shifted, watching over the hatchling.   "So, raising a dragon and a foal eventually… that’s going to be interesting, I'll bet." Stalwart gave a single twist of his head before asking Spike, "already covered advice for raising her I take it?"   "As much as she needs now, mostly Twilight is the one giving the advice since she's the one with experience raising dragons."   "Yeah, I probably should ask her at some point." Storm admitted as Vanna stopped digging and yawned before flopping in the dirt for a nap. "Seems like she is finally worn out."   "Yeah probably best to leave her there." Spike said.   "Oh? Don’t put her in the carrier?" Stalwart asked.   "Have you felt her claws?" Storm smirked.   "Plus dirt isn't flammable if she has any accidents as she sleeps. Hatchling fires burn at around 900 degrees at its lowest."   "All right, point taken." Stalwart said.   "Yeah, still figuring out what to do for the apartment though." Storm said.   "Twilight can cast some flame proofing spells that will stand up to bursts of flames.” Spike offered. “Anything sustained will overwhelm them thought but if she burps it would be fine.”   "Should be safe." Storm said. "Haven’t had any issue yet."   "You say that like you won’t have any issue." Stalwart smirked. "Dawn and I had plenty of surprises, and Zera was a Harmony-send."   "If you’d like, I'm sure Chrysalis wouldn’t mind sending a caretaker to help." Spike pointed out.   "Hm." Storm hummed, then frowned. "She might not mind, but would she want to?"   "With how close you are to Twilight and Spike?" Stalwart smirked.   Spike pointed at Stalwart. "What he said."   "Heh, yeah. Worth a shot I guess. I'll talk it over with Nightfall and bring it up, see where it goes." Storm conceded.   "Now I'm curious how she'll react to asking." Stalwart chuckled. "How've you been Spike?"   "Been well." He said. "You?"   "I… had been better. It’s why Twilight got me walking. It's helped, if a little bit."   "You try hitting a punching bag?"   "Not yet. Doesn't do much for me yet." Stalwart replied in a halfhearted shrug. "If anything it makes things worse."   "Ah." Spike shrugged. "If you like, I could see about arranging some alone time with whoever planted the bomb if we catch them."   "We'll see." Stalwart said. When his only response was a nod from the dragon, he asked, “Anything else you both have been up to?"   "Just going back and forth  with the dragons and helping Twilight so the usual." Spike shrugged.   "Ah." Stalwart said before Vanna let out a purple and green burp that shot out a half foot before vanishing.   Spike looked to Vanna, watching the dragon’s burp and then watching her intently.   Vanna snapped her jaws twice before stretching, rolling on her back, then grinned up at Spike and reached with her claws to the sky.   He walked over and knelt beside her. "Hey there, what are you wanting to do?"   Vanna grinned and wiggled her claws up at him and the clouds   She reached down and picked her up. "Want to go to the roof?"   She gave some babble and reached for him, then reached for Storm.   "Missing momma already Vanna?" Storm smiled gently   Spike held out Vanna to her mother. Vanna squeaked and nuzzled Storm before reaching for Spike while holding Storm tight. Spike approached with curiosity, only to be hugged close to a babbling Vanna.   Spike and Storm’s heads were pressed together as he played along. They watched her closely before Vanna giggled again, then burped, singing Storm’s mane.   "Yeah, you'll get used to that." Spike said.   Storm blinked, and Stalwart laughed at the darkened fiery mane.   "Yup. True to your name at least!" Stalwart said.   "Yeah, yeah. Yuk it up Shield."   "Yeah… I torched Twilight’s bangs once, totally off and the fur on her forehead according to her."   Stalwart laughed more, harder when he saw Storm give a genuine look of worry and thought she was playing along.   "I am seeing Chrysalis about that caretaker next time I see her." Storm said seriously.   "Don’t worry, it grew back obviously, and if not, she knows very good illusion magic."   "She has a horn, I don’t." Storm said, hugging Vanna before moving her onto her back.   "I meant she could cast them on you if needed."   "I prefer not to get to that point" Storm countered.   He chuckled. "Then get fast reflexes."   "I'll try." Storm smirked.   "Well, I'd better get going." Stalwart said.   "All right. Catch ya next time." Storm said.   "See you around." Spike said.   Stalwart parted ways and Storm hummed. "Think I can find Chrysalis with the commander right now or should I head for a changeling?"   "She most likely is in the hive."   "Mind if I leave Vanna with you to see her?"   "Sure. Think I'll take her to the roof." He said.   "All right. Thanks Spike." Storm smiled, moving to put Vanna on in reach.   Spike took her, Vanna squealing happily, and started to carry her towards the castle   Storm trotted quickly off toward the only hive entrance she knew of. It was deep in the lower levels of the castle, giving the impression of being under construction that was suddenly ceased by going from cement walls to bare stone.   Storm approached the entrance, then paused at what she felt was a respectful distance a few paces away. She knew changelings would be watching and they would take notice of her, perhaps realizing she was asking for a guide. She didn’t have to wait long before one seemed to peel out of a shadow and stood before her, waiting for her to speak.   "I'd like to speak to Chrysalis about an idea Spike had. Is she free?"   It turned and began to walk deeper in. Storm had spent enough time around changelings to recognize this one as male. After enough exposure, it became easier and easier to find those differences.   Storm followed him in, struggling mildly in the dark before the drone lit his horn enough for her to see. She walked on, knowing she was going to need help, but wasn’t sure how well it would go.   They soon entered the throne room, a large familiar changeling lounging on her throne in a way that Storm saw Twilight do many times.   "Hello Storm. What is this idea Spike had?" Chrysalis asked   "Well... Vanna is getting old enough to be moving around more, and Spike said that maybe I could get some help raising her… maybe have help from a caretaker like you did with Dawn's foals?"   "Oh, of course! How many would you like?" She said calmly.   "Wait… really?" Storm blinked.   "Yes… really. What did you expect?"   "I… don't know." Storm blinked. "Why are you just…"   “Letting you have drones?” She asked, moving to sit in her throne more properly. “Why wouldn’t I? You are among my mate's lovers, one of her best recruits and officers and plaything. When not with your own mate or daughter you are here, pleasing her. You are family. My hive is here for whatever you need, big or small; from caretakers to care for your young, to workers to help you build. From soldiers to defend you to infiltrators to do whatever you wish. You are a member of this hive as far as I am concerned."   Storm stared, dumbfounded to the point where she didn’t realize when she had slumped down to sit on the hive floor. “Oh… … I… I don’t know how… what…”   "What is it?" She asked.   "I just… didn’t expect that." She said, still sitting on the floor.   "And why not? You are very close to the Queen's Mate, literally sharing a bed with her at least twice a week, well bed in a relative term." She said. "Outside of that, you are with her for at least half the week as well as are good friends with my daughter. Why would you not be part of this hive?"   "I mean… you’re not wrong." Storm said, shaking her head in disbelief. "I don’t know what to say…"   "How many drones you need would be a good start."   "I… Dawn did ok with just one right? Shouldn’t we be ok with one?" Storm asked.   "I don’t know. I am asking how much help you need. You are the one who decides that, not me."   "Fine. I don't know, so we'll just go with one." Storm said, getting some of her fire back.   She nodded and after a few minutes a slender caretaker entered the room. "This is Xern, she is under your command now."   Storm looked over, examining the drone who was joining their household. "Hi Xern..."   "Hello Mrs. Storm." She bowed. She was slender, but had a rounded appearance to her, as if a strong breeze could blow her away and yet she’d bounce off like a balloon.   "Thank you… both of you." Storm said.   "You need not thank me for caring for my hive." Chrysalis informed.   "I mean… I'm not-" Storm started to say, then facehoofed, "Never mind. I'll just leave it at thanks. So Xern, do we need to do anything special to look after you?"   "No. I am quite self-sufficient as long as there is food." She said. "Is there a form you wish for me to take while in your service?"   "I… hadn’t thought about it… this kinda was a spur of the moment thing." Storm admitted, rubbing her hoof on the back of her head before getting up and getting ready to go.   Xern stood and waited to follow her out.   Storm paused, then turned back to Chrysalis, "So, if I'm part of the hive, what kind of things will I need to get involved in? Are there any kinds of agreements for being in it?"   "Nothing you don’t want to. You may be part of the hive, but you are not a drone."   "Huh." Storm said, as if just processing the news. "Okay… I'll see you around Chrysalis."   "Take care Storm." She said as Xern followed Storm.   "So… Xern," Storm said as they left, "what uh… What are your thoughts on all this?"   "I am honored to help care for your little ones, Mrs. Storm." She said   "I mean, it's just Vanna." Storm said, feeling embarrassed that she had to ask for help for one child already.   "I assume I will help with the other one as well unless you do not wish it."   "Oh... right." Storm said, giving a nervous laugh. "I kinda forget I'm pregnant sometimes."   "Oh that happens in the first few weeks. You are used to doing certain things and there is one physical effects to remind you."   "Yeah… Nothing's happened yet." She said as she walked on, “Night seems to think I should be dealing with feeling sick every morning for a while, but I haven't.”   “That may come later, but not every pregnancy is exactly the same, the Queen's Mate's certainly wasn’t.”   "That so huh? How many caretakers looked after her?" Storm smirked.   "She didn’t have any till after the birth."   "And how many after?"   "Just one for when the queen and her were away." She said. "Though the little princess was always under guard by six soldiers as well"   "I mean, that part makes sense." Storm admitted.   Xern nodded.   Storm walked out slowly, thinking, "Do… do you think our foals will need guarded like that?"   "No? Why would they? Do you have enemies we are unaware of?"   "Not that I know of." Storm admitted.   "Then no."   "Ah." She said as she reached the exit to the hive. "Well, let's get home and get ready to introduce you to Night… mind if I fly there once we’re outside?"   "Not at all." She said as she followed the mare through the castle sublevels   Storm smiled, glad of their willingness to fly. She always got that itch after being indoors for too long, and the hive made that itch grow fast. Xern followed until they left the castle and Storm began stretching her wings.   "Phew… all right, time to get to flying. You ready Xern?"   "Yes, Mrs. Storm." She said as her chitin shifted on her back, exposing her translucent insectoid wings spreading and soon buzzing as she lifted off the ground to hover.   "Will we need to take it slower for you?" She asked, noticing the hover.   "It is your choice I will do my best to keep pace with you." She said.   "And I'm not about to leave you in the dust." Storm said. "Besides, need to pick up Vanna. She was being taken to the roof with Spike.   "As you wish Mrs. Storm." She said   Storm led the way up to where Spike said he was taking Vanna, taking it slow so Xern could keep up. Instead of flying in circles upward, Xern simply flew straight up. When they arrived, Spike was rolling a ball toward Vanna.   Storm smiled at seeing Vanna, landing down just as she was attempting to chew the ball, which then left her maw as it resisted the bite.   "Luckily Twilight kept a lot of my old toys, so they are dragon proof." Spike commented as Xern landed. "I see Chrysalis agreed. Figured she would."   "Yeah… don't know if I expected the reaction she had though." Storm admitted.   "Oh? Let me guess, you’re family and a member of the hive?"   "Yeah…” Storm eyed Spike with hesitant intrigue, “How’d you guess?"   "I’ve lived with her for around 50 years." He said flatly.   "Ah." Storm said, thinking as she went over to Vanna and settled down by her.   Spike picked up the ball and used a handbag to wipe it off while Vanna giggled then yawned wide.   "Seems like it's somepony's naptime." Storm commented.   "Would you like me to carry her Mrs. Storm?" Xern asked.   "I was thinking of being the one to carry her for the trip home… but maybe you should." Storm said hesitantly. "Maybe she’ll like riding with you more than me."   "It is your choice Mrs. Storm. I serve you."   "All right, let's see how she takes to you." Storm said, offering Vanna to Xern. Vanna was looking at Xern with amazement, looking at her closely.   The changeling started hovering again in order to take the hatchling in her first hooves and hold her close, tucking Vanna in securely to her underside.   Vanna squirmed, whining mildly before settling down in the grip.   The drone nodded to Storm that she was ready.   Storm booped Vanna, making her giggle, then began a slow takeoff to keep the flight easy for their new caretaker.   The caretaker followed as fast as she dared while carrying the hatchling. It became clear she was prioritizing safety over speed, but still making a decent pace.   Storm kept an eye on them, doing what she could to match the caretaker’s pace until at last after ten minutes, they were at her front door.   "Come in, Night won't be back for a couple hours."   She hoovered, flying slowly inside so she could carry the hatchling more easily, then set the dragoness on a soft chair before landing.   Storm settled down and began getting the kitchen cleaned up. "Usually I set her down for a nap and clean up until about when Night gets here, starting dinner then so it’s fresh as he gets home."   "Where is her room?"   "She has the second bedroom." Storm said, then paused, "I guess we need to figure something out for you too huh?"   "I will be fine wherever you wish." Xern replied, beginning to carry Vanna to the bedroom already.   "If you say so." Storm said.   The second bedroom had some packed boxes in the corner and Vanna's basket bed in the corner, a changing table and supplies along one wall, and a small couch and recliner against the other wall while the closet was for Vanna's toys, a few anyway. There weren’t many yet.   Xern moved to place her in the basket, watching Vanna yawn and decided to tell the dragoness a story. Within minutes, the dark purple dragon fell asleep to the softspoken caretaker’s voice.   When she was sure Vanna was asleep, Xern stopped and went to help Mrs. Storm.   Storm had made quick work of the small kitchen mess, and began getting things ready for dinner, preparing a basic salad.   Xern watched, waiting for instructions. She quietly marveled how it was a lot like watching the Queen’s mate when she was in her personal floor.   "Everything ok Xern?" Storm asked.   "Yes Mrs. Storm. Waiting for you to say how you'd like me to help as I do not know my duties outside of care for the little one."   "Honestly? I don’t know what your duties are either... I guess learning how we like to cook can help, but mostly I was wanting help for Vanna." Storm admitted.   "I shall observe then."   "Yeah… if we can keep up what we do normally, that will help when we both get busy or if he or I stay at work late." Storm said.   She nodded and moved to a spot out of the way where she can easily see.   Storm continued to turn the meal together and Nightfall walked in as she was close to done.   Xern bowed to him from the kitchen. "Welcome home Mr. Night."   "Hey Storm, I'm hom-" he barely managed to say before he paused, noticing Xern. "Uhm, hi? I didn’t know we had a guest."   "Well, I ended up taking Vanna to see Spike. He and I were talking, got a bit singed, and he kinda suggested we look at getting help for Vanna from Chrysalis. I got singed again, and thought it was worth a try… So, now we got ourselves a caretaker for Vanna." Storm said.   "Oh… I see." He said, feeling disappointed and mildly hurt, but didn’t show it at all.   Xern detected this, but she did not say anything as she remained bowing.   "Look…" Storm said, sensing something was off and Night might be trying to bottle it up. She approached and gave him a hug. "We don't know anything about raising a dragon, and we both get really busy… I just thought we could ask for help. I was going to bring it up to you, but I didn’t count on Chrysalis just... agreeing so immediately and thought I could get the idea out and confirm it later, then got swept up in her just giving us Xern. If it doesn’t work out, I can ask for her to head back, ok?"   Xern remained bowed, not moving at all.   Nightfall looked to Storm, then to Xern, then to Storm, love beginning to flow as he let go of his fear. "All right. I’m not used to it, but you're right. We need what's best for her after all."   "Yeah." Storm smiled, giving him a kiss and a hug. "This is Xern."   "Well, welcome to our home Xern." Nightfall said, still feeling a small sense of unease.   "It is a pleasure to work for you Mr. Night. I promise to not be any trouble at all."   "I’m glad to hear it." He said, his emotions only betraying his hidden doubts about himself, wondering if he was now being watched. "So, any plans for dinner? Want anything special?"   "I already got it started. Figured we would go with a salad."   "Ah. All right." Nightfall nodded, coming to the kitchen.   Nightfall helped finish making the meal, getting the food over to the table and began to eat as a family.   ==========   Day… I don’t know what, can’t count right today. It’s been a month since you were cocooned Dawn.   Hey Journal, Storm here. Stalwart said it was ok to add things to the journal for catching you up when you wake up, like some letters or something, so here I am.   Hope you’re doing ok ‘n healing fast, been really busy. Had moved out from with Nightfall but began moving back in. Can’t get him to stop apologizing for the leak when he gets a glimpse of Stalwart. He’s really ashamed to say that he was the source that led to what happened to you. I’ve been trying to tell him you’d not hold it against him like you don’t hold my pigheadedness against me for those couple years, but he doesn’t believe it and I don’t know if he will even if you’re the one to tell him. Stalwart even says Dawn wouldn’t, and he still won’t listen. Stalwart stood him up and gave him a firm slap to the cheek, telling him to snap out of it and focus on what he can do for moving forward instead of living in the past. Definitely got his attention and I think they made up with that, but only time will tell.   Turns out Nightfall got approval to be transferred to Ponyville, and that’s where we were moving into. It’s gonna be a lot easier to go to work now, not to mention sharing Vanna with Spike. The help Chrysalis’ caretaker Xern has given us is making our lives so much easier. She does a good job with keeping Vanna cared for, and has been taking an interest in how my pregnancy is going. Certainly kept Nightfall from trying to rush me to the doctors when I dealt with some lightheadedness and nausea every so often. He seemed to think “animals” didn’t deal with morning sickness, but he calmed down soon enough.   So, Stalwart told me that last time you were put in a cocoon you came out part changeling. Explains why your foals kept changing tribes on me while I visited. Was really surprised, but honestly? Hoping you’re a fighter and will come out ok anyway. Who knows, maybe you’ll come out more ‘ling… but that’d probably mean you’ll be less you or something. Stalwart says that shouldn’t happen, but I think he’s putting on a brave face. Still, hard to picture being connecting to thousands of minds without being at least a little lost in the shuffle. I know I wouldn’t want that, would drive me crazy.   Anyway, hope to visit more often n things. Council is giving the Purists a good thrashing publically, though perhaps that’s overkill considering if they’re behind some of the random animal attacks on their charter houses… Well, I just want to see you come out in one piece. Get better soon Dawn. Your foals miss you.   ----------   Mid September, year 2 since arrival- Stalwart   Hi Dawn… been missing you nearly every night since you were gone. Zera’s been trying to fill in, taking your form to keep me close at night for the last month. You’d think I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference, but even when she tries to surprise me, I feel like I notice something I can’t place that still seems off. I still allow it because it helps me sleep and I take it as a promise you’re coming back to me one day, but I miss you still love.   The foals are liking that Storm is coming to visit once a week, probably going to call her Aunt Storm when they can speak more consistently. They miss you but Zera takes them to your egg to visit you, and a few caretakers come over and help keep them from trying to break the egg open to get to you. Chrysalis offered to just cocoon them so they don’t have to be sad waiting for mom to come home, but I turned her down. Don’t know if they’d change and I still don’t want to lose them in the meantime. Of course, she countered I could join them, but I still turned it down. For me, it’d be us running away from the problem and I rather like being able to visit with Storm and helping the foals enjoy life. Having had them for a year, even with all the hassles that involves, I love our foals. I think I may take you up on that offer to carry our next foal if we can get that chance.   Anyway, be safe love. I know we have no idea when you come out, but I suspect we have a long wait to go. Probably a good year but I hope I’m wrong. Those injuries were severe… I don’t know how you would have lived with yourself if we hadn’t tried to save you this way. Chrysalis is saying she’s pouring as much love as they can squeeze into your cocoon to get you healed as quickly as we can.   Oh, and Morning Rise is taking after Storm, probably because the two of them look pretty similar in their own ways. Storm is trying to do what she can to help Rise learn how to fly better, saying it’ll prepare her for when she has to teach their foal. We all expect they’re going to have a Pegasus foal, and they probably will be spoiled rotten.   Hope you get better soon.   -----   Month 3 since you were cocooned.   Storm here. So our dark purple little dragoness has been overdue for a name review. Jeron dropped by to visit when we popped over with the dragon. He tried to say you’d jokingly offer Cynder as a name. I thought it sounded nice but Nightfall said no, says it’s a video game character name and doesn’t want that for our daughter. I didn’t mind, it sounded cool, but we decided we were being silly. Nightfall said where he’s from, you don’t change a foal’s name after birth for recordkeeping. It’s kinda the same for me, but I think we’ll let Vanna choose a new name when she’s old enough.   Looks like my first trimester is finished a little ahead of schedule. I should only be two and a half months in, and they’re saying our foal is starting their second trimester this week. Still a week or two early but no one can see any difference anyway. Your foals are babbling constantly about the news, I swear they really understand what we’re saying even though they aren’t talking consistently. It’s almost like they have a language all their own.   Nightfall is slowly warming up, but he’s a changed stallion. He does everything he can to make me happy and not cause your family any more pain, but I think his spirit’s been broken. I still catch him muttering about how he failed twice, first to Svik and then to you. I’m gonna take him to a therapist, try to get this worked out. He’s not the same stallion I fell in love with but I know he’s still in there. Twilight won’t let up on him or let him forget his mistake. I get why, but it’s getting to be a bit much.   Morning Rise is one heck of a hoof-full. Can’t get her to take a break from flying around or climbing all over me! Reminds me of how my parents said I was… I miss them. Can’t get an answer on how soon the mirror back will be finished, other than it’s not going to be a mirror. Not sure why a gate would be any better, saw your notes that were left in your room and a mirror seems just as viable and wouldn’t need as much power consistently. Tried to ask the commander but she didn’t really get into it, just said the experts are already on it and only so much ‘theory’ can help before practice kicks in… I know I should be agreeing but it still stings I can’t help.   Anyway, Vanna is trying to breathe fire again and we don’t want your stuff burning. See ya next time!   =====   Month 3, week 2 - Storm   Ok, well today was just fantastic… how the hay can anypony get sarcasm to come out right in writing anyway, argh!   So we went to visit Stalwart and the foals, was having a good time with them while the commander was doing more train impressions. Nightfall came over late, and you should have seen the mood shift. Commander turned really cold to him and only him. Stalwart’s been pretty understanding and has already forgiven him, yet she hasn’t.   -----   Morning Rise was flying around the room, giggling happily and oblivious to the mood of the room, even as she perched up on a dedicated shelf in the living room wall where carpeting was placed for her comfort. She had managed to bring a favorite wrestling plush up there and would periodically play with it up there, happy at her nest away from her room.   Hearty Beacon simply settled down by his father after the ‘choo choo’ ride had ended, settling down by his father and nestling between his legs contentedly.   Nightfall sat himself by Fire Storm, across from Stalwart. He gave him a small nod and leaned over to Storm, giving her a peck on the cheek before he quietly said, “Sorry I’m late.”   “It’s fine Night. You’ve been busy with work.” Storm said.   “Nothing wrong with that.” Stalwart said, “I know you’ve been trying to prepare for raising your dragon. Foals are definitely a hooffull.”   “Yeah, children often are.”   “Some adults are too.” Twilight said, hardly any emotion detected in her voice.   “Zera, I believe the foals should get to their room.” Stalwart mentioned.   “That sounds like a good idea.” Zera agreed, already having started to move as Chrysalis sat by her mate and sensed the mood growing sour.   The foals were rallied reluctantly by Zera and taken to the room where she kept them entertained, a spell was cast by her to keep them undisturbed by the adult talk.   “Twilight…” Stalwart said with a sigh.   “What? I was agreeing that foals are a hooffull, and some adults can be too.” She said neutrally, picking up her cup of tea and beginning to sip it.   “And everypony here knows what you mean by that.” Stalwart said.   “Good.” Twilight said, giving a nod of satisfaction as she set down the cup to fill it again.   “No. It’s not.” Storm said, looking Twilight in the eye as she said it.   “And why not, Lapdog?” Twilight asked, her voice seeming to be friendly.   “Because every single time without fail, you jab at him when he’s apologized each and every time.” Storm said, “We get it, he messed up and the purists got Dawn. Stalwart is probably the one most affected and he’s forgiven him.”   “And you think that makes everything better?” Twilight asked with a raised brow, keeping her tone quiet. “If apologies made everything better, we didn’t need any soldiers and fight wars.”   “Storm… enough. She’s right.” Nightfall said quietly, reaching a hoof to storm and trying to calm her down.   “Of course not.” Storm said, ignoring Nightfall’s protests. “But it isn’t all his fault.”   "Oh sure, he's just the match." Twilight snorted.   "Commander, you know damn well the blame is on the purists for acting on it." Storm said.   "If he hadn't spoken of it, Dawn would be here right now." Twilight said, her tone growing cold as she was challenged.   Chrysalis sat in the room next to her mate, observing Storm in hidden mild amusement.   "So when I ended up putting your entire group's safety in jeopardy back at the crystal castle for revealing you were from another world, you would have treated me this badly if the secret got out, right?" Storm countered.   "That's different." Twilight said, an edge to her voice barely heard as Storm's only warning.   "No, it's not,” Storm firmly answered. “Yes, I agree he spilled the beans on Dawn, but it's not right to keep this hatred going. You gave me another chance when I slipped up and-"   “No, it is.” Twilight said firmly, staring Storm down. “The information you had would not have put us in danger. Nightfall did, and he shared it with the people that meant her harm.” “He didn’t know.” Storm argued, “You think they just came along and were like ‘Oh, I’m a purist! I’m going to send this off to my superiors!’ Come on Twilight, even I know better than that.” "Stop." Twilight said, putting out a pressure in the room, sending shivers down Chrysalis' spine.   "No." Storm said after a second’s pause, standing her ground. "Friendship deserves a second cha-"   "Don't throw my element back at me, lapdog." Twilight said before promptly getting up and heading for the door before pausing. "You will take a week's vacation... unpaid."   Twilight slammed the door behind her, causing everyone but Chrysalis to flinch.   “Well, as entertaining as that had been, I should return as well.” Chrysalis said, regally standing up and eying Storm as she did. The mare had shown strength to stand up to her mate. Foolishness, but few could stand up to Twilight when she pressured everyone in the room. Only the very strong or the foolish could manage it. “Good day.”   “See you Aunt Chryssy.” Stalwart said with a small smirk.   “Stalwart,” Chrysalis said, pausing by the foals’ room and gaining the faintest of smiles, “I do believe there’s something wrong with your face, since there’s nothing wrong about calling me Aunt Chryssy, even if I am your mother-in-law. Please make sure it’s nothing serious.”   “It’s not. Just a weird little involuntary quirk.” Stalwart answered.   “Ah, perhaps the BCD will want to know about that. We don’t want your mate to worry about your condition when she hatches.” Chrysalis said as she left.   ======   November 26th, Year 1 of Dawn’s arrival, 1924 hours.   Today marks the 113th day since what those of us in the higher echelons of Equestria have been referring to as The Incident, this being your bombing Dawn.   We have been handling those responsible through   Those who did this are being dealt with and that's all you need to worry about. I am sure the changelings have been as well, some key people have dropped off the radar entirely, they either ran and somehow slipped away without us noticing or the changelings got to them. Quite frankly I don't care which.   I hope you don’t mind me writing in this. I know it was your personal journal and all, but I just need to organize my thoughts and Queeny suggested I use this rather than my audio logs as you might like some messages from us when you get out.   With luck, by the time you wake up all of this mess will be finished and you won't have to worry about it ever again.   Storm has been onto me about Night and honestly, this is one point I firmly agree with him on our friendship. I kept my promise and have not harmed him, but that doesn’t mean I have to treat him like he is a friend. The fact he isn’t banned from my castle is the furthest I am going to go on the matter. He is not a friend, he will never be a friend.   I should keep this more positive.   Beacon and Rise are getting rambunctious and have been asking for you, been doing my best to help Stalwart but I think Zera is more useful than me.   Been mainly caring for Nymph as she has been lost without you, though I think Chrysalis has been more useful there being the queen of her queen.   Violet is convinced you will be fine so she has been behaving like her normal self. Not sure if she is burying her feelings or really is fine.   I guess no one needs me, so I’m just ruling like before with nothing really different.   Anyways I should stop here as I don't seem to have anything to actually say.   -Princess Twilight Sparkle   =====   Month 4, day 1 - Storm   Geeze this still feels weird. Anyway, Hi Dawn, it’s Storm. I’m a good four months pregnant, so the foal really is just a little ahead of schedule. It feels strange, knowing a foal is growing inside me, and yet only a small bump where it’s growing. Don’t even get me started on the cravings and the aching. How did you manage it with twins!   So I didn’t find Nymph, and she’d been brooding for a while. Seems she’s taking her time without you harder than most and she agreed to a little cocoon of her own next to yours for a time so she can heal too. The foals were told Nymph was going on a trip. They seem to be doing ok, especially when they are taken to play with the other nymphs that were old enough. Apparently Violet said she’ll miss her minion, but it’ll be better if Nymph can take some time to heal and become an even better minion.   Anyway, not much is happening worth mentioning, I’m sure we’ll tell you when something big happens. See you soon!   =====   Month 5   Hey Dawn… It’s Nightfall.   So, I know this isn’t nearly as good as telling you directly, and I know first chance I get, I want to do this in person.   Look… I want to apologize to you for being an ass. I should have known better. … I did what I had to when we first met This is hard…   I’ve talked with Stalwart, and I’m an idiot for not believing you when you said that you were sorry, that you carried the weight of your failings with you. I thought that maybe you were just that airheaded because of how happy you could be, that it was all just a lie or going through the motions to make me believe it. I’ve been manipulated before by it and wasn’t about to again.   Stalwart has told me just how you’ve handled yourself. Honestly, I still think you wear your heart on your sleeve, lack focus, and still can lack the drive to do what you need to. Even so, what I did was spiteful and petty. We aren’t exactly the right match to be great friends anyway, but that was wrong… I’ll be giving you a lot of space after this. This is just telling me we are not meant to be meddling with each other, we seem to only end up in hurt.   =====   Month 9 since your cocooning   Hey Dawn, it’s Stalwart. It’s been uneventful for a while now. Zera’s been a huge help with helping me and the foals cope with missing you.   Lot of things started happening this month though, so time to fill you in…   ----------   Yelling and grunting filled the hospital room as the family sat outside on a bench.  Nightfall twiddled his hooves as he tried to contain his nervous energy. Stalwart sat by him while the two foals played in the foal’s waiting room across the hall with Zera. The pair of them watched as metal hooves paced the hallway, trying to ignore their wearer’s mutterings.   “Should be checking for dilation now…” “Muscle relaxants are probably being given now.” “There’s the Unicormexphin that’s probably being put in to prevent hemorrhaging.”   “Twilight,” Stalwart said by the third muttering they could understand, “I get you’re worried, but they know what they’re doing.”   “Of course they do.” Twilight said factually, “I wouldn’t let her go to anyone who didn’t or I’d help deliver her myself.”   “It isn’t good to keep pacing.” Stalwart tried to help, “Take a seat, go play with the foals.”   “And miss the chance to see the newborn?” Twilight asked incredulously, “Never.”   A sharp yell from the room followed by low grunting and nurse instructions to push.   “And that suggests they will be done in 10 minutes to several hours.” Twilight said factually and resumed her pacing.   It was another half an hour before Storm’s yelling came to an end and tired panting followed. A small cart was wheeled into the room a few minutes later, signaling the foal was about to be transported. Afterward, the doctor stepped out with a sigh, then smiled as he turned to the group, “So, who is the father?”   “That’d be me.” Nightfall said, standing up and looking at the doctor with mildly worry as he prepared to hear the news. “Is Storm all right?”   “She’s doing wonderfully and is recovering. Should be ready to walk again in a few days, but taking it easy. No flying.” He said, still giving a small smile. “Come on, let’s have you see her.”   Nightfall walked into the room with the doctor and the others stood around waiting, Twilight grinning.   “Good for her.” Twilight smiled, “Foal seems healthy, she sounds healthy, probably a textbook delivery. We’ll be allowed in in a moment.”   “If they let us.” Stalwart said.   “What, Lapdog refusing her master from entering?” Twilight smirked, “She wouldn’t dare.”   “Yeah, you’re right about that.” Stalwart chuckled.   Half an hour later, the door opened, Nightfall grinning wide, “Come on in guys, but keep it quiet, she needs rest.”   “Of course.” Twilight said factually and quietly, knowing full well what was needed.   “Congratulations Night.” Stalwart said as he passed.   “Thanks Stalwart.” Nightfall said, following them in.   The room was mildly cramped, and a light mid-sky blue coat of fur with a crimson red mane and a lavender cowlick poking up where a horn might have gone was bundled up beside Storm’s half covered body, a hoof stroking it gently.   “It’s a colt.” Storm smiled up at the group, breaking contact with her foal only long enough to deliver the news.   Nightfall beamed, standing by his wife’s side and a hoof on her back supportively.   “Well I can definitely see where he gets his mane from.” Stalwart chuckled, “Looks a lot like the sky with a bit of fire to him.”   “Yeah, but we were having a talk about their name, and we think we know what we’ll name them.” Storm announced.   “Oh? What’s the tyke’s name?” Twilight asked.   “Roaming Breeze.” Storm said, “I just know he’s going to have our wish to see the world like we do, and he’s a Pegasus to boot.”   “That he is.” Nightfall said softly, smiling down at him with a mixed expression. “Vanna’s going to be excited to have a little brother.”   “Assuming Spike isn’t spoiling her rotten as a big uncle.” Stalwart chuckled.   “Godfather.” Twilight corrected, smiling down at the foal. He was cute, and seemed to smile and coo mildly as she reached a metal hoof very carefully to touch on the lavender lock of his mane. “Curious bit right here.”   “Yeah, no idea where it came from, but I think it makes him look dashing.” Storm smiled.   “Yes, yes it does.” Twilight said as she pulled her hoof back, looking between the two parents then back to the foal. “It’s nice to meet you, my little godson. I brought you some presents.”   “Twilight, you didn’t h-” Storm started to say before seeing a metal hoof held up to her muzzle.   “I chose to.” Twilight said before a small flash of lavender magic made a pile of children’s books half her height appear and levitated lightly over to the counter before pulling one out from the near-top. “This is a good one for colts.”   “Twilight, I think he might be a bit young for-” Stalwart tried to courteously say before he found the same metal hoof in his muzzle.   “I know you weren’t about to say something ridiculous about being too young for books. No such thing!” She said cheerfully, taking the hoof out and opening up the front cover to begin reading.   Nightfall suppressed a snort and simply let her do as she wished, knowing that they were enjoying themselves and doting on his son.   -----   Normally I’d say that’s all there was to it, other than Storm was better in just a few days, shy of some sharp pains that cleared up at the end of the week, then we got word to attend the hive a week after Storm had given birth. Nightfall had to work anyway, but it was an invitation only for me and Storm… I don’t know if any of us were expecting this!   -----   Stalwart and Storm met at his place, Roaming resting securely on his mother’s back and pinned in place by her wings. The foals were babbling up a storm happily, having fun looking at Roaming and calling him “Roman” among their baby babble and trying to ask us questions about him. Frankly the two parents were simply glad that there wasn’t questions about where he came from even as Violet was saying how because they were part changeling, it would only stand to reason they could learn to speak sooner.   Zera once again started minding the foals as a pair of soldier drones and one caretaker drone came, saying their presence was requested in the hatchery.   They looked between each other, but followed without much complaint.   It was ten minutes of walking in the normally dark cavern passages, following several twists and turns later while being led with lights from the horns of both soldier drones leading the way. Eventually they found a lightly lit room with light blue moss and a single golden hued egg near one of the walls barely the size of Chrysalis’ hoof, Chrysalis standing nearly on top of it and Twilight standing across from her, watching it closely.   It wobbled lightly as Twilight briefly looked away to notice the visitors.   “Ah, you both came.” Twilight said, small hints of happiness on her face as she looked back to the egg.   A stillness came over the room, causing everyone to want to stay quiet.   Suddenly, the egg wobbled once again and then a small black horn poked through the side of the shell. Twilight gasped very slightly as she watched the cocoon continue to shatter and the side broke out.   A small black and deep blue grub lay panting at the bottom of the eggshell, only its head being more fully formed and the rest being held together by a white fiberous mesh that hinted at the inside of the vulnerable hatchling.   Twilight awww’d at the grub quietly, leaning down close as she looked at the young queenling. It opened its impossibly large eyes and stared up at the purple cyborg, giving a small chirping noise before slowly sliding itself up onto the metal hoof that was offered close.   “What name do you wish for our young queen?” Chrysalis asked, standing closeby to allow her mate a say in this momentous occasion.   “I…” Twilight hesitated, thinking before countering, “What would you like to name her?”   “Starlight.” Chrysalis said readily. “See her blue and white flecks on her fibers and on her chitin?”   “Starlight…” Twilight said quietly, holding the grub up to her face and feeling them rub their head against her muzzle, causing her to grin. “Yeah… that’s a good name for her.”   Chrysalis smiled and made the entry in the hive for their young queen’s name.   “Congratulations Twilight.” Storm said, making Twilight blink and look over, remembering they still had guests.   “Took my line,” Stalwart chuckled, “But agreed, congratulations.”   “Thanks you two.” Twilight said. “Glad you could make it.”   “And turn down my wife’s queen’s invitation?” Stalwart smirked.   “Or my owner and friend’s child being born when she visited me for mine? Never.” Storm joined in.   “Yeah, that would be pretty dumb.” Twilight smiled back before moving the metal hoof and the small grub-queenling over to her mother.   Starlight squeaked and looked up at Chrysalis with wide eyes once more, like she had with Twilight, but this time she barely moved.   “Yes, I know I’m quite regal little one.” Chrysalis said with a confident smile, a small glimmer of blue light shining off a fang at her offspring.   A caretaker came forward and accepted the queenling and carefully moved them away to be cared for.   “That’s it?” Storm asked quietly, confused.   “Should there be more?” Chrysalis asked, “She is a changeling, not a pony.”   “I guess not….” Storm said, trying to process what she saw, “Guess that means Violet is going to have more competition huh?”   “And Dawn.” Chrysalis said cheerfully, “a little competition never hurt changelings… a few extinctions of some tribes, but everyone else is better equipped for it.”   “Uhhh, I don’t want my wife to go extinct.” Stalwart said defensively.   “Oh I don’t either, which is why she won’t try to overthrow me until she can win.” Chrysalis said, “I know my daughter better than anyone, and she won’t challenge me till then. I can’t wait!”   Stalwart gave a look to indicate his confusion, moreso as Chrysalis practically seemed to be shivering at the prospect of this ‘challenge.’   -----   I had a good time, Twilight seemed to be as cheerful as she ever gets, though she has yet to have missed a chance to read a book to little Roaming and our foals before Storm began the trek to Nightfall and home.   Starlight’s appearance is interesting, makes me wonder what happened to Starlight Dusk. Going to have to ask you once you get back out of your cocoon.   Feels like everything’s settling into a new ‘normal’ now. I still miss you but caring for our foals and the new recruits is helping the pain heal. Can’t wait for you to be back with us once again. > 14: The Hatchening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Year 3, day 2, March 12th   One cocoon started shifting in the hive, kicking about and bouncing around as the occupant started to come awake on instinct alone, wanting to escape the confines that held them. This was much like most of the Queen’s eggs, the small things wanting to come to life and be welcomed into the hive, except-   The Queen monitored the link often for this particular occupant, and as soon as this one’s activities had started, the link notified her. She rushed from where she was and made her way swiftly to the nursery, notifying Starlight Dusk and the others to meet her there. She wouldn't miss this for all the love in the world.   Zera, a royal caretaker, was also pinged and swiftly sent the request on behalf of the Legate’s mate to allow their presence. Chrysalis immediately granted permission as the Earth Pony had shown their loyalty and was practically a drone of the hive through her daughter. The queen’s mate’s plaything was also visiting with the pony offspring, and were also invited by being part of the hive through the Queen’s mate. Her only disappointment is that her mate was on a trip and wasn’t able to be present. They would be disappointed.   The occupant of the egg squirmed. Everything felt off, different. It was only capable of instinct in that moment, but it felt a desperate need to escape, to breathe as they pushed and squirmed, stabbing the inside of the shell almost anywhere it could, as if it began to realize that was its best chance to escape.   The Queen knew her hive well, and was soon standing in front of the cocoon without missing much more than the large egg’s wobbling. Stalwart and Storm stood at the edge of the room with a pair of soldier drones at his sides, in case the egg’s occupant was no longer herself. He would have a decent view of the hatching even if it was fifteen feet away. Light was provided by spells from both soldier drones so he would be able to see in the darkness.   Zera received reinforcements for the excited foals, getting two more caretakers to help manage them for the hatching period. They were smart for their age. Not as smart as Violet of course, but more than the average foal for sure. They probably picked up on Stalwart’s spike of happiness and thought mom is coming home.   The queen returned her attention to the occupant, whose instinct driven mind was getting more restless and legs were kicking about frequently.   ‘Push.’ The queen commanded.   The occupant felt the order go through her, and after a small shake, it began trying to break free in earnest. Its hooves made no progress on the slippery insides. It pushed and then its horn caught on the egg once more. It stretched its legs, poking its horn and stretching the cocoon further until it finally burst.   The cocoon ripped like a balloon, the side that was poked formed a slit opening along one side and leaving the rest of the shell, standing but with pieces crumbling as the occupant slid out from the lower parts with the mix that had contained it.   The Queen did not move as the mix splashed around her hard hooves, chilling them mildly. She looked at what came from the cocoon with interest, as everyone in the room did. She could taste the flavor of hope in the room, giving it a vanilla tinge to the air, not that anyone minded. It was fitting, all things considered.   The changeling occupant slid on the ground through the mix until she was only a pace away from the Queen. It breathed lightly, gradually expelling the mix from its lungs as it sought a reprieve from the hard work of breaking free.   The queen had the best position in the cavern to view the creature before her. She assessed it cautiously, keeping it carefully isolated in the link as she viewed what she was dealing with.   It registered in the link as a changeling, yet the creature was not fully covered in chitin. They gave the appearance of an overgrown nymph, molting into early adulthood, but it only had chitin in some places. It had wings reminiscent of a Pegasus’ but they were mildly bigger, stronger, wings of a predator. Lime green feathers adorned the front, lightening to a pale color before having the wingtips displaying a faint yellow. It had temporarily soft chitin on its legs, going up its flanks around the cutie mark to the spine, going up to where the two-hoof length mane began.   Her attention was briefly split to its mouth as it pushed out more of the mix, small fangs showing in its mouth. Its eyes were closed but still had its colorful mane laying over its face. Once she was sure they were in good health, having finished pushing out the rest of the mix in their lungs, she returned to looking over their form for further details.   The chitin was strange, forming small plates rather than being one continuous piece. Some parts were larger and had more fibers indicating their future density on the less flexible parts of their leg and flank. Other parts around the joints and spine had smaller pieces, reminding her of some of the more primitive armor prototypes that ponies had made a long time ago and abandoned for being too difficult to reproduce. Thankfully all of it seemed to be tied to a single carapace throughout that was standard in her hive. It seemed the body knew exactly what happened to it and made very certain it would not suffer the same fate again. Even their front hooves were covered in chitin, seeming to emphasize the hoof where the fur made a kind of collar where it met chitin.   The queen stood there for a minute, continuing to take her time with this hatchling. A small part of her feared the inside had changed just as much as the outside, causing her to need to be cautious. Their wings meant they weren’t good in closed spaces, but it would be excellent in finer flight and power at the sacrifice of speed. The chitin would make them harder to injure in those areas, yet was still as vulnerable as a pony everywhere else.   Slowly she reached a tendril of thought to their place in the link, taking care to not be noticed by them as she examined their potential in the link.   This mind was strange yet familiar. The way the mind ‘felt’ was both that of her Legate, as well as that of a young Queen, one that was already subdued and loyal. It was a comforting feeling, one that was familiar like that of her drones, yet retained a unique quality that she had only found in her Legate. A quick exploration of their memories demonstrated the ‘pony-like’ aspects of the memory being retained, the optimism and desire to work with others rather than fight. Looking over the changelings and their history still seemed to be translated roughly the same, yet there was a sense of hope for the future among those memories and a caution in the happier memories, as if their hopes were tempered by experience.   This fascinated the Queen. Never had she or any queen before her seen such a thing, just like when the Legate joined the hive. She searched the memories of all who came before her, but no memory of any changeling who was or had been a part of the link had encountered this before. Once again, her Legate was unique, a metamorphosis that might be another turning point in their history, depending on how things turned out.   She cautiously expanded the link to touch their mind, using a small thread barely bigger than before to open contact with the mind, just enough to be sensed. She would see what it would do first.   The mind began to flicker, activity beyond what kept the young queen alive began to stir. It reacted with curiosity toward the strand, feeling like it was familiar. She opened herself to this changeling above her in the link’s rank that wished something of her.   Carefully, the Queen opened the thread a little more, asking a single question that the mind heard in an almost hazy, surreal way.   ‘Who are you?’ The calm voice asked.   The immediate response was less words and more a flood of feelings and memories as an answer through the link. She was a mother to three foals, images of the foals and nymph flashing before the queen. She was daughter to the Queen, and a flicker of a thought processed herself as a queen as well in that event, then confusion came as if she wasn’t sure, until she reasserted that she was a young queen. She relayed a picture of herself next to her Queen, standing by them and looking up at them with a smile until the mind could form words for what it thought.   'I am Young Queen Meadow Dawn, serving as Legate to Queen Chrysalis of the Ridgeback Hive.' Came the mind's identifying response, sounding very pleased with itself, much like a young drone for giving that answer.   'And what… what is your purpose?' The queen asked.   'To assist my queen in managing her hive in any and all capacities available, be a diplomat for changeling-pony relations, and ensure the continued improvement and survival of the changelings.' She replied, breathing calmly and speaking with a small degree of reverence in her tone.   'Then awake my Legate. Awaken to the world anew.'   Dawn’s body woke, beginning to stir. Slowly, their eyes fluttered, opening to reveal her regular green pony eye and her previously damaged eye. The both the old eye and the new repaired eye were slitted, much like Chrysalis’ own, but the new held green tones of the original iris with yellow tones mixed throughout. Both bore every mark of the receptors needed to see and survive in the dark as all changelings required.   Slowly the young queen stood, as if they were aware of their very soft chitin was prone to tearing or cracking if she moved too quickly or stretched too far. The queen watched as they eventually reached their full height, standing tall and proudly. New muscles were being tested and strained as they were used, many of them for the first time where the originals were damaged beyond repair.   The young queen took a deep breath once she stood, closing her eyes and reaching out in the link to the hive to give her greetings. For the first time, she realized the breadth of the link’s abilities. A new mental world opened to her, where a crowd multiple millions large of changeling-ponies seemed to turn to her and smile, most of them reaching out to hug and greet her as one of them.   A tear formed at the corner of her eye as she reveled in the connection, finally feeling like she understood them, was one of them, and should have been all along as she realized what it was truly like. The hive welcomed her, giving her a bow as their Legate before giving the hugs she desired, and she in turn hugged and embraced them all, sharing in her love for her ginormous family.   The hive seemed to smile at the Legate as she truly walked among them. Millions of lights shone within the darkness. They were doing, thinking, feeling. It pulsed with life as information was exchanged at the speed of thought. Ideas, desires, feelings, all faster than anyone could ever speak, all detailed beyond what words could ever express. Only the changelings could truly touch it. The sheer volume of information and power exchanging would overwhelm and consume or burn up all but the changelings if they ever could touch it in its entirety.   This… this was The Link.       Dawn felt whole, complete, and proud. A fleeting thought arrived, that whomever had thought they harmed her had truly miscalculated, because she was better now than she ever had been… and then she realized she had missed a year and a half of her foals growing up and numerous others were harmed in that event that would not make the recovery she had.   Unstintingly, the hive quickly ensured her memories were filled to see every moment through Nymph, Zera, and others around her family. Within less than a second, the knowledge was freely given, as if she had been there in their place if she wished to absorb the memories for herself. Every sight, every sound, taste, smell, touch, all of it for the past year and a half were freely hers and pouring into her. Her mind began the task of absorbing it and sorting it to keep the details it felt it needed, still not nearly as 'instant' as the queen or many drones, but it was enough. It was clear the Young Queen did not inherit an eidetic memory, though it did get mildly improved.       The bombing had been traced to a rogue group of Purists who had learned of Dawn's true nature. They were gone now, though that still left the Purists who had made the mistake of attacking a high level Player in ‘The Game,’ causing the Council to truly take notice of them and go after everyone who used that label as a lesson.   Normally, the upper houses of the Equestrian society wouldn’t even be bothered by such small pawns, but as soon as they made a move within ‘The Game’ against a growing high-level player, and someone acting in the name of Purists was the offenders, it elevated them to their levels of retaliation. This ‘move’ was indicated as a wish to join ‘The Game’ and its battlefield. The Purists were among predators that would walk freely, fresh meat that was to be savored and taken down with precision.   It had begun small at first… a few troublesome members simply vanishing or having unfortunate accidents. Then a few dirty secrets got exposed to the public, the underground dealings never reached the light of day, but often went very poorly for them.   Slowly but surely, seemingly random events, pure chance, and runs of bad luck happened for the group as The Game worked as it always had and always will. Even those who renounced their membership, but not their ways did not gain a lesser sentence. Their actions at the time of the incident and leading up to it were weighed. Those who did renounce their ways were judged based on how much they enabled the group to make it happen, and many of them did not gain a lesser sentence either.   The group still existed now, but it was a shadow of its former self. Its numbers dwindled, its chapter houses were gone. Its power had been sapped away until it was just an annoying gnat buzzing at the edge of society.   The Game had weighed and measured The Purists, and it had found them wanting.   The Queen's Mate had blamed herself for what happened to Dawn until it came to light the grey-winged one was the one who had revealed Dawn's secret to an enemy of the hive sympathizer. The sympathizer had relayed it and queen's mate now blamed the grey-winged one entirely. The Hive concluded this was irrational to an extent. While he did bear the responsibility of the initial breach, the Queen's Mate seemed to be focusing all her hurt, regrets, and rage on the grey-winged one. It wasn’t until the plaything of Queen’s Mate stood her ground in spite of the danger and pointed out how irrational it was that the hurt mostly stopped. It only demonstrated how right her mate’s decision was to have the fiery mare as a plaything.   It was little surprise to Dawn that Storm had the courage to stand up to her owner, though it was most interesting to see a nearly feral Twilight demanding everything of Storm during her heat as well. Storm had spent her own heat with Nightfall a week later and appeared to successfully reproduce with him. The hive had its own suspicions on the matter, but saw no reason to interfere with the offspring regardless.     Dawn's renown had also spread. News of what happened was over the news for several weeks and details about her became even more known. The initial day of the bombing focused on the injured, their families, and listing her as part of the blast. Footage reviews of the events, including the swarm covering the Ponyville General Hospital, continued to be discussed on news stations for some time.   It appeared one of the news crews had filmed the Hive’s exodus from the hospital and Dawn, Stalwart, and Storm were all filmed as they approached the Castle Friendship. Graphic warning for younger audiences were shown before news crews revealed that Dawn was a hybrid and various experts were spoken to about hybrids now that Violet Flame wasn’t the only one.   Various groups began assembling to discuss this discovery, mostly consisting of pony-changeling partners who often wished to have offspring of their own. When it was reiterated she was the Princess of Hope, ponies’ hopes continued to rise that she could allow them to have offspring.   Dawn was now well known within the pony lands. Dawn found this information intriguing and she moved forward to her queen and placed her neck and cheek along their form.         Dawn’s mind filtered everything automatically, slowly beginning to ache as it discarded bits of information but tried to keep important bits, some trivial items still slipping into memory. She looked to her queen with a small feeling of wonder, trying to determine what else her queen needed of her before she was to feed, wanting to look after her foals at the same time.   Chrysalis did not react, only observed as the green mare had sent the request to the caretaker of her foals far more easily than ever before. Zera and the other two caretakers informed the foals it was time, and allowed the pair to approach. The two soldiers with the adult guests also gave the go-ahead to approach.   'I'm back mom…' Dawn relayed in the link as she noted the approach of her other family.   Chrysalis approached and put her hooves around Dawn’s neck, hugging her close and tight while being mindful of the soft chitin. ‘I never doubted you would return.’   Dawn chuckled and smiled back at her as she then turned to face Stalwart and Storm and little Roaming. The joy that Stalwart was radiating was a huge relief to her senses and she greedily took it in as she gave the three a smile, her foals still on their way.   A fleeting thought of Dawn doubting herself and her abilities before the events took place surfaced, but she suppressed that thought process for the moment. She had survived. She was a changeling and anything that didn’t kill her would make her stronger as her body adapted. She could observe through the caretakers of the room that her chitin was thicker, that her muscles were bigger, and she would be more fit for resisting further combat or assassination attempts. Whoever had orchestrated this had miscalculated by not ensuring her death and had only made her stronger.   Her mother nuzzled her daughter’s head, smiling at their more changeling nature. ‘You’ve grown taller.’   Dawn blinked. She had not felt any difference in height at first, but then realized as she confirmed through the hive’s eyes that she really was taller than before. Where she would have been only a little smaller than her husband, an average mare’s height, now she would stand a hoof taller than him, not counting her horn.   'Wow… that mix really does a lot.' Dawn chuckled internally as her husband paused a couple paces away, Storm a pace to his side and the foal on her back staring wide eyed at her.   "Dawn?" Stalwart called to her, his voice sounding sad but hopeful.   "Oh come on over here you!" Dawn spoke eagerly. "I've had a distinct lack of loving from you and we have to make up for it!"   Stalwart chuckled, letting a tear come out of the corner of his eye as he approached and swiftly tried to move her into a hug.   “Mind the white areas Stalwart.” Chrysalis warned from a pace away. “Her chitin will take time to harden.”   He chuckle weakly, starting to tear up further as he continued to hold Dawn, nearly drowning her in love, “I’ve missed you so much…”   “I know love, I’ve missed you too.” Dawn said, her voice reverberating and echoing despite how quietly it was said. She greedily fed on his love while returning the gesture in kind.   Chrysalis watched, fascinated as she felt and tasted not just Stalwart’s love, but Dawn’s own flavor of love in the air. Somehow her daughter was a queen who was producing her own love when young queens normally can only store love and distribute it over the link!   “Well, you sound different.” Stalwart said, sniffing and giving her a look over with a soft smile, “And you look different.”   “Not that different.” Storm chimed in with a smirk. “Glad to have you back green.”   "I am still your fabulous wife." Dawn said with a joking toss of her mane, which had grown long enough to hang almost at her chest from all that time without a trimming. “Glad to be back Lapdog.”   The two two-year-old foals and the adopted changeling began to enter the cavern with the three caretakers trying to keep them under some control as they pranced about and tried to get past to rush over to their mother.   ‘Your chitin should be hardened come the next dawn.’ Chrysalis suggested to Dawn as Stalwart radiated gratitude toward the hive, as if they would possibly do anything less for one of their own.   'But the next foal or drone named Dawn might be a while.' Dawn joked, 'but thank you mother. I will be careful… then again, my foals might not be.'   The foals and nymph squeaked and called out for their mother eagerly, causing Stalwart to laugh and step to the side to give them a path to her. Nymph was barely much bigger than the foals, but looking much healthier than she had been,   ‘The caretakers are on the alert, they should be able to handle them.’ Chrysalis answered.   'Never underestimate foals, especially hybrids.' Dawn warned mischeviously.   'They have been wonderful little Tartarus-spawns.'   'I know. They inherited their cleverness from you, I’m positive.'   'Oh, do not sell yourself short daughter.'   'Where do you think I got mine from?' She countered.   '… Oh now you’re bringing in technicalities… How very changeling of you daughter.' she said with pride.   'Yep. Still think they did though.'   'Well, I am honored you think that.'   'And I'm honored to be your daughter and a full-fledged queen after all that time in there.' Dawn countered before the foals darted forward   "Mommy!" "Mom's back!" “Queeny!”   The three of them leapt at their mother with all the energy their little bodies could hold. Dawn laughed and carefully moved to hug them, using a spell to shield her vulnerable pieces and keep them only to the furred parts of herself, barely able to keep them from trying to burrow into her body from all their enthusiasm.   “I’ve missed you too little foals.” Dawn chuckled, nuzzling them with her muzzle and landing kisses on them before they began trying to leap up and kiss at her muzzle back.   “Hey mom, what’s this white stuff?” Beacon asked. “Whoah, you’ve got scary eyes, when will I get mine!” Morning Rise asked. “Missed you lots queeny…” Nymph quietly said as she pressed in close. “Are you a changeling now mom?” Beacon asked as he tried to poke the white stuff but the magic blocked him. “You got a horn, when can I get one?” Morning Rise asked.   “Easy kiddoes, one at a time.” Stalwart said, only causing Dawn to chuckle.   “I’ve missed all of you so much, even you Storm. Congratulations on your foal.” Dawn said before returning to her foals, “Now, listen to Daddy and go one at a time.”   “Momma, you came from an egg right?” Beacon asked   “Yes, that’s right.”   “Doesn’t that make you a foal?” Beacon followed up.   “Nu-uh, she’s too big for that!” Rise protested   “I came from a cocoon. It’s like an egg but not the same.” Dawn answered with a smile, feeling their love in spite of the bickering.   “So you just hatched right?” he persisted.   “Well yes, you could-” Dawn started to say before she heard him speak up.   “Then you should be a little foal, like Zera showeded us for the other changelings.” Beacon said, a small spark falling from the tip of his horn.   “I was a little foal once. That was a long time ago.” Dawn said gently.   “But you hatched from an egg, you should be a foal!” Beacon insisted.   “If she was a foal, she wouldn’t be mommy then.” Nymph tried to protest.   “Nuh-uhhh!” Beacon stamped, horn sparking more dangerously   ‘Legate, The foal is about to-’ Zera tried to warn, simultaneously sending a warning of foal magic and an indicator he hadn’t had an outburst in half a year, longer than most unicorn foals.   Dawn recognized the warning, but she barely began to move her head when a sudden blast of light came from his horn, hitting Dawn full force and blinding her.   “Beacon!” Stalwart exclaimed in surprise with an upraised leg, looking at the faint outline of his wife in the near blinding light from behind the leg. “Dawn?!”   "Mommy?" Beacon asked, his emotions quickly turning to worry before they were replaced with excitement, "See mommy! Told ya so!"   Zera and the two caretakers blinked at the sight. They naturally had dealt with some foal magic before, but it had never been like this before.   'Well… technically he's not wrong… now.' her mother said with amusement.   Jeron smirked as he looked at what his hivemate reported about the Legate’s status, 'Yup, even Queeny could take you in and really give birth to you now just to prove him right!'   Dawn barely registered the joke from confusion, light fading suddenly and leaving her eyes starting to adjust to the darkness as she began to fall to the ground. She braced herself for pain as she fell three feet, then heard a sharp clack of newly hardened chitin on the semi-soft surface of the hive floor, no pain at all.   Dawn looked around again, then blinked as she saw her foals nearly three times her size. Even Roaming was double her size and Stalwart towered over her, having approached carefully, Chrysalis towering even further above him as he knelt down by Dawn.   Suddenly Morning Rise dashed toward her, squealing in excitement as she found a new playmate to wrestle with and Storm grinned evilly as she saw what was about to happen, relishing the moment.   Dawn readily braced herself, being bowled over and hugged and wriggled at as Rise tried to play wrestle and Dawn fended her daughter off, grateful they were at least on even footing strength-wise. Then her daughter began to try to tickle and she flailed in earnest.   'Are you alright Legate?’ Zera asked, concerned for the young queen of the hive and the offspring.   'I will be when I’m not in danger of being tickled to tears!’ Dawn replied playfully, barely dodging another jab at her side. She squealed and looked to her husband, who was already reaching for Rise.   "All right fillies, that’s enough." Stalwart said, picking Dawn up and putting her on his back.   ‘It appears he had a magical flareup my little nymph.’ Chrysalis commented calmly, a mild hint of amusement in her tone, ‘But your chitin is hard at least.’   ‘Okay, but I shouldn’t be staying a foal, right? It’ll wear off soon?’ Dawn asked, squirming as she rode on Stalwart’s back, out of reach of the foals who were expressing their disappointment.   "Foals, let’s be gentle with mom till this wears off." Stalwart said.   "Yes daddy..." they replied disappointedly.   ‘We don’t know, but with foal magic, all we can do is wait for it to wear off.’ Chrysalis said.   ‘Right…’ Dawn replied, thinking of the things she missed before banging her head against stalwart’s back, horn bouncing harmlessly to the side, ‘Dammit…’   ‘What’s wrong?’   ‘I never got the chance to finish spoiling the story to Scorched wing, and now they won’t have the scoop I owed them.’   ‘Seriously daughter? That is what you ask about after being away from everything for a year and a half?’   ‘In fairness, the link has filled me in on everything else I’d want to ask.’   ‘Touche.’ Chrysalis smirked at her in the link as the family and guests headed to their home in the hive.   Nymph flew up and landed behind Dawn on Stalwart’s back, only mildly bigger than her foal siblings, and carefully laid over Dawn’s back protectively, “I’m glad you’re back queeny.”   “So am I Nymph.” Dawn smiled back at her.   ‘Your drone is bigger than you.’ Chrysalis commented, suppressing a laugh, ‘you have a mighty hive!’   ‘Yeah, an army of one, a fearsome foalsitter!’ Dawn chuckled, giving her first drone her love before a thought crossed her mind, ‘Actually… I just realized. If I am designated as a queen, that means I’ll make drones now, not foals, right?’   ‘Most likely, though I think you may be able to do both.’ Chrysalis answered.   'What makes you say that?'   'You are a hybrid.'   'Hybrids can’t have foals though.' Dawn frowned. ‘That was the issue with Violet as far as we’re predicting.’   'Legate, perhaps you should wait till you're older for such planning.' Jeron joked.   'He is correct. You are far too young to be thinking about starting a hive.' Chrysalis reinforced.   'Awww, but moooom! It’s never too early to plan how to conquer the world!' Dawn protested teasingly before wondering how much she truly meant what was said as Nymph smothered her in affection.   The hive was amused at her reaction and the subsequent adoration of the young queen’s only drone, smothering them eagerly. Even Stalwart joined in on the chuckling as they walked into the living room.   "Mmm. I've missed getting love from you, Queeny." Nymph said as she fed.   "I’ve missed being at your side little one... wait, I’m still producing love?" Dawn asked, starting to smile again. 'Interesting.'   'You know.....out of context that sounds rather bad.' Jaron commented.   'It would seem you are.' Her mother commented, the pair of them ignoring their joker drone.   "Yup! Still very tasty!" Nymph said cheerfully, much to Jeron’s snorting in the link.   'Interesting, that’s quite useful.' Dawn thought, continuing to ignore Jeron, though with some difficulty as she started smiling at where the converstation was going.   'Yes it is… your hive will be powerful.' Chrysalis relayed in agreement.   Stalwart sniggered at Nymph’s statement, "Nymph, dear, out of context, that-"   "That’s what Jeron said." Dawn told him before dwelling on how that would make her hive powerful, leaving her husband to snicker and Jeron to picture giving Stalwart a hoofbump over the shared perspective.   “He is a joker, what little bit I’ve gotten to hear of him.” Storm smirked, Roman leaning over to look at Dawn as Storm joined Stalwart on the sofa, Dawn being set against Stalwart’s side. > 15: Growing Pains > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 15th – Year 3, day… enh, does it matter anymore?   Hi journal! I don’t know why I’m still writing in this considering I have the link and it filled me in on a lot!   Anyway, I am back, if only a few months old physically. So I barely hatched three days ago, and Beacon ended up making me a foal again! Definitely the last thing I expected, and I’m being treated more like a little sister by my foals than a mother, but Zera and Stalwart are handling everything admirably.   Due to my age, I have less control over my body and magic, and it is taking a great deal of concentration to write. It’s too early to train, but if it’s a gradual growth to adulthood, we’ll get a great opportunity to build up during puberty… ugh… this’ll be the third puberty I’ll have dealt with…   Anyway, I’ll write when I can, or Stalwart and the others will. See you later future me!   ----------   April 12th, year 3   One year old physically today. We’re pretty sure the magical flare up is wearing off slowly rather than all at once, so we’re taking our time, enjoying it. My foals are being playful and they go on walks with Stalwart and Zera. My hatching is being kept a secret until I’m grown up again. Makes sense. Normally the Nymphs aren’t allowed out of the hive as it is.   Been going through tutoring to take care of some of my education. We’re holding off on magic until I’m old enough physically to control more than this quill. I feel like I’m ready, but I probably should avoid pushing my luck.   Oh! And apparently I only just now realized mom conquered a hive while I was in the cocoon. Kinda neat, though mom’s keeping the queen around to keep her on her hooves by occasional attempts to overthrow her. Kinda get it, kinda don’t. Still, took a liking to a drone of their hive and I’m trying to see about … about… I lost my train of thought. Getting hard to focus, must be nap time. Yater-   ----------   May 25th, year 3 – Day of the Fallen   Phew, what a day! So, grew up a lot in the last month, nearly looking and feeling four or five years old now. Still been keeping my changeling status a secret, beginning light exercise in the form of play like other foals, and still learning the other subjects ok. Magic is really hard all of a sudden. Some spells go ok, like my telekinesis, but some spells do something completely different.   After a talk with Chrysalis and Twilight, we decided it could be related to my age, but if it’s not, we may need to forgoe forgeo forego, dammit brain!... anyway, forego magic lessons. Something about rules being different still and not wanting me to have to unlearn what I learn here.   So, today was the Day of the Fallen, and oh boy did I hear a lot of stories today! Ended up going with one of mom’s drones and that drone I said I liked last time, her name is Shadow. Neat huh?   ----------   Dawn stretched, waking up and ignoring the minor itching her chitin gave her, knowing full well she probably was due for yet another molting with how quickly she was growing now that more of the foal magic was wearing off. She was recovering a lot of growth from her foal's regression magic. It got to where they estimated she was growing almost a year a week last few weeks, though it might slow down again at some point. She hoped that wasn’t the case.   Today, she needed to appear in the festivities of the Day of the Fallen, yet she still needed to keep her child-like state a surprise until she was no longer vulnerable.   'Hey mom? I know that we want to keep the whole 'I've been regressed by my foal's magic' bit secret, but I’m supposed to still attend right? Surely it won't be a bad thing to go out in disguise right?' Dawn relayed   'As long as it’s as a foal disguise. I can have a drone pose as a parent. As for the main event, it would be best to avoid it. The public is aware you woke from your "coma," so they will understand you not being seen.' Chrysalis said, already getting two drones to pose as parents. 'Would you rather Shadow accompany you?'   Dawn smiled at the thought of her queen’s newly conquered hive having a favorite drone of hers look after her. Dawn called the dark angular drone of the newly assimilated hive ‘Shadow’ for their inability to do anything but be her shadow, guarding her from any possible threat even within the hive. The poor thing didn’t have much of a will or personality of her own, but Dawn liked having them around and looking after them in her own way despite the age difference.   'Shadow wouldn’t have it any other way. Maybe one drone as one parent, Shadow as the other.' Dawn offered, debating her disguise. Her family had already been encouraged to go and attend as they liked.   'Mother or father?'   'Hm. Shadow, be my mother.' Dawn thought, instinctively shifting into a foal version of cherry dancer, her friend from her Equestria. Her hair had the same green stripe in it, and she made sure she had no cutie mark in her disguise.   Without a word, Shadow became a red unicorn with a light bronze mane.   'Does this form please you, young queen?'   'It works. What's your name mom?' Dawn asked, smiling mildly as she waited for her 'father' to come along.   'Dancing Blossom.' she said.   Soon a blue furred earth pony with a black mane entered.   Dawn smiled eagerly, flicking her tail innocently as she looked up at her 'dad.' "We ready to go now dad?"   "Yes, Legate." He said as Blossom moved her daughter onto her back and headed for where the young queen wanted to go.   "Dad… can't call me that out loud!" Dawn whined, feigning a blush as she tried to work herself into the role she was taking up. She had little infiltration experience beyond trying to email Scorched Wing, and that sadly ended far too soon… she briefly wondered what to do with the situation again, but realized there was nothing to do about it until she was old enough again.   "I can when in your room." He said as they walked out of the room.   "I mean… you're talking that sense stuff again…" Dawn feigned complaint.   He smirked as they walked the halls.   Dawn smiled, happily seated on her mom's back as they got ready to meet the city as the name ‘Cherry Dancer.’ She knew her family was doing well, and was glad the hive was looking after her very excitable foals in her stead with Stalwart and Nymph.   Soon they were out into town. Streamers and banners decorated the place, giving the feel of a huge party going on. Due to Twilight’s hosting of the event as a major center, there were many, many ponies and an easy excuse to blend in.   Dawn smiled and looked around the other ponies, acting like the foal she seemed to be, just excited to get a day off from school-tutoring, get free food, and hear stories.   There were a lot of ponies from isolated homesteads in town. Many ponies came from larger cities, just to have a chance to tell their stories and hope a princess would come by and hear. Others still hoped that Dawn’s coma recovery was complete and she’d make her debut today, though there was no evidence for them to believe that.   Dawn simply rode on before she saw an artifact she didn’t expect to see, a sword. She tapped at her mom's neck. "Hey mom, look! That guy's gotta sword!"   The sword looked old, very old. It was sitting on a small stand. The sword itself was not decorated in any extravagant way, but it showed only a few flecks of rust and was in very good condition for its age as a stallion in a suit stood proudly beside the table, holding it lightly.   "Mom, Dad, can we go see it? Please?" Dawn asked, half begging.   "Sure Sweet Pea." Her "dad" said as they started to make their way towards it as the stallion was trying to gather others around.   Dawn internally winced at the nickname, never having been a fan of it, but outwardly showed happiness as she reached forward on her mom's back, trying to see over their head or around them. After all, there were many other foals gathering around to look at the sword just like her.   'That isn’t a nickname. That’s your cover name.' Her mother informed her.   'But I already came up with one. My cover name is Cherry Dancer, like my friend.' Dawn reminded them, outwardly just as eager to hear their story as the other foals.   'You never gave that name, so I told them what name to use.' The queen said. 'As I said, that wasn’t a nickname.'   Dawn blushed inwardly, mildly embarrassed and very frustrated as she realized an oversight. She kept it bottled up though and focused on her infiltration.   Chrysalis patted her head. 'Do not worry you are young.'   'Yup, growing a year each week or two!' Dawn relayed happily.   Chrysalis chuckled. Dawn waited for the pony to tell his story, trying to be patient yet feigning impatience.   The pony began his story. "This sword here is a precious family heirloom from all the way back at the Discordian era!"   There were oo’s from the gathered crowd, Dawn making the noise along with, curious about what story it had, assuming it was true.   "This sword was given to my Ancestor General Cherrybomb." He said. "It was given to him after the siege of Castle Canter, when my ancestor, by Captain Bright Side after the fall of Canter, The General allowed the remaining forces to pass peacefully to the east. As thanks the captain gave him his sword."   There was a sort of… tick in the Link… a sense of wrongness. A wrongness that wanted to be corrected.   Dawn listened while instinctively thinking about what happened and reaching for the link to correct it. The stallion was talking about his ancestor and the battle he fought, but as he talked, Dawn started feeling something heavy on her. There was something that bounced near her. It felt like the impact of hooves. She could hear a tinkling noise of equipment jostling, her nose filling with the smell of smoke.   A pony in chainmail ran before Ermia. Yells and the clash of steel echoed around him.   "Go, go! Get to the river!” Someone shouted.   A moment later, an arrow seemed to just materialize in the back of the pony ahead of Ermia. They dropped and he barely jumped to the side as another arrow appeared in the ground where he was about to be. Looking up, he saw pegasi archers on low clouds, wearing leather armor as they fired down on the soldiers of Castle Canter.   Behind them, the castle was being engulfed by a fire, one that was slowly spreading to consume the once mighty fortress.   Dawn was half amazed at what she was realizing... she was both having the memory click and replay in her mind, yet she was also interacting with the others without anyone knowing that she was getting a history lesson at the same time. She was able to let her amazement show while still bottling up her negative feelings from watching the fighting.   ==========   'This is madness!' The other infiltrator, Walin, said through the link.   The two drones had been sent to infiltrate the castle and gather intel on the ponies there.   They knew somewhat of what was going on, some form of pony war for supremacy agaisnt their fellow ponies but the matters of ponies mattered little the queen, outside of the soldier being everywhere and moving seemingly at random in a nation wide civil war between….honestly they had no idea how many factions there were as it seemed to change by the hour.   All they knew was this was war and it endangered the hive and thus they were sent to gather intel.   They hadnt meant to get caught in the castle when it came under siege.   Theu ould jave become pegasi and flown away same as nlw but the archers of the attackers were skilled and it was safer to remain in the castle, the walla hadnt been breeched depaite numerous attempts.   That was, util the gate house threw open the gates and allowed the enemy to pour in, the result of those changing Allegiances.   Then it had been a fight as those inside and those outside were outnumbered 15 to 1.    It quickly became clear that the enemy had no intention of leaving any alive and Ermia and Walin had no choice but to fight alongside them if they wished to avoid passing into memory.   Then the Captain had ordered a push, push the enemy back and to run. The castle was lost all that was left was to reach safety and service    And thus Ermia ran with the others as they fought their way through the enemy line. Dozens falling to the number of enemy but somehow they broke through and now they ran as the attacker attacked them from the rear.   The river was their only chance. If they could cross it it would slow the enemy ground forces and they could deal with the pegasi.   A ball of fire came from the sky and exploded sending bodies flying.   "THEY HAVE SIEGE ENGINES!" Someone screamed as another ball of fire explodes sending bodies flying and engulfing others.   The screams of those whose fur caught alight were like nothing Ermia had ever experienced percially and he ignored them as he just focused on the ground ahead of him and trying to avoid the airs and fireballs from the sky.   Then his hooves splashed into the river as the dawn's light continued to grow.   Now here was the issue, the same thing that would save them across the river also endangered them.   That being actually making it across the shoulder deep water as it slow then down.   And as expected the slaughter became worse as arrows rain down and soldier now attacked them.   Ermia winced as a spear pierces Walin's chest and his hive mate passed into memory, thankfully falling into the water before he reverted to his true form so their cover remained intact.   Ermia's hoof hit a loose set of rocks under the water and he fell face first into the water and struggled when something wrapped around his chest and pulled him back up.   "On your hooves soldier! Move!" The Captain's right hoof pony yelled, her armor scorched and furnsinfed from proximity to one of the fireballs.   She was always with the captain and if she was here and the captain wasn't.   Before he could finish his train of thoughtn she shoved him and he was running again as more ponies fell around him.   Then his hooves hit the dirt on the other side and he scrambled up the bank and ran with those who remained.   He spared a glance behind him to see a river that now ran red, he couldn't even begin to tell how many bodies choked the river like some sick stepping stones. Somewhere in the piles was Walin, he wouldn't be able to recover his body and would have to leave it.   On the far side the archer forced on them and he saw a pony in a fancy suit of armor bend down to body and rank something from it and look it over before yelling something and the archer stopped.   And behind the enemy army was the inferno that had once been Castle Cantel, the impenetrable fortress has fallen, her defenders slaughtered nearly to the last pony and those who still drew breath only did so because of luck as they fought their way to freedom.    ==========   Dawn listened while feeling that memory, fascinated. It was sad to be sure, but the story this man said of how they gave the sword as a peace offering wasn’t even close to true. She felt the mote of sadness pressing on her like a bitter pill, but one she could keep further in until she was ready to tackle it later. She joined in the cheering when he told his story to the end, keeping that pill shelved.   The stallion smiled with pride at the conclusion of his story about his great ancestor and how proud he was of them.   Dawn continued to play along as she assimilated this knowledge. 'Interesting... hey mom? I heard the story, but then lived through the memory showing he was lying at the same time, and I don’t feel immediately bad anymore!'   'What about it?' She asked. 'And I doubt he is lying. Lying implies intentionally not telling the truth. He is telling the truth as he knows it most likely.'   'True... and he is definitely misinformed though.' Dawn had to agree, 'But still, I’ve never done this before. I couldn't both use the link and deal with my body at the same time.'   'You were using a solely pony brain before, it couldn’t handle the task of both. Now, you are more changeling.'   'Fascinating… I am seeing no real downsides to my having been 'ling-ified.' Dawn grinned to her mom in the link, feeling like the excited foal she was. 'Makes me wonder if I can make stalwart a ling... No, that’d be bad. It'd change him, that much I'm sure, even if we could add him to the hive."   'I don’t think we could. If that was possible, then it would have happened by now to others.'   'Or I'm just weird.' Dawn replied cheerily. 'That one human turned pony turned alicorn turned partial ling turned young ling queen…'   'You are not weird. You are exactly as you’re supposed to be.'   'Yup. It is awesome.' Dawn relayed happily.   Her mother chuckled. 'So tell me daughter, what are you going to do with the information you now have?'   'Not share it yet. They take pride in it and more importantly, have turned it into a more positive memory for them. It does no one harm to let them continue.' Dawn answered before getting more of a taste for the nearby emotions and answering, 'and improves our feeding grounds at these times.'   'That it does, and you learn the difference between truth and fact.'   'I mean, that too.' Dawn admitted to her mom with an inner grin as her parents looked around for any other stories she might like.   'It is rather interesting. I have seen how others so often confuse Truth with Fact and think the concepts are interchangeable when they are distinctively different.' Chrysalis idly commented as she watched her daughter move through the festivities. 'It is most fascinating how quick the colorful ones are to accept a lie as truth, at least the majority. There are those who of course remain skeptical and are harder to convince of things. But they are rare, and they are dangerous to us.'   'Because they can uncover us or reveal things we don’t want known, like Scorched Wing.' Dawn relayed.   'And the Council among others. Those who live within secrets and seek them out, they can often see through us, see the cracks in the masquerade. If we are not careful with them, they could bring it all crashing down. We may walk openly among them, but we survive within that secrecy, remaining apart. I do not believe the sister, the council, nor Twilight would betray us. If they were going to, they would have by now. But others? There is a reason we keep things like the facts of the stallion’s ancestor secret. There is danger in knowing secrets, and many won’t like what they find if revealed.'   'Worst case scenario they doubt most of history and then riot against the leaders for reasons unrelated to what the leaders could control.' Dawn agreed   'Exactly. Normally we wouldn’t care, but the Sisters, the Council, and those in charge have been good to us. We do not wish harm to come to them. Our survival is at its best with them remaining in power, and that is why they have our loyalty.'   'Makes sense to me.' Dawn said, going into thought as she kept up pretenses.   There were many stories around town. Some were old, some more recent. Some were close to facts, some were just slightly muddied by times, and some the validity of the stories were unknown to the link. Some were humorous, some sad, some just interesting.   Dawn was intrigued by most, making observations until the time had come for the official event's proceedings.   Many gathered in the town square where a projector was set up to show the broadcasts from Canterlot. Dawn and her parents did similarly, Dawn resting on Shadow's back as she listened and watched.   Soon it began projecting and the event played out similarly to the one she took part in last year, only Celestia read a different passage to the journal from last year.   Dawn nodded as she listened, watching the event continue. Soon the singing began and even here, the crowd joined in. Dawn joined as well to blend in, mildly surprised at her not being mentioned yet.   And soon the events were over   'Well, that’s that I suppose.'   'Yes. Enjoy the festivities daughter.' Chrysalis said, smiling before leaving Dawn to have fun.   =====   June 23rd, Monday, year   Hey journal, Dawn here again. Finally reached eight years old physically. Been making good progress on my lessons on history and math and stuff, and been playing a lot more outdoors. As much as I thought I’d be playing my video games, I haven’t really done that much. Weird right? Maybe it’s because none of it is new and I just haven’t connected with the games they make here very well. Who knows though?   Anyway, family’s been good. Foals are getting kinda annoying but I love ‘em anyway. Stalwart’s been telling me he wants us to have our third foal once I’m old enough again. Surprised me by saying he would be willing to carry them to term. I completely forgot I told him it’d be his turn next. Definitely a good guy if he’s willing to do that for me, though I think we’d probably want to give him some time before we try that out. Don’t want him freaking out over being a mare like some people did in the human world when they were disoriented… dis… dis-something. Brain’s fuzzy still somehow. Whatever! Point is, love my da husband to death!   Geeze brain. You’d think I could still keep things straight… focusing is still really hard too.   Oh! Summer Sun celebration was fun while I was out and about. Did a lot of things, ate a bunch of things, visited au Princess Celestia and Luna for the evening. Accidentally fell asleep while with them and woke up today at home. That was embarrassing!   -----   August 12th, year 3   Well… I’m really embarrassed… and sad… disappointed…   I nearly goofed up really hard today. Never thought puberty would hit so hard… I know that shouldn’t be an ‘excuse’ but it really was the reason I couldn’t think straight… now I’m stuck in my room, practically quarantined for almost making an attempt at ‘abuse of power.’   I don’t wanna think about it… but mom says this is part of my punishment.   So, here’s what happened.   ----------   Dawn was happy today, thinking about how things had gone through her regrowth. It was a new but refreshing feeling to her to have a foalhood that was so thoroughly supported. A week ago, she had hit puberty and all seemed to be well, until she started to feel an insatiable need to mate. She often reached to her husband, but he said as much as he loved her, she was too young to do so just yet, and it could hurt her from size difference alone, let alone other concerns.   Dawn tried to bear with her needs, still desperately needy until today, when she felt bloated and her belly was mildly distended.   'Perhaps you should see a doctor Dawn. They have meds for having such issues, though I’ve never heard of one quite as severe as yours.' Chrysalis offered after a whole day of dealing with Dawn’s high libido and keeping her drones in check.   'True, but is it really so bad?' she asked, not liking the idea of seeing a doctor.   'You are practically raising your tail at everything with a fifth leg.'   'Come on mom… I'm not that bad…' Dawn protested.   'Legate,’ Jeron commented, trying to be neutral and polite, ‘I know we have enjoyed our joking about it before, but you even tried to get me to ‘alleviate it’, and I'm more seen as a friend and companion rather than a potential mate before this episode.'   Other drones showed Dawn hitting on random guards and servants, flicking her tail at them and adapting a very heavy hip-sway when walking by stallions.   Dawn blushed, then sighed, 'Fine, you're all right, and I didn't even realize it. I'll go see a doctor…'   She resigned herself to her fate and began to head to the nearest medical facility, Ponyville General Hospital, knowing her Shadow was staying nearby as always.   Dawn made her walk to the hospital, undisguised, but looking around attentively. In her eyes, she was behaving, but every time they passed a stallion, she had to be reminded how her hip sway was changing or she'd 'accidentally' make her tail hit a passerpony on the way. It was shameful but she couldn't help it. She didn’t even realize it was happening until it was being pointed out.   'You’re practically in heat.' Chrysalis chuckled.   'You're... not wrong. Probably several.' Dawn frowned as the doors of the hospital loomed. It was still a small two story wooden structure that started out as a small clinic that gradually expanded to hospital status.   ‘Don’t be a drama Queen dear.’ Chrysalis replied, amused.   The waiting room was nice and homey with books for reading, magazines that were up to date, and a tv in a corner, muted with subtitles on some sitcom.   Dawn went up to the counter, trying not to fidget as she tried to figure out what she should say and how to say it.   The mare behind the counter looked up at her. "Ah, needing something to relax to?"   "More like I need to be checked on… I've been acting like I'm in heat, yet I'm not and it only started a week ago..." Dawn said with a blush, having a strong suspicion that Chrysalis would make Shadow say it, or Shadow herself would be more blunt.   "That’s what I said." the nurse said, sighing as she’d been trying to be polite. "Please take a seat and a doctor will be with you shortly."   "Sorry…" Dawn blushed, missing that detail and blaming puberty again for being socially awkward once more. She walked over to a chair and sat in it, trying to meditate and failing.   After a bit, a nurse came out and took her to an exam room to wait.   Dawn let herself go to the examination room, getting her weight in as slightly above average for her physical age, and blood pressure as excellent, slightly lower in a good way. She then tried to wait for a doctor to become available.   After a bit, a mare in a white coat entered. "Good morning. I'm Dr. Goodvibes and I understand your having an issue with your cycle?"   "You... you could say that." Dawn nodded with a blush, unsure why she was embarrassed about the subject again, revealing her form so she could be properly evaluated.   "Now do you mind telling me exactly what the issue is?" She asked as she ignored the transformation   "So… dealing with foal magic first off.” Dawn tried to clarify. “I got zapped by my foals right after I hatched from the cocoon that healed me from the IED a year ago. Lately I’ve have been growing back about a year of my physical age a week, give or take. Well, ever since last week, I kinda have been very… needy."   "Needy?" The doctor asked with a raised brow.   “I don't know why I'm being so embarrassed about it. I’ve had two foals…” Dawn said, starting to speak before getting faster as she went. “I'm practically wanting sex all the time, toys don't sate it at all, and mom says I should get looked at so here I am!”   "Ah, hmm… if I recall you were in that messy business a year ago and were in a coma after that right?"   "Yes..." Dawn agreed, swearing she had just said that a minute ago, "It's how I gained my chitin in more of my body."   "I see… it sounds like the trauma threw off your cycle, nothing too major."   Dawn blinked, saying in a deadpan voice, "Seriously?"   "Yes, things that cause undue stress on the body is known to throw off cycles." She said.   “Huh…” Dawn tried to say, doubtful the answer was at all right. “There’s got to be a way to fix this…”   “I’m going to write you a prescription for the heat, it should help you manage it and have a clearer head.” Dr Goodvibes instructed.   Suddenly, Dawn got an idea. The whole reason the law requiring a certain age was because of the issue of informed consent. Normally, many people under a certain age aren’t old enough to think the situation through and actually comprehend the consequences for their actions. She was old enough, having lived a good thirty some years, and knew the outcome. Hell, she already had two foals!   ‘Daughter, I would strongly encourage you not to mention this idea.’ Chrysalis intervened, sensing her Legate was about to be particularly short-sighted.   ‘What? Why not!’ Dawn protested as Dr Goodvibes left the office and Dawn was left waiting for processing.   ‘Well, let’s have you play this out in the Link and I’ll show you how it’d go.’ Chrysalis said.   Dawn’s inner vision shifted, bringing Dr Goodvibes back into the room as far as the Link was concerned.   ‘You, my daughter, were so plain to read a high school colt could see through you.’ Chrysalis warned, clacking her hoof on the tile as the scene played out, Dawn began seeing herself on the medical bed and Goodvibes listening to Dawn on her rolling stool.   "I... see...” Link-Dawn said, “And purely from an ethics point of view, I know that underaged sex has a lot to do with how someone normally isn't mentally ready or responsible enough for it, nor able to give informed, enthusiastic consent. That wouldn't count for me however, considering my being informed, as long as it doesn't lead to foals before my body is ready, right?"   "Are you asking me to give you the go ahead to trick someone into raping you?" The Link-Dr. asked flatly.   "Not at all." Link-Dawn countered just as flatly, "I'm making sure what ethical issues there'd be in resuming sexual activities with my husband. Usually the issue behind the child statutory rape has to do with informed consent, which is an issue I don't have and I’m still married."   "And then little miss Filly sees an exception was made for mental ‘maturity,’ and goes and sleeps with a stallion without telling them her physical age and now we have an innocent stallion branded a rapist by those around him and his life is ruined. Then another mare thinks she’s mentally old enough to do it and another stallion’s life is ruined and another and another and another and then this hospital gets sued, I lose my license because some mare wants to argue the law and thinks it shouldn’t apply to her." Link-Goodvibes said, getting up writing something down and handing it to her. "This is a prescription for some meds that will help, now please get out of my sight and if I hear you ask this of anyone else I'll call the guard."   The pair froze in front of Chrysalis and Dawn in the Link.   Dawn paused, blinking as she realized that would have been how it would have played out. ‘Wait… … oh… I would have missed the point completely…’   ‘Correct.’ Chrysalis warned. ‘She would have tried to point out you were setting a bad example for other foals.’   ‘I… Damn, I was so wrapped up in my situation, I just… I lost sight of everything else.’   ‘That is why we wanted to send you to a Doctor.’ Chrysalis instructed, looking at her sternly. ‘While the laws of these ponies get in the way of changelings, they take them very seriously and since they are nice to us, we respect their rules as best we can.’   ‘I… I would have been in serious trouble too.’   ‘Still are.’ Chrysalis warned. ‘If it hadn’t been for my intervention, you would have attempted to abuse your station, and possibly tried to break the law and set that bad example she would have warned you about.’   ‘Oh…’ Dawn frowned at her mother, ears drooping, ‘I’ll ground myself to my room until this goes away…’   ‘See that you do. I’m sure Twilight will have some stern words for you as well.’ Chrysalis said.   ‘Mom, please no…’ Dawn whimpered. ‘In the end I didn’t. I listened…’   ‘Then make sure this does not happen again.’ Chrysalis warned.   ‘Yes mom.’ Dawn relayed, ‘I’ll be confining myself to home till this is over.’   ‘See that you do.’ Chrysalis said in the link.   The door opened and Dr. Goodvibes walked in, pausing as she noticed Dawn’s lowered posture. “Mrs Dawn? Is everything all right?”   “Just… realized I nearly would have done something I would regret for a long time.” Dawn said.   “Oh?”   “I… was trying to think of a way around the rules to get what I wanted until I realized I wasn’t thinking straight.” Dawn confessed. “Trying to get myself under control and will be confining myself until I can behave appropriately again.”   “Ah.” Dr. Goodvibes said, frowning mildly, “at least you came to your senses.”   “Yeah… just never had this come up so strong before.”   “Well, here is your prescription. It’s alicorn strength.” She said, “You’ll get through this, just like every mare has.”   “Yeah… thank you for understanding.” Dawn said, taking the prescription and summoning a drone to deliver it, then deliver the medicine to her.   ----- In the end, I forced myself to be put in a separate room on a separate floor because of how difficult it was to keep away from Stalwart… Chrysalis still told Twilight and… many tears were shed. I don’t want to think about it… I let her down bad. Not sure how much of a solace it is that mom is trying to keep me from being very, very dark right now, but I’ll worry about that after this is over. Till next time journal...