> Flutterdies Rage: Rampage Across Ponyville. > by Fanayvea > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Descent > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- That day started like any other. Fluttershy feeling like crap, remembering that her life is a shithole, with a shit job, no bits, and of course, the icing on the cake, being a tool. She lived in a shit town called ponyville, and she had no connections with any other place to get her out of this hell. She had no one. No one would listen to her cries for help. That day, At breakfast, She found she hadn't enough bits for food She was immediately pissed off, starting her day in an angry way. She forwent feeding the animals breakfast that day. She was too pissed off at the world to do anything. She figured she would go to work that day. Her boss didnt need her that much, and she usually just ignored fluttershy on the days she wasn't there. Her boss never payed her anyway. Se lived on the other side of town, at the school district. "Third time this week youve been late." Her boss, cheerilee said. "Those tests arent going to create themselves." "Well, how am I supposed to come up with questions? youre curriculum is everywhere." Cheerilee had just enough with fluttershy. "On a more pleasing note, Ive hired Big Macintosh to replace you. Ever since he was..." Cheerilee smiled coyly. "Emasculated, hes been much more submissive." Fluttershy became enraged with cheerilee. How dare she take away her precious Big Mac? It was bad enough that she castrated him, but now he had to work for her for less pay than fluttery was getting? She was so frustrated she could just scream, but she didnt, becuase she remembered the catastrophic that had happened last time. She had destroyed the whole kitchen. Futtershy noticed that cheerilee was carrying a heavy box. "Whats in the box, Cheerilee? whats in the box? whats in the trucking box?!" "Oh, nothing. Lets just say I kept a trophy from the castration. She pulled out a massive severed horse penis from the box. it was red and smelled strongly of maple and appleseed. Although the scent almost made Fluttershy faint, she was angry that cheerilee was using big macintoshs severed shlong to mastubate. "Its a great device for rubbing it out, don't you think fluttershy? But of course, you would know that, right Flut. Fluttershy shouted "Ill Kill you!" cheerilee left the room, for she had morre imporant things to tend to than a disgruntled pegasus. Fluttershy couldnt work that day. she was too pissed off at the world top get anything done. Fluttershy was walking back to her cottage when she figured she would call her best friend in the whole world, rainbow dash. Yo, bro, lets get a bite to fucken eat." "No, bitch too expensive." "Come on, we gotta eat, its fun, too." "alrite, but the bits are coming out of your ass, my dealers too freaked out for me too buy it short again." It was over. Just like that, the conversation was done. Fluttershy had decided to go to lunch with Rainbow Dash today. They had simply hung up without a compassionate or meaningful thought. Anyone could come up with a meaningful thought, but no one really cared anymore. You could get through life and indulge yourself just by being a brainless monkey. Fluttershy thought all of this as her heart became more crestfallen. She could hardly take anymore of this humanity bull. No one cared anymore. everything was mindless self indulgence and pessimism. Anypony had the capacity for compassion, but few cared to show it. Kindness just simply wasnt worth it to most ponies. Ponies simply cared about themselves to much to show kindness to anypony else. These thoughts were invading Fluttershys mind as she felt her heart imploding in on itself. Suddenly, she had the first vision. It was simple. A simple vision. sugar cube corner burning down. She was no therapist, so she had no idea of what was going on. she simply dissmissed the idea as a silly thought. A dumb thought for pubescent colts filled with feelings of vengeance. The following day, Fluttershy met Rainbow Dash at the manebil gas station. Rainbow was eating a dried penis, such as the normal idle cuisine for ponies in ponyville. Rainbow always thought that penises were a tastier snack than vaginas, but they weren't exactly as good for you as vagina's. "Hey, how you doing, Rainbow?" "Just great , my boyfriend beats me and the rent is piling up." They both walked into the sugarcube corner. Then Fluttershy had that vision again, except this time it was different. it was a mare screaming with twilight sparkles library burning down. She would never thought she would have that image. It seemed that everytime she had one of these images, a part of her became more and more enraged. something was bothering her, but shed be damned if she knew what it was. Its like there was a meter inside her, and everytime she had one of these images, a piece of her became more and more enraged, to the point where she might do something... drastic. They stepped inside of sugarcube corner. "Aw c'mon, Fluttershy, why do we have to eat here?" "This Ponyville, Rainbow, we have to eat at a ponyville place." Rainbow Dash was reluctant. "Its full of fat, itll make you fat." "cmon, were pegasi, were supposed to be this way." "Ill have the filly cheese steak." "Ill just have the salad." "You know that their salads are just worse for you than there burgers?" Rainbow dash was shocked. "Oh Im sorry I had no idea. Why would Pinkie make something that was worse for you but appeared to be good for you?" "Oh, trust me, Id know. Pinkie pie once had me carry a bunch of her shit in Its about time! she makes something seem delightful but it is really terrible. remember cupcakes?" NO! NO! dont bring me back to that!" "Just fucking with you, Rainbow, take a joke!" Canibalism is no joke, fluttershy!" As the pinkie pie approached the table, she spilled fluttershys drink all over her gorgeous, incomprable, lovely mane that was envy of all that saw it. "OOOOOOOOOOOOH im so sorry flutters! Let me clean that up for you!" No pinkie. cmon rainbow dash were leaving." they left. We're all so precious, arent we? everyponies gotta live. Everyponies gotta be happy. Its a joke. Its an absolute joke. Rainbow Dash Thats what you didnt get. Thats what you didnt get. You think people are equal? theyre not. Theyre not. every new life isnt precious. Just isnt. Just a drop. plunck. in the bucket. So you know what? Im gonna issue my own form of population control. Empty the bucket. Empty the whole goddamn thing. SO thats what Im Gonna do. Im gonna clean the world, so maybe the rest of us acan sustain a little bit of life. Its that downward spiral toward the end of times. And there's no chance we can survive. Fluttershy went to sleep that night, knowing that she would hatch her devious plan tomorrow. > a drop in the bucket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy awoke the moring and she meticoulously planned her assault. She would first ponyville w where it hurt thre most. in the royal guard depot that guarded ponyville. If she attached a bomb to a weak-ass stallion yunic, he could charge into the station upon her order and blow up the whole guard station upon her order. Thats exactly what she did. SHe did attatch a bomb to clyde, the hick stallion, and ordered him to charge. Knowing that he should obey his mare superiors, he charged straight to the royal guard station. He brged straight into the front desk. "What is that on your flank, clyde?" The firework were amazing. SHe could see them from here. Ponies running and falling. COnfusion and unconciousness. FLutershy started out one by one, very calm. shooting and tearing down one pony at a time. She saw some mares who were walking with their foals even ran and left their foals. behind. When it came to survival, nothing else mattered. "Mommy? Please, no! DOnt go!" the foal was then dead. Throughout the killings, she became quite bored with it all. It wasnt very pleasing to just keep shooting. She needed to send a message. She trotted on down to the first national flank of ponyville. Many inside were just checking out or wihdrawing bits. What pitiful beings. money is everything. she shot up the man who charged her 20 bits for a cherry a week before. No one would mess with her anymore. everypony ducked down in tears. Fluttershy looked especially imtimidating in her cloplar (Kevlar, you dolt.) suit. Filthy Rich was at the head of the bank. "Please, what do you want?" "Really? you dont know what I want?" Filthy Rich was shocked. "The keys to the vault, right." He responded quickly. Fluttershy like this. "That was quick. is this your first time?" Filthy Rich could not respond. WHy would Fluttershy do this to everypony? WHy to me? "Thanks for the bits, Filthy." Said Fluttershy. "Theyre about as worthless as you." Fluttershy hobbled out of the bank. almsot tripping over the debris and rubble. Everypony thought it was over, so they stood up and got right back to banking. Fluttershy did not want to use the bits, though. She found the nearest trash bin outside. Bits were stupid. She poured the sack into the bin, doused it in gasoline, and lit the bin ablaze. Ponies inside the bank were horrified. Mostly confused as to why she would burn their precious bit. Fluttershy called inside the bank. "Your fucking bits dosent mean anything, because all you use it for is stupid and senseless shit!" She promptly left the bank with a morbid grin on her face. "It begins." Her next stop was at sugarcube corner. Perhaps to pay pinkie a visit. by now, mor eponies were aware of her rampage, and began to panic. though most had left that street, she was still seeing some idle ponies who were begging to be dead. WHy else would ponies remain here? Maybe they were just to busy with their work to focus on surviving. Or maybe they didnt take her seriously. she would change that. Some reinforced guards came to ponville and confronted her. "Put your hovves in the air!" She knew that this was physically impossible, because she would fall over if she did. She simply shot them all, including shining armor. How easily they all died!! It was invigorationg to fluttershy, and she enjoyed it much. She stepped inside of sugarcube corner. "Hey Fluttershy! Getup is dope!" "Hi pinkie." Said Fluttershy in a bored tone. "Oh, I surrender!" Pinkie saw Fluttershys gun in her mouth. Pinkie laughed at her own bad joke. "Yes very funy pinkie." Said Fluttershy. "You should take a bath, youre all drenched in blood!" "Why do you think that is, Pinkie?" "LOLIDUNNO!" Fluttershy almost laughed at this ponies pitiful ignorance. "Look outside." "LOL okay, sure." Fluttershy tried to sustain her laughter. She was anticipating when Pinkie would see the bodies outside. Pinkie gasped and her hair intantly straightened. "Fluttershy! WHY?" It was then that Pinkie died. shot in the vagina by fluttershy. "Your pinkie was always so full of fun, wasnt it, miss pie?" Fluttershy looked pinkies massive hole gushing blood. "Now look at you. youre dead." "what is happening here?!" Miss cake vaulted down the hall." Fluttershy just stared at Miss Cake with her coy expression. "Fluttershy! Ill have you arrested!" Fluttershy tilted her head adorably. Cake called the guard. "Hello?" There was no response. Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Rarity Applejack Twilight Sparkle Fluttershy > A Drop In The Bucket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had more to attend to. Fluttershy had to finish her task. Why she donned her armor and killed everyone in the first place. She was beginning to think that this is the reason she was created. It isnt so she could take care of the animals, or to defend equestria from gods or corrupted spirits or changelings. Her animals didnt need her. se didnt even have any bits to keeep care of them! No, it was this. Her friends mostly didnt even need her. sure, she made the dragon cry, but anypony couldve done that! she now knew her true purpose. That was to clean the world. Her next destination was carousel boutique, to visit rarity. She killed her and h rest of the mane six. the end