> Uncovered > by Midknight_Stardust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Should have seen that coming > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day at Canterlot High School and all was going as normal. It was around the time of the last lunch period of the day and currently five friends were hold up in the music/band room which had become like a usual hang out spot for their group. Currently the room was occupied by five of the rainbooms and two of its members were missing from the picture: Applejack and Rarity were missing much to the confusion of the other five and each of them were wondering where the two had been. "I think they're fucking" Rainbow Dash said nonchalantly "Rainbow?!" Sci-Twi gawked at her rainbow haired friend "What? I know I'm not the only one thinking it! C'mon they are WAY to close now to not be screwing!" Rainbow blurted out. "Um but...R...Rarity said she wouldn't ever d-do anything like that until she got um...married." Fluttershy pointed out trying to play devil advocate to Rainbow. "Pft oh c'mon thats what lots of classy girls like Rarity say and then once 'their type' shows up? Bam; panties drop" Rainbow said punching a fist into her palm. Sci-Twi rolled her eyes and rubbed her temple. "To quote Rarity? You are so uncouth Rainbow Dash. It's not polite to talk about one of your friends and their potential sex life; no one goes around talking about you and your-" Twilight was stopped in her tracks when she had Pinkie whisper something in her ear and then Twilight shrank into herself a bit feeling a tad guilty. "Oh...um OK nevermind but you get the point! So Applejack and Rarity have been spending more time together and YES you were right about Octavia and Vinyl and even Lyra and Bon-Bon..." "Pft anyone with half a brain could tell those two were together." Sunset said with a chuckle. Sci-Twi blushed and waved a hand to dismiss that. "Granted; but still it isn't right for you to just assume Rarity and Applejack are sleeping together. Perhaps they might be dating or trying to date but we can't be sure and even then what they do sexually isn't our business!" Sci-Twi stated. "And besides would that be so bad? I mean they are honestly kinda cute together if you ask me and they've known each other how long?" Sunset asked taking a sip of the can of soda she had in hand. Pondering that question Rainbow would retrace her memory. "About as long as I've known Pinkie I think? I've been friends with AJ since 3rd grade and that's around the time Rarity showed up. They were pretty close back in elementary school now that I think about it; heh I even remember how AJ said they met!" Rainbow said with a chuckle as the memory came flooding back. "Oh oh oh I remember that one! Heheheh Rarity said that kitty Opal got stuck in a tree and she got attacked by some squirrels! But then AJ came along and helped her out and got Opal back for her!" Pinkie Pie said with a bright smile as she remembered her cousin of the Apple family telling her this story. "Awwwww really? I never knew that about them. That's adorable" Sci-Twi said with a smile as she can imagine little Applejack helping a little Rarity save her kitty from a tree. "So guess there is a basis to say they could possibly be dating. They've known each other for awhile and I think its safe to say we have seen them share a tender moment more than once right?" Sunset asked looking around to her friends in the room. Each of the girls nodded. They had all been friends for some time; with Sunset Shimmer and Sci-Twi being the more new additions to their group of friends in the past year however out of all of the girls the ones who had the longest standing relationship were Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who practically grew up together since Kindergarten and following them was Applejack and Rarity who had known each other since early 3rd grade with the two of them having met in the park one day when Rarity's kitten Opal had gotten stuck in a tree after being antagonized by some squirrels. Sunset ever since joining had noticed many strong bonds of friendship between each of the girls and could tell that them all being best friends was more than just a silly little title. They all respected each other, cared for one another, protected one another; loved one another. Sure for most of them that love was purely friendly(even though Sunset totally had a crush on Sci-Twi that everyone but Sci-Twi knew about) but for Applejack and Rarity? It was very clear that their friendship in particular was constantly on the edge of going from best friends to girlfriends. "So how do we figure out if they are or not? Dunno about you but the last time I remotely asked Rarity about anything sex related she either slapped me or lectured me." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Oh c'mon you deserved that slap she gave you at last months slumber party and you know it!" Sci-Twi retorted Rolling her eyes Rainbow said. "Hey we were playing truth or dare and I asked her truth." "And you asked her if she ever sucked off Blueblood at the spring fling...when you KNOW I just made that up to get her to lose votes" Sunset blushed and fumed with her arms crossed. She still felt bad about having spread that nasty rumor about Rarity especially considering how much of a filthy sleaze Blueblood was. Rainbow groaned "Ugh whatever it was just a joke and she got her panties all twisted about it. Point is how are we gonna ask her if anything is going on?" Sunset sighed and stood up. "Well obviously she nor Applejack will come out and tell us on their own; so instead of asking them if their banging? How about as friends we just approach them and ask whats up? As long as we make it known that we would support them if they were dating it should be fine. They're our friends after all." "I concur with Sunset; it would be best if we simply take the direct-" She stopped Rainbow before she could retort . "Respectfully direct! Way of going about this so we don't offend either of them. Rarity is very emotionally sensitive especially lately with the stuff that happened with Suri and Blueblood trying to shame her on Snap-Gab and Mystable." Sunset scowled at that; she hated those two for what they put Rarity through. She could still vividly remember how hurt Rarity was by all those vicious and mean comments left all over her social media after Blueblood and Suri went out of their way to vandalize some of Rarity's dresses for a fashion show and then circulated NSFW pictures of her all over social media and while it was proven some of the pictures were edited? A good chunk of them were in fact not and while it was simply assumed by rumors that she sent these pictures to Blueblood? Others theorized she sent them to someone else...someone female and that just added a whole other can of worms to the drama. "Those meanies are so horrible! I can't believe all they got was a slap on the wrist!" Pinkie Pie pouted remembering the ordeal and how sad and broken Rarity was by it all. She had tried her best to cheer the alabaster girl up but to no avail. "Heh don't you remember? Applejack made sure they got a lot more than just that. I hear Suri had to get braces cause AJ slapped her so hard and had used some of her magic by accident. Heard her teeth got misaligned and Rarity kicked Blueblood in the nuts so hard that he actually turned blue in the face." Rainbow snickered "Oooooh right! Hehehhe I think someone from Crystal Prep posted about that!" Pinkie went into her phone to confirm and then her smile widened when she found the post. "Oh yeah! Sunny Flare did! Ahahahaha oh geez she clapped at her so hard!" Pinkie guffawed showing her friends the post that Sunny Flare made on Mystable Brace yourself for a big hot dose of karma you little witch! #MetalMouth #BraceYourself #SuckItSuri There was a picture linked to the post that showed an embarrassed Suri coming to school with her new braces and Sunny Flare having captured an unflattering picture of her. The nickname 'Suck it Suri' having clung to the horrid wannabe fashion designer after it had been outed by her former 'assistant' Coco Pommel that she; while with Blueblood had given oral to several different boys around school in order to gain their favor and use them to get dirt on Rarity. "Ohoho ouch! Ha! Karma is a biiiiiitch" Rainbow laughed and went on her phone to find the post made by Sunny Flare, following her and then resharing the post with the caption 'Braced for impact.' "Ordinarily I would say this is cruel and unkind...however after what she did to Rarity and what she used to put me and others at Crystal prep through? I can't say I feel bad for her either. Maybe this will teach her to pick on others" Sci-Twi felt a small twinge of satisfaction in seeing Suri had gotten her just deserts. It was poetic and ironic in a way because when Sci-Twi was a Freshmen at Crystal prep her first year? She too had braces and Suri made it a point to tease her about it every single day up until she got them removed but even then the mean girl still made fun of things like her glasses. "I am so glad I don't act like her anymore cause seriously? I wish I could go back in time and slap myself like Applejack slapped Suri." Sunset lamented remembering to back when she used to spread rumors and gossip on social media in order to troll people or divide the schools groups. "Yeah but hey least we did you one better and punched you in the face with a rainbow" Rainbow Dash teased giving Sunset a playful jab in the arm. "Yes I remember; thank you Rainbow" Sunset chuckled rolling her eyes and then heard the school bell ring. "Well looks like that's our cue to get to last period. I got class with Rarity that period so maybe I can get some details on what is up between her and AJ" Sunset said grabbing her backpack and slinging it over her shoulder. "Y'know you could just touch one of 'em and use your magic to see for yourself. Would make it a Helluva lot easier." Rainbow said as she began to gather her things as well. "Rainbow c'mon we talked about this; we shouldn't use our powers for personal gain especially me when I can just invade privacy whenever I want. That isn't how I want to use my magic and it isn't how I am going to use my magic." Sunset stated firmly. "Okay, okay sheesh" Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes. "Just sayin' it would be easier, plus? It'll promise you get the truth. Applejack may claim to never lie but I can tell you for a fact that in of itself is a lie. Hell back when we were little? She was probably the biggest lair I knew! But well that all changed after her dad passed away" Rainbow sighed with a shrug and shake of her head as she didn't like to think about that time since during that time Applejack was very different as any kid would be after the loss of their parent. "Dashie is kinda right Sunny; AJ knows how to keep things a secret if she wants to so just keep that in mind." Pinkie stated as she got her things together to leave. "I will; thanks girls. See ya! Oh and um Twi are we still on for our study date?" Sunset asked with a cute smile towards Sci-Twi Sci-Twi smiled and nodded vigorously. "Of course! I even made flashcards!" "Neeeeeeeeeeerds" Rainbow Dash said as she began to leave the room. "Jealous?" Sci-Twi and Sunset answered at the same time getting a giggle out of them both. "Anyway I'll see you later girls!" Sunset said heading out of the room and towards her final class period of the day which was creative writing. As she left the room Pinkie and Sci-Twi were still left along with Fluttershy and Rainbow who were about to leave right after Sunset but before Rainbow left she turned to Sci-Twi and said. "Y'know it'll be easier if you just go for it right? She's TOTALLY into you" Rainbow said with a knowing grin to the introverted geek and left the room before the nerdy girl could make a retort. Twilight Sparkle was left stammering and blushing. She didn't think anyone had noticed! Had Sunset Shimmer noticed? Is that why she winked at her? Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh! Twilight gathered her things and then headed out of the room leaving Pinkie Pie as the last one. "Golly I'm sure gonna have a lot of 'we are girlfriends now!' parties to plan soon! Hm I wonder if this'll turn into a harem like that one dream I had!" Pinkie giggled and grabbed the last of her things after pulling a cupcake out of her hair to nibble on. "Hm now how can I ask without being offensive or intrusive?" Sunset wondered to herself as she walked down the hallways to make her way to her last class of the day, pondering how she was gonna bring up the question to Rarity or Applejack depending on who she saw first. She didn't want to offend either of them by making assumptions and she didn't want to just bypass asking them by using her magic because she didn't want to invade their thoughts without consent. Then just as she was beginning to think to just let it go for the time being she would see Applejack who was sipping an apple juice box walking down the hallway. Sunset figured if there was ever a time to try and at least bring up the topic? Perhaps right now when she had her right there would be best. With a usual smile she would approach Applejack and wave to her. "Hey Applejack! Quick question-" Sunset stated to say as she caught up to her friend and putting a palm on her shoulder. However Sunset didn't realize that in her rush? She hadn't been keeping a tab on her emotions and state of mind; she had to always remember that her magic was triggered by her desire to want to understand and feel the feelings of others and so when she touched Applejack? That desire ignited and activated her magic and her eyes went white as time seemed to slow down and she was thrust into Applejack's most recent memory's about the topic she was about to question her about. What Sunset saw next? Well lets just say that for the rest of the day Sunset Shimmer would have a crimson blush stuck to her cheeks every time she would think about Rarity or Applejack because it would seem that Rainbow Dash was in fact right and while Sunset was happy they didn't make any bets? She was more than happy to try and forget what it was she just saw inside Applejack's mind however no matter how hard she tried? She couldn't get the raunchy and if she was being as honest as the element Applejack represented? Downright adorable and romantic scene she had ever witnessed. I love you Applejack I love you too sugarcube Removing her hand from her friend's shoulder she would feel the world around her return and all she heard Applejack say was. "What's up Sunset? Somethin' the matter sugarcube?" Applejack asked curiously. Sunset blushed and waved her hands frantically. "N-No nothing is wrong um...class!" Sunset said running off to get to her classroom leaving Applejack confused. "Now what in tarnation was that all about?" Applejack said scratching her head but then shrugging it off. "Eh must be a pony thing" Applejack said sipping her juice still and walking off to her final class of the day which was gym with Rainbow Dash and then she had basketball practice after school. She blushed a bit when she thought how Rarity said she might show up to practice to debut the new outfits for the cheerleaders since Rarity had made the team recently with encouragement from Applejack and Rainbow for her to try more sports like things and much to Applejack's pleasure? Rarity not only looked good as a cheerleader but played the part well too. She felt a small twinge of guilt in her heart though; she and Rarity had yet to tell their friends about their most recent relationship development and it had been two weeks since that faithful night in the young fashionista's room while her parents were away on a business trip. It was the most magical night of either of their lives both figuratively and literally however they didn't wish to share details with their friends just yet however Applejack was unsure how long she could keep her mouth shut but then she remembered the look on Sunset's face after she ran off and it was then it clicked in her head why the pony girl retreated like that. Blushing until her freckles lit up she tugged the collar of her shirt and chuckled sheepishly. "Ooooo wee Sunset must have a lot on her mind right now" > That explains so much > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ms.Cheerilee's Creative Writing Class: Last Period Sunset Shimmer couldn't believe what she saw! Okay well maybe she could believe it but she just couldn't believe that she saw it ALL! Every single detail, love filled word, sexual and lustful action; she had understood and experienced it all in just a matter of real-time seconds and right now as she sat through her creative writing class? She found herself trying very hard not to look in Rarity's direction for fear of giving away what she had seen somehow. Each of the girls shared a special connection, they were connected through more than just their memories or the bonds that tied them. They were also bonded together by the elements of harmony themselves; honesty, generosity, laughter, kindness, loyalty, magic and empathy were the seven virtues on which friendship was made and the seven of them as far as Sunset was concerned or rather how she understood it? They were the physical manifestations of the elements in this world. Among the seven of them nothing was really secret because they all had enough love, respect and consideration for one another that they would all share things with one another good or bad so they could work through it together as friends. However after experiencing Applejack and Rarity's memories? She understood entirely why they had not told the rest of them. They felt that them getting together might have thrown off the dynamic of the group since they were all in the same social circle; they didn't want random rumors to spread and have more conflict arise especially having had just dealt with Suri and Blueblood and their nonsense. Let us wait for the storm to calm darling; when the time is right we can tell them together 'Ya promise that means them too right?' She could see the look of apprehension on Rarity's face but then that apprehension turned to confidence and resolve as she nodded. She could fell that while she was indeed scared of the outcome of telling not just her friends but her family that she was not only a lesbian but in love with a farmer; she didn't care as long as she could be with Applejack. If they wish to cut me off and toss me aside? It shall be their loss for casting a diamond into the dirt won't it not? Ah love you with all my heart Rarity and come Hell or high water I'll always protect ya. Sunset blushed but also felt a few tears come to her eyes even though she was remembering it in bits and pieces. Even as Rarity lay there beneath Applejack, her stylish hair a disheveled mess and her clothes gone as the carnal act had finished; she was absolutely beautiful as the pale moonlight bled into the posh girls bedroom window. Even in her afterglow she was as pretty as an angel. "Darling?" Rarity's voice called out from beyond her mind and it was then Sunset snapped to attention and looked at her fashion forward friend still blushing. "H-Huh?" Sunset said roused from her stupor. "I was asking if you were alright darling; you've been a tad out of sorts this period. I took the liberty of making sure to get whatever notes you missed. Something on your mind?" Rarity asked curious as to what was troubling her friend. "O-Oh um...its uh..." Sunset blushed still trying to find a way to avoid the question or lie. She really didn't like lying to her friends especially since they were good at telling when she was lying now that they knew her better however for this she felt she was justified. Then without thinking she blurted out "Twilight!" She said a bit too loud and shrank into herself when a few people gave her looks and she chuckled sheepishly. "Oh? What of her darling? Is something going on between the two of you?" Rarity asked in that scandalous manner whenever she smelled possible gossip afoot. She smirked leaning in, the shirt she was wearing revealing a bit of cleavage that Sunset was trying so hard not to look at but she did. "C'mon. Spill" Rarity said with teenage gossip queen gleefully wanting to get all the juicy details. "W...What? Pft nooooo. I mean we have a date later but...w...wait I mean study date! Study date! Not an actual date date...not that I wouldn't wanna date date Sci-Twi cause she's totally date date-able but uh....I uh...BATHROOM!" Sunset said rushing to the corner to get the bathroom pass and then rushed out of the classroom before she could make even more of an idiot of herself. Sitting there puzzled and confused Rarity quirked an eyebrow. "Hm...very strange; perhaps its a unicorn thing." Rarity shrugged and sighed and then felt a small buzz go off on her wrist and she looked down to see it was a text message from Applejack. Rarity had gotten herself an Android watch not long ago with money she'd earned from working as the costume designer for the new theme park and she'd gotten Applejack one to match as a show of thanks for being their for her when she was being blinded by social media fame and glamour. Ah think its bout time we let the apple fall from the tree sugarcube. Sunset got a touch off on me and think read my mind by accident. Not sure what she saw but ah got a feelin' the girl has a lot on her mind. Reading that message it didn't take long for the dots to connect in Rarity's head after having remembered Sunset's reaction to her all throughout class. She had refused to touch Rarity and kept avoiding eye contact on top of blushing profusely. Rarity then looked down at Sunset Shimmer's seat which wasn't far from her own and thankfully it would seem she was the only one to notice and this would confirm what it was Sunset saw in Applejack's mind. There was a clear fluid on the sides of the girls seat since she was wearing a skirt more nowadays with the warmer weather hiding that would be more difficult. Blushing a deep shade of pinkish red Rarity looked around quickly and noticed no one paying attention and taking out a small hankie from her purse she wiped up Sunset's mess and would sigh as she got back to her seat. Looking to see that the teacher wasn't paying attention she sent Applejack a quick message. We shall assemble the girls after your practice. We all planned to go out for Pizza and a movie afterwards anyway. "I do hope Sunset isn't in too much shock from what she saw." Rarity blushed as the memories of the last few weeks ran through her mind. She was much closer to Applejack now than she had ever been in her life and over the course of the past two weeks? She'd lost her virginity blissfully as she had desired even if it was before marriage and Applejack had more than once taken her under the sheets over the last two weeks with the two of them getting out what seemed to be years of built up romantic and sexual tension. "This is why a lady never kisses and tells darling." Rarity chuckled to herself as she wondered just what Sunset was doing in the bathroom and how long she would be gone. Nurses Office: Bathroom Sunset rushed as fast as she could to the nurses office knowing that it was one of the only truly private bathrooms in school. Once she got inside she was happy to see the bathroom was empty and it also seemed Nurse Redheart had stepped out for a moment. Probably to go patch up Derpy who had gym class right about now with the girl crashing into something every single class. Going into the bathroom she turned on the lights, locked the door and sat down on the toilet to catch her breath and simply think. She didn't know what to do or how to bring this up to any of her friends. It was a private matter between Rarity and Applejack and she didn't wanna go exposing them to their friends if they weren't ready. But that wasn't her biggest issue right now. No her biggest problem at the moment was the intense carnal desire and burning between her legs with the sex scene between Rarity and Applejack playing out in her mind on loop. She had never seen or experienced romance or lust like that herself. Sure she had fantasies of love and lust; many of them recently about Twilight Sparkle and on rare occasion Adagio Dazzle but mostly Twilight Sparkle! She knew the pleasures of the flesh to some extent even if she only had her hand, toys and in the past when she was still evil? Well lets just say some girls she had to keep under her control in a different way and that worked out for both parties involved. She squeezed her thighs together and wrapped her arms around her sides shivering with desire. She knew what she was about to do was wrong, taboo and even to some? Immoral! Masturbation on school grounds and in the nurses office? She felt so dirty as she undid her skirt and lifted her hips to take her panties off letting them dangle down her right ankle. As she closed her eyes, her hands guided themselves as she used her magic to see the scene again. She felt so lewd, so filthy and crude. She was about to finger fuck herself in the school nurses office to the memory of her two best friends having intimate and romantic sex while Rarity's parents were away. Rarity and Applejack were just returning home to Rarity's after having finished dealing out some swift and much deserved justice on the two cruel heathens from Crystal Prep and formerly Canterlot High when concerning Blueblood since he was Celestia's nephew but he was expelled over a scandal concerning Rarity that would have resulted in him getting arrested had he not taken the deal his aunt offered him. Now Blueblood was in the hospital with a heel-shaped boot print in his crotch and Suri was in the ER with a misaligned jaw and teeth after getting power slapped into a wall by Applejack. Applejack carried a tired and stressed Rarity into her room after having driven her home. The two of them had spent the last couple of hours in a prison cell together and Rarity had not cried or whined the entire time. It wasn't until the car ride home that the posh girl finally broke down and Applejack had stopped on the side of the road for a good hour to comfort her friend. Once they arrived and parked Rarity's car, Applejack carried her from the car to the front door and inside. Once inside she took off Rarity's shoes as well as her own. This made Rarity smile as it showed her that Applejack remembered she didn't like people wearing shoes in the house and that they were always to be removed at the door. She then carried Rarity upstairs, holding and comforting her the entire way through. Their hearts beat as one, their hands were laced together as Applejack cradled Rarity, her one hand resting right on Rarity's ass. As they ascended the stairs to Rarity's bedroom she looked at Applejack, motioning a hand, she turned the farmers face to her allowing their eyes to meet. Words weren't needed and they shared a kiss. Sunset meanwhile as she envisioned the scene had her legs spread wide enough to give her hand some room. She kept one hand free to make sure she could cover her mouth if need be; she didn't want to get caught. Rubbing her wet pussy lips she gasped in a low tone as her finger nail would ever so often brush past her clit as she continued to think about the carnal scene between her friends. The two had gotten to the top of the stairs and by this time Rarity had intensified her end of the kissing, adding tongue to the mix and allowing Applejack to grope her in areas she would have slapped anyone else for even looking at. Moans of delight escaped Rarity as Applejack carried her to her bedroom whose door was thankfully still closed, a good sign that an annoying little sister didn't stick her nose where it didn't belong. Opening the door Applejack walked in and just a quickly closed the door with her foot but made sure to not slam it as to not awaken Rarity's devil spawn of a cat. Walking over to the girls bed she would lay her down on her back however Rarity being the little minx that she was brought Applejack down along with her and wrapped her legs around her to make sure she couldn't get away. Applejack looked down at the trendy fashion loving diva that had been her friend ever since she saved her kitten from a tree. She smiled warmly and felt a burning desire not just in her loins but in her heart and soul; she felt complete next to Rarity. She felt whole next to Rarity. She wanted to spend the rest of her nights and days with Rarity. "Y'know mama always said that when I found the one fer me I would know what ta do." Applejack said with a smile, her hands on either side of Rarity's head as she looked down upon her. "Is that so? And what is it you think you need to do right now darling?" Rarity asked curiously, her eyes lidded passionately. She had made bedroom eyes many a time before but never before this moment did they feel so right to make and she could tell they were awakening desires buried deep within Applejack that she longed to see. Applejack didn't answer her question. She simply removed her hat, tossed it to the side having it expertly land on Rarity's fainting couch and then undid the clip at the back of her hair to allow her hair to fall down and she blushed as she looked down at Rarity who looked back at her in awe and Applejack took that chance to steal a kiss from Rarity. "S...She's s...soooo c...cute w...with her hair d...down like that" Sunset panted in a hushed whisper as she felt what Rarity was feeling. They were bonded so closely and this moment was so intimate. Her magic was giving her all perspectives involved. It was like having a lucid wet dream and Sunset would be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying herself. As Applejack ended the kiss she smiled down at Rarity who blushed looking up at her and the first words that she would speak upon having her lips liberated was. "I love you Applejack." "Ah love you too sugarcube." They would embrace again, Applejack's hands guiding themselves to Rarity's clothes which she had slowly began to undo upon their ascent upstairs but decided to be patient and wait till they reached the bedroom and it was worth the wait. As she removed Rarity's blouse and bra she smiled as one of her hands groped her right breast massaging it and giving her nipple a pinch making Rarity coo and squeal, she bit her lip a little on the corner to try and suppress her moaning but to little avail and Sunset was having the same problem. "Ah don't care what that lil rat Suri says; you ain't flat sugarcube. Sure maybe ya could stand to drink a lil more milk-" Applejack teased as she swirled her tongue around the girls nipple and kissed it making her squeak even through her pouting over Applejack's teasing. "B...But regular m...milk is so bland and hard on m...my figure!" Rarity blushed and whined. She was particular about her figure and she wasn't sure if she was capable of pulling off having larger breasts than what she had or curves thicker than what she was working with for fear of judgement by her peers and those in the fashion community. "Ah, ah. There ya go whinin' again sugar. Now ya'll listen ta me and this here is the honest truth. You Rarity are beautiful-" Applejack pinched one nipple and kissed the other making Rarity gasp. "Kind-" She pinched the other nipple and swirled her tongue around the other making Rarity squeak and moan. "Dedicated and above all else? Generous as can be." Applejack said as she pinched both of Rarity's nipples and giving them a little twist to make the snow skinned girl arch her back and loose a grunt and moan. "So addin' on ta that with a cup size or two and a lil more junk in the ole trunk ain't gon' hurt you none. Ya hear me?" Applejack reaffirmed and when she saw the pinkish red tint on Rarity's cheek and the small tears flowing down them as well she knew she struck the cords right. "Thank you darling. And I suppose if I am to be a cheerleader I could use a bit more to show off and fill out the outfits I was commissioned to design." Rarity said with a smile and blush still stained on her white cheeks from Applejack's show of affection. "Exactly! You're gonna look mighty fine cheerin' me on when we slamdunk those Everfree High chumps next month." Applejack winked smiling down at Rarity. "That I will. Now enough about that; let us make this night one we shall never forget darling." Rarity said taking Applejack's hand and motioning it between her legs. She noticed the farm girls eyes widen in surprise and she kept her hand steady even as she tried to pull away. "R...Rarity I-" "It's okay darling. I want this. I want you. If I am to be honest? I've always wanted you but I was so brainwashed into thinking I needed to play the part of the princess looking for a knight or prince to spend my days with and give my virginity to." Rarity guided her hand allowed Applejack to slip past her skirt and rest on her inner thigh. "That bastard Blueblood tried to ruin me, that...that....tramp Suri tried as well...and they both failed. They wanted what you now have and now? I want you to have the one thing they both willingly just threw to the wayside because it didn't benefit them to keep it." "Rarity a...are you really s-whoa nelly!!!" Applejack couldn't finish her sentence before in an impressive show of strength she was flipped over onto her back by Rarity and the fashionista used her magic of crystal creation and pinned Applejack to her bed with a seductive grin that would look more at home on Adagio's face but then again? The two of them were friends now. "Applejack darling? I mean this in the most polite way possible-" She leaned down and whispered in heated lust in the girls ear a few simple words. "Hush & Fuck. Me." Upon remembering that line from Rarity to Applejack she couldn't hold back anymore! Sunset shoved two fingers to the knuckle inside her pussy and she covered her mouth with her other hand to keep the moan from escaping. She kept her fingers nestled there for a few moments and once she felt she could move them without screaming her head off she began to pump them in and out slowly as the memory would continue. Applejack didn't need any further instruction and so summoning her own magic she broke free of the bonds Rarity had placed on her and reached her hands around to grab the girls impressive rear and squeeze it making the posh female gasp and giggle salaciously and even wiggled her hips encouraging Applejack to do it again. "Mmm all those times I caught you looking at my butt makes a lot of sense now" Rarity teased and squealed when Applejack spanked her. "What can I say? I'm an apple who likes her some ass." Applejack said bluntly. Rarity blushed at Applejack's usual casual use of vulgar language. "You're so crass." Applejack grinned still and spanked Rarity again and in doing so in a swift motion, undid her skirt making it fall off her ass showing the pale blue panties that Rarity wore that had her three diamonds on them. "Maybe so; but ya'll cursed first. What was it ya said for me ta do a moment ago huh?" Applejack asked trying to coax Rarity into saying to fuck her again and when she saw the girl looked like she was gonna play hard to get she reached back and grabbed the back of her panties and tugged them up making them ride up into the girls moistening sex. "Eeee! A...Apple...J....jaaaaack" Rarity squirmed and wiggled in place, her sex grinding against the fabric of her panties feeling so lewd but incredible at the same time. "Say it sugarcube....ya want me to what now?" Applejack asked with the biggest shit eating grin ever on her face. "F...Fuuuuu-" Rarity gasped and shivered when Applejack took her nipple into her mouth and then more so when she yanked her panties up some more. "F...Fuck me! P...Please fu...fuck me Jackiiiiiiie!" Rarity had all but submitted once she started calling Applejack Jackie which was a name only her mother and father had ever called her and she never let ANYONE not even her closest friends call her by that name...except for Rarity. It was like how Rainbow Dash didn't like anyone besides her mom dad or Fluttershy calling her lil dash or Dashie or people calling Pinkie Pie by her full name which always made the party girl sad for some reason. As Sunset continued to watch the scene in her minds eye she kept pumping her fingers in and out of her dripping wet pussy, making sure not to go to hard or fast since she didn't want the wet sounds of her sex to attract attention and yet the thrill of possibly being discovered only made her go against that small little rule in her head. She needed to be quick too; she didn't know how long it would be before someone was sent to find her for possibly skipping class. Back within her mind, Applejack had finally stopped teasing Rarity and removed her underwear flinging them to the floor and massaging the girls pure white ass cheeks to her hearts content. She would then gently turn them over and she would be gazing down at Rarity again and slowly she would make her way down, kissing and nibbling every inch of Rarity's model like body on her way down. Her cheek, her neck, her collarbone, her navel and stomach; then finally she would begin to zero in on her prize. "A...AJ..." Rarity gasped and cooed in delighted bliss; she never knew the rough and tough farm girl could be so gentle and sweet. So tender and loving. This was everything she imagined her first time would be like albeit with more candlelight, mood music and a different set up than this but Rarity was more than happy with this moment and where it was going. As she made her way further south she finally reached her target. Rarity was clean shaven, not a single stubble of hair or fuzz, nothing but pure white skin between her legs and her pussy lips were dripping with arousal. Applejack licked her lips and moved her face closer, positioning herself how she had seen in a couple of those videos Rainbow had shown her and that she'd seen in a couple magazines she may or may not have kept under her bed. Once she was properly in position she moved her head forward and extended her tongue out and swiped it across Rarity's wet folds and this action instantly made the fashion girls legs wrap around Applejack's head and pull her in closer and then a pure white hand combed itself through Applejack's golden locks. She looked up as best she could to see Rarity giving her a look of approval to keep going and so she did. "O-oh m...my goodness gracious! O...Ooooo y...yes darling; r...right there...l...lick me there" Rarity moaned and gasped her head thrown back in delight as one hand kept Applejack's face between her legs while the other hand stimulated her left breast and nipple to further the pleasure she felt. Applejack was never much of the vocal type when it came to sex, she would moan and such when it was her turn but when giving the pleasure? She opted to let her actions speak for her and would throw in a couple witty and kinky remarks here and there to keep her partner interested. She too was a virgin however Applejack much like Rarity had imagined this moment more than once in many different ways and so they each had an idea on how they wanted to please the other and luckily for them? Both seemed satisfied with the others work. Meanwhile Sunset Shimmer was in a state of bliss all her own and for her? It was better than the pleasure the two of them felt in that moment because she was feeling what they felt in that one moment but it was stacked on top of her own growing lust. She knew she shouldn't be doing this to this memory of all things but she couldn't stop now. Her fingers fired in and out of her pussy like mad stirring her wet insides and she even began to strum her aching clit with her thumb to try and get her release to come faster and she could tell it was going to be a big release. In and out back and forth Applejack's dexterous tongue went; she kept slurping and sucking at Rarity's drooling sex and aching clit which had showed it self just moments ago and she discovered that like for herself? She was super sensitive in that area and Applejack was going to exploit the Hell out of it. Throwing her lips directly at the fleshy button she dug her fingers deep into Rarity's pussy to the knuckle which made Rarity shout and shiver with ecstasy the likes of which her hand or the toys in her top draw had ever given her. Speaking of? There was something she had always wanted to do with Applejack and she felt it would be a good way to end such a blissful evening. "D...Darling...all...ow m..me to...give b...back to you" Rarity gasped in between her moans unlocking the farm girls head from her legs. However this freedom only made Applejack dive further into her pussy and tongue fuck her which made Rarity scream with bliss as she threw her head back, her toes curled into the sheets as did her well manicured nails and she climaxed directly into Applejack's mouth. After allowing her to calm down off her afterglow, Applejack released the girls quivering love button and licked her lips to lick up the excess girl cum that lingered there and she made sure Rarity was watching as she swallowed it all and she reveled in the face the posh girl made as a result. "You were sayin' sugar?" "G...Go into my middle top drawer...beneath my panties. Pick whichever you like" Rarity blushed and lay on her back still panting and trying to calm her afterglow ridden body so she could give back to Applejack what she had given to her. Applejack was no stranger to sex toys and where they were kept. She personally kept her favorite dildo named Biggie under her mattress where she could easily reach it without getting out of bed. Going over to the drawer Rarity talked about she opened the middle one and after digging through the girls panties for a second she found her toy stash and Applejack as well as Sunset were very much impressed. Guess the rumors were true, Rarity was in fact a size queen. Applejack pulled out a pretty thick seemingly 8 inch dildo that was grey and came back over to the bed with Rarity. "Ah I see you picked Tom. He was my first one and is my favorite." Applejack didn't know how to reply to that and so instead of laughing or making a witty retort she set 'Tom' down and returned her fingers to Rarity's pussy which made the girl moan and wrap her arms around Applejack. She would lean up and whisper to the farm girl. "Climb atop me darling. I wish to sample some apple pie as it were." Rarity said in her best seductive and demanding tone of voice as she panted and moaned as Applejack finger blasted her. Nodding Applejack removed her fingers which got a small yet cute little whine out of Rarity at their absence. Removing her t-shirt, skirt, bra and panties she would toss all her clothes to the floor and would swing her freckled ass around to sit on Rarity's face which got a smile and giggle out of the fashionista. "Whats so funny?" Applejack asked blushing. "You even have freckles on your rear. How cute" Rarity stated which made Applejack blush more. "Ah get it from my ma!" Applejack retorted blushing furiously. "Still cute. Now hush love." Rarity said as she leaned up to see Applejack's glistening wet folds. She made not have been shaven bald like she herself was but she didn't have a bush or anything either. Applejack had a nice little trim of hair above her pussy and that didn't bother Rarity one bit. Swiping her tongue across the farmers wet patch she delighted in the moan she made and after a few more swipes she would speak again. "Would you like to feel why Tom is my favorite darling? You are more than free to use it on me first if you like." Rarity stated savoring the taste of Applejack's love juice on her lips. "G...Go 'head sugar" Applejack said giving her the go ahead. Her own favorite dildo was about as big as Rarity's and so she didn't have any apprehension about having it used on her. She felt her lust get even hotter when she thought about the fact that her best friend was about to fuck her with her own personal favorite dildo that she had used on herself often from the sounds of it. "Splendid! I promise to make this an orgasm you'll never forget my love. Know this is a reward for all the kindness and hard work you've shown over the years Applejack. That what I do now is because I love you and you deserve this." Rarity said giving Applejack's ass cheeks each a loving kiss and squeeze. "T...Thank ya R...Rar-aaaaaaaahhh fuck." Applejack didn't finish her thank you as Rarity slowly shoved the toy deep into her wet depths, Applejack's walls stretched but accommodated the toy well since she had taken one of similar size with the one she had back at home. Once it was as deep as it would go she would begin to throw her hips and ass back onto the toy and Rarity as she would continue to eat out and finger fuck Rarity for all she was worth. As Sunset sat there on the toilet she wondered how long she had sat here fingering and pleasuring herself. How long it would take her to reach climax so she could release the burning feeling in her loins and get back to class? She didn't know but at this point she wasn't sure she cared; she could afford to miss one creative writing class right? She could just come up with an alibi to cover her tracks and she would be fine' she didn't want too but she was too far gone into the pleasure of taboo to stop now. Her fingers kept blasting in and out of her wet tunnel, her clit ached and twitched and was swollen ready to burst with love juice any moment now and Sunset could tell she was getting close as Rarity and Applejack got close. She was fortune that this night of passion for them was ended by one intense big orgasm that left them both spent because she knew if they had gone at it any longer than they had? She would be spending the night in school. She still couldn't believe it. Here she was; Sunset Shimmer, former tyrant queen Bee bully of CHS turned Reformed leader of the Rainbooms, on her ass in the nurses office bathroom finger blasting herself to the memory of her two best friends having sex. It was by far one of the most taboo things Sunset had ever done however this was far from the first time she had done something naughty in public like this. That's when a quick thought crossed her mind. 'I wonder if Moondancer will still talk to me. I remember when we used to do this when I was bad. Maybe she would be willing to do this more for fun now that I'm good?' The thought excited her. If she struck out with Twilight during their study date tonight after the movies? She could always try and just get a couple of fuck buddies or friends with benefits! She was pretty sure Adagio offered something like that at one point and while she wasn't exactly sure if the siren was joking or not? At this point Sunset was fully ready to take her up on that offer because lust like this would drive Sunset insane without someone to share it with! "A...Apple...j...jaaaack! I-I'm g...going to...to" Rarity gasped and shivered feeling her final push coming on as she continued to fuck Applejack deep with her favorite toy, reveling in how wet the farmer was and could tell she was reaching her breaking point as well. Lifting her lips from the girls clit and padding it with her hand she spoke. "M...Me t...toooooo fuck yes...m...me too" Sunset prepared herself to finish with them as she kept strumming her aching clit and finger fucking herself in sync with the Rarity and Applejack in her mind. Soon all three of them reach their limit and breaking point. Applejack's pussy contracted and exploded with a torrent of love juice down on Rarity after she had removed her dildo and Rarity did much the same squirting a good amount of juice in Applejack's direction soaking her hand and lips. Sunset much like them squirted as well and her orgasm came out as a stream of liquid that splattered against the bathroom door as she fiddled and padded her poor swollen clit and loosed a whinnying moan that she barely managed to hide by covering her mouth while her other hand and fingers stayed nestled inside her pussy as she rode out her afterglow much like how Rarity and Applejack were inside her mind right now. As the seconds turned to minutes the two girls finally came down off their orgasmic high with Rarity tossing the used dildo to the floor to be cleaned and picked up later and Applejack turning over to lay her forehead on Rarity's and she smiled. "Ah love you sugarcube." "And I you my darling Applejack." "So...are we gon' tell 'em soon?" Applejack inquired. "In due time love. Let us let this storm calm first and then when the time is right? Then we will tell them together. I promise." "And that means them too right?" Rarity had that look of apprehension from earlier but just as it did earlier? It vanished and turned to determination and resolve. "Of course darling. Nothing is going to keep us apart. least of all what people have to say or think about whom I am allowed to love. Blueblood and Suri can both go to Hell; I don't want some high class stuck up to love. I want someone down to Earth and honest. I want you Applejack. Now and always." Rarity said with a few tears escaping her eyes. "And Ah'll always be here to protect you and support you sugar. Come Hell or high water." Applejack reaffirmed cuddling close to the fashionista and it was there the memory ended and Sunset regained her senses and full control of herself. Removing her fingers from her drooling pussy and removing her hand from her mouth she reached into her jacket pocket and took out her phone. It was about 1:45 when she entered the bathroom and it was now 1:55; luckily for her a 10 minute bathroom break was just barely suspicious for anyone to raise a fuss. "That was so wrong but...it explains so much" Sunset sighed and shook her head feeling kind of like scum now for having just done that and probably wouldn't feel good masturbating for a little while. Well at least she managed to get off and get the burning between her legs to cease. Picking up her skirt and panties she put them back on, washed her hands and face and exited the nurses office bathroom luckily without anyone noticing she was there. As she left the nurses office she noticed that her hunch was right and Derpy was being escorted to the nurse having appeared to have crashed into and somehow gotten stuck in a trashcan. Confused but glad that they didn't question her Sunset made her way back to class and looked sheepish coming back in as the teacher Ms.Cheerilee looked a tad cross with her. "Ms.Shimmer what have I said about being to the bathroom more than 5 minutes?" Cheerilee was about to go into lecture mode. Sunset did her best to try and look like she had just gotten back from using the bathroom in a big way. "Sorry Ms.Cheerilee; lunch didn't exactly 'agree' with me today. accidentally ate some of the mystery meat and well you know the rest." Sunset said and was satisfied to see the disgusted and then understanding look on Cheerilee's face. "I see; very well just make sure to mention that next time before you go so I am not left wondering. Now back to your seat, class is going to be over soon." Cheerilee said turning back to the board. "Yes ma'am" Sunset said going back to her seat. It was then Rarity leaned over and whispered. "Are you quite alright now darling? Got it all out of your system as it were?" Rarity asked with a small smirk on her face. "Um...y...yeah. sure. totally." Sunset said trying to not make it obvious what she just went and did. Rarity nodded and smiled. "Good to hear. I would hate to think you would have to miss out on pizza and movie night; why you even have a study date with Sci-Twi afterwards. Can't have you miss the fun on account of a little uneasiness can we?" Rarity stated trying to calm Sunset down. "Yeah you're right. Sorry about before Rarity just uh a lot on my mind you know? Guess that just triggered a bad rumble in the stomach." Sunset said still playing up the act. "Think nothing of it darling it happens to the best of us. Oh and by the way?" Rarity smirked and leaned over to whisper something directly to Sunset. "I hope you enjoyed what you saw." Rarity didn't say another word as she slipped away from Sunset and went back to doing her work. Sunset simply sat there jaw slacked and threatening to break her desk. How did she know?! It was then that Sunset saw a little sticky note on her desk that had something written on it in Rarity's cursive writing and purple pen. 'Cleaned your seat for you darling' It was from that moment on that Sunset would consider always wearing gloves before touching any of her friends. > Coming Clean > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day had at last concluded, they had all finished their classes and were now going to go watch Applejack and Rainbow Dash run practice for the school Basketball team. They had a big game against Everfree High School in two weeks and so Rainbow Dash and Applejack wanted to take some special time to bond and get a groove going together on the field, it wasn't actually school mandated practice since Rainbow Dash with the permission of coach Spitfire had run all the teams she was captain of rampant all week already and so she would give them today off and simply train with Applejack instead. On the sidelines all the Rainbooms sat in attendance and in the front rows on the turf stood, jumped and cheered Rarity, Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy all of whom were apart of the cheerleader team with Pinkie Pie as the newly appointed captain. She was without a doubt the most spirited, energetic and flexible girl in the entire school. She loved to cheer and sing and jump about and lift everyone's spirits so her being the captain of the team made total sense. "GO APPLE-DASH, GO, GO AND KICK THEIR-!" Pinkie jumped back and forth waving her palm-palm's while some music bumped in the background. "Language Pinkie!" Rarity chastised Fluttershy only really joined because she liked to cheer on Rainbow Dash and was by far her biggest fan and supporter during her games matched only by Rainbow's mother Windy Whistle, her father Bow Hothoof and her adoptive sister Scootaloo. Ever since they were little kids Fluttershy had always been there to cheer Rainbow on whenever she was doing something related to sports or even just something cool. "GO FOR THE DUNK DASHIE!!!! WOOOOOOH! LOOK AT HER FLY!" "Booyah! What's my name Shy?!" Rainbow put a hand to her ear to hear Fluttershy shout as she finished a slam dunk on Applejack having soared over the farmers head and slammed the ball into the net. "AIIIIIIIR DASH!" Fluttershy chanted much like how she did when they were children and Rainbow used to beat the boys in basketball in elementary school where she had gotten that nickname along with many others including her most hated one. She was also a nurse in training and so she was always ready to run onto the field at a moments notice to help patch Rainbow or anyone else up who got hurt and this had become even more of a enjoyed task for Fluttershy when she discovered that her magic not only allowed her communication with wild life but also gave her a healing touch that allowed her to heal wounds as bad as a fracture or broken limb as far as she's tested it. Then there was the newest addition to the cheer team and the creator of the brand new uniforms they were currently wearing. Rarity also was trying to get in more physical activity as to increase some of her marks in P.E. as well as keep her figure in check having taken up doing yoga and going to the gym every so often with one or two of her friends. Since it was currently the winter season Rarity wanted to design something that not only fit the schools spirit but the spirit of the time of season and year it was. The outfits were of course the school colors yellow, white and blue, each outfit consisting of a skirt that was short but not too short, thigh high stockings that read "Wondercolt" on the sides, a V-neck top with the Canterlot Wondercolt "C" shaped horseshoe on the chest and each of them had palm-palms that were the school colors as well. Each of them also had on the iconic clip-on ears and tails that had been brought back into style when Princess Twilight had arrived at their school all that time ago and changed things for the better. Rarity felt a wave of nostalgia wash over her every time she wore them, while she was incredibly thankful to have Sci-Twi around she did always have a place in her heart for the Princess of Friendship. After all without her she never would have regained her friendship with Applejack, the other girls or even become friends with Sunset for that matter. "Don't let her get in your head AJ darling! Defense!!!!" Rarity said shouting out to Applejack as encouraging as she could. Applejack who had been trying her best to keep up with Rainbow Dash smiled as she heard Rarity cheering for her. Looking over she smiled more when she saw how cute Rarity looked as a cheerleader with her hair tied back into a ponytail and her chest bouncing in her outfit. 'Looks like she's been drinkin' more milk' she thought with a blush which didn't seem to go unnoticed by Rainbow Dash who said. "Oi; keep your eye on this ball, not Rarity's" Rainbow snickered as she saw Applejack's and Rarity's flustered expressions. "Oh yer gon' get it Dash. D-up" Applejack said narrowing her eyes and taking her stance to try and get the ball from Rainbow. This was harder training for them both because they were allowing themselves to use their magic and tagging Rainbow when she had actual super speed was close to impossible unless you were Pinkie Pie but Applejack was getting better since she was learning to use her super strength in new ways. Rainbow would grin at this taking it as a direct challenge. "Fine, just be ready to have shy heal your ankles after I break 'em!" Rainbow Dash said dribbling the ball forward at high speed with her rainbow coattail trailing close behind her. "Hey Rarity!" Applejack shouted over to Rarity without taking her eyes off Rainbow Dash. "Yes darling?" Rarity asked curiously. "How do I get the apples off the family trees?" Applejack asked smirking the whole while. "Why you pick them of course" Rarity answered and then was astonished by what she saw Applejack do next. Smiling still Applejack's magic began to glow to life and her hair became its extended ponytail and she gained her ears. Then planting her feet firmly, the ground beneath her would begin to crack a bit and once Rainbow got close enough? She pivoted, reverse twirled around Rainbow and power snatched the ball from her. Before Rainbow could react Applejack had already spun around her and made for her basket and before Rainbow could dash back to steal the ball? She power jumped from half court to the net and power slammed the ball in the net with the resulting force bending the metal hoop. "Yeeeeehaw!!! What's MY name?" Applejack put a hand to hear ear to hear her friends shout out. "They call her Apple-Swish yeeeeah, Apple-Swish!" Rarity and Pinkie called out giggled. It wasn't as clever as Air-Dash but it still worked for Applejack. "Oh goodness the rim" Fluttershy said looking at the bent metal rim. "Ms. Luna isn't going to be happy about that." "Eh don't sweat it shy ah already talked it out with Ms.Luna. She said long as ah fix it back it's fine, wouldn't be the first time ah've power slammed the rim" Applejack chuckled scratching the back of her head and holding the ball under her right arm. "Yeah I bet" Sunset said blushing over to the side as she watched them finished their practice having been pretty reserved the entire time. "Bravo darling! Simply marvelous!!" Rarity said running over to Applejack and hugging her not even caring that she was all sweaty. She smiled broadly when she noticed the sweatband upon the girls forehead as it was one that Rarity had personally made for Applejack when she had started playing Basketball for the team and was delighted to see her wearing it. Applejack blushed and chuckled a bit as Rarity embraced her, she knew that after the practice and before the movie they had planned to reveal their relationship at Sugarcube corner while they had a little cool down period after the practice with milkshakes. The group has a whole knew big news was about to get dropped because they were all getting milkshakes specifically and Rarity was paying for it all. "Wowie that was awesome AJ! That's a new distance for you!" Pinkie said from the sidelines. "Indeed; it would appear your magical strength has increased considerably Applejack. Just look at those dents your feet made in the ground." Twilight pointed out to where Applejack had once been standing and where she planted her feet firmly. While the entire court was covered in skid marks from Rainbow dashing all over the place the impacts Applejack made with her feet as she chased after Rainbow or went to make power shots were very noticeable. "Heh reckon yer right Twi; any reason that is?" Applejack asked taking a towel from Rarity who had brought one over to her and wiping her face with it. "Not entirely sure. Our magic is powered by our emotions and the bonds between us all as friends so any number of things could have triggered a surge in strength as far as you are concerned." Twilight explained putting a finger to her chin and looking to the sky. "I really do hope that we can get to study magic more. It's obvious this world has magic all its own and some of it has seemed to have fused with Equestrian magic somehow. What do you think Sunset?" Twilight said asking the pony turned human. "Huh?" Sunset said turning to face Twilight having spaced out again. "I was just asking what you thought about the possible connects between our worlds magic and your home worlds magic and how we can study it." Sci-Twi asked. "O-Oh um I think I might have a few ideas but its to complex to try and explain right now. Just um...bring your flash cards. a lot of them"Sunset delighted in seeing and hearing the squee come from the dorky girl. "Eeeee! yes yes yes yes yes!" Sci-Twi jumped up and down with glee. "Pinkie? Gimme a N" "N!" Pinkie flexed into an N. "Gimme an E!" "E" Pinkie shouted and flexed into an E "Oh no she's not" Sunset chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Gimme an R.D.!" She smirked "R.D." Pinkie cheered and flexed into an R and then a D. "What's that spell? Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd!" Rainbow teased Sci-Twi playfully giving her a noogie frazzling her hair and skewing her glasses. Sci-Twi flailed and laughed and pouted all at once trying to escape the jocks grip. "Gyah! R...Rainbow!!! K-Knock it off!" She whined trying to get Rainbow to stop. "Heheh c'mon Dash let her go" Sunset said playfully punching Dash in the arm to get her to release Sci-Twi from the noogie headlock she had her in. Rainbow soon relented and let Sci-Twi go finally causing the dorky girl to blush and pout at how frazzled her hair was now as she fixed her skewed glasses upon her face with the most adorable crossed pout ever as she did her best to look cross at Rainbow Dash. "Meanie!" Rainbow laughed and put a hand to her heart. "Ouch my fragile pride." Rainbow pretended to be hurt only to have Fluttershy almost rush over with a first aid kit. "Not actually hurt Shy; just kidding" "Oh" Fluttershy blushed and smiled sheepishly as she held the first aid kit. "Anyway I think that's about enough practice for one day; we got in some good shots and we've learned to channel and control our powers better. Even though we can't use 'em during actual matches it still helps to train with them so we can keep the powers under control." Rainbow stated as she used a towel given to her also by Rarity to wipe the sweat from her forehead. "Ah reckon yer right Dash; 'sides we got some things ta talk 'bout 'fore headin' off to the movies." Applejack said slinging her towel over her shoulder. "Well what're we waiting for? C'mon and lets grab a couple milkshakes so we can get to the movies! I can't wait! This movie is gonna be EPIC!" Rainbow said excitedly. "What're we going to go see again?" Sunset asked still unfamiliar with the film that they were going to go see. She had only started getting into things like video games, comic books and anime within the past few months and needless to say she was HOOKED on video games and she loved to draw comics however she was still trying to catch up in the anime department. Unsurprisingly she found she was fond of magical girl anime and shonen battle anime respectively. "BROLY!!!!" Shouted Rainbow, Pinkie Fluttershy and Sci-Twi who were all the hardcore otaku and weebs of the group. Rarity giggled rolling her eyes. "Honestly I can't imagine how an hour of screaming and fighting can be entertaining." Applejack smirked at Rarity "Says the gal who can always re-watch the protector." Rarity scoffed and waved a dismissive hand. "Please that is completely different." Rainbow cocked an eyebrow. "The dude literally has an entire 8 minutes where he just screams and breaks the legs of like...everyone who runs into that room!" Rainbow laughed remembering that scene from the movie where the young boy played by Tony Jaa went on an ass kicking spree after finding out his pet elephant was murdered and turned into a statue. "That poor elephant" Fluttershy wiped a little tear remembering seeing the image of the boys pet elephant turned into a bejeweled statue. She didn't feel bad at all about cheering the hero of the film on as he utterly broke every single last combatant that entered the room. Rarity nodded. "Yes and that was very well built up story! Based on what you've told me and from what I have gathered from the trailers and the previous movie-" Rarity began to rant. "WHICH ISN'T CANON!!" Sci-Twi rebutted. "Regardless. The character seems bland and nothing more than a hulking brute. And I mean just how can he be so strong as to take on the main characters? They are Gods now are they not?" Rarity asked "I mean well yeah but Broly is like you know...special! Just wait and see Rarity!" Pinkie said trying to defend the movie and franchise. Rarity shrugged. "Very well but I will not hold my breath. Come along darlings, let us have a little sit down over shakes; I'm buying!" Rarity said cheerfully as she began to walk off towards her car with Applejack and Pinkie following close behind her. "Whoa ho-ho we've got big news coming girls!" Rainbow Dash announced knowing something big was about to be told to the group. Rarity always did things like this when she had either a big announcement or bad news. But given Rarity's tone? It was good news. The rest of the girls would follow with Fluttershy going with Rainbow Dash to her car and Sci-Twi going with Sunset to her motorcycle. Once everyone was loaded up in or on their respective vehicles they'd head off to Sugarcube corner which thankfully wasn't far away from school. On arriving there they entered as usual and greeted all their friends that they saw there. They saw Octavia and Vinyl, Lyra and Bon-Bon, the CMC with a group of other freshmen and even a girl from Gryphon-Stone High! That was incredibly rare since it was widely known that GSH students were usually all assholes. Getting their usual booth Rarity would go up to the counter along with Pinkie Pie in order to place their orders. "The usual's darling." Rarity said as she went into her purse to pull out her wallet. "Right-O Rarity!" Pinkie Pie said as she went behind the counter. She worked here part-time along with her job at the roller restaurant so she would often ring the girls up and would use her discount to help them save money. The cakes didn't seem to mind especially considering that Pinkie Pie was also their go to babysitter and Rarity had designed multiple closets worth of clothes for their toddlers Pumpkin and Pound. Each of the girls all had their favorite milkshakes. Rarity's was French vanilla with chocolate bits. Applejack's was ironically strawberry. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy liked chocolate. Pinkie had chocolate with marshmallow. Sunset had cookies and cream and Sci-Twi had Mint. Once all the shakes were expertly made by Pinkie Pie she would ring them up at the register. "That'll be $25!" Pinkie Pie said cheerily. "Well worth the price even with your discount. I daresay you make the best shakes in town darling." Rarity said with a smile as she paid Pinkie the $25 for the shakes and then slipped a $10 in the tip jar for her friend and was very happy to see the big smile plastered on the pink girls face when she did so. Pinkie worked very hard and Rarity always made sure to make sure she was rewarded for that hard work. "Thanks a bunch Rarity!" "Anything for a friend darling. Come, come! We have much to discuss!" Rarity said taking her's and Applejack's milkshakes while Pinkie Pie grabbed the rest on a tray to bring over to their booth. Once she came back to the booth she handed Applejack her beverage with a smile and instead of simply sitting next to her? As a way to prep herself and everyone else for the news that was about to come she sat in Applejack's lap and she could see a few instant reactions from her friends at the table and a few of the patrons around the cafe including her little sister. 'Feel however you wish little sister. Do whatever you feel is right. I will do what my heart and soul tell me'Rarity thought as she looked in her sisters direction. "So um what did you want to talk about Rarity?" Fluttershy was the first to ask. "I'm curious as well" Sci-Twi replied. "I think I can see where this is going and at least 10 people in this place are gonna owe me money" Rainbow said with a grin. "Well since you are all so eager to know then I suppose its time to; as Applejack put it. Let the apple fall from the tree." Rarity said coyly. "We're datin'" Applejack said flat out. "Well I think someone should pick up the phone" Rainbow said as she lounged back in her seat sipping her shake and then slamming the cup down on the table with a big smirk. "CAUSE I FUCKING CALLED IT!" She ignored the sour looks she got from the few parents in the cafe who covered their kids ears. "Language Dash please. But yes. As Applejack so bluntly put it. We are together romantically now and have been for about two weeks. We've resisted telling you all because things have been well; rather hectic." Rarity said somberly as she truly didn't wish to keep secrets from her friends. She knew they would support her but with all the other drama she had going on? She didn't want to drop this information just yet but she felt she was ready now. "Yeah and with Rarity's family not all exactly bein' on board with the whole LGBT thing given everything that's happened? It ain't hard to see why." Applejack said. After her father passed away her mother had gone through a lot of hardship but managed to find love again in a divorced woman named Cherry Jubilee and they had gotten married not that long ago however also around this time? Rarity's parents had suffered the effects of a divorce because Rarity's father had come out as homosexual and left Rarity's mother to be with another man leaving Rarity's mother bitter and angry. "We completely understand girls and know you have our full support." Sci-Twi stated fully ready and happy to support her two friends. "Rarity?" a young voice asked. Rarity felt her blood run cold when she saw it was her sister who had approached her along with Applebloom who seemed to be confronting Applejack albeit in a different manner. Applebloom was hugging and embracing Applejack saying things like 'about damn time' while Applejack smothered. "Y-Yes Sweetie Belle? Is something the matter?" Rarity asked nonchalantly. "Are you and Applejack really dating?" Sweetie asked, her tone unreadable. "Yes. We are. Is that a problem?" Rarity affirmed ready to stand by Applejack no matter what her sister said. Sweetie Belle smiled a wide smile and hugged her big sister. "Pft heck no! I've been waiting forever for you two to finally stop with the will they wont they! But um...what about mom?" Sweetie asked curiously. Rarity sighed and hugged her sister back, relived that she had her sisters support even for as much as her mother attempted to brainwash her. "She can think what she wants. I don't care. If she wishes to throw me out for simply embracing who I am? Then so be it. Applejack and her family already said I could move in with them should that happen and I am more than savvy enough to keep business going with my clothes and designs without her money." Rarity said turning her nose up in defiance. She loved her mother and that would never change, she would never abandon her simply because she didn't find love in the opposite sex. She knew this would be a tough road to ride but as long as she had Applejack? It was worth it. "Well you know I've got your back! I'm happy for you big sis. I'll talk to you later." Sweetie Belle said going back over to her friends along with Applebloom and it didn't go unnoticed that the two began to hold hands as they walked back to their group of friends which got a giggle and a smirk out of both Rarity and Applejack. "I'm soooooo happy for you two! I can't wait to throw you a party for this!" Pinkie cheered happily. "We look forward to it sugarcube. And uh Sunset?" Applejack looked to her pony friend. "Y-Yes?" Sunset asked blushing still. "Sorry about earlier, I know you ain't mean ta read my mind like that." Applejack said "O-Oh its okay it was my fault for not remembering how my powers work. Gotta work on that." Sunset chuckled sheepishly. "I think we can work on that tonight during our date" Sci-Twi said and then realized what she had said and blushed greatly and waved her hands frantically. "I-I mean study date! Not like a date-date! I mean not that I wouldn't date-date you because you are super date-dateable but uh...I mean um...I'm gonna stop talking now" Sci-Twi said going back to sipping her milkshake. Rainbow smirked looking between the two of them and said. "50 bucks says they fuck by the end of tonight" Both Sunset and Twilight lit up like Christmas lights and shouted. "RAINBOW?!" Rainbow Dash merely laughed holding her sides. "Our friends are a bunch a dopes" Applejack chuckled shaking her head. "That's the honest truth." Rarity giggled, smiled and gave Applejack a quick kiss on the lips making her blush around the freckles on her face as it would make this the first time Rarity had ever kissed her in front of anyone. "And I wouldn't have it any other way." The End.