> Private Sex-Ed: Dragon Chapter > by B_25 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An In-Depth Report > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private Sex-Ed Lessons B_25 Spike was stuck at his desk, hunched over it from his chair, writing words that were nothing but drivel to his head. If he was being honest with himself, his eyes had unfocused on the scrolls before him: he simply let (and hoped) instincts would do his work for him. So. When it came time for him to blink his eyes, come back to life, and raise the paper he'd been writing on for... however long it'd been, the first thing to appear on his face was a frown. Looking at the paper, really, all he had done was scribble random words together. But those words sounded fancy, meant nothing, and overall, would be enough of a report to get Twilight off his back. He sighed. “I'm really losing it recently.” Then came a knock from the door. Spike fell back into his seat and looked left. It was the weekend: no one but the janitor should have been in the halls. But as he looked at the door, he saw a tall but slightly stunted silhouette on the other side, waiting for him to answer... but with their arms already crossed. “Come in,” Spike more or less grumbled, leaning forward. Putting his elbows on the desk, he leaned his chin on top of his claws—his best attempt at looking semi-intelligent and a little professional. “Only me in here if you'd like to—oh, it's you.” The door had opened while he spoke. An orange dragon had stepped in, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, a smirk on her lips. When Spike stopped talking, Smolder had stopped walking, the two glaring and gazing at the other. “Nice way to greet a friend.” Smolder leaned to the left and placed a claw on her right hip. “Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't ponies supposed to be excited to see a friend?” “Most of the time, yeah.” Spike cracked his neck, closing his eyes while he did so. “Look. It's my bad. I just wasn't expecting to see anyone here is all.” He sighed heavily, reopening his eyes. “Why are you here anyway? Did you forget something?” “Me? Naaah.” Smolder started walking toward the desk, looking elsewhere while she did so. 'Just running short on ways to waste time. Keepin' in the dorms is keepin' me in a bore—if ya get what I mean.” Spike nodded. “I do.” He glanced down at the stack of papers. “Twilight's got me wasting time for her... only the time isn't wasting fast enough.” He shook his head, blinking while he did so, trying to delay his drowsiness. “Usually, I don't mind writing reports and stuff like that. But this? This is a new level of boring!” Smolder actually turned around at that. “Something's got you in tears? Spill it.” “Sex-ed.” Spike rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his voice nearly squeak as he said it. “It's Twilight's grand idea to start adding more... mature content to the school curriculum.” He leaned back into his seat, letting his arms rest on the chair. “If the school is going to be all-encompassing, then I guess we have to start focusing on the awkward stuff too.” Spike stared at the paper. Then he stared at it some more. Staring and staring, he became more confused. That confusion led to nervousness. Nervousness made way for embarrassment. The overall silence only encouraged an air of awkwardness. Spike's eyes slowly looked from the desk to the orange dragon standing before him. She stood tall with her arms down, no expression on her face—aside from the occasional blink of her sapphire eyes. Seconds later, she felt his eye contact, which only made her narrow her eyes all the more. “The heck is a sex anyway?” Spike blinked. Then he blinked twice. Then he debated internally about keeping his eyes closed for good. Deciding that was not fair to the dragon who had shown and taught him so much about being a, well, dragon, he opted to stare at her critically for a few seconds. “What?” Smolder asked. Spike kept staring. “Seriously,” she said. “What does it mean.” Spike kept staring... just a few seconds more. “That's it.” Smolder raised a claw and then made it into a fist. “You tell me or you tell my fist. Which one are you gonna choose?” “I'll... choose the former, if that's alright.” Spike shook his head, sighing. She'd been more than understanding due to his ignorance of the Molt—she deserved the same in return. “You've never heard of sex before? Like, two creatures mating?” “Oooh, mating!” Smolder let go of her fist, returning her claw to her hip. “'course I know somethin' about that. What dragon wouldn't.” She blinked. “Wait. You're in charge of egg laying and all that?” “Hatching? No!” Spike turned and got off from his seat, rounding around the table. “Twilight just thought a dragon should be in charge of reporting on how dragons mate. Or have sex.” He ambled to the front of the desk... only to awash in Smoulder's shadow. “It's still under the lens of pony perception, however.” Spike stopped once he was standing next to Smolder. She was tall... at least for him. He stood at chest level with her which, really, he didn't mind so much from time to time. But standing in her shadow wasn't really a plus. “Hence why I'm perfect for the project, I guess.” Smolder glanced down at him. “You mean... you've had sex before?” “What? No!” Spike stepped back while waving his arms about. “You crazy? I mean, I w-wish I have! Wait, no!” He stopped walking if only to wave his claws faster. “Scratch that! Scratch that!” It took a few seconds for him to stop shouting, several more for him to stop waving his arms, and a solid moment for him to catch his breath. Smolder was unimpressed. “Easy guy. Ya don't have to lose your cool around me.” Spike panted. “S-Sorry. Just... sensitive about a thing or two.” “You're telling me.” Smolder kept staring down at him for a few seconds, more curious than confused, and for whatever reason, feeling strangely relieved. She had to admit, seeing the little dragon pent over, struggling to breathe, a hot blush on his pink cheeks... it warmed her heart in a nice way. So she decided to take a breath herself. “So the ponies got you doing a little home-work on dragons then, right?” Spike, while panting, nodded. “Guess that's fair enough,” Smolder smirked. “Not like they have many other dragons to do it to, right?” Spike, while panting, glared. “Easy, easy. Joke. It was a joke.” Smolder glanced over her shoulder, spotting an empty desk behind her. With a shrug of her shoulders, and an afternoon to kill, she turned around and her way to one of the student's desk. “In fact, you actually got me hooked on this whole 'sex' thing.” Spike stood up while panting. He watched the taller dragon doing between the aisle of seats, taking the first one to her right. She sat down in the seat, put her feet up on the desk, let her arms crossed over the back of her head, and then stared at him. “Try to explaining it to me,” Smolder said. “But don't make it boring, alright?” Spike stood still for a second. He stared at her, then at the chalkboard, and then ultimately sighed. Walking to the front of the classroom, he took a stance to that of a teacher. “A-Alright then, class...” Smolder kept staring at him. Spike coughed into his claw. “We're going to be talking about the kind of sex that dragons have.” Spike blinked, bit his tongue, and cursed himself. “Or mating, rather.” He glanced away from her gaze while he spoke. “We won't be talking so much about what mating does... but how it occurs.” “And just how do you know that?” Smolder asked; she cupped her claws to amplify her voice. “Don't you need experience in something to talk about it?” “Thankfully,” Spike turned his head back, glaring at her, “many books on dragons how come out to document the process. While I don't have any... formal experience, I can still get off written reports by ponies, and.... spoken accounts from dragons.” “Pfft!” Smolder leaned further into her seat, laughing. “You asked a dragon how it feels like to mate! Ha! What did ya do? Go up and ask 'em politely?” “Shaddup! It wasn't like that.” Spike crossed his arms, looked at his feet, and huffed softly. “Okay. Maybe it was a bit like that. But not entirely!” Smolder laughed. And Spike got pissed. “Alright then!” Spike pointed at Smolder. “What do you know about sex, huh? Got any you'd like to share with the class.” Smolder blinked. She then glanced around the empty classroom. “Y-You get what I mean!” Spike shouted back at her. Smolder looked back at him, and then, shrugged. “What dragon doesn't know a thing or two about mating? There's a male dragon and a female dragon. They come together. Then an egg is made.” She shrugged. “That's pretty much it.” “What happens?” Smolder blinked. 'What?” “You have two dragons coming together,” Spike went on, “but you didn't explain how they make an egg out of the exchange.” “Duh. By mating!” “What does the word mating encompass?” “Why is there a compass in mating?” Spike shook his head. “I-It means what exactly happens when two dragons are mating?” “W-Well... one dragon... and another dragon... do something together...” “And then?” Smolder shook her head and threw up her claws. “I-I don't know! How the heck should I? You see any other male dragons here? You see me going out of my way to learn about this kind of crud?” Rage had taken her for a moment, and unable to fight it back, she slammed her fists into the table. “Look. All you gotta know is dragons have their instincts flare up when it's time to do anything like that.” Spike continued to stare at her—but without malice. “Not like I wanna do anything like that, anyway.” Smolder shook her head, choosing to avert her gaze from the smaller dragon. “Something like that is still years away. Stupid to be thinking about that crud now.” Spike watched her for a few seconds, not sure what to say, not sure what to do. His mind was clouded with thoughts and solutions, but none that beat in sequence to his heart. Closing his eyes and clearing his mind, he decided to trust, instead, in the spontaneous inventions of his heart. “I do.” It was all he said, and yet, it was more powerful than anything else he could have said. He earned Smolder's gaze again, even if she was still silent. “I do. I mean, what guy dragon isn't thinking about sex?” He blew air out his mouth. “Heck, I've been into Rarity ever since I got into Ponyville.” He closed his eyes. “Or used to, anyway.” “R-Really?” The sudden voice was a pleasant surprise: enough so for Spike to reopen his eyes. From what he could see, Smolder had sat up in her stool, had her elbows resting on the desk, and was now gazing at him. “Yeah,” he replied, turning slightly away. “Spent too many years chasing after something that wasn't to be.” He shook his head. “Plus, my first time shouldn't be with a pony, anyway.” He turned fully, looking at his desk and his notes. “Part of all that research was to find out... what it'd feel like for me to be with another dragon, you know?” Smolder chuckled softly. “Ya don't need words for that.” “But you do.” Spike turned back to Smolder, slowly walking toward her seat. “We need to be able to teach dragons—and ponies—how mating works. Think about it: the entire species is dependent on dragons mating.” He reached her desk, doing his best to stand tall, though still falling underneath her gaze. “Something so important... it shouldn't be left to mystery.” “So why don't we do it then?” Spike blinked. “Come again?” “Your whole 'deal' is you know a whole lot about... sex or whatever, right?” Spike nodded his head at her words, but not without holding his claws together in front of his stomach. “But you lack all the important... all the physical stuff about it.” Smolder let the words hang in the air for a second. Then she shrugged her shoulders. “So why don't we do it? You know, the whole sex and—“ “S-Smolder!” Spike quickly clambered onto the surface of her desk, struggling to roll onto the platform. Once on, he stood up, waving his claws in front of her impassive, orange face. “Don't say stuff like that out loud! What if somepony else was listening?” “Who? The hall itself?” Smolder lifted a claw only to flick the smaller dragon on the forehead. “Only dweebs come to school on the weekend. It's just you and I, pal.” Spike swallowed. “Still...” “What? Was I wrong to suggest something like that?” “N-No! I mean. It's kinda out of the blue. Break a few school rules. If we got caught, you'd be expelled and I would be...” Spike swallowed. “...dead.” “What? Twilight wouldn't kill ya!” Smolder leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms. She smirked at the dragon, but when he didn't reply, she gave a few blinks. “She... wouldn't though, right?” Spike shook his head. “Geeze. So that's why you're so pent-up all the dang time.” Smolder sighed and leaned forward, hovering her face inches before his. “Look. You're stuck in this classroom, on the weekend of all days, forced to write some boring report!” Spike tilted his head and narrowed his right eye. “I wouldn't say it's boring.” He then blinked. “It's not boring, is it?” Smolder held up a claw. “No comment. Anyway, so Twilight's got you here doing boring work, cause only you can do boring work. And that work is important to ponies for whatever reason, right?” “You haven't been listening to a thing I've said, have you?” “I paid half-attention—and only to the good parts.” Spike dropped his head. “Go on then.” “Don't give me that. I'm only playing around with you.” Smolder brought a claw over his shoulder, letting it rest there, rubbing while she talked. “But if you're so uptight about getting this report right, then you need to... experiment.” “E-Experiment?” “Yeah. For like, research and stuff.” Smolder smiled at him as she tilted her head slightly. “And plus, you kinda got me hooked on the concept too—so all your talking didn't go to waste!” Smolder then brought her muzzle close to his own, keeping there, feeling his breath sweep across her snout. “So how about it? You go off what you know, and try this sex thing out.” Spike swallowed. He had been put in a hard place. Standing on the table, he had one of the finest dragons staring at him intensely with her gentle blue eyes. The roughness of her voice, of her personality as a whole—it always summoned a tuft of flames to blaze across the intention of his stomach. She was so wild, so raw, so attractive that logic and reason suddenly abandoned him. Risking a glance over his shoulder, he looked to the door, which was closed, not locked, though he paid that last fact little mind. The school was empty, and should someone wander it, the chances of them coming to this classroom were slim. And when he looked back at Smolder, he saw her looking at him, gazing at him, smiling at him, wanting him. The sudden attention from an attractive female made his head lower and his heart beast faster. He shouldn't risk this: making love to a dragon that was almost his student, risking not only their friendship but also getting found out and thrown out on a whole. But for once in his orderly life, Spike shook his head, forgot his stress and his worries, and followed through with his feelings, his current desires. Swallowing, he stepped forward, putting his muzzle against hers once more. “Alright, okay,” Spike almost whispered to her. “You got me. But... but if we're going to do this, then I'll be the one taking the lead, a-alright?” And with a shaky nod, he added: “And we never talk about this again. No one can know this ever happened.” “Keeping a secret? Now that's what friendship is all about.” Smolder let her eyes become half-lidded as she giggled to herself. “So what's first on the agenda to this sex? We gotta do something together, right?” “Well, um, at f-first, f-f-foreplay tends to get things... you know, s-started.” Spike tucked his lips inward swept his tongue along their surface, one of his fangs nibbling against his bottom lip. “F-First up, we have to kiss.” “Which one is kissing again?” “When we, you know, put our lips together.” “Like this?” Spike went to speak—only to find he suddenly could not. His vision went at once, so too did his hearing, leaving him hollow in his bodily functions except for one: the sensation that was currently coursing from his lips. It was hard for him to describe the sensation. It was soft, back by a miniature furnace of warmth, with a bit of wetness coating it all. Enjoyable. The feeling was beyond enjoyable. Pleasure refilled his depleted body all over, reminding him for a moment why life could be so great. And then it stopped, and suddenly, life sucked. “Heh. That wasn't all so bad after all!” Smolder said, just as Spike's vision came back. All she saw was him staring blankly at her, eyes wide and with a smile that was even wider, which made her feel... strangely giddy about the younger dragon. “You look like you enjoyed a bit of that yourself.” All Spike, the poor love-struck fool could do was nod his head. But Smolder then brought a claw to her chin. Her eyes narrowed in thought. “But it still feels like something's missing from it.” She glanced at him. “We supposed to be doing something on top of all that kissing?” Spike swallowed. “M-Multiple things.” He exhaled as to steady his nerves. “When we're kissing, we're supposed to be pressing our lips against each other.” While Spike talked, his thoughts lingered elsewhere, like how he lost his first kiss, after all these years, so suddenly and without much care. “Our tongues work into the picture... the more passionate we become.” “Passionate, huh?” Smolder blinked. “Not really into doing that girly stuff. But getting passionate about kissing?” She winked at him, chuckled to herself, then licked her lips. “Now that's something worth getting fired up again.” Spike had no clue what he was getting himself into, but before anything could be done, any chance of running had ceased to be. Smolder had thrown her arm around his neck, securing her hold on him. With a tug, she pulled him toward her, their faces meeting and their lips touching. Spike had almost gone blind a second time. But this time, for the sake of his studies (and other interests) he kept his eyes open, devouring what his vision portrayed. Smolder's face filled his gaze: her eyes closed and head slightly tilted. She was moaning lightly... like she wasn't even aware she was doing so. And then Spike felt movement. Her lips moving against his own. They were soft despite being made of scales. Flexible. Each scale on her lips meshed over and against his own. It was pleasant rubbing that made his lids raise. And then Spike stopped thinking. Trusting in his body rather than his mind, he let his lips worked against hers, feeling their lips press against each other, sometimes catching her bottom lip between his two. A hunger came about him. The more he kissed, the stronger and quicker his kisses came, finding that he was now pushing himself into the kiss. He wasn't alone in that hunger. The pull around his neck came stronger as well, causing their kiss to tighten. The two had found passion in their naivety. But soon. The kisses weren't enough. Smolder went as far as to bare her fangs during the exchanging, nibbling and pulling at his lips, wanting more of him—a quantity that his lips could not provide despite their quality. And so, the dragons, hungry, moaning, panting, did what dragon did best: get whatever it was they wanted. Without saying anything, the smacks of their kisses told the other everything, and in a second, Smolder turned her head clockwise, and Spike turned his head counterclockwise wise. Spike felt something slim but sharp then press against his mouth. He lifted his arms, laying them over Smolder's shoulder, feeling her blades as he parted his lips. At once, something entered, warm and thin, long and snaking through his maw. He moaned the second her tongue found his own. The kiss was probably sloppy, and the two were going off whatever their bodies told them, but even still, it wasn't groans that echoed off the walls of the classroom—it was the moans rising in pitch and sound. Inside their kiss, the two tongues danced at once, each playing with the other. The dragons had wrapped their arms around the other, letting their claws feel every inch, every scale of the other's body—trying to feel more and more to fill their hunger. For Spike, it almost felt like he was too small to enjoy all of her. Even as one of his claws came from over her shoulder, he felt all over her chest, enjoying her supple firmness, and also how sleek and slim her body felt against himself. And Smolder, despite not wanting to admit it, enjoyed how cute her little dragon felt. He was small, sure, but he was compact—so much contained in so little. One of her claws slid down along his right side, filling her palm with all the him she could take. The kiss broke far sooner than either would have liked, but much too their inexperience, both had forgotten to breathe during their romantic embrace. Both pulled inches away from each other, each gazing at the other, the two of them exchanging their exhales. “S-Spike?” “Y... yes?” “I'm feeling... really... good right now.” Smolder swallowed her breath, slowing their frequency. “Like. Warm all over.” She shook her head. “But I don't have a fire brewing in my chest... and yet I feel hot all over. What gives?” Spike blinked. The girl had rocked his world, and yet, knew nothing about was happening to her own. “For a dragon who has no clue about mating you're really good at it.” He sighed. “Then again, it's not like I have other experiences to relate to.” “Then we just gotta make some more, duh!” She flicked his forehead. “And ya still haven't answered my question either, small stuff. That hotness? It's coming on pretty strong between my legs.” She leaned back into her seat, gazing down between her legs. “And I've never felt anything down there before. You know, besides the usual stuff in the bathroom.” Spike felt oddly proud at that. “That means... you're aroused.” “I'm a what now?” “Aroused.” Spike stood tall on the desk. “It means you're feeling good all over because of what we did. Y'know, the kissing and all that. Makes you wanna do more of that. We need to keep having kids so our kind can live on, so our minds make our bodies feel really good while we're mating to encourage the behavior.” Silence. “Spike?” “Y-Yeah?” “I didn't get a word of whatever you were trying to lie down.” Spike sighed. “The more you and I do stuff together, the warmer your body gets, and the better you'll feel. Happy?” “No. I'm aroused. Didn't we just cover this?” “I hate you sometimes.” Smolder chuckled. “Don't be like that. Say, why don't you explain the thingy that's going on between my legs? That should get you aroused too, right?” When silence followed her words, Smolder was left to blink a few times. “Or do male dragons not get aroused and stuff?” “No... we get aroused plenty.” The thought of Rarity in a shower, warm water cascading down her wet, white fur... her hoof scrubbing the place between her legs... “A little too much if you ask me.” He then shook his head. “Now, as for between your legs...” Spike went silent after that, hating himself for how his tongue worked, and more than that, how his tongue worked in front of others. He looked at Smolder for a second, who was sitting back, her lap wide open and beckoning to be gazed at. And Spike went for it. He peered over the desk he was on, staring down at the girl's legs, and swallowing at what he saw between them. Mares had their tails to cover their privates, and the same was true of dragons, but because Smolder was sitting back in her seat, she had her crotch fully showing. Spike looked. He stared. He did everything aside from drool at the sight. Smolder's mounds were clear as day to his eyes, the area appearing soft, her slit small, a trickle of cum pouring from its base. The smaller dragon felt something he had not felt for a very long time. Something raw and hot tingled from his crotch, an urge he could not resists, growing ever larger as he was forced to glance down at his own groin. “Oh, so you got one too.” Spike raised his head to see Smolder looking at him, and at once, raised his claws to cover his face. “Was sure guy dragons had 'em too, but couldn't be sure, ya know? Though something seems kind different about your thingy.” Smolder leaned forward an inch—but moved no further than that. “What the heck?!” Spike was just as confused as her, but upon glancing down, immediately wished he used his claws to cover his crotch instead. His cock at poked out from his slit. It grew, pink and hard, ridges protruding from his underside. His tip was sharp in appearance. “So you guys are different than us in some places.” Her eyes hovered over the growing cock, sparkling ever so slightly. “And not bad looking at all. Pretty sure I don't have that inside of me. At least, I hope I don't.” “You... don't have to worry about that,” Spike replied, swallowing. “You don't.” “Good. That's... good, I think.” She blinked. “So what the heck is your thingy anyway?” “That's my cock,” Spike said. “And I'm surprised my voice didn't break while saying that. Anyway, take a look if you want.” Smolder brought her face closer to his growing endowment, hovering dangerously close to his tip. “There are many phrases for it: phallus, dick, penis. It doesn't really matter what you call it.” “And what does it do?” “Alright. So you really just asked that. Okay.” Pangs of desire came from his cock. Spike was finding it hard not to grip his cock and jerk one out. Even worse, the need to be held was worse when he had a female staring directly at his tool. “Besides bathroom stuff, a dragon's cock is supposed to expel cum in a female's womb. This gives life to her eggs. Then dragons are born!” “Ooookay?” Smolder pressed a talon on his cock, pushing the head down. She felt how soft surface gave way to the hardness below with pressure. When she pulled her claw back, she watched his cock flick into place. His moan also piqued her interest. “So you're saying your cock thing goes in my womb thing, right? How the heck does that work out in all of this.” “This is getting harder and harder to do,” Spike said, “and I don't mean my cock. Wow. Okay. I really need to get my stuff together.” He let his claw take hold of her claw, hoping that would assuage its pleasant aching. “So when my cock here is done growing, usually, you'll have gotten wet as well.” “I'm supposed to take a bath?” “I am so going to change a nation when I publish that report.” Another pleasant aching tingled from his cock, and Spike could not fight it, giving in for a few jerks—just enough to sate him for the moment. “Look between your legs real quick. See it? That's your slit.” “Nuh-uh.” Smolder was looking down when she shook her head. Gazing back at Spike, she looked to his cock once more, strangely turned on by the sight. There was something primal about it, seeing his cock. Seeing how straight and hard and long it was, for whatever reason, she wanted an excuse to feel more of it—to get her claw wrapped around it. And so Smolder did as she felt. “What do you mean—YAYAAAAH!” Spike's entire body seized up at the alien sensation. Almost scared to look down, he did so anyway, seeing a claw other than his own wrapped around the base of his shaft. Smolder had pulled his claw aside, letting his hardness press all along her palm, making her shiver with pleasure at how erect this thing could be. “S-Smolder, y-you can't just do that!” “Why not?” Smolder replied without looking at him. Her tone was indifferent but her gaze glinted with curiosity. “You were just doing it to yourself, weren't ya? Ya seemed like you were enjoying it a lot—you seem like you're enjoying it now.” Spike could only watch as she stroked his length—the first time his cock was touched by anyone other than himself. The sensation was unreal. “So? How about it, teach?” Smolder said as she gazed at his twitching tip. “You wanna explain what I'm doing here? This is supposed to be a learning experience, after all.” “Ooooh, I'm so dead after all this is done.” Spike swallowed, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the bliss nonetheless. “R-Right now, you're giving me a h-hand job. When a dragon... mhmm... can't find a mate, he t-tends to give one to himself.... to release... prolonged pleasure.” “Or repressed.” Spike decided to let that slide. “Right now, your stroking a-along my member—do you mind going a bit quicker?” Smolder stared up at him from between his legs, of which, he quickly sat down, eyes still tightly closed. She shrugged, jerking his cock faster. “Much better.” “How long is this supposed to be going on for?” “You're building toward my o-orgasm right now.” Spike subtly flicked his hips back and forth, rubbing his ass against the desk, endeavoring to attain more pleasure from her motion. “How to describe it? Imagine my entire length is aching right now, but like in a pleasant way, and the sensation gets stronger the closer to my base.” “Why do the sides of your thingy look kind weird?” Smolder let her talons trace along the side of his cock, noting how different it felt from the rest of him. “They seem like they're important. Explain.” “That's where, um, my cock begins to knot,” Spike replied. “It's how a male's cum is produced. They don't do much in actual intercourse, but near the end, when I'm about to cum... they well up in small balls. It doesn't hurt at all. Just makes sure the male dragon stays locked in long enough for his seed to reach the female's eggs.” “Huh.” Smolder gazed at his sides, almost forgetting the jerking motion of her arm. When she had nearly stopped, she felt him wince, which made her smirk as she looked back up at him. “Seems like I'm learning a lot today, teacher Spike. Heh. Think you also taught me how to control another dragon when I want to.” “V-Very funny.” Spike opened his eyes, at last, biting his bottom lip. With much resistance, he took her claw off his cock, letting it stand painfully erect in the air. He was close to coming and didn't want the session to end prematurely. “B-But you've already learned enough about me.” Spike stood up, tall, with his cock in the air. “And now it's time to learn a bit more about you, Smolder.” Smolder gulped. She leaned back in her seat, her confidence draining slightly, her heart beating faster than slightly. Looking left and right, she saw no way getting out of this, and condemned herself to whatever was to happen. Spike turned from her and to the side of the table, throwing himself over and down, letting himself dangle from the side until his swaying feet found purchase on the ground. He let go, stood tall, and started to approach her from underneath the table. And the sight was beyond hot from Smolder's perspective. She saw Spike's tiny body waddling in from underneath the table, with him cutely tucked in-between her thighs. Seeing him cramped between the desk and trapped from between her legs made her feel good... made her feel aroused. “Alright. So. Here... we are.” Spike stood before her stool, his head level with her crotch, which was the only time his height was ever kind to him. Her tail draped over the seat, leaving what had been covered for so long finally exposed. “ So, uh, as you may have... kinda noticed, guys and girls have different things in their private areas.” “Kinda got that impression when your cock thing came out of your slit.” Smolder glanced down at her own crotch, fighting the urge to lay a claw over her slit. “And I'm guessing I don't have anything like that in my own. Feels kinda... empty in there, or something like that.” Spike chuckled. Smolder's cheeks went red. “T-The heck is so funny? I didn't say anything funny!” “Sorry, sorry.” Spike shook his head while getting the last of his chuckles out. “Just weird to have the one-up over you on something.” His eyes were set on her slit, her folds slick with the juices of her love. “And I've someone describe a pussy like that. It caught me by surprise.” “A pussy?” “It's... your thing.” Spike swallowed as he neared her crotch, his muzzle inches above her slit. A wave of heat warmed his cheeks despite the distance. “Whereas my cock comes out of my slit, yours is more like a tunnel that gets filled by... well... you know...” He shook his head and bit the inside of his cheek. “Man I suck at explaining stuff.” “N-No. Go on.” Smolder continued gazing down at him, her heart pricking the close he came to her crotch, an interaction she wanted and feared so badly. “You kinda got me hooked on learning about myself. Can you... do something to me?” “Like what?” “I d-dunno! You're the teacher!” “I guess you got me there.” Spike in truth was every amount scared as Smolder. His heart pricked with excitement at finally being near a girl, a dragon nonetheless, and was about to enact in a desire only his most private of dreams had revealed to him. “So I'm going to use a talon here to touch p-parts of you, okay? Please stop me if you get uncomfortable, alright?” “I'm not some wimp, Spike.” “Being nervous doesn't make you a wimp, Smolder.” Smolder remained silent. Spike looked back at his objective. Close up, Smolder's mounds were small, at least, compared to the rest of her body. Slowly, he laid his index talon on her right mound, feeling his tip sink an inch into her softness, enjoying how the scales there flexed around his touch. And then became the immediate shiver from his mate. “H-How does it feel?” By the time Spike looked up, Smolder was doing the same, her muzzle in the air and her eyes shut. He glanced at her side, where her claw hovered along the stool, inching toward gripping it, but keeping in the air for whatever reason. “D-Does it hurt?” “What? N-No!” Smolder opened her eyes and glared down at him. “It feels really dang good! I... I just... ugh... what am I even feeling right now! It's making me weak but making me feel good at the same time!” “That's because pleasure tends to make you feel vulnerable,” Spike went on to say, staring into her blue eyes, offering as much sincerity and care in his own gaze. “It's a very intimate act. It leaves both parties exposed in ways... in horrible ways you never thought you could be exposed like before.” “G-Gah!” Smolder narrowed her eyes, seeing and feeling how his talon rubbed in circles along her mounds, pushing in every now and then, which made her moan each, as it drew closer and closer to entering her slit. “W-Why would... o-o-ooohh... do something that m-makes 'em weak!” “Because it's the only way to make them strong,” Spike replied simply. “Even right now, my heart is demanding I run for the hills. I've never done something like this with a girl before... and I'm more scared than you can know.” “S-So... why are... nnhmmg... still touching me?” “Because intimacy is supposed to make you weak,” he replied once more, feeling his cock stiffeningstiffing as his talon caught with her slickness. “It's the surefire way to know you've found someone you can trust. That they can make you weak, and instead of abusing that, care for you instead. Anyone like that is worth raising eggs with.” Smoulder watched him continue to play with her slit, his talon tracing circles along her mounds, every pass drawing dangerously close to her slit, every twist of his wrist bringing him closer to entering her. “And it's only when we're weak that our flaws can be assuaged by another, our bodies filled with... well... love and reassurance.” Spike’s gaze had become lost to the world while his body took over on the controls. The aching in his cock was as strong as the one in his heart, neither hurt, but both beckoned him toward something. “For something so important, it's best we learn everything about it, so we can help instead of hurt others.” He came back into his gaze a second later, blinking at what he had said, and then glancing up at the female dragon. “At least, that's what I think. That's not a part of the course, so you don't have to worry about remembering it.” Smolder was breathless as she looked down at him. She was feeling and thinking and experiencing things raw yet unknown throughout the entirety of her life. Much like the other dragon, something strong compelled her forward in whatever was happening between them. “You kidding? About time you said something useful.” “Really?” Spike had this head tilted, slowly lowering it as her words rang inside his mind. A smile crept onto his lips, accompanied by a small, heartfelt chuckle he could not repress. “I'm really glad to hear that, Smolder.” As soon as the words left his lips Spike was shaking his head. “But we should get back with the lesson. You're going to feel something really good in a second. Or, I hope, it'll feel really good. I don't have much experience with female dragons as I do myself.” Smolder nodded, biting the inside of her cheeks, doing her best to not let him see her distress. “Just, uh, be careful down there?” Spike nodded. He then looked at the top of her slit, seeing, at its top, her clit poking out. A small ball that was a bundle of nerves, Spike swallowed at the sight. Carefully, really carefully, he laid a talon on its surface—the contact making her body involuntarily shiver. He looked at her clenched eyes at once. “Good or bad?” “G-Good,” she replied in a strained voice. “Really, really good.” “Well. That's good.” Spike never stopped looking up at her, feeling his cock twitch with the reactions he was getting. Long neglected in a romantic sense, he was enjoying making a girl feel so good, intensifying her pleasure when he drew tiny circles on her slit. “This is your clit. As you may have already guessed, it's pretty sensitive to most contact—it's why it's hidden underneath a 'hood' most of the time.” “I-I... see.” Am I just talking to myself right now? Spike thought to himself, not really annoyed, but rather amused. I wonder if I start talking about sports if she would catch on. Nah. I can't do something like that to her. “S-Spike?” “Huh? Whuz that?” “C-Can you do... more of whatever you're doing?” Smolder said with her head back, eyes still closed. Much like him, she was flicking her hips lightly, getting a little more out of what he was giving her. They both had an equal effect on each other. This made Spike extremely happy. “It feels like I'm really close to something,” she continued. “Like something or other is going to break inside of me.” She moaned into the air, flicking her hips faster. “And it feels reeeeally goooood!” Spike smirked. “I think there's something we can do about something like that. We're going to switch from touching to oral. I'm still not any good, but at this point, I don't think that really matters.” He was more or less speaking to himself near the end. “Let's hope this works!” Spike took away his claw and leaned in close to her crotch. Her heat washed across his snout. He appreciated the sensation for only a second—and then he let himself fly forward. His lips met her slit, a kiss that the duo could enjoy. He had no idea what he was doing, of course, but Spike cared nothing for it and neither did Smolder. Doing whatever his body suggested, he started at the bottom of her pussy, kissing into the scales. Her thighs quivered and her mouth cried. So he continued. He kissed up along her slit, feeling his lips catch with her juices, warm and sweet, something he labored to have more of. This caused his tongue to sneak out between his lips, licking at where it pleased, collecting her juices. The added sensation made Smolder wild. The further up his kisses went, the more her body shivered, the weaker her moans became, the tighter her thighs locked along the sides of his head. It caught him by surprise for they were pleasantly soft—wanting nothing more than to keep his snout buried in pussy. And that was an idea Spike got along with just fine. But then he reached it. Smolder was outright humping his face at this point, though she seemed unaware, rocking her hips and waving her arms in the air, riding out the bliss brought on by the smaller dragon. And he had her. Spike knew he had it. Finally, his lips had met her clit, and sneaking a final blow, let his tongue slither out from in-between his lips. At once, he licked across her clit—feeling her crotch shove right into his face at once. “S-Spike!” Spike didn't listen to her cries and then resolved resigned to make more of them. His tongue proceeded to wrap around her clit, each wrap making the pressure around it tighter, licking its surface while he did so. Then, without warning, he retracted his tongue—the length of his tongue town spinning around her clit at as a speed Smolder couldn't comprehend but could absolutely feel. “Spike!” Then it happened. Her thighs pressed into the side of his head, locking him firmly against her pussy at the second it quivered. Torrent after torrent flooded out from her tight tunnel, splashing right into his purple snout. Instead of getting upset, however, Spike only opened his mouth. The initial taste was bitter, but the longer it stayed on his tongue, the sweeter it became. At once, it spoke largely of Smolder's personality—but Spike chose to keep that to himself. It took a few seconds and a few more moans—borderline screams at this point—before the torrent of cum began to slow, slow, slow, and then cease, cease, cease. The holds on the sides of Spike's head became loose. Smolder had spread her legs, pulling her thighs away from his cheeks, still keeping her pussy at his face. She was panting. Lying back as far as she could, face pointing all the way up: panting. “That was... the greatest thing... ever....” Smolder managed the words in-between her pants, her eyes still closed, like she was riding out the lingering pleasure of her orgasm. “Out of all the things... to ever be a thing... that was... the best thing... hhnnnng.” Spike pulled out from her slit, feeling her mounds collapse slightly on his snout. Upon standing straight, he immediately missed the heat her crotch had provided, and more than that was wincing from how hard she'd made him from him eating her out. “Uuuggg... S-Spike...” Smolder let her head drop forward, her eyes slowly opening, coming to gaze at the dragon between her legs. “Ya... ya gotta explain how you even did something like that, alright?” “I did a good job?” “It's something you'll be doing more than once,” Smolder replied. “That's for sure.” That made Spike happy. That made him more than happy, in fact. He'd spent his entire life around girls, but this, this was the first time that he had pleased one. This was the moment where he could say, without a doubt, that he wasn't just everyone's little brother—he was a dragon able to please. And that me him very pleased with himself. “Well, if that's the case, then I guess we can get on with the lesson.” Spike was feeling more than smug with himself, but just this once, decided not to berate himself for it. No no. It was his choice now to enjoy what was happening. “That thing you just experienced now? It's called an orgasm. As you can already guess, it feels pretty good, right?” “More than you can ever know.” “Now that's something I'm not sure about.” Spike moved a claw against his lips, wiping away any lingering cum. Once done, he brought his same claw to her clit, pointing at it. “Most of your pleasure came from your clit. Like I said, it's super sensitive, so do as you will with that information in your off time.” Smolder's cheeks blushed a little harder at his words, though she made no attempt of looking away. Rather, she leaned down closer to the dragon, amused and enthused at having her own body explained and shown to her. But it all still felt like it was building toward something. The scent in the air was thick with their musk, rendering her almost ready to go again. She was crazy for Spike. At this moment, with pure rawness, she wanted him. Wanted him to do... what? It was that part she was still confused with. “It's not really required, but usually, the first orgasm is meant to get you wet.” Spike looked over at her right thigh. He stepped toward it without ceasing his speech. “It allows for the male dragon's cock to slide in and out easier. Plus, it kinda gets everyone in the mood.” “T-Then how come you haven't done it?” Spike laid his claws on her right thigh but did nothing more. “Because males have a refractory period.” He felt her shiver at the term, which made him chuckle up at her. “Relax. I'm not going to bore you. Really, all it means is that guys take twenty minutes or so to go again.” “A-And...” Smolder said, watching as the tiny dragon climbed up on her right thigh. She was confused, but still offered a claw, wrapping it around his neck and pulling him onto her lap. “What about girls?” “Girls don't have that as much,” Spike nearly mumbled, stumbling onto her lap. At once, Smolder sat back in her seat, giving him some space between her legs for him to stand. And he did, his head coming up to below her chest. “You can have multiple orgasms depending on how much sexual stimulation you get.” He chuckled. “You're lucky in that way.” “Heh. I'm not sure about all of that, small stuff.” Smolder looked into Spike's eyes, smiling when he looked back. After a few seconds, her gaze carried down his puffy body, settling on his stiff arousal. “Guess not everything about you is small.” Spike matched her gaze, blushing at what he saw, and taking a step back. “Hey! No backing away from what you started.” Smolder slid her bottom forward, the cheeks of her ass catching his gaze, causing him to glance down. She had herself exposed to him—in more ways than one. “You got me hooked on this thing. And this thing is scary as heck. But it feels really good. And I want to do it with you.” Spike blinked, having held his claws together unconsciously, which he quickly returned them to his sides. With a gulp, he looked up, staring into Smolder's eyes. Those spheres of blue—there was something different about them. They glinted in the light, but instead of being bright, they were dim like they were fading away. “And I... want to do it with you too, Smolder.” Spike kept staring into her eyes, spellbound. “Like, really badly. You're... you're really cool. Awesome even. And I like you. I like you a lot. You're really cool, Smolder. And you're really cute, too.” Smolder brought her muzzle down to his, her soft gaze turning into a glare, the glint in her eyes lighting in a small fire. “Anyone else called me cute, dragon boy, and I would have burned them alive.” No sooner had the words left her lips, she was then pressing them against his, lingering in an intense kiss for a moment. She broke back seconds later. “But you compliment really makes me feel cool. So never say it again, okay?” “W-Whatever you say.” Spike lurched himself forward for another kiss, taking more of her lips, letting his claw fly forward. At once, they were on her chest, using her body to hold himself up—making out with his dragon more and more. He stumbled forward with every kiss. He neared his desire with every playing of their tongueless. Then, he felt her scales press against his own. His body became warm and she had felt pleasantly soft. Spike broke the kiss seconds later, slowly and reluctantly, feeling a bridge of saliva still connecting his lips. Both of their eyes were narrowed, what was exposed of them glinting from the dim sunlight, both gazes set on each other. “So,” Smolder began, quietly, “what happensed next? Something happens next, right?” “Indeed.” Spike swallowed. “It's at this point when, the male and the female, wanting to mate with each other, uh, well, m-m-mate.” “O-Oh, right.” Silence. Nothing but silence. Two dragons, two proud and loud creatures, made silent by their sensitivity. All their bravado—long talks and careless shrugs—rendered to nothing in the face of something real, hurting, and vulnerable. Their heartbeats quickened for one of two reasons: either fear or excitement, and neither could guess which one had more of an impact. It didn't really matter. It was a thing that led to how things were now. Both looked to each other, and with their hearts beating in their chests, exhaled at the same time. And then they went for each other. They kissed. They made out. Their claws explored the other's body. Deciding to submit entirely to the situation, they were rewarded with bliss that was the other, their palms feeling lands of scales and softness and hardness. “We should, um, s-switch spots.” He tilted his head at the desk.”How about you try lying back on that, and I’ll, y-you know, use the stool.” Smolder nodded in response. She turned and came down on the desk, though she kept her claws on his shoulders, bringing him close with her legs held apart. Spike could no longer ignore the aching his cock was enduring. His body pressed against the larger dragon, he flicked his hips near her abdomen, feeling the tip of his cock press into her softer belly scales. Smolder did not mind. In fact, she moaned at feeling him pressing against her. And that feeling got better. The longer the kiss went on, the lower his cock pressed into her body, descending to her crotch, nearing dangerously close to her slit. Soon, hardness transited to softness, two soft mounds conforming at either side of his tip. Spike broke the kiss the moment he realized his cock was lined up with her pussy. He did not, however, back away, remaining carefully in place, though the pricking of his heart threatened to kill him with embarrassment at that very moment. “S-So, Smolder?” He glanced up to see he had her attention, though she chose to keep her mouth shut. “I'm going to put my thing into you now, okay? A-At first, it may hurt—but it'll only be for a few seconds. After that, I promise, the pleasure will be worth it.” In a shaky voice, she answered him, “I t-trust you, Spike” And that's all she needed to say, or for any of them to say, as they proceeded with the vulnerable, pleasurable act. With his cock at her entrance, he slowly slid himself inside, feeling her folds rub along his sides. Smolder flinched at the alien feeling, and at once, reached out for his claw, holding and gripping it, closing her eyes slightly. Whimpers escaped her lips while his cock slid further into her, slipping inside her tight tunnel. “A-Almost there,” Spike muttered to her. He squeezed her claw, letting her know that he was there and that the pain would almost be over. He could feel something wet sliding along his cock, something unlike the rest of her wetness. He knew what it was. Her shiver told him so. And he continued, slowly, not for his pleasure, but to reduce her pain. The more and more he slid in, the more he found him leaning against her. His cock pushed aside her tight walls the deeper he went, feeling her shivers slowly turn to trembles, feeling the wetness on his cock slowly begin to change. “O-Oh... oooooh... hehe... m-mhmm...” Smolder was tilting her head back and pushing her crotch forward, taking more of Spike's length. “It's uh, s-s-starting to feel a lot better now. Heh. Think you could... y'know...” “Yeah,” Spike replied with a nod, “I got you,” Spike slid all the way in, biting his lips while he did so, feeling the warmth and the softness of her walls massage around his cock. It soothed his aching, pleasuring him so, but still left him demanding more. So he pulled out. Not all the way. Just enough that only his tip was the only thing left inside of her. And then he pushed back in, still slow, feeling his thighs smack into her crotch. Both cried. Both moaned. Spike pulled out again, and pushed in, this time, with a bit more speed, shoving himself inside to a chorus of louder moans. His aching was getting worse as it was getting better. Her walls were still so tight, but now loose enough to grant him quicker passage. As the two adjusted to his movements, they took a second to glance at once another, and at once, entered a deep kiss. Both closed their eyes and allowed their bodies to take over. When Spike pulled out, he no longer stopped, immediately pushing himself back in. He pushed himself inside and then pulled himself out again, over and over, building into a rhythm of thrust that Smolder's flicking hips matched, each penetration caught by her clamping walls, letting him enter but no so easily leave. And this continued. It only picked up in speed. The wet smacks of their loving kisses became louder with each of his thrusts, their tongues already playing, their claws already feeling the other's body. Spike felt everything he had built up beginning to break. The annoyance of his works, the loathing of being sexually lone, the dedication to see Smolder through before himself: all this neglect had taken its toll on his cock, and now, being blanketed by the walls of Smolder's pussy, Spike felt soon ready to blow. And he could feel it from her, too, from how much she clamped, how much she flicked, and how hungry she kissed him. He broke their contact but didn't dare to break their rhythm. Both were feeling far too good for that to happen. “S-Smolder?” Spike said as loudly as he could, which was barely above a whisper, and barely breaking past the sounds of his own moans. “I-I think I'm getting there. I-I-I think I'm about to f-finish.” Smolder didn't say anything to that. She left her crotch open, let her arms cross over his back, then pulled him close against her chest. Spike knew at once what she was doing. With a last, hard, thrust, he slid the full length of his cock into her pussy—feeling himself being held against it. Spike felt the aching in his cock finally break, its sides welling at once to the size of small balls, knotting in Smolder's entrance. It kept his cock tightly locked like how her arms kept his body tightly against her own. And then it happened. Short. Sudden. Sweet. His cock flared as cum shot out, coatxing her tunnel in his seed—just as her walls clamped down around him, welling with cum of her own. The two breathed. The two shouted. The two screamed each other's names. The two moaned and moaned until the afternoon was close to finished and done. It took a few moments of silence and stillness before anything happened. Spike's cock, after depleting itself, slowly shrank in size, his knots loosening from Smolder's entrance. When it came time for his cock to flick out, so too did a current of their combined juices, which dribbled from her lower lip, wetting the wood of the stool. The two let go of each other—but it had only lasted for a moment. Spike, upon having her arms leave him, stood up tall, turned around, and then fell back onto her belly. Smolder giggled, bringing her legs around him, securing him against her. She let her arms dangle over his shoulders, coming to cross over his chest. “I’m, like, really happy that happened,” Spike said, unhappy with his words, but continuing with them anyway. “I don't think I've had anything better happen in all of my life. It was really that good. You were really that good, Smolder.” “T-The same to you, short stuff.” The two spent the rest of the evening there, sitting together, staying silent, before talking. Talking about what had happened, what would happen next, and when they could make that great sex happen again. They enjoyed talking, and when they had finished that, worked to help Spike finish his report. “Spike... this is, wow!” Spike stood before the couch. They were in the castle, in the leisure room. Princess Twilight Sparkle was lying forward on the couch, flipping through the pages on his report, a smile forever lingering on her muzzle. At least, she turned to him, waiting for a response. “T-Thank you?” “You were able to describe the mating process in such vivid detail!” Twilight shivered as she spoke. “You were able to make me feel some of the sensations you were describing. This really is good writing, Spike. You should be proud of yourself.” “Right.” Spike glanced down at his feet. “Does this mean you'll be giving me more reports?” “Of course I will! And, to be honest with you, this project was really to see how well you could conduct your own studies.” Twilight let the paper drop from her magic, placing the bundle on the couch. She then sat up. “I'm glad you were able to handle yourself well. Not once did you come to me for help! You proved yourself with this, Spike.” “W-Well, you can't say I did it alone.” Spike came to the side of the couch, lifting some of the pages up. He flicked through the pages, stopping after three, letting his talon point to a name written in bold. “See? Smolder helped me with field research.” “That she did,” Twilight replied as she looked down at him. “And I'm glad you could have found another dragon partner to conduct such intensive research. How the mating cycle works. Explaining the different terminologies.” “Mmhmm. We s-sure worked hard.” “That you did!” Twilight smiled. After a few seconds, she lowered herself forward, bringing his muzzle next to his ear. “So why don't you take the day off? Go enjoy yourself for a day well done. I won't give you any trouble.” “R-Really?” Spike stuttered the words as he pulled out of her hug. “That's awesome Twilight! If writing more reports means I get some days off, then sign me up!” It wasn't before long he was running out of the room. Twilight smiled as he left, happy that somewhat so innocent could be so mature. Her gaze lingered on him till he left the room. And then she looked to the pages, checking through them once more. “It's interesting to see that dragons mate much like ponies do,” Twilight muttered to herself, flipping through the pages filled with precise details. If she didn't know any better, she may have listed the report as a steamy sex scene. “Because they're supposed to guided by their instinct, which makes sex rough and brutal. I guess different kinds of mating do exist.” She tucked her bottom lip inward. “Crazy to think that Spike could write all this... so well and realistic... it makes me think... how could he write all of this without experiencing the real thing?” Twilight then quickly shook her head. “No. I shouldn't be saying stuff like that. How could I know how realistic it is if I never experienced the real thing myself?” Meanwhile. “That class was so boring,” Silverstream said, her legs tucked underneath her body as she layid on the bed. “I can't believe Twilight Sparkle gave it a pass! She has to be adding something new and exciting soon, right?” Smolder spoke up. “Fear not, my friend. Because we’re gonna have the greatest, the best new lesson soon!” All eyes were cast to Smolder. “What? How did you know that?” Ocellus asked. “That's because I helped him prepare it last weekend.” Smolder looked at everyone, smirked, and closed her arms. “And this lesson called Sex Education!” All three girls looked to each other, raised their eyebrows, then looked back to Smolder. At the same time, they asked, loudly: “What's sex?” “Well, it’s something hard to explain without experiencing the real deal,” Smolder replied, giggling. “That, and Spike is a great teacher for this lesson.”