> A Love Life Outside the Office > by Israel Yabuki > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Gentleman of Town Hall > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Love Life Outside the Office Written by Israel Yabuki Edited and co-written by NineTailBeastBall When you think you know what your goal is, you realize it’s not what you had hoped it would be. You were born in the city that never sleeps, the Big Apple, or New York to be precise. Ever since you were a little boy, you’ve wanted to become a prosecutor. Your mother was the only family that loved and supported you, as your father wasn’t at all a good role model. All you really know about him as that he abandoned the family the moment he found out your mother was pregnant with you. You learned about your father walking out on you like that when you were only 6 years old and resented him for it. It got you so mad, you wanted to see him behind bars. By the time you turned 10 years old, you gave up on your childhood and decided to study to become a prosecutor, which worried your mom. She still supported you, but it hurt her to see that you would make yourself suffer. Turning 11 years old, you had developed some accurate deductive skills that ended up getting a couple of kids at school suspended when you found out all of the bad stuff they’ve been doing. There was even this school bully who picked on you and you got him expelled and you’ve never seen him since. You decided to convince yourself that he had to move away with his parents. In high school, you were filling out an application for college at the age of 15. Your mom was still proud of you, but she still wanted you to see the brighter side of life. On some occasions, she would take you out for smoothies or a burger. Just anything at all to brighten the mood. Every day, you would come home with straight A report cards and you never expected anything from her in return. College was a little tough, but you graduated and later on became a prosecutor at the ripe young age of 21. Some of the people you prosecuted were either petty criminals, corrupt cops and somewhere along the line, you came face-to-face with the man you thought you’d never get to see again, your father. His crimes were possibly the worst. He had a second wife and a daughter whom he had betrayed by abusing them and almost killing them. You put all of your knowledge to good use and got him a life sentence with no chance of parole. As he was being carted off, you can still recall the last thing you said to him: “How did I end up with a sack-o-shit of a father like you, huh? You’re nothing like me. You never were and you never will be.” You never acted the same after putting your own father away. You achieved your goal of putting away your father behind bars, but now... it’s like the spark has finally gone from you. It’s been 5 years since you incarcerated him and a total of 12 years since you became a prosecutor. You still had your job, but you’ve been questioning your life choices for quite a while. This change in your behavior, luckily did nothing to harm your loving relationship with your mother, who was still as supportive as always. She didn’t go to your father’s trial 5 years ago, as she can’t possibly forgive him for breaking her heart, let alone abusing his new family. For that matter, you both decided never to bring him or the trial up anytime you came to visit. Even if you wanted to, there was no way to change your father’s sentence and talking about it only made things harder. During your time off of work, you were visited by your half-sister, Lindy. She was about 6 years younger than you: 29 years old. She seemed like a bright young lady and you and her got along pretty well. She didn’t bother bringing up your father and risk making the moment awkward. What you were shocked about was that she was a defense attorney and half of the cases she worked on involved falsely accused people, whom she helped get off the hook. She said that finding the absolute truth was her real goal. She wasn’t the only one you were visiting, as 3 years ago Lindy was finally engaged by her college sweetheart, Miles, who had trouble proposing to her when your father was still around. She had two kids, Viola was born first and then Phoenix two years later. You made sure to hide your career troubles whenever you came to visit, those two really made you feel like the uncle that you technically were. When you met Miles, Lindy’s sweetheart, you immediately gave him a bro-hug. He explained how he met and fell in love with Lindy and how they spent a lot of time together in college. After Viola was born, Miles moved in with Lindy into her house, stepping up as both a student and a devoted father. As happy as you were for Lindy, you yourself never tried to form any romantic relationships. You were afraid that if you ended up getting married and having kids of your own, you’d end up the same way as your no-good father. Taking such a big step wasn’t worth ruining the life of a mother and a child. You were just too insecure and too paranoid to start a family. That being said, as of right now, you were sitting in your office, going over each case you had completed and as usual, the spark inside of you hasn’t gotten brighter. And of course, the forecast for rainy weather didn’t even remotely make things better. On the bright side, you didn’t have work tomorrow and it would give you a chance to settle down and enjoy the peace and quiet. Putting the last of your papers into your briefcase, you grabbed your umbrella, which was waiting by the door and got ready to call it a night. Walking outside the building, you saw that the rain had already picked up quite a bit and made your way to your car once your umbrella was open. You unlocked the door to your car and stepped inside the car while closing your umbrella. Closing the door, you started up the engine, fastened your seatbelt and drove away. Your house was quite a ways away from the office. You had to be extra careful while you were on the road right now, as the rain was turning into a downpour. You ended up making a huge mistake by slowing the car a little bit, as there just happened to be a car behind you that wasn’t being as careful. You were on the freeway and when you slowed down, the car from behind crashed right into you, causing you to swerve out of control. Next thing you know, you saw the railing and started to panic. The car busted through the railing and tumbled down the hill. You felt the heavy impact of each bump your car hit. When you reached the bottom, your car was flipped upside-down, your body was hurting and you tried your hardest to open up the door. Sadly, your vision was failing you, the world around you grew silent and finally... everything faded to black. From what’s been explained, one would think this tragedy happened just moments ago when in fact the opposite is so. Indeed you were alive and well, but no longer were you living your life as a lawyer. For the past 2 months, you’ve been trying to adjust to this world inhabited by talking ponies which you found yourself in after the accident. Ponyville... probably the last name you thought a town would be called. You learned the hard way that you’d never be able to go home. For that matter, you’ve already gotten over the fact that you’d never again see your mother, or your half-sister, your brother-in-law, or your niece and nephew. It was heartbreaking to know that your previous life was over. Worst part is... you never got to say goodbye to your family. Believe it or not you never once lost your composure in this new world, even when you came face to face with one of these ponies for the first time. From the moment you opened your eyes, you went beyond logic and theorized you were in an entirely new world and therefore prepared for what you would learn. One of the ponies, who went by the name of Starlight, had a human husband named Chance. And they gave you the rundown that humans in Equestria are a thing now and that they’ve learned to adjust to their new lives. As an experienced man with such calm and collected behavior, you didn’t have any problem with finding a job and a well-paid one at that. Mayor Johanna Justice, or as everyone called her, Mayor Mare, was looking for someone to help her with organizing the office, due to the fact that “she can’t see the floor.” This included organizing documents for house deeds, upcoming fundraisers and such. Compared to being a prosecutor, this job felt like you were giving something to this world. Back then, you always took people away from the world so they’d never harm anyone. Now, anytime you bring something out into the town, everyone is constantly smiling. True, there are hardships in this land just like back home, but they seemed less stressful and easier to cope with. Things would continue to get interesting 2 weeks after your arrival when the mare who is recognized as the kingdom’s most talented singer, Songbird Serenade got an invitation to Ponyville for her next tour gig. She wasn’t alone either as apparently while on tour, she befriended a human called Baritone who had his own skills in music. This could be your chance to find out what you’ve been missing. Back home, you were so focused on pursuing your prosecution career that you  didn’t have time to fool around, attending concerts and “busting your ear drums from the loud music” as you used to put it. But thanks to one of your co-workers, you were dragged into coming to the concert. In her defense, she said she wasn’t going to waste the ticket she bought for you out of sympathy for your inability to go home. Anyway, Songbird and Baritone’s singing was indeed incredible. Like two peas in a pod, they made any song they sang sound original. Since you didn’t listen to music so often, you were taken by surprise a bit when they announced some of these songs were written by musicians from your world instead of Equestria. You felt like coming to this concert was actually worth it and you had a whole new respect for music and musicians. As for where you were staying, Johanna found a nice two-story house close to Town Hall. While your place of work was one of the tallest buildings in Ponyville, second only to Princess Twilight’s castle, it was no place to sleep overnight. Even though she was a generous mare, Johanna naturally had a strict side as the mayor and you remembered one time her previous employee slept in the office overnight, they ended up getting a whole box full of documents to scatter all over the floor and it took hours to organize them in alphabetical order. When defining Johanna being ‘strict’ for this incident, the employee’s recklessness resulted in a penalty of a 20 bit deduction from their pay. You sighed in relief as that employee was actually your friend and the consequences could have been much worse. Anyway, you were just about done with today’s work. Apparently, one of the residents, Filthy Rich, has an appointment scheduled with you and Johanna. It’s in regards to paying his taxes, basic legal stuff. You weren’t the least bit fond of Filthy Rich’s wife, Spoiled Rich, but they did seem to have more than enough bits to even cover for next year’s taxes as their names implied. “You almost done in there?” Johanna asked putting her coat on, signaling to anyone watching that she was done for today. You nodded and handed her the paperwork. “I wouldn’t say this in front of the other employees, but you seem to finish the work much faster than any of them.” “I’ve had a little experience around stuff like this, so it comes as 2nd nature to me,” you said with a shrug. You wondered if you should have brought that up as Johanna grew curious and came over putting her hand on your desk. “What do you mean?” she asked. You sighed and decided you might as well answer instead of try to lie to the mayor after all she’s done for you. “I used to be a prosecutor back home. Naturally that means I know my way around the legal system a little bit. To be honest, looking over the cases of criminals and handling documents are kind of like the same thing,” you explained. Johanna’s expression showed she was both impressed and a little shocked to hear of your former career. “I’ve met many humans who’ve lost so much after being summoned to our land. Is being a prosecutor something you miss, because if it is, I’m sure I can work something out,” she offered. You gave her a small smile, but shook your head. “There’s no need, you’ve already done more than enough for me. Believe it or not, before I died I was considering retiring from my job to search for something else.” You stood up as Johanna already began walking to the exit and knew the drill. Sometimes office employees leave after the mayor and are entrusted with locking up town hall on the way out. That was the case with you for tonight, as you pulled the ring of keys out of your bag to get the job done. Ponyville was known as the friendliest town in Equestria, but it still felt nice to have Johanna walk you home. She was only looking out for you since you were not only one of her favorite employees, but also her friend. “No offense hun, but it would’ve been interesting to know sooner that you used to deal with criminals back in your world. Why keep it to yourself?” she asked. “There’s a bit of a dark twist to why I chose to become a prosecutor. It had a lot to do with some family issues I had going on when I was a child. I don’t like talking about it because of a certain someone who puts me in a bad mood when I bring him up...” you said as the mood grew tense. You took in a breath of the cool, night air to make sure you remained calm like usual. “You’ve been through a lot...” Johanna said softly. You confirmed her theory with a nod, but didn’t look her in the eye. “I’m an honest man but there are many things that I probably will never be able to bring myself to share with others, Johanna...” “I understand. You don’t have to say anymore,” she spoke a little louder this time and touched your cheek. While it was probably just to comfort you, you felt a little awkward, yet soothing at the same time. As such you did nothing to pull her soft hand away. She kept her word, and didn’t pressure you to explain your past any further and you soon arrived home. “I’m looking forward to seeing more progress from you tomorrow. Please get a good night sleep.” “Yeah, I think we could all use a little sleep,” you said. As if reality wanted to make a point, you couldn’t stop yourself from yawning. “Well, good night, Johanna. I’ll see you in the morning.” “Good night,” Johanna replied. You closed the door on Johanna, who began walking to back her own home, exhausted from another day’s work. While having to deal with Filthy Rich was easy, Spoiled Rich was just way too much. She probably likes to hear herself talk, bragging about living in a mansion, constantly giving you a hard time. In all honesty, you’re surprised that Filthy has put up with her this long and hasn’t divorced her yet. That aside, you went upstairs to your room and got yourself out of your work clothes. Changing into your sleeping clothes, you then climbed into bed, wrapping yourself up in the blankets. You stared up at the ceiling and sighed before whispering, “Good night, mom. Good night, Lindy, Miles, Phoenix and Viola...” Then as you closed your eyes, tears slid down your cheeks, proving that you haven’t completely let them go after all. Morning arrives and you woke up to the sound of birds chirping. Among the many things that work in the land of ponies is that the sun is raised by the revered Princess Celestia. And she also happens to be the ruler of Equestria, along with her sister and their husbands. This world was certainly unique from your previous world. That being said, you got out of bed and stretched out your body and changed out of your sleeping outfit and put on your work clothes. You headed downstairs into the kitchen and got yourself some toast and tea. There wasn’t any TV in this world, so you settled with reading a book to pass the time. After finishing breakfast, you grabbed your briefcase and left the house, walking over to Town Hall, ready to start another hard day’s work. You didn’t think of it as a competition, but it was nice to know that you were one of Johanna’s best employees. In addition to being on time and hardworking, you always made sure you were presentable. For today, you wore a red suit with a grey necktie. Being on time doesn’t necessarily mean you were the first employee to arrive. When you made it to Town Hall, you saw that aside from Johanna, who always came to the building before any else, there were 3 other employees who have made it to work on time. Of course, there were still plenty of other workers that still haven’t come in yet. “Good morning everypony,” you said having adjusted to Equestria’s choice of words. “Good morning,” they replied. “Ah, right on time as usual. Come on in, we’ve got our work cut out for us. We’ve got a couple of documents we need you to help us sign,” Johanna said pushing her trademark glasses up. “Sure, what are they about?” you asked. “Just a few payments that have been made. I need you to sign them so that Town Hall can confirm that they were made. There’s also a fundraiser for the sick fillies and colts at the hospital. Can you do that for us, please?” she asked. It was probably a rhetorical question as there was no reason that you turn down doing your job. Taking the documents, you retreated to your office so you could get to work. Pulling the quill that rested on your desk out of the ink, you got to work on signing the papers. Interestingly enough, Johanna had followed you back to your desk. “Do you need something?” you asked, using a proper tone like you always did. Having finished signing one paper by the time you noticed the mayor’s presence, you put it aside before putting the quill back into the inkwell so you could give her your full attention. “Well, you and I both know I take my job as the mayor very seriously, but things have been a bit boring around here ever since Songbird Serenade and Baritone finished and left to continue their tour...” She began tapping her nails against the desk signaling she was thinking of something to do. “To repay you for being so committed to your work, I’ve been considering inviting you over for a nice dinner tonight.” “Dinner?” you asked just as Johanna stopped tapping the desk. “I don’t see why not, it’ll be better than going straight home after work. What time?” “I should have everything ready at 7 PM, tonight,” she answered with a nice smile. “Now I believe I’ve kept you away from your work long enough. Feel free to carry on.” “Alrighty then and thank you.” Once the mayor had left your office, you grabbed the quill again and moved to the next paper. Thinking about dinner as you worked, you seriously doubted that this was meant to be a date and thought of it just like Johanna said, a way for her to show her appreciation. If your opinion somehow did change by the end of the day, you would ask her about it. Looking through the files about the sick foals in the hospital, you silently prayed for them to make a quick recovery. Unlike Viola and Phoenix who you couldn’t possibly do anything else for, helping these ill foals was something that was within your power to do. With each document that was pushed aside, you became more and more hopeful for the young hospital patients. Naturally, Johanna didn’t walk you home after work this time as she needed to get a good start on preparing dinner. While it has been explained before that you didn’t think of this as a date, some of your co-workers happened to have been eavesdropping on the conversation and thought otherwise. They approached you a few times, teasingly asking if Johanna has taken a fancy to you. Of course, you weren’t going to dignify that with a response and continued your work without even once answering their silly questions. Date or no date, being the sophisticated man you are you weren’t going to come over unless you were presentable. After taking a good shower, you put on a nice grey suit with a black necktie and made your way over to Johanna’s house. Her house was no more than a 10 minute walk from your own, which is another reason she doesn’t mind accompanying you after work. Now that you’ve arrived at her house, you knocked on the door a few times and she opened it. “Oh, you’re here. Wonderful, please come in,” Johanna said. She too wanted this dinner to be formal, as she wore a sleeveless scarlet dress and had on these matching gloves that seemed to glitter and sparkle just like her dress. “Thank you,” you said, wiping your feet on the mat before stepping inside. “By the way, you look really lovely, Johanna.” “I could say the same thing to you. You look rather handsome in that suit, it’s very original,” she complimented, admiring your attire. “Come along, dinner’s finally ready.” You did as she told you and walked inside the kitchen where the dining table was at. You set your suit jacket on the chair and sat down while admiring the decor. Ironically despite being fond of one another, you never saw a reason to come over to Johanna’s house before, so her living arrangements were all new to you. Despite her instructing you to stay put, you didn’t feel right about leaving the mayor to retrieve the food on her own and decided to be a gentleman. You got out of your chair and helped bring over the food from the stove to the table. “Oh, thanks. It’s nice to have another set of helping hands around here,” Johanna said. “I couldn’t leave you hanging with all this food,” you reassured. Once everything was gathered at the table, you and Johanna sat down, or more specifically, you took a seat after your hands were washed. You took another look at what’s for dinner, seeing a big plate of bread bowl vegetarian style clam chowder. You can see the diced carrots and mushrooms inside of the bread bowl. As for beverages, a nice bottle of wine was set in the middle of the table along with two cups. “Would you care for some wine?” Johanna asked. “Sure,” you answered and being a gentleman once again, you went on and opened the bottle for the both of you. You poured some in Johanna’s cup first, then in your cup before closing the bottle up. “Not that I don’t appreciate it, but I could have opened the wine you know,” she said. You shook your head as you returned to your seat with your cup of wine. “I just thought I’d show some good manners,” you replied. After taking your first sip of wine, you decided to start eating the bread bowl chowder. You owed your well-mannered behavior to your mother, who raised you right throughout your life. When the taste of the chowder hit your taste buds, they started to tingle but you waited until after you swallowed to compliment Johanna’s homemade cooking. “It’s been a while since I’ve had some delicious homemade cooking as tasty as this,” you said. “Oh, that’s nice. I’m glad you like it. I thought I’d try a brand new recipe for dinner and I guess it came out nicely,” Johanna said. “And, I’m gonna be honest, I wasn’t sure how this dish was going to turn out. You know that ponies are incapable of eating meat, that includes fish, right?” “Yes, I’m well aware of that. Is there a reason why you bring this up?” you asked. “Well, recently some of the humans here weren’t exactly feeling too well. It was due to their lack of proper protein to keep healthy muscle tissues. So we had to pass on a bill where they could be supplied with some fish at least,” Johanna explained. “I don’t mind it one bit. I can understand the situation this town’s facing. Whether we want to believe it or not, humans are omnivores by nature, but there are only certain meats that we are allowed to eat. Fish being one of those options,” you said. As the dinner progressed, you continued having a pleasant conversation with Johanna, talking about some of the recent events that are about to take place. You remained a good houseguest and helped putting the plates and silverware away so they could be washed. Though that doesn’t mean that your dinner was over, for Johanna told you there would be some delicious strawberry shortcake for dessert. Up until now, Johanna was keeping the cake reserved in the fridge, but as she went to take it out you were sure it would be worth the wait. She returned to the table carrying two small plates each with a nice, tasty piece. “Enjoy yourself, honey,” she said setting your plate before you. “Thank you very much. I’ve heard about how tasty these are,” you said before taking a bite out of the cake. “You know Johanna, I probably should have told you before but some of the employees overheard us today. They took the chance to poke some fun at me by insisting this was meant to be a date.” “Would you have any problems going out with an old mare like me?” she asked, leaving you unsure how to respond. Suddenly she broke the silence with a soft laugh. “Relax, honey, I’m only joking. I’m actually not a year older than 39.” “And yet you still look as young as springtime. You know, you’ve been a wonderful hostess. Maybe one of these days, I’ll invite you over to my house for dinner whenever you’re available,” you said smiling and then going back to your cake. Because you were looking down at your dessert however, you failed to notice that your compliments have caused Johanna’s cheeks to turn a deep shade of red. “Me, young as springtime? You’re simply just too kind. I’m not sure if that’s true, though...” she said, placing her hands on her cheeks. You failed to hear that last sentence since she had said it so softly. After finishing your dessert you shook Johanna’s hand and grabbed your suit jacket. “Thank you again for inviting me over for dinner, Johanna. The food was delicious,” you said. “It was my pleasure. I’ll see you tomorrow and have a safe trip back home,” she replied. “Oh and don’t forget about the upcoming charity potluck next week. I trust you’ll find a dish suitable for the potluck in due time.” “Sure, one week is all the time I need to prepare for the potluck. Anyways, I’d best be heading back home.” You didn’t stop Johanna from giving you a short but nice hug before you left. This has been one night you wouldn’t forget anytime soon. > A Generous Potluck and a Loving Picnic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you promised, when the time came for the charity potluck, you didn’t fail to show up. And you even brought along a dish or two for the hungry folks. One of your dishes was a delicious loaf of gingerbread, just like the ones that were made at Starbucks. You owed the recipe to Johanna for teaching you how to bake it. As for your other dish, you made some delicious homemade Western spaghetti. There was a bowl of chips, which went well with the bowl of guacamole you had prepared. So far, a few townsfolk, such as Pinkie Pie and Frosty had arrived and were helping set up the decorations for the potluck. They also set up banners that said “Help the poor sickly foals.” There was a blank banner set up and you decided to write something down on it. But first, you approached Pinkie Pie and Frosty. “Excuse me, Pinkie?” you asked. “Yup-yup?” the party mare asked with a childish tone. “Do you have a marker I can use?” you asked. “Yup-a-roonie, let me just check the old Pinkie inventory,” she said before reaching into her poofy pink mane and pulling out a blue marker. You weren’t even going to ask.why or how she keeps things tucked in her mane. “Thank you, Pinkie,” you said as she hands you the marker. You brought it with you back to the blank banner and wrote on it saying “Everypony deserves to be happy, even poor sick foals.” “I’m sure they won’t be sick much longer,” the bubbly mare beside you said. “But that is really really sweet of you.” “Children are the future after all. They deserve to grow up and have a childhood, pursue their dreams and make a difference in this world,” you said. You gave PInkie the marker back after you finished with the banner. Pretty soon, Pinkie set it up just as a few more ponies were showing up and brought their food to the table. “Everything looks great,” Johanna said, walking up to you. “Oh and I like what you did with the banner, it was quite thoughtful.” At that moment, you showed how modest you could be. “It was nothing Johanna, I’m just trying to contribute, that’s all,” you said. “Oh yeah, thanks for teaching me how to bake the gingerbread loaf, it took me a while to make, but it was worth the the hassle.” “Think nothing of it,” Johanna said putting her hand over your own. One week had passed since that marvelous dinner at the mayor’s house and since then, you’ve even closer to her than you ever thought you would. It came as a surprise to you after developing these feelings for the lovely mare. You can recall the day after your dinner with Johanna that she wanted to speak to you in private during your lunch break. It was your first time seeing her blush. It came as a shock to you that once you were in her office, she told you that she was really growing attached to you, romantically speaking. She feared you were going to reject her, but those fears were cast aside when you acknowledged and returned her affections. She was overjoyed when you accepted her as your marefriend. Deep down, you couldn’t find it in your heart to reject the one who gave you so much. Whatever light teasing you got at work was somewhat justified since the relationship was now considered official. The employees really should consider Johanna could deduct their pay if they continued acting so immature. Johanna didn’t have to tell them directly because she let her stern expression do the talking. Anyways, back to the potluck, crowds were starting to form. Everyone in Ponyville had shown up and even some of the parents brought their children with them. Like any kid would do at a special get-together, they would either eat first and play after or vice versa. Some of the kids even asked if you could play hide and seek with them. Though you declined, you used a nice and gentle tone so you wouldn’t hurt their feelings. Pinkie Pie on the other hand wasn’t one to turn down entertaining someone and before you knew it, she had already joined the game and went off to hide. When it comes to Pinkie Pie’s randomness, it slightly disturbed you at first, but in due time you found yourself laughing because of how silly she was. Noticing she was no longer by your side, you shook your head with a chuckle. “There she goes again. It makes me wonder how she even pulls off the impossible,” you said. “As they all say, it’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie,” Johanna added with a giggle. “But never mind that, we’ve still got a long ways to go before the donation box is full. Would you be so kind as to keep an eye on the box for a while, make sure no pony steals it? I’ll cover for you in an hour after I grab a bite to eat.” “Of course, an hour doesn’t sound so bad,” you said gently grabbing her hand before kissing it. “You go on ahead.” Acknowledging your words with a small blush, Johanna went on her way. As promised, you kept a good eye on the box full of donated bits. Of course, your eyes constantly switch from the party to the box ever so often just to see everyone having such a good time. Then all of a sudden... “Hi!” Pinkie said, popping out of nowhere. You jumped back, placing your hand against your chest, panting heavily. “Pinkie Pie, are you trying to give me a heart attack?” you asked barely managing to keep yourself from yelling. Of course even if you had, there was no way a gentleman like you would use any vulgar language. The silly mare snorted and giggled, eventually laying down and rolling on the floor. “”I couldn’t help myself, I just wanted to surprise you. Aaaand... I wanted to know something that I was hoping you could tell me,” Pinkie replied after calming down. “You see, I’m curious. What do you really think about Mayor Mare?” she asked grabbing your shoulders and staring at you with those sparkly, blue eyes. “And be honest with me.” “Johanna,” you corrected. “And why the sudden interest of my relationship with her?” you asked, quirking an eyebrow. “It’s obvious to everypony that she likes you, but I want to know how you feel about her! Come on! Come on! Come on!” she begged and you covered her mouth as she began making a scene in front of everyone. “Okay, okay, but not so loud, please,” you whispered. She nodded furiously with a big smile and eyes sparkling like that of a child on Christmas morning. You sighed and saw you pretty much had no choice, especially since you never went back on your word. “At first, she was no different than the chief prosecutor I worked for back home. Understanding, cool, calm and collected. However, as I got to know Johanna, I felt something deep within me starting to grow. I like her, but at the same time, I’m a little nervous to take our relationship further.” “Why so nervous?” Pinkie asked. “I’m not sure if it’s a silly reason, or if it’s a serious one, but... if she and I ever got married and we had children of our own, I’m a little scared that I might turn out like my...” you stopped yourself, not feeling comfortable with wanting to bring up that man. “You know, it’s never healthy to keep your emotions bottled up. So spit it out so you can turn that frown upside down!” she playfully demanded grabbing your cheeks and rubbing them vigorously before letting them go. “A-Alright, but remember, it’s not gonna sound pretty,” you replied before telling her the truth. “If Johanna and I were to get married one day and have children, I’m scared that I might turn out like my good-for-nothing father. He walked out on me and my mom when I was just a kid and married this other woman and had a daughter. When I had grown up, I took on a career as a prosecutor in order to put my father in jail. And good thing I did, because he was being charged with a few crimes that ultimately landed him a life in prison: he abused and tried to kill his wife and my half-sister.” Feeling sympathetic, Pinkie wrapped her arms around you and her usual, poofy mane deflated into a straight style. “I... I’m so sorry. I had no idea your past would be that jaded. What about your mom, was she at least nice to you?” she asked with her sad puppy-dog eyes. “If anything, she was an ideal mother. She was kind, loving and supportive of me. Though, I was always putting myself through a lot of trials to become a prosecutor and it always worried her that I was pushing myself too hard. But after the trial with my father, my spark had diminished, even though I kept doing my previous job. So, I decided to make up for lost time and spend some more quality time alone with my mom. I also got to meet my half-sister, Lindy. Surprisingly, she was an ace defense attorney She and her sweetheart, Miles, were engaged to be married and they already had two children. Their oldest was Viola, my niece and there’s my little nephew, Phoenix,” you replied. Right when she heard about this, her mane poofed back up and her smile came back and her hug tightened around you. “That’s so WONDERFUL!!!” “Hnngh!!! Pinkie... can’t breathe… ribs collapsing!” you grunted. Holding you for a couple more seconds, the happy go lucky mare released you before anything broke. “Okay I’m done! Please tell me more about Mayor- I mean Johanna,” Pinkie said. “Very well then. Back on the subject of Johanna, I’ve come to like her to the point where... I want to spend my life with her. However, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea for me to start a family with her one day. What if what happens to our child is the same thing that’s happened to me? I can’t seem to get rid of the doubt and I really love her,” you said. “Aww, that’s so sweet,” Pinkie said. “And I think I know how you can conquer this problem.” “Conquer it? How?” you asked. “Easy! All you have to do is answer these questions and you’ll know if it’s a good idea. First question: Do you love children?” Pinkie asked. “Yes, of course,” you replied. “Do you want to make children happy?” she asked. “Absolutely,” you said. “If you were to have a child and he wanted nothing more than for you to always be there for them, would you do it?” Pinkie asked. “Yes.” “Are you absolutely sure you would do that for your child?” “Yes,” you repeated a little louder this time. “Then that’s your answer! See? Now you just have to prove it to Johanna. It’s one thing to say it, but it’s another to prove your love to the mare who stole your heart! So when she comes over, tell her how you feel and when this charity potluck is over, show her how much you really love her with no regrets,” Pinkie encouraged and gave you one more hug, far more gentle than the last one. “I... I understand, Pinkie,” you said. After flashing each other some nice smiles, Pinkie hopped away before any of the kids found her. After all, their game of hide and seek was still going on. An hour had passed and just like Johanna had promised, she returned. “Thanks for holding down the fort,” she said with a giggle. Figuring you would be hungry by the time she got back, she offered you a fish filet sandwich with some diced carrots and a bottle of water. You kissed her cheek to show your gratitude and took the food and water. “So did anything interesting in particular happen while I was gone?” she asked looking at the box, satisfied that not a single bit was stolen. “I just had a friendly chat with Pinkie Pie earlier. She nearly gave me a heart attack when she popped out of nowhere,” you explained. Once again, the mayor couldn’t contain a short laugh. “But she did end up giving me some good advice about... you and me.” “Beg your pardon?” she asked, not quite following yet. “Johanna, there’s something I want to tell you and I really need you to hear this,” you said. “Is something wrong?” she asked, a little worried. “Quite the opposite, actually. You see… I’ve been having a lot of self-doubts about myself. I’ve been too afraid of the fact that I wanted-” Things got awkward when at that moment, you were interrupted by your growling stomach. “Looks like I made the right choice to pick something up for you,” Johanna said amused. “You can tell me later, go ahead and eat for now.” You chuckled nervously, scratching the back of your head, embarrassed. Still, you did what your marefriend said and took your first bite of your fish fillet sandwich. Turns out what Johanna told you about allowing meat to be eaten was true. Rather than be disgusted, she just watched with a smile as you ate your lunch at a steady pace like always. Once your sandwich was finished and your bottle of water empty, you threw the trash away and went back to gaze at the mayor’s lovely eyes. Looking at them, you were reminded of the good times you’ve had, including the secrets Johanna has shared with you. Such included: her mane not being naturally gray and how despite being the mayor now, in her teen years she was quite a delinquent and a flirtatious one at that. Few ponies knew about these things and you certainly weren’t going to betray Johanna’s trust by spreading the word. “Now honey, what did you want to say?” she asked. “Right, as I was saying before, I had some self-doubts about myself because I was too afraid to one day start a family. The reason behind that is because... I’ve been afraid because I might end up like my father. He was a lousy man who walked out on my mother and me when I was very young. He eventually married another woman and had a daughter and in the near future, he almost killed them and I… I was in charge of his trial and I threw him in prison for life,” you explained, getting out of character by clenching your fist. “Oh dear... is that what you’ve been hiding deep inside you all this time?” she asked. “Yes... I was afraid that I’d make the same mistake he did, but it’s thanks to Pinkie Pie that I realized something: To see the whole “starting a family thing” from my own perspective and not let the ghosts of my own past get in the way of what matters most. It’s no argument that I love you Johanna, and that’s one thing that’ll never change,” you confessed. “Aw, I love you too... Edgeworth,” she replied. “Edgeworth?” you asked before arching an eyebrow. She responded simply with a good kiss on your lips. “It’s a nickname I decided to give you. I thought it’d suit you better because of two reasons. One, you seem to have an edge when it comes to your work and being social towards the citizens. And two, whenever you put your heart and soul into everything, you make it seem like it was worth it, not just you, but to everypony. Hence why I decided to name you Edgeworth.” “Hmm... I like it,” you decided. “I guess this is as good a time as any,” you said much to your lover’s confusion. Reaching into your suit pocket, you pulled out a small, wrapped box and handed it to her. “Go ahead, open it.” Johanna opened up the little box and gasped at what she saw inside. What she sees is a shiny, silver necklace with her cutie mark in the center. The said cutie mark happened to be crafted from rubies. “Oh my... you shouldn’t have,” Johanna breathed as she gazed at your thoughtful gift. “I wanted to. It’s my way of saying “thank you for everything,” you said and walked behind her so you could help put the necklace on. Johanna placed both hands over the part with her ruby-crafted cutie mark. As she looked at the jewel, you could tell she felt a sense of happiness with the addition of her heart skyrocketing. In her eyes and her heart, she was given what she considers... “a part of you” that she will hold dear. “Come here you,” she said before once again kissing you. Unfortunately, your tender moment was cut short when you heard someone clear their throat to get your attention. Blushing, you pulled away from Johanna and turned around to stare at some amused Town Hall employees. “Aww, isn’t that sweet,” one of the employees said. “I’ll say. Our mayor has finally found someone special, but I think we should give them some time alone. Come on, before she gets mad at us and docs our paychecks,” employee #2 said, noticing how Johanna was getting annoyed at them for eavesdrop and took off like rockets. After your little moment with Johanna, you went to over and poured yourself a cup of apple cider, which was provided by the Apple family and then cleared your throat to prepare for your speech. You were barely able to keep yourself from downing the delicious drink first, as the Apples know how to make some of the best cider in Equestria. “Attention everypony,” you called out, gathering everyone’s attention. “I’d like to take this opportunity to tell you all how grateful we are to you for contributing to this charity. Without your help, it wouldn’t be possible to help the good foals who are being treated for their illnesses. It’s thanks to you all that they’ll receive the medicine they need to get them back on their hooves. And so, with that being said... cheers!” you exclaimed, raising your cup. “Cheers!” everyone else shouted as they raised their cups at the same time before taking a sip of their drinks. You now gave into the temptation and guzzled down your cup of apple cider. As always, you admired the taste that the Apples worked so hard to make. Johanna clearly didn’t have any doubts about your capabilities as you saw her looking at you with a proud smile. “You know Johanna, a necklace is fine, but what do you say we go out and have our own private picnic together. Just you and me, a bottle of wine and just watch the stars under the gazebo later on tonight?” Johanna’s eyes seemed to sparkle at your ideas and she responded with a warm hug, followed by a kiss on the lips. “I’d be glad to, Edgeworth,” Johanna replied and went back to kissing you. This time, neither of you cared whether or not someone was watching. You had a feeling that as you changed into a nice, fresh pair of clothes, that you wouldn’t be living in this house for much longer. Since you and Johanna seemed to be growing closer each day, you thought it was only a matter of time before she asks you to move in with her. Despite your calm exterior, the idea of living with your lover thrilled you quite a bit. A potluck didn’t mean that the rest of the day would be free, which worked to your advantage as you wanted your picnic to be at night so you could see the stars. As always, by the time it was time to lock up Town Hall, it was already dark and you had immediately returned home to get cleaned up and changed. You already saw how beautiful Johanna was that night she invited you for dinner, so you had no doubts she would look amazing again for tonight’s picnic. Since she was responsible for the food last time, it was only fair for you to take responsibility to bring the food this time. Besides a nice bottle of wine, some mashed potatoes, and a bowl of garden salad seemed like a pretty luxurious meal if you do say so yourself. You made sure to be careful with packing the food, since you didn’t want to arrive with anything ruined. Once everything was nice and wrapped, you put it away in a basket that you bought earlier. Gazing in the mirror one last time, you noticed the only problem was that your tie. It didn’t seem like a good match-up with the rest of your suit. You took it off and went through your clothes to see which tie would be more suitable. Reaching into one of your drawers, you pulled out a cyan colored necktie and nodded in approval. With that small issue out of the way, you grabbed the basket and made your way outside. Humming a little bit, you admired the pleasant nighttime scenery. To your good fortune, you’ve heard from Rainbow Dash and the weather patrol ponies that they’ve postponed the rain that was supposed to occur tonight and changed it to tomorrow. In fact, this change in their schedule was the reason you asked Johanna out tonight. When you arrived at her house, you checked your basket to make sure everything was okay before knocking on the door. The door opens up slowly and your heart raced when you saw Johanna in a beautiful, silver sleeveless dress with gold trims around the dress collar. Of course, she was also wearing that lovely necklace you got for her. “You’re looking as beautiful as ever, my dear,” you praised before kissing her hand. She didn’t blush this time, rather she giggled at your chivalry. “And you look as handsome as ever, Edgey-honey,” she giggled. After the complimenting was done, the beautiful mayor allowed you to wrap your around her back and lead her away from her house and off to your destination. Walking to the gazebo took just a little bit longer than walking to Johanna’s house, so it was nothing to complain about. The moment you arrived, you took out a blanket which with great consideration you managed to fit in your basket. Once that was taken care of, you smiled as your marefriend made herself comfortable before taking out the food. It was a good thing you made sure to bring some utensils and some plates. “I guess we’re even now Edgeworth,”  Johanna said. You easily recalled how she invited you over to her house for dinner last week. Even if this wasn’t your house, you still asked to spend time with her and provided dinner as well. “Yup, it looks like it,” you chuckled and looked up at the dark, night sky. With no clouds in the way, you and Johanna could easily spot the millions of stars that were shining from above. “It certainly is. With all the paperwork we both have to put up with, it’s nice to take a break to just sit, relax and enjoy the scenery. Especially now that I have you...” Setting her plate aside for a moment, Johanna moved closer to you and nuzzled under your chin. “Has anyone ever told you how cute you are when you nuzzle like that?” you asked, playfully stroking her cheek and booping her on the nose. She giggled and nuzzled into your chin again. That was until she processed what you just said. “M-Me? A mare who’s almost 40 is cute?” she asked shocked. “Of course, if not cute, then beautiful,” you said before lifting her chin so you could admire her. The stars were reflecting off of her eyes was mesmerizing. You didn’t care about her age, you only questioned how a beautiful mare like her could stay single for so long. Getting bored with just staring at her, you leaned down to kiss her once again. She closed her eyes and leaned in, deepening the kiss. With no annoying employees around, you could kiss to your heart’s content. You both pulled away and started eating while gazing up at the stars. Princess Luna’s night truly was a sight to behold. Next thing you knew, a shooting star passed through the skies. “Oh, look! Make a wish, Johanna!” you exclaimed. “My wish is... to one day get married and have a big, beautiful wedding,” she replied, leaning into you. “R-Really?” you asked a little shocked at how straightforward she was being. “It’s always been my dream to one day have a big wedding with my beloved husband, all the stallions who were around my age were already married and I was even desperate to find a young stallion, but they didn’t see me that way. For a long time now, I thought I would have to give up on that dream. But ever since you came along, I felt like I got my chance once again,” Johanna confessed. “Do you think I should’ve bought a ring or should I get down on one knee and just propose?” “I’m sure you’ll get the chance again whenever you got time. But for now, I want us to enjoy our picnic, as well as each other’s company.” With a nod, you went back to eating. Neither one of you rushed your eating, since there was nowhere important to go after this picnic. Even when you there was nothing left to eat, you weren’t quite ready to leave just yet. With Johanna snuggling against your arm, you went back to watching the stars with almost no concern for what would be another busy day tomorrow. > Excitement Between Work Hours > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You weren’t keeping count of the minutes you and Johanna spent snuggling and looking at the stars, but you had a feeling that it was past midnight right now. While you had no regrets about this picnic, you realized you got a little careless, as both of you needed a good night sleep for work in the morning. To make it more obvious, you even heard Johanna let out a pretty good yawn, too. “It’s getting late, shall we head back and call it a night?” you asked, finding her yawning to be a little cute. You’ve already convinced your lover here that you found her to be adorable and that her age being close to 40 didn’t matter. “Yes, I wish we didn’t have to work tomorrow, but it can’t be helped. I really enjoyed the picnic, though, it was lovely getting to spend such a good amount of time with you, Edgeworth,” she replied and kissed your cheek. Smiling, you stood up and offered her your hand so you could help her stand as well. Though you soon had to let it go so you could go and collect the plates and silverware and put them in your basket. Your assumptions of it being passed midnight seemed very accurate, as not a single Ponyville citizen was on the street. Everything was quiet, except for the sounds of the crickets waking up in the night. You never did like the sound of crickets, but you put up with it since Johanna’s house was right in front of you. After you dropped her off, you could simply go home, where you won’t be able to hear a single sound from the insects. “Get yourself some well-deserved rest, Johanna,” you said leaning down to give her a quick peck on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” You turned around preparing to start walking home, but then Johanna placed a hand on your shoulder. You stopped and looked back at her with confusion. “Actually... I was thinking maybe you could... spend the night with me... please...” she whispered, but you heard her loud and clear. You’ve entered your marefriend’s home a few times, but being asked to spend the night was something entirely new. “Well... I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. Do you have a couch that I can sleep on or a guest room?” you asked. Johanna giggled as if she thought it was funny. “What?” you asked. Johanna laughed a little more and then finally calmed down before explaining. “Edgeworth, do you honestly think I’m going to be stingy enough to make the one who’s treated me so well sleep on the couch? You’ll be sleeping with me in my bed,” she said, playfully tapping you on the nose. “R-Really? You don’t mind?” you asked. Instead of telling you straight away, Johanna pulled you inside and closes the door before pressing her body onto yours in a hug. You could feel her nice set of breasts squishing against you as she showed her affection. “Uh... I’ll take that as a yes. S-Shall we head to your-” Your obvious question was stopped as the mayor pressed her finger against your lips. “Honey... not another word. Follow me and I’ll give you... a night to remember,” she said seductively, rubbing your cheeks. You were left speechless by this tone and could only follow Johanna upstairs, as if you were in some sort of trance. You noticed looking down that your lover began to sway her hips a little as you walked to the second floor. ‘Dear Celestia, what a sight to behold!’ you thought to yourself. For a moment, you had forgotten your manners. Just as you were about to step into Johanna’s bedroom, you actually swatted across your lover’s swaying tush, causing it to jiggle. Hearing her squeak, you snapped out if it and felt greatly ashamed of what you did. “Oh god, Johanna I’m sorry!” you said frantically. You wouldn’t blame her if she actually turned around and smacked you across the face, but no such thing happened. She only smirked at you while biting her lip. “It’s about time you made a move on me. I take it you like my tush?” she asked batting her eyes as she looked up at you. You weren’t sure how to respond to that because you weren’t into talking dirty, not to mention that you had zero experience in talking dirty. “Well... I uh... I guess...” you stuttered and rubbed the back of your neck. However your other hand which remained at your side, was grabbed by Johanna and you finally stepped inside of her bedroom. Though it was obvious you weren’t going to go straight to sleep. After all Johanna had told you this would be a night you wouldn’t soon forget. She closed the door and locked it before walking up to you while undressing herself. You were treated to the amazing sight of Johanna’s G-cup bust which was struggling to stay put in that tight, dark gray bra. It made so much sense that her gray mane was only dyed that color as looking at her breasts you saw no wrinkles or sag of any kind. You finally saw what it was that Johanna desired and you began to doubt your ability to satisfy her, since this was your first time. Your lover noticed how you stopped undressing and had only removed your shirt and not your pants. Crossing one leg over the other as she sat on her bed, she patted the spot next to you, telling you to join her. You obeyed her and sat right next to her. “Edgey sweetie, are you okay?” she asked. “Yeah, I’m just... a little nervous, that’s all. This is my very first time and... I’m not sure if I got the... skills to make this enjoyable,” you admitted. Johanna suddenly, albeit gently grabbed your hand and planted it on her left breast. You were amazed at how soft they were. Since you were such a gentleman, you never had any interest in her bosom until now. “There’s no need to worry, Edgey. If you want to start off nice and easy, then you can do so by caressing me like you love every inch of me,” she said. Patting the hand that was on her breast a couple of times, she let go and allowed you to move on your own. You didn’t lose control like you did a few minutes ago when you spanked her and squeezed her bosom in a careful and delicate manner. “You’re so gentle... it feels so delightful...” she said softly. You moved a little closer to her and drifted your vacant hand all around her soft, furry body. The way her fur danced through the gap between your fingers was incredible and all the while, you remained careful. Johanna gave out a soft moan and leaned her head onto your shoulder. You used this as a chance to pat her on the head and noticed how her mane felt like silk against your palm. “Again, I’m sorry for slapping you like that Johanna. I got carried away,” you said. “No need to be sorry... I actually wanted you to spank me. I’ve been wanting to feel the stinging sensation of a real good spanking for so long. I should be thanking you,” Johanna said. You felt relieved that she wasn’t angry with you, but you wouldn’t be slapping her again anytime soon. It just wasn’t your style. Anyways, you gave Johanna some more love, caressing her naked figure and smothering her with small kisses. She shivered and giggled at the tender touch of your hands and lips. She got a little handsy and placed one of her hands on your crotch area, rubbing it with her soft fingers. You got goosebumps, yet you allowed her to continue doing she was did. Without a word, she scooted back and grabbed ahold of your pants and pulled them down. She went back up and grabbed your boxer briefs, pulling them down afterwards. “You know, I find it hard to believe your words of being unable to satisfy me when you have a tool of this size,” Johanna giggled and grabbed ahold of your manhood. It measured at about 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. Despite it technically being a compliment, you felt embarrassed about what she just said. She tenderly strokes it, then steadily goes faster. The sensation was unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. Your whole body was tingling and your shaft wasn’t getting any harder than it already was. While it was a little painful, Johanna eased your discomfort by leaning down and taking your manhood into her mouth. “O-O-Oh my!” you gasped. “I-I... I don’t know why... but this feels really good!” And if that wasn’t enough, Johanna cupped your ballsack in one hand, massaging them while still sucking you like a giant popsicle. She swirled her tongue around the tip of your shaft on some occasions before deep-throating you. It would start quite a good amount of gossip if Ponyville’s civilians ever saw their mayor doing such a thing. Fortunately, no one was out of their homes at this hour and the bedroom curtains have been closed shut. “J-Johanna... ease up a little bit...!” you muttered, but she didn’t listen. Knowing exactly how to push your buttons, she continued on with her incredible skills and you soon began to squirm. You watched as she looked up at you with her playful eyes, still keeping your length inside her warm mouth. After a moment she pulled her mouth off and teased you by blowing on it, making your wet member catch cold. “P-Please put it back in...” you begged, shivering as Johanna continued blowing against you shaft. Each time she did it, you became more eager to relieve the cold feeling by having that cozy mouth of hers around your member. “Do you enjoy my blowjobs that much Edgey?” she asked tilting her head with a smirk. You didn’t think such words would come out of the mouth of the respected mayor. “Yes, they were amazing. So please... will you put it back in?” “Who am I to turn you down when you ask so nicely?” Johanna asked before putting your shaft back inside her warm mouth. But this time, she took it to a whole new level by mashing her enormous breasts between your stick and moved them up and down as she sucked on you. You didn’t even ask her to do that, nor did the idea ever come to you. However, you had no intention of stopping her if she was doing this to please you. You just laid there, allowing Johanna to work her magic on your giant sausage. Seeing how you were getting comfortable, the benevolent mayor giggled around your member and kept going. You could feel her tease you in a new way by tracing her tongue around your manhood while you were still in her mouth. Unfortunately, she didn’t do this for more than 15 seconds. “So delicious... oh how this makes me feel so much younger...” she whispered, leaning down to adoringly hold your erection against her cheek. “I don’t care what others might say, getting together with a naturally beautiful mare like you was the best decision I ever made,” you replied. Johanna stopped nuzzling against your member to look up at you with a wide smile of appreciation and flattery. Once again, she acted without words and gave you a loving kiss. “Fuck me...” she whispered in your ear after your kiss ended. While you were still processing her choice of words, Johanna got onto her back and spread her legs out wide. Remembering you had a mare to take care of, you snapped out of it and looked at her wet marehood. You didn’t keep her waiting any longer and got on top of her, aligning your shaft until it was at her entrance. You slowly inserted inside her marehood, causing her to let out a loud sigh of pleasure. “T-That’s the stuff... I can feel you stretching me out, Edgey...” she moaned. Johanna then locked one of her legs around your back and teased you by rubbing it up and down. You got the hint and slowly pulled out of her tight confines until only the tip of your member remained inside. With the same amount of caution, you pushed back inside to repeat the process. “J-Johanna...” you moaned slightly picking up the pace, Very soon Johanna began to moan as well, letting you know she too was enjoying the sensation. Without breaking eye contact with you, she moaned moderately loudly and blushed deeper than the ripest tomato and her smile was bright as always. God, you loved her so much. “You know... you can touch them again if you want...” she said, breaking eye contact to give you hints by gazing down at huge G-cup bosom, which was bouncing wildly. You accepted the invitation and gently grabbed her boobs, rubbing them in circles and playing with her nipples. “You’re so sweet... you know exactly how to be careful with a mare,” she giggled and you felt relieved to know you were being gentle enough with the love of your life. “Well, of course,” you said pulling one of her nipples. “After all, I don’t want to betray the trust of the one who means the most to me...” You stopped playing her breasts and placed both hands on the sides of her face. This was convenient, as you soon spotted happy tears well up in her eyes and you quickly reached up to wipe them away. You leaned in and kissed her deeply while thrusting inside her. Since you were this close to her, Johanna was able to wrap both her arms and legs around you, keeping you from escaping, not that you were planning on it. Maintaining your nice, steady pace, you pulled away from her lips to kiss other places around her face. Giggling at your affection, Johanna couldn’t stop herself from kissing around your face as well. Soon it was working in a pattern and after receiving one kiss from Johanna, she would let you pick a kissing spot. “I love you...” she whispered, getting another turn and chose to kiss you on the nose. Chuckling a little because of how it slightly tickled, you copied her and gave her a quick peck on her own nose. “I love you too, Johanna...” you whispered back. It was here that you got just a little bit faster, for a strange pressure was building up in your groin. “Pull out... I want to know how tasty your seed will be...” she quietly demanded. Seeing how you could go for another of her desirable blowjobs, you immediately pulled out and brought your stick in front of her face. She opened her mouth wide and took it all in. You thrusted deep inside her throat, sighing as you were rewarded the warmth of her mouth for the second time. What’s more is that from this position sitting on your knees, Johanna gave you the freedom to thrust in and out as you pleased. “F-Forgive my language Johanna... but d-d-damn, I’ve c-come to love your b-blowjobs...! They f-f-feel so damn... good!” you stuttered. Since you were so caught up in the moment, you didn’t have the presence of mind to feel ashamed of your choice of words. Johanna giggled around your shaft and forced herself even deeper so you reached the back of her throat. All the while, the pressure continued to build up. “H-Here it c-comes... J-J-Johanna!” you announced and pulled back a little bit so you were out of her throat. You were just in time, as upon leaving the tight confines, you gave in and shot several streams of your warm seed into her mouth. It was remarkable, looking down you saw that despite how much you released, Johanna swallowed it without choking or spilling a drop on her fur or the bedsheets. “As I thought... your seed truly was a perfect bedtime snack...” she said, winking up at you. Giving your member a kiss as it began to shrink, Johanna stretched her arms and climbed back onto the bed. “And by the way, feel free to talk as dirty as you like when we’re all alone.” “Uh... okay then... though, it might take some getting used to...” you said, chuckling as you finally became embarrassed that your vocabulary had recently became colorful. Johanna scooted over to make room for you in the bed and you wasted no time snuggling under the covers. Tomorrow would probably be a tough day since you’ll only had a few hours to sleep. Deciding to make the best of it, you kissed Johanna on her forehead and closed your eyes. Even with an alarm clock to keep you from oversleeping after your night of passion, you still found it hard to get up. Though, it couldn’t be helped, so once you and Johanna exchanged turns in the shower to rid the odor of your lovemaking, your lover revealed that she had Rarity fix you a brand new suit and has been holding onto it for the day you’d stay overnight. You ironically were one of the first to make it to Town Hall despite lacking hours of sleep. The few employees who checked in before you obviously knew you and Johanna were a couple, but they were completely ignorant to why you were tired. “Are you feeling well?” a stallion worker asked as he saw you yawn. “Just waking up that’s all,” you assured and popped your back. You felt a little better after doing so and the employee seemed to believe your excuse, since he walked away with a nod. “Go on ahead to your office, hun. I’ll be there with today’s paperwork in a few minutes,” Johanna instructed with a smile. You nodded and left to await her in your workspace. There was practically no telling what kind of documents you’d deal with today. Arriving in your office, you sat at your desk and smiled at how you managed to keep things organized despite your busy days. You pulled out the file with the whole potluck, staring at the word “successful” stamped on it. Just staring at it made you feel great, knowing that with yours and everyone else’s help, the foals at the hospital are making huge recoveries and are expected to be checked out this month. You placed the file back in your desk and closed the drawer. Not too long after putting the report away, Johanna came in with a fresh stack of papers just as she said she would. After she set the pile down in front of you, you took the top sheet off and looked at it. Apparently, today’s documents were about a mysterious pony who’s trying to buy off a vacant building in order to open up a potion and magical artifact shop. You were so focused on the paper, you didn’t even notice your marefriend walk to your side. “Thanks again Johanna, I-” You were going to question why she was no longer in front of you, but that question was quickly answered when you felt your zipper being pulled down. With a gulp, you looked down to see the mayor fiddling with your boxers and pulled your manhood out. “I didn’t have much for breakfast... so, I think I’ll settle with some delicious cock milk,” she whispered, seductively. You were so grateful your office didn’t have windows that would help you see either outside or inside. Only risk was that even the door was closed, it didn’t have a lock on it. As Johanna got under the desk and started sucking you off, you kept your eyes on the door so you could see if someone would come in. “Okay Johanna, but you have to be both quiet and quick...” you whispered, holding back a moan as she pulled out and sucked on your ballsack, cutting you off. “The employees will get suspicious if you stay for too long...” Acknowledging your warnings, Johanna moved back up to your cock and bobbed her head rapidly up and down. The blowjobs from last night couldn’t compare to the speed and determination she was putting into this one. You wondered where she got this energy from since you both came to Town Hall exhausted. In any case, she wanted to make you give in as quickly as you could so she would have a good snack before going to work. Suddenly you heard a knock on the door and Johanna almost bit your shaft out of alarm. “Mayor Mare, are you still in there?” a mare’s voice asked from the other side. Johanna quickly pulled her mouth off of you and got out from underneath the desk. She didn’t want to run the risk of the employee come into the office while she was still kneeling before your member. “Yes, we’ll be done discussing today’s documents in just a few minutes,” she replied, not giving any signs that she had her mouth on something. You both waited quietly seeing if the mare would come inside like you thought, but to your relief, you heard her walk away from the door. Sighing, Johanna licked her lips and went back in between your legs to finish her little treat. Fortunately, you were still rock hard and were getting close to your climax due to her ferocity. Biting your knuckles to keep quiet, it became to much to handle and you gave in, spraying a good load like you did last night before bed. Johanna once again took each drop of your seed without choking or spilling a drop on her body and the clean floor. “That hit the spot...” she whispered and stood up to straighten her clothes. Even though she swallowed all your seed, you didn’t want her breath to smell bad so you reached into your drawer to pull out some breath spray. She quickly opened her mouth and then you sprayed a couple of times. Even though you were confident in your spray, you decided a test was in order and brought her in for a nice kiss. “Lemony fresh...” you whispered, making Johanna giggle. “I’ll admit I enjoyed that, but I shouldn’t keep a busy mare away from her work...” With one last peck, Johanna left your office, allowing you to begin today’s paperwork in peace. Not once during the day did you stop thinking about how Johanna unexpectedly came into your office to get you off with her oral talent. While you weren’t lying when you said it felt good, since you almost got caught, you hoped she wouldn’t be taking such risks every day. Even while thinking this, you managed to take care of signing your documents without any problems. You made sure to keep quiet when Johanna had her way with you and it seemed like none of the employees knew anything about it, not even the mare who interrupted you. After all, receiving a blowjob during business hours wasn’t exactly something to any sane person or pony to brag about to others on a daily basis. Unable to gamble your reputation again, you told Johanna after work not to try something that risky again. She understood and didn’t mind at all. With a sigh, you put away the last of your paperwork upon signing it. Because of what you were dealing with today, you were quite suspicious of that pony who wants to open up a new shop. You opened the file back up just to check on the results when his previous shop was inspected. Everything seemed to check out... except for one particular thing you overlooked. Apparently, at his previous shop, there were multiple mishaps involving a certain artifacts that were supposedly cursed and deemed “hazardous” to the public. You would talk to Johanna to figure out what to do about this stallion later, for now you had to get ready to lock up for the night. You had already thought ahead for your tonight and decided you enjoyed Johanna’s hospitality and that another night wouldn’t hurt. One shouldn’t get the wrong idea as sex was the last thing on your mind. Since you were deprived of rest, you were confident you’d fall asleep quickly since Johanna’s bed was so much more comfortable than the one back at home. You made a quick detour at your house to get some comfortable clothes for sleeping and to also throw away the suit you wore for yesterday’s picnic so it could be washed later. At the moment, Johanna was preparing another delicious dinner that was guaranteed to be finished by the time you got back. When you arrived, you were greeted by Johanna wearing a nice bathrobe, that looked like it would tear open because of her large breasts. Regardless, you could see she was a bit impatient tonight and had already put the food onto the table without your help. “Get yourself a good meal, Edgey. I assure you... you’ll be needing the energy for later...” she cooed and gave you some clues by grinding her bust against your arm as you sat down. Looking down at the plate before you, you came close to drooling when you saw Johanna had fixed up something you never expected: a deluxe sushi platter with a small bowl of miso soup. Your stomach began growling when you looked at the meal and decided to push away what Johanna just said so you could ease your hunger. Taking the first bite of the sushi, your taste buds were struck with a mild sweet taste, with a hint of salty and sour. “You’ve outdone yourself again, my dear,” you praised, earning a smile and blush from the lovely mare. “Oh, you’re too kind, Edgey. It’s the least I can do for taking me on that… divine trip to Pleasure Town last night,” she replied seductively. If she kept talking like that your manhood would come to life again. You no longer had any doubts that choosing to stay overnight again would eventually lead to another round of sex. You quickly finished your dinner and put the dishes into the sink. It was a bit of a shame that Johanna didn’t wait until you arrived to set the food on the table, but you got over it. “I hope you enjoyed your meal, dearest. Because, you and I have some unfinished business to attend to... upstairs,” she said, taking off only part of her bathrobe to give you a better view of her bosom. It couldn’t be helped, you were hoping you’d get a few hours before the lovemaking began, but Johanna had other ideas. Grabbing your hand, you were practically dragged upstairs into her room. She quickly closed and locked the door and playfully pushed you on the bed. “I’ve been thinking about that big, juicy cock of yours all day. And quite frankly, I’ve been wanting to feel you inside me for a while now. So, how about we get to the main event and this time... blow that hot seed inside of me,” she said walking over to her window to close the curtains. Unlike last night, there were still ponies awake and outside and neither of you wanted to be seen making love. Taking off her bathrobe, she walked towards you and climbs onto the bed, sitting next to you. You quickly undress yourself, not wanting to keep a lady waiting. Rolling over so that you were on top, you began to kiss Johanna’s neck while tending to one of her breasts. You only kissed her neck for a few seconds before moving your lips to hers. She immediately responded by thrusting her tongue into your mouth, giving you your first French kiss. You guided your throbbing shaft towards her dripping entrance while still French kissing her. The moment you felt your shaft touch her pussy lips, she moaned and wrapped her legs around your waist like last night. However, she decided not to rush things and released her hold on you. “How about we enjoy ourselves before you fuck me? I know how much you love my blowjobs,” she said, rubbing your cheek. Not waiting for you to reply she moved away from her spot below you and got onto the floor. “Well, you’re going to have to turn around, Edgey,” she giggled. “Y-Yes, of course,” you frantically said, feeling silly at your mistake. Turning around and sitting at the edge of the bed, you sighed when Johanna grabbed your hardened shaft and began to massage it. Sure enough, her tongue started to lick the base, then went up to the tip of your shaft and then sucked on it. You started to moan since you were receiving your second blowjob of the day. Since you didn’t have to worry about being caught, Johanna worked at a calm and relaxing pace. You felt a little handsy and placed your hand behind her head and bobbed her head up and down on your member. Johanna didn’t mind that you were being a little forceful, nor did your actions cause her to gag around your shaft. Not only did your marefriend not care about the rough treatment, but she also decided to take her oral skills to a whole new level. Grabbing the bottom part of the base of your cock, Johanna stroked it while taking you to the deep parts of her throat. Even as she used her other hand to grope and massage your balls, the pleasure didn’t stop there. Her moaning on your shaft sent out a lot of vibrations throughout your entire body and you groaned in pleasure from the way she put on that impressive oral combo. “J-Johanna...!” you moaned, tightly closing your eyes from how good it felt. The nice mare pulled off for a moment to look up at you with loving eyes. You opened your eyes back up to gaze at her beautiful, starry eyes. “You’re so cute when you make that face. I could suck on you for months and never get tired of that expression,” she said seductively. “Speaking of which...” she went back to worshiping your manhood with gentle rubs and nuzzling her face onto it. Clenching the sheets, you let out some good moans while looking at the ceiling. She giggled and continued to nuzzle your cock and then teased you even further by lifting both of her breasts and wrapping them around her favorite treat. It was just as pleasurable as the night before, unfortunately even oral sex this heavenly couldn’t last forever. The pressure in your balls was really swelling up. “G-Get ready, Johanna...! I feel... I feel a big one coming!” you warned her. Johanna wasn’t stopping for even a second. In fact, it was the opposite. She quickly bobbed and sucked on your cock with her breasts still pressed tightly against it. “C-Can’t hold it... in...!” you groaned and mere seconds after saying that, you blew your load down her throat. She gulped down every single drop of your cum and like always, she kept her face and anything else around her clean as a whistle. “That was the best blowjob... I ever had...” you panted. You didn’t tell her, but the way she gave you head back at the office was a little too fast and didn’t feel nearly as good as this one. After catching your breath, you looked at Johanna as she sat herself up. You crawled towards her and lifted her up and sat her down on your lap. “Okay no more waiting... I want to feel you inside of me. Fuck me until you shoot it all in my womb, okay?” she asked, seductively. With a nod, you aimed your member to her marehood, which was practically begging you to have your way with it. Inch by inch, you slid through the tight walls and once you were all the inside, you moved Johanna up and down. “T-That’s it Edgey...” she breathed, wrapping her arms around your neck. You held onto her and thrusted your cock gently inside her wet passage. Johanna moaned as you kept your strong arms around her back and pounded her pussy, But she wasn’t completely satisfied just yet. “H-Harder! Give it to me harder! B-Be rough with me!” “Johanna... we talked about this. I-” A passionate kiss was all it took for her to shut you up. “Edgey... I know you love me, but you don’t have to worry about me. I trust you completely. Be as rough with my pussy as you want. I want you to make me feel like a real mare!” she demanded in a sultry growl. As a pacifist, you were typically against violence, so satisfying Johanna’s urge for rough play would be a challenge. You decided to start off simple by giving her a good spank on her soft, jiggly rear. She jerked her head upward and moaned as you slowly started to change your style. “T-That’s the stuff, sweetie... AH!” she gasped as you spanked her again. What’s more is that her pussy seemed to get a little tighter around your cock with each slap. You weren’t able to control yourself when you felt your hips clashing against hers… hard. Johanna moaned like crazy from your roughness. Once the moaning died down, she smiled at you with an intense blush, showing that she loved it. Once you regained control, you reached down to grab her scroll cutie marks and pounded her pussy even rougher. Her breasts jiggled in front of you, almost slapping her in the face because of how big they were. However, she grabbed one of her breasts and brought her nipple closer to your mouth. “H-Here... suck on these big girls nice and good,” she demanded, both growling and grinning in a sultry manner. You took the nipple into your mouth slowly, as you were still getting used to being aggressive. With patience, you eventually got more into the mood and started to bite and tug at the nipple, making Johanna’s eyes go wide. “Oh my! Yes, that’s it! More, give it to me more!” she moaned and had her wish granted when you suddenly brought her onto the bed with you so that she was laying on her side. You managed to keep your arms wrapped around her, your member in her pussy and her nipple in you mouth. Now that you were both laying on your sides, you put some more effort into your thrusts and could hear the arousing sounds echo the bedroom. Johanna was right. You couldn’t quite explain it, but there was something about letting go of your mannerisms and chivalry and pounding your lover like a maniac that you found so satisfying and liberating. You felt like you’ve become an entirely new man. Giving her nipple one last tug, you let go and watched the breast bounce in front of you. Pulling out of her warm marehood, you decided it was time to kick it up a notch. You grabbed Johanna and picked her up off the bed and carried her. You then pinned her against the wall and slammed your cock harder inside her pussy. The two of you just happened to be standing next to the window, which was closed, keeping you from knowing if anyone had heard anything. “J-Johanna... do you want to move somewhere else?” you asked. She then looked at you, acting like she was offended. “I’m surprised at you, Edgey... If you want to talk to me… then stop hesitating and talk dirty,” she said, dropping her facade. You remembered what she said yesterday of how you had the right to use vulgar language whenever you were by yourselves. Taking a second to choose your next words, you smiled and gave Johanna a hard spank. She lets out this cute yelp. “You’re in my world now... you dirty, horny slut,” you whispered, trying out a possessive tone. Giving her another slap, you reached around to grab her breasts before drilling her more aggressively than ever. “You can’t live without my hard cock anymore, can you?” “O-Of course not... it’s so... massive and thick! My pussy’s growing wetter the more you fuck me so hard,” she moaned. When she suddenly latched one of her arms around your neck, you got an idea and reached down to lift her up by both legs. Keeping her arm around your neck for support, Johanna moaned and giggled as you showed your strength by keeping on your feet while bouncing her on your cock. “Come here, you fucking hot mess!” you demanded before mashing your lips with Johanna’s. She let out a throaty moan as your tongues danced together in a passionate dance. You had your body pressed up against hers to the point where her luscious boobs were being mashed against the wall. You were enjoy the sounds of her lewd moaning and her slippery pussy making wet slaps. This was probably the best feeling you’ve ever experienced. Johanna couldn’t believe how amazing it felt for you to be ravaging her so intensely. She felt like a brand new mare and was excited for the end result of this passionate night. It seemed like this night could go on forever. However, your bodies told you otherwise. You felt Johanna getting wetter and tighter than usual and the pressure in your testicles had returned. “Y-You’d better be... ready my adorable slut. I’m gonna flood your pussy with my thick man milk,” you whispered, grunting with each thrust. “Do it! Fill me up! Fill my pussy with your seed. Give me a foal!” she begged. For a moment you were actually considering going back on your word, but that thought went away almost as quickly as it came. Reason why is because you thought about your half-sister, Lindy and how she was a mother herself. She and her sweetheart, Miles, made that decision to be parents on their own because they were willing to put up with the challenges of parenthood. If they can do it, then so can you. “H-Here... Here it is!” you growled and with a final thrust, you emptied your balls into her womb. Johanna moaned loudly from how much you spurted inside her. She came down with a climax of her own and sprayed her clean floors with her mare juices. You groaned as a huge stream of cum flooded her insides. “Mmm, yes! I can feel your hot, sticky cum seeping deep inside me! There’s no way to avoid pregnancy now,” she said as her belly slightly bulged. “Now Edgey, don’t you-” she stopped and saw that you still haven’t gone soft. “You still want to go?” “Yesterday the fun had to end early since we were so tired, but now that the night is still young, I’m just about ready for another round. And have I got a special surprise for you,” you said. “Ooh, do tell,” she said, intrigued. Rather than tell her, you brought her back onto the bed with you and straddled her on your lap. “I think it’s time for you to finally take the lead. I’ve been dying to see just how amazing you are when you’re riding me,” you said, laying down with your arms behind your head. “There you go again, Edgeworth... Always knowing exactly what to say to a lady to make her feel special. I think I’ve fallen in love with you even more and I know just how to show it...” she said before she began to ride your cock. You were planning to just sit still and enjoy the show, but with those huge breasts bouncing before you, you just had to get your hands on them. You reached up and grabbed both of her large knockers and mashed them together. She gave out pleasurable moans and bounced even harder on your cock. Johanna was just so drop-dead sexy that it makes you glad you got to be with her before anyone else did. “Y-Yes...! Oh Celestia, touch me more!” she moaned, blushing hard. Johanna really brought in the fun when she started grinding her hips while bouncing on top of you. You groaned in ecstasy when she made your cock touch the places inside her pussy neither of you realized she had. Squeezing her breasts even harder in response to the tightness, and clenched your eyes shut. There was practically no end to Johanna’s skills in love-making. Though your eyes were clenched shut, you felt your marefriend grind her hips in circles and made those long, lewd, perverted moans. You held out for a good 10 minutes until you felt your balls tensing up again. “Johanna, I... I’m cumming again!” you groaned. “Do it! Make sure I become a mother and fill me to the brim! Expand my womb even more!” she demanded in her horny state. She bounced on your shaft as fast as she could while you grabbed her hips and thrusted upwards. Johanna couldn’t take the ecstasy any longer and sprayed your crotch with her mare nectar. You were pushed over the edge and blew another large stream of cum inside her womb. She loud out a scream of ecstasy as you filled her womb up with so much of your seed. Her belly bulged out even more than it did last time and before your member was even out of her marehood, Johanna collapsed onto your chest. “I... guess you right... I’m still quite young...” she panted before laughing a bit. “Age... is a question... of mind over matter. If you don’t mind... it don’t matter,” you panted before letting out a chuckle. “Phew, that was really amazing...” “I’ll say... This new attitude... suits you whenever I need to release... some sexual tension. Although, something tells me I’ll probably have to try anal later on,” she said, laying on your side and rubbing her cum-bloated belly. “Later is right. After all the excitement we’ve had tonight, we both know we won’t be awake for much longer...” “True, but I’m glad we got to have some fun. And thanks to you... my dream of being a mother will become a reality. I love you so much, Edgeworth...” she whispered, hugging you gently. “I love you too, Johanna...” you whispered back, hugging her and kissing her goodnight. Like you said, you didn’t have the energy to stay awake for much longer and the moment you closed your eyes, you were sound asleep. Letting out a giggle at how quickly you went to sleep, Johanna followed your lead and closed her eyes as well.