> Under the Maregna Carta's Dominion; or, Even a Princess Must Bow Before the Law > by Cloplestia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 7:03 a.m. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Luna, I have apologized. I don't know what more you want of me!” Celestia gave an exasperated stomp of her hoof. “Yes, I canceled your Moon party or whatever at the last minute. The Saddle Arabian delegates expressed a wish to view the night gardens. It was a matter of diplomacy!” Luna glared at her, eyes fiery with indignation. The audience hall was mostly empty, although small clusters of government officials and prominent political ponies lingered to discuss court matters. At a modestly deferential distance stood the royal seneschal, Dusty Scrolls, a stately charcoal colored old unicorn with a white beard who glanced between the bickering sisters and the clusters of officials. “So, thou dost freely admit to thy tyrannical abuse of authority in overriding the will of the populace and preventing the lawful occurrence of the Festival of Lunar Festivity Celebration Night Festival!” Celestia gave a pained sigh. “Look, the delegates have left, we can reschedule your little party, okay?” “Neigh, sister, 'tis not 'okay!' It was not my little party; rather thou dids't most unlawfully misuse thy royal authority to disrupt an official holiday event belonging not to me, but to the ponies of all Equestria!” “Oh,” Celestia said. “Did we make that official?” “We did! Which means thou art guilty of a crime against the state!” “The state?” Celestia raised her eyebrows. Luna's nostrils flared. “Indeed, the state!” “Luna, I am the state.” The voice of the Princess of the Sun echoed through the hall, both louder and sharper than she had quite intended. Suddenly every pair of eyes in the room was staring at Celestia. Luna snickered. “Perhaps, dear sister, thou hast forgotten of a document we two signed last year called the Maregna Carta?” “Pfft. That thing? What about it?” “Thou art in violation!” Celestia rolled her eyes. “Luna, the Maregna Carta is meant to reassure ponies they have legal recourse if somehow either of us goes crazy and tries to become a despot.” “Which thou hast done!” “It was just a party! And I said I was sorry.” “Sorry cutteth it not. Thou must make legal restitution.” Dusty Scrolls nodded gravely in agreement. Celestia rolled her eyes. “Ugh. What kind of restitution, Luna?” “Hah! Section 14, Subsection C states in cases demanding proof of sincere contrition—” Luna looked askance at Celestia. “Sincere contrition, one day (sunrise to sunset) of public community service.” Celestia blinked. “Is that all? Fine. Community service it is.” Celestia snorted and shook her head in bemusement. She was to sweep streets or babysit orphans or something? Well, it was not such a harsh ordeal after all. She supposed she could see how such a punishment might remind a tyrannical princess of the ponies she ought to be protecting, but really, it seemed rather mild. “Tomorrow, sister. Report to Canterlot Square 15 minutes before it is time to raise the sun.” “Yes, yes, fine, sister. I will see you early tomorrow.” She left the hall, heading for her dinner and her chambers. “Prepare thyself well, sister!” Luna called after her. 7:03 a.m “Luna, what is this?” There was a curtained platform in the middle of Canterlot Square. Celestia stood with Dusty Scrolls and her sister and a few royal guards within the curtained enclosure and stared at the contraption before her. “These are called 'stocks', my sister.” The stocks were a finely constructed apparatus. At the front, the traditional three holes for neck and forehooves were comfortably padded with black silk-lined cushions. Extending back from that was a similarly padded support for the occupant's body, which rose at an angle to elevate the rump. At the foot of the rear part were cuffs for the hind ankles. Celestia noted the apparatus had yet to be fully set up, because the hind hoof cuffs were still attached to a long bar which presumably was part of however the device was transported. “I know what stocks are, Luna. My question is why they are here. I thought I would be doing some form of community service.” Luna smiled. “Why, yes. You shall provide a public example that nopony is above the law.” Celestia glanced at the stocks and flushed. Luna meant for her to occupy them? “I had assumed something more along the lines of street cleaning.” “Oh? Perhaps we shall consider that for the future.” “And what pray tell is that?” Celestia asked, pointing to an open barrel near the rear of the stocks. It seemed to be filled with some kind of jelly. “Water-based lubricant,” Dusty Scrolls answered. “Very funny,” Celestia said. “No, really, what—” She felt Luna's magic tug at her tiara and neckpiece. She flared out her wings in outrage. “What are you doing?” “Sister, 'twould not be comfortable for you to be wearing your regalia in the stocks all day.” “You want me naked?!” she said, scandalized, as Luna dragged the neckpiece up over her head. “Yes indeed. Shoes too.” “Public exposure as a punishment has a long history in many societies,” Dusty Scrolls added. “Although,” Luna said, as she pulled free a golden horseshoe, “you have such lovely hooves, I am sure many ponies will swoon to see them.” She made a pile of Celestia's regalia on one corner of the platform. Celestia stood, feeling awkward in her nakedness, and looked at the stocks some more. Was she really expected to shame herself in that contraption all day? She was sorely tempted to flat-out refuse. Regardless of the padding, it wouldn't be comfortable to have her neck through that hole all day. Come to think of it, not only was the neck hole padded, but the top edge of the section that would go across the back of her neck was also padded for some reason. She turned to ask Luna about it, but before she could bring it up, Luna spoke. “It's nearly time for sunrise, sister. Ought you not be getting into the stocks?” Celestia gave her a withering stare. From beyond the curtain, she heard a few ponies in the streets already, heading to their places of work or setting up the food carts that lined Canterlot Square every day. “Fine,” Celestia said. “I'll play my part in this farce. But we're going to have a careful look at the legal language in the Maregna Carta afterward.” Dusty Scrolls spoke up. “I assure you, Princess, this is all well within the law's purview.” Celestia stepped into the stocks, settling her body onto the frame and carefully resting her forehooves and neck on the lower section of the stocks. “Well, it's ridiculous,” she said petulantly, as Dusty Scrolls carefully lowered the top bar and locked it down, capturing her head and forehooves snugly in the front plate of the stocks. She could not turn her head back to see what was happening to her rear, and gave a startled twitch as she felt Dusty Scrolls pull her left hind leg outward to fit it in an ankle cuff. A moment later he did the same to her right leg. “Uhh, Luna, there seems to be a bar still attached to those ankle cuffs, it's keeping me from bringing my hind legs together.” “Why yes, sister. That is correct.” Celestia frowned. “Well, I'm saying please fix it.” Luna tapped at her chin thoughtfully. “I don't think it goes any wider.” “Ha ha, very funny.” She shifted her haunches as best she could, but it made no difference—however she situated herself, her spread legs left the lips of her marehood feeling on the brink of parting to expose the rosy interior. The cool pre-dawn air tickled at her sex. Being without her regalia had already left her feeling weirdly exposed, but this was much more shameful. She clamped her tail down tightly. “I look like I'm begging for a rutting like this,” she muttered. Luna pursed her lips. “Not with your tail like that, you don't.” Celestia felt the tug of her sister's magic pulling her tail back up and tightened the muscles of her dock, resisting. The magic held her for a moment, then dissipated abruptly, causing Celestia's tail to snap down onto her privates with a faint slap. Celestia went “Eep!” and Luna laughed. She felt her cheeks warm as she blushed over the silly prank. “Let's just get this farce over with,” she growled. “Do not mock the law, sister,” Luna said gravely. “You have wronged Equestria—” “Oh for goodness sake!” “—and you must accept your proper punishment. It's time, Celestia.” Luna levitated a scroll, and ducked out past the curtains. Celestia could hear from the murmurous voices that a small crowd had already gathered, drawn by their curiosity at the curtained enclosure. Luna began reading her proclamation. “Ponies of Equestria, may it hereby be known...” Celestia huffed in irritation, and glanced toward her seneschal. “Dusty Scrolls, can you believe this? How, precisely, does putting me in a set of stocks...” Her voice trailed off. With her head held low in the stocks, she was perfectly positioned to see that the old stallion before her was sporting the beginnings of an erection, his cock growing stiffer with slow twitches. Celestia frowned. “Dusty Scrolls, am I to assume the sight of me in this state is responsible for your... condition?” He flushed red and tried to step away, although the space within the curtains only allowed him half a pace. He hiked up one hind leg in a vain attempt to conceal his cock behind his thigh, and squeezed shut his eyes. “My sincerest apologies, Princess,” he said. “Just... nevermind. Could you at least try to conduct yourself with some decorum through this foolishness?” Her attitude was cold, but she could do little else but stare at Dusty Scrolls' dick. And in fairness, it was a rather handsome example; a slender pink shaft a bit longer than average, the medial ring an elegantly smooth ridge halfway down. She felt her tail drift off her marehood of its own accord, and cursed herself. The last thing she needed was to let her mind go wandering down erotic byways and trick her body into showing her horny on Main Street. Luna, having iterated Celestia's crimes, now moved on to the nature of justice, and the notion that no pony may be held unaccountable before the law. Celestia felt the time had come to raise the sun, and figured doing so would at least get her mind off Dusty Scroll's unfortunate erection. She reached within her to the core of her magic, and touched the sun. It's power rushed through her, a hot flare of energy that made her feel invincible in spite of her position in the stocks. She knew in that moment she could burst these bonds, shatter the frame of the stocks and fly from that place. But... she supposed Luna had a point, however absurdly acted upon—she had been acting rather high-hoofedly lately. Celestia brought the sun over the horizon and set it on its course. As then, as she had so many times before, she loosed her connection with a touch of regret, and let the transcendent solar power ebb from her command. The dawn's light spilled into the square, providing a dramatic setting just as Luna wrapped up her speechifying. “Thus stands my sister, Celestia herself!” With a dramatic flourish Dusty Scroll used his magic to whip aside the curtains as well as their support poles, revealing Celestia to the gathering crowd of ponies. Luna looked on in approval as the ponies gasped at the sight of their princess. Celestia practically felt their gaze crawling across her body in its restraints, and started to flush with embarrassment. But then she called to mind the feeling of her connection to the sun, the sensation of being unassailable and powerful beyond measure, and determined to keep it close in her heart regardless of whatever indignities and embarrassments Luna might try to heap upon her. “Know, ye ponies, that from a period of sunrise to sunset (and don't you dare try to speed it along, sister) she is condemned to service the citizens of Equestria.” Luna nodded to a signboard that had been set up near the stage and levitated the scroll to post it there. Celestia frowned. “She said that wrong, it's serve the citizens of Equestria,” she said to Dusty Scroll. He stood awkwardly, his erection showing no signs of diminishing in spite of being plainly visible. “Err, no you majesty, the Maregna Carta plainly says 'service.'” Celestia gawked at him. “A scribe's error, surely!” Luna stepped up to her with a predatory grin. “Nay, sister, it seems in your scoffing and dismissal you failed to pay attention to the wording of the document.” “'Service?'” Celestia said. “A-a-as a stallion...” “Services a mare,” Luna said. “Quite right, sister!” “It can't possibly say that! This is going too far!” Dusty Scrolls chimed in deferentially. “Actually the precise clause is, 'service the citizens and be made public use of.'” Luna smirked. “Crimes of royalty must be memorably punished, lest princesses be tempted to continue in their lawlessness.” In a cold voice, Celestia said “Dusty Scroll, did you not yourself draft the language of the Maregna Carta?” “Err, not the whole of it,” he coughed. Celestia swept her magic to the bonds holding the stocks, but before she could try to release herself Luna's magic caught hers and pushed it back into her horn. “Tut tut, sister, you agreed to cooperate with the law.” Magic momentarily stymied, Celestia struggled physically, twisting and straining at the stocks. But though they rattled, they were sturdily built and she had no leverage to exert against them. “Calm thyself, sister, thou art making a scene.” She already was a scene, but all the same she stopped fighting against her restraints. She threw another sudden rush of magic through her horn, and this time felt Luna's counter waver against her force. “Will you wage open war, sister?” Luna asked quietly. For a moment longer Celestia pushed to show her ire, and then let her magic subside. In exasperation she hissed, “Luna, this is ridiculous!” “Perhaps, but 'tis the law we agreed to.” Luna turned to the crowd. “Who would be first to help our dear Princess Celestia in her rehabilitation?” The crowd was silent, staring on in something akin to shock. Luna looked across their faces, searching for a volunteer. A trace of a frown appeared on her lips. Of course, though Celestia. A feeling of relief, surprisingly strong, swept through her. The faintest hint of a smile touched her lips. She felt a little bad about it, but it seemed her little ponies were naturally too much in awe of her to dare avail themselves of... well... her. Luna scanned the crowd of ponies a moment longer and then harrumphed. “It seems the little ponies are shy,” she muttered. “Oh dear,” Celestia said, her voice chiming with insincerity. “I fear you may not have the pleasure of seeing me publicly bred after all, Luna.” “We have explained 'tis not about our own enjoyment of your dismay, sweet though it may be, but rather of you learning rectitude and taking responsibility for your actions.” "It was just a silly party, Luna." "The Festival of Lunar Festivity Celebration Night Festival is a beloved expression of Equestrian culture!" Luna's gaze fell upon Dusty Scroll, and then a smile crossed her face. “Our dear Dusty Scroll, perhaps the citizens will be more forthcoming with an example to guide them. You seem ready enough,” she leered. Dusty Scroll gave a start. “I, Princess? I couldn't...” he protested. But Celestia could plainly see his cock give a meaty slap to his belly even as he spoke. What's more, there was something in the exchange between Luna and him that sounded to no small degree rehearsed. “Would you deny your duty to country?” Luna asked, projecting her voice so all could hear. “Would you sabotage your Princess's opportunity for reform? Would you dishonor Equestria by failing to stand up in her time of need?” “He's already standing,” Celestia muttered. She narrowed her eyes as she saw a glittering bead of lubricant form at the tip of the old stallion's prick. Dusty Scroll saluted. “Princess,” he said to Celestia, “forgive me. But I have a duty to the nation. A duty which is greater than any one Princess, or seneschal—” “I'll fire you,” Celestia interrupted. But she couldn't help but stare at the drop of lubricant as it slowly rolled down the flat head of his cock. Luna answered, “If she fires you, Dusty Scroll, I shall simply rehire you. Perhaps in the position of Chief Celestia-Tamer.” His cock thwacked into his belly once again, and the droplet of his juices was flung loose. Celestia jerked her head back in the stocks as the arc of the droplet nearly intercepted her nose. “I'm sorry Princess,” he murmured, “but you must know what an enticing rump you have.” He stepped along her, leaving her field of view. She could not see past the front panel of the stocks, and so she had no idea what was happening behind her, until she felt his magic gently but firmly pulling her tail aside. She fought it, but the muscles of her dock were not a match for the leverage of his magic, and if she sought to use her own magic to fight his, Luna still stood ready to tamp down any such effort. What was he doing? Was he simply exposing her? Showing her off to any ponies behind her? She felt herself flushing in embarrassment. But... she could almost sense a presence hovering just over the lips of her pussy. And then she heard Dusty Scroll inhale deeply, filling his lungs with the musky scent of her vagina. Right there. On stage. In front of the ponies in the square. He held onto that exotic lungful, then exhaled in a fast burst of warm air that rushed between her thighs, and then sucked in another deep breath. What ponies she could see from the crowd were wide eyed at this behavior. She felt her face go from pink to bright red. Once again she thrashed in her restraints, but only managed to wave her rump a bit at Dusty Scroll. He snorted up her intimate scent as if it were the most enticing perfume in the land. Then she heard the crowd gasp and grow silent. She had only a moment to prepare herself, and then she felt a warm wetness pressing against her and sliding up along the lips of her cunt. He was licking her. He was licking her pussy, in public, in front of a crowd of wide-eyed onlookers. Again and again he lapped up her slit, the soft wet sounds carrying to her ears as if by a megaphone. The square was perfectly silent; silent enough so that when he grew more bold and slid his tongue between those lips, stroking at the delicate inner walls, the little squeak she made was heard by all. The wet muscle of his tongue coaxed and caressed inside her, and she could not deny the sensation was pleasant, though she tried to resist the primitive impulses of her body's reaction. His saliva spilled down her slit, and her own wetness began to slick at his tongue. The taste was a reward that drove him on with newfound thirst, and he pushed his mouth up against her cunt to drive his tongue even deeper within her. His rapid breath raced along her thighs, and she heard him—no, felt him inside her vagina as he began to make animalistic grunts and groans. His increasing forcefulness triggered an answering erotic rumble of pleasure in her thighs. She could not believe she was responding like this, to a skinny, elderly stallion well past his prime, in a public square, in front of the eyes of a hundred ponies or more. Or perhaps that was the key, came a traitorous thought. A square full of ponies was watching her be subjected to this shameless act of depravity. Maybe there was a part of her that liked that. Maybe there was a part of her that wanted to be up here, the focus of everypony's gaze as a stallion shoved his nose under her tail. A tingle of pleasure swept through her body as she considered it. Complete strangers were watching her take part in such intimate acts. She realized that at some point his magic had fizzled out, but her tail had remained hiked up in excitement. No! No no no no no! I will NOT indulge in such perverse fancies! I am Princess Celestia and I have never had ANY desire to be watched when I take pleasure! Dusty Scroll suddenly threw his head back, the wet juices dripping from his chin. He bounced from forehoof to forehoof like a hyperactive colt, and then with a bestial whinny he reared up and clutched her haunches. He thrust once, and his cock bounced against the inside of her thigh, hard as a steel rod. He gave another thrust, and this time the flat head of his cock kissed up against the saliva-soaked lips of her pussy. A sudden thrill of fear rushed through her as she understood that he was going to fuck her—really going to fuck her right here in public, in Canterlot Square as a crowd of ponies watched. Up to now a part of her had been sure this was all a prank, that Luna would stop the business, that Dusty Scroll had already gone as far as he dared by tongueing her out. She started to gasp a “Wwwait—!” but he flexed his haunches and her pussy lips parted. His cock drove inside her, a firm shaft sliding its way between her silken walls, throbbing and twitching with wild lust. A soft cry of joy spilled from his throat, as if the gates of heaven had opened to him. He clutched at her hips and adjusted himself to slide more of his length into her. But once settled, as if to prolong the sensation as long as possible, he thrust in with agonizing slowness, letting her flesh slide across his shaft with gentle but tormentingly gradual friction. She felt herself growing wet around him, utterly mortified by her body's reaction to the slow, relentless push of his long cock ever deeper inside her. It seemed like it would never stop. And yet, although he could exert such self-control over what must be an overwhelming urge to plunge in and out with all his strength, she could feel his cock itself was a twitching, quivering mess of need. The veins were throbbing with his pulse, rhythmically massaging her sensitive flesh, and she could feel the head of his cock pressing at her as it flared within her passage. It spilled a steady drizzle of lubricious pre as it went, further slickening the way. A warm rush of pleasure quivered through her as his medial ring spread her pussy lips and slid inside her. A tiny gasp escaped her lips, and Luna raised one eyebrow. “Already throwing yourself into whorsish delights, sister?” Celestia gritted her teeth. “Of course not, Luna. It was merely a slight cramp from these uncomfortable stocks.” “Oh? Uncomfortable? We had them specially constructed to avoid that sort of thing, though.” “Don't worry about it,” Celestia said, not deigning to respond to Luna's teasing. She felt Dusty Scroll's haunches press up against her rump as he bottomed out within her. She bit back a whimper lest Luna tease her further, as an electric thrill raced through her from being so filled; but her hooves quivered all the same. She could feel the pressure of his belly squeezing her tail against her rump. He dropped his wet muzzle to lip at the space between her wings, and began to pull his cock back, again with a terrible teasing slowness. Without even meaning to, she suddenly squeezed around him, trying to hold onto his shaft. He snorted and froze. Celestia tried to calm herself, but her cunt made another effort to wring out Dusty Scroll's cock, clenching eagerly at the stiff shaft. She wanted it inside her, she liked it inside her. She wanted it shoving in and out of her, she wanted the sinewy veins rubbing along her slippery walls, she wanted the flared head scraping her insides. How long had it been since she had been with a stallion? She had no doubt her hormones were overreacting for having been too long ignored. She was so pent-up that her body was reacting to, of all ponies, her seneschal; and doing so in front of other ponies no less. She cursed herself for not having foreseen Luna's nefarious plans. If she'd known, she would have fucked some stallion senseless last night and drained off her own lusts. Dusty Scroll shuddered as Celestia's pussy tried to milk his cock. His control of his pace began to slip, and what started as another slow stroke forward shivered into a rough thrust as he buried his length into the Princess with a gasp of ecstasy. His hips shoved into her and back, drawing his cock in and out of her in unsteady thrusts that revealed the intensity of his own lust. Celestia could hear the wet sounds as he fucked her. In embarrassment, she glanced out to the ponies in the square. With alarm, she noted more seemed to be gathering all the time. They stared at the spectacle, transfixed by the sight, some with mouths agape, others with fascinated, eager expressions. This would not do. She needed to appear dignified, above this mistreatment. A proud and noble Princess for her ponies to look up to, even when forced into such indignities. And yet... she was quite shocked by how good Dusty Scroll's cock was feeling right now. The long shaft rubbed and caressed inside her and sent warm thrills of pleasure echoing through her thighs. Her body was betraying her with small quivers she hoped no one in the audience was noticing. She needed to bring this business to an end, before she started losing control herself. She tightened her pussy around the old stallion's cock, squeezing it to bring him to orgasm all the sooner. His reaction was immediate, a delighted groan and a quickening of the pace of his thrusts. But in stimulating him to greater heights of pleasure, she also found herself in jeopardy. Clutching at his cock sent a whole series of thrills rippling through her vagina. She could feel the flared head of his cock grow even more engorged, and as it shoved it's way deep within her, it coaxed an electric rush of desire through her loins. She couldn't help but think he had an exceptionally nice flare to his cock. Stop thinking about that! she told herself. You are a Princess of Equestria, maintain your dignity! She clamped down her self-control, trying to hold herself gracefully, as if she were unaffected by this shameful business, staring straight forward and ignoring the world around her. She would not let Luna make sport of her. She would not expose her own reactions. She would awe the ponies in the audience with an untouchable core of dignity, in spite of all. Yet a burst of her own juices further slickened up her canal, and every time he pulled back droplets of her wetness spattered her crotch and thighs. “I'm going to cum, Princess,” he cried out. She heard a gasp from the audience at his words, and felt a warmth rise in her cheeks, which she fought back lest the ponies see her blushing at his shameless declaration. He rammed into her once, twice more, and then she felt his cock positively kick inside her. A hot liquid rush speared even deeper within, followed by more strong spurts. Dusty Scroll moaned in ecstasy. Celestia felt a warm shudder pass through her as the stallion came. Ponies were watching. Ponies were watching a stallion squirting his load inside her. She was in a public square taking a load of semen in plain sight, and ponies were watching like she was some common stock animal being bred. A shiver passed through her, and she suddenly found herself needing to catch her breath. She spared a glance at the crowd of ponies. They were transfixed at the sight of her. Dusty Scroll nuzzled at her back as his cock grew quiescent. For a moment he rested atop her, and the square was perfectly silent. Every pony there could tell what had just happened. Then he slid from her back, his cock pulling free in a sudden rush that almost made her gasp aloud. Nonetheless, she clamped her pussy tight, and kept his mess bottled up inside her. No slovenly whorse would she be, sporting a cunt that drizzled stallion cream for all to see; no, despite all her indignities she would remain dignified and noble. She had thankfully not been brought to orgasm and made no mess of her own. Though exposed to the gaze of the ponies, she would make of her pussy a prim slit, leaking nothing of the shameful deposit of Dusty Scroll, nor flashing her slick rosy flesh in invitation. She would show herself as an alabaster queen, and the ponies in the crowd would not dare to do more than look. She could already tell the mood of the crowd was meek and confused, rather than rambunctious, despite the obvious arousal of a few stallions. Luna's revenge over the party would misfire and end in a boring day of Celestia resting in the stocks unmolested. And at evening they would go home and Celestia would think of her own revenge for this insult. And there would be words with Dusty Scroll, have no doubt of that! And then there would be revisions to this foolish Maregna Carta. Extensive revisions. “Fine ponies of Equestria,” Luna was saying, “Who next wishes to assist in this criminal's reformation through the virtue of public service?” But the crowd only milled uncertainly. Celestia permitted herself a faint, superior smirk. Whatever Luna's plans had been, they were starting to fall apart now. The ponies held her in too much esteem to come forward and soil her. The proud, unvanquishable poise she had managed to hold through Dusty Scroll's onslaught had touched their hearts more than their loins. Luna gave a snort of irritation when it became clear none of the crowd cared to besmirch Celestia's purity. “There is naught to fear! You have an opportunity to serve your country and service your princess at the same time! 'Tis most patriotic.” There seemed to be some wavering in the crowd, but still the ponies were reluctant. Celestia glanced to her sister. “Perhaps we should call it quits,” she murmured. “Sister, do not be absurd. The day has scarce begun. And you do not yet seem remotely penitent.” Luna gazed across the crowed, frowning in thought. Then her gaze fell across the rank of guards securing the event. A delighted smile crossed her face. “You there, five-legged guard,” she gestured, “What is your name?” There were a few laughs from the crowd. “Private Worthy Girth, Princess.” “Yes, I can see,” Luna said. There was a ripple of laughter, and Celestia suddenly felt the mood of the crowd start to shift away from their fearful awe of her. A spark of alarm took root in her breast. “Come up on the stage, Worthy Girth, we would speak with thee, and let our sister appreciate thy charming countenance.” The guard stepped up onto the stage and stood before Celestia. She understood now the laughter at his name—Worthy Girth was very aroused and very well endowed. He was a stocky, muscled guardspony, and underneath his belly his cock stood fully at attention, thick as Celestia's foreleg—no, thicker! The veins stood out on it, and his cockhead was already flaring and dribbling a steady flow of his pre. It throbbed steadily with his heartbeat. She found she could not tear her gaze away from it. “Worthy Girth, you seem to be flaunting your stallionhood most flagrantly,” Luna observed. “Princess, exhibitionism and public lewdness are my fetishes.” His voice rang out, and elicited another round of laughter. At the same time, his cock gave a tremendous twitch, and Celestia's eyes widened to see a jet of his pre squirt from him. It spattered to the stage, and the musky odor wafted to her nostrils like the scent of a rare confection. “It seems to me you should be quite eager to assist in my sister's rehabilitation, then,” Luna said. “Princess, unfortunately I am on duty,” he answered with a mournful tone. “Oh pish tosh. Surely you can ask for a break? Do you believe in the law? Justice?” “I... Yes, Princess. As a guard, I have pledged myself to justice and the law, of course!” “Yet here lies a scofflaw pony, contemptuous of the law, yet lucky enough to be granted a chance to make restitution. Will you not instill respect for the law in her? Will you let her skate through her legal period of service without fulfilling her obligation to right her debt to society?” Celestia could see the head of his cock flaring bigger with each word. He was clearly already close to orgasm. If Luna wasn't careful, she'd have him shooting his load right here before he could even start “rehabilitating” her. “But... my duty...” “Equestria calls! You must be an example to the rest of these ponies. Besides, as a princess, I can override your orders. In fact, I give you fresh orders: I order you to publicly service this mare to provide an example to the citizenry!” His cock gave another tremendous twitch, spattering his pre across the stage. He saluted eagerly, practically shouting “Yes, sir!” He moved from Celestia's line of sight, striding to her rump with an exaggerated walk that swung his cock into plain view with each step. A moment of panic gripped Celestia, but she quickly calmed herself. She could still project her untouchable aura, she just needed to endure this stallion's assault with calm and grace. Judging from the state he was in, he would not even last twenty seconds. In fact, she would not be surprised if he started spurting just from attempting to mount her. Did Luna think she was getting the upper hand? She had badly miscalculated. Worthy Girth was giving every sign that “Early Spurt” would be a better name. When Worthy Girth reached her hindquarters, Celestia realized her own tail had curled high without her noticing it, exposing herself as if she were eagerly anticipating him. Embarrassed, she tried to draw it down, hoping it had gone unnoticed, but her own muscles resisted. For all her bravado, she seemed to be hornier than she had realized. Dusty Scroll had not brought her to orgasm, but he had managed to leave an ember of desire stirring her up, to say nothing of the warm pool of semen percolating deep inside her. Thus it was when Worthy Girth clutched her haunches between his forelegs and prodded at her pussy with his fat shaft, she couldn't help but give a shuddering gasp. Nor could her cunt resist convulsing wetly at its touch and trying to guide it inside her. Fortunately, she did not think anypony could have seen the latter, and if she could keep up her icy, noble mask, she could downplay the former. As far as maintaining her queenly equanimity went, she was certain she could keep it up for the little time Worthy Girth would take to finish his business. But her self-assurance fell to tatters a moment later as he gave his hips a shove and his thick cock pushed inside her. She had seen it was large—not impossibly so, but certainly well out of the ordinary—but she had not truly anticipated the sensation of its thickness filling her. It spread her walls wider than she could ever remember them being spread, and gave her a sensation of being utterly filled by the mass of flesh. He pressed in deeper and deeper, sliding in with an overwhelming pressure that split her wide and sent unexpected quakes of pleasure bucking though her. She could feel every vein imprinting itself into her walls, her whole cunt reverberating with each twitch and pulse of his cock. But as overwhelming and fulfilling as the fatness of his cock was, the true wonder was his wide flare. It scraped at her walls, stretching her around it, solid and quivering with the intensity of his pleasure. She could not imagine he could last more than a few thrusts in this state, but oh, what thrusts! His cock was the perfect length for his flare to rest right up along her G-spot, rubbing at her relentlessly. Her pussy clenched up around him involuntarily, and she gave a little whimper at the surge of pleasure he tickled from her. She could feel the dribbles and little spurts of warm pre that steadily leaked from him, and were massaged into the walls of her vagina by his flare. An answering wetness suddenly burst within her, slickening her flesh invitingly. His hips quivered and thrust erratically, and he grunted and snorted atop her, battering his cock into her with barely a semblance of control. He shoved in and held his hips tight to her rump, holding still as his cock rumbled inside her. Involuntary trembles shuddered through his haunches, earthquakes of pleasure that rippled through him. It was a wonder he was not already spitting his seed inside her. Her pussy was thirsty for it, well primed by the massive plug of his flare grinding at her. She felt her face growing red as the feel of his cock filling her set off electrifying thrills of bliss. Controlling her urges to gasp and moan was becoming more difficult with each thrust. Her nostrils flared as her breath raced while keeping her mouth primly sealed in a disapproving frown at the plunges of Worthy Girth's cock. Somehow mastering himself, he began to draw back every so slowly. Doubtless he was trying to hold back the orgasm bubbling within him, yet how could he not help but luxuriate in the sensation of his cock sliding in the princess's pussy? For her, the feel of his flare slowly grinding across her sweet spot left her heart pounding, explosive surges of ecstasy quivering through her. Unbelieving, she realized her own orgasm was building at a furious rate. If he did not cum soon and end this, she was in danger of squirting her own mess onto the stage in a very public way. No, perhaps it was already too late. The mere thought of ponies seeing her shamefully spilling her marecum before them sent her pussy quivering and clutching at Worthy Girth's cock. She was horrified by her body's reaction. She needed to calm her racing pulse and settle her quivering pussy. If she absolutely must cum, let her do so quietly, without making a spectacle of herself. She mustn't lose her dignity in view of the ponies—and yet, somehow the possibility of them seeing her at her moment of peak ecstasy left her shaking with anticipation. And if that were not enough, she craved the sensation of him shooting off, pouring his hot stallion-stuff within her. Control yourself! she silently shouted. She tried to fill her mind with bland thoughts, fighting against the surges of pleasure that washed through her. She imagined blue skies, empty fields stretching onward forever. But the fields turned to oceans, the water heaving with her own breath, breakers crashing against the shore with each wonderful thrust, the waters fountaining up like the juices in her pussy. Her defenses crumbled, and her lips parted into a gasp as Worthy Girth abruptly drove his thickness into her with a mighty thrust. He made a hoarse whinnying sound and held himself deep within. This is it! she thought, eagerly anticipating the flood of his cream. Dusty Scroll's sperm had been a lovely aperitif, but now she craved the full-bodied meal of this powerful stallion's spurtings. Her need for it hammered through her pulse. Her pussy was shuddering, her own floodgates near to bursting. But this was not it. Still he did not cum. Her throat tensed up into a whine which she only barely suppressed as he pulled back again, then jerkily pumped into her several times, then drew back in a slow, unsteady motion made even more erratic by his cock's twitches and pulses. He had no rhythm. She could not sense what he was about to do, whether he was in control of the surges of his muscles, or if his body was moving on its own, at the mercy of his pleasure and hanging on the edge of orgasm. Each unpredictable motion drove her pussy to clench at him in uncontrollable spasms. If only she could adjust, anticipating his strokes, she could prepare herself for the sensations and calm her responses. But instead, the random shoves and thrusts brought forth bursts of uncontrollable pleasure, keeping her body off balance and at the mercy of his fat cock. It filled her to capacity, her pussy lips stretching tightly around the meaty shaft. She knew it must be glistening with her juices. She could not help but give another gasp as he shoved into her sharply, the muscles of his thighs slapping against the pristine curve of her rump, his massive organ driving to its deepest point yet. It filled her so tightly it forced a squirt of her own juices shooting from her, spraying along the base of his cock. Fearfully, she looked at the crowd from the corner of her eye. Had they seen that shameful leakage? Perhaps they were shamefastly refusing to look—but no. She could see them staring wide-eyed, transfixed by the spectacle of the rough guard fucking their princess. But it was not obvious they had noticed her embarrassing squirt. Perhaps it had been hidden by the guard's legs...? He gave another loud whinny, the bestial shriek sending electrifying shivers through her. His hips drew back and then shoved with jolting motions while his cock twitched and shuddered inside her. Why wouldn't he cum? Hurry up and cum! A hot flush of want rushed through her. She needed to feel it, needed to feel his tremendous thickness surging and shooting his seed deep between her thighs, though she could barely imagine being any more filled than she was now. So distracting were the sensations from Worthy Girth that it took her a moment to notice Dusty Scroll standing before her. She shook her head woozily and let her gaze drift to his cock. It had been inside her—a gift he should never have expected to enjoy, not in a million years! It was still three-quarters erect, and it glistened with her own juices. He reared up directly in front of her, hooking his forelegs over the padded top of the stocks. Was this why it had been designed that way? She pulled back her head as best she could manage, because in this position, his cock was hanging right before her nose. “Princess Celestia,” he said, “would you be so kind as to help a poor old stallion in need of your tender lips?” “What are you doing?” Celestia squawked. “Get that out of my face!” For an instant she forgot the jolting pleasure from her overstuffed pussy. The scent of her own juices filled her nose. The three-quarters erect cock was now looking more four-fifths erect. “Oh, no, no, no,” Luna said. “Dear sister, did you not agree that you must pay for your misdeeds with service?” “This is a farce!” Celestia said. Dusty Scroll's cock twitched into full erection, and wagged before her eyes. The rich scent of her own erotic fluids wafted across her nose again, not to mention the milky traces of his own seed which she could see still clinging to his shaft. But she set her lips stubbornly, and when Dusty Scroll shifted his hips and mashed the head of his cock against her mouth she did not yield. The leathery old goat had already had one turn with her, he should have been satisfied with that! Still, the head of his cock pressed warmly against her, and she realized she could feel a bead of his pre working its way into the crease of her tight lips. “This is most rude, sister,” Luna said, dipping her head down to watch the lewd spectacle. “Scofflaw princesses are precisely why the Maregna Carta was necessary, you know.” Celestia could not reply with Dusty Scroll's cock pressing into her lips, but she gave Luna a fiery glare. The impasse may have held but for Worthy Girth suddenly picking up his pace with a set of rough, jerky thrusts that happened to squash his flare along Celestia's G-spot brutally. A rush of sharp pleasure shot through her thighs, and she could not help but gasp. With that gasp, Dusty Scroll's cock slid smoothly into her mouth. The taste of her own juices and the flavor of his cock exploded across her tongue, and she felt an answering burst of saliva fill her mouth. For a moment she was stunned, but as he gave his hips a twitch to slide that shaft further into her mouth she let her tongue trace along the underside of his cock. She meant to remain passive, as if none of this could touch her. As if she were not... enjoying it. But the sensations as Dusty Scroll moved his hips and slid his cock back and forth in her mouth sparked an answering fire in her. She was no innocent in the ways of love, and had wrapped her lips around the shafts of enough stallions to know just how much she enjoyed the feel of an eager cock against her tongue. Still she held herself back, refusing to give in to her urge to stretch her neck forward and meet Dusty Scroll's thrusts. Though her tongue slid and pressed at him, and she savored every bit of the lewd taste of her juices mixed with the trace residue of his cum, she vowed to show none of that to the observing crowd. But Worthy Girth was battering at her, bringing a storm of pleasure that ravaged her self-control. She clenched the muscles of her haunches, trying to prevent them from visibly trembling from the spikes of delight that punched at her with each shove of that massive cock. Her pussy was filled so tightly, she felt like she was going to lose her mind if this kept up much longer. She could not understand how Worthy Girth, a stallion whose cock was clearly on the brink of cumming from the moment he'd strode on stage, had still managed to last so long once he penetrated her. Through sheer force of will he had kept his pleasure from peaking so that his cock could drink deeply of her pussy's welcoming juices. And perhaps so that the power of his cock would turn her own will and determination into lust-laced tatters. But every stallion's flesh had its limits, and now Worthy Girth reached his. He snorted and then gave his hips a strong shove, burying his cock inside her. An instant later his whinny echoed out across the square, and she felt his cock trembling as his sperm rushed up its length. It formed a bulge she could feel racing along the inside of her pussy, and which sent her tipping into her own orgasm an instant before his cream erupted in a hot torrent. She yelped and whined around Dusty Scroll's cock in her mouth as the sharp bursts of ecstasy rushed through her body. Her pussy spasmed with sharp bursts of delight. It was impossible to hold back her own wet squirts, but so tightly did Worthy Girth fill her that her juices were trapped inside her, mercifully saving her from making a very visible mess in front of her little ponies. His cock pounded inside her with the intensity of each blast of his sperm. He shrieked and ground himself against her rump, spurting again and again, the hot cream building inside her until she felt it leak past her cervix and spill into her womb. She moaned and sucked at the cock in her mouth, throbs of her own pleasure thundering and slamming through her densely packed pussy, blinding her to the world around her. Worthy Girth's shaft twitched steadily, forcing more of his semen inside her with each strong pulse. His bestial grunts filled the air, until gradually the tempo of his throbbing cock dropped off. She felt stuffed beyond measure, and only gradually came to realize she was sliding her mouth along Dusty Scroll's cock and visibly slurping at him in her ecstasy. Worthy Girth balanced on her back for a moment, allowing her to luxuriate in the sensation of being so full. She wanted to rest like that for a long time, perhaps even needed it as she came down from the fierceness of her own orgasm. But Worthy Girth was oblivious to that. He slid off her with a sudden motion, his cock pulling roughly out of her with a wet, sucking sound that horrified her with its volume and made her body shudder as her sensitive passage was abused by his thickness once more. What was worse, he had stretched her so much that he left her pussy gaping wide. She could feel the cool air pour inside her, and any pony on that side of the stage had to have a clear view into her rosy depths. She felt her cheeks burning with shame, and instinctively tried to squeeze her ravaged walls back together. Instead, she felt a thick, soupy mix of sperm and her own juices come rolling from her. It poured onto the stage and splattered across her hocks, even noisier than the sound of Worthy Girth pulling out. She heard ponies gasp. She wanted to crawl away and hide, but there was no escape from the stocks. “Congratulations on a job well done, Private Worthy Girth,” Luna's voice rang out. “Who next will help reform my sister so she takes responsibility for the error of her ways?” Dusty Scroll gasped, and she felt his cock quiver in her mouth. The taste of his pre suddenly spilled across her tongue, and she felt his head starting to flare. Automatically she wriggled her tongue along the swelling flesh, teasing at him and triggering his shaft to throb with thick pulses between her lips. Celestia heard Luna call out to the ponies again. “What of you? You seem a stallion eager for justice.” Celestia heard a pony answer nervously. “I, uhh, I haven't... I mean, is this really okay?” Good, thought Celestia. They are too awestruck to dare play along with Luna's games. “Have I not said as much?” Luna answered. “Listen to your stallionhood—it seems to have a pointed opinion.” Celestia was unsettled to hear the scattered laughter of ponies at that. The more they were able to enjoy Luna's off-color jokes, the more the protection cast by their awe of her wore thin. She was sure she could endure an assault of a Worthy Girth, or her dirty-minded seneschal, or a frightened pony coaxed into it by Luna without suffering unduly in the eyes of the ponies, but if more and more of them began to feel it was permissible to “reform” her... she shuddered as she imagined long lines of stallions waiting for their turn with her. There was a clatter of hooves on the stage behind her. Luna leaned down and said, “He's a lanky one, sister.” From behind she heard the stallion softly murmur, “Please be gentle.” A moment later she felt him clumsily rear up and grab her rump with his forelegs, mounting her awkwardly. He pushed forward, and she felt his cock bump up against the inside of one thigh, leaving a thick smear of his pre. He shifted back and tried again, and this time he slid up between her buttocks, the wet head of his cock kissing up against the underside of her tail. He gave a frustrated whine, but held himself there for a moment. She felt his cock shudder, and then a little jet of his pre doused her tail and began to trickle down along her anus. He drew back once more, and this time Luna gave a little snort of irritation. Celestia caught a flash of her magic from the corner of her eye, and the stallion gasped as Luna took hold of his shaft and guided it to Celestia's pussy. He sank in her with a strangled moan. He was nowhere near the proportions of Worthy Girth, so she felt his entrance as a comfortable thickness that caressed her walls. She instinctively tightened around him, the residual slime of cum still in her easing his passage even further. He was hard as steel, and in a flash she knew with absolute certainty he was a virgin. The thought of that brought an inexplicable warm thrill rippling through her, a lewd rush that pulled against her determination to remain cold and unassailable. A pony was losing his virginity to her, right here in public, right now before an audience. For the first time in his life, his cock was being blessed with the warm embrace of a mare's sex, his sensitive shaft learning the taste of a pleasure it long instinctively hungered for. Ponies were bearing witness to the moment of his sexual enlightenment. No, no, what was she thinking, letting her mind wander to such a place? He pulled back and then his haunches clenched and shoved him forward again with youthful intensity. “Oh... oh...” he cried out in wonder at the new world of pleasure that was opening to him. A second thrust left him quivering atop her back, and she could feel his flared head sliding along her silken walls, spitting further bursts of pre. His hips rolled back and then shoved forward for his third thrust, but as it happened she felt him press his face into her back and gasp out, “No, nonono...” Hot virgin sperm flooded her. His cock kicked inside her and spewed his cum in long squirts, giving Celestia her third load of the day, a creamy torrent filled with youthful vigor as he discovered the ecstasy of erupting deep within her. It caught her by surprise as well, and though her annoyance with Luna over this whole spectacle still fired her blood, she could not help but feel a bit sorry for him. The poor fellow had only gotten to enjoy three thrusts before ejaculating. It was a pity. She would have offered some words of consolation, but her mouth was otherwise occupied with Dusty Scroll's cock. He had gently but firmly pushed his hips forward to the point that his cockhead was nearly kissing her tonsils. When he pulled back, her saliva dripped from his leathery shaft. But rather than slide from her in post-coital defeat, the virgin gave a strangled cry and kept pumping his hips. “It's not fair,” he groaned, almost unintelligibly, his face still pressed into Celestia's back. “I won't stop yet!” His cock remained hard, but she could feel his muscles jolt with each thrust. She knew most stallions were oversensitive after ejaculating, to the point where going on without a rest could be the sexual equivalent of scraping hooves on a chalkboard; but he refused to quit. He panted and groaned in agony, but still thrust onward, forcing himself through his refractory period. She wondered if anypony else even realized he had already cum. His desperate greed sent another soft thrill of pleasure through her, and she found herself squeezing at his cock, secretly coaxing him onward. If he didn't pull out, was he still a virgin? Did this still count as his first time? What if he managed to bring himself to orgasm again? Would it be virgin sperm he was pumping? Was it possible for her to get a double load of his virgin semen soaking her pussy? Had any other pony been able to enjoy such an exotic pleasure? Meanwhile, Dusty Scroll's cock was starting to twitch, pulsing irregularly as her lips and tongue drew him closer to his own ejaculation. She was less eager for a second load from him, yet she could not deny the taste and feel of his cock in her mouth was filling her with all sorts of perverted hungers. It had been too long since she had taken a lover, too long since she had enjoyed a stallion presenting his cock for her lips to caress and suckle. Now the backlog of untended desires was making itself felt with a vengeance. She caught herself stretching her neck and undulating her head along his cock, slurping at him with abandon for a moment before she got herself back under control. As if to make up for that lapse, as well as to show her resentment for his part in making her act as a sex toy, she let her teeth give his shaft a sharp squeeze. Unfortunately, every time she did it his cock quivered and throbbed with passion and he gasped and shoved it further into her mouth. He seemed to enjoy the threat instead of fearing it. As she sucked and slobbered over Dusty Scroll's cock, she felt the virgin shift from forcing himself onward to experiencing a renewed pleasure blooming in his cock. She began to forget the ponies in the audience watching. She found herself thirsting for a mouthful of semen, and more and more often she would realize she was hungrily working at Dusty Scroll's shaft in a way that was obvious to all. At the same time, the virgin had begun fucking her with athletic vigor, drops of sweat spilling from him to splash her back. Her haunches quivered around him, and she rocked back to meet his thrusts as best she could in the stocks. Before long, Dusty Scroll gave a hoarse cry, and brought one forehoof to her jaw to coax her not to let loose of his cock. She could feel his flare swelling in her mouth, scraping against her tongue. A steady dribble of his pre leaked from it, coating the inside of her mouth with his musk. She pressed her tongue along it, and felt his cock give a thick throb, and then another. “Oh Princess,” he cried out, “your mouth is just as good as your nethers!” His cock gave another powerful throb, and then a rush of his cream came spraying into her mouth. The taste was dizzying and strong and almost made her choke. It spurted across her tongue, a powerful, raw flavor that was the essence of stallionhood. It was more rank than tasty, and yet she craved it, swallowing down the thick spunk with relish. Her body quivered in response, her pussy squeezing at the virgin's cock, instinctively demanding the tribute of his masculinity as well. Another burst shot into her mouth. She slurped and wriggled her tongue along his shaft, spurring him to give her more of his savory cum. It bubbled and dripped from her lips, and she barely managed to drink down one mouthful before the next hot eruption filled her cheeks. Dusty Scroll offered up a vocal accompaniment as his orgasm racked his body. The ponies in the audience watched wide-eyed as his hips quivered and dribbles of his white cream spilled from the lips of Princess Celestia herself. She sucked up his emissions like they were water in a desert, until at last his cock drained and he reluctantly staggered back from her, panting and dripping a last few pale drops onto the stage. Celestia was panting as well, catching her breath and instinctively running her tongue around the inside of her mouth to savor the intimate flavor of the semen that remained. The virgin's hips slammed into her rump with each of his thrusts, his cock plowing into her with fierce abandon. He too was panting, his coat slick with his sweat, his cock pounding with his racing heartbeat. Her pussy gripped at his powerful thrusts wetly, soaking him with her juices as electric bursts of pleasure rushed through her. “Oh yes,” he cried out, “yes!” She could feel his shaft throbbing heavily, swelling inside her, his flare drawing sweet delights from her as it rubbed against her most sensitive places with each rocking motion. He groaned, burying his nose in her back, a warm strand of his drool soaking into her fur. His cock was a steel rod, and it sent her heart pounding to know he was about to orgasm again. That it was she who had brought him to this state, claimed his virginity and taken what would soon be a double-helping of his seed. Her pussy was hypersensitive to every quiver of his virgin cock, her nerves flooding her with eager tension in sympathy with his pleasure. She felt his cock give a strong twitch against her walls, and gasped. It gave another, and then she felt his moment come over him as his organ kicked inside her and spewed a powerful burst of his cream. It surged thickly, a second serving of his virgin sperm to join the residue of his previous orgasm. What a fine pony, she thought, admiring his determination and his accomplishment in forcing himself onward to this point. But no sooner had she formed the thought than it was shredded in the answering storm of sensation that quivered through her thighs. Jolts of her own pleasure swept through her, and her pussy clenched shiveringly at him and spilled sudden floods of her juices as the spasms and spurtings of his cock rocketed her over her own brink and into another orgasm. She gaped, staring sightlessly forward as her body was unexpectedly seized with the force of her pleasure. He erupted inside her, and each torrential spurt left her breathless. She squirted around his thickness, body rebelling against any hope she had of reclaiming her untouchable poise. Lightning ecstasy swept through her, and she could no longer care if the audience saw the evidence of her own pleasure on display for them. She heard a strained moan, and only slowly realized it was herself. The virgin thrust on, his own hips shaking as his cock spat forth more jets of his cream. Each pulse sent another rush of ecstasy surging through Celestia. Trapped in her stocks, she was helpless to hide her orgasm or resist the force of it as it exploded through every nerve. She could only surrender to the pleasure that left her panting and whimpering with each electric burst as her pussy shuddered and squeezed with delight. She wasn't sure how long the virgin kept draining his semen into her, or how many bursts of ecstasy spasmed through her body in the process, but at last he stilled within her. “I love you, Princess,” he murmured, and then slid himself from her back. His cock pulled free wetly, and a thick strand of his cum slid from her and dangled between her thighs before dropping to spatter on the stage. She heard his hooves clatter on the stage behind her, and then a loud thud. A pair of guards rushed behind her, and she heard several of the ponies in the square clopping their hooves in applause. “My, my, dear sister,” Luna said, “you seem to have caused him to faint. I imagine he'll treasure the memory of this day for a long time.” Celestia didn't respond to her sister's teasing. She had squeezed her eyes shut and was still trying to catch her breath in the afterglow of her orgasm. Luna dropped her head even with Celestia's and murmured in her ear. “It seems you enjoyed that rather more than I expected,” she said. “Do not forget your purpose here is not to indulge in selfish lusts, but to be reformed of your haughty ways.” She drew her face back, and Celestia tried to get her hazy thoughts back in order. Surely the virgin had been a special case. Surely the ponies would draw back from any further defilement of their princess. Surely the sight of her in... in a moment of ecstasy that should by all rights be a private matter... had cast a pall of shame over them. She cracked her eyes open, praying to see that no more ponies had volunteered to join her onstage, or even that they were deserting the square and denying Luna this ridiculous exhibition. A stiff cock bobbed just before her nose, a glimmering drop of pre settled at the urethra. The enticing scent of an aroused stallion's organ caressed her nostrils. Eyes widening, she peered beyond the stallion's thighs and saw a forest of stallion legs and thick stallion cocks, a line of eager studs waiting for the touch of her lips on their hefty shafts. At her rump, she jolted as she felt a warm tongue slide up the curve of one buttock. Oh no, she thought. Her hopes of surviving the day with only a modest degree of indignity heaped upon her shattered. And yet, though her mind recoiled, a fresh stirring of desire rumbled through her body. Her lips parted in spite of herself, and she stretched her neck forward, tongue reaching to taste the delicious promise of that drop of pre on the stallion's cock. > 9:37 a.m. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pale yellow mare stepped forward, flanks heaving as she panted in well-satisfied bliss. Her nethers glistened and she held her tail proudly high, as if to show off the proof she had been served by a princess. Celestia lapped at the tangy residue of the mare's juices on her lips automatically. A warm streak of it was soaking into her neck, and she feared to think how much her alabaster coat would be matted and stained with the spurtings and squirtings of the ponies by the day's end. Would she even be able to wash clean, or would she carry the faint scent of cum on her body for days, subtly infusing the court with her shame? An unexpected tingle of excitement shivered through her as she imagined striding to her throne, trailing a trace perfume of stallion spunk. She grimaced, disgusted by the stray thought. She was not such a whorse, to revel in flaunting her sexuality in front of anypony, in spite of whatever impression Luna's punishment might be making. She glanced across the square to check the clock tower. Only around two hours had passed, though it it felt as if an endless procession of ponies had already... made use of her. And the crowd had only grown. What's worse, they did not seem to be calling upon Luna to free her, or organizing to break her from the stocks. As far as she could tell, the lines waiting their turn with her had only grown. And secretly, she was weirdly flattered by this popularity. She rejected the thought that she enjoyed being exhibited like this, but honesty compelled her to admit that the continuous stream of ponies determined to fuck her in spite of the watching crowd had sent her own lusts flaring in spite of herself. The weight of a stallion upon her back, the probing of his eager shaft, the warmth and smell of another's organ before her nose—she was no prude, such things could be quite delightful... under normal circumstances. Even the occasional foray with a mare, as she had just been compelled to do, though she usually preferred the pleasures of a fine cock. But here, in public, given no choice... she should not be feeling the surges of arousal that kept buffeting her. Once again the idea of herself shamelessly walking through court trailing the erotic scent of many stallions' squirtings filled her head. Once again she tried to dismiss it, but this time her body reacted as well. The stallion currently riding her grunted as her anus gave a series of involuntary clenches around his slick shaft, and he began to pick up his pace, rocking her hips as his cock plowed a thick passage deep in her ass. A part of her had been thankful that his preference for her butt would give her well-used pussy a brief respite, but now she felt herself give a wet wink, and a fresh stirring shivered through her cunt. One of her guards stepped in front of her. He shifted his hooves nervously, but she could see his pink cock stiffly jutting beneath his belly. She glanced toward Luna, questioning. “Are you trying to make another demonstration?” It hardly seemed necessary now, given the line of ponies waiting their turn. Luna only snorted. The guard himself spoke up. Celestia could tell he was young, possibly just a rookie. “I came off duty an hour ago. I waited in line like everypony else,” he said, with a nervously defensive tone. His ears drooped. “If we're not supposed to take part, it's okay...” “Nonsense,” Luna declared. “By law, my sister must give service to any pony who seeks it. Take pride in helping her rehabilitate from her lawless ways!” The guard gulped and nodded. He reared up, hooking his forelegs over the front of the stocks and positioning his stiff member before her nose. It was pink and clean, and had the pleasantly spiced musk of a youthful stud about it. “If... if you c-c-could—” he stammered and broke off. His belly heaved as he took a great breath, bouncing his cock gently off her muzzle. “Will you lick it... and... and call me a bad pony?” Startled, she craned her head to look up past his chest to see his face. He was looking down at at her, his cheeks burning bright red. “A bad pony?” she asked, taken aback by the request. Luna scoffed. “The only bad pony here is the one in the stocks!” He gave a tiny, embarrassed nod, then added, “You don't have to, if you don't want...” She turned back to his cock and brushed her muzzle along it. It was already rock hard, and it gave a jerk at her touch. She slid out her tongue and slowly licked up its length, and heard him give a soft little cry of pleasure. She had sucked on many stallions' cocks already this day, and each had its own unique erotic nature. Some had been raw with the sour taste of stallions who spent their days fucking in sexual conquest after sexual conquest. Others had the thick earthy smell of strong, hard-working stallions, who would finish the long day too tired to fuck... though perhaps not always. A few were redolent of the sweet musk of their own pre, and she was certain they had lathered and worked it into the skin with their own hooves through frequent and perhaps marathon sessions of masturbation. But his was almost milk-clean, the delightful warm flavor of his cock-flesh settling into her taste-buds and drawing forth her saliva as she licked. Idly, she wondered if he was another virgin. She nuzzled and licked at his throbbing member, and then recalled his request. Uncertainly, she paused a moment and said, “You're a bad pony.” His cock gave a jumping twitch. She lapped at it some more, and then added, “A despicable wretch of a pony.” He moaned, and though she did not quite understand the nature of his passion, she seemed to be doing well. She planted a wet kiss on his shaft, then let her tongue wrap around it for another thick lick. “Unforgiveable.” She kissed her way up to the head. “Forcing your own princess to press her lips against your disgusting organ.” She flicked her tongue across his urethra. “Such a crude, indecent creature you are.” A sudden trickle of pre spilled from him and ran down his shaft. Saliva filled her mouth at the sight of it. At the same time, she felt something in her chest flare up, her resentment and frustration with Luna for putting her in this grotesque situation. Her words began to bite, the venom of her anger finding vent. “And now you're dripping your juices like a beast. You can't seriously think I'm going to clean that up for you?” she scoffed. “I'm sorry!” he gasped. His cock pulsed thickly before her muzzle. “You repellent filth! How dare you take such liberties with me!” The shaft jerked suddenly, thumping into his belly. She stretched out her tongue and dragged it up the warm meat, gathering up his sweet dribblings. He quivered under her tongue, and when she got to the head of his cock and slid her lips around it, taking it into her mouth, he gave a strangled moan. She sucked on him for a moment, reveling in his delicious taste and the strong throbs against her tongue. Then she slid free, staring hungrily at the glistening head as it trembled before her eyes. “Unbelievable,” she said. “You dare shove that filthy thing into the mouth of a princess. I'm going to vomit!” Her anger at Luna and her lust for the guard stallion's cock both heated her blood. Her pulse pounded and her body felt flushed with an urgent pressure. Her pussy lips tingled warmly, and her anus gripped at the thick cock buried inside. He moaned and shifted his hips, pushing his cock closer to her in a delirium of his own lust. “You're disgusting!” she spat. “Don't you dare stick that horrid stallionhood in my face!” But even saying it, she was setting her lips to the shaft, slurping and sucking at it. She felt a surge of her own lustful delirium shiver through her, boosted in no small part by the other stallion, whose warm cock she could feel flaring deep in her rump. Her sweat-damp haunches quivered, ready to accept his christening far up her anus. But instead of pushing himself into a last set of frenzied thrusts, he groaned and held himself still. She felt her anus twitching and clenching at him, urging him on, and his shaft gave a heavy kick inside her in response. But he refused to pull back for another thrust; instead he gave a strained grunt and shifted his hindquarters, his hooves scraping at the floor as he slowly shoved his shaft even deeper inside her. Bit by bit, snuffling and snorting, he ground further into her. He had not lubricated the base of his cock, and she could feel the growing tension as the greasy residue of slime at her tailhole only partway made up for the lack. And yet, rather than alarm she felt a welling of excitement, a wonder at his desperation to penetrate her so thoroughly. He lipped at her wings and his cock slipped forward in tiny increments, pulling at her anus until she could feel her muscular ring burning slightly, stretched around his thickness. She lipped at the young guard's cock, but her eyes were wide and she felt almost frozen by the sensations from her rear. With shivering little pushes and humps the stallion behind her crammed ever more of his shaft through the ring of her anus. She gasped as he gave one final shove, and slid the last bit of his cock inside her. She could feel his thighs pressed tight to the muscles of her haunches, and his balls were settled in the crease of her rump, resting gently against the slathering lips of her pussy. They felt enormous. He gave a contented sigh and held himself in place, but she could feel how thickly flared the head of his cock was, so deep within her. She did not think she had ever taken a cock so deeply there. It throbbed in heavy pulses, the sensation quaking through her. She could feel the tension in him, the deep shudders that passed through his muscles with each straining throb. Merely being buried so deeply within her was driving him closer and closer to cumming, even absent the pleasure of thrusting. The spasms of his cock were an unsteady banging, but the tempo was ever so gradually increasing and the tension of his shaft ever so surely building toward release. The young guard gave a soft cry, and Celestia felt his cock twitch against her lips. A little squirt of pre spurted from from the tip and spattered warmly across the bridge of her muzzle. She jerked away, the focus of her attention settling back onto him and away from the cock jammed in her ass. She looked up and saw him watching her, his face flushed. She glared at him. “How dare you soil my beautiful coat with your disgusting ooze!” He shuddered, his cock twitching so hard it smacked into his belly. She turned back to it at once, scarcely able to hold back from its enticing scent and taste, and slurped the head straight into her mouth. She sucked with a desperate intensity, sliding all the way to his medial ring in one swift motion, pressing her tongue into his hard flesh and savoring his taste to the point of swooning. He gasped at her sudden assault, moaning and shuddering, his hips jerking as her tongue caressed and wrestled with his shaft, worshipping his stallionhood with the warm cavern of her mouth. She luxuriated in the sheer delight of blowing him. Her saliva spilled from her lips and dripped down his shaft, while his own gasps of ecstasy tickled at her ears. But when his self-evident pleasure caused his hips gave a particularly strong thrust, she pulled free, panting. “You're an animal, not a pony!” she snarled. “A wild beast trying to shove his revolting sex down my throat!” Her mere words made him throw his head back and moan in pleasure. She brought her lips back to his cock. “A vile brute too slovenly to stop the rancid juices he keeps dripping. A shameless creature quivering to soil his princess!” She slid her lips over the head, sucking him hard back into her mouth. He shivered against her tongue, his cock beginning to flare as pleasure poured through his groin. She pumped her head along his cock, and then slowly slurped it deep, bringing his thick knob to her throat, straining to press her muzzle all the way to his belly. She could feel his whole body shiver with ecstasy. She drew back, loving the feel of his cock trembling against her tongue. It gave a kick in her mouth, and a thick squirt of precum sprayed against the back of her mouth. She savored the dense, musky flavor for a moment, then pulled away, his cock bouncing from her lips wetly. “You filthy creature! Have you no self-control? How dare you spill your nauseating slime into my mouth!” In a frenzy of lust, he thrust his hips forward, blindly seeking to plunge back between her lips. Her muzzle slid under his shaft, and pressed into the soft warmth of his scrotum. She inhaled his stallion scent, and nuzzled at his fat balls. She slipped her tongue out to lick at them, and felt him freeze at this new sensation. They shifted in his ballsack, drawing up tight to the base of his cock as she lipped and caressed them. “Are these full of your foul seed?” she asked. “Are you going to let them spew your rotten sperm, you disgusting animal?” She rubbed her muzzle along the lovely orbs. “If you spill even a single drop of your revolting goo on my body, I'll have you gelded, you dirty beast.” For an instant she wondered if she had gone to far. But then the noisy thump of his stiff cock smacking into his belly told her otherwise. She nuzzled slowly up his shaft, kissing and licking and lipping at him as she went. “You want to cum?” she said, her tone sweetly poisonous. “You want to stain me with all that filth swimming in your balls?” His shaft trembled against her warm lips. “You want to spray your repellent slime and sully my pure white coat with it?” Her tongue slid languorous paths along his tender skin. “But even the lowest brute knows that would be going too far. Even a bestial pony like you wouldn't dare to befoul his better with his slimey discharges.” Her mouth reached the flared head and felt him twitching at the mere touch of her breath. “A disgusting worm of a pony like you had best know his place.” She let her tongue tease lightly along the hypersensitive edge of his flare, and his head thrashed as he gave a hoarse whinny. “Even a rotten, wicked pony like you knows better than to let a single drop of his filth escape to touch me.” She gave another, stronger lick along his flare. “So you'd best keep that foul sludge from climbing out of your balls.” This time she opened her mouth over his cock head and slid her tongue fully around his flare. He was panting, though scarcely less than she. There was something fiercely erotic in tormenting him, but the surges of her own pleasure pulled at her concentration thanks to the other stallion's cock buried to the base in her anus. He was wheezing and groaning, and she could not deny how good his cock was feeling, filling her so deeply, twitching and pulsing inside her. It would thicken with a heavy throb, and then there would be spasms of twitching that shuddered through it, quivering in her deepest places. The thickness of his flare was a hot sensation buried so deep inside she felt utterly filled. And yet, she craved the feel of his cum surging into even more intimate depths. His body quivered with each cluster of spasms that shook his cock, and she knew he must be so very close to his release. Her own body felt electrically charged, tension building inside her. The lips of her pussy pressed against his balls, and she painted them with her own warm, lustful drizzle. She gave a slow lick across the top of the young guard's cock, then let her tongue swirl around his flare again. “Do you have fantasies of spurting your stinking cream all over my face? Is that what perverted ponies like you dream of?” She kissed it wetly, and slid him into her mouth for a moment that seemed quivering ecstasy for him, before she slowly slid off him again. He made an inarticulate sound of need. “Are you so crazed with your bestial instincts that you fantasize of shooting your vile scum down my throat? Do you imagine you could get away with committing such a crime? You can't possibly dream your foul seed is fit for your princess to swallow! You honestly believe a lawless beast like you would ever be permitted to squirt his animal slime into my mouth?” “Yes!” he cried out. “Yes, I want to fill your mouth! I want to squirt my filthy cum all over your tongue and watch you swallow it down!” Her pussy twitched with slick eagerness at his words, but she spat back “Don't you dare spill a single drop!” And then she set her muzzle to his cock and licked and kissed and sucked at him, working him into such a frenzy of pleasure that he could barely keep his quivering legs from collapsing. He panted and cried out, struggling to hold himself back from spilling his cum as she had commanded; but of course she plied her mouth with sweet abandon to make certain he must fail. He scarcely lasted a minute before letting loose a hoarse whinny. She had drawn back to set her lips caressing the edge of his flare when his cock surprised her with a thick twitch, and a sudden gout of his cum went spurting across her face, hot spatters lacing her fur. “You disgusting pervert!” she cried out, but almost as soon as she said it, her mouth was clamping around his shaft, her head lunging forward to devour his shuddering cock. The next pulse sprayed across her tongue, and she shivered as the raw flavor of his sperm erupted through her mouth. But as if in tandem, the stallion on her back also shrieked out a whinny of pure ecstasy. The cock that seemed to fill her ass to complete capacity thickly twitched and then forced her to take even more as the stallion's cum surged up its length. She was so tightly wrapped around his cock that she could feel the bulge of his cream thundering through the shaft. It erupted from his flare, a hot mass of sperm that forced its way even deeper inside her, its pressure spawning quivering shudders in her core. Answering pleasure thundered through her. In an instant she was cumming, wholly surprised as a bolt of sharp ecstasy lanced though her body. She cried out around the cock in her mouth as the stallion unleashed another torrent of semen into her rump, still holding himself pressed as deeply into her as possible. More sperm erupted from the guard stallion's cock as well, as it twitched and jerked between her teeth. She swallowed down the thick semen with relish, her throat swelling as the rich cream slid down. Her pussy quivered and clenched as shudders of pleasure rippled through her, and a spatter of the stallion soup that had been left inside her over the previous two hours came spraying from her. Her ass was filled beyond belief, and she clamped down savagely around the stallion's cock as uncontrollable spasms shot through her body. His sperm was a hot pool that forced its way into her most intimate depths. She let the cock in her mouth slip free, and gasped as the pulses of ecstasy quivered through her body. She held on to enough presence of mind to keep to her charade with the young guard, though, and gasped at him “You disgusting brute, I'll never be able to get that foul taste out of my mouth!” He moaned at her words, and his cock twitched and spurted another strand of his sperm. It spilled in a hot streak across her face and rolled down her muzzle. “Control yourself!” she yelped, but she could not control her own self, and set her lips to his cock once more. She slid her mouth up his quivering shaft, sliding her tongue against his flesh until she reached the head and greedily sucked it into her mouth just in time to catch another spurt of his cream. But it was a weak pulse, and she could sense he was nearly spent. She let him slip from her lips again. “Is that all you have to offer?” she gasped out contemptuously. She saw his thighs tense up then, and he gave a hoarse cry as he forced his cock to twitch once more and spill one last little pulse of cream. It oozed from him and dripped down the underside of his cock, and she lapped it up with relish. “Have you no shame, expecting me to clean up your filth for you?” she said, but her tongue worked eagerly to draw every drop from his urethra. Her own pleasure roiled through her thighs coaxed on by the stallion cock buried deep in her ass. But with her pussy woefully untouched, the deeper realm of ecstasy she craved was denied her, leaving her with a hungry desire for a more intense stimulation. Meanwhile, the stallion perched on her rump seemed to have no such troubles, as his cock continued to twitch and squirt inside her, forcing an ever growing lake of sperm to ooze the wrong way up her guts. For an instant she wondered if he could fill her so much it made its way to her stomach, and then perhaps even set her to vomit up his cum. But even as the ridiculous fancy flashed through her mind, she felt him give a happy shudder atop her, and then his shaft grew quiet, drained at last. She expected—even wanted—him to rest there for a long moment of afterglow. But he scarcely waited the space of one deep, satisfied breath before he said, “Much obliged, Princess,” and unceremoniously slid off her back. “Wait!” she cried out, but his heavy cock pulled from the depths of her anus with a wrenching suddenness that left her gasping and dizzy. The thickly flared head plowed through her tight walls savagely, and in an instant she went from overfilled to empty. Both her anus and pussy clenched, and her pussy spat forth another drizzle of stallion seed, though in the case of her anus the stallion's load had been buried far too deeply to leak. For a moment her world became a white fog, and she nearly fainted. In front of her the young guard dismounted from the stocks and stood before her. “Umm, that was amazing, Princess. Thank you,” he said. And then he added, “Hazelnut and Silver Stream are going to be so jealous.” Groggily, Celestia murmured “Who?” His face turned bright red. “I'm sorry! They're friends in the guard. They, uhh, they, uhh, like to be called bad ponies too. They're stuck on duty. They'll be so sad they missed this.” Without thinking, she said, “You should bring them to meet me some time.” His eyes grew wide. He began nodding enthusiastically. “Yes, Princess! We will!” Then he took his leave as Celestia's brow furrowed over his reaction. “My my, sister,” Luna said. “Arranging a tryst in the midst of your punishment?” Celestia tried to shake her head in the stocks, suddenly back to full awareness. “No, no, I wasn't... I didn't mean...” “Oh? Then that poor colt got all excited for nothing.” Celestia felt a hot flush of embarrassment. But before she could try to clear up any misunderstanding, a fresh stallion had stepped up to the front of the stocks. He was a stocky brown fellow, and she could see his cock dropping from his sheath in eagerness. But all the same, he paused and asked, “Is this really okay?” Luna's voice rang out. “Of course it is! You do your nation a service! Now step up and reform my sister through the power of your stallion lust!” Behind her, Celestia felt another stallion mount her, and an eager warmth filled her thighs as she anticipated some attention for her needy pussy. But a moment later she felt his cock press up against her anus, and then with a little thrust he was inside, his cock slicked with a liberal slather of the lubricant from the pot next to her rump. He was neither as thick nor as long as the stallion that preceded him, but he moved his hips with a rougher excitement, shoving in and out of her with quick, ravaging thrusts. “Oh Princess, it's so good!” he cried out. She whimpered, yearning for a stallion to treat her pussy like that. In front of her, the brown stallion mounted the stocks, placing his cock before her nose. It was short, but thick, and she could smell his strong, musky scent from it. “Kiss it,” he breathed, still half-disbelieving he wasn't dreaming. “Kiss it all over. Kiss it again and again,” he begged. > 10:40 a.m. (A brief interlude of biological urgency) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Luna!” Celestia hissed. Flecks of cum stained her lips, and the spent cock of the stallion she had just pleasured poked her in the cheek as he paused dreamily in post orgasmic bliss. “Luna!” “Yes, sister? What is it?” Celestia's cheeks flushed red as she lowered her voice. “Luna, I have to pee!” Luna snickered. “Why, whatever do you expect me to do about it?” There was a stallion vigorously fucking Celestia in the ass. With each thrust his weight drove into her, pressing her belly against the base of the stocks that supported her body and squeezing her bladder viciously. Her muscles were tense as she held back the flow. “Luna I'm serious! I really have to go! Let me out!” Luna laughed. “Let you out? Don't be silly. You have a duty to fulfill.” “I'm not going to pee all over the stage!” Luna shrugged. “Suit yourself.” “At least put up some curtains and find a bucket!” Instead Luna moved to the front of the stage. “My dear ponies, it seems my sister's bladder is in a state of emergency. Are there those of you who would wish to assist her as she relieves herself?” “LUNA!” Celestia shrieked in horror. At the same time, the stallion atop her yelled out “Don't piss on me! Ewww!” He scrambled off her, his cock pulling out of her anus in a sharp yank that jolted her enough that she almost loosed her urine right then. “I'm not giving up my turn,” he added belligerently. At least four eager ponies rushed to the stage and took positions behind her. Celestia could not see what was happening, and that only served to deepen the hot embarrassment that flooded her cheeks. “Luna, please!” she said, begging her sister to halt this. There were bumps and noises as the ponies shoved at one another for position behind her. Luna snorted in amusement. “One stallion is lying on his back behind you. You'll absolutely soak him.” She felt his hind legs wrap around her own as he settled himself into position. She could sense the other ponies' muzzles poised before her pussy, their warm breaths washing over her. They shoved at one another, seeking a prime position, their noses banging into her rump while they snorted up great lungfuls of her pussy's smell. One of them bumped right up against her slit, and she felt herself nearly give way to the pressure in her bladder. She was swimming in the urgency, but she couldn't relieve herself now, could she? These ponies couldn't seriously want her to start peeing in their faces! “Go ahead, Princess,” called out one of them, a mare. And then she felt a hoof with practiced skill worm under her belly and give a push against her bladder in just the right spot to overwhelm her. Her body shook, and though she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to block the flow, a squirt of her urine came spraying out against the eager muzzles. Oh no, she thought. She felt the floodgates, having been forced open a crack, now give way entirely as the rest of the torrent came pouring after. The relief of peeing at last warred with the shame of loosing her urine in front of everypony, but all the same the release of tension was a shamefully welcome sensation. The muzzles at her rump drew back as if to enjoy the sight of her pussy gaping wide as the river of yellow poured from it, but she felt the stallion's legs clutch around her own as he shoved his groin up into the flow. “Oh my,” Luna sniggered. “Your pee is pouring across his balls and rushing along his shaft.” An instant later she barked out a laugh. “He's already ejaculating! Your golden river is already polluted!” “Shut up, Luna!” Celestia gasped. The other ponies dove in, setting their lips to the stream and swallowing it down. They pressed their mouths to her vagina seeking to drink straight from the fountain, and shoved each other out of the way. Hot streams of urine splashed everywhere, running down Celestia's thighs and spattering the faces of the ponies who seemed only too eager to taste the bitter liquid. Though her face burned with shame, Celestia gave herself over to the flow, letting it continue until her bladder was fully drained, and the last few drops squeezed from her into the waiting lips of the ponies. However even then they did not halt, but continued to root between her thighs, tongues slurping at her to savor every bitter trace of urine. They worked their way down her legs, kissing and licking away the yellow stains, even to her spattered hooves. They lapped at the pool on the stage itself, greedily slurping down the foulness, and one of them even threw herself into it, rolling in alicorn filth until her coat was soaked. Half despairing of her subjects, Celestia whispered to Luna “Can I bring the sun down yet?” Luna snorted. “The day is still young, sister! Who knows what more we may discover about Equestria's ponies in the hours to come?” > 11:56 a.m. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was up to fourteen stallions. Fourteen stallions in a row. Fourteen stallions in a row that had chosen to fuck her in the ass rather than give her quivering pussy the relief she desperately needed. Not counting the unicorn who had reared up and rubbed the head of his cock all over her anus and the underside of her tail, using his magic to masturbate until he shot his sperm all over her tailhole. She couldn't understand why he held back from fucking her properly since he had the opportunity, but if she was learning one thing today, it was that an alarming number of her little ponies had all manner of odd kinks. His sperm had spilled down in hot river to tease along the lips of her pussy and then roll down the inside of her thighs, but even the desperately winking convulsions of her cunt its touch had triggered had not deterred the next stallion from aiming for her pucker. Right now she could feel his shaft shoving and twitching inside her rump. Were they all part of some kind of anal sex club? If the next stallion in line chose her ass she was going to scream! Although she was not likely to have that luxury. A steady line of stallions had been keeping her mouth occupied with their delicious cocks. At the moment a blue and a gray stud had decided to share her, and they stood with hips pressed tight together so they could both angle their cocks into her mouth at the same time. She slobbered and sucked at the twin shafts messily, long strings of drool spilling from her mouth since she couldn't properly seal her lips around them. She could barely fit them in her mouth, but she gamely struggled on, since whenever she tried to slip one out to concentrate on the other, the two stallions would conspire to get both dicks back into her mouth. They watched as she worked over them, staring down at her from the space between their chests and the top of the stocks they had their front legs hooked over. The blue one moaned steadily, while the gray whickered and quivered every time he caught a glimpse of her drool spattering to the stage. Their flares rubbed against each other inside her mouth and scraped along her teeth, and her tongue was hard pressed to stroke and slurp at them both. A pretty turquoise pegasus mare had climbed up on stage and now crouched at the blue stallion's flank. She watched avidly as Celestia sucked, following each quiver of her jaw and each swell of her cheeks as the cocks rubbed up against them. Celestia wanted to ask what this new pony thought she was doing up here, but with her mouth stuffed full of cocks, she could only glare. The mare leaned in and swiped her warm tongue under Celestia's chin, lapping up a slather of drool and grinning at her. Celestia tried to pull back and free her mouth, but the stallions only shoved forward, jamming her cheeks full of their meat. Their balls bounced in front of her chin, damp with their perspiration. The turquoise mare gave a playful nuzzle to the blue stallion's orbs, and his whole body quivered above Celestia. She looked toward Luna to see if she was aware of this interloper, but Luna seemed unconcerned. Not that Celestia had a clear view of anything more than her sister's legs somewhere beyond the thighs of the two stallions, but she seemed to be standing idly with one hind hoof balanced casually on its toe. Celestia's worries about an extra pony onstage took flight as she felt a sudden hot rush inside her anus as the stallion behind her added his load of cream to the lake his predecessors had left behind. He whickered softly as he came, his muscles rippling with the rushes of sensation as his cock spurted inside her warm cavern. She found it almost cute, except for the fact that her pussy was screaming for attention, quivering and dripping her juices in flagrant need, and this stupid stallion was draining his cock in her ass instead. He held himself atop her, his cock slowly pulsing and squeezing more semen inside her. She shivered in pleasure, her mouth momentarily going slack around the meaty shafts. Her anus gave a slow, instinctive clench around him, and when he pulled off her a moment later, the sensation of his flare dragging its way back out left her gasping. She felt a warm trickle of sperm leak from her and drip down the mound of her pink anus. Her pussy quivered, her flesh throbbing with eagerness. She prayed the next stallion would finally fuck her properly. She was Princess Celestia! How could so many stallions pass by the chance to explore her nether lips? What was so charming about her anus? The mare licked another string of drool from Celestia's chin and then nuzzled back along the blue stallion's shaft. She felt him throb against her tongue, and slurped at the two cocks with renewed effort. She could feel them twitching their excitement, painting her tongue with an ample drizzling of their pre. It didn't take long before the blue stallion reached his limit. He cried out and she felt his cock give a tremendous throb. Then a hot flood of sperm sprayed into her mouth, shooting along the side of his companion's cock and splashing along her tongue. She shivered as the intoxicating raw flavor swamped her senses, and tried to swallow down his load. But her jaw was held open by two fat cocks and she could scarcely convulse he throat to get it down. The warm cream swirled about her mouth and came spilling from her lips. The sensation of his companion's cum bathing his cock in Celestia's mouth sent the grey stallion into his own eruption. Celestia nearly gagged as a second torrent of cum blasted against the back of her throat. Her mouth was flooded with semen, and try as she might to suck it up and swallow, it was far too much for her to handle. A constant flow sprayed onto her tongue, overwhelming her. As each of the blue stallion's spurts eased off, the gray would shoot a fresh squirt, so that she never had a moment of respite. The cum spilled steadily from her lips in a thick white slobber, and she whimpered as she tried to cope with the overflowing volume. The turquoise mare darted her head in and slurped at the cream as it spilled from Celestia's lips. The wet sounds made Celestia quiver, and the stallions themselves seemed spurred on by the thirsty noises. Their cocks kicked in her mouth and unleashed another set of barrages, the hot seed pouring across her tongue and spraying from her lips in messy gouts. She felt near to swooning. The thick musky semen swirled through her mouth, a whirlpool stirred by each jetting pulse from the cocks. Behind her, she felt a warm breath across her pussy. Her thighs trembled in anticipation for whoever was back there. The torrent in her mouth slowed, and with a sudden gasp the blue stallion pulled back, his cock slipping from her lips with an unexpected twitch that sent a stream of semen splashing across her nose. She scarcely noticed, as now she could seal her lips around the gray stallion's cock and greedily swallow down the cum in her mouth. But her eagerness proved her undoing. Even as she worked her throat to swallow a huge gulp, a gulp that would visibly slide down her neck should any ponies be watching closely, the gray stallion shot another squirt and suddenly Celestia found herself gagging. For an instant she choked, her teeth pressing against the stallion's cock, and then cum was shooting up her nasal passages and spraying from her nostrils. She opened her mouth and started gasping and coughing, flecks of cum spraying into the stallion's groin and spattering his stomach and his balls. If anything, her distress only enhanced his orgasm. His cock bounced against her teeth and sent a huge stream of semen jetting across the back of her mouth and throat. Rivers of sperm spilled from her lips and rolled down her muzzle from her nostrils as she tried to clear her air passages. The turquoise mare was all over her face, licking and slurping at the slimy mess with happy little moans. Celestia's head jerked as she coughed, sending spatters of cum flying everywhere, and another pulse of spunk jetted against her tongue only to spill from her mouth as quickly as it poured from the stallion's balls. The semen slime clung high up in her sinuses, a raw thickness that didn't just overpower her ability to smell, but fused its rank essence to her senses dizzyingly. She could feel it oozing and bubbling uncomfortably when she tried to breathe. Slow drips of it slid down the back of her throat, while more drizzled from her nostrils in white snot bubbles of stallion cum. Celestia gasped for more air, and sent herself into another coughing fit. Her head jolted, and the stallion's cock slipped from her mouth. The meaty shaft slapped against the bridge of her nose and spouted more of his cream, shooting it against her horn where it dripped warmly down her face. The mare squealed in delight at the spectacle, and flicked her tongue out to lap up the slime on her horn. The stallion flexed his hips and rubbed his cock along Celestia's face, giving a few more modest spurts before mustering a final thick pulse of semen to douse her with. It soaked her fur and spilled across her forehead, trickling around the base of one ear to drip down the back of her jaw. He rested then, his cock settled across her face, his flare touching the base of her horn and still dribbling a slow ooze of sperm. The mare kissed at the shaft and then at Celestia's face. Celestia was still woozy, catching her breath and barely aware of his sex resting against her until a moment later when he shifted and dropped from the frame of the stocks, sliding his cock wetly off her nose. He stepped back a few paces, and his eyes widened at the sight of her sodden features. “Princess, that was amazing,” he said, sketching a bow with his head. He stared a moment longer at the slimy mess dripping from her, then retreated from the stage with his companion, leaving just the turquoise mare. Behind her, the pony was still snuffling around her rump, noisily huffing up the thick scent of her pussy and anus. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her flesh, and she quivered for the touch of his muzzle. But the pony seemed content to tease her with breath alone; and what was worse, he seemed to be increasingly fascinated with her tailhole, snorting up the funk of that strangely popular orifice rather than paying heed to the sweet treasure ripe for the taking below. The turquoise mare settled to her haunches before Celestia and took her face in both forehooves, slurping at the cum and kissing Celestia as if in a trance. “What are you doing?” Celestia mumbled. “I waited in line. I'm taking my turn,” she answered. “You didn't think only stallions would get hot for you, did you?” “Of course not,” Celestia answered, somewhat huffily. “You aren't the first mare up here, you know. Though I would expect you mares to have more sympathy for my straits! You wouldn't want to be trapped up here like this, would you?” “Hmmm... might,” the mare said. She sucked at the spattered cum running from Celestia's nostrils and then slid her tongue past Celestia's lips as if she were thrilled to take advantage of her princess. “I guess I did talk those two into doubling up on you to hurry things along, though,” she murmured, and then wrestled her tongue past Celestia's teeth to caresses the alicorn's own. The inside of Celestia's mouth was still coated with a spermy scum, and for a moment Celestia was left at her mercy as another bout of coughing overtook her. But the mare was undeterred, clamping her lips tight and working her tongue to steal away the precious stallion cream from off Celestia's very tongue itself. For a time they struggled tongue against tongue in a sloppy Prench kiss that dribbled saliva made milky with semen from their lips. Celestia felt a warm feeling build in her chest as the erotic kiss went on, the other mare cooing softly into her mouth. At last the mare pulled free with a gasp. “You're good,” she said, and licked a drop of semen off Celestia's nose. “What's your name?” Celestia murmured. The mare grinned. “I'm Aqua Rose. Are you planning to arrest me later and imprison me in your private harem?” “There's no such thing,” Celestia said. “Are you disappointed?” Aqua giggled. “Oh my, are you really flirting while ponies use you in public? What a kinky princess we have.” “That's not—” Celestia managed to object before Aqua's lips pressed to hers once more. Once again she was suddenly self-conscious of how she had come to enjoy her ordeal. The mare who had been determined to preserve a stony indifference found her mouth watered to sample the flavor of each new cock that was shoved in her face. The mare who had meant to shame the ponies with the majesty of her own presence now flirted with ponies that shamelessly indulged their basest instincts with her, before an audience no less. The mare that had sworn to hold any stallion's emissions sealed within her body so that ponies would be too awed by her dignity to believe they could permit themselves to befoul her now had a face soaked in semen and was flashing her dripping pussy in the desperate hopes of being rutted by a fine cock. As Aqua smothered her in another deep kiss, she felt the stallion with such a fascination in the smell of her rump lift his muzzle away from her tailhole. A moment later she felt his forelegs grip her hips and then he mounted her. His cock slid against the drenched lips of her pussy, and her eyes rolled back at the sudden jolt of pleasure, but then he drew back. No, no no! she thought, but sure enough when he lined his cock up again, it pressed against the pucker of her anus. She shrieked her frustration into Aqua's mouth. The stallion pushed his cock relentlessly against her, and she felt her anus give way to him. His shaft drove into the cum-slickened walls of her now well-traveled passage with ease, and she felt his body shiver in pleasure against her. Aqua released her lips. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Why... do they all... want to fuck my ass?” Celestia gasped. Aqua peered up over the front of the stocks to see the stallion heaving atop the princess, then dropped back to give Celestia's face another lick. “It's kinda fun to take it up the butt, though. Do you really not like it?” Celestia's cheeks grew warm. The stallion's cock was thick, but not especially long. It stretched the ring of her anus as he steadily thrust, but inside her the shaft massaged her walls with a pleasantly hefty feel. “It's not that I never enjoy it,” she admitted. “But this is fifteen in a row now! They've been going at my ass for hours! My pussy is screaming for attention!” Aqua caressed her neck with one hoof. “Well, I feel for you, but my pussy is in the same boat, Princess.” She took a step back and then spun around, putting her ass right in Celestia's face. “And this is what I waited in line for,” she added, “so show me what else your tongue can do.” Aqua's pussy was right before Celestia's muzzle, her tail curled high and exposing every bit of her rump. The sweet musk of an eager mare enveloped Celestia's nose, and she could see Aqua's slit dripping little streams of wet that traced their way down her inner thighs. Celestia paused a moment, admiring the sleek curves of Aqua's sex. Though it was true her tastes favored stallions, Celestia enjoyed the occasional romp with her own gender. But Luna took her pause as resistance and stomped her hoof. “Sister, see to your duty,” she said, just as Aqua took another step back and mashed her pussy into Celestia's muzzle. The slick juices touched Celestia's lips, and her nostrils were filled with the warm smell of mare and the faint sourness of the perspiration that lightly beaded the cleft of Aqua's rump. Aqua rubbed against Celestia, and the lips of her vagina flowered open to stroke at Celestia's nose with the tender pink flesh within. Celestia slid her tongue out, instinctively licking along the quivering pussy lips. The flavor burst across her taste buds, and Aqua shoved back even harder, pushing back Celestia's lips until her pussy pressed and leaked against the alicorn's parted teeth. Celestia fought for breath, her muzzle buried between the cheeks of Aqua's rump even as her tongue flicked into the warm cavern. Aqua moaned and shifted her hips, rubbing and pushing herself against Celestia's muzzle. Her pussy's dribblings became a steady flow, punctuated with sharp little spurts. The smell of her sex thickened in Celestia's throat until she felt as if she were choking on the powerful, intimate aroma. Celestia worked her tongue between Aqua's walls and slurped up the wetness. No doubt the woefully untended state of her own pussy contributed, but the act of tonguing out another mare sent an urgent spike of longing through her thighs. Her walls slickened with a sudden flow of her juices, and she felt them drizzle from her a moment later. If any pony could see past the stallion's thighs behind her, there would be no question how horny she had become. Her pussy quivered into a wet, pink wink. More of her juices spilled from her, and Celestia was filled with a sudden urge to show herself off, to flash her wet need and let the ponies see all! She was no less eager than the line of stallions waiting their turns, their erections irrepressibly throbbing beneath their bellies. Let them strive to tame her lust! But the stallion behind her remained oblivious to her pussy's drippings and quiverings. He continued to shove his cock in her slimy butthole with vigor, huffing and snorting as his shaft twitched in her anal embrace. He seemed to find it the most delightful sensation in the world. He kept making gasping little moans, and murmuring dazed little snippets like “Feels so good,” and “Your mane's so beautiful,” and “Your ass is perfection...” Celestia buried her nose in Aqua's pussy and gave a scream of frustration. The mare chuckled at her. “I'd go try to help you out, but who could walk away from this royal tongue-lashing?” She shifted her haunches, luxuriating in the sensation of Celestia's oral service. Her juices ran down Celestia's chin and dripped to the stage and she gave happy sighs as Celestia's mouth sucked and licked and stroked her wet cavern. But after a time, she glanced back, and said “Princess, you need to give some love to my other hole too.” Celestia froze, her gaze sliding up to the smooth upwelling of Aqua's anus. Aqua's tail stood high, plainly exposing her rectum. At least it looked clean, an invitingly tight pucker. Hesitantly, she dragged her tongue up the crease of Aqua's buttocks, tasting the faint salty flavor of perspiration. She squeezed her eyes shut and let her tongue slide over the mound of Aqua's anus. It was much the same taste as Aqua's skin, and she let herself swirl her tongue across it again. Aqua gave a soft moan of encouragement, and Celestia answered by letting the tip of her tongue flick across the tight folds of Aqua's pucker. “Don't be shy, Princess,” Aqua said, and pushed her rump further into Celestia's face. Celestia let her tongue play along Aqua's pucker, and then, with a feeling of dread, she pressed into it. Aqua's anus gave way, tightly holding Celestia's tongue as it penetrated her, and Aqua breathed a “Yesssss” of pleasure. Celestia pushed her tongue deeper, the strong walls giving way. She feared what she might taste, but Aqua was a clean mare, and instead of foulness she was met with the intimate taste of the mare's soft inner walls. The curves of Aqua's buttocks pressed against Celestia's nostrils, and her breath made the space beneath Aqua's tail a torrid hothouse, thick with the mare's intimate smell. The ring of Aqua's anus squeezed at Celestia's tongue, and the mare undulated her hips, seeking to draw Celestia deeper into her. Celestia found herself obliging, pushing her muzzle against Aqua's rump. Her saliva soaked Aqua's anus and spilled from her mouth to drip along Aqua's pussy lips and down her thighs. She probed further with her tongue, and Aqua gave a low moan and squeezed at her. Then a new flavor settled across Celestia's tongue. She pulled her head back in shock, Aqua's anus squeezing at her as she pulled out. For a moment a thick strand of white slime stretched from Celestia's tongue to Aqua's pucker before snapping and spattering to the floor. “It's sperm!” she cried out in surprise. Aqua looked back over her shoulder at her. “Oh, you found some! Lucky girl!” “Why is there sperm in your butt?!” “Why is there sperm in yours? I let a stallion fuck me there, duh. You think everypony can stand to wait their turn in line, with the show you've been putting on? Some of these fellows are in a desperate state. Don't be shocked, but you're gonna be round two for some of them.” Celestia twisted her head to the side and stared into the square. The line of ponies before her stretched from the stage well into the audience, mostly stallions and mostly sporting terrific erections. Off on the side she could see part of another line of ponies behind her, in a similar state. Some fidgeted, shifting their hips and slapping their bellies with their shafts. One yellow stallion midway down the line before her was watching her avidly. His cock glistened, dripping strands of pre, and periodically he could not resist reaching back with one hoof and lovingly sliding it along his stallionhood. Celestia wondered if he would be able to last until his turn. Even more shameless scenes played out in the audience. Not far from the stage she could see one stallion on his back being ridden by two mares, one at his muzzle and the other bouncing in a haze of naked delight on his shaft. Further back two mares sat and watched, each with one hoof buried in the other's crotch. Elsewhere a mare was sucking off two stallions, switching between between them while a third was reared up on his hind legs, masturbating into her mane. Celestia's eyes widened as she saw his cock jerk and begin painting her locks with his cum. “Luna,” Celestia said, “do you not think this situation is growing out of control?” Luna snickered. “But dear sister, you are the one setting an example, are you not?” Celestia felt her cheeks burn at Luna's teasing, but before she could respond, Aqua cleared her throat meaningfully. Celestia turned her attention back to the mare's rump, inhaling the musky scent as she once again set her tongue to work, sliding it up the dripping pussy lips to tease again at her anus and then diving back in. “Hey Princess,” Aqua said, her voice quavering at the sensations Celestia was bringing her, “since you didn't expect it there, why don't you try to move that sperm from my anus to my pussy where you think it belongs?” Celestia froze, then drove her tongue into Aqua's ass, hungrily seeking to scoop out more stallion seed. She managed to find another deposit, and carefully curled her tongue to pull free of Aqua's anus with the precious load. She dropped her muzzle and shoved her tongue inside the mare's pussy, smearing her walls with the slimy residue as Aqua giggled at her efforts. At the same time, she could feel the stallion on her back lashing his body toward orgasm. His grunts and groans had become desperate and loud, noisy shrieks of pleasure that echoed across the square. She could feel his cock was rock-hard, and with each of his thrusts he pulled back far enough that the flaring head pulled against the inner rim of her rectum. His body was pouring sweat, and trickles of it dripped and traced their way down her haunches. The pleasure of each thrust sent shudders racing through his muscles. His cock was thick inside her. His trembling forelegs clutched around her hips, and he lay his cheek along her back as he gasped great breaths. She felt his haunches flex and drive his cock into her, and then pull back. It kicked and throbbed with each thrust, and he howled out his inarticulate cries of lust. Her pussy slathered and clenched, begging for his cock in vain. He quivered atop her and threw his head back to shout out another bestial cry as he drove into her. His flare throbbed deep within her ass, and as he pulled back she felt it thicken up even more. He gasped out again, and his hips lunged forward, smacking into her rump. He held himself tight to her, and then she felt the trembling of his cock become a powerful shuddering twitch as he began to cum. She felt the thick jet of his cream spurt inside her. He gasped and gave another big thrust, hoarsely shouting out his ecstasy. His cock was a solid thickness, and she could feel it kick with each massive twitch as he explosively unloaded shot after shot of his sperm. Each burst of it was flung well inside her, hot ropes of his cream spattering deep in her gut. He howled and panted and ground his hips into her rump while each surge left his body shaking with the force of his orgasm. She felt herself shaking with the intensity, and drove her muzzle hard into Aqua's pussy. Her own quim drizzled her juices freely while her anus clutched at his pulsing shaft. She felt dizzy, pulled toward cumming herself, carried by the stallion's intensity. The stallion's shrieks of pleasure made her body shiver in an erotic sympathy, and she whined as he continued to expel barrage after barrage of his seed inside her, pumping it into her for easily another dozen blasts before his cock's jerks and shudders slowed and began to quiver to a halt. Still he ground into her for another dozen thrusts as he milked every last dreg of pleasure from the embrace of her ass. He wheezed atop her, and slowly eased back, his thickness pulling out of her even as the tightness of her anus wrung the last residue of sperm from his shaft. Once the head escaped her sphincter, leaving a warm, empty sensation behind, she heard a clatter of hooves as he staggered, and then a crash. Aqua looked back. “Oh my, he fainted,” she said. Luna piped up, “That's three you have rendered insensible, sister. Truly you are a menace to stallionkind.” Celestia glared at her sister past Aqua's rump, but Aqua pushed back against her, and she set her tongue once more to exploring Aqua's wet crevices. The mare squealed and rubbed her slick flesh against Celestia's muzzle, urging her onward. The lips of her pussy quivered against Celestia's tongue, and her musky juices streamed down Celestia's chin. Behind her, Celestia felt a fresh stallion, a large fellow, clutching her haunches and rearing up. His shaft slid up the crease of her rump, the head bumping at the underside of her tail with a wet kiss that showed he was already leaking his pre. It pressed against her pussy and anus, and she shivered at the sensation, her pussy instantly drooling against his flesh. He took a moment to slowly thrust his hips, rubbing his shaft along her. Jolts of pleasure shivered through her thighs as his cock slid along her pussy lips, and she felt them quiver and twitch hungrily at his touch, painting him with her wetness. He held himself still then, and ground his hips tight to her. She could feel his hard shaft trapped between the cheeks of her rump, imprinting it's shape into her soft flesh as it pressed against her. It throbbed slowly, and more of his pre oozed against her dock. Her pussy leaked a sudden burst of her juices against his cock, the warmth spilling against him and spattering down her inner thighs. “Well, Princess, your pussy seems pretty eager,” he said. She whined into Aqua, which only resulted in the other mare spilling a surge of her own juices into Celestia's mouth. “But...” he added, “I see your ass is good enough to make stallions faint.” She felt him shift behind her, drawing the warm hardness of his cock away from the kiss of her vagina. A moment later she felt his slick head bump up against her anus. She whipped her head from between Aqua's thighs, spattering the mare's wetness across her rump. “Fuck my pussy!” she shrieked. Her voice echoed out over the square. The murmurings of the audience she had barely noticed to that point grew silent. Luna burst into astonished laughter. Celestia's cheeks burned red. She had been onstage for half a day now being publicly violated, sucking every cock that came before her, letting every stallion treat themselves to her most intimate places, and even burying her tongue in (admittedly succulent) mare-quim while anypony could watch. But she had not fallen so low as to loudly demand more. Until now. Out in the audience, a mare began clopping her hooves against the ground in applause. “Fuck her in the pussy!” she shouted out. “Fuck her pussy!” Celestia felt her blush grow even hotter. Other ponies joined the mare and started to chant, “Fuck her pussy! Fuck her pussy!” Even Aqua shifted her rump and looked back across Celestia to see what the stallion would do. Her eyes widened upon seeing him, and she said “Oh my.” She looked at Celestia and winked. “He's a mule,” she murmured. “They've got sta-mi-na,” she giggled. “But don't let that make you forget about me too,” she added, wagging her rump before Celestia's muzzle. The mule stallion spoke. “Well now, I'm warning you, I'm real backed up. Haven't had a chance to see to my needs in far too long. Feels like my balls are practically sloshing right now, and once I get going I aim to drain them dry. You sure you wouldn't rather let your butt try to accommodate that load?” Celestia grit her teeth and tried to hold herself back from another shriek. “Put your cock in my pussy now!” she said, her voice rising to a shout in spite of herself. There were hoots from the audience, but she didn't care as she felt him shift, the warm head of his cock dragging its way down from her anus to the sopping wet slit of her vagina. He paused there, pulsing slightly as her own lips quivered and winked in desperate convulsions as they tried to draw him inside her. She whimpered eagerly, and then he flexed his hips and pressed the head of his cock into her. She parted around him with ease, her long-neglected passage slickly opening to him. But once the head of his cock was inside her, he held still, teasing her. She could feel his eagerness in the steady throbbing of his cock, but he seemed to enjoy the sensation of her her pussy quivering and hungrily clutching around him even more. When the feel of her urgent contortions grew too much for him, his cock gave a thick twitch, which her pussy answered with a spurt of her juices that spattered all along his shaft and drizzled to the stage floor. Aqua laid her tail over Celestia's nose, trying to force her head back down to the job of pleasuring her. Celestia dropped her muzzle to the mare's pussy, but she was scarcely conscious of how she licked and slurped at Aqua. Her mind was utterly transfixed by the sensation of a cock finally going in the sweet place it best belonged rather than once again probing at her anus. The mule seemed to reach his limit for simply resting in the gates of her temple. He gave a low snort and then drove his hips forward, slowly sliding deeper into her. Her silken walls were soaked with her fluids, and they trembled around him as he pushed inside her. His shaft was a warm hardness that filled her and sent surges of exquisite pleasure shuddering through her body. The tracery of his veins rippling against her flesh made her nerves sing with pleasure, and when the swelling of his medial ridge broached her nether lips, she cooed into Aqua's pussy as a delicious throb shot through her groin. He pushed in steadily, slickly gliding into her until his hips settled against hers and his cock rested balls deep on the first thrust. She braced herself in anticipation, but when he drew back and began to thrust in earnest, she could not help but moan with each plunge of his wonderful staff. Her pussy quivered and clenched at him, but at the same time her juices flowed unceasingly, soaking his shaft so that it passed in and out of her effortlessly. Each time he pulled back, her juices dripped in sheets from his shaft. Rocket bursts of ecstasy shot through her thighs with every ram of his cock into her. Her muzzle pressed drunkenly into Aqua's quim, but she was barely aware of the other mare as pleasure wracked her body. Still, Aqua seemed to be getting off on Celestia's delirious moaning. She mashed her pussy against Celestia's face and dripped and drizzled almost as much as the alicorn. The mule stallion set a fast pace, occasionally accompanying Celestia's vocalizations with his own rough grunts of pleasure. His cock throbbed in her, soaking in her juices and occasionally adding a squirt of his own pre to the mix with a thick twitch. She couldn't catch her breath. Each time he slammed into her rump a fierce pleasure swept through her. Her pussy was constantly churning, delighting in the feel as every vein and ridge of his cock rubbed into her flesh and grasping to hold him tighter even as her juices surged around him. She felt herself racing toward her peak, already well beyond any capacity to control the rushes of ecstasy that pounded at her body. She wanted his cum too, the steaming eruption of sperm inside her that would take her orgasm to even greater heights. But she could sense for all of his forceful thrusting and grunting, the stallion still had a way to go before his semen poured through his cock to escape into her welcoming pussy. Her body could not wait for him. Her pussy quivered around him, the pleasure building relentlessly within her, until she could barely think. She tottered on a precipice of ecstasy, yearning for the one thrust that would send her over the edge. Each stroke sent a wave of rapture sweeping through her body, higher and higher. She could sense nothing but the wondrous feeling of his cock moving inside her, and then that became an intoxicating tension that rushed through her in mounting waves until she felt it detonate into pure ecstasy. She screamed into Aqua's pussy as she came, oblivious to the thick mare-scent and the wetness soaking her lips. Her own pussy shuddered around him and squirted her juices around his thickness, spraying them into his groin and across the stage. His cock gave a sudden kick at the sensation, but still he did not join in with his own eruption of sperm. She was beyond awareness as the pleasure wracked her body, a heavenly feeling of release surging through her as she let go and surrendered to the explosions of delight deep within her. If the stocks had not held her in place, she would have collapsed at the blinding sensations. He kept thrusting, his cock ramming in mercilessly as her own floods surged around his shaft, and it only sustained her peak. She erupted around him, the thrills shooting through her groin as she whined and gasped in pure joy. His cock gave another sharp kick inside her, and she yelped, clenching back at him and squirting another gout of her juices from her shuddering pussy lips. He fucked her relentlessly through her orgasm, his hips smacking into her shaking rump without respite. Gradually her pleasure drew back from its heights, but it never quite reached an end. His thrusts teased her pussy into a train of spasms, each rush and burst of pleasure leading into another peak soon after. Her thighs quivered and tensed, and her front hooves strained and pawed at the air helplessly as the frenzied torrents of sensual delight gushed through her. She had no idea how long she writhed beneath him, her rump shaking and her pussy freely spilling her own lustful mare cream as it celebrated his hard shaft's steady pumping. Whenever she thought she must surely be reaching the limits of her bliss, a sudden grunt from him, or a set of throbs from his cock as it plowed inside her sent the tides of pleasure flowing high again and threw her into another series of shivering explosions. She scarcely noticed what her own tongue was up to, or when Aqua gave her own shriek of pleasure and began spouting her unicorn juices into Celestia's lips. Her silken walls trembled and squeezed at Celestia's tongue as the wetness washed into the alicorn's mouth. Aqua's legs quivered almost as much as Celestia's, and the cheeks of her rump tensed as she drenched the alicorn's face with her hot torrent. She rubbed her spasming lips against Celestia's mouth, dragging out her own pleasure as her juices spurted and sprayed and spilled off Celestia's chin. But for Celestia, her world was the motion of the stallion cock in her pussy. Its little twitches and thick throbs. Its hardness, the touch of its veins moving inside her, the feel of the medial ring teasing at her lips and then plunging back inside her, over and over and over. When she felt his flare broadening out, tugging and scraping at the bottom of her pussy, a fresh surge of eagerness took her. He was panting atop her, close to joining her in a paradise of spurting, swirling pleasure. The promise of his mule-sperm tormented her, and she could think of nothing but his full balls jostling and bouncing between his thighs. Her pussy demanded the precious cream sloshing within them. Still he rode her, his cock an iron-hard stiffness that refused to give up his tribute no matter how much her own cum whipped into a froth around it. There was no question about the mule's stamina—she was certain any other stallion would have surrendered his precious load by now, coaxed on by her own spasms of ecstasy quivering around his cock. But mulish stamina or no, his snorts and grunts were coming faster now, and his cock was starting to give urgent kicks inside her. She gasped as one kick was accompanied by a warm splash inside her as a jet of his pre suddenly spurted. Her pussy sucked and clutched at him, begging him to spill more and to add his thick stallion milk to the mix. She could feel the tremors running through his limbs as he neared his release. His front legs hugged at her barrel, his hooves scrabbling at her flanks. His hips began to jerk and shudder, the rhythm of his thrusts breaking into spasmodic motions as the urges of his lust overpowered him. But then, to her frustration, he gasped and steadied himself, the movement of his hips settling into a smoother rhythm. It lasted only a minute or so before his pace began to break again, powerful shudders wrenching his body and disrupting his motions. He pressed his hips tight to her and stilled himself for a moment, his cock giving a massive twitch inside her before he resumed his rhythm. The maddening cycle continued, tormenting her as his pounding cock seemed to reach its brink, only for him to pull back at the last possible moment again and again. She needed to bring him over the edge, and feel that rush of hot sperm pouring into her. She craved it with bestial urgency. Her thoughts were in a shambles from multiple orgasms, but one sly corner of her mind was still aware enough to act. As he began to shudder again, his smooth thrusts turning into unsteady shoves, she spoke. “What's the matter?” she gasped out. “I thought your balls were supposed to be sloshing.” She felt his cock throb as he positively snarled at her. “I'm gonna drain every drop into you!” He pulled his shuddering hips back then, and slammed forward into her with a fresh surge of strength that made the whole frame of her stocks creak. He pulled back, his cock twitching and heaving, and shoved roughly forward again, fucking her in broken, shaking strokes. With each shuddering thrust a hungry cry tore from his throat. His thick flare tugged at her passage, battering at her and leaving her panting, nearly swooning at the harsh jolts of pleasure. She wasn't aware her own sharp yelps were joining his, filling the square with the sounds of their greedy coupling. He slammed his hips into her and bellowed. His cock kicked inside her savagely, the most powerful kick yet, and then she felt it. A liquid hotness like a bolt of lightning lancing deep inside her. The rushing pleasure of his long-anticipated cum spewing along her silken walls. She shook as another tempest of orgasms swept through her. Her pussy drank down his gift, rapture bursting from deep inside where the torrent of cream rushed and spread and made its way into her womb. He spurted again, another forceful deluge of cum shooting along her walls. She could feel his body shaking with raw ecstasy, and then his muscles clenched up and his third blast of semen gushed into her. Each eruption was heralded by a sharp kick of his cock that made her gasp. He began to move, shoving his hips erratically against her. Each rough thrust of his cock sent more sperm fountaining from it. She squeezed around his shaft, savoring the voluminous squirts that poured from him and the warm lake of semen growing inside her pussy. His harsh grunts and squeals filled her ears as he hunched against her, his mind focused entirely on the pleasure of shooting his seed deep inside the warm mare beneath him. He drew out his release with spurt after spurt. Celestia was still quivering with her own pleasure, but the more he came the more she was astounded by him. Gradually the strength of his flow finally did begin to taper off, but still he kept jetting more streams of semen inside her. He truly did intend to drain his balls into her. A fresh shiver of excitement quivered through her pussy. He thrust, sometimes smoothly and sometimes with abrupt jerks, plunging his cock into the hot stew of semen and marecum and adding more servings of his stallion-stuff even as it overflowed around his shaft and spilled out onto the stage. She felt as if she'd taken a gallon of his sperm. The pulses spilling from his cock slowed, but every time she thought he'd had enough, another surge welled up in his cock and spattered inside her. She could not believe how long he kept it up, grunting and spasmodically shoving his cock in and out. His shaft was still thick and stiff enough, but she could feel it losing it steely rigidity. All trace of his rhythm was lost, but still he doggedly kept fucking, forcing his tattered orgasm into squeezing stream after stream of mule cum through his cock. Eventually his hips stilled, and she thought him finally finished. But then she felt another thickening pulse from him and a drizzling spatter of semen as he wrung yet more cream from his balls. He managed two more such discharges before finally saying “Every last drop,” with satisfaction and pulling free from her. Celestia was woozy with a post-coital bliss so strong she was certain she'd never felt anything like it before. The warm mass of sperm percolated in her pussy, slimy ropes of it sliding from her lips and dripping between her thighs. Her eyes flickered shut as a happy lassitude enveloped her, and this time it was she rather than the stallions fucking her who passed out. Fortuitously enough, the next pony following the mule was a mare who wanted nothing more than to slurp a thick load of goop from her princess's pussy. As for the stallion in line behind Aqua, he had been working up his nerve to ask Celestia to pretend to sleep while he rubbed his cock over her face and masturbated along her horn, so that worked out as well. > 2:14 p.m. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia was convinced the ponies had somehow gotten weirder while she had been passed out. Though Luna assured her she'd only been insensible for twenty minutes or so, she'd awakened refreshed and unexpectedly eager for more erotic punishment. Her horn had been dripping with semen, and a fresh stallion had been standing before her, his cock eager and well-glazed with pre, so she knew he had been unable to resist touching himself as he waited. That wasn't terribly out of her expectations, but when a unicorn stallion following him had insisted she only kiss and lick his balls, that had started her wondering. They'd been very nice balls, and she had kissed and licked them with enjoyment. The warm scent of a stallion's private parts had filled her nose, clean but still tinged with his virile musk, and she had salivated as the orbs shifted under her tongue, heavy with their delicious honey. Clearly the stallion enjoyed it, as his cock was a stiff shaft that towered over her face, but he did nothing to stroke himself, or permit her to do so either. She'd been wondering how long he intended for this to go on as she planted kiss after kiss upon his balls, wanting very much to move up and lap at his shaft, when she'd noticed how tight they had become. Only a moment later she felt them tremble underneath her lips and she realized he had begun ejaculating. She'd opened her mouth to let it shower down on her, but he used his magic to catch up each silvery spurt and funnel them into in a jar. He thanked her when he finished, and went on his way, leaving her a trifle miffed. If she was going to bring a stallion to orgasm, she at least deserved a share of his cream! Luna opined that he was a student of magic, and probably thought sperm kissed into existence by a princess must have exceptional properties. Stranger ponies had followed, including a stallion who had obsessively licked her ears while stroking himself and ultimately squirting thick spurts of his semen into one ear and across the top of her head (she managed to shake some of it out once he finished, but warm trickles still oozed from one ear for quite a while afterward), as well as a mare who had pulled Celestia's tail tight between her own legs and rubbed herself against it until her mare juices had soaked the fine hairs. It was all very well for them, but Celestia was less than happy about the tail yanking or the goop in her ear. She supposed this was the effect the punishment decreed by the Maregna Carta had been intended to instill in her; but even so, these momentary annoyances were not enough to counteract the heights of pleasure she had already enjoyed. Now had come a thankfully normal respite as a pair of stallions worked her mouth and pussy over with their cocks. She shivered in delight as the one behind her thrust in a slow but steady rhythm, massaging her pussy with his hardness. The stallion at her mouth seemed to be amusing himself by matching the other's pace, slowly drawing his shaft back and forth in her mouth in tandem with the motion of the cock in her pussy. He was a handsome young roan with a lovely pink and black mottled cock—when he drew back, if she focused down her nose she could catch a glimpse of its surface, glistening with a sheen of her saliva. When he and the stallion at her rump pressed forward, they pushed their cocks as deep as they could, and the sensation of smooth penetration from both ends sent her heart pounding in excitement. With each thrust the roan mashed his groin to her muzzle, and she would have eagerly inhaled his erotic musk, but the head of his cock slid partway down her throat and blocked her from the warm perfume of his stallionhood. Still, a waft of it remained behind for her to snort up and savor as he pulled back. The performance seemed to be causing some reaction in the audience, but Celestia paid no heed as she luxuriated in the feel of the two cocks moving in unison. Their long thrusts filled her mouth and pussy wonderfully, and each time they drew back they sent a warm ripple of lust quivering through her and a hunger to be filled once more. Her pussy quaked and shivered around the stallion cock probing it, her walls slick and welcoming. At the end of his thrusts, when his hips pressed to hers and he was buried deep inside, she would give a squeeze to him. When his cock sometimes twitched in response she felt an electric thrill rush through her. At the same time she slurped her tongue against the roan's delicious cock. He had a clean taste, the flavor of a stallion's cock fresh and well-cared for. It was a pleasure to suck on his meat and feel his periodic throbs in her mouth as she drew forth his pleasure. Before long, a new flavor spilled across her tongue, and she hummed a happy sound and savored the taste of his pre. He strained forward above her, and at the same time she felt the stallion at her rump leaning forward along her back. A moment later the audience whooped in excitement, and for a moment the matched rhythm of the stallions faltered. She heard Luna murmur “Oh my...” but could hardly ask what was happening with her mouth stuffed full of cock. Luna leaned down and whispered in her ear. “They're kissing. Two stallions are fucking you, and they're kissing each other as they do it.” Celestia felt something warm drip upon her back. Apparently the kiss was a very wet kiss. She pricked up her ears and picked out the sound of them kissing, and their soft moans into each others mouths. “Hwmghwmghwh?” she said around the shaft in her mouth. “And,” Luna added, “they seem to be identical twins. How scandalous!” Quite to her surprise, Celestia's pussy flexed mightily around the brother's cock and painted it with a fresh coat of her juices, a spike of pleasure jolting through her nethers. She felt the throbbing strength of their own lust in return. Their cocks twitched inside her in unison. If the cock in her pussy gave an eager kick, the one in her mouth gave a sharp jerk against her tongue with it. When she felt a sudden tremble against her lips and a jet of pre splashed down her throat, there was a similar tremble and burst of wetness in her haunches. It was an eerie but intensely erotic sensation. It was as if they were fucking each other, and simply using her body as the medium. The moment the thought crossed her mind, she quivered in perverse pleasure. But she did not have long to luxuriate in it. After scarcely a dozen more strokes, she heard the stallion mounting her cry out “Brother!” in a strangled tone. In a rush he shoved himself from her back, his stiff shaft pulling roughly from her, the flaring head drawing a gout of juices from her pussy in the process that spattered noisily to the stage. The brother she was sucking pulled back in a rush as well, his cock yanking from her lips and thick ropes of saliva spattering down her chin. She gasped as he was tackled by his brother, and the two of them landed on the stage in a tangle of limbs right in front of her. For a moment they shared a kiss, but Celestia could not drag here gaze from the sight of their two cocks. They glistened wetly thanks to her, their thickly flared heads proclaiming to all how close to climax they were, also thanks to her. Their haunches were nearest her, and she stretched out her neck, trying to reach their cocks but imprisoned by the constraint of the stocks. The musky scent wafted to her nostrils, but she could not reach to lip at either of them. The brothers heaved and repositioned themselves on the stage, bodies tense with a desperate lust. Right beneath her nose, Celestia saw the stallion she had been sucking off press his cock to the pink anus of his brother. The brother hiked his tail back, welcoming the shaft. Celestia stared wide-eyed, blessed to have the best view of the action of anypony. The cock was dripping with her saliva, and as she watched the thick head pushing into the pink skin, she saw it give a throb. A gleaming dollop of pre oozed from around the edges of where the head kissed up against the pink flesh. Celestia was certain she caught just the faintest whiff of its scent. Her body gave a shiver of excitement. Then she saw it slowly drive in, the pink pucker giving way to engulf the slick shaft. A dozen mares swarmed the stage, shoving against one another to get a better angle on the action and shrieking in delight at the unexpected stallion-on-stallion bonus to the show. The stallion being penetrated moaned and pressed back against his brother. His cock glistened wetly with Celestia's pussy juices. It slapped against his belly, scattering droplets. His brother shifted and brought his neck around the stallion's flank, stretching to slurp the cock into his mouth. He sucked hard at it, seeming to savor the taste of his brother's cock served in a generous sauce of alicorn pussy-juices. It was strange not to be the center of attention for the moment. The mares at the edge of the stage whooped and cheered the stallions on. Celestia herself felt a strange voyeuristic thrill to watch the obscene display playing out in front of her, and noticed from the corner of her eye that at least two of the mares had hooves crammed between their thighs. She found herself trying to take in every detail of what was happening. The first brother's cock pushed into the other's anus in a jerky rhythm, the pink flesh clinging to it on every withdrawal as if reluctant to let it go. She could hear the wet sounds they made, and their little gasps and whimpers. She stared at their balls as they bounced before her, lightly covered in a sheen of sweat, and then followed up one gleaming shaft to focus on first brother's lips wrapped around his sibling's cock. His tongue slid out to further caress it and gather up her own juices, and at first she thought that was what his lips glistened with. But she soon realized it was his own saliva slobbering from his mouth in a river as if he were sucking on the sweetest candy a pony could find. Well, perhaps he was. The taste of his own cock still lingered in her mouth, and she found nothing to complain of. So entrancing was the spectacle that she scarcely noticed as a fresh stallion took his position behind her and guided his long cock into her vagina's slick embrace, evoking but a soft whicker as the warm pleasure of being filled once again touched her. Sadly for the crowd of mares, the action on stage could not go on for long. Celestia knew she had already brought both stallions to the brink of orgasm, so their current effort was just a matter of finishing each other. (Robbing her of the semen she had fairly earned, more like!) She was not surprised when the second stallion cried out “Brother...!” in a strangled tone. An instant later she saw his cock give a thick throb in his brother's mouth. The stallion tried to slurp it up and swallow, but in spite of his brother's warning he was not prepared, and sheets of thick white cum spilled from his lips. The mares shrieked and went wild, cheering as the stallion tried to swallow down the torrent of cream and only made a further mess. Beneath Celestia's nose another drama was playing out, as his cock began to jerk and throb, his hips shoving it deeper into his brother's anus as the pulses of his own semen surged through and spewed deeply inside. It was no wonder he could not cope with the torrents in his mouth when his own pleasure was rushing through his thighs. It did not take the mares long to realize what was happening as they saw him straining his hips against his brother's rump. The sound of their yelps of excitement echoed in Celestia's ears, and she gave a startled sound herself as a trio of them lunged forward to plant quick little kisses against the rippling muscles of the first stallion's hip. The brothers seemed oblivious to the attention they were getting, but Celestia wasn't so sure they weren't trying to put on a show. In response to the shower of kisses, the first stallion slowly drew back his hips, pulling free from his brother until just the head of his cock was buried in his brother's rectum. His shaft glistened in the air and gave a thick quiver as another pulse of cum surged through it, causing a visible bulge that slid up its length. He spread his hind legs, showing off his cock to the mares, who gave another whoop of delight. But it was an error, for with the very next pulse his cock jerked free of his brother and spurted a shower of sperm up across his brother's balls and cock. More cream oozed from the brother's anus in a thick rush of white slime. The first stallion quickly tried to bring his cock back to his brother's hole, but he only succeeded in spattering more of his cum across the two of them as further spurts burst forth. Needless to say, the sight of his cock fountaining over the two of them was even more popular to the mares. Gamely he tried to keep slurping at his brother's cock while his own flopped and twitched and spewed his load, but he had lost his poise and the cum spilled plentifully from his lips. The smell of their fresh sperm filled the air, teasing Celestia's nostrils and setting some of the mares to take their own deep whiffs and curl their lips as they savored the raw scent. The two stallions soon were spent, their cocks ceasing to twitch, to the disappointment of the female audience. They lay panting, tangled in each other's embrace for a long moment until Luna's “Ahem,” brought them to their senses. The mares began to stomp their hooves in applause, but the stallions hurried off the stage, strands of cum dripping from their smooth coats. Only now did they seem to realize just how much of a show they had put on. “That sperm belonged to me,” Celestia grumbled. Luna scoffed. “Dear sister, the stage is covered with the splashes and spillings of stallion-stuff you've let slip from your lips and nethers. Don't pretend you collect it that assiduously.” As if to underscore the point, the long-cocked stallion enjoying her pussy gave a soft little whinny and then she felt a warm burst of liquid erupt inside her cunt. A lazy surge of pleasure flowed through her body in response. But her overfilled pussy almost immediately started to leak around him, and when she tried to clamp down to hold it inside, her plan backfired and instead she squirted a thick dollop of stallion goop onto the stage. The stallion felt her tightness as encouragement, and his cock shuddered inside her and unleashed more blasts of cum. He had not lasted very long, but he seemed to have been saving up a lot to give her, adding his ingredient to the sperm soup countless stallions had left simmering in her womb. Meanwhile, a pair of mares flanked a tired looking brown stallion and guided him onto the stage before Celestia. “I'm worn out,” the stallion said. “You two damn succubi have already sucked half a dozen loads outta me. Let's just go home.” Succubus #1 was a petite rose-colored unicorn who snapped back, “You've got at least four or five more in you and you know it.” Succubus #2 was a tallish deep blue pegasus who nodded briskly to confirm #1's estimate. The two of them unceremoniously grabbed the stallion's forelegs and hauled him up, hooking his front legs over the front of Celestia's stocks so that his groin was in front of her nose. So far, every stallion that had come before her had been in some state of excitement. Every stallion that had reared up on the stocks had displayed his cock for her admiration. On rare occasions it was merely fully dropped from his sheath, a substantial hose slowly pulsing toward erection. Usually it was a jutting stiffness, and often it was a steely shaft that glistened as it drizzled its lubricious pre. But this stallion's cock was a stubby, shriveled thing, barely out of his sheath. And no wonder, if the two mares had already made him cum half a dozen times! Why had they even dragged him up here? The smell of old semen cloyed in her nose, and she could see the gooey residue in the wrinkled skin of his cock. Drying stains spattered his sheath and balls as well. The pair of succubi dropped down to her level. #2 nuzzled into his balls and inhaled deeply while #1 announced “Princess, we seek a judgement!” Celestia stared at her in confusion. “Wh-what?” “That's your duty, right? Solve disputes among ponies?” “Uhh... if you'd like to make an appointment for a hearing in the castle, that might be more appropriate—” “No, this is perfect,” #2 said, drawing her muzzle away from his balls and bringing up a hoof to caress his limp cock. It gave a slight twitch at her touch, and as Celestia watched, it weakly responded and started to fully drop from his sheath. The stallion shifted his hips uneasily. “Uh, girls, let's not bother the Princess.” #2 ignored him. “We can finally get an unbiased opinion,” she said. Celestia looked askance at her. “Opinion of what?” #1 burst out “I say his second squirt is the best, but she says it's all the same, but then she always steals his second squirt whenever she brings him off, which is more often than not!” “I'm just trying to get a nice juicy mouthful,” #2 shot back. “And you're the one who hogs everything after that!” “You're the hog, I only get the leftovers!” The two mares had brought their hooves up to the stallion's cock and were briskly massaging it into hardness as they argued. They smeared the slimy residue of old sperm into his flesh, filling the air with its perverse stink. “Anyway, I can't help it if he starts shooting off in my mouth.” “You can too help it! You know when he's getting close!” “Well, I know you're going to guzzle the rest, so I want to make sure I at least get a little.” “Hey,” the stallion gasped out, “can we not make a scene in front of the Princess?” His cock was a long, slack tube now, swinging toward Celestia's nose with each of the mares' strokes like some sort of pink pendulum. #2 continued as if he hadn't said a word. “Plus I think the hottest part is when he can't control himself any more and starts squirting.” “So let me have the second squirt!” “Sometimes he shoots off pretty fast, though. If we switched off it'd just make a mess over us both.” “Like you care about messes!” “And it's all pretty much the same.” “It is not!” #1 blazed with indignation. “His first squirt is full of all the pre and whatever that's still oozing around in his tubes.” “Some ponies say that's the most nuanced, delicate flavor.” #1 continued dreamily. “But that second squirt... that's the one that's the purest essence of stallionhood. The most concentrated dose of his masculinity, his unadulterated seed shooting against your tongue, making you swoon with the taste of his virility.” The stallion's cock was now well past half mast, growing before Celestia's eyes as the mares bickered. “Second squirt, third squirt, fourth squirt, they're all good, aren't they?” “No! Second squirt is the thickest and the richest. It's full of the sperm that's most eager for a mare. The Princess will tell you I'm right.” Both mares looked at Celestia. The stallion's cock bobbed up toward her lips. “You... want me to suck him off... and tell you which spurt is the best?” Celestia asked. “And tell us the second spurt is best,” #1 confirmed. #2 rolled her eyes. “And I keep telling you you're imagining it.” “But you keep hogging it for yourself too!” “Ladies, please,” the stallion tried to calm them. “Shut up!” they said in unison. His cock was three-quarters erect now, and gave a jerk at their voices. #1 held up his cock even with Celestia's lips. “You ready, Princess?” Another thick wave of his cock's spermy stench assaulted Celestia's nostrils. “How much have you already made him ejaculate?” Celestia asked. “Isn't he worn out? He seems like he'd rather go get cleaned up.” “Yes!” the stallion cried out. #1 seemed scandalized. “Clean up? And lose this wonderful stallion aura?” She rubbed her nose along his shaft and inhaled deeply. #2 answered the other question. “We've done him six... no, seven times today. Don't worry Princess, he's good for a dozen.” “What?!” Celestia said. “We usually have to start using butt toys on him for the last two, though,” #1 added. “Please don't tell that!” the stallion said. “Let's have that judgement, Princess. Open wide,” #1 said. “Yes,” #2 said to the stallion. “Time to get to work, pet.” She gave him a sharp slap to the rump, and he jerked forward, driving his cock to Celestia's lips. She found the whole situation so odd that when his cock pushed at her lips, she opened her mouth for him automatically. He wasn't yet fully erect, but she heard two more slaps and his cock shoved inside her mouth as he gave an upset snort. The taste was... something else. Seven (apparently very sloppy) blowjobs had left his cock well marinated in his own sperm. It was a powerful choking taste that overwhelmed her senses. For a moment she nearly gagged at its musky reek, but in in the next moment the sheer intensity sent a shockingly sudden rush of bestial craving through her. She slurped at him, her tongue pressing and rubbing his shaft. Something animalistic took hold of her and she grunted and growled as she sucked, somehow reveling in the sharp raw flavor of his unwashed stallionhood. It was as if he were a primitive stud beast, brimming with virility, his sole purpose to plunge his unruly shaft into mare after mare without respite, heedless of how filthy it became with his spilled seed. And she was but the latest whose turn it was to serve him, to draw forth his lust and prove herself worthy of another of his cock's rewards. It throbbed in her mouth, growing in thickness and heft in response to her skill, or perhaps the debasing eagerness she displayed. The stallion gave pitiful little cries and moans as his overused organ was flogged back into service again by her talented tongue. “You're just as insatiable as they are,” he complained. But in spite of his words, the once-soft tube between her lips was now hardening into an admirably mouth-filling erection for which there could be no question of his arousal. The two mares joined in, nuzzling his balls and licking at the base of his shaft. Their muzzles bumped up against Celestia's, and she could smell their spermy breath (though she could hardly complain, given how her own must easily be worse by now.) The space around his groin soon became a humid zone of saliva and nostril and tongue and the foul but strangely enticing stink of his smegma. #1 shoved her nose in and took huge gasping breaths, intoxicating herself until she was dizzy with her stallion's cum-stench. #2 enjoyed her share of crotch nuzzling, drooling profusely as she did so; but she drew back when she felt the stallion wasn't showing sufficient enthusiasm and made sure to give him another slap on the rump. Celestia found the bestial taste of his organ cast an almost hypnotic glamour over her; but when #2 slapped the poor stallion, she broke free from it enough to furrow her brows thunderously at her. Still, she could hardly speak up as she wanted with her mouth stuffed full of cock. What's more, whenever #2 slapped his ass, his legs quivered and his cock pounded in her mouth. Sometimes he even cried out and thrust his hips forward, driving his thickness to Celestia's throat and giving a pump or two. For all his apparent reluctance, the two mares seemed to know how to coax him onward. Celestia's lips now embraced a fully erect shaft, steadily pulsing in her mouth. At the gates of her throat, she could feel the swelling ridge of his flare start to rub against her, and an unexpected twitch bumped his solid flesh against her teeth. While she sucked and tongued his pungent tool, the two mares carried on sniping at one another even as they lipped at and fondled their stallion's sex. “This would go faster if you hadn't decided to snack on him in the alley by the library this morning,” #2 said. “You were the one who couldn't stop shoving your nose into his crotch every time nopony was looking,” #1 shot back. “What was I supposed to do with you panting like a slut?” #2 buried her nostrils in the stallions balls. “We agreed to wait until 11:00. I was just checking on him.” “It was almost 11:00.” #1 licked at Celestia's bottom lip, gathering up the saliva she spilled and the foam of slime that had built up from the scum of the stallion's cock. “It was 10:15.” “Well, you didn't waste any time slobbering over his cock either, did you?” The stallion had given up any semblance of reasoning with them. Celestia heard him choke out a strained little gasp as she worked her mouth upon him, and then the raw flavor of his cock was mellowed by a taste of his pre streaking across her tongue. She gave him an encouraging little moan and stretched to engulf more of his shaft. While she was sucking and slurping at the reluctant stallion, Celestia's nethers were also receiving their share of attention as a string of stallions made use of her. None of them managed to last very long, to Celestia's annoyance. The moment one of them began to build up a nice rhythm that coaxed her into fresh erotic pleasures, she would feel him suddenly shudder and the hot bursts of his seed would spray inside her. In a sense she supposed she should be flattered that her body was too overpoweringly pleasurable for them to withstand, but the truth was she was half-hoping another mule would come along and fuck her into uncontrollable wild ecstasies. Instead she was sucking at a cock that was filthy with overuse as the two mares who had put it in that state bickered rather than take the slightest responsibility. And though she was offended on the stallion's behalf, she was also seduced by his rank sexual reek and the sheer degree of stamina it implied. Once again she imagined him as a primitive brute of raw sexuality, devoid of any fastidious concerns over his cleanliness, and lashed on by a relentless need to spew his seed again and again. A shiver of perverse eagerness rolled up her spine and sent her salivating over his shaft. And indeed, his whimpers and complaints of being worn out were now giving way to snorts and grunts. Thick tremors ran up his thighs as his cock pulsed in her mouth, and his hips gave a sudden jerk, ramming his shaft into her throat with one violent thrust. She heard him give a feral snarl as he pulled back, and she tasted another sweet spatter of pre. #2 huffed “It's about time he started getting serious.” “Well, it's no surprise it took so long since you went ahead and did him in the line,” #1 shot back. “You joined in. Anyway, you did him in line first.” “Yeah, at the back of the line. You decided we should have another round when we were almost at the front!” “We were not! And I didn't see you complaining either time.” Celestia sucked away at the thick piston that was now a steely hardness between her lips. His flare filled the back of her mouth and sometimes he shoved it to slide thickly into her throat. She could see his thighs tense up and an instant later he slammed his hips forward in short, jerking thrusts, his cock swelling and quivering against her tongue. The thick musk of his prior emissions swirled around her nose and left her nearly swooning at his rough shuddering motions. He gave agonized groans as her mouth forced his overused cock toward another explosion of pleasure, and he stomped one hind hoof against the stage as his body strained in this erotic torment. “That's how ya do him, Princess,” #1 said slyly. Celestia glared at her. He was nothing but a toy to them, a pet for them to tease. She was minded to tell the two mares off, but that would involve pulling free of his cock and in that moment she found she did not want to give up the feel of his trembling shaft filling her mouth. She had to suck on him, just a little longer. Saliva flooded her mouth and spilled from her lips as he gave a jerk back, and she lunged forward to slurp him back into her mouth even as he shoved forward, mashing her muzzle into the base of his cock and briefly choking her. #1's nose was shoved aside from her ball-sniffing by his thigh, and she gave a cheeky lick to Celestia's chin as she collided with it, grabbing a taste of the saliva Celestia dribbled, ever so slightly tainted with the flavor of the stallion's cock. “Ooh, nice one,” #1 said. “You're good, Princess. Bet he's at the breaking point!” Celestia thought so as well, and a thrill of anticipation rushed through her. But there was no getting ready as the stallion began to whinny and pump his hips, roughly fucking Celestia's face. His belly heaved as he panted, and his cock gave a great kick in her mouth, showering the back of her throat with a strong squirt of his pre. He slammed his groin to her lips, his balls nearly bouncing against her chin, and then jerked back, whipping strands of Celestia's saliva across his thighs. She could see the muscles in his hind legs trembling as he shoved his hips into her muzzle. “He has to work pretty hard for it after the 6th or 7th time,” #2 added. “Not that he isn't up for the challenge.” His cock gave a tremendous throb in her mouth. She felt his belly heave above her, and he shrieked out a tormented whinny and shoved forward again. His medial ridge slipped wetly past her lips and rubbed against her tongue, and his flare was a thick plug at her throat. He jerked back and forth in spasmodic shoves, his cock kicking against her tongue while his rough snorts echoed from the stage. Another burst of pre drenched her mouth, and as he shoved forward it surged around the thickness of his cock and squirted out Celestia's lips. #1 giggled and then licked at the wetness drizzling down Celestia's chin. The stallion strained one hind leg up, his hoof curling in erotic tension, and then stomped it down on the stage as another shriek ripped from his throat. The muscles in his haunches twitched and his tail gave a lash as he fucked Celestia's mouth in uncontrolled jerks and shoves. #2 reached over and caressed his tight balls with one hoof. Then she drew back and gave them a stinging slap. He gave a whinnying scream and jammed his hips forward, his flare shoving into Celestia's throat. She felt his whole body tense up with the explosion of pleasure and pain as he finally reached his climax. His cock rumbled in her mouth and the thick bulge of his first spurt of cum pressed against her tongue as it shot through his shaft and immediately rushed straight down her gullet. He pulled back a moment after, another jolting shriek of pleasure wrenching from him as his sensitive flesh slid against Celestia's tongue, and his second blast of sperm poured into her mouth. The strong taste burst through her senses and set her shuddering with her own desires. She swallowed down some of the hot torrent with relish, but he was already shoving forward again, body shaking in ecstasy, and the pungent slime came shooting out of her lips as his cock displaced it, spattering his balls with strands of his seed. He pumped again and flooded her mouth with another thick spurt. She swallowed down a part of it, but his his savage thrusts left her struggling, dizzied with the forcefulness of his orgasm. His semen filled her cheeks and spilled from her lips as he gave another whinnying shriek of pleasure. His cock kept kicking in her mouth as he thrust, fountaining more spurts and turning the inside of Celestia's mouth into an unmanageable soup of swirling cum. “Whoa, you really got him going,” #1 said. “We should borrow you again.” The taste really was quite rapturous, Celestia thought as she swallowed what she could, spilled what she had to, and held as much in her mouth as she could savor. Countless stallions had loosed their precious cream into her mouth today, and each one had had his own subtle nuance to the flavor. Some were sour, some sweet, some savory, some foul. She had expected him to be in the latter category given the musky reek of semen residue clinging to his groin, but the truth was his cum was among the best she had sampled, a rich feral flavor that set her pussy quivering. It was no wonder the two mares seemed so obsessed with sucking him off. And yet Celestia could not forgive their callous treatment of the poor stallion. Though at the moment the poor stallion was still caught deep in the ecstasies of her mouth. At least the kicking of his cock was giving way to heavy twitches that spewed more manageable jets of cream. His hips too were less inclined to slam her muzzle all the way to his groin, though he continued to shove his cock into her mouth erratically. And his shrieks had become loud moans and groans. The two mares watched expectantly as he worked his way through his orgasm. Dribbles of cream slipped from Celestia's lips as his thrusts slowed. She let her pink tongue, sheathed in his semen, slide out to caress his shaft as he finally came to rest with a last shuddering squeeze of his cock. For a moment he held still, panting, his cock settled in the cum-filled chamber of her mouth, currents of his own warm goo sliding across his flesh. Then he drew back, and Celestia tried as best she could to let him slip out without spilling the mouthful of sperm she held. The head of his cock pulled free of her lips, dragging a thick rope of cum with it, but she still held the bulk of his emissions safe. He dismounted from the frame of Celestia's stocks and stumbled back weak-kneed, a soft moan escaping his lips. His cock swung between his legs, dripping with sperm. The two mares spared scarcely a glance at him. “Well?” #1 asked, “What do you think? The second squirt is the best, right?” Celestia gestured them closer with one hoof. They stepped toward her, leaning in. Hwlghff! Celestia spat a huge gout of the stallion's sperm into their faces, spattering them with virtually everything she'd held back in her mouth. #2 shrieked in shock, while #1 screamed “Don't waste it!” and immediately started licking the slime off her friend's face. “You disgusting wenches! Is he just a toy to you? Do you pay any attention to his feelings at all?” Flecks of sperm shot from her lips as she shouted at them. #1 frowned back at her with cum-slicked lips. “Whaaaat? We're gonna take his virginity, you know.” “Next week,” #2 added. “It's always 'next week!'” the stallion complained. “Things happen and plans have to be changed,” #2 shot back. “Besides, it gives you something to look forward to.” Celestia stared at them aghast. “You vampires suck him dry how many times a day, and you haven't even let him fuck you?” She turned to the stallion. “You get in line for my rump right now, and you shove that cock in my vagina until you're good and satisfied!” “Uhh... I'm not sure...” “We could let him do her ass, don't you think?” #1 said to #2. “I don't know, I think doing someone in the butt counts,” #2 said. “What about a pussy glaze?” She looked at the stallion. “We'll jack you until you squirt all over her pussy lips. You'd like to see that, wouldn't you? An alicorn's pussy covered in your cream?” “I just wanna take a nap,” he complained. Luna cleared her throat. “It's time to let the next in line have his turn,” she told the stallion and his companions. She turned to Celestia. “And you—you're supposed to serve the ponies, not berate them.” “But Luna, they were—” “It's precisely that sort of arrogant attitude that put in this position to begin with!” “I'm not arrogant; they're the ones who—” she started to object, but Luna's attention shot up to the stallion mounted on Celestia's back. “And you, Dusty Scrolls!” Celestia's ears shot up. Her aged seneschal who'd started off the day making an example to the crowd with both her pussy and her mouth? Come to think of it, there was something familiar to the cock vigorously plunging inside her. He was taking another turn? “This is your fifth time!” Luna said crossly. “I waited in line for each!” Celestia heard his voice gasp out from behind her shoulders. Like a dog caught eating cake who starts gobbling before he can be dragged away, he started slamming his hips into her frantically, his cock twitching and slipping in and out of her with audible wet sounds. “You'll give yourself a heart attack,” Luna said. “No end could be grander than to die clasped within the golden gully of the Solar Princess,” he cried out, even as his cock began spurting the warm splashes of his pleasure inside her. He groaned as he came, and she felt his body shuddering concerningly atop her, but once the flow of his seed trailed off and he finished, he dismounted, winded but still hale. She wondered if he would immediately get in line again. “Dusty Scrolls, such comments are in poor taste,” Luna said with asperity. “And furthermore it is quite obvious your assistance chastising my sister is no longer necessary. Give some other ponies a chance.” And then, as if on cue, not one, not two, but more than half a dozen stallions poured up on stage in front of Celestia. From the clattering of hooves she heard behind her, she guessed twice as many were filing up from the line for her rump. A confusion of stiff cocks paraded before her eyes, and then the stallions settled their haunches to the stage. Five of them managed to fit in a half-circle at the front of her stocks, facing her and sitting hip to hip. Their cocks all jutted upward, some angled slightly toward her face, some slowly pulsing. She had no doubt the remaining stallions circled the rest of her in a similar manner, ringing her in a fence of their stiff cocks. “What is this?!” Luna demanded. The leftmost stallion she could see craned his head toward Luna. “We're the Bukkake Club of Canterlot,” he explained. “The what?” Luna asked, but the stallions were already going about their business and did not respond. Celestia stared at the lewd display. One stallion's cock was a long, glossy black shaft that twitched when he drooled directly onto it and began to rub his hooves up and down, spreading his saliva into a slick coating. Another cupped and caressed his pink balls while his cock throbbed and a bead of pre appeared at its tip. The stallion next to him was already glistening, his cock steadily spilling his juices as he masturbated with forceful strokes. The stallion furthest to her right had gone so far as to strain his head down to lip at his own cock, his pink tongue sliding out to wrestle with the organ as trickles of saliva rolled down the shaft. The stallion directly in front of her held his hoof under her muzzle. “Spit, please,” he said, as if she would find that a perfectly natural request. Nevertheless she did as he asked, letting a sperm-laced dollop of drool spill onto his hoof. He drew it back to his own cock and laved the stiff shaft with her saliva. For a moment a long strand connected her bottom lip and the head of his shaft. He pumped his hooves up and down the now-slick organ and gave a contented little whinny at the sensation. It was pink, mottled with dark blue patches to match his coat, and it gave a sudden twitch at his hooves' treatment. Celestia was transfixed by the sight of the five cocks arrayed in front of her. They pulsed and quivered as the stallions pleasured themselves. Her gaze darted between them, trying to catch every response the stallions drew forth from their stiff shafts. She caught sight of the black one to her left just as a dollop of pre welled up from the head and rolled downward in a thick rivulet, and a quiver of excitement ran through her. The scents of their rampant organs wafted across her nostrils, and she could hear the sounds of many more stallions tightly packed around her. To her right the cock of the stallion sucking himself twitched free of his lips. He wrestled at the slick shaft with his pink tongue, thick trails of saliva spilling down its length. She heard soft moans and grunts from all around her, mixed with the sound of hooves sliding on wet flesh. The situation seemed bizarre to her, yet she found it intensely erotic. In spite of all the times her well-used pussy had already spewed her juices as her body shook in orgasm today, she found a fresh hunger for stallion-meat taking hold of her. She was surrounded by eager cocks, cocks trembling with their own thrills of pleasure, cocks intent upon her and her alone. How could she not find this fresh worship enticing? She wanted to reach out and caress, lick and suck, she wanted the feel of a needy, trembling cock driving into her pussy, or yes, even her ass! Instead all she could do was watch the spectacle the stallions displayed before her. She drank it in, staring eagerly as their glistening shafts shook and pulsed in the grip of their hooves, enjoying the way each of them pleasured himself in his own way. She had seldom had the opportunity to witness stallions masturbating, and now she felt as if she were discovering a whole new territory of erotic delights that had existed hidden beneath her muzzle all this time. To her right, the stallion who had been lipping and tonguing his cock now added his hooves to the job, stroking with slow, strong motions that gathered up the sheen of pre and saliva that coated his organ. He sniffed at the musky liquid and licked it from his hooves, sending Celestia's heart pounding at the sight. The stallion with the pink and blue mottled cock in front of her stroked rapidly, grinning at her as she watched the droplets of pre he spilled spatter into a fine mist from his rushing hooves. The flare of his cock had grown wide, and it jerked and bounced before her hypnotically. To one side of him, the stallion whose cock seemed stiffest of all had forced it down until it was leveled at Celestia's face like a cannon. Strands of pre dangled from the tip as he stroked in a steady rhythm. All the way to her left, the stallion with the black cock seemed to be strangling his shaft so tightly she feared he would rupture it. The stallion beside him appeared to be struggling to hold back his orgasm. His hooves would give several quick strokes, and then suddenly slow, resting just at the flared head which throbbed strongly. She could see the muscles of his thighs straining to thrust his cock upward. His eyes were half-closed and his face showed a rapture that seemed to leave him barely aware of his surroundings. For a moment he held himself still like that, and then he started stroking again, and to her delight she saw his cock give a sudden kick and spurt a dollop of his pre all over his hooves. She thought about how all around her, out of her sight, similar scenes were taking place, and her thighs quivered. She hiked her tail to the side, making sure the stallions behind her could get a good view of her creamy pussy. She wondered idly if she could make the royal guards put on a similar show for her. Perhaps she could have one randomly selected every day to masturbate for her before breakfast. Before her thoughts could make too many plans, she heard a strangled cry from behind. “Now?” a stallion cried desperately. “Let's do it!” cried the stallion with the black cock. What Celestia had thought had been intense masturbation became positively frenzied. The stallions shoved their hips up to meet their strokes, and their hooves flew along their shafts. Celestia happened to be watching the stallion who had leveled his cock straight at her just as he gave a gruff snort. She saw his cock kick in his hooves, and then a burst of whiteness as the first spurt of his cum came shooting straight at her face. She barely had time to react, opening her mouth to try to catch some of it. She managed a taste, but most of it spilled across her muzzle in a hot torrent. An instant later, the stallion right in front of her gave a cry and she witnessed his cock squirt a thick stream of cum high up in front of her nose. It came down across her horn and ears just as the first stallion's next shot splashed across her jaw. Behind her, a splash of something lanced across her rump, and another spilled onto one wing. Within seconds, all the stallions around her were cumming, aiming their squirts to spill across her body in hot streaks. Sperm rained down upon her, the warm stallion seed soaking her coat. Spurt after spurt sprayed across her face. She opened her mouth to catch more, but most of it ended up drenching her head in a pungent slime of semen. Behind her, she felt more squirts shooting against her pussy and anus, adding to the mess already back there. The sight of her being soaked in their semen only urged the stallions on, and they laced her body with streak after streak of warm cum. She quivered at the touch of it, her pussy twitching and winking with eagerness at the obscene shower. She could hear it splatter onto her, and warm trickles rolled down her flanks and dripped from her body. “What is this grotesque display?” Luna said in disgust. “Am I not serving the ponies?” Celestia mumbled in reply, trying to catch up another squirt on her tongue. The stallions before her were yanking at their cocks forcefully, trying to prolong their pleasure and send every last drop of their seed fountaining over her. They snorted, hips quivering and thrusting to meet their hooves, but to her regret Celestia could see that the spurts were weakening. The cocks still shook and twitched before her, but the high sprays arcing over her face gave way at last to little milky spatters and dribbles that only spilled down the hooves of the stallions who tried to wring forth one last splash from their drained balls. Celestia was drenched with sperm. She could feel the wetness in her fur, her alabaster coat marked by the emissions of two dozen studs at least, her cutie marks stained white. “You're filthy,” Luna said as she shooed the spent stallions from the stage. “What pony is going to want to fuck you in this condition?” she griped, but before she had even finished speaking Celestia felt another stud clutching her slimy haunches and mounting her eagerly. “A mare...?” Luna said, looking at the pony heaving atop her sister. But Celestia felt a telltale prodding—at this point, a most welcome prodding—of a thick cock against her nethers. The pony gave an excited shiver, and then that cock was driving into Celestia's pussy, warm and quivering and kicking with excitement. “This is no mare, Luna,” Celestia said. But a feminine voice came from over her back. “I am so a mare! I just... have a penis too.” The pony's hips sped up, rapidly pistoning her cock into Celestia, whose own pussy surged around it in pleasure. Luna stared. “What foalishness is this?” Dusty Scrolls, apparently having been shamed from getting back in line for another turn with Celestia, spoke up. “No, Princess Luna, such ponies are rare, but they do exist. In the Marelleus Maleficarum it is said that they will be perfectly girlish in day to day matters, but when aroused their stallion parts will have demonic appetites!” Celestia knew very well the semen shower had sent her into a fresh round of lust, but even so she was certain the strange mare's cock had to be among the most enticing she had experienced this day. Perhaps because the mare was herself also a mare, and so understood how best to please another mare... but no. The cock plunged into her with desperate need, not the care of a skilled lover. The veins and flaring head stroked and stirred her insides with astonishing power, but not from the owner's care. Indeed the mare seemed half delirious, slamming her hips into Celestia as if she were already on the verge of orgasm. She lipped and licked and slurped at the cum-slime across Celestia's back as if it were nectar, rubbing her head in it and moaning steadily. She slid her forelegs back and forth along Celestia's barrel, and pressed her belly and chest tight to Celestia's back as if seeking to stain herself with the semen as much as Celestia had been. “'Demonic appetites'?” Luna said. “Issa lie,” the mare slurred, rubbing her nose through the semen slime between Celestia's wings. “Just 'cause I fuck everypony all the time. It's only 'cause it takes a while for my cock to settle down.” Perhaps not in the way the mare meant it, but Celestia could attest to that point. The mare's cock was constantly twitching, the head throbbing as it scraped at her, periodic shudders racing through the whole shaft. Steady bursts of pleasure surged through Celestia's pussy at the sensations. Her own juices were ceaselessly dripping from her, keeping that marvelous cock slick as the mare hammered into her relentlessly. She felt a warm burst of liquid spray inside her as the mare's cock gave a particularly strong shudder and spilled forth a thick dollop of pre. The mare pressed her face to Celestia's slimy back. “I love cum so much,” she said. “My cum and other stallion's cum, it's all so good. Why couldn't you have a cock, Princess? I wanna suck you off so bad. I'd suck on you all day and swallow ever drop.” Shudders passed through the mare's haunches, and she slowed her pace, dragging her cock almost out of Celestia, and then lunging powerfully forward. Celestia caught her breath, nearly seeing stars from the forceful thrusts. “Why would I have a cock?” she gasped out. The mare gave a long groan, bottoming out in Celestia, her cock giving several thick kicks. For a moment Celestia thought she must be cumming, but then the mare drew back and resumed her strong thrusts. “Alicorns are all three pony races, right?” the mare tried to explain. “You should be both sexes too, like me.” “That's the silliest idea I've ever heard,” Luna sniffed. The mare changed up her pace once more, grinding her hips against Celestia's rump as her cock pulsed and throbbed in the clasp of the alicorn's own quivering walls, and then pulling back with a jerk only to slam forward and hold herself tight against Celestia again. Every motion left Celestia thinking the mare was starting to cum, but regardless of how much pleasure Celestia's pussy had to be giving her, the cock held back its sperm. “I'd suck on you too, Princess Luna,” the mare answered, her voice a hazy murmur, her words clearly fighting for her attention with the sensations of Celestia's pussy wrapped around her and the smell and taste of the stallion semen all over Celestia's body. “I'd worship your alicorn sperm and make sure you were never troubled from being backed up with too much of it. I bet your semen would be the most delicious semen in the world. I'd slurp on both your cocks until you each came ten times a day.” Celestia thought of the poor stallion plaything of the two succubi. “That's too much,” she said. But then she wondered how many times she herself had already orgasmed this day; and even now her cunt was drooling juices down her hind legs with each thrust of the mare, hungrily pushing toward another explosion of ecstasy. “You'd love my tongue on your cocks,” the mare continued. “Every morning you'd wake up eager for the release of my mouth. You'd get in fights with each other over who got first chance with me, and the loser would look on jealously while I made the other whimper in ecstasy and spurt like a firehose.” Celestia gave a whimper of her own as particularly deft thrust rocked her to the core, electric jolts of pleasure shooting through her thighs. Luna was having none of it. “Is it not enough for you to ravish my sister, but you must paint these lewd fantasies as well?” “The two of you would race to me through the halls of Canterlot every morning, slapping your bellies with your cocks, streaming the juices of your eagerness, not caring if anypony saw.” Celestia let the mare's words sink in, thrills of desire quivering through her flesh as she imagined the scene the mare described. “I wait in my office, the Office of Royal Cock-Service, and the doors burst open as the two of you rush in. You are in the lead, Princess Luna, but then your sister tackles you and the two of you tumble to the floor in a flurry of wings and hooves and horns. She lands atop you and sits on your neck, holding you down, her thick pink cock pressed along your cheek, jutting past your nostrils. You can smell her stallionhood, but you struggle to throw her off in vain. My lips engulf her shaft, and I give your nostrils a lick as I slid her meat into my throat. Or perhaps it is you who gets the upper hoof, and you trip up Celestia and send her sprawling. You straddle her chest as she lays on her back, and feel her writhe, watching her helpless cock twitch desperately while my mouth gobbles up your own shaft and sends you into heavenly raptures. Perhaps at the last instant you pull my head from your shaft and send your seed arcing across your sister's belly, to splash all over her jealous cock as you laugh in triumph.” “Cease this babble!” Luna snapped. Celestia glanced at her and saw a tinge of red in her sister's cheeks. The mare's cock throbbed with heavy pulses. She shoved her hips against Celestia in quick thrusts that revealed her own mounting desperation. The muscles of her haunches rippled as she moved, and she gasped out her words, her voice lurching drunkenly in the grip of her pleasure. Celestia felt her own pussy quivering with wet delight as the shaft slammed in and out, caressing her depths and building the tense thrills of delight to her breaking point. “You're supposed to have a dick, Princess Luna,” the mare said. “You're both supposed to have dicks! Are you sure you aren't hiding them with illusion spells?” “What a ridiculous notion,” Luna scoffed. “I assure you we have no such unruly appendages!” “Oh, oh Princess,” the mare murmured, licking at the filth on Celestia's back. “I'm sorry I couldn't suck you off. I really wish I could, but now it's my cock that can't take any more. I'm gonna spew my cum. I can't hold it back.” “Yes!” Celestia yelped, her own pussy on fire with her need. The mare's hips gave shaky thrusts, and Celestia felt a massive surge of rapture quiver between her thighs. A tremendous pulse shuddered through the mare's cock, tormenting Celestia even further. “I'm cumming,” the mare gasped out. She buried her nose in Celestia's wet fur and shrieked “I'm cumming in Princess Celestia!” She gave a tremendous shove, plunging her cock as deep as she could, and Celestia felt the powerful twitch as her seed began to spurt. It erupted into Celestia, a hot river that sent the alicorn into her own exquisite explosion. Celestia cried out as she came, lighting bolts of pleasure suffusing her body, her pussy twitching around the pulsing cock in a symphony of pleasure. The mare pulled back and gave another thrust, spewing her thick cum all the while, her body grinding into Celestia as she indulged herself and spurted without restraint. She clutched at Celestia with her front legs, shaking in ecstasy as the sensation of the alicorn cumming around her cock sent her into even higher realms of joy. Celestia's pussy clenched and practically sucked at the mare's shaft as burst after burst of delight raced through her. Her own juices sprayed and spattered as the sweet convulsions racked her pussy, and her nether lips drank down each stream of cum with eager thirst. How different her attitude now to the stoic dispassion she had intended at the start of the day. She embraced the pleasure the mare's cock drew from her, milking it shamelessly, squeezing her pussy and letting the thick slime of her juices brazenly spill from her, laced with the white cream of the mare's sperm. Long surges of orgasm echoed between her and the mare, holding the two of them at the peak of their fulfillment for what seemed ages. The mare held herself atop Celestia, face pressed to the pungently spermy hide of her back as her body quivered and spat forth more of her cum. Each ejaculation seemed to rise in a delicious surge that began at her hind hooves and rose through her legs and thighs to crash in wave that thundered together and burst through her cock into Celestia's welcoming cavern. And every time another jet of hot cum lanced deep inside her, Celestia's whole body shook as fresh firecrackers of ecstasy shot off inside her. She moaned and grunted like a beast as peak upon peak swept her up and left her mindlessly quivering in satiation. When at last she came back to herself, the spent mare had reluctantly dismounted her (though she had immediately shoved her nose under Celestia's tail and slurped around in the alicorn's vagina until she had a sloppy mouthful of cum) and Luna had paused the events to sponge down and towel off Celestia into a semblance of a clean and attractive pony for the next stallions in line. “Hey Luna,” Celestia had said groggily, “who was that mare?” “I'm sure I have no interest in finding out.” “Oh.” Celestia thought a moment. “You know, we should push for research to create spells that can give mares stallion parts.” “Absolutely not!” > 4:09 p.m. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pale blue mare stood before Celestia with her tail hiked demurely to one side. The skin of her pussy glistened with her juices, and a crystal droplet of wetness dangled by a silvery strand from the bottom of her vulva. But really, it was the four tentacles writhing and stretching from within the rosy inner flesh that held Celestia's attention. They were pink and faintly translucent, and seemed to be anchored somewhere deep within the mare. Two of them seemed to sense Celestia and reached toward her, while another blindly rubbed at the mare's anus. The fourth and thickest curled around the curve of the mare's rump, and as Celestia watched she saw it give a shudder and split most of its length in two, like a snake's tongue, creating a fifth tentacle. Interestingly, the new tentacle varied from the others, sporting a stripe of short, wavering cilia that ran up its length. A light orange mare standing to one side with a clipboard made a note. “And you insist this is strictly an experimental spell for scientific research?” Luna said dubiously. “The, ahh, the spell creates a short-term biotransmutation with the subject pony and a specified transdimensional target animal, which the pony should, uhhnff, theoretically be able to control and engage in various useful tasks like construction or transport, while gaining the benefit of full sensory union to maximize efficiency of manipulation.” “You opened a dimensional gate in your vagina and summoned a lustful tentacle beast, is that it?” “No! Uhh, I mean, technically yes, but it's not like a sex thing or whatever. It's just the spell is slightly simpler with the tentacle interface, and checking sensory feedback is very easy, so scientifically speaking, this is an optimal test case. Ooooh!” “Are you all right?” Celestia asked. One of the tentacles had lengthened enough to brush at her chin, and another had reached her neck and begun gently stroking her. “I'm fine, Princess,” the mare said. “Wolfram, make a note, not sure if tentacles are naturally this sensitive or if they are over-interfacing with my pleasure centers.” “Got it, Pipette,” the orange mare said, scribbling on her clipboard. “It feels like my clitoris is rubbing her neck.” “Can you feel your tentacles branching into more tentacles?” “Ah, is that what that is? It's a bit hard to keep track of.” “The standard type A, and one type D so far.” “Interesting...” Luna cleared her throat ominously. “Are you certain you are in control of these tentacles?” Pipette squeezed her eyes shut in concentration. One tentacle gave a very shaky wave toward the princess. “Hmph. Very well, you may continue for the present.” “Thank you, Princess,” Pipette breathed. Now there were two tentacles sliding along the smooth coat of Celestia's neck, while another pressed up and wriggled against the muscles of her chest. Two more teased at her lips insistently while another stroked her cheek. At the same time as the tentacles lay siege to her face, Celestia was also coping with the attentions of the stallion who was vigorously fucking her ass. His shaft pushed wetly in and out of her tailhole, and he seemed obsessed with narrating the sensations in a manner that sounded half-insane. “Your princess ponut is squeezing my semen-spitter so hard I can barely breathe! My hips are moving on their own! My love-piston is pounding up your royal rump's rectal raceway!” Celestia did her best to ignore him, though his shaft's fast rhythm as he pumped into her ass had begun to stir her blood. For a while now she had been feeling the day's toll in a sort of sexual exhaustion. She had climaxed so many times since her ordeal began, but her last orgasm had been well over an hour ago, and since then her pleasure had receded to a dull warmth. It was by no means unpleasant, but the feel of a cock inside her produced only a whisper of the sharp sweetness of penetration, a comfortable but modest trickle of delight. Stallion after stallion had fucked her, some with worklike efficiency and others shrieking in dramatic excess as they made shameless use of her body. Some had used her with aggressive confidence, while others broached her gates with shy and tentative movements that only gradually gained strength as the raptures of her body overwhelmed them. She found their cocks comfortably filling as they twitched and shoved in her, and her lips both to the front and the rear never grew weary of their taste; but the soaring delights she had felt earlier were muted, at most sweeping through her in occasional halfhearted rushes of sensation. But now, as if her desire was waking from a much-needed nap, the pressure of the stallion's cock forcing its way through her anus was coaxing fresh stirrings of lust from her. At the same time, the two tentacles stroking at her lips were growing more insistent, pushing their way into her mouth. They wriggled across her tongue, one of them stroking at her while the other began to thrust like a stallion. Their taste was a pleasantly sweet musk, fleshy yet unlike the flavor of a stallion. It made her salivate, though the tentacles were already wet, oozing their own lubricious slime. “Oh!” Pipette gasped. “The princess's mouth is so warm and wet, the feeling is incredible,” she said to Wolfram, who dutifully noted it down. “I'd give it an 8.7.” Celestia narrowed her eyes. Only an 8.7? She slurped at the tentacles in a burst of vigor to show off her technique. Pipette gave a cute yelp and swayed her hips before Celestia, but didn't go so far as to revise her rating. Another tentacle lay across Celestia's face, and began wrapping itself around her horn. The four tentacles emerging from Pipette's vagina shifted wetly against her pink flesh, slowly pulsing and rubbing at her. They formed a writhing, branching heap on the stage between her hind legs, constantly quivering and splitting, somehow growing thicker and crawling further and further across the stage. While most matched the translucent pink of the original four sprouting from Pipette, several variations seemed to have appeared as well. Some were a solid fleshy pink, muscular looking with thick veins running through them. Others had tips flattened into diamond-shaped pads, covered in octopus-like suckers. Still others were bizarrely twisted monstrosities, with knurled bulges and swellings, mottled in deep red shades. Celestia felt one stroking along her side and sliding up under one wing, having moved past the front of the stocks. The touch of the tentacles was firm but not hard, and they left light trails of their slime along her fur. Nor were the tentacles limiting their attentions to her alone. The assistant, Wolfram, was constantly sidestepping to keep them from crawling up her legs, and just beyond, Celestia watched as a tentacle found a guard's hind leg and began to slide up it while he did his best to remain stoically unperturbed and ignore the thing. She supposed he and the other guards had been instructed to stand on the stage foursquare and immobile, to keep a veneer of normalacy about the proceedings and be imposing enough to prevent the rowdiness of the event from turning into fullscale riot. He gave his hind leg a little kick, trying to loose the questing tentacle, but it was relentless. She was fairly sure his cock had been erupting in her mouth half an hour ago, perhaps just before he had gone on duty; but now as the tentacle reached his groin and slipped alongside his balls to caress his sheath, his shaft sprung to attention in seconds. It seemed to her that it was still damp with her saliva. His gaze darted from side to side in alarm as the tentacle relentlessly began to snake along his thickness. Celestia saw him quiver, his cock twitching, helpless to resist the power of the alien touch. The very tip of the tentacle arched out and wetly brushed across the head of his cock. Celestia's eyes widened at what happened next, as the tip seemed to invert, and with a sudden motion the tentacle engulfed his cock like a sleeve. He gave a startled yelp, and his shaft slapped up against his belly eagerly, sheathed now in the translucent pink of the tentacle. She peered at it, and could faintly see a rippling along his shaft as the tentacle sent rings of pressure rolling up his length, as if trying to milk him. At the same time, she felt another tentacle working its way up her own hind leg, wrapping around her thigh in a wet embrace that sent a warm flush of eagerness running through her pussy. Yet another wormed its way between the padded support of the stocks and her belly and teased at her nipples. Luna's voice cracked out. “Do not trouble the guards with your creeping tentacles,” she said to Pipette. “You only have leave to use my sister as your plaything! Are you certain you are in control of this experiment?” Pipette's voice wavered. “They, haah, they are being a bit unruly, but I think I...” The stallion in Celestia's ass interrupted obliviously. “Princess, is that your tail? Your tail is wrapping around my semen tanks! Oh wow, that's really good!” Celestia wasn't doing anything with her tail. The tentacle sliding around her thigh must have managed to find his balls. She could hardly enlighten him though, as a third tentacle chose that moment to plunge into her mouth in a forceful rhythm. With three tentacles pumping and wriggling against her tongue she could hardly keep her mouth sealed around them, and very quickly the drippings from the tentacles and her own saliva came spattering messily from her lips. The musky flavor was making her heart pound and her head spin. She began to suspect the juices that seeped from the tentacles were enhancing her lust, and perhaps that of every other pony they touched. Her pussy had become warm and wet, and she felt her muscles tense suddenly to squeeze a needy wink. A moment later she thrilled as a new tentacle found its lips, but instead of the penetration she wanted it slipped along her, parting her ever so slightly and pressing against her, but sliding upward until the tip found the rim of her anus and the thick cock of the stallion mounting her. “Princess, what are you doing?” the stallion said. She felt a pressure as the tentacle pressed along the stallion's shaft and pushed into her anus. It slid irresistibly deeper, pulled along with the stallion's own thrusts. She could feel it undulating and wrapping around his thickness. “Your tail is stroking my groin-snake inside you! It feels so strange, but so good! You're squeezing and rubbing at me while I fuck your ass!” A curve of the tentacle stroked along her pussy, moving in tandem with the stallion's thrusts. She could feel it inside her anus, filling her as it squirmed around his shaft. As the stallion himself announced, the feeling was strange but pleasurable. She felt a flash of frustration, because she wanted to rock her rump backward to meet his thrusts and take his cock and the tentacle deeper, but she was constrained by the stocks. Did Luna really think it so necessary to immobilize her for this “punishment?” As if she wouldn't have cooperated otherwise? (Some corner of her mind tried to remind her that no, this morning Luna had barely managed to coax her into the stocks, and if she'd known just how far Luna was going to take the whole business she'd have walked out, flourishing words like “travesty” and “affront.” What a naive little soul she'd been! To think, for a while she'd even tried to act the ice-queen and scare off the ponies.) Celestia couldn't keep her attention focused. Behind her the stallion thrust away with tentacle enhancement, fiercely rutting her ass and sending warm rushes of sensations teasing through her haunches. To her front, she couldn't tear her eyes from the travails of the guard stallion as he tried to resist the pleasure of the tentacle engulfing his cock while Luna shouted something about him being on duty and not to bother him. Between her and the guard, Pipette stood wobbily in a growing, seething mass of tentacles, murmuring notes to her assistant who scribbled them down and tried to primly kick away an insistent tentacle that now looped around her hind leg's hock and was working its way higher. And of course, Celestia's mouth was quite occupied with the trio of tentacles that thrust and curled across her tongue, filling her mouth with a succulent erotic taste and splashing her saliva across her muzzle with their ceaseless motion. “Princess, your tail is too good! I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna fill your butt with my pony goo!” Celestia squeezed her anus around the twin invasions of cock and tentacle. She felt his shaft begin to jerk inside her as his pleasure peaked, and the rippling motion of the tentacle wrapped around it. “I'm cumming!” the stallion shouted. “My stallion-shower is watering your rump-garden! Your tailhole is guzzling my foal juice!” She felt the hot spurts of his semen painting her rectal walls and a shudder of pleasure burst through her. His cock squirted with sharp bucks, and she felt his whole body shake with each surge of ecstasy. The tentacle slid along him inside her, stroking and squeezing him until he cried out with the pleasure of spewing his seed. His front legs clutched at her sides and he shoved his hips to her rump, his breath a ragged gasp. He pulled back, and she could feel the tentacle looping around him inside her. “Your tail is milking me for every drop of my stud-lactation!” She felt another burst jet from him. More tentacles were stroking her sides and working their way back. She looked at the guard as he struggled to resist the tentacle engulfing his cock. A small crowd, mostly mares, crouched at the stage right in front of him. They watched intently as the tentacle pulsed around his shaft, giggling and encouraging him to let loose. He was plainly doing his best to ignore them just as he was trying to ignore what was happening between his thighs, but all the same his cock was a stiff rod under his belly, twitching and periodically kicking up against him. He looked flushed, and Celestia was certain a drop of sweat was rolling down his cheek. The tentacle seemed to pulse around him, sucking and squeezing his shaft, and she could see periodic tremors ripple through the muscles of his haunches as he struggled to resist his instinct to thrust his hips. “Squirt! Squirt! Squirt!” his audience started chanting. He snorted and grit his teeth, doggedly trying to maintain discipline and hew to his duty. But his traitorous cock continued to pulse and twitch in the tentacle's grasp, and the small crowd ogling the rampant organ kept urging him to give in to the pleasure. Pipette reported “This sensation... I can feel every vein of his shaft, like my pussy is wrapped tight around him; and at the same time I'm being sucked off by Princess Celestia even as I'm buried in her ass too. The sensation of pleasure is almost overwhelming. Oh, Wolfram, is that your vagina too? Sorry... you seem quite wet, though.” Celestia glanced at the assistant to see her face tinged with red, though she continued to make her notes. The pink tentacle had managed to climb her hind leg and though she shifted her haunches and tried to shake it off, it was clearly quite eager to settle up into the crease of her rump. “My sexual receptivity is not the subject of our investigations here,” Wolfram responded in a clipped tone. “Of course,” Pipette said in a chastened tone. “But still, I am experiencing an intense desire to feel your pussy!” she added. Celestia saw the tentacle in question move like a wave traveling up it, and slap the tip right in between Wolfram's thighs. “Might I remind you I am supposed to be taking notes for you, not... ohhh...” With another flowing motion the tentacle seemed to lunge into her, then pull back, sending droplets of liquid spattering. Celestia watched avidly as the assistant tried to continue taking notes even as her clipboard and pen trembled in her grasp. The tentacle surged in long, deep thrusts, and she stifled little moans. Periodically streams of liquid came spilling down the tentacle. “You seem very sexually receptive, Wolfram,” Pipette said. “I'm trying to take notes!” Wolfram complained. Celestia's attention was distracted as the stallion riding her dismounted, his cock sliding wetly from her anus. The tentacle sharing that space writhed and held its position in her rump, even driving in deeper as he withdrew. “Your rump's throat still wants to gobble me up!” he cried out. She heard his front hooves clatter to the stage as he fully backed off her rump. An instant later he shrieked as he saw what had been sharing her anus with his dick. “What is that? Is that a tentacle? Why are there tentacles! Aaaaaaaaghhhh!” She felt the tentacle thicken up and shove deeper into her rear. Another two were creeping up her hind legs, and her pulse pounded in delicious anticipation as she tried to guess whether they were intent on reaching her pussy or tailhole. For a moment she worried that the next stallion might be reluctant to share her holes with the tentacles. A strangled moan from the guard stallion drew her attention back to him. He was clearly in erotic distress, his cock jerking in the grip of the tentacle that engulfed it. The head was thickly flared, a distinct and unmistakable bulge in the semitransparent tentacle, visible to the gaggle of mares in front of him. Mercilessly they kept chanting “Squirt, squirt, squirt!” except for one who insisted on “Cream, cream, cream!” From the corner of her eye she saw Luna staring at the guard, then her, then Pipette and her ever-growing heap of tentacles threatening to take over the stage. Celestia could sense Luna felt the situation on the stage was getting out of control. The guard stallion cried out, and then the mares in front of him started whooping and cheering. Celestia saw his cock jerking, and then spotted the thick white pulses of his spunk traveling up the translucent interior of the tentacle. He shuddered in place, still trying to maintain his post, but it was obvious he was powerless to do anything more than ride the waves of pleasure that surged through him. The mares screamed excitedly as they watched his cum spew, and shouted out half-mocking praise and encouragement. The streams of sperm slid through the tentacle, drawn into the squirming nest of tentacles at Pipette's rump. Pipette gasped out “I can feel him cumming! It's so hot, pouring through me. It feels so good, I can't take it! I'm cumming too!” Then everything went crazy. The heap of tentacles shuddered for a moment as Pipette threw her head back in pleasure, and then they erupted across the stage. Their branching doubled and redoubled and they grew at an unfathomable pace. In but a moment tentacles were whipping through the air and heaving across the stage and even into the audience. Pipette was rolled on her back and lay upon a veritable throne of tentacles, her hind legs lewdly parted so that Celestia could see the four tentacles magically rooted in her pussy from which all the others split. Her pussy clenched and shivered around them and squirted bursts of her juices. She flung her head back, eyes wild and unfocused as orgasm rocked her body, her tongue hanging from her mouth and drizzling her saliva. Wide-eyed, Celestia watched a dozen tentacles suddenly wrap around the guard stallion's limbs and barrel and hoist him into the air. One encircled his tail, pulling it to one side as another dove into the crease of his ass and sought out his anus. He gave a yelp, but another tentacle found his mouth and slid into it just as his anus was penetrated. He thrashed helplessly in the grip of the tentacles, his cock still twitching and spurting all the while. His fan club of mares whooped and cheered and crowded close to see the tentacle thrust deeper into his anus. Most of them seemed heedless of the tentacles that writhed off the stage and crept among them, but Celestia saw one mare eagerly twining her hoof around one that brushed up against her and drawing it close; and another even wilder mare crawled onto the stage and stretched her neck to lick at the stallion's muscular haunches. She strained to get her nose under his tail, her tongue reaching to taste the skin of his dock even as more tentacles swept her up as well. The tentacles were not ignoring the other occupants of the stage either. Luna seemed almost to be dancing as she pulled one leg free of the questing tentacles only to have another wrapped in them. “Control thy appendages!” she shouted at Pipette. Her horn began to glow as she readied a blast of magic, but before she could loose it, another tentacle slid around her horn, its wet oozings dribbling down the shaft. She gasped, and her magic fizzled into a shower of sparks. Celestia was impressed by the ability of the tentacles to disrupt magic. She sent a pulse through her own horn, trying to pull the tentacle wrapped around it gently off. But the moment the power rose up through her horn the tentacle tightened and she felt the magic back up for an instant and then decohere, releasing itself in a soft puff of sparks. It was a very odd sensation, but before she could consider it more, or think of how she might counter it, she was startled as a mass of tentacles began to cover the stocks holding her. She felt them worming their way into the space between the frame and her neck and hooves, and further back she felt the wet wriggling things squeezing into the shackles of the spacer bar that held her hind legs apart. At the same time, the two tentacles working up her hind legs both reached her vagina together. One of them had a flattened, leaf-like tip which slid teasingly along her dripping pussy lips as if hesitant to part them, rubbing at her gently. The two of them stroked at her flesh like a pair of gently licking tongues. It made her legs twitch with need. She moaned imploringly around the tentacles in her mouth. She felt the tentacles that pressed between her neck and the padding of the stocks bunching up with far more strength than she would have guessed they possessed. Around her ankles she felt the same muscular flexing squeeze at the shackles. A flash of trepidation passed through her, but before she could think of how to react, a loud crack sounded in her ears. In the next moment, the padded upper frame of the stocks where stallions had leaned to put their cocks at the level of her mouth collapsed over her. More noise of splintering wood followed, and she suddenly felt her neck freed from it's collar as more chunks of wood fell around her ears. She heard a metallic sound as the shackle hinges on the spacer bar sprung, freeing her hind legs, and then her front legs were free. She stretched her neck and her hind legs; for all that Luna had designed the stocks to keep her comfortable, the confinement still had left her with her share of creaky joints and aches. Having a chance to stretch was, for the moment, almost as pleasurable as the sexual favors she had been bestowing upon the ponies. Tentacles clung to her, wrapping around her legs and sliding beneath her belly. Before she could quite adjust to her freedom from the stocks, she found herself more gently constrained by the tentacles. One slipped across her rump and slid under the dock of her tail, pulling tight to draw her tail up, exposing her anus and the thick tentacle probing inside. They bore her up into the air, where she almost felt like she was floating. To one side she saw Luna kicking and straining, similarly held in the air, tail lashing in an effort to beat away the tentacles that kept seeking out the treasures in the crease of her rump. She tried to give Luna an encouraging word, but of course the tentacles still thrusting in her mouth rendered her encouragement into nothing more than a garbled moan. The tentacles rolled her over and she looked down across her belly to see the crowd of ponies in the square. The scene was chaotic. The neat lines for her mouth and tail had been completely disrupted by the surge of tentacles. The front third of the square was a mass of ponies and tentacles. She was startled to see no small number of ponies caught up like her in their embrace, their most intimate places being subjected to the lustful explorations of the tentacles. While several ponies not yet fully captured struggled to get away from the immediate vicinity of the stage, Celestia noticed several others from the safe part of the square pushing closer, eager to join the erotic festivities. She herself was held a bit above all the others by the shifting tentacles. Looking at herself, she could see the long streaks of matted fur running down her thighs and hocks, the combined residue of her own juices and the cum of countless stallions who had fucked her until she overflowed with their cream. She luxuriously stretched her left hind leg, while letting her right flop to the side, knowing full well how nearly every pony in the square could now clearly see the tentacle that squirmed in her anus, and the two others teasing at her pussy. A perverse thrill shivered through her as their touch coaxed her pussy into wet winking convulsions before the audience of ponies. But it seemed the tentacles could not stand to tease her any longer. She stared down across her belly, and her eyes widened as she saw them rear back and then plunge to her pussy like a pair of striking vipers. She gasped as they lunged inside her, shoving suddenly into her wet folds. She clenched eagerly around them, a burst of raw pleasure racing through her thighs, and then she saw the messy droplets of her wetness squirting into the air for all to see. She threw her head back and thrust her hips into the tentacles, heedless of the lascivious spectacle she presented. The sensations of the two tentacles writhing and thrusting within her sent explosions of delight shooting through her. They were as pleasurable as a fine stallion cock, yet they felt so very different inside her as they slid and twisted their way up her canal. Furthermore, she was receiving a simultaneous dose from the tentacle already in her anus. The dizzying feel of both her holes being ravaged by the strange, undulating pleasure of the tentacles left her gasping in surprise and eagerness. The storm of sensation shuddered through her body as the intense tentacle-fucking mercilessly probed her most private crevices in front of the audience of ponies. She could feel her juices freely drizzling and spilling from her with each sleek thrust of a tentacle, painting her crotch and tail with her erotic essences. Her awareness was consumed with the overwhelming feelings of pleasure the constantly wriggling and stroking tentacles drew from her. She writhed above the stage in their grip, opening herself to them and feeding her basest cravings with their touch, spreading her legs and rhythmically thrusting her hips into their own motions. She sucked at the tentacles in her mouth with a slovenly eagerness, her drool running across her muzzle and dripping from them. The coils of alien flesh wrapped around her body, sliding and caressing, by turns gently restricting and giving way to her own straining motions as she reacted to the jolts of pleasure that shook her frame. Every time she felt she had reached a delicious plateau of delight, the tentacles found some fresh way to stir within her, quivering deep in her rump or bunching up against the twitching walls of her pussy and driving her into even higher realms of sensation. A third tentacle found its way to her pussy and wormed into her, thickly sliding along the other two and tormenting her shuddering walls with its own throbbing motions. The three of them filled her, shifting and sliding against each other as they stroked her own sensitive flesh, each at its own pace. One alone would have been amazing enough, curling and twisting inside her, probing insistently at her walls. But the three together were beyond describing. Each wriggled and thrust in its own way, often at odds with its neighbor so that their teasing would send shivers through her, only to leave her hanging in frustration just as she could feel a surge of pleasure building. In vain, she would rock her hips and squeeze her pussy around them to coax more of their touch. But just when the torment left her close to screaming in frustration, their ministrations would synch up, seeming to caress every nerve in her pussy together in a symphony of delight, and she would feel herself suddenly rocketing toward her peak. She would cry out and shake, her hungry pussy clasping the tentacles in a starburst of pleasure that left her quivering in anticipation of even greater ecstasy... but the moment would pass and the tentacles would lose that moment of perfection, falling back into their individual twisting, writhing efforts, and leaving Celestia to shudder and pant. Even so, the moments after that edge of climax left her pussy feeling warm and thrilled, luxuriating in the motion of the tentacles and eager to feel the next surge of carnal joy overtake her. Vaguely she heard erotic moans from the ponies around her. She craned her head back and saw Luna, also caught up by the tentacles and held above the stage like her. Luna's muscles bunched and rippled beneath her coat and she struggled to escape, but her twisting and kicking only served to add a fine sheen of sweat to her body. For a moment, Luna's motions brought a clear view of her groin to Celestia, and she saw how one tentacle was lodged well in the pucker of Luna's anus while another was shoving past the dark lips of her pussy with long strokes. The insides of Luna's thighs were positively soaked, shining with her slick juices and betraying her own arousal in spite of her struggles. Celestia knew her own thighs could not be any less wet. She gave a little shriek around the tentacles in her mouth as the ones in her pussy happened upon a particularly good combination of slippery thrusts. Another intense surge of pleasure shuddered through her body. Unbidden, her hips strained into the tentacles to preserve the sensations. She could not take any more of this! Every nerve in her pussy was balanced on the brink, hungry for that last intimate touch that would send her into ecstasy. The tentacles seemed to thicken up, sliding against each other with a throbbing surge that made her see stars. Celestia panted around the tentacles, and felt her skin prickle in a sudden rush as the feelings from her pussy overwhelmed her. Joy burst within her and a blinding explosion of long-delayed pleasure blasted through her body. Orgasm shook her like a hurricane. She felt her pussy clenching savagely around the tentacles, and she lost all control of herself. Her juices shot from her as she came, squirting out over the crowd in a sparkling, rainbow-tinged shower. She could not think, could not hold back the spasms of her pussy or the fluids it sprayed, or the way her body shook and twitched at the mercy of the tentacles as they held her at her peak, heedless of the spectacle she provided. She screamed in pleasure and bit down on the tentacles in her mouth (doing them surprisingly little injury, though perhaps this should have been expected given they had proven capable of tearing her stocks apart). In her pussy, the tentacles continued to slide and thrust against her quivering flesh, feeding her climax with further bursts of delight, playing her most sensitive places into a symphony of soaking wet ecstasy that ebbed and surged and kept her cumming longer than she could have believed. Even as she began to return to herself, easing back from the volcanic eruption of pleasure, the tentacles still teased her along, keeping her on an orgasmic swell like a boat at high tide. Trembling surges of delight periodically shook her as she looked around to see the many ponies caught up by the tentacles. A guard stallion (a different one from before) was held off to her side, struggling in vain to cross his hind legs and ward off the tentacles from his throbbing shaft, though one had already engulfed him and another was wrapped around his balls. Other ponies well into the audience were writhing in joy as more tentacles worked them over. Down on the stage, Pipette lay upon her bed of tentacles, gasping and twitching as the sensations from each and every tentacle crashed through her body. Wolfram had dropped her notebook and was now quivering as the tentacles ravaged her pussy, her eyes rolled back in ecstasy. Celestia saw a swift trickle of her juices come spilling down one bowed tentacle to drip upon Pipette's face. Celestia felt the tentacles in her pussy give a shudder, and then a sudden warmth flooded into her. A moment later, the same thing happened in her ass. Her eyes widened—were the tentacles capable of ejaculating? She slurped hard on the tentacles in her mouth, hoping to make them spill as well. Beside her, the stallion gave a fierce kick, twisting against the tentacles. He managed to spit one from his mouth and cried out “Ah, no...” but he could not free himself. His struggles with the tentacles brought his cock close to her face, and she could smell the musk of his groin. His cock was pulsing inside the tentacle that suckled upon it, and then she saw it tremble and begin to spew his cream. The thick liquid was dimly visible inside the tentacle, forcing the flesh to bulge as his semen was carried down the tube. Celestia tried to follow it with her gaze, watching as the stuff slid down into the mass of tentacles around Pipette. The mare herself gave a luxurious roll of her hips, as if she were reveling in the sensation of the stallion's essence rushing through the tentacle. Celestia tried to focus on the source tentacles rooted in Pipette's pussy, but it was hard to tell if the sperm ultimately reached there. She thought one of the tentacles bulged with the load of sperm shooting into Pipette, but it seemed as if an instant later another bulged as if it were coming from the mare. The truth was, it was almost impossible to keep track of what was happening in the lashing, heaving bed of tentacles. Then Celestia felt a thrumming in one of the tentacles in her mouth. She stroked her tongue along it, and a moment later she felt it swell against her lips. Warm fluid burst into her mouth. The unmistakable flavor of a stallion's seed covered her tongue, and she gave an eager squeal at the taste. She sucked at the tentacle, milking it of its indecent juice. She was certain the strong, male essence was the real thing rather than some tentacle approximation. Were the tentacles taking the ejaculations they drew from various stallions and sending them to the mares they held in their power? Had she just been given a taste of the stallion beside her? She gave a sidelong glance at him. The tentacles held him, and his head hung slack, eyes glazed in post-orgasmic bliss. His hind legs were splayed wide, no longer fighting against the tentacles. The one that had engulfed his cock and carried off his sperm had now slipped free, leaving his shaft to glisten wetly; but two more slender tentacles were wrapping around it even as she watched. They spiraled up him and squeezed a pale drop of residual cum from the tip of his cock. The tentacles were taking each load of stallion sperm and delivering it to, she guessed, a random mare. She glanced out at the crowd of ponies ecstatically captured by the writhing tentacles. How many mares were feeling an unknown stallion's spunk pour into their pussies? How many, she realized with dawning apprehension, had not gone out into the city this morning expecting they might need to activate their birth control spells? Somewhere in the confusion of tentacles and ponies there could easily be a mare being impregnated right now. Who in that audience would be walking—perhaps staggering—home with a new foal in their belly? At least she had no worries, knowing her own spells were active. Although... now she paused to wonder just how strong they really were. The sustained assault of countless stallions pouring their cream into her womb... was it possible to overwhelm her protection? An ejaculation or two was one thing, but who would have imagined a protection spell would have to fend off gallons of semen? Uneasily, she wondered if somehow a sperm might at this instant be closing in on an undefended egg, her own fertilization immanent. Or perhaps it had already happened. As if to further play upon her concern, one of the tentacles in her pussy jerked inside her and spilled forth a fresh spurt of hot cum. But to her surprise, the sensation didn't fill her with fear—instead a warm rush of excitement shivered through her loins. The sudden thrill of risk, of the potential that she could be impregnated after all, sent her pulse pounding with a primal surge of desire. Her eyes widened, shocked by her own reaction. No, no the spells were reliable. Surely it could not really happen? She glanced at the guard stallion whose ejaculation had set her mind on this dangerous path. He had drifted from her proximity as the swaying tentacles shifted her above the stage and brought her sister back into view. Luna's expression was thunderously defiant, and she jerked her head away from the cluster of tentacles that insistently sought out her lips. One tentacle brushed against the corner of her mouth, pushing at it, and then gave a jerk. It squirted a sudden jet of borrowed stallion sperm, painting a white streak across the side of Luna's face. “EUUUGH!” she shouted, and threw her head to the side. But at the same time, Celestia could not miss the sight of Luna's nethers and what the tentacles were doing there, or the way they made her hind legs twitch and quiver. A fat tentacle had wormed it's way into Luna's ass, while two more were sliding in and out of her pussy. Luna's thighs were soaked to her hocks, and splashes of fluid streaked her belly. Each thrust of a tentacle sent droplets or even little squirts of Luna's juices flying, and Luna's pussy convulsed around the tentacles, flashing the pink interior brightly in contrast to the dark blue of her glistening wet skin. One of the tentacles that was wrapped around a hind leg of Luna's bowed through the air near Celestia, and she hooked one front hoof around it and pulled herself toward her sister. Luna was pawing at her face in disgust, trying to scrape the cum away before it soaked into her fur. She flicked the droplets from her hooves as if they were the juice of rotten fruit. Celestia drew herself over unnoticed until she grabbed onto Luna's hind legs. Luna looked down her chest at her in confusion. “Celestia...? What are you doing?” Celestia pulled herself further up. The smell of Luna's wetness was an erotic sweetness between her thighs. Celestia sucked it into her nose with relish, surprising herself with the degree of her own perverted urges. She had never indulged in such activities with Luna, but now the thought of it was suddenly enticing. Perhaps it was the overpowering influence of the tentacles on her body; or perhaps it was a secret urge to avenge herself on Luna for the humiliations of the day. Never mind that those humiliations had become so unexpectedly enjoyable. With one hoof, Celestia pulled the tentacles in her mouth free. They seemed reluctant to leave, but she managed to keep them away from her lips. One found its way to join the other curled around her horn, while another wrapped itself over the bridge of her nose. She brought her front legs around Luna's thighs, leveraging herself into a prime view of Luna's sopping pussy and the two tentacles exploring it. She could feel Luna's muscles quivering against her, and hear every wet noise the tentacles made. “Celestia...?” Luna said again. The scent of Luna's sex was intoxicating. The odor billowed from between the sweating thighs, a perfume redolent with the intensity of the pony's arousal. It gave the lie to Luna's prim attitude, communicating a message of raw lust to Celestia's nose. Celestia filled her lungs with it, and felt her own hips give a rolling thrust into the tentacles probing her. “Celestia, what do you think you're doing?” Luna's voice barked out. “I'm supposed to service any pony in need,” Celestia murmured. She let her nose drift closer and closer to the wet slit, until the heat of Luna's tender flesh warmed her muzzle. The writhing tentacles bumped up against her chin. For a moment she hesitated, daring herself to go further. Then she opened her mouth and brought her lips down to the steaming wet slit. She shoved her tongue forward, parting Luna's walls and pushing her way between the tentacles. The taste burst through her mouth, a rich, earthy flavor that made her saliva flow. Luna's entire body jerked at the sensation. “Quit it!” she shouted—but even as she did so, she shoved her crotch up against Celestia's mouth demandingly. “Hmmmm?” Celestia asked, wriggling her tongue inside Luna's walls as Luna mashed her pussy into Celestia's lips. The silken flesh quivered around her, and the tentacles slid past her probing tongue, spreading Luna's wetness with their motions so that it dripped from her lips. Luna's protests died into whimpers and moans as Celestia worked her tongue further inside, flicking at the walls before drawing back to tease at Luna's winking clitoris. Celestia smiled to herself, and began to make noisy slurping noises, savoring Luna's juices while at the same time tormenting her sister with the lewd sounds. She slapped one hoof against Luna's rump, then held it there, feeling the ripple of muscle as Luna's hips flexed and struggled to push her pussy harder into Celestia's face. The firm curve was almost feverishly warm to her touch, and damp with perspiration. “Sss... stop this foalishness...” Luna slurred, but her will was not in her words. Celestia's only answer was to lip and slurp at her further. She pulled her tongue free, and half-drunk on the rich smell of Luna's lust, she licked all over Luna's crotch with thick and strong strokes. She added a layer of saliva to Luna's already sopping privates while the tentacles twitched and shoved in and out of her. Celestia's muzzle was splashed with the continual spillings from Luna's pussy, and the juices smeared across Luna's thighs as Celestia shoved her nose everywhere, kissing and licking, rooting around her sister's precious garden like a hog chasing down truffles. Luna moaned raggedly and yelped at this treatment. Muzzle dripping, Celestia lifted her nose and looked up Luna's belly, but her sister's head lolled back in a daze, and all Celestia could see was her mouth open wide as she gasped for breath, a silvery string of saliva running along her cheek. Celestia dove back in with bestial fervor, driving her tongue deep into Luna's cunt and sucking at the sweet nectar while her sister writhed and bucked into her. Celestia's own nostrils flared as she panted, grunting as she ravaged Luna's pussy. Beneath her own tail, wonderful things were happening as the tentacles coaxed and teased her intimate places with their seductively alien caresses. Luna wheezed, a strained whinny escaping her throat. Celestia could feel her pussy shuddering wetly around her tongue and the tentacles. “It's too much!” Luna gasped out. One of the tentacles pressed between Celestia's lips and the lips of Luna's pussy twitched suddenly as if comprehending the gates of paradise it had managed to infiltrate. Then Celestia felt the tentacle pulse and swell, its flesh trembling against her lower lip. She realized a torrent of fresh stallion sperm had to be surging through it, a treasure to be deposited deep inside Luna's pussy. She pressed her mouth tight to Luna's crotch, her tongue straining deeper, as deep as she could reach. Another whinny scraped tightly from Luna's throat while the tentacle continued to pulse thickly in staggered bursts. Celestia's questing tongue pressed against the hot walls and felt them suddenly flex and squeeze around her intrusion. A moment later the tip of her tongue was rewarded with a taste of the unmistakable raw flavor of stallion semen. Another whinny tore from Luna's throat, and Celestia felt her thighs tense against the restraint of the the tentacles around her legs. With a sudden burst of effort, Luna's hind legs pulled against the tentacles and clasped around Celestia's face with almost crushing force, her hocks crossing around the back of Celestia's neck and pulling her head down until Celestia's face was mashed tightly into Luna's pussy. Luna's hips jerked up against Celestia's muzzle, jolting Celestia's teeth against her mound. Her pussy convulsed around Celestia's tongue, shooting a delicious squirt of stallion cream from deep inside across Celestia's taste buds. Though her ears were pressed between Luna's thighs, Celestia heard another, wilder whinny and saw Luna's belly heave as she cried out. There had never been a moment when Luna's pussy had not been soaking wet. But now Luna's juices flooded her sweet passage as she ground herself into Celestia's mouth. The musky liquid washed across Celestia's tongue and poured into her mouth in a sudden rush. Luna was coming. Celestia lashed her tongue inside her sister, pushing her pleasure further as she tried to swallow down the blast of marecum. Her own senses reeled at the erotic taste of her sister's ecstasy filling her mouth. Luna's thighs clamped tight to Celestia's cheeks and her hips jerked uncontrollably against Celestia, fucking her sister's face as waves of pleasure exploded through her. A fresh flood of her juices came spurting into Celestia's mouth, overflowing and spilling past her lips. It poured down her chin and neck as well as down the crease of Luna's rump, where the hot torrent swept past her anus to run trails down Luna's tail and the curve of her rump. It streamed onto the stage below, a hot and pungent cascade of alicorn delight. Celestia could feel both tentacles now pulsing and spurting more stallion cream inside Luna. She was startled to feel a warm burst inside her own depths as a tentacle inside her joined in the squirting chorus, but her focus remained on her sister. In truth, she had little choice, as Luna's legs held her face plastered to Luna's groin; but even if they didn't, Celestia was eager to be a part of Luna's orgasm. She had never seen her sister in such intensity of pleasure, and it not only thrilled her but filled her heart with love for her sibling, even if the situation was without question completely and irredeemably perverted. Luna's body shuddered and jolted against Celestia as she creamed into her mouth. More of her juices came surging past Celestia's lips, soaking the both of them. The smooth coat of fur on Celestia's chest shone glossily, wet with Luna's drenchings. Celestia was certain Luna was so far gone in her own pleasure that she had no idea the sort of mess she was making—but that only made Celestia want to push her even further into that transcendent realm. She worked her tongue wildly, stroking and probing, assisted by the tentacles. The thick smell of Luna's wet spurtings filled her nose, and she bit down gently with her teeth around Luna's mound, bringing one more sensation to the storm of delights that thundered through the alicorn. Another of Luna's whinnies pierced the air, and suddenly she released her tight grip on Celestia's head. She spread her thighs wide, her pussy suddenly gaping as she bucked herself up into Celestia's muzzle. Celestia pushed back, letting Luna grind herself against her teeth while she slurped at her sister, her lips sliding against the wet flesh, her tongue curling and twisting and zeroing in on Luna's twitching clitoris. It brought more of Luna's juices fountaining forth. Celestia tried again to swallow down Luna's bounty, doing her best to seal her lips around the slick flesh of Luna's cunt, but she misjudged the force of the mare's ejaculation, getting too little of it down her throat before the pressure of liquid sent a stream of it shooting into her sinus. Celestia whipped her head back, coughing and gasping, a shining stream of Luna's cum spilling down from one nostril. Still the lightning bursts of pleasure kept spasming through Luna's body. Seemingly random twitches passed through her while she gasped and whined in ecstasy. The muscles in her rump flexed and drove her hips up as another surge of her cum came jetting from her pussy, spraying all over Celestia's face. It plastered down her forelock and dripped from her horn, catching Celestia just as she was recovering from her coughing. For a moment she was frozen in surprise, blinking the spatterings from her eyelashes and staring down at Luna's gaping pussy as the juices continued to drizzle from it. The pink flesh glistened slickly, giving way easily as the two tentacles glided across it. Then a shiver seemed to pass through Luna and her pussy quivered and clenched before Celestia's eyes, sending another wet squirt shooting at her. It spattered across her nose, a fresh dousing of Luna's hot cum. By that point, Celestia had enough presence of mind to open her mouth and try to catch up the tail end of the spurt. She followed it down to Luna's pussy and planted a sweet kiss on those nether lips before resuming her licking and probing. Luna's body writhed and shook in erotic delight, but the fierce spasms and struggles were fading, and it was soon clear to Celestia that her sister's orgasm was slowly winding down. Still, Celestia tended to Luna's pussy with an eager tongue, and the surging rushes of pleasure continued to shudder through the alicorn regularly and spew further bursts of marecum into Celestia's lips. On a certain level, Celestia was a little envious of the intensity of Luna's orgasm—for all the extravagant climaxes she herself had enjoyed this day, she had not spurted anything like what Luna had been able to produce. Luna sagged in the embrace of the tentacles, a languid afterglow finally taking hold of her. Celestia kept licking, and was occasionally rewarded with a thrust of Luna's hips into her face or a sudden squeeze around her tongue. For a moment she thought about what it would be like to tend her sister like this as a stallion pounded her, his hefty cock sliding against her lips and drilling into Luna's wet passage, dragging out the sweet taste of her fluids for her tongue to catch along his shaft with each thrust, his thick pink balls bouncing between his thighs. When she came, how long would he last as her juices shot around his shaft and poured across their legs? When he did start to spurt, would Celestia be able to catch a taste of his seed in her sister's outpourings? She wrenched herself away from such fantasies, startled by how responsive she was getting in her own nethers at the thought. She pulled her muzzle wetly from Luna's pussy, strands of juices sliding from her chin. Down on the stage she could see Pipette wrapped in the tentacles, shuddering and jerking. The mare was panting and groaning, pawing at the tentacles as wave after wave of ecstasy shook her. “I... I can't take it,” she gasped out. “I keep cumming... everypony is cumming, and I feel it all... it's too much!” She thrashed in the tentacles, throwing her head back as the blasts of pleasure pounded through her. “Ahhh...! Wolfram, are you there? It's so good... I... I think I'm going to faint...” Celestia felt the tentacles buried inside her spasm as if in sympathy with Pipette's extravagant delights. A moment later they seized up, almost rock-solid. She saw Pipette give one final body-wracking twitch, and then sag back into the tentacles limply. She really did faint! Celestia thought. The strength went out of the tentacles around her, and she slowly dropped to the stage along with the other ponies carried by them. A tentacle slid weakly from her pussy, followed by the ones in her rump. They slapped to the floor, scarcely able to move. Out in front of the stage, dozens of dazed and spent ponies stumbled about in confusion as the tentacles released them. Pipette gave little contented whickers in her sleep. Celestia watched in fascination as the heap of tentacles around her grew gelid and melted into slime. With eerie swiftness the slime seemed to evaporate into the air, soon leaving nothing but damp patches across the stage. For a few minutes there was confusion as ponies milled about, recovering from their tentacle adventure. Up on stage, the guard stallion with the fan club managed to pull himself together, though he looked rather pale and drained. Celestia heard a clattering to one side of her as Luna heaved herself to her feet. Celestia turned to her. “Umm...” Luna gave her a dire look, daring her to speak a word of what had transpired between her thighs. “That spell is hereby interdicted!” Luna announced. Celestia's mouth opened in shock. “Luna, noooo, you can't just—” “Interdicted!” Celestia bit her lip. “I admit things got out of hoof, but the knowledge we could—” “No,” Luna said. Celestia smiled weakly. For the moment it seemed best to go along with her sister, but she was not about to let this be the final word on tentacle summoning. At the same time, the whole business had thrown the day's efforts into chaos. Celestia's stocks were in ruins, half her theoretical suitors in the square had been ravished by the tentacles, and any semblance of official organization seemed laughable. “Luna,” she asked, “should we stop now? In view of the situation...” Luna stomped her hoof. “You are to serve the ponies all day,” she insisted. Then she smiled and pointed out into the square. Celestia followed Luna's gesture, and saw, sure enough, ponies from the back of the square beginning to pick their way among the blissed-out victims of the tentacles to once again form lines for a turn with her. “Oh my,” she said, taking some pride in the tenacity of her subjects. > 5:51 p.m. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia could not deny she was tired. The endless fucking, and her own body's surprising capacity to keep chasing down further orgasms had left her coping with a certain degree of weariness. The guards had set the padded base of the stocks on the stage like a bench, and she was draped across it now, letting it elevate her hips to a suitable height while she rested, her hind legs quivering like jelly. A mixture of cum and her own juices steadily oozed from her pussy and ass, leaving a wet streak down the side of the stocks and puddling between her lax hooves. The arrangement presented her hindquarters to any stallion or mare who cared to make use of her treasures and perhaps resupply her with more sperm to leak. Her chest rested upon the stage floor, and those ponies who wished to enjoy the skill of her lips sat before her and presented themselves to her nuzzling and licking and sucking. Some guardspony had found sheets to try to cushion the surface of the stage, but they had soon become indelibly stained with the effusive spillings she and her partners left, in spite of Luna's frustrated efforts to wring them clean with magic. While Luna wrinkled her nose, Celestia found she did not mind the rank scents of spilled cum that wafted across her nostrils in the least—if anything, the haze of sex pervading the air thrilled her. It was a proof of the powerful virility of her little ponies, and their insatiable desire for her. At the moment, she was finishing off a young unicorn stallion with her mouth, slurping at his shaft while he stroked at her mane with one trembling hoof. She slipped her mouth from him, a thick rope of drool spattering down his length, and looked back toward her rump. Being freed of the stocks had definite advantages. She could look back and see the ponies fucking her as they shoved and strained at her rump. She adored seeing their faces as the pleasures she brought them were reflected in their expressions. The current contender was a handsome black pegasus stallion whose unfocused eyes bore testament to the intensity of the sensations that assailed him as he drove his cock in and out of her. Streaks of sweat rolled down his muzzle, and his neck glistened with wetness. His wings ruffled and half stretched out as if he were about to try to boost the power of his thrusts with a flap. A thrill went through her at the sight of him straining over her back, his smooth muscles rippling as he shoved his hips into her rump, pushing for the glorious eruption her pussy coaxed him toward. Each thrust slammed into her haunches, sending quivers through the muscles of hips. He drove his solid shaft into her ruthlessly, forcing her walls to part around him. Electric jolts of pleasure shot through her pussy with the rough force of his passage. She turned back to the unicorn stallion and licked thickly up his shaft, from balls up to tip. She gave a slow pump of his shaft with one hoof—another advantage of being freed from the stocks was being able to use her hooves—while she traced her tongue around his flare before settling her mouth around it. She sucked at him, milking his cock of the sweet drizzlings of pre while he panted at her touch. She knew she had been holding him close to the brink for a while now, teasing him on with slow licks and sucking him into her mouth only to release him when his cock began to throb and kick against her teeth. But now she determined to let him cum, challenging herself to bring him to orgasm at the same time as the pegasus, who seemed very close himself. His thrusts were so rough he was actually causing the bench her hips were draped over to rock up on one edge slightly. The shaft pulsed eagerly between her lips. She slurped wetly, letting her drool run down him, her tongue pressing and sliding against his flaring head. “Princess!” he gasped. The corners of her lips twitched up as she smiled at his desperation. “Punch me in the balls!” he added. She froze, staring up at him in confusion. Her head continued to rock slightly on his cock as the pegasus slammed into her rump and shook her body. “Hit my balls!” the unicorn said again. “I'm gonna cum!” She wasn't sure if he was serious, or if she should cater to his bizarre request even if he was. But his agonized “Pleaaaase!” an instant later was enough to get her to hesitantly draw back a hoof and lightly slap at his orbs. His hind legs made spasmic jerks at the painful jolt, and his cock kicked powerfully in her mouth. “Harder!” he shrieked. She slipped her mouth from him, about to ask if he really meant it, when the pegasus stallion's violent thrusts pushed her hips hard enough to overturn the bench. Her whole body was shoved forward as her hips dropped and the bench lodged on its side under her hind legs, digging into her as the pegasus followed her down, letting his full weight collapse on top of her and still driving his cock as deep as he could. Instinctively she threw forward a hoof to stop her from sliding into the unicorn. With a sick feeling of horror she realized precisely where it was going, too late to stop. Her hoof slammed into the unicorn's balls with a crushing, meaty thump. His coat was a pale pink, but she swore his face went bone-white in an instant. And yet, as he collapsed to the floor, his body folding into itself in agony, his cock fired off an immense rope of cum. It sailed across the stage, spattering to the cobbled stones of the plaza in a long white streak. Ponies scrambled to avoid being hit. “yghghlll...” he gargled, foam spilling from his lips. His legs clenched up tight to his belly, protecting his tender parts as he lay on his side, shaking as the waves of pain tormented him. Even so, a second spurt of his cream came shooting from between his forelegs and painted the stage. She reached between his legs, her first instinct being to sooth his injuries with a gentle caress, but the merest touch of her hoof only made him flinch while sending another jet of sperm spraying all over his chest and legs. At the same time, she felt the thumping of the pegasus's cock inside her, and the sudden hot spew of his semen as he began to ejaculate. He gave a long moan as the ecstasy of releasing into her rushed through his body. He felt glued to her back, pressing as tight to her as he could in his delirium of pleasure. His cock thrummed and squirted an enormous load of his seed into her pussy, his hips quivering against her rump with each hot surge. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to...” she said to the writhing unicorn, but the only answer was a further spattering of cum. He wheezed as if he could not catch his breath, then he suddenly rolled on his back and went limp. For a moment Celestia feared he had suffered a heart attack, but she saw his chest rise and fall in steady breaths, and realized he had simply passed out. His cock lay across his belly, still erect, and an angry purple bruise was already forming on his testicles. Celestia winced to see it, but curiously when she glanced at his face, unconsciousness had relaxed his features into an expression of almost beatific delight. The pegasus was wheezing as well, his face mashed into her back. His hips still pressed tight to her rump but gave sharp little jerks as he nevertheless tried to thrust deeper into her. She could feel his cock shudder as he tried to wring out the last dregs of his cum, spitting forth a final few splashes. His whole body gave a shiver, and then his hips stilled and he slumped across her back. A pair of guards pulled him off while another pair dragged the unicorn away. “Can't believe you got two to faint together, Princess,” one of them said to her with a shake of his head. Celestia wasn't certain whether to be proud of that or not. She felt a little impressed with herself, but then again one of them has more or less fainted from trauma. That probably didn't count, right? She had little time to mull the question over, though, as another set of stallions charged up onstage. They helped disentangle her from the fallen bench, and had her lay on her side. What followed was nothing less than a dozen stallions working her over, sandwiching her body between theirs and taking her from front and behind at the same time. It was a thrilling sensation, two virile stallions shoving their cocks into her pussy and ass in unison. Their legs tangled with hers in a chaotic press of thigh against thigh, hoof clacking against hoof as they wrestled for position and struggled to sample the pleasures of her depths. She loved hearing them pant against her, and the press of their warm flesh on her. Her pussy quivered around the shaft of a stallion, and she felt his belly tremble against hers as he pressed himself tight to her. He ground his cock deeper, eager throbs pulsing through it. At the same time, she clenched her ass around the intrusion of the stallion behind her, and was delighted to hear him whicker into her back as a shiver of pleasure rippled through his body. She looked over her shoulder at him and saw another stallion waiting his turn, slickening his cock from the barrel of anal lubricant. Judging from how deep he had to reach, the barrel had been shockingly depleted over the day. Of course she had long since lost count of the number of stallions who had greased their cocks and plundered her anus. But the fact that so much of the barrel had been used was a surprise. For a moment she thought of all the myriad cocks that had plowed through her ass and been brought to ecstasy. Even now, the heady cocktail mix of their countless emissions swirled deep inside her. And even as she thought on that warm volume of slime gurgling in her gut, the stallion at her back gave a hoarse yell as his cock spewed forth its own special ingredient. She gave a quiver of delight at the feel of his thick cream forcing its way into her. As if in tandem, the other stallion's cock began twitching in her pussy. She felt the warm streams of his sperm pour into her as his front legs clenched at her and his hips tensed between her thighs. He buried his nose in her chest as he came, snorting up her scent, an odor that had to be thick with the funk of her sweat from the day's constant fucking. Still, he seemed to enjoy it, licking at her smooth coat as his hips shook and he fired off copious spurts of his seed. A burst of pleasure shot through her. Two stallions were draining their balls into her, squeezing her hips between their urgent thrusts as their cocks fountained in ecstasy. Her groin was a steaming swamp of hot stallion flesh and sweat and her own wetness and the trickles of juices that leaked around the twin shafts. A deliciously slutty feeling washed through her, and she rolled her hips back to luxuriate in the sensations. The cock in her ass gave a thick throb in answer, and the stallion groaned. But it was clear he was spent, and could not add more than a dribble of sperm. The other stallion however managed a long squirt that made her shiver. It was only a moment later that the sated stallion pulled free of her ass, his thickness sliding from her with a wet sound. He scrambled to his feet, and then the next stallion took his place, rushing to settle behind her and press the flat head of his cock against her anus as if hurrying to make sure none of his predecessor's cum had a chance to leak out. His cock shoved into her, filling her rear as he groaned in pleasure. The stallion enjoying her pussy managed to wring a few more drops from his flagging cock, and then pulled out and rolled aside, letting the next stallion quickly find his place between her thighs. So it continued, as the stallions gang-banged her relentlessly, each one being quickly replaced once the last squirts of his load trailed off. Celestia found it strangely exhilarating, a furious ravishment that left her quivering in wild delight. Their cum squelched and bubbled inside her, squeezing out around their shafts and coating her nethers in a slick and pungent glaze. But there were other stallions to be serviced as well, and her mouth was scarcely less popular than her other orifices. A stallion stood over her, and she sucked at him like a calf sucking from an udder until his own warm milk flowed down her throat. After him came a tough-looking red stallion who sat on his haunches before her, legs spread to expose himself. He grabbed her head between his hooves and shoved her roughly up and down his cock. If she tried to move her head herself or suck and work him with her tongue, he growled in warning. Instead she let him haul her head about like so much dead weight, ramming her face to the base of his cock and back as if she were some sex toy. His hooves pressed into her cheeks as he slid her head along his shaft. Her saliva flowed copiously, spilling down his cock and across his balls. His taste filled her mouth, the flesh of his cock whipping across her tongue and leaving the powerful and virile flavor of his sex. To be honest, he was one of the better tasting cocks she'd sampled today. The musk of his intimate places enticed her, made her want to swoon into it's aura. Something about it matched her own personal erotic tastes almost perfectly. And what's more, the way he pulsed and jerked between her teeth was a reward that told her his own body was reacting to her in a similar way. Knowing just what her mouth was doing to his cock filled her with a certain pride. When he came, shoving her face deep into his groin, she swallowed down the first mouthful, but he snarled at her. She let the following spurts fill her mouth and spill past her lips, drenching his balls in his own cum until the pulses faded and he shoved her head off him abruptly, crawling from her without a word. Next came a thick-thighed mare, who sat on her face, grinding her pussy and anus against Celestia's tongue and lips until her flesh was slick with the mix of alicorn spit and her own lustful wetness. Celestia gasped, trying to get a breath around the puffy mound jammed in her face. She felt dizzy and close to swooning as the musky cleft of rump embraced her face relentlessly. When the hot meat of the mare's pussy finally shuddered and spasmed against Celestia's tongue and she came, her juices poured over Celestia's muzzle like a deluge, streaming down the alicorn's cheeks and throat torrentially. Celestia's own body jerked, her pussy pulsing around a stallion's cock as sympathetic pleasure surged through her. A pink stallion followed the mare, settling his hip to the stage and angling his cock to point down her chest. He had her lick at him while he slowly stroked the base of his shaft with one hoof. It was a startlingly pink organ, and long enough that the head of it bounced before the face of the pegasus stallion who was clutched to her chest as he buried his own cock in her pussy. To her surprise, the pegasus craned he face up and brought his mouth even with hers, licking at the pink cock with her. He set his lips to it, his tongue curling around the hard shaft to find her own. She wrestled her tongue against his, both of them sliding against the warm shaft, and pressed her lips against the cock as well, as if kissing the pegasus around the thickness of the stallion's sex. The pink stallion slowly worked his hips, drawing back his cock between their mouths and then pressing it forward, coating his shaft in the mix of pegasus and alicorn saliva. The pegasus made little whimpering sounds, and his cock practically jumped inside her. The pink cock drew back far enough that the thick head pulled up against their lips. Celestia opened her mouth wide, sliding half the flare into her mouth as the pegasus did the same, his lips sealing around hers and the cock, both of their tongues flicking and sliding across the flat head. The raw sweetness of pre spilled across their tongues, and the hot rush of breath from the pegasus rushed across her soaked muzzle. The pink stallion seemed to find the situation intensely erotic. His cock gave a powerful kick, ripping free of the embrace of their mouths. Celestia caught it back up with her lips and slurped the head into her mouth for a moment, savoring the stallion's taste and giving him a powerful suck before releasing him. The pegasus followed her, gobbling the pink shaft with a wet sound and then sliding free to give Celestia another chance. His own cock was hard as steel, his hips shaking as he thrust inside her. They traded the pink stallion's cock back and forth a few more times, and then joined lips once again around the head. Wetness spilled from their sloppy kisses, a slavering mix of each other's saliva with the addition of the stallion's own lubricious oozings. Their tongues whipped it into a froth as they lashed the cockhead with forceful licks and fought one another to catch each drizzling of pre the stallion spilled. His cock twitched against their teeth and fired a sudden spurt that went spilling past their lips as they slurped after it. The two of them engulfed the head of the stallion's cock with their mouths, holding on as it shuddered and twitched against them. Their tongues slathered over the sensitive flesh relentlessly, and Celestia could feel his flare engorging and pressing back against her mouth. He endured only a little longer. With a soft whinny, he came. His cock gave a thick pulse in its prison of tongues, and then the hot rush of his sperm came spraying into their mouths. The raw flavor exploded across Celestia's tongue. She and the pegasus became even more frenzied in their efforts to catch up the stallion's spurtings, tongues stretching tight across the flared cockhead only to be shoved aside as his semen shot from him. The white cream came spilling from their lips, spattering every which way and running down their chins wastefully. The stallion shook in spasms of pleasure as their mouths magnified his ecstasy. He blew his thick spurts without restraint, the cum pouring from him as the two ponies sought to catch the fountaining streams and only managed to become more streaked with the pungent stuff. The pegasus lipped and licked at the cock and at Celestia's muzzle, eagerly slurping up the mess of stallion cream that was drizzled over her face. She struggled to lap up her own share of the pungent slime off his face while the cock twitched and added more. The pegasus himself reached his limit as Celestia mouthed at the cock and rubbed it against his lips, more cum burbling from the meaty shaft. She slurped the delicious sperm from his lips, and felt a powerful shudder rock his hips. His cock felt as if it seized up within her, giving a huge throb. Then she felt his own cum flow, a powerful blast swelling against the walls of her pussy. His lips lost their coordination, and his tongue rolled from his mouth as his own pleasure erupted through his body. She felt him shaking as he spewed into her, and her own pussy gave a fresh jolt of delight. The pink stallion's cock dribbled off, spilling a final drizzle of cum across the pegasus's lolling tongue, and she dipped her head to lick it from his flesh while he gasped and wheezed in the grips of his orgasm. She had scarcely noticed when the stallion in her ass had pulled free and not been replaced, so intense had the other two stallions been. Now the pegasus passed from his shuddering peaks of joy to the warm afterglow as his cock drained. The pink stallion stared disbelievingly at the the mess he himself had created before he dragged himself away, barely able to stand again in the wake of his eruptions. The pegasus was in even worse shape, needing help when at last he rolled to the side, his cock sliding from her pussy and unplugging a reservoir of cum that came spilling across her thigh an instant later. She panted as her pussy quivered and gave a slimy wink, as if hoping for more. In truth, though her pussy felt willing enough, the exertions of the day had so exhausted it that she had not managed to reach orgasm despite the thrills of this latest round of fucking. But she scarcely had time to think about that, as a mass of ponies came charging onto the stage. A pair of mares helped her to her feet, one of them a light tan earth pony mare with black mane and tail who briskly toweled her down and cleaned the slime from her face and thighs. The other was a tall black unicorn. The rest of the group appeared to be stallions, who rolled out a cushioned mat. The two mares guided Celestia to the mat, and then had her lie on her back. They took up positions flanking her, the tan mare snuggling against her left and capturing Celestia's hind leg between her thighs and pressing her pussy warmly against the alicorn. The black mare lay on Celestia's right, and traced one hoof down Celestia's belly, until she reached Celestia's thigh and coaxed her to spread her legs and expose her sex to the surrounding stallions. The gang of stallions settled on their haunches in a circle around the three mares, their cocks universally stiff and eager. Celestia let her gaze travel the circle. She furrowed her brow. “Is this the... what was it? Bukkake Club of Canterlot again?” “No!” the tan mare spat. “Those posers? Please! We're the Canterlot Bukkake Society. We have standards.” The black mare smiled. “Please pardon Snaptail's partisanship. We bear no animus to the Bukkake Club, although of course it is important to understand that our Society is no mere sex club. The Society is devoted to a higher aesthetic appreciation of the beauty that manifests when lovely mares are covered in semen.” “It's not about the stallions at all,” Snaptail added. “Although of course stallions are a vital element.” “Stallions are worthless. Only mares are worth chasing.” Snaptail pressed herself closer against Celestia's side. “Don't you agree, princess?” “I wouldn't say that,” Celestia said. The black mare snorted a giggle. “Don't laugh, Starhide,” Snaptail said. “Only another mare can truly understand the secrets of a mare's body,” she added, rolling her hips to rub her crotch into Celestia's leg. Celestia could feel a distinctly wet patch of warmth, and the soft flesh of Snaptail's inner thigh bunched up against her own. Around them, several of the stallions had begun to masturbate, sliding their hooves along their shafts in long strokes. But Celestia was startled as a grey stallion unceremoniously heaved himself over her. The black mare, Starhide, slid her hoof down to Celestia's vagina and pulled the lips to one side, opening her for the stallion's cock as he lowered his hips and drove his stallionhood into her. Celestia quivered around the intrusion, sparks of pleasure racing along her spine. He gave a few steady, slow thrusts, as if trying to unforgettably impress upon his cock the sensations of her passage. Then he pulled free. Celestia turned her head to Starhide. “What was that...?” She saw the grey stallion find his place in the circle around them and sit down. He lowered his muzzle over his jutting cock, and inhaled a deep whiff of the scent of his sex thickly basted with Celestia's juices. Then he gripped it with his hooves and gave a powerful stroke, her wetness dampening his hooves until they glistened as brightly as his cock. Starhide smiled. “It's considered polite to help the stallions lube up. I hope you don't mind letting your pussy taste a few more stallionhoods today. Although you won't get to devour a full meal.” A second stallion followed, and then a third. Celestia certainly did not mind, though the frustration of having each shaft withdraw just as she was starting to appreciate it began to add up. Still, when she looked around and saw so many stallions pleasuring themselves by gripping cocks that were wet and glistening with her own sexual juices, she felt a delicious shiver pass through her. The soft sounds of hooves on wet flesh surrounded her, and from time to time she caught an erotic whiff of stallion meat crossing her nostrils. To her left, Snaptail's hips pulled away from her thigh as a russet stallion pulled her rump to his groin and slid his cock inside her. Snaptail whipped her head around, glaring at the stallion. “Red, you idiot, what's wrong with you? When else are you ever going to get the chance to shove that thing in princess quim?” “Can't help it babe,” the stallion said with a grin. “There's only one quim this cock craves.” “You're a moron,” she spat back. He grinned as he pulled out of her, his cock shining with a dousing of her juices so heavy that when he sat back on his haunches, glistening trails rolled down his balls immediately. Snaptail snuggled back against Celestia, once more clamping her pussy tight to Celestia's thigh. Fresh wetness matted the alicorn's coat. “Stallions are garbage,” she muttered. “Don't mind her,” Starhide said. “She prefers mares, but she makes exceptions now and then.” “Shut up, Starhide.” “She says she's named Snaptail because her tail snaps down tight the moment a stallion goes nosing around her rump.” “That's true,” Snaptail said, snuggling into Celestia. “But I'll open right up for a pretty mare.” “Or for Red,” Starhide teased. “I'm just helping a member of the Society.” “Your tail never snaps for Red.” “Starhide!” “It never snaps at the end of No-clop November, either.” “Shut UP, Starhide!” “No-what November?” Celestia interrupted. Starhide giggled. “You must understand, Princess, our Society has some strict rules.” As she spoke, she slid one hoof along the inside of Celestia's right thigh, stroking closer and closer to Celestia's slit. “We meet twice a month. Attendance is voluntary, but stallions who wish to participate are required to have refrained from any sexual indulgence for the previous week.” “Gotta fill up those balls,” Snaptail added. “Although we lost a few today to the tentacles earlier.” “The tentacles were certainly tempting... although given the unusual events of the day, this counts as an irregular meeting of the Society in any case.” A warm shiver shot up Celestia's spine as Starhide's hoof found her pussy and slid along the wet lips. She moaned softly. From the corners of her eyes she saw the quickening motions of hooves on cocks. A dribble of cum from the earlier gangbang leaked from her, painting Starhide's hoof before being massaged back into Celestia's quivering flesh by the mare's skillful touch. “However,” Starhide continued, “in November the only meeting is on the last day of the month, and club members are to abstain for the previous 30 days. No-clop November.” “It's a sweet torment,” Snaptail snickered. “Mind you, although our meeting begins in the evening, members are not permitted any relief until the clock strikes midnight.” “And oh, is it fun to slide your tail across a poor stallion's nose with still an hour to endure.” “Snaptail can be a trifle sadistic” “You are so much worse, though, walking around with your tail curling over your back and winking your pretty pussy at everypony.” “But you're the one who pays the most attention to it.” Starhide's hoof pulled at one side of Celestia's pussy, causing it to gape open and exposing her pink flesh to the stallions at her rump. Celestia heard a hoarse nicker from one of them, and another groaned. All around her the stallions were gripping their shafts and pleasuring themselves, some with hooves flying in a quick rhythm while others slowly pumped, fighting against the urgent needs of their cocks. All around her stallions were looking at her and the other two mares, and they were shamelessly exposing the lust they felt, proudly showing off their hard shafts. It sent thrills through her. She felt another sudden warm ooze of cum slide out of her, and the sound of a stallion moaning as he watched the white slime trickle down past the mound of her anus. “Of course, having been backed up a month, no stallion is quite satisfied with one round of bukkake,” Starhide continued. “No matter how magnificent a shower,” Snaptail added. Her hips undulated as she rubbed herself against Celestia's leg, trapped between her thighs. “And pretty soon things tend to degrade into an orgy.” “It's pretty much a tradition at this point.” “One you always seem to be awfully eager for considering you keep claiming stallions are worthless.” “Stallions are worthless, but you should show them a little sympathy now and then. Besides, I'm no cheating slut like you; I stay celibate that month too. So naturally I'd fuck anypony by that point, even if they do have a cock.” Starhide chuckled at Snaptail's excuses. Her hoof returned between Celestia's thighs, stroking skillfully at her clitoris and causing her pussy to flower into wet convulsions of pleasure. Celestia gasped and shoved her hips up, grinding into Starhide's hoof and dousing it with a sudden wet spatter. A chorus of strained whinnies from some of the stallions answered the display. “Oh my, Princess,” Starhide said, “you could be a natural at this.” Celestia continued to press her hips against Starhide's touch. She rolled her head from side to side, nearly delirious as she drank in the sight of cock after cock surrounding her, all erect with the lewd exhibition of her and the other two mares writhing before them. Here the pre bubbled from the tip of one and slipped down the shaft in a silvery shimmer. There a drumbeat of twitches shuddered through another and nearly wrenched its hard muscle from the hooves that wrestled with it. Another drizzled its slimy lust in long strands that shook with each pump and bore faint milky stains, traces of semen already leaking in anticipation. Stallion after stallion was willingly trapped in the force of his cock's hungry demands. Stallion after stallion bowed to his cock's relentless need and obediently gave it the service of his hooves. And it was plain to see that stallion after stallion was rewarded by orchestral surges of pleasure swelling through his sensitive flesh, leaving him barely capable of heeding anything but the delicious feeling of his rampant cock under his hooves. All of that erotic power was a nearly palpable pressure directed at the three mares. Celestia could feel building urgency quivering between each stallion's thighs even as Starhide's hoof lashed her into her own bursts of craving shudders. Her desire fed upon the intensity of stallion need she could feel and see and yes, even smell in the steady cock-drippings that deliciously tainted the air with the scent of masculine virility. She prayed her own pussy's musk was answering to the stallions' nostrils with a similar enticement. “Won't be long now,” Snaptail whispered into her ear. Celestia craned her neck to look at the stallions and their thickly throbbing shafts. Sure enough, stallion after stallion seemed to be struggling on the edge. Droplets of sweat ran down the face of a sky-blue stallion, dripping onto his cock to be lost in the slickness that already coated it. Next to him, a black stud wheezed as his hooves jerked spasmodically at his shaft, his capacity to control his urges slipping away moment by moment. Another's eyes were glazed as even the sight of the three mares became secondary to the heights of pleasure his hooves drew from him with each stroke. A pink and white stallion to one side was murmuring “oh fuck oh Celestia oh fuck oh Celestia” as the head of his cock flared hugely, his whole body quivering with the merest brush of his hoof against it. Celestia could identify with that overwhelming tension, as Starhide's steady efforts were bringing her pussy to nearly as strong a reaction. Each slide against her tender lips sent her shuddering and convulsing, drizzling her juices across Starhide's hoof without restraint. “They all want to cum so badly,” Starhide whispered into her ear, “but the first one to let loose has to buy all the others a round of drinks later.” “It ends up making them hold out until they're all ready,” Snaptail added. “Or more like until they're all in agony.” Starhide drew back from Celestia's pussy and brought up her dripping wet hoof toward Celestia's lips. The smell of her own arousal filled Celestia's nostrils, but it was Snaptail who intercepted the hoof and began licking and slurping at it with feral eagerness. At the same time, she reached down to replace Starhide at Celestia's pussy, stroking with a quick, relentless motion that sent powerful surges shooting through Celestia's groin. All this proved too much for the pink and white stallion. Celestia was lucky enough to be watching his enormous flare when he gave a squeal. His hooves slid up to the flaring head, and a sudden wet squirt of pre shot from him. His hooves mashed at the pink flesh of his flare, jerked down his cock and then back up. Then she saw the hole of his urethra gaping wide for an instant before a fountain of creamy sperm boiled up from it and shot into the air like a bolt of lightning. It arced high up, then came heavily down upon her chest, a hot liquid lash across her coat. His hooves rubbed at his flare and jerked up and down his cock again as the second spurt followed quickly, a powerful white jet blasting over her. Part of it came down across a front hoof and spattered across Starhide's shoulder. Then, from her other side, a squirt of cum arced across her as a different stallion fell into the ecstasy of orgasm. Swiftly then, stallion after stallion gave way to the release their cocks desperately craved, and began spewing their seed. She saw them all around, shuddering and crying out as they came, their cocks jerking and their balls pulsing as they shot their thick loads over the three mares. All across her the raw stallion milk rained in hot streaks, painting her belly and neck and legs and yes, her muzzle too. She opened wide, catching a spatter of semen that fell across her lips and teeth. Her flesh quivered in eager surprise with each warm splatter of cum that landed on her. Between her thighs, her own unbearable arousal crested, and with a grinding swipe of Snaptail's hoof she joined the stallions in orgasm. Her pussy spasmed and squirted as she came, warm bursts of ecstasy detonating deep within. Snaptail pulled her hoof away just in time for the squirts of two stallions to jet against Celestia's pussy lips. She gasped out at the sensation of cum streaking across her most tender place, and felt another sweet rush of ecstasy shake her in response. Snaptail clung to Celestia and ground her pussy along Celestia's leg fiercely, the flow of her juices suddenly surging into a spattering hot torrent as she came as well. She quivered against Celestia, shaking the larger mare's frame with her passionate writhing, crying out as the bursts of pleasure rebounded through her body. Celestia hardly noticed as her own shudders of delight kept her gasping and lightheaded. The stallion cocks spat forth squirt after squirt, painting her body in a constant rain of sperm. The feel of each stream of warm wetness streaking across her coat sent perverted thrills quivering through her body. Another spurt of cream streamed against her pussy, and the sensitive lips convulsed and winked, baring the rosy inner flesh to the semen as if her pussy hungered to swallow it down. Her hips bucked up into the flow, and an instant later another stallion's strong squirt poured against her as the first ended. Another burst of orgasm shot through her pussy, and an arc of marecum drizzled from her, mixing with the semen slime that painted her cunt. Starhide pressed against her sinuously as the spatters of sperm rained across them. All around Celestia, the stallion cocks twitched and spat forth their precious seed as their owners shivered in delight to see the gouts of slime they sprayed across the three mares. Celestia was swooning in a fantastical realm of erotic debauchery where stallion-stuff poured from the skies and her body quivered in ecstasy. But in due time the lewd shower drizzled to an end. Celestia's mind came back into focus and she heard the panting of exhausted stallions. She looked to them and saw their various expressions of satiation and delight, their cocks no longer valiant spears pointing skyward but now beginning to droop heavily, utterly spent. The smell of their sweat and cum filled her lungs. Snaptail shifted beside her, propping herself up. A long rope of sperm slithered from her nose, and more dripped off one ear. She gestured at her companion across Celestia. “Now you see why she's called Starhide.” Celestia raised her head and looked at the pony. Her black coat was streaked in white whorls and streaks, like the galaxies spilling across the night sky. Snaptail trailed one hoof along the inside of Celestia's thigh, scooping up a thick slather of cum. She brought the hoof up to Celestia's lips, smearing them with the raw slime before pulling her hoof upward and over her own mouth. Celestia stared wide-eyed as she stretched out her tongue and caught up the dripping strands of cum with relish. Starhide brought her own hoof to Celestia's muzzle and drew her head toward her. She leaned in and set her warm lips to Celestia's. Celestia kissed back, and let Starhide push past her lips and slide her tongue inside Celestia's mouth. But instead of the pleasure of probing each other's mouths, Celestia was caught by surprise as Starhide funneled a load of cum into Celestia's mouth. The powerful raw flavor coated her tongue. She did not know how many stallions had contributed to the rich mixture that swirled through her mouth, but she shivered in delight to contemplate how every slight variation in the flavor of each stallion's sperm had produced this exquisite blend. Starhide's tongue continued to probe between Celestia's teeth, caressing her and stirring up the volume of semen. She slurped the stuff back to her own mouth, drawing Celestia's tongue to earnestly chase after. Celestia tasted the inside of the other mare's mouth and the delicious slop, knowing her own wild salivation over it along with Starhide's must be adding to it moment by moment. Her tongue contended with Starhide's as she tried to draw more cum back into her mouth. They traded it back and forth, driblets of white slime dripping down their chins and a foam of sperm and saliva forming at their lips. The urge to swallow down the earthy broth, to revel in the sensation of thick stallion cream sliding down her throat, grew to agonizing proportions. With a shiver of pleasure, Celestia gave in to it. Her throat pulsed as she devoured the warm brew in one luxurious gulp. It pooled warmly in her stomach. Starhide chuckled at her. “Greedy mare...” she said. She brought one hoof to Celestia's muzzle and gently pushed her head over to Snaptail. The other mare's face loomed over her. She smiled faintly, and then Celestia saw the white slime of sperm bubbling from her lips. She parted them further, and a thick dollop of the stuff slipped free to dangle over Celestia's muzzle. Celestia opened her mouth, tongue stretching to catch the prize. Snaptail slurped it back into her mouth with an obscene noise, and grinned at Celestia. Her teeth glistened with a milky coating of semen, and a few stray strands dripped from her lips. She sealed her lips again and made a show of swishing the cum in her mouth from cheek to cheek, engulfing her tongue in the rich fluid. Celestia whined in jealous wanting. She licked hungrily at the foamy residue of sperm still on her lips, and her heart pounded eagerly as Snaptail brought her nose down to touch Celestia's. Celestia opened her mouth in anticipation, but the mare slowly shook her head, rubbing her nose back and forth against Celestia. Not to be deterred, Celestia licked at her face, trying to force her way past Snaptail's lips and sucking at the trace strands of stallion cum still on her muzzle. But Snaptail only pulled back. At the same time, her hoof slid up Celestia's belly, gathering up more cum as it went. Rather than her mouth, it was her hoof, dripping with stallion offerings, that she brought to Celestia. She smeared the pungent slime along Celestia's lips and nose, but before she could tease any more, the alicorn mare had set her mouth to hoof and was licking and sucking at it forcefully. The powerful erotic reek of stallion seed was intoxicating. She worked her tongue along the hardness of Snaptail's hoof, slurping up the precious slime and polishing the surface until it shone glossily. Snaptail drew it away from her, sliding along the spermy mess that soaked her chest to gather up another helping. She distracted Celestia by letting another trickle of cum dangle from her lips, but again slurped it back just as Celestia reached out her tongue to catch it. Then she brought the dripping hoof over Celestia's face and let the thick strands of cum drizzle across her. Celestia opened wide and tried to catch the slime of sperm. Some of it traced its way across her tongue deliciously, but Snaptail soon brought the hoof to her own mouth and sucked the white goop from it. Glistening trails of semen coated her lips. She brought her head down to Celestia and sealed her lips with a deep kiss. The warm mass of stallion seed slid into Celestia's mouth. It washed around her tongue and she savored the raw taste of stallion virility before pushing it back into Snaptail's mouth. They swapped the cum-slop back and forth, trickles of it escaping and dripping down their chins as they shared. Scarcely aware of herself, Celestia gave hungry little moans as she rolled the slime across her tongue. Snaptail settled the mass in Celestia's mouth, then drew her own lips away. The soup of cum and saliva filled Celestia's cheeks, and she looked at the other mare in confusion for a moment before Snaptail brought her hoof gently to Celestia's cheek and pushed her head away, back to where Starhide waited. Celestia pressed her lips to the other mare, and felt her mouth open eagerly to receive the load of sperm. Celestia let the goop flood into Starhide's mouth, the seal of their lips sloppy and wet, white streams of the stuff escaping to run messily down the black mare's chin. Starhide trembled and moaned as the raw taste filled her mouth. Then she shivered powerfully and swallowed it down in one gulp. Celestia drew back in startlement, and saw the thick lump of it sliding down Starhide's throat. The mare closed her eyes, her body tensing like the fire of a powerful liquor was coursing through her body. She opened her mouth, white strands of semen bridging her lips, and panted. After a moment she looked at Celestia, a smile forming on her stained lips. “You're pretty good at this,” she murmured. “The Canterlot Bukkake Society is very exclusive, especially when it comes to mares. But I'd be willing to sponsor your membership.” She winked, just as Celestia felt a stray trickle of cum roll down her nose. “You look so very good in white, after all,” she added. > 7:20 p.m. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The shadows had grown long through the streets of Canterlot, and the sun hovered low in the sky. Despite the thoughtful efforts of the Canterlot Bukkake Society to sponge her down and towel her clean, Celestia could not escape the rank semen smell that pervaded her hide. The smooth coat of her face and neck and rump was matted with the spillage of the countless stallions who had enjoyed her use. The space between her thighs was a swampy cum-and-pussy-juice morass that bubbled and leaked from her ceaselessly. In her current filthy state, she could hardly believe that ponies continued to present themselves for their turn with her, but every time a stallion added his measure of sperm to the slop dripping from her lips or her anus or her pussy, another would take his place. She, however, was feeling a deep exhaustion. She lay on the stage, letting ponies shove her about and pose her as they wished. For a time, her overused pussy had barely registered the delights each stallion's cock offered, and she had felt guilt that she was not more responsive to their thrusts and twitches and inevitable spurtings. Even so, most of them seemed sufficiently thrilled just to have the opportunity to fuck her. Even when her own juices proved slow to gather, the thick volume of cum deposited inside her kept her well-lubricated; and of course every stallion freshened the slime that escaped with his own creamy offering. But happily, her pussy's exhaustion had proven only a passing phase, a momentary rest as her genitals restored and refreshed themselves. It had not taken so long after all before the embers of her desire had begun to slowly burn once more, sparked back into life by a mare who had scissored her hind legs with Celestia's and ground the puffy lips of her pussy along Celestia's own sperm-packed slit. The mare had shoved and slid her cunt along Celestia's until her body quivered and her long, dark mane hung lank with the sweat of her exertions. The warm pressure of those lips pressing against her, being spread as they slid across her and spreading her open as well, had teased her pussy into its own electric tingles of longing. When the mare came, her wetness sprayed down Celestia's thighs and sent delicious thrills rushing through her. Once she finished, the mare stood up shakily, panting and looking down at Celestia's slimy pussy. “Lot of stallions left a mess to leak out of your sweet spot, Princess.” She grinned. “Sure hope you didn't get me pregnant just now.” She winked and sauntered off the platform. Celestia's pussy hungered for more sensation after that. In spite of her fatigue, something inside her was chasing after one more orgasm, straining her tired body to push its way to ecstasy once again. The stallions that followed the mare teased her pussy with their sweet cocks, caressing her tender walls with their firm flesh. They stoked the flames of her lust and sent rushes of need sweeping through her thighs, driving back the waves of exhaustion that urged her to just close her eyes and sleep unsatisfied. Now she lay on her belly on the stage, hind legs spread to a yellow unicorn stallion with a black mane and tail who lay upon her back, front hooves hooked around the base of her wings as his hips shoved and slammed into her rump, his long cock delving wonderfully deep into her pussy. She could feel his breath brushing past the base of her neck as he huffed and grunted over the sensation of having his cock wrapped in the slick folds of her pussy. To her front a rose-colored pegasus mare lay on her back, hind legs spread wide and head raised to stare down her belly with rapt attention as Celestia ate her out. From time to time she reached down and shoved Celestia's nose harder into her crotch. Her pussy was soaking wet, and the earthy taste of her eager flesh drove Celestia to drive her tongue deeper into the mare's walls, slobbering heedlessly as she went. The quivers of the mare's walls against her tongue and the way she shoved her hips up into Celestia's mouth were ample proof of the enjoyment she was receiving, which only served to inflame Celestia's own lust further. A burst of liquid spilled across Celestia's tongue, and she felt the mare's hooves grab her head and jam her muzzle harder into the mare's groin. “Fuck yes, Celestia!” the mare shouted out. “Eat me like an animal!” One hoof moved to her horn, stroking it like a stallion's cock while the other kept up the pressure on the back of her head. The stallion cleared his throat. “You know this isn't really Celestia, right?” “Hwhhw?” said Celestia, mouth buried in marepussy. “What?” said the mare, as if noticing the stallion's presence for the first time. His hips thrust steadily, his cock apparently satisfied with the quality of her pussy whether he thought she was Celestia or not. “I realized in line it couldn't be her,” he continued. “Would everyday ponies really be offered the opportunity to soil a princess? Of course not!” “Princess Luna explains it every half hour,” the mare replied. “In her loudy-loud voice. About the Maregna-whatever law thing.” Celestia drove her tongue as deeply in the mare's quim as she could, then slurped it back quickly, drawing forth a heavy spattering of juices. The mare gasped, hoof tightening on her horn. Then Celestia wriggled her tongue across the mare's pussy lips, denying her the penetration she clearly craved even as those lips convulsed and quivered at her touch. She teased her like that for a moment, enjoying the luscious taste and texture of the pussy lips before sliding her tongue back inside. The stallion was talking again. “You see, she's a changeling! They're creatures that change shape and eat the energy of your passions. She's just pretending to be Celestia for this performance. She's feeding off our lust.” “Changelings are fairy tales,” the mare said. She stroked Celestia's cheek with one hoof and rolled her hips up to push her pussy further into Celestia's mouth. “Aa uh eaah Ereria,” Celestia said. “She said she's the real Celestia,” the mare reported. The stallion's cock gave a thick throb inside Celestia. “No, she said 'I will eat your energy, yeah!'” the stallion replied. The mare brought both hooves to Celestia's face, holding her muzzle tight to her pussy as she thrust her hips, luxuriating in the pleasures of Celestia's mouth. “Ohhaaainngghh,” Celestia said. “She says no, she didn't say that,” the mare said. “No, she obviously said, 'Oh, I'll do it!'” The mare snorted. “If you think she's fake and you think she's going to steal your energy, why are you fucking her?” His pace picked up as he answered, his hips slapping up against her rump with each thrust. “One's energy comes back over time. But how often does one get to fuck a creature made to look as beautiful as Celestia herself? I would be a fool to miss this chance! Such irresistible seductions are the nature of changelings, you know.” She could feel how hard he was, and the swelling flare of his cockhead. She was growing irritated with his delusions, but her pussy had a treacherous liking for the shape of his cock. She tried to resist giving him any indication she was enjoying his thrusts, doing her best to relax her pussy and let his cock glide through her passage without any reaction. But doing so was akin to trying to hold back a sneeze. The more she tried to ignore the slide of his shaft against her tender flesh, the more tormented her nerves were by the sensation. And the more she tried not to think about the feel of his flare dragging at her walls, the more it ravished her, thickly stirring up the reservoir of sperm that packed the depths of her pussy and bloated her uterus. When one thrust compressed the stallion-slime enough for the pressure to send a stream of cum squeezing past his flare and shooting down the length of his shaft, rippling along her walls as it went, her whole body seized up in a sharp jolt of pleasure. Her pussy shuddered and clenched around him, painting his cock with a fresh dousing of her juices. As he drew back for another thrust, the wetness spilled out onto the stage and puddled under her groin. The rush of sensation was dizzying, and for an instant her eyes rolled back as she nearly swooned, body quivering. When he slammed back in, she felt his cock twitching thickly in response to her, and a fresh burst of delight slammed through her loins. She whimpered into the mare's pussy, feeling her desire setting its hooks firmly into her. She wanted to cum once more; her body would not give her rest until she found that peak again. In spite of all the times she had already orgasmed over the course of the day, the fires of her lust had come to a blaze once again. Still, did it have to be with this annoying stallion? “Oh!” he cried out, “no pony could do such things with her pussy! It proves she's a changeling!” The mare snorted in derision. “Well, mister expert-on-fairy-tale-pussy, I'm an expert on real-life cunnilingus, and I beg to differ. She's great, but she's not supernatural.” “You don't understand! The real Princess Celestia is an alicorn! A creature above and beyond simple ponies such as us. By her very nature, she is cloaked in the majestic aura of her regal essence! To stand in her presence is to have your heart palpitate in awe; to have your breath grow short in worship. Why, even if you were insane enough to attempt to assail her adamantine purity, your legs would grow too weak to mount her, your body would grow faint at the first whiff of her ambrosial scent, and your very dick would shrivel back into its sheath in shame!” “I don't have a dick,” the mare pointed out. The stallion was shuddering and pressing into her, his cock giving tense little kicks within her walls. “My shaft is trembling on the brink of ecstasy, intoxicated by this fantasy! But the very thought of engaging in such disports with the true Princess is inconceivable!” It was the very attitude she had hoped more ponies would have as the day had started—although the conclusion she was an imposter was hardly flattering. But now, her pussy was churning with urgency, shameless in its need for more of his stallionhood; or rather, eager to devour any stallion's shaft. And at the same time, her her mouth reveled in the taste of the mare's wet canal, the flavor of female lust thick on her tongue. The mare snorted. “Inconceivable? Ever since I figured out what clopping was, my number one fantasy when I shoved my hooves between my thighs was of having Princess Celestia's face down there making a five-star meal of my quim. So I guess the only awe that's making my heart palpitate right now is awe at how fucking good her tongue really is!” She rocked her hips up into Celestia's face. By this point her thighs were slick with the spillings of her juices and Celestia's saliva, and both substances dripped freely from Celestia's chin. Her legs trembled as she shoved her groin against Celestia's muzzle. Perhaps the stallion had at least a little bit of a point when he claimed alicorns had the power to make ponies' legs weak. The stallion trembled and pressed against her. For an instant he held still, cock throbbing powerfully between her thighs. Then he drew back his hips and started pumping into her with strong thrusts that smacked against her rump meatily. “Wicked changeling deceiver,” he gasped, “you've won the essence of yet another innocent stallion!” “Hye hyoahh heheeaa!” she complained. “She says she's not a deceiver,” the mare gasped. “She says 'I feast on your desire!'” he groaned in correction. His cock spasmed within her, and its shudders sent a burst of sympathetic quivers shooting through her thighs. Then she felt the hot eruption as his sperm began pouring into her. His front hooves clutched at her wings and her buried his face into her back as his release thundered through him. His cock flung the thick blasts of his cream into her pussy's slick depths, and she could feel the stuff oozing and bubbling its way further up her passage. The rush of sensation swept through her, a thrill that raced through her body as her own pleasure leaped and surged. Her pussy squeezed around him, savoring the sensation of his shaft in ecstasy, holding him as his sperm rumbled and squirted through his meat. Her own body strained toward that exquisite peak, but for all his hardness between her thighs, and for all the enticing cream he sent fountaining into her welcoming depths, the feel of his orgasm could not quite bring her to the heights she sought. At the same time, the mare was closing in on her own peak. She grabbed Celestia's head with both front hooves and drove Celestia's muzzle hard into her pussy. “Yes,” she breathed, “yes yes yes yes yes!” Her slit drooled a steady offering of her wetness into Celestia's lips, and the feverishly warm walls of her pussy quivered with every motion of Celestia's tongue against them. The smell of her lust enveloped Celestia's nostrils like a heavy cloud. When Celestia dragged her tongue across the sensitive bud of the mare's clitoris, she bucked up into Celestia's face with a shriek, her entire pussy spasming against Celestia's mouth and squirting a thin stream of her wetness into the back of the alicorn's throat. A moment later she began to cum in earnest, the flow of her juices turning into a flood that poured past Celestia's teeth. Celestia swallowed down a mouthful of the torrent, but more of it spilled past her lips and ran down her chin and the curves of the mare's rump, painting her anus and the underside of her tail with her own emissions. The mare screamed out and gripped Celestia's head harder, her pussy clutching at alicorn tongue. Celestia did her best to cope with the spray of hot marecum in her face. She dug her tongue into the quivering walls and sucked at the mare's clitoris, dragging her tongue along it in strong licks. “Fuck yeah!” the mare yelled out, as the powerful orgasm pounded through her body. She mashed her crotch against Celestia's teeth while her ecstasy shook her. At the alicorn's rump, the stallion had finished swiftly, unloading his balls in a streaming rush. He pulled out of her now, his shaft still hard, the fat head squeezing against her walls as it drew out of her with an obscene wet sound. The sensation jolted through her, the need of her loins still unsatisfied. Her pussy gaped in the wake of its passage, a pink cavern from which flowed a thick rivulet of his cum. “Nice attempt at Princess Celestia, changeling,” he said as he stood behind her, panting. “Though naturally the true one would be more...” he searched for the word, “radiant.” “Uckyuu!” Celestia grunted. The mare burst into a hysterical fit of giggles, which only grew worse as the stallion said “You're quite welcome,” as he made his way off the platform. The mare herself was a twitching, sodden wreck by that point. Her hips thrust weakly a few more times and sagged to the floor. Celestia followed her down, relentlessly lashing the mare's pussy with her tongue. The mare jerked and whimpered as Celestia forced her to spurt and drizzle in continuing bursts of orgasm, until at last she went limp, utterly spent. Celestia smacked her lips lewdly at the mare, who slowly climbed to her hooves after a minute of exhausted panting. “That was the best, Princess. Even better than all my fantasies,” the mare said. “Can I have a kiss?” Celestia raised her eyebrows. Her lips were still dripping the mare's juices, but before she could say anything, the mare leaned in and planted a surprisingly chaste kiss on her mouth. Then she turned away and stumbled off the stage, calling back “If you ever get hungry for another helping of mare-quim, look me up!” If even yesterday Celestia had been asked if she preferred to suck on mare pussies or stallion cocks, well... she wouldn't have answered such an impertinent question, of course. But the answer would have been stallion cocks, without a thought. To be honest, the answer still was stallion cocks, but if nothing else, the day had taught her there was a special delight to be found in pleasuring a mare. Unfortunately, the mare telling her to look her up had neglected to mention her name. Was she somepony famous? Was Celestia supposed to recognize her? Before she could ask, a purple unicorn mare with black mane and tail and a grey earth stallion came on stage. The mare had a sleek and predatory look to her, while the stallion seemed more easygoing. The mare smiled down at Celestia. “Princess, would you be so kind as to rut my cheating husband?” Celestia froze. The last thing she wanted was to end up in the middle of a marital dispute. But the mare's attitude did not seem angry. In fact, she nodded approvingly as the stallion threw himself to the stage and rolled onto his back, displaying the black shaft of his erection to her. The sight of it sent a warm thrill through her loins. Her own pussy was a steaming, sopping mess of need. It seemed to her now that the exhaustion she'd felt earlier had only served to give her carnal urges a chance to rally, and now her need had once more grown intense. It was strange... in all her life she had never indulged in such sustained sexual excess, but rather than finding her lust drained to nothing, her body only rebounded to crave the pleasure with sharper focus. She wanted to cum again. No, she had to cum again. Luna spoke up, her voice cutting into Celestia's frenzied thoughts. “Rejoice, sister. Your ordeal is nearly at an end. I have halted the lines, for it is nearly time for you to lower the sun. Satisfy these ponies, and you shall have completed your duties before the law.” The wife snickered. “Ride him, Princess,” she said. Celestia straddled the stallion, angling her rump down to his lap. Her pussy came into contact with his cock, and the sensation of his hardness pressing against those lips sent an electrifying jolt through her. She felt her wetness painting him, and she slowly dragged herself up his length. She pressed against him when she reached the head of his cock, forcing her pussy lips to spread against him as she went. His breath caught as he felt the wet warmth caressing him. When she slid the last of her pussy past him, his cock gave a heavy kick, bouncing up to smack at the pucker of her anus. She held still then, feeling the head of his cock smearing its wetness against her. She pressed back lightly, holding him in place. “So where would you like to put your cock while your wife watches?” Celestia purred. She glanced sidelong at the unicorn mare, who was staring avidly. “My mouth? My ass?” She paused, heart pounding, because she needed this to be the answer. “My princess pussy?” “Yes!” he cried out. Before he could take another breath, she shifted her hips, brought his cock to her pussy, and shoved herself down on him, burying him inside her quivering walls with a single thrust. He throbbed inside her, the warmth of his shaft radiating between her thighs. She shivered as a rush of pleasure swept through her, her body thrilling to the feel of his hardness against her tender walls. She raised her hips, drawing him against her flesh, and thrust down again. The sensation of him shifting inside her, sliding and stirring up the sperm residue of all the other stallions who had fucked her this day, sent a sharp spasm of delight shooting through her. She worked her hips then, controlling the pace and reveling in each stroke of his cock against her flesh. He groaned beneath her, sometimes shoving up his hips to try to bury himself deeper between her thighs, but she matched his motions and kept him at her mercy, savoring the sweet sensations that surged within her and drawing them out. She was keeping his cock exactly where she wanted it inside her, filling the space between her thighs in as close to a perfect fit as she could hold herself at. But make no mistake, her control was an illusion—she could barely master herself. The strength of her lust pounded through her, demanding she give herself over wholly to fucking the stallion as hard and fast as her hips could thrust. The wife watched all, with her sly smile. She lay upon her side, with a clear view of her husband's cock as Celestia slid wetly up and down. She had one hoof crammed between her thighs, shining with her juices as she rubbed with strong, rapid strokes and watched her husband fucking a princess. “Dear husband,” she said, “your cock seems very hard. Are you enjoying the pussy of another mare that much?” “Oh yes!” he answered. “What greater delight than to explore a fresh, new pussy, my lovely wife!” He clutched Celestia's front legs with his own and tried to lever his own hips up into her. Celestia swayed her rump from side to side and felt him throb heavily as he fought to get deeper inside. She wasn't quite sure what to make of his banter with his wife, but she could not set aside the power of her own urges, and she kept riding his cock with gusto. “'Fresh?!'” The mare snorted. “A hundred stallions have spent themselves in that hole before you! It reeks of their befoulment. Are you still so enchanted by it, my husband?” “How could I begrudge them, my dear? What stud worthy of his stallionhood could hold himself back from emptying his jewels into the sweet treasure box of Princess Celestia?” Celestia shivered. Every motion riding him played an exquisite symphony upon her nerves. She quivered against his hardness, and felt a dollop of the warm stallion cum stirred up by his intrusion suddenly leak past her lips to slide down his shaft. She tried to hold it back, tightening those lips around him, but instead her pussy suddenly convulsed, spilling more of the cream as a sharp jolt of pleasure lanced through her. “Oh indeed, husband. I can see the slime they left behind oozing down you even now. To think the cock that should be mine alone by right of marriage is being soaked in the seed of strange stallions.” “An unavoidable circumstance,” said the stallion. “And to think my own husband would stoop to adding his sperm to the filth of all those other ponies! How lowly and desperate are you?” “Nay, rather I feel blessed, part of a greater whole that has gathered to pleasure our princess! I shall be but the latest in a proud legion surrendering our seed for her delight!” Celestia groaned, a surge of pleasure twisting through her loins as she thought of all the semen that had been packed into her body over the day, and all the stallions who she had brought to ecstasy. The husband's cock throbbed thickly between her thighs, promising one more load to add to the total. Deep inside she could feel the weight of all that sperm shifting as she thrust herself on the husband's cock. She was exquisitely close herself, her haunches trembling as the waves of erotic sensation crashed through her. “She is making noises, husband. Don't you think it rude to violate her so hard as to cause such outbursts?” “Outbursts? She sings an Equestrian anthem for which my dick cannot help but stand at attention!” “How patriotic. And how does your dick feel inside the pussy of a princess?” “Magnificent! The sensations of her secret place wrapped around my shaft are beyond words to describe! Every slide and quiver brings new blossoms of sweet delight flowering from my nerves! Her wetness is a lotion of pure seduction, her warmth is a furnace of raw sexuality!” “My goodness. And how does it compare to my own precious treasure?” “Oh my wife, you might as well compare ambrosia to spit! What is a palace to one who has spent their life in a hovel? All the delights your cavern has struggled to lavish upon my cock are swept away with the torrent of pleasure her princess pussy drenches me with.” Celestia saw the wife now had both front hooves crammed between her thighs, rubbing at a wild pace. Droplets of her wetness scattered as she stroked, and the muscles of her thighs bunched as jolts of pleasure shot through her body. Her eyes seemed to blaze with eagerness as she watched his solid shaft disappear and then reappear with a fresh coat of wetness with each of Celestia's thrusts atop him. The harshness of his words only served to tease her into greater arousal. As for Celestia herself, even if she found his cruel praise of her own pussy over his wife's deserving of some reprimand, she couldn't possibly halt for even a moment the exquisite motion of her hips as his cock throbbed inside her. Her heart pounded in her chest, and the blood coursed through her veins as the thick shaft worked its primal magic upon her, spreading the hot pleasure that spilled through her thighs with every stroke. The sweet slide of his medial ring against her trembling walls, the way his flare dug at her depths and stirred up the reservoir of sperm that already filled her, the irregular twitches and kicks as his eager shaft reveled in her embrace; it all pushed her headlong toward the explosive orgasm she craved with ever-mounting desperation. “Oh husband,” said the wife, “my fertile womb craves your seed, yet you dally with this hussy princess and praise her cunt. Will you really pour your cum inside her while my own pussy suffers in torment?” “Her loins sing a siren call to my sperm! It tumbles in my balls, struggling to hurl itself up my shaft and into her lustful pussy's embrace! It is all I can do to hold it back. Even a gelding would be brought to erupt by these sensations!” “You spurn me with such absurd fantasies!” “It is a shame, my wife, but your sex must remain unblessed by my semen, for its destiny lies within this princess pussy. Nay, it is her pussy itself that demands I drain my balls!” Celestia panted, sweat standing out on her neck as she impaled herself on his shaft, body quivering in response to his own efforts to rock his hips up into her. He was right enough in one thing—her pussy truly did want to feel him spurting every drop of his cum inside her. She was so close herself, she knew once he started shooting his cream she would fall into an incredible orgasm. She craved it, the need for her release sparking through her pussy in quivers and spasms that his cock answered with it's own thick twitches. Her greedy walls clutched at him, and her juices squelched and spattered from her freely. The unicorn mare rolled to her hooves shakily, still watching intently. She stood on three legs, hind ones splayed out as she reached down her belly to rub at her pussy with rapid strokes. “Are you about to cum, dear husband?” “You know me so well, my wife! Almost... almost there...!” “On the verge of spewing your seed into another mare as your wife watches!” “Yes! Yes!” He threw his head back against the stage, transported in the ecstasy of Celestia's pussy. His forelegs clutched at her as she rode him. “NOW!” he cried out. At his shout, Celestia felt his cock pulse inside her, and a powerful jet of his cum lanced its way deep between her walls. Yes! she thought, as bursts of pleasure shot through her pussy like fireworks. But then, she sensed a surge of magic underneath her, and the wonderful feel of the stallion's cock unleashing his load cut off abruptly. Her pussy, thrilling to the hard muscle and charging toward her peak, was suddenly empty, her walls clenching down on nothingness. The thrilling surges building to a crescendo of pleasure between her thighs suddenly failed, leaving her hanging in an agony of unfulfilled need, her pussy prickling with a warmth that demanded satisfaction, yet was denied. She didn't understand what was happening. She didn't understand why she should be cheated so. Even as she saw the stallion teleported into the same position under his wife he'd lain in beneath her, swirls of magic flaring around the unicorn mare's horn, she couldn't comprehend what was happening. His cock shimmered in a coating of her juices, milky with strands of sperm from all the previous stallions whose cream he had stirred up inside her. Her eyes were glued to the flared head, the thick plug of flesh that an instant earlier had been shoving its way into her depths. It jerked, and a thick stream of cum erupted from it, the second squirt of his orgasm. The white jet spurted up against the mare's rump, painting a stripe that ran across her curvaceous hip, up across the pucker of her anus and the dock of her tail. But before the squirt had even half exhausted itself, she grappled his cock with more of her magic and slid him into her pussy, slamming her hips down onto his groin and taking him balls deep with that first thrust, even as the rest of his spurt thrummed through his shaft and shot inside her. “You lubricate me with the juices of another mare, husband,” the mare gasped. “I am a beast!” “The sperm of other stallions greases the wicked cock you've shoved inside me.” Her pussy quivered around his wet shaft. “You'd better drown my womb in your cum if you don't want any of theirs reaching my egg!” Celestia could see him desperately driving his hips up into his wife, and the heavy throb at the base of his cock as the third spurt of his cream went shooting through it. “I caught the sperm another mare coaxed out of you, husband! You tried to give it to her, but I took it for myself! I won!” The wife threw her head back and cried out, her own wetness spraying from her as she started to cum as well. The two ponies thrust at each other, pressing together, oblivious to all but the raw pleasure they drew from one another. Celestia shrieked, red rage flashing through her mind. She reared up, flinging her head from side to side, no, no, NO! Her pussy was a hot cauldron of need, and the stallion had been meant for her! His cock was supposed to satisfy her, not leave her hanging in erotic agony, not be diverted to his evil wife at the last moment, past the last moment in fact! Her thoughts tumbled in chaos, still unable to accept that she had been cheated so. Her blood was pounding, her pussy churning with need. She needed another stallion. She whirled, looking for the lines of eager stallions, but they were gone and the stage was only flanked by guards. “A stallion,” she gasped out. “I need to cum!” Luna's voice rang out. “So ends the period of my sister's service to the ponies of Equestria!” “I need a stallion,” Celestia said, panic edging her voice. “I have dispersed the lines, sister. It is time to lower the sun.” Celestia stared at her wildly. No no no no NO! She flipped her head around and looked at the audience. Ponies were moving off, the day's crowd thinning, though many couples and small groups still remained scattered about the square, indulging themselves in further lustful games. “Luna, I need a cock now!” “This day was not for your own pleasures, but for showing your dedication to the citizens of Equestria. It's time to lower the sun, sister.” But she could not listen. She spun on the stage, her gaze darting wildly across the square. Her tail hiked up as high as it would go, and her wetness spilled down her legs with each move. Desperation filled her loins. She needed a cock, she had to fill the the relentless hunger between her thighs. She'd been betrayed just as she was giving herself over to her peak, cheated of the ecstasy due her! Her attention settled on one figure standing close to the stage. He gave every impression of having just wandered in, not wholly sure of the situation. Nevertheless he had an erection, though he tried, however hopelessly, to conceal it as best he could. She could not stop staring at it. He wasn't a pony. A dragon! Was there a dragon in the realm? Obviously there must be. He was not much bigger than her, clearly an adult, but a long way from reaching the tremendous size of an ancient. He stood on his hind legs, his bright green scales shining glossily in the evening light, stretched tight over his sinuous frame, and his elegantly long tail arced stiffly behind him. He held his claws in front of his groin to shield his erection, but the tip of his shaft peeked out from behind them, already shining wetly. He stared at the married couple as their hips slammed together. Celestia felt something primal thrill through her body as she looked at him. The hot core of need between her thighs surged, and before she could think about what she was doing cords of her magic reached out and seized him, yanking him onto the stage underneath her. He yelped, reaching to grab at the stage as she positioned him and pinned his hips down with her haunches. She could feel his cock pressing against her groin, and she slid the lips of her pussy along its surface, drooling her juices lasciviously. He was quite unlike the tubular shafts of stallions that she was so familiar with. His cock was thick at the base, gradually narrowing as it approached the head; but instead of a smooth, veiny progression it was interspersed with patterns of low, fleshy knobs. And rather than terminating in a flat flare, the head of his cock suddenly expanded from the narrowest point of his shaft like a tall, conical mushroom. Her breath caught short with the urgent need to feel the strange object inside her. “G... greetings, pony queen,” said the dragon uncertainly. Before he could get another word out, Celestia shifted her hips and slid his organ into her wet folds. She felt his lithe body tense beneath her, and he threw his head back as the sensation of her pussy enveloping his cock jolted through him. He parted his lips with a gasp, and she could see the sharp white fangs. His eyes lost their focus and a twist of flame danced from his nostrils. Thrills raced through her. His cock was strange inside her, filling her and pressing at her walls in a very different way than the ponies she was used to. The bulging, knobbed surface slid against her flesh, reshaping her pussy around its alien form and bringing her strange new rushes of delight. The conical tip probed deep within her, and she felt it suddenly spew forth a jet of wetness. “Already ejaculating?” she asked, startled. The dragon twitched his head to one side, shaking it. “Mere lubrication,” he breathed unsteadily. “And enticement. Do not rampant pony stallions lure mares by showing off such squirtings?” “Not necessarily,” Celestia said, imagining stallion cocks firing off ropes of pre as voluminous as their ejaculations. “Female dragons find both the scent and sight most arousing” he panted. “A male dragon must spray plentifully if he hopes to impress a female—though it is the nature of arousal to make such displays impossible to restrain.” His hips shoved up against her, and she shivered as his shaft pushed into her. Waves of erotic pleasure rolled through her. She'd fallen back only slightly from the precipice the married couple had left her on, and each motion of his cock exploring her left her quivering. It was an organ that had never been meant to probe the inside of a mare's pussy; it had evolved for an entirely different mate. And yet she enveloped it eagerly, her slickness laving it in welcome, thrilling to its strange touch. And he too pressed into her greedily, her own exotic cavern able to coax erotic thrills from his mismatched shaft. A perverse thrill over their unnatural connection shot through her loins. She was fucking another species. Birth control spells were irrelevant; biologically nothing could ever issue from such a cross to begin with. The act had no meaning beyond an expression of their wild and fruitless frenzy of lust. And she was loving every moment of it. His foreign cock ploughed her depths relentlessly, his un-equine spillings painting her tender flesh. A hard shudder of delight ran up her spine, and her pussy clenched and quivered around him, urging him onward, thirsty for his seed which would be spent upon her in vain. Luna stomped her hoof. “Sister, your sun! Do you refuse to lower your sun?!” “N... no, Luna,” Celestia gasped. Her mind was hazy with the fever of lust that gripped her, but she still had enough presence of mind to reach out with her magic and forge a connection to the sun. Energy suffused her, a breathtaking rush of power pouring from horn to tail, sizzling through her tired muscles. She quivered in its grip, the alien pleasure of the dragon's cock magnifying between her thighs until all she could sense was the thrilling feel of the bestial organ and the stimulation of solar energy invigorating every nerve. Waves of energy rippled across her hide, teasing her until her heart raced. Her pussy was aflame with desire, wetly sucking and clutching at him with powerful convulsions. Every stroke of his strange shaft against her walls sent wild jolts of pleasure shooting through her frame. She bucked her hips against him, riding him like a wild animal, her carnal need overpowering everything save the raw pleasure of her sex. The intensity of her pleasure carried over to the dragon as well. He threw back his head, and a gout of flames shot from his nostrils. His hips shuddered and thrust into her, his cock jerking and casting more of his slippery pre inside her walls. He grappled at her sweat-slick shoulders with his forelegs, the points of his claws pricking into her skin as his own ecstasy shuddered through his body. She could feel the strange bulbous head of his cock rooting deep inside her, sloshing the reservoir of stallion cum that filled her and rubbing at deliciously sensitive places. The knobs that lined his shaft were swelling and growing harder, swamping her in a rush of pleasure as their patterns raced against her walls, pressing into her with each thrust. She edged the sun toward the horizon weakly, scarcely able to concentrate. Her body was awash with her sun's celestial energy, and equally awash with the earthy pleasure of rutting the dragon. The two elements combined within her to rocket her toward the explosion of ultimate ecstasy she desperately needed. She was the sun. She was a pony. She was hungry fire. She was yearning flesh. Heat flushed through her body, and for an instant actual flames flickered and licked across her coat. She gasped in sweet delight, bathing in the elemental power as it caressed her and teased her to even greater heights of pleasure. She felt solar flares arc across the surface of the sun, echoing her own wild passion as she surrendered to the bestial lusts surging in her. Beneath her the dragon increased the pace of his thrusting, suddenly shoving into her with desperation. “Poooonnnnyyy...” he croaked, his voice scarcely distinguished from that of some crude animal. She thrust her face down to him, catching his mouth in a kiss, tasting his long tongue as it wrapped around her own. Behind her she felt his tail suddenly lash and wrap around one hind leg, its weight and pressure curving intimately around her thigh as he strained up into her. Luna was talking, saying something about getting on with lowering the sun, but her words were meaningless in Celestia's ears. Out in the square, ponies were watching, but their stares meant nothing. To one side, the married couple were still fucking, the stallion eager to flood his wife's pussy with more of his cream and wash any traces of other studs out of her; but Celestia could not spare a moment's concern over the ejaculation that had been stolen from her. All that filled her now was the primal sensation of raw sex, devoid of any thought, a feeling that swamped her in a sheer, endless moment of thrusting, grinding delight. Her body was aquiver, lighting bursts exploding between her thighs and building ever closer to thunderous release. Her pussy drooled a constant stream of her juices, eagerly devouring the dragon cock. Sweat poured from her body, tracing its way down her muzzle and painting her haunches with wetness. At the same time, the power of the sun coursed through her and set hot swathes of fire rippling across her flesh that made her gasp in ecstasy. She was lucky it was a dragon pressed to her, whose own fires licked from his nostrils to tickle at her nose. His lithe body shoved against her, lust blazing in his core. Jagged peaks of pleasure shot through her as his cock jerked and slammed within her walls. The power of the sensations overloaded her, swamped her with the carnal intensity of the moment. She was beyond any consciousness of her need to feel him cum, beyond the awareness of the overpowering pressure building within her. Only the exquisite moment upon moment of her flesh against his, her nerves singing a song of all-consuming bliss around him, constituted her reality. But only for a moment could she sustain herself in that realm of erotic purity. She felt a wave of electric pressure shudder up through her thighs, and her pussy clenched down on the dragon's shaft with fierce spasms. His own cock throbbed powerfully in answer, and he cried out under her. The dragon's cock thumped like a cannon between her walls, and before she could do more than widen her eyes, she felt the hot fountain of his cum spew forth. It shot with explosive strength, utterly different from the pleasant but comparatively modest spurts of pre he had been spilling. The torrent thundered inside her, hotter than any stallion's seed, rushing against her walls in a runaway geyser. Something in her deepest core quivered and fluttered as the drake-sperm jetted deeply into her womb. She moaned, her voice entwining with the dragon's as her body clenched up, and ecstasy detonated through every fiber of her being. She came, erupting like a volcano, the rush of pleasure sweeping through her with unstoppable force. Flames wreathed her body, her connection to the sun feeding into her peak and energizing every nerve into fireworks of erotic sensation. Far from being alarmed at the pyrotechnics, the dragon clutched her all the closer. Her pussy quaked around his spewing member, spraying her juices with abandon and dizzying her with the intensity of her orgasm. The exquisite surge of pleasure overpowered her senses, leaving her drunk with ecstasy. Sweet explosions followed swiftly in her loins, rocking her body, and she gasped and jerked helplessly in the grip of a shattering release. Joy filled her with each throb and pulse of delight. Every time the dragon unleashed a fresh blast of cum inside her, she soared in dizzying rapture. The deluges of his semen flooded her pussy and spilled out of her, running around his shaft to squirt messily across pony and dragon thighs. Their emissions steamed in the heat of their congress, the vaporized scent of their blended cum billowing from the stage in a powerful erotic reek that sent ponies inhaling deeply or stumbling back according to their nature. Celestia grunted and panted, her flesh at the mercy of the raw sensation overwhelming her. The sheer magnitude of her peak ravaged any capacity for thought. Her senses were overloaded in the rapture of her release, and for a time she felt she was defined by nothing save the electric shudders and twitches that passed through her muscles, the squirting convulsions of her pussy, the breathless ecstasy that carried her soaring with each fresh shot of sperm that rocketed inside her. She reeled in euphoria, her entire body trembling as waves of pleasure crashed through her with the flows of the dragon's sperm, until at last, the wonderful rivers of cum he poured into her ebbed and stilled. She was barely conscious by that point, and as she came down from the high of orgasm, so too did she collapse across the body of her partner. Everything was a haze for a time after that. Somehow she instinctively finished bringing the sun to rest below the horizon. A pair of guards gently hauled her to her hooves off the dragon and guided her around the married couple, who she vaguely realized were still fucking one another, and led her slowly off the stage. Warm streams of sperm oozed from her pussy and dripped down her legs to leave a trail behind her with each step. She was weak-kneed, and her entire groin tingled warmly with a bone-deep feeling of satisfaction. Only as she was guided to the edge of the square did she start to come back to herself, as a trio of young stallions (one still pimple-faced) came rushing up. “Did we miss it? Is it over?” said the leading one in consternation. “My sister's service-day to the ponies of Equestria has concluded with the setting of the sun,” said Luna, looking down her nose at the youths. “Oh no!” said the second of the stallions. “We only just found out about it!” “I missed my chance to fuck a princess?” wailed the third in despair. A feeling of warm compassion filled Celestia's breast. She looked from the disappointed stallions to her sister. “Luna, they only just found out. Perhaps...” “Absolutely not!” huffed Luna. “While we appreciate thy newfound sensitivity to the wishes of Equestria's citizens, the event is over! Besides, you can't even stand on your own.” “Oh,” said Celestia, admitting the extent of her exhaustion. She turned her head to the trio of stallions. “I'm so sorry,” she apologized. She paused thoughtfully. “But, you know, I still haven't mastered all the ins and outs of this Maregna Carta document. I'm sure I may find myself being punished for another misdeed again all too soon. Perhaps in a mere two weeks.” “Sister!” Luna snapped in outrage. But the sudden look of hope entering the eyes of the stallion trio filled Celestia's heart with a warmth that left her smiling all the way back to the castle and her bedroom, and the deep and honest sleep of a pony who knows she has made her peace with the law and paid her debt to society. 1,100 or 1,200 years later, 3:41 p.m. “...And that, Twilight Sparkle, is why it's very important to read legal documents carefully before you sign them.” “ASDFHJLSDKFALASDL!” said Twilight Sparkle. “Really, sister, was it necessary to go into quite so much detail?” “BVCBBZXNLDDFKL!” agreed Twilight Sparkle. “Well, I simply wanted to insure the lesson would be impressed into her memory,” explained Celestia. She levitated a cup of tea and took a delicate sip. The three alicorns sat in a private chamber in one tower of Canterlot Castle. An elegant silver tray covered in sweets rested on the table between them, alongside a fine, antique teapot that steamed gently. “I think you may have broken her,” Luna said. “And what was that 'pure and honest sleep of a pony who has made her peace with the law' nonsense? You were constantly violating the provisions of the Maregna Carta. 'Oops, I seem to have misplaced the funds for the park in Whinnyopolis (MC Section 7, Subsection 14.A, misuse of public funds), I need to be reminded of my duty to service the ponies! Oops, I wore the wrong formal wear at the Filly Scout Jamboree (MC Section 3, Subsection 2.F, public appearance code), I need to be reminded to service the ponies.'” “Draco Polo!” interrupted Twilight, a shellshocked expression still on her face. “In his Travels: 'The ponies of Equestria are by nature friendly, but upon my arrival in their capital, the the warmth of the greeting offered me by the co-queen of Equestria was of such startling intimacy that I fear any attempt to say more would cast my entire account into question.' Oh my stars, that was Draco Polo! You ff... you did that with Draco Polo!” Celestia stroked her chin with one hoof. “Why, I suppose I did, didn't I.” She shrugged and turned to Luna “Luna... I've been meaning to ask, but... you didn't turn into Nightmare Moon because you were jealous of my time in the stocks, did you?” Luna's eyebrows shot up. “You must be joking. I assure you, if I wished to indulge in your perverse hobbies, I would have arranged it.” “Oh thank goodness. I was just worried you were troubled by how much less popular than me you would have been.” The temperature of the room abruptly dropped several degrees. “Excuse me?” said Luna, in a tone chipped from ice. “Oh, err..” “I can assure you, sister, that the quality of ponies desiring to make use of me would far outstrip the quantity of basement-dwelling mouth-breathers eager to make use of you.” Twilight Sparkle interrupted nervously. “Pr... princesses, please...” Celestia spoke through clenched teeth. “Wouldn't it be interesting to test that theory onstage, face-to-face.” She took a calming breath then, and forced a smile. “Of course, it's a moot point. The laws of Equestria have gone through considerable evolution since those days, I'm afraid.” Deep within Twilight, some damnable spirit of pedantry reached forth and took control of her mouth. Horrified, she heard herself speaking. “Actually, the Maregna Carta still remains the foundational text of Equestrian law, upon which all later jurisprudence is constructed. Technically it remains in full effect.” Absolute silence enveloped the room. “I forgot to budget for the Nightmare Night Canterlot Candy Walk this year,” Celestia said, even as Luna confessed “I ate the nine-day cake the castle kitchen was preparing for your staff TGIF party!” Celestia glared. “Have you any idea how long it takes to prepare a nine-day cake?!” “I think I do!” Luna said defiantly. The two of them rounded on Twilight. “As you see,” said Celestia, “there are two very naughty ponies here who need to be taught the importance of serving Equestria's citizens.” “Oh no,” said Twilight. “No, no, no!” “One must insure the stocks are constructed with comfort in mind,” said Luna. “I'm sure you can find a number of designs in the archives, a number of them with various intriguing... innovations.” “I'm not going to oversee the two of you... doing... being...!” Twilight said. “Twilight, a princess must oversee this punishment, lest ponies become confused and misunderstand the legality of the circumstances.” “That's ridiculous!” “I hope you aren't suggesting we go to Cadance,” Luna snickered. Celestia giggled. “I'm sure the Princess of Love (in All Its Forms) would last all of ten minutes before she tried to join in. Obviously it requires you to guide us on the proper path to rectitude, Twilight.” “Yes, Twilight, the Maregna Carta demands you act to prevent us from falling into tyranny.” Twilight hunkered on the floor, attempting to bury her head under her front legs. “Can't I just go back to being a unicorn?” she whimpered. But nopony heard her, as the other two Princesses were already eagerly planning out more details for their day of service.