> Younger Anon, Older CMC > by SunnyDontLook > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sex Is Exhausting... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So Anon, what did you wanna do tonight?” Sweetie said with a smile on her muzzle. The four of us, the three crusaders and myself, were walking back to ponyville after spending the afternoon in the whitetail woods. “Well, we could all go get a bite to eat,” I said a moment later. I was slightly sweaty from the exertion. “Duh,” Scootaloo said, “she means after we eat.” “Scoots, don’t be like that,” Applebloom replied, before punching her friend in the shoulder a second later. Applebloom probably could’ve made that punch hurt. She was filling out, and up, she was gonna be a toned, strong mare like her sister. Scootaloo on the other hoof was all lean muscle, with a slightly pudgy belly. “Okay, so after we eat, what do y’all wanna do?” I said while looking at each of them in turn. Scoots was being obstinate, Sweetie was being a sweetie, and Applebloom was being the mature one. I, on the other hand, was caught in the vortex that was their overlapping affections. “I dunno,” Scootaloo said as she trotted a little closer to me. Her short pink mane glinted in the summer sunlight when she ‘accidentally’ bumped into me with her taught flanks, I didn’t mind. “I snagged a bottle of whiskey from my parents.” “Lemme guess, your mom thinks your dad drank it, and your dad thinks your mom drank it?” Sweetie said with a huff. “Well, that or they drank it themselves and forgot about it,” Scoots said with a hint of darkness in her voice. “But I like them, mostly. They just get wasted a little too often.” “That’s good, I mean Big Mac likes to drink a mug of cider before going to sleep sometimes,” Applebloom said as she walked beside me. I and Scoots barely suppressed a laughing fit at that though. Before I had been sucked into Equestria, I had had a set of parents that were a little too familiar with the bottle. So I was a bit wary of it myself. Still, I still had a bit of teenage rebellion in my body. And tomorrow was still a day off… “Okay, so we drink, eat and be merry?” Sweetie said with a small squeak in her voice. She was the youngest of the teenaged cutie mark crusaders. “We could play some games with anon, you know, spin the bottle…” Scootaloo said a second later. Everyone flushed, including me- “You know, if we all play by normal rules, you’re gonna end up with making out with each other more often than me,” I said with a grin. Applebloom and Sweetie looked at each other and made a nasty face. Scoots got a little redder in the muzzle, her wings shifting on her back uncomfortably. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Sweetie asked with a huff, her own face growing redder as she realized the implications of her own question. “I mean, I liked it when you all threw on swimsuits too, didn’t I?” I said with a slightly nervous laugh. “Oh yeah,” Applebloom spoke up, her wide hips swaying beautifully as she walked. “You really liked mine for some reason.” “I looked like one of the anime one-piece swimsuits,” my voice wavered a little as I realized they had no idea what I was talking about, yet again. “They’re basically cartoon stories that come from a magical land across the ocean.” “Oh? So fillies in these animes wore swimsuits like mine?” Applebloom asked with a smile. “And you liked those fillies didn’t ya?” “Yeah, and yeah,” I said tersely. I didn’t like the hunger I suddenly saw in my friend's eyes. She normally wasn’t this up front with her flirting. “Okay crusaders, wanna meet at the clubhouse in like, an hour?” Scoots said to them before looking at me. “And Anon.” ---===*===--- The door lay open, inside was just Scootaloo, who was sitting with a set of shot glasses set before her. Beside her was a cooler full of drinks. Chasers. This totally wasn’t my second time drinking. “So Anon, wanna pre-game?” She asked as I walked over to her and her bottle of brown alcohol. “Uh-” I stumbled over my words. Did she mean? “It means we take a shot or two to warm up before the game begins,” Scoots explained as the tension in my form dropped about five notches. “Okay, but just one,” I said as I watched her pour the liquid into two shot glasses. She was the most experienced among us at drinking, she was likely to end half her nights with a shot. “Alright,” she said with a sigh. “You know, I think Applebloom is gonna bring you a special present tonight.” I took my shot and held it in my hand, waiting for Scoots to grab hers too. A moment later we threw back our heads and dealt with the burning of the cheap booze down our throats. “Damn that sucked,” I said to her before looking over at the cooler with drinks. “Oh come on, that’s nothing, I’ve had vodka that smelled like it was rubbing alcohol,” She gave me a challenging look as she said this. I met her gaze, before leaning over and moving my body closer to hers. She leaned forward too, and before either of us could realize what we were doing, she threw her hooves around my waist and nuzzled her head against my slightly pudgy belly. “Scoots,” I said as I held her back, my arms wrapped around her as well. Her tail flicked back and forth behind her, the muscular curve of her rump easily visible to me from this angle. I began to feel the first wave of blood entering my cock. I needed to get her off of me, fast. “W-wanna drink another?” “Sure,” she said as she pulled herself off of my waist as my cock sprung to life moments later. We filled up the glasses another time and took them together. Both of us hacked and coughed a little more this time. I looked at the corner of the treehouse, a used loveseat with a bit of its filling spilling out sat there. It looked perfect as the first edges of the booze hit my body. I probably should’ve eaten more lunch if I was gonna get drunk… As I dazedly walked over to it, I watched Scootaloo turn herself around and flick her tail up slightly, before swaying it from side to side. I had enough of a view of her tight little pussy to keep myself hard in my pants. A moment after I sat down in the little loveseat, she began walking over to me, two sodas in her forelegs. “I got you one too Anon,” She said before jumping into the old piece of furniture. There wasn’t a lot of room on it, so instantly she was pressed up against me, and my boner liked that. “T-thanks,” I said to her as she spun herself around on the couch to face me. “What’s the matter Anon?” She asked me with a lilt in her voice. Scoots was a sweet mare, and my crush for the longest time. Ever since I had gotten here, she had been a friend to me. “I’m just a little unused to drinking so much,” I lied and scooted a bit closer to her, before wrapping an arm over her shoulder, before beginning to scratch her mane and ears. She cooed softly as I began our little routine, something we had started a few weeks ago. I cuddled her, and she made cute noises as I used my fingers on her. “Is that it?” She said poutily. “I was hoping for something a little more personal than that.” I met her eyes and her grin. “Uh-” I started to say something before she pounced on me, pushing my back against the armrest of the couch, her body rested against me. My cock pressed up against the bottom of her stomach, and her uncovered crotch. “No, you’re just a little frisky,” she said with a laugh as I sat there motionless, wondering where my cute, innocent friend had gone. “And a lot hard.” I chuckled nervously. This was the first time I had gotten this close to a girl, human or horse. Without missing a beat she pressed her lips to mine and ground a forehoof over my hard bulge. I moaned softly and let her tongue inside my mouth. On instinct, I ran my hands over her flanks, massaging her cutie mark and stroking her ears. She let out a cute little groan when I lifted up her tail and touched her dock with my finger. Our tongues continued the dance until we ran out of air, well, when I ran out of air. Somehow, having a pegasus on your chest reduces your lung capacity. For a few minutes of heavy making out and mutual grinding, we were really close. The drinks we had taken were beginning to affect us as well, making everything warm and fuzzy as we took in the sensations. Then we heard hoofsteps coming up the stairs, immediately we released each other and tried to look like we weren’t just on second base. I gave her a final look as I cracked open the sodas for us, giving her one and taking a sip out of the remaining one. It was basically just a coke or a Pepsi, with just the slightest hint of carrot. I had gotten used to it. “Hello!” Sweetie said as she opened the door and saw us sitting on the couch, as far away as possible from each other. Her smile was immediate. “What are y’all up to?” Applebloom said a moment later as she came into the room. Her eyes drifted away from us and to the bottle of booze that was missing a shot or four. “I see, you wanted to get this party started a bit early.” “Guilty as charged,” Scootaloo said a moment later as the other two ponies entered the space. “Do I need to get the hoof cuffs for you two,” Applebloom said as she walked over to the bottle, before picking it up and drinking at least half a cup of the vile liquid. “Yes please,” Sweetie said a moment later, as she looked at the two of us. Her lustful expression was the most adorable thing, as her face flushed every time she even ventured close to sex in her mind. “So when are we gonna spin the bottle?” Scoots said before jumping off of the couch. Her rump swayed heavily as she walked over to our little drink table. My eyes were locked onto it until she looked over her shoulder at me. I looked away, only to see the other two fillies smiling at me as well. “Whenever this bottle is finished,” Applebloom said with a laugh. Her eyes went to Sweetie, who realized that she was the only pony who hadn’t had any booze yet. She gulped audibly before slowly making her way over to the table. “Come on Sweetie, it isn’t that bad,” Applebloom said as she held out the bottle to her. “Not all of us have an earth pony liver,” Sweetie shot back. Her hooves did go out to the bottle, before taking it and pouring herself a shot of the booze. I got up and walked over to the table. “I’ll take one with you,” I said to her as I poured myself another shot too. “Something, something, solidarity with the pretty unicorn.” She flushed at my compliment, something I never would have said soberly. “Just drink, you wusses,” Applebloom said a moment later. It was our cue to dump the burning fluid down our vulnerable gullets. We did. Sweetie blanched and looked at ‘Bloom like she had poisoned her. When I saw this, having gotten used to the taste, I looked at her and pulled her into a hug. She didn’t expect this and initially locked up in my touch, before meeting my eyes. When our eyes met, she looked at me sympathetically, as we hugged, me bending down to let her petite forelegs cover my neck. “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” Scootaloo began to chant, which was shortly bolstered when Applebloom added her naturally loud voice to the chorus. I looked at Sweetie, who immediately got redder in the face. She did close her pretty eyes, and I pressed my head closer to her. Moments later I got my second kiss with a girl, as our lips touched. There was no tongue, she was much to chaste for that… At least thus far. Both of the other fillies stopped their chanting and squeed as Sweetie got her first kiss with a boy. A boy that just happened to be bipedal, and lanky… God, I loved Equestria! A moment later we parted from one another. She was red in the face, and I was too. But my intoxicated confidence was only growing. I looked over at Applebloom and Scoots, who had taken their first and third shot, respectively. It wasn’t a big deal to me who got drunker, but I had a feeling those two were in a competition as to who could get sloppy the fastest. “So, do you wanna spin that bottle?” Scootaloo said with aplomb and a grin. “Ah do,” ‘Bloom said with a matching grin. Her tail flicked back and forth as she drained one of the sodas in one chug. The next second she belched loud enough to shake the foundations of the ageing clubhouse. “So do I,” Scoots said with a smile. “And seriously AB, that reaks.” “I agree with Scootaloo, about both things,” Sweetie said a moment later, apparently having gotten over her post-kiss torpor. “Cutie mark crusaders bottle spinners,” I said in an unsteady voice, not even sure if my joke would bring a smile to even one face. Luckily, it brought a smile to all of their faces. “Did we let you into the group or not?” Scootaloo mused aloud, before bringing a hoof to her chin and looking at me appraisingly. “I think we did, I mean, we let in that cute gryphon,” Applebloom said. “Well, you’re in now,” Sweetie said as she grabbed the bottle from the Applebloom and sat it on the floor. “T-thanks,” I stuttered out as we began to crowd around the bottle. A moment later I grabbed the bottle with my right hand and gave it a mighty spin. We all waited with bated breath for the first random ‘victim’. “Oh yeah, momma’s gonna get some action!” Scootaloo said as it landed on her. “What, it’s something Rainbow Dash says when she’s drunk. Okay, I was kinda watching her as she walked out of a bar.” “You’re being weird again Scoots,” Applebloom said a moment later. She looked at the bottle and gave it a powerful spin with a hoof. This time we knew there was a two-thirds chance it would be a lesbian make-out session. It had slightly surprised me when I heard that nearly all Ponies were bisexual. I was really okay with it now though… The bottle was slowing down and it was nearly pointed at me, Scootaloo looked at me with a hungry expression that nearly scared me in spite of my intoxication- And then it moved a little closer to Sweetie. There was a tension in the air as the two girls looked at each other. I watched as they slowly moved towards each other before Scootaloo pounced on the less intoxicated filly. There was a surprise written across Sweetie’s muzzle before Scoots pressed her lips against her. I felt my cock begin to stiffen again as I watched the two of them make out, with Scootaloo grinding her body against her friends. Applebloom noticed my staring and offered me another shot. They probably kissed for a solid minute, before Sweetie pushed the larger mare off. Their faces were red and wet, the make-out session getting pretty sloppy before it ended. Scootaloo flicked her tail up as she walked back to her spot, giving Sweetie and I a glimpse of her wet folds. If I hadn’t been hard before, now I was. When I looked down at my legs, I saw that I was indeed pitching a respectable tent. My drunken mind only smiled as I realized how this night was going to go at this rate. “So, we gonna spin again?” Applebloom said with a brusque laugh. Her eyes drifted down to my hard cock as the other two ponies got themselves comfy again. “Sure,” I said with a nervous laugh. In spite of the drink, I was a little worried about the odds of things going further. And things had already gotten pretty far with Scootaloo… The bottle spun again, and this time it ended up pointing at me first. Damn, I thought to myself, before realizing the little traitor within my pants was excited by the prospect of more kissing. Or more than that. “I wonder who’s gonna end up kissing Anon?” Applebloom said with a smile. Her legs spread a little more, almost giving me a peek of what lay between her legs. “Maybe it’ll be me again?” Sweetie said hopefully. Scootaloo just laughed and looked at me hungrily. I had no doubt that her kisses would be less than chaste. The bottle came to a stop on Applebloom, who instantly picked up herself up. I glanced again at her strong legs, legs that had just the right amount of curves to them. She walked over to me in with a sultry slowness, before Applebloom pushed me down onto my back with a hoof and climbed atop me. She sat herself down right on my hard cock, the feeling or heat and pressure on me making me moan sharply… Right before she held my head and pressed her lips to me. “You liked that kiss didn't ya?” Applebloom said a few moments later, as she let me catch my breath as well as I could, given there was a heavy earth pony sitting on my chest. “Yes!” I managed to say loudly, much to the laughter of the other two fillies in the room. “You want another kiss?” She said before grinding her hips against my cock. That ass was something I had only dreamed about up to now. My rapid nod was enough to get her smiling. She looked at me with that predatory grin, before pushing herself backwards along my body. With a flick of her tongue, she managed to grasp my zipper with her teeth. A moment later, my fly was open, and her tongue was pressed against my cock. Through my underwear, I looked over at the other two fillies before gently pulling it out for Applebloom to kiss. “It smells nice,” Applebloom said lustily, before dragging her tongue over the whole underside of my hot flesh. My moan was instantaneous, the other girls giggled before moving closer to me. “Thanks-” I managed to say before she slipped her mouth over the head of my cock. My brain shut down for a second as every bit of my attention went to the filly giving me head. Scootaloo looked at her with jealousy in her eyes, and Sweetie was really in a state of shock. My hands moved on their own to Applebloom’s head, giving her ears a scritch as she fellated me. Within moments, she had already gotten her nose down to my groin. Her tight throat squeezed and massaged my length. My moans were echoing off the wall, and if anyone was near the clubhouse, there would be questions raised. “C’mon I want a turn with Anon,” Scootaloo said after a few minutes of watching her friend suck my cock. I had been spurting warm pre into her muzzle, my cock twitching over and over in the mouth of the farm filly. “Fine,” Applebloom said after letting my cock fall out of her muzzle. I was already dangerously close to cumming after AB’s efforts. “But you better not try to hog him.” “I won’t,” Scoots said gleefully, before taking her hoof and moving my cock. For a moment everyone just watched Scootaloo play with my cock, then she grinned at wryly. Without any further exploration, she took my cock in her mouth and ran her tongue all over my sensitive head. I moaned and let my back hit the floor behind me. All I could manage to do with the onslaught of filly head work was gently press my hands to their ears and give them reassurance that they were doing well. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?” Applebloom asked Scootaloo when she took a break to catch her breath. She had been getting further and further down my shaft. That was one of the times that I wished I had a medial ring, they give you a good progress indicator. Not that the saliva dripping off of most of my cock wasn’t a good way to tell that same information… “Pretty sure, I don’t just polish anypony’s rod,” She said with a glare at Applebloom. The other filly just smiled back. Just how experienced was Applebloom?! I said before I felt the touch of another tongue to my shaft. Somehow Sweetie had ran over and started playing with my cock too. “It just tastes like skin! Weird!” Sweetie exclaimed as Scoots let her taste my cock and my pre in one long lick directly up my rod. “What were you expecting?” Scootaloo asked her pointedly. “I don’t know! I just hadn’t ever thought about the taste before!” Sweetie replied defensively. “Less talking, more sucking,” Applebloom said from the couch, a drink was sitting beside her. “I wanna to buck him first.” “Aye-aye captain,” Scootaloo said with feigned professionalism, before sucking down half of my shaft in a single moment. I groaned and closed my eyes as the warmth of her mouth made itself known around my cock. Before I could realize anything was different, I felt a pair of lips pressing at mine. My eyes shot open as I realized Sweetie was kissing me. I pressed my tongue against her lips and she let me slip inside. “Sweetie, you just licked his dick,” Applebloom said with a detached smugness in her voice. I thought about that for a second. When we broke the kiss to draw breath, I lifted my head up and looked at Applebloom. In between my rapid breaths, I started speaking- “It’s every guy's dream to suck his own dick, so I really don’t mind.” My words made AB nearly spit out her drink. But before we could exchange more words, I felt my crotch start to tighten. Every bit of stimulation felt better and better, my end coming closer and closer… “Oooh, you’re close,” Scootaloo said as she paused to take a breath, even then, her hooves stroked up and down the sides of my shaft. My right hand was in her mane though, playing with it, pushing her ears down, and occasionally giving her the scratches that normally made her purr like a kitten. My other hand was caressing Sweetie Belle’s ass, kneading it, and randomly squeezing hard, making her moan into my mouth. It was so hot, and my cock knew it. I was hard as a rock, and twitching heavily from the inside of Scootaloo’s muzzle when I was finally pushed over the edge when she ran her tongue up the bottom of my shaft. My hands tightened over both of them, my right pushed her head down against my shaft, forcing the last two inches of my cock into her convulsing throat. The first couple ropes of cum were shot deep in her throat, but as I came I realized I wanted something else, so I let her pull her head up. My cum continued spilling out, with the final three voluminous ropes plastering themselves against her face, one of them across her eyelid. Scoots had closed her eyes just in time. I lay back, my whole body ringing with pleasure and release. “Thanks, girls,” I said loudly, as Scootaloo smiled at me with one of her eyes open. I let my head lay on the ground for a second, the ceiling suddenly becoming a lot more interesting to me. I looked back up when I heard a giggle from Scootaloo. Sweetie had licked the cum off of her face, specifically the string of cum across her eye. “Savory,” Sweetie said a moment later, after licking another rope off of her friends face. “Kinda salty too-” “Fillies taste better,” Scootaloo said before getting up and grabbing a paper towel. The rest of the cum was off of her face and in the trashcan a moment later. “Of course you’d think that,” Applebloom said as she climbed off of the couch and away from her self-imposed exile. “Because it’s true!” Scootaloo said with a touch of indignation in her voice. “Is it?” Sweetie asked quietly. “Dunno,” I said with a shrug as Applebloom stepped over to her dropped bag. Without missing a beat she opened one of the flaps and pulled a small glass vial from it. She plopped it in her muzzle and walked over to me. Her eyes were focused on my cock, the soft dripping appendage doing little to entice anyone there at the moment. Sweetie just laid on the ground beside me, her warm fur pressing against my shirtless body. I had always suspected she was a cuddler… “Drink this,” Applebloom said as she sat the vial on the floor beside me. I picked it up with a hand and examined the potion. “What is it?” I asked worriedly. It looked very thick as I turned the bottle on its side and watched as the thick red tinted liquid took its time flowing over to the new bottom. “It’s a vigour potion,” Applebloom said as Scootaloo trotted back over to me. With a hoof, Applebloom pointed at my flaccid cock. “It’ll bring that back to life, and keep it going for a long time.” “Pony Viagra, I understand,” I said before looking Applebloom in the eyes. “How the fuck did you get this?” “Well, first of all, I learned about it from one of Zecora’s books. One of the ones she keeps under her bed-” “Zebra Viagra,” I interrupted her. “Sure,” Applebloom said with a roll of her eyes. “But uh, I brewed it myself.” “Is that supposed to make me want to drink it more?” I asked with a laugh. “Please?” All three fillies pleaded in unison at me as I stared into the viscous red substance. “What does it taste like?” I asked Applebloom after a few seconds of silence. “Magic!” She said jubilantly. I looked at her sceptically. “Okay, I have no idea. Just try it!” “Try it!,” Scootaloo and Sweetie started chanting a moment later. Applebloom joined in a moment later. “Fine, but if die, I want my body to be eaten by some kind of huge creature.” They didn’t need to know the reason why. (The reason rhymed with core retish.) “Uh, sure?” Scootaloo said with a shrug of her orange shoulders. The gesture was mirrored by the other girls. I uncapped the cork and slugged down the magic potion. It tasted like berry punch, but also like I had licked the positive and negative terminals of a C-battery. “Do you feel any different?” Sweetie asked softly. “Not really?” I said with a sigh. It had been a minute since I had imbibed the dubious potion. “Damn,” Applebloom said. Then I felt it welling up. Intense arousal, something I had quite achieved, even in my own bedroom, ages ago. My cock stirred. I looked over at Applebloom. My smile was toothy enough to get her backing away from me. My hands grasped at the nearest pony, Sweetie as I pulled her onto my body, I furiously groped at her body as I did so. In a second she was on top of me. Whatever was in that potion was strong. I barely even had enough working memory to think about my actions as I flipped the both of us over. Sweetie was under me, and her pussy was nearly in the right place, my hardness ground against her small tits, spreading pre all over them. “Anon?” Sweetie yelped as I nipped her neck. Her hind legs twitched around me as I lowered myself down, the hard floor beneath us not even a consideration in my present mind. With a push, I entered her for the first time. Her tight folds wrapped and pulsed around my shaft, as she gasped for breath. I hilted in her a moment later, even my newly bestial mind had to stop and enjoy that sensation for a moment. And then, I felt her hind legs wrap around my hips and pull me closer to her. That was my queue to back out of her and force myself back inside, most of my shaft travelling the complete distance of her slick tunnel. “I think it’s working,” I heard Scootaloo say from behind me. At the same time, I heard Sweetie squeak cutely as she started to realize the subtle rhythm of my rutting. The haze was strong, but some aspects of my regular mind remained. “You don’t say!” Applebloom said with a sarcastic huff. I heard them, but they were far away. I grunted as I felt Sweetie wink against me, my knees pressing against the rough-hewn wood beneath them. I nipped her neck again, before pulling out of her pussy and bodily picking up the filly. Applebloom and Sweetie moved out of my way as I carried their panting friend in my arms. My legs carried her over to the couch, draping her barrel over the cushions. Her hindlegs hung limply off the end of the couch, and her tail was flicked out of the way. With a driving thrust, I penetrated her again. A low moan exited her mouth as I filled again, my hips slapping against her taut backside. From the edges of my peripheral vision, I noticed Scootaloo and Applebloom taking up positions to the sides of Sweetie, both of their rumps hanging off of the side of the couch as well. I pulled back, my hands sinking into her rump and squeezing hard. My cock was dripping juices as it pistoned in and out of her pussy, the floor was gonna need to be cleaned, and the whole room was going to need to be aired out- My sweat was beginning to drip down my face, and I couldn’t care less. A cacophony of moans from sweetie was picking up in intensity, even as her pussy rippled around me. She was a good broodmare, I decided in my lust filled mind. My left hand went beneath her heaving body and tweaked her pre-coated nipples. Her body went limp from the new sensation, her moans abating for a moment. “Woah her tongue is sticking out!” Scootaloo said excitedly. “I’m not surprised, unicorns aren’t built for fucking,” Applebloom said unabashedly. “W-who t-told y-you t-that?” Sweetie spoke up for the first time since my dick had been jammed in her. Her words were split in two by my timely, deep thrusts. Even as the fillies spoke, my mind was elsewhere. My whole frame of reference was the sensations hitting my body, the things that made my cock twitch. I wanted to breed. Hot breath pushed out of my nostrils like I was part minotaur, even as my cock jumped and twitched inside of her. I wasn’t a pony, I didn’t have a flare to give an easy indication of how close I was… That came from my belly, the tightness of my balls, and the increasing pleasure from my nerves. I grunted aloud, before moving my hand down to her winking clit. With my index finger and my finger, I ground her clit between them. Her moans jumped up and octave, and several decibels as her juices flowed from between her folds. I shoved my hips forward, enjoying the grip of her tight unicorn pussy. And then she went over the edge. I gripped her ass with one hand and ran a finger around the bulb of her clit as it stayed out in the air and throbbed. Without wasting a moment, I pulled out of her spent and sensitive pussy and pulled Scootaloo’s tail out of the way, knocking her hips further apart with my own. I pushed my well-lubed cock into the orange pegasus and groaned as she contorted around me, some part of her not ready to be filled so quickly. I didn’t hear any complaints from her. So, I didn’t stop. “Anon!” I heard Scoots say as she finally got used to the feeling of a cock in her. I responded by running a hand down the middle of her back. She might not have been able to fly, but even my bestial brain knew pegasi loved having that part of their body played with. Her small rump was hard and tight when my hips smacked against it, the tiny amount of time that my hard cock wasn’t in her was shortened even more when I gripped one of her thighs and held on tight as I rocked in and out of her. “I may have made it a little too strong,” Applebloom said as she watched her friends get rutted like draft mares by their normally nervous human friend. It didn’t stop her from pushing one of her unshorn hooves against her own dripping pussy… “Aaah!” I half-grunted, half-moaned as the tightness in my body exploded in pleasure. Rope after rope of cum flooded the insides of the small pegasus. Within seconds I had filled the whole cavity, and it was dripping down the insides of her inner thighs and onto the poor, abused floor- I stood there for a moment legs shaking before I felt my cock stiffen again. That toothy smile contorted my face as I looked over at the last filly who hadn’t been filled yet. My hand moved on its own, and with a hearty smack, the biggest rump of the bunch moved a little like a bowl of jello. Applebloom yelled and quickly pulled her hoof away from her cunt. “You fucked up,” Scootaloo said with a groan as she pulled herself off the couch and towards the refreshment table. I barely paid attention the one who had already been filled with my seed. I grasped her legs and pulled them apart, her pussy was dripping, clit winking into the open air. She wanted nothing more than to be bred. Good thing I was there. With a push, I entered her for the first time. Her cunt wasn’t as tight as the others were, but her plump ass and louder moans made up for it. She was more likely to survive the birthing process to- Some primordial part of me said. “Anon!” Applebloom yelled out, just before I smacked her ass again. Some part of me loved showing this filly who was the boss. I mean, I had always worn the pants. My grunts echoed around the room as I felt her release another burst of juices around me, the slick walls becoming more and more slick with every moment. “H-harder!” She yelled as I fucked her roughly. But I could be rougher. I pulled my cock out of her, before grabbing her hips and lining myself up with her again. When I pushed inside her this time, she threw her powerful hips back against my thrust. I was hilted in her instantly, and the two of us filled the room with our noses. Meanwhile, sweetie was laying on her back, hind legs spread, her petite white hooves massaging her cunt while she watched her best friend getting bred like a draft mare. Then again, the Apples were practically draft horses. My mind shifted over to her older sister for a moment, I had only spoken to Applejack a few times, but she had been a frequent subject of my late night stress relief- “Aaah!” I yelled as I felt her squirm beneath me, while her insides tightened up around me. Moments later, I felt a jet of moisture and stickiness come from between her legs. “You little slut!” I managed to say before I felt the urge to smack her behind. My eyes were still drawn to the way it giggled before me. Her cute little pleasured moans were all the sign that she was conscious. Every muscle in her body had tightened up for a few glorious seconds, before losing all of that tension. She was limp as she laid there, only cooing occasionally as I fucked her. My head turned to face Sweetie, on her face was a look of jealousy and extreme horniness. I grabbed Applebloom’s ass and pulled out of her. My dick dripped juices all over the wooden floor and dirty couch, but I was so far away from cleaning anything that the thought didn’t even register. I climbed onto the couch and practically threw myself on top of Sweetie, with a couch beneath us, and at the end for her to rest her head upon, I knew I could grab her and fuck her as roughly as I wanted. “Nonny!” Sweetie said as my hungry lips met hers, even as her lower lips were pierced for the second time that day by my hard cock. Whatever her hoofing had done, it didn’t keep her from moaning my name over and over again whenever I wasn’t kissing her like an overeager beast. All the same, my own climax was growing closer by the thrust. With a grunt, I hilted inside the tight little unicorn and unleashed a torrent of cum into her depths. This time, it didn’t end up on the floor, it ended up between the cushions of the couch, smeared into her coat and my pants. It didn’t stop at the fifth rope or the tenth… When I looked down at our connection, the veritable lake of seed surprised even me. And that potion had turned me into a stallion in rut. For a few seconds after my orgasm, I had clarity in my mind, my dick was beginning to get chafed, even if all the holes I had been fucking were really wet, and I realized that I was cumming more with each load, not less- And then the eye of the storm closed up before me. I turned my head and looked over at the Pegasus currently drinking carrot cola mixed with bourbon. I smiled at her before pulling out of Sweetie. When I tried to stand on my legs, I felt them give way. I managed to land on my back, between the two fillies. Sweat and warmth filled my body, even as my cock stayed just as hard as it had been when I had first made out with Scoots earlier. If my legs were overheating, I had arms that had barely been used. I grasped at my pant legs and ripped open the button at the top. A moment later my shirt and pants were lying at the edge of the couch, stewing in the smaller pile of cum and dust my orgasm inside of Scootaloo had provided. The girls were watching me intently, Applebloom having come back to the land of the living. “Are you sure he’s okay? He’s sweating a lot,” Scootaloo asked the girls as I grasped my cock and stroked it a few times. Applebloom looked over at her orange friend before moving to lean over my crotch. My hands grasped her head and pulled her closer to my cock. I moaned as she licked at the cocktail of juices coating my shaft. Sweetie did the same thing, her cunt continuing to drip as she leaned over my body and ran her tongue over my sweat and cum covered sack. “He’s fine, trust me. Just get him one of those green bottles,” Applebloom said in between licks and less than tentative bobs on my head. A few seconds later the orange pegasus was up in my face, an uncorked bottle filled with a similarly viscous substance in her hoof. Applebloom took it from her in her muzzle, before grabbing my head quickly, forcing my mouth open and dumping the contents of it down my gullet. I grunted some kind of complaint but moments later, I felt strength return to my legs, and my naked body suddenly felt revived. “What was that?” Sweetie said as she looked up from my bobbing cock. “Stamina potion, Zebras use them to stay on the hunt for vicious beasts for long-” Applebloom said before I lifted her heavy body off of the couch and onto my inclined form. I grunted as I manipulated her spread legs over my cock, before letting her down onto me. My triumphant moan made all the ponies in the room lower their ears in distress. The feeling of her around me was incredible. I was in the best possible situation, breeding, with three nubile fillies all arrayed around me, ready to be bred to my heart's content. Well, cock’s content, and I wasn’t even close to that point yet. “M-maybe I-I w-was w-wrong!” Applebloom managed to say as I bucked my hips up and into her. Gravity was something to be conquered and forced to be bent to my will, not something to work with. Her hooves rested on my shoulders, even as I felt her tighten up around me. Something about my behaviour was turning her on even more! “You fucking think?” Scootaloo said as she knocked back her drink back at the table. “Well, what should we do? You didn’t think to bring antidotes did you?” “N-no!” Applebloom practically screamed as I hilted myself inside her again. “He’ll wear himself out,” Sweetie said with worry in her voice. “Hopefully.” “Yeah, maybe we shouldn’t have given untested potions to a creature that isn’t even from our planet!” Scootaloo yelled as I felt my balls twist and pull closer to my body, despite the amount of heat I was building up inside myself. “M-maybe s-so!” Applebloom managed to reply breathlessly. The smell of sex was getting so strong in this room that all I could think of was fucking and cumming again and again. My brain was focused on the part of me that was being pleasured inside the folds of the filly bouncing up and down on me. I grasped at her hips and squeezed tightly, her reply moan was nothing less than Operatic. With the right training, her vocal cords would’ve exploded glass at that moment. The tightness surrounding my cock was enough to push my overstimulated member over the edge. “He’s cumming again!” Sweetie exclaimed as she watched my white splooge paint the outside of the friend, having ran out of room inside her. “He’s cumming more this time too!” There was a horror in her voice that broke through to my mind. It wasn’t just her that was scared. In that brief moment of calm, I realized that every part of my naked body hurt now and that I was running on some kind of eldritch horniness that knew no bounds… ---===*===--- “Anon!” Applebloom yelled as I pushed her withers down, and her rump up. The bottle of lube that she had packed was in my hands, with a squeeze I emptied a bunch of it on her puckered ponut asshole. The other girls were lying on the floor or the bed, already tired to the point of limpness. Whatever else they were willing to do, no-one wanted to put a potion inside of them. My grunt of reply was the best she was going to get as I aimed my cock at the last untouched hole on her body. With a push, I squeezed my cock inside her. Her tight ring squeezed over the whole surface of my shaft, milking it for all it was worth. When I hilted in her, my hips smacking into hers with a loud clap, I was satiated for a moment, but that moment passed quickly. Without knowing any better, I pulled back and heard her moan my name. Sweetie Belle looked up from the position on the floor nearby and watched me begin to fuck her friend's ass, hard. “Is Anon gonna fuck my butt too?” Sweetie asked aloud. Even as I gripped Applebloom’s shoulders and held her in place as I pistoned in and out of her. My cock twitched and sprayed pre inside her, even as my body was covered in a warm sheen of sweat. “Yeah, and probably mine too,” Scootaloo answered with a sigh. As they spoke, I kept my hands gripped tightly on Applebloom’s ass. Her breathing was quick, and getting faster as I fucked her, and my balls were slapping against a cunt that wouldn’t stop dripping honey all over the poor couch. “Anon!” She yelped and grunted as I felt her writhe beneath me. Her body locked up beneath me. When she came, her tight ring became even tighter, squeezing me for all it was worth, and my thrusts had to slow down for the moment. My grunt of pleasure at the tightness made everyone in the room watch me. I had started to grunt a lot right before I came, and judging from the heavy feeling and exponential pleasure coursing through my cock at that moment, I was close- “He’s cumming again!” Scootaloo said with amazement, tinged with fear. I looked over at her and flashed her a toothy grin, right as the first rope of seed shot from my cock into her ass. It wasn’t the only rope, my orgasm went on for a long time, even as she shifted her hips back and forth seeking some more relief from the feeling of a hard cock buried deep in her sore ass. Moments later, after having shot what must have been a pint of seed into her, I pulled my cock from her and looked at the results. What had been a tight pucker was now a gaping hole underneath her soaked and cum covered tail, with cum and lube drifting out of it as her overtaxed muscles gave up trying to contain it all. I slapped my cock on her ass one last time before watching her fall over. The little pony had been fucked silly. Some part of me laughed at that. My legs were steeled as I walked over towards Scootaloo, who was currently sitting with her ass in the air, head laid on a pillow that had been salvaged from the sinking ship that was the couch. I had grabbed the little bottle of lubricant in my hands, some part of me was still cognizant of their condition, even as most of my brain was thinking of them all as toys to satiate my unending lust. “Oh no,” Scootaloo said with a sigh, before flicking her tail out of the way. “Well, at least he doesn’t have a knot, that griffon kid was the worst thing I’ve ever had in my ass.” “Celestia fuck, you’re such a slut Scoots,” Sweetie said in an astounded voice, but even in my caveman brain state, I knew she was intrigued. “What, like you’ve never fucked a cute foreign guy!” Scootaloo protested as I came up behind her, the tube of lube squirting all over the pegasus’s orange ring. Well, the inside was pink… I observed as I jammed a finger in her first, getting two knuckles inside her as she moaned and shook beneath me. “Yeah, well, I’ve never let a fucking Gryphon knot me!” Sweetie yelled. “But you’re not even listening now, are you?” Scootaloo just yelped as I slipped my second finger into her taut ring. When I pushed in and out of her ass, that yelp became a needy moan. At least, it sounded like that. “N-not r-really,” Scootaloo admitted as I slipped in all three of the important fingers on my hand. Her squeaks and squawks vaguely reminded me of a bird as I loosened her up just a little bit more. My cock was throbbing now, the cold air doing nothing to please it. There was a tight pegasus ass in my face though… “Am I the only butt virgin here?” Sweetie said before managing to get to her hooves. On shaking legs, she walked over to Applebloom’s bag. With a spark of her horn, she began to sort through the contents, lifting each item of interest out of there and into the air beside her. Some far off part of me realized that she must have gotten some Psycho-kinetic talent from her sister. That part was soon extinguished as I pushed my now reddened and chaffing cock to Scootaloo’s asshole. When I broke through the initial resistance and slipped my head into her tight ass- “Oh, Anon! More!” The lascivious moan that followed made her seem even more coarse. I didn’t mind though, and neither did my cock. Especially as I pushed and prodded her body, my girthy cock slowly sinking into her tightness. Long ago, when I had been on earth, I had done that stupid toilet paper tube test and passed. And then beat off hard, now though, I had multiple pony sluts to use and breed. Equestria was really the land of dreams… “How many potions did you make Applebloom?” Sweetie exclaimed when she finished rifling through the bag. In the air around her were a dozen assorted potions, with most of them being the stamina and lust potions. There was no reply from her well-fucked friend, the only thing coming out of her muzzle was a steady stream of drool and breaths. “Well, I guess I’ll feel bad if I don’t use one too.” So as I finally hilted in her feathered friend's ass, both of us grunting and moaning as contact between our hips was made, she uncorked a red potion and a green potion, before dumping both of them down her throat at once. The effect was nearly instantaneous. Her pupils dilated, and her pussy began to drip like she was in heat. I wasn’t paying attention to her though, my cock was my only real point of interest at that moment. The tightness of her ass as I humped it hard was nice, but it was surprising when I heard a moan from the other side of the room. I turned my head and my eyes widened in surprise. Sweetie had her muzzle buried between Applebloom’s legs, the little unicorn was eating her friends' cum filled pussy out. Without missing a beat her magic was also tweaking her friend's nipples mercilessly. In Sweetie’s pussy was a dildo from the bag, moving in and out of her needy slit with the aid of her magic… “Anon, you’re better than the Gryphon!” Scootaloo brought me back to the moment even as my cock twitched from the blatant lesbianism going on a few feet away from me. My grunt of reply was mixed in with a particularly rough thrust into Scootaloo, hard enough to make her stunted wings flare up. I took the opportunity to grip the leading edge of her flared wings like a handlebar, before sinking my other fingers into her supple teats, squeezing at them like the tiny funbags they were. “Shut up about the Gryphon, he was probably a limp dicked faggot,” Sweetie belted out suddenly. Her muzzle was dripping with juices, and like the ring on the inside of a dirty coffee mug, I could see exactly how far she had gotten her muzzle into her friend. “W-what?” Scootaloo managed to reply as I jammed my cock into her fully. Before holding it there for a second. I had to move my hand from her tits to my face, wiping my sweaty face down with my hand before I wiped it on the Pegasus’s wings. “You heard me!” Sweetie said in between deep dives into her friend, before meeting my gaze and grinning at me. The dildo in her pussy stopped moving inside her, even as it pressed up against the fillies winking clit. Somehow, the sounds of Scootaloo’s bafflement and Sweeties sudden anger management issues sent me over the edge. The pleasure suddenly overwhelming me. My cock spilt it’s seed once more, filling the orange girls’ butt with a small pitcher of seed. When I pulled out of her a moment later, my reddened cock looked like it was in need of an ointment, and my overheated, oversexed brain was already in the early stages of sunstroke… “Anon, it’s my turn, I know you wanna pop a cherry!” Sweetie said before swinging her pert rump in my face. All that was under her was the dirty floorboards, but her face was resting on them anyway. Whatever was in those potions Applebloom made, they made ponies a little crazy. Not that I was thinking that at the time, I just wanted to fuck a virgin ass. And well, she was offering… I trotted over there, my legs shaking a little and threatening to collapse beneath me, but my will was iron, as was my cock. Looking at her white marshmallow ass, I grabbed the lube and squirted altogether way too much of it on my fingers, before sinking two into her instantly. She squeezed and squeaked, her breath hitching as she felt something penetrate a hole that had always been an exit up ‘till now. “OOoh, fill me!” Sweetie moaned in a voice that showed me just how wanton that potion had made her. Gone was the sweet little filly who just wanted to kiss me under a tree at twilight. She was a mare, a fucking whore, all because of her friends’ questionable choices. Then again, they had turned me from a meek alien and chronic masturbator, into a goddamn draft stallion in rut… With a grunt, I pushed my head into her pert ass, the tightest of holes surrounded my cock like a prison. Her body fought against the intrusion, even as her tongue lolled out before me, all of her brain struggling to process the sensations flowing from her previously virgin hole. I gripped her hips and pulled back, the unfettered, sex-soaked air of the room feeling like poison to my cock. A poison with an easy antidote. Her hips came back against me, and a tendril of magic coming to rest against my sack, tickling it slightly as the filly beneath me lit her horn up. “You like that, dontcha Anon?” Sweetie said in a licentious tone, those well-practised vocal cords purring like a cat as she spoke. My reply was a quick slap to her ass. She moaned loudly, her entire body quivering in appreciation of the strike. “I like it Anon, do that again.” I had enough of a brain to understand what that meant. The next strike coincided with me hilting in her. Her cutie mark going crimson as the flesh reverberated through her the fat on her flank. “Damn Sweetie, what the fuck is up with you?” Scootaloo asked from her position on the floor, beneath her ass was a cooling pool of cum. It was probably going to reach her hooves as it slowly spread over the dirty floor. “Shut your fucking mouth, I had a potion or three, that’s all!” Sweetie replied in a blistering tone, even as I struck her other cutie mark with all the force my exhausted arm could muster. My cock twitched in sympathy as her body tightened around me. “Aaah!” Sweetie half moaned, and half yelled as her body tightened up in orgasm. The little puddle of cum beneath her grew a lot as the lube from her asshole and her own cum joined the white seed that hadn’t really stopped flowing from her. I held onto her hips hard as I rode out the sensations, it was like she was trying to crush my cock with her ass… “S-so g-good,” Sweetie said softly as she too had her moment of clarity after her orgasm. A moment passed as I pulled my sword from the stone, so to speak. “Now fuck me some more!” Sweetie said as the haze of the potion hit her mind once again. I obliged, sinking into her again, the loosened asshole still gripping me like a vice, the friction setting off fireworks in my mind, and making my cock twitch. “Applebloom, I’m going to get your potion license revoked after this,” Scootaloo said in a resigned tone, as she picked herself up and threw her tired body onto the filthy, but still comfortable couch. The only reply from the earth pony was a gurgling noise from deep in her throat. Out of all the ponies there, she had been fucking the hardest and the longest. I grunted as I felt my own orgasm coming up. All of my rhythm disappeared as my thrusts became staccato strokes. Sweetie moaned and her entire body fell away, losing itself to its own pleasure. Everything went white as she rippled around me, my cum beginning to plaster a mare for the umpteenth time that day. Moments later, I was on the ground, I had fallen backwards and smacked my head on those boards. “I’m not done with you!” Sweetie said as she spun around, my cock was still spurting cum, even as my vision began to blur at the edges- “Oh no,” Scootaloo said. Her words sounded like they were travelling a long way. My orgasm finished, and without a second of delay, I passed out cold… ---===*===--- With a start, my eyes open, fluorescent lights hummed heavily above me. In my arm, I could feel a needle poking into my body. With a lot of effort, I managed to turn my head, beside the bed were a trio of fillies and a white coated nurse pony, busy looking at a chart on the wall. “W-where am I?” I asked at a volume barely above a whisper. shot open. I felt weak, and as I tried to move my body, I realized I could barely move a muscle. “The hospital,” the nurse spoke up immediately. “Before you ask, you’ve been asleep for three days.” “W-what happened?” I asked, vague memories of an orgy filling my mind. Luckily, my cock seemed out of commission for the moment, I didn’t want to get hard in a room full of my friends and a random nurse. “They dosed you with a potion that was meant to be taken at a much lower dose, by creatures from Equestria, that’s what. Then you proceeded to fuck like something out of Tartarus for hours, before collapsing from exhaustion,” the nurse said with annoyance. “Isn’t that what happened girls?” “Yes nurse Redheart,” the three girls said simultaneously. “I promise not to give anyone potions that I haven’t tested on myself first,” Applebloom said solemnly. “N-no,” Redheart said before sighing. “Whatever, just be gone when I come back.” The nurse left the room then. Leaving me with the three young mares. “We’re so sorry,” Scootaloo said softly. “It’s okay, I’m sure we all had fun,” I said as I struggled to lift my arm up. “You ended up in the hospital because of us, it’s not okay,” Sweetie said clearly. “I hope you forgive us.” “I forgive you all, just next time, let's just go to the movies or something,” I replied to the fillies. “Good idea Anon,” Applebloom said with a soft smile. I just grunted in reply. All their eyes opened widely for a second before I coughed and beamed at them. “Anon!” All three of them said at once. Life was okay, even if my dick was really, really sore. The End