> Flurry's Tenti > by LegionofPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 'A Fertile Mare's Favorite Toy' > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Flurry Heart snuck away, careful to avoid being caught. She was visiting her aunt, Princess Twilight, in her Ponyville castle one Spring day. An unexpected event just outside the Crystal Empire had demanded both of her parents' attention, something that could threaten its citizens unless dealt with immediately. When she'd successfully snuck away, Flurry was thinking about her parents while trotting around and exploring while Twilight was studying. She knew they could handle themselves; her father was Captain of the Royal Guard after all, and her mother an alicorn princess with all the power that entailed. As she lit her horn to cast a light spell and flapped her wings, Flurry knew that she too was a powerful alicorn, a trait she'd gotten from her mother, and therefore wasn't afraid of much either. This wasn't her first time sneaking away; Flurry knew Twilight sometimes got so focused on reading a book that she'd basically ignore everything else once she got into it, letting the little pink filly easily slip away to explore the huge castle alone. She knew she was completely safe, the wards Twilight had placed around the castle after 'the Starlight Glimmer incident' preventing anypony from breaking in, or even entering normally or magically, without being welcomed in first or being added to the wards' 'allowed' list. Today, Flurry decided she wanted to explore the main library of the castle, a place she'd never been to before while unaccompanied by an adult. Her hooves made a quiet clop-clip-clop on the purple crystal floor as she walked through the high-ceiling hallway, looking around at the pretty, shiny purple crystals and green, glass-like stone that made up her aunt's castle. After a few minutes of walking, Flurry came across a door with a small carving of a book above it, smiling as she remembered that that symbol meant it was the library. "Found yoooou~!" Flurry said in a quiet, playful sing-song, her high-pitched voice still that of a filly. Her mom had been talking to her dad about her 'first heat' and 'puberty' coming soon a few days past, and needing to have 'the talk' with her, but Flurry didn't know anything about what any of that was yet. As she pushed open the large door of the library, Flurry was quickly overwhelmed by the scent of old parchment and of ancient leather-bound books; scents that Twilight loved, but Flurry couldn't imagine why. "Who the hay would like the smell of nasty old animal skins...and why the hay would ponies even use skin! Olden time ponies were just gross!" Flurry said, before, realizing what she said, fell into a fit of giggles. "Hay! Hay! Buck!" Flurry shouted into the empty room, swearing up a storm since she was alone, the small thrill of doing something so unprincesslike and adult almost addictive, "Son of a beesting!" Once cussing like a grizzled griffin sea captain got old, Flurry instead got to exploring the dusty old tomes and stacks of scrolls, most of them spell glyphs. The powerful spells resonated magic, being sensed strongly by the naturally-talented young mare, but she was smart enough to avoid the really powerful ones. After the lesson that she'd gotten when she'd accidentally summoned a daedroth at four years old after finding and casting from a poorly-hidden scroll, she was really careful. After that, anything magic-related that was potentially dangerous was kept far away from her, to avoid any other giant, scaly demons from Tartarus – or worse – from being accidentally summoned. "Boring boring boring! Ugh, how does Auntie Twilie like these things so much?" Flurry asked aloud, booting a book with her forehoof, before adding with a giggle; "Bucking boring books! Hehe..." Just as she was getting ready to leave, to go find Spike to ask him to read her one of his Power Pony comics – her favorites of his comic collection – something caught her eye: there was a faint, red, pulsing light coming from nearby. Flurry approached slowly, curious but cautious. She took a few steps towards the dimly throbbing light, finding that an open book was the source. Ever the smart filly, Flurry used one of her wing's pinion feathers to mark the page it was opened to, before looking at the cover. "'Blackhorn's Basic Summoning Rites of Practical (and Possibly Procreational) Properties', huh," Flurry asked, reading through the preface on the first page, "So, the pony who wrote this book says these are a collection of summoning rites and rituals for a bunch of harmless petty to lesser daemons used for ‘everyday purposes or a few which help with ‘procreation’...whatever that is. These are all nice creatures and want to help ponies instead of hurting them, and a lot of them can even be kept as...pets or friends!?" Flurry said, her wings springing up in her excitement, "These can be pets, awesome!" Opening the book back open to the marked page, Flurry began to read the first section: The rune on the next page can be used to summon one or several semi-intelligent and very friendly petty tendril daemons known scientifically as a Tenticalious Oestrus-fini. Other common names for it are Estrus Tentacles, Breeding Vine, Foal Vine, or just 'tenti' for short. The tenti are a 'zero' on the Greybeard Summoning Danger Scale (GSDS) and is completely harmless and subservient no matter what. These helpful, extremely friendly creatures are a fertile mare's best friend, helping alleviate her condition. They also make her feel as good as a stallion can (or even better than most, from my experience!), either in or out of her cycle. Before you cast the spell to summon them, keep in mind these simple commands. We don't understand why the tenti can comprehend even the very limited Equish that they do, nor many of its other traits, but magical creatures can't always be explained. Just call out the word listed below and the tenti will obey it. Commands: ‘Green’ - This means everything the tenti is doing feels good and you want it to continue to do that, or go ahead when it presents something new or wants to go faster. If you used a 'red' before (see below), use this when you're comfortable again and the tenti will restart at the last 'green' action. ‘Yellow’ - This is a 'slow down' command that you use when things are getting a little too intense but you don't want the tenti to stop what it's doing completely. Saying this will make the tenti go slower and softer or stop what it just started doing, basically going back one 'green' command. ‘Red’ - This is a solid 'stop right now'. The tenti will stop what it's doing immediately and not continue until you give it another 'green' to let it know you're OK and to go again. Use this if it's doing something you do not like. Keep in mind that some things simply can't be stopped, like its climax once it’s started. ‘Black’ - Use this command only when you are completely satisfied and want the tenti to be sent back to its home dimension, or if you're dissatisfied with it. This is basically a 'goodbye' until you summon a tenti again. Warning: While this is the best friend and sex toy a mare could ever hope for when she's in-season, not stopping until she's completely sated (again, unlike a stallion!) it's not without its easily avoidable risks. Keep in mind that using this particular tenti carries the same risks as being intimate with a stallion or any other compatible male. It can also be compatible with any sapient species, not just ponies! Anti-conception spells can be found in Chapter 1 of this book should you need one, or you can use a condom or other birth-control method. This tenti practices odd reproductive habits: first, it requires a host to carry its progeny. After securing a possible host, it uses transmogrification of its spermatozoon in order to genetically match that of one of the summoner's species' male after taking a DNA sample from said host's blood, initiating reproductive compatibility with the summoner in order to fecundate any viable ova. It will then bring the female to orgasm multiple times to tire them out, in order to prevent them from trying to get away, before inseminating them. Any offspring produced from a tenti’s sperm will be of the XX genome's species, so don't worry if you forgot foal-control; you'll just be having a perfectly normal pony offspring next year and nothing else. You may notice a few traits of the tenti within the offspring though – such as their eye, mane, or coat colors matching the tenti’s coloration, or even inheriting its incredible flexibility – so consider that a happy memory of the time you had with it! This reproductive strategy also makes summoning a tenti perfect for a female who wants to reproduce, but can't or doesn't want to get impregnated by natural or other means. As such, use the same protection you would with a compatible male...or you may have a very big and growing surprise over the next eleven to twelve months! Unless, of course, that's your intention. Alright, I'm sure you're eager to get rid of that burning in your bottom now and not read more, so have fun and remember, be safe! Flurry was puzzled by a lot of the words the book used, only really understanding the commands and the other basic words, but all of the bigger or stranger ones went right over her head. She knew she'd be OK though, even if this thing did turn out to be mean or scary despite what the book said; she knew advanced protective and offensive spells thanks to her lessons from Sunburst, her Crystaller and magic tutor. Intent on getting a new friend or pet, and possibly the 'big surprise' mentioned by the book, Flurry lit her horn. Feeding magic into her horn, she focused her mind on casting it through the rune she was focused on mentally, then casting the spell by moving her horn in a circle, then a straight line, then into a triangle. As an alicorn, Flurry had a strong natural inclination to even powerful magic, so this temporary dimension-merging spell that would take half a year of mastery to the average unicorn was a breeze for the filly to cast. Flurry then focused where the spell had told her to, reaching across dimensions and grasping something in her magic, before mentally pulling it through the portal she'd formed. She watched as a cobalt blue...what she assumed to be the 'tenti'...emerged from the portal, giggling as she realized it looked like a long, thick, blue spaghetti noodle. The portal remained open, as it was supposed to. The tenti swayed slightly for a moment, as if dizzy, then its tip pointed right at Flurry. Flurry's eyes widened as it started to slowly reach out towards her, sending a tingle of fear down her spine as the unexpected movement startled her. "Red!" Flurry called out quickly with a small amount of panic in her voice, and the tendril stopped immediately. After recovering from the surprising movement for a moment, Flurry approached the tentacle cautiously, as though it may gobble her up like the Nightmare Moon of myth – not like her real Auntie Luna – or drag her back through the portal. "Ok..." Flurry said, studying the blue tendril. It was partially transparent like frosted glass, cobalt blue If she had to guess its color, and was about two meters long, or about eighteen hooves*, at least what of it that came through the portal. It looked completely smooth save small slits along its length, barely noticeable but just so. She wondered what those were. "...so, I'm gonna touch you now, OK? I don't want to hurt you, just wanna see what you feel like." As Flurry reached out a hoof to touch what she'd summoned, somewhat hesitant but too curious not to, it still didn't move as her hoof made contact. "Wow, you're really soft and warm..." Flurry said, her hoof gently petting over what she found was the slightly bumpy surface of the tentacle, "...you feel kinda like me!" She continued to touch the surface of it, before gently bending the tendril. It let her, the tentacle bending easily. As she twisted it even more and it made a full circle, she found it was even able to wrap around itself. "Wow, that's so cool! I wish I could do that!" Flurry explored the tendril for a good few minutes as it stayed still save the occasional fidget when she moved it or rubbed on it. It was seemingly very sensitive to being touched, but it didn't seem to be getting hurt or trying to get away. She realized that its temperature was a little warmer than a pony's, and as she pushed a little harder into the tendril, it felt like a solid muscle; like it had no bones at all. She could also feel it had a pulse, a steady, faint throbbing coming from it, confirming it was a living creature. After her initial exploration of it, Flurry decided that if it was this obedient then it probably meant her no harm. "Ok...green," Flurry said, and almost instantly the tenti started to move again, slowly approaching her. Despite her nervousness of this new creature she'd summoned, Flurry let it touch her, the tenti starting with a gentle pat on her withers. Flurry smiled as it then moved up to her crest, gently rubbing her neck and making her give a pleased coo. "Mmm, that feels pretty nice..." She lowered her head, letting it get a better angle, the warmth of its touch soothing her muscles and sending gentle, pleasant tingles down her spine. After rubbing Flurry's neck for a while, the tenti slowly made its way down her spine, the warmer touch of it sending a strange thrill through her. "That feels nice, keep doing that...green." Flurry cooed, becoming sequentially sedate, slightly swooning where she stood, thrilled by the turgid tenti's talented, titillating touch, it traveling tepidly towards her tail**. Flurry was surprised to feel something on her chest and belly, looking back to the portal and seeing that a second tenti had come from it, the other one rubbing along her lower tummy now. She didn't really mind, simply enjoying the feeling of the tenti seemingly exploring her in kind to how she had done to it earlier. It wasn't until the first tenti reached her croup before Flurry realized how low it was going, but its touch was so nice and comforting that she didn't mind it touching such a private area at all. "Green," she said again when its movements slowed, the tenti then starting to rub the small dip where her tail met her spine, making her arch her back and her tail flag aside a bit on instinct at how pleasant that felt, her wings unfurling. As it started to grope at the curves of her stifles, nearing her privates, Flurry started to get a bit uncomfortable. "Yellow," Flurry said, and the tentacles instantly stopped closing in on her fillyhood, instead going back to rubbing where her cutie mark would be one day. Flurry was now giving quiet, cute little whimpers of pleasure, looking back and seeing the blue creature rubbing her, that sensation sending an unfamiliar thrill through her. After the tenti once more started closing in on her most private place, Flurry felt it pause again, as if asking permission this time. After some consideration, Flurry let out a small sigh, still feeling nervous about this. Her daddy and mommy had told her that between her legs was a very private place, to keep it covered with her tail and not let others see or touch it, but this creature was challenging that. It hadn't done anything but make her feel good so far, and it did feel pretty good when she touched her fillyhood to clean herself after going potty...perhaps she should give this new thing a chance. "Green," Flurry said with some hesitance, waiting to see what the tenti would do after being given permission. The other tenti underneath her meanwhile had started rubbing what her mom had called her 'teets', Flurry feeling another dart of that unfamiliar but really nice sensation roll up her spine. It played with the small nubs, rubbing over both, while the other tendril started to rub between her unexplored lower lips. Flurry gasped, an even more intense tingle of that pleasure going through her, the tendril easily sliding between them given how wet she'd gotten already. Flurry had been feeling a little warmer than usual today, having to pee more often and her privates getting oddly wet and a little swollen. She'd realized quickly it wasn't pee, as it didn't smell like it and was much more slippery, and considered asking Twilight what was happening – why her lower belly was feeling all warm and tingly especially – but decided that she'd ask her parents later if it didn't go away soon on its own. Now, as this thing touched her private area, Flurry whimpered as that burning feeling grew, as well as a deep-rooted urge for more. The tenti paused as she whimpered, seeming to wait for her to give a command and permission to continue. "G-green!" she half-shouted, wanting, for some reason needing, this thing to keep touching her there now that she'd gotten a taste. "That feels really nice!" The tenti continued to rub between her lower lips and eventually, Flurry felt as her fillyhood...moved in some way, leading to the little bump at its base pushing against the bumpy, moving tendril. When it had moved like that, Flurry felt like it meant something special on a very deep level, but didn't know what or why; not knowing she'd given her first vulvar 'wink' and invited it instinctively to breed her. Instead, all she did was moan at how much better it felt when that little bulb-like thing came out, figuring that had to be what had happened, given her brief exploration of her nether regions before. Eventually, the tenti grew more bold, pushing its tip just between Flurry's vulva, with that sensation feeling utterly weird to Flurry. It felt like a good weird though, so Flurry didn't stop the tenti again, the sensation sending pleasurable, fluttery, squeezy sensations through her lower belly occasionally. "Green, green!" Flurry encouraged excitedly, hoping to have that 'blinky' thing happen with her lower parts again. A third, much larger tenti soon wrapped gently around her barrel and two smaller ones around either hind leg, before lifting Flurry in the air with her body upright and flank slightly raised, putting her at a forty degree angle; the perfect angle for it to breed her best. The tenti at her vulva all the while following and rubbing, Flurry gave a quiet 'whoop' as she was raised unexpectedly. While she was no stranger to being in the air, able to fly already, being lifted in the air by these tendrils made her a bit worried. She pushed the thoughts she was having of them dropping her aside though, instead enjoying the feeling of them rubbing her teats and between her legs. Suddenly, after lining itself up, the tenti pushed inside her fillyhood quickly in one sharp thrust, piercing deep within her. Flurry cried out in pain, feeling a sudden uncomfortable, intense stretching inside of her lower belly. She felt something spread and tear painfully, a burning, stinging pain radiating through her after it did. "O-OW! GE-GET IT OUT!!! "Red! Red!" Flurry exclaimed in panic, trying to get away from what had hurt her on reflex. Her lower belly felt like it was cramping up and spasming, but she was forced to keep it inside her as she was held aloft. While all the of the tentis' actions did indeed stop at Flurry's command, something inside her that told her that this was a good thing despite the pain, to bear with it and she would be OK. While all of this was happening and before she'd spoken, she'd also felt two minor pinpricks of pain, one on either of her teats, followed by the distinct sensation of something being injected into her. She was crying now, panicked, not knowing what was happening. She was strongly thinking of calling out 'black' to get rid of this pain-causing creature, when she was startled by a touch on her cheek. Flurry felt the side of a tenti brushing along her cheek and rubbing it as though a mother caressing her frightened foal, another small one wiping her tears away. "Why...why did you hurt me?" Flurry asked, sniffling, the thing just keeping on rubbing her cheek. "Are you saying you're sorry?" The tentis didn't seem to know what she was saying, but their actions were surely repentant; another tenti gently rubbed its length along her back while two smaller ones curled and rubbed around the bases of her wings. The huge one holding her up gently rocked her, all seemingly trying to make her feel better from her defloration. She felt her lower body clenching and unclenching, muscles she'd never used before awakening, adjusting to allow their first guest in. Eventually, calmed by the tentis' actions and finding her pain and the cramping in her lower belly reducing, Flurry started to settle down. The spreading caused by the tenti that was now several inches within her fillyhood felt weird, making her wonder how it had even gotten that far within her at all, and also wondering why it felt...good. Flurry squirmed a bit, but not trying to get away, rocking her hips on some unknown impulse and giving a quiet 'mmm' as she felt the tenti within her shifting. As she moved her rump, she noticed something else too. As she looked behind and underneath herself, past the tenti surrounding her, Flurry saw that her teats had grown to the size of oranges – unbeknownst to her, they had grown as large as a mare's who was on the verge of foaling and full of milk – making her eyes widen as she noticed two small pinpricks of blood on them too from where the tentis had clearly injected something into them. "What did you do to my te-tes? Why are they so big?" she asked the tenti curiously, though gave a quiet moan as the tips of the tentacles rubbed over her larger nipples, the rest of it gently squeezing the sensitive, swollen flesh of her teat itself. "Mmm, that feels really good!" Eventually, the discomfort of being spread open her first time faded, the pleasant feeling of fullness and the tenti squirming around inside the first few inches of her previously-unknown passage, not to mention the feeling of it gently kneading her teats, feeling rather nice. It started to move in and out of Flurry slowly, her finding the feeling of all of those tiny nubs that were along it rubbing over her inner canal felt absolutely wonderful, able to feel every inch it moved given its slightly-warmer temperature. It kept thrusting slowly despite clearly wanting to go faster, if its trembling was any indication of its restraint, seemingly waiting for permission. Flurry, however, didn't notice the tenti's desire, instead focused on the new, weird, wonderful sensations this thing was bringing her. She felt the burning that she'd been feeling passively within her core growing higher with each slide the tendril made within her, feeling her fillyhood moving like it had earlier and 'blinking'. Meanwhile she felt the inside of her lower belly squeezing down on it, with that making the movements the tenti made feel even better. "Why, why does this feel so good when you're...you're inside me? Where are you inside me anyhow? It feels like you're in my lower tummy...but how?" Flurry asked, though she wasn't sure whom she was asking, knowing the tenti couldn't speak back. After a dozen more gentle thrusts from the tenti, Flurry started feeling a deep urge for something; she didn't know what, but she wanted something more than what the tenti was giving her. "Green," she said simply, hoping the tenti knew what she needed even when she did not. Sure enough, the tenti immediately started to slide in and out of her faster and deeper, Flurry gasping at the sensations as her belly squeezed down on what was within her and filling every bit of the small space she didn't even know she had, feeling each of the bumps on it intimately rub along her walls. Flurry then felt as the tendril within her pussy pulled out slowly again, her body desperately squeezing down to keep it inside. Instead of thrusting back in though, the tenti slid completely out of her with a quiet pop and a disappointed whimper from Flurry. "No, wait...why'd you do that? It was starting to feel really good..." she said, before feeling the tenti from her pussy sliding higher...before touching her round, slightly-protruding tailhole. Her eyes widened at the implications, looking back at the tenti incredulously; "...but...that's dirty..." Flurry said, not sure at all about what the tenti seemed to want to do next. Looking behind her, Flurry saw another, slightly larger tendril approaching between her legs, moaning as the thicker tendril started hot-dogging between her vulva, lubing itself up. Soon enough, she felt as the tendril's tip slipped between her lower lips, groaning as she felt this one spreading her even more than the one that was within her before did. It slid into her slowly, the more intense stretching and filling sensations making her head feel light, the pleasure it gave her more intense. "Green, green!" Flurry moaned, feeling as the appendage in her pussy slid even deeper, her inside place being rubbed so deliciously by its passage in and out, tingling from the sensation of its swelling and throbbing. The young mare felt as the tenti at her anus started to press against it, still well-lubed from her passage, making her bite her bottom lip. She knew that all that this creature had done before was to bring her pleasure, never seeming to intentionally hurt her, and sighed. "Alright, green..." she said, feeling as the thin tip then passed her lower sphincter when she relaxed it, groaning at the mildly painful and extremely weird stretching sensations as the tenti wormed its way inside her butt. Flurry started panting as she felt the tenti going deeper into her rectum while the one in her vagina stayed just at the entrance, feeling so intensely full while another, smaller tenti rubbed over her winking clit. She felt her butt squeezing down on the invader, trying to push it out, but it pushed back and went deeper, making Flurry groan as she felt its travel. The tenti in her pussy pushed in when the one in her ass pulled out, and Flurry was thankful she wasn't standing lest her legs collapse from how good that felt. She then yelped as something else happened; she felt as the tip of the tenti in her fillyhood hit something deep inside her, that sensation awakening something deep in her animal mind; not knowing it'd hit her cervix. She felt the tenti trembling more, then her eyes widened as she felt something entirely different. As Flurry felt what seem like bigger lumps along the tenti pass her vulva and enter her, she felt a multitude of pointy somethings come from the tenti, feeling them press again her inner walls. It didn't hurt at all, with them seemingly not being sharp and indeed quite flexible, but instead made her sharply gasp in pleasure at the sudden, intense stimulation. "Y-yellow?" Flurry asked, not at all sure what was going on, but knowing it didn't hurt. It simply felt really weird. As the tenti pulled out the next time, Flurry cried out suddenly as the tenti's breeding spines softly raked along her whole foal-passage, intensely stimulating the filly. She felt those nubs now rubbing deeply into her hyper-sensitive walls as she squeezed down on instinct, that sensation of them pressing into her pleasure-swollen walls feeling nearly orgasmic in intensity and making Flurry yelp again. Flurry was now thankful she was being held aloft, knowing the sensations rolling up and down her spine now would likely make her legs buckle. She felt the fog in her mind growing as the two tentis started a pattern, alternating filling her up and pulling out again, and each time the spines raked over her folds made Flurry's back legs start to quiver as she panted. Her mind was overwhelmed by the breeding she was getting, feeling the tightness in her lower belly getting more taut, her squeezes on it growing more frequent as the tenti in her pussy seemingly grew. Finally, it all came to a head as the tenti expanded within her, Flurry crying out as she felt something squirt out of her fillyhood. She passively wondered if she'd just peed, but her thoughts were interrupted as the tenti kept rubbing inside of her as she rode out her first, intense orgasm. She felt the wonderful sensations flowing through her and making her tremble. The small bump-like nub at the bottom of her slit starting to spasm in and out, further stimulating her. She felt her newly-discovered muscles clenching hard around the tenti in them. That feeling of having something to squeeze down on, something filling her up as she did whatever this was, was deeply satisfying for her. As she came down from her high twenty seconds later, extended even longer as the tendrils continued to slide in and out of both her holes at a slower pace, Flurry felt the tendril in her butt being replaced by a bigger one and adding to the intensity. After her orgasm, Flurry felt something something pressing into her vaginal walls again. The next time the tenti pulled out, Flurry almost screamed at the sensation of the spines raking along her walls again, the nubs almost hurting now in her hypersensitivity, but at the same time feeling really good. At this point, Flurry was almost delirious with pleasure, panting as her eyes glossed over, completely lost in the sensations of being bred. Her belly's burning was at an all-time high now, her wanting, needing something to make it stop, but not knowing what. She felt those squeezing sensations coming on again as she came her second time, powerless as another groan was forced from her, her head flinging back at the intensity of the rhythmic squeezing her lower belly was doing along the tenti. So it continued for minutes, Flurry being almost overstimulated by the tenti's spines and tireless thrusts, soon after being rutted into a third orgasm. She was trembling all over with each thrust now, panting and drooling from her open mouth, yet she had never felt better in her whole life than she was now, not regretting summoning this creature at all. As she was nearing her fourth orgasm soon after the third, Flurry felt the tendril pierce something even deeper inside of her, passing that wall it’d been rapidly hitting before. Feeling another strange, mildly-painful spreading sensation even deeper than ever before in her belly, being penetrated that deep set her breeding instincts wild. As she felt the tenti's tip hit something that seemed to be behind her navel, she couldn't know that it'd instead hit the back of her womb. At that sensation of feeling something so utterly deep within her, Flurry lost all control of herself as she felt the base of the tentacle starting to swell at her entrance like a balloon, stretching the very sensitive first few inches of her vagina further. Flurry's eyes rolled back in her head as the tenti spread her entrance out more and more, with it, unknown to her, sealing her passage for what was soon to come. She felt the tentacle starting to almost vibrate inside her as her vaginal and abdominal muscles started to contract rhythmically in their instinctive milking pattern, that sensation setting off yet another intense orgasm. Flurry spasmed in the tenti's embrace as she felt an overwhelming wave of pleasure, cumming so hard this time that she nearly passed out. At the same time she spurted milk from her nipples as the tentis squeezed them, soaking the floor in the white fluid. After that, what of the tentacle that was within her entrance swelled bigger, spreading her entrance so tight she couldn't even wink anymore. As she felt a deep, rhythmic pulsing sensation from the thing filling her, a huge amount of a warm, sticky substance squirted from the tenti's tip and directly into her womb in streams. Flurry came yet again within seconds of her previous orgasm ending on reflex to being inseminated, her pussy grasping and milking all the cum it could deep into her body. She yelled out again in sheer ecstasy as she felt herself being filled up with rapid, large gushes of something, not knowing what it was but, deep down, knowing it was exactly what she needed. The tenti's swelling acted like a natural mating plug to keep all its semen inside her, and, if Flurry had looked down, she could have seen all the semen moving along it and into her within the tenti’s transparent form. Flurry was milking the tenti for all it was worth in her chain of multiple, consecutive contractions, feeling herself being filled fuller and fuller with whatever the tenti was putting in her as her lower belly constantly kneaded it for more. Flurry felt as the other tenti swelled up too in her bowels, also spurting the same fluids deep inside her intestines, making her feel even more filled. It got to the point where she was feeling mildly nauseous with how much her stuffed womb was pressing against her stomach. As the tenti was doing its weird, wet throbbing thing inside her – the thing that was making her small, fertile womb gently swell with its sheer quantity – with its 'knot' at her entrance preventing anything from escaping Flurry, it ended up making Flurry look four months pregnant by the end of its orgasm. Flurry felt the burning sensation from earlier fading to a soothing warmth instead, giving a quiet sigh of relief as that irritating burning-itching finally went away. She felt the urge for that unknown something fulfilled now, with this clearly being what her body wanted, weird as it was to her. The big tenti holding her up in the air lowered her to the ground, laying Flurry down gently on her back and lifting her hind hooves and rump up to encourage its virile load deeper into her womb, while the one in her pussy went back to its normal size again. It pulled just out of her womb and spurted a resin onto her cervix, which would naturally dissolve within a day, to seal it closed and guarantee her likely fertilization. Both tentis that were inside her holes then slid out fully, both making a quiet, wet pop of breaking suction as a torrent of green semen flooded from Flurry's ass. None came from her fillyhood though, every drop instead locked inside her womb to meet with her potential egg. She felt a brief surge of magic go through her lower belly, before fading again. "Oh no, Flurry!" Flurry Heart heard, her ears perking up at her name. She looked over to see her Auntie Twilight standing in the doorway, but she was too out of it after her six rapid orgasms to even register embarrassment, or anything else for that matter besides bliss. Instead, the now young mare looked down at the tentis, both shining with her clear fluids as well as something green, smiling weakly at them. "Thank you..." Flurry said, before laying her head down and passing out, the over-stimulation finally catching up with her and her mind giving out while she lay there, womb swollen with a liter of tenti-cum and her ponut draining the same. "Oh-no-oh-no-oh-no! Buck-buck-BUCK!" Twilight cursed, everything falling into place, "She was only gone for ten minutes and she summoned a tenti, and..." Twilight paused, sniffing the air, and felt her heart drop, "Oh...oh no, she let it...and she's in heat?!" She felt faint, looking at the tenti who were now slowly approaching her. "I knew I shouldn't have left the book out, but then Shiny dropped her off, and I forgot to put it away and..." Twilight babbled out, feeling the tentis gently wrap around her hind legs, slowly making their way up to her croup, and Twilight felt ill as what must have been Flurry's sexual fluids and its semen left trails along her rump. She was almost tempted to let them do what they'd done to her niece to her as well, given her shared condition to the filly, but fortunately had the willpower to resist. She didn't have protection, and certainly didn't need a foal now, after all, "...uuuugh, I hate being in heat! Black, you damned-to-Tartarus things!" As Twilight spoke the dismissal code, the tentis immediately stopped what they were doing, being drawn back through the portal in a matter of seconds, the portal quickly closing behind them. Twilight then looked down at her defiled young niece, feeling tears coming to her eyes. "I'm sorry Flurry...you were left in my care, and I let you get...bred...by a tenti demon." Then something else came to mind, her eyes widening and the pit in her stomach growing. "B.B.B.F.F and Cadance are gonna kill me..." ~ ~ ~ Flurry Heart was indeed impregnated by the tenti that evening during her first ever heat, Twilight having to explain to Flurry's parents what had happened; how she was alerted by Flurry’s sounds of passion, but arrived too late. They were furious at first, especially when Twilight explained that there was no known way to terminate a pregnancy from a tenti once it had bred an ovulating mare. Twilight told them that a spell unique to the tentis was always cast upon the receiving mare automatically when the tenti pulled out of her after its orgasm, with it magically sealing her womb and cervix and preventing any physical or magical influence upon either. This was presumably to protect their progeny in general, but also unintentionally prevented anypony from trying to hurt or remove the foal before it was ready to be born. The spell was effective until the mare went into labor, after which it would dissipate. After Shining and Cadance read more about tentis and learned that Flurry would simply be having a normal foal instead of some sort of hybrid tenti-pony abomination, they were less worried, though still mad at Twilight for letting Flurry get pregnant by it at all. Flurry, however, seemed ecstatic when she learned she was going to be a mother, not understanding the depth of her predicament, instead simply thinking about what she should name the foal. ~ Flurry Heart was kept hidden from the public when her pregnancy started to show, being schooled and cared for at home by Shining Armor when he could, or Sunburst, who was trusted to keep it a secret as well. She was given regular visits by her regular doctor and a gynecologist, both sworn to secrecy, who both said she was healthy and progressing normally throughout. Eleven months after her unexpected impregnation, her young body having adapted well to the pregnancy with her being an alicorn, Flurry went into labor. A half-hour or so of labor later, a perfectly normal, if somewhat lanky, alicorn colt was born, the second ever naturally born in Equestrian history. She named him Shining Twilight, in honor of his grandfather and great-aunt. Flurry Heart smiled as she saw his cobalt-blue coat, quickly reminded of the tenti which had sired him. She saw that his short, curly mane's colors matched hers; light cerise, pale violet, and light arctic blue. His eyes were also the same as hers, a light opal blue. The foal was raised as one of Shining Armor and Cadance's foals given Flurry was too young to properly care for it, Cadance using a year-long trip to Yakyakistan, which was hastily arranged when Flurry Heart was found pregnant, as an excuse for why nopony saw her pregnant, and prolactin supplements to make milk for the foal. Flurry also, obviously, was never allowed near books unsupervised again until she was much older.