> Neon Trance > by Withania > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Neon Trance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the shadow of Canterlot Castle there stood a disused warehouse that had remained empty for years. Once upon a time, there had been industry here, but now the city had spread out and manufacturing had followed the edges and left this site behind. But unbeknownst to the outside observer, this warehouse was one of the hottest and most exclusive nightclubs in the land. It didn’t have a name - which was one of the contributing factors to its exclusivity - you had to know it existed, and its patrons merely knew it as “the warehouse” or “the business park”. Inside, every surface was painted matte black to create a deceptive negative space, which in turn was illuminated by a wash of pastel neon lighting. Pinks, blues and reds made a shimmering moire in the air that couldn’t be focused on, but cast discrete shades upon each individual pony in the crowd filling every inch of the dance floor. The colourful coats of each dancer were muted into muddier hues, but many wore ultraviolet accessories or had painted themselves with stripes and symbols that stood out like neon signs themselves. The whites of their eyes were distinct, each pair alive with passion and excitement for the night. The music throbbed from black speakers in every corner of the room, the kick of electric drums and hiss of synthesised keyboards saturating the air. Upon a stage at the front of the warehouse, a DJ riser commanded the attention of the crowd behind which a white unicorn stood with her forehooves on turntables and mixer dials, her stark white pelt practically glowing with the halo of ultraviolet light. Various parts of her body were painted with luminescent paint, accentuating her cutie mark, her curves, and her throat and belly. She bobbed and weaved with the beat of her music, and the crowd moved as a single mass in sympathy. As the current song began its lead-out and Vinyl Scratch began to fade in the beat-matched intro of the next track, a pony materialised from the front of the crowd and climbed onto the stage. A young stallion with a quaffed mane and stylish jacket paused for a moment to find the beat of the music again, and then he began to dance. He shut his eyes to clear his mind of the distracting crowd and let his body move of its own accord, not with any particular choreography, but his own improvised jig. The crowd cheered for him, and he opened his eyes to peek back at Vinyl - the pony he was really trying to impress. The DJ smiled, her eyes hidden behind shining sunglasses. Her appreciation was evident, but she gave a slight shake of the head. The stallion nodded, disappointed, but grateful for the opportunity. His audition over, he looked to the crowd, who knew just what to do. As he jumped from the stage, they caught him with hooves held high, and he surfed across the crowd on his belly until there was an opening big enough for him to sink back into the masses. The music continued, the lights flashed, and Vinyl lined up the next track. The entire club seemed to be a living organism, there was little individuality, more of a group mentality of falling into the trance of the music. Some of them were just here to watch, although even they were part of the bobbing crowd, however many were here to work up the courage to get on the stage and dance for Vinyl Scratch. If she liked it enough they would receive the ultimate high, an experience found nowhere else but this haze-filled warehouse. Another stallion took to the stage, his wavy mane and tail had been dyed with ultraviolet pigment, so they shone brightly under the iridescent lights to create a spectral silhouette. Either he was a skilled dancer, or he had been waiting for this exact track, as his movements were deliberately and perfectly timed for the beat of the music. The pulse of a synth bass line filled everyone’s ears and all eyes focused on the dancing stallion who was giving his all as channelling the entire room’s energy. A larger number were paying attention this time - this stallion was reasonably well known, and quite a few members of the crowd looked up with a flutter in their hearts. Vinyl had also clocked who it was and rolled her eyes behind her dazzling shades. This stallion was well known for making an effort to impress, but she was surprised to see him in a place like this - and on her stage. He was normally found trying to make it on Broadway. But perhaps this was a perfect opportunity for her to take advantage, she hadn’t wanted to respond to his advances in the past, but now he was offering himself to her in a very different way. This was a dance she would be more than happy to take him up on. Vinyl had already queued up the next track, and now she made her way around the DJ riser and stood next to the dancer. She mimicked his steps, falling into line so that they were facing, and they danced. Once their timing was perfect, Vinyl took control, and lead him into a strange kind of waltz that allowed her to bear down on him. Taking the queue for a stretch, the stallion leaned back and lay on the stage with Vinyl towering over him. The crowd watched this role-reversal with interest. Outside of this club a male heartthrob like this would look quite strange taking the traditionally feminine role in the dance, but at the warehouse with Vinyl on-stage, it was quite normal. The stallion let Vinyl bear over him, and she straightened her shoulders to press her chest and barrel out against his body dominantly. In return, he was allowed to drag his forehooves up from her crotch to her neck, feeling the powerful mix of muscle and a little pudge that made her so irresistible. Even more so when he knew what the source of that pudge was. He wouldn’t be caught dead letting someone dominate him publicly like this - except for this mare. He was the lucky one tonight. As his eyes looked into her mirrored sunglasses, she stepped forward as if to kiss him. Rather than a kiss, however, her mouth opened wide and in one movement she engulfed his head, putting her forelegs around his neck to drawing him into a close embrace. The crowd might have cheered, but for Vinyl and that stallion, the only sound was music filling their ears. The stallion’s ears were pushed flat against his skull as he passed down her esophagus, the deep notes of the music resonating through her body in time with the thumb of her heart and the gulp of her swallows. He continued to press and prod her body freely, feeling up her neck as it bulged out with his own head inside, until she overtook his shoulders, pinning his forelegs to his sides. The crowd continued to bob and weave with the music, eyes locked on the merging figures on stage, but the spell of the scene still moving their bodies subconsciously. The glowing DJ worked herself over the frame of the stallion, her body expanding to accommodate him, making the phosphorous body paint markings stretch apart. Once she was up to his hindquarters she lifted her head back up high, the weight of the stallion pivoting to her growing belly, and she resumed her rhythmic movements to work down the hind legs and tail sticking out of her mouth. The eyes of the crowd watched in awe as the swaying white unicorn effortlessly balanced her now doubled weight and showed off her wriggling belly broadside to the audience, the shape of the stallion outlined and distorting the fluorescent lines of paint. Once she had stretched and settled her meal inside her belly, Vinyl sauntered back to the turntables. The stallion had achieved the goal that everyone in the club was seeking, and would now remain curled up in the superstar’s stomach until he joined her body and soul. The last sensations he would feel with his own senses would be the reverberation of music and rhythmic kneading of her body working him down. As the night went on, more ponies made their way up to the stage to try and woo the DJ. Many of them were like the first, full of passion and star struck by the scene, and the crowd waved their hooves in unison for them, swaying like a field of crops with the throb of music and flash of lights. But they all ended up surfing back over the crowd to rejoin it again. Only those who had held themselves a certain way - those who defined the theme of the night rather than imitating it - would get the nod from Vinyl. Of course, there were always one or two who didn’t belong. They staggered into the spotlight intoxicated and lumbered vaguely around, hoping to get a cheer from the crowd - but these ones did not even crowd surf out. They either fell off the stage, or the crowd caught them and immediately shoved and nudged them to the outer edge. Vinyl knew before they even left the crowd if they were suitable for her or not. She knew crowds like a sailor knew the seas - there were currents and eddies, small groups who moved together created facets that slowly turned, minglers who orbited groups moving from one to another. And there was a slender mare who wove her way between the bodies that made up the sea of ponies before the stage, she made not a single movement that wasn’t part of her rhythm, the same rhythm that drove the entire club, that the pastel lights flashed to, and the speakers throbbed in sympathy with. She waited for the mare to make her way to the stage. She was obviously waiting for her chance when there were no love-struck fans, or fools taking up space. The dancing mare moved toward stage-right, lights flashing across her pale yellow coat, the iridescent paint mixed with glitter on her body twinkling away. She moved like water, her cutie mark signified waves and her temporary markings for the night continued the theme. If all went well tonight, she would end up as the liquid inside Vinyl Scratch. As she passed along the front of the stage, she could see the DJ working her turntables, checking the next track, setting the lead-ins and levels for her next changeover. Form this low angle, the dancer could see the brightly glowing belly of the unicorn hanging under the tables, bulging out and moving as if the stallion inside was still dancing away. Would he still be there when she joined him? She hadn’t intended on sharing, but if Vinyl had deemed him worthy, so would she. The song change-over happened just as she moved up the stairs at the stage side, expertly timed so the whole room could see her ascend to the stage as the music ascended with her. Her dance had no beginning or end, it had begun the moment she’d entered the room hours ago, and it would never cease, just become part of Vinyl’s dance. Her movements dominated the stage, swaying from side to side, high and low, turning and flowing as if the music followed her, rather than the other way around. Her performance was the defining one of the night. The crowd knew that she was going to be the next performance from Vinyl, and any among them who’d hoped to be in her place was content just to learn from her now, and wait for next week. This would be the climax of the evening. As the music continued, Vinyl beckoned her over to the DJ riser with one hoof, and she moved in steps until she was performing just for the shimmering unicorn. The DJ smiled at her and pointed down, indicating her to go under the table. The dancer obliged and performed a perfect sweep onto her back, shimmying under the desk supporting turntables and mixers. She was about to get up again, but Vinyl held her hoof up, indicating her to stay there. The mare had a perfect view of the swaying belly of the DJ, bobbing with the beat. The anticipation was palpable, as was the thrill of the unknown. She didn’t know what Vinyl had planned, but she felt like she was about to get an entirely unique performance, just for her. Vinyl reared up a bit more so the dancer could see all the way under her belly and between her hind legs, where to her silent intake of breath, she saw a sheath and balls tucked neatly away. While she shimmied from side to side, doing her best to maintain a dance whilst laid out on her back under the DJ, a grey marecock emerged from the sheath, sliding out with a harmony of synth from the music. Even Vinyl’s unexpected dick had ultraviolet paint applied, a spiral pattern that was now uncoiling like a spring over the mare. The size was enormous, it sagged down and lay atop the dancer’s chest, pulsing with the lights and easing a shining bead across her. Without hesitation, the yellow mare rubbed up against the growing shaft, massaging it and encouraging it. Vinyl responded by thrusting back and forth, grinding her cock against her next meal as if to soften them up. The dancer’s excitement grew as she licked and nuzzled the tip expectantly. She brought her hind legs together and tucked them up to her own belly. Gently pressing her hind hooves against the flat end of Vinyls bobbing shaft, and with perfect ease sped forth by the lubricating pre she slipped them into the bulbous shaft. She glanced up at Vinyl. The DJ’s mouth was slightly ajar, her breath disturbing the hazy air in front of her, but her covered eyes revealed nothing else. Her forehooves continued to work her instruments as she pushed her throbbing cock forward against the hocks of the mare she was about to consume. The dancer could feel the movement from Vinyl controlling her hips. Even while outside, she was already under the unicorn’s control, and her rhythm was now being covered by Vinyl’s. And it was the most blissful feeling she could imagine, no discord, no constant adjustments to stay in time, it felt as natural as breathing. She ground her hips together, easing them into the expanding hole in Vinyl’s great shaft. Clasping her hooves under her rump, she arched her back and pushed against the stage under her shoulders in sympathy with a strong contracting pull from Vinyl, and her body was pulled into the huge cock up to her chest. Her face was up against the belly now, and against her cheek, she felt the churn from inside, slightly vibrating with the bass tones. It was hypnotic, she struggled to maintain her composure while her dreams were coming true before her very eyes. But she still needed to keep her cool, this was an intimate coalescing of her being with Vinyl’s, and she had as much a part to play as the DJ did. As the current song’s solo swung into being, Vinyl, thrust her hips forward, taking in the other mare up to her neck. The dancer was cocooned in an immensely tight tube that pulsated with the beat of Vinyl’s heart and the music alike. Her eyes opened again and with the flared tip of Vinyl’s cock in front of her face, she saw fluorescent lettering right over the hole she was being sucked into. Enjoy the bath. Only someone in her current situation would ever be able to read it, and only at full mast like this would Vinyl have been able to write the message there. And now she was the one who got to read the message, just as Vinyl’s immense marecock would pull her into a heavy sack to melt into cum. The dancer saw one last flash of the ballroom lights dazzle her eyes before the slick tunnel covered her face, and deep, powerful convulsions pulled her into the thick of Vinyl’s cock. Her hind legs were wrapped in a hot, stretchy bag filled with sticky goop, and she began to fold them again instinctively as the rest of her body was pushed to the back of the DJ’s crotch. The crowd watched together as the impossibly huge bulge in Vinyl Scratch’s equally impossibly large appendage was squashed under her sagging belly, and between her legs, where it dropped into a ballsack the glowed under the neon lighting. The bulge and curve of the potent seed in her sack was disturbed by the shape of limbs moving into place as the beautiful mare who had captured all their hearts found her soul’s desire. None of them had expected an end to the evening like this, such an intimate mating of one of them, the ponies of the crowd - and their idol Vinyl Scratch. The DJ had bowed her head slightly, her mouth ajar with the pleasure and exertion, and now she looked up again, and raise one forehoof in salute to the whole club. The crowd followed suit, and the next track faded in, another driving baseline of keyboards and saxophone heralding the closing ceremony of the evening. Two lucky ponies would go home with Vinyl that night, one of them in her belly, and for the first time in public, one melting down in her balls. Maybe next week there would be more lucky ponies. But perhaps nothing would match the night they’d lived these past five hours.