The Nightmare's General

by ragingbatpony

First published

before the rise of nightmare moon a human landed in in equestria, he quickly became a friend to both royal sisters, but sided with Luna in the civil war.

The legend of the creature known only as Grand-General Night Terror, whose legacy is one of oceans blood and mountains of bodies. Before the war, he was an advisor to both royal sisters. Upon Nightmare moon's rise and subsequent rebellion, the being that would become one of the evilest beings in equestrian history sided with the rebels. During the last true battle of the war, Grand-General Night Terror was defeated by Princess Celestia. Upon his defeat, the Princess turned her old friend turned second greatest foe to stone. Harmony preserve us If the Night Terror ever is freed.

Prologue- The Final Battle

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P.O.V.: Grand-general Iskander:
From his vantage point, The man, known as The Night Terror to his enemies and Iskandar to his friends, could see the entire battlefield, without being more than a short jog away from the front lines. The siege of the capitol was going well. They had broken through the walls earlier that day, and now, in the light of the perpetual twilight that was present where the forces of Nightmare Moon, and those of the so-called 'Princess of the sun and rightful princess of Equestria', Princess Celestia, met in battle; as well as the light of the fires from the burning sections of the city, his already imposing armor seemed, even more Intimidating, the blood staining the metal not helping in the slightest. Turning to his subordinates.

"Generals, this is the moment we have been waiting for throughout this whole war has arrived, the capture of Canterlot, have your men meet with mine, I am seizing command of the entirety of our forces for the remainder of the battle, I will lead from the front."

"By your orders sir. Hail the Queen of the night." Came the assembled Generals reply.

"May she lead us to victory." Grabbing his flanged mace and his shield and donning his helm, the spiked piece of armor adding the final touch on an already intimidating set of armor, made of heavy, ensorcelled adamantine plate and covered in brutal spikes, the whole set tinted black, and all in all, creating a terrifying aura.

Two hours and a quick jog to the front lines later the entirety of the grand army of the night was lined in formation outside the inner gates of the capital, which led to the city proper, the defenders on the walls were rushing about readying scorpion ballistae, and archers were seen readying bows. There was a tense moment as both armies were completely prepared for the deciding battle of this war, but both hesitated, then suddenly, the order to attack was given by the Grand-General and the army of Nightmare Moon charged the gate, smashing open the previously damaged gate, after which Grand-General Iskandar rushed through, and slammed his mace into the head of an enemy soldier, his men quickly following him and engaging the rest of the gate defense. Quickly overrunning the gate defenders, a seemingly endless tide of thestrals, umbral unicorns and Noctis earth ponies rushed through the gate, some falling to the arrows and javelins of the defenders on the walls, noticing this, Iskandar quickly turned to a nearby captain.

"Captain, Take your men, capture the walls and make that hail of arrows and javelins stop, on the double!"

"At once, sir. Stallions, follow me." The Captain and his men galloped off towards the entrance of the stairs that would take them to the top of the walls. Turning towards the Generals on each side of him; he ordered them to each take a section of the army and flank the enemy, soon the army was split into three sections, the largest, Led by Iskandar was fighting up the middle, while the two smaller pieces, moved up the left and right side. After an hour of fighting, and thousands of casualties on both sides, forces of the army of the night broke into the castle.

"Grand-General Iskandar." Looking up, The human General saw his queen descending from the sky and dropped into a bow.

"How may I serve, your majesty?"

"You will accompany me as I lead the fight, into the castle to capture it and my 'dear' sister." saying dear with such venom, Iskandar thought poison would drip literally from her mouth.

"Yes, your highness." Turning to his elite soldiers, before giving an order.

"Daemons, on me, we capture the castle, and the solar alicorn, cutting the head from the beast." The elite unit directly under the command of Iskandar, known as the Daemons of the abyss, formed up around their Queen and Commander before they rushed into the castle. Smashing his shield into a royal guard, before stomping his spiked boots into the chest of the fallen guard, the Night Terror fought the forces of his enemy, pushing them back further and further from the entrance to the castle, and closer to the throne room, until they smashed through the entrance of the throne room. His soldiers hesitated, upon seeing who stood in their way, the Radiant Spears, the most elite unit in Celestia's army. Looking around, Iskandar's eyes landed on the white fur and purple mane of one of his oldest friends, turned one of his greatest rivals. Field marshal Solaris Aegis. Noticing Celestia in the room adorned in a gold-tinted suit of regal looking plate-mail, a grim and sorrowful expression on her face. Iskandar was the first to speak.

"Sol, Celly, how are the two of you?" The snarl that came from his old friend was more beast-like than it was pony-like.

"That is Field Marshal Solaris Aegis and Princess Celestia to you, you traitorous bastard," he said, tightening his magical grip on his sword The Solar alicorn was next to speak.

"I am filled with deep sorrow, for you see, the two closest beings to me, my sister and closest friend betrayed me, before plunging the country my sister and I swore to protect into violent and bloody civil war. But I still have hope." At this Celestia turned to her sister. " Luna, please, turn away from this darkness and cease your rebellion, we can be a family again." At this Nightmare snorted.

" Family?! Families don't turn their backs on each other, families don't bask in the limelight while their loved ones suffer in the dark, so no I won't surrender. I think I will kill you instead." At this, the room descended into chaos, both sides fighting brutally, as the two alicorns rose into the air and began an impressive fight. meanwhile the commanders of both armies, locked weapons, sword and mace straining against each other. After five minutes of intense fighting, Iskandar maneuvered the hooks on the top of his shield, and lifted Solaris aegis, with them, throwing him into the air before smacking him with his mace, crumpling his armor, and snapping both the right side of his opponents ribs as well as his right foreleg, and sending him flying into the wall. Before he could deliver the finishing blow, his queen gave a cry, causing him to look up just in time to see Nightmare Moon vanish due to the elements of harmony, and the resulting shockwave hurtle towards him, upon making contact, the magical blast turned the fearsome general to stone. The last thought going through his mind being, 'Oh shit'.