> Stupid Sexy Stereotypes > by SubBasementQ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Stupid Spiked Punch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUPID SEXY STEREOTYPES Shameless “Equestria Girls” smut written by Erin Mills The party had been going on for about three hours and was starting to wind down. Most of the guests had left and there was only a handful of Canterlot High students remaining. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were having another arm wrestling match in one corner of the room. Dash was dressed in a cardboard bikini modeled to look like some character from some anime or other, while Applejack had her hair done up in a tight bun, with two ringlets spiraling down in front of her ears. A pair of half rim glasses was perched on her nose, and her bicep bulged in the sleeve of the tight white blouse she was wearing, several buttons undone, allowing all of the spectators a view of her impressive cleavage. She shifted her nylon covered legs and rolled her pencil skirt clad hips to reposition her center of gravity. “Y'all gonna start anytime soon?” she smirked, as Rainbow growled in exertion. “Keep talking all the trash you want,” the athlete snarled. “It ain't gonna help you win.” “Anything you say, sugarcube,” Applejack smiled. Rainbow's growl returned and she pushed harder against her friends hand. Rarity rolled her eyes. It's truly any excuse for the two of them, isn't it? She looked at the plastic cup in her hand and decided to go get more punch while her two friends resolved their latest pointless competition. She straightened the hem of the short vinyl dress she was wearing. The damn thing seemed to have a mind of its own and kept trying to ride up as she walked. Rarity was thankful she had decided to put on a pair of white hose with the outfit Pinkie insisted that she wear tonight. Normally, Rarity wouldn't be caught dead in such a tacky piece of fetish fuel, but Pinkie had insisted. It had only been a month since the Fall Formal and somehow, Pinkie had decided the theme of her annual Halloween party this year would be “Sexy Stereotypes” and gotten her normally strict parents to let her go along with it. Once everyone had RSVPed their invitation, Pinkie had gone around school with a hat and forced everyone to draw a stereotype from it. That person was then required to attend in that costume. Rarity had pulled “Naughty Nurse” from the hat. Rainbow had pulled something like “Anime Robot Barbarian” and Applejack “Sexy Librarian.” All through the night, Canterlot High students laughed and mingled in ridiculous outfits. Even Muffins, normally a reserved girl, had show up wearing a pair of gold booty shorts and, once she was safely inside the house, removed her jacket to reveal nothing covering her upper body but a pair of gold glittery pasties. Apparently, in a bit of complete redundancy, she had drawn “stripper” out of the hat. Rarity made her way through the house, reaching up to make sure the nurses cap on her head was still bobby-pinned in place. She was almost to the kitchen when she was tackled from behind. “Heya, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie chirped. Rarity steadied herself, checked her hat again and shot Pinkie a look. Pinkie was dressed in a pink bikini and had what looked like a giant papier-mache potato on her head, with a hole cut out for her face. “Pinkie Pie, please!” Rarity protested. “I've been trying to get this outfit to behave all night!” “Oh, sorry! I just wanted to make sure you've had a good time. We're probably going to have to kick everybody out in about twenty minutes or so.” “Well, let me know if you need help cleaning up afterward, darling. I'm more than happy to stay behind.” “Thanks, but I've got it covered. Oh! I was going to ask, have you seen Sunset Shimmer? I saw her show up, but I haven't seen her since then.” Rarity frowned. “Hmm. Now that you mention it, I haven't. I thought I saw her getting food in the kitchen earlier, but that was just after I arrived.” “Oh, I hope she's okay,” said Pinkie. “I invited her so she could mingle and show everyone she's not a great big meanie pants anymore.” “Hey, Pinkie!” called Flash Sentry, clad only in a pair of gold lame briefs. (He had pulled “Rocky Horror” out of the hat.) “Is the lock on your bathroom door busted? Nobody's been able to get in there for an hour.” Pinkie blinked. “Oh jeez, is Fluttershy still in there? I told her she didn't have to come in costume if she didn't want to! Although I figured 'Sexy Fairy' would be right up her alley.” “You go deal with that, I'll see if I can find Sunset.” Rarity left Pinkie to deal with the bathroom issue and headed through the kitchen to the dining room. The table had been set up with a punch bowl and several trays of snacks. Now, the bowl was almost empty and the trays looked like they had been savaged by a pack of wolves... or hungry teenagers, the result was the same. With most of the food gone, and given it was unlikely there would be more, the dining room was empty. Except for a figure slumped in a corner on the floor. There was no mistaking the red and gold hair. Rarity leaned over. “Sunset Shimmer?” The girl in question looked up. She was dressed in a half unbuttoned white blouse, a pink tie loose around her neck and a dangerously short plaid skirt. She was also wearing a pair of sneakers and knee high black socks. “Huh?” the girl uttered. “Oh, hi, Ratiry... Rartiry... Rarity.” Her face was flushed and Rarity recoiled at the smell of alcohol on her breath. She frowned. Ever since the Fall Formal, the five of them had tried to get Sunset to become more social and show the school that she was making an honest effort to change. It looked like tonight hadn't gone well. “Sunset, are you drunk?” “Am I?” Sunset asked. She looked into the red plastic cup she was holding. “Maybe? Punch seemed off a while ago. Didn't taste the same when I got here.” Rarity turned back to the punch bowl. She ladled up a small amount into her own cup and took a sip. She made a face. Someone had spiked the punch. She turned back to Sunset. “Sunset, how much did you drink?” “Dunno. Had some when I got here. Tried to talk to people. They didn't like that. Came back here, got more punch. Tried again. Failed again. Someone called me a selfish bitch. Got more punch. Just been in here ever since. Sittin' in the corner. Drinkin' punch. Bein' hated.” “Oh, good lord,” Rarity sighed. “Sunset, someone spiked the punch. I think you need to go home. Do you have a ride?” Sunset laughed mirthlessly. “Nope. Gonna walk home in the dark. No ride. No car. No nothin'. Just me and my shadow.” She giggled again and went to drink from her cup. Rarity stepped forward and snatched the cup away. “I think you've had enough, Sunset. Come with me. I'll make sure you get home all right.” She reached down and pulled Sunset to her feet. The redheaded girl staggered and put a hand to her head and collapsed back into the corner. Rarity sighed and put Sunset's arm around her shoulder, while wrapping her own arm around Sunset's waist to steady her. “All right, darling, here we go.” It was awkward at first, but eventually Rarity was able to keep Sunset upright and moving. Sunset's head lolled and she looked at random people as they passed. Rarity could hear whispers and she new a fresh wave of rumors would be circulating when everyone was back in school on Monday. She spotted Pinkie Pie at the bathroom door and called out. “Pinkie Pie! Could I have a moment, please?” Pinkie left the door and walked over to Rarity. “Oh you found Sunset! Great! But we need to be quick, I told Fluttershy I'd find her a robe to wear before she leaves.” “I'm afraid someone spiked the punch, darling,” Rarity explained. “Sunset's had a bit too much of it. I'm going to take her home.” “Home again, home again, jiggety-jog!” Sunset blurted out. Rarity sighed again and looked back at Pinkie. “Is there any chance you know her address?” Pinkie nodded. “Sure do. I'll text it to you.” “Thank you, darling. Now if you'll excuse us?” Pinkie nodded and helped Rarity get Sunset to Rarity's car. After they had Sunset seated and buckled in, the two hugged and Pinkie went back into the house. “ALL RIGHT! NOBODY LEAVES THIS HOUSE UNTIL WHOEVER SPIKED THE PUNCH OWNS UP TO IT! I'M SERIOUS, PEOPLE! DON'T MAKE ME USE... THE CHICKEN!” Rarity let out an unladylike snort as she heard the groans coming from the remaining party goers. Rarity half supported, half dragged Sunset up the stairs to Sunset's second story apartment. She reached the door and tried the knob, huffing slightly when she found it locked. She looked over at Sunset, who was staring at the door, a perplexed expression on her face. “Sunset, darling, do you have the key?” “Huh?” Sunset jerked her head upward to look at Rarity. Her eyes widened and she blinked. “Whoa... head rush.” Rarity tried to keep exasperation out of her voice, and made a mental note to thoroughly lecture Pinkie Pie on keeping an eye on the refreshments at her next party. “Easy, darling. The door's locked. I need your house key.” “Oh, right,” Sunset put out an arm and steadied herself on the door frame. She took her other arm from around Rarity's shoulder, relieving the weight. “Hang on. No pockets 'n the skirt.” Sunset reached down and began fumbling inside her shirt, giving Rarity several flashes of golden cleavage as she did so. Rarity blushed and pointedly looked at the ceiling until Sunset gave a little cry of triumph and pulled out a small keychain with four keys on it. “Found 'em!” Sunset cheered with a boozy note of triumph. She began slowly flipping through them. “Y'know... y'know... you knoooooow... bra's're really useful sometimes? Didn't really get 'em at first when I came over. But, y'know, you can hide stuff in there and people won't look for it? Chafes a little with keys, but y'know...” Sunset reached down and held out the pleats of her skirt, causing it to ride dangerously high on her thighs. “No pockets.” Rarity reached out and pressed Sunset's arms back so the skirt returned to its normal position. “Yes, I get it, darling. Let's go inside, okay?” “Kay!” Sunset went back to her keys, selected the largest and, after several attempts, managed to get it into the keyhole. “Haaaa! I win again, y'little bastard.” Rarity helped the inebriated girl get the door open and flipped the switch next to the door which turned on the over head lights. Sunset staggered into the apartment and thrust her arms out. “I'm HOOOOOOME! Hello, couch!” Sunset collided with the end of her couch and flopped face first onto it. “Mmmm... I love you, couch. You're my only friend.” Rarity stifled a giggle as Sunset began cuddling with one of the throw pillows on the couch and muttered various declarations of love to the piece of furniture. She closed the apartment door and went to the small mini fridge next to Sunset's desk under the loft which held her bed. She found a bottle of water inside and took it over to the couch, unscrewing the lid. “Come on, darling, sit up,” she said gently, touching Sunset's shoulder. Sunset buried her face even further into the pillow. “Noooo. The room's being silly. It wants to jump up and down.” This time, Rarity couldn't help but giggle. “Yes, well, I'm sure if you get up slowly, it will stop such nonsense.” She gently took Sunset's arm and tugged her into a sitting position. Sunset continued to hold onto the throw pillow as she looked unsteadily at Rarity. Rarity took the throw pillow and put the bottle of water in Sunset's hand. “Drink that, darling. It will help.” “Okay.” Sunset started drinking, slowly at first, then as the liquid hit her throat, she began guzzling it down. Within seconds she had drained the bottle and flopped against the back of the couch, resting her head on the top. “Okay,” she repeated. “That's better. The room isn't being silly now.” “That's good.” Rarity knelt down and took Sunset's shoes off. Sunset let out a sigh of relief when her feet were freed from the sneakers. Rarity pulled off Sunset's socks and gently rubbed her friend's feet for a few seconds. “Oh, that's nice. Thank you, Rares,” Sunset murmured. “My pleasure, darling.” Rarity stood up. “Are you able to get yourself to bed tonight?” “Yeah, should be okay. Just need a few minutes.” “All right, then. I should be getting home myself. I'll call you tomorrow.” “No!” Sunset say upright and hurled herself across the couch, nearly falling off. Rarity gasped and helped her back up. “Please, Rarity, I don't wanna be alone tonight.” Rarity sat down next to her. “Sunset, darling, I do have to go home sometime. Besides you can always call me or the other girls if there's an emergency.” Sunset shot forward and embraced Rarity, burying her face in the other girls shoulder. “No... I'm alone. Always alone. Even in a crowd. Even at a party. Always alone.” Rarity gently disengaged from Sunset's hug and pushed her back. Sunset's eyes were wet. “Sunset, you're not alone. You have us. And we're not going to abandon you. You know that, right?” Sunset shook her head. “Why? I don't deserve it. I don't deserve you... any of you... but especially you.” Rarity blinked. “What on earth do you mean, darling? Why would you think you don't deserve us?” “Cause I'm mean,” Sunset sniffled. The tears began falling down her cheeks. “I'm mean, rotten, and horrible. I chase everybody away. I chased my parents away. I chased the princess away. I ruined your friendships with each other just because I could. And you... I was so horrible to you.” Sunset looked down at her feet. Her toes flexed and relaxed. “I humiliated you. Hurt you. For what? A stupid crown for a stupid dance? I... I can accept the others forgiving me. But how can you forgive me? How can you not hate me?” Rarity took Sunset's shoulder and pulled until Sunset was facing her. “Sunset Shimmer, you stop that kind of talk right now.” “'m sorry,” Sunset murmured. Rarity held up a finger. “Ah ah. I'm talking right now, darling. Yes, what you did to be was humiliating and hurt me terribly, but here's the thing about forgiveness, Sunset. You don't get to decide if you receive it or not. I choose to forgive you because I see you needing it. Whether you think you deserve it or not doesn't matter. I think you do and so I gave it to you.” “But I don't deserve it!” Sunset wailed. She tried to get to her feet but slipped and crashed back onto the couch. She looked over at Rarity. “I did all these horrible things an' an' I know I got suspended an' had to help rebuild the front of the school, but I don't feel like it's enough. I should be thrown into Tartarus, but you all forgave me. It doesn't feel right. It feels like I got away with something. I don't like that feeling. I'm sorry. I know it's not about me, but I just... I dunno...” The dam finally burst and Sunset started crying in earnest. She looked so lost and forlorn sitting there that Rarity couldn't help but reach out to her. She hugged Sunset and stroked her hair as the tears flowed. After a few minutes, the bawling stopped and Sunset sniffled. Rarity held her closer and leaned down to whisper in her friend's ear. “What do you need, Sunset? How can I help you?” Sunset leaned back, sniffled again, and wiped her eyes before looking at her fashionista friend. “Punish me?” Rarity blushed and she began to stammer. “S-Sunset, darling, I don't think that's--” “Please, Rarity,” Sunset insisted. “Hit me. Smack me. Kick me. Just, please, do something that makes me feel like I've gotten what I really deserve for hurting you.” Rarity straightened up. “I will do no such thing, Sunset. Whatever you did to me, you never laid a finger on me in the process and I will not resort to violence with you, no matter how much you insist on it.” Sunset nodded. “I understand. I'm sorry. I just... I don't know what else to do. I was at the party in this stupid outfit and I kept seeing everybody glare at me and I felt so bad. And I just kept drinking the punch, even though I knew it was spiked. And now I'm drunk and babbling and I wish I could just shut up and I wish I could stop feeling so damn guilty about everything.” Sunset put her face in her hands and groaned in frustration. Rarity frowned in thought as she looked her friend over. Clearly, Sunset was in agony and needed some sort of release for all the guilt she was feeling. At the same time, Rarity was finding herself torn between wanting to help her friend and not wanting to hurt her. She blinked as she found herself staring at Sunset's thigh where it disappeared under the hem of the schoolgirl skirt, and again as a thought occurred to her. “Sunset,” she began slowly. “Have you ever been spanked?” Sunset looked up. “What?” “Have you ever gotten a spanking when you misbehaved before?” Rarity's voice was somewhat distant as she mulled over her own feelings on the matter. Sunset shook her head. “My parents didn't believe in it and the princess had other methods of discipline when I was her student.” Rarity nodded and she was silent a moment. Would this really help? She certainly seems like she needs some sort of physical punishment to assuage her guilt. It would be far less violent than she seems to think she deserves, and it would also be far less damaging. Rarity took a deep breath and let it out. Sunset blushed slightly as the act caused Rarity's chest to press against the tight vinyl of the nurse's outfit she wore. “All right, Sunset, here is what I propose. If you truly think you need physical punishment, I shall give you a spanking. It will last as long as I feel is necessary. Once we are done, depending on how you feel, that will be the end of it and we shall never speak of it again. Agreed?” Sunset turned a brighter shade of red and nodded. “Yes, Rarity. Thank you.” Rarity gave her a gentle smile. “If this is truly what you need, then I am happy to help you, Sunset, darling. Now, across my knees, if you would.” Sunset took a deep breath of her own then crawled across the couch until she was laying face down across Rarity's lap. She put her hands flat on the floor to steady herself. She bit her lip as she felt Rarity lift her skirt up and rest it across the small of her back. “Now, I'm going ask you to bear with me, Sunset,” Rarity said. “I don't have much experience in this kind of thing either, but I was on the receiving end of my mother's hand once or twice when I was younger.” “Yes, Rarity,” Sunset said meekly. Her eyes widened as she felt Rarity's finger hook into the waistband of her panties and begin to pull them down. “Wait! What?” “It's not a proper spanking unless it's on your bare bottom.” Rarity reached out and began stroking Sunset's hair again. “This is what you asked for, darling. You know it's for your own good, don't you?” Sunset shivered as Rarity rubbed her other hand against her bare butt. I asked for this, she thought. She doesn't really want to do this, but she's going to because she cares. You know that, Sunset. “Y-yes, Rarity. I'm ready.” Rarity nodded, pulled Sunset's panties down to her knees and rested her hand on Sunset's buns. “Now, I'm going to start, and it's going to hurt, because I believe you need it to hurt. But if it feels like I'm going too far, I want you to say 'grapefruit' and I will stop immediately. Do you understand?” “Yes, Rarity.” “Good. One last question.” Rarity ran her other hand lightly up and down Sunset's back. “Are you absolutely sure you want me to do this? Think carefully, because I won't let you back out later.” She felt Sunset's rib cage expand as the redheaded girl took another deep breath. “Yes, Rarity, please spank me for what I've done wrong.” Rarity had clapped down against Sunset's ass with a thunderous smack. The stinging pain rocketed up Sunset's spine and she howled. Rarity reached across the small of Sunset's back to hold her in place and spanked her again. And again. Sunset wailed and thrashed on Rarity's lap as the blows rained down. “I'm sorry!” the former bully bawled. “I'm so sorry, Rarity!” “And what, exactly, are you sorry for?” Rarity asked, following up the question with another series of swats. “I – OW! – I'm sorry for being such a selfish bitch – AHHH! – I'm sorry I broke up your friendship with the other girls! OOOH! I'm sorry I tried to take over the school! OWWWWWW!” “That's good, darling,” Rarity said encouragingly. “Let it all out.” Rarity continued spanking as Sunset sobbed and cried out her confession. “I – AAAAAIGH! – I'm sorry I humiliated you during the Spring Fling election! OUCH! I'm sorry I took those pictures of you in the locker room and circulated them on MyStable! AHHH-HA! I'm sorry I was a selfish, greedy, horrible little monster!” As Rarity continued to punish Sunset, she realized something. She was enjoying this. Well, maybe “enjoying' was the wrong word, but something was happening. She felt lighter, as if punishing Sunset and hearing her confess to what she did and sounding truly contrite over it was soothing some wound she hadn't realized she had. Maybe Sunset was on to something. Maybe I needed this as much as she does. Sunset's babbling had degenerated into a series of wails and sobs. Rarity felt her hand begin to go numb and she looked down. Sunset had kicked her panties off with her thrashing, and her buttocks were bright red and starting to turn purple in spots. Rarity halted for a moment and spoke soothingly to Sunset, while flexing the muscles in her hand. “I forgive you, Sunset, darling,” she soothed. “You've been a very good girl for taking your punishment. And it seems I needed to hear you say it like this as much as you needed to get it out. Thank you, darling.” “Th-thank you, Rarity.” Sunset's voice hitched as she sobbed. Rarity brought her hand down again, causing Sunset to jump when it connected. “Now, I think one last vigorous batch should take care of it,” Rarity said, before bringing her hand down in a relentless series of slaps and spanks that quickly turned Sunset's reddened cheeks to light violet. Sunset bucked and moaned and squealed as it happened, but she didn't say the word to stop. After a minute or two, Rarity stopped and helped Sunset up. “Feeling better, darling?” Sunset sniffled and nodded. “Thank you,” she said quietly. “I feel much better now.” “Good. Now come here.” Rarity leaned forward and took Sunset in her arms. The other girl sank gratefully into the hug. She was still trembling from the punishment, but she felt safe and warm in Rarity's embrace. “I guess you have to go now,” Sunset murmured. “It's late.” “And leave you to try to sleep with a sore bottom? Never!” Rarity pulled back. “Sunset, I disciplined you because you needed it. Now that it's done, I am not going to leave you in pain.” Rarity got up off the couch, took Sunset's hand and helped her to her feet. “Now, we are going to go up to your loft, where you will lie down while I see to the damage I've done.” “But--” “Ah! We've done plenty to your butt already, darling. Punishment is over. Now it's time for healing. Besides,” Rarity gestured to her ridiculously tight costume. “What kind of nurse would I be if I left you in such a state, hm?” Sunset couldn't help but laugh. “You're not a nurse.” “And you're not a naughty schoolgirl, but considering I've just punished you like one deserves, I feel we might as well stick to our roles for the night, don't you?” “I guess I can't argue with that,” Sunset replied. Rarity smiled and took Sunset's hand again. “Good. Now, up we go. We'll soon have you feeling right as rain, darling.” Sunset smiled as she let Rarity lead the way up to the loft and her bed. The warmth in her heart far outshining the warmth coming from her naked cheeks. > Stupid Soothing Massage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as they reached the top of the stairs leading to the loft, Rarity gestured to the bed. “All right, darling, lie down on your stomach and I'll – Oh, darn! I completely forgot to ask. Do you have any lotion or skin cream or anything like that?” “There's some lotion in the bathroom,” Sunset answered. “In the cabinet under the sink.” “Right.” Rarity turned back to the stairs. “Make yourself comfortable. I'll be right back.” Sunset flopped down onto the bed, and winced as tingling pain shot from her butt up her spine. She hissed through her teeth, and leaned over to one side, lifting her skirt. She winced again as she saw the purple welts Rarity had inflicted on her. Wow, she really did do a number on me. Maybe I should let her take care of it. I'm not gonna be able to sit right for a month! Sunset sighed and she gingerly sat back up. I deserved it though. And I do feel better now. Maybe I just needed a good ass-whuppin' to get me back on track. She rolled her shoulders and frowned. Well, Rarity had told her to make herself comfortable. She undid the tie hanging loosely around her neck and tossed it aside, before unbuttoning her shirt and shrugging it off. She reached behind her back to unhook her bra and hissed again as the shift in weight caused her butt to protest again. Sunset growled, unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. “I'm back!” Rarity trilled, coming back up the stairs. “No skin cream, and this isn't the best lotion in the world, but I think it should – OH!” Rarity squeaked and whirled around, as Sunset looked down at her bare chest, yelped and grabbed a pillow to cover herself. Both girls blushed in mutual embarrassment. “Oh, crap! Rarity, I'm so sorry! I just wanted to get rid of my bra. Give me a second. I'll put something on.” Rarity didn't turn around, but a thought did occur to her. “Actually, Sunset, why don't you just go ahead and lay down like you are? We're all girls here, after all, and I won't see anything untoward if you're on your stomach.” “Are you sure?” Sunset asked. Rarity waved a hand. “Absolutely, darling. I've seen plenty of other girls au naturale when I've needed to get measurements. I just wasn't expecting it when I came back up. If you feel more comfortable with a top on, though, don't let me stop you.” Sunset stretched out on her stomach, resting her head on the pillow. “Actually, if you're okay with it, I think I'll stay like this for a while. It feels good.” Rarity looked over her shoulder, saw Sunset in position, then turned and climbed on the bed, kicking off her shoes. She spread Sunset's legs and knelt in the gap between them. She gently raised Sunset's skirt back up and rested it on her back, before squirting some lotion into her palm and rubbing it over her hands. “I understand completely,” she said, warming the lotion. “Some days, I get home from school and just lounge naked in my bed for a couple of hours. Cool sheets on bare skin feels wonderful, don't you think?” “Mmmm, yeah.” Sunset smiled and closed her eyes. “That's the best. It's one of the reasons why I usually sleep naked.” “Really?” Rarity placed her hands on Sunset's buttocks and began gently massaging them. “I never pegged you for doing that, given your sleepwear.” “I just have those for sleepovers and the winter. This place gets drafty. During the rest of the year though, sometimes it gets hot as hell in here. Plus, in Equestria, we don't really wear clothes.” “Oh yes,” Rarity said. She began kneading Sunset's cheeks more firmly, causing the other girl to moan in pleasure. “Magical ponies over there. I suppose clothes are a novelty where you come from.” “Kind of but not really. There's plenty of tailors and seamstresses. Hats are big, so are jackets and scarves and stuff like that. Dresses usually are only for formal occasions. But yeah, clothes are pretty optional where I come from. OOOH! Wow! That feels great!” Rarity smiled. She grabbed the lotion bottle and drizzled more over Sunset's ass. “Thank you, darling. You should come to the spa with me sometime for a massage. They work wonders. I never knew how much tension we carry in the derriere until I let them work on my glutes once. Now I have them do it every time. Speaking of, how's the pain?” “Going away,” Sunset answered with a sigh. “It doesn't burn as much.” “Good.” Rarity reached down and began brushing her fingertips across the curves, blending the lines of lotion together. “I think I may have gone too hard on you. Some of these welts look very bad.” “Really?” Sunset raised herself on her elbows and looked over her shoulder. Rarity felt her breath hitch slightly at the sight of Sunset's hair draping over her shoulder and across her back. She wished she had access to her phone to take a picture, but she quickly overcame her hesitation and began kneading Sunset's buttocks again, eliciting another pleased sigh. “You're quite purple in spots, but I don't think there's any serious bruising. If the marks don't go away in a couple of days, let me know and I'll take you to my family doctor. She's quite discreet.” Rarity took both hands and squeezed Sunset's left cheek near a large ugly looking welt. Sunset let out a scream and bucked. Rarity lost her balance and flailed her hands wildly, grabbing onto anything she could to steady herself. She felt her fingertip sink into something and Sunset's scream was replaced with a loud inhale and a squeak. Rarity blinked, looked down, and blushed. “Um... are you all right, Sunset?” “Uh-huh.” Sunset's voice was tiny and muffled. “I'm so sorry, darling. I was trying to work out a knot. I didn't mean to hurt you.” “'s okay.” Rarity bit her lip and tried to figure out how to phrase her next sentence. “Um... and I think my finger... well, um... it went... that is to say... it appears I have accidentally entered... your... um... bottom.” Rarity blushed again and looked down where her finger had firmly embedded itself in Sunset's sphincter. “I'm so sorry! I'll take it out right now.” “'s okay. You... can leave it there... if you want.” Rarity blinked and she looked up. Sunset was hugging the pillow tightly, not looking at Rarity. Rarity looked back down and gently moved her finger forward. Sunset hissed through her teeth and let out another sound between a sigh and a moan. Rarity licked her lips, not sure whether she should entertain the thought that went through her head. Sunset had asked for her help and she knew she shouldn't take advantage of that. But then again, Sunset had said she could leave it there. As Rarity dithered, Sunset raised her rear up, causing the finger to sink deeper into her anus. Sunset let out a moan. Rarity swallowed and gently slapped Sunset's ass, not hard enough to hurt, just to get her attention. “Sunset, I think...” Sunset raised her head and looked over her shoulder again. Her face was flushed and her eyes were glassy. “Please, Rarity? I know I've asked for so much, but I... I'm so lonely. I need someone to touch me. To make me feel wanted. I know it was an accident and you don't have to if you don't want to, but I'd really like it if you could...” Sunset trailed off and her face turned bright red. “Never mind. It was stupid.” “No!” Rarity said loudly, surprising herself. “No, no. It's okay, Sunset. I understand. Um...” Rarity gently pulled her finger free. She stared at it for a moment, before Sunset spoke. “Nightstand. Top drawer.” Sunset slid her leg over, allowing Rarity off the bed. Rarity sat back down near Sunset's shoulder and opened the nightstand drawer. Inside were a packet of antiseptic wipes and a bottle of hand sanitizer. Rarity took out both and gawked at what was underneath the packet of wipes. “Good heavens, Sunset!” Sunset hugged the pillow again and turned her head away from Rarity. “Um... yeah. I have those.” Rarity stared fascinated at the sex toys in the bottom of the drawer. A plastic egg with a wire running to a small controller, a purple cone shaped toy that was obviously not meant for one's vaginal area, and a small glass toy the same shape with swirls of red and yellow inside it. A small bottle of lubricant was also in the drawer. “I like things... in my butt.” Sunset's voice was tiny. “It feels good when I finger myself.” “I see.” Rarity swallowed again, a parade of images flashing across her mind. She had often thought about experimenting with anal play, but she had yet to actually try. From the looks of things, and how easily Rarity's finger had entered her, Sunset was already something of an expert. Abruptly remembering why she had opened the drawer in the first place, Rarity opened the packet of wipes and used several on her fingers, before applying a liberal amount of the hand sanitizer. That done, she looked back down at the toys, then over at Sunset, who seemed to be trying to will herself invisible. Rarity felt her heart melt at the sight of her friend's embarrassment. She reached out and began lightly stroking her fingers up and down Sunset's spine. “It's all right, Sunset,” she soothed. Sunset shivered and soon began to relax. “There's nothing to be ashamed of. We all have things that make us feel extra special.” “You don't think I'm weird?” Sunset asked, not looking at her. Rarity couldn't help but laugh. “Darling, while it's not something I've personally done, from what I understand, enjoying anal stimulation is hardly unusual. I highly doubt most people would consider it 'weird.'” “You sure?” Sunset sounded desperate for some kind of validation. Rarity decided to take pity on her. Besides, the noises Sunset made were absolutely adorable. Rarity dragged her fingers down Sunset's spine and slid herself down the bed as she did so. She danced her fingertips over the bunched up skirt at the small of Sunset's back and drew them over the golden curve of her ass. Sunset's breath caught again and she let out another adorable moan. Rarity began massaging Sunset's buttocks again, gently but firmly. She watched the muscles contract and release under her ministrations. Soon she was massaging them in circles, lifting, spreading, then letting them come back together. Sunset's breathing became ragged and Rarity found herself hypnotized by the sight of how Sunset's butt moved as she massaged. Rarity began rubbing her legs together and she felt her temperature rise and she saw Sunset's rosebud appear and disappear within the globes of flesh. She couldn't stop staring at it, fascinated as it came in and out of view. “Oh, god, Rarity,” Sunset whispered. Her ass began to rise off the bed. Rarity grabbed Sunset's legs and helped her up. Sunset was now laying with her ass in the air, her upper body laying on the bed. Sunset hugged the pillow her face was buried in. Rarity looked at Sunset's rear, primed and ready. Her slit within sight between her legs. Rarity smirked and reached forward, dragging her fingertips quickly across Sunset's lower lips. Sunset let out a shriek of pleasure and shivered. Rarity gave Sunset another playful slap on the butt, eliciting another adorable squeal. “All in good time, darling. But first...” Rarity leaned over Sunset, grabbing the packet of wipes from the nightstand. As she leaned back, she brought her head down and planted a gentle kiss on Sunset's cheek. “Do you truly want this, darling?” she whispered into Sunset's ear. “You are still quite drunk, and I don't want you doing anything you'll regret later.” Sunset responded by quickly turning her head and kissing Rarity full on the lips. The fashionista's eyes widened as Sunset's tongue slipped between her lips and began pleasuring the inside of her mouth. A moan welled up in her throat and she gasped as Sunset pulled back. “No regrets. Please, Rarity,” said Sunset. Rarity felt her heart melt all over again at the look of sheer gratitude and need on Sunset's face. The girl had clearly been starved of any sort of intimacy for quite some time. And Rarity knew it was her obligation – no – her duty to let Sunset know she was truly cared for. She leaned forward and gave Sunset another, softer kiss on the lips. “You are loved, Sunset Shimmer. What I do tonight, I do to show you that you are loved and that you are deserving of that love. Do you understand?” Sunset nodded and gave Rarity a shy smile. Rarity returned it and gently stroked Sunset's hair. “Good girl. Now, just relax and let Nurse Rarity make you feel all better.” Rarity reached up, unpinned the nurse's hat from her head and shook out her hair. Ah, that's better. She tossed the hat aside and returned to her position between Sunset's legs. She took out one of the wiped and gently rubbed it over the whole of Sunset's bottom. Sunset let out little hisses and sighs as the cool antiseptic soothed her skin and welts. Rarity tossed the used wipe aside and got out another one. She held one cheek aside, and gently passed the wipe over Sunset's hole. Sunset bit her lip and hugged the pillow tighter as Rarity made slow gentle circles with the wipe. Soon, the wetness was gone and Sunset felt a chill across her sphincter. She felt Rarity's hands on her ass again, spreading her cheeks. Sunset's eyes popped open as she felt a new, warmer wetness circling her hole. Sunset fought the urge to look over her shoulder and bit her lip as Rarity's tongue went to work, circling, zig-zagging, moving up and down, left and right. A moan escaped her lips as she felt the wetness wriggle it's way inside her and begin moving in and out, slowly at first and then faster. “Oh, fuck, Rarity!” Sunset whispered. “I've never... never...” The wetness vanished and Rarity's soothing whisper reached her ears. “Shhh. Neither have I, darling. Just relax and enjoy.” The wetness plunged back into Sunset's ass and Sunset pounded a fist against the bed, the sensations overwhelming her. Sensations that doubled when she felt Rarity's fingers penetrating her slit. She let out a loud shaky moan as Rarity's fingers and tongue began working both her holes. First together, then alternating then seemingly at random. Soon, Sunset heard the sounds of her sopping pussy being worked over. Rarity's tongue was relentless as it worked her ass over. Probing, licking, circling, even stopping occasionally so her friend could plant gentle kisses over her buttocks before diving back in. Sunset herself was very vocal about her enjoyment of the treatment she was receiving. The apartment was filled with moans, cries, squeaks, and squeals as Rarity worked Sunset over. Soon, Sunset was on all fours, rocking her hips back against Rarity's magic fingers and tongue. She felt Rarity's thumb on her clit, rubbing it in time with the motions of the fingers in her pussy. Sunset let out a cry of sheet pleasure. She felt the pressure rising and she knew she would go over the edge soon. Abruptly, Rarity's tongue vanished and her fingers stopped moving. Sunset's eyes opened and she looked over her shoulder at her friend, concern that she had done something wrong written all over her face. Rarity smiled. “Why don't you give me your favorite of those delightful toys in your drawer, Sunset, darling? I think you deserve it for being such a good girl tonight.” Sunset nodded and swallowed, nearly falling over in her rush to reach into the drawer. She pulled out the glass plug and handed it to Rarity. Surprisingly, she found the wherewithal to ask a coherent question. “Do you want the lube?” “Oh, I think I can handle that pretty well on my own, darling.” Rarity gave her a wicked grin and Sunset shrieked as Rarity's tongue assaulted her anus once more, sliding deeper and wetter than before. Sunset gripped the sheets and tried to not to scream at the top of her lungs, succeeding only slightly in letting out a cry at a lesser volume. Soon, Rarity's tongue disappeared again and Sunset felt the familiar cold smoothness of the glass entering her. She took a series of deep breaths, trying to relax as the plug slipped past her ring and fit snugly inside her. Then, Rarity began moving the plug back and forth inside her ass. Sunset's breathing quickened and she let out more squeaks as Rarity's fingers returned to her slit and began playing with her clitoris. “That's right, just let it take you, Sunset,” Rarity cooed. “You poor thing. It's been so long since anyone showed you some attention, hasn't it?” “Never... never like this... just hugs from... family... princess...” Sunset gasped. It was so good. She felt so warm. So safe. So loved. Rarity blinked. Rumors abounded at the school about Sunset's proclivities, but she never expected that particular rumor to be untrue. She leaned forward and planted another kiss on Sunset's left cheek. “I'm so glad you let me be your first, darling,” she cooed. “Me... me tooooo. Oh God!” Sunset was actively pushing against the plug. Rarity smiled as she felt the wetness between Sunset's legs drip onto her hand. All right, darling, time to let all these feelings out. With one forceful motion, Rarity pinched Sunset's clit and shoved the plug as deep as it could go. Sunset's eyes flew open and she screamed as her orgasm hit her. Her knees locked, her toes curled, and her whole body shivered as the pleasure rocketed through her. Her upper body collapsed into the pillow while her hips continued to jerk and buck. Rarity held onto the base of the plug, watching in satisfaction as Sunset rode the wave. Soon, Sunset calmed down enough so Rarity could remove the plug. Sunset collapsed onto the bed, letting out a long groan of pleasure. Rarity giggled and wiped down the plug with another antiseptic wipe, before returning both it and the packet to the nightstand. She got up off the bed, unzipped Sunset's skirt and began pulling it off. Sunset was like a limp noodle, but she helped by raising her hips slightly, allowing Rarity to remove it and toss it on the floor. “'nk you, Rarity,” Sunset mumbled into the pillow. Rarity smiled, leaned over and kissed Sunset on the cheek. “Happy to help, darling. Get some rest. I'll call you tomorrow morning.” Rarity picked up the discarded nurse hat and turned to go, when she felt Sunset grab her hand. She looked back. Sunset was resting on her other elbow and looking up, her face flushed. “Wait. Don't go.” “What's the matter, darling?” Sunset bit her lip and blushed. “It's... it's your turn.” > Stupid Sexy Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity blushed. “Oh, that's not necessary, darling.” “I know,” Sunset said, sitting up on the bed. Rarity swallowed as Sunset's naked form came into view. Toned muscles, firm breasts, a patch of red and gold hair poking up where her thighs met her abdomen. The hair on her head was disheveled from the orgasm Rarity had given her and her eyes were soft and mellow. “But I'm tired of taking without giving something back,” Sunset continued, putting her hands in her lap. “You don't have to if you really don't want to, but I'd like to make you feel just as good as you made me feel just now.” Rarity stood a while, considering. While she had only done what she did to help Sunset get over her guilt and loneliness, she couldn't deny the effect it had. Her panties were damp and the vinyl nurse's costume was feeling tighter than it had all night. Her mind replayed the sight of Sunset howling in pleasure, the feeling of the redhead's lips on her own. Rarity bit her lip and looked down at Sunset's pleading expression. The hell with it. Rarity gave Sunset a warm smile and began tugging the zipper on the front of the dress down. Sunset's eyes widened as more of Rarity's pale skin came into view. Her breasts, clad in a white lacy bra, burst forth from the tight confines of the dress, followed quickly by her flat stomach and her hips, still clad in white hose and matching white lace panties. Rarity let the dress fall to the floor and she stretched, glad to be free of the ridiculous costume. “Ahhh,” she sighed. “That actually is so much better. Now I can – goodness!” The fashionista yelped as Sunset suddenly leaned forward, wrapped her arms around Rarity's thighs and began planting kisses all over her abdomen. Rarity put her hands on Sunset's shoulder to steady herself as Sunset continued kissing her body. “So pretty,” Sunset murmured. “I was always jealous of you.” “Jealous?” Rarity asked, surprised. “Why?” “You're always so put together,” Sunset answered, kissing her way along the waistband of Rarity's pantyhose. “So gorgeous. I felt so mousy next to you.” Rarity couldn't help but smile. She put a finger under Sunset's chin and tilted her face upward. “Sunset Shimmer, you are anything but mousy. I personally would kill for hair and a complexion like yours. I saw your bathroom. Let me guess, you just have to shower and go to look like that.” Sunset blushed. “Kind of. I don't really know much about make up and stuff like that.” Rarity gently removed Sunset's hands from her hips and sat down next to her. “You have a natural beauty, Sunset. One that requires little to no augmentation. It takes me hours to get my look down every day. If anything, I'm a little jealous of how effortless it is for you.” Sunset blushed. “Okay... if you say so.” “I do say so.” Rarity leaned back and stretched out on the bed. “Now, you said something about giving back?” Sunset smiled and began tugging Rarity's panty hose off. Both girls giggled as the stretchy material stubbornly held onto Rarity's legs. Eventually, they came off and Sunset laid on her side next to her friend. “Can I kiss you again?” she asked. “Of course you may, darling.” Rarity's smile was warm and inviting. Sunset leaned forward and their lips met. Soft kisses at first, then with a rising urgency. Rarity took the initiative and repaid the kiss Sunset had given her earlier, sliding her tongue into Sunset's mouth and teasing what it found there. She felt Sunset's hand on her breast, gently kneading it through her bra. Rarity dragged her fingers down Sunset's naked back and gripped her ass firmly, causing Sunset to moan into the kiss. Sunset broke the kiss and looked down at Rarity, her face flushed. “Hey, I thought I was supposed to be making you feel good,” she said in mock protest. Rarity gave her a warm smile in return and squeezed Sunset's ass cheek again. “Well, maybe if you didn't have such a delectable derriere, I could restrain myself.” Sunset giggled and began kissing Rarity's neck. Rarity gasped and closed her eyes as she felt Sunset work her way down her neck, over her collarbone, before planting kisses on top of her breasts. The gasp turned into a moan as Sunset dragged her tongue down her cleavage, stopping when she reached the clasp between the bra cups. “Oooh, that's convenient,” Sunset said. She brought her fingers up to the clasp and popped it open, freeing Rarity's pillowy tits. Rarity moaned again as Sunset kneaded her mounds. Sunset's palms felt rough against her hardening nipples and each brush sent tingles up her spine. Tingles that turned to outright shocks as Sunset latched her lips around one of her nipples and began sucking. “Oh God! Sunset!” Rarity shrieked, arching her back at the unexpected contact briefly before crashing back to the bed. Sunset continued sucking and running her tongue around the erect nipple. She also began circling Rarity's other nipple with her finger, causing Rarity to squeak and gasp. “How... how are you so good at this?” Rarity gasped. Sunset took her mouth off her friend's tit and smiled. “I watch a lot of porn,” she grinned. Rarity giggled and sat up, shrugging off her bra. “Naughty girl.” Sunset gave her a mischievous look. “I know. Maybe I need another spanking.” “Maybe later, darling.” Rarity leaned forward and kissed Sunset again. “Yeah,” Sunset smiled. “I have other things to do first.” Sunset began kissing her way down Rarity's body, enjoying the sounds coming out of her friend as she dragged her tongue over Rarity's stomach. When she reached Rarity's panties, she repeated her series of light kisses along the waistband. Rarity bit her lip and shivered. “Please, don't tease me, darling,” she moaned. Sunset smiled, kissed Rarity's abdomen once more and gently tugged her panties down and off. When she returned to her position between her friend's legs, she marveled at the smooth bare pussy she found. She lightly ran her fingertips over Rarity's lower lips, and blinked as she felt no roughness or stubble. Rarity bit her lip and let out another moan of pleasure as Sunset examined her. “You shave?” Sunset asked, looking up. Rarity leaned up on her elbows. “Wax, actually,” she huffed, her face flushed with excitement. “I like feeling the material of my underwear on my skin.” “Oooh,” Sunset cooed. She began dragging her fingers up and down Rarity's slit, causing the other girl to cry out and crash back to the bed. “And here I thought I was the naughty one.” She pressed her thumbs to Rarity's labia and opened them wide. Rarity's pussy was pink and glistening and beautiful. “You're even pretty here,” Sunset whispered. She leaned forward and gently kissed the inner lips. “Sunset,” Rarity gasped. “Shhh.” Sunset leaned up and put a finger on Rarity's lips. “Just feel.” Sunset went back down, stuck out her tongue and tentatively licked Rarity's folds. Rarity let out a cry and shivered. Sunset smiled and dove back in. Her tongue twisted and writhed within Rarity's pussy. Sunset tried to place what Rarity tasted like. It was a little bitter and acidic, but there was a hint of sweetness underneath. Kind of like a citrus fruit but not. She liked it. Rarity, meanwhile, was trying not to flail her legs as Sunset worked. Tremors ran up her legs. Her hips rocked into Sunset's tongue as it probed her. One hand gripped the sheets while the other squeezed one breast. “Oh yes, Sunset,” she whispered. “Yes. Lick me, taste me. So good.” Sunset kept licking and nibbling at Rarity's folds, enjoying the little exclamations her friend was making. She swirled her tongue around the folds, inside, then out and back again. She leaned back to take a breath, looked down and smiled. “Hey, Rarity?” Rarity took a deep breath and propped herself back on her elbows. “Y-yes, darling?” Sunset bit her lip, uncertainty creeping back into her voice. “Do you... do you want to try one of my other toys?” Rarity blinked and glanced at the open nightstand drawer. She considered for a moment. “Maybe not this time, Sunset. I'm not sure if I can take it.” “Okay.” Sunset looked back down and spotted Rarity's clit poking out from its hood. She smiled and planted her lips on it, sucking it between her teeth. “OH MY GOD!” Rarity shrieked, bucking her hips so hard they bounced into Sunset's nose, causing the redhead to cry out and fall off the edge of the bed. Rarity sat up and crawled to the end of the bed. “Sunset, darling! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?” Sunset smirked and leaped onto the bed, pinning Rarity to it and kissing her fiercely. Their tongues danced and swirled around, while Sunset's hand sought out Rarity's pussy. She thrust two fingers deep into the fashionista, causing Rarity to cry out again. Sunset began thrusting her fingers back and forth, while her other hand went to the back of Rarity's head, and pulled her close, touching their foreheads. “Sun-Sunset... oh wow... yes... yessss...” Rarity panted. “Tell me,” Sunset gasped, her own voice becoming just as breathy and quiet. “Tell me how good it feels.” “So... so good.” Rarity's hips began rocking in time with Sunset's hand. “I've never... ooooh! Do that again!” Sunset smiled again and wriggled her fingers the way she just had, causing Rarity to squeal again. Sunset moved her fingers out and up and began playing with Rarity's clit. Rarity grabbed Sunset's shoulders and moaned into her ear. “Keep going. Please keep going. I... I need it... I need it, Sunset.” “I will,” Sunset panted in response. “I will, Rarity.” Rarity kissed Sunset again, and moved her own hand down. She reached between Sunset's legs and began teasing her lips open. Sunset's eyes widened. “Rarity...” she moaned. “Shhh, darling,” Rarity said, kissing Sunset again. “I want to. I want to do it with you.” Sunset moaned again as Rarity's fingers slid into her. Rarity let out a pleased noise at how wet Sunset was and began mimicking Sunset's movements. A game of sexual follow-the-leader ensued with Sunset doing something to Rarity, and Rarity reciprocating the action. Both girls began getting more and more vocal. Sunset uttering a variety of moans, gasps, and squeaks, while Rarity spewed out half formed sentences and expressions of desire. Their hips rocked against the other girls' fingers. Spare hands wandered over their upper bodies and kisses were rained down on lips, cheeks and faces. “S-Sunset,” Rarity gasped, her hips bucking wildly. “Close... so close.” “M-me too,” Sunset moaned. She let out a shriek as Rarity began pounding her fingers in and out of her pussy, thumbing her clit as she did so. Sunset quickly returned the favor, both girls hands becoming slicker with their arousal. “Please,” Rarity begged. “Please, Sunset...” “W-what?” Sunset was half insensible, barely registering what Rarity was saying. “Cum with me. I want you... you to cum with me. Please, I want to cum. I want to watch you cum. You're so beautiful when you cum. Cum with me? Please? Pleaaaaaasse!” “Yes... yes, Rarity.” Sunset redoubled her efforts and let out a shriek of her own when Rarity mimicked her motions. Sunset grabbed Rarity's shoulders and pulled her close. Rarity returned the embrace and the two girls kissed once more. The contact was enough to push them over the edge and both screamed as orgasm hit them. They clung to each other as they rode out the shocks and tremors from their mutual release. After a moment they both calmed down and the apartment was silent except for the two girls gasping for breath. Sunset and Rarity separated and rolled onto their backs. After a moment they looked at each other and laughed, before embracing again. Rarity kissed Sunset and smiled. “Feel better, darling?” Sunset nodded. “Much better. Thank you.” They hugged and Sunset lightly ran her fingers over Rarity's hip. “So... um... I guess you'll be going soon?” Rarity smiled and got up off the bed. Sunset's face fell, but quickly turned perplexed as Rarity pulled back the covers of the bed and slid between the sheets. “Are you coming to bed, darling?” she asked, fluttering her eyelashes. Sunset smiled and got up. She flipped a switch near the railing that lined the loft, plunging the apartment into darkness, except for the soft lighting coming from the Christmas lights wrapped around the railing. She climbed back onto the bed and slipped under the covers. She cuddled up to Rarity, rested her head on the other girls shoulder and sighed as she felt Rarity's arms surround her. “Rarity,” she whispered, looking up. “What happens now?” Rarity gave her a loving smile and kissed Sunset's forehead. “I don't know, darling. I think we should just take things one day at a time and see what happens. Is that okay?” Sunset thought about it for a minute then smiled and nodded, before snuggling back into her friend's arms. “I can do that. But, just so you know, either way... I love you, Rarity.” Rarity leaned down and kissed Sunset again. “I love you too, Sunset. And I'll be here for you whenever you need me.” “Thank you.” Sunset sighed and hugged Rarity before both girls settled down and closed their eyes. Sunset held her friend close and felt safe, warm, and loved. Rarity held Sunset and smiled at the sound of Sunset's breathing becoming regular and stroked her friend's hair one more time. The road ahead of Sunset was still very long, but Rarity was confident that she could walk it as long as she knew she had friends who would walk it with her. Even if she needs the occasional spanking to keep her on track.