> As Luck Would Have It > by Calico64 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lucky Star > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pressures of being young are often looked over as a passing phase. With school, homework, extracurricular activities, girlfriends and boyfriends, family life and jobs all rolling into one, many would say that it is not as hard as it will be in the future. However, that’s because many have rose colored glasses on the subject. People tend to forget what it was like when they were young and pine for the days when their parents paid the rent. They don’t remember when you were stuck with a teacher you didn’t like, or what kind of pressure it was to make straight A’s in school or what it was like wondering if you were ever going to lose your virginity. For Patch, this phase had been following him for far longer than expected. It was only half a year since Patch Note graduated from high school. He got his associate’s degree in Ranch U on a scholarship, but that scholarship only paid for the courses, not the books. He recently had to leave his last apartment because the leaseholder left and he had to find another apartment fast. Now he was regretting having to do it so quickly. He felt that if he had just chosen his quarters more carefully, he would have been spared the wrath of one Solar Flare. This mare was a terror to live with on a regular basis. Some may say that he was overreacting and some would say that he just had to get use to her. After a while, maybe she wasn’t so bad. No, after five months of living with her, he could very truthfully say that he would rather live with a timberwolf. Nothing he did for the apartment was good enough for her. She would sit in her room for hours without doing a single chore. The minute she walked into the common area, she would leave magazines, books, beauty products, food containers, dishes and candy wrappers lying all over the floor. Ten minutes later, she would bitch at Patch for not cleaning up the mess. His only solace in this case was that he enjoyed his job, and he very quickly became a supervisor at the video game store on Star Lane. Not to mention it was close enough to home that he could walk there if he got a thirty minute head start, which he often did, given his predicament. The only real thing she did was pay the rent on time, and that was a miracle as far as he could tell. She had about the personality of a brick and the bedside manner of a tubeworm. Patch sometimes wondered if he deserved half of the crap she shoveled out to him. Maybe this is what female roommates were always like. He didn’t know. He’d never lived with a mare before. He stood in front of the mirror of his bathroom, putting on his black uniform t-shirt and pinning on his nametag. Video Star was an old company originating out of Ponyville, but it moved its way into other territories of Equestria, so there were four other locations in Ranchtown. This was good, because it meant that he was able to pick up other shifts from other stores if anyone called in sick or were let go for one reason or another. He’d been working there for six months, right before he graduated high school, and yet he was made a supervisor after two months because of his efficiency and knowledge of the gaming world. He was pretty proud of this fact, actually. “Hey! The dishes need to get done, Patch!” Solar Flare called from the mini-kitchen directly connected to the common area. “I’ll get them done after work, I’m about to leave.” Patch said as he ran his hands through his brown hair as he put on his black baseball cap. He started hurrying a little more. The more he dawdled, the more she was going to ride him about the dishes, even though he had already done them that morning. The fact that he cleaned and dried them along with putting them away apparently didn’t occur to Solar Flare as a good thing. It was never enough. He got out of the bathroom and saw the pink and blond earth pony standing in the middle of the living area wearing nothing but a small pair of white panties and a small gray tank top. Solar Flare didn’t have much in the ways of cup size, but she was still slender and absolutely beautiful. Not to mention, Patch had never had a marefriend who shared any kind of intimacy with him. All of his relationships were rated PG with not much in the ways of adult content. He’d kissed two mares in his life. One was drunk and one was after prom with the mare closing the door and breaking up with him a week before graduation. “So, when I come home tonight, the dishes will be done, right?” Solar said with her bare hoof tapping on the carpet. “Yeah, I’ll get off at around eight tonight.” He said as he grabbed his backpack from the doorway in his room before closing the door. The tan colored earth pony slung the backpack over his shoulders as he straightened his hat in a mirror next to the front door. Solar Flare scoffed and went back to her room where her phone was going off. Patch couldn’t help but get another look at her very visible ass cheeks. He knew he shouldn’t. Not only did he loathe her, but he was also just tormenting himself. Sure, she was the subject of many of his fantasies when he jerked off in his room, but those fantasies ended up disgusting him afterward and it would only make him hate himself more when all was said and done. Before she could come out of her room and complain about something else, he made his way out the door and started walking down the flights of stairs. Sure, his job could get boring and tedious, especially during price changes and inventory nights, but gaming was something of a passion of his. He beat the new Spider-mare game within two days of getting it, and the extra day was just because he had to do his ridiculous amounts of chores around the apartment. He had a Neptune 5 system and a Nightblade handheld console. Many would ask why he only had those two systems but he really couldn’t help himself for being a poor college student. He still had a ridiculous game library of both systems. Patch wanted an original Neptune system, but those things were very difficult to find, and a lot of the games each cost more than the console. He prided himself on game knowledge far before his time. He had even played a lot of those games that no one his age had heard about. These were some of the reasons why he thrived in his job. It was a short walk to the store. He had a working piece of crap car, but he rarely drove it because of gas costs. Patch walked into the front of the store and was greeted by a very welcome sight. His bright green unicorn buddy lifted up his hands and whooped. “Apache!” Blast Drive shouted as he pumped both of his fists in the air. “The one and only, the colt of the hour, the tower of power! What is up!” Blast said as he was changing out a poster ad at the front desk to show the new game coming out in a month that Patch had no interest in whatsoever but still knew every minute detail about. “Hey Blast, what’s on the agenda today?” Patch said as he went behind the counter to clock in. “You’re looking at it, bro. Beyond this, we just need to get three presales each and we’re home free.” Blast said as he was changing out a poster at the front desk. It was to advertise a new game coming out that month; Patch had no interest in it whatsoever but somehow knew every minute detail about. “Just three? How did that come about?” Patch asked as he looked at the upcoming games list. “Well, you and me sold almost ten each on Monday, bro. That kind of happens when you outshine every Video Star in the city. The District Manager said we knocked it out of the park. So, of course, he probably wants us to presell five. It’s always good to one up.” Blast went behind the counter and started slapping Patch’s shoulder with front hands and back hands. “So, you see that chick naked yet?” “No.” Patch said as he feigned a defensive posture from Blast’s little slaps. “I’m telling you, as hot as she is, her craziness far outweighs it.” “Uh, yeah, and you dusting the shelves and cabinets pretty much means she should be at least walking around the house naked. If I was living with her, I wouldn’t settle for anything less than some naked boobage for each time I cleaned up that damn sink.” The unicorn rolled his eyes and leaned his tail against the counter. “You gotta kick that bitch to the curb, bro.” “I know. Living with her is a damn nightmare, I’ll be lucky to last another month, let alone the next six months I have on my lease.” Patch sighed. “She only digs the macho sports type. I have about as much chance of getting in her pants as I do getting an actual marefriend.” “Stranger things have happened, bro. I ain’t exactly swimming in women but I heard that after you break the V-card, you’ll wonder where all the sex is coming from. It’s like non-stop after that. Just keep being a nice guy, and you won’t have a bitch who craves asshole stallions. You know what I’m saying?” The slender green unicorn snickered as Patch opened up his register. “Lot of good it’s done me so far. I’m twenty three and I haven’t even seen a naked woman, much less gotten one under the covers.” Patch said this as both of them looked to the front door to see a blue pegasus mare walk in. This was a sight to behold. She looked absolutely smoking hot, but she wore the most boyish clothing. She didn’t have short hair, but it wasn’t really long either. The mere sight of this woman was so middle of the road, it almost hurt to look at her as she waved at the two of them. She wore a small blue jacket and a black t-shirt underneath that covered up her moderate sized breasts saying “No Loading Zone.” She immediately went to the side of the store that held their Cobalt games. She had a Cobalt Blue system, it seemed. Cobalt Entertainment Consoles were the leading competitor to Neptune. The two of them had been in a rat race for generations, but the Neptune always seemed to end up on top no matter how hard Cobalt tried. “Hi, welcome to Video Star, can I help you find something today?” Patch said as the pegasus stared at the game selection. The baseball cap on her head was backwards, so she pulled it off her head and scratched her orange mane. “I’m looking for a multiplayer game that I can play with a second controller. Are there any good ones?” She asked, picking up a Cobalt game box and looking at the back. “Well, those are in rare quantity now. Unfortunately, everything has been going online, so people have to play with other systems.” Patch said as he walked out from behind the counter and looked up at the selection. “You’ve got Smiley Doll, but that’s more of a younger generation game, but then if you don’t mind some blood, you can do Golden Bullet.” He said as he reached up to the second shelf and pulled out a game with a whole bunch of guns that caught her eye. “Oh, yes, this is closer to what I’m looking for.” She read it, and saw that there was a four player option. “And this is a pretty good game?” “Yeah, it’s a remake of the old Cobalt Ice system game, and they did a pretty decent job of capturing its original selling point.” Patch said and took the other game she was holding, putting back on the shelf in its alphabetical order. “Wow, thanks,” She turned and looked at his nametag. “Patch Note. Keep this up and I’ll make this game store my go-to.” She smiled sweetly at him and he smiled back at her. “I’ll take this one.” “Awesome! I can get you right over here.” He pointed at the register as he walked behind the counter. “Were there any other games you had your eye on for future releases?” He asked as he wiggled the mouse to get the computer going again. “Yeah, but I don’t know if I want to pre-order it. I enjoyed the other Blood Stone games, but this new one just looks questionable to say the least. I like to conquer worlds that have a bit of challenge to them, but this one seems like I could just lift a finger and take over a continent.” She got her wallet out of her back pocket and searched out her debit card. “I’ve got some sleazy bitches that need to be taught a lesson in gaming tonight, so I need a shoot’em up so I can clock some bullets in their skulls.” “Wow, damn, you sound like the craziest bitch at the party!” Blast said, drawing a surprised look from Patch. At first, he was going to apologize to her for him, but then she started laughing. “You’re damn right! If I could kill them in their sleep in a video game, I totally would!” She smiled big but then looked for her other card. “I don’t know if I have my Video Star card.” “Oh, we just need your number.” Patch said, giving Blast an odd look, but he simply shrugged at him. Patch punched in her number on his computer to get her account info from the database, and all of her info popped up on the screen. “Alright, Vertigo, you have a hundred and ten points on your account after this purchase, so you’ll be able to buy a full game after a few more purchases.” “Sweet! I’ll just have to take out a few more hit victims before I can afford any of those fancy collector’s editions, though. Those give the real points!” She said this, and both of them looked at each other, giving her another odd look. “What? I meant getting better at games! I’m not an assassin or anything. That would be…” She grinned as evil as she could at both of them. “...Silly.”   She popped her debit card into the machine and paid for the game. Patch got her a bag and slid her game into it as he handed it to her, then put the receipt inside. “Thanks for stopping by.” Patch said, and both of them waved at her as she started for the door. “Thanks guys! Thanks for the help! Talk at you later!” Vertigo flapped her wings a little bit as it was caught in a bit of the cold winter wind. Her jacket didn’t seem at all fit for the weather that day, but she didn’t seem all that bothered by it at all. “You see, you need a girl like that. She was hot, a gamer, and she was the good kind of crazy. She’s the one you need to hook up with. You got her phone number, you need to put that in your phone, and call her about a bullshit question about her account. Then, when you got her all confused, start asking her what she’s doing tonight, and move in for the kill.” “Yeah, get right on that.” Patch said, but then saw that her phone number was still on his computer screen and thought for a minute. Before he could even act on any of those urges, Blast was already writing the number down on a notepad. He tore the note right out of the pad and slapped it down on the counter in front of Patch. “There ya go, bro! Your time to shine. I bet you could do it in like an hour, or maybe an hour and a ha--” Blast started to say, but then stopped as he saw another female walk into the store. This one was a gray bat pony girl with fiery orange hair and soft, blue eyes. She was built solid, it seemed, and while all of these were wonderful physical qualities, what caught both of their eyes were her breasts were lethal weapons all their own. She looked like she could turn to the side and knock someone out with those things flopping around. “Welcome to Video Star, please let us know if we can do anything to help you.” Blast said it this time, which drew a surprised look from Patch, because he never said the full greeting. The bat pony looked at both of them and smiled, waving. To their surprise, she was looking at the full console systems. The really high end Cobalt Blue and Neptune 6 systems that were in the display cases with the high quality space and the games that came with them. “Yeah, I’m wanting to buy one of these systems, and I was wondering which one I should get. My boyfriend really wants me to get into these and he wasn’t very good at explaining these things to me. Which one should I get?” She turned to the pair and smiled. Her white shirt perfectly outlining the bra underneath as it held her enormous jugs. “Spider-mare Neptune 6.” Both of them said in perfect sync. She blinked, then looked at them both with a surprised expression. “Spider-mare?” She asked and both nodded with full confidence. “I heard it was pretty good.” “Pretty good?” Patch chuckled, and she chuckled along with him at his very vigorous tone. “It’s the greatest thing ever created in this world, ever!” Patch said, making her laugh even harder. “The controls are perfect, the storyline is pristine, the combat system is outstanding and the replay value is through the roof. It just makes you want to play it.” “Well, okay then.” She said as she finally stopped laughing long enough to talk again. “Alright, what other games are good along with the Neptune 6?” She asked as she tapped on the glass. “I’ll need some games to go along with it.” “Oh, well, let’s go to the wall.” Patch walked out toward the wall in front of a very jealous Blast Drive. He started on his spiel as he went to the wall, recommending games for her of various natures. He got her three first person shooters, two roleplaying games, two fighting games, five adventure games and two survival horror that won game of the year in the last three years. “These are the titular games for any collection.” He laid the stack down in front of her. As he did this, Blast was already going through their cabinet of used games and pulling them out like a good assistant. “Which ones interest you?” “All of them, I’ll ring them all up. Do I need accessories?” She asked, looking behind the desk at all of the controllers and different kinds of attachments that go along with it. Both employees stared at her with wide eyes as she smiled at them both. “Um, yeah, since you have a boyfriend, he’ll probably need a controller, but it can hold four at a time.” Patch said, and she nodded. “I’ll take all four, just get me different colors so I know which one belongs to which. Then I’ll need some code cards to get those DLC’s that Diamond Sword keeps raving about. He’ll want those.” They were frantic in their search for these items, laying them out in front of her, along with the full box set for the Spider-mare Neptune 6. They rang up everything on the counter. “So, if your boyfriend is so into games, why doesn’t he have one of these systems?” Patch asked, almost afraid to undermine their enormous sale. “Oh, he does, but he wants to start doing LAN parties at some point, so I wanted to help him with it. He’s not going to be at the house tonight, though. I have some friends coming over tonight and I’ll need to set this all up. So, if no one knows how to set it up, I may have to sit this one out.” She said as she looked at all of the items she had for purchase. “Maybe I should wait.” “No!” Blast Drive said, surprising both of them. “Patch Note can help you set it all up tonight! This guy is a prodigy of gaming, and the perfect employee to make house calls!” He pointed at the brown earth pony with both of his hands in a shaking fashion as if he were showing off a grand prize for a game show. “Really?” She asked, looking at Patch, whose eyes were very wide at this point. “Do you think you could help me?” “Well, I--” “Of course he can! He’ll have your system up and running in no time flat. Just give him a time and a place and he will set you right up!” Blast Drive smiled and caught a flabbergasted look from Patch. “Would you like to pre-order some games too?” Patch was about to stop Blast right there. If they pile too much stuff on her all at once she was liable to break down in a fit of confusion and anxiety from all of the new stuff. To his surprise, though, she was looking up above the counter at the list of upcoming games. “Are there any good games coming out?” She asked. “Oh! Dragon Helm is coming out for the Neptune?” “Yes!” Both of them exclaimed, and she clapped her hands together in delight. “Yes! I will preorder that. This was a good idea, I love Dragon Helm. Is that the game with the expansion?” She asked and both of them nodded. “It’s coming out with all of the current expansions, plus the new one that is exclusive to consoles.” Patch said, and she clapped her hands again with excitement. “I’ll put you down for the preorder. I think you should be all set for that.” He said as he scanned up the last of her items, coming out to seven hundred and fifty five bits. “You have a membership, right?” “Oh, I have a Pro membership.” She said as she brought out her card for him to scan. “Excellent, because this is some serious points. I think one of these games is going to be free.” Patch said as he got her info. “Okay, Grem, you’re all ready.” “Thank you both, so much. You really saved the party tonight for me. I really was excited that all of my friends were coming over, but my boyfriend was taking his console with him to his friend’s house, so I couldn’t use it. When can you come over to setup my system?” Grem asked, batting her eyelashes at her new knight in shining armor. “Oh, anytime you want.” Blast said, giving Patch a thumbs up. Patch gave him another crazy look. “It starts at eight, so I’ll need it set up about an hour early.” She said as she started gathering up all of her freshly purchased merchandise. “Ummm, okay. I’ll be there at seven, then.” Patch said with a meek, nervous smile. “Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it. I’ll give your manager the best review for you.” Grem said as she smiled sweetly. “I’ll see you tonight!” “Bye, Grem!” Blast waved at her. As soon as the door closed, he whirled around and slapped Patch on one shoulder with both hands. “Duuuuuuuuuuuuude!!! You’re sooooo fucking lucky! I cannot believe it!” “Yeah, we made some great attachment sales right there, it’ll look really good on our numbers.” Patch smiled at him, but then received another two slaps on his shoulder. “No! You dingus! You’re gonna be at a totally hot bat pony’s house whose tits are as big as my head! You are in, man!” Blast pumped both fists in the air. “YES!” “But she has a boyfriend. I’m not exactly there as a date.” Patch signed off all of the purchases they just did and started going to the back to put another Neptune 6 Spider-mare edition in the case to replace the other. “Man, she is going to have friends over tonight, and you’re there! I’m covering for you for the last hour of your shift and closing tonight anyway! It’s in the bag! I am so damn jealous, bro. This is one of those times I wish I was single.” Blast’s smile never left his face as he watch Patch come out with a new system to put in the case. “You owe me, bro! I totally just hooked you up with a smoking mare, and I expect details of the juiciest calibre! You lucky bastard!” “Dude, I’m just there to set up her system. I doubt anything’s going to happen.” Patch said, then looked over at his screen with all of her info on it, including her phone number and address. He wrote it down on the same piece of paper that Blast put Vertigo’s number on. “Bump that shit, bro. You are going to get some numbers, and you are going to hold some girl’s hand. You remember your first kiss? This is going to blow that out of the water. You are gonna see some tits, too!” Blast spoke in the most serious tone that he had ever seen. The unicorn seemed entirely adamant about Patch getting a mare of his own. “You need some confidence! Confidence is one of the sexiest traits you can bring to the party, and it will get you in a bedroom in a hurry. When a mare asks you if you want to go to a movie, you say ‘yes, what movie and what time? I’ll pay for tickets.’ When she asks you to dance, you get on that dance floor and you throw all inhibitions out the window and dance like your life depended on it, no matter how terrible it is. This is your chance, Patch Note! And I’ll be damned if you’re gonna pass it up! Seven o’clock, you’re out of here!” Patch was now watching Blast get into his face, looking him in the eyes. He was wagging his finger in front of the brown pony’s snout and his voice was quite intense. “But… I’m supposed to do dishes tonight…” Patch said in a meek tone. Blast’s brow furrowed, growing rage incarnate in his face as he blew steam from his nose. He grabbed a random red lightsaber, pressed the button and slipped it out at full blade and wacked Patch across the face with it, causing him to fall to the ground. ------- Grem walked to the door as the doorbell rang. She was now dressed in her more nerdy outfit with the Dragon Helm master warrior on the front of a black shirt, decked out in amazing armor. She had on khaki shorts and houseshoes. The batpony opened the door to see Patch Note there still in his Video Star uniform. “Hey, Patch! Come on in!” She smiled at him and waved. His eyes instantly went to her breasts as they jiggled. Clearly, she was not wearing a bra anymore. “Hi, yeah, thanks.” Patch said, taken a little off guard by her free chested wobbling. She led him into the living room as he took off his shoes. She had an amazing house, as he figured she would with how much money she was able to spend at the store. Her living room was almost pure white carpet with a few pictures on the wall of her with a white unicorn that he could only imagine was Diamond Sword. She had a fireplace with white bricks around it. Her couch was a beautiful beige and she had three reclining chairs that looked like she got them especially for this LAN party she was throwing at her house. “Wow, your house is amazing.” “Thank you. Can I get you something to drink?” She motioned toward her dining room with the various sodas and energy drinks laid out for her guests. “I just ordered the pizza, so they should be here a little while after the party starts.” “Oh, no, I’m fine. Thanks. Is this screen the one you’re playing off of?” He pointed to the TV and saw the Video Star plastic bags underneath it. He found it to be a stupid question at that point and went to the bags to uncover all of the treasures they possessed. “Yeah, and I’m sorry I didn’t get to open the boxes and such. I’ve been so busy preparing for the party.” She said and he was already shaking his head, waving it off. “Oh, it’s no problem at all, I love doing this sort of thing. It’s like waking up Hearth’s Warming morning.” He smiled at her and she giggled. He pulled open the Neptune 6 box and marveled at the wonderful Spider emblem etched across the system’s case. It was a beautiful red with a black spider stretched across it and spider webs all over it. His heart melted at the very sight of it. The simple fact that he was putting it together made this whole trip well worth it. He started hooking up the wires and the cables together. Once it was connected, he set up her interface on the system and input her data. She watched him with some amazement. She’d seen this all done before, but he was doing it without even a thought. Every single adjustment that needed to be made he did naturally. “Wow, are you almost done?” Grem asked as she watched him get to the main game menu screen. “That was really fast.” “Yeah, and I’m loading up Spider-mare on here. What game will you and your friends be playing?” Patch asked as he started the disc downloading. He was astounded as he saw the storage space that her system had. One terabyte with infinite possibilities and all kinds of extra goodies for the game itself as it was technically a collector’s edition. That’s when the doorbell rang and Grem was interrupted in her response. “Oh, I need to get that. Just load up anything that’s multiplayer and fun at parties. Can you do that?” “Of course, I already have three in mind.” Patch said and she giggled. “You’re amazing.” She got to the door and opened it up with a squeal. “Lemon!” Lemon Square stood at the door and embraced her tight, both of their lips meeting in a very deep, strangely erotic kiss. Patch noticed this and put on a puzzled face as they rubbed each others’ backs, making out for a brief moment. The yellow earth pony with purple hair walked in with Grem and saw Patch with the controller in his hand. She looked down at all of the gamer box stuff and video games in their little cases. “Wow, Grem. Where did all of this stuff come from? You got all of these games and even hired a Video Star employee?” Lemon asked and saw him, measuring him up. “I’m liking this already.” “No, you tramp. Patch was just nice enough to help me set up my game system. He even made some suggestions on what games to get for tonight. Now he’s loading them up as we speak while I set up for the party. Patch, this is Lemon Square, she’s one of my best friends.” “Oh, nice to meet you.” He held his hand out to her and she took it, but pulled it closer to her as she leaned in to his shoulder and chest. She sniffed him for a minute in a very surprising moment. She blinked as she looked him in the face and then sniffed him in long breaths. “Charmed.” She smiled as she was done sniffing and shook his hand. It was those green eyes of his that made her heart flutter. She let go of his hand with a wink. Patch gazed at her, dumbfounded as she chuckled and went off to the dining room to fix herself a drink.   Patch’s heart was still pounding as he continued to load up the game. He knew he wasn’t really invited to play at the party, and truth be told, he didn’t expect that they would let him stay in while they played. It was fine, though, he wasn’t going to ask nor did he want to intrude on their game night. Still, he could ride it out as far as it would go. There came another doorbell and Lemon Square was the one who went to go get it. She walked by Patch as close as she could and he could just feel the grin on her face as she brushed up against his back with her arm. The throbbing of his chest muscle was the only thing he heard, even when Grem put on her stereo to play some background music. “Cut, welcome to life! How’s it going girlfriend?” Lemon Square hugged the short, plump green unicorn as she brought in the pizza. She gave Lemon a little smile as she walked in. “Hi. The pizza place took a minute.” Final Cut walked in and headed to the kitchen. Patch looked over at the blond unicorn as she passed him by and she gave him a nod as she noticed him. “Hi, I didn’t know guys were gonna be here.” Her voice was void of any real emotion, but her shy nature showed through her face as she tensed up a bit on her way to the kitchen table to lay her pizza down with all of the other refreshments. “Patch is helping me setup my new game system. He helped me choose it and got me a whole bunch of games with it! He was so nice that he came all the way from work just to assist me. He’s such a gentle colt.” Grem passed him by and put her hand on his side as she leaned her chin against his shoulder in something of a hug. “I can’t thank you enough.” She whispered into his ear and his face flushed to a critical red. “M-my pleasure, m-m-ma’am.” He smiled over at her. Her face was so close to his and her blue eyes were so gentle. “Call me Grem.” She pecked his nose and his penis instantly reacted by pulsing to life. It was getting harder and harder to stand. Grem seemed to notice he was struggling to stay on his hooves because she pushed a gamer chair up behind him and baid him to sit. He sat on the chair as the doorbell sounded again. There was apparently another one, he thought, as if three mares wasn’t enough. The voice he heard from the door was very familiar as Grem opened it up. A chill ran up his spine from the recognition. He looked over to see a pegasus mare with orange hair and blue fur. It was the backwards red cap that she wore that really sailed it home for him. She was Vertigo, apparently the game she got from the store was for this party. In one arm she held a Cobalt Blue while in the other she held a small flat screen TV. “What up, bitches! Who’s ready to get creamed?!” She shouted as she leaned her head onto Grem’s shoulder in an armless hug. “Hey, girl, we’re almost set up here.” Grem looked down at her system and her brow furrowed. “What is that system?” “It’s the greatest system ever, that’s what it is! The Cobalt Blue has the hookup to help me own all of your asses! Where can I set it up?” Vertigo asked, then saw the pony sitting in the middle of the living room. “Hey, aren’t you that game store clerk?” “Yeah, hey, I didn’t know you were coming here tonight.” Patch said with a smile. “Well, I could say the same thing. Why did you get a Neptune 6? Where the hell are we supposed to set up the LAN?!” She gave all of them a mean look. “What happened here?” “Patch said that Neptune was the way to go. I thought that’s what you had.” Grem said as she seemed to defend him, but at the same time she was selling him out. “What?! I thought you were an expert,” She looked down at his nametag. “Patch!” “I… I kind of am.” Patch blinked and set in another game to the console to load it up. “She asked me what system she should buy and I gave her the numbers. Not to mention, she wanted to play Spider-mare, and Cobalt doesn’t play Spider-mare.” Vertigo scowled at the stallion with the stink eye. Obviously, the fact that Spider-mare was exclusive to the Neptune 6 was a bit of a raw subject. She gave a little growl and then looked over at Lemon, who was also setting up a Neptune 6 with her own TV. “Lemon! What the hell?” Vertigo started to huff as her eyes went from Cut to Grem to Lemon, then to Patch. “Mutiny!” “We can still play with you, Vertigo, it’ll just be local 2-player.” Cut said as she was chowing down on the pizza. “I’ll play with you.” “Thank you, Cut. See? Cut knows what’s going on. She knows what’s happening! Come on, we’ll have fun with guns and shooting while they play their Spider-mare multiplayer. Oh, that’s right, there is no Spider-mare multiplayer! HA!” Vertigo went to the coffee table and started to set up her system and TV. They went on like that for a little bit until all three systems were up and running. Patch put the rest of her games on a shelf along with her movies in alphabetical order. Grem started up the multiplayer server for Lemon and they started a game. “Well, if you don’t need anything else, I can get going.” Patch said, and all at once, their games paused. “Wait, what?!” Grem asked as she stood up from her chair with a look of disappointment. “What do you mean go? You’re not staying for the party?” “Oh… I thought you just wanted me to set up the games. I’ve set up five of them, they’re updated and ready to start. You… you want me to stay?” “YES!” All four of them said and stood up. Lemon, Grem and Vertigo came to him and embraced him tight, starting to rub their fronts onto him. By this time, his khaki pants were getting pretty tight. His penis was as hard as a diamond by that point, and he could even feel a bit of precum dripping from the tip at the feeling of their breasts. “Oh, Patch, I can’t thank you enough for helping me. I feel like it’s the very least I could do. Please, you must be starving, having come all the way from work just to help me. Please, help yourself to some food and drink. Make yourself at home and power up a controller. Show me how good you are.” Grem said as she ran her hand over his chin, making him gulp hard. He had never felt the touch of a woman, not like this. “Will you please stay?” “Oh, yeah. I can stay. I would love to.” Patch Note gave a meek little smile. They gave a little cheer and Grem pecked him on the snout once again. The brown pony guy once again blushed to the fullest extent. “Good! Now get ready to die!” Lemon said as she logged in under the name GreenAvenger9. The game was a military shooter with several different classes of soldier. Patch had played the older version of the game on his system, but this one had graphics that blew him away. Using his knowledge of the original game, he chose the Gunnery type with the missile launcher and the sidearm machine gun. Lemon got onto her class, the flame bat, who was a gas masked chem gear soldier with a flamethrower on his back. Grem chose a sharpshooter type with a sniper rifle and a pistol sidearm. “Alright, we’re in. Let’s make they big head so hard!” Grem said as the match started for the free for all. “Just take it easy on me, remember, I haven’t played this, and I’m a beginner who just got a new system.” Grem said, but her voice was devoid of actual life as her concentration was completely into the game. Patch read the red flag in almost an instant. The fact that she was gazing into the game with no distractions and perfect knowledge of where to go gave him the funny feeling that he was getting played! “Oh, hello there.” Grem’s character fired without a scope and hit Patch’s character in the chest for perfect damage, killing him instantly. “Damn!” Lemon shouted, seeing the kill and firing up the flame thrower as she caught wind of Grem’s character. Patch’s eyes widened. Grem’s facade was perfect. Coming to his shop and acting like she had no idea what she was doing, calling him over to play and acting like she had no idea how to set up her game system. He was playing the fool! The game was on! Missiles flew into bullets, sniper headshots rang out with amazing precision, and flames engulfed the arena as their characters met in a showdown for the ages. Grem was good, she was very good. In fact, if he didn’t know better, he would say she had the potential to be in the top ranked players. However, Patch was now in his element. He figured out the controls and his strategy perfectly. The titans clashed in battle and explosions ensued! “Damnit! Come on, Patch, don’t let up now! Show me what you got!” Grem said as her wings flapped a little bit from the tension. They were neck and neck, eighteen to nineteen in Grem’s favor, but she was barely holding on. Not since her battles with Spark had she ever been so rivaled in pixelated combat! Lemon wasn’t even competing at one point, she may have gotten a kill per seven deaths and her input was little to nothing. She was still having fun, though. The final kill was in sight, twenty was the goal and Grem’s brow was in a sweat, as was Patch’s. Her palms were red from squeezing the controller in anticipation. They combed the battlefield in search of one another in that gray, dismal construction zone with the convenient hiding spots and sniping positions. Patch was cautious, and he monitored every single angle with his submachine gun, knowing that he may get up close and personal with this kill. One more kill and they were even. “Vertigo! Run operation interference!” Grem shouted as they neared one another on the map. Patch heard her say this, but had no idea what she meant. Vertigo was not in the match, nor was she even part of the game itself. He didn’t have time to worry about it, though. So he could only see out of the corner of his eye as the blue pegasus girl approached, throwing her baseball cap to the side and turning around with her backside facing him. The sound of a zipper crossed his senses and he could see her pulling down her pants and panties right in front of him. One glance made him do a double take as Vertigo grinned back toward him. He was met with the sight of the most beautiful, curvy ass he had ever seen in his life. She even moved her tail out of the way and bent forward all the way so he could see all of the good stuff. Her outer labia was prim and her inner, closed labia was nice and pink for his eyes to feast. Her asshole was seen without the need of her opening her ass cheeks for him. His jaw dropped and his body became very hot. He even came close to orgasming right there in his seat without even touching his cock. It stood, bulging from the crotch of his pants. The kill shot rang out and his character was killed on the spot with a perfect headshot. Grem won the match, but none of that even registered to him. All he could see was Vertigo’s naughty bits as she shook her booty for him. Grem laughed and slapped her knee, but then stopped as she saw him. He sat there, unmoving, unblinking as his mind wandered all around at the beautiful sight of a mare’s backside. “Don’t feel… too bad?” Grem looked at him with a puzzled expression. Then leaned over within his line of sight. She waved her hand in front of his eyes, but there was no one home. “Patch? Hey. Patch? You there?” She snapped her fingers but she could see his eyes were directly connected to Vertigo as she pulled her britches up and redid her front. “Oh, man. I think he blew a circuit.” Final Cut said as she leaned into him as well. “Ummm…” Patch tried to speak, then he looked at all of them. Then they looked down at the crotch of his pants to see he had a little tiny wet spot where the tip of it was jutting through the fabric in plain view. “Alright, Patch, I’m going to need you to come clean with us.” Grem said as she took his hands and held them with both of hers. “Are you a… virgin?” The bat pony looked at him with a completely serious expression. “I… uuhhh…” Patch’s mouth was completely dry at this point. He looked over at Grem, then at Vertigo who wore a similar look of concern. “I haven’t… even… seen…” “Are you for real?” Vertigo wasn’t even joking. She came up to him and put her hands on his cheeks. After a moment, the blushing stallion nodded. “Oh, dear sweet lord, we may have played a little too dirty. This is my fault. I didn’t even realize. Grem, Lemon, play some co-op or something.” She said and motioned them away. “I’ve committed a serious party foul here.” Grem giggled a little bit and let go of his hands, then looked at Lemon Square. The yellow earth pony was nibbling the tips of her fingers as she looked over at Patch. The opportunities they had that night seemed to open up a great deal. “Winner plays next?” Grem asked, and Lemon gave her an ugly look. That was a totally unfair advantage for the bat pony and she knew it. “How about both?” Lemon shot back, and Grem’s eyes widened. “He’s old enough, he can handle it.” Patch really wished he knew what was going on, but he was speechless. The image of Vertigo’s naked ass and sleek, well kept vagina danced about in his mind and dominated his thoughts. He didn’t have any time to ask what was going on, though. The blue pegasus mounted him on his chair. Both of her knees were on either side of his legs and she purposely pressed her crotch down on his very hard, throbbing member as it stayed in its confines. “Now, we’re going to take this slow.” Vertigo said with a sweet voice and a smiling face. Her hands took his again with a delicate touch, and she gave him a sweet kiss on the lips. She was so soft. Her pheromones were driving him insane, and the pressing of her lips to his started his heart right back up. His beating muscle pounded in his chest as she put her hands on other side of his cheeks and she rubbed her mouth up against his to let him get a feel for her. She smelled like a woman, that was something he didn’t expect. He had well over two hundred gigabytes of porn in his computer and none of them prepared him for the warmth he felt all over. The feeling of the opposite sex pushing herself onto him was far beyond his comprehension, as he had only kissed one or two mares on the cheek in his entire life. It was surreal in his mind. What was happening drowned out everything going on around them and he lived in that moment as hard as he possibly could. She gazed into his eyes with her purple irises and was afraid to move. He was afraid to do anything to ruin this moment. He didn’t know if she was going for anything else other than a kiss and the thought of screwing it up would weigh on him for the rest of his life. Vertigo pulled both of his hands to her, and to his surprise, she brought them up to her chest. His fingers instantly sunk into the soft, pillow-like substance that made up the mammary glands. They were so malleable and impossibly soft, like what he expected clouds to feel like if you could actually touch them. She made him squeeze harder, and rub them ever so gently. He took the next step and began to caress them. His palms felt her nipples harden underneath them, which only made his manhood twitch against her crotch and produce more precum that started to show through the fabric. “It really is your first time, isn’t it?” Vertigo asked, drawing a worried look from him. “Yet you’re doing so good. Here.” She pulled her shirt out from underneath his hands and revealed her very dark blue nipples to him. His breath started to intensify as he laid his hands back on them. The fact that there was no longer a shirt between them made a world of difference. She gave a tiny moan as he squeezed her tits once again and even went so far as to very gently pinch her rock solid nipples. She gasped at this. He thought he may have hurt her, but then she shoved one of her tits into his face. “Use your mouth.” She whispered. He began to lick and suckle on the point of her left breast, his other hand caressing the other as her arms wrapped around his head. Her own breath began to quiver as she felt his tongue grind against her areola, and then switch over to her right breast to start over again. “Oh, fuck yes.” She whispered into his ear. “You’re so good at this. I think you’re ready.” She said as she undid her pants, standing up to remove the remainder of her clothing to his astonishment. That’s when she’d had enough pussyfooting around. Her pussy didn’t look quite the same from that angle. Not did it look like a fold of pinched skin, but now it glistened with fluids that seeped from the center. She mounted him once again, but this time her hooves balanced on the chair as they were planted on either sides of his lap. She spread her legs from either side of his face and he was met with a part of the female he had only seen on a computer screen and some magazines. She used her fingers to spread her quim and give him a very good look at her pink inner skin. This display was even making her blush at this point. “Get a good look, little mister. You’re going to get well acquainted with this lady right here.” She made sure he got a very good look of her skin folds, and her little bump at the top of it, along with the honey hole that many males had failed in their attempts to reach. “Don’t be afraid.” The smell struck him like a ton of bricks. It was almost like a bad smell, only it was so desirable. Her pink pussy even dripped a little bit onto his chin, but that only served to pique his curiosity. With a tentative tongue, he dragged it across her very wet pussy. He tasted her and it was something along the lines of hot soup with a few other little details that he couldn’t quite work out before her fingers traced through his brown mane. He continued to lick as she made those wonderful sounds. Those small moans she produced beckoned him to lick harder and at a faster pace. “Oh, fuck! You’re--oh!--one of those hard working stallions...aren’t y-you! AH!” Vertigo grasped her own tits as his mouth worked her pussy like a crankshaft. He licked with abandon, not even sure where to hit so he slid his tongue everywhere as fast as he could. Still, he knew enough to know that a mare’s weak point lied in that little bump at the top, so he struck that as his area of concentration. “Fuck! Stop!” She demanded and he did immediately. She was gasping for breath at this point. Her orange hair was in tatters as she had been throwing her head back and panting. “Are you sure this was your first time?” Vertigo asked, knowing full well that it was. As good as he was, he still needed a bit of practice, but his wreckless style came with amazing benefits too. “Alright, come on.” Patch wiped his mouth with his shirt before she pulled him up to his hooves and within the blink of an eye, she pulled his pants straight off. His underwear was a complete mess! The wet spot on the front had grown to the point that the fabric was going to give way at any moment with the pressure his hard cock was putting on the inside. All activity stopped in the room as everyone looked to the center where Vertigo removed his underoos. Her eyes feasted upon the sight of that brown phallus that stood as far up as it could go. It was far from the biggest she had ever seen, but the shape of it and the diamond hardness was as alluring as even the largest schlongs. All eyes gazed upon it as she rubbed her hands up his abs underneath his shirt and gazed up at his face with her own face hidden behind his boner to end all boners. “Any good stallion needs to clear his luggage before he boards the train. Especially for his first time.” Vertigo said, and before he could ask what she meant by that, she began to give his cock little bitty kisses along the shaft. The feeling of a wet mouth nipping at his base right above his balls was almost enough to send the young stallion into a frenzy. She knew that if she wasn’t careful, he may not get the full effect of his first blowjob, so she acted quickly in sinking his member deep into her mouth, letting him feel the warm, wet tongue as it lapped against his steely dick. His mouth opened some as he let out a small breath, drawing in another deep one. Her mouth worked slowly but with precision. Vertigo tried not to be as sloppy as her usual cocksucking methods. She was forward with her momentum and firm with her mouth’s grip. Each bob of her head was direct and deliberate. What he lacked in full length, he made up for with a decent girth that she could appreciate. That was when his cock began to twitch and he started to gasp for breath as his hands clutched either side of her head. That’s when she went to town. Inhibitions went out the window as she sucked his pulsating member and grinded her tongue against the head. Her hand even gently gripped his balls as if she wanted to give them a squeeze to jump start the most amazing orgasm this stallion had ever had in his life. She almost couldn’t drink it fast enough. The white, stinky, delicious cum shot straight to the back of her mouth as she held it open to accept the milk. His slippery, saliva glazed dick twitched over and over again, and with each one, it sent another flying glob of semen into her mouth. He gasped for breath as sweat ran down his brow. One single white drop of cum drizzled from her mouth down her chin as she finally took a deep breath. Holding her breath and drinking such thick jizz was something of a talent of hers, and even she almost lost her concentration over the utter volume and consistency of his ejaculations. She even gave a tiny burp after that and hummed her approval. “Such a studly man certainly deserves a kingly reward for such hard work.” She rolled onto her back and grabbed his hand, tugging him downward. He wasn’t sure if his heart could race any more. With her guidance, he mounted the thoroughly nude pegasus and looked down at her naked, desirable body. “And I’m going to reward you by letting you do it right the first time.” She whispered into his ear, looking down to see that her observation was right. Even after a geyser of semen escaped his balls, he was still very much erect. “Take it slow, don’t rush yourself. Just let it guide itself in.” Before she could even finish her sentence, his cock was already rooting around and finding that warm, wet center of her exposed genitalia. One single push drove his cock into that center and he felt his manhood engulfed in perhaps the most comfortable place he had ever felt. “Oh, my! Some things really don’t need to be taught.” She giggled and gave a soft moan as she felt him adjust his position inside of her. “Congratulations, you’re not a virgin anymore. Now fuck me.” She whispered into his ear sensually and he complied without question. To her surprise, his thrusts were even, calculated, and hard enough to make her breasts jiggle from the impact. “Oh! Oh my! Yes!” She wrapped her arms around his neck as the tan brown stallion went to town on her. Little by little, he was gaining momentum and fucking her with more and more abandon. She couldn’t contain her moans anymore as she closed her eyes. He surprised her yet again as his mouth met with hers in a sloppy, passionate kiss. His pelvis beat against hers, causing her to give muffled moans with her tongue licking all over his. Even compared to more experienced males, Patch was gifted. He even seemed like a prodigy in the field of plowing a mare’s sopping pussy. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he went balls deep inside of her and started fucking her with more gusto than before. Her moans went on and off from top pitch to groans in a matter of seconds. As she started to wonder how someone of his pace was lasting so long, she started to hear the gasps of an oncoming orgasm. “Yes! That’s right! Cum for me! I want to feel your hot sperm drench my insides! Yes! Fuck me deep!” Vertigo gave off her porno talk without even thinking. She wanted to do anything to make him keep going and it seemed that he didn’t need much coaxing at all as he pushed all the way inside of her hot pink pussy and blew yet another gigantic load inside of her. She felt every spurt of hot semen as he shot her cervix point blank. Her face went red as her eyes clenched shut. She finally took a breath as he relaxed on top of her. His head laid gently down on her chest and he gasped with each inhale. “Did you--” Patch finally managed to say through the gasps. “Cum?” “Ummm…” Vertigo said, drawing a puzzled look from the stallion. “Yeah, but I kind of lost count after three.” She giggled and kissed the top of his head. “You were so damn good. I think you deserve another reward.” She said, making his eyes open wide as he looked off into nothingness. “Reward?” He asked, puzzled. “What do you…” “Girls?” Vertigo called out to the others. Before he knew it, Patch was surrounded. Both Lemon and Grem stood over him. Lemon’s clothes were completely gone, while Grem’s shorts were pulled down around her lower thighs. It was obvious that the bat pony had been touching herself as she enjoyed the show. “Yes, I think it’s time we tagged in.” Lemon grinned as Patch looked at her, still balls deep inside the blue pegasus. Then he looked over at Grem to see her pull off her shirt and let her bulbous, buoyant tits bounce out in all their enormous glory. Patch gulped. > The Juicy Details > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are times in a man’s life when he has to realize that he may have reached the peak in his life’s achievements. What started out as a day just like any other turned into something that would remain in his consciousness until his dying breath. Patch, who had had minimal contact with the finer sex not only had five of his fantasies made reality by one mare, was now living out the fantasies of even the most prolific studs. Being a gaming store clerk would be considered to many a mundane, thankless job that anyone could give or take. Now he was wondering if he should make a career out of it, since it was what got him into this situation in the first place. Now he was laid down flat on his back as a bare naked yellow mare with a purple braided mane gorged on his cock which was still hard after two full fledged climaxes. The gray bat pony near his head stood with both hooves on either side of his head as he gazed up at the sopping wet inner lips of her aching vagina. Grem carefully lowered herself into a squatting position as she brought her pussy to his face and began to rub it against his lips until he opened up and began to run his tongue over the soaking surface. The large breasted mare fixed the black collar around her neck as she started getting a nice sensation from his tongue. “Give it little kisses.” She moaned as he complied. “Now big kisses.” Her tongue lolled out the side of her muzzle as he started to grind his tongue into her pussy, even going so far as to poke the tip into her hole. “Yes! Suck my pussy!” As Grem had her fun at his head, Lemon got his second head even harder as it recovered from his previous peaks. She nursed it back to health with her tongue lapping up the sides and even sucking on one of his testicles as carefully as she could. She smiled at he groaned in a strained manner and his cock tightened in response. “He’s so lively. I love his bulbous head.” Lemon smiled and gently squeezed it between two fingers. She looked over at Grem as she played with it, seeing the bat pony squeeze her own tits to get herself off even more. “Look at that bat slut. Getting off on that poor defenseless stallion. How shameful.” “Look who’s talking you fucking trollop!” Grem looked down at Lemon’s hand that was now milking it for all it was worth. “Don’t talk to me about being a sl--aahh! Fuck! Yes! Lick my honey pot!” She couldn’t even concentrate anymore on talking back at Lemon, she just wanted Patch to keep sucking on her whole pussy with his lips as his tongue grinded against her clitoris. Lemon hummed her sarcastic agreement as she got up from the floor and went to the master bedroom without Grem even noticing. As she came back, she had something dangling from her hand. At first it looked like some kind of black lace, but it was actually a leash. She went up to the batpony who was too far gone too even notice as she slipped the buckle onto the collar she wore. Grem gasped in surprise as she looked up at Lemon, who tightened the leash to make her collar tighten as well. “Oh! God! Lemon! No!” Grem feind dismay as Lemon began to pull her forward. Grem was forced onto her hands and knees over the dominated stallion who stopped for a moment to catch his breath. Lemon put her hoof onto Grem’s head and pushed her face downward toward a heavily slobbered upon cock. “That’s it, bitch. Suck that dick and get your jollies like a good whore.” Lemon demanded. “Yes, Mistress.” Grem submitted immediately and started to slather her spit all over the throbbing member. She took him all the way to the back of her throat and didn’t even gag a little bit. She started to suck with all of her might, making his legs tense up as he felt every sensation of her tight little mouth pressurize onto his penis. “Mmmm, save some for me.” Lemon went down with Grem and began to lick his balls as she worked his shaft like a trained expert. By this time, he could barely keep his wits about him enough to keep licking Grem’s naughty little pussy that leaked all over his chin and neck. His dick was in heaven, and he had no shame in groaning as his hands gripped both of her ass cheeks. He still licked, but he lacked the skills to keep it up. His mouth was getting tired and his tongue was starting to ache from all of the use and movement. This didn’t seem to deter Grem, though. Her cock sucking skills were out of this world! He could already feel the cum building up behind his shaft. That was until Lemon pulled on Grem’s leash again to get her off of the dick. “Stop it! You fucking cunt!” Lemon slapped Grem’s ass hard enough to make it ripple. The bat pony whimpered like a pathetic puppy and was pulled off of the dick, off to the side of Patch. The stallion was finally able to catch his breath as he sat up onto his elbow and looked to see Lemon lick her fingers and start rubbing the gray bat’s waterfalling vagina. “Oh! Please! Mistress! I need it!” Grem begged only to have Lemon slap her ass once again, making her squeal in both embarrassment and passionate delight. “Silence!” Lemon shouted and had her stay there on her hands and knees with her ass straight up in the air. “Cut, darling. Would you be a dear?” Lemon asked sweetly as the voyeur on the couch sat and watched everything transpire. The plump, blond unicorn was almost completely naked except for her bra which covered her drooping, pillow soft breasts. She looked toward Lemon and then looked over at Patch. The stallion’s eyes widened as she got up from the couch and revealed that she really didn’t have anything else on. She reached behind her back and unclasped her bra to let it fall to the ground. The slightly fat mare went over to Patch and looked at him up and down. Then she got down on her hands and knees, much like Grem, and pointed her nice round, juicy ass toward him. She used both of her hands to spread her ass cheeks and give him a perfect view of her asshole and her dripping pussy. She blushed and turned her face away from him. Then she used her hand to motion him over. Patch wasn’t really in the mood to argue with any of them. In fact he mounted her ass quite nicely and pressed his cock deep into her cunt. “Get it nice and wet.” Final Cut told him. She didn’t sound all that sexual, nor did she have the porno voice like her friends. She just spoke in a matter-of-fact tone that was strange, but not at all off putting. “Then put it in my ass.” Patch paused for a moment, his cock was still deep inside of her, getting a nice glaze of vaginal juice all over his dick as he blinked. “Your…” “My asshole.” Final Cut clarified, stretching her ass cheeks a little more open as her intentions were made absolutely crystal clear. “I want you to stick your penis in my anal cavity.” Once again, not one to argue, Patch gave her pussy a few more pushes before he pulled out of her and aimed it more upward toward her puckered backdoor. It took some doing. He wasn’t especially big but Final Cut was very tight. She bit her lower lip as she felt his studly rod invade her butt with tentative pushes. “You can--errrmm-- push harder.” Final Cut strained a little bit as her eyes clenched shut and he did as he was told. His cock finally slid into her asshole with just the tip at first, and slowly worked his way in more. “Oh, fuck, yes.” She whispered and let go of her ass cheeks to grip the ground. “Slowly, start gently.” Her voice was starting to show signs of emotion as he began to very softly push in and out of her tender asshole. Anyone who had slept with Final Cut knew that she never expressed pleasure as much as she did when a nice hard cock was shoved up her ass. It was a sensation she couldn’t contain, even as she attempted to muffle her moans into the carpet. The spry young stallion began pounding her tight asshole and her head shot straight up as she squealed in such sharp ecstasy. Her eyes widened as he beat his pelvis against her cheeks and held onto her hips. She backed up into his thrusts, feeling every glorious ripple of pleasure through her body as his dick reached deep into her anus. Unlike Vertigo, it was rather easy to tell when Cut reached a climax. Her entire body would tremble and her legs would lock up against his. Her climaxes were sudden and they dragged out longer the harder he analed her. Then he emptied his balls once again, shooting cum deep into her. The creampie effect was glorious as he pulled out of her. White sticky jizz leaked from her asshole as it stayed slightly gaped from such a nice deep rimming. “Damn, guy.” Vertigo said as she watched from his former chair. “You fuck like a champ.” She was quick to get a wipe from a little container on the coffee table and walk up to him, still as naked as the day she was born. “I see a lot of good things in your future if you keep that up.” She smiled at him as she grabbed his dick with the wipe and gave him a good scrubbing. To their surprise, as she was done jerking his cock with the wipe, his cock stood up once again. Vertigo’s eyes widened and stared with a stern look on her face. “Well I’ll be fucked… Is there no end to it?” She asked as she tapped his hard member. It wasn’t the diamond hardness he started out with, but it was still more than enough hardness to get the job done. “Oh, good! Then you can take care of us!” Lemon said as she lied on top of Grem, both of their pussies stacked on top of one another. Grem’s arms were now tied behind her back with the leash that attached to the collar around her neck. He gazed in astonishment as Lemon wiggled her butt from on top of Grem. “Come on, show us that former virgin spirit of yours!” From there, it was a game of who gets the cock. First, he slid it into Grem and started to fuck the bat pony as her tits dangled underneath her. Her mammaries even flopped forward and back as his thrusts became even more powerful. Making her cum was no big challenge, but then he had to worry about satisfying the wiley yellow earth pony as well who had the cutie mark of a green heart on her thighs. Both of their vaginas squeezed his member as tight as they could. No matter how tired he was growing, he still soldiered on. He thrusted, pulled them into him, pulverized their fuck holes with gusto as the two mares cried out his praise, demanding that he fuck them like the lowly skanks that they were. Before he could get done, however, they turned around, having gotten their fair share of orgasms themselves. They returned to sucking his cock. Lemon on his shaft while Grem lied on her back with her arms still tied, licking his ball sack with a hungry mouth. She latched onto one testicle after the other as Lemon gorged on his shaft. Patch trembled and gasped with such intensity that he began to quake with built up lust. Before he could climax, Grem untied herself and got onto her hands and knees. Both Lemon and Grem looked up at him as one jerked his prick while the other tickled his balls with her fingertips and they begged for him to cum. He stood in front of them as they rose to their knees and watched as his cock twitched and unleashed yet another slew of delicious milk. Both of their faces were splattered with fresh cum. It was hot against their muzzles and they still licked the tip as it began to calm down, making sure it was clean as a whistle by the time they were done. “I think-- oohh-- I think I need…” Patch started to look dizzy. Grem was quick to act and pulled him onto the couch so that he could lay down. His cock was finally down to what looked like a tiny tree stump. It was worn out, and now more or less useless in the ways of pleasure. They brought him water and juice, as well as bananas to get his sexual energy back to normal. Then Grem brought a fan and aimed it for his crotch which was burning with friction by that point. “My my my, what a trooper.” Lemon smiled at him and laid his head into her lap as she pressed her tits up against his face and let him bask in their softness. He felt the cool air against his overheated area and it felt heavenly. All of them watched as he drifted in and out of consciousness. After that, it was a bit of a blur. Patch woke to find himself in a bed. It looked kind of like a guest room, but it also had a lot of nerd stuff in it. There were toy statues that stood twelve inches tall, a collection of games, movies, and a TV that mounted against the wall and could be viewed from the bed. He noticed a note on the nightstand next to him. It was set on top of his clothes, which looked freshly laundered and folded to perfection. He read the note. It was Grem saying that she had to go to work, but he could help himself to anything in the fridge. It ended with every single one of their phone numbers, along with their names beside them. Patch had wondered if all of that was a dream. Even with this solid evidence, he still had to wonder. ------- Patch came back home and something was amiss. He looked around to see that there was, indeed a mess still left there, but there were certain items missing from the living room. There was a big empty bag of chips on the couch, along with a lot of chip crumbs. However, Solar’s chair was gone. He puzzled at this for a moment, then noticed that a lot of the snack cabinet was also missing. They were snacks that she threatened to beat him with should he ever touch them. They were all cleared out, leaving his saltines and sour shell candies. He blinked, then he looked to see the fridge still had its contents, all except for the pizzas in the freezer that were also hers. Dare he wish to hope? That’s when he saw a note on his door. As he looked at his door, he looked down the hall to see that her door was open for once. The room was completely empty aside from a trash bag and some loose paper. He tore the note off of his door and read it, noticing that this day was full of notes all the sudden. “I’ve lost my job. Can’t pay the rent. Tired of your shit anyway. Goodbye. SF.” He crumpled up the paper in his fist and huffed out a “YES! YEEESSSSS!!!!” He growled out loud and pumped his fists in the air. He wasn’t even worried about the fact that his job didn’t quite pay enough to pay the full rent. In fact, he didn’t care because she had already paid for her half of the rent for the month, so he had two whole weeks to decide what to do! Upon further inspection, though, he noticed as he went back to the kitchen that his sandwich grill was gone. That was his sandwich grill and she always used it without cleaning it. He shook his head and tossed the note, then spit on it in the trash. He didn’t have time to worry about her stupidity anyway. He could buy himself another sandwich press. He just need to make sure he put an ad out for a roommate. That’s when he stopped for a moment and sighed. Did he really just lose his virginity?! Did all of that really happen? The drained feeling he had was a pretty clear indication, but still. Of all the stallions that were virgins in all of the world, how in the hell did he do any of that? He opened back up the fridge and pulled out a half a jug of OJ, pulled the top off and chugged the rest of it quick. He took deep breaths. He had this in the bag. He was going to get through this for sure. ------------- “Cabbage Patch!” Blast held up his hands and motioned for the earth pony to come hither. “Dude! How did it go? Am I the main man hookup or what?! You didn’t even come back last night, I was so proud of my big pony! Come on! Give me the goods!” Blast waved him over to the register as Patch came over and clocked in at the computer. “Hey, dude.” Patch said as he punched his numbers into the computer. “Was it a rough closing last night?” “Don’t you give me rough closing, hey dudes!” Blast scolded him with a frown. “The agreement was that I do the matchmaking, I get the juicy details! Now, how many phone numbers did you get! Please tell me you at least got one!” “Oh, there were four mares there.” Patch said as he looked off to the side. “They were playing video games.” “Four?! That’s awesome! Were they hot?” Blast leaned into him and smiled big. He pumped both of his fists as Patch nodded. “Fantastic! But from the look on your face, it seems you were less than successful.” Blast leaned a disappointed chin onto his hand as his elbow leaned against the counter. “No, I was successful. I got all four of their numbers.” Patch said, his face still red and his eyes still wandering elsewhere. Blasts’s jaw dropped. The sparkles in his eyes dazzled and his smile could beam across space in a matter of seconds! “That’s my boy!” He slapped Patch on the arm and gave him a hug. “That’s awesome! Now give up the goods!” “The goods?” Patch put on a puzzled expression. Then Blast went haywire, stammering and sputtering. “The goods! What happened! Did you at least hold a girl’s hand!?” Blast asked and saw that Patch’s eyes widened. The earth pony’s lips began to purse tight and his eyes darted left and right. “Oh, don’t tell me you actually kissed a girl. You’re just getting into a whole nother area now.” “Well…” Patch hesitated for a moment. “Hey! We had a deal! I give you the opportunity, you give me all of the juicy details. Now, what happened?!” The suspense in Blast Drive’s voice was going ape shit! “Tell me!” Patch sighed. Then he pulled out his phone and began to search through it. “The problem is you’re not gonna believe me. However, there were witnesses… four of them. And two of them took a lot of pictures of everything. So…” ------------ The ambulance siren whined through the air as it sped down the street. Blast Drive was hooked up to every machine they had on hand with a gallon of whole blood and plasma along with every painkiller known to man. “Blast! Blast! Speak to me!” Patch shouted as he held onto the green unicorn’s hand. “Please! Tell me you’re okay! Say something!” “Kid, the guy’s had a heart attack. He won’t be saying anything for now.” The white pegasus woman said from the other side of the gurney. That’s when she combed her blond hair from her brow underneath her white hat with the red cross on it. Then she smiled at Patch. “Say… you’re pretty cute.” Blast’s eyes shot open, looking at her, then looking over at Patch. “Why…” “Blast? Are you--” Patch was interrupted as Blast raised both of his fists up. “WHYYYYYYYY!!!!” > Misadventure Awaits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a long way from Abyssinia, but the trip was going to be well worth it, from what she understood. With a job lined up for the most prestigious baking company in Equestria, it was time for Jasmine to make a decision. She could either keep baking bread in her hole in the wall business, or she could spend every single shiny coin she had and move to new horizons in Ranchtown. The Abyssinian cat people were a rare sight, especially in Northern Equestria. She was definitely one of the fluffier breeds of cat women and she bared a golden tan coat with brown bengal spots all over. Sunglasses covered her bright green eyes as she rode in her old yellow muscle car through highway after highway. Having to ship her car overseas was a real bitch too. It cost her just about as much as gas money on this ridiculously long trip. All of this for an interview. Really, she must have been out of her mind. Four hour naps instead of sleeping, driving for fifteen hours a day, living off of sandwich burritos from her car seat and possibly killing the hell out of her car. Was it all really worth it? If this job didn’t pan out, she may as well be dead. There was no recovering from something like this. She couldn’t even put a down payment on an apartment if her life depended on it. After the bit exchange rates hit, she was stuck with an overly heavy bag of shiny gold colored coins. She probably only really slept two out of the four hours because she was staying up and kicking herself for being so stupid! Still, this was her decision and it was time to take responsibility for it! She had to get this job and she had to find a place to live on really short notice. The cat was done. Her head was aching from lack of sleep, her mouth was dry and her hair was an absolute mess of brown strings. It was a crow’s nest! Her eyelids were so heavy and she couldn’t stop yawning long enough to see where she was going. It was getting to be nightfall soon, and she rolled down her window once again to get some fresh air flow to rejuvenate herself. This trick only worked a couple of times and she was on her thirtieth. Then, it happened! Finally! Welcome to Ranchtown Pop: 9,300! This revelation did not help her. Though it picked up her mood, she was still dying all over. The curvy brown cat was in desperate need of a stop, but she literally had no money for a hotel, so the inn by the entrance was a definite no go. She had to think fast. She had enough to fill her tank with gas and she had food for a couple of days, but all of this was for nothing if she couldn’t find a place to stay. It was time for some thinking on her paw-like toes. Jasmine had come too far to fail now, and her interview was the next day. She kept driving around town, thinking as hard as she could, but that wasn’t very hard as she was already overly exhausted. Maybe if she got some crappy motel she could go without food and just hope for the best. That was it, though, she had reached her limit. She had to get out and stretch or she was going to cramp all the way up to her neck. The cat girl turned into the first parking lot she could find and got out of her car. She slumped over, her legs aching all over as she sighed. Her back popped and her mouth lapped with her tongue. Needing water at the very least, she looked at the store she stopped at. Her heart sunk, it was a video game store. Still, some stores such as this had beverages and she could at least spare two bits for that. It was fine, she was going to chance it. She limped into the store, trying her best to keep her dignity about her. There was a young stallion at the register, dressed in a black uniform shirt with his hat on the counter that he quickly scooped up and put on his head at the sight of her. “Hi, welcome to Video Star, take your time, look around.” The sight of an Abyssinian was definitely a novelty around these parts. He blinked as she smiled at him and took her little awkward steps up toward the counter where she laid her sunglasses down. Why she still had her sunglasses when the sun was almost wholly under the horizon was anyone’s guess. “Umm, hi there, mate.” She spoke in a very strange accent he had never heard in his life. Jasmine’s attempt at composing herself was obviously worthless, as his strange look never went away. She smiled never the less. “I’m needing some water. If you don’t mind, I don’t know if I can pay for it. I don’t even know how much this stuff worth.” She tried to get out her money bag, but it suddenly felt really heavy. “Ma’am? Are you feeling alright?” Patch leaned over to the side to match her as she bent forward. “Yeah! I’m doing fine! No problems at all. She’ll be right.” Jasmine put on another big smile as she dropped her coinbag when her hand loosened its grip. “Oh! Look at me. Let me just get that.” “No, ma’am! Don’t lean--” He started to warn her. She crouched to pick it up and sure enough, the blood rushed to her head and she fell right into the cabinet, hitting the floor hard. “--down…” He huffed a horse noise as he looked at her out cold and passed out on the floor. Then looked at the store he had to close in ten minutes. This was exactly what he needed. He dragged his hand from his head to his muzzle and sighed. He supposed closing ten minutes early wouldn’t hurt anyone. -------- Well, the first thought she had was that everything worked out just fine. She was in a strange apartment on someone’s bed. She felt like she was trampled by several cows and her head felt several sizes too big as her brain was attempting to pulsate out of her skull. Jasmine looked around to see she was in a very decked out room. By decked out, she meant that someone had decorated with several different cartoons and what looked like video game posters. There was a telly, a shelf full of what looked like movies or games or something, she wasn’t really part of that whole culture. “Hello?” She asked in a cracked, sore throated voice. The place was still, quiet and the door was closed. Jasmine made sure she was still wearing her clothes, knowing that some people were quite messed up in the head and it would be just her luck to find the one who had a sex dungeon. Her clothes were there, though, and there didn’t seem to be any meddling of any kind. She peeled herself off of the bed sheets and everything continued to ache and complain at her for being so hard on herself for the past three days. The bengal cat girl attempted to stretch and felt numerous pops and cracks come from various places on her body. When she finally felt halfway mobile, she went to the door and opened it. That’s when she jumped out of her skin at a shadow appearing in her peripherals. “Hey, you’re--” Patch was startled as she screamed and jumped straight back into the room. Her tail was poofed out to its fullest extent and her ears hugged the back of her head while her pupils constricted to the smallest they would go as she gasped for breath. “--awake…” “Oh, I’m so sorry!” Jasmine said as she got back up and walked to him with her hands together. “I’ve been a right dunce of a blow in. I promise I’m not normally like this. It’s just been a bit hard these past few days, I drove all the way from the coast and I think I’ve slept… maybe three hours in three days. I can’t really remember.” “Whoa, hey, it’s okay.” Patch said as he held out his hands. He had on a towel around his waist as well as another towel wrapped around his shoulders, having just gotten out of the shower. “What happened? How did I end up here?” She looked around, seeing there was an empty room down the hall and seeing that the place was surprisingly spacious for a bachelor flat. “Well, you passed out after your head hit my counter. You bent over too fast and you lost consciousness.” Patch said as he went into his room to fetch some clothes. He grabbed some undies from his drawer and pulled them up over his legs from under his towel while she looked around the house. “You overexerted yourself. There’s bottle water in the fridge. I suggest you drink two bottles for starters.” “I think you’re right.” She made her way to the kitchen, but as soon as she opened the fridge, she looked around to the microwave, where the numbers 12:00 were blinking on the clock. “Whoa, wait, what time is it?” “Oh, um…” He took a moment to fetch his phone as he put on his jeans. “It’s almost two.” “Oh, hell.” Jasmine hissed as she downed an entire bottle of water. “Where is my car?” She started to feel around herself for her pocket stuff, but none of it was there. “Where are my keys?” “Your car’s in my store parking lot, and your keys are on my desk, along with your bits and your cellphone, which is thoroughly broken I might add.” “Yes, it’s a heap and I need a new one.” She ran to his room and tried to think. “Do you have a washer?” “A clothes washer? Yeah, it’s in the hall.” As soon as he said yeah, she immediately started ripping off her clothing and stripped down to her bare ass. Patch’s eyes bulged almost out of their sockets as she handed him her clothing. “No time for formalities! I need these cleaned and I need a shower! Please! Indulge me for a bit, would you?” She put her hands on his cheeks and brought him face to face with her. “Please?” “Umm… yeah. I can help.” Patch said, however, those were some famous last words he just uttered. “Oh, my God! Thank you!” She pecked his snout and rushed off to his bathroom. He tried not to stare at her tail, but that was very hard to do as her curves were like something out of a dream. He had never in his life seen an Abyssinian before, but he had heard of them. This one had a very strange way about her, and he tried to decipher whether it was just a difference in culture or not. Still, he looked at her clothes and then walked over to his washer. “I need to get to an interview happening in just two hours! If I don’t make this interview, I’ll be proper fucked in a hurry! I hate to leech off of you like this, but I need to use your good Samaritan qualities just a little more. Is that room for rent?” “Oh, yeah, actually, my roommate moved out two weeks ago. I’m about to be due on my rent, and it’s going to clean me out pretty hard.” He said as he set the washer and started it up. “I guess you’re looking for a roommate?” “How clever of you. Yes, yes I am.” She quickly turned on the water drenched her body in the hot water and started washing off the last three days off of herself. “I guess you could call this my application.” “So, this interview, I’m guessing it’s for a good paying job?” Patch put on his shirt and started thanking his lucky stars he was off today. The image of her naked form sat in his brain for a good long while, but then he shook his head. This girl was in need of help, and if his mother taught him anything, it was to help those in need and things normally worked themselves out. “Oh, are you kidding? I get this job and I will be part of the greatest bakery in Equestria! I suppose you’ve heard of Butterscotch Bakery?” She asked as she put mane shampoo into her hair, loving the smell of it, but knowing it would kill her hair. Still, it was better to have weird hair effects than unwashed hair. She didn’t want to look like a total loser for the biggest interview of her life. “Butterscotch? Yeah, it’s over there on 9th and Chariot. That’s a pretty big company you’re joining.” He said, actually impressed. “Damn right!” She shut off the water and got out, grabbing hold of any towel under the sink and starting to dry herself. “I get this job and I’ll pay a whole month’s rent to make it up to you. I’ll even stock your kitchen with actual food. The stuff you have in there is bloody awful.” “Wow, that sounds like quite the job. So, you need me to help you get to it? What if it doesn’t go as planned and you botch the interview?” Patch asked as the door opened to show an angry cat woman with a towel wrapped around her torso and another wrapped around her hair. She glared at him with the stink eye and he instantly shut his trap. “Gee, it’s awfully sweet of you to voice my fears and nightmares. Coming to a strange country and nearly killing myself to do it, only to fail in the end. However, I’m trying to keep an optimistic view on the situation, if you don’t mind. Thank you!” She poked a claw from her pointer finger onto his arm enough to make it sting and not break the skin. He flinched a little and rubbed his arm. “Um, yeah, optimistic.” Patch looked off to the side and thought for a moment. He wasn’t really a baker by any means, and he certainly didn’t know how to help her in this scenario. The wait for her clothes to wash and dry was excruciating. She was nearly bouncing up and down while she wore one of his long shirts with no underwear. Still, she had to admit that taking a shower after three days on the road felt like a dream come true. Finally, the dryer buzzed. She squealed with delight as she pulled off her shirt right in front of him and her modest breasts were exposed with her bright pink nipples in full view. It was odd how she didn't seem to notice when she was flashing him. Honestly, she was a whole nother race and he had no idea whether he should be turned on, but he was. “Alright! Ready!” She said as she slipped on her green dress sweater and smiled. “I'm gonna get that job even if it kills me! Which it's already tried and failed!” Jasmine stood proud with her fists on either side of her hips. She let out a loud string of fate provoking laughter which ended abruptly. “Okay, let's go.” “Right.” He uncrossed his arms and went down with her to his car. She was greeted with a very unsightly image of a vehicle that was well past its prime. The paint was chipped, the roof was fading, the bumper was bent and rusty and the windshield was cracked. “Ummm, quite the beauty.” The cat girl said as she watched him unlock the doors. “It's paid for.” He shrugged as he got into the driver's seat and turned the key. He figured getting her something to eat would be beneficial so he took her to the Wheatery. “I'm sorry, did you say wheat burgers?” She looked at the drive through menu and her eyes widened as there was one huge glaring issue she saw right off the bat. “Oh, hell, I completely forgot. You horses are herbivores.” “Uh, yeah, didn't that occur to you when you moved here? Can't cats live on vegetation?” He looked at her, then back to the menu.” “We're omnivores but we lean toward carnivore. Bloody hell, just get me anything. Here I am being a chooser.” She leaned her head onto her hand and her elbow onto the arm rest. That nagging feeling that she had made a mistake in coming here started to set in once again. Patch would have liked to sympathize, but he couldn't even begin to imagine what she was going through. He rolled down his window and leaned out to the speaker. “Ummm two number ones with orange juice, please.” He looked back at her and then tapped his thumbs on the wheel. “Anything else for you, Patch?” The older sounding lady said over the speaker. “No, Ma, that's all for me.” He smiled. “Alright, darlin’ pull around.” She said and he drove forward. “Your mum works here?” Jasmine gave him a puzzled expression. Finding it strange that she recognized his voice over a speaker like that. “No, that's Ma Bushel, she's managed this store since before I was born. I'm just a regular customer. She's like a mom away from mom, you know?” She looked to see a larger mare with a red mane and bright blue fur hand him the two cups of OJ and took his bits, handing him a bag. “Oh! Who is this?” Ma said as she peeked inside of his car to see a very unique sight. “You’re Abyssinian, right?” The older mare gave her a smile and a wave. “Yes, ma’am, just came to Ranchtown last night. I needed some help and Patch is giving me a lift.” She patted Patch on the shoulder and Ma’s smile got bigger. “Patch, you old softie, you sure do have a big heart don’t ya? Well, Miss, he’s about the sweetest thing this world has seen, so I’d say you lucked out.” Then she turned to Patch and pointed at him. “You take good care of that little thing, you hear?” “I will, Ma. Thanks.” He waved at her and Ma blew him a kiss. “Bye bye! Have a good day, sweetie pie!” They exchanged waves and he drove off as he handed Jasmine the bag. “Well, she seems nice.” She said as she picked up the drink from the holder on her side and took a big gulp. “The nicest in the world.” He agreed as she handed him his wheat burger. “We still have thirty minutes. Anything else you want before you go get that job?” “No, thirty minutes is good. Showing up early is a sure fire way to impress them. If you want you can drop me off by my car and I can take it from here.” Jasmine asked and he was already shaking his head. “Nah, we’re going to be roomies. I may as well see this to the end. I’ve been told I’m something of a good luck charm to everyone else. Not that it’s helped me any.” Patch chuckled and she did too. “Thank you. I really can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. I really wish all Equestrians were like you.” She gave him a sweet smile and he blushed a little bit as he ate his burger. “This is going to be something of a trick, but I think I can pull it off just fine.” She took one bite of her wheat burger and her eyes opened wide. She blinked and looked over at him as he gobbed down the last few bites of his and used a napkin to clean his hand while the other was on the wheel. She chewed, her mouth pursing as she tried to bare with it. Each chewing bite was like biting a soggy piece of bread with a strange flavoring. She swallowed and then put her fist up to her mouth as she choked it down. She got a very sickly feeling all through her torso and her tail twitched behind her, fluffing out a bit. “You alright?” He asked and she nodded, smiling at him. “Peachy.” She attempted a very wide fake smile as she took yet another bite of her burger. She was so hungry that even the nastiest food was somewhat tolerable, but this was really pushing it. After another session of forcing herself to swallow again she took a huge gulp of her orange juice to get that taste out of her mouth. While he stopped at a traffic light, he looked over to the left to make sure no cars were coming, then she crumpled up the paper for what remained of her burger and stuffed it into the paper bag. “Alright, there it is.” He pointed to the right as he started to turn. “Remember, confidence is key. Look them in the eye and give them short, direct answers to all of their questions. Starting a friendly conversation in the middle of an interview is a sure-fire way of getting that job all nice and tied up in a knot.” She took deep breaths and rubbed her hands together. He turned into the parking lot of the Butterscotch Bakery and parked among a great deal of other cars in their lot. Apparently, it was not only a large bakery location, it was also their corporate building. All the sudden, Patch started to imagine himself working at the corporate location of the Video Star. All of those bigwig district managers, CEO’s and VIP’s running through your store, judging it because it didn’t meet the standards by a half-inch or the display wasn’t big enough. He shook his head when he thought of the stress and constant tension he would be living under because one asshole who rose to the top of the ranks was unsatisfied because all of his employees weren’t perfect little angels. Of course, he wouldn’t dare say any of this to her. Selling video games was one thing, but baked goods was a whole different beast. If she got one recipe wrong, she would get reprimanded to a harsh degree. That was just at a normal location. The corporate location would be ten times worse. Such pressure on the poor kitty would probably crumble her like paper at this point. She gave up everything to be here and follow her dream of becoming a baker for this huge corporation and now she just had one single step to go through. The fact of the matter was that one single step nearly destroyed her. “Alright, I’ll be out in a bit.” She said as she went through the door with him. The lobby was huge. There was a cash register on one side of the bright brown wooden floor, then spread out through the lobby were loaves of bread, cases full of pastries, tables to sit on and even a gift shop to the far right with t-shirts, plush dolls and keychains. It was an impressive set up. Ponies were sitting at tables, having coffee and different tarts along with sandwiches. “I think you can find something to do out here.” She started toward the receptionist near the elevator in the far left corner of the store but then stopped. Jasmine thought for a moment, then turned around to him and looked into his green eyes as he blinked at her. She took two steps toward him and embraced the stallion with a cuddling hug. She kissed his cheek three times and put her hands on either side of his cheeks. “Thank you.” She whispered and just from the misty look in her eyes, she really meant it. She patted his shoulder once and then turned toward the elevators. She trudged forward, approaching the receptionist with every bit of confidence she could possibly muster. Patch stood in the middle of the lobby with a wide-eyed expression as she walked away. He could see her tail flicking from left to right as she walked and got to the front counter. She said one thing to the lady and she smiled, directing her to the elevator. Jasmine looked back at him as she walked toward the elevator, and she waved. He waved back at her and gave her a thumbs up. She smiled at this as she got into the elevator, and the doors shut. That’s when Patch started to question what his endgame of this was. He walked around the giftshop, looking at all of the weird novelty items and he started to wonder if he was even doing this for any of the right reasons. Yeah, having a roommate would be nice, but he sure as hell was going to great lengths to get her as a roommate. Did she even like him? Did he even like her? Was there anything to like? By no means was Patch racist, nor did he find her to be anything less than an astoundingly beautiful cat. That was just it, though, she was a cat girl. Even if she had a thing for him and she ended up becoming his roommate, could anything even happen between them? For all he knew, she found him repulsive and was only using him for a ride and to get a job. As soon as she got the job and started paying her half of the rent, she could just become Solar Flare, the sequel. Patch shuddered at this thought. He shook his head. There was no sense in worrying about all of this. This was just something he figured he could ride out. He only hoped that things were going smoothly on her end. ----------- “Well, Miss Jasmine, so good of you to arrive here on time. We know you had to pull a few strings in getting here for this job, and we thank you for your effort.” The black and white spotted stallion said as he sat down at his desk with her sitting on a chair in front of it. His white suit looked quite nice and cleanly pressed. “I must admit, we were quite impressed with your resume.” “I’ve participated in so many bake sales, it was ridiculous, and I never under baked or over baked any of the cookies or doughnuts.” Jasmine bragged about herself, but made sure she didn’t seem too arrogant. Then she remembered she needed to keep eye contact with the stallion with the combed and styled gray mane. “I heard you were looking for an assistant baker position and I jumped at the opportunity.” “Don’t you mean you ‘pounced’ at the opportunity?” He gave a small chuckle. It took her half a second to even register that he was spouting off a joke. She gave a fake little giggle and made sure to smile. It was just such a bad joke for so many reasons, she didn’t know whether to be offended or pity this poor stallion who had no real sense of humor. “Still, we did find your feats to be quite admirable. So we were willing to offer you the position of assistant baker.” Her heart fluttered and sang at the top of its lungs. Her fur stood on end as she broke out into gooseflesh. “It’s at one of our locations in Las Pegasus, it’s in the bottom floor of one of their finest casinos.” Sunk. That’s all she could think of. Her heart dropped into the bowels of her stomach and her eyes widened. “I’m sorry, did you just say Las Pegasus?” She asked, trying with all of her might not to jump at him with her claws bared and sink her fangs into his jugular. “Yes, it’s a marvelous location and Easy Bake will be your head baker in the mornings and help you manage the stand.” He said as he clicked his pen three or four times. “We will be needing a bit more information here.” “Wait, hold on, I was told that I was coming to Ranchtown to interview for a position as assistant baker. There was no mention of Las Pegasus. Will I be given travel expenses or hotel benefits for my way over there?” She asked, making sure her voice didn’t escalate in volume. However, the fissure happening within her chest was only growing. “No, you will have to make your way over there yourself.” He said as he started picking up papers. “Is there a problem?” He clicked his pen three or four more times. “I spent almost every red bit I had coming to this country. Hell, I didn’t even know what a bit was until I got to shore! I was told that I was coming here, that was it. I gave up almost every single piece of belonging I had to make it this far and now you’re telling me that I need to travel another thousand miles to get to Las Pegasus to help manage a baking stand? Far be it for me to expect the fair suck of the sav! How dare you tear me from my life, promising me a mint when all I get is a great big ‘thanks for coming, now get stuffed!’ What the hell am I supposed to do now? Magic myself to Las Pegasus and hope that I can fill my car with well wishes, hopes and dreams? What the hell is wrong with you!” “Ma’am, I’m going to need you to calm down.” He started clicking his pen once again, obviously agitated at her tone and disrespectful attitude. “Oh, calm down he says! Let me just drag you out of your house and home and tell you there’s a nice holiday on the horizon and shove you down the shitter!” Jasmine’s tail fluffed right out as her pupils went to the size of penholes. She bared her fangs and got up from her chair in a huff. “Now, I’m away from me family and friends, stuck in this hovel with a whole crockpot full of stuck up, pissant horses like you, and I have you thank for it! So, thank you, ya fuckwit!” “I’m going to have to ask you to--” As he clicked his pen for the second time on his next slew of clicks, she lashed out with one swipe of her claws, and splattered black ink all over his immaculate white suit as the pen fell to pieces. That’s when the pieces dropped on the floor, more ink spilling out onto his carpet; giving him the middle finger on her way out. He cried out in horror as he looked at his very expensive suit and tie which were now covered in black ink splotches. Before he could say another word, she slammed the door behind her. Her brows furrowed and her head going about a mile a minute with how much she just fucked up. Not only did she fuck up in coming here, but now she fucked up in burning that bridge. Hell, she didn’t just burn the bridge, she was pretty sure she over smoked the ashes and drained the river beneath it. Her time from the top floor through the elevator to the bottom floor was all a haze of bad thoughts and regrets. She realized her eyes were filled with tears and they were dripping down her cheeks like a torrent. The rundown, decimated cat girl kept walking toward the exit, even though the image was very blurry. She thought she heard her name in the distance but she didn’t even want that name anymore. She didn’t want to be her anymore. Jasmine had given up everything. She had nothing, less than nothing, in fact. She was destitute. Even if she somehow got back to her home country, she had nothing there anymore. She’d have to move back in with her mum and that would have been admitting defeat. That was rock bottom. Building her life back up from this level was a fruitless, futile gesture. “Jasmine!” Her name sounded again, this time a bit louder as she pushed the door that felt so heavy all the sudden. The strength in her arms were gone now. She had no strength, physical or otherwise. “Jasmine! Wait!” Patch said as he got to her and helped her push the door open. “Iayamayamakin!” She said, only able to speak in ninety-nine percent vowels and everything else was just lost in a scatter of subconscious gibberish. Patch wasn’t sure if she was speaking in her native tongue or if she was just trying to get something out that wasn’t coming out, either way, it was obvious something was wrong. “Jasmine, oh my God, what happened?” He held her by her arms and she couldn’t even be asked to stand, she shoved herself into his chest and clung to him with all of her might, letting out a loud roar of sobs muffled by his shirt. Tears stained his fabric and her face grinded against him as if she were trying to suffocate herself. He knew she couldn’t talk at the moment, so he just held her tight, rubbing her back as she kept pouring tears into him. He leaned his head onto hers and rocked her back and forth as he let her cry it out. It was a good long while before she finally calmed down enough. Her sobs slowly began to taper off until she was simply breathing in small spurts. His shirt was almost soaked by the amount of tears she shed. After a strong effort, she was finally able to talk. She told him everything as she held tight against him. He said nothing to her, he merely shook his head at the whole thing. What a piece of shit company to do something like this. Take one of their most promising young applicants and lead them into nothing, that was just bad business. “Now, I’m sunk. I can’t even pay you for your kindness.” She whined so pitifully and that started up another long slew of tears as she pushed her face into his chest once again. “Oh, Jasmine. Don’t even worry about that. You’ve done nothing to even inconvenience me. You’ve been wonderful company today. I feel like my day is so much brighter because of you.” Patch said this and it was truthful. The excitement she emitted and the unique turn of events she brought to his table was the most adventure he’d seen since that one… night. That was not a night he wanted to bring up then, though. She turned her head and leaned the side of her face onto him. “You’re too kind.” She breathed another long, wavering breath, her cheeks burning with so many hot tears that scarred her face. In that hopeless moment where all seemed lost, the door slammed open. At first, Jasmine thought the asshole had called security on her for “assaulting” him but then she saw a pink pony with fiery red hair stomp out with a white furred pony following behind her. “What a complete asshole! I told them I needed that cake three months ago, and they said they needed two months to finish it. Now they’re telling me ‘next couple of months?!’ Are they high?!” Pearl growled and stomped down the stairs as Death Metal followed her. “Can you believe this? What kind of business is this anyway?! I thought these jerks were supposed to be world class and now it sounds like they couldn’t cook a tv dinner! What the hell are we going to do now?” “We could pick up one at the grocery store.” Death Metal said and Pearl stopped and turned back at her with an especially ugly look. Pearl gritted her teeth while Death simply stood there with a placid expression and dug a cigarette out of her pocket. She lit it and took a long drag. “Honestly, there’s smaller companies that could probably do better than these morons anyway.” This calmed Pearl down a little bit and she sighed. “Shit, you’re right. But now we have to dig through the list AGAIN and try and get a new bakery. The wedding’s in three days, Death! Three!” “Ummm, ma’am?” Patch said, drawing both of their attention. Jasmine looked up at him as he spoke. “My friend here, she’s a really good baker. She might be able to help.” “What?” Jasmine asked, then looked over at the two earth ponies who gave their full attention to her. “Have you baked a four story wedding cake before?” Pearl asked, seeing that the Abyssinian girl had been crying. That face, it looked about as distraught as Death after she met her mother at the florist shop. “I’ve done a lot of cakes.” She said, but her confidence was at an all time low, she couldn’t even bring herself to advertise her skills to these two nice looking ponies. “But I don’t have the facilities, I don’t have a job, I can’t even pay for my own food for the next week.” Despite her best effort, she sobbed a few more times and leaned into Patch once again. “Geez, crying to me about money. What are you thinking?” Pearl said, drawing a puzzled expression from the cat girl. “I have the recipe, icing and layer plan for the cake of my dreams. You want to talk about money? I’ve got enough to pay for your food for the next year! You bake me the cake of my dreams and I’ll set you up with a job. Hell, you can be the head baker at one of my restaurants, I don’t care! You do this for me and it’s yours!” Patch hadn’t even noticed this, but all the sudden Pearl started to look very familiar. “Ummm… ma’am. Are you Pearl Necklace? The lady who has the fragrance?” “Which fragrance? Canterlot, Ice Pearl or Fire Musk for men?” Pearl asked, making his jaw drop. It just occurred to him that they were talking to someone who owned half of Ranchtown. “You’re… Pearl Necklace?” He asked again. For some reason, he kept thinking that maybe she was an assistant or an associate or something like that. Everyone in Ranchtown had heard about her upcoming wedding. By the looks of things, that would make the other pony Death Metal, the often pursued but never interviewed fiance. Pearl lifted her eyebrows up and nodded with a big grin. “Yeah, that’s what my Dad named me. So,” She looked over at Jasmine and went back to her business face. “I can give you a sum right now and then I’ll pay you the rest upon completion. But you have three days to get it finished. Do you need an assistant? I can get someone on pretty short notice, if you need. If you’re as good as your friend here says you are, I can make you my go-to baker. That means you’ll be taken care of.” Pearl said with a smile on her face. Then she got up to the cat, who was about the same height as her and put her hands on her arms. “Listen to me, very closely. This wedding planning has been a disaster. I’ve already fired two wedding planners because they were incompetent and did not follow my instructions. One of them was even going to order a garden party when I specifically said no garden parties. I don’t expect absolute perfection, but I do expect common sense and total communication. What is your name?” “It’s Jasmine.” The cat woman looked Pearl in the eyes. The pink pony’s eyes were red in the irises and absolutely stunning in their beauty. “Alright, Jasmine. I’m Pearl Necklace, like your friend here said. This is my bride-to-be, Death Metal.” She motioned over at the raven black maned pony to her left. “Sup.” Death nodded toward her, then looked at Patch, who smiled. “G’day.” Jasmine smiled at her. “A-are you really going to give me this chance?” “I do not have time to be flipping through ads and recipes and can’t do’s. I need can do’s and I need convenience. That is convenience I can afford to pay a little extra for. So, here.” Pearl turned around and started walking toward her car in the parking lot. Death motioned for them to follow as she walked behind the pink pony. She opened her red convertible’s door and opened her glove compartment. With the press of four buttons on a keypad, she opened a mini-safe in her car and pulled out ten rolls of coins. Each of them with the number “50” on them. Patch’s jaw went slack as she handed all of the rolls to Jasmine. “Here’s a down payment. Do a good job and I’ll triple it. You get me?” Pearl said as she closed her safe, then her glove compartment. “Y-yes. Thank you, Miss Pearl. I promise, I’ll do my very best to make this happen.” Jasmine said with an astonished expression on her face. She held the bits in her hands then looked back at Pearl who pulled out her phone and handed it to Jasmine. “Type in your number and add yourself to my contact list. This is not something I do for just anyone, mind you.” Pearl said and pulled out her sunglasses from her dark blue blouse. She watched Jasmine punch in her number and handed it back to her. “But, why are you--” Jasmine began to ask, but then she figured she shouldn’t question such a good thing to happen to her. “I mean… I don’t know if I could ever repay you.” “You’re going to repay me, that’s the point, isn’t it? I’ll contact you later today with the details. Dry your tears and get in gear.” Pearl said as she put on her sunglasses and walked to the other side of the car while Death made her way to the passenger seat. Jasmine and Patch stared in dumbfounded wonder, not believing what just happened. Death Metal looked at the two of them and shrugged. “She’s got a thing for hard luck cases.” She said as she closed the door to the car and Pearl started it up. Patch looked at the car as it drove away, then to Jasmine who was looking at one of the rolls of bits. This was far more than she needed and could pay the rent by herself if she really wanted to. She unfolded one end of a coin roll and slipped a small handful of bits into Patch’s palm. Both of them stared at the money, flabbergasted and speechless. “Does… does this mean I can move in?” Jasmine asked, looking at him. He passed her a gaze of disbelief. ------------- They sat in front of his TV on his bed. His back was leaned against a wall and she was dressed in one of her thin, white shirts with long sleeves, along with a purple pair of pajama pants from her luggage. She leaned against his chest with her eyes closed and she purred ever so deeply. Her face rubbed against his pectoral and she would give it a soft nibble, enjoying his flinched reaction with a small giggle before going back to purring. The TV was on, but neither of them were watching it at that moment. His arms were around her and she was cuddled up to him. They were warm, cozy in his full size bed. Once in a while, she would go up to his shoulder where his shirt was showing his tan fur and she would start licking on it. Jasmine groomed him with such an affection before rubbing her face into him and purring all the louder. That’s when she opened her eyes and saw that he was already staring down at her with his warm, welcoming eyes. She smiled and gave him a little smooch. “Do you like tea?” She asked him in a soft voice. “Ummm, I’ve drank it a few times. To me, it just tasted like hot water.” He said with a small chuckle. She chortled a little and leaned her head onto his shoulder once again. “That’s because someone didn’t make it right. It’s about tea time now, but I can get it later.” That’s when she felt his hand up against her cheek and cuddled into it with a tiny love bite and a lick. Her purring continued once again. “You’re the sweetest pony I’ve ever met. You did all of that for me and you asked for literally nothing in return. You were going to let me stay here even if I didn’t have a job, weren’t you?” He did not hesitate to nod. “Yes. I would have gotten a loan somewhere or done something to make it work. I wasn’t just going to leave you.” He looked back at her and that look he gave her made her heart melt and flutter at the same time. “I can’t deny that I care about you, and I couldn’t bare the thought if something were to happen to you.” “You big softie, your Ma was right.” Her smile widened and then she was taken off guard as he leaned in and kissed her on the lips. She hummed in surprise, but then continued to hum as she pressed her lips back to his. Her paw-like hand ran through his mane and over his broad neck and shoulder. Their kiss was so tight, so warm. Jasmine was forced to lean all the way back onto the bed while he got on top of her and tilted his head to deepen the kiss. Her purring was out of control at this point, going a mile a minute in her throat as she closed her eyes and rubbed her lips against his; stroking his mane. She finally broke the kiss in order to catch her breath. Her face was flushed as much as his was and the his arms were still so warm around her, but she didn’t get too hot. She felt like she could stay in his arms forever and not regret a thing. “Even if I did lose everything. Even if I hadn’t gotten the job from Pearl and even if I never saw my home again, at least I had you.” She began laying little kisses along his cheek as her blush only intensified. He smiled at this and chuckled a little bit. “Still, it was nice that you got the job from Pearl.” “Oh, yeah, totally. That was a stroke of luck.” She giggled a bit and looked at him once again, laying another kiss on his lips. “I think I’m gonna enjoy having a roomie. What do you think?” “Is that supposed to be a trick question? My last roommate was a bitch in devil’s clothing. I’ll do the dishes for you anytime.” They both had a good laugh at this. Then they had another nice long moment of silence. Jasmine pushed him over onto his back and resumed her position on top of him with her head on his chest. That was when Patch opened his eyes to see that the TV was still on without them even noticing. He was so caught up in the moment that he was going deaf to everything else around them. Not that it was surprising to him at all. It’s not like anything else mattered at that point. “Fillies and gentlecolts, please put your hands together for my next guest, Red Quill!” The talk show host said as he motioned toward the other side of the stage and out walked a red pegasus with black hair and blue eyes. He’d actually read the two Red Quill books that were out at the moment, and he genuinely liked them too.  Patch noticed that he didn’t seem all that use to be on camera, because he had that nervous tick that a lot of newcomers to the spotlight had. It was strange to see him on television though. The books didn’t have so much as a picture in the back cover like some authors did, nor did his online profile have a picture of him either. Now he was showing up on a talk show. They must have finally talked him into going public. The red pegasus pony was dressed in a black business suit with a white dress shirt underneath. He looked pretty stylish, but it was an awkward stylish. For some reason, it seemed like Patch had seen him before. Was Red Quill from Ranchtown? “Thank you, Mr. Quill, glad to have you on the show.” They shook hands as Red Quill sat down. “Well, thank you for having me, Spotlight.” He said as he fixed his jacket. “I have to admit, this is my first TV appearance.” Patch chuckled at this, it was nice to finally be able to put a face with the name. “So, you’ve got two books out and now your third one is set to come to bookstores?” Spotlight asked in a clear attempt to advertise for him. All good authors should be so lucky as to get television sponsorship. “Next June on the fifteenth.” He said this and the crowd began to cheer. Fable looked out at them with a smile and a wave. “Yeah, it’s been a long time coming. It was a really fun road to write these three books.” “Well, I bet, I had trouble writing my English essays for college. Those were a thousand words, and these books are how many words?” Spotlight asked, tilting his head as he spoke. “Oh, a lot more than a thousand, that’s for sure.” Red Quill said this and the crowd began to laugh. Patch chuckled at him. For someone who was so nervous in the limelight, he was handling himself pretty well. Still, he couldn’t shake the fact that he’d seen that guy from somewhere. Maybe there was more than one red pony with black hair? Well, there probably was. Either way, it didn’t matter. He looked over to see that Jasmine was asleep now, breathing gently on him while she slept with a little smile on her face. Replaying the incidents of the passing day would be impossible at this point. It was such a huge rollercoaster of random happenstance that Patch would be hard pressed to relay these to anyone. Explaining anything of that day was an impossibility because he would barely know where to begin. Still, somehow it all worked out for the best. “Somehow” being the key word there. Patch didn’t worry about it, though. He had a cat girl napping on him now, possibly sleeping in the same bed with him, and he was totally fine with that. More than fine, actually. Even after his crash course with sexual intercourse, nothing could prepare him for the joys of seeing a member of the opposite gender want to sleep in the same bed as you. What happened after that was a nonproblem. Speaking of which, right when he had that thought was when the cell phone to his right had a notification. He reached for it to see that Jasmine had gotten a text. He only got the beginning of the text through her lockscreen notifications, but it made his eyes widen all the same. “Hey, this is Pearl, I got a place for you to work tomorrow. Meet me at seven in the morning shar…” Patch read this in his head and was quick to reach over to grab his own phone from the night stand and set an alarm for six in the morning. It was already seven o’clock, so he figured he’d let her sleep and wake up on her own if she did so before then. The downer part, though, was now he was stuck underneath this beautiful cat girl. That pretty much meant that he was more or less going to sleep at this point. Then it popped in his head! He reached over to his night stand, this time grabbing one of his many Neptune 5 controllers and turning on his system. He chortled a bit as he loaded up a game, then kissed the cute kitty on her cheek, making her smile in her sleep as he started up his save file. Life can take you to strange places, but right now it led him to playing his video game in one of the most comfortable spots he had ever been in his life. That was alright with him. > Flowers and Frosting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pearl walked up to the door opening and flipped the light switch. On came the lights to one of the largest kitchens Jasmine had ever seen. There were ovens stacked upon ovens, rows of sinks and faucets, four refrigerators, four freezers, a huge food closet filled with spice racks, fruit, veggies, flour sacks, nine kinds of sugars and an island in the middle with tools of every variety. The tiles were a tan brown and so clean they were reflective. The walls were an eggshell color and the lights were bright enough to make everything shine. “If you can't bake here, you haven't baked a day in your life. This is the kitchen housed in the chapel where my wedding will be held. Everything you need will be here and everything it doesn't have can be ordered to arrive in a few hours at most. You will be working with an assistant. Tomorrow, five world class chefs will be in here preparing the reception meal. Tonight is my wedding rehearsal, so expect it to get crowded.” Pearl said as she walked through the kitchen and pulled out drawers revealing knives, ladles, tongs of all sizes, whisks, mixing machines, thermometers, oven mitts, and everything anyone could ever dream. Then, on the island surface in the middle, all of the makings of the cake were laid out in a perfect display, along with the extra structure pieces and recipe in a three ring binder. She opened the book cover and turned the pages to show her. “Every instruction is in here. You have two days. I would have had you start sooner but… well… wedding, delays, blah blah blah. You get the idea.” Jasmine nodded as she pulled on her apron and tied it onto her back. She was dressed in her white chef's dress. This was the first time she had ever worn a chef's uniform in her entire life. None of her former baking gigs had ever been so well financed to give her any of the luxuries of this type of cooking equipment. Pearl smiled at her, looking at her from head to toe. That was when she picked up the white, puffy chef’s hat from the middle table and placed it on top of Jasmine’s head where her hair was in a bun. “There, spectacular. How are you feeling?” Pearl asked her as she stood back to once again eye her from head to toe. “Overwhelmed and overjoyed. I’ve never seen such an amazing kitchen.” She smiled bright as she picked up a whisk from the drawer and held it up in front of her. “Awesome. Well, I have other stuff to take care of. The assistant should be here in just a few minutes. She will answer your every beck and call, and help you with everything that you need. I have every faith in her skills, but if there are any problems at all, you call me directly. Are you good?” “Yes, Miss Pearl.” Jasmine nodded and then watched as the pink pony began to exit the door. “Good! I’m off. Be safe.” Pearl waved, and Jasmine waved back. As soon as she pushed through the doors, Jasmine got to work. The mixing machines were hooked up, the refrigerators were opened and she pulled out the eggs and the milk. Picking up all of the ingredients she needed to make the batter, she got every bowl from the cabinets, setting them out side by side. Her whisk began mixing and her measuring cups were filled and emptied in short order. Her concentration level was at its fullest as she began to form the cake batter with the right amount of sugar, butter, baking soda, and flour. When Pearl said four stories, she meant four stories. According to the directions, each tier of the cake was around a foot tall. The designs were meticulous and the cake pans were deliberately created to create something of a rounded edge for each full story. “Hello, ma’am!” Jasmine’s heart skipped a beat, her tail fluffed out completely and she jumped almost a foot in the air as she cried out in a horrible start! She starting gasping for breath as she held her chest. “Oh, dearest me, I’m so sorry.” Jasmine looked over to see a peach colored pony with pink, blue and yellow hair. The first thing the cat girl noticed was that this unicorn’s breasts were larger than her own head and she had a very cute face to top it all off. She was dressed in a similar chef’s uniform and was tying on her apron. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. I thought you heard me come in, but I guess you were really in the zone, weren’t you?” The unicorn smiled as Jasmine came to the realization that she was looking at her assistant. “I’m Pop Candy! Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand and shook Jasmine’s. “Oh, hi! I’m Jasmine! Do you have a lot of experience baking?” She said as she picked up the bowl once again and started to work the whisk, while the other machines were working on the other three bowls of batter. “Of course. I’ve been a baker for years. My specialty is candy, but cakes are a very close second. I also make tarts.” She looked at all of the stuff Jasmine had already brought out and strewed all over the kitchen. It looked like chaos, but to any experienced cook, it looked like a very controlled chaos. “You’ll need another batch of batter, won’t you?” “Yes, two more, actually. You’re more than welcome to start on another. The book’s already open to the proper page.” Jasmine smiled as her wrist flicked the whisk around the off white batter. “Alright, I’ll get to work on that. Are we making icing from scratch?” Pop Candy walked to an empty bowl and started cracking eggs into it. “Yes, I was going to start on those when we started putting the pans in the ovens.” She said as she started getting out the round cake pans and hooking up the bottoms to the rounded edges, locking them into place with the small lever. Pop and Jasmine were getting flour and batter all over the counters in tiny splats, but the purposely made an excess, feeling it was better to overshoot than undershoot. “So, I’ve obviously never run into an Abyssinian. Have you been in Equestria for very long?” Pop asked as she cut a stick of butter and swiped the square into the bowl, starting to mash it with her mixing spoon. “No, not even a week. I’d be able to write an entire novel about my adventures in getting here, especially my adventure when I arrived.” Jasmine’s eyes widened as she thought of that whole mess. “I was set up for a job in Butterscotch Bakery at first, but those tossers decided to slight me at the last minute, so I was stuck here with hardly a bit to my name.” “That’s terrible! I’ve dealt with those Butterscotches before, and they are a piece of work. Their tarts are entirely too expensive for how sweet they are. How in Equestria did you manage to get this job?” Pop asked, and Jasmine laughed. “Bloody stars aligned and my lucky rabbit’s foot, most likely. Not to mention I met my guardian angel. Patch Note gave me a place to sleep and made sure I was well kept. Without him, none of this would have happened.” Jasmine started on the next batch of batter with gusto, throwing it all in and pulling out the egg beater to mix it all together. “Oooo, Patch Note, huh? Sounds dreamy. How did you meet him?” Pop was taken aback by Jasmine bursting out with laughter once again. “Bumped me head against his work counter and went down like a sack of spuds, is how that happened. The bloke then scooped me up and gave me a bed for the night without a single favor asked in return. I must say, he is one of a kind.” As her egg beater worked over the batter, her eyes tapered off into space. “Wow, someone’s head over hoo-- I mean… paws.” Pop started laughing with Jasmine soon to join in. “You’re practically purring over this stallion, aren’t you?” “Oi! Never said we were an item, now did I? We’re just… mates.” Jasmine’s face blushed beet red while she got every single tiny clump of flour out of her last batch of batter. “Uh huh, in your country, that may mean friend. But in our country, mate means something a bit more animalistic.” Pop fell into another slew of guffaws as Jasmine’s face tensed up with her eyes going bulbous. “Dear sweet cat, you’re just adorable!” Jasmine was entirely too embarrassed to respond to these allegations being directed toward her. She started pouring the batter into the cake pan. Last night was something of a dream to the kitty at that point. She had never gotten so close to someone as to fall asleep on top of them, let alone sleep with them in their bed. To do something like that with someone she practically just met was far and away the last thing she ever expected to do in an entirely new country. “Well, what about you? Have you got a bloke in your life?” Jasmine asked, turning the conversation around. Pop was halfway expecting the question, giggling as her own mind wandered. “Oh, not really. I have a few guy friends that I get with on occasion, but nothing really serious. I have a close knit group of friends, though. Not to mention a pile of guys who have offered to buy me a kingdom.” Pop giggled at this, joining Jasmine in pouring the cake batter into one of the larger pans. Jasmine thought that with melons like hers, she could see more than one guy who would lay at her hooves and beg. She looked fit for a candymaker, that much was certain. She was not one to judge, but the thought of her flashing drooling morons to get favors crossed her mind. It’s not like she was above that. Being broke and on the street, living in her car, she couldn’t promise that she wouldn’t use her feline advantages to get by for a while. Thank God that didn’t come to pass. The very thought made her cringe a bit. “It just amazes me that you got this job.” Pop said, walking over to the ovens and turning them on to preheat. “Not that you don’t deserve it, but any bakery in town would give their fingers to cook for this wedding. It’s the grandest event in recent history.” “It’s what?” Jasmine’s face went a little slack as she looked at Pop. The candy pony nodded. “What are you on about?” “Pearl Necklace is the richest pony in Northern Equestria. She literally owns half of Ranchtown and knows just about every high ranking individual in every major city. This wedding has been about a year in planning and now it’s about to happen the day after tomorrow.” “Are you for real?” The cat girl blinked as Pop, once again, began to nod vigorously. “And she put one of the key parts of the wedding in my hands?” “Yes, but you don’t need to worry. We’re already doing just fine. I’ve done icing on tons of cakes and I dove at the chance to assist you in baking this cake. With the two of us together, we’re going to make this cake the number one conversation piece.” Pop smiled at Jasmine and gave her a thumbs up. Jasmine gave a meek, nervous smile and giggled a little bit. “But, no pressure, right?” Pop giggled at her once again as they both started opening up the preheated ovens and began sliding in the full cake pans. They set the timers for fifty minutes. That was the easy part. Now Pop began to pull out the whipping cream and powdered sugar. The colors on this cake were very specific. It was mostly white buttercream but there were some very luxuriously colored flower designs as well as ten different blends of icing. Jasmine was good at this part, but she soon found out that Pop excelled at this stage. They worked off of one another with the measuring cups and got out the hefty mixing attachments for the machines. They started pouring in the cream and whipping with their wrists in sharp but fluid motions until the cream began to take its unshapely slightly solidified state. Food coloring was applied with the steadiest of hands. The color had to be silky smooth, as if it were a colored cloud. Every drop was exact and the shading was purposely faded to give it an ancient painting feel to it. The two of them astounded one another with their knowledge of baking and cooking. When one had a question or was unsure of how to go about it, the other took the reigns and paid extra close attention to the details. The icing began to take shape in all of its colored glory. Just as they were working on the very last shaded icing, both of them heard a tap at the door. Both of their attention went to flapping egress on the other side of the kitchen to see Patch looking in through the small, round window and waving at Jasmine. The cat girl blushed hard and looked at the clock to see it was already eleven fifteen. Just then, the first oven went off. Jasmine passed Patch a finger to signal “Hang on a second” and both of them went to the ovens to see that they had one minute to three minutes each. Jasmine pulled the first, smallest tier from the oven and check its density, bake and color. She even went to the drawer to pull out a pin thermometer and skillfully jabbed it into the breading to make sure that it was cooked all the way through with no soft center. “Well?” Pop asked as the temperature rose on the stick. “It’s bloody perfect!” Jasmine squealed with excitement and Pop punched the air, joining her in her joy. More beeps were heard as more of the layers were becoming complete and they started to pull them from the ovens to leave them out and let them breathe. They laid them out on wax paper in order of size and then took a deep breath of relief. “Well, now that that’s done, I’m gonna go grab a feed and I’ll be back in a bit.” “Grab a what?” Pop passed her a cocked eyebrow. “Eat something. Patch brought me lunch.” Jasmine looked off to the side, her eyes darting left and right. The bengal cat began untying her apron and put her chef’s hat on a side table. “Ooohhh, what a sweetheart.” Pop wiggled her eyebrows at the cat girl who returned with a sour look. “Oh, get tossed.” Jasmine’s face flushed once again as Pop started laughing at the accent with which she spoke. “I’ll be back.” “Have fun!” Pop said as she started pulling off her apron to get some food too. Jasmine went out the doors to the main lobby area, seeing Patch sitting on a random chair on the other side of the hall. This chapel was ridiculous in its layout. It had room for only one full blown wedding, but it was apparently going to be one hell of a wedding. There were ponies working to get the decorations up. There were laurels posted all across the wall where it met the ceiling. There were white lights, white candles, chandeliers with dim, crystal lights, white and red roses in what looked like diamond vases and red velvet flowers in droves hanging from the sconces on the wall in beautiful patterns. Apparently three florist shops were hired to do the arrangements, all three of them were subsidiaries of Shinolah Vineyard. The lighting was gorgeous, surreal, like something out of an old painting as it bathed the flower arrangements in illumination. In the middle of it all, there was Patch, holding up a bag of food for the cat girl as she walked to him. He stood up as she approached and they embraced. She smiled as she took the bag from him and opened it to see fruit of every color, along with a bottle of cream milk, still kept very cold. “Hey, how’s the cake go-” He began to ask, but was cut short as her lips met with his and began to pet his mane. “The cake is lovely so far.” She smiled sweetly. “But we’re still doing the easy part. The hard part is going to be decorating it. That’s the part that normally takes the real time.” She said as she sat down on a chair next to his and pulled out some grapes. “How’s the video games?” She smiled at him and he laughed a little. “They’re fine. We’re preparing for the holiday season. It can get pretty hectic around Hearthswarming. We’re setting up all of the deal posters and whatnot. Not to mention we have three major titles coming out over the next two months. It’s going to be tiring, but we’ve been doing it for a while.” Patch note said as he pulled a banana out of the bag. “Yeah, you’ll have to show me what gamers find so great about your little toys. I’m afraid I’m not about that life.” Jasmine popped two grapes in her mouth. Then she opened the cream milk bottle and took a nice long drink of it. “Wow, this is amazing. I had no idea horses had such good taste in milk.” “Haha! We have our moments from time to time.” He smiled and took another bite of banana. “When are you going to be coming home?” Patch tried not to sound too much like a husband in that line, but that was especially hard to do. They hadn’t even started setting up her room, and she didn’t seem the least bit bothered by that fact. She simply kept her luggage open in that empty space and she even bought a few shirts that she liked from the mall when they visited it on the way home. “I don’t know. We’re going to try and power through the initial decorations and maybe even start icing the cake. Pop is an astoundingly good baker, it seems, so I should be able to come home at a decent time. Why you ask? You gonna wait for me?” Jasmine gave him a sly little grin as she got close to his face once again. The embarrassed and speechless expression he gave was priceless. His cheeks went red and his shoulders crept up a bit. She couldn’t help but giggle softly and lick his cheek. “You uuhhh, sure seem to be enjoying yourself in there.” Patch said as he finished his banana. The blush in his cheeks never went away. “Of course, I am! Pop is really nice and the job is going really smooth so far. I promise, though, I will get off at a decent hour tonight.” Jasmine assured him as she bit into a granny smith apple. “Just have more of this stuff waiting for me. If we can’t find meat anywhere, I can at least eat something that doesn’t taste like it was bathed in oil and dried out in the desert sun.” “Wow, you don’t like wheat burgers, do you?” Patch gave her a look of feigned dismay. “They taste like wank!” She admitted in one of the most direct terms she could possibly think of. “But don’t think I don’t appreciate what you did for me.” She held onto his arm and pulled herself closer to him with a purr in his ear. “I’ll never forget it.” “Well, I mean, I’m sure someone else would have done the same thing for a feline in distress.” He scratched the back of his mane and gave a modest chuckle. “Uh huh, and asked for lewd, repulsive acts in return for their harrowing service, I’d imagine. You really don’t give yourself enough credit, Patch. What you did for me is something that I will be indebted to you for. I intend to pay that debt eventually.” Then she pulled her phone out of her chef’s uniform pocket and sighed. “Bugger, I gotta go. I’ll call you later, okay?” She kissed his cheek and he nodded. “Be careful, those stoves get hot.” He waved and chuckled. “We’re done with the stoves, you tit!” Jasmine laughed as she carried her cream milk bottle back toward the kitchen and gave him one last wave before opening the doors. Patch wadded up the paper bag and tossed it into a nearby trash bin, sighing. He thought about going back to work, but Blast Drive told him that he would handle the shift without him, so he could go to the biggest wedding in Ranchtown history. It seemed his friend and co-worker had become something of a worshipper after the events of the last tenday. There was very little that Blast wouldn’t do for Patch at this point. Whether he was more envious or more idolizing the earth pony was not quite clear, but either way it worked in his favor. So, now he was crashing the party by coming vicariously invited. What he was going to do with it was up in the air. He supposed he could take a memento as a very loose claim to fame or something like that but that was just petty. Now he had the whole day at this huge event and nothing to do with it but fritter away the day. What a pisser. Patch shook his head and turned for the exit. He figured he could just hang out at the store and help Blast Drive if he needed anything. That whole dismal train of thought was knocked off course; derailed before it truly started to gain up speed. As he turned to the exit, four ponies were entering the chapel, all of them dressed in decent semi-formal wear. Apparently the rehearsal was not a dressed rehearsal, but that was not at all what caught his eye. In walked Electric Spark, Winter Solstice, Sweet Voltage and Fable Prose. The latter pony was the one who caught his eye, because he looked ever so familiar. As they walked in, they noticed the stallion who was gazing upon them with an expression of mystique and intrigue. “Hey, man. How goes it?” Winter waved to Patch, who waved back at them. “You here for the rehearsal?” “I-- well I’m here as a-- my friend is here. She’s making the wedding cake.” Patch said as he pointed toward the kitchen. “So you’re a party crasher of the best caliber. Very nice.” Fable said as he looked toward the kitchen. “Didn’t you say Pop Candy was helping with the cake?” He looked over toward Spark and Voltage, who both nodded. “Sounds like a winner to me.” “I don’t know why, but wedding cakes always tend to taste the best out of any others.” Winter said as they continued toward the main chapel room. Even from there, they could see that the decorations were turning out stunning. “It’s because the good ones are made fresh.” Voltage explained. “Usually ponies don’t slouch on choosing wedding cakes. I mean, weddings are kind of a big deal.” She shrugged as they continued to walk. “Umm, hey!” Patch said as he followed along, coming up behind Fable, who turned to him as he noticed. The others didn’t seem to notice all that much, still taking in the scenery as they surveyed the pews and the aisle with the silken purple carpet draped across it. “Yeah?” The red pegasus pony asked as Patch hesitated to speak. He cleared his throat and scratch the back of his brown mane. Fable blinked at this and eyed him curiously. “Aren’t you… ummmm… Aren’t you Red Quill?” The tan earth pony asked with a great deal of nervous energy. This obviously sent Fable into a blushing frenzy as well. It was his turn to scratch the back of his black mane and hesitate for a moment. This was the first time he had ever been noticed by a complete stranger and it was a tad bit disorienting. “Well, yes, that’s my pen name. My real name is Fable Prose, but just call me Fable. And you are?” Fable motioned toward Patch with a smile. “Oh, I’m Patch Note. I work at Video Star.” He felt a little embarrassed at admitting that. It wasn’t exactly the most glamorous job, he could think of. Quite honestly, he didn’t even know why he said it. “Well, that’s cool. Which one?” Fable asked, taking Patch a little by surprise at the reaction. “The one on Hay or the northern one?” “The one on Hay and 2nd. Have you visited that one?” He asked and Fable nodded, laughing a little. “Yeah, I knew you looked a little familiar. I bought a few games from you guys. I still have my Neptune 6 but right now I’m collecting original Neptune games. I just got Cyberscape 2 earlier in the summer.” Fable said and Patch’s jaw dropped. The young stallion felt a huge pang of jealousy but an even bigger feeling of closeness in terms of interest with Fable in that moment. “You have an original Neptune system? That’s amazing!” Patch said, trying not to geek out too hard in a place like this. It was, after all, a wedding rehearsal, and from the looks of things, it was starting to get a little crowded as guests began to trickle in on and off. “Yeah, come on, let’s talk.” Fable motioned for the main hall and Patch followed him with a sense of urgency. “Let’s double talk.” ------- “There we go. That’s it. One thin, even layer. It’s difficult, but the end product is definitely worth the effort.” Jasmine explained as they covered the entire cake in white buttercream icing. It looked like a smooth, even shell of white cocooned over a soft pillow of cake bread. They’d used the tier plastic pillars to hold up the cake stories as they covered them individually. This worked to great effect all the way up until they encased the last tier completely. The cake was now a nice, plain white. It was perfect in its smooth, even natured icing and it stood evenly, perfectly proportioned. Pop and Jasmine eyed the cake up and down. Their discerning vision imagined it fully decorated. More and more they began to grow in confidence. It looked exactly like it did in the instructions, but that’s not to say that it was easy, just because they had a reference to work from. “I can’t believe it’s turning out so well.” Pop said as she hugged the curvy feline tightly as she nuzzled her whiskered cheek. Jasmine laughed at this and nodded, her arms wrapped around Pop’s torso as well. They could keep it in the walk in refrigerator overnight, making sure that none of the cooks touched it until it was ready to be displayed. “Just need to get the main decorations on and we’re home free.” “Oh, is that all?” Jasmine’s sarcasm was clear, and Pop knew why. The flowers and the edge designs were going to be a trick to pull off correctly. It was especially a feat of willpower to pull it off the first time around. However, doing that now would be an almost impossible job. They had reached a stopping point. All of their efforts were starting to wear on them something fierce and they were seeing spots from working their brains and hands a little too hard throughout the hours of the day. “We’re at the hardest part, Pop. I’ll be flogged before I trip at the finish line. Tomorrow, we’ll start at the same time. Bright and early after brekky.” “After… wha?” Pop looked at Jasmine oddly. “Breakfast.” She clarified and the peach unicorn gave an “Ah” face and snapped, pointing at Jasmine with a nod. “Now, we just need to see what Pearl--” Just as she said this, in walked Pearl Necklace and Death Metal in two lovely dresses of black and white. Pearl’s was checkered in large squares all over her blouse and skirt, along with a lovely round hat with a short rim all around it on her head. Death’s was mostly black, but had a small white blouse collar like some deranged schoolgirl’s outfit, but with a much longer skirt that went down to her knees. She was obviously not all that thrilled about being in a skirt, but at the same time, Death seemed like she was dealing with it rather well. “Hey, guys!” Pearl held her hands up and waved at the two of them. “I see you two have been hard at work! It looks marvelous!” She squealed in glee as she looked it over. “Oh, my, how did you get it looking so damn sharp? It’s so professional and straight. I don’t even think if I got Butterscotch to do it, it would look half this good.” She looked back toward Death Metal, who nodded. “Oh, yes, Miss Pearl. We have some sponge for you to try.” Pop said as she went to a small plastic container, opening it to reveal some small pieces of cake with a bit of frosting on top. “Here’s a sample for the two of you.” She held them up toward them and the brides. It didn’t take them long to pick out a good, squared piece and take a little bite. Both Jasmine and Pop watched with bated breath as they watched and prayed. ---------- “Wait wait wait, you took her home with you while she was passed out after hitting her head on your counter? Why didn’t you call a hospital?” Fable asked as he talked to Patch in a pew, facing the altar at the end of the main hall. “Yeah, bro, she must have found it pretty strange to wake up in your house.” Winter said on the other side of Patch, who drank some water from a fancy glass. “She had about ten bits in her bag. The last thing I wanted to do was bring a foreigner to the hospital and either get her deported for not being a citizen, or put her in terrible debt with medical bills. The ambulance alone is expensive as hell.” Patch said, and both ponies nodded. Health care was a bitch, that much was certain. “So, I made a choice, and it was the right choice. It all worked out in the end.” “If she’s making a cake for Pearl, then yes, it all worked out in the end.” Winter agreed. “And you say she’s living with you now?” Winter continued, and Patch nodded. “You have got to have some seriously lucky shoes, eh?” “Something’s gone right.” Patch chuckled, and both of them joined in a little laugh. “Patch!” Jasmine said as she entered the room, walking down the aisles to come to him from behind and hug him around his neck and chest. “Hey!” The tan stallion smiled and put his hands on her arms as she kissed his cheek and nuzzled it with a smile. He turned his head toward her and he kissed the female bengal with a soft nudge of his lips to hers. She joined him happily in the kiss and smiled. “Is it okay for you to drive me home? I’m exhausted.” She asked him, seeing that he was mingling with two new friends, but her eyes were starting to clamp shut on her. “Oh, yeah.” Patch stood up from the pew and not a moment too soon, as they started corralling all of the guests as they were arriving to sit down in their seating as the rehearsal was beginning. Fable took the glass as Patch handed it to him and he nodded his thanks. “Good luck.” Both Fable and Winter said as they winked at Patch. The younger man smiled with a nod as he started to walk out of the chapel with Jasmine at his side, holding his arm. She was barely holding herself up as they left the chapel. She was almost limping as they made it to the car. As her back hit the seat, her head leaned back against the rest and she sighed. “How is the cake coming along?” Patch asked as he got into the driver’s seat and turned on the car. The cat responded by stretching and yawning big as her back popped, leaning forward and then popping her neck from side to side. “I take it, that’s a good thing?” He chuckled as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Yes, it is a very good thing, but it is definitely not an easy thing. A wedding cake of this caliber is a very slow process. We have on the first layer of icing, and it turned out beautiful. Even Miss Pearl loved how it was turning out.” She looked at him as he glanced back at her, but kept his eyes on the road. “Would you mind if I broke off a piece and gave it a taste?” Patch snickered and she scoffed. “If you’re in the mood to have my claw marks permanently tattooed on your torso for the rest of your life. I suppose I wouldn’t kill you for something like that. Do it again, and yes, I’d kill you.” She stuck her tongue out at her and laughed a little bit. “Still, this is exactly what I’ve wanted to do with my life. Something exciting like this is exactly what I had in mind. A wedding cake for the largest event in history! Isn’t that enthralling?” She looked back to Patch as he drove and he was still smiling at her with a small chortle. “I’m really glad you’re enjoying yourself. Is it the same time tomorrow?” He asked her and she was already nodding. “Yes, we already have the taste and texture for the cake approved by Miss Pearl herself. Even Death Metal was asking for seconds, and I hear she’s a little hard to please.” Then she looked off to the side and shrugged. “Or it just looks like she’s hard to please. Either way, we got a smile out of her. I hear that’s a huge accomplishment in its own right.” “You’ve been in this country for not even three days and you’re already making friends. I’m so proud of you.” Patch said as he pulled into the apartment parking lot. “So, I got that tea that you asked for.” “Oh, bloody marvellous! Tea is exactly what I need right now.” She seemed genuinely excited over the idea of getting some tea right then. The car stopped and they both headed toward the apartment up the steps.   Jasmine hit the bed hard with one of half of her body, her cheek sinking into the pillow as she sighed. “You should be careful. Going to sleep while you’re that tired can mean some terrible things for when you wake up.” Patch said as he walked to the kitchen and got the tea kettle out of the box. “Perhaps some tea would help you?” “Silly pony, you don’t drink tea before bed. Well, you can but it’s full of caffeine. But there is something you can do to help.” Jasmine smiled at him as she rolled over on the bed and smiled at him as she wiggled against the comforter. “You need me to run to the store for something?” Patch asked as he threw the kettle box away and walked into the room to see her on her belly, her hands on her chin as her elbows sunk into the bed. Her tail was swishing from side to side as she smiled at him as sweetly as she possibly could. “No, but there is something you can do. I think it could help.” She looked up at him and tilted her head to the side for a cute little smirk. “I think I could use some rooting.” “Rooting?” Patch gave her a puzzled expression. “What’s rooting?” “It is a great way to fall asleep in my culture. I think you’d enjoy it a lot. You want to try it?” Jasmine asked him. “Well yeah, what is it? Is it like a massage?” Patch walked up to the edge of the bed and she rolled over toward him. Her belly was back down with her back toward him. “That’s a good way to start it.” She slowly began to slide out of her shirt and then unclasp her bra from her back. “A great way to start, in fact.” She spread her bra strap off of her back and noticed that he was growing somewhat flushed on his cheeks. “No need to be shy.” As he laid hands on her back, she pushed herself more onto him as he started dragging his palms over her fur, smoothing out her coat that was beautifully designed with bengal spots. Her purring began immediately as she closed her eyes and gave a soft moan. His hands softly clenched her back as they ran over her and she couldn’t hold back yet another soft groan. He pet her, stroked her soft body as he watched her riggle under him. She arched her back upward and flung her bra off of the bed. She pulled the bun from her hair, letting it fall free over her head. He was so gentle with her. Yet his hands squeezed her sides in a firm grip as the fur clung to her form. She panted as she purred, looking back at him with eyes that desired. “What else happens in rooting?” He asked her in a soft tone. His knees leaned against the side of his full size bed to keep his balance. Patch kept caressing the beautiful feline woman. She turned a grin toward him and her purring continued. “Whatever you want, you handsome pony devil.” She turned over to give him a full view of her somewhat heavy breasts. Her pink nipples were hard as rocks, and the bumps along her areolas were in full form along her soft flesh. Without hesitation, she pulled his hands onto her tits, letting him squeeze them as she gazed upon him with bedroom eyes. Patch found that his hands acting on their own as they massaged her mammaries naturally. He squeezed her D cups together and leaned down to meet her in a kiss. Her tongue began to invade his mouth almost immediately. While one hand stayed on her breast, the other trailed down her stomach, between her legs and gripped her crotch inside of her pants. She cried out against his mouth in a loud, muffled moan. To his surprise, she was absolutely soaked. His finger slid against her lubricated slit with the greatest of ease, stimulating her in ways she had never thought possible. He had thick fingers, far thicker than her own small hands possessed. “That’s it. Just like that.” She whispered into his ear before nibbling on it with softly rubbing teeth. “Slide them off.” He did just that. Her pants were easily detached from her legs, as were her small, bright purple panties. She laid before him, bare naked and grinding her groin against his hand. As he rubbed a finger against her pink puss, he could feel pressure building against his already very erect penis. He looked down to see that she was now gazing upon his very impressive bulge in the fabric of his pants as her palm firmly gripped and rubbed it. “Oh, God, Patch, don’t hold me in suspense.” She begged him and began the attempt in undo his pants. He helped her, and soon enough his fly was open and his underoos were in full view. However, she couldn’t help but notice that his cock was in full view within his tight boxer briefs. With a much thinner fabric to compete with, she grabbed onto his shaft and began to rub. Her breath quickened as she stared at his horse dick. In pony terms, he was not especially big. Patch was very moderately sized. In Abyssinian terms, however, Patch was in the very large category. He couldn’t help but notice that his finger was now drenched in her vaginal juices as she touched his penis from outside his underwear. She felt his mid ring in the center of his shaft. She felt the rigid texture of his glans penis around the tip of his cock and the kitty couldn’t help but salivate. With no more time to lose, she pulled his britches straight down to his knees. The thing that flopped up into view caught her sight, and she gasped once again, basking in its wondrous glory. He was about to say something profound, but she didn’t seem particularly interested in that moment. She shoved whatever she could into her mouth. As far as she could fit his penis is how far she brought him in. Her saliva glazed over the top half of his hot prick as her hand wanked him softly. He started breathing harshly as he looked down at her. Her green eyes gazed up toward him as well as her mouth worked his rock hard knob. She licked all up and down the side of his length and even gave one testicle a soft lick along his scrotum, which made him draw in a sharp breath. He had felt her tongue before. However, feeling her rough, saliva covered tongue on his cock was something different entirely. How she kept from touching his penis with her teeth was something to behold. Her obvious restraint was admirable, though that was only in the back of his mind. His large rod twitched at the sensation of her warm, wet mouth slathering along every surface. He grew ever so tight and stiff as a result of her mouth gobbing him all over. That was until he very softly pushed her onto her back. She gave a tiny yelp as her tits bounced up and down. She looked up at him to see him mount on top of her. She welcomed his advance with a small chortle and they once again met in a very passionate kiss. This time the length of his cock pressed against her slit like a very large hotdog pressing into a small bun. “Take it slow.” She whispered, but at the same time, she grabbed onto his very lively genitalia. She angled him straight with his tip meeting her little honey hole. “You’re so big.” Jasmine was about to say something more, but her eyes went wide and she cried out in a high pitch as she felt him burrow inside of her. His large, hard hunk of meat squeezed within the confines of her sheathe, causing her to grip his back with her hands. She cried out with passion as he began pushing into her very softly, slowly, letting her feel every single bit of his massive dick. Jasmine thought she was prepared for this, yet it was clear that she was far from prepared. The feline tried to tell him to slow down, but nothing would come out, and even if it did, she doubted that it would help. Still, once she got past the initial shock of having a massive snag jamming itself between her legs, the warmth between her legs turned into a sensation she never thought possible. “Oh! Patch! Fuck! Root me! Deeper!” Her lustful nature began to take over. The term “horny as a cat” had never been said to Patch, but it would have made sense in that instance. He rooted her, alright. All the sudden the word “root” began to take on a whole new meaning to him, and he started to understand her phrasing. His relatively enormous cock slid back and forth inside of her with some ease now that her pussy was lubricating double time, allowing him to start fucking her freely. However, she was still strangling his enormous dick and it was starting to take its toll on the stallion. Within just a few seconds of his pleasure starting to build, he started to slow down. “What are you doing?” She asked him, her eyes going wild as she stared at him. It was obvious that her lust was getting right on top of her along with Patch. “Where do you think you’re going!?” “But I’m about to--” Before he could back off of her, her legs locked up behind him and buried his boner deep within her, causing her to squeal as she continued to be stretched. “Yes! Jam it in me! Fuck this pussy’s pussy!” She shouted. He shook off his inhibitions at that point. He started plowing her and she went completely blank in her head. The pleasure she felt was starting to overtake her in the most sensational way imaginable. Never before had she ever thought that there were such pleasures in life and now she knew that it came from a species that was not even her own. That’s when it happened. Deliciously thick, hot milk spewed within her. It filled her uterus within one shot and then kept blasting within her like a fucking firehose. She squirted all over his cock along with his drenching cum cannon going off over and over again. With her claws sinking into his headboard, she dug into the wood and brought out a row of curling wood chips along with her nails. She stopped breathing for a long period of time. It got to the point where Patch thought something was wrong. However, as his cock stopped spitting out copious amounts of semen, her lungs released her breath. Jasmine began to gasp. Her mind was filled with endorphins, her pussy was filled with hot baby batter and her eyes gazed up at the ceiling as dancing colors passed by her mind’s eye. She lost sight of reality for a small portion of time, sweating profusely as her body went limp with his cock sliding out of her. With every breath, drizzling cum seeped from her otherwise hollow quim. “Jasmine?” She heard him say, snapping out of her stupor a little more. “Are you alright? Do you need me to get you something?” Patch asked as he gently pet her stomach. “Are you daft? You’ve already--oohh--given it to me. Dear sweet lord, I don’t think I’ve ever cum so many times in my life!” Jasmine tried to move, but found it to be especially difficult. “Actually, there’s more cream milk in the fridge. Be a dear and get me some?” She asked sweetly. “And shake that ass as you go.” She said as she caught sight of his tail. He started laughing as he got up from the bed and retrieved her bottle of milk. “Patch…” “Yeah?” He came back into the room with her milk. She took it, and the crazy big smile on her face never seemed to leave her face. “I don’t want my own room.” She said simply. Jasmine drank her cream milk and it only added to an already huge amount of joy she was feeling in that moment. She wasn’t sure if she came ten or twenty times in that session, but it was far more than she could ever bring herself to cum. “I want to sleep in here. We can turn the other room into a study or something. I want this to be my room too and I want to learn how to play your video games.” She pronounced video as “vidja” and Patch found it somewhat humorous. She looked at him with a somewhat worried look, suddenly hoping that she wasn’t coming on too strong. “Is… that okay?” “Of course it is.” Patch smiled at her as he laid down behind her and spooned up against her. She wasted no time in cuddling up into him with her back to his chest. She turned her head and kissed him on the lips. The kiss kept going, even though Patch had only meant for it to be a simple peck. They kept their mouths linked together, pressing more and more into one another as the the moment slowed to a leisurely pace. As soon as he thought the kiss was going to end, it only kept going. For two people who had only met the day before yesterday, Patch couldn’t imagine a more perfect setting. He suddenly felt even more accomplished than he had when he had sex with four mares in the same session as the act of losing his virginity. He had gone from having a roommate like Solar Flare to having what could possibly be the love of his life falling at his feet, quite literally. The kiss finally ceased, but her purring commenced as she caressed his chest with cuddles from the back of her head. “Oh, and one last thing. Do you have a tuxedo, by chance?” Jasmine asked, and Patch couldn’t help but snicker. “I wore my choir tuxedo to prom…” He said, and they both had a good laugh at this. “Good, because Pearl gave me a coupon for a free tuxedo purchase just for you.” Patch heard this and his eyes went a little berserk. “Wait, a free tuxedo purchase? As in a free tuxedo I can keep?” Patch clarified, and she nodded. “She said to consider it a midway installment of her payment. She wanted you to suit up as her invited guest and my plus one.” Jasmine giggled a bit as she kissed his cheek. Patch tried to comprehend what she was saying. Someone like Pearl didn’t seem like the kind of pony who would invite just anyone to her wedding. Now she was inviting two practical strangers to the most important day of her life. “Which means, get some sleep, tiger. We have a busy day tomorrow.” She worked with him to get the comforter over the two of them as they cuddled up underneath the covers. The thought of sleeping didn’t even seem possible at that moment. Dropping such a huge piece of news like that on him was like slapping someone across the face and telling them to sing. As he tried to reason it out, though, he didn’t notice that his head was growing hazy. Sleep was soon to follow as he heard the purrs of his girl as she laid in his arms. Nothing mattered outside of that moment for either of them. It would be something that they both treasured for as long as they were together. At that moment, it seemed as if it were truly an eternity. > Good Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a good three months, to say the least. Patch helped his new girlfriend move into his apartment with what few items she brought with her. Then, according to Jasmine, had the patience of a saint when she went out to buy all new items to fill her closet and living space with. They didn’t really need another bedroom for her. Both of them adapted to sleeping in the same bed within days and they weren’t going to change that arrangement.  True to her word, Pearl gave Jasmine her own section in a stripmall to open up her own bakery. Since Pop Candy already had her own candy shop, she was only called in when needed while simultaneously doing the same for her whenever she could. Within a month, the catwoman’s ovens were piping hot and popping out pastries and baguettes by the truck loads. The only real problem she found was hiring help that actually knew how to cook. After a few rounds of trial and error, she found a reliable staff to assist her.  Jasmine’s Buns opened to a rousing initial weekend. Much of the inventory she cooked up beforehand flew off the shelves a bit faster than she had hoped, but she was able to keep up with demand. Though, it was quite a pain to ask people to wait while the dough settled, she was quite flattered when her clientele assured her it was worth the wait. Patch was quite enthused with her success in the baking industry. Though, the downside was that, as a baker, she had to attend the ovens at around four in the morning every day except for Sunday, when her store was closed. The hiring of subordinates helped, but only a little. She demanded a bit of a standard in her food quality that had to be met if she was going to keep up the competitive nature of the cooking community. That morning, however, she had all three of her hirees attending the shop. It was one of the very few days she was able to sleep in. Patch was off that day from his job at the Video Star and it was almost as if the fates had met full circle for the first time in a long time. Still, given her strict sleep schedule, sleeping in was more of a relative statement. Her body only demanded a few extra hours on occasion and now she found herself wide awake at six thirty in the morning.  Patch, on the other hand, had a waking period as sporadic as the rain in spring. Some days, he would be more than happy to wake up along with her not-so-early hours in the morning. Then there were days that she couldn’t keep him awake under any circumstances. His body had never been trained in such a way, so it was more of a roll of the dice than anything.  That morning, however, he felt his own hot breath against his face, along with a very soft, pillowy feeling on his snout and muzzle. He opened his eyes to see the kitty was leaning over him with her tits hanging down over his face. He smiled and began to kiss her bountiful globes, making sure to give the nipples little licks.  “Good morning, Patchy.” She whispered to him and batted her tits gently against his face as she jiggled a bit. “I thought about letting you sleep, but then I noticed that at least part of you was awake.” Jasmine’s hand slid down his stomach to glide over his very lively boner that lay flat against his groin.  He chuckled a little bit as his tongue began to concentrate on a single bright pink nipple. She shuddered a little bit, goosebumps going over her skin which was covered by a golden brown pelt of bengal spots. His hand came up to her other tit and began to caress it as his body showed some signs of life. Her palm rubbed against the crotch of his underwear. She felt his wonderful mid ring, his shaft and the head of his dick before sliding back down to cup his balls and give them a gentle squeeze.  The bright tan pony reciprocated by sucking that much harder on her nipple, making it rock hard and her areola began to grow bumpy. Jasmine purred, lavishing in the tease. She gasped as his mouth went to her next nipple to make it mirror the other. Then his hand went down to her nice juicy butt to give it a squeeze. Her rump molded to his touch. The Abyssinian moved it to mirror his caressing motions. His wrist pressed against her labia to feel her heat and the juices that were working at full capacity.  “Someone’s a tiny bit wet.” He smirked at her as she blushed deep. The fact that they had not had a whole lot of time between work to play like this was only making her heat worse. Spring was in the air and nature was knocking on her door, telling her to give in. She fought the urge, though. She was having entirely too much fun. “You hush, bloody mozzie!” She let out a gasp and a moan as his hand pressed against her area. He pulled his hand away from her sticky lips only to have his mouth meet hers in a kiss. Her purring only grew more intense as they rubbed their lips together and their tongues slowly caressed each other. His hands explored her beautiful, soft body as she put her knees on either side of his hips. She straddled him and smiled as he pushed his lips firmly against hers as he rose to a sitting position. Their private areas met and she could feel his member twitch as she began to sink his length between her cunt as it dripped all over him. “You’re in quite the playful mood, aren’t you?” Patch said after they had broken the kiss. His naked girlfriend gave a meek smile as she petted along his mane and his jawline with a soft hand.  “You can say that, yeah.” Jasmine giggled as she continued to embellish herself in the feeling of his trunk moistening her tender lips. “I’ve missed you these past few weeks. I wish I could take some more time off from work, but things are still a bit unstable. I can’t just throw away this amazing gift Pearl gave to me.” “Yeah, speaking of which, have you talked to her lately?” Patch reached up and began to caress those beautiful bags hanging from her chest and she looked down at them happily. She cooed and placed her hands over his as he squeezed her ample breasts. Her cheeks were starting to turn red as his cock did its work. Her back and forth movement became more energetic. “N-no, not since the wedding. Her assistant said she may be out for a bit on a family emergency.” Jasmine said, her grinding never stopping for a moment. “What about F-Fable? You heard from him lately?” “Yeah, actually. We game every so often. He has a great group on the Neptune Online.” Now his breath was starting to grow stronger. His eyes clenched shut a few times as his lust was starting to build. Her devious smirk relished in his torture. It was entirely too much fun to see him sweat under this kind of pressure. “He should be online soon. Right now, though, I don’t care.” “We don’t seem to get a lot of time for this anymore.” She admitted. Then she sat down flat on his lap and felt his pulsing cock press against her very wet pink lips. “I’ve been wanting you all week, but I keep falling asleep before you get home.” Her hips began to grind and she felt him twitch against her as she smeared her wetness all over his boxer briefs. “Sometimes, I think I should wake you up.” Patch laid a kiss on her nose and she crinkled it with a smirk. Then their mouths met yet again in a very deep kiss. His tongue slid into her mouth and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He reached down with both of his thumbs and slid the hem of his underwear down so that her cunny pressed against his dark brown cock. He flexed his penis to press harder against her and she could only grind harder. Precum leaked generous portions from his tip as she gasped and caressed his tongue with her own.  “Maybe you should.” She purred, then smiled as he started to grind against her as well, drawing a small gasp.  That’s when he grabbed hold of his shaft and angled his dick upward. He sank into her honey hole much faster than she thought, causing her to give a moan of ecstasy and surprise. Before she knew it he had her leaned back and began to thrust into her with a great amount of vigor. She whined and gave pitiful cries, begging him to fuck her harder. He switched positions onto his knees and began humping her downward. This time, he banged her without relent and caused her to grasp at his forearms in a feeble attempt at control.  He had not been jerking off lately. His job at the Video Star was demanding more hours out of him because of the school year entering into end of semester testing. His dick was at full capacity and his pumping force was both hard hitting and gaining up a great deal of momentum. She tried to say something but every time she tried, her pleasure spiked up. There was an orgasm that caused her to squirt all over his shaft and his balls. Then there was another that caused her legs to twitch.  Every time her pleasure boiled into an orgasm, Patch grinned, obviously quite proud of himself. He counted five before he finally shot his own white goo directly into her cervix, filling her uterus. Their fluids mixed and drizzled onto the bed sheets as Jasmine attempted to catch her breath. Without warning, though, Patch thrust into her a few more times. Her pussy was already way too excited to ignore it, and her moans heightened higher and higher into yet another climax.  That was when Patch finally pulled out of her. In one smooth motion, he brought her knees together and pushed her over onto her side. Sweat ran down her face and her chest as she panted horribly.  “You’re such a wanker.” She managed to say between heavy breathing. He laughed at this as he lay beside her, breathing the fire out of his lungs. He didn’t cuddle up too close. Jasmine ran very hot after one of their harder sessions, and every hand placement would be met with great discomfort. He did reach up to the ceiling in a sitting position and turn the fan on whirlwind mode.  There was silence for a good long while. Jas’s mind wandered for a bit and she couldn’t help but think about how she was keeping all of his semen deep within her, though a great deal of it was smearing into the fur on her inner thighs. She began to wonder. That turned into a very grim reality.  “You alright, Jassy?” Patch asked, noting her silence was carrying on longer than usual. She rolled over to face him and she managed a bit of a smile. Her body had cooled off considerably at this point, and she leaned in to give him cuddles.  “I am.” She said in her accent that he found ever so endearing. “Just been thinking a lot lately. You know I would never resent you for being a pony, right?”  This brought him a very befuddled expression as he looked at her. Of all the things, this definitely wasn’t the conversation he expected to pop up. He blinked and nodded to her, but the puzzled face didn’t leave him. She opened her mouth to speak once again, but then sighed and closed it.  “I don’t know what I’m on about, just ignore me.” Her head pressed against the pillow as her train of thought only brought her deeper into dismay. Then she felt his arms engulf her, along with some kisses to her cheek. Then he blew a little raspberry into the side of her head and she squealed a little bit. They both gave a little laugh as she rolled onto her back and met his eyes with her own. “You’re too good to me.”  “We’ve had this discussion, Jasmine. I’m only as good to you as your cooking for me.” He was struggling to keep a straight face. Her mouth opened wide as she gave an exaggerated gasp at this profound statement. “If your cooking got any worse, I don’t know what the future holds for us. I’m sorry, Jassy, that’s just the way it is.” “You villain!” She cried out in a more exaggerated tone and gave his cheek a little pat in a slapping motion. This caused them both to laugh once again. They met in another small kiss before Jasmine rolled out of the full sized bed. “I’m gonna clean up a bit and make some brekky. I suggest you do the same. You smell like cat.” She stuck her tongue out at him as she walked to the hallway toward the bathroom.  “I can’t imagine.” Patch shook his head and gave a small snicker. He laid there for a moment, in thought. He noted her strange behavior when they got done with their little romp and it puzzled him a little. He wasn’t the greatest at reading women, but he knew that something was wrong. The comment on him being a pony was a bit of a red flag as well. What was that all about? Patch twiddled his thumbs for a moment, looking down at his cock as it lay docile on his pelvis. It was still smothered in drying juices and she was in the bathroom, starting up the shower.  Then he looked at his Neptune 6 sitting on his shelf underneath his TV and shrugged. He grabbed his controller and turned it on. Patch grabbed his headset and put it on as his console logged in. Sure enough, both Fable and Winter were online. Xero Shot 2 loaded up in a hurry as he was promptly invited to their game.  “Ah! There’s a new challenger.” Winter said as Fable laughed a little bit. “Thank fuck! Patch, seriously, we’ve been dealing with some characters today. Some ten year old colt would not stop with the bullshit. I’m not one for bullying children, but I have to say I enjoyed spam killing this little bastard.” “No kidding?” Patch asked, joining their lobby. SnowEPone and QuillandInk79 showed up on his screen with his name, NoobCrater11. “Well, I’m here now and I’ll take care of the neighsayers.”  “Yeah, now we can do three on three without worrying about noob-bloods. So, how’s that cat girl of yours, Patch? She keeping you busy?” Fable asked, coy as ever.  “Well, yeah, but we’ve been busy with work lately. So we haven’t had a whole lot of time for fun. Her new bakery is doing pretty well, though.” Patch said as they started up a random game. The team that they set to fight were a mismatch of random ponies, all of them varying levels.  “That’s too bad. Just don’t have kids, bro. They’ll add a whole different layer of bullshit. I love Ember Wing, but I would like to sit down once in a while without worrying that he won’t like it and start wailing like a…” “Baby? Yeah, that kinda happens. Now, let’s make they big heads so hard!” Winter said, his voice sounding a little more distant. “Where the hell is Spark?” “He’s packing, remember?” Fable said as the match started, and they began their normal strategy of pincer moves. Their high tech armor and guns locked and loaded. Fable jumped with his thrusters onto a high vantage point with his scoped single shot rifle while Winter came around the side with his assault rifle. Patch produced two pistols of the magnum variety and it was time to shoot some fish in a barrel.  “Is he still going to make it tonight?” Winter asked as he started to rain bullets on two of the enemy players as they came around the corner. “I know Voltage said she’s coming.” “Yeah, last time I checked, Spark is still gonna come over. I told him I’d teach him how to barbeque on a coal grill.” Fable unleashed one shot that thwacked against a player’s head.  “What the hell are you two talking about?!” One of the other players asked. “Can you please keep this channel clear and talk on team chat?” “Why? At least you know we’re not plotting against you or anything.” Winter laughed a little. “Are you guys having a get together?” Patch asked as he entered the enemy’s territory to set up a trap he had in his loadout. “Oh yeah!” Both the pegasus and unicorn said.  “Patch! Holy crap! I’m sorry, bro! You should totally come over! We’re having a pool party at my pad now that Ember is sleeping through the night.” Fable said, pulling out his machine pistol side arm as he saw one of the opponents run up toward him at his highground.  “Whoa, for real? You want me to come over?” Patch asked as he started firing at Fable’s would-be killer. Both of his magnums took him down in three shots.  “Hell yeah! Bring Jasmine too! Pearl and Death Metal are gonna be there. They just got back from their honeymoon.” Winter said. “Shut the hell up! Stop distracting me!” One of the opposing team said, obviously a newly puberty ridden voice that was on the verge of cracking.  “Why, you’re losing anyway.” Patch said as he started to strafe around two of them, blasting them both in their midsections as he only took minimal damage from their submachine gun.  They caused gales of laughter from both Fable and Winter while Patch joined in. The match promptly ended as the opposing team all logged off at once. This renewed their guffaws as all of them couldn’t control themselves.  “That was awesome!” Patch said between sobbing heaves of giggles and both of his counterparts agreed. It took them a moment to finally calm down and set up a new game. “So, when is this little shindig?”  “It’s tonight at around seven. Just bring some beer or something to eat or whatever.” Fable queued them up for another game.  It was at this point that Patch heard a female voice clear her throat. His eyes darted over to Jasmine, who was standing in the doorway with her brush working its way through her fur. Her stink eye was palpable as she noticed that his cock was now crusted with their dried juices. She frowned and glared toward him. He stared at her with wide eyes, not entirely sure how to handle this situation.  His worry for the situation only compounded as he saw a grin pass over her face. It took him a moment to notice that Fable and Winter had been talking that entire time.  “Patch? You there, bro?” Winter asked as the game began its countdown.  “Uhh, yeah, I’m here.” Patch replied. He turned back to the game and didn’t notice that she had disappeared back into the hallway. “I’m ready, let’s do this. Let’s make them hard… or whatever you say.” “Hey, that’s my thing, don’t steal my thing!” Winter said with a playfully sinister tone. “I’ll make you wear your ass on your shoulders!” This caused both Fable and Patch to crack up.  “Oh! Sweet babies!” Patch shouted as he was jarred with the feeling of a cold, clammy sheet rubbing over his cock and balls. He glanced down to see his cat girlfriend rubbing a wipe over his schlong in long strokes. She made sure to clean off all of the old juices and get the dark brown skin nice and shiny.  “Ummmm, Patch, you okay, bro?” Fable asked as they went in on their killing run through a heavily forested map. His eyes flicked back to the screen as she got another wipe, and he had to cringe against the cold, dank sensation once again with pursed lips.  “Y-yeah, I’m good. Just some static in my headphones.” He looked down at her and mouthed at her, asking what she was doing. She rolled her eyes and threw away the wipes as her tongue began to poke against the very tip of his now very hard cock. She made sure that her wiping motions were the same as jerking him off so that she could get that extra life she so craved from it.  She’d played this with him before, only last time it was in a multiplayer one on one match without judgy teammates. He had to keep his concentration in tact now. There was no room for error in this. Immediately as she plunged her mouth onto his dick, his tip going to the back of her mouth and her tongue wallowing all over him, his movement went side-long and his legs clenched up as he fired off a few magnum rounds without meaning to.  “Whoa! What are you doing?” Fable asked, his avatar looking toward Patch, who seemed frozen in time for a moment before running again. “It’s fine, I’m good!” Patch began to sweat as his girlfriend took off the playful nature of her little ruse. Her cock sucking went full force as her mouth traveled up and down his shaft. Her tongue flicked against his tip every so often and her fingers started to play with his balls.  His gameplay was marred with mistakes. She would do something along the lines of sucking along the side of his length, jerking him while she sucked his head and just about every other move she knew. She even spit on his dick to start jerking him with twisting and ball shaking momentum.  “Patch? Did you just get killed again? What are y--- ooohhhh, wait a minute.” Fable said as he heard a bit of heavy breathing on the other end of the mic. “Dude, Jasmine’s pulling a Grem.”  “No shit! I knew something was up. She’s totally sucking you off right now, isn’t she?” Winter laughed.  “Wh-what? How did you--” “Dude, you new or something? This happens to us all the damn time. Our girls see that we’re paying too much attention to the screen and not enough time with them. So, they decide to get on our wangs and we start playing like total ass.” Fable said as he fired down the one who fragged Patch in a revenge kill.  “I guess he really is one of us, isn’t he? Wow, they grow up so fast.” Winter sniffed as if he were crying. “Not to mention his story of losing his virginity trumps ours by a long shot.”  “No kidding, though, I still consider it a win that I lost mine in a library.” Fable said this, then started laughing. “And this jerk just had to go and fuck her in the ass!”  “Come on bro, let’s give our friend some cover while he deals with this.” Winter said as he sprayed bullets into a passing enemy.  Patch caught sentence fragments and random phrases from all of this. His mind was on both his game and the cat woman going at his dick like it was the most delicious thing on the menu. He still tried to remain in the game! His mind was dead set on beating the oncoming enemies who were starting to mobilize simultaneously.  The more he concentrated, the more he found that his climax was rising. The harder she sucked, the harder his fingers blazed the triggers of his magnum pistols. Then there came the finisher as his mouth clenched shut harder and his game avatar released a grenade. The beeping, egg shaped chrome canister bounced off the metal road and directly up into the middle enemy’s helmet!  Patch’s cock hole squeezed up and shot Jasmine straight in the forehead with a nice sized wad. Boom, headshot, forgive the pun. As the Grenade took out two of them, his pistols blared once again after he locked two more clips into place. Bullets flaring with incendiary capabilities lodged into the third enemy’s chest as he took him down with several hollow chest wounds as he went down. The match promptly ended! “Did you fucking see that?!” Fable said, laughing his ass off. “He totally just blasted you bastards while getting a fucking blowjob!”  “What?! WTF, man?!” The enemy player said.  “Dude! That was beautiful! A headshot with a fucking grenade.” Winter couldn’t help but crack up big time. The enemy team began to chime in with their routy argumentative shouting. It was promptly drowned out by Fable and Winter wailing at them like petulant cry babies.  Patch sat there with a big smile on his face as he sat in dreamy wonder. That was until the daydreaming wore off and he looked down to see Jasmine with her arms crossed under her breasts. Her glare upon him was that of killing intent, her glower only growing darker as he shrank. “You pulled back…” Jasmine tapped her elbow as she bared her fangs. “I just got out of the bloody shower!” Her Abyssinian accent coming out harsh and with much less of a filter.  He broke out in a cold sweat as he looked down at his dozing knob. His eyes flicked back toward her glare and she looked as if she were on the verge of hissing. Cum dribbled down from her eyebrow to her cheek, thankfully not touching her eye. "Wait!" Patch said, holding up his hands to stop her as her mouth opened again. "Let me make it up to you." He broke into a bit of a sweat. "How?" Her tone let him know that she was not kidding around. Within just a few moments, he had brought her back to the shower. He got the water to just the right temperature and began to run his hands down her back. From her shoulder blades to her back waistline, his hands took turns stroking her fur in quick succession. At first it seemed like she stayed rigid in her stance, but soon she slumped down in the tub and began to mewl.  "Ooohhh, Patch, you rotten tosser!" She ached as her back arched, giving three very low cracking noises as one hand began to stroke the side of her neck while the other continued to glide over her back. "Fine!" She relented her harsh overtones and gave in. "You're forgiven! Just please, don't stop!" Patch looked at her with wide eyes as his hands did their work. He knew she liked this sort of thing, but he had no idea that this would work so well. Apparently, adding hot water to the mix worked wonders.  ----------- Fable opened the door in front of the cat and pony couple and both of them beheld the red pegasus in his green swim trunks. Both of them were taken by surprise by just how fit the black maned pony was. He held up his hands and let out an exaggerated “Eeeeyyyy!”  “Hey Fable!” He said as he held up his hands and they met in a strong bro handshake. “Dude, nice pad!”  “Thanks, bro.” Fable replied. Patch was not kidding, either. The house was well furnished, and looked like it must have had four bedrooms. The living room was more than big enough for all of the party guests that were already there. At the couch was Letty, holding the infantile Ember Wing who gazed at the new people with some wonder before getting distracted by the small green ball in his clutches. Beside them was Winter, the azure unicorn with a brown unicorn mare. Both of them had game controllers, playing a fighting game as they looked around Fable, Patch and Jasmine who got in their way. All of them were dressed in their bathing suits except for Golden Goal, who actually wore quite a bit of clothing while she played Winter in the one on one fighting game “Masters of Dojin”.  “Hey!” Jasmine smiled big as she handed Patch all of their food items that they brought. Many of them were samples of her cooking. Then she knelt down beside Letty and marvelled at the little foal that stared at the catwoman with a tiny smile. “This is the little tike, huh? How old is he?” “He’s almost four months.” Letty said as she put her hand on his chest to keep Ember from leaning over too much. His little wings were getting a good amount of feathers and his black mane was coming in quite nicely as he had lost all of his birth hair, it seemed. The orange furred pony made random noises with his mouth as he reached for Jasmine, who took both of his hands in her hands, thumbs over the back of his hands.  “He’s beautiful.” She said as she smelled the top of his head. It was everything she could have hoped for. His scent was so natural, so untarnished and his movements were so imprecise and ever changing.   That was when she looked back to see Patch and Fable giving her something of a wide-eyed look. They paused as she immersed herself in the presence of little baby Ember Wing.  “Hey, give her a break.” Letty told both of them. “This is probably her first time interacting with a foal.” She looked at Jasmine, who nodded, still entranced by the little baby who reached for her whiskers.  That was when Letty blocked Ember’s advance, whispering “no” in his ear. “Trust me, dear. You don’t want him grabbing onto hair, especially your whiskers.” Letty giggled.  Fable and Patch moved into the kitchen where Spark was preparing some wheat patties for the grill. Fable looked over the pile of uncooked wheat burgers and smiled.  “Looking good, Spark! You put them in the sauce?” Fable asked and Spark nodded. He couldn’t help but notice that the orange unicorn looked somewhat distant and uninterested as he mashed another wheat patty together. “You heard anything from Voltage?” Spark immediately stopped mashing and turned a concerned eye over to Fable. “No, why?” Fable recoiled a little bit while Patch gave him a weird look. “Uhh, no reason bro. I just thought you said she was coming to the party.”  “She said she was.” Spark shrugged and finished shaping the wheat before  placing it into the little plate with the sauce puddle in the middle of it. “I haven’t heard from her since this morning.” “This is probably the longest I’ve seen you go without her.” Fable said, then remembered that he had another set of guests to entertain. Then he shook his head and shrugged. “Just tell me when you’re done saucing them up and we’ll head to the backyard.”  “Will do.” Spark said and waved to Patch, who waved back. “I’d shake your hand, but they’re covered in marinate. I’m Electric Spark, or Gemini88 as you may have seen me. Fable says he has a pretty awesome story about your game this morning.” “You kidding? Only the greatest story ever conceived by the gods of gaming!” Fable slapped Patch on the back, making him blush. “The overused word ‘epic’ would be especially fitting.” “Well, I don’t know about all of that--” Patch said, but was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.  “Whoa! Hold that thought.” Fable walked off to the front door, leaving Patch and Spark in the kitchen alone.  Spark held up a large plate of patties for Patch to take, and he did so. Then the unicorn picked up all of the cooking tools and condiments that went with them.  “Alright, I guess you can tell me all about this wonderful happenstance while we stand over a grill full of burgers. Just like our fathers of old.” As they made their way through the living room, toward the back, there came another unicorn, a white one, accompanied by a familiar gray bat pony. “Hey! Who called for the life of the party!?” Grem announced as she entered the living room with Diamond Sword. Behind them, there came another familiar face. Death Metal and Pearl Necklace were both wearing very little in the ways of fabric. They wore their tiny two piece bikinis and literally nothing else other than Death wearing her shades.  “Well, hey guys.” Winter said as he looked over to Spark and Patch with the barbeque stuff. “I guess that means we’re populating the pool?” He pressed the button to turn off the Neptune 6 and got up with his girl close behind.  “Yup, follow Spark!” Fable said as he headed up the rear of the crowd.  “Fable, do you have a hot tub by any chance?” Pearl asked as they all started to trickle out of the house, already pairing up with each other as they started tossing their swim towels onto the chairs. “These are my last two days of vacation and I really need to get some more tension out of my joints before I hit work again.” “Sure! I don’t know if it matches what you’re accustomed to, but I have a little pool over at the far end.” Fable motioned toward the smaller underground pool that extended past the main one. “I have taken great pains to rid myself of the spoiled brat I was raised to be, my dear Fabs.” Pearl patted his cheek as she walked past him toward the smaller pool.  “I may have had something to do with that.” Death Metal said as she followed her wife.  “Well, that was nice of you.” Fable said and Death passed him a tiny smile before turning to see Pearl sit on the edge of the water and dip her hooves in.  “Mind if we join you?” Both Death and Pearl looked up to see Grem and Diamond Sword walk up, hand in hand.  “You returned my pearls to me, you can sit wherever you want.” Pearl Necklace pushed off into the tub and reached over to the switch, turning the tub to heat. “I still can’t thank you enough for that.”  “It’s what we do, after all.” Diamond said as he removed his shirt, only in his trunks. He revealed his chiseled physique to the three of them. His abs were always quite impressive. However, the mannerism in which he did it was quite awkward. Death could tell that it was because his left hand was closed in a fist.  “I’m just sorry you had to go through all of that. It must have been nerve racking.”  “Ummm, yeah, you could say that.” Pearl said, and the white mare beside her put her arm around her shoulders and scooted closer to her in the water. “My hair was falling out of my mane at one point. To say I lost some sleep is a bit of an understatement.” The pink earth pony leaned her head onto her wife’s shoulder, and Death put her head on top of hers as their hands met in the middle. When they first started dating, Death Metal refused to show anything of public displays of affection. In fact, they didn’t even kiss all that often in the first few months. Pearl never gave up on the struggle, though, and it took some doing. The first real moment they displayed their love was at the airport when Pearl came back home from a two week excursion in Manehattan. They met in the middle of the baggage claim in a very tight embrace and a kiss.  “I told you things would get better.” Death said and the two of them exchanged looks.  “You two are just the cutest.” Grem smiled sweetly. Her body was clad in a very revealing two piece purple bikini with deep shades of purple palm trees lining what little fabric there was. Her gigantic tits pressed against the triangle cups to the point where her nipples were perpetually outlined. “Speaking of which, I don’t suppose you’re wondering what happened to the Duchess?”  Both of the earth ponies turned their heads to her, instantly intrigued at the notion. Both of the royal guards were taken by surprise at the intensity of their looks.  “Go on?” Pearl urged her and Grem cleared her throat. “Oh, yeah, well she made the mistake of pleading not guilty. So, with such a large lump of evidence against her, the biggest charges included extortion, conspiracy, coercion, abuse of royal power and a barrage of other serious charges. It’s looking like it’s going to be around twenty to thirty years.” Grem said as she leaned onto Diamond’s shoulder.  “Damn.” Death said, a little impressed at such a large estimate. “It’s still not done?” “Oh,” Diamond scoffed. “No, these royal scandals always take the longest. It’ll probably be another month or so before they pass sentence.” “Well, as long as she’s going away.” Pearl said, making both of them nod. “Now, onto another point.” Pearl pointed to Diamond’s hand with the inclosed fist.  “Yeah, I noticed that too.” Death Metal tilted her head to the side. Both of them were taken aback as Grem began to blush tremendously.  “Oh, you want to see what this is?” He grinned as he opened his hand and the only thing he had was what looked like a tiny white handle with a pink button on top. “It’s pretty cool. I ordered it for Grem two weeks ago and this is actually our first test for it in a social gathering.” “Wait, Sword, no--oohh!” Grem began to protest, but he pressed the button anyway, and the sudden convulsion he had made the two earth ponies recoil with wide eyes. She did her best to be quite as she began to twitch all over and bite back a very loud, long moan. Her face became beet red and her hands gripped her tits where her nipples were now sticking out like little knobs.  She finally took a breath as it let up, and she leaned completely against the edge of the tub. Her breaths were heaving gasps as she breathed the steam out. The married couple gazed in amazement as Grem leaned against Diamond’s torso, almost limp from the stimulation she just endured.  “Did she just have a--” Pearl was about to ask, and Diamond nodded as the gray bat pony panted and held onto him.  “Yup, we put it on the highest setting and now she can be kept nice and satiated without flying off the handle.” Diamond said as Grem reached up and grabbed his chin, pulling him into a lustful kiss.  “I’ll make you pay for this.” Grem growled at him as she continued to kiss him. He only hummed his agreement and chuckled as they kept making out.  “Birthday gift?” Pearl whispered to Death Metal, who shrugged. > Gleams of the Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jasmine squealed as Winter lifted her into the air, water dripping from her fur as he held her above his head. It appeared as if his muscles weren’t just for show after all. He growled, and flung her toward the deep end and she let out a high pitched yelp before hitting the water and sinking. Within just a few seconds, she breached the water with a gasp of breath.  “There, that’s how much I trust you.” Winter said, commenting on the three feet she flew. He got a bit of a laugh from the crowd. Patch stood in the pool along with him and Letty. Golden Goal sat in a chair, holding Ember Wing in a standing position on her legs, smiling at him. Fable and Spark stood by the grill while he watched the orange unicorn place the wheat patties above the flames.  “Bloody hell!” Jasmine rubbed the water from her eyes as she laughed. “You horse folk are quite the lively bunch. Have you done that with Golden Goal?” She said, directing their attention to the brown unicorn in the pool chair as she made silly faces to a mesmerized foal. She looked up from what she was doing to see Patch and Jasmine smile at her.  “Why don’t you come into the pool? I can look after the baby for a while.” Letty said as she moved over to the edge toward Golden.  The unicorn looked over at Winter, who immediately put on a blank face with pursed lips. After just a moment of silence and blank stares, the azure colored unicorn shrugged at her. She combed her long brown and white streaked hair from her face and giggled a little bit.  “Well, alright, but I have to confess, I’m not quite as fit as I use to be.” Golden removed her baggy black shirt and her loose-fitting skirt. All jaws dropped as she revealed her one piece bathing suit that covered her bikini areas with a cream white. However, there was a fairly well defined bump in the middle of her stomach. “I have a new occupant, it seems.”  “What?!” Letty covered her mouth as she let out a high pitched laugh that could have been happy or shocked. Both seemed likely. “How long?!” “Almost five months.” Golden looked over at Winter with a deep blush.  “Winter, you dog.” Fable laughed from the grill as he slapped Spark on the back and they both gave into the giggles. “Looks like Ember will have a playmate later on.”  “It’s a girl, by the way.” Winter said, and all eyes turned to Fable with sharp looks. The gender reveal he imposed on them was something of a monumental waste of effort. That was quite apparent when they were all in the hospital waiting room and Fable flat out told them that he didn’t tell them the sex because he was just being lazy. “Oh, my God! Another little tike!” Pearl called from the tub on the other side of the pool.  “Congrats, you two!” Grem said with a wave. “Looks like we’re going to have another baby shower blow out!”  There was a lot of commotion between the lot of them at this revelation, especially when Golden Goal got into the pool and started answering questions. Yes, she had plenty of sickness, her pregnancy brain was forgetting a lot of stuff and she had a strange craving for banana flavored popsicles. Letty gave her excited hugs as they traded spots and she took her son into her arms.  However, while all of that attention was on Golden Goal, it seemed no one else noticed that Jasmine had excused herself with Patch and exited the pool. While he just assumed it was to go and use their bathroom, Letty could read all kinds of red flags from her downward chin, frown and slow body movements.  As the cat girl toweled off, walking to the backdoor, Letty went to Fable as the two stallions were putting the wheat patties onto plates. She went to her fiancee and handed him the baby. “Watch him for a little while, I need to go talk to Jasmine.” She said, and the red pegasus shrugged and nodded. They kissed and the yellow mare turned, grabbing her towel. As she opened the door, she noticed the living room was deserted. She checked the kitchen, then as she neared the hallway, she could hear harsh breathing and wavering sobs from the bathroom. Letty approached the door with some caution, and tried to think of some reason to impede on her randomly. When nothing came to mind, she heard the sobs grow in intensity. Quick Bullet winced at this and then tapped on the door. She heard Jasmine gasp. “Jasmine? Are you okay?” She asked, speaking softly. There was a moment of silence, aside from a few sniffles.  “Ummmm, yeah.” She said this, but it sounded more like a question than a statement. “Why don’t you come out here? I can make you a wheat burger.” Letty said and there was a dead silence. Jasmine was very quiet for a long moment, but then opened the door. “Please, don’t. I think that would only make me cry harder.” Jasmine said, the fur beneath her eyes were still wet as she dabbed a bit of toilet paper onto her cheeks. This caused Letty to snort a little bit, then motion for Jasmine to follow her. They went to the couch in the living room. The bengal striped Abyssinian blew her nose with some propper tissues and nodded her thanks as Letty held up a small waste basket.  “Well, I suppose you’re wondering why I was having a sook in your loo.” She said this and Letty’s eyes widened. She understood the words in context, but she bit her lip to hold back a laugh at the slang. “Well, I’ve been with Patch for a good number of months now and I can’t express how happy I am to have such amazing fortune here in Equestria. Ranchtown has its faults but I still love it here. Patch is such a good man and I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.” “But…” Letty gazed at her with a knowing smile. Jasmine looked off to the side with a sigh as her cheeks darkened.  “But,” She confirmed with a bit of a nod. “If there is one thing I’ve always wanted in my life, it’s a child of my own.”  The weight of her statement took a moment to click with Letty, and they were some very heavy indications. The yellow mare pursed her lips and tilted her head with a very heartfelt hand on the cat’s shoulder.  “Oh, dear. That does pose something of a problem.” Letty tried to think of something else to say, but the sorrow in Jasmine’s eyes made it very difficult to think of anything. “Have you talked to Patch about it?”  “I don’t know what I would say.” Her voice wavered some more and she began to drip tears once again. This time Letty pulled her over and into her chest as she cried, pressed hard against her. “Now, everywhere I look, I see babies and happy couples. I keep trying to come up with a solution of some sort, but nothing ever comes of it. It’s like a joke without a punchline.” Her last word was lost in another string of wailing.  This left her in an especially awkward situation. Letty was the first among her group of friends to have a baby, and she was all about gaining some notoriety, while also not flaunting the matter. Now that very detail was kicking her in the bum rather hard. She of all the people here had no place to talk. Even Death and Pearl were in a better place than she was as they had a long list of willing sperm donors. Jasmine, on the other hand, was quite on her own in this matter. There has never been nor did it seem like there would ever be a case where an Equestrian and Abyssinian could conceive. The equation just didn’t seem to add up.  “Jasmine, you should really open up to Patch. I think if you told him all of this, he would be a lot more understanding than you think.” Letty said, and the teary eyed girl looked up at her. Her shortish brown hair an absolute mess now. “I haven’t known him for a long while, but if he’s even half as good a guy as you make him out to be, I think he would be more than understanding.” “But…” Jasmine started, then she thought for a moment. She never really got far when it came to imagining the conversation she’d have with Patch. It always ended with her getting into her own head and reminding herself that the two of them would never be genetically compatible. She thought on that for a moment. “When I told Fable that I was pregnant, he didn’t instantly turn on the father switch. It took a long hard think to get his mind on track with it. Not to mention a good number of fucks to ease him into the idea.” Letty said, and was grateful when Jasmine gave a small snicker. “The idea of a baby is not something that should ever be taken lightly. Pregnancy is no cakewalk, the first few weeks nearly tired me to death and the little screamer still wakes me up at odd hours of the night. It’s not a job you can take a break from and you most certainly can’t have a day off without planning in advance.”  Jasmine gazed at Letty in a deep trance of thought. Now that all of the crying was out of the way, her brain was lulled into a state of comfort. The cobwebs were cleared and she felt some stability on the subject for the first time since it had started. “Ooohhh, actually…” Letty’s face turned into a much darker grinning expression. “I just had a great idea…” This made the catwoman grow something of a worried face. --------- “So… You guys are the leaders of Champions of the Silver Oath?” Patch took another bite of his wheat burger as Fable, Spark and Winter nodded. “Number three in the Dragon Helm servers?” They continued nodding. “We’ve been number one like three times now, but that title is so slippery thanks to their new ‘active rating’ rule for the rank.” Winter said as he put more ketchup on his burger. “But yeah, dude, you never told us you were into Dragon Helm. I just thought you liked Xero Shot.” “Of course I like Dragon Helm. I have a druid that I’m building up. I don’t suppose you’d mind if I got an invite?” He seemed almost nervous to ask them. To their surprise, it was Spark that spoke up.  “Dude, you literally just got sucked off while getting one of the most epic kill shots with six witnesses and two recordings. Do you really need to ask?” The orange unicorn flattened his hand and tapped both of the tan earth pony’s shoulders. “I dub thee ‘one of us.’” Then he patted him on the back. “There, does that seem a bit more official?” “Yeah, not to mention, we even have the guild leader here!” Fable said as he saw Grem was approaching. They all smiled at her.  “Hey! Did I hear something about the guild?” Grem asked as she waved back and looked at Patch. “Oooohh, is the new guy wanting in on--- OH!” In an instant, her eyes bulged nearly out of their sockets and she hunched over. Her entire body began to tremble and her hand reached down to her crotch as she mewled at the intense sensation.  All four of the stallions stood there, dumbfounded expressions on their faces as the orgasming mare slipped her tiny bikini top and bottoms down and gripped her private areas. As her juices leaked out onto the patio concrete, she rubbed her crotch until the vibrations finally stopped. Fable looked from side to side at Winter, then Spark with suspicious intent. “Did either of you do that?” Fable asked them pointedly. Both turned their heads toward him with furrowed brows.  “How do you think we did that?” Spark tilted his head at the pegasus and Winter nodded. “Yeah, what are you looking at us for?” The bright blue unicorn said, then saw Grem get up from the ground. “Hey, you’re the two with the magic needles sticking out of your foreheads. I can’t suspect Patch over here. He’s not even capable.” Fable lifted both of his hands toward the new guy and the unicorns scoffed. Patch gave a nervous smile, not really wanting to be part of this conversation. “Did you see any magic aura on my horn, Fabs?!” Winter pointed both fingers at his head. “No, it’s a gift given to me by my… generous… boyfriend.” Grem glared at Diamond Sword, who waved at her from the poolside chair where he was now just basking in the dusk as the sun was down halfway over the horizon. Beside his chair was Pearl and Death who were holding and cuddling the little foal, Ember.  Pearl couldn’t help but pet his little mane and nuzzle her snout into it with loving warmth. Ember gazed at her with wonder in his purple eyes. That’s when she blew a raspberry into his forehead and he started to smile. Then she couldn’t help but gently hold his little wings with the tiny little feathers and make it move a little bit. Her heart fluttered as the tiny pony looked back as sensation stimulated his tiny back appendage.  “Well, he seems to like you.” Death said as she sat beside her on the pool chair and watched as her pink wife had a hayday with the little rugrat. Pearl hummed her agreement as she picked Ember back up and leaned him to the side as she pretended he was a flying plane and made engine noises with her lips.  “Well, that’s good because I like him too.” Pearl finally responded, making Death Metal give a small chuckle. She set the little tyke down on her knee and started to make him bounce on it for a bit. “I wonder where they got the name Ember Wing from?”  “Who knows?” Death thought about having a cigarette, but there was no way Pearl would forgive her for smoking around an infant. Not that she was going to in the first place. “Seems like the birth went pretty well, though. He came out with his senses, both his hooves and all his fingers. Makes you wonder how the process goes in the womb. Seems complicated.” Death often wondered how all ponies were so similarly grown yet their personalities came out so different. “I want one.” Pearl declared, making Death dart her green eyes back to her with a blank look. “I want a bouncing baby just like this one.” “Oh, Pearl, I swear, being married to you is like living with a magic 8-ball. I never know what you’re going to say and half the time I think you just say what you know I don’t want to hear.” Death winced a little bit as she looked at Ember in a new light. The new light was not an entirely pleasant one. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”  “One thing I told you on our first date. I’m a spoiled bitch and I always get what I want.” Her devious grin toward Death drew a pained expression from the white mare.  ------- “You’re sure about this?” Jasmine asked, Letty was already nodding. “I have no experience in the subject, though.” “Well, you obviously love children. Not to mention, you’ll be doing us a favor.” The yellow pegasus straightened her hair. The endless hours of crying and the surprise jump scares of a sleeping baby waking up were quite clearly taking their toll on the poor mother. “Fable and I would be more than happy to have a bit of time away from the little guy. I have every confidence in you, after a bit of training.”  Jasmine was obviously a bit hesitant. However, once she looked outside the windows to the backyard to see Pearl and Death Metal watching after him, her heart melted a bit. To imagine those wonderful moments between all of the ache was such a magical notion. In the end, she felt it would be worth it.  Four ponies walked in. Winter and Diamond Sword were holding onto Grem while Golden followed them up, smiling as she struggled between them. Jasmine cocked an eyebrow at Grem’s distant, glazed over look.  “Hey, Letty!” Diamond said with a nervous chuckle. “Looks like I was a little hard on Grem with our new toy, and she needs a bit of help. You got a room we could…” He cleared his throat. “Utilize?”  Letty cocked an eyebrow at this, then looked over at the cat, who had about nine questions on the tip of her tongue.  “Oh, sure. Just down the hall, the closed door on your right is the guest bedroom.” She pointed her thumb down the hall.  Grem turned her head and started kissing on Winter’s neck immediately, making him recoil a little bit, which didn’t help. “Dude, maybe three orgasms in a row was a bit much.” Winter said as she growled, and nibbled. “Come on, Winter, if anyone has the cooling touch, it’s you.” Golden said as she started pushing them toward the hallway. They disappeared into the corridor and the door opened and shut in quick succession.  “What…” Jasmine asked as she pointed toward them. “Are all four of them dating or something?”  “No.” Letty said, then tried to find the words to explain. “I promise you, Equestrian culture probably isn’t as different in the dynamics of monogamy.” There was another pause as she heard Grem begin to sing higher and higher octaves as the bed creaked and banged against the wall. “We’re just kind of a different group.”  She couldn’t help but tilt her head to the side as the whites of her eyes came into full view. Grem screaming for Winter to fuck her in both of her holes and the obvious sound of a cock in her mouth to muffle her cries of ecstasy.  “So, this is normal for you?” Jasmine started to wonder about this group, then she remembered Patch explaining the way he had lost his virginity.  “Normal is a strong word…” Letty turned her head as the backdoor opened once again. This time, Patch walked through. The yellow pegasus’s purple eyes brightened as she smiled. “Patch! Hey!” She motioned for him to come over. “Hey, ladies. Jasmine, where have you been? You’ve been in here for a--” Suddenly something broke in the room down the hall as there was a horrendous cry for them to cover her in cum and spank her like a bad girl. “While…”  “Oh, we were just having some girl talk.” Letty explained, then stood up and offered him her seat. “You two make yourselves at home, and I’ll go check on my big red boyfriend.” She giggled as Patch took her offer and she had a little skip in her step as she approached the sliding door. She paused for a moment, and smile at Jasmine with a little wink. She left, and they were left with the background noise. It was distant, but still a bit distracting. “What’s wrong, babe?” He asked, noticing that there were slightly matted tufts of fur below her eyes where tears had streamed. She seemed better now, but the alarms were still going off that something was very off.  “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately, love.” She said, scooting closer to him as her hands met with his in a tight grip. “There’s been a few things nagging me for about as long as we’ve been dating. It’s not something I really thought about when I came to this country, but it’s been haunting my thoughts.”  Patch waited for a moment as she took in a deep breath. This seemed to worry him more than anything, because it’s how breakup speeches have started in the past. Not that he’d had any serious girlfriends before her. “Somewhere down the line, I’ll want to have a little one. Or maybe even a few little ones.” She laid it on thick, and he seemed a bit relieved to her surprise. He waved it off and motioned for her to continue. “What did you think I was going to say?” “It’s nothing, I promise.” Patch reassured her. “But yeah, I get it. With all of the baby talk going around, it’s kind of obvious that we’re in a bind, genetically.”  This gave her a bit of relief as well. Normally, when a couple had only been dating three months, the mere mention of babies would repel one or the other. Had they really become so close and in tune with one another? “I never want to push you into something you don’t want to do, and I never want you to think that I resent you for being a pony. It’s just that I’ve always been very family oriented. The thought of never having children is… well… frightening.” She seemed as if she were on the verge of tears again as she looked downward. Patch put his finger below her chin and lifted it up as he smiled. “Jasmine, you’re seriously bending yourself out of shape for something that’s way down the line. We don’t have to worry about having kids right this second. Not to mention, I can always look for alternative ways to solve the problem as we go.” He said this in such a matter of fact tone that made her look at him incredulously. “What? You’re literally the only girl I’ve ever been able to be myself around. You get annoyed when I’m on games for too long, but you’ve never deterred me from playing them. I love geeky and nerdy movies and you not only don’t judge me for watching them, you watch them with me. You don’t seem to understand what it’s like to go through an entire sea of friendzones from girls who seemed perfect, but just didn’t look at me the same way. Then you pass out in the middle of my store and change my views in literally less than a day. That really means everything to me.” “R-really?” Jasmine asked him, and he nodded. “Some old birds tried to change your most adorable qualities?” “Uh, yeah.” Patch could count on one hand how many “girlfriends” he’d had in the past that wanted nothing to do with his interests, making the relationship stale within weeks. He shook his head at the memories of failed connections and rejections that seemed to pile a mile high. “So, you say that you want to have kids somewhere down the line? Well, I can help. I’ll help as much as I can muster, but the point is to enjoy our time together. This time we have right now is not something we’re ever going to get back. Worrying about our differences and how they affect us is just distracting from what’s important.”  The truth behind his words sent another fresh stream of tears down her cheeks as he spoke them. He was right. She was so caught up in the future problems that she was missing what was right in front of her from the start. It made so much sense that she wondered why she hadn’t seen it before.  “Well, I’m glad you feel that way, Patch.” She leaned forward and kissed him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and cuddled him, purring in his ear as she licked his cheek. “Because I’m babysitting Ember on my next day off.”  There was a pause, then there was realization, then there was a ghastly look toward Jasmine as he came to the conclusion that he would also be looking after a baby. “Wait, what?” “Yeah, I’ve never had experience looking after a foal before. I’ve only taken care of kittens through my latter years in school. So, Letty said she could give me a few lessons! Isn’t that wonderful?” She smiled big at Patch and giggled.  “Uh, yeah, wonderful.” The earth pony started thinking about the hours he was going to lose in gaming because of this decision.  Then both of their eyes widened as they heard both Golden and Grem scream for their big cocks to invade their assholes and glaze their buns. Their moaning took on the loud screaming quality as they must have gone through what seemed like their fifth orgasm since they entered that room.  “Speaking of which, did you know about these ponies fucking one another like this? I thought Equestrians were a monogamous culture.” She tilted her head at him. He tried to look as innocent as possible. “Well, yeah, Fable, Winter and Spark may have told me one or two stories here and there about their exploits. I slowly started to realize what I’d gotten into soon after I joined their gamer group.” Patch scratched the back of his dark brown mane as her face continually gave him a puzzled expression. “Yeah, it was a bit of a surprise to me, but I ended up getting use to it.” “I don’t suppose that has anything to do with the way you lost your vir--” Then both of them began hearing the stallions in the other room cry out for mercy as Golden and Grem started some sort of maniacal laughter. “You know what? I think we’ve been in here long enough, they’ll probably be worried about us.” Jasmine got up from her seat, followed closely by Patch. “You know what? I think you’re right.” Then he whispered for her to go go go as his hands patted her shoulders and they scurried out.  --------- The party sat around a fire pit in the middle of the pateo. Some of them had marshmellows, the others had wheat dogs on sticks, roasting them. The night was cool and the midspring air was full of life. The flame between them was big enough to keep them cozy. Death Metal sat with Ember Wing, who was still awake, somehow. Letty chalked it up to the excitement of a huge crowd being around him. Even with the sunlight almost completely extinguished, he was pretty lively.  “Well, it’s a shame you two gotta leave soon.” Fable said as he checked the time on his cell phone. “Being a baker has its perks, at least.”  “Yeah, I do miss being social, but I’ll find a better crew soon and my job will be made a little easier.” Jasmine said as she checked on her marshmallow, then stuck it back over the fire. “Plus, I think we can stay a little while longer. Who needs sleep, am I right?” “You’re talking to a mother.” Letty said, sitting beside the red pegasus. Beside her, was Spark, who was turned around on the phone. He brought the phone down with a heartfelt sigh and turned it off. The image of Voltage went away as the call ended.  “You good, bro?” Winter said, sitting near him and Golden. Spark forced a smile.  “Yeah, Volt said she’s sorry she couldn’t make it.” The orange unicorn ran his fingers over his blue and red hair. This didn’t really deter the worried look from Winter. He raised his hand up toward him and managed a bit of a chuckle. “I’m fine, really.” “So, Patch, I hear you’re going to be playing daddy for a little while. Still think your new girlfriend bares a future?” Pearl Necklace said, drawing an annoyed look from about half of the party guests, including Death.  “I don’t see you keeping away from the little rugrat yourself, Pearl.” Jasmine retorted, taking Pearl by surprise, as well as the rest of the party. “Care to share with the class?” The annoyed look was now Pearl’s. She looked over at Death, who wore a smug grin on her face. There was a moment between the pink pony and the kitty, but then Pearl relented with a chuckle.  “Fine, you caught me. I may have grown fond of the boy. He reminds me of another charmer.” Pearl stated, and all eyes went to Fable, who was now eating his wheat dog at the table with all of the condiments. Ketchup was on his lip, but with his complexion, it was hard to notice. The relish on his chin, however, was quite palpable. “Maybe the word ‘charmer’ was a bit flattering.” “We should probably get going, sadly.” Patch got up and put the marshmallow in his mouth, sliding it off the end of his stick. “I’ve got work in the morning too.” “Bloody hell.” Jasmine sighed as she also ate her white puff of sugar. The fluffy bengal cat got up with a stretch and walked over to where the white mare was holding the little winged orange bundle of joy. “Well, I guess I’ll be seeing the rest of you later. Hope we can do this again.” “We’ll set something up.” Fable assured her as he stuck another wheat dog on a stick. “Not to mention, you’re gonna join the guild, right?” Grem asked, walking up to the condiments with her dog on a stick and getting the mustard. “Most assuredly. I have to say, out of all of the games Patch plays, I like Dragon Helm the best.” She held out her hands to Ember, who reached out for her as well as he cooed a bit. “But I look forward to playing with this little bugger the most of all.” She bounced Ember in her arms a little and made kissing noises at him. “Now, Jasmine, remember, be careful with him.” Letty said, her voice aired on the cautious side. “Remember what I told you.” “Oh, don’t worry, Letty. I remember everything you told--” Then Ember grabbed onto her whiskers and pulled. “GAAAH!!”