> Death looks so beautiful to me... > by Kanna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Deal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 person pov. Brains and blood splattered on a cracked and old wooden wall. A raider fell on the floor now dead, the being who killed the raider was a man wearing X-01 power armor that was spray painted black. The man had a assault rifle which is dubbed the "Overseer's Guardian" The man checked what the raider had on him, but he only found one stimpak and some 10.mm ammo on the corpse. "They never have anything good, now do they?" Tom asked himself. Tom was playing fallout 4 in his room, he glanced at the watch he had on his left arm, it was 1 am. "Well at least i don't have work tomorrow" He thought. He always liked fallout even though everyone said that fallout 76 was shit he thought that it was pretty nice, he did prefer fallout 4 though. Tom smiled as he killed yet another raider with his ar. But then frowned. "It usually isn't this easy." He thought. "All of the raiders here are weak and i have yet to find a legendary raider, and if i get shit loot from this place then i just wasted 10 minutes of my time." After Tom killed all of the raiders in the first floor he entered a elevator that took him to the second floor, when the doors opened he was being attacked by more raiders, some of them we're the normal weak ones but there was a few raider psycho's and two legendary raider's, and all of them we're shooting at him. He was lucky that he was wearing his power armor because if he wouldn't have it equipped he would be already dead, he threw a grenade at the raiders killing at least 3 of them. He then went into V.A.T.S and aimed at 4 of the raiders head's. 4 shots could be heard from the assault rifle and 4 raiders heads exploded in a giant mess of blood and gore. The remaining raiders went into cover and started shooting Tom fron behind some rubble, pillars or other things the raiders could use as cover. Tom threw another grenade at some raiders and when the grenade exploded blood and a few limbs flew out of the cover the now dead raiders we're using. "2 left" Tom thought. Suddenly one of the raiders ran out of his cover and ran at him with a machete and screamed "YOU ARE DEAD!" Tom just shot the raider one time in the head and his brain was now splattered on the wall behind him. "And then there was one" Tom thought as he walked towards the last raider who was hiding behind some pile of rubble. Tom jumped over the rubble and landed right behind the raider he then used V.A.T.S again, he then put his left arm on the raiders mouth and with the other hand he slit the raiders throat open and dropped him on the floor, now dead. Tom looked around the room and saw one steel door, he walked over to it and tried to open it but it was locked, he then started picking the lock. When he got the door opened he saw one npc standing in the middle of the room looking at him. He wore black trousers a black tuxedo and a black fedora. He didn't look like much but Tom kept his weapon ready just in case he would attack. "Hello good sir! How are you doing today?" Asked the man "Who are you?" Toms character asked. "Oh me? I am just you're friendly neighborhood god" he said smiling. "Yeah and i am a fairy" said Tom's character. "Very funny" he said. "I didn't come all the way here just to listen to you're sarcastic comments" "I came here to offer you a deal" 'god' said. "What kind of deal?" Tom asked. "You get to have the powers of The Gamer and you get transported into a random new world" he said. "What's the catch?" Tom asked. "The catch?" he chuckled. "Why would there be a catch? I am offering you powers and a new world. So do you accept?" "Ah hell it's just a videogame" Tom thought. "Fuck it" he said and pressed the option to accept his deal. "I accept you're deal" Tom's character said. The man smiled and then lightning struck the place where he was and he was gone. Then he got a new mission, the name was "BEHIND YOU" objective: look behind you I looked behind me and i nearly crapped my pants, the so called "god" was standing in front of me smiling again while his right hand was on blue fire and was extended like he was waiting for a handshake. "W-what the fuck?! How are you here!?" Tom shouts. "Y-yo" "Save the questions for later Tom Anderson" the man said. "How do you know my name?" Tom asked. "Didn't i tell you, i am god i know everything" he said. "Okay who put drugs in my coffee?" Tom asked. God just deadpanned at the man. "Just shake my hand and every question you have will be answered" god said. I looked around the room for a minute- hey why the hell is everything grey? I looked back at god and said "Alright but i expect you to answer all of them" And gripped his right arm with my left one and gave him a firm handshake. I thought that the fire would burn me but when i looked at the fire it moved on my hand and then it vanished. "The hell?" I asked. I looked at god but he wasn't there anymore instead there was a yellow triangle thing floating a few feet above the ground. It had a top hat, a bowtie and a walking stick for some reason. It then floated right in front of me and whispered "Have fun while i borrow you're body" i didn't have time to ask what the hell it meant by that because suddenly the floor beneath me vanished and i started falling into darkness. 1 person pov Tom I woke with a splitting headache. "What the hell happened?" I thought. When i looked around i saw that i was in a dark forest at night. I picked up my phone from my pocket and looked at the time. "3 am? Shit what the fuck am i doing in the middle of a forest?" I asked myself. I opened my phone and tried to call someone but there was no signal. "God dammit. Why can't anything work properly?" I thought. I was going to shut my phone off until i saw a new app called Inventory. "What's this?" I thought as i pressed the app with my thumb. Suddenly a box that looked something out of a rpg game popped up in the air above my phone. On the left side i could see myself and some slots where my clothes we're i pressed the slot where my t-shirt was and moved it to the right. When i looked down at myself my shirt vanished showing my six pack. "This is..... AWESOME!" I yelled. I put the t-shirt back in the slot and then i looked at the right side of the box, there was at least 20 empty slots there, i think that is the inventory. I hope i can get more slots at some point. I backed out of the app and the box closed, i put my phone back in my pocket. "And now to find where the hell i am" i said and started walking in a random direction. It took me 30 minutes to get out of this forest, i did see some weird flowers that aren't native to earth though. When i came out of the forest i could properly see the night sky, it was breathtaking, all the stars shining brightly in the night sky. I smiled at the sight. I also saw a small village a few miles away from here. I could see that nobody was outside, only one place had lights on, and it looked like a living tree that was modified into a house. "Talk about a treehouse" i thought. I started walking towards the village and i was lost in thought. Why are the houses in that village all 'old' like from the year 1200 ? I walking past a apple stand and picked up one apple, it looks fresh and juicy. I took a bite out of it and jesus christ this is the best apple i have ever had! I smiled at the taste and ate the apple in a few bites. I then walked to the treehouse and knocked on the door. "Coming!" A female voice said behind the door. It took her a few minutes to open the door but when she did there was just a purple.... unicorn standing in front of me. The purple unicorn had frozen in shock but i was looking inside the house- i mean library. I could see bookshelves lining the walls. I was looking for the woman who talked earlier but i didn't find anyone. I then looked at the purple unicorn and saw that it was smiling SMILING like a crazy person and looking at me. It opened it's mouth and it talked. "Who are you? What species are you? Where did you come from?" and they came so fast that i couldn't keep track of what she said, i assume it's a she by the voice. She was still going, asking questions left and right, i took a step back and she took one step at me. I then turned around and started running as fast as i could. "Hey! Where are you going!?" She shouts as she started chasing me. "This is not happening" i thought as i was running away from the unicorn. "That fucking triangle did this" i thought. "Come back! I have so many questions that i want to ask from you!" The unicorn shouts. I kept running for 20 minutes until i was back in the forest where i came out of just a few minutes ago. "Not going back there. Ever" i said to myself. I kept walking towards some unknown destination until i came across a ruined castle, there was a broken wood bridge that went across the rather big drop right in front of me. quest discovered: Castle mania Find a way to the castle Reward: 1000 XP [?] "I think that bridge will barely be able to not brake under my weight while i go across it." I thought. I took a deep breath and stepped on the bridge. Then i took another step then another and another. I was nearly at the other side. "Huh i thought that i would be dead already" i said. "Oh shit did i just jinx myself?" Suddenly a board under my right foot broke and my leg got stuck in between 2 boards. I then quickly pulled my foot out and i jumped to the other side, it was a good thing that i was 7 feet away from solid ground. I face planted on the grass. "Never again" i mumbled to myself. I got up and looked at the castle, it was in ruins half of the roof was destroyed there was big holes in the walls and nearly every window was either shattered or broken into small bits. There was two large wooden double doors in front of me and the right door looked like it was barely being hold together, it was nearly rotten off of it's hinges. I opened the left door and went inside when Quest castle mania: search the castle for any loot "Like i wasn't going to do that" i thought and started looking around on the first floor. 1 hour it took me 1 hour to search the first floor, the only thing that i found was some small spiders and a few bones. I found a staircase next to the entrance when i started searching for loot. When i got to the second floor i saw a stone pedestal that should be holding something but it looks like someone tookthe item(s) there was also some weird looking armor on the floor. I walked to the armor but before i could touch it a box appeared. This is the soul of nightmare moon. Do you want to consume it? [Yes] [No] "Soul huh?" I said as i pressed yes and i now really wished i didn't do that. My senses we're filled with pain, i couldn't even scream, i fell to the floor and stayed there for god knows how long. I closed my eyes and i blacked out. > Power! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was chilling in my bed watching YouTube at 1 am. I was watching some gaming videos and some memes. When i got tired enough i put my phone down on my nightstand next to my bed. Once my phone was off it was really dark, i couldn't see anything. I shut my eyes and went to sleep. I woke up in my bed, i picked up my phone from my nightstand and looked at the time 3:00 am. I then put my phone back on the nightstand but before i shut the phone off i thought i saw something in the corner of my room. I put the flashlight mode on from my phone and shined it at the corner where i thought that i saw someone. When i shined it at the corner i saw a man looking at the wall, he was whispering something but i couldn't hear it. Then he slowly looked at me, smiling. I woke up with a bolt i was sweating and breathing heavily. I looked at my surroundings and instead of my room and comfy bed i found myself in a ruined castle. The moon was shining brightly down on the castle. I rubbed my eyes and a box popped up. Before i could dismiss it another box appeared. My eyes widened when i read the text. "Holy shit!" I yelled in excitement. I then wanted to try something out. "Status" i said and another box appeared. I smiled while looking at my stats. Name: Tom Title: None Hp: 500/500 Mp: 500/500 Species: Human Gender: Male Level: 20 STR: 60 - + DEX: 60 - + INT: 60 - + VIT: 60 - + WIS: 60 - + LUK: 10 - + Skill Points: 55 He is a human that has gained the powers of The Gamer. "This is fucking awesome" i thought. "So can i put my skill points into my skills?" I pressed the + icon next to INT and it increased INT to 61. I smiled at my success. "Now where should i put my points?" I thought. "I have played many mmo rpg games before so at least i know what which of the attributes do." I always liked the idea of magic so i just said "Fuck it" and put 25 SP into INT and 25 into WIS, I also put the remaining 4 into STR. I then felt as if someone had put ice cold water in my veins, i shuddered at the feeling but it passed as quickly as it came. "Well now i need to get the hell out of here, i bet the screaming could be heard for miles" i said to myself. I then headed out of the ruins. It took me a few minutes to get out of the castle ruins but while i was trying to get out i found a sword and some gems just lying on the floor! Like what the hell how lucky am i? "Now where do i put these? I think i could use the inventory to store these in it but i don't know how..." "Inventory" i said. "Now... How do i put these in here?" I was holding the gems on my right hand so i just put my whole right arm in one of the boxes, i was surprised that even when my whole arm was in one of the boxes there was still room for more stuff. I then felt the gems disappear from my hand. I pulled my arm back and when i opened my palm i saw that the gems indeed vanished. I then looked at the box where i put the gems and now instead of a empty box there was 3 gems there. I then put the sword into a box too but this time i didn't put my whole arm in there. I then dismissed the inventory and looked around. "What should i do now?" I thought. "I need to level up but how do i do that?.. Oh by killing monsters and other creatures? I think it goes like that. Well here i go killing!" *Time skip* I am stalking my pray in the woods where i have spent at least 2 days. I was holding a knife in my right hand, i had found this while i was exploring the ruined castle again. I had made a little camp there. I silently approached my pray, it didn't see me yet, it was a small pony it's coat was gray and it's mane was blue it also had a tatoo on it's ass it was a four leaf clover. It was looking around frantically, but luckily it didn't look at behind itself. When i was 2 feet away from it i put my hand on its mouth and i slit it's throat. It was now choking on it's own blood, it tried cover the wound with it's hooves but it couldn't do anything and it slowly closed it's eyes and fell to the ground. "Now that is going to be a good feast" i said out loud as a box appeared in front of me. "Well that was easy, i think hunting is way easier here than at home." I then heard a twig snap behind me and i slowly turned around. I could see two big eyes staring at me from a bush. The eyes then disappeared and i could hear that someone was running away. I picked up the corpse and threw it in my inventory. I had found out that i could put corpses in here, but they always took 3 boxes of space with them. I dismissed inventory and i started running at the way i heard where my second pray ran. Pov shift ?? I was supposed to meet up with Dark Swift by sunrise in the everfree forest, he said he'd give information about the new creature in the everfree and he got murdered by the creature damn it. He said he had been stalking it for days and he'd give information about the creature, but why in celestias flanks name would he want to meet up with me in the everfree forest. I think it saw me hiding in the bush earlier, i just hope i lost it. I don't want to be food for that thing. Pov shift Tom I was chasing down another pony, this one had clothes on and was dressed up as a criminal boss from the 90's. It had a black fedora a gray tuxedo and was smoking a sigar. If the pony would get away i think it would notify the other ponies about me killing one of them and they will put soldiers to hunt me down. When the pony stopped to take a breather i silently creep towards it and when i was close enough i jammed my knife in the back of it's neck. I then quickly pulled it out and slit it's throat and picked up it's fedora, i then put it on my head. "This is mine now" i said.