> Miranda, the Human > by Kaity-Kat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Have a nice day, and good luck on your date." said the yellow unicorn with a wink. She released the flowers with her magic as the pony across the counter grasped them in his teeth. "Thanks, Flower Love! You're the best!" he replied before trotting off. "Another day, another satisfied customer." Flower congratulated herself flipping her green mane. She picked up the bits the other pony had left on her counter and floated them along with her as she walked back inside her flower shop, dropped them into a chest, and went back to continue her work. She picked up some flowers and began arranging them when she heard some familiar voices outside that seemed pretty urgent. "Hurry up, Fluttershy!" said a brash, tomboyish voice "We need to get to the train fast if we're gonna make it in time!" "Why did the map have to call us to the Dragonlands? You know how I feel about dragons, Rainbow Dash...." replied a soft spoken voice "Look. I know you're scared of dragons, and all, but remember dragons and ponies are friends, now." offered the first voice "besides, you know Ember, right? We'll be meeting with her when we get there. She'll have our back. Don't worry." "O-okay...." "Now let's go!" Flower went to her window and watched the two pegasi fly toward the train station. "I wish my life could be interesting like theirs." she sighed "I mean... don't get me wrong, I love my job, and I love seeing the smiles on ponies' faces when I give them the perfect bouquet....." she looked off in the pegasi's direction "but I'd still like to have some excitement in my life." She turned away from the window with a heavy sigh and went back to work arranging her flowers. "Maybe someday" she hoped. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blinking, Flower looked around. She was laying, snug in her bed, the curtains drawn. That's funny... she thought I don't actually remember going to bed... she looked over at her clock and screamed "Oh no!" she exclaimed "I'm late for work!" She rushed across the room and flung the door open almost smashing the knob into the wall, and left her apartment with the door still open. As she galloped down the street, she heard something that almost made her trip and fall on her face. A voice echoing down the street coming from the direction of her shop. "Thanks, Flower Love! You're the best!" She stopped running and shook her head. Th-that can't be! she thought who's in my shop serving my customers? She slowly crept around the corner and looked across the street at her shop. She barely caught a glimpse of a green tail disappearing into the door. "What is going on?" she questioned the air. Then she heard hoof steps coming from the other direction, and a couple familiar voices. "Hurry up, Fluttershy!" said a brash, tomboyish voice "We need to get to the train fast if we're gonna make it in time!" "I've heard this conversation, before..." Flower said, confused "Why did the map have to call us to the Dragonlands? You know how I feel about dragons, Rainbow Dash...." replied a soft spoken voice Flower peered back around the corner again and saw Fluttershy slowly walking down the street and Rainbow Dash impatiently flying in front of her. She landed in front of Fluttershy and put a hoof on her shoulder. "Look. I know you're scared of dragons, and all, but remember dragons and ponies are friends, now." She offered "besides, you know Ember, right? We'll be meeting with her when we get there. She'll have our back. Don't worry." Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow "O-okay...." "Now let's go!" Said Rainbow as she took off from the ground and started flying, Fluttershy reluctantly following. Then Flower Love saw something in her shop window that made her jaw drop. There, watching the two ponies fly away, was a yellow unicorn with a green mane she could barely make out what the other unicorn was saying but she mouthed the words along with her "I wish my life could be interesting like theirs" She gasped and ran back around the corner hiding from herself. "This isn't real." she tried to explain to herself "This isn't happening. I-It's all in my head." she looked at her hooves, not convinced. "D-did I.... travel back in time?" She peered back around the corner, but she didn't see herself in the shop window. "Well, that's a relief." she sighed "Guess I was right. I'm hallucinating." She breathed for a moment, then started walking across the street "Although, maybe that's not better" she chuckled. She got to her door and paused. Not knowing why, she knocked. There was no answer. Of course she thought I think I need a shrink.... She opened her door and walked inside. The lights were on and the air conditioning was running, but nopony was there. "Hello?" she called. Still no answer. She stopped. There, on the floor, amongst scattered flowers strewn about, was her orange bow. She only just now noticed it was missing from her head. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She stood there, and stared at the bow. "This has to be in my head, right?" she thought to herself. She reached out to touch the bow, but was interrupted when somepony slammed the door open and ran inside. She turned around, and there, standing in front of her was.... herself. "What in Celestia's name is going on?" she asked the new Flower Love who seemed just as dumbfounded as she was. Noticing she was missing her bow, she reached to get it. "Wait! Don't touch it!" yelled the new one, but it was too late. Everything went dark. Flower Love blinked her eyes. She was back in her room again. She got up, and headed for the door, determined to find out what happened. She saw the door was already open. "So I've already left..." She said aloud to herself. Not wanting to be late, she galloped down the road to her flower shop. She burst in the door, and saw herself looking at the bow on the floor. Old her looked up, and asked "What in Celestia's name is going on?" then, inexplicably, she turned for the bow "Wait! Don't touch it!" she yelled, but it was too late. Old her touched it and faded away. "I don't know, Flower" she said to the empty room, beginning to panic "I don't know what's going on...." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stood in the empty room in my flower shop, mouth agape, trying to make sense of what just happened. "There's some kind of magic at play, for sure, but.... time travel?" I finally spoke aloud to the uncharacteristically empty-feeling room "I didn't pay that close attention in magic school, but I'm pretty sure only Starswirl was able to pull that off." My gaze rested again on my bow, laying harmlessly on the floor. Just asking to be picked up. I shook my head. I'm not even sure if I can pick it up with my magic without something happening I thought. "I know." I suddenly realized "There's only one pony I know of that knows more about magic than anypony." I gave a half-hearted uncomfortable chuckle "I just.... never really talked to royalty before.... I hope she's nice." I reached for my bow, but stopped. “Better not” I warned myself. I looked around my shop for something. I saw the shawl I keep around in case the weather gets cold. I magicked it over the bow wrapping it up so I could carry it. Thankfully, it didn't seem to be affected. I sighed in relief. I galloped to the door and nearly knocked somepony over as they were about to knock on my shop door. “I am so sorry” I apologized “I have to go out. I’ll be back, I promise.” She just looked at me like a muffin had fallen on the floor. I felt bad, but I needed to take care of this. I bolted down the street, and headed to the outer edge of Ponyville. As I ran down the streets, I soon saw it peeking over the houses. The unmistakable star atop its spire, piercing the sky. As I approached closer, the castle came clearer into view. I remembered when it had first appeared. Tho I never ventured to really see it up this close. The tree-like structure jutted out of the ground like an enormous, blue lightning bolt, atop which rested the purple castle in all its glory, capped with golden roofs. I galloped faster and came up to the door. The castle was much more massive up close. It towered over me imposingly, mocking me. Taunting my apprehension, daring me to defile it by knocking. I stood there, shaking. I looked about for any signs of life. I took a deep breath, gulped, and gently knocked. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door creaked open, and I looked inside. I was about to call out for somepony when a voice said “It took you long enough” I looked down and there by the door stood a little purple and green dragon no bigger than a small filly. “I mean” he continued “you only stood out there for about an eternity.” I blushed “I’m sorry, I ju-“ I started He laughed “it’s okay.” He comforted “I know the castle can look scary, at first, but we don’t bite, I promise.” I looked at the cheerful little creature. “You must be Spike?” I offered, only knowing the name from hearsay. “The one and only.” He proudly proclaimed “May I request an audience with the princess?” I asked “Oh, my” chuckled a new voice “that’s quite unnecessary.” behind Spike came a purple mare carrying a large book in her magic. She had a horn, but she wasn’t a unicorn like me. On her sides were the proof. Wings. She was an alicorn. The princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. She walked up to the door to see me. “Oh, Twilight” Spike started “did you already finish studying?” He queried “No, I heard you talking to somepony, and decided to come see who it was.” She explained I bowed low “I’m so sorry to interrupt, your highness. I-“ I began to apologize “Please” she implored “it’s quite alright. You don’t need to be so formal.” She smiled “What you got there?” Spike questioned referring to my still wrapped bow I was carrying, bringing my attention back to the matter at hoof. “Oh, Celestia, of course.” I exhaled “There’s a reason I’m here. I need help, and I fear you’re the only pony qualified.” “Why is that?” Twilight puzzled “It has to do with time travel magic.” I replied urgently Her face went serious “Come inside.” She said. "And you say this is centred around your bow?" the princess asked after I explained my situation. I nodded. We'd made our way into the map room, and were standing near the table. "Let me see it." she requested, sitting in her chair. I magiked it over to her, and she unwrapped it and began examining. She seemed to be casting some kind of spell, but I couldn't be sure. "You were right to think of Starswirl. The magic contained in this bow is very similar to his time travel spell." She observed "You can tell that?" I inquired She chuckled "That's actually what I was studying, just now. A spell that analyzes the magic contained in items. It could prove very useful. Tho, I've only scratched the surface of it's functionality." "Don't be so modest, Twilight." Spike spoke up "She only started looking at that spell an hour ago. It's pretty high level stuff, and she's already got it down this good." He boasted. Twilight blushed "I'm sure anypony with a good understanding of magic could do the same. "I'm not so sure about that" I offered "It sounds complicated. I bet it'd take me ages." "Well" she dismissed "In any case, I think this deserves a closer look. Something feels a little off about this whole thing." She set my bow down on the table and it started glowing. "Oh shi-" I exclaimed, and picked it back up with my magic. "No, wai-" Twilight started, but it was too late. The map lit up with the image of Equestria. Then it began morphing and changing into all kinds of different worlds that I'd never seen or imagined before. We all stared at it in awe. "Twilight, what is it doing?" I trembled "I-I don't know" she panicked "it's never done that before. It has to be interacting with your bow's magic!" "What should I do?" I began to panic, too "Try setting it back down?" she offered I lowered the bow toward the table, but as it got closer, the room lit up with sparks flying about above me. I began to breathe faster than ever, sweating like a stuck pig. In my panic, I dropped the bow, and then the sparks grew into a circle glowing black from inside. I felt it begin to pull. I panicked and grabbed the first thing my hooves could find. The bow. Twilight quickly grabbed it, too. The portal pulled at me even stronger now. "Don't let go!" Twilight yelled the bow unraveled into a ribbon, making me go further into the portal. The ribbon started to tear a little. "It's gonna rip!" I screamed She looked at the middle of the ribbon where it was ripping and looked back at me with a stern look in her eyes. "Whatever you do." She warned "Don't. lose. the ribbon." Just then, it gave way, and I was sucked into the blackness of the circle. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up, groggily. My eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light. I lay sprawled on the ground looking up. Trees towered above me huddled around like protectors watching over me. I looked about for a second before realization struck and I remembered what had happened. "The ribbon!" I exclaimed I began feeling around for it, but then I stopped. I felt a strange sensation in my hooves. I looked, and screamed in horror. My hooves were deformed! My limbs had become long and thin and my hooves were flat with some kind of claw things attached. I breathed and tried to calm down. I watched as I tried to move the claws. They moved easily and I breathed more and calmed down. "O-okay...." I said to myself "So that's a thing...." I looked around and saw the ribbon on the ground a few feet away. I tried too pick it up with my magic, but nothing happened. I tried again, but nothing. I took a deep breath. "Okay, magic isn't working either." I explained to myself "That's okay, I can still make due." I trotted awkwardly over and picked it up in my mouth. My back legs were abnormally long and my hooves were sensitive on the forest floor. I sat down to look at them, and sure enough, my whole body seemed to be disfigured. My yellow coat was completely gone, leaving my skin bare and pale. That's why it was so cold. I felt my head with my claws and breathed a sigh of relief. "At least my mane is still there" I sighed I looked down. On my chest sat a couple round, squishy bumps. I grabbed them with my claws. "What are these!?" I exclaimed. My torso was long and thin like the rest of me. Between my legs, I saw the one bit of hair aside from my head. I reached down to feel it and stopped. I realised what it was and blushed. "Th-that's a little bit forward from normal." "Hello?" called a voice "I heard a scream. Is anyone there?" Another one of whatever I'd become came running on her hind legs into the clearing where I sat. She wore light clothes and a long jacket. She looked at me and turned her head. "Oh!" she exclaimed "You're naked." I quickly moved my claws away from between my legs. "U-um yes?" I answered "most of the time." "What?" she puzzled "J-just.... take this." she pulled off her jacket and tossed it to me. "Put that on." I shrugged and slid the jacket over my shoulders. It fit nicely, but it was a little stiff and slightly uncomfortable. This girl seemed pretty uncomfortable with my nudity, tho, so I held the jacket closed. "Okay, it's on." I said, confused why I was wearing this thing. She sighed and turned back around "So." she started "Can you tell me what you're doing in the woods, why you screamed, and why you're naked?" I raised my eyebrow "Well, I don't know how I got here, or where here is, I screamed because I've been horribly disfigured, and I'm naked because I don't normally wear clothes." She just stared at me for a second. "What d'you mean you're 'horribly disfigured'?" she questioned "You look pretty ho- normal, to me." she blushed slightly I looked at my claws, thought for a minute and said "Let's just say I'm not used to looking like this." She gave me a quizzical look, and when she'd decided I wasn't going to elaborate, she spoke "Well, you can't just go around naked like that. Come with me. I'll get you some clothes." She held out her claw. I took it and she pulled me up onto my hind legs like her. I tried to stand, but nearly fell over, before she caught me "Why must I walk like this?" I asked. Then, to her puzzled look, I said "forget it" and I tried again to stand. "Let me help." she offered and put my arm around her shoulder and walked with me "I just hope nobody sees you like this." she mused as we walked. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time we'd gotten out of the woods, I'd pretty much gotten used to my new legs, and I could walk on my own. She'd also informed me —amidst confusion— that my front legs were actually "arms" and my claws were "hands". "So" I inquired "Where are we going...." I paused "What is your name, anyway?" I asked "Oh. I'm sorry." She said "Name's Miranda." she held out her hand "Nice to meet you, Miranda" I said "I'm Flower Love." I held my hand out the same way she did, unsure what this was about. She gave me a quizzical look "....interesting name." she finally said grabbing my hand and shaking it slowly. She looked down at my still unclothed legs "Come on. We've gotta get you out of public." We kept walking and we came out of the woods. The streets here reminded me vaguely of Manehattan, the houses on the side opposite the street were medium sized with tiled roofs and brick walls. Much like Manehattan's houses. Nothing like Ponyville's straw roofs and plaster walls. "My house is just down the street, over there" she pointed with her hand I was wondering about the street and if these people pulled carriages down it. For some reason, the thought seemed silly with the upright bipedal body structure. I stifled a giggle at the thought. Then, I heard a noise coming from behind us. I turned to see a strange-looking metal carriage thing with nothing in front pulling itself down the street. It passed us really quite fast. I almost shit myself. "What in Celestia-" I let out Miranda let out a chuckle "Not sure what that means" she said "but have you not seen a car before?" "Can't say I have." I replied "Is it pulled by magic?" She laughed "Not hardly. We'll talk about it when we get home." Down the street a little way, she turned us in toward a house on our side of the street. It was slightly smaller than the others, and a little older looking. The green door seemed cracked with age and the paint was beginning to peel off. The steps were crumbling cement and the walls were covered in dented metal siding, a seam open exposing the brick beneath. "Well" she offered "Here we are. Home sweet home." She pulled a ring of keys out her pocket and unlocked her door. Then she grabbed it and pushed it with her body and it reluctantly gave way. The door opened into a living room with worn carpet, a sagging couch, a dirty coffee table and a wide flat black box on a table in front of it all. "Excuse the mess" Miranda apologized "I don't get visitors very often." She quickly picked up a dirty plate from her coffee table, and took it to another room. "Make yourself at home, I'll grab you something to wear." she called out I walked over to the box, and began feeling around it "What is this for?" I quietly questioned the air. My fingers ran over what felt like buttons. I pressed the largest one, and the front of the box lit up. I stepped back to look at it flahsed the word "Faux-shiba" for a few seconds before it glowed with a moving image and started making noise very suddenly and loudly. I started, and nearly fell over, letting out a little yelp. I scrambled to find the button I'd pressed, and pressed it again. The box went black and quiet. "What happened? Are you okay?" Miranda stood in the doorway looking concerned. "That" I said, gesturing at the box "has to be magic." "I'm afraid it's not, hon." she chuckled "It's just a TV. It's electrical." She walked in and grabbed a much smaller box from the couch, pointed it at the TV, and pressed a button. The TV lit up again and this time I realised "It's like a theater in a box." I marveled. "are you sure that's not magic?" I asked pointing at the box in her hand that seemed to control the TV. "No, I'm pretty sure it's not." she assured me "There's no such thing as magic. Unless you believe the movies." I gave her a look "Sweetie." I said "I happen to know there is. It's kinda how I got here." I explained. "Yeah, that's a good question." she responded "How did you get here?" I held up the ribbon I'd been carrying "Magic." I explained "Where I come from, magic is about as common as your TVs and your cars." Miranda gave me a quizzical look "and that ribbon is magic?" "Well, it hasn't done anything since I got here" I continued "but it randomly started doing magic just a couple hours ago, and ended up teleporting me to the woods where you found me. I just hope tearing it didn't ruin the magic, or I'll be stuck here." "Wait." Miranda looked a little freaked out "Do you mean you're from another world?" "Well, that would explain the lack of magic, I suppose" I guessed "And the new body." "Yeah, that's another thing." she said "Is it normal to be naked where you come from?" "We usually only wear clothes for special occasions." I explained "Do you usually wear clothes all the time?" "It's considered improper not to. Vulgar even." she replied. I blushed "oh" "What about this 'new body', tho, what are you used to?" she inquired "Well, I'm a pony. A unicorn." I started "Well... I was...." "A unicorn?" she questioned "like this?" she pointed at a poster on her wall with a white unicorn. Except this unicorn had tall legs and his head was shaped strangely. He looked more like a Saddle Arabian pony than an Equestrian one, but bigger and more animal. "Well... it's closer, I suppose...." I answered "but not quite right." "Ok." she started "So you're a unicorn from another planet where there's magic an-" she stopped "Umm... I think your ribbon might still have some magic left..." she said, her eyes wide as she pointed to my hand. I looked down at my hand and saw my ribbon glowing. My shoulders loosened as I felt a weight lift off them and I let out a sigh of relief. "Hello?" came a voice from the ribbon "Is it working?" > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hello? Is it working?" I set the ribbon on the coffee table, and sat on the couch, while Miranda stood behind it. "It's good to hear your voice, Princess." I spoke "Oh, good. This spell isn't the easiest to figure out." She said "How are you doing?" "I'm doing alright." I replied "I met a friend, here, who's helped me avoid looking like an idiot to anypony else." "Well, that's good." Twilight responded "Friends sure do make things easier. Is she there with you?" I gestured to Miranda "Uh..." She started awkwardly "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness." "Please," Twilight started, chuckling "call me Twilight. Thank you for helping my friend. I'm sure this is all new and sudden to you, and it may be stressful, but I'm sure she really appreciates your help." I thought for a minute and I realised something. "Twilight." I started "I thought it might be helpful to note. It seems this world is very similar to the one you went to a while back. With small differences." "You're familiar with that?" She questioned "Well, I'll keep that in mind."