> Kiss Kiss > by Wandering Pigeon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Battle of Green and Blue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to Carousel Boutique swung open, triggering the chime of a bell. Chasing after that was the heavy musk of sweat from a hard day’s work in the field. Thankfully the store was empty, having closed up long before farmwork ended. All of the lights were off, with only the fading glimmers of sunset remaining to keep the room visible. Dresses hung on their racks and pushed to the walls to make the room feel bigger than it would have otherwise. Applejack dragged her hooves as she made her way inside. Everything ached, as it should. A good sort of ache, from a good day of apple bucking, but still an ache nonetheless. She could feel the muscle slowly give up the more she walked, burning from overwork in more than a few places. She made it about halfway into the Boutique before they quit on her. Resisting the urge to fall down then and there, Applejack just swayed, bouncing her weight from side to side to avoid anything too strenuous right now, like balancing. “Rarity?” She called out. “Sugarcube? You here?” It wasn’t in her nature to call out to her marefriend for help, but in all fairness, Applejack truly felt like she could use a fainting couch right about now. Shuffling noises hit her ears, and Applejack instinctively looked upward. The scuttling of hooves soon followed, just in time for her to pinpoint where Rarity was. The bedroom. Despite her exhaustion, Applejack found a grin working its way onto her face. If Rarity had been waiting down in the shop to greet her, Applejack would’ve expected a night filled with dinner, reading by the fire, and probably--or rather, most definitely--cuddles on the couch. But if Rarity was in her bedroom before Applejack even got here, she must’ve been setting something up. Something… naughty. I reckon I’ll find out what real soon, too. Applejack mused to herself. Her eyes fluttered closed as her imagination spread its wings. I hope she’s thinking ‘bout doin’ the-- “Applejack!” Her eyes popped back open, thoughts interrupted. She watched as Rarity cleared the last few steps before landing on the first floor. In the time while Applejack had been lost in thought, she had very nearly snuck all the way down to her. “You’re a little later than usual, aren’t you, darling?” Rarity asked, trotting up to her. Applejack didn’t get enough time to respond, as Rarity through her fore legs around her, drawing her close in a big hug. “Huh… good to see ya too, Sugarcube.” Applejack said as she brought her hooves around Rarity’s back. “Sorry if I’m late. Had to finish up the west field before nightfall.” “Oh, it’s alright. I suppose I’m just a little…” Rarity brought her mouth parallel to Applejack’s ear, the next word whispered with a definitive erotic edge to it. “...eager.” Applejack shivered. This mare knows just what to say to get me excited. Or maybe it was just that she was pressed up against her lover after a long, long day of work. Either way, Applejack was more than happy to accept what Rarity was offering. “W-Well… landsakes, maybe we should get right to it, then.” Applejack couldn’t shake a stupid grin from her face. Rarity just giggled at her stutter. “Seems I’m not the only one ready for tonight. Why don’t we…” She stopped suddenly, sniffing. Then she pulled back, bringing a hoof up to clutch her nose and leaving her words a tad nasally. “Shower. Now.” “Aww, Rarity!” Applejack complained. She knew she couldn’t smell all that great right now, but did her marefriend need to be so fussy about this? They were about to get all sweaty and smelly anyway. Why did she had to get clean to do it? “Don’t you ‘aww Rarity’ me,” Rarity snapped. “Applejack, you are an adorable hard worker, but your stink is decidedly not adorable.” “Innit though?” Applejack playfully grumbled. She was rewarded with a flush from Rarity’s cheeks; they both knew what that referred to. Shaking it off, Rarity quickly regained ground. “D-Different stink, darling. Different… context.” Applejack just smiled, knowing she’d won something at least. “Mind if ya explain that context ta me tonight, then?” Rarity just giggled, bringing her hoof from her nose down to guard her mouth, only to retreat when the smell hit her nostrils. “Don’t tell me that’s your attempt at sexy talk, Applejack.” Applejack frowned, her victory quickly turning into a defeat. “W-Well you know… Ah just… uhm…” “Oh, don’t get so flustered,” Rarity said as she patted Applejack’s shoulder. “Well, please do. You’re adorable when you are. But what I mean to say is don’t worry.” Her face adorned itself with a wry smile. “I’ll show you some context.” Applejack suddenly perked up, ears twitching. “Y-Ya mean… tonight we can…” “Yes, darling.” Rarity giggled. “Tonight we will most definitely be doing that.” “Ya mean it?” Excitement suddenly coursed through her veins. “I bought a new pack of diapers today, Applejack,” Rarity said, teasing her as the word danced off her tongue like the taboo it kind of was. “So I hope they won’t go to waste.” “OoOoh yes,” Applejack moaned. She felt a shudder of anticipation ripple through her body. “You’re adorable when you’re turned on, too,” Rarity said, as sultrily as her still nasally voice would allow. “And you’re adorable when you aren’t plugging up your nose like that,” Applejack returned. Rarity just rolled her eyes, but smiled. “Well, get yourself cleaned up then, I want to be adorable again.” Applejack returned her eye roll with one to match. She really didn’t want to bother with a shower right now; after the kind of day she’d had it’d be much easier to just fall into bed with her marefriend and have a little fun. Rarity smirked as she seemingly read Applejack’s mind, a contingency plan  already coming to mind. “You know, I still have some work to do before we’ll be ready anyway, and I’d hate to spoil the surprise…” Surprise? Applejack’s ears flicked at the mention of that. Rarity’s smirk grew as she knew she had thoroughly tantalized her with that bit of teasing. For her part, Applejack was just building up in her head what Rarity had in store. The promise of diapers was already enough to get her excited, but to add in whatever erotic fantasy Rarity was concocting on top of it was almost too much. Her reservation about the shower were now thoroughly dashed. Heck, she’d take a day-long bath if Rarity needed it right now. “Okay,” she agreed, lazily nodding her head. The dull ache of her legs had been washed away; Applejack was propelled forward now by lust and love in equal parts. She darted up the stairs, sights set on the nearest bathroom. Faintly, she heard the tell-tale sound of Rarity’s giggles chase after her as she made her way up those steps. Applejack ran a towel across her hair, releasing more water than what felt like it should be able to hold. As her coat dripped with each step on the cool tile floor, Applejack found herself at least a little grateful that Rarity had made her get cleaned up. The chilling water from the shower had done wonders to her exhaustion; she felt like she was standing up a little straighter and moving a little quicker. On top of that, the lingering feeling of exhaustion that had hung around even in her excited state was more or less gone now. And that meant the only thing left was anticipation. She felt her marehood tingle as the thoughts came to her. Rarity, slowly pushing her onto the bed, spreading her legs, pulling out a big, poofy diaper… Applejack bit her lip, feeling her marehood heat up with excitement. She ripped the towel from her head and let it fall to the ground with a damp smack. Even after all this time, Applejack could still hardly believe this was happening. How long had she dreamed, fantasized, about a marefriend to indulge in her fetish with? How terrified had she been when she and Rarity first started dating? First started sleeping together? Applejack’s carnal delights weren’t something to look forward to then, they were a terrifying hurdle to jump over that threatened to tear apart their relationship when it came to light. And it would’ve come to light, one way or another. Rarity wasn’t the subtlest of ponies, and had constantly brought up the topic of the bedroom multiple times, not-even-shyly asking what Applejack would like the two of them to do. If she had started snooping around Applejack’s room at some point, she may have come across the package of adult diapers tucked away in the very back of Applejack’s closet. But, Applejack was the Element of Honesty after all. She couldn’t have lied to Rarity, at least not for long. Her secret came out after being cornered one night and gently prodded until she spilled the beans. She chewed her lip, the memory of her breaking down at the thought Rarity would leave her was not a happy one, even if the following had been. To this day, she still couldn’t believe how warm and accepting her marefriend’s response had been. Rarity was nothing if not generous. Just how generous Applejack hadn’t realized until she had—albeit reluctantly—agreed to give her fetish a try. And now here they were, months later she and Rarity was comfortably teasing back and forth about what they planned to do to each other. “Darling?” Rarity knocked twice on the bathroom door. Applejack whipped around to face it, flinging away the last droplets of water that still clung to her. “Yes Rares?” “I’m ready for you now~” she called out in a sing-song voice. A smile crept onto Applejack’s face. With how aloof Rarity’s tone was, she must be really excited to get down to business. In truth, so was Applejack. Immensely so. “Comin’, Sugarcube,” she said back, taking a step to the door. “Oh, you will be.” Applejack froze, a sudden blush finding its way to her cheeks. Her eyelids fluttered as she processed that remark. “U-Uh…” Giggles erupted from the other side of the bathroom door. “Oh darling, you’re so easy to tease.” Swallowing, Applejack managed to regain her bearings a little after that remark had thrown her off balance. “Ha ha.” She reached the door to the bathroom quickly after that; she didn’t want to be caught up in another bout of teasing that would only serve to delay their night together. As the door opened, Applejack took in the sight of the bedroom. It wasn’t much different than how Rarity usually kept things. Her work station was the same chaotic sort of messy that would make Discord proud. Her mannequins clumped in a nearby corner. Half-finished sketches, half-finished dresses and everything in between littered the floor. But there were a few noticeable changes. Lit candles decorated Rarity’s dresser and nightstand. With the lights off they gave the room a soft, alluring atmosphere. Four pink and fuzzy hoofcuffs rested on the bed, each attached to a bedpost with one open claw apiece. They waited eagerly to hold down a lucky pony. And of course, there was Rarity. She posed seductively, lying across her comforter with sultry eyes. Her rump was on full display, already padded with a fluffy white diaper that matched her coat. If not for deep purple frills at the waist and leg holes, it would be hard to tell where Rarity ended and the padding began. “Oooh.” Applejack’s sigh was shaky with lust. Already she could feel her body long to meet her lover's. “Darling,” Rarity giggled. “You’re drooling.” She looked away, and wiped at a dry chin. Rarity laughed. “Not funny,” Applejack grumbled as a blush spread across her cheeks. “It was to me.” Rarity slid off of the bed. She toddled over to Applejack, thick diaper spreading her legs to near comical proportions. It was hard to look sexy with a walk like that, but Rarity pulled it off so well. “Now come,” she whispered hotly into Applejack’s ear. Applejack was more than happy to oblige. Practically floating, she followed Rarity to the bed. Rarity gave the comforter a pat, and Applejack hopped up onto it. She dropped onto her back and spread her legs, already knowing what Rarity wanted to do. From beneath the bed a diaper levitated up, wrapped in a sparkly, blue aura. Applejack shivered in anticipation. The diaper crinkled as it magically unfolded and angled downward. She lifted her legs to invited it in. The diaper lid beneath her. Her tail was threaded through a hole in the back and her bottom slowly brought down on top of it. Soft and plasticy. Applejack felt her marehood quiver with excitement. Rarity took care of the rest with her hooves. She wrapped the diaper around Applejack’s hips, taking great care to press the crotch down. The tease only got her marehood more excited; Applejack almost whimpered. When the tapes were down, the diaper was snuggly in place. Rarity had gotten really good at changing her these past few times. Maybe the poor mannequins had been her practice dummies lately. “Such a good little filly,” Rarity murmured. She rubbed the crotch of Applejack’s diaper. “So polite and still for your changing.” “Mmm…” Applejack’s leg twitched. Rarity climbed up onto the bed, standing right over her. In excitement, she leaned forward and kissed Applejack’s snout. Then their lips touched. For a few seconds, all they had was a deep, unbroken kiss. When Rarity came up for air, she was smiling. “Darling, are you ready for your surprise?” “Yes!” Applejack moaned. “Oh yes. Please, Rarity.” Magic enveloped the waiting hoofcuffs, and they were pulled taut. Rarity’s smile was electric. “Okay, darling. But I do need your permission first. Do you trust me?” Applejack leaned up and pecked her cheek. “With everything and more.” The cuffs snapped around her legs. Applejack had her limbs flayed out on the bed before her lover. She gave a testing pull, and found she couldn’t move them more than an inch. They left her completely helpless. She was now totally at Rarity’s mercy. Her marehood quivered and twitched. The fluffy padding encasing it only added to it’s raw desire. “Oooh… Mmmmf.” Applejack bit her lip as she moaned. Already the aches of the day were leaving her. “Now for your surprise.” Rarity winked. She climbed off of the bed, leaving the pent up mare alone in her binds. Rarity didn’t go far, however. Just to her nightstand, where she opened the draw and withdrew a large box. Applejack knew it instantly. Her makeup kit. “No, Rarity,” she whined. What a way to kill the mood. “Hush,” Rarity quipped back. The box opened and makeup of all kinds flew out. Applejack could hardly recognize all the products that floated above her face. “Stop it!” Applejack struggled against her hoofcuffs to no avail. She really was trapped here! “Rarity, don’t!” Her marefriend just giggled. “Oh, don’t be so dramatic, darling.” Applejack snorted, given where that came from. “You’ll love this, I promise.” “I doubt it.” Foundation jumped onto her. Applejack fought back as her cheeks were smudged by a fine powder. “Stop it!” Blush came next, not like it was needed. Applejack’s cheeks were red enough without it. But spots of red were still powdered onto her cheeks. Rarity was leaving nothing to chance. Eyeliner was next. Applejack was held still with magic now. What little a fight she could put up was rendered useless as dark lines were drawn under her eyes. “Come on now.” Seafoam green eyeshadow came next. Applejack grumbled, but closed her eyelids anyway. The sooner it was over with the better. Then her eyelashes were curled. Because of course Rarity would subject her to that too. “Are you done yet?” Applejack groaned. When were they going to get to the good stuff? “Not quite.” Rarity smirked. Two tubes of lipstick floated into view. “This is what I wanted to try out most of all.” “Then couldn’t you just skip to that and save me the trouble?” Applejack whined. “I must look like a rodeo clown.” “You look positively adorable,” Rarity assured her. She popped off the lid of one of the tubes, revealing a bright blue stick that matched her own eyeshadow. “Uh huh.” To Applejack’s relief this lipstick didn’t come for her. Instead Rarity applied it to herself, coloring her lips a brilliant blue. With a smack and a pop, she let it set in place and smiled down at Applejack. “Your turn.” Applejack whined in the back of her throat as the other lipstick was revealed to be a seafoam green meant for her. Disgruntled, she turned her head away. “Now now, when did you get so fussy, little filly?” Rarity leaned forward, her diaper crinkling as she chased Applejacks lips. Her magic pinched Applejack’s cheeks together, forcing her to pucker up. The lipstick ran across her lips, circling her mouth for what must have been a dozen times. The green dominated her typical orange coloring. It was a thick coating. Rarity popped her lips again as a demonstration and motioned for Applejack to do the same. She complied, but was annoyed. “What the hay was the point of all that?” she complained. “Oh, not much.” Rarity coyly smirked. The makeup flew back into the box. “I just had to try out this new lipstick. It’s very special, you see.” Rarity leaned in and planted a kiss on Applejack’s cheek. “Mwah.” Applejack flushed. A mirror levitated into view, giving context to her appearance. Applejack almost didn’t want to look, but she had to know what kind of damage was done in the end. She looked like a model. Face all done up like a doll. Her curly, long lashes fluttered so daintily she wanted to barf. The eyeshadow and lipstick complimented her coat, much to her indignation. At least the blush covered up her own, but that was a hollow victory. Most curiously, her cheek also sported a nice, big, and blue kiss mark. But when Applejack looked passed the mirror she saw Rarity’s lipstick was unsmudged. “You look adorable,” Rarity assured her again. “I look ridiculous,” Applejack retorted. She really did. Why did Rarity insist on gussying her up like this? Rarity leaned in and kissed her forehead. Another blue mark appeared in the mirror, but Rarity’s lipstick still remained perfect and full. Now Applejack was curious. Her rising eyebrow earned a giggle from Rarity, who put the mirror away. “Lovely, isn’t it?” She asked. “This lipstick is special, you see. No matter how many kiss marks you leave it’ll will never fade.” “It’s permanent?” Applejack gasped. Never had she been so betrayed. “It’ll come off in the wash.” Rarity hooves explored Applejack’s floofy chest. “But until then it’ll stay put. Just like you.” she jiggled the chain. Applejack rolled her eyes. Her marehood’s excitement had survived the decidedly unsexy beautification and was still raring to go. She wished Rarity would just get to the good stuff already. “Now, darling,” Rarity whispered huskily. “I’m going to see if I can paint you blue.” Oh there we go. That was something Applejack could get behind. Rarity leaned in and peppered her lover’s cheek with kisses. She moved up to her eyebrows, then forehead, and down the other side. Each little pat from her lips sent a wave of pleasure through Applejack. She moaned and squirmed as the kisses continued. She could feel the layer of lipstick building up around her face as a souvenir from each smooch. Unable to contain herself, Applejack delivered a counterattack. She reached up and pecked Rarity on the cheek, leaving behind a gentle green lip mark of her own. Rarity paused for a moment and touched the spot of attack. She smiled, but her eyes were filled with lust. “You’ll get your turn in a moment, Jackie,” she scolded. “Be patient.” Be patient? How could she? Rarity resumed her kissing crusade, conquering the bridge of her nose in seconds. Her snout surrendered soon after, with a half-dozen blue kiss-flags planted on Rarity’s new territory. Applejack moaned again, squirming. Each little shift tantalize herself with a brush of padding against her marehood. She wanted, nay, needed more. Rarity kissed the corners of her mouth, her chin, and all along her neck. Her magic brought the mirror back just enough for Applejack to see. From the corner of her eye she caught her made-up face now drowning in a sea of kiss marks. Once Applejack’s throat was claimed, Rarity moved on to her shoulders. Neither lasted long under her assault. They too were flooded with her kisses. Rarity kept rubbing Applejack’s chest all the while, playing with her floofy coat. But she left the diaper alone. She knew Applejack wouldn’t last long if she played down there. Next Rarity moved up, her belly soon dominating Applejack’s view. She worked on Applejack’s ears now, lips smacking against them over and over, leaving mark after mark. Applejack had to get even. She craned her neck up and ambushed Rarity’s underside. Kiss kiss kiss. Three marks surrounded her bellybutton. “Hey!” Rarity giggled. “I told you to wait.” “Don’ wanna,” Applejack moaned. Rarity nibbled on her ear in retaliation. Applejack moaned as teeth gently ground against her left ear. Her right flicked up and down with jealousy. Rarity stopped all too soon, and raised an eyebrow down at Applejack. “I’ll be good,” she begged. Rarity smirked. “Maybe, but I’ll have to punish you now.” “Oh?” She backed up, leaving Applejack’s side as she positioned herself down between two orange thighs. Finally! Applejack thought, forgetting the punishment angle for this momentarily. She expected Rarity to start kissing her crotch and let the teasing end, but really it was only getting started. Rarity went for her exposed inner thigh. It tickled and it tantalized, but it didn’t satisfy. Applejack’s poor marehood could only get more excited, but it wasn’t anywhere near a climax. “Mwah. Mwah. Mwah!” Rarity peppered her kisses all over Applejack’s thigh before switching to the other and doing the same. “Mwah. Mwah. Mwah!” Applejack kicked her hind legs but got nowhere. Her binds were too efficient to let her protest. She could only moan and groan at the teasing, which didn’t let up for some time. Eventually, minutes later, Rarity’s face rose over Applejacks diaper and smiled at her. She giggled so innocently. “Feeling blue?” she asked. Applejack’s blush was undoubtedly covered by dozens of kiss marks, but she still blushed all the same. “You’re gonna be feeling green here in a minute,” she snarked back. Rarity offered a knowing grin. “Perhaps. Are you through being patient?” “Yes!” Applejack cried. “Please…” Rarity’s head dipped in and she planted a deep kiss right on Applejack’s diapered crotch. “Mwah!” Her marehood leaped for joy. Padding submerged it in a pleasure hug. The soft, fluffy insides of the diaper were… what’s the word Rarity always used? Divine! That was it. It was truly divine. If only it could last. Rarity finished her kiss and prowled closer to Applejack. “Is somepony ready for her turn now?” “Oh yeah,” Applejack smuggly replied. She couldn’t wait to add to her four victories on Rarity’s body. Rarity stood over Applejack, keeping her perfect face out of reach of the bound pony. Applejack was confused, but only for a moment. Rarity turned around and lowered her diapered rear until it was hovering just above Applejack’s face. Her eyes grew wide as dinner saucers. “You mean…” “I’m afraid my diaper is a tad droll,” Rarity playfully stuck out her tongue. “Do be a dear and spruce it up for me. I’m thinking… green, if you don’t mind.” “Ooooh yes,” Applejack moaned. She dove right in. Her snout poked Rarity’s diapered derrière and elicited an “Oh!” of surprise from her. Applejack kissed, her lips meeting the crinkly padding to produce wonderful sounds. With a happy “mwah” she pulled back and saw a perfect green kiss mark right below Rarity’s tail. It was a start. Applejack jumped back in with newfound interest. Sure the girly make-up was a pain, but for foreplay this fun she couldn’t complain that much. She left mark after mark across Rarity’s butt, and even dared a few on the flesh of her flanks. For her part, Rarity ran her hooves along Applejack’s hind legs. She still ignored the diaper, just to taunt Applejack further. It was working; her marehood was only getting more desperate, especially after that cruel kiss from earlier. The message was clear: Applejack had to earn her climax tonight. She kept kissing until nearly half of Rarity’s diapered bottom was covered in green marks. Each time she brought her whole face into the diaper, letting the soft material crinkle around her features before she delivered the blow and came up for air. Heaven. She was in heaven, wasn’t she? “Having fun back there, darling?” Rarity asked with a knowing smirk. “Eeyup!” “Good,” Rarity purred. She ran a hoof over Applejack’s inner thigh. “I hope you’re ready for more.” “More?” Applejack paused her kissing assault. What did she mean by that? Rarity’s face flushed for the first time that night as she finally turned away. Her bottom lifted up ever so slightly, and her tail raised. Dainty grunts came from Rarity and the tips of her ears burned. Finally… BLLLOOORRTCH! It was a very unladylike noise. What followed was also not-so-ladylike. Rarity’s diaper bulged and crinkled as she kept pushing. The padding stretched the kiss marks as it grew, filling with log after log of warm, smelly mess. It was like a contained mudslide, flooding Rarity’s diaper with her poop. The white padding stained a deep brown as it continued to be pushed out by Rarity’s intentional accident. “Ooooh!” Applejack moaned. The stench invaded her nostrils. The sight dominated her vision. Rarity’s messy diaper was all she could think about. Her marehood burned with excitement. “Unnf!” Rarity moaned. She gasped for air, swishing her hips to knock the messy padding around. “Well, darling,” she said. “More!” “Yes ma’am!” Applejack jumped back into kissing. The padding was further away than before, even though it sagged towards her, but she could still reach. Applejack’s lips grazed the messy padding, leaving fresh kiss marks on the soiled seat. She struggled against her bonds as she tried to get closer. Her thrashing to could wake the dead. “Oh Applejack!” Rarity moaned. She bounced the padding down, letting it slap against Applejack’s snout. “More! More!” Applejack kissed deeper into the dirty diaper, each bounce bringing her face in further. Finally, Rarity just couldn’t take it anymore. She launched her dirty butt up and brought it down with a squishy thump. Brown, warm padding smothered Applejack. She wished she could grab Rarity’s flanks and bring it in deeper, but she settled for french kissing the messy diaper instead. “Mmmm! Mmrrph! Mmmmm!” she moaned. The warmth of the mess spread across her marked up face. She couldn’t tell if her eyes were open or closed. She could barely breathe, and each huff sent more and more putrid smells up her nose. She loved it. She loved this. She loved Rarity. Her sissy make-up must’ve been all smudged up against Rarity’s brown butt. Rarity, for her part, moaned ever louder and longer and deeper than her. She finally stopped her teasing, and let her hoof ferverntly rub against Applejack’s padded crotch. Her swaddled marehood didn’t last long. All the build-up from before had earned a massive pay off, and it wasn’t even going to try to hold itself back. She came. Rarity came. They climaxed together. Rarity’s body shuddered, her dirty diaper shaking against Applejack’s face. As the rush spread through her body, making her warmer and warmer, Applejack thrust her crotch into Rarity’s hoof. Somehow her bonds kept her in place, but she had no idea how. The pure passion made her feel like she could break hoofcuffs in a snap. When they finally settled down, Applejack just relaxed into Rarity’s dirty diaper. It didn’t last, as her marefriend pulled it away so she could turn and lie down next to her. Rarity cuddled up next to her, pressing her messy crotch into Applejack’s hind leg. “Did you… huh huh… like your surprise, darling?” Rarity asked between breaths. Applejack’s dumb grin could easily match how stupid her face must’ve looked. “Uh huh,” she managed, brain swirling through a haze of afterglow and the smell of a stinky diaper. “I did. I so did.” “Good.” Rarity kissed her cheek again. Another point for her. Applejack kissed back, finally getting her other cheek with a green kiss mark of its own. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.” Applejack chuckled. “Give me about a minute.” They laughed. Rarity cuddled up even closer to Applejack, waiting with bated breath for her marefriend to recover. Applejack could already tell from the look in her eyes that she wasn’t going to be as merciful during round two. She couldn’t wait.