> Frostpunk > by SkyStrike__ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: The Onset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Log 001 Expedition to New Canterlot It came calmly at first... A few degrees colder than usual during the winter. Then we lost contact with the Crystal Empire. Nopony sent to investigate came back, and the only one who did died to frostbite before anypony could save him. After that the early Frost. The following winter was the harshest yet. The northern third of Equestria and other nations at that latitude were buried under snow and ice, and it took until May for the last of it to melt. It didn't take long for panic to settle in. To see a peaceful race such as ponies act so selfish and volatile... It reminded me of cornered wild animals. After the initial panic, most migrated to the resource dry south. That didn't go well. Me and the rest of the greatest minds of Equestria put together a plan to safeguard all species. The greater of the next 5 years was spent on 'Project Torchlight' Constructing large coal powered generators in the resource rich north. After that, the Frost came in with its full strength. The Polar Ice caps extended from the north and south, and drowning a third of the world in sheets of ice and snow. Most of the generators were finished when the Frost was mild, but dozens were either left unfinished or exploded due to the rush. As the 6th summer after the onset never came, many of the northern towns and cities evacuated mostly to the south and a few to the generators up north. In fact the one me and my merry band of frozen survivors are heading to one close to the Crystal Empire made for those living in Canterlot, but not many joined up. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna said that they could do more good staying instead of coming along, and I can understand. After all it's the reason so many ponies follow and respect them. I can see the generator coming up as I am writing this. With what little planning we had before disembarking, the majority decided that I should be the leader of the city, and that they would call me "The Captain". It doesn't really matter what they call me, and I'm smart enough to see that I'm a dictator. The only reason I'm not protesting is because I'm likely the best suited for the job, and due to a large percentage of our group being ponies. Ponies look up to alicorns like myself for hope, and the power I hold my strong yet agreeable demeanor gained the respect of the other races. There are a lot of survivors with me. 22 earth ponies, 23 unicorns, 17 pegasi, 13 griffins, 14 zebra ponies, and 26 changelings in which 75 of us are adults. The city of New Canterlot is going to be a safe house for all who can or cannot help. Our main objective is survive, and the bonus of that eventually I hope is thrive in the cold wasteland. I'll write more entries at a future date. "Sir?" A stallion spoke up. "Yes Gear Grind?" I replied. "We're here... We made it," "Tell the others to meet by the giant structure in the center of the crater. That's where we will meet up in 1 hour," "Yes, Professor" Gear Grind said and scuttled in the snow towards the group. I looked at the generator that stood in the center of the massive crater. It was one of the first and best generators that were built. I smiled thinking of the toil of those who built it having not been in vain, and that their work had the effect that many died for. I knew with this one structure, we could survive this winter. I thought to myself 'this is it... Our last flame of hope. I'm going to do what I have to do to keep it alight. To grow it into a raging fire that burns away the great winter!' > Chapter 1: Lighting the Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I stare at the mirror in my small shack below the generator. Having just cut my mane down to something that would be acceptable in public, I still had a 5 o clock shadow discoloring my light umber fur with the light and dark red of my mane and tail."Me: What I wouldn't give for a razor." Since I have to cut my beard in such a way, it discolors my face and makes me look like some thug on the streets. Coming in through the door, is a changeling queen. Her brown mane covered in snow, and her eyes filled with the calm and kind demeanor I know her for. Though it still scared me since the iron lock sounds like gunfire when moved "Firestrike. I know we're married and all, but you could still knock before coming in? That lock is so loud" Firestrike brushes the snow out of her mane, and replies. "Sorry about that. I just came to tell you there is enough coal loaded into the generator, but we need your help jump starting it." I sighed and cleaned up my face before saying, "Right, right. You get the others ready, and I'll be right behind you. They've waited long enough for us to start." Half an hour later, there were 14 unicorns, changelings, and griffin storm mages standing on specially made panels that connected to each other in a large circle around the generator. I was standing on another in the circle and FIrestrike was next to me. Then it started, the 16 panels let out a low, red glow. I felt it crawling up my leg. Then I fired my magic into a port on the generator, and saw the others doing the same. Then I felt warm as the generator lit up and let out a rush of heat. When the generator let us go; many of us stumbled backwards due to the amount of magic we had to use to start it up. Yet it worked as the generator let out a constant stream of heat and the fire burned in it's heart. After the brief cheer I flew onto a platform at the base of the generator and began giving assignments. Entry log 002 Day 1 in New Canterlot We lit the generator today, and what a spectacle it is. I've actually taken off my coat and my fur can finally breathe, but there are a few problems. As I was giving out assignments from the scaffolding, I realized the many distrustful looks between some of the different species that came here. I made the difficult decision of keeping the more disagreeable races assigned to different areas. Now that we're somewhat stable with building resources I had to look at the problem of feeding a city with a variety of different creatures with many diets. While ponies can indeed eat meat it's become somewhat of a cultural taboo, but it so happens that the generator has just melted snow and uncovered resource rich soil. Soil that can be transferred into the experimental hothouses that use earth pony magic to produce crops at an unreal rate. Though this comes at the cost of using the only steam core I could find before embarking. The changelings only need to socialize and make friends to satisfy themselves. Some of the griffins have asked me to allow them to form hunting parties to gather what they need. They built the hut and went to helping set up the rings of tents that now surround the generator. By now they likely have left to hunt during the night while any prey is asleep. In my opinion thins are going rather well all things considered. We aren't freezing our flanks off, nor are we starving. Heat and housing are taken care of, and we're constructing healthcare and research facilities as I'm writing this entry. Hope is high among the creatures of New Canterlot, and I'm hopeful alongside them. > Chapter 2:Looking Outwards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry Log 003 Day 2 in New Canterlot The hunting parties came back this morning, and brought enough with them to feed the city's griffin population for a few days with what food we brought from Canterlot. The group that was put in charge of the hothouse also finished transferring the soil to the steam gardens within; feeding the vegetarian races. With some time I was able to convince Firestrike to give up a percentage of my love that is stored in the crystal of her necklace. It was enough to.... well let's say it was enough and then some. The changelings from Thorax's hive Thoraxian changelings were a little less willing to accept this due to their ideology of give and take. It's nice in theory, but when it's a matter of starvation, there is no moral high ground to stand on. The workshop was also finished overnight. Two of the engineers, Techno Babble and Cool Lagoon have created a rope system capable of tethering a weather balloon up to half a kilometer in the air. That could serve as a beacon to any expeditions into the wastes outside our little crater. I already ordered the tether for the beacon built, as the two engineers prepare the cable and balloon. Things are getting interesting because Site 13 is nearby, and has been inhabited for some time. So beyond gathering the remaining members of our expedition; I wish to make contact with Site 13, and perhaps get assistance from the more well established city that is there. I watched with a growing smile as the beacon balloon rose higher and higher into the sky. As the cable snapped taught we all applauded. "Well done everyone! You should all be proud for we are no longer blind to the world around us." As the others cheered, I felt someone pull me aside. It was a young griffin. She had a rather desperate look on her face. She began talking so fast that I couldn't make out the words she was saying. "Please, calm down." I patted her shoulder with my wing to grab her attention again. After taking a few deep breaths, she managed to calm herself down. "Okay, start from the beginning. What happened to make you this stressed?" She looked at me and said with a hint of urgency and said, "I heard what you said, sir. I was hoping that I could join the main expedition to find the rest of our expedition." She looked away, fidgeting with her lantern strap. "You see, my brother, sister in law, and my nephew are all with them. I was hoping to help bring them back." I was a taken little off guard by this request. One being a large family in this group, and that she would ask me personally instead of trying to sign up. Then again, I how it is to have a family I care for, and how scary it is to not know what's happening to them. So I smiled and gave her my response. "Well, when you put it like that. It'd be completely rude of me to not let you join up. I know how you must feel, and I don't want to put anyone else through that." I look towards the beacon and then out to the edge of the crater. "Just be ready to set out when you're called upon." "Thank you sir! I won't forget this!" She said and rushes back towards a group of tents. I saw her excitedly tell others what I said. There seemed to be a few more smiles among this little city for the rest of the day. Around 5:56 P.M. I sat down to write a new log Hope rises slightly Entry Log 004 Day 2 in New Canterlot It's close to the end of the day now, and we just got word from the scouts that they have spotted smoke coming from the suspected position of the lost convoy. The rest of the writing is obscured by a blotch of spilled ink I spilled the ink on the page when the horn sounded. "Damn it! I detest that blasted fog horn!" I look at the now ruined sheet, "Ugh. Just great." I sigh and levitate a new sheet of paper over, and start from where the blotch started. It seems that my efforts to keep up hope and keep this city from dying has begun to beat fruit. The Thoraxian changelings and Firestrike's Mischunian changelings are starting to warm up to each other. It's my hope that the other races can follow suit, because their shape shifting has been quite useful in the more difficult jobs. Because they take on the properties of the creatures they shift into; they are extremely adaptable to the cold. With this in mind, the Thoraxian changelings actually volunteered to take their tents after everyone else. That's something I respect, and I've already personally thanked them for their kindness. Hope is rising, and we're about to reunite with the rest of our group. They should be at the convoy by the time I write the next entry. > Personal File #1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's early morning and dawn's first light is shining into the edges of the crater. I couldn't sleep at all last night or the night before, and it's taking it's toll on me as I look into the mirror next to the bed. My eyes were sunken and bloodshot, my mane had a similar frazzle as Princess Twilight's after one of her panic attacks. "Wow, I've really begun to let myself go." I said to my reflection as I attempted to flatten the wild curls with my hooves. After my mane was somewhat acceptable in public, I sat down to write the my next journal entry. Entry Log 005 Day 3 in New Canterlot I was told by Twilight that keeping a journal would help me cope with the stress of leading. Of course back then I would have shirked off this comment, but looking back now; I'm glad I took up the offer to read the parts of the journal she wrote during the clean up from Tirek's rampage. In fact; I actually relate a lot to how she felt during that time with how I'm feeling now. So I've set up a few pages where I just write what I'm feeling instead of just updates on the city like I originally expected. I got word via telegram that the scouting party had reached the lost convoy. They managed to gather up all of the survivors and are headed home. With the beacon in the sky they said they should have no problem finding their way back. Between then and the time I'm writing this, I've been approached several times by many of those who have family members in that lost convoy. They thanked me for spending some of our limited resources to get them here. It was indeed an investment of resources, but it was the right thing to do. Speaking of telegrams, I sent an encoded message to Canterlot. While I am aware that it is fruitless to request support from this distance in a frozen hellscape. Its comforting to both Princess Celestia and myself that we can remain in contact. Despite this though, I've received distressing news from her. Apparently the small way station in left in Ponyville has gone dark. With the weather worsening like it has been for the cold season, and it's residents having moved north east to Canterlot; this way station was just as fragile as any other part of the southern line. If it doesn't come back up, we'll lose connections with the south for the winter. If we can even call this winter. I hear the sounds of the telegraph behind me. "Huh?" I look over to the telegraph machine and I see a new message has been passed down the line. What I saw sent me at a full galloping to the window. What I thought was a cloud cover was actually a dim sun. I was speechless, and could only stumble backwards and mumble to myself. "Oh, sweet Celestia. So the predictions were true." "You okay, Sky?" Firestrike asked from behind me. "You're constantly stressed out, and I can see it taking it's toll on your emotional state." Despite the fact that I found out that the mare I loved was a young queen trying to blend in. She still had captured my heart, and despite every concerned note I got from coworkers we've remained faithful. Though why she doesn't abandon the Chrysalis Era appearance is a closely guarded secret even from me. Though it seems like something she doesn't like to talk about so I don't push it. "You always seem to know when I'm upset." I said "You reading my mind or something?" I laughed and looked back. "Sorry if I woke you up. Just learned that the sun indeed is dimming as you theorized." She looks down and scratches at some ice the metal floor. "Well, I'm sure it's just something temporary, maybe Celestia is attempting to fix whatever is wrong with the atmosphere." She looks away. "It's not going to last. We just need to outlast the winter." She had lost the energy she usually had. "Fire, I know you're lying. You refuse to make eye contact while lying." I sigh. "Though I don't blame you for it." I trot over from the desk and wrap one of my wings over her barrel. "Yeah; given the conditions we're likely going to fail, but if we try believing we'll fail we ensure it." She looks to me, a bit of her energetic spark rekindled. When she got up, one of my feathers got caught in one of the holes in her wings. "Oh. I'm sorry, I forgot that could happen." It stung pretty bad, but I kept my smile, even if I had to force it for a second. "Eh, it'll grow back. They always do, but you should keep it as a sign of good luck." I tuck it into the band that keeps her mane style up. "It looks good." She smiles and goes over to the mirror to start fixing her mane up. "Thank you, Sky." "That's what spouses are for. To be there for each other when times are tough." I head back to my desk to finish what I was writing. Not many have bothered to take down notes on The Frost, but I learned a lot designing the weeks spent out here looking for possible sites for the generators. The Board of Science was against me overseeing the search since I was the head of project torchlight, but my Alicorn powers deal with dirt, rock, and metal so nopony was more qualified to help the search was me. Despite the Frost, there are still 'seasons'. I find them similar to the tropical monsoons, with small intermediary periods of around thirty to forty days in length. These intermediary periods are the best times to head north to begin generator cities. It's currently about twelve days into the current intermediary period, nine of them were spent just travelling to this place from waystation 3. It was also why we left Canterlot over a month ago. The timing had to be perfect to make this work. The summer is the southerly wind season; where high winds bring snow and warmer weather from the temperate equatorial regions, but even the record high in this area is ten degrees below freezing. Then there is the northerly wind season formerly winter; where the polar winds ravage the land, and bring in the occasional storms of kicked up snow. I'm not entirely sure if either season is better for survival since they bring unbearably blistering cold temperatures, and even at the lightest it's usually still -40 degrees on a good day and -30 if we're lucky.