> Nomen Novissime Acutam > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sticky Pages > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and newest alicorn to grace Equestria, excluding her niece, circled the desk in her office. On its wooden surface lay one of the many tomes she’d borrowed from the Canterlot library. Borrowed being her preferred term, because it wasn’t like she took them, without asking for permission, from the “Forbidden” section of the archives. This particular book was fascinating and infuriating; not because it was difficult to comprehend or anything. No, her vexation was due to the fact that one of the spells was crusted and partially stuck to the next page. Now, naturally, she could have simply asked Star Swirl the Bearded about it’s meaning, seeing as how he was the author and all, but that would do away with the mystery of figuring it out for herself! Glancing down at the offending page, ink streaked and damaged by whatever adhesive had been applied to it, Twilight grimaced. Most of the text was intelligible and intact. Heck, the spell as a whole was clear as crystal! The issue came with what was scrawled out below the incantation. The words, explaining how the utterance of the caster’s name leading to something, quickly lost all cohesion, as the penmanship became unintelligible and frantic. It was almost as if the author had suffered some sort of seizure or malady, prior to dousing the parchment with some manner of gummy substance. ‘Well,’ the little, violet alicorn thought to herself, ‘there’s only one way to figure out what this does!’ Fortunately, the position as chief executive officer of the School of Friendship left her with a fair amount of free time. Beyond the occasional interpersonal problem, world ending crisis, or interdimensional portal, Twilight could engross herself in as many books as she darned well pleased! Leering down at the ancient text, she steeled her resolve. Clearing her throat, to ensure the proper pronunciation of the ancient ponish transcribed on the page, Twilight ignited her horn. “Nomen Novissime Acutam!” she announced, her voice resonating loudly about the room. For an instant, the mere blink of an eye, she felt an electrical current flash through her. Looking down, she studied herself, checking for any physical aberrations or anomalies that the spell may have inflicted to her person. ‘Hooves, check. Fur,’ she internally mused, glancing at her reflection in a standing mirror on one wall, ‘check.’ Trotting over, she examined herself more closely. From what she could tell, there’d been no apparent physiological effects from the sorcery, and she felt just fine. It was as if nothing had happened at all. Maybe the spell was a dud and Star Swirl had simply lost his temper and scribbled over the page, possibly overturning his tea or beverage in a fit of frustration. Sadly for our tiny purple protagonist, she couldn’t have been more wrong. “Twilight!” a voice rang out, sneaking past the door to her office. The sound caused an inexplicable bolt of pleasure to surge through her, causing her to gasp in surprise. “Twiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiight!” Spike shouted, bursting through the door while holding a scroll aloft in one clawed hand. It wasn’t like he enjoyed belching out gouts of emerald flame which, somehow, produced correspondence. As far as he knew, he was the only dragon in all of Equestria cursed with that specific “talent”. Frankly, he wouldn’t have been surprised if Twilight had hexed him at a young age, damning him to work as infernal delivery lad for the rest of his years. So, as vengeance, he made sure to come screaming with any letters or documents, as soon as they erupted from his scaly maw. Running into the room, delivery in claw, Spike looked up at his adopted mother, just in time to see her frame shudder. A gout of clear fluid spewed from her rear, and her eyes were screwed up in the back of her head. Now, he’d seen her do all sorts of wacky stuff before, but never anything quite like this. “D...did you just sneeze from your butt?” he stammered, pointing to his stricken friend. Twilight couldn’t believe it, she’s just shamelessly, and uncontrollably, cum all over the darned carpet. Her head crept to the side, jittering slightly, as she turned to face the interloping dragon. Spellcraft gone awry or not, she had a job to do. “Y...yes?” she stuttered, grinning wildly. “Twilight it’s…” Spike trailed off, noticing the alicorn falter in place. It was almost as if something had hit her, judging by how she nearly fell over. “A...are you alright?” he mumbled, stepping closer. He wasn’t sure what was wrong with her, but it sure didn’t look good. “I’m fine, just peachy!” the alicorn blurted, bolting back upright. She’d nearly came a second time just then, just as he…’Oh sweet, merciful Celestia!’ she thought, her mind overclocking, as she theorized where the problem may lie. Her name! Each wave of ecstasy was concurrent when she’d heard her name! “Oh, is that a letter for me? Well, you can just leave it there. Yup! Right there on the floor! Perfectly fine right there on the carpet, where it’s nice and dry! Ok, thanks Spike! I’ll talk to you later!” she babbled, shakily encroaching on her guest and shooing him away with a hoof. Thankfully, her gambit worked, and the pint-sized dragon started backing away. “O...ok. You need anything? Maybe some water or an apple?” Spike asked, concern in his voice. He hadn’t seen her like this in ages, not since the time he’d had a nightmare back when they lived in the library and he’d gone upstairs to find her playing with that weird toy Rarity had given her. She’d said it was some sort massager, but he’d never seen anypony digging one into their crotch the way she’d been using it. “Yes!” Twilight shouted, immediately jamming a hoof in her mouth. “Yes, if you could send a message to Celestia to have her meet me here as soon as possible, that would be great,” she uttered, regaining some modicum of self control. The scroll Spike had deposited glowed slightly, as she levitated it to herself. “No problem, Twilight. I’ll..” the dragon began, being cut off as a throaty moan escaped the Princess. Every nerve within Twilight exploded with pleasure, as she heard her name called out. The parchment scroll, a scant foot from her face, fell to the floor, when her magic failed. Yet another explosion of fem-cum gushed from her marehood, as she came a second time. Sadly, her legs crumpled beneath her, her muscles losing control at the spontaneous climax. Crashing to the carpet, she panted, heaving air into her chest, as her body was wracked with bliss. “I...I’m just gonna go get Celestia,” Spike sputtered, hitching a thumb over his shoulder, as he backed out of the room. If anyone could help Twilight, it would be the eldest alicorn in all of Equestria. Pulling the door closed behind himself, he took off down the hallway. As he rounded the corner, he passed Starlight Glimmer. Sprinting past the cool, collected mare, he continued on his way. “Huh, weird. Spike usually isn’t moving at that speed unless there’s something wrong,” Glimmer murmured to herself, rounding the corner near Twilight’s office. Looking over her shoulder, in the direction which the chubby little dragon was headed, she ran smack into the alicorn. “Oh, hey! I was just coming to visit you, Twilight” “Ugh,” Twilight groaned, wrapping one foreleg around Glimmer to support herself. Hearing the reformed villain forced her to stave off another climax. Thank goodness nopony was behind her, because her tail had instinctively flipped to the side, exposing her winking and leaking marehood. “Bad day, huh? Well, don’t feel too bad, I had one of those just the other day myself, Twilight,” the heliotrope unicorn explained, patting her friend’s shivering shoulder. It really must have been one heck of a morning, for the Princess to be in such a state. Her mane was unkempt, her coat was grubby and matted, and she looked absolutely exhausted. “Twilight, you know if there’s anything I can do to help, I will…” Starlight reassuring confided, her kind words seemingly making her friend weak in the knees. Twilight had to get out of there, and fast. Starlight, in her inadvertent attempt to console her, was only making things worse. She’d thought that escaping to her quarters may buy her some time to sort out the malign spell; but alas, her bid for freedom had been stymied by the school counselor. “T...Thank you Starlight, I really appreciate it. I...I’m just going to go back in my office to get some work done,” she croaked, clumsily turning and shambling back towards her sanctuary. If nothing else, she’d have a door between herself and the rest of the school. “Oh...ok,” Starlight replied, still somewhat confused as to what had her friend so out of sorts. As the alicorn retreated, she noticed a glistening trail along the mare’s inner thigh. “Oh, I see…Getting a bit of work done in private, eh, Twilight,” as she finished her sentence, a small deluge of juices cascaded from the Princess’s nethers, spattering over the polished marble of the hallway floor. “Twilight, you cheeky mare!” Starlight tittered, blushing slightly. “I can’t say I blame you or anything, I just didn’t think you were the type to get yourself off at work!” she continued, trotting forward and delivering a playful smack to her friend’s backside. “I mean, don’t feel bad or anything, I do it all the time…” her scandalous admission was cut off, as the Princess angrily rounded on her. “For buck’s sake! Just give me some privacy!” Twilight hotly chided, stamping a hoof and nearly causing herself to lose balance. “Just...we can talk about that later. For now, just leave...please,” she bleated, shuffling back to the confines of her suite. “No problem, Twilight. Your secret is safe with me!” Starlight chirped, giving a crisp about face and sauntering away. The sounds of liquid pattering on carpet, paired with an incomprehensible groan, were all the affirmation she needed. Rosey cheeked, and a bit turned on herself, she briskly trotted back to her own office; the thought of Twilight being naughty inspiring similar notions of her own. With herculean effort, Twilight managed to close the door behind herself. Sadly, the exertion left her to slump over the wooden entryway and to the ground. ‘Please, please no more visitors today,’ she moaned to herself. Feebly, the princess crawled across the floor. The problem wasn’t that she felt bad; quite the opposite, in fact. Her entire body felt overly sensitized from the three prior climaxes. Dragging herself through the slickened carpet, towards her desk, her heart skipped a beat, when she heard the door fly open. Wearily, she peered over her shoulder, and a cold knot formed in her stomach, as Pinkie Pie came springing into the room. The energetic pony spoke first, and all her fears were realized. “Twilight, Twilight, Twilight! You’ll never guess what happened!” the frizzy haired, flamingo colored pony exclaimed, bouncing circles around her insensate and twitching friend. Pinkie couldn’t say why Twilight was laying on the ground, convulsing and drooling like a lunatic, but it sure looked fun. Why, she was even biting her lip and squealing a little bit! “Ooooooooh! Is that some sort of game? How can I play? Or is it some sort of exercise? You are sweating an awful lot, so it’s probably some sort of exercise!” she droned on, woefully ignorant to her friend’s plight. Twilight, having suffered another two ejaculations, struggled to maintain her sanity. Now she understood why the page in that accursed book was partially unreadable and damaged. Star Swirl, having likely jotted it down while crafting the spell, probably jizzed over the book and gone off to seek assistance. As to why he hadn’t destroyed the infernal incantation, well, it was more than likely due to his reverence for literature and his works as a whole; both the successes and the failures. “Pinkie...Go help Spike,” she wheezed, peering up at the boisterous earth pony. “Spike? Yeah, I just saw him run down the hallway! But why does he need help, Twilight?” Pinkie questioned, tapping a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. She giggled, as the alicorn spasmed about at the question. “Oh, I see! Spike’s going to get you something to drink since you’re all worked up! Okey-Dokey-Lokey! Don’t worry, Twilight, we’ll be back in a jiffy!” she bleated, springing about the room and out the door. “Uh-huh,” Twilight panted, her marehood furiously clenching on itself, as it fought off another influx of sinful rapture. By the shambling teats of Celestia, she was glad that classes had already been excused for the day; if they hadn’t, she may have been in real trouble. With all the speed of molasses in the dead of winter, she hauled herself around her desk and to her chair. With titanic might, the pony heaved herself into her chair. Should another visitor grace her office, at least she wouldn’t be found laying prostrate in a rapidly cooling pool of her own juices. Resting her head on the table, her composure slowly returned. With any luck, Spike would summon her former mentor. Star Swirl would have been an optimal choice, given he was the one who made the blasted hex, but there was no way to tell where in Equestria he was. Luckily, the eldest alicorn seldom left the Canterlot castle, preferring the plush and auspicious confines of the capital. Ponderously, she lifted her head, at the sound of distant bickering. Peering out into the hallway, through the open doorway of her office, her heart sank, as her brain recognized the voices of several students rapidly approaching. ‘Not that, anything but that,’ she lamented, spying a diverse group of pupils moving in her direction. “That’s not fair! Why can’t Yona play the Duck-Duck-Goose?!” a tiny yak barked, defiantly stamping a hoof. “Because, last time you played, you broke four chairs, remember?” Gallus, the azure and smarmy griffon, responded. “Why do we have to play that game anyways? It doesn’t have anything to do with ducks or geese,” Ocellus mumbled. Rapidly shifting from her cyan changeling form into a duck and back, to prove her point. “Whatever. I don’t care what we play, as long as it’s fun,” Smolder grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. The tiny dragoness snorted, billowing smoke from her nostrils, to punctuate her irritation. “I know! Maybe we can all take turns!” Silver Stream added. The hippogriff was, by no small margin, the most cheerful of the lot. “Well, I’m sure the headmare can help us figure it out,” Sandbar chimed in, trotting alongside his friends. Cool as a cucumber, and nearly the same color, the earth pony, as always, acted as an anchor point for his comrades. ‘Celestia, please, I don’t know what I did to deserve this. I promise, I’ll never steal anything from your library ever again. Heck, I Pinkie Promise. Just save me from this torment,’ Twilight silently prayed, helplessly watching the group draw nearer. As the six creatures entered her office, each looking at her slumped atop the table, they opened their mouths. Nothing in Equestria could have prepared her for what would happen. “Twilight!” they exclaimed in unison, each following her name with whatever suggestions, complaints, or comments they had on their minds. Twilight gritted her teeth, as a nova of concentrated euphoria and unfettered bliss overwhelmed her system. A cataclysmic overload of ecstasy drowned out her world, leaving her a gibbering mess. Her body, acting of its own accord, flipped her table and sent paperwork flying about the room. Sparks and bolts of unrefined energy blazed from her horn, igniting the drapery and dried portions of the carpet. From her loins erupted a torrent of nectar, unseen since Celestia’s wild nights as a lithe and svelte youth in the Sister’s old castle. Like some debased eldritch horror, the Twilight’s full, carnal fury was unleashed. The students screamed, scrambling about in a mad panic at the unprovoked outburst of power. There she sat, braying like some hedonistic god of old, cumming ferociously, and bellowing to the heavens. It was a scene of utter chaos, one which would even make Discord blush in envy. The cadre of Twilight’s pupils, running around and crying in terror, had never seen their headmare in such a state. Her eyes were infernos of amethyst energy and a string of unintelligible gibberish roared past her lips; in truth, it was the nonsensical blatherings of a pony experiencing an apocalyptic climax. One thing was certain though, they all thought they were going to die. That was, until a brilliant flash of golden light filled the room. Everyone stopped, and even Twilight’s frenzied motions slowed, as Celestia materialized above the demolished desk. The alabaster alicorn’s horn was a beacon of hope, its radiant force overshadowing the younger Princess’s fury. “Leave. Now!” Celestia sternly commanded, casting her baleful gaze at the students. No sooner had she spoken, than the young creatures retreated, blindly fleeing out of the room and away from the chaotic scene. Thank goodness, Spike’s message had reached her in time. Summoning her strength, she quashed the lesser alicorn’s erotic tantrum, like a parent exerting control over a petulant child. Twilight limply fell to the ground, exhausted and covered in spunk, under Celestia’s unquestionable might. Acting quickly, she extinguished the growing flames littering the room. Only when the situation was thoroughly handled, did the regal Princess approach her former pupil. Cracking open one eye, Twilight squinted up at the elder alicorn. She was too weak to speak and, for that matter, likely severely dehydrated. Her lips parted, but only a weak cough escaped her. Thanking her lucky stars, she looked up at her savior, but the Princess of the Sun seemed distracted. Glancing over, Celestia spotted a book, a very particular book, which had been missing from her archive. Her gaze crept from the ancient tome to her protégé. “Tw…” she paused, surmising the source of all the trouble. “You didn’t happen to cast a spell from a sullied page in that tome, did you?” she asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. Twilight’s eyes darted between the purloined text and her former mentor, in panic. She’d been caught, and there was no denying it. As broken as she felt, and with her mental faculties barely functioning, she simply attempted to look pitiably up at Celestia. “Oh, dearest Tw...Princess. It’s quite alright, I know a certain young alicorn who made the same mistake ages ago,” Celestia mused, remembering Luna’s folly from centuries ago, the very folly which led to the partial destruction of their original castle. “Sadly,” she continued, her expression turning dour, “you must return to Canterlot with me to be freed from this curse.” Levitating the little cum-drunk mare, along with the damnable book, Celestia’s horn glowed brilliantly. In a dazzling flash of light, they disappeared, teleported away from the disheveled office. Blinking rapidly, Twilight’s eyes adjusted to the sudden change of scene. She’d expected to find herself in Celestia’s chambers, or perhaps in the Canterlot library, but she’d been wrong. Cold blocks of neatly hewn rock surrounded her on all sides, dimly lit by two torches set in opposing walls. In the center of the room, and upon which she sat, was a comfortable bed. Looking about in confusion, her eyes finally settled upon Celestia. The alicorn, standing at her side, wore an impish grin. She gulped, as she began to realize what the regal Princess had planned. “Now, my sweet student, it seems as though you may have forgotten your manners. Didn’t I tell you about what happens if you take things that don’t belong to you…” Celestia trailed off, licking her lips, as she sorcerously reinforced the room and enacted several sound proofing wards on the area, “Twi-i-i~light…” > Luna's Folly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many, many hours of loud and messy maregasms later… “Feeling better now, Twilight?” Celestia coolly asked, looking over at her cum slick student. “Mmmhmm,” the little purple alicorn hummed, sipping her Wonderbolts themed sports drink. Even though A Dash of Blue wasn’t her favorite flavor, the beverage was dearly appreciated, alleviating her lost fluids and electrolytes from her earlier torment. After having been whisked away to Celestia’s private room, she’d been subjected to countless orgasms, at the hands of her senior Princess. Eventually, the older mare had relented and cleansed her of her magical affliction. “Now that you’ve learned your lesson, would you like to hear about Luna’s unfortunate encounter with that very same spell?” the alabaster alicorn asked, seating herself on a dry area of the bed. Twilight simply nodded in response. Although she was physically alright, more or less, her mind was still a bit foggy. That being said, the notion that Luna, the younger of diarch and Princess of the Moon, would succumb to the same malady which had befallen herself, was intriguing. Cuddling up to her former teacher, the smaller alicorn eagerly awaited the tale. “So,” Celestia began, looking down at her protégé, “it all began with a harmless game of hide-and-seek…” ~ Countless Centuries Ago ~ The Castle of the Two Sisters, resplendent as ever, sat in the heart of the Everfree forest. The sun shone brightly on the horizon, casting brilliant crimson light over the perfectly hewn stone of the Princesses’ fortress. For all intents and purposes, it was a day like any other. Ponies scurried about the bastion of Equestria, tending to their duties and living their lives. Sadly, all of that would change, due to one tragic mishap. Deep below the castle, in the labyrinthine catacombs, a game was afoot. Engineered under the guise of a defensive network, countless tunnels and hidden rooms were buried beneath the fortress. Of course, the notion that they served some functional purpose was all a ruse carefully crafted by the Princesses. In truth, they were, for the most part, simply for the personal enjoyment of the sisters. The winding hallways and trap doors allowed them to play all manner of pranks on unsuspecting ponies, not to mention the endless games of hide-and-seek which they loved to engross themselves in, just like the one which was currently underway. “Luuuuuuuuuna,” Celestia softly called, peeking her head around a corner. Peering down the corridor, lined with sets of burnished armor, she looked for any telltale signs of her sister. They’d been at it for nearly an hour, after having finished their official duties for the day. Creeping down the hallway, the snow white alicorn continued her search. Silently, Luna waited for her sister to pass. Concealed within one of the suits of armor, she held her breath, as the larger mare trotted by. The particular ploy would only work for so long, given how rapidly she’d been growing, but it mattered little. Having given her sister a few minutes to disappear, and hoping she was well out of earshot, the midnight blue alicorn teleported herself out of her metal confines. Stealthily, she scampered in the opposite direction, seeking one of the many hideaways in the area to hide within. Quietly fleeing from her sister, Luna slowed, as she heard unsteady hooffalls. Peering around a corner, she saw the source of the noise. Star Swirl, their trusted sorcerer, was exiting an alcove, but something seemed wrong. First of all, the stallion appeared exhausted, limping and stumbling along, as if in a trance. Secondly, his equipment, normally neatly sheathed beneath his cape, flopped about freely, slinging seed to the stone floor below. The sight was unsettling, to say the least. Curious, and more than a little disturbed by the sight, Luna waited for the wizened stallion to make his leave. As he rounded a corner, going out of sight, she glanced at the room which he’d emerged from. Slinking towards the doorway from which Star Swirl had appeared, the young alicorn sought the source of his affliction. Gazing into the chamber, she found the area barren, save for a lone dais in the center of the alcove. Atop the small platform, sat a book of some sort. Skulking deeper, Luna paused, as her hoof nearly slipped on something sticky. Looking down, she grimaced, realizing the floor was coated in what appeared to be pints of spunk. Her interest piqued, Luna approached the lonesome tome. It’s pages, spackled with semen, were not what she’d been expecting. Contrary to Luna’s initial suspicion that the literature was of an erotic nature, the book seemed to be a collection of spells and enchantments. If she had to guess, it was likely a compilation of Star Swirl’s works and experiments, given the fact that most of it seemed to be theoretical in nature. Most of the conjurations and hexes were completed, and a few had notes scribbled about in the margins, except for the page which had been left open. Upon its surface were but a scant few words, trailing off into a series of indecipherable markings with a gobbet of cum smeared over the latter half. Glancing down, the alicorn studied a particular passage. With her horn softly glowing, dimly illuminating the area, Luna quietly whispered, “Nomen Novissime Acutam.” As the words passed her lips, a curious jolt passed through her. It didn’t hurt, but it certainly startled her. Whatever had happened could wait, as she detected the sound of hushed hooffalls from outside. Throwing herself into a corner, just inside the doorway, she cloaked herself in an invisibility spell. “I know you’re hiding somewhere near here, Luna. I can practically smell you,” Celestia teased, poking her head into the chamber. Inspecting the area, she recoiled slightly, when she noticed what looked like jizz on the floor. She dearly hoped the guards hadn’t been fornicating in the labyrinth again; the last time that had happened, it was a total ordeal of discerning who the culprits were, amongst all of the accompanying accusatory drama. “Oh, Luuunaaaa?” she called, her lilting voice resonating throughout the room. Upon hearing her name called, Luna’s body tensed. She had to bite her tongue to keep herself from crying out. For whatever reason, she nearly came. It almost felt like...Oh no. Fearfully, she looked over at the cursed text. The book or, more pointedly, the spell in the book must have done something to her. Gritting her teeth, and dredging every ounce of willpower she had, she fought off the onslaught of euphoria. Huffing, Celestia withdrew her head. Her sister must be close, so the mysterious, cum spattered book could wait. As she looked about, a notion took hold. Although it was an underhanded technique, the tactical use of her Royal Canterlot Voice could often goad her sister into appearing. Typically, she only used it under serious circumstances but, seeing as how they’d been playing for well over an hour, she was ready for her chance to hide from the younger alicorn. Clearing her throat, and feeling a bit guilty, Celestia prepared herself. “Luna! Show thyself at once!” she barked, the cacophonous call echoing throughout the catacombs with resounding force. Luna’s eyes shot wide, as the shout accosted her eardrums. Her marehood clenched angrily, leaking the tiniest bit of nectar, as she fought to maintain control of herself. With all the might of legendary heroes and gods of old, she warred with her own body. The smallest, muffled yelp escaped her, but it did not go unnoticed. The noise of hooves on stone stopped, as her sister’s retreat halted. ‘No, no, nonononono,’ she desperately thought to herself, breaking into a cold sweat. Igniting her horn with an enchantment detecting spell, Celestia wheeled around. She knew she heard something, which lead her to believe her sister was using some sort of concealment magic. “I’m going to fiiiiind you Luna!” she sang, prancing back from where she’d come. Hearing another stifled cry, closer this time, cemented her theory. Snaking her head back into the mysterious and seed spackled alcove, Celestia detected the slightest aberration of sorcerous energy coming from a nearby corner. “I found you, Luna!” she snickered. As she spoke, her sibling materialized, falling to the floor, while shivering uncontrollably. It almost felt like she was dying. Compared to any of the illnesses or trails which Luna had faced, none had tested her so thoroughly as this curse. Only countless centuries of self discipline and control allowed her to restrain her bitterly betraying body. “C...bo…sis...” she burbled, unable to form full words. Every iota of her energy was being exhausted by the rapidly building carnal forces within her. It was like trying to hold back a tsunami, or fighting an act of god, so great was the effort. “Luna. Poor, sweet, innocent, Luna. If I knew you’d resort to a paltry illusion, I’d have found you long ago, little Luna!” Celestia triumphantly clucked, circling her writhing sibling. She hadn’t seen a need for such childish behavior from her sister. Luna had always been a bit of a sore loser, but even this was a bit much. “Come now, Luna, it’s my turn to hide,” the elder Princess tutted, impatiently tapping a hoof to the floor. Strangely, her sister’s horn was crackling with energy, something which usually only happened when the smaller alicorn was preparing an exceptionally potent spell. “Well, I’m going to go hide now. Good luck, Luna!” Celestia added, turning to leave and seek a secluded spot. Under the unfathomable force of pleasure, the dam began to burst. Luna’s eyes glowed brilliantly, and lightning bolts of raw power danced over her frame, as what little resolve she had crumbled. “I’m CUMMING!!!” she screamed. The impetus and fury of her release was, in a very real sense, ruinous. The culmination of her withheld orgasm culminated, resulting in a magical detonation heretofore unseen in Equestria. Were it not for the fact that the area of labyrinth they occupied lie well beyond the underside of the castle proper, their home would have been demolished outright. Celestia, realizing the epic buildup of sorcerous power, invoked multiple wards and protective barriers to shield herself. Years of combating the evil forces which threatened her lands and her people had gifted her with lightning fast reflexes and a keen intellect. Silently, she thanked her years of training, laughing as she shrugged off the mystical assault. She knew, in the bottom of her heart, she’d never resign herself to being some token ruler, whiling away her days at useless meetings and eating pastries like a hedonistic despot. As the catastrophe subsided, Celestia took stock of the damage. The area where Celestia stood had been obliterated. The setting sun dimly lit her surroundings, shining through the now open air. Glancing over, she saw the castle off in the distance, several hundred yards away. ‘Well, at least nopony was caught in the blast,’ she thought to herself, waving away the wisps of smoke and dust surrounding her. Looking about, her eyes settled on the limp form of her sister. “Luna!” she cried, scrambling to her sibling’s side. Her call caused the smaller mare to twitch and groan. A gout of juices squirted from her nethers. Thankfully, beyond the spontaneous emission, the alicorn seemed unharmed. Besides the smaller Princess sat a book, the very same text from the semen soaked room she’d found her sister in. Then it dawned on her. Star Swirl always protected his precious volumes of literature with all manner of spells and enchantments. If the tome was his, and Celestia suspected it was, her sibling may have succumbed to one of its spells! “You stay here! I’ll go find Star Swirl and get this sorted out,” she whispered, stroking Luna’s cheek. Breaking into a full gallop, she took flight, going off to fetch the reclusive sorcerer. Luna, as spent as she was, numbly watched her sister depart. Although she’d desperately need some sexual relief, she hadn’t planned on a climax bringing on devastation of that magnitude. She wheezed, breathing deeply and allowing herself to rest, as she awaited her dear sibling’s return. Luna couldn’t be sure, but she thought she heard a sonorous, mischievous laugh from the ether. Though she brushed it off as a mere delusion, the alicorn’s discharge had gained the attention of something otherworldly, something chaotic...