> Put down those dusty old books > by Midknight_Stardust > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Read me Like a Book > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Canterlot City Mall: Rarity For You Clothing Store It was finally Friday! Everyones TRUE favorite day of the week and it was one that Adagio like many had been looking forward to for the past two weeks because it was payday! Adagio much like many in this day in age who worked and had any form of electronic device had her money directly put into an account that her girlfriend and Principal Celestia helped her to set up after the loss of her magic many years ago. Though since that faithful day? Three and a half years have passed and Adagio Dazzle was now fully reformed along with her two sisters Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. The three of them were at first found by the one person they never expected to find them back then; the one who had taken everything from them and who they blamed for so long for their lives going to Hell: Sunset Shimmer. Smiling as she thought of the name of the unicorn turned human Adagio couldn't wait to get off work and go home! If only the damn clock would hurry the Hell up! Since her redemption one of the tasks she had to undertake in the beginning to truly gain Sunset's favor and aid as well as the aid of others and to truly move past her dark past? She had to get a job as per the agreement she literally signed with Sunset Shimmer when the three Dazzlings agreed to live with each of the Rainbooms respectively. Adagio would stay with Sunset, Sonata would go with Rarity and Aria Blaze surprisingly but not so surprisingly begrudgingly went along with Fluttershy of all people. Each of them were told right off the bat that they needed to get jobs in order to stay with them and prove they could be productive members of society and so with that in mind? The three got to work trying to find work and while it took a couple of tries? Eventually they all found their ideal jobs and luck for them? They were all relatively close by one another. Aria Blaze took to working in a local smoke shop with a girl named Treehugger that Fluttershy introduced her to. Much to the middle siren's surprise? The meek little Fluttershy actually was a stoner mostly of course thanks to Treehugger being a total hippie pothead as Aria liked to call her but the two of them got along like buds in a blunt wrap and Aria began working there right away especially after she chased off some douche bag dirty cops who were trying to shut the place down and plant illegal drugs because they were Anti-Cannabis. She worked there every day of the week and needless to say? Came home faded as a ghost every single day which didn't seem to bother Fluttershy at all as it seemed to help the aggressive Aria mellow out quite a bit. Sonata Dusk while living with Rarity? Had zero experience in making or designing clothing nor did she have the attention span or patience for it. Clearly it took the more ditzy and youngest siren the longest to find a job clocking in at a whole month without having found anything but then one day while visiting the indoor amusement park with Pinkie? She bared witness to a little girl not having any fun because some other bratty rich kid was getting all the attention! She didn't like that and wanted the little girl to feel special and have fun too and so Sonata dedicated her entire time that day to making sure the girl had a fun time for her birthday and by the end all the kids wanted to spend time with her and not the bratty rich girl with the tiara. It was at this time the manager of the indoor park appointed Sonata Dusk the head Fun-sisant of the park and it went without saying that Sonata felt right at home with this job, Then there was Adagio Dazzle; the oldest siren and the leader. The one who always had to make sure she brought in the most money and support for the group as a whole as that had always been her role. Adagio had secured her job after one week and that was mostly because at first? She couldn't find anything that fit her attitude; she was a show-off, someone who demanded attention, adoration, she had an eye for detail and she was someone that caught eyes no matter where she went and so she REFUSED to work at a fast food joint or something low end. She tried many different things over the course of a week but she had finally settled on working at the mall at a store that was originally run and owned by the famous Prim Headline however since she had gone on a long tour she needed to leave the business in capable hands and those hands? Ended up being Rarity's. Now at first Adagio wasn't entirely sure it would work out because while at this point in time she was friends with Rarity to a certain extent? She felt...threatened by her in a way. Not because she seemed like she could actually harm her. No; Adagio even as curvy and well built as she was? Was very dangerous in a fight if one occurred. No she was threatened by Rarity's beauty and her ability to attract others. Adagio for the longest time was the alpha, the one leading the charge, the one who held all the eyes locked on her and she had the ability to sway anyone's opinion with a single song. However now? She had no such ability or at least at the time she didn't. This was before she got the reforged siren pendant around her neck that was given to her as a gift and show of good faith by Sunset Shimmer after she'd gotten her job and shown that she really was serious about reforming and trying to live life differently. While many would assume the siren's to be monsters and while they wouldn't be ENTIRELY WRONG? The truth of the matter is that the sirens were creatures who desired one thing: Love. All they wanted was attention and to be seen and heard for the majestic and beautiful creatures they were. Each of them were different in their own ways and wanted adoration for different reasons; Sonata wanted to be adored because back when they were little? Their mother never once said she loved her or any of them for that matter. Aria wanted to be adored because she felt she deserved it because it was denied to her outright by the one creature she felt should have given it to her unconditionally. Adagio? It was a bit more complicated and sad than the other two. She wanted to be adored because her mother had told her that she wasn't worthy, that as a siren she didn't command the same beauty and grace she did nor did she have as amazing as a voice when she was a little guppy siren just learning to sing and swim. Most sirens are able to sing beautifully upon their birth but Adagio? She didn't sing when she was born; she cried and her voice sounded cracked. Had her mother not been dead set on expanding her thrall she'd have just thrown Adagio in a trench and that wasn't an assumption...Those were her mothers own words directly too her. 'I'll show you who deserves to be adored you scaled whore' Sighing Adagio took a deep breath and looked at the clock and could see she had about ten minutes left and it was then that her replacement for the day showed up. A young girl with greenish blue skin and purple hair with light shades of purple in it and a sun hair clip walked into the store dressed in the purple and white uniform that Rarity had designed for everyone to wear while on their shift since those were the colors chosen to represent the store and brand with Rarity's three diamond cutie mark and R.F.Y. as the logo on the back of each shirt that she had designed herself. Smiling Adagio waved at the girl in a teasing manner as she smiled her trademark Cheshire grin. "Afternoon Flare; you're early today." Adagio said slightly surprised that Sunny Flare had shown up so early. Not that she was a late comer of anything but still usually on Friday's she took a little more time to run errands before work and so her being here an entire 10 minutes early must've meant something. "Yeah I got done with my errands a bit early and decided to pop in and let you get on home early today." Sunny Flare said coming behind the counter and up to a register where she swiped her ID card and punched in her number to clock in for the day. Raising a surprised brow Adagio put a hand on her right hip arching to the side a bit. "Oh? And to what do I owe this generous little favor hm? Whats the catch?" Adagio asked teasingly but had a feeling there was a bit of a catch. Sunny Flare had a tendency to be very generous but there was sometimes a tagline or catch to whatever she offers which was one of the reasons why the two of them got along so well. Putting on a playful hurt expression Sunny Flare put a hand to her heart and gasped. "Why Dazzle you wound me! Why can I not do something generous without needed anything in return? Have I not been learning from Rarity just as you?" Adagio giggled and smiled still clicking her tongue she rolled her eyes at Sunny Flare. "Oh yes indeed you have but I know you well enough to know you don't get your errands done early and skip out on going to flirt in the food court if only to gain something of significance. How are things between you and the little coco-puff hm? Oh you two are just so cute!" Adagio stated poking slight fun at Sunny and her tendency to flirt in the wide open with her girlfriend Coco Pommel who worked part-time at a Starbucks stand making her special hot coco for the holiday seasons. Sunny Flare blushed and pouted her lips a little bit. "Oh hush you! And things are going just fine between the two of us thank you for asking. But fiiiiiine! I guess you caught me; I also came to get the deets on a little something I heard about you and Sunset Shimmer." Sunny Flare said dropping her voice to a whisper. She raised a brow again and wondered just what she had heard. "Oh? And what have you heard about me and my little pony hm?" Adagio asked semi-threateningly as she didn't like false rumors spreading or anyone talking trash about her or her girlfriend. After the whole Anon-A-Miss scare? She wouldn't ever see Sunset broken like that ever again. Feeling the temperature drop a degree or two Sunny waved a reassuring hand. "Oh no don't worry; nothing bad or anything of the like. I just heard that Sunset's been well...'distracted' as of late. Is everything alright? I know her job a tutor has to be pretty time consuming and hasn't she been travelling to Equestria a lot lately too?" Sunny asked genuinely concerned for the status of their relationship. Adagio calmed at that moment and then her expression turned slightly somber. Pouting a little bit as this was a tad bit of a sore subject she would answer Sunny Flare. "Ah yes right. You are correct; Sunset has been travelling a lot the past week and the past month has had her swamped with tutor work since test time is coming up. We still spend time together and all but its been...lacking as of late and despite my efforts? She's just drowned in her work." Adagio said a bit dejected. "Oh dear I am sorry to hear that! That simply cannot do..." Sunny thought for a moment and then smiled taking Adagio by the hand and leading her to Rarity's office in the back of the store. "C'mon; I think its time we got a professional opinion. If anyone knows how to get the attention of a workaholic? It's Rarity!" "Ok, ok sheesh! Didn't think you'd be so eager to help me out; I suppose there is a catch to this too?" Adagio said with a chuckle as she followed behind Sunny Flare. Sunny looked back and winked at Adagio. "Nope; this favor is free of charge deary." Knocking on the door she would wait a few second and then Rarity would answer. "Yes? Is that you Adagio darling?" Rarity said from behind the door. "It's Sunny Flare and Adagio; could we talk to you for a moment Rarity? Adagio is about to clock out for the day and needed to ask you something!" Sunny said as she stood there next to Adagio. "Oh do come in!" Rarity said opening the door and greeting the two with a smile and then she looked back into her office to show she had a guest and it was none other than Principal Cadence. "Oh Principal Cadence! It's so good to see you! What're you doing here? I thought you said Friday's were your date nights with Shining Armor?" Sunny Flare said giving her former principal a hug. "Oh hello Sunny dear; and yes it is I am just here to discuss getting a new dress for an upcoming gala that Shining is taking me to in Manehatten tomorrow night. It's a bit last minute because sadly my last dress was collateral damage to one of Sci-Twi lab experiments." Cadence chuckled rolling her eyes and then saw Adagio and smiled happily having always liked and had a decent relationship with the elder siren. "Hello Adagio; you look well. How're things with Sunset?" Walking up to Cadence she would give her a hug and friendly kiss on the cheek which the woman returned. "Actually that is what we are here to discuss with Rarity; while things aren't bad between Sunset and I our spark has well....dimmed just a slight bit and I want to nip it in the butt before anything bad happens you know?" Adagio said sounding very concerned and wanting to fix this issue as she didn't want Sunset to leave her or worse yet? Adagio fall to temptation and cheat on Sunset. Rarity nodded and instantly understood. Going back over to her desk she took a seat and offered each girl a place to sit and even had out tea. Pouring a couple more cups she would allow each woman to take one so they could all discuss Adagio's problem together as a group. "Alright then darling let's talk then; what exactly seems to be the problem? I have noticed your work ethic has dropped only slightly along with your mood so needless to say I have noticed this dimming in spark but didn't wish to pry." Adagio nodded and was happy as usual Rarity was as perceptive as she was generous. Taking a sip of her tea and savoring the flavor of it she would tap her fingers on the side of her cup. "Thank you Rarity. Well it's like this; Sunset works as a tutor for CHS and CPA part-time and also still has her job at the Sushi stand and from time to time? Goes to visit Equestria to visit friends and the princesses which I fully support her doing but-" "-you're feeling neglected?" Rarity and Cadence answer at the same time each of them surprising one another. Giving each other a look they looked to Sunny Flare afterwards and Rarity waved a hand signalling her to leave and go start her shift she while and Cadence talked with Adagio. Sunny Flare nodded understandingly and left the room closing the door behind her. It was then Cadence spoke up. "Take it from a married woman; I know EXACTLY how you feel sweetheart and you need not say anymore. I would be more than happy to help you" Cadence said with a sweet and loving smile. With Shining Armor being in the army it meant he was on leave a lot and there were days when she got really lonely without him and even before that when he was a police officer he would often bury himself into his work and she would have to be 'creative' in her methods of getting his attention. Astonished by their answer and the quickness in which it came Adagio was taken aback and nodded. "Yes; exactly. How did you know?" While Adagio was close friends with all of the Rainbooms by this point in time? She didn't know too much about Cadence herself only things she had heard about her through Twilight and then the short interactions she would have with the woman whenever she would come over to see Twilight and she happened to be visiting. Rarity giggled and crossed one leg over the other as she sat at her desk and looked fondly at the picture of herself and Applejack on the far right corner and she rubbed a finger to the necklace that hung around her neck overlapping her generosity geode; it was a gold apple with a single white diamond in the center. It was a precious family heirloom passed down to Applejack by her Grandmother with it having belonged to her late older sister Red Delicious who had decided to go the opposite route in life and be more elegant and high class in her way of spreading the Apple family name. "Do you recall the apple harvest that Applejack and her family tend too every year?" Rarity asked as she swirled a finger around the ring of her teacup. Adagio nodded remembering Applejack having taken time off from hanging out with everyone for an entire month so she could help her family harvest the apple trees. "Yes I recall; I remember you said that it takes up a good majority of her time in the fall and spring seasons." Rarity smiled still and nodded. "Indeed; and two years ago? Big Mac had unfortunately broke his arm and Applebloom was much to young to truly give the necessary aid required. And so our dear, honest, and stubborn as a mule friend Applejack took it upon herself to tackle the task all alone absolutely refusing aid from any of us. Each of us tried our hardest to help her however her stubbornness had run her down and was very clearly driving her mad however? She underestimated our ability to be stubborn as she can and every single time she fell on her ass? We were there to offer our help even when she said no; that is until? She finally caved and we powered through that dreadful harvest together. As friends." Cadence smiled and nodded in agreement with Rarity taking a sip of her tea and she would recount her own story with Shining Armor. "And Shining Armor is such a good guy but he can be a total boy scout and raging workaholic who doesn't know how to take a breath and just let things be. He always feels he has to rush out be the the hero or solve the case right away or get all the paperwork done right then and right there. And while I love and support him in everything he does? More than once have I had to 'convince' my husband to put down the paperwork and take me to bed" Cadence smiled her own version of Adagio's signature grin as she seemed to catch both Adagio and Rarity off guard with her choice of words and she could tell by the blushes on their faces. "Oh come now dear it's obvious and from what I remember and can recall of Twilight's 'research' of you and your sisters? Unlike Rarity and I you don't have a red river run through you every month. Neither does Sunset from what I understand. You all retain your heat cycle from your Equestrian forms and I can tell that you and Sunset haven't oh whats the word-" She snapped her fingers trying to remember the term she heard Sunset Shimmer use before. "Rut?" Adagio blushed answering Cadence's question for her. It was true; much to her shame? She hadn't slept with Sunset Shimmer in over a month! She was also in the prime of her heat cycle and while Sunset expressed having gained the ability to suppress her's? Adagio had no such control and Adagio Dazzle had a very distinct aroma to her when her cycle was in full effect and she wanted her little pony so badly it was driving her mad! Cadence chuckled snapping a finger in a 'ah-ha' moment "Yes that! And I can tell it's driving you insane girl; Rarity did say your work ethic has decreased and I can understand why; you're a mess honey. You really need to get home take that pony by the mane and take what you want because something tells me? She wants you too." Cadence stated now with one leg crossed over the other as she sipped her tea. "Oh? How do you figure that?" Adagio asked now very intrigued. She could understand now why in this universe and Equestria she had the moniker 'Princess of Love'. "Indeed; do tell Cady darling" Rarity said now very interested as well with a mischievous smile of her own gracing her lips. "From what I know about Sunset Shimmer? She's the type of girl whom while very smart and perceptive? Can miss small details or put things off in pursuit of things she believes are of greater importance and this leads her to neglect other things that are important. Not because she's being mean or spiteful or even neglectful on purpose. She's a girl still trying to make up for all the bad things she used to do and it shows and so she feels that if she has to rob herself of some pleasure to help others? Then so be it; but little does she realize? She's also robbing you of that pleasure...and THAT is hardly fair...wouldn't you both agree?" Cadence said now looking at the two women. Rarity looked thoughtful for a moment nodded in agreement. "Very well played Cadence; well played indeed darling. So with all this said Adagio? What is it you plan to do about this little 'injustice'?" Rarity said with a hint of mischief in her tone. Adagio allowed all their words to sink in, she took a solid minute and a half to think it all over. While many might not have thought so at first glance and based on her attitude? Adagio was very smart and analytical especially when devising a scheme and right now? She was scheming on how to get what she desired from Sunset Shimmer and after that minute and a half of thinking? Her infamous devious/lustful sneer appeared and both Cadence and Rarity had an idea of what this meant. Standing up from her seat Adagio kept her smirk and finished her cup of tea and set it down on the desk Rarity had. "If you ladies will excuse me? I have a little pony that is in desperate need of a little 'discipline' I'll see you Monday Rarity." "Take the day off darling; I am sure you will be quite occupied." Rarity winked at her friend and giggled. Adagio smiled and gasped dramatically "Goodness so generous; ta-ta ladies." Adagio said turning to leave the room and she could feel their eyes on her very impressive ass and couldn't resist a little teasing, as she opened the door and began to leave she purposely added a little shake to her hips. "Impressive isn't it?" She said with absolute confidence as she left and closed the door behind her. She had to make a quick stop to Aria's place of employ and get something to help 'take the edge off' her beloved little pony and also? Take her guard down enough to where she could sing her a little song. Adagio and the other sirens still had the ability to brainwash and sway the minds of others with their voices and songs but it was an ability they didn't like to use unless it was absolutely necessary and made promises to not use it for selfish reasons. Adagio always was one for breaking the rules to suit her needs and old habits died hard. As she left the office and backroom she headed to the employee lounge area and went into the bathroom to change her clothes switching back into an outfit that was nostalgic every time she wore it. It was the outfit she wore throughout most of her time at Canterlot High School and it was one she usually wore on Friday's and weekends just because she liked it. It was her purple one piece with the light purple leggings that had purple triangles on them, her gold belt that bore her treble cleft and diamond cutie mark, purple spiked boots, fingerless pink gloves, light pinkish purple jacket and in her hair was her spiked hairband that held her massive amount of hair into the big puffy ponytail she was so well known for. Walking out after changing she said her goodbyes to Sunny Flare and strut her way out of the store. Taking out her phone and earbuds she would play some music while she walked through the mall to reach her sisters job whom was likely going to be getting off her shift very soon. Thinking about it for a moment she also figured she would pay her other sister a visit since it would seem the girl would be really busy this weekend having been booked for kids parties all weekend which of course earned her extra tips for being 'extra fun'. Giggling a bit she walked a bit further and then finally reached Aria's place of work. A weed dispensary/toke shop/glass shop and more called Hot Box which was owned and run by Treehugger and her family. Entering the store her nose was immediately assaulted by the dank smell of cannabis and she could see everyone was mellow and chill as usual; the regulars were in attendance like Lemon Zest & Vinyl Scratch who worked the music shop a few stores down. Going a bit further into the shop she came to find Aria behind the counter with a semi-bored expression on her face but also a mellow one. She still maintained her two large pigtails with the silver star clips in them choosing to keep her Gothic grunge look even after high school as she stated 'it suited her'. "Evening Ari; baked off your ass already?" Adagio asked with a chuckle as she came to counter. Looking up Aria gave her the finger but that was her special way of saying 'hello'. "Sup Dagi; you already off work? Shit guess time went faster than I thought. What cha need?" Feigning hurt Adagio pouted playfully. "Aw what? I can't come just say hello to my little sister?" Aria scoffed and rolled her eyes chuckling as she leaned up. "Cut the bullshit puffball; It's Friday and you got paid. So I'll ask again; What do you need?" Aria asked. Adagio clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "Oh you're no fun; fine. I need some edible. Something that'll help the libido" Aria looked confused and blinked twice. "The what?" Adagio lightly face-palmed. "Something to make someone horny Aria." Aria's glazed eyes widened in realization. "Ooooooohohoho I get what this is for! Ha; havin' trouble getting it up in the bedroom with Sun-Tits huh?" Aria sneered deviously at her older sister. "Oh bite me Aria; Sunset's just been busy. For your information I don't need to be an insatiable slut like you are with your many fuck buddies" Adagio shot back turning her nose up at her sister. She was by no means slut shaming her or anything because lord knows all three sirens had taken MANY loves in their past but Aria had a tendency to be a bit 'overboard' with how many she would take at a time and in the course of a few hours or days. "Pft don't get mad cause I've been getting more pussy than you but hey? I'm a good sister so I'll hook you up; don't say I ain't never did anything nice for you. YO TREE!" Aria called to Treehugger who was in the back room. Treehugger trudged into the room, eyes glazed and red as all Hell and she waved to Adagio. "Suuuup big hair" "Yo Tree what was that edible you gave Rainbow to help loosen up Flutter-Butt?" Aria asked her super stoned boss. "Oh like uh that was the uh....the wet strawberries over there. Good stuff, real strong and gets the drive really going. You only really need two out of the 4 that come in the package." Treehugger said Adagio looked over the strawberries in question and it was a small baggie with four strawberries that looked to be caramelized and sugarcoated and there was also a small jar of white cream that looked to be used for dipping. Adagio was a sucker for strawberries as they were her favorite fruit and it was Sunset's as well and that just made this all the more perfect. "How much?" "Since you're my sister and I'm nice? I'll let you use my 50% employee of the month discount. So $20" Aria said taking the berries from the place they were stored and she rung them up and input her employee code making the price go from $40 to $20. Smiling Adagio would take out her wallet which also bore her cutie mark and she took out her debt card and swiped it paying for the spiked snack. Taking the bag it was placed in by her sister she slipped a crisp $50 into the girls tip jar and turned to leave the store leaving her sister astonished and in shock. "Toodles little sister" "Duuuuude you're sister is like...aweeeeesome" Treehugger said as she looked at the big tip she left Aria. "She's a bitch...but yeah. She is pretty awesome." Aria chuckled and shook her head. As Adagio left the store she made her way to the indoor amusement park that was built inside the mall about a year ago to help attract more people to the mall during the winter seasons. Inside she was assaulted by the sounds of loud children, the sight of bright and colorful children's games and the smell of processed pizza and fountain soda. Clearly this was Sonata's element and it didn't take her long to find the youngest siren who was currently monitoring a game of extreme dodgeball; which is like normal dodgeball...only played on trampolines! The current match that was going on was a bunch of little kids and pre-teens among which there was Scootaloo & Applebloom along with two older girls Indigo Zap & Lightning Dust whom were known to be dating vs Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie since all the other kids on their side seemed to be out of the match. "You're goin' down Dash! You can't dodge forever!" Indigo said hopping in place. "Don't have to! Just gotta wait till you slip up!" Rainbow retorted jumping from spot to spot in order to throw them off. "Heheheheh ya can't hit me!" Pinkie said dodging ball after ball thrown by Lightning Dust. "Stay.Still.You.Bouncing Pink bi-" Lightning was about to curse so loud and hard because Pinkie's dodging was getting her angry. "Not around the kids Dusty!" Sonata shouted in a surprisingly stern tone and caused Lightning Dust to chill out for a second and it was that second that Pinkie Pie needed to grab a ball midair as Lightning threw it and it was with that she was out. Blowing her whistle Sonata thumbs downed Lightning. "YEEEEEEEEER OUT!" "Oh c'mon!!!" Lightning fumed. "Rules are rules; at least you lasted till the end!" Sonata said with a smile. "Argh this blows!! I almost had them!" Lightning fumed and stomped off the court. "Better luck next time Dust" Rainbow said with a shit eating grin. Lightning Dust responded only by flipping Rainbow off. "Well isn't this action packed; I still remember Aria inventing this game because she wanted an excuse to throw things at you." Adagio said with a little chuckle as she walked up next to her sister who was wearing a cute ref. outfit that was given to her by her job complete with white and black stripped stockings, shorts, a whistle and hat, a badge and various little knickknacks that she earned as a superstar employee. Gasping in joy she would bring her big sister into a big hug "Hiiiii Dagi! What're you doing here?" Sonata said putting her sister down after picking her up into a hug smiling sheepishly. "Oh I just came by to see how you're doing and then I'm going to head home to see Sunset. She and I have some things to 'discuss'" Adagio said cryptic like. "Oh no; everything is okay between you two right?!" Sonata said beginning to panic a little bit; she didn't want to see Adagio all depressed and mopey again like when they'd lost their powers and she had lost confidence in her looks and ability to entice and enthrall people with her looks and silver tongue. "Oh fret not Sonata; while Sunset and I have had a lack of intimacy as of late? Tonight I shall remedy this personally." Adagio said in a tone that Sonata knew all too well. Giggling happily Sonata nodded and hugged her sister again. "Oh goodie! I was scared for a second there! So are you about to head home now?" Sonata asked with her normal ditzy sweet smile. Nodding Adagio stood by her sister smiling as well. "Yep; just stopped by to grab a little something from Aria and to say hello to you. I don't wish to distract you from your fun so I'll be on my way; ta-ta Nata." Adagio made a turn to leave but then was stopped by Sonata grabbing her hand and placing something in it. Raising an eyebrow she saw it a piece of paper that read 'Free Admission for Two'; looking back at her sister Sonata simply winked at her. "Sunset can be a big worky McWorksalot! Bring her somewhere she can have some fun! Sunset really likes video games and we just got a bunch of new ones I know you both would like playing together." Sonata said with a sweet smile. Adagio smiled back at her sister and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek as she then turned to leave. "I will surely do that sometime Sonata; perhaps this Saturday. See you later" Adagio said waving her sister goodbye and leaving the indoor amusement park. Now it was time for her to go home and take her little pony for a ride; heading outside she made her way to the car that she and Sunset shared. Sunset had a motorcycle as well so often Adagio was the one who used the car which was a dark violet 4 door V-8 engine car; nothing too fancy but it got her from point A to B. Getting in the car and starting it up she maneuvered out of the mall parking lot and headed off down the road headed home; she and Sunset lived in the city and so they were far away at all from the mall, in fact? It was only a 15 minute drive back and forth to worth which was super convenient for her especially in the colder seasons. After getting through any low end traffic with ease she pulled up to the apartment that she and Sunset Shimmer called home; it was a single loft place that Sunset was given by Principal Celestia. Apparently this used to be a little home away from home loft her family owns and she hadn't used it since her days in college and had no real use for it anymore having only kept it as a storage space but with Sunset having come into the picture? It was converted back into small apartment that suited Sunset's living style and luckily it was more than big enough to house two since but Celestia and Luna stayed there in their youth. As she arrived and pulled up to the side she could see Sunset's bike was already parked and locked up. Smiling as she turned off the car she couldn't help but feel a rush of pleasure shoot through her body sending chills up and down her spine in a way that reminded her how she used to feel when she was going to drain someone of their negative energy; it was a damn near euphoric emotion and she couldn't wait to get inside and see Sunset. Before getting out of the car she would slip on a long purple and gold jacket since it was below 30 and cold enough to see ones breath. Getting out of the car she made her way to the front door and unlocked it letting herself in and quickly closing the door to keep the cold out. Upon entering she could see Sunset up in what was her room on the edge of her bed; her laptop was off and so was her TV and game system, there was no music playing through the speakers nor did it appear any papers were scattered about so she didn't look to be grading. Ascending the stairs she came to see the pony sitting on the edge of her bed writing and she could instantly tell to whom she was writing. Unlike with the human Twilight Sparkle? Sunset Shimmer couldn't text her with a cellphone and so she had a different method of communication with the Princess of Friendship; a magic book that allowed her to communicate with her and even the Princess' of Sun, Moon and Love whenever she needed to ask them for their advice. She admired them all so much and desperately wanted to be a princess even if she didn't always vocalize this Adagio knew it was true; it was just the only issue with her chasing this dream back in the past was that she tried to do it the dishonorable way. Now she was trying to do it the proper way even if there was no real way to become a princess in this world? She wanted to at least feel worthy to be a candidate for the title if that made any sense. The pony girl appears herself to have only gotten home shortly before Adagio as she was still wearing her day clothes which consisted of her blue and clear blouse, black jacket, blue jeans and boots. 'So consumed by your work that you haven't even undressed to relax like you normally do? Oh no no no! I am fixing this RIGHT NOW!' Adagio thought as she made her way over to Sunset Shimmer who only noticed her as she came within a few inches of her. Looking up Sunset chuckled and smiled sheepishly feeling bad she only just noticed Adagio come in. "Oh hey Dagi; sorry I didn't hear you come in. Whats u-" Adagio didn't allow her to continue talking. She removed her jacket tossing it to the floor and she straddled Sunset's lap and wrapped her arms around her and kissed her deep on the lips causing the little pony to gasp in surprise but she didn't pull away; at least not at first. After a solid 30 seconds kissing Adagio she pulled back. "A-Adagio; please! I-I'm trying to talk with Twilight about-" Sunset began to stutter out but Adagio kept silencing her by kissing her in spots that made her squeal like her neck and her breasts were pressed on hers closely. Kissing and suckling on the woman's lower lip she released it with a wet playful snap and allowed a small string of saliva to connect their lips and it snapped and vanished as she began to speak. "Oh? Is Twilight more important than me?" Adagio asked in a tone that sounded hurt, she would not be denied or ignored for the princess' sake. Sunset Shimmer was HER little pony now. Realizing what Adagio had just said and what it may have seemed like she implied Sunset tried to correct herself as she didn't want to offend Adagio. "N...No but I...T...This is...w...we were..." Sunset could feel the heat in her body beginning to rise and it was a sensation she had been repressing for a month but with Adagio touching her like this? All those senses were beginning to awaken. Adagio put a silencing finger to Sunset's lips and smiled a infamous smirk. "Sssssshhhh. Hush now little pony and listen to me. You've been working yourself rampant. Going to work only to come home completely exhausted physically and mentally. Barely spending time with your friends and more importantly? With me...neglecting my needs as well as your own. I do believe the princess can wait. You do so much for others and I love you for it; however-" Adagio released one of her hands and arms around Sunset and used her hand to guide Sunset's to her crotch where she would be able to feel the lustful heat rising there. "When was the last time you were a little selfish hm? When was the last time you said 'To Hell with everyone else; I'm gonna do what Sunset wants.'?" Adagio asked in a sensual and lustful tone of voice, the necklace around her neck beginning to glow an orange light. "I...but...I" Was unsure of what to say or do; all her emotions were crashing down on her at once and the way Adagio was touching her? She couldn't respond properly because her body felt like it was on fire. "Hm I think you need a little help relaxing sweetheart; and luckily for you? I got just the thing." Adagio said reaching behind her on the floor and she pulled out the edibles she got from the mall and taking one out of its packaging she licked it to get a taste for it and she made sure Sunset was watching her do it too. Taking a small bite out of it she held the rest up to Sunset's lips. "Say 'ah' little pony" Showing no resistance? Sunset opened her mouth and allowed Adagio to plop the rest of the strawberry in her mouth and she closed her mouth and chewed it, then swallowed it. After that? Adagio went back to kissing her and as the moments passed? Sunset began to feel strange, lightheaded, ditzy, any aches and pains she had were gone and her body felt light and heavy at the same time. She knew this feeling and can tell what Adagio had done but she wasn't complaining; in truth? She was thankful to Adagio for taking this method to get her to relax since simple words were working. Her eyes lidded and began hazy as did Adagio's but she seemed to be in total control. Noticing Sunset was more relaxed by how her tension ebbed away and her shoulders went slack allowing her jacket to fall to back a little? Adagio smiled happily. "Mmmm there we go; isn't that much better? But I'm not quite finished. Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh You didn't know that you fell, Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh...Now that your under my spell." Adagio whispered and sang sensually in Sunset's ear as she swayed her body along hers, rubbing their chest together as she let her vocals come through. Blindsided by the beat Clapping your hands, stomping your feet Little pony you didn't know that you fell Oh-whoa-oh-oh Adagio continued to sing the chorus of the song she and her sisters originally used to advance them in the battle of the bands but slightly modified for this moment in time. Adagio was always a show-off and she made an event and occasion of everything she did especially making love. As she continued to sing she slowly began to strip off Sunset's clothes from her body starting with her jacket allowing it to come completely off and once it did? She tossed it behind the bed and motioned her hands to Sunset's shirt, looking upon her girlfriends body she felt her own arousal rising still as she had always been attracted to Sunset to some extent even when they were enemies? She thought Sunset was pretty cute and even had thought to try and sway her to their side but could tell that wouldn't happen the moment she saw her paling around with the Rainbooms and learned of her downfall from the high horse she had placed herself on. Now you've fallen under my spell Oh-whoa-oh-oh-oh I've got the music, that makes you move it Got the song that makes you lose it I say "Kiss me!"; you say "How Much?" Obey little pony now feel my touch I've got the music, that makes you move it Got the song that makes you lose it I say "Fuck me!"; you say "How Fast?" All day and night, make this lustful moment last Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh You didn't know that you fell Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Now that you're under my spell Adagio had altered the lyrics to fit the mood of the moment and as she continued to sing? A orange sparkling miasma would coat the entire apartment and she would suck in the energy as it leaked out of her girlfriend. She could taste all her emotions that she felt at this moment with the sweetest being arousal and joy. They tasted so sweet and Adagio wanted more having developed quite a sweet tooth for positive energy. Still stripping her beloved pony naked as she was originally in Equestria she helped Sunset lift her hips and get her pants off and Adagio was so good at stripping her? She managed to get her panties off along with her pants and she tossed those to the ground as well. Then reaching down and around she undid the clasp of her bra and pulled that off her as well now leaving Sunset Shimmer completely naked and spread eagle on their her bed. Listen to the sound of my voice Oh-oh, whoa-oh Soon you'll find you don't have a choice Oh-oh, whoa-oh Captured in the web of my song Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh Soon you'll all be singing along Oh-oh, whoa-oh-oh Adagio moved herself forward on the bed and spread Sunset's legs and rubbed her inner thigh with one hand and traced her fingers along the other coming dangerously close to Sunset's pussy but then she thought. 'I am going to show you how it feels to have you needs denied little pony'. Each time she got close to Sunset's pussy she pulled her fingers away making Sunset twitch and writhe on the bed begging for her to touch her special spot but Adagio continued to tease her and with each almost touch? Her body would begin to beg for more and her pussy would leak juice like mad as it was very clear she hadn't even so much as touched herself in a month; an injustice Adagio would see corrected. I've got the music, that makes you move it Got the song that makes you lose it I say "Kiss me!"; you say "How Much?" Obey little pony now feel my touch I've got the music, that makes you move it Got the song that makes you lose it I say "Fuck me!"; you say "How Fast?" All day and night, make this lustful moment last Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh You didn't know that you fell Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Now that you're under my spell Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh You didn't know that you fell Oh-whoa-oh, oh-whoa-oh Now that you're under my spell....mmmmmhahahahahahahahahah! Giving that little sinister and playful giggle much like how when she was a villain? She could tell she now had Sunset wrapped around her finger and completely in her thrall; free to do with her as she pleasure and to make her do to her as she wished as well. It had been so long since she felt this feeling and she took some pride in knowing that this time? She was doing this for all the right reasons and she wouldn't cease until she and Sunset were satisfied. "Now doesn't this feel better my little pony? How do you feel hm?" "R...Really...good...Dagi..." Sunset said in almost monotone as she stuttered her word considering how much pleasure was running through her body. "Would you like me to make you feel even better?" Adagio asked sweetly as she brought her hand dangerously close to Sunset's pussy which was so turned on she could feel heat coming from it and she hadn't even touched it yet. She knew this meant Sunset was REALLY horny and that the edible she gave her was working wonderfully in helping that along. Deciding to tease her just a little bit longer Adagio flicked a finger on her aching clit and watched her buck her hips upward. Smiling she did this again and twirled it with a finger. "O...Oh please; D...Dagi...f...fuck....oooo...m...me; p...please. I...I want...n...need you; please..." Sunset gasped moaned and begged as she lay there on the bed, her body limp and stoned barely able to lift her body but she knew she wanted to if only Adagio would allow her some release. "Hmmmm I dunno; how badly do you really want my attention little pony? I mean; I've been begging for your touch for a month now and you haven't been so kind. Gimme one good reason why I should?" Adagio said pouting and trying her best to sound hurt and neglected. Sunset blushed and she frowned a little as she genuinely did feel bad about not giving Adagio the attention she craved and deserved; they were dating now and Sunset wanted to be a good girlfriend unlike in her last relationship with Flash where she never even so much as kissed him with any true meaning behind it; only to keep up appearances. Feeling Adagio flick her clit again she moaned and bit her lip trying hide it but only made a more lewd whinnying sound when she did so. "P...Please Dagi? I...I won't neglect you again, I p-pinkie...p...promise...please...I...I'm begging you...f...fuck your little pony; please!" Sunset submitted and even resorted to calling herself by the pet name Adagio had given her in bed. Sunset was Adagio's little pony princess and Adagio was Sunset's dazzling songstress She giggled and smirked in triumph seeing that she got Sunset to cave and give in however she wanted to reaffirm this little promise and it was when she saw Sunset's magic book vibrating that she knew just how to make Sunset cement her promise to her. "Hm I think you should answer that sweetie." Adagio said picking up the book and handing it with a pen in hand to Sunset opening it up to a fresh page next to where the princess had written a message. Are you ok Sunset? You stopped writing. Sunset blushed as she read the text in the book and doing her best steady handwriting she did her best to make a reply but her hand was shaky given Adagio stated padding her clit and flicking it as she began to write. After fumbling for a good minute she went the message which read: Adagio came home and has me 'enthralled' write you later Moments later a reply came through from a very obviously flustered princess of friendship who replied with a cheeky but friendly. Have fun you naughty unicorn ;D Adagio saw this reply and chuckled as she closed to magic book and pushed it off the bed and she then moved between Sunset's legs and without warning? Threw her lips at her pussy and attacked her clit with her lips, suckling it like mad and Sunset threw her head back and fell back into the sheets; her legs wrapping around Adagio's head and her hands grabbing for massive puffy ponytail to pull her in deeper to her wetness. Sunset shouted and rocked back and forth on the bed as Adagio lapped her drooling labia with her dexterous tongue to lewdly slurp up the sexual juice that leaked out of her pony girlfriend. Sunset hadn't felt the sensation of Adagio's touch in an entire month and last month she did nothing but suppress her heat cycle which currently left her a mess of tangled nerves all of which Adagio was working out right now and Sunset Shimmer was in a state of total bliss. "O-Oh fuuuuuuck! Yes, yes, yes, yes,yes, yes!!!! Da-gi!!!!!! ooooooooo fuck! M...More! Oooh sweet fucking Celestia's sun yeeeeeeeees!!!!" Sunset couldn't control herself anymore; she was feeling amazing and didn't want this pleasure to stop, every stroke of the siren's tongue sent her into a tizzy of lust and if this kept up? Her first orgasm of the month was gonna be one that would require her to wash her sheets but at this point? She didn't care. Adagio had Sunset right where she wanted her and had no intent on letting her go anywhere anytime soon. Keeping her pinned to the bed she allowed Sunset to power lock her head into her crotch because it allowed her as much access to the delicious love tunnel Adagio adored so much allowing her tongue to dance around and play within the woman's sweet tight walls that she hadn't touched in 30 whole days; they both needed this and nothing was going to stop Adagio until her little pony was a mass of relax nerves on the bed. Continuing this for a few good minutes Sunset felt the pressure reaching its breaking point and she knew that meant she was about to cum. The bucking of her hips became more erratic, her moans and lustful cursing became more abundant and so did the flow of her pussy juice as it now ran like a rive out of her wet hole and into Adagio's mouth coating her lips and cheeks with a thick sheen of Sunset's girl cum. Knowing Sunset was close she reached a hand forward she jammed two fingers inside Sunset all the way to the knuckle and she latched her lips onto her clit suckling with feverish intensity and finger blasting Sunset like mad. That was the action that snapped Sunset's thread of resistance. Her legs locked up, her back arched and she let out a long lewd whinny like moan as she squirted in Adagio's face. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUUMMMMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMMHMHMHMHMHMH!!!!!" Sunset blushed intensely as she was super embarrassed that her moaning sounded like that of her whinnying back in Equestria and it was something Adagio always managed to get her to do which was a massive turn on for them both. Smiling she suckled down as much of the girls pussy juice as she could after having gotten a face full of the stuff and once the girls orgasm had subsided? She crawled from between her now limp as noodle legs and shared a cum filled kiss with her and swapped her some of her own cum even though she wanted to be a greedy slut and keep it to herself. As they shared the lewd sweetness that came out of Sunset Adagio leaned back allowing them to catch their breath and she smiled at her girlfriend and played with the colic of her crimson and yellow hair. "You promise to never neglect me again little pony?" Adagio asked sweetly. "Mmmhm" Sunset simply said and nodded in a Marble Pie like fashion. "Ah, ah ,ah...I wanna hear you say it." Adagio said playfully as she flicked her clit again. "I...I...P...P...Pinkie...P...Prooooomise; cr-oss m...my heart a...and hooope t...to fly s...stick a c...c...cuuup-cake i...in my...eeeeeeeye!" Sunset moaned and her legs and thighs locked up as she came again from Adagio flicking her still aching clit after she just came before. Panting and pouting looking at Adagio in a way that tried to appear cross Sunset huffed. "Y...You're so...m...mean" "Aw now that isn't very nice; I'm not mean Sunny! I am simply teasing; You wanna see mean?" Adagio gave an evil like smirk and pulled her hand away from her pussy and then scooted back on the bed leaving her without her touch. Taking this time she unclasped her belt and kicked off her boots. Then she slipped out of her one piece and her stocking she lay back on the bed at the bedpost and spread her legs and began to touch herself by flicking her own swollen clit. Hissing in delightful bliss she looked at Sunset with a vicious smirk and spread her wet lips. "This what you want?" Sunset's eyes widened and she made attempt to crawl towards Adagio and get what she wanted by she was stopped when Adagio said. "Stop" And it was then Sunset stopped dead in her tracks, unable to disobey Adagio's command. She then was forced to watch Adagio pleasure herself and she wanted so badly to do it for her but she couldn't bring her body to move and all she could do is speak. "D...Dagi; c'mon! I-I said I wouldn't neglect you anymore....d...don't be so mean!" Sunset whined. She loved it when Sunset would beg for her touch like this; pressing a finger against her clit her toes curled and she hissed in delight looking at Sunset with a lewd expression. "There you go calling me names again! I...mmmmm a...am not; mean! Apologize; or no pussy for you" Adagio said as she gasped and grabbed her left nipple and pinched it causing her to slip two fingers inside her drooling pussy and fuck it right in front of Sunset Shimmer. Sunset could tell even in her high state of mind and under Adagio's control that she was taking great pleasure in making Sunset submit like this and would have to be sure to get her back for this embarrassment later on but for now? She would play along since she literally had no other choice. "I'm s...sorry; your not mean. I won't call you names anymore; now please let me eat your pussy! I fucking want it now!!!" Sunset demanded and for a brief moment? Her eyes glew a color usually said to be associated with her demon half which also represented her long repressed lusts. Seeing she had Sunset completely submitted she would stop her teasing and at last allow Sunset access to her body, spreading her legs and ceasing her masturbation; she spread her wet lips and curled a seductive finger at Sunset as she licked and suckled the juice off another finger. "Come here little pony and dazzle your siren" Sunset didn't need a second or third invitation. Crawling on all fours over to Adagio she placed her hands on the woman's shapely thighs and kissed each side and kept inching closer and closer to her pussy still she finally reached it, licking it from the bottom to her clit she loved the way Adagio moaned and shuddered at her touch and so she repeated this motion and she knew Adagio liked it from how she grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her in and began to let out a flurry of lustful curses and slurs that she must've been saving for an entire month without having Sunset touch her. "F...fucking yes; oooooh yes yes yes little pony yes! Adore mmmmmeeeeeeee; k...kiss me more, lick and tongue fuck me deeper...f...faster; s...suck on my clit." Adagio demanded Sunset hit all her pleasure centers and make her cum, bucking her hips to show her growing need. Sunset would obey her lovers demands and suckled on her clit while using two fingers to finger fuck Adagio rapidly. Her clit was big and swollen from stimulation and her pussy walls were wet and tight around her two fingers. It was when Sunset curled her fingers that she hit a familiar spot and Adagio screamed like a banshee. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Adagio screamed a long drawn out moaned musical note and her pussy tightened and she began to buck her hips faster and more erratically; Sunset found her G-spot and she wasn't ready for it. Wildly bucking her hips into the woman's face and on her fingers she knew she was going to cum soon and she wanted to give every last drop to the little pony between her legs. "S-Sun...set! I-I'm g-goooooonna-!!!" Adagio looked down at Sunset Shimmer who had the most lewd and delightful expression on her face and if Adagio looked close? The girl had hearts in her pupils as she slurped her of all her wetness. Loving that lewd look it got her to the edge every single time and this time was no different. Her entire body exploded with pleasure as she squirted in Sunset's face much how she did her's moments ago and after a good minute? Her body went slack and she slipped into afterglow as the effects of the edible soon went from making her feel incredibly horny? To making her and Sunset feel lethargic and tired but above all else? Satisfied. Removing her hand and thighs from Sunset's head and hair, Sunset removed herself from Adagio's wetness and just as the siren did before? She shared her cum with her lover in a lewd fluid exchange you would seen in porn. After sharing that lewd kiss they broke and lay tangled together on the bed, legs laced together as they lay in a stained spot on the bed. Sunset cuddled up to Adagio and sighed in relief and joy. "That...Was...Amazing" Sunset said panting and trying to get her afterglow to subside. "I know right? Treehugger and Aria weren't lying when they said those strawberries were strong. Good thing we've got 3 more." Adagio said with a giggle as she cuddled Sunset next to her on the bed. "I'm sorry by the way...I never meant to neglect you. You know I love you right? That hasn't changed" Sunset said still feeling a little bad that she made Adagio feel like she didn't want to spend time with her or make love to her cause that wasn't the case. "I know little pony I know; but you need to learn to put down those dusty old books sometimes. The princesses can make it fine on their own. You just worry about you and the life you live here; you work so hard but you need to learn to take a break and be with the ones who love you the most...less risk you fall back into 'old habits'" Adagio said wanting to always ensure that the Sunset everyone used to know NEVER came back into being and the first step of that was making sure Sunset never forgot about her friendships. Sunset sighed and nodded knowing Adagio was right. "You're right; I guess I just fell into that mindset I used to have as a student of Celestia and just got consumed in my work. Promise I'll be more mindful; you're the best thing to have ever happened to me along with my friends Adagio and I never want you to feel like I love you any less than you feel I love you right now." Adagio smiled and wiped a small tear away as she pulled the blanket over the two of them and pushed Sunset down on her back and she straddled her lap and smiled pulling the covers over them both. "Is that right? Well then; show me just how much you truly do adore me; my little pony" Sunset smiled and wrapped her arms around Adagio's waist and pulled her close to her and kissed her on the lips and it was for the rest of the night the two stayed this way until falling asleep. Content, satisfied, in love and adored as lovers should be. Later on that night as Adagio had passed out asleep Sunset had awoken to fetch them a more fresh blanket and upon doing so noticed her magic book and opening it she added in one little extra message to Princess Twilight. Gonna be taking a few days to 'appreciate' Adagio; sorry in advance if I don't write back for a few days ;D