> The Dragon of Tamriel > by WindsofWar > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue (1.a) The Ice Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV:???? My name is Wolkiimrel or Wolk for short and I am an ice dragon. I am slightly bigger than most dragons, and sadly to say that I used to be one of Alduin's lieutenants. Now I do wish that Alduin would've been wiser and remain hidden except making himself known until we were ready but he insisted that he gain more power..... a coward that's what he was I thought to myself as I flew past the Throat of the World. What can I do now, I cant communicate with humans. They will only attack me when they see me........I wonder if I should leave Skyrim.......that might be a good idea As I was starting to think about leaving I decided to wait for day since it was winter and it gets darker earlier. I looked for a spot to land and found one. When I landed I laid down underneath a big tree covering my body in shade. I started to drift into sleep when I finally let darkness overtake me and I went to sleep. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (In Wolk's head) I opened my eyes thinking that it was daytime only to find darkness surrounding me. But that wasn't the thing that was off. I felt the presence of someone else in here with me and their were sounds of fire and moving objects all around me. But I showed no fear because I knew whatever was in my head could feel it. I sat there in silence for what seemed like forever until a voice was heard. "Hello Wolkiimrel it is good to finally be able to talk to you" I didn't know what to say, I looked around for whatever was talking to but I couldn't see anything. Then I finally felt that the presence was closer and I finally found the will to speak "What is that you have to say, that you have to go into my mind creature." I said that in a more demanding tone then I wanted but he seemed to answer back almost immediately. I am Akatosh the father of all of dragons, or as you all call me 'The Great Dragon'. Even though I am a dragon that still made me worry a lot. I had just threatened Akatosh when I spoke to him. I pray that he doesn't do anything because of that. But I was able to find my voice again "Why, if I may ask do you want to talk to the likes of me?" Because you are confused, lost, and tired The last part confused me so I asked Akatosh "Confused what do you mean by that Akatosh?" You unlike other dragons are more intelligent, I have seen the battles that you have fought in and you use strategy to attack your enemies where other dragons rush in head on. You Wolkiimrel are much like Alduin but you are a bit more wiser than he was. So I decided to give you a gift from me... I was confused for a bit but then was startled when he fired a huge fireball at me. For whatever dumb reason I didn't block but instead took the hit. When I looked down I was expecting wounds of all kinds to be on my body. But surprisingly I could see no wounds what so ever. But what I did notice was that I was taller than I use to be. I stood on my hind legs and I was nearly 45 feet tall. I mean I was already tall but now I was even taller than before. I turned and looked up to the Great Dragon "I thank you for this gift but what is it you want me to do with this new form?" I am going to send you to a realm that will make you happier then you would be here in Skyrim. Its the least I can do for you for all of your hard work. I then had to ask him one question "Will other dragons be there?" He looked down at me and he said That will be for you to find out in the future. But that isn't the only thing that will change with you. You will have abilities that normal dragons here in Skyrim don't have. I looked at him with interest when he mentioned my new abilities. I asked him "What kind of abilities are we talking about here?" That will be for you to find out........ With that he faded away but before I could tell him anything it got really bright and I woke up... > Prologue (2.a) Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel I opened my eyes and the first thing that I see are a bunch of trees all around me. It appears that Akatosh sent me to somewhere else. But my only question is where am I? My thoughts were interrupted when I felt something weird going on with my body. I noticed when I looked at my body that my body had changed color. For whatever reason Akatosh gave me the ability to blend in with my surroundings. I was now multiple shades of green and brown. Huh, so this is some of the abilities that Akatosh gave me......intriguing. I wonder what other abilities I have, well only time will tell. But before I could do anything else I heard Akatosh in my head again. Hello again Wolkiimrel, I can't talk long in this realm with you it takes a lot of energy to do this. His voice startled me but I remained quiet not knowing if their were any humans nearby. He then appeared in front of me, I grew nervous with his presence nearby. But I found my voice and spoke to him. "Okay if you cannot linger here long please tell what you need." The urgency in his voice made any question I had before hand leave my train of thought. I forgot to mention when you entered this dimension you will stop aging. For whatever reason whenever anything or anyone enters a different dimension it stops aging. I was shocked when he said that I will stop aging. The usual life span of a normal dragon is 150. I was happy though......a whole new world to explore. I then turned to him and asked "Anything else important I should know about?" I know how friendly the beings are in this land. If you do happen to make friends give them these. Then all of the sudden 15 dragon scales appeared in front of me. But the thing that confused me was what was on them. It was written in dragon tongue which of course I was able to read. It says Pahwo aal daar vrii siiv niil ven wah hi. Ofan niin suleyk do unahzaal ov do dovah daar engein wah. Pahwo aal siiv daar vrii aal suleyk do dovah Wolkiimrel frey hi. Nuz daar wo brah daar fah folaas doings aal hi aus ko lein atum daasin. (Whoever may this scale find its way to you. Give them the power of eternal trust of the dragon this belongs to. Whoever may find this scale may the powers of the dragon Wolkiimrel aid you. But those who use these for wrong doings may you find suffering in the world below the surface.) I looked up to him and said "What does this mean?" It took a minute to answer but finally he spoke. It means if someone, your friends that you make need your help they will be able to call or summon you. Also if you can give it to those who have a good heart. Just because this is a peaceful doesn't mean there wont be any fighting. Now go my friend and be free to explore this realm that I sent you too........Farewell Wolkiimrel. With that his voice was gone and he disappeared out of sight, now I was wondering what to do now. Well that would still be happening if I didn't hear a deep grunting sound in front of me. I shut my eyes very quickly because chances are what ever was in front of me would be able to see my orange eyes. After what seemed like ten minutes I opened them to see a light blue pony in front of me. What was confusing was the fact that this pony had a beard which made me made even more confused. Since when were ponies that shade of color and why does it have a beard?" I noticed that the pony in front of me froze. He must have felt my presence so it looked like I was about to have another chat. The pony was breathing heavily and I noticed a couple scratches. I decided that now would be a good time to let him know I was hear. I let out some air from my nose and he froze immediately. He then slowly turned around to see my orange eyes looking at him. He had a look of shock at first then he calmed down. What caught me off guard was when he spoke "H-h--hello?" This just kept getting more and more confusing by the minute. I then decided to speak to this strange blue pony.... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ [u)]5 minutes earlier) POV: Star Swirl Oh for the love of Faust I stopped watching them for 5 minutes and they had to run in here of all places. I cant watch them for 5 minutes can I, I really should find a way to keep track of those two. I then sighed then called out "LUNA.............CELESTIA WHERE ARE YOU?" I know it isn't safe to yell in the forest like this but I'm tough enough. I then stopped to rest to catch my breathe when I felt I was being watched. I was about to yell out until I felt a breathing on my shoulder. I then turned around to see two massive orange eyes looking at me. This startled me until I realized it was a dragon, which might be able to help me. I then decided to speak up "H-h-hello?" I said sounding scared. I didn't want to sound scared but I was out of breathe and if the dragon decided to attack I'd be dead. But it just replied back saying in dragon language "Fos los hin faan malkey?" I didn't understand so I was going to use magic to translate. But when my horn lit up all the camo which I just noticed disappeared revealing an very tall, snow white dragon. I noticed he was about to attack when but I quickly said "NO WAIT!!! Its a spell that will let me know what you are saying." I saw that the dragon had relaxed a little when I said that. But I could tell that it was still on edge because of the way it was looking at my horn. It then spoke again "Flogah dreh hin elskah lu." It then gave me a reassuring nod and I continued. As soon as my magic faded I could hear what he was saying. "What is your name pony and why have you come here." The dragon finally said in a slight demanding tone. I just cleared my throat and maintained my posture. I then said to the dragon "I am looking for two foals that went into this forest. Have you seen two foals running around here. Their names are a white one named Celestia and a dark blue one named Luna have you seen them?" He shook his head and my shoulders slumped a little when he did. Just when I was about to leave he said something that I didn't expect. "But if you want I can help you find these two foals, I do have a good sense of smell." I grew a little excited that a dragon was helping me search for those two. With that he turned his head and started to scan the forest. He then said "Do you have any items that have their scent that I'll be able to pick up?" Since it was winter time right now I had their scarfs on me and I moved them towards the dragons nose. He then sniffed and then said "Come on I have their scent, they went that way." I then ran ahead then noticed that dragon wasn't following me I then turned to him and said "You coming my friend.......?" > Prologue (3.a) The Sun Pony and The Moon Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel Hah........'friend' so this is what it feels like to be called that. I feel.........good, maybe I can find peace in this world. I stepped out of the shadow beneath the tree I was under. When I got up to my full height I heard a gasp. I looked at Star Swirl with a nervous expression on his face. I then gave him a confused "What?" He then said back to me "Your a lot bigger than I thought you were." Are dragons around here really small or something? Well if I decide to stick around long enough then I may just find out. I then started to walk forward but with every step that I took the ground shook beneath me. We started to search the forest for thirty minutes all the while Star Swirl was calling out the names of the two foals. Eventually I noticed that Star Swirl was getting nervous. I however wasn't afraid of the forest because of my abilities. I don't think that Star Swirl has been this deep into whatever this forests name is. "........HELP US!!!! ANYBODY!!!" We both definitely heard that and Star Swirl sprinted really quickly in front of me. I decided to walk knowing that the ponies we were rescuing were young. I didn't want them to get scared and run away again. When I caught up I noticed that Star Swirl was fighting three weird looking creatures. They had the head of a lion, wings and a.....stinger? What kind of devilry am I looking at? I noticed that my camo kicked on because the foals didn't see me behind Star Swirl. "Star Swirl!!!!!" The white one which I assumed was Celestia yelled out. I then noticed a small dark blue one behind her sobbing. They may not be dragons but they are still young and whatever fatherly instinct I had kicked in. Just when I was about to speak Star Swirl spoke before me. "Step away from the foals creatures." I cant believe a pony so small would stand up to three menacing animals. But I then decided to talk to Star Swirl quiet enough for only him to hear. "Star Swirl, listen I have an idea on how to get them to leave." I said getting his attention. He then said to me without turning his head "What do you have in mind my friend?" Man I still need to get use to being called friend. I then explained my plan to him "Since I have sturdy scales I'll engage them, you get Celestia and Luna and all three of you get on my back and I can get you all out of here." He then smiled at me then looked at the foals. Both of them had a look of terror that for whatever made me want to protect them with everything I have. I then said to Star Swirl "I'm gonna deactivate my camo get ready." I noticed that all three of those creatures were waiting for an attack. I then decided now would be a good time to attack. As soon as my camo went away and the lion creatures had a nervous expression on their faces. I also noticed Celestia and Luna were looking at me and Star Swirl with awe in their eyes. I then said to Star Swirl "Go to them while these things are focused on me.'' He nodded and then ran over to the foals who embraced him in a hug as he got over to them. While this was happening one of these creatures swung its tail at me. Star Swirl then said to me "Watch out those Manticores have poisoned tails." So that's what they are called 'Manticores' well it about time I had fought something. FO KRAH DIIN I shouted and a wave of frost came out of my mouth and hit one of the Manticores. It screamed in agony as it was feeling its body began to freeze up. One of the other ones hopped onto my back and started to slash and claw into my back. Most of them didn't do anything but some of them managed to do some damage. I then slammed my back into a tree and knocked it off my back. I then turned to it and then I prepared another shout. FUS RO DAH The manticore that I had just hit went flying back and took a few trees with it. With that I turned to the last manticore and it came running at me. I swiped my paw at it and it went back at least 15 feet. As soon as I hit the manticore I then yelled at Star Swirl "Come on get onto my back and hold on!!!" All of them complied and got onto my back as the surviving manticore got up. I opened my giant wings and flapped and we got airborne. I could feel all three of them holding onto my back spikes. As I looked back I could see the smiles on the foals faces. (MUSIC END) Celestia then spoke up "Thank you mister for saving us!!" It warmed my heart to hear that, even though I am a dragon both of the foals are kinda cute. I then said back to them "There is no need to thank me for the help." But all I got were confused faces and I realized that they cannot understand me. I then turned to Star Swirl and said "Do you think you can make it so that they can understand me when I am speaking?" He then nodded his head and then used his magic like before. I then turned to them and said "Can you understand me now young ones?" The smiles on their faces grew and they nodded happily. I then repeated what I said "What I said was that you don't need to thank me for my help." Before I could say another word the younger one Luna spoke up. "What was that shouting that you did there. Was that some kind of magic?" I laughed at that. "No my dear friend shouts are abilities that dragons can use where I'm from." I then explained to them the basic concepts of shouting and using my voice to make a Thu'um. I then noticed a city carved into the mountain and heard Celestia yell behind me. "Wow!! Were already at Canterlot you fly fast mister.......," I then remembered I never did introduce myself. "My name Wolkiimrel or Wolk for short, and this is Canterlot right?" I was terrible with city names, never was good at it and never will be. I then heard Star Swirl yell "Land in the castle courtyard." I then saw a bunch guards aiming their bows at me and had their swords drawn. "Your going to have to talk with all you guards down there." I then looked back him "They don't look very happy." If these fools think they can beat me id like to see them try. When I landed one of the guards which I assumed was the leader yelled at me. "HALT dragon surrender now or you will be shot." I didn't say anything then turned sideways to let everyone off. I heard a bunch of gasps and I saw what looked like to be a bunch of nobles. GGGRRRR.........the way all of them are looking at me are making annoyed. I then turned to Star Swirl and he said "I'll go talk to the guards. I noticed that the guards bowed to him as he walked by. Well the only thing to do now is wait for some good news. > Prologue (4.a) Deep Sleep > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolk It took a whole for the guards to be convinced that I wasn't a threat to them. Can't blame them though its not everyday that you see a giant dragon land in the courtyard. Its been about a month since that happened I now live in a cave near the top of the mountain. Celestia, Luna, and Star Swirl visit from time to time but otherwise it has been quiet peaceful around here to say the least. For whatever reason Star Swirl liked the idea of me being some sort of helper. By that I mean he wants me to help those who are in need. But I'm going to do what is said on my scales which I remember. Pahwo aal daar vrii siiv niil ven wah hi. Ofan niin suleyk do unahzaal ov do dovah daar engein wah. Pahwo aal siiv daar vrii aal suleyk do dovah Wolkiimrel frey hi. Nuz daar wo brah daar fah folaas doings aal hi aus ko lein atum daasin. (Whoever may this scale find its wind to you. Give them power of unending trust of dragon this belong to. Whoever may find this scale may power of dragon Wolkiimrel aid you. But this who use this for wrong doings may you suffer in world below surface.) That's what it says and I only gave the scales to Luna and Celestia. I also figured out they are immortal and can only die if killed in battle, so they are a lot like me in their own way. Right now at the current moment I'm waiting by the front gate of Canterlot for Luna, Celestia, and Star Swirl. I think Akatosh wants to speak with me so I have to be quick with this. It may have only been a month but Luna and Celestia see me as a friend along with Star Swirl. I never really got use to be called friend by them. Most dragons in Skyrim spent time alone and we only saw each other when Alduin wanted us to. But not than I'm complaining it feels nice to have friends. But I'm going to have to break the news of me going to 'sleep' as Akatosh told me. Flashback 6 days ago The guards here don't really seem to like me here I mean I'm just sitting outside in the garden and they're all watching me like a hawk. Its very annoying, occasionally I'll look back and they have to look away from my gaze. Just another thing I need to fix, it seems like I have a lot of problems with the guards here. I mean yesterday I got attacked by a 'rookie' who just joined the guard. It took everything in me not to eat him right then and there. But even seemed terrified when he realized who he was attacking. It was very entertaining to watch him with that scared look not knowing if I will attack or not. As I was thinking back on that I heard a very familiar voice inside me head. Wolkiimrel I must speak with you urgently. At first this startled me because it was so sudden but I didn't show it. "What is it that you need to tell me Akatosh," I said with a intrigued tone. There is an event that will happen here in this realm in a week or so. During this event you will need to remain hidden, I need you to go into a form of mediation. It will be a lot like sleep but it will remain like this until you are needed. Remember those who have your scales can contact you and wake you. This was quite concerning, even though its only been a month I feel like I should protect them from whatever happens. But if Akatosh commands its I will follow orders, I mean he's the whole reason I'm here. "Alright but will I be able to see the little ones again." I don't know why I was so concerned about the Celestia and Luna like this but for whatever reason I have the sudden urge to protect them. If you are summoned then yes you will see them again. Until then Wolkiimrel.... Again he left me with even more questions and I continued to look back at the night sky.... /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel (Present Day) After remembering that day I then heard a voice behind me "WOLK!!!!" I then turned around to see two fillies running towards me with smiles on their faces. Gods above they are adorable when they smile, now that I think about I wonder what they are going to look like when they are grown up. I then said back to them "Hello there Celestia Luna, it is good to see you......" I then looked behind them to see the old bearded stallion walking towards me. "Hello to you too Star," he then looked up at me with a smile. But I remembered what was about to happen so I looked at the two fillies and spoke. "Run along you two I must speak with Star Swirl for a moment." I then turned to Star Swirl with a confused face. I sighed then I started to explain what was about to happen. "Star something is about to happen that will have to force me to leave," he looked up at me with a slightly worried expression. "What is the matter Wolk, is something bad going to happen?" By Shor if only I could tell him, Akatosh himself never told me what the event was either. I then continued to speak "I'm going to go into a meditative state that is going to last a long time." "How long are we talking about Wolkiimrel," strange he used my full name, well my first name. My whole name is Wolkiimrel the Striker, but that's not important right now. I then replied back saying "I don't know, a hundred, a thousand, I don't really know." He then looked at the ground clearly troubled by what I have told him. He then spoke up saying "What are we going to tell the young ones?" "I honestly just think they should know the truth." He nodded his head at that and I continued "This may be the last time I see you but I will definitely see the little ones again." Just then we saw the fillies run up to me and Star Swirl. I then told Star Swirl to explain what was going to happen to me. They had a look on their faces that I will never forget. They both looked at me and I said "However this wont be the last time you see me. If you do forget me I wont mind, but I wont forget you two little ones." All of the sudden all three embraced me in a hug. I think the worst out of three was Luna, Star Swirl said the day before that I was her first friend. Well needless to say it was hard to maintain my composure. But even if this is the last time we will see each other for a while I still have hope. Hope......never really thought that was something I could do, learn stuff everyday. This place is changing me......slowly but I cant tell if its good or bad. All of the sudden Celestia spoke up saying "We wont forget you Wolk." She then pulled the scale out and said "We have these so we wont forget." I then looked over to Luna who nodded in agreement. "Star Swirl......" He then turned to me and I said "If you aren't around give the scale I gave you to Celestia or Luna." He then nodded and I turned to the two fillies "If I haven't returned and Star Swirl has passed, I want you to give this to someone you trust." They all both gave me nods and broke off the hug which I was already missing. I then turned to away from them and I took the air. I then turned back to the three of them and said "This is farewell for now......until then." When I heard them all say goodbye I turned and flew away from the three. Everfree Forest I went back to the forest I met those three at and I found nearby cave and went into it. I then decided to make one of my scales appear next to me and placed it in front of me. I then felt something weird happen with my body. When I looked at my body I noticed my body was turning to stone. I laid my head on the ground and said to myself "Here goes nothing......" Right after I said that the stone had reached my eyes and everything went black........ > Chapter 1 Scales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Rarity "Unhand me you thugs!!! You best let me go!!" I said to the Diamond Dog who was carrying me into the cave. The Diamond Dog Fido just smirked and said "Gladly" and threw me into a cell. These ruffians don't know the first thing about manners. As soon as they walked away from my cell I slumped, and tried to think of a way to get out of this cell. I was in the middle of thinking until I saw a glow to my left in the wall. I walked over to the glowing object and I pulled it out of the wall. I realized what I was holding was the scale of a dragon. I gasped realizing the discovery I just found in this cell. But what was weird was the writing on it, it looked like broken Equis. I should hold onto this and show it to Twilight when she comes to rescue me. If they come and rescue me...NO don't think that Rarity they are your friends. You should put more trust in them, especially my Spikey Wikey I mean I know that Spike has feeling for me but I don't know if I can return them. This is too much for my head right now, I set the scale down and began to wait for my rescuers. Just then I heard a voice "Were coming Rarity!!!......" I knew that was the voice of Spike. I do hope that he has brought help with him. I then looked up and saw Spike, and Twilight in front of me racing towards me cell. I then turned and grabbed the dragon scale and went to the door. "Spike!!!! Twilight!!! Get me out of this infernal cell!!!'' I just noticed that the rest of girls weren't with them. I then asked them "Where are the other girls?" I said that with a little bit of worry in my voice. Twilight then said to me "They're dealing with the Diamond Dogs, come on we need to leave before we end up getting caught." She then used her magic and she broke the lock on my door. I turned to Spike who had a happy and proud look on his face. Spike then noticed the scale in my hoof and asked "Hey Rarity what's that?" I just turned to him and told him I'll tell him when we get out of here. When we rushed out of the room I noticed all of the girls were there. Rainbow kicked one of the Diamond Dogs that were on the ground and was saying "Take that!!!!" every time she hit him. She then flew next to me and put her hoof my shoulder and started to lean. "Hey rares these morons didn't ruff you up did they?" "No they didn't, you all arrived here pretty quickly and rescued me pretty fast." As soon as I said the word fast Rainbow smirked. "Well I mean Spike here seemed to be out of breathe when he showed up and told us what happened." I recognized that voice as Applejack's, who else has the southern of an accent. "Ummm....if its alright with you girls I would like to leave....please..." I recognized that one to be Fluttershy who was the quiet one of our small little group. I decided to speak up and said "I agree with Fluttershy, I want to leave this filthy place and get cleaned." They all rolled their eyes when I mentioned getting cleaned but then I just remembered about the scale. But I'll wait till we get out of this horrid place Timeskip(Twilights Library) "Before I leave Twilight to get rid of all this filth I found something while I was in that cell." All of the girls were still there making sure I was okay and all of them were focused on me. I pulled out the scale and said "I found this in the cell," I saw looks of interest in the girls faces. Except for Twilight who gasped and high tailed it upstairs. Before anybody could ask why, she came running back down with another one of the scales. "I have one of the same dragon scales too!!" This was confusing until she said "And it looks like they both have the same writing on them too." Now all the girls finally noticed the light blue glowing writing on them. Spike then spoke up saying "If that's a dragon scale its definitely an old one at that." We were all looking at him as he continued "Hey Twilight where did you get that scale from anyway? You never did tell me." "I got it from the Princess Celestia the day before I first came down to Ponyville." This just made all of us even more interested. I then heard Applejack speak up "Ya reckon the princess knows about them scales?" Twilight then said that she will ask the princess if she knows anything about it. "Lets all meet here and see if she can tell us what it means." We all nodded and left the library, now I am making my way home so I can get rid of all this infernal dirt. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Celestia "No sister we cannot throw Blueblood out the window. That will only damage our reputations as princess." I told my sister, who is currently pacing back and forth in front of me. "I know sister but he is so infuriating," Luna said with frustration in he voice. But before we could continue this a letter from Twilight appeared. Why would she send me this? I already got her friendship report, I wonder what this could be? I then noticed Luna with a curious expression on her face also wondering the same thing. I then began to read the letter out loud so Luna could hear what was on the letter. Dear Princess Celestia, I know this will be a short letter to you but my I never go to mention in the friendship report that Rarity found a dragon scale in the cell she was in. She didn't reveal she had it until after I sent the report to you. It looks to be the same one you gave to me. If you aren't busy can you tell us who these belonged to. Also if you can, can you please tell us what it says on them? Your Student. Twilight Sparkle As I was reading the letter aloud both me and Celestia eyes went wide. I then heard Luna say "Do you think our old friend Wolkiimrel gave it to Rarity?" I then said to her "I don't think so, he would've shown himself to Rarity if he did." I then continued on and said "Do you think we should call him back, I do miss his company." Even though we only knew him for about a month he was our first friend besides Star Swirl. He also for whatever reason was a lot of fun to be around with. "I think we should sister, it has been too long since we have seen him." I noticed that Luna got a little excited at the mention of bringing our old dragon friend back. I just smiled at her and said "Alright we will go to Ponyville tomorrow and talk to them tomorrow." Luna practically squealed which was not what I was expecting at all from her. I then got a piece of paper and began to write..... Dear Twilight, I do know about what the scale says and who they belonged to. I will come to Ponyville tomorrow, and don't tidy up the place like its a party it is only a social visit. All will be explained when I get there, and also Luna will be coming with me as well. Your Mentor, Princess Celestia > Chapter 2 Questions Answered > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Spike For the love of Celestia, I feel like Twilight right now. I was so interested in those scales and the writing on them that I searched for a way to translate them. I searched through the whole library for anything that could've been useful. I spent the whole night going through the books on languages and dragons and didn't find anything. It also wasn't helping my stress level that Twilight heard that both Princess's were coming. Even though it said they were coming down just to talk to us she still made sure the library was clean. Of course I just left before she could ask me to do any of that. Screw that I'm not going to do something that I don't have to do. But I'm pretty sure that won't stop Twilight from turning the place upside down. I'm now sitting in the park clearing my head trying to think of what those scales say. Just as I was starting to relax I heard a group of ponies walk towards me. I opened my eyes to see the CMC in front of me. I heard Applebloom ask me "Are you alright there Spike?" I then turned towards her and said "Yes I am fine just clearing my head from all the reading that I was doing last night." I then heard Scootaloo laugh and I turned and asked "What's so funny?" When she stopped laughing she just said "Jeez Spike don't tell me your turning into an egghead." I blushed a little in embarrassment which caused them to giggle. Scoots then asked "Why were you up anyway last night?" Oh boy where do I begin to talk about this. I then began to explain to them what happened last night. I guess Rarity never told Sweetie about what happened yesterday because she nearly fainted. I then got to the part about the dragon scales that Rarity and Twilight have. That seemed to catch their interest because it caused all of their eyes to light up. They became even more interested when they heard both the princesses were coming down to explain it. "Can we come and hear what the Princesses say Spike?" Dear Lord they are giving me the puppy eyes, which they didn't even need to do because I was going to le them come anyway. But I cringed and said "Yeah you don't really need to ask......can you please stop giving me the puppy dog eyes." They didn't relent so it was making it difficult to not have a heart attack. "Please I said please can you stop?" They all in turned just started to giggle at my expense. I got out of my seat and started to walk back to the library. All three of them were following behind me trotting happily. I swear everything that they do is cute enough to kill someone. Timeskip(Twilight's Library) As soon as I walked into the library with the CMC I saw the rest of the girls their waiting. When Twilight noticed the CMC behind me she asked why they were here. I had to explain that they wanted to hear what the scales were. She didn't seemed to bothered with the CMC here. We all waited for what seemed like an hour, but it really had only been about 10 minutes. Then all of the sudden a light glow appeared in front of us. This scared pretty much all of us and we all recoiled backwards. But when I looked back I could see both Princess Luna and Celestia in front of me. We all bowed our heads in respect to the two of them but I grew eager to know about the scales. This really was the first time I had ever really been interested in something. I think I was mainly excited because they were dragon scales. When we all greeted each other Celestia spoke up. "Twilight do you have the scales?" She seemed a little excited for whatever reason which got me curious. But that wasn't the only thing I noticed, Luna seemed to be even more excited then Celestia. Do they know the dragon that these belonged to?? Well I'm about to find out what it says so I should probably be quiet and listen. I then heard to no surprise, Twilight's voice first "Princess do you know what these scales are or who they belonged to??" To all of our surprise we saw the two of them get excited when she asked that question. But before Celestia could say anything Luna said "I got this one sister, I will explain it to them." She just nodded her head and decided to let Luna talk. We all turned our focus towards her and then she started to speak. "These scales belonged to an old friend of ours." She then smiled very happily and this caught everyone's attention. Luna then continued to speak "He was a dragon named Wolkiimrel he was our friend when we were fillies." Before she could continue Rainbow spoke up "Does that mean that this guy is as old as you princess?" "Yes and no Rainbow Dash," we all grew confused so she explained it. "Well we don't know if he is alive anymore, the last time we saw him was when he had to leave because some sort of event was happening. That was about 1000 years ago and we never found out where he went." All of us were interested in this story even the CMC. Then Celestia decide to speak up "As for the writing on the scales, the language isn't from anywhere on our planet." This caused all of us to gasp but she continued "He traveled to here from his realm and stayed here." Then Scoots decided to speak up "We have to go and find this dragon." We all nodded our heads in agreement, any dragon that's a friend of the princess is a friend of mine. "What does the writing on the scale say?" I recognized that voice who was Fluttershy who was usually the quiet one out of all of us. Celestia then decided to answer the question "It says...." she cleared her throat and then said "Whoever may this scale find its way to you. Give them the power of eternal trust of the dragon this belongs to. Whoever may find this scale may the powers of the dragon Wolkiimrel aid you. But those who use these for wrong doings may you find suffering in the world below the surface." We all shivered at that last part about being sent to the underworld. Twilight who had been writing everything down noticed something. "Hey princess what is that light on the edge of the scale?" We all noticed what she was talking about, it seemed to be a bright light. It was pointing south and then I realized something. I then spoke up "I think its a compass," everyone turned to me in confusion then I continued. "Watch this...." I then grabbed the scale and turned it and the light moved to face the south. Everyone then gasped and realized that I was correct when it started to move. "Well I'll be sugercube it seems you were right," Applejack spoke up first. I just gave a sheepish smile then we turned back to the princess. "Well it seems like we need to find this Wolkhamroll..." I just face palmed at Pinkie messing up his name. Celestia then spoke up "Wolkiimrel Pinkie......but she is right we should find our old friend." We all saw the two of them smile warmly at all of us. We all then stepped outside and looked to where the compass was pointing. All of us frowned when we realized that it was pointing towards the Everfree forest. Everyone except CMC wanted to go, they all said that they all have homework to do. So we all made our way to the forest. We all went in, even Fluttershy who was shaking like a leaf. I hope this doesn't get us all killed. Even though we have the princesses with us its still dangerous here, well lets see how this all turns out...... > Chapter 3 The Dragons Den > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Luna As I was holding the scale I realized that the light on the scale was flashing. I think everyone else noticed, I guess that means we are getting closer to him. For whatever strange reason I was getting more and more excited as we got closer Now that I think about it how did he manage to stay hidden all this time? Wouldn't somebody have found him by now? As we approached a giant stone wall on the side of a hill. We turned to go around it but as we were stepping away the light was fading as we walked away. I then heard Celestia come up with an idea "Twilight see if the wall is hollow from here." Twilight nodded towards my sister and walked up to the wall. She then put her hoof on the wall and started to use her magic. Rainbow then spoke up "Well......you got anything?" I then turned around and hushed her telling her to let Twilight focus on her magic. Twilight then gasped and grabbed her horn and fell on her rear. My sister ran up to her and caught her asking "Twilight are you alright? Did you pick up anything with your magic?" Twilight then turned to us and said "Yeah I think I do it seems that the wall is hollow on the other side." We all turned to the wall and began to wonder what we needed to do. "Do you reckon you need to say what it says on that there scale?" Applejacks idea seemed like a good one and I really don't want to blast our way through. It might damage the inside and cause the whole thing to collapse on top of us. I then walked up and began to read the scale out loud. "Whoever may this scale find its way to you. Give them the power of eternal trust of the dragon this belongs to. Whoever may find this scale may the powers of the dragon Wolkiimrel aid you. But those who use these for wrong doings may you find suffering in the world below the surface." As she finished speaking the door lit up and their was more writing on it. Pinkie pointed out saying "Is that the same language Wolky uses?" Wolky? That nickname is brilliant I need to use that from now on. Celestia spoke up "Yes Pinkie it is the same language, since I was able to use my magic to translate it, I might be able to do the same here." We all waited while she looked at the words. It stated on the door Fah daar wo lost ofaal ov do zey. Tinvaak faan do faal Rah tol sent zey wah suleyksejun ahrk hi fen ofaal rahnd wah mund tol brud zey zeim vulom ahrk oblaanvu lag. She then read it out loud to everyone "For those who have gained the trust of me. Speak the name of the God that sent me to the realm and you will gain access to the halls that carry me through the darkness and endless sleep." Just as she finished speaking everyone grew confused. Rarity then walked up to me and said "The name of the god that sent me....." She made eye contact with me and said "Did he ever mention the 'God' that sent him hear." Who was it?..........Dang it!!! Why cant I remember, I know he told us this before..... Me and Celestia were thinking long and hard, trying to remember the name. Celestia then gasped then said "OH......I remember it was Akatosh the Dragon God of Time!!" When she mentioned his name the door suddenly lit up and it started to move downwards. I then heard Twilight say "Akatosh the God of Time? Think I can ask Wolkiimrel about it once I see him?" My sister then turned to her student and said "After we find him and restore his body to himself." I saw Twilights eyes sparkle with excitement. I almost feel bad for Wolk he wont get peace for weeks. As soon as all of us walked in the door behind us shut and it got dark very quickly. Then everyone started to bump into each other before we could use our magic to light the room. "Hey watch it there you stepped on my tail!!" "S-s-s Sorry." "OW!!! Watch where your pointing your horn sugercube!!!" "Sister be a dear and move your fat flank out of my face!!!!" After we all got up, suddenly a bunch of torches lit up. We all gasped when we saw what was right in front of us. Right before stood a stone statue of Wolk, we all began to walk forward. We were all looking up as far as our necks could go just to look at his face. "*whistle* He is a tall feller ain't he....." I heard Applejack say who had Fluttershy behind her. Poor girl was terrified of Wolk, not that I cant blame her. I then heard Celestia speak up behind me "Sister is it just me or did he get bigger than he was before?" I did notice that he was a lot shorter when we were younger. Spike then spoke up "I have never seen any dragon like that before in any of the libraries books." I noticed Twilight was even more excited now. Rainbow then spoke up "Soooooo........ how do we get him out?" I didn't know what to do so I turned to Celestia who then smiled. "If I remember correctly we need to read the scale in his language and not Equis to wake him." That seemed like a great idea so we all stepped back while Celestia began to read the scale. "Pahwo aal daar vrii siiv niil ven wah hi. Ofan niin suleyk do unahzaal ov do dovah daar engein wah. Pahwo aal siiv daar vrii aal suleyk do dovah Wolkiimrel frey hi. Nuz daar wo brah daar fah folaas doings aal hi aus ko lein atum daasin." Just as she began to finish we all noticed that cracks began to form in the statue and it began to shake. Then we began to hear a low grumble sound and Wolk fell and landed on his head in front of us. We all ran to his side to make sure he was alright. Surprisingly Fluttershy was the first to speak "His he going to be alright?" Before I was able to answer we all noticed that he began to move. He opened his eyes and was looking at us. Both me and my sister walked up to him and Celestia spoke "Wolk.....?" > Chapter 4 Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel I slowly opened my eyes to only to see a bunch of blurs. One thing I could tell though was that I grew, mainly because I can feel my back legs touching the wall. I then heard a voice speak up in front of me but it was garbled since my hearing hasn't come back yet. I then heard a voice that sounded familiar "Wolk can you hear me?" My eyes were still adjusting to my surroundings, until I finally was able to see. I saw both Celestia and Luna in front of me. They were looking at me with worry on their faces. Celestia then spoke up saying "Wolk please answer me. Are you alright I tried to get up but I couldn't, but I was able to find my voice. I turned to them and said "Yes I'm fine." I saw them both visibly relax when I said that. I chuckled then continued to speak "My you both have grown a considerable amount since I last saw you," this caused the two of them to chuckle. I then noticed we were not the only ones in the room. I turned my head so I could see the others that were their with us. I counted six ponies, two pegasus, two unicorns and two earth ponies. Before I could speak or even breathe for that matter all I could see was pink. I finally noticed the pink earth pony was on my snout speaking at a rather fast pace. So fast that I couldn't even make out a word that she said "HimynameisPinkiePie,youmustbeWolkhamrolltheprincesstold-" Before she could continue the orange pony put a hoof over her mouth and pulled her off of my snout. "Gosh darnnit Pinkie give the guy some room would ya!" She was definitely southern judging based on her accent. I noticed the purple one was getting closer to me walking very slowly. She was definitely nervous judging from how much she was shaking. She then took a deep breathe then began to speak "Hi there....Wolkiimrel......my name is Twilight." She stopped then continued to speak "These are my friends...…" She then started to name everyone off that was in the room with us. All of the sudden, the one known as Rainbow Dash got into my face. "He doesn't look so tough to me...." she said arrogantly. Does she have a death wish cause that was just offensive? I then rose to my full height and I made my voice go very deep. I then said to her "Is that a challenge weakling...cause if it is I wouldn't mind adding an arrogant, annoying brat to my list of kills." That got her to back up in fear a couple steps then I looked over to the one known as Twilight. I then lowered myself low to the ground and said "Keep your pet dog on a leash before I deal with her." I noticed that Rainbow gulped which was highly amusing to me. I then looked at Celestia and said "Mind telling me why you woke me form my slumber?" She then replied "We just missed you and...……well we haven't seen you in over a thousand years so....." So that's why they called me back, cant say I'm not flattered though. "Well I think its about time I woke up. I wouldn't want to remain in stone for all of eternity now would I?" I said with a smirk that formed on my mouth. That was when Luna walked up to me and gave me a hug on the snout. It was making it hard not to sneeze because of all the fur that was pressing against me. She then spoke "Its been a long time Wolky I though we wouldn't see you again." Wolky??? That's quite the nickname I have found myself with. It was then that I realized that the cave I was in looked like a crypt. "Did someone make this whole thing around me?" I saw the confusion in all of their faces." The walls and carved stone none of that was here before," all of us looked all around the room. But I didn't want to press into anything I just wanted to leave this area. I then said "But I bet that doesn't matter at the moment I just want to leave this place." Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and just as we made it to the door someone spoke up. "How do you plan on getting through the door darling?" I then looked behind to notice that the one that said that was the unicorn known as Rarity. I then smirked a little and said "Like this...you might want to step back." Everyone then took a couple steps back and I got in front of the hallow wall. I felt the power of the Thu'um move through out my body and then I released.... FUS RO DAH The shout hit the wall with a loud boom and the whole wall fell forward, crumbling as it fell down. I turned back to see everyone with their jaws on the floor with the exception of Celestia and Luna. Twilight then was able to look at me and say "H-h-h-How did you do that?" I noticed that Rainbow was hasn't even moved so I blew some of my frost breathe at her. She then immediately jumped up yelling "Cold!!!!! Very Cold!!!!!" This stifled a laugh out of me and I looked back at Twilight. I then said to her "That is called the Thu'um, its power all of us dragons have." I noticed when I looked down that she was writing everything down on parchment. I then spoke again saying "We will continue this conversation when we get to Canterlot..." As soon as we got out I gestured for all of them to get on my back which confused everyone. I rolled my eyes and said "It will be a lot faster if we fly back to where we need to go." Just then Luna said "We are not heading back to Canterlot, we are heading back to Ponyville." It was now my turn to looked confused and she continued "Its a village outside of the forest." Then everyone got on my back with the exception of Luna, Celestia and Rainbow Dash. I looked back and said "Your all going to have to guide me to where I am going." I heard Twilight say "I'll do it," so I then took off slowly to make sure they all were able to stay on. When I was off the ground Twilight pointed North and we I started to fly to this 'Ponyville'. > Chapter 5 Even More Questions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolk "Wolk watch out for that tree!?!" Twilight yelled from on my back. I then made a hard right to avoid the tree. I then flew up high to avoid hitting anything else near the ground. "Weeeeeeeee this is fun!!" I heard Pinkie yell from behind me. So the current situation were in right now is that my wings are having a harder time keeping me up. By that I mean that they aren't fully awake yet. Eventually I was able to level out and maintain a straight path. "I think it would've been better if we walked back darling." I heard Rarity say from behind me. "You would be right on that one sugercube." I looked back to see Applejack with a green face. I looked up to see the princesses and Rainbow giggling. I looked back to Twilight and asked "How far are we from this Ponyville?" She looked at me and said "Not to far we are just about to leave the forest now." I don't know how much the forest has changed since I was asleep but it was definitely more populated then it used to be. I have seen so many more animals then I did when I would come here in the past. I looked up to see a small village in front of me. I heard Applejack yell from behind me "You can land at ma field, there ain't that many ponies there." I looked over and saw a giant apple orchard to my right and I moved to land there. I saw a nice area to land and I set down very softly. I heard Rainbow say when she landed " That was some smooth flying there Wolk." I detected a lot of sarcasm in her voice. But I didn't think about it since I know she was just messing with me. I noticed that the Dragon named Spike walked up to me. "Hey I have a quick question for you." I turned to him and he continued "What is the language that dragons like you use? I've been wanting to ask that for a while now." Do the dragons here not use the same language as me? I thought for sure that we would speak the same language That was then that I realized that all of them were able to understand me from the beginning since I met them. I'll have to ask Akatosh if he had anything to do with that. But I answered Spikes question "The language that I use is known as Dovah. Is that not the same language that you use?" He then shook his head and said "No most races here speak Equis." I then heard Twilight "Wait if you speak Dovah then how are you communicating with us?" Well I literally just asked myself the same question. I replied saying "I don't know, I'm still trying to figure that out for myself." I then changed topics "How about you tell me about this place? I mean I've never been here before." Twilight and Spike both offered to show me around. Both Luna and Celestia both decided to tag along as well. We then started to walk away from the farm. Timeskip(Twilights Library) "......and this is the library where me and Spike work at." Twilight said, you know this place keeps getting stranger and stranger. I'm pretty convinced that I will never understand this realm ever. I had a hard time processing that a shop here is based off of sweets. Pinkie wanted me to try just about everything at the shop. I had to decline because dragons have a hard time digesting sweets and it can make us sick. Luna and Celestia both had to leave to go back to the capital. But I said that I might be able to visit before I head to my cave, which I hope is still there. Twilight then turned to me and asked "If it's alright with you I would like to ask some questions?" I nodded my head and we walked over to a nearby tree and I laid down. Twilight then began to speak "So what is your full name? I know its Wolkiimrel but it has to be longer right?" I then replied back to her "My full name is Wolkiimrel the Striker." I noticed that she was writing everything on a parchment. I waited for her to finish writing and ask the next question. "So what did you do before coming to Equestria, like what was your job?" That was a question I was hoping she wouldn't ask. I then sighed then said "I used to be apart of a dragon army. It wasn't like the guards you have here." She was writing a little slower, I could tell she was a little on edge about how I was talking about this. I continued to speak "I served Alduin The World-Eater, he was so hell bent on destroying all of Tamriel which was the land I was from." I noticed that she stopped writing when I mentioned Alduin. I heard Spike speak up "Alduin The World-Eater, doesn't sound very friendly does he?" If only Spike knew how badly Alduin treated his dragons, I still remember how bad it was when he suspected one of us leaked his plan to the nords. "Alduin has killed a rather large amount of beings. All the way from animals like deer and sabre cats all the way to killing other dragons." I began to remember him killing other dragons because they didn't follow orders. Hell I was almost one of the dragons that were killed but if it weren't for me being a 'valuable asset' to him he would've killed me. Twilight then spoke "Why would he kill another one of his own species?" I looked at the ground and said "Because that is how he shows his power to the others. By killing others he gained support until nobody would stand up to him." I heard Spike say "Was Alduin defeated or is he still around?" I turned to him and said "No me and my dragon friends along with the help of someone known as the Dragonborn helped defeat Alduin." I noticed that Twilight relaxed when I said that Alduin was defeated. After answering some questions about me and race, I noticed that the parchment was filled all the way to the bottom. With all that writing she could probably write a whole book about me. That would be the day wouldn't it. "Alright that should be all that I need. Thank you Wolk for talking with me. Will you should be on your way, see you later Wolk." Twilight and Spike then headed back to the library. I looked up into the air thinking to myself while they were making their way back to the library. I wonder how everything is back in Tamriel. It may be a harsh land but it would be a shame if the land was destroyed. Well let's see what's changed since I was last at Canterlot. I then got up and flapped my wings and took off from the ground. I noticed that the sun was going down and the moon was slowly coming up. The night here is almost as beautiful as it was back in Skyrim. I wonder if the land has become more peaceful since the end of the 'dragon menace" I chuckled at the name that the humans called that time period. As I was flying I began to think about Tamriel and Skyrim and what has happened since I have left the place. I sighed then began to think about what I am going to do nowadays. I do have a couple things in mind for my future. But I will talk with Celestia and Luna about that but I'll talk to them tommorow. I know I said I was going to meet them tonight but it's late and somehow I'm tired. I guess sleeping for a thousand years doesn't give me energy. Well tommorow starts my second day back in Equestria, hopefully it doesn't end up going horribly. I reached my old cave that was surprisingly abandoned. I had thought that the princesses would've used this for something. I looked over inside and noticed that the place had been cleaned up. The floor was a lot cleaner and smoother, and the walls had patterns all over them. I then noticed a small room off to the left and I walked into the room. It looked like an area where I could sleep for the night. I mean we dragons can sleep anywhere really, not that I mind having a designated area to sleep in. I walked over to the area and laid down on my head. I was laying there for about ten minutes before I started to feel tired. I slowly let sleep take over my mind and body and I finally felt my eyes shut. That was until I opened them again to see I wasn't in the room anymore, I then heard a voice behind me. Hello Wolk, its been a long time traitor. I turned around to see who was behind me but I couldn't see who it was. But I definitely saw a shape of a dragon, but what stood out was the dark scales that this dragon had on its body. However the part that looked familiar was the dragons eyes, which were a reddish color. They were filled with hate, I only knew one dragon who had that deep of voice and that color of eyes. I then recognized the dragon that was standing in front of me. As much as I didn't want to speak I found my voice and said "Alduin...…….?" > Chapter 6 Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel "Alduin...…….?" I don't believe it...….Alduins in front of me, but that doesn't make any sense. I looked over to him and replaced my fear with courage and gave him an angry look. I then said to him "You should be dead, you shouldn't be here I watched you die with my own two eyes." He then chuckled and then the next thing that I know we are back in Sovngarde. He just looked over at me and didn't say anything. But the thing I noticed was that I saw the Dovahkiin in front of me. He looked over in my direction and didn't see or notice me, so I must be invisible to him. I then looked over to my left and I saw a second Alduin but this one was on the ground in pain. I then realized that we were looking at a memory, but anything that the being said in this memory was silent. I then heard Alduin speak up from behind me. You see Wolk the thing that you could never do was finish the job. My point being that I never actually died but I did what Akatosh did with you. Wait does that mean he survived the battle, but how? I looked back at him and said "Then why haven't you attacked this land surely you would have destroyed this place by now." I would've if my body wasn't destroyed when I moved over to this realm. But even though my body was destroyed my soul went to the closest host nearby.... He then turned back to the scene that was going on and I noticed something. Instead of the his soul going to the Dragonborn I saw it move towards me in the scene. My eyes widened in realization when I figured it out. That means that Alduin.....transferred his soul to me...….but how did I not feel his soul come to me. I think he is was to hear my thinking because he just nodded his head as I finished. He then looked back at me and said.... Yes that means this entire time you were wondering around Tamriel, this realm and even when you were asleep. I was in your body and I watched everything that happened this whole entire time you were here. I was about to say something until again I noticed something. My eyes were a lighter shade before his soul entered my body. When he did my eyes were just like his, a dark red color and before I could question why, they turned back to normal. Even though my time here is limited and I wont be able to speak for much longer know this Wolk..... oblaan fah hi, daar suleyksejun, ahrk hin fahdon fen bo wah oblaan das (The end for you, this realm, and your friends will come to an end soon) (music end) Everything again went white and Alduin disappeared from my sight. Before I could do anything else the room became bright again then it went dark and my eyes shut. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ My eyes snapped awake and I immediately got onto my feet. I scanned around the room and saw that there wasn't anybody there. I relaxed a little but I still was on edge because of what just happened. Alduin...….is in my body with me, this still doesn't make any sense.....looks like I need to have another talk with The Great Dragon Akatosh. I remembered that I needed to talk with Celestia and Luna back at Canterlot castle. I got to my feet, flexed my wings and I started to walk towards the entrance to the cave. As soon as I got out I felt a nice cool breeze on my body. I walked over to the edge of the area where my cave was at and looked out over the land. The land here is still as beautiful as it was in the past. To think there hasn't been anything strong enough to destroy or invade this land.........If Alduin were to be set free I will protect my friends from him. This realm always seemed to be to good to be real. But I remember in the past that I used to miss the battle that I would fight back in Tamriel. I'll have to ask if I can visit again sometime, just for old time sake. But that brings up the question, is it safe to go back to Skyrim with Alduins soul in my body. I sighed and decided to ask Akatosh those questions.....whenever I see him again. I then spread my wings and gave them a mighty flap and I was lifted into the air. I'll tell you there is nothing better than feeling the breeze as you fly around. But now is not the time, I need to speak with the princesses back at Canterlot. As I was flying down I noticed that the wind was picking up a bit. I was guessing that there was going to be a storm later on today. Better pick up the pace a bit if I wan to get through the day. Timeskip (Canterlot Palace) As soon as I flew over the court yard it looks like I was going through a repeat of what happened in the past. As soon as I landed there were a ton of guards with their weapons out ready to attack me. One of them which I'm guessing was the leader yelled "HALT!!!! Stop where you are....state your business now or we will engage." Why is it that little beings like them think they can take me on in combat. Before I came to that option I said "I am here to speak with the Princesses, we are old friends form a long time age." This caused some of the guards to laugh and the captain joined in on the laughter. They were really starting to piss me off now. "Really the princesses are your friend?" He stopped talking and laughed again and said "Yeah and I rule all of Equestria. now tell me why you are really here." This guy better shut up before I do something that will hurt him. So I decide the best thing to do was to stay silent. "Not very talkative huh? Alright then," he then to his soldiers and said "Alright boys lets show this dragon how weak he-" FUS RO DAH I didn't let him finish, he pissed me off when he said 'weak'. I then turned to the rest of the guards with an angry expression that made most of them cower in fear. I then turned back to the pony that was next to the captain and said "Now go get the princesses now before I get even more pissed off." He seemed to get the message and he ran off to find them. I then turned to the down captain and said "Now what was that about being 'weak' again," I saw him gulp and I began to walk over to him. I don't know if I will get in trouble for this but screw it, this guy has what's coming to him. > Chapter 7 The Job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Celestia Today hasn't been the active, surprisingly there hasn't been that many problems. Usually the nobles always come to me for the simplest of things. As I was looking through some papers I heard a sound come from outside. FUS RO DAH I looked up from the papers and got up from my throne. I noticed that the yell made the guards jump. I then realized that I didn't tell the guards about Wolkiimrel. Oh no.....how did I forget about that.......I hope none of my guards were stupid enough to try to fight him. I began to run down the hall and then I saw a guard running down the hall towards me. "Princess!!!" I stopped for a moment so he could catch his breathe but I then continued to run towards the courtyard. "There is a massive dragon outside in the courtyard!" He said in a panicked voice, he then started to run with me to the courtyard. "I noticed, please tell me nopony tried to fight him......" I said awaiting the worst. I then noticed that he grew nervous when I said that. "Well Captain Storm Hopper, was going to until the dragon did this weird yell and he was sent flying." He looked nervous, I guess he assumed that I was going to punish him in someway. But I wasn't worried about that at the current moment. We then made it to the door to the court yard, I almost broke the door when I slammed into it. The first thing I noticed was Captain Storm being held up in the air by his tail. He was yelling "Okay, okay I'm sorry now put me down!?!" I relaxed when the courtyard wasn't a mess, I also noticed that Wolk had an amused expression on his face. "Wolk put him down I think he's had enough...." I saw him frown but he did lower his paw and dropped Storm on his head. Storm got up and said "Princess this dragon said he's a friend of yours, is that true?" This is just like the first time he came here. I need it to be known that he is a friend of both me and Luna. "Yes he is a friend of me and my sister, now next time check with me before you do something like this again." He started to sweat profusely and he looked even more scared then when he was being held by Wolkiimrel. "Sorry Princess but I didn't expect a creature like him to be your friend." He said surprisingly he didn't stutter at all when he spoke. I heard Wolk speak up from behind me "Watch your tongue pony, I won't hesitate to hurt you should you call me creature again." He was very serious when he said that, he had a a look that would most likely intimidate any being that received that look. I feel bad for those who had to experience Wolk at full strength, not a fate I would want to have. I heard the door open and a voice speak up from behind me. "Aunty what was the dreadful noise? It sounded like- Oh what in the gods name is that thing!?!" Blueblood........great just what I needed at the moment. I turned to him to answer but all of the sudden I heard growling behind me. I turned to see Wolks eye color change, they were now a dark red color. When he spoke his voice was a lot deeper then it was a while ago. "The next pony to call me creature will get a one way trip over the edge, understand?" Blueblood did the one thing I didn't want him to do and he began to threaten Wolk. "How dare you threaten me!! I should-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off by Wolk. FO KRAH DIIN Suddenly a large wave of ice hit Blueblood and completely froze him. All the guards had their jaws dropped, even Storm. He then spoke up "Anyone else want to make anymore threats to me? No? Good let's keep it that way...." When he turned to me I had a was a little shocked by his threats. I turned to face the guards and said "Go back to your positions and get Blueblood thawed out!" I then turned to Wolk and said "Come on let's take a walk to the gardens." "You do realize that I'm too tall to go into the castle." He was right I didn't really think about how he was going to get in now. "Then let us fly towards the garden," we both flew up into the air and made our way to the gardens. I then asked him "Why did you come here for? I know your here for some reason, in the past you only came down if there was a threat to us." He began to speak "Well since Star Swirl is no longer here, I dont have anything to do and I was wondering if you had any ideas for things I might be able to do." He continued "I was thinking about joining the army or the guards as you call them. But since that encounter just happened I doubt they will let me join them." I then began to think of something that Wolk would be able to do. I then came up with the idea "Hey since you are a warrior in your own way. I was wondering if you would be a guardian or something like that, you could protect the capital from dangers." I could see him thinking about that idea and I waited for an answer from him. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel A guardian? That sounds interesting, I mean it will put use of my power and strength. I then looked over to her and said "I'll do it, not like I have much else to do." I saw her smile at my decision, she looked relieved when I said that. We made it to the gardens and landed in an open area big enough for both of us. She then said to me happily "Good that well help us in so many ways. I am however going to announce that to everypony in the city." I nodded my head and she said "I think that most of the ponies saw you when you flew over so I think they will probably want an explanation." I then said to her "While you are announcing that I am going to be flying around near Ponyville. Should you ever need me that's where I'll be for a while." She looked at me and nodded, she then began to walk towards the door then I yelled to her "Give Luna my greetings when you can!" She looked back with a smile and nodded again. I was about to leave until I felt something nearby. I turned and found the source to be coming from a statue. The statue was of a weird looking creature, I looked down at the sign beneath it and it said 'Discord the God of Chaos'. I don't know what was with the statue but I felt something familiar about it. I then turned and flew up into the air and began to make my way back to Ponyville.... > Chapter 8 Foals and Wolves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel I was flying through the air when I saw Ponyville in my sight. I decided to head towards the library and see if Twilight and Spike were nearby. As soon as I flew over Ponyville I got a lot of attention form ponies, but they didn't seem to worried about me. Which was kinda weird since the first time I came here they all ran away from me. I guess I should ask Twilight about that if I see her at all. Usually everyone starts to arm themselves with weapons when dragons are nearby. Again this just reinforces my point on this realm being to good to be true. I saw a safe secluded space for me to land and landed as quietly as I could without startling any of the ponies that were here. As soon as I landed though I heard a voice from behind me. "Hey their Wolk!" I turned around to see Spike with three little ponies with him. "Woah you were right Spike when you said he was cool looking!!" The orange one said with awe in her voice. I looked over to Spike you blushed a little and rubbed that back of his head nervously. This made me chuckle at how easy Spike got embarrassed by such little praise. "Hi there my name is Sweetie Belle," I looked over and saw a light grey pony. I gave a small nod and she continued "This is Scootaloo or Scoots for short and this is Applebloom, and we are the...……" "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!!" Dang for a group of small ponies they sure are a loud bunch. I was rubbing my ears when I noticed that Applebloom was walking up to me. I then heard Applebloom speak " *whistle* Dang my sister was right when she said you were a tall feller." She must be Applejacks sister, now that I look at her she does look a lot like her and the accents just like hers. It also seems like I'm a pretty big topic to talk about around here. Scootaloo then walked up to me and began to look at my wings. She looked over to me and said "How did you get wings that big they don't even look like they fit your body size." I laughed at that statement and said "Well that is just how dragons form my realm are with our huge wings." I then turned to Spike and said "How did you know I was going to land over here?" "I mean you aren't that hard to spot, I mean you are a pretty huge dragon. You'd have to be blind in order to miss you." Well if that's the case then that might mean that other people might come over. I don't like being watched by multiple beings at once it puts me on edge. Well if they are suspicious of me it might cause some interesting encounters with the locals. But I cant really blame them if they don't accept me right away, they probably don't get visitors like me around here. "Hey mister..." I turned and noticed that there were multiple foals looking at me. I'm surprised that I wasn't able to sense them nearby. I saw that there was an adult with them who was walking up to me. The pony walked up to me and said "You must be this Wolk character that the CMC won't stop talking about." Again it seems like everyone is talking about me here. It seems like at this rate the whole planet will know of my existence. I noticed the foals eyes were glued onto me most of them looking at me with awe. I then said to her "Indeed I am, my full name being Wolkiimrel the Striker." I noticed that some of the foals were trying to pronounce my name. I smirked because of how long it took most of them to figure out how to say it. I then turned to the pony and said "I never did catch your name, might I ask what it is?" "My name is Cheerilee I'm a teacher at the Ponyville Schoolhouse. We were all outside for recess when we saw you fly overhead." I nodded my head and looked over to the foals who all the foals who were talking to each other. She then said to them "Come on its time to go in class we are almost through the day." I saw all of them look at her with disappointed looks on their faces. They obviously wanted to stay out since I literally just arrived here. I saw Spike come up to me and said "You wanna walk around Ponyville." I then looked at him and said "How in the Nine Divines do you expect me to fit through the streets?" He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and said "Didn't really think about that did I?" It seems like everyone forgets how tall I am when it comes to walking. He then said "Well we can wait for the CMC to get out of school, they all wanted to talk to you." I wonder what they would want to talk about with me. I should probably stay away from the fighting, don't want to end up getting into any trouble for talking about death around the young ones. I turned my head to Spike and nodded agreeing to wait for them. Timeskip 1 hour While we were waiting we heard a ringing sound, I immediately snapped my eyes open and saw a bunch of foals run out. I saw the CMC run up to me and Spike with a lot of excitement. I heard Sweetie speak up "I though you would leave here, why did you stick around?" I could tell that she was thrilled that I was still here. I said "Spike here convinced me to stick around since you all have questions for me." That seemed to cause the excitement in the fillies to grow even more. I heard Scootaloo ask "Can you take us over to Applebloom farm, we can talk on our way there." I nodded my head and lowered my body to the ground. They were looking at me with confusion and I said "We will fly there, I can't really walk around the streets without destroying something." As soon as I said fly Scootaloo's eyes lit up and she immediately hopped onto my back. She then turned to Spike and the others saying "Come on!!! We get a ride a dragon I'm not letting this opportunity pass up." It seems her excitement caused all of them even more excitement and they hopped on. I looked back and said "You might want to hold onto something." I felt all of them grab a hold of my back and with a mighty flap I took off into the air. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Twilight Where has that dragon ran off to? I've been searching for Spike for about an hour now, he was suppose to go back to the library after running over to the school. The only place I haven't checked are Applejacks and The School House. I just hope that he their I don't want to be doing this all day. I saw Applejack moving a barrel of apples over to the barn. She put the barrel in the barn and turned to look over to me. "Howdy Twilight what brings ya here?" "Have you seen Spike? I've been looking everywhere for him and I cant seem to find him anywhere." I said with a little worry present in my voice. She turned over to me and said "Sorry Twi but I haven't seen the fella since dis morning when he walked with ma sister to the school." "Well thanks for letting me know, ill see if he's at the schoolhouse." I began to walk away until I heard a growling noise coming from the side. Applejack heard it to because she stopped moving and began to listen as well. "Do you hear that AJ?" I said while moving backwards and moving towards her. "I sure did Twilight and I don't like the sound of it." We both turned our heads towards the forest to see what the noise was. In the forest I could see multiple pairs of green eyes looking right at us. We both started to move backwards towards the house and we noticed the eyes were moving closer. I heard AJ say in a quiet tone "Twi run to the house when I do...." I nodded my head and waited for her to start moving. We stood their for what felt like ten minutes but then AJ yelled "GO RUN!!!!" We both turned quickly and sprinted towards the house. I could hear multiple footsteps behind us and I turned around to see the Timberwolves closing in on us. We got into the house in time and ran up the steps. "Where are Granny Smith and Mac?" I looked over to Applejack with even more worry for my friends family. She looked over and said "Don't worry they both went into town together and were going to pick up Applebloom." I relaxed but then I heard banging on the door downstairs and ran into AJ's room. She then said "Quick onto the roof through the window we should be fine from there." We then climbed through the window and onto the roof. We saw multiple wolves in total down there, there had to be at least 12 of them which wasn't normal. I then said to AJ "There are way to many wolves for this to be normal!" "I know usually their are just three of them critters but this ain't normal!" AJ sounded a little more worried then I did which in turn made me nervous. All of the sudden we heard a loud yell come from the sky. '"Twilight up here!?!" We both looked up to see Spike and the CMC riding on top of Wolk. Wolk then began to hover and let the others off of his back. Once they were all off Wolk flew towards the wolves who were now focused on him. He then let out that loud yell again like before at the cave...…. STRUN BAH QO > Chapter 9 Wolves, Bears and Dragons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel STRUN BAH QO I just let the CMC off my back and began to fight with the wolves that were surrounding the house. I noticed that my Storm Call was forming over head and I landed on the ground. I saw a wolf try to get near me but it got struck by a lightning bolt. The storm was getting worse began to hit the wolves that tried to get close to me. The wolves began to attack me but the bites and scratches weren't doing anything to me. But one of the wolves that was bigger than the rest bit into my leg causing me to bleed. I quickly snapped my head down and with as much force as I could I threw it up into the air and used my frost breathe on it. The body of the wolf froze and hit the ground with a sickening thud and shattered into a lot of pieces. I saw that the wolf was bleeding with a green like substance. These aren't anything like I've ever seen before. What sort of dark Daedra magic is this?! I swung my tail and swept most of the wolves off of their feet. When they were all knocked down I quickly moved over to two of them and with my feet stomped on their heads. The heads made a nice crunch sound when I crushed it. I rushed three more of them and moved my tail downwards and crushed two of them. The surviving one didn't put up much of a fight a I snapped my jaw forward and crushed it with my jaw. The taste of these things were horrible and I spat it out immediately. I then turned to the other wolves who were backing up slowly. I then decided to taunt them and I yelled out "COWARDS!!" I smirked to myself and looked around me, I noticed that six were dead and none of their buddies decided to stick around. (Music end) I then remembered that the others were probably watching that entire fight. I turned to see six of them looking at me, I also looked just in time to see Twilight and Sweetie Belle throw up whatever they ate earlier. I heard Scootaloo speak up first "That...…was...…AWESOME!!!" Not the reaction I was expecting form her but it was quiet funny. I smirked again and looked at Applejack and said "Sorry about the mess I created." She then said to me "No problem sugercube its better than getting killed I say." We both chuckled at her joking around about what just happened. I then turned to Sweetie Belle and Twilight and asked "Are you two alright over there?" They both turned back and nodded their heads yes. "I'm sorry if that was a gruesome display but I did what I had to do." All of the sudden I heard grumbling behind me and we all looked over to what was causing the sound. I heard the others gasp, what was standing in front of us was a bear like creature that was almost my size. I then heard Twilight say behind me "That Ursa Major is hhuugge!!!!" An Ursa Major? This will at least be more of a challenge then whatever those wolves were. I moved in front of the Ursa and growled in my throat. This caused the being to turn towards me and growl in a low voice as well. But what happened next caught me completely off guard. "Step out of my way dragon!!!" It spoke to me in a deep voice, it was female form the pitch of its voice. I then said to it "Not a chance creature, you will not bring harm to these ponies." I wasn't going to be shown up by this 'Ursa Major'. "I then said "If you will not leave then I'm afraid this will end up with us fighting." It then smiled a little bit and then sprinted towards me. I flapped my wings and went airborne but now before it swiped me with its claws. It actually stung and made a large gash on my stomach. I roared in pain and had to redirect my flight path so I wont crash into the ground. I did manage to fix my flight path and I flew up into the air. I turned around and used my frost breathe on it and I just managed to clip her ear. I saw her winch in pain from getting hit by it. I then flew close to her and prepared another shout..... FO KRAH DIIN If I can freeze it in place I might be able to find a weak spot. The wave of frost slammed into its leg and it began to freeze. I rushed forward and said "You should submit, I don't want to kill you but I will if you don't relent." It looked over to me and said "I don't have a choice, my child has been taken and if I don't get rid of you and those Elements of Harmony I will lose my child." So that is why she is doing this, I might be able to convince her to stop. I dodged one of her swipes at me and said "Who put you up to this? Who took your child from you?" I was getting ready to use another shout on her to freeze her legs in place. "He said his name was Discord...." I stopped my shout that I was going to use on her. Discord.....wait isn't that....the statue at the garden. I then turned back to say something but I was hit by one of her paws and recoiled from it. I quickly sprang back to my feet and got ready for another attack from her. I then said to her "I know who that is," she stopped struggling to get out of the ice on he leg and looked up to me. "You know who he is?" I noticed that the others were watching the whole exchange in confusion. "Do you understand what its saying?" I heard Spike say from the barn. I noticed that the bear turned towards Spike and growled. I then turned to them and said "Its a she Spike, and also she didn't do this because she wanted to." I saw the looks they were giving me and continued "Apparently something named Discord took her child from her and she was suppose to get rid of the 'Elements of Harmony' and me." Twilight and Applejack looked pretty concerned about that and looked back to me. Twilight said "Well then that means they are after me and my friends since we are the Elements of Harmony." So that explains why she attacked this place, I wonder why Celestia never told me about Twilight and her friends being some sort of weapon. I then turned to the bear and asked "What is your real name if I may ask?" I didn't trust her not to do anything so I slowly moved toward her. We were both weary of each other and were watching one another. She didn't look like she wanted to fight anymore so I relaxed a bit. She looked up to me and said "Shiva....my name is Shiva." Interesting name if I might say but I was trying so hard to remain calm. I then asked "What was your sons name?" She looked hesitant to answer that question but she said "Roark he was only a year old." I also noticed she completely dropped the hostile stance, so I also did the same. Before I could say anything I heard a voice behind me. "You gonna translate what she's saying to us or what?" I turned over to see Applejack looking up at me, and I repeated all that was said during the conversation. Twilight spoke after I was done talking with them. "So this Discord pretty much wants us out of the way for whatever he's planning in the future." I don't like it when people send others to do their dirty work, it reminds me of Alduin in so many ways. Before anyone could say anything else a blue blur passed in front of me and went in front of Twilight. It was Rainbow and she looked like a mess when she stopped moving. "Twilight did you see that storm cloud that appeared in Ponyville! It covered most of Ponyville in ice." She then noticed me and Shiva standing their and said "Whoa when did you get here and why is there an Ursa Major here?" I then said "All will be explained later, right now we need to gather the other Element bearers." Rainbow then said "I'll go and get the others and we'll meet you here." Before anyone could say anything she turned into a blur and disappeared. I then turned to everyone, "I guess we wait until the others get here....." > Chapter 10 Discord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel Not a sound was made while we waited for the others to arrive. The tension between everyone was so bad that you could cut it with a kitchen knife. I didn't trust Shiva but I couldn't help but feel a little bad for her. I would probably be desperate to find my kid if he or she was taken from me. I can't say I blame her for listening to Discord and attacking us. I just hope we find her kid and put all of this behind us, I could tell she was having conflicting thoughts in her head while we were waiting there. All of the sudden like before Rainbow flew right by us and landed. "I found the others they will be here in a minute." I could tell just by the way her body was moving she had so many questions to ask. After waiting I noticed three ponies running up to us. Pinkie Pie then ran up to me and sat on my back. She seemed to be excited for whatever reason, but I guess that's just how she is. She then said to me with an excited tone in her voice "Hi Wolky how are you doing." I then replied to her saying "Well I've definitely been better." I looked over to the gash under my left wing on my body. I heard Fluttershy walked in a fast pace towards me looked up to me. "Are you okay?" Her worry for me suprised me but I didn't mind, it is good to see some caring souls around here. I then said "Yes it's just a small wound, it'll heal with time just like all the other wounds I had." She nodded and hesitantly backed off. They all saw the Shiva but surprisingly didn't seem scared of her. I heard Rarity speak "So mind telling us what is going on here and what that storm cloud was earlier." I now noticed that everyones coats were messed up from my shout that I used. I spoke up saying "That storm was me, I was using another one of my Thu'ums when I was fighting Shiva." Rainbow looked angry and surprised "You caused that storm!?! You damaged Ponyville with whatever that was, you could've hurt someone with that!!!" She didn't look happy about that, I guess I should hold back on that shout unless I really need it. I then said to her "We will talk about that later right now we have to deal with Shiva and Discord." We then explained to them the events and everything that happened since the fight began. Then Rainbow explained that my Storm Call shout nearly destroyed half of Ponyville. I also found out since they control the weather my shout was stronger than it was back in Tamriel. I'm going to get into so much trouble with Celestia, I hope it isn't something to harsh. I mean the ponies do consider her a god, but that isn't important at the moment. Shiva asked "So this Discord is stuck in a statue in the city called Canterot?" I nodded and she said "Then how did he talk to me and appear in front of me?" Twilight then said "We need to go talk to Princess Celestia and ask about Discord." I then started to talk "I can fly us up there but how are we going to get Shiva up there." I'm not sure if ibcan safely carry Shiva there without killing my spine. "I will remain here until you get back." She then laid her head down to rest and yawned. I guess my fight with her really tired her out. It seems that all of the species that are here don't have as much stamina as the creatures back in Tamriel have. "Alright everypony let's g-" Whatever Twilight was going to say when a large bolt of lightning hit in front of us. I heard Applejack yell "What in tarnation was that!" We all then heard an evil laugh and we looked up to see what looked like a mutated lizard or dragon of some kind. I recognized it to be the being known as Discord. He spoke up saying "You won't have to look for me. It's always fun to see the hunters become the hunters." He then shot a bolt of lightning that hit me and made me flew back a bit. I regained my footing but I was starting to feel weird. Like my emotions were changing by themselves, I was beginning to get angry. I could hear everything but I could only see black. Meaning my eyes have lost vision but my ears are still going strong. I heard Spike say "What are you doing to Wolk?!" I noticed that the only thing that I could feel at the moment was an ungodly amount of rage in my body and then I lost my hearing. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Twilight We were all looking at Wolk whose body was turning a black color. I then yelled towards Discord "What are you doing to him?!" He only laughed and said "Bringing back the dragon that he use to be. The one that helped almost brought the destruction of his planet." I did not like the sound of that one bit, I began to grew nervous. Wolk did tell me before that the dragons from Tamriel seemed to be a lot stronger that the dragons here in Equestria. All of he sure seen before anyone could say anything Wolk snapped his head up. He then roared and then shot out a large amount of ice at all of us. We all heard Discord say "Wolkiimrel, kill all of them and destroy this miserable place." Wolk then spoke in a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. "Geh in. Zu'u fen vahraak nid do daar sahlag sahvol fah ponies (Yes master. I will spare none of these pathetic excuses for ponies)." He then flew up into the air and roared loud enough to shake the ground around us. He then flew right by us and used that frost breathe that he used on the wolves earlier. We all managed to dodge, I turned to Fluttershy who was with the CMC protecting the three of them. I then turned to Fluttershy and said "Get the foals out of here!" I then turned and dodged another wave of ice. I heard Rainbow say from my left and heard her talk. "Yeah don't worry Wolk wont be able to take us all on at once!" I admire her confidence but I don't know if that is going to help us in the situation were in right now. I then looked up to him when he stopped and he seemed to be focusing on something. He then took a deep breathe and I realized what he was about to do.... STRUN BAH QO We all looked up to see a giant storm cloud form above us but Rainbow didn't seem to notice. I heard Applejack yell out to Rainbow from behind some of the hay stacks she was behind. "Rainbow watch out for them lightning bolts from that cloud." Rainbow just looked up and moved in time to just narrowly avoid a lightning bolt hitting her. I then noticed that lightning was striking all around us. I then heard Discord speak up in front of me "You should surrender Twilight you don't stand a chance against Wolk's power." Come on Wolk snap out of his control this is a fight you should be able to win. I was growing worried, and the storm was getting worse and I called out to everyone. "We need to move away or the farm is going to get damaged!" I didn't want to cause any damage to the barn and house so we headed towards an open field that was nearby. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel I opened my eyes to see a lightning bolt just narrowly miss Rainbow Dash. But the thing that I noticed was that I was in my body but I couldn't control anything. By the gods Discord is controlling me, I need to figure out to get out of this mess before anyone gets hurt. I then heard a voice behind me..... It seems like whatever you do everyone that was allies or friends to you always end up perishing. Alduin......by the gods he shows up just in time to rub my failures in my face every time we see each other. I then turned to him and said "Have you come to mock me again Alduin, if you are please show yourself away from me. That the way you talk to old friends now Wolk...….. I then turned my whole body to face him and said "You and I were not friends since the day you sent multiple of our kind to their death just so you could prey on the weak in Sovngarde." I was about to continue speaking until another light appeared and another dragon appeared. This one seemed to be covered in flames all over his body. The dragon was about my size but I couldn't recognize him or her. I'm pretty convinced that I have gone crazy from all of this. Then the dragon spoke up.... Greetings Wolkiimrel and...…..Alduin? What in the Great Divines are you doing here?!? Just visiting your pet dragon father, how goes the hiding? By Shor these two are already giving me a headache. I just turned back to the battle that was raging on hoping that I can get out of here wherever this is. Just hold on until I get out of here Twilight. I think that the closest one that I am most acquainted to is Twilight, I mean she's really the only one that I've spent time with. Also she's Celestia student and her friends are the 'Elements of Harmony', I would probably be banished if they were killed because of me. Well the only thing that I can do now is sit and watch the battle. At least until I figure out how to get out of this infernal pit of darkness and away from Alduin….. > Chapter 11 Discord and Sleep........Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel As I watched my own body fight against Twilight and her friends I couldn't help but feel useless. I mean what good am I if I can't even control my body. I can here Akatosh and Alduin arguing with each other behind me. For the love of Talos can they be quite for a minute so I can think. I don't know what they are arguing about but I don't really care at the moment. I am more worried about Discord using my body as a weapon just like Alduin did. You know very well that I would've won the fight against the Dragonborn if you helped me! And let you destroy everything that the Nine Divines protect? You are an even bigger fool than I thought you were. I still don't know how they haven't began fighting yet. I mean I don't know if they have their full power in my head but that doesn't mean they can't fight each other. I then heard Akatosh talk to me...... Wolk there is a way you can get out of this and stop Discord form using your body. I quickly turned to him and asked "How?" You need to embrace the dragon that is fighting your friends. This confused me "Embrace the dragon? How?" This was concerning me, but I was open to ideas at the moment. What Lord Akatosh means is that you need to embrace the hate that's in you and you can regain control. As much as I hate you I have to protect you cause if you die my soul will be released in this realm. Alduins going to protect me? I would feel touched if this was someone who didn't try to end the world. I turned to the battlefield and back to the two dragons in front of me. I took a deep breath and said "Alright.....how do I do it?" You need to let all the hate that has built up in you out of your body. If you use your hate you can break free of Discords control and kill him. I didn't waste any time, I turned around and closed my eyes. I let go of most of my emotions and began to try to get angry. I began to think about Discord destroying this peaceful place and Alduin back in Tamriel. But the two things that made me angry was thinking about Shiva's kid and all the dragons that died in Alduins stupid quest to destroy Tamriel. I tired to open my eyes there was nothing but a black void all around me. But I was hearing sounds so I assumed that it was Twilight and her friends. All of the sudden my sight came back but it was very blurry. But I could hear voices in front of me. However I was feeling so much rage that it felt like it was going to consume my entire body. I heard Discord say from the left "Good work Wolk we will chase the Elements later, right now we should destroy Ponyville and those who inhabit it." I then let out a mighty roar, it was louder than anything I've ever heard. I turned my head to Discord and said "You fool.....you think I would let you have my body just like that?" I noticed that my voice was very deep, almost like Alduins voice but deeper. "Wait what do you-" Whatever he was going to say was cut off when I smacked him with my tail. I have had enough of Discord already and he hasn't been around all that long. Also I noticed how easy it was to regain control over my body. He looked up at me in shock and said "How nobody is able to resist my power and mind control?!?" I didn't answer as I flew back up into the air, I could feel all the rage that was built up inside my body and I was enjoying all of it. I don't usually like getting this angry but the power was amazing. This must be what Alduin felt like with all of his power......I like it. I then flew down just low enough so I could get in range of him and I swiped at him. Just barely clipping his arm and doing some damage to it. He grunted in pain but I knew it would take more than that to take down Discord. So as much as I didn't want to do it I prepared my Storm Call shout. But Discord seemed to know what I was doing because he snapped his fingers and a rope tied around my snout. It had a tight grip so I wasn't able to get it off. Discord jumped at me and got ready to hit me with his magic but a Rainbow blur smacked right into his side and knocked him down. I looked at Rainbow who just turned to me and gave me small salute. She did however see the rope around my snout and went over to me and got if off of me. I then thanked her for getting it off of my snout and we both turned to Discord who was just now getting up. I then decided to speak to him in my deep voice "Surrender Discord there is no point in fighting with us." I also noticed the other girls except Fluttershy and the CMC who were safely away from the battlefield were here. We all looked ready for more fighting and I took notice that Discord was getting tired form using his magic. It seems that taking control over my body took a lot of fight out of him. If he doesn't surrender than we will be forced to kill him. His lack of an answer is starting to give me the feeling that killing him might be the only option. Discord than spoke up "You fools.....this isn't the end of me or my plans." I noticed what he was about to try to make his escape. But what I didn't count on was him vanishing right in front of us. It was so sudden that I didn't have time to even say a word. If you even blinked you might've missed him disappear. As soon as he was gone I felt all my rage leave my body. I felt really tired and I looked around to try to figure out where I was. My mind was going a thousand miles an hour. (Music ends) I think Applejack noticed "Ya alright partner?" To be honest I don't feel good at all, I feel like I went through hell multiple times. "I don't know but I think I'm going to pass out......." This seemed to relax everyone but at that moment I had a massive headache and I fell on the ground. Spike was right next to me and asked "Dude you good? You better not die on us, your one of my only guy friends around here." I laughed a little at his joke but sleep was starting to consume me. I then said "I'm not dying Spike if I did my body would start to disappear." I turned to the others "Tell princess Celestia about what happened here. She needs to know about Discord......." Twilight then said "Don't worry we will tell Celestia, just get your rest for now." I smiled at her and closed my eyes ready to sleep. It always seems like after fights like these I grow tired more quickly........it better not be my age catching up with me. With all that has happened I'm not surprised that I am off to dreamland. All sounds began to fade has I drifted off to sleep. But I did manage to hear a voice before I passed out. You did well Wolk I will see you soon....... > Chapter 12 Memories of a Dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Spike "I swear Wolk, you better not die on me...." I was sitting on top of Wolks back as he was asleep. Its also the next day after the fight with Discord. After the fight we all about joined Wolk when it came to sleep. That whole commotion that happened yesterday pretty much wiped out all of us. I heard hooves behind me and I heard voices and when I turned around I saw the girls and the princesses. The princesses sure didn't waste anytime getting down here. I quickly got on my knee and said "Princess Celestia and Luna it is good to see-". "It's all right Spike you don't need to kneel there isn't anything formal going on," Celestia said with a calm relaxed voice. Twilight spoke "So Princess Celestia what we're you saying about going into his head?" "Wait what? We're going into his head....why if I might ask?" I said slightly intrigued with the idea. "The ponies in Canterlot are willing to accept Wolk as a guardian of the city. But of course the nobles don't want Wolk anywhere near the city so they want to know about him. However nopony knows a thing about him and personally I kinda want to know too." Celestia finished explaining and if course made a bunch of questions pop up in my head but they can wait. I raised my eyebrow and said "Wait you don't know a thing about him, but I thought you and Luna spent time with him. He should've mentioned something about his past." Luna only shook her head "Not a thing, the only thing he ever talked about was defeating another dragon named Alduin with something called a Dragonborn or as the dragons call it a 'Dovahkiin' whatever that means." I didn't feel comfortable with idea of going into Wolks head. I mean it kinda feels like an invasion of privacy. Rarity then asked "How do you suppose we get into Wolks head princess?" Celestia replied saying "Luna can use her magic to get us through and into his mind. But when she is going to do it it will take is to one of his memories randomly, we hope that we go into a memory not to far before he came to Equestria." "I-I-Is it dangerous?? Will it hurt him?" asked a very nervous Fluttershy who was in the back behind everyone. Luna replied quickly saying "He won't feel a thing Fluttershy and besides he's a tough dragon even if it did hurt he probably wouldn't feel it." Seeing Fluttershy get all nervous was starting to make me nervous. But my curiosity was getting the better of me. I was also curious about Wolks past, however from the scars he has on his wings and stomach, and from his powers I'm almost afraid to see it. Applejack then asked "What do ya reckon will happen to us when we go in?" Luna answered saying "We will all end up in the sleeping trance he is in right now. But do not fear, when we leave his mind we should all wake up." Princess Celestia then said to all of us "Come we must get ready to enter his mind while the two of us can stay here before we have to go to Canterlot." We all stood next to each other and we all waited for Princess Luna to cast her magic. Her horn started to glow and the light began to surround all of us. All of the sudden it became dark and all of the sudden we were in a field. I looked to my right and saw all of the girls and both of the princesses. I heard Rarity say "Umm did you take us to the right place princess Luna?" Luna replied saying "We are in his mind but I can't seem to do anything. So I think we are in a memory." "I thought you were able to control this kinda thing princess, can't you?" I heard a confused Rainbow say. Celestia beat Luna to the punch and said "She can only control dreams not memories, since this is in the past she can't change anything here." I was about to say something until we heard a roar that sounded very familiar. We all turned to see two dragons, one of which was familiar while the other wasn't. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel (Past) The traitor is getting away!!!! I will not let one of these rebellious dragons think they can escape me. I was gaining on the injured dragons tail and prepared to bring him down. FO KRAH DIIN The ice blast slammed into him and with a roar of pain began to fall towards the ground. I didn't feel bad for him, Alduin was very clear that he wanted me to show no mercy to him. He smashed into the ground and was about to get up had I not land on him. My foot was on his neck and I began to press my foot down on it, I know dragon scales are tough but he was already injured on his neck during our previous fight. I just kept applying pressure until he finally said "Wolk stop this madness!" Whatever ever else he was going to say was cut off when I put all of my force on his neck. I noticed that he was struggling to breathe, I felt no remorse for him. Finally I gave him a quick death when I dug the claws on my back leg through the wound on his neck. For whatever reason I felt kinda disappointed that he didn't fight back that well. I stepped away from his body as it started to glow orange. I just sat back and watched as his skin started to wither away. I then bowed my head a little and said "Farewell traitor.......may Akatosh have mercy on your soul." I then looked down at my bloody claws and smirked. I flew up into the air and began to make my way back to Alduin to report the traitors death. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Spike I couldn't believe what I saw, I didn't expect such brutality from Wolk. I don't think the girls were either cause when I looked over Fluttershy was shaking violently behind the princesses. Rarity passed out all the while Applejack was trying to wake her up and Rainbow, Pinkie and Twilight looked like they were sick. It took a couple minutes for everyone to maintain their composure before Celestia spoke. "We will go forward when he isn't so being so violent...." I noticed the saddened look on both of the princesses faces. I heard Twilight say from behind me "That would be a good idea, I don't think my stomach can handle this...." Luna's magic activated and we were all suddenly on top of a mountain. We all heard the flapping of wings and when we turned we saw Wolk coming in for a landing. (Third person) When Wolk landed he began to wait, all of the sudden a roar was heard and a dragon with dark scales landed in front of Wolk. Wolk immediately bowed his head and said "Alduin the traitorous dragon has been eliminated....." The dragon Alduin chuckled a little, "Good soon all the dragons will be back in Skyrim and we will take this land for our own..." He turned his head and looked off the side of the mountain. He continued to speak "After we take Skyrim, all of Tamriel will be next...." Wolk just said in a calm voice "Where else am I needed Alduin or am I free to roam Skyrim?" Alduin answered saying "Yes......there is one dragon that has betrayed me and has been a thorn in my side. He's been helping the Dovahkiin learn shouts that could bring harm to us." Alduin turned back to look at Wolkiimrel and said "Find the dragon Paarthurnax and eliminate him before he can help the Dovahkiin anymore." Wolk just bowed his head and said "It will be done Alduin, I shall return when he us dead." With that Wolk took off from the ground and flew away. Alduin just chuckled again and said "Fool......he will die trying to fight Paarthurnax, he has outlived his usefulness........" Alduin began to laugh like he was insane. When Alduin finished he took off from the ground and flew away. > Chapter 13 Memories of a Dragon (Part 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel (past) Damn this infernal rain, its making it difficult to fly. I sighed as I regained focus on the task at hand. I remember learning of Paarthurnax from the other lieutenants, supposedly he was one of Alduins best. But that didn't scare me in the slightest, I have faced off against a fair amount of traitorous dragons. A lot of dragons didn't want anything to do with Alduin all of us knew about his downfall in the past. A lot of dragons opted to become 'independent' and abandoned Alduins mission to take Tamriel. I sided with Alduin mainly because he was the one that brought me back to the world of the living. I wasn't going to traverse through this weather and try to find Paarthurnax so I landed. I made sure the surrounding area was clear of humans. I never really cared about the other races, but the main ones we were careful about were the Nords. They had been a pain in the side for every dragon, for the most part we are able to fight a good majority of them. But even us dragons have our limits, I may be cocky but I am not stupid. I found a nearby cave that looked to be almost hidden among the brush in the woods. I stayed there and watched outside the small cave and waited to see if anything was coming towards the cave. After about ten minutes of waiting around I put my head down and kept watching the outside of the cave. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Celestia We had heard most of Wolk's thoughts as he was flying and least to say we all remained silent as we listened. To the surprise of absolutely nopony, Twilight had taken notes on pretty much everything that he said. She acts like Pinkie when it comes to studying, or taking notes on the simplest of things. I heard my sister speak "What do you think caused him to switch sides and oppose Alduin?" I turned to her and replied saying "I don't know, but whatever it was it made him go from being supportive to being an enemy. We will have to wait and see what transpires." I looked to my student who frantically writing notes on some paper that she brought with her. I noticed that the others were talking with each other but the one that caught my eye was Spike. He was looking at Wolk and looked like he was deep in thought. I made my way towards him and said "Spike? Spike!" His head snapped up to look at me and he quickly replied saying "Oh! Sorry princess I didn't hear you, I was kinda deep in thought." I noticed that Spike was only partially paying attention to me. I then asked him "What is on your mind Spike? You seem to be distracted by something." "I'm sorry princess but for whatever reason I feel uneasy about something here, like something bad is going to happen...." I noticed that he was looking around the area and it made me look around before turning back to him. I raised my eyebrow and asked "How so?" He sighed and said "Well it just seems like something isn't right, I've had this feeling ever since we went into Wolk's memories. But I won't bother you with my problems, maybe I'm just tired or worried." I didn't want to press the issue if he didn't want me to get involved. But he seems awfully worried about something. Before I could press the matter with Spike everything around us started to speed up. "The memory is skipping ahead to the next major event in his mind." Luna said as we watched everything around us move fast, we also seemed to be moving away from the cave. Before any of us could question it we were looking at Wolk flying towards a mountain. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel (Past) There it is.......the Throat of the World, it's the one place I haven't been to and it's the place where I would expect an old dragon to hide. I have to be careful since those 'Greybeards' live up here. I don't fear them but they seem to be very powerful from what I heard from the other dragons. If I can avoid them that would be nice but if they do get in the way I will eliminate them. I was nearing the top when I noticed another dragon up there. I got closer and when I was close enough I realized that it was Paarthurnax. He definitely saw me so sneaking up on him is out of the question. I took a deep breathe and I flew towards the ground in front of him. We immediately looked eyes with each other, neither one of us moving. However when I landed I noticed that Paarthurnax was about to get into a battle stance. It felt like we were both standing for hours but really only a few minutes went by. He finally spoke to me "So...….Alduin sent you to do his dirty work? I'd expect nothing less from that coward of a dragon." I fired back at him saying "Watch your tongue or else I will remove it myself!" My eyes narrowed as I got ready to attack or defend if we started to fight. I however maintained my composure and said "You should've known Alduin would send another to eliminate you, after all he is busy trying to take all of Tamriel" I was quite surprised when he laughed at that. After he was done laughing he said "So you think Alduin wants to conquer Skyrim and Tamriel. You don't even know a thing about what is really happening do you?" We both started to move in a circle opposite of each other. He then continued to speak, I had to resist the urge to attack him. "You ever wonder why they call him Alduin the World-Eater?" I lowered my guard a bit and replied saying "I never did care for names and I never will care for them. I don't even know why I was given the name of 'The Striker', and I don't care why I have it." I think he noticed that my guard was down so instead of attacking me he lowered his. I didn't like how calm he was but I admit that I was interested in what he had to tell me. He began to speak "You see how I've been ever since I abandoned Alduin's army. I live a peaceful life up here in the mountain, secure from any of the violence that Alduin causes." We both stopped moving and he turned to look over the edge of the mountain. He sighed and turned back to me, he continued "I know why you fight for Alduin, its because he promised you peace. Isn't that all you ever wanted Wolk, peace and no violence? However you are to blind to see that Alduin is only using you for his own gain, and eventually he will kill you. I mean look at Teykrin he wanted nothing to do with Alduin and when he left, Alduin sent you to kill him and you succeeded, he will keep using you until you can no longer be of any use to him." I replied saying "And how did you know I killed Teykrin, as far as I know you haven't left this mountain.' I was growing suspicious of how much Paarthurnax actually knew about the events that transpired away from the mountain. Paarthurnax then said "Alduin may be a coward but he isn't a fool. I know you cannot defeat me and so do you, if you went back to Alduin and said that you killed me he would believe you...…." /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Celestia We were all watching the exchange the two dragons were having and needless to say no pony broke the silence. However when I looked towards Spike I noticed him a lot more nervous the before. I knew something was wrong with him and I had to find out. I wasn't the only one to notice this either, Luna and Twilight also saw this and I walked towards them. They both noticed me and I asked them "Is it me or is there something wrong with Spike?" Twilight then said "Yeah I noticed that too, when we were going forward in time he spoke to me. He said that something doesn't feel right in the memory. He said it felt like something is watching us as we were all watching Wolk's memories play out." "If there is something in here then it would've had to already been in his head. I would've felt it if something came in here with us." My sister told us, but just as she finished talking a chill went down my spine. I noticed that the other girls must've felt it to because all of us including Spike stopped. "You all felt that too right? It felt like a cold breeze just went through my body." I heard Rainbow say from up front. Applejack replied saying "You aren't the only one to feel that partner, I didn't like that one bit." Just then the memory faded away and all of the sudden it was dark everywhere. Sensing something I watched as Fluttershy ducked behind everypony and we pretty much formed a circle with Fluttershy hiding in the center. Just when I was about to say something I heard a voice from the darkness. Well...….if it isn't the ponies who should've mind their own business. I've been expecting the lot of you for sometime now...…...all I had to do was wait. Whatever was talking was cut off when Luna yelled "Show yourself creature!" I heard a light chuckle and then I heard that voice again.…. Very well...…... We all heard loud footsteps and we all turned to one direction and we saw a figure start to walk towards us. The figure stopped moving just close enough so we could see its dark red eyes. I recognized the eyes immediately as I saw them and my horn started to light up. I muttered to the others saying "When I say move you move, we may have to fight him" I heard Twilight say "Princess who is that?" I opened my mouth to say something but the figure beat me to it. I can introduce myself thank you very much. My name is Alduin The World-Eater and you are sticking your noses where it doesn't belong. We were fully able to Alduin now as he stood in front of us and we all slowly began to back away as Alduin began to flap his wings. All of the sudden the environment began to change all around us. I didn't recognize where we were but we all began to spread out to fight. Except for Fluttershy who hid behind a nearby rock and peeked up to watch. Alduin spoke in a much deeper voice "You ponies actually think you stand a chance against me" He laughed really loudly and I noticed that the others grew a bit agitated at Alduin. He stopped laughing and said "Very well lets see what you can do...." With that Alduin flew up into the air and we all got ready to defend ourselves...….. (YAY!! Cliffhanger!!!) > Chapter 14 Duel of the Dragons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (Somewhere deep in Wolk's mind) POV: Wolk I never realised that being asleep in your mind could feel so peaceful. Well it was peaceful until my head started to hurt and I couldn't find Alduin anywhere inside my head. I was standing in front of Akatosh when I felt something wasn't right at all, I quickly turned towards Akatosh and asked "Where is Alduin and why isn't he here with you?" "What do you expect of me, I only pop up when you are here in your head. The same cannot be said for Alduin who is able to roam around inside your head." Before I could say anything else my head felt like it had a migraine. I shook my head to try to get rid of the pain but it just kept hurting. I turned to Akatosh and asked "Do you know why I'm having a headache?" "I don't know......it might be Alduin, I haven't seen him. The last time I talked to that worm was when you were asleep." I growled a little as I took off and began to fly around. I grunted as the pain increased as I continued to fly around the void that was my mind. I felt his presence but I also felt the presence of other creatures. I also noticed that my surroundings were starting to change. I looked up and when I saw the sky I immediately recognized where I was. I was in Sovngarde and I flew as fast as I could to where Alduin was. But I felt a great amount power in the direction I was flying in. I knew something was fighting Alduin, and whatever was fighting him was causing the head pain. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Spike Needless to say things weren't going as well as I hoped it would be. All of us except Fluttershy were trying to hurt Alduin. But it looked like we weren't doing any damage to Alduin. I was making my way over to Twilight who got knocked down by Alduins fire breathe. Well I was trying my best anyway, it didn't help that I was his target. "Stand still you little pest!!!" I replied saying "I'd rather not get hit thank you!" I noticed a smirk on his face as he swung his tail at me. I wasn't able to duck in time and his tail smacked me right in the face. I'm pretty sure that I felt something broke when it connected with my face. I held my paw up to my face and wiped right underneath my nose. I noticed a little bit of blood but nothing to serious. I saw Rainbow try to hit him but Alduin just swatted her away like a bug. I noticed that his gaze was fixed upon me and I felt the same chill I felt earlier go down my spine. He smiled a little at me and said "You fight bravely for a dragon your size, but you could be so much stronger if you left these ponies.... " This time it was my turn to laugh, he seemed a bit surprised by that. I replied saying "I may be treated not as fairly as them but I would never join an evil being such as yourself. I saw the conversation that Wolk was having with Paarthurnax. He said that you just use others for your own gain, so in short I will never join the likes of you." "Such a shame you would've been a great asset to me. But I do admire your loyalty and bravery, to bad it is put to waste on these ponies." I saw him getting ready to use his fire breathe on me. Just as he was about to fire I heard a shout come from above me. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ (Third Person) FUS RO DAH. The shout slammed into Alduin as Wolk landed on the ground. Alduin staggered a little and the two dragons locked eyes. Alduin's serpent smile began to creep onto his face. Alduin and Wolkiimrel began to walk in a circle opposite of each other. Alduin spoke first "I was wondering when you would show up. I thought you were going to cower away in your own head." Wolk replied but his voice was deeper then it was before. "I will not cower away because you think you are strong. Need I remind you that you are in my mind." Wolk stopped moving and Alduin stopped along with him. They both quickly flew up into the air all the while the others were regrouping. Twilight was rushing over with the others behind her. "Spike are you okay!" She was checking all over Spike's body. Spike replied saying "I'm fine Twilight just a bit sore and there's a little pain around my nose." While Twilight was checking on Spike the others all gathered around. "We need to leave his mind immediately, we aren't safe here." Luna said with some reluctance. "What?! Why! We need to help Wolk and help defeat Alduin." Rainbow of course wanted to stay and help. However Celestia spoke up "We will only get in his way. I have confidence that Wolk will beat Alduin, we weren't able to do any damage to Alduin." She turned back to watch the fight overhead and said "Wolk has dealt with dragons before he has more experience with his kind thanks any of us do." Reluctantly they all agreed and Luna began to pull them out of Wolks mind. During all of that the two dragons were taking shots at each other. Wolk used his ice breathe while Alduin countered with his flame breathe. Both of the dragon's elements slammed into each other and they both increased the intensity of their attacks. They were both locked in a contest of who could last longer. Alduin began to overpower Wolk and Alduin's fire breathe smashed into Wolk. Wolk was pushed back by the blast all the while trying to stay in the air. Wolk managed to shake off most of the damage but it still hurt him. Alduin began to taunt "I honestly thought you would put up more of a fight, I am disappointed on how weak you have become."Wolk flew up to Alduins height, exhausted from fighting Discord and Alduin. Despite being tired Wolk was still ready to fight Alduin. Wolk fired back at Alduin saying "After all this time you still forgot how persistent I am. Believe me I was more than disappointed when I didn't get to kill you myself and now I actually have a chance to off you myself!" Alduin only glared at Wolk and said "You are only deceiving yourself, you and those ponies that are your call 'friends' will die just like you." Wolk was tired with all the talking and used one of his shouts. Wolk put all of his remaining power into the shout and distanced himself from Alduin. STRUN BAH QO With that shout Wolk retreated a little to get some breathing room. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel I can't keep fighting like this, I'm already sore from fighting. I know it is a cowardly thing to do but retreat might be my only option. Just as I was about to retreat I heard Akatosh in my head. "Wolk, I know a way you can defeat Alduin." The storm I created was about to run out, I looked back to see Alduin dodging lightning. I sighed as I said "Okay tell me because I am out of ideas and I dont think I can keep fighting for much longer." "There is a way we can seal off Alduin, but it won't be easy to do...…." I felt my power slowly leaving my body and my voice returned to normal. "I don't care at this rate I just want to get through this alive and with Alduin gone." "We can seal him off if I can send his soul elsewhere." I grew confused and asked "What do you mean? Explain quickly because my Storm Call is about to run out." "I'll be there to help you in a bit, but I need you to get him to be in one place. If we do this right I should be able to send him to some other realm." I looked back and watched as my shout disappeared and said "Alright let's do it! How long do I have to hold him off for?" "Hold him off for just a minute, I'm almost there just hold him off till I get there." Realizing I had nothing to lose I agreed with the plan and I flew up into the air. I yelled out to get Alduins attention, "Hey Alduin!" Alduin glared up at me and said "There you are you coward come down here and fight me!!!" I made a fake yawn and said "Why would I come down from here and fight a dragon that lost to a bunch of nords." I could notice him getting angrier, he tried to attack me but I kept avoiding his attack. I just kept avoiding and each time I did he seems to get angrier. We were flying all over the place, I built up enough energy to use a shout on him. I turned around and slowed my flying speed and waited for him to get in range. FUS RO DAH The shout hit him but he didn't hit the ground and I didn't want to do another shout. I was trying to think of a plan until I heard Akatoshs voice. "Okay Wolk I'm ready! Get him on the ground and I'll send him to another realm." I was somewhat skeptical and asked "Will he do anything there, I don't want to be the reason some other beings in another realm get killed." I assure you the place I am sending him, he won't be able to hurt another living being. I regained my focus and I began to try to get Alduin on the ground. I flew straight down at a very high speed, I almost though I wasn't going to be able to pull up in time. I slowed myself down as I was nearing the ground. Alduin landed not to far away from me and the look on his face was just pure anger. "No where to run now Wolk, this is where your story ends!" I just smirked as he charged at me, with my remaining strength I moved out of the way. When I dodged his attack he hit the rocky wall behind me. I quickly got behind and prepared a shout to help keep him pinned to the wall. FO KRAH DIIN The ice shout hit Alduin's wings and it froze the wing to the wall. Just for safe measure I hit him with my tail to make sure that he stayed down. I was about to hit him again, but Akatosh showed up in front of me and was glaring at Alduin. I took this as time to regain my strength incase Alduin gets up again. "Alduin you never really learn do you? I should have done this when I first saw you here. You will never be able to rule, you weren't even suppose to be alive now." I decided to speak up before either one of them could say anything. "Hey sorry to interrupt but can we get rid of Alduin. I mean he won't stay like this forever if we stand around." I turned back to see Alduin glaring at me and it put a smile on my face. Akatosh then sighed and said "Yes I do suppose that we should rid this realm of him...…………..You may want to step back. I was curious so I asked "Wait, if his soul is in my body will it do anything to me." It may wake you up, but I know for sure that this will hurt. After all getting a soul ripped out of your body hurts. I didn't want to question how he knows what that feels like but I just waited behind him. Akatosh then turned back to Alduin and they both began to glow. I was surprised when Alduin didn't say anything at first but he spoke. "You better watch yourself Wolk, I may have not been able to defeat you but if I couldn't do it then someone else will..... Before I could reply to him my everything went white and the next thing I know is that it is dark. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: Wolkiimrel Again I was sitting in a void, after waiting a minute I could hear a voice "......Wolk!Wolk! Are you alright?Wolk can you hear me?" I opened my eyes a little bit before my vision and hearing came to. I was awake and noticed that the Elements, both princess and Spike were looking at me. Before I could do anything, I felt a sharp pain all over my body. I had to power through the pain and I didn't want to make all of them worry about me so I just powered through it and tried to hide the pain I was in. I noticed Spike was standing on my snout, I said to him "Spike if you could kindly remove yourself from my face that would be appreciated." He immediately got off of me and said "Sorry about that I saw you move and I went to see if you were awake." I was able to get up and before I knew it all of my mobility came back. I heard Celestia ask "Wolk what happened to Alduin?" "He wont be bothering us princess, Akatosh moved him to somewhere where he wont be able to hurt anybody here." I saw all of them relax when I said that. I began to look over my body for injuries and sure enough there were a few scars from the fight. I noticed that Luna had walked up to me and said "As much as we want to talk about this mess we must return to Canterlot. Are you going to come with us?" I shook my head in reply and said "If you don't mind I would like to stay here for a bit." Celestia replied before Luna could "That is fine, I guess while you are down here we will discuss with the nobles all that has happened and we will see what happens from there." At this point I noticed that Pinkie was missing and I didn't want to question it. I turned my head over to Twilight who had paper and a huge smile on her face. Needless to say I knew what was coming but I couldn't fly due to my wings being sore. I sighed and put my head down on the ground, I knew all of them had questions for me, but for now I just laid down and waited for the questions to be asked. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ POV: ???????? I watched as the dragon began to talk to the elements. I slipped a little and I noticed that the dragon looked my way. Luckily for me the bush I was hiding in was thick enough for me to be hidden. I decided now would be a good time to report back to the queen. I slowly crept away from them and sprinted back into the forest...…..