> To Drive a Hard Bargain... > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > You Gotta Learn How to Dicker... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearing the bell affixed to the front door of her shop jingle, Tekky looked over her shoulder. “I’ll be right out,” she shouted, continuing to arrange a few items in the storage room in the back of her business. “Just feel free to browse,” she added, wiping away a stray strand of her dark brown hair. Looking over the inventory with her heterochromic gaze, the mare nodded to herself, content with her work. Walking back to the counter, she looked over the storefront, expecting to spot the potential customer, but there was no one to be found. Trotting out, the dark blue pony began passing the aisles, in search of the mysterious visitor. Rounding the corner of the last lane, she was greeted with a rather inviting sight. There, squatting with their back to her, at the very end of the aisle, was a zebra. The traditional black and white stripes of the equine race lined the pony’s frame, with the exception of less than a handful of bands of blue fur in their tail and swept over mohawk. Dressed in a skin tight, burgundy sports top and matching set of booty shorts, Tekky had to admit, the sight was quite captivating. Even though she couldn’t see the zebra’s full figure, she could tell their leg game was on point. Their tail, bound with a golden band at the dock, poked out over a magnificently sculpted derriere. Straightening her shirt and adjusting her pants, the large mare approached her guest. “Can I help you Ma’am?” the shopkeeper asked, attempting to tear her eyes away from the rump of her customer. When she finally looked up, she gulped. The zebra was looking over their shoulder, right at her. “Just browsing,” the striped equine muttered, turning back to peruse the bottles and concoctions lining the wall. “Well, you just tell me if there’s anything I can help with,” Tekky cheerfully said, ogling the zebra’s posterior for another moment, before turning away. The sound of a throat clearing stopped her dead in her tracks. “Don’t you think these prices are kind of high?” the customer groaned, examining a vial of elixir. Stomping back to the slim equine’s side, Tekky snatched the small bottle from their slender hand. “I’ll have you know, we have very competitive prices. It’s supply and demand; people demand my product, and I supply it,” she grunted, placing the container back on the shelf. Flipping the multi colored hair from their face, the zebra looked up at her and huffed, “I’ve seen cheaper.” “Listen lady, if you think you can get stuff of this quality for a better price, you’re either slow or someone’s been feeding you a line,” the mare hissed, her temper beginning to wane. Sure, they were cute, but that didn’t excuse their poor attitude. Looking up at her, the zebra’s golden eyes studied the towering pony; from the mane on her head, over her bosoms and crossed arms, and down to her groin, where a suspicious bulge in her trousers sat. “Hmph, you didn’t even give me your name,” the customer sighed. “Tekky,” the mare shot back, “and you are?” “Haan, and I’m not a lady,” the zebra responded, leaning closer, towards the shopkeeper’s crotch. The scent was unmistakable, and firmly cemented his theory. Tekky was no regular mare, she was a dickmare. “Wait, you’re a dude?” the potion maker blurted, taken aback by the revelation. Sweet Celestia, she could have sworn she was dealing with some uppity young woman, not some guy. “Yeah,” Haan breathed, slowly getting to his feet, “that’s not a problem, is it?” Even standing, the blue mare was more than a foot taller than himself. His face only came up to her chest, leaving him at head level with her generous rack. Defiantly cocking a hip, he faced the substantially larger equine woman. “No, no, no. It’s just, uh…” Tekky stammered, uncomfortably aware of the fact that she’d just been gawking at this guy’s ass. She wasn’t even into dudes! At least, that’s what she’d thought. She swallowed hard, and took a step back, as the zebra took a step nearer. “Or maybe you just don’t like zebras. Is that it?” the young man pressed, inching closer. ‘Oh man, this is gonna be fun,’ he thought to himself, keeping his face as impassive as possible. “Fuck, no!” the shopkeeper exclaimed, backing up against the wall of one aisle. None of this made any sense! What made everything worse was that she could easily toss this guy out, given their difference in build and size. “I ain’t a racist or anything! I just figured you were a chick, that’s all!” she pleaded, attempting to defuse the escalating situation. “Hmph,” Haan sniffed, wheeling around defiantly, “I suck dick far better than any girl.” “I...uh...what…” Tekky sputtered, caught off guard, yet again, by the svelte creature. “If you don’t believe me, I could prove it,” the zebra purred, a sly grin creeping across his face, “for a discount.” He hadn’t intended on stumbling across a dickmare while out shopping, but he wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity to suck a cock. Tekky was fairly cute and, judging from the prominent bulge in her pants, pretty well hung. “Well...I mean...Ummm…” the mare bumbled, her inner desires for a blowjob warring with her, until that moment, rather sound sexual preferences. Unable to formulate a reply, she nearly yelped, as a hand caressed her inner thigh. Looking down, she realized two things. Firstly, that she was already sporting a semi. Secondly, and more troublingly, the zebra’s nimble fingers were quickly approaching said pseudo-boner. “Ssssssssh,” Haan cooed, sinking to his haunches in a deep squat, “just consider this some customer appreciation.” With practiced precision, he undid the button fastening the women’s trousers, before beginning to pull them down her thighs. Like a spring loaded club, the mare’s shaft sprang free, slapping against his cheek. “Oh wow,” he quietly exclaimed, impressed with Tekky’s equipment. Even among the larger zebra’s he’d serviced, she was quite imposing. Breathing hotly against the dark flesh of the shopkeeper’s tool, the zebra brought his snout down her length, to her sheath and plump balls. By the olden gods, she smelled heavenly. Breathing in her musk, her earthy and pungent essence, he sighed contentedly. Allowing the scent to flood his sinuses for a moment, Haan could already feel his prick tenting his shorts. “Just for the record, I ain’t into guys,” Tekky halfheartedly pouted, watching in awe, as the zebra moved to the tip of her length. She inhaled sharply, when the young man’s lips wrapped around the swollen and blunt head of her cock. Bracing herself on a shelf behind her, the mare closed her eyes, trying her best not to fixate on the fact that a guy had her junk in their mouth. Her hips bucked reflexively, cramming a bit more of herself into the zebra’s eager maw. Noting the tip of Tekky’s length bump against the back of his throat, Haan took a deep breath and relaxed his airway. Reaching up, and grabbing the shopkeeper’s waist, he pulled himself forward, jamming inch after inch of the mare’s unit down his gullet. He winced a bit but, fortunately, his gag reflex had been rather extensively trained from years of choking himself on girthy zebra stallionhood. One hand crept to his groin, pulling his skin tight shorts aside, to allow his own equipment to flop free. Slowly stroking himself, Haan began bobbing his head, caressing the underside of the dickmare’s shaft with his tongue, while feeling the ridged head scrape against his trachea. Running her fingers through the zebra’s hair, Tekky pulled the twink’s head down, ramming the last few inches of herself into his muzzle. “Fuck, you weren’t kidding,” she muttered, enjoying the warm confines of the lad’s esophagus. Though she hated to admit it, Haan was pretty damn hot, with his heavily lidded eyes and plump lips wrapped around her length. He sure didn’t seem to mind sucking her off either, judging from the fact that he was getting off to it. Easing his head back, just enough to allow himself a breath, Haan continued to fellate the shopkeeper. Pumping the base of her prick with one hand, he slipped the gargantuan organ from his mouth, giving the tip a little kiss. “So,” he whispered, noting a bottle of lubricating solution on a nearby shelf, “you give free samples?” “N...not usually,” Tekky replied, pressing her hips forward and smearing his cheek with pre-cum. “Shame,” the zebra sighed, grabbing the bottle. “And here I was wondering if this would let you fit every glorious inch of that fat fuck-stick in my backside…” he teased, winking up at the mare. “Yeah, it would,” the shopkeeper quickly shot back, licking her lips expectantly. Although she hadn’t anticipated railing out some cute femboy, she was far too worked up to turn him down. Leech, her live in roommate and fuck buddy, was out giving her parents a tour of the town, so she’d likely have a few hours to burn before they returned. “You wanna prove it,” Haan playfully chided. Hitching his thumbs over the lip of his shorts, he slowly stood. In one smooth motion, he pantsed himself and turned, leaving the mare’s prick sandwiched between his striped and pillowy buns. As good as her junk felt in his mouth, he couldn’t wait to have it plowing his ass. Losing what little resolve she had left, Tekky leered at the young equine. “Counter,” she stated, stepping out of her trousers and giving the zebra’s rump a sound smack, to motivate him. “Yes Ma’am,” Haan chirped. Trotting to the checkout counter, he leisurely draped his torso over the polished wooden surface. Fully supported by the furniture, his toes barely brushing against the floor, he reached back, pulling his monochromatic cheeps apart to expose the cushiony and pronounced dark pucker nestled between them. “Like this?” asked, mock innocence dripping from his words. Following closely behind, the mare had already uncorked the vial and begun slathering it’s viscous contents over her member. She could only see the barest hint of the feminine stallion’s junk, but she really wasn’t interested in that. His ass though, oh man, that was a thing of beauty. The stripes were a beautiful, natural accent to his slim yet elegant curves, enhancing his marish physique in an astonishing way. Placing one hand on his hip, and holding the base of her cock with the other, she guided the tip of her tool to the lad’s entrance. Feeling the blunt head of her shaft caress his pucker, the zebra arched his back. “Make me squeal like a filly,” he goaded. He’d heard tales about how ruthless dickmares could be and of the stunning output of seed they could produce. Haan had always been a hands on learner, so this experience would be far more illuminating than some boring old textbook. Sensing the mare begin to exert pressure, he relaxed his hole. With a small pop, Tekky penetrated the femcolt, causing each of them to gasp lightly. The two froze for a moment, their body’s acclimating to the insertion and constriction, respectively. Experimentally, the earth pony ground forward, steadily driving more and more of herself into the zebra’s confines. It didn’t feel quite like a pussy, the texture and tightness being somewhat different, but it sure as Tartarus felt good. Once her medial ring kissed his ring, the mare began steadily thrusting. “Oh gods, yes,” Haan groaned, the vascular organ plumbing his rear and accosting his prostate with each plunge. She wasn’t even all the way in yet, and he felt like he was melting. Letting go of his rump, the zebra snaked his hands under his chest. Propping himself up a bit, he began pushing back to meet her movements. “H...harder,” he stuttered, biting his lip, as he looked up at her. “Like it rough, huh?” the mare chuckled, a devilish look in her eye. Rearing back, and leaving only the swollen head of her rod in his bottom, she brutally drove her waist forward. The entirety of her length rammed inside the lad, causing him to moan whorishly. Fully entombed in the smaller equine’s tush, Tekky grabbed the young man’s dock; using it like a handle, she started thrusting again, this time far harder than before. “You want to get fucked like a girl, you better beg like one,” she scoffed, her body slowing. Filled with roughly a foot of dick, and feeling his insides being rearranged by the massive intrusion, Haan was having a hard time thinking clearly. Not only was the mare’s extremely thick medial ring directly assaulting his p-spot, but he hadn’t been handled this harshly in ages. The submissive and sexually accommodating parts of his mind kicked into gear, spurring him to reply. “Please,” he whined, casting his pitiable gaze at her, “breed me. Fill me with that fat, hot dick until I can’t walk!” “With pleasure,” Tekky grunted, as she began to move. Bracing herself, she started bucking her hips, while pulling the zebra to meet her strokes. The way his ass jiggled with each impact was quite captivating. With each plunge, her weighty nuts slapped against the back of his thighs. If she hadn’t know better, the shopkeeper could have sworn she was plowing some succulent young mare. The way he softly moaned, how he squirmed and clenched around her length, it was all pleasantly surprising, to say the least. She was so preoccupied, that she didn’t even hear the front door open. “Tsk, tsk, tsk,” an impish voiced tutted in the potion maker’s ear, “and you didn’t even invite me.” Looking over her shoulder, Tekky realized her roommate had returned. She shouldn’t have been surprised; Leech had a way of appearing and disappearing at the best, or worst, times. “I’m kinda busy, but feel free to join in,” she distractedly said, continuing to hammer away at the young man. “Was already planning on it,” the black unicorn chirped, rounding the counter to face the zebra. Looking down at the lad, she smiled playfully. “Hey cutie,” she began, holding up a small dropper of iridescent liquid, “you know what this is?” “N...Mmmph...no…” Haan wheezed, his entire body rocking with the increasingly forceful fucking that Tekky was delivering. He wasn’t sure who this mare was, but she apparently knew the shopkeeper. Looking into her cat-like, amethyst eyes, he couldn’t help but feel like she might be a bit unhinged. “Good,” Leech giggled, downing the potion in one gulp. Almost immediately, the magically infused medication began to work, causing her to grab at her crotch. Pulling up the lime green skirt she was wearing, and revealing the swollen, dark lips of her marehood, a sprig of flesh began to form. To the zebra’s utter amazement, the finger sized appendage quickly swelled outward, growing in length and girth until he was faced with a throbbing, vascular cock. It wasn’t as big as the shopkeepers but, oh man, did it look inviting. Obediently, and without being asked, his lips parted, allowing his tongue to roll out in the onyx mare’s direction. Slipping her newly formed tool into the zebra’s mouth, Leech looked over to the blue mare. “Hey, can we flip ‘em over and spitroast ‘em?” she asked, pouting her bottom lip at the larger pony. “Why?” Tekky shot back, cocking an eyebrow at the unicorn, yet maintaining her jackhammering of the young man’s behind. “Because I wanna see how knocked up he looks when you pop!” Leech giddily replied, gently pulling at the zebra’s head, as he fellated her. “Ugh, fine,” the blue mare groaned. Waiting until her friend removed her freshly generated prick from the lad’s maw, her movements slowed. Reaching down to retrieve one of the striped equine’s legs, and making sure to keep her prick buried in his ass, she spun Haan onto his back. Now fully supine, Tekky hitched Haan’s knees over her shoulders, before beginning to piston into him again. Leech was a bit more accommodating, but only marginally. Guiding her member to the zebra’s lips, she steadily humped the young man’s face, making sure to allow him breaths with each backstroke; after all, It was the least she could do. She knew all too well what it was like to get a rough face fucking. Leaning forward, she pulled up Haan’s top, exposing his perky, black nipples. Pinching one with each hand, she gently massaged and tweaked the sensitive buds of flesh, causing a muffled noise of excitement to escape from around her dick. While watching her friend fuck the guy’s throat, causing it to bulge outward slightly, was cute, Tekky was far too interested in watching the lad’s abdomen. With every plunge, the imprint of her titanic cock appeared through the zebra’s belly. She didn’t even notice his prick at this point, even though it was drooling pre-cum like a faucet, as it bounced about uselessly. There was something exceedingly satisfying about watching her tool utterly dominate another, and it was quickly pushing her to her limit. Pounding away with reckless abandon, the dickmare continued to pleasure herself with the seductive customer. Taking careful note of the larger mare’s movements, and her heavy breathing, Leech figured it wouldn’t be long before her roommate reached her limit. Until then, she consigned herself to enjoy the blowjob from Haan. She’d used potions or spellcraft to wield a dong before, but she much preferred to be on the receiving end of one; the thought gave her an idea. Pulling her member from the striped lad’s mouth, and leaving him to mewl like a filly on prom night, she crawled onto the counter beside him. Reaching his groin, she lowered her face and wrapped her lips around his prick, as she sucked him off. The added stimulation nearly caused Haan to climax. Moaning feverishly, he desperately clenched his ass around Tekky’s length, trying his best to milk her marecock with his tight hole. He’d be remiss for allowing himself to blow his load before the dickmare. “F...fill me up! Use me, pour every drop of your precious seed into me,” he screamed, pawing at his face and struggling to stave off the looming climactic release. Grunting furiously, and pushed beyond her limit by the zebra’s provocation, Tekky slammed forward, hilting herself in the femboy. Her heavy balls pulled taught, sending tides of spunk through her shaft and deep into Haan’s guts. The lad screamed, cumming instantaneously at the sublime heat and internal pressure of the dickmare’s eruption. Leech, the feisty cocksucker that she was, eagerly gulped down the exotic stallion’s cream, relishing the slightly unique flavor. Tekky simply gritted her teeth, forcing an eye open to watch the repercussions of the tsunami of jizz she unleashed within him. With wonderment, she observed Haan’s abdomen slowly swell outward, not unlike a balloon. His hide went taught, leaving the young man to look exceptionally pregnant. A sudden, resounding slap on her ass made her look down at a very cheeky looking unicorn. “Looks like twins,” Leech tittered, running her hand over the zebra’s distended gut. Seeing a guy this bloated was pretty fucking hot, she had to admit. “Ugh, just get the place cleaned up before my parents get back to the shop,” Tekky sighed, hauling her softening length from Haan’s abused hole. Just as her head cleared his pucker, he clenched down, trapping the overwhelming majority of her seed within himself. She didn’t know if all zebra twinks were this well trained, but she was damn impressed; especially, given how he’d just blown a load himself. “I’m gonna go get showered up, I really don’t want Soiree hearing about this,” she continued, retrieving her pants and stomping off towards the stairs. “Don’t worry,” the unicorn whispered conspiratorially to the cum drunk young stallion, “I’ll make sure Soiree knows.” Fetching his shorts, she danced back over to him. “There’s a bathroom around the corner that you can tidy up in sweetheart. I gotta say, you took that dicking like a champ!” she teased, idly stroking her alchemically created dong. Haan simply nodded, as he rolled from the furniture. “They weren’t kidding about dickmares,” he wheezed, steadying himself, as he hobbled towards the restroom. “Oh, I know. You think that was bad, try waking up to one humping your face,” Leech laughed, levitating a mop from the corner to herself. As she cleaned the floors, the young man washed himself up. It didn’t take her long to get the shop spick and span, having become rather good at the chore over the past few weeks. In a matter of minutes, the zebra re-emerged, looking prim and proper. She was a little surprised with how quickly he worked. The only telltale sign of his cum filled interior, being a slightly swollen belly. “I’ll need to make note of this place,” Haan said, trotting to the door. “My thanks for cleaning up. I’m sorry you weren’t able to cum yourself,” he grumbled apologetically, smiling weakly at the black mare. “Nah, don’t worry about it. I’ll just grind on her until she fucks me stupid later,” the unicorn responded, her pulse quickening at the prospect of a good, hard fucking. “Oh yeah, before I forget, grab a free potion for your trouble. Hell, it’s the least Tekky can do for railing your ass,” she giggled, shooting the young man a wink. Smoothly stooping and picking up a vial of the endurance potion he’d been looking at earlier, Haan made his way to the door. “You are a lucky mare. May we cross paths again,” he said, waving his goodbye. “Have a good one, Buddy! Maybe send some nice zebra stud my way sometime!” Leech called back, waving as he left the shop. Even if he was a bottom, the zebra was kinda cute. Sighing to herself, and looking forward to ceaselessly teasing her friend, she worked to finish her task. Back on the street, the feminine stallion trotted along. Humming cheerfully to himself, a flash of chartreuse energy flickered across his eyes. Yes, he most certainly would need to remember the well-hung shopkeeper and her mischievous little roommate.