The War that Never Was

by Blue_Hearts_Belle

First published

Changelings are banished to Prince Moleighs kingdom now its up to him to keep them in check

After the Changeling Queen tried to take over Canterlot, she was banished to the other side of Equestria. Now she and her minions are trying to take over Prince Moleighs' kingdom, now its up to him to keep them in order. Then one night exhausted after another changeling battle Moleigh walks home but takes a different route home and is ambushed by changelings, He is unprepared and suffers terrible damage... Read story to find out more!!

The Tragic Begining

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The War that Never Was

Chapter 1
The Tragic Begining

The black, war scarred stallion charged through the cheese-legged, shape shifting Changeling army wielding his trusty sword Excalibur. Swinging the great sword left and right and back again, the red and blue maned war veteran galloped through the battle field; He his own one pony army. He thrust the mighty Excalibur through a Changeling and excruciatingly slowly pulled it out; He watched as the body plunged to the grass. The blood dripped from his sword and onto the Changeling body that was oozing its black blood. He enjoyed being part of the war efforts; Things had really heated up since the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis, was banished to this part of Equestria. Since then his blade had been bloodied constantly. Today was no different. The stallion looked around the battle scene; The sky was grey and dark and fog was starting to roll onto the grassy plain from the forest that surrounded the clearing. He had killed many a Changeling this battle that had gone on since noon. Since he had started fighting, the whole Changeling armies numbers had decreased but that only meant the strongest were left. Most Changelings were savage, thoughtless creatures who couldn't speak well, but some could be smart. On more than one occasion they had ambushed him luckily he always kept his mighty sword with him, for occasions like those. This brave stallion thought all about his encounters with the Changeling army very carefully, recalling every moment; He used them to strategize. This time he found them wandering in an open field looking for someone else to infect. This battle was close to being over when the Changeling leader called a hasty retreat.

"Run you cowards. Don't let me catch you 'round here again!" The blue-eyed stallion yelled, charging after them for a bit. He stoped and watched as the last Changeling ran out of the clearing and into the forest. He laughed at them; Stupid Changelings should know better than to mess with the prince of war! He chuckled at the thought as he turned to walk home. The victorious stallion used his magic to rummage through his red tote. I need a bath...I can do that later. He thought to himself, upon seeing that his coat and mane was covered in dirt, grass and blood; Be it Changeling or his own. Finally finding the map, the unkempt black horse saw a short cut through the small town of hope. His walking pace was brisk and light, for he wanted nothing more than to get home fast. He walked on in silence, it was eerie out; Shadows were everywhere. It was amazing he hadn't lost faith in his trusty map. One wrong turn and he would end up in Changeling territory. He soon stumbled upon a sign: HOPE Population: 1,000. He shivered but his shiver was interrupted by a long drawn out yawn. I'm cold and tired and I want to go home, He thought, while using his wings to get a good look at the map again. He looked up and realized that the map was right; He was at a crossroads. One path lead through part of the Everfree forest and the other lead right through town. He looked at the right path knowing it was safest. But I want to get home fast! He thought as his head swiveled to look at the left path. He chose his path, the fastest one. Besides what if somepony is out and sees me like this?!? He shook his head, he would never let that happen. He picked up speed, trotting along the dirt path, thinking of battles, long since past. The prince sighed and looked around, letting his eyes wander from the road. He spotted something further upon the trail. If he looked hard enough the figure reminded him of somepony he once knew; His heart raced and almost cheerfully he ran toward the pony. But as he drew closer his excitement faded, as did the pony, he called out for the pony to return.

Suddenly, a fury of teeth horns, wings and hooves rained down upon him. Changelings. He was crushed beneath them. They had ambushed him. They were saving their strength for this; They knew I would go this way! "B...Bastards!" he yelled as loud as he possibly could, the Changelings were crushing his ribs. He struggled and struggled to get free, but the more he fought to free himself they tighter their grip on him became, not to mention the harder the bit him. The stallion yelled as a sharp pain was felt in his front hoof. He could feel the blood drip from his hoof; It was a nasty stench, Changeling venom. He could feel another wound open up on his side, this time it was a horn though his abdomen. He needed to escape and fast, or it might be too late. "I'm not going yet!" he muttered to himself. He summoned his strength and every ounce of magic he could to locate his vengeful weapon. He picked it up and swung at the closest Changelings. He could hear the few bodies drop, Excalibur had found his target. Soon he found himself being able to escape. He tried to fly away but found that is wing was broken. So, he ran, as well as he could with his right front hoof injured. He ran in a direction making sure it was well away for any Changelings. He stumbled and landed awkwardly on his bad leg. He cried out in agonizing pain. He collapsed and hit his head on something he had realized as steps. He crawled to the top of them and knocked on the door. The blue eyed alicorn heard the green changeling wings closing in on him. He knocked on the door. The booms echoed into the night. He heard the sounds of footsteps from inside and sighed. I'll be safe! He fainted just as the door slowly opened.

The door flew open as the silver mare saw the state of the poor alicorn. The mare struggled to get the unconscious body through the doorway. The purple eyed pony dragged the stallion into her living room, then dashed to her bathroom and grabbed all of her medicinal supplies and ran down the hall to fix the broken stallion. She went to work, staying up all night to keep and eye on this poor pony. She finally relaxed on her sofa. Her head bobbed waking her up every time she dozed off. But night eventually overcame her. He head tilted letting her white mane fall in her face. It seemed like she had just fallen asleep when she was woken up by the alicorns dry coughing. Her eyes flew open and she rushed to his side. "Shhhhh.... Do... Do you need water? " She ever so softly asked the sleeping stallion. "I'll get you some water." She said dashing off to the kitchen; coming back in a mad hurry, she tripped over one of her own poem books, spilling the drink all over the floor and herself and sending the glass cup shattering over the floor. The poet cursed under her breath and went to grab a broom for the broken cup. Once she made sure al the glass was off the floor and in the trash, she got a new cup making sure it was plastic and had a lid. The now wet mare brought the cup into the living room and set it on a table nearest the pony. Seeing that the bandaged pony was still asleep,she headed back into the kitchen. I guess there wouldn't be any harm in making breakfast, After all he is asleep... She thought as her stomach growled viciously. She made some oats and headed back into the living room. The unicorn sat down at her desk taking breaks from writing to eat and see if the stallion had woken up. On one of these food breaks she noticed in the light of day that his hoof is oozing a green goop. No, It can't be, please don't be changing. She dropped her spoon and rushed to her book-shelf. "Curse for Injuries: Changelings... Cures for Injuries: Changeling..." She repeated to herself while looking for a book. She grabbed the book and flipped to the index "Bites... Bites... Bites AHA! Bingo!" She brought the book over to the infect stallion and propped open the medical book. She unwrapped the hoof and carefully examined it. Shit!!

Her white hair flying behind her as she raced to the bathroom. Her purple gaze scanned the medicine cabinet, desperately searching for the item she needed. Using her magic, she grabbed all of the things she needed and galloped back to the black stallions side. "Stay with me, come on stay with me." She urgently told the stallion. She followed all of the directions calmly and smoothly until step 3. As soon as she poured the stinging peroxide on the wound the stallions dark blue eyes flew open and he thrashed around violently.

"Get off me!" he yelled, trying to escape of her grip.

"Shh, calm down your safe, but I have to clean your Changeling infected wounds. Shhh..." She replied as calmly as she could. He gaze on her softens.

"Sorry, I..." He started to apologize.

"It's okay. Just stay still." She tells the handsome stallion, before getting back to work on his hoof. He stiffened as she pour a little more of the horrible acid on his hoof. She quickly wrapped it up and set his hoof down. "I'm Silver Flower by the way," She told him.

"I'm Prince Moleigh." He glanced at the beautiful mare who had nursed him to health.

She smiled, "You look uncomfortable, lets get you settled in my room." The unicorn told the Prince, hovering him off the ground. She walked him down the hall and set him down upon her bed. "I'll be back, I have to clean up the mess I made." She paused. "Would you like anything to eat?" The white maned pony asked, but before Moleigh could reply, she answered herself. "I get you some oats." When she had disappeared around the corner. Prince Moleigh look around the room. His deep blue eyes taking in everything. Soon, his gaze fell upon a gigantic book titled 'Death Poems by Silver Flower.' He turned to the cover page and read ' This book won't be like my normal love poem books. I wrote it after my brother went to war. He has yet to return. I hope you like it." He gasped, now the stallion was positive he could tell this white maned horse his entire back story. He turned the page and read on. "Poem 1, When I Die," Interesting.
When I Die,
I hope you will remember me,
By how I loved the people,
Who loved me for being me,

When I Die,
I hope you will remember me,
By how I loved and felt on the inside not by,
Who I enjoyed listening to,

When I Die,

I hope you will remember me,
by how I smiled, no matter
Who put me down or what the occasion,

When I Die,
I hope you will remember me,
By how I cared for my family and friends,
Who were sickly,

And When I Die,
I hope you will remember me,
By how I cried for loved-ones,
Who died who loved me for being me."

Whoa, that's deep, The alicorn thought to himself as he closed the book. At that moment the pony Silver Flower, returned with a bottle of water and some oats. With ninja like stealth, he hid the book in the book shelf nearest him.