Brass Goggles

by Halloween Spirit

First published

Brass Goggles a steam powered pony who loves to sing.

Brass Goggles is a steam powered pony who loves to sing but for her theres a question what is love, what is real and, why do living things need feelings to be considered alive?

Chapter 1 my song

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I couldn't see anything just a blank void of pitch blackness but, I was use to this; the long moments between shows when nopony was around to hear me sing my song with a band that even I couldn't see. The moments when it was just me and the curtain that shut me out from the outside world. My little home that kept me safe and yet I always found myself wonder one thing am I alive? I mean sure I can see and hear everypony outside my stage but am I like them or just a cold boiler with nothing to hide, it's maddening to think like this yet I find myself wondering it between shows. I wish somepony could answer my question. So I stood behind my curtain and on my stage thinking my sagely question when.

I heard it the small little pitter patter of hooves on the cobble stones. Some little foal was coming up to my stage to no doubt start me up into a marry song to lift spirits and entertain. I could feel my metal muzzle stretch as a smile came to my face at the though of letting out my song. I could hear the bit go into the coin slot and the gears begin to go. I powered up with a hiss of steam as the curtain drew back letting the sun hit my bronze exterior shining brightly in the midday sun.

"Hey everypony it's that time again so without any further a due a tune your ears to the grinding gears," I said as a piano started up.

~Come with me and I'll show you how to be a metal mare. When the gears are turning and the fires are burning. When the world ticks around you. Your voice is tocking all the time, and you live for sleep you've never slept. Because you can not sleep,~ I sang seeing a little lavender filly looking up at me with wonder and amazement.

~Colonel Water was shocked when from the Nile. Copper elephants turning hostile so he built this wonderful automaton bloaks and, a very big steampowered giraffe that smokes. Now the war has past and over where left to sit and wonder what is life and what is real and why do living things need feelings-ings-ings,~ I sang the second and third verse without fail.

"A one, two, three," I then said to start up the chorus of the song.

~La-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. La-da-da-da-da-da-da. La-da-da-da-da.

How would you like to try pumping lead through your vain or, have a heart so wet and cold it starts rusting. when the world ticks around you. Your voice is tocking all the time, you live for feeelings you've never felt. Because you can not feel and, what is this leaking affecting my eyes? does the oil that is dripping mean that its a cry? Will I ever be something with feelings to hide? Or am I just a boiler with nothing inside,~ I sang the next verses with a hint of something in voice but I couldn't place.

~I want all today don't want to hear you say-ay. You can do this you can't do that you're not a living thing with feelings-ings-ings.~ "One, two, three," I then said as I readied for the chorus.

~La-da-da-da-da. La-da-da-da-da-da. La-da-da-da-da-da La-dat-da- dot-da-da,~ I sang with others from the crowd that had gathered as they heard me singing along creating a melodic harmonious sound. I was smiling a bright smile but, it was quick to go as the curtain came to hide me from the world.

I though it would be it till a lavender light surrounded me and before I knew it I wasn't stuck to my stage anymore.
I could hardly believe it I wasn't anchored down to my stage anymore and, so I did the one thing I could think of I jumped off the stage. I smiled and for once I couldn't figure out why my stage wasn't needed and that idea had in the biggest smile in my whole 'life'. I looked down to see the lavender filly and could see she had the biggest smile on her face too.

"Well isn't this just swell so tell me little filly who do I have to thank," I said to the filly.

"My names Twilight sparkle but, who are you," she asked me.

Twilight was well young maybe 5 or 6 with a lavender coat dark blue almost violet mane and tail with a purplish red streak going through it. Twilight had a six pointed star as her cutie mark with five other stars around the main big one. With a small horn jutting out of her mane and head sharing the lavender color of her coat.

"Brass Goggles is my name and singing is my game," I said noticing that I seemed to have a thing for rhymes and wondered if it was something I would always do or only every so often. I could see Twilight looking up at me seeing my bronze body with gears and other things sticking out at different places and two blue glass tinted lenses for my eyes which where illuminated by, I could only guess behind the lenses giving my eyes a glowing look. Yet the glow was not that of a creepy or dangerous kind of thing but, soft glow that was comforting in a way.

"Twilight," we both heard someone call the filly's name and turned to see the tallest mare I had ever seen. She was a marble white and towered over both Twilight and I dwarfing us both. Her main and tail seem to be a combination of greens, blues and, purples moving like a breeze was going past even though no else was doing the same. She also sported a long horn and two strong wings. I had seen every kind of pony from earth to unicorn and yet I had never seen somepony like her.

"Princess, this is Brass Goggles and she's this cool metal pony," Twilight said to the pony who I now knew was a princess which there was only one of and, her name was Celestia.

"A metal pony Twilight I-," Celestia stopped when she saw the gears and other things sticking out of me. "Oh so she is well how did this happen," Celestia asked looking between the filly she seemed rather acquainted with and me.

"I saw Brass's stage and went up to putting a bit in then she came out and started singing. Only as she was singing she looked sad and got worse when the stage curtain was coming round to close. So I cast a spell to help her," Twilight said bashfully. Celestia looked at the filly with what I could only guess was maybe pride before she turned to me. It was then I realized I was in front of royalty and had yet to bow. So with a the hiss of steam and the clank of gears I bowed only for the Princess to signal me to stop.

"No need for that Brass Goggles," Celestia said with the kindest look in her eyes I had ever seen.

"Can she come with us Princess please," Twilight asked the princess once again I found myself wondering how these two knew each other because family couldn't be neither called each other anything most families did.

"I suppose it could be a learning experience for you bot in a way, my little student," Princess Celestia said with a smile to Twilight that I almost missed.

"Yay," Twilight almost squealing in delight. And so without much fuss from me because I didn't want to back onto that stage I followed the two with Twilight walking between us. This I could tell was going to be interesting with all that happened to me on this day.