> Seven Very Chilling Mare's Tales > by DougtheLoremaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Applejack Sells Apples > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey watch where yer going you-" I found myself staring drunkenly into the green eyes of Applejack. As I tried to bring her into focus with my eyes, I quickly found a hoof jabbed into my nose. "You're the new pony in town, ain't 'cha? Hmmmm..." She appeared deep in thought and circled me as if examining my body. A Stallion, I was justly proud of my muscular build. My drunken stupor had finally caught up to me as my vision blurred and I heard her say right before i passed out, "you'll do just fine, Sugarcube." I awoke under some cozy cotton sheets. My head was killing me as I slowly raised it and looked around. I was in a room clearly designed for a mare. On the wall hung a motivational poster stating; Early to Buckin' Early to Rest. The walls were painted a rich pink color. Even the sheets i was tucked under were purple. As I looked around, I noticed a tray beside the bed. On top of the tray was a glass of golden liquid. I sniffed it. It was apple cider. A note beside the glass read, "Enjoy a little ray of sunshine to help with that headache, when you are ready we need to talk, Love Aj." I smiled. What a nice thing to do. I slowly sipped on the cider as I pulled back the covers. Delicious! Quickly I guzzled the rest down in a greedy fashion, careful not to leave a drop behind. The note was right! I felt so light-hearted, my headache was gone. Smiling widely I headed downstairs to talk with Applejack and thank her for her hospitality. I entered the kitchen and found a stack of pancakes with a note next to them; "I made these while getting ready to buck some apples, enjoy a warm breakfast, courtesy of the Apple Family, Sugarcube. When you finish, please meet me in the orchard. Love Aj." Sitting down at that table, I proceeded to devour those pancakes. How could I not? They were so mouthwatering with their fragrant apple-based aroma. So delectable, so delicious. I savored each and every bite. Finally, I rose to go meet Applejack out in the orchard. She was bucking some Golden Delicious back in the grove. Applejack slammed her powerful back hooves into the tree, causing apples to fall as I approached. Seeing me approaching, she halted and gingerly removed her hat as she wiped some sweat away from her brow. "Ah there you are Sugarcube, didja rest well?" I responded with a big grin on my face. "Yes, thank you! That was so nice of you setting out that cider for me and those pancakes, were to die for they were so good." She responded in her quaint but endearing country accent. "Think nothin' of it Sugarcube, everypony knows how hospitable the Apples are. Now then about yesterday-" I interrupted, apologizing profusely. "I-I'm so sorry about that, I guess I partied a bit too hard and lost my head. Please forgive me." Applejack frowned for a moment and then smiled warmly once more. "Oh relax Sugarcube, I had already fergotten about that. I was referring to Twi tellin' me you currently had no place t' stay. I was thinkin' you could stay in the guest room. Yer know that one you were nappin' in? At least until ya could find a place of your own." I responded, feeling very grateful to such a hospitable pony. "Really? Oh wow! Thank you so much Applejack! How can I ever make this up to you?" Applejack smiled and looked me in the eyes. "If it means so much to ya, why not help me buck these apples. At least for a couple of hours each day? It would be mighty helpful, and I would appreciate such a strong stallion helpin' meh." She had been so nice, how could I refuse? "I would love to Applejack." We began apple bucking side by side, until a while later she looked at me as the sun started to go down over the grove. "Ya know, Sugarcube, ah don' believe I got yer name." I was exhausted, Sweet Celestia Above, how does she do this eveyday? "My name is Doug Loremaster. It's been my pleasure to meet you." She smiled at me warmly and spoke in a soft tone. "No, Sugarcube the pleasure has been all mine. Thanks fer helpin' in the grove. Ya look exhausted, why don't you get some shut-eye? Early to rest, Early to Buck, Granny always says." Thanking her, I made my way towards the girly pink bedroom once more. I slowly climbed into bed and pulling the covers over myself snug-like, fell into a deep sleep. I awoke with the sun peaking over the treetops. I didn't want to get up yet, so turning over and snuggling further under the cozy sheets I fell back asleep. When I opened my eyes again, the sun was high in the sky. Oh no, I thought to myself. I'm late to help Applejack! As I flung back the sheets, I noticed a tray next to the bed. On it sat a glass of glorious golden cider. I downed it without a thought, that sparkling golden color, that crisp apple taste. Beside the glass was a note, just like before; "Come out when your ready and we can buck some apples together. Love Aj." Once more I headed downstairs, once more a stack of pancakes awaited me and once more I headed out to meet Applejack in the grove. She saw me approached and smiled. "Good mornin' sleepyhead, now then uh..erm..what's yer name again?" I smiled and reminded her in a friendly tone. "my name is Sugarcube, Applejack." She nodded. "Ah right, right. Sorry bout that Sugarcube, well let's get to work." Once more her and I began bucking apples as the sun blasted us with summer heat from above. My hooves ached that night as she looked at me and smiled. "You did good work out there, Sugarcube, Ahm proud of you." I smiled and before saying good night once more said in a very happy tone. "Proud to help, Applejack. Same time tomorrow?" She nodded. "Sounds good ta me, Sugarcube." I awoke once more as the sun just peaked over the trees. I felt really energetic, my previous pains all gone, as I downed the Crisp, sparkling cider I found beside my bed once more. The note this time read; "Sugarcube, can't wait to buck some apples with my favorite stallion. Don't keep me waiting too long. Love Aj." Downstairs, I rushed a feeling of joy once more filling my being. After gobbling down the stack of pancakes on the table I galloped to the grove to find Applejack bucking the third tree of the day. She saw me and said in her warm voice, "Ah there yer are Sugarcube, good ta see ya up so early." I grinned. "Early to Rest, Early to Buck, Applejack. I couldn't wait to get out here and help you." She gave a small laugh and said, "Right yer are, Well let's get to it, shall we Sugarcube?" As the day went by, Applejack and I bucked apples while laughing and joking side by side. The sun was being lowered by Celestia as we stood there looking at the orchard together chatting. "Ah, Sugarcube, yer did wonderful, well done. An hey, yer don't seem as worn down as yesterday, still though why don't yer go get some rest, an we can spend some more time tegether, buckin' them apples?" It was true, I wasn't sore at all. In fact I felt great, if not a little sleepy, listening to her soft, warm, country voice. Yawning I turned to her and said, "Same time tomorrow, Applejack?" She just nodded and said softly, "Sounds good ta' meh, Sugarcube." The next day, I woke up before the sun had even begun it's ascent into the sky. Full of energy I quickly swallowed that cool, refreshing apple enriched cider and bolted downstairs as fast as my hooves would carry me. I saw Applejack sitting at the oaken table slowly sipping some apple juice from a mug. As I approached, she smiled and said, "Good mornin' Sugarcube, how'dja sleep? Yer up mighty early." I made my way to the stove and began to mix some batter as I responded. "Well, I got to be to make your breakfast like always, Applejack." She smiled and took a small sip. "Ah right yer are, Sugarcube. Well get to it then. We got a long day of apple bucking ahead of us,y'know." I continued pouring the now hoof-crafted batter as I grinned and said, "Of course Applejack, I can't wait!" After I had served Applejack her breakfast, the two of us headed out to the grove where we found Princess Luna, who seemed to be waiting for something. Applejack turned to me and said in that alluring country voice of hers, "Hey Sugarcube why don't yer go an' get started like a good stallion, Ah got some business to discuss with the princess about an order she placed." I smiled and said with a cheerful expression, "Sounds good Applejack!" Applejack trotted over to Luna and with a bow of her head, began to speak to her in words I couldn't hear as I went to go buck those apples. That night as Applejack and I headed in and began to say our goodnights, she looked at me and asked, "tell meh Sugarcube, what is yer take on fashion?" I thought for a moment before replying. "I thought you weren't much for fashion Applejack, but I personally would love a nice suit, preferably a dark blue. A suave, debonair look, for a bracing stallion such as myself." Applejack looked at me for a moment and said in a distressed tone. Ah dun care fer fashion all that much but Rarity has been houndin' meh to get some new duds and Ah thought yer might want to come along while I pick out a dress." I grinned. "I would love to, when were you thinking?" Applejack laughed. "How about after ya make my breakfast tomorrow, Sugarcube? We ken make a day of it." I smiled and said, "Sounds wonderful, Applejack." The next day, I awoke before the first rooster at Fluttershy's crowed. I yawned and stretched and enjoyed the luscious golden liquid beside my bed once more. The note on the tray stated; "I am very excited to go to town with you. Remember, you need to help me pick out a dress for Sweetiebell's 25th birthday party. Love Aj." I proceeded to head downstairs to fix Applejack her breakfast as she watched me, once more. When we were done eating and I had washed the dishes. She looked at me with a kind, warm smile. "Are yer ready to go?" My voice was like that of a melodious song as I replied, "Absolutely Applejack." I could barely wait for the shopping trip she had promised me. She nodded and said, "Well then let's get to it, Sugarcube." As we walked through the doorway to Rarity's Boutique, we were greeted with a flowery voice. "Oh Dah-lings! Welcome to Rarity's Boutique." As I stood there in awe, the creamy alabastar colored fur of a unicorn trotting towards me, filled my gaze. Her voice was very prim and proper in tone. "Oh Applejack dah-ling, who is that wonderful mare beside you?" Applejack nudged me with her hoof and spoke in a very absolute voice. "Go on, Sugarcube, introduce yerself." I looked into Rarity's gaze and stated in a singsong voice, "My name is Sugarcube, I'm a guest at Sweet Apple Acres, we met when Princess Twilght introduced us, remember?" Rarity exchanged a glance with Applejack and said, "Oh dah-ling! How could I have ever forgotten such a gorgeous mare as yourself? Of course I remember you now." Turning to Applejack she asked in a everyday-business tone, "How can I help you two ladies this morning?" Applejack smiled warmly and spoke softly. "we were wonderin' if you could make her get a dress, fer the party coming up." Rarity seemed to be lost in deep thought for a moment and said, "I'll have to see what I've got Applejack, my fabric supply is a bit low at the moment." Applejack nodded and turning to me, she spoke in the endearing country accent of hers. "Why don't 'cha take a look around Sugarcube, Ah'll see if ah can lend Rarity here a hoof." I nodded and feeling quite happy began to peruse the dresses on display while Rarity and Applejack talked in hushed tones. I could only make out a few sentences of the many minute conversation. My mind was focused on the outfits anyway. "Her party is in a few days dah-ling, will the order be ready?" "Have Ah ever let ya down Rarity? Ah promise it'll be ready." I looked through the rack on the back wall when I saw it. The perfect outfit for me; a black and white laced, maid's outfit. The white frills the black undershirt, soft totouch, alluring to look at. I pictured myself wearing it while serving breakfast to Applejack, while she watched me. I could justify wearing it while doing my chores; dishes, dusting, sweeping. I got really excited looking at it and ran over to where Applejack and Rairty were talking. I was pretty sure it wasn't appropriate for a birthday party, but it was the dress I wanted since that conversation last night about clothes. "Applejack, please may I get this? Wouldn't it look amazing as I did my chores for you?" I put on my best sad-Fluttershy eyes and waited. Both ponies stopped in the middle of the conversation and stared at me. A second after Rarity gave Applejack a glare, I was shot a disproving look as Applejack took a deep breath and let out a small sigh. In the same gentle voice as always she said, "Sugarcube, ya shouldn't interrupt others like that. However, that dress does fit ya. Hmmmm..." Rarity looked at Applejack as the latter turned to her and asked how much it was. A little later, wearing my new attire and twirling around happily side by side with Applejack, I left the boutique. Applejack hollered back to Rarity as we left. "Hey Rar, why don'tcha come over tomorrow mornin' ah promise, she'll be on her best behavior." Rarity seemed to ponder the request for a moment and said, "Alright Applejack, how's breakfast sound?" Applejack smiled at her and said in her rustic country accent, "Sounds good ta' me, let's go Sugarcube." After we got back home Applejack scolded me, her tone never raising or lowering always staying gentle. "Sugarcube, what ya did was wrong, ya upset a friend of mine. Tomorrow she's coming over, Ah expect you to spend tonight thinking of a way to apologize. Do ya understand? Ahm not mad, but ah am disappointed, now off ta bed with ya." Those words stung. I had disappointed the most wonderful mare in Ponyville and upset a friend of hers in the bargain. I had been a bad mare. I closed my eyes and went into a deep sleep. Tomorrow, I thought as I fell into slumber, I will make her proud. After all I owed it to her for being so nice. The next morning, I blinked sleepily and looked through the window. The sunlight was just peaking over the trees. I swiftly swallowed the glass of cider on the tray and read the note. "When you are ready to apologize, come down stairs. Be a good mare, make me proud. Love Mistress." I looked over at the wall and saw a disciplinary paddle hanging there. I was a bad mare, I thought, I should be punished. After I had put on my maids outfit, I grabbed the paddle in my teeth and proceeded down the stairs, determined to make mistress proud of me. Mistress and her friend Rarity were sitting at the table chatting and laughing as I approached. Mistress sipped slowly from her mug of apple juice, while Rarity drank a warm cup of morning coffee. Both stopped talking as I meekly stood by the door, waiting to be called over. Smiling gently, Mistress called me over. "Sugarcube, are ya ready ta be a good mare? If so c'mere." I trotted over, my knees were shaking in nervousness. I did not want to disappoint again. I stood where she had indicated as she said softly, "Do ya have somethin' ya would like ta say ta my friend, fer what ya did yesterday?" I looked over at rarity and in a timid tone speak to her, as I placed the paddle in front of her on the table. "I was a bad mare for being disrespectful to you and to Mistress for interrupting yesterday. Please discipline me as you like to make up for my lack of manners, ma'am." Rarity's horn glowed as she picked up the paddle. "Turn around dah-ling." I slowly turned around. I waited patiently for my punishment. But nothing happened for about two minutes. Then I heard Rarity say, "turn around dah-ling, you are forgiven do NOT let it happen again, understood?" I turned back around, the paddle rested on the table and she had turned to look at Mistress. "I am impressed at how well-mannered she is in comparison to yesterday. Nice job, Applejack dah-ling. Such a well trained pony." After Rarity left, Mistress spoke to me in her ever calm and relaxing tone. "Ya can stop shakin' now Sugarcube. No need ta' be nervous. Ya made me very proud of ya just now. For a reward ya may take th' rest of the day off from yer usual chores. Why not go take a nap? You must be very tired after such excitement." I truly did feel sleepy and after thanking Mistress for such a compliment, I headed upstairs once more and climbed into bed. Snug under those covers I fell into a deep sleep, feeling very proud to have made Mistress happy with me once more. I awoke, renewed and feeling amazingly refreshed. I had a wonderful idea. I had woken up almost three hours before Mistress would be awake and decided she should be able to enjoy a wonderful breakfast in bed. All my chores were completed as I happily carried the tray into her bedroom with the frills of my maids outfit swaying to and fro. Sitting up in bed she looked me in the eyes, those green iris of her captivating me as she spoke. "Aw didja make this fer me, Sugarcube?" I smiled brightly. "Yes, Mistress." Mistress nodded and stroked my chin looking at me. "That's a good girl, just like Ah taught ya. Ah have an idea why don't ya come with meh when ah go to visit Princess Luna tonight? Would ya like that, Sugarcube?" I nod my head obediently and give the correct answer. "Oh yes, please Mistress." That night, after a day of chores and bucking apples for Mistress, I was told to go get my uniform and ready myself to meet the princess. It took an hour, but finally there we stood; in front of Canterlot Castle, with me carrying a heavy saddlebag upon my back. The nighttime guard eyed us warily as Mistress flashed a special badge. After they saw it, they let us pass, unhindered. Turning down a hallway, we arrived in front of the bed chambers for Princess Luna; I assumed this judging by the rather large silver crescent of a moon emblazoned upon the door. Mistress rapped on the door with her hooves, first slow then fast and once more slow. A deep females voice on the other side of the door spoke. "Come in, Applejack." I was nervous and timidly began to shiver in place, as the door slowly opened. Mistress placed a hoof under my chin and whispered softly, "Do not be afraid Sugarcube, ah will protect ya. Now in ya go." Feeling completely relaxed and comforted by her reassurances, I slowly trotted in at her side. The door behind us closed as we approached Princess Luna. She glanced at me for a moment and finally spoke looking at Mistress. "It seems that the serum I ordered from Twilight worked, Applejack." Mistress sauntered up to the princess and placed a hoof on her. She spoke in a strange low and silky voice. "Ah came ta bring ya your cut of th' profits, Princess." Princess Luna looked utterly disgusted. "I don't want your blood money, you evil, repulsive -" My eyes widened. How could she talk to my Mistress like that? She was the most wonderful mare in all of Equestria. How dare she say those things? Mistress raised a hoof to stop me moving towards the princess and once I had begun standing still again, spoke to her in a gentle voice. "Now now, princess, that's enough o' that. Ya know very well what ah can do should ya' continue." The Princess of the Lunar Heavens seemed afraid. "You promised you wouldn't! Please don't! Not 'Tia!" Mistress spoke gently as she picked up Luna's chin and looked her in the eyes. "Every princess plays her part ya know. Now then, are you goin' ta' accept mah charity or not, your highness?" Luna hung her head as tears streamed down. She seemed to force the words. "I will graciously accept your charity, Applejack." "Ya know th' rules, if ya has an issue perhaps ya would like ta discuss this with the True Ruler of Equestria?" Luna shook her head in submission. "N-no Applejack, I promise I won't complain anymore, please...don't report me. If she gets mad 'Tia will..." Applejack smiled, gently running a hoof along Luna's flank. "Then perhaps you should remember your place, like a good mare." Mistress gestured to me and I trotted forward. The saddlebags were thrown at the hooves of the sobbing princess. Before we left, Mistress smiled warmly and said, "keep up the good work, yer highness. Let's go home, Sugarcube." Back in my room, I snuggled back under my covers and as I sat thinking about tonight, I noticed a glass of glorious cider sitting on a tray next to my bed. I eagerly drank the heavenly liquid and as I did, the thoughts in my mind slowly lessened until they had vanished. Once more I was in a deep sleep, completely content and proud to serve such a caring Mistress. I was sitting in the dark. Mistress had told me to get dressed in my uniform for Sweetiebell's birthday. I was then led to a dark room and told to step inside. "Sugarcube this is a special surprise party. Now be a good girl an' stand still wih a smile." Those were the words my amazing Mistress had told me, and now I stood in the dark room, with a smile, determined to obey Mistress Even though I was scared of the dark. It felt like forever I had waited there alone, hen a noise caught my attention. Suddenly the side of the room opened outward and I found myself staring into the eyes of Sweetiebell. She gave a gasp of excitement as I heard Rarity tell her, "Happy Birthday, Sweetiebell. I hope you like her, your very own Apple." The word "apple"caused me to freeze. In my mind I saw Twilight point to Mistress and say, "This is Applejack, she sells Apples." I looked around. It couldn't be, could it? Rarity had gone over to the corner and this time I heard them perfectly. "Oh dah-ling! She is exactly what I ordered, here's your bits." Mistress took a rather large bag of bits from Rarity as Pinkie Pie chimed in. "Oh, I'm so jealous Rarity! Every mare in Ponyville knows only the best Apples come from Applejack." No...No...no...My eyes widened in terror as the realization hit. I began to scream. Sweetiebell said to Rarity, "i think my Apple is malfunctioning." Mistress looked at her and smiled. "No sweetie, every Apple is branded with a registration spell just say the following..." Brand? My mind flashed back to the time Rarity and Mistress were at the table. When she had told me to turn around, She wasn't going to paddle me, she was branding me with that spell! I had to get out of here! This wasn't right! This- "Bow before your True Owner! State your name and designation!" Sweetiebell's voice echoed in my ears, causing me to halt. At once I smiled and felt at ease, my distress simply vanishing. As I lowered my head, I replied to her, just like a good mare. "My name is Sugarcube Apple, Mistress. I am your sole property to do with as you wish." > Don't Feed The Bunnies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Awww, aren't you adorable?" I said these words as I reached into the saddle bag on my back and offered the adorable bunny before me a nice juicy carrot. As it accepted the orange delicacy, I noticed it was a bit different than other bunnies I had seen before. The eyes on it were slightly bigger and appeared to be glowing a pulsing, almost rhythmic orange light. I found myself drawn to its pattern. How strange, I thought to myself. I decided it must be a fairly uncommon species of bunny and turned my head for a second to grab my camera from the bag upon my back. I quickly snatched it up in my teeth and turned, only to find the peculiar bunny had vanished. I pawed the ground in annoyance at myself. "Darn, I must have been too slow." I looked around, the shadows were beginning to creep along the rich soil of the forest. Glancing up I noticed the sun was slowly going down. Well, I thought to myself; I guess it's time to head back to Ponyville. I mused to myself as I slowly trotted out of the forest as the shadows got longer. I met a cute bunny. I fed him a carrot, it had been an extremely good day. As I trotted down the path, I felt my thoughts slowly get distracted by a aromatic smell. It smelled like fresh cabbage! Oh how wonderful I thought as the smell made me happy. I continued on my way and found myself suddenly stopped in front of another pony. It was a pegasus, and she was waving her hooves before my eyes. "A-are you all, all right? Emerald, can you hear me?" Her voice snapped me back to the present. I tried to respond, only to find my mouth was full. Strange, I thought as I swallowed, it tasted like cabbage. When did I get that? I replied in a slightly dazed tone. "Oh-hey-hey Fluttershy, how long have you been there?" She looked at me for a moment before responding with a question. "Y-you didn't happen to feed any c-cuddly bun-bunnies in those w-w-woods did you?" I'm not sure what made me do it. It was wrong, I know. I lied to Fluttershy. "No, I didn't feed any creatures in the woods Fluttershy. Why would you ask such an odd question?" She pointed to the area around us. It had been ravaged, soil flung everywhere and a few heads of cabbage with huge bite marks were strewn about. Half the field was missing. My eyes slightly widened as I realized where we were. We were in the cabbage field of Ponyville. "I happened to be f-flying around wh-when I noticed you gathering c-cabbage off-season. I thought maybe you-you w-w-were feeding w-w-woodland creatures w-w-with it." My mind was racing. When did I even get here? We weren't near the Everfree; We were on the wrong side of Ponyville. How was this even possible? My vision began to blur and soon my world turned to black as I felt a sudden jolt of fatigue. Right before I felt the impact of the soft loamy soil, I heard Fluttershy ask, "C-can you-you hear me? Emer-emerald? Emerald? Oh no!" I awoke, my head was dully throbbing as I glanced at my surroundings. A white room. I was wearing a white gown. I was in some sort of bed with a railing at the bottom of it. Where am I? I thought this right before I heard a gentle voice say, "Oh good. You're awake! I'll let Dr. Starlight know." My head was killing me. Ugh, make it stop! I screamed inside my mind as I heard a mature female voice say, "Don't worry you'll be fine! I'm Starlight Glimmer, call me Doctor Starlight. Nurse, I need 300 cc of Horsphine stat! You're very lucky Fluttershy found you in the field. What were you thinking eating all those cabbages?" Cabbages? My brain felt hazy my thoughts were getting hard to focus. What's a Doctor Starlight? I thought in an almost silly stupor as my head finally stopped hurting. I tried to close my eyes only to find a pink foreleg shaking me awake once more. "Can you hear me, young mare? Focus! Can you hear me? Nurse, give them a saline drip, they appear dehydrated." I felt a sharp poke in my left foreleg as a cool, refreshing feeling flooded my body. I was completely calm and relaxed and now feeling less dizzy. At that moment I heard over a loudspeaker. "All available personnel to the emergency bay, all available personnel to the emergency bay." As I watched a yellow foreleg tapped Starlight on the shoulder and a familiar voice said, "I-I-I heard a nu-nurse call for you to a-a-assist Starlight." Doctor Starlight lowered her head and in a frustrated grumble I heard her mutter, "Damn it Rainbow!" With that she was gone leaving me alone in the room with Fluttershy. I tried to speak, to tell her thank you. "Thank y-" My words died as I felt a sharp poke in my thigh and a hot feeling began to enter my body. "Ssssh, there's no need for thank yous." Her words sounded strange almost as if being said by a completely new pony. I blinked and opened my mouth to speak to ask what was going on. My body was getting hot. It burns! I tried to scream, but no sound came out. I suddenly felt very sleepy and as my eyes closed I heard the words. "Why don't you, and I take a trip to the Everfree?" I awoke to the most amazing aroma. Opening my eyes, I spotted a bowl of carrots. I found myself unable to get to them. Though I did try. I appeared to be strapped to a strange chair. My hindlegs and my forelegs were strapped in. Looking around I noticed I was in a wooden building. Where was I? What was going on? I heard the sound of movement behind me as Fluttershy calmly stepped into view. I opened my mouth to talk to her but no sound issued from my muzzle. She slowly shook her head and spoke in a soft and silky voice, her stutter gone. "You probably want to know why you are here. I'll tell you but first let's get you something to eat. Your appetite must be rising to insatiable levels surrounded by such lovely carrots." At the word carrot I began to struggle against my bindings, fiercely trying to get to them. She continued. "Calm down, calm down. No need to get upset, here you go sweetie." She held out a carrot in her hoof. My eyes focused on it. It filled my sight. I wanted it! I needed it! I couldn't resist that aroma, that crisp. I had to have it. I eagerly opened my muzzle, reached out and began to chomp happily on the carrot as she held it. The carrot made a delightfully crisp crunching sound. She laughed, and her voice became gentler, almost apologetic. "Awww, that carrot tastes really nice doesn't it?" My nose twitched at the smell as another carrot was held before me. Once more I began to munch on it using my muzzle. She continued her tone kind and gentle. "That's a good girl. I know what you did, sweetie. It's alright though, I forgive you. Those bunnies in the woods can be very persuasive when they are hungry." Another carrot. My nose began to twitch happily as I opened my muzzle and nibbled on the carrot with my two large incisors. The straps felt considerably looser. She gently scratched behind one of my large ears with her hoof. It felt so good. She spoke softly to me as she sat there. Her voice felt very pleasant. "You know, for artificial lifeforms, I would say Starlight did a wonderful job creating them. Even if they were made purely to create my own army for our takeover back then." Starlight? The name sounded familiar. I scratched under my chin with my left paw in thought but saw another carrot and began to happily nibble away at it. All thoughts in my mind began to vanish. I decided to listen to mother; her voice was so angelic and soothing. "They would only activate their primary function when fed food from a pony." She slowly stroked my furry back as she handed me some lettuce. "That's enough carrots for now sweetie, here have some lettuce. Now where was I? Oh yes, hypnotic signals would be sent in the form of light waves from their eyes. These waves would cause a genetic mutation while at the same time giving them the mindset of a bunny. Such adorable creatures, who would suspect a thing?" She seemed taller. She scooped me up in her hooves and gave me a gentle tummy rub as she sat down in a rocking chair. Her voice now sounded sad. "After our takeover I was told to exterminate them all. I couldn't do that! I had raised and cared for them. I couldn't kill my babies." She grabbed a small baby bottle filled with water when I began to fidget and gently rested it on my teeth. I happily drank the cold refreshing liquid, holding the bottle in my paws. Mommy continued talking, her tone still sad, almost remorseful. "I set them loose in the Everfree. I warned ponies don't feed them when I could. Everypony heeded my advice. Well everypony but you. When I saw you pass out after eating so many cabbages; I was worried you weren't going to make it. Like a good mother should, I rushed you to the horsepital to visit Starlight." She tickled a tuft of fur on my belly, causing me to kick with my tiny foot paws. "We are so lucky she was able to fix you right up, aren't we? Now you're healthy, happy, and cute as a button. Isn't that right my adorable little girl?" I yawned, not understanding a single word. I curled up into a content little ball of fluff. My cottontail sticking out as she whispered to me in a loving tone tinged with the sound of tears. "Don't worry, mommy will protect you from now on. Sleep well. Goodnight Emerald, my sweet baby bunny." > Making Rarity Proud > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Don't give in." I was slightly taken aback by the rather odd words Rarity's receptionist had just greeted me with. Her tone was that of deadpan seriousness. I had noticed a rather peculiar scar on her foreleg and was about to mention it when Rarity spoke once more. Her tone was slightly tinged with sadness as she said the mare's name, before becoming sunny and cheerful once more. "Oh Sweetie Bell...Dah-ling welcome to Rarity's boutique. This is your new life!" She shot a strange almost baleful look at Sweetie Bell as she turned swiftly around. Her alabaster flank was just mere inches from my face as she turned her back towards me and spoke aloud. " Dah-ling, you came at such a perfect time. We are currently backed up on orders. You'll be learning on the job. You've much to learn and little time to do so." I blushed as she stood, creamy white backside inches from my snout. Did she even know how much of a fan I was of her? I had pictures of her on my wall at home, and I bought all her latest designs. This truly was a dream come true, I thought to myself. Still that 'Sweetie Bell' mare rubbed me the wrong way. What was their relationship? Did I even stand a chance? I mean I had admired her since I could remember. I even came all this way. Okay so it was supposed to be for an internship but still, surely it could be something more, right? I would show her how amazing I was and become her partner. Rarity was going to love me. Also what was with that strange scar on Sweetie Bell's foreleg? I opened my muzzle to speak and voice my concerns about Sweetie Bell. Before I could get a single word out she turned around and stared me in the eyes. Her horn was glowing a light blue, as her deep swirling, captivating amethyst eyes filled my vision. Her voice made it quite clear there was no room for debate. Not that I would. Her tone was prim and proper, melodious as well, with an underlying tone of complete control of the situation. "Now then, enough talk and follow me...Dah-ling." As we took the tour, I decided to ask her about that receptionist of hers. "Pardon me, Miss Rarity who was that mare who works the receptionist desk?" She continued walking for a second and then stopped in front of a wooden door, that had been painted white. Turning to me she said in that truly wonderful voice, "Oh that's Sweetie Bell, she was my sister. Here we are, your new living quarters." I paused to look at her, not quite sure I had heard right. "She was your sister?" She looked at me as her horn glowed a light blue and the door swung open. Her voice was like that of an angel as she stated hurriedly, "Oh dear me, she is my sister. Slip of the tongue Dah-ling. We've just been so overworked, and I'm exhausted from all the late nights. Why don't you go in your new room and gets some rest? Tomorrow is a long day after all." I nodded. Of course. It was quite understandable. Her hair had been a bit frazzled on the edges when we met. Clearly she barely had time to brush those luxurious purple strands. Such exhaustion could easily cause such a slip of the tongue. All of a sudden I did feel rather sleepy as well. "That sounds wonderful Miss Rarity, goodnight!" I tucked myself under the smooth crisp feeling of clean cotton threaded sheets and smiled to myself. Her sister! I giggled as I closed my eyes. Of course I still had a chance. I had been paranoid for nothing. What a silly filly of a unicorn mare I was. It didn't take long for my mind to lose all focus and me to slip into a inviting, deep sleep. I awoke the next day to a gentle knocking on my door. "Time to get up Dah-ling! The new fabrics were just delivered." I was not a morning pony. I grumbled and rolled over not fully conscious yet, muttering. "Five more minutes." Pulling the covers over my head, I once more fell asleep. Moments later I found myself being roughly shaken until I opened my eyes. I had messed up. I was staring into the eyes of a very annoyed, to say the least, form of Miss Rarity. Her voice indicated very strongly to get up. "Dah-ling...when I say get up, I mean it, now then get your flank downstairs it is time for work. Do not make me repeat myself again, am I understood young mare?" Her hooves were digging painfully into my shoulders. I nodded and stammered out an answer as she slowly let me go. "U-understood Miss Rar-rarity!" She sighed, took a deep breath and slowly trotted towards the door. Her voice that of sunshine once more. "That's better dah-ling! Now then, chop-chop, lot's of work to be done today." I rushed downstairs after throwing on my best Rarity branded attire, I had made her angry. I said, "good morning Sweetiebell." She didn't move, not even a twitch to indicate she heard me as she stared straight ahead. Had she even moved since I saw her yesterday? Was she mad at me? These thoughts coursed through my mind as Rarity stood there explaining my task. "Dah-ling this is the new fabric. Your job will be to stock the rack according to alphabetical color. You have exactly till sunset tonight. Do not disappoint me." The look she shot me, as that horn glowed a gentle light blue, made me feel ashamed for my actions earlier. I had to make it up to her. I will not fail, I thought to myself. "Yes, Miss Rarity." I worked all day without a break. Slowly the boxes containing the bolts of fabric were placed gingerly on the shelves. I wiped my brow with a hoof. I was exhausted but it looked good. She would be proud, I thought. I heard her say from the front, "Thank you for your business Dah-ling, do be sure to come again." I heard the sound as the sign saying open was switched to closed and the boutique door was locked. I heard the hoofsteps behind me as she approached. She was speaking in a good mannered tone. "Alright Dah-ling today began with a rocky start but, I'm sure you'll do just fine, so i'll let that tiny flaw in your judgment slide this time. Now then how are you-Ugh! What is this?" She pushed me aside and pointed at bolts of fabric on the rack. "Explain this then, young mare. Tell me, which color is this?" "Um, red, Miss Rarity, ma'am." her voice had become shrill. I didn't understand, did I do something wrong? I quickly looked at the rack as I heard her take a deep slow breath and say softly, "Dah-ling are you color blind?" "N-no Miss Rar-Rarity." She glared at me before her horn glowed light blue and she flung the bolt onto the floor. "THAT is Blood." More bolts of fabric were flung to the floor. "THIS is wine. THAT one is Rose..." I stared in disbelief. I had messed up again. I tried to apologize as I saw the anger in her eyes. "I am so sor-" She interrupted me with a low voice. It was dominating, it was dark. "You will be spending the night re-stocking this shelf correctly. When I come down in the morning it WILL be correct." Taking a deep, slow breath, she walked towards me her eyes were gentle once more. Her horn glowed a soft light blue. She placed a hoof on my shoulder. "Dah-ling, you are a nice pony, your personality makes me want to like you. Please do your best not to let me down again. Understood?" I nodded, unable to speak. I chided myself. How could I be so stupid? I needed to make this right. "I will have it done by sunup, Miss Rarity." She sauntered slowly away in her sultry strut, calling back over her shoulder. "That's a good mare. Goodnight, dah-ling." I would not fail this time! I set about determined to make her proud and worked until I could barely stand. I scoured the racks, organized and reorganized each and every bolt. I would show her I was worth her time. The sound of a rooster crowed from Fluttershy's cabin. I stepped back, analyzing my work. I smiled I had done it! I had- wait-oh no. My mind screamed at me, you idiot! There before my eyes I saw a bolt I had missed. As I rushed to fix it, the sound of the door knob being turned and the sound of hooves stepping into the room, made me sweat. I gulped, wishing I could be elsewhere literally anywhere else, than there at that moment. I closed my eyes as the bolt fell to the floor with a thud and waited for her justified wrath. "Young mare, I understand you are new and that you were thrust into this job rather quickly. Apparently colors simply aren't your forte." The sound of the voice was gentle. I slowly opened my eyes and saw her frowning at my work as her horn glowed a soft blue. She seemed rather calm, though. She turned to me and spoke once more. "I'll tell you what, Dah-ling. I'm a rather generous mare. I'll give you one last chance to make me happy. First however, you have exactly one minute to place this bolt on that rack properly, or I shall have to remove you from my services." 60 seconds...My eyes scanned the racks. My heartbeat quickened. 50 seconds...I heard her hoof tap slowly, ugh! Where does it go? 40 seconds...It's Blue, right? What was this feeling? 30 seconds...The sound of a throat clearing, as I began to put it to the left of Bone, told me I guessed wrong. 20 seconds...I looked hard at that bolt. It was a Dark Blue...maybe it goes next to Diamond? 10 seconds...Her throat cleared once more, wrong again. Why was I panicking? 1 second left...No, it wasn't Dark Blue! My eyes widened. It was Azure it goes next to Aqua! "Time is up." I was terrified. I couldn't fail again. I closed my eyes as I ground to a halt, shoving the bolt into the rack. This was it. My last chance. Did I get it right? "That's correct, Dah-ling. Now follow me. We need to discuss your usefulness to me." I panted in relief. The sweat dripped from my mane as my head hung down in near exhaustion. That pressure I had felt, I only wanted to make her happy. How could I have been so stupid? Miss Rarity was my idol. She deserved the best, and I had let her down. Of course she was mad at me. What kind of trash couldn't even sort colors right? I began to walk on my shaking knees and somehow managed to make my way out the door, following Miss Rarity. I made myself a solemn vow. No matter what I would not disappoint her again. Teetering towards the kitchen, I saw Sweetie Bell sitting stock still on that stool as she manned the receptionist desk. Her right foreleg was visible as I passed. What the...How strange was that scar on her foreleg always there? It seemed to resemble a mirror image of the one I swore I saw on her left. Entering the kitchen, I found her with her hooves up on the table rocking her chair as she slowly sipped a mug of coffee. Very improper to be sure, but still captivating to watch. She looked at me as her horn glowed light blue once more. "Sit down, please." I did as I was instructed. That blue glow was gorgeous and staring into it, the way it mesmerized me, made me realize how inferior I was to the radiant unicorn before me. She shined so beautifully and here I was, just a piece of trash who by Rarity's generosity was still in her presence. She looked at me, the hint of a smile on her lips, though her voice told me otherwise. "Dah-ling, I like you but as far as your internship goes, you don't seem to have any skills necessary to serve me. I will give you one chance to explain to me why you wanted this position. Please take your time." I took a deep breath as I tried to gather my thoughts. "I am completely worthless in your presence, Miss Rarity. All I wanted was to be a great fashion maker like you. I practiced for hours, in my room since I was a filly sewing different patterns from your magazines. I-" She put her hooves down on the floor and said softly, "You say you can sew? Hmmmm...maybe there is some use for you here yet. Follow me Dah-ling." She led me to a room with a sewing machine. She pointed at it and in an almost hungry voice stated. "I want you to show me your skills, prove your worth to me as a servant." I sat down at machine, glancing at the angel before me. Her horn glowed a soft blue as I turned my attention to the task at hand. My eyes narrowed in extreme focus. I was trash, but I would make her proud of me. Just once let me do something right! My mind screamed these thoughts as I stitched the pattern I had been given. I gave it my all; I put my heart my soul into it. Finally, I finished. It truly was my best work, surely she would be proud of me. I handed her back the fabric as I watched her horn glow blue once more. It pulsed, it captivated my mind. What skills did a useless mare like me have? None. I was nothing. She was everything. I was not fit to even gaze upon her splendor. She looked at the pattern for just a moment, before slowly shaking her head. "Oh, dah-ling, you really are a useless pony...aren't you? Truly the most horrific stitching I have seen in my entire life. As your owner, even with my brilliance I can't fix this...monstrosity." My heart sank like a rock. I had utterly failed my owner. All those years of practice come to naught. I dropped my head, as a white foreleg came into view and I felt it being raised back up. I was staring into those gorgeous amethyst eyes as she said softly. "You are very much a worthless piece of trash as a mare, aren't you? Well even though you may have no value as a pony, you have been most certainly entertaining as a toy." My eyes sparkled in hope. Such a compliment, from my owner, did this mean I made her proud? She continued her horn glowing a soft light blue. "Watching you falter and fail as you tried to make me happy, such an entertaining toy indeed. The problem is sweetie; I no longer find you amusing. However, I know how bad you yearn to make me proud of you. You remind me of how Sweetie Bell was." I thought to myself, worthless garbage. "She wanted so badly to please her big sister. Sadly like you, she could never measure up to me and soon I grew bored with her as well. She pleaded for me to command her, to let her serve me, that anything I wanted she would do. Naturally as the generous mare I was, I agreed." I was simply worthless trash. I couldn't please my owner. What kind of toy couldn't make their owner smile? "Using my magic threading abilities and quite a bit of stuffing; to maintain the gorgeously curvy body, I gave her the power to make me eternally happy with her. A few stitches here and there mainly on her forelegs, though sadly I could not hide those unsightly seams, and voila Dah-ling! She became the perfect doll. Now she only moves according to my will. My magic controls her limbs as she sits there at that desk, forever ready to serve customers. No more fits or feelings. No more crying or failures. Obedient, flawless, a wonderful toy." Was there nothing I could do to please her? She sounded sad, almost disappointed. "You were so very entertaining, I must say, you certainly lasted much longer than my previous playthings. You didn't break nearly as quickly. Sadly though, you did break. Like all my other toys you broke and became utterly worthless, didn't you?" Her horn glowed that familiar light blue as she stopped for a moment and then spoke to me, with the voice of the angels. "Still, you did entertain, me far more than they did. That is why I will grant you, your greatest desire. I will let you perform one final action before I release you from my services in order to make me happy. I know I am far too generous. You don't have to say a word." Anything I thought, just one thing to make her smile and I would do it! I screamed these words inside my mind as she leaned close and whispered inches from my muzzle, "I have a special project for you. The last project you'll ever perform for me, Dah-ling." She stared into my eyes. "Are you willing to perform one last time for me, my worthless toy?" I nodded. I had to impress her, even if I was being let go for my incompetence. She was my everything. She leaned close and whispered instructions into my ear. I looked at her and said, "Yes, my Mistress Rarity." At once I rushed upstairs and began the project. Using my hooves and unicorn magic, I began hoofcrafting the request. I wound the threads tightly. Her exact words burned into my brain. "It needs to be a golden color. I want it braided of coarse thread and approximately five feet long, Dah-ling." The next morning before Celestia had raised the sun and the moon was still being lowered by Luna, I went downstairs and into the Color Room where I had been instructed to take my special assignment. As I watched and waited, sitting there on my haunches, I thought to myself. If it's the last thing I do here, please let this make her proud of me. The doorknob slowly turned and she stepped inside, horn glowing a light blue. I bowed my head and dropped my final attempt to please her at her hooves. She glanced down and smiled. She smiled! "Dah-ling this is spectacular work. Do me a favor and put it just above that stool, like a good toy." I went to do as she bid. After I had hung the finely woven object above the stool, she called me over. She gently placed a kiss upon my lips and spoke. Her voice was soft,warm and caring. "You did a very nice job. It looks so wonderful. Now make me the happiest Mare in Equestria and use it, like every worthless toy should." I did it! I was finally able to make her happy. I stood on the stool and placed the noose around my neck, as i stood on the tip of my hooves teetering a little. She smiled lovingly at me and as she kicked the stool away, spoke in a caring voice as that horn glowed a light blue. "I'm proud of you." She said the words I had so desperately wanted to hear since I started. As my eyes closed for the last time, a smile appeared on my lips. I had finally made Miss Rarity proud. > Party Games Ponies Play > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name was Gaia Magusa and I was new to Ponyville. I had just gotten off the train when I was handed an invitation to a...party? The pony who gave it to me looked like she wanted to cry. "I'm so sorry she said, "by order of Queen Twilight, every pony must attend Pinkie Pie's parties." How strange I thought, aren't parties usually fun? Why the tears? Should I- "HOLD it right there, MISTER! This story is such a downer; my parties are AWESOME!" "PINKIE?! What are you doing here?" "I'm hunting ponies who aren't attending my parties, silly!" "But-but-but I'm trying to write..." "Not buts Mister, you know the rules!" "I-" "By orders of her majesty, Twilight, NOPONY shall be exempt from the attendance of a PINKIE PARTY in PONYVILLE!" "I know the law, Pinkie. I have a deadline to complete, though!" "Your readers are lucky I stopped by then! I saved them from such a depressing story!" "You Pinkie promised!" "EVIL...remember?" "But-" "I'm evil, riiiight?" "yeah" "and you made this universe, so why in the name of Twilight's perfectly shaped plot device would you ever think I would keep a pinkie promise? What an idiot." "Pinkie! STOP what are doing! Put me down!" "I'll show you how fun my parties are!" "But my readers! PINKIE STOP!" "They can watch the fun! Nopony is exempt from the law, silly writer!" "PINKIE!" "No exceptions." "Ow my head! Pinkie where are we?" "OH GOOD! you're awake! We are in your story!" "Wait, what?" "UGH maybe Twilight was right when she told me all stallions should be eradicated. How are you SERIOUSLY THIS STUPID?" "I-I don't-" "YOU created this equestria why do you not know what your own creations can do?!" "Pinkie...this isn't funny! Take me back NOW!" "You are right! This IS'NT funny! YOU are wasting YOUR reader's valuable time arguing with me rather than joining MY AWESOME party guests...like a good pony." "PINKIE I beg you-" "You know, I stuck up for you, when Twilight wanted to give you to Starlight for her experiments. He knows to obey, I said. He will be a good pony, I said. I promised....I PROMISED HER. Now enough arguing, get your stupid damned plot over to that punch bowl and don't you dare EVEN think of breaking character...mister, writer or I will kill you myself! It's time to start this tale!" My name is Gaia Magusa and I am standing at the punch bowl looking around. There are two mares nearby, giving me an odd look. Please Pinkie...why me? SHUSH YOU! You will play your part, or you will be playing yourself separated into parts. Am I clear? Crystal Good stallion, now back to the tale. It could be because stallions are not commonly seen in Equestria anymore. Or perhaps it could be I realized catching my reflection in the punchbowl, that I was the only pony with no clothes in the room. Oh, come on! Pinkie this is ridiculous! So just to clarify, you wanted to lose your stallionhood first? Or should I start with those lovely hind legs of yours? I decide to quickly reach for a glass of punch and take a long gulp. That's what I thought. Looking over at the mares once more, I have decided to attempt talking to them. I slowly walk up as one of them watches with a look of disgust on her face, all the while I am trying to come up with an excuse as to my brash nudity at such a party. "How are you two fines mares tonight?" Pinkie this would never happen. What are you talking about? I would never approach a mare in such a manner. Like your stories are always believable? No but this is entirely unrealistic! That is why we call it fiction, silly. Now stop arguing and continue the conversation. The other mare smiles and says, "Oh just waiting for the games to start, how about you?" I glance over at her friend whose eyes are narrowed in disgust. I quickly glance back at her friend and try to play it cool. "Oh, you know, just hanging out." She giggles and eyes me up and down. "I can see that!" Looking down I blush and stammer. "N-no it's n-not like th-that! I was given an invite while in the shower!" Pinkie this is humiliating! Stop this! Who was it that dreams of dressing as a maid and serving Applejack? She actually read that story by the way. I showed her and she said it was well done. Maybe I should tell her why you wrote it? Because you have a crush on her? Please don't! She would laugh at me! Then perhaps you should sit back and enjoy this ride, huh? Alright...you win, let's get this over with. Glad you see it my way. Back to our story. The mare's friend rolls her eyes but the mare smiles and nods in understanding. "Yeah, those things come at very inopportune times don't they? We were sharing an alfalfa milkshake on a date when Pinkie gave us ours." Her marefriend lets out a loud groan. "I hate these things. They aren't any fun and we thank Twilight we even make it home at the end." The mare tells her, "Shhh, trust me I've been to these parties more times than you, please stop complaining. They aren't that bad." I notice her voice had risen when saying, "They aren't that bad." I tell her, "Why not enjoy the wonderful festivities? It's a party after all." That stubborn mare ignores my words and instead screams at me. "YOU STUPID STALLION! THIS IS NO PARTY! IT'S A MEANS TO KILL US ALL! I HATE IT! WHY DO WE HAVE TO BE HERE?" A high-pitched voice carrying a dangerous tone is heard. "So, you don't like my parties?" The music stops and everypony in the room quits what they are doing to stare at her. The looks on their faces tell of how terrified they are. Every mare in the room begins to back away from the three of us. A pink earth pony, with a fluffy tail and a matching mane slowly approaches as a path opens up. She walks towards us. Closer and closer. She now stands mere inches from the angry mare, who is now slightly quivering. The pink pony is none other than the hostess of the party, Pinkie Pie. She speaks once more. Her voice now sounds as soft as a stuffed animal with just a hint of annoyance. "I asked you a question. You don't enjoy my parties?" The angry mare glares at her, completely having lost all common sense. "I HATE YOUR PARTIES YOU PINK BITCH!" Pinkie Pie smiles at her in an almost pitying manner. Her hair has slowly begun deflating. "I'm sorry to hear that; I try to make my parties fun for all, after all. I would never ask some pony to stay here if they didn't want to. If you truly want to leave, all you have to do, is walk out that door." The angry mare is slowly noticing Pinkie's shift in mood, and she stops yelling. "You aren't serious." Pinkie Pie nods slowly. "I'm completely serious, just walk out that door, and I promise you, you will never have to attend another one of my parties. Now please leave, it's time for the games to begin and we don't need you bringing down the mood." The mare grabs her friend and says, "let's go!" Her friend shakes her head and pulls away. "I rather enjoy these parties, I think I'll stay." Her tone shifts again, I notice. How strange, I think to myself. Her marefriend seems to have failed to notice and yells a final "FINE!" She then storms out the door. There is a bright flash of amethyst-color and a sudden scream as the door closes. I rush to the door as her friend begins to cry. The tears in her eyes tell me I shouldn't look. I slowly open the door a peek, and see a sight I could never unsee. The red streaks on the ground, the gash in her skull and the terrified look on her face as she lays there still, unmoving. Chucks of lumpy brown matter are strewn about the ground, and the scene reeks of barbequed meat. I slowly shut the door and turn to face Pinkie Pie who is mere inches from my muzzle. "How about you? Do you enjoy parties?" I nod and with eyes widened in terror, say, "I love them. She doesn't know what she is missing." She smiles happily as if nothing ever happened. "You got that right, so let's party!" Pinkie why did you...I mean... No exceptions. Remember? Suddenly the mood is lifted once more as Pinkie's mane and tail regain their fluffiness and looking at the DJ, she shouts "Vinyl let's kick it up a notch!" The dance floor slowly fills back up as the beats from Vinyl Scratch's DJ booth are being blasted across the room. Guests are going back to talking, some even begin pouring themselves some very clearly spiked punch. Everypony seems intent on pretending what just happened, never did. I can't say I blame them. Walking over to the mare, I offer her a gentle hug. With tears streaming from her eyes, she immediately accepts the warm embrace. "Sh-she's gone isn't she?" I'm not sure what to say. Her friend is dead. However, I'm not some heartless bastard. "She isn't having to attend parties anymore, so that's something." The mare looks into my eyes and though her eyes are still tearful she laughs. "Are you trying to make me feel better? I already know what happened...I've seen it before." I am at a loss for words. She continues in a soft tone. "Nobody leaves a party until the end. I just don't understand it, though!" She grabs me so tightly and rests her head on my shoulder as we do our best to feign dancing. "Why must we endure this every week? Why would Twilight ordain such a thing?" You know, I often wonder that myself. Why does Twilight force me to throw these kinds of parties? Why must Applejack create those brainwashed pony slaves? Why does Rarity cruelly treat ponies like toys? Only to discard them after? Fluttershy was the nicest pony ever! Then Twilight got her too! I just don't get it. Pinkie...I... I never wanted this you know! I never wanted to kill ponies...all I wanted was to throw fun and happy birthday parties! Why did she do this to us? Pinkie don't cry! It isn't fair! We were friends! Why don't you just stop then? I can't! Sometimes I can't even control my own actions! Pinkie... Enough just...just let's get back to the story. The loud, over-hyper voice of pinkie pie is heard throughout the enormous room. "The time has come to play one of our most popular games; bobbing for Apples! Courtesy of Applejack we have six Apples and a large dunk tank here in which they will be placed. Ponies will have to jump into the tank and pull the Apples to safety before they drown. They will have to be fast, though, because a wild Gummi has been taking refuge in the tank and this one has all of its teeth. Anypony eaten will be automatically disqualified. The top 7 ponies with the fastest times will move onto our next games. The remaining 16 will sadly have to suffer a penalty game for being suh losers. Good luck to all our participants!" What she says next startles me slightly. "Now let's all stamp for our current champion. She has won every game for the past six years, my sister, the one and only Marble Pie!" The mare I had been dancing with smiled sweetly, "that's my cue. Don't worry about me-" As I watched the dance floor erupted in thunderous stamping. She slowly strutted up to the giant tank and got in position. Looking at Pinkie, she smiled sweetly. "Ready sis." It was like magic. Pinkie barely said the words, "Go." Her movements are quite swift and silent, not a movement being wasted. Up the ladder, into a swan dive, down into the bottom of the ten foot tall tank of water. I can barely follow her movements and by the time the gator saw her and moved to strike, she stood beside six soaking wet Apples gently hugging them. The sound of a stopwatch clicks as the room erupts in thunderous stamping as ponies applaud her ability. "Six seconds." She flipped her wet mane, flinging water from it as she saucily saunters over to me. My mouth is agape in disbelief as she raises a hoof and closes my muzzle. "Just make sure you finish yours. The next game involves partners." I rush to her side as she leisurely sits down with a sweet smile, not knowing if I can grant her request of me. I am about to say something to her when my knees began to quake at the sounds coming from behind. Horrific screams fill the air being followed by the sounds of bawling. I don't dare to see what happened, to turn around and witness the nightmare in motion. The loud voice of Pinkie Pie fills the large auditorium confirming my suspicions. "Disqualified!" Such most likely mattered not to the poor souls forced into this game of torture. It seems the gummi will have a fine dinner tonight. I begin to panic and I open my mouth to voice my fears to Marble Pie."I-I'm not sure I c-can make such a promise, Marble I have no athletic ability, I-" My stammering is interrupted as she narrows her eyes and looks into mine determinedly as she raises my hung head with her hoof. "I do not believe you understood me, stallion. You WILL complete your games, not because you can but because I am telling you to do so. No if ,ands or, buts mister. Now do as I have said and complete your task!" I have no idea what has come over me, all I can see are those sweet, commanding eyes of amethyst. I rise to my hooves, and I confidently make my way up to the tank. I hear the starting tick of the stopwatch. I hear the gasps of the crowd. I see the teeth of that wretched monster coming for me. I hear her words once more as I speed up, faster and faster still. Darting through the water, nothing will stop me! She told me to do this! I will not fail! My lungs are fit to bursting as I stand there beside the six Apples to absolute silence. I hear that tick of the stopwatch. "7 seconds." The room explodes in thunderous stamping as I stand there wheezing on the platform, completely spent. I look over to where Marble is sitting as she nods her head approvingly and gestures me over to where she is. I go to her and as I approach she smiles. My pace speeds up and I soon find myself sitting next to her as she pets my head. "That's a good stallion, just like I told you to do." I glance up at her. She is so...in control of the situation. Relaxed as could be, yet ready to act on a moments notice. This is the incredibly shy mare known as Marble Pie? This is the gentle sister of Pinkie; I had heard so much about? Pinkie? What's going on here? Pinkie? Pinkie, I know you can hear me! Pinkie? Marble looks down at me and gives me a small crescent of a smile. "Something you want to ask me?" I have so much I want to ask, but Pinkie wasn't responding and that has me worried. Where is she? Isn't she writing this story? I slowly shake my head and she giggles saying to me, "good, now then, next is the ballroom dance." My eyes grow wide. "You can't be serious." Marble grinned, a slight tint of bloodlust appearing in her eyes. "Deadly serious, hun. The floor will be covered by hidden traps that...explode upon contact. Both partners must perform a waltz dodging, rolling and twisting to avoid touching any of the traps. Style and execution are judged." I am at a loss for words, is this for real? PINKIE? For the love of Celestia, answer me! The name had been banned by Twilight herself after the seven took Canterlot and Celestia vanished years ago. If anything would grab Pinkie's attention that would be it. Careful with that language! Did you forget that name is forbidden?! Oh thank Twilight! Pinkie where in Tartarusl have you been? I went to go get a cupcake, why what did I miss? Wait, you weren't writing the story? Nah, I set it on autowriter until I got back! Pinkie! Your sister wants me to dance! Oh, have fun! That's not the - Twilight's calling gotta go! PINKIE..I....pinkie?! "No sweetie, say it with me, Marble." I blink. I must've said that out loud! Marble is staring at me with those demanding purple eyes. I cannot refuse, and I find myself saying in a meek voice as my cheeks flush a bright pink. "Marble." She is smiling at me and saying, "that's much better, I shall let it go this time, but don't you dare utter another mare's name in my presence again. Am I understood?" This was ridiculous. I had no reason to listen to her! I had just met her and yet she orders me around? I stamp my hoof. "Marble you are being completely unreasonable, we only just-" I swiftly feel a hoof pressing firmly against my muzzle. "Shush. That is enough. You are quite right, I am being unreasonable. Still you WILL listen to me. Got it?" I feel the hoof slowly lower from my muzzle as she stared into my eyes. I open my muzzle to speak only to close it once more as her glare silences me. She speaks to me in a tone of absolute certainty. "I'll make you a deal, hun. If you can look me in the eyes, back straight and say without a shred of doubt, that you want me to stop bossing you around, I will gladly abstain from issuing any commands to you." I slowly look into her eyes once more. Raising my head to do so. I open my muzzle, but not a single word comes forth. She nods expectantly. "You can't, can you?" I murmur in a weak voice. "No." She flips her mane and speaks in a warm, soft, yet firm voice. "Perhaps this is what you desire after all. Why don't you think about that while we watch the penalties be given for those who lost the bobbing contest." I slowly scuff a hoof sheepishly. "Yes, Ma'am." We are sitting in wooden seats, side by side. Those that failed are brought before the winners. Marble quickly covers my eyes with her hooves giving a command. "Look down and don't you dare look up until you are told." I want to argue, I want to say stop bossing me around. Instead, I obediently lower my head as she places mufflers on my ears whispering, "good boy." It feels like an eternity. My eyes are closed, my ears are covered and I feel something warm grabbing my hoof in a firm grip. Finally, the mufflers are removed and I hear her say, "You may raise your head now." I slowly raise my head to a rather curious sight. The walls and the wooden floor seemed to have developed a faint red stain. It was quite large and the smell of cleaning agents filled my nostrils. As I looked around, I feel a tap on my shoulder. Pinkie Pie was face to face with me and she put a basket with glistening freshly made rock candy in front of me. "Congratulations Mr. Winner! Please take a candy to celebrate!" Looking over at Marble, she nods her approval. I take one, a beautiful magenta one, that resembled a diamond in shape and popped it into my mouth. It felt, strange. Warm and rather juicy, though the taste was very bitter and strong. It makes me want to vomit. It tastes nothing like the rock candy from Sugarcube Corners, that I was used to. I tried not to gag. I didn't want to seem ungrateful for the treat. Marble leaned over as Pinkie handed out the rest of the sixteen pieces, whispering to me softly. "She isn't looking you can spit that wretched candy out now." I immediately spit it into a napkin which Marble quickly hides as Pinkie heads back our way. She looks her sister in the eye and says evenly, "a treat as always Pinkie, thank you." I look at Marble as Pinkie turns away to answer a question from Lyra. "Those are awful, need more sugar. You would swear they were made from blood or someth-" The look on Marble's face stops me cold. "N-n-no way..." She nods and says softly. "Didn't you wonder where the losers went? Or why I told you not to watch?" I look down in shock and notice her hooves. They were stained red, Swiftly glancing around I saw all the mares have red stained hooves with flecks of red on their coats. "D-did you?" She nodded, eyes full of tears. "It's mandatory. I managed to persuade Pinkie that a worthless stallion wouldn't be able to help in any form, which is why you were left out." My eyes widen. She was protecting me. She wasn't doing this to be mean; she was actually trying to protect me from this horrible situation. "I-thank you Marble." After nodding she gestures to me and says in a firm voice. "Follow, now." For the first time that evening, I felt completely okay almost as though I was safe. I happily do as I am bid. That was five minutes ago, here we now stand in front of a rack of costumes. She is staring at me as her words echo in my mind. "You will be dancing with me, however a stallion dancing with a mare has long been forbidden. Therefore, we need to hide your appearance. I want you to choose a costume. However, this costume must represent how you truly see yourself as. Now, pick one." I stared at the rack. Costumes from various plays the auditorium had witnessed filled it. Animal costumes, accessories, and props all littered the tiny room Marble, and I stood in. She was watching me like a hawk from the doorway as I looked through the rack. Out in the main room, Pinkie could be heard speaking into the megaphone she seemed to have materialized. "Our next event is a time of romantic thrill-seeking, the ever popular "Death Waltz!" Everypony clear the dance floor as our staff set up the contest area. Also show some stamping for our guest musical combo, the one and only orchestral dubstep duet! Vinyl Scratch and Octavia!" Marble spoke softly though with a hint of urgency. "Hurry up now, show me the real you." I look at her and ask in a timid manner, "I um...found one, could you um..." She smiles. "Would you like me to leave while you change?" I nod. "Yes, please, if you wouldn't mind." Marble grins playfully. "I will leave and let you get dressed then, after you beg me properly." My eyes grow wide, and a blush slowly spreads across my cheeks as I stammer, "P-please Marble, please let me have some p-pr-privacy t-to-t get dressed for y-y-y-y-" She laughs softly and says, "Adorable. Come out when you are done." The door closes as she steps out to give me some privacy. I turn back to the rack, and taking a deep breath, begin to put on the outfit. My thoughts strangely calm as I review what has happened. I slide my hooves through the satin fabric, feeling it grace my hide; it felt natural. She is gentle, yet firm. I gently slip my head and mane through the opening at the top. Strong-willed, yet inviting. I place on the clip on accessories, the chink of the costume gold barely audible. We just met, and I feel drawn to her side. I use a brush to slowly style my mane, placing a seafoam green bow in my hair and glancing in the mirror; I look beautiful. I want her to command me, don't I? I slide my front two hooves into crystalline-styled heels. I really do! Finally, I style my tail. After a final glance in the mirror on the wall, I head for the door and give a timid knock. I will make her proud of me. Marbles voice can be heard saying in a comforting voice, "Are you ready?" After all, I belong to her! My eyes are shining bright with joy as I exclaim. "Yes, Marble." The door slowly opens and she walks in. She slowly approaches and paces around me as I stand there completely pink from embarrassment, nodding and muttering to herself. "nice shade... oooh that mane style is adorable...love the necklace...very mare-like. Oh my...the tail...gorgeous." Finally, she stops and looks me in the eyes with those deep, sparkling amethyst eyes. The look on her face is one of pride. She smiles and gives me a warm hug whispering,"Tell me, hun. How does it feel? To finally be set free to be yourself?" I blush in response as I stumble in my heels from the impact. "It makes me feel pretty, Marble." She looks at me beaming and says in a firm voice. "You'll need a name, but rather than me choose what I should call you, I will let you decide on what you want me to address you as. I want you to pick a name that when you hear me speak it, you will proudly answer my summons. Most importantly though choose your name and make sure it reflects your thoughts about who you are, no one else's." Outside the room I can hear a loud explosion as Pinkie is heard yelling, "oooh so close...let's pause to have the staff clean up this rather unsightly mess and prepare for our next contestants!" My heartbeat is suddenly very erratic. My thoughts racing, my pulse quickening. I catch Marble's eyes filling my vision as she firmly grasps my head and forces me to focus on her and then...everything stops. It's as if time has stopped. My heartbeat quiets down, my pulse slows and my thoughts become clear. I open my muzzle and tell her my choice. Marble nods and says, "Then let us go dazzle them as they meet my new marefriend." We exit the small room. Marble tells me to wait a moment and trots up to where Pinkie is and begins whispering in her ear. Pinkie pulls out her megaphone. Where in Tartarus does she even keep that? It's a secret! Pinkie? What are you doing in my thoughts? Silly filly, I'm writing the story of course! My thoughts are hazy, I feel slightly disoriented for a moment. What story? What are you saying? Back to our tale! "Now taking the dance floor, my wonderful sister and reigning champion of the Death Waltz, Marble Pie! Standing by her is none other than her new marefriend. Ladies give it up for Zakyria Moonglow, sporting a rather provocative seafoam green ensemble!" Marble slowly approaches me, and I must have looked as confused as I felt because she speaks to me in her ever dominant voice. "Tell me what you are thinking, hun." I lower my head and ask, "Zakyria Moonglow?" She laughs and leaning close whispers, "I felt it an exotic name for such a rare mare such as yourself. Do you not agree?" I thought about it for a moment. It was mysterious and exotic sounding alright, elegant even. But then why did she make me pick the name if she wasn't going to use it? "It sounds alright but what about -" Looking me in the eyes, she placed a hoof against my muzzle causing me to close it. "You will understand soon. For now be a good mare and follow my lead. Do not look away from my eyes, do not blink. Do not think about anything but my smile. Am I understood?" I nod and gulp. "Yes, Marble." "Good girl, it is our turn. Take my hoof and do not disappoint me." The heels feel awkward as she leads me out onto the floor. The music slowly begins with an orchestral violin solo. Taking my hooves Marble proceeds to elegantly twirl me around the floor. She looks so happy! That smile is beautiful. We dip and twirl as the crowd 'oohs' and 'ahhhs'. Her eyes fill my vision. Those radiant amethyst eyes, they alone make me feel warm, safe, secure. Marble speaks softly to me, "that's a good girl, you are doing wonderfully!" It was going so well! She was proud of me. Then it happened. The dubstep kicked in and the rhythm changed. The waltz changed to a tango. These heels hurt so bad! My thoughts wavered, my hoof slipped. Why hadn't I practiced walking in these? I fell backwards. My heart began to race, my pulse quickened, my eyes constricted. I began to panic. Marble quickly grabbed my fore hooves and fiercely roared as my mind wandered in utter terror, "CRYSTAL THIS IS YOUR MISTRESS! LOOK IN MY EYES NOW!" Mistress? Mistress! My mistress gave me an order! I must make her happy! My attention immediately snapped towards her. As I gazed obediently into her eyes, she quickly slid me around the floor, twirling, flipping and dodging the traps, one after the other as explosions rocked the floor and smoke filled the air. The audience was silent. Marble looked at me as we skidded to a stop and gently spoke once more as she gingerly kissed my muzzle. "That's my good girl." The smoke cleared as the ground began to shake. Snapping out of my reverie, I looked around in awe as all the mares in the room were issuing aggressive and thunderous stamping. The megahorn sounds off as Pinkie roars out,"I don't think we have ever seen such an explosive finale! That was amazing!" Marble looks at me and says, "Crystal follow. Now." We head over to a small room I had not noticed earlier. Marble knocks on it as the screams behind us, tell me the losers were...penalized again. I try not to gag as the stench of burnt flesh reaches my nostrils. Marble holds up a hoof to steady me and whispers softly and lovingly, "Do not say a word in here, or I will have to punish you." Her tone is serious. I gulp as the door opens and my eyes widen. I immediately bite my lip to avoid a single sound. There, in front of us was the lilac tyrant herself, her voice steady but cold as ice. "I've been expecting you both. In. Now." Twilight glanced at Marble as she circled me. "I see you've taken a liking to this one." Marble spoke in her normal soft voice. "Her name is Zakyria Moonglow, your majesty." Twilight grimaced. "Her? This is a -" Marble interjected in a firm and deadly serious tone. "This, your majesty is my marefriend, Zakyria Moonglow. She is my pet and you WILL NOT touch her." Spreading her wings in annoyance, the Queen of Equestria glares at me, causing me to shake. "So...I take it you have made your decision then and will not be dissuaded? Tell me, are you willing to go see Starlight and have a...change of stature, so to speak?" I look timidly at Marble. She smiles and says, "Crystal tell her who you are." I stand upright in confidence. "My name is Zakyria Moonglow, your majesty. I am the marefriend and submissive of Marble Pie. Anything she commands I will gladly do to make her happy and see her smile. Please let me be with her." Twilight folds her wings and grins at Marble. "How very well trained. Very well, take 'her' to Starlight to get the required surgery. She may stay with you." My thoughts feel a little strange.I feel like I'm forgetting something...something important. I shake my head as my thoughts once more focus on Marble. Mistress will take care of everything, no need for me to worry anymore. In a dark room in the back of Sugar Cube corners Pinkie Pie hums to herself as she pens the final words. "The end." Tears slowly make their way down her muzzle as she blinks in the dark silence. The icy wind howls outside, and the candles are almost non-existent, having been glowering lower and lower as the week has gone by. Those tears slowly drip on to the page before she can close the book. Taking her hoof she slowly closes the book. She slowly rises and walks towards the nearby shelf. Standing next to the shelf she stares at a small statue. It's nothing fancy, just a small statue of a gray mare. The tears rapidly pick up pace as she runs her hoof along the mane of it and reads the plaque below: "For My Loving Sister, Marble Pie. Drowned, bobbing for Apples." Pinkie wipes a hoof across her eyes as she reaches for the book on the desk. She then places it on a bookshelf nearby. The title showing brightly in the firelight for just a second until the candles go out, "Marble Pie, What Could Have Been" Looking out the window towards the castle in the distance, Pinkie says softly. "Well, Mr. Writer, at least one of you got a happy ending." > Dash'd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My head was aching, my vision was shifting slowly from colored blurs to red ones. I raised a hoof to my eye to rub it, only to feel a warm sensation. Pulling back my hoof I looked at it, it was coated in a dark red. My vision began to dim as I felt another sharp pain in my back of what I assumed to be hooves. "Hurry up! You got to get out of here!" My teeth were gritted as I asked the strange rainbow blur "I-ARGH-what? Who-who are you?" My bones refused to respond to my attempts to rise to my hooves, instead a painful 'CRUNCH' is heard and echoes through my ears as I fall back to the loamy, rain-soaked soil. I scream as the agony ricochets up my spine. "AAAAAURGGGGH!" The voices of the pursuers could be heard louder now. Closer. "Yeah, that's her alright! Rar, you take the left and Fluttershy you take the right, Pinkie an' ah got th' middle! Let's git her girls!" I turn my head frantically to glance at my wings and wince. The cyan feathers were ripped and the bones poking through told me they would not be lifting off anytime soon. "There's no time for names! Please we have to go now! We can't let them get you again!" I tried my best to move, but all I could manage was a wiggle, my side feeling increasingly wet and warm. My vision grew dimmer and I struggled to move. As my eyes close, I heard sprinting hooves skid to a stop beside me. The last thing I saw was an orange foreleg before my world faded to black. "It's bad, Twi was right to be worried. Alright girls, place her on mah back. We need ta git her to Starlight, fast." I was in a hall all of a sudden. Before me stood a white alicorn with a sun on her flank. In her hooves she held a leash that seemed to lead to my neck. "Come here, slave." The leash was tugged sharply pulling me down onto my knees. "OW!" The white alicorn glared at me. "Shut up, you are a guard in this castle you worthless pegasus. You will do your duty of serving the princess, now stick out your tongue and prepare to relieve my stress like a good slave." I opened my eyes wide and screamed in pain. "ARRRRRRGH!" In front of my eyes was a lilac colored unicorn. "Oh thank goodness, you had me so worried!" Her amethyst eyes were dripping from what appeared to be a lot of crying. She brushed a hoof across her eyes. "I thought we had lost you!" blinking, I winced in pain. Gritting my teeth, I asked, "Who ARGHHHHH who are you?" The lilac unicorn was pushed out of the way as a lavender alicorn appeared in my view with her wings flared. "Can you hear me?" I try to nod but I cannot move,I utter a terrified, "Y-yes" Her wings folded down as she lowered her muzzle and gave me a tender liplock. I blushed profusely as she spoke to me in a gentle caring voice. "You have lost a lot of blood, sweetie. Please try not to move." I whimper from the pain as I respond. "Um...I...who are you? What happened to the white alicorn I just saw?" The lavender alicorn looked fierce for a moment. "What white alicorn?" I stammer out in fear. "The one who was holding my...leash?" Leaning down to give me a gentle embrace the lavender alicorn whispered softly, "Do not worry about her, she will never hurt you again. I've made sure of it. As for who I am, I am somepony who cares deeply for you, my name is Twilight Sparkle. Now please, sweetie stay still while Starlight repairs your body." The lilac unicorn looked surprised and turned to Twilight and whispered fearfully, "Your majesty you must be joking these wounds are far too severe-" Twilight glared at her and spoke in an icy tone, but one that seemed almost concerned. "If she doesn't make it Starlight, your screams will echo throughout Equestria for hundreds of years to come as I slowly tear you apart, am I clear?" The one called Starlight, whimpered and cowled her head in submission. "Yes, your majesty." I gasp as I feel a sharp poking feeling followed by a severe burning sensation as the plunger of the needle is pressed fully downward. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!" Starlight gently strokes my head and whispers in a soft voice, "there, there sweetie. Your mommy is so proud of her big girl." My mind feels fuzzy almost like static, I repeat the only word I can recall hearing. "Mommy?" My eyes slowly fluttered feeling extremely heavy and as I close them unable to keep them open any longer, she responds in a soft sing-song voice. "That's right, sweetie I am your mommy and I am very proud of you. I need you to be brave and rest now. Listen to my lullaby and dream the sweetest of dreams." I was back in the hall. My hooves were shaking as I was forced to stand on tip hoof while that wretched white alicorn jerked my leash forcing me to dance. "Pl-ease stop your majesty!" "Shut your mouth, you worthless slut. Dance for your dinner and be grateful I am generous enough to give you any chance of eating after that disgraceful performance." As I begin to cry, the sound of faint singing reaches my ears. The singing grows steadily louder as the horrid scene is washed away. ~ I am here, I am by your side. I will heal your pain, I will mend your pride. With your mommy's help, Your wings will soar again. The pain will fade, the wounds will heal, I'll make you whole again.~" A warm feeling makes my mind feel at ease, as a faded voice says, "you are a worthless guard, you exist purely for my amusement, slut." The voice fades more and more as the lyrics grow louder still making my heart feel warm, safe and happy. "`When you were lost, I found you. I raised you as my own, I rebuilt you soul, Lost once forever, Though now you are whole. Please hear me now, And have no more fears, I will heal your pain, Your mother is here~ I slowly blink and open my eyes. "Good morning my sleepy little pegasus. Did you sleep well?" My muzzle opens and I call her by name. "Mommy?" The lilac unicorn gently nuzzles me. "That's right sweety. Mommy is here. Do not worry." I tried to lift my hooves to hug her and am hit by a wave of intense pain. "AUUUUUUURRRRRRGH!" The lilac unicorn gently rubs my forehead and says softly though with a hint of sadness, "sweetie please lie still, mommy is still fixing your owies." I lay still and feel calm, that voice echoing in my mind. "DO AS I SAY AND KILL HER." No! I can't attack mommy! I love mommy! My body began to move on it's own and a look of concern appeared in mommy's eyes. Taking a swift deep breath she began to sing in that melodious voice. "Lay still, little one, Your mother is almost done. No need to get upset, No reason for you to fret. Your wings will soar once more. Soon you'll fly out the door. Let mommy ease your pain, Please lay still and rest your brain~" Immediately my body stops moving. I lay still as mommy gently kisses my forehead. "That's a good mare now this might sting a little sweetie." Instantly the entire rightside of my face begins to burn with a fierce intensity as the glow of a violet light fills my sight. "Argh, MAKEITSTOPMAKEITSTOP! ARGHHHHH MOMMY HELP!" The lilac unicorns melodious voice reaches me once more as I begin to thrash from the pain. The straps that are holding me down are beginning to fray against my frantic attempts to move. The table buckles as i bang my body against it in an attempt to break free. "Gentle little pegasus, Please rest your weary mind, Mommy is making sure, Your vision works just fine, Lie still please and do not fear, Your mommy, Your protector is here, To brush away your every tear, Now please rest your mind.~" I suddenly feel all pain leave my body as my rapid, frantic movement slows down and stops and my breathing slowly lessens from my frantic huffing, my heart beat returns to normal. Mommy did it! I stare into the violet light once more as the smell of burnt fur fills my nostrils, no longer scared or hurting but safe and secure with mommy nearby. I slowly watch as my world fades to black. The horrible white alicorn, that dark throne room, that horrible leash again. This time however, she was laying facedown in a pool of dark red the columns and the throne are completely stained as well as a lot of her fur, once white now red. What...happened...here? I slowly lowered my gaze to my hooves to gape in horror at the dripping knife held within my hooves. No it can't be...I...nonono The doors nearby burst open as that lavender alicorn, what was her name...oh right Twilight Sparkle burst through and galloped towards me a look of anger on her face. Suddenly the voice of mommy fills my mind and the scene is washed away once more. "Sweet, gentle daughter of mine, The time has come for you to fly, Open your eyes and you will see, How happy your mother will be, Your beauty it has been restored. Now your mother needs to hear your words.~" My eyes slowly flutter open. I see mommy standing there and beside her is that Twilight Sparkle alicorn. The two are talking in hushed tones. "Starlight, how does it look? Were you able to fix her?" Standing over me mommy looks down and smiles softly as she tickles my chin causing me to giggle. "My darling cutie will be just fine, your majesty." Twilight nuzzled me and I whimpered in fear seeing the image of her running at me once more in anger flash before my eyes. "Starlight why is she afraid of me?" Mommy speaks in her warm voice tinged in sudden sadness. "She is still fighting against the effects of her training from- The wings of the alicorn flared open in anger. "Don't you dare say that name. It's better if it's never said again!" "Yes, your majesty." I continued to whine and shiver until she pulls back and mommy gently caresses my many-hued mane. "It's alright sweety, I promise you, you are safe." I giggle, happy mommy is there. I lay still and observe them both standing over my table. "Okay mommy." Twilight leaned close to her and said in a hushed tone of distress. "Do you think she remembers?" Mommy shook her head and said, "no, your majesty." The lavender alicorn whispered to mommy in her ear, I could only make out two words. "....never...remember." Mommy nodded and gently tickled my hoof. "Who is mommy's brave pegasus?" I giggled and shook with laughter. "I...haahahaha..I am, mommy!" Mommy gently undid the straps holding me down and gently rocked me in her hooves as she carried me over to the changing table and lay me down. With a warm caring smile she powered my bottom and gently wrapped me in a clean diaper. She lay me down in her lap as she rocked me slowly back and forth while sitting on a bed after handing me a bottle to drink from. She patted my back, and I let out a satisfied burp. "Urp, scuzey mommy." She smiled and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "You are such a good girl. Now then sweetie it is time for a nap my darling sleepy head." I was lain back down in her lap once more. I slowly close my eyes. They flutter as I try to stay awake but finally my world grows black once more. Twilight rushed towards me. I just killed the princess...I have to run! Why was this happening? The knife falls and I take off as I hear Twilight scream. "RAINBOW DASH!" I struggle against her magical hold on me. I have to run! I have to fly! I flap my wings as hard as I can and break free. I shoot like a rocket from that palace. I have to hide! No I'm going too fast! TREE! I'm gonna crash I can't stop! BAM! At that moment a hauntingly sweet yet sorrowful melody fills my mind and the scene slowly fades from my mind. I hear it louder and louder until the only image in my mind is mommy's face. I snuggle down into her lap and sleep soundly with a small smile on my face. In the rocking chair, her heart full of pain, Rainbow Dash's friend looks down at her newly reborn rainbow pegasus baby. "Don't worry Rainbow, I promise I will protect you from her control. Listen to my song, sweetie, and let your recovery begin anew. My brave pegasus filly, This world is big and silly. Such a lovely little girl, For you it's a big, bold new world, Outside you'll see new things, As you grow and learn new things. Learning to fly, At such a young age. Don't worry mommy promises, You'll be okay, Let all those worries that once filled your head, Be replaced with an emptiness instead. Your mind is rebuilt, You are made brand new, Listen and hear of mommy's love for you. The pain is all gone, Your life is erased, Now be a good girl, And please sleep for me.~ In the new queen's bed chambers, Twilight stood in front of Applejack, who was standing on her tiphooves. She looked to be struggling to maintain her position as Twilight laughed wickedly and jerked on the leash that led to a collar around the poor mare's neck. "Come on you useless slut, amuse your true queen like a good slave." > Atonement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A long dark road leading to a huge plantation in the middle of nowhere. The ground was cracked and fissured. In the wagon the earth pony by my side was speaking in a hyper tone, never pausing for a breath. "It's a shame about your mom and dad, they simply weren't fast enough to dodge that trip mine during the dance off, such a pity. don't worry your pretty little mane about that little mare, your new home awaits!" A signpost we just passed looked about to collapse any moment, the wood was festering and rotted. Somepony's hoofwriting was quite visible on the decrepit wooden sign in a rustic red hued writing that said, "Turn back!" Those red letters seemed to be hastily drawn over the time worn black paint stating: "Welcome to Ponyville." The wind howled as it ran through the trees, the trees seemed lifeless and ancient. The buildings we passed had worn away, rotted from within. Dwellings no pony called home anymore. The pink pony with the outlandish mane and fluffy tail continued to chat as I, ignoring her, focus on the devastation all around. My mind raced. Why was I being brought out here, to this forsaken land? I felt a hoof lightly cuff me on the nape of my neck. "Hey brooding filly, we're here!" Looking up I caught sight of a gorgeous building, a small farmland that seemed to be thriving, and a lilac colored unicorn waving us over. "Pinkie Pie, it's been too long sweetie, how go the parties?" The pink pony beside me, Pinkie Pie, laughed and pounced on her in excitement. "Oh Starlight! It's not the same without you, you know. All the girls ask about you, we've all been worried since the...well you know. As for the parties, well that's why I'm here delivering this young mare into your care." The lilac unicorn, Starlight looked down upon me and gave me the warmest smile as her horn glowed a captivating shade of seagreen. "Oh aren't you just adorable? Welcome to your new home and new life. I'm going to be taking care of you, feel free to call me mommy. Can you tell me your name, sweetie?" Her voice was soothing. I no longer felt any worries or concerns in her prescense. "My name is Wendy Seabreeze, mommy." "That is such an angelic name, take my hoof and let's go meet your new sisters." I took her hoof and - A light hitting my face cause me to open my eyes. I was drenched from sweat. Just a nightmare. Twenty three years ago I found myself here as a filly orphan. I looked around. "Ooomph!" A cyan pegasus with a rainbow hued mane was bouncing on top of me. "C'mon sis! Mom's waiting for us! Rise and shine!" I blinked sleepily and somewhat annoyed. I am not a morning pony. "Rainbow!" Rainbow Dash, my younger sister by adoptive properties. Ever freespirited and lighthearted seeing her always made me smile. She laughed and gave me a light hug whispering. "Mom said to get you and see if you were still having the...you know." My eyes went wide. She was refering of course to the dreams I had begun having in the past week. I shivered and nodded only to get a huge hug from Rainbow. "Don't worry big sis! Anyway mom says you have five minutes before she comes in to get you herself. You missed breakfast and she is a bit upset." OH CRAP! I thought to myself. Quickly flinging the covers off I bolted out of bed and rushed downstairs, to find mom standing there with a ruler in her hoof, glaring menacingly. "Young mare, why were you not at breakfast? Are you telling me my assistant, my own full-grown daughter no less is still in need of discipline as a reminder?" As she raised an eyebrow my hoof instinctively rushed to protect my bottom. "N-no mom, I just was unable to wake up! I was having that dream again and -" My words were halted mid-sentence as the ruler fell to the ground and mom rushed towards me, wrapping me in a big hug giving me a warm peck on the cheek, whispering to me in her gentle caring voice once more. "Shhh. there, there, it's alright. I promise they will not hurt you again, no pony will." Letting go, she headed off to her office saying, "You will be handling every period today as punishment for missing breakfast for the fillies. Now then, see if you can do something about poor Trixie, she has lost her hat again and the poor darling is quite distraught." I watched mom walk away in her signature sassy fashion as a loud bawling from the ballroom reached my ears. "WHERE ISH YOUUUUUU HATTY!" I laughed to myself, just another day in paradise. As I approached the makeshift stage made of cardboard with 'THA GRATE AND POUERFUL TRWIXE!' Scribbled on it, a tiny blue unicorn with tears streaming down her face pounced onto me. "Aunty Wendy helps! Hatty ish missing!" I gingerly wrapped my hoof around her midriff and raised her up to my eye level and said softly, "would you like help finding your hat of power, Trixie?" Trixie giggled happily at being lifted. Somehow being lifted by her 'Aunty Wendy' always caused the little blue filly to burst out in giggles. Her eyes shined with admiration. "Pwease?" I smiled, and giving her a gentle nuzzle to let her know everything was okay, I placed her on my back and trotted over to the nearby coatrack. The hooks were well out of filly reach and most could barely see the top shelf where I pulled her beaten up magic hat of felt from the rest stored up there. I placed it on her head and then placed her down onto the floor once more. She giggled excitedly and gave me a big hug."Thwank yous Aunty Wendy! Me luvs you!" I grinned as I watched her run off to the stage she had made. A tiny crowd of six fillies had gathered to watch her daily magic show. She was quite adept at it, maybe one day she would get her cutie mark in such entertainment."Hoocus Pookus!" My eyes scanned the crowd. An orange earth pony with a small stetson hat mom had made her, sat in the front row stamping her hooves in excitement as Trixie pulled a tiny stuffed bunny from the hat. Applejack then nudged a small white unicorn who was gasping in surprise as a hoola hoop appeared to materialize around Trixie's midriff. "Oh my dwaling did yous see thats, fluttershee?" Rarity had been referring to the tiny yellow pegasus that had her eyes covered as Trixie turned her wand into a sparkler, startling the poor dear. "EEEP so...scary!" Beside her one moment and suddenly on stage assisting the next, was a pink earth pony with an over abundance of energy and strange taste in mane and tail stylings. Pinkie Pie had begun assisting Trixie in her act as if it was part of the act. The tiny inseparable fillies, Lyra and Bonbon were watching the show while snuggling. The tiny multi-hued mane earth pony had her head on the little green unicorn's lap while the latter had somehow managed to sit with her hind hooves crossed, as always perplexing me to no end. I waited patiently until the show had ended. My horn glowed a light purple as I turned on the lights. "Can I have everypony's attention?" The day went by with complete normality. Rarity attempted to bedazzle Applejacks hat with pretty rhinestones, much to Aj's dismay, while AJ got even by tying poor rarity up in a hogtie as retribution. After separating them I gave them both some applesauce and told them to offer it to the other in apology. I watched with a big smile as the two hugged and ate their applesauce together during snacktime. Pinkie Pie decided we needed more cupcakes and inexplicably handed out a bakers dozen to the class during History Class. Where did she keep getting those anyway?Finally naptime rolled around and after making sure Fluttershy had her stuffed bunny, Trixie had her hat and magic cape(really a blanket that she enjoyed snoozing under) and Lyra and Bonbon were snuggling comfily under their blanket, a loud knock was heard issuing from the front door. I felt it was particularly odd. We didn't get many visitors, though perhaps a new filly had been delivered as they seemed to be systematically by some pony. It seemed like every time a grown mare left the orphanage via adoption or simply coming of age, a new filly would be placed upon the doorstep. I trotted towards the door as the knocking occurred once more. Opening it just a crack, I saw a pair of amethyst eyes staring back at me. I opened the door wide to reveal none other than the queen herself standing before me. "I wish to speak to Starlight Glimmer." I was slightly confused, and it must have shown upon my face as her highness rolled her eyes and spoke in a friendlier voice. "I mean your mother, sweetie. Can you go get her for me?" I bowed my head feeling inexplicably scared for my life before the alicorn as I stammered. "At once, your majesty." Bolting away at breakneck speed I thundered down the hallway to mom's office and pounded on the door, my anxiety having blossomed full force. "Mom, open up! Mom!" The door opened swiftly and mom's warm voice greeted me. "Sweetie what's wrong?" Her hooves were wrapped around me in a warm hug, and I began to relax. "Mom...the queen is at the front door asking for you." I felt her grip around my midriff tighten momentarily in reaction to my words as pulling back I noticed her eyes slightly dilated in terror. She shook her head as if warding off some forboding thought and whispered softly. "Escort her to my room and make sure you beg her forgiveness for making her wait." "Yes mom." I made my way without pause back to the purple alicorn who now sported an angry glare as she waited for my return. My words came out in a rush, "mom said for me to escort you to her room. Also your majesty I am so sorry for making you wait, please forgive me for my transgression." I lay before the queen and awaited her verdict, the sweat dripping down my muzzle as my body tensed in anxiety. "Rise, I shall forget this little altercation ever happened. Lead me to your mother; I am on a very tight schedule." I breathed a sigh of relief and began to rise, only to find a heavy weight upon my back. Her majesty had placed her hoof on my back and was firmly holding me down as she spoke in a low silky voice. "Don't ever let it happen again, however. I may not be so forgiving next time, don't you ever dare forget who is in charge like your mother did, young mare. It could save your life." I let out a whimper as I uttered in a squeaky voice. "Y-yes your maj-majesty!" I felt the hoof leave my back and the calm voice of the queen once more. "Now then, get on your feet and take me to your mother." Rising to my hooves I began breathing erratically. I forced myself to calm down and led the way to mom's office. Upon arriving I raised a hoof to knock only to be pushed flat on my muzzle by a powerful shove from behind. Once again I felt the pain of those hooves pressing down upon my back. I grimaced in pain and bit my upper lip to stay silent as she stood on top of me, lest I offend her any further. Her forehooves made a thunderous sound as she knocked upon the door. Looking up I saw her staring into my eyes in silent domination. Finally, she spoke, her tone icy and commanding. "Tell me, young mare, who has power over your very existence, should you live or die?" Tears began streaming down my face onto the stone floor as the pain intensified. I gasped out. "You...do...your majesty." Stepping off of me as the door opened, she replied to me as the door closed behind her. "Don't you ever forget that, the reason you can breathe or even smile? It's because I still desire your existence in this worthless world.You exist solely for my amusement, nothing more." Behind the door I heard mom scream. "Not her, please I beg of you! I swear I will give you anything you want but please don't..." I pressed my ear to the door to hear more. The voice of Twilight's icy rage cut through the wooden frame. "SILENCE! You WILL do as I command! Now then it seems the time has come once again Starlight, even now she is listening to this conversation as she has hundreds of times before..." I stood paralyzed, stunned by her words. My head drenched in sweat as my eyes tried to gain focus on something anything. My mind was racing in utter terror. She knew? Wait, this has happened before? Before I could will myself to move the door swung open and I fell inward into the room landing at the hooves of the queen. Glancing up I saw a smile that sent chills throughout my entire frame. "Come in, come in, so glad you could join us Wendy...we were just about to settle your mother's...debt to me." Turning to look at mom she asked in a soft voice. "How many time have we been here Starlight?" Mom's eyes were rapidly dilating as she stood there shivering. "Please...your majesty...don't..." Twilight placed a hoof on my back and said in a more menacing tone. "Answer my question, how many times..." I felt her hoof lift off my back and breathed a sigh of relief. "Have we..." A tremendous pain erupted throughout my spine causing me to scream as the hoof came crashing down on my back. "been here, Starlight?" Mom had tears streaming down her face as she looked away, whispering hoarsely. "one thousand...years your majesty." I felt my body being lifted as a light purple glow surrounded me. I was held in front of the queen as she stared into my eyes. "Tell me, Starlight, how many times have you raised the rest to marehood only to have to start over the next day?" Starlight winced as the pain of the memories appeared on her face. "five hundred...And twenty-six, your majesty. Please, I've learned my..." I felt myself flung against the wall, the sound of my ribs shattering was evident. The pain was more so. I screamed. "Mom help!" Mom looked at me and whispered in pure sorrow. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry!" The queen glared at her. "You have learned your lesson? Is that what you were going to say? Do you even remember why you are here, Starlight? My vision turned red as I felt my skull bashed against the stone walls. Why you must endure such hardships?" Again my vision grew blurry, tinted heavily in red. Again and again. The pain was horrendous. Am I...going to die? Twilight seemed to pause and calmly as she held my battered body up for mom to see, said softly. "You were such a bad pony, Starlight. Stealing everyone's cutiemarks, destroying everything me and my friends held dear. Did you not expect some form of retribution some punishment after you surrendered to my offer of friendship?" Starlight stood with her hooves over her mouth as she stared at me. My vision was slowly fading as Twilight spoke words I could just make out. "Can you promise you'll be a good pony and do as I say from now on?, if so we can end this and get you back to where you belong. Licking my hooves obediently in Ponyville." Mom screamed as if releasing a prayer to the heavens themselves. "I'll be a good pony, I'm a good pony, I'm a..." Just then my eyes closed, I was unable to open them again as A loud THUD, filled my ears followed by mom's screams of horror. In a secret basement within Canterlot Castle the body of Starlight Glimmer had been strapped down to a metal table. A strange helmet upon her head, covering her eyes. The helmet beeped as a golden horseshoe pressed a button on a nearby console. "I'M A GOOD PONY!" The scream of Starlight filled the small room. Princess Luna turned to Celestia and spoke. "It would seem she is awake, dear sister." Princess Celestia glared at the pink unicorn now frantically trying to break her bonds. "Stop moving, Starlight show me what a good pony you can be." At once the struggling ceased. Celestia looked at Luna and said."can you lease go get Twilight from the other room?" Leaving that room with An "at once dear sister." Luna located and released Twilight from another similar machine. "Welcome back, Twilight. She is waiting for you." Starlight lay perfectly still as Celestia brought her table in to an upright position. As the unicorn watched a familiar purple alicorn approached her looking very warm and friendly. "Oh good, Starlight I'm glad you are awake, tell me have you thought about those friendship lessons I offered you? After all a good pony would jump at the chance to be taught by the princess of friendship..." Starlight began speaking in a eager to please tone, her words hurried as if afraid of offending by speaking too slow. "I'm a good pony! please teach me anything you want, i'm a good pony. Let me learn your lessons, let me serve you! I'm a good pony! Please let me do as you wish, I'll do anything!" Twilight smiled icily, but only for one moment before it became a warm and friendly grin. She trotted up to Starlight and began undoing her bonds. She whispered to her tenderly. "That's a good pony, you will be my apprentice, my slave, my friend. I command and you obey. Let us begin your new life as my pupil, Starlight. Your crimes against Equestria have been forgiven."