> The Perfect Womb > by Raven Blackwood > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Necessity of a King > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ahh, finally got the last one taken care of.” Twilight sat back on her chair, the tension squeaking for support of her weight. She was busy for the night, finding it not much of a hassle as she had gotten the majority of her duties done for the week. So far, everything was going okay. Not much of a concern at this time; nothing big was going on in Ponyville as she usually sought out from her friends, nor was there any type of disgruntled pony or deity that wanted to take over the world for magic. It was just a beautiful night that was quiet and serene. The sight of fireflies roaming around her kingdom glowed brightly as the moon glimmered along her crystal castle, emitting a glow that could prove to be one effective nightlight to her loyal subjects, even though she wasn’t feeling sleepy herself. She was a night owl after all. However, her thoughts never mattered on what had come of now since Spike had left. Twilight sighed before putting the parchment in one of her manilla folders, placing it alphabetically in her side drawer. She recalled Spike telling her that he was going back to the dragon lands to visit Ember. She wanted him to spend some time with her, learning more about new skills and other practices that were related to dragon culture. While Twilight begrudgingly agreed for this outcome when it happened, she felt alone in her castle... ‘He grew up so fast on me.’ She thought. ‘I know Spike is already a teenager, but I really hope he’s okay.’ Seeing a longtime friend like him leave so sudden still hits her, but that didn’t distract her. She knew that he wasn’t a baby anymore. He was growing up, just like anypony else would. Twilight stretched her arms out and swayed her head, feeling her muscles relax as her joints popped. She sighed in relief with how much time she sat in her room. She wanted to go outside and enjoy life, but it was already night out. There wasn’t much to do but staying indoors. Her friends were probably asleep by then as well, so that was something else off her plate. However… Twilight had an idea. And it was the only thing that came to her. She started to smell herself and scrunched up her face in disgust. “Ugh…” She yelped with abhorrence. “Note to self: make sure to always take a shower twice when working almost the whole day." Not wanting to prolong the problem at hand, Twilight undressed herself. White shirt and black jeans were discarded on her clean bed, no longer shielding her slender semi-naked body. Her B cup breasts still confined to her bra; soon enough they were next along with her matching panties, simply dropping them to the ground. She extended her wings outward and upward, stretching them to get the blood flowing. She felt a sigh of relief, but was still fatigued. From the window behind her, the beams of Luna’s moon bathed her body, like a mother wrapping her arms and wings around her child. Perhaps it was a sign from Princess Luna that Twilight was in good hands. She took a deep breath and exhaled before walking into the bathroom. She turned the lights on with a flip of a switch; the fluorescent bulbs above her revealed a luxurious bathroom with a walk-in shower and sink right next to it. A mirror was shown above the sink, where Twilight looked at her own tired reflection. From within her thoughts, she knew that it was impossible for her to age. Her body would remain the same just like how the princesses were. Never aging and only prospering for all eternity. It wasn’t much of anything to always think about. Yet, she knew that being immortal meant that her friends and family were destined to leave her. Only she would remain left as their legacy. At least she would never need to be dependent on somepony since her body will never be old and worn out. It was a gift and a curse in the end. But the only thing that kept her mind preoccupied was if she would meet anypony in her life to marry her. To love and care for. But even if she was married, that stallion would die a mortal. She frowned, but she brushed it off to not feel depressed. It was getting difficult however. “Time to clean myself up.” She told herself in the mirror, nonchalant. “After that, I’ll just read a book and it’ll be time to call it a night. I can’t wait for what tomorrow will bring.” With that, Twilight watched her head and horn below the white hanging shelf and turned the knob under the shower head, the rushing water shooting out of it. She tested the temperature before getting in, immediately having her coat and wings soaked before closing the glass door. It felt like heaven as the water cascaded her cold stiffened body. She could feel her body loosen up from the amount of stress she had went through. Steam slowly resonated inside the bathroom, making it feel as if it were a hot spring. She hummed lightly; her body felt so much relief, but she couldn’t prolong her task of why she’s in there in the first place. She grabbed the conditioner from the hanging shelf of the showerhead, placing it on a towel she had on it as well. Lathering it, she ran the soft towel across her body, going along her chest to abdomen. The smell was relaxing, like if she was in the woods of nightfall, the dew springing upon the leaves. The rushing water did a quick work of it all around her body, making sure the suds were taken away to the drain below her... Then there was a sudden stop, and Twilight relished in this moment of ecstasy it had unearthed. She knew her body well and how it reacted to her touch, but it was not evident to another for her to cherish. Only the towel had this experience, but that was the problem. The towel wasn’t alive, the towel didn’t have feelings. It can’t touch. She wondered what it would be like with somepony else who had emotions. To experience the lively pleasures her subjects had. It was painstakingly difficult to find a suitor for this, but the timeless nights alone always filled her with want. And with Spike gone, this only worsened… She closed her eyes and drew her free hand down to her breast, slowly squeezing as she moved her towel along her pussy. She sighed softly, the fabrics of her towel replacing the touch of something hard against her. It was gnawing at her, a tease that she didn’t like. But that’s all it could be. Until she released it and used her fingers instead. Her sighs of anguish grew into unwavering moans of desperation. She leaned against the cool wall for comfort, thinking of a stiff stallion fucking her in the position she’s in. Having them close to her and held high against them, as if they’re dominant over her. And she would love it. Their smell of musk driving her crazy. And their deep moans over the rushing water rumbling her body. She grunted before letting herself go, her pussy pulsating and body shaking. Tears went down her face before she slid down to the floor in and remained in the hot shower, not wanting to get out anytime soon. From a hill not too far away, a dark shadowy figure overlooked Ponyville with its glowing red eyes, an essence of purple energy resonating from them. It’s body looked as if it were on fire, but was blackened out and unharmed by it. There was a smile that came from them, a smile that could cause anypony to have a sense of fear retched over them like a crawling spider on their shoulder. It looked closely at Twilight’s castle, surrounded by the many cottages, houses and businesses that stood before it. “You will be mine, Twilight Sparkle.” The voice was that of Sombra, cold and bold as his reputation. He morphed his body into a black dust cloud, traveling at a fast rate into Ponyville. He took careful routes by lurking around, making sure he was not seen by any villagers. He was cautious, not sporadic in his moves. Every move he made was perfectly executed as he neared the castle, hiding in an alleyway between two buildings as a checkpoint. He looked twice out on the streets to see if anypony was around the crystal display. After not seeing a soul in sight, he hastily made his way to the front of the castle, slithering his way in. Inside the castle, Sombra morphed back to his original form and took a forced knee, his head pounding from using a good amount of magic in the shadows. His body showed signs of damage to an extent, but not to where it was impossible for him to use his magic. It had only been a few years since his humiliating defeat by Princess Twilight. The power from the crystal heart had at the time severely affected his body. It crippled him, but failed to wipe him out from existence. Even in the aftermath, he had tried to heal his wounds, but even with his prowess in dark magic, his efforts could not fully restore him to full health. It was a blessing to him that he was still alive, but he knew that his physical body wasn’t going to last much longer. Scars riddled his body, a much larger one diagonally carved from his chest to his right hip. It glowed dark purple, with the sign of cracks that could be seen from the sides of it. There was another scar that went down the left side of his face, with it also glowing dark purple as well. It was a horrible sight for anyone to look at. No blood came out of them, surprisingly. Yet after suffering such wounds, Sombra was able to remain alive. Through all those years, he could feel himself ever slowly dying. Death was persuading him to let go and embrace the darkness, to put himself out of his own suffering. But Sombra was too arrogant for his own good. He wanted to remain alive for eternity. And why not get that immortality from none other than Twilight Sparkle? It was something that Sombra had thought about since his defeat. He got up with little difficulty and explored the castle from the bottom to upper-levels. It was impressive to him. He recalled how when he was the ruler of the Crystal Empire, he had his castle be the highest structure of his former kingdom. But alas, that castle that was once his domain now belonged to his sworn adversaries: Shining Armor and Princess Cadance. He continued to keep himself from raging while trying to find Twilight. The memories were too strong for him to handle, but he affirmed himself in not exploding like a furious volcano. Twilight got into her undergarments and pajamas, a sigh of relief escaping her lips. It had felt good being in the shower and pleasuring herself, as it was one of her stress relievers to combat any amount of tension she had endured. Sadly, it was never going to end. It never was a fun time when she had constant work, making it feel like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s work was far easier compared to hers. While buttoning the last button on her shirt, she heard a pitter-patter coming from outside her window. She turned around to notice that it was raining. The clouds were blocking the moon from keeping her room lit. Twilight went to her chest drawer and turned on the lamp on top of it, luminating the room and giving her a little bit more comfort. She preferred not to be in the dark while a storm was brewing. It reminded her a lot when she was a filly and got scared all the time, rushing to be with her parents in the middle of the night. There were points when in the dark, she had seen monsters that entered her room when lightning struck. They were big, pervasive, and no doubt scary. All of their eyes locked onto her like a predator ready to pounce its prey. She remembered screaming for her big brother, and Shining Armor had always been at his her front. He was her BBBFF after all. No monster would harm his little sister! Twilight went over to her personal alphabetized bookshelf that was loaded with books of all genres, marked by category of course. She inspected every title of every book that was on the shelf of hers. After a minute or two, she grabbed one book off the shelf and went over to her bed, jumping onto it and laying on top of her comfy pillow to rest her head. She looked at the title of the book to have her curiosity peak. Rise of Darkness: A Tale of a New Era of Fear by ShadowNightmare “This’ll definitely pass the time. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too bad to stay awake a little while longer.” Twilight opened the book up and indulged herself into an interesting read. Sombra could sense he was near. He was in one of the hallways that consisted of a few portraits on both sides. Some pictures had Twilight’s friends while others consisted portraits of Celestia and Luna. The stainless crystal floor turned black every time he took a step. The darkness seeped out of his body, plaguing the hallways like a disease. Even the stained glass windows that had pictures of historical events in Equestria were slowly being turned into images of Sombra, their original colors suiting the desires of him. It felt so good from the way he looked at it. The sounds of the storm suited the environment around him. Lightning could be visible from each stained window, with the bold thunderclap hitting every time. The blackness consumed the castle like a living, breathing carnivore. It surged through the place, farther than Sombra’s position. But, it was with him at every step of the way. He was one with the darkness, a corruption that would never leave him, even if he was going to die. But dying was not an option. He came too far to drop dead while the princess was so close. He turned another corner and heard a voice from the very end of the hallway. It was the voice of the princess herself. Sombra could hear her, believing her to be reading a book aloud. He creeped through the main hallway with every step as quiet as possible. It would take a sound as sharp as a pen falling to the floor to make a noise that’ll attract her attention. He approached the cracked door; Twilight was on the other side. He could feel his lust coming over him, his body needing to satisfy his desires. Sombra traveled throughout Equestria naked, not covering his body with anything. There was no point in wearing anything with what he had gone through. His cock was hard as a rock, his semen leaking to the floor in small drips. His phallus was a deadly weapon of mass destruction, capable of ravaging a mare in pleasure. It was hard yet hypnotic for a mare to look at, and perhaps even touching it with their sweaty hands. He could feel the thrill trying to force him to take the princess, but he stopped himself before slithering inside, grunting tirelessly from his stressed wounds. ‘I mustn't allow my lust to control me. I am not a wild animal... I will have her, and no one can stop me from doing what I must.’ With that, he cast a shadow spell to keep himself hidden as he slid under the door. Twilight’s eyes were glued to the book, as if an intense moment was happening. Not like it was that much of a big deal or anything like that. She was already on the final chapter of it, having been a fast read for her. Throughout the novel, she read about a time in which Equestria was ruled by a stallion dictator that came from the darkest parts of Equestria. The stallion was known to hold great power and authority against those who opposed his new order. It was an age where the princesses were no longer in control and cast down into the depths of Tartarus, forever trapped and never able to see the sun or moon again. This stallion had easily made Equestria his new home, and would soon takeover the Crystal Empire and wipeout any resistance that stood in his way. It was a scary thing to think about, but it got her eyes glued to reading every line of every paragraph to the end. She remembered from the beginning that spoke of a mare who was known as the catalyst, the piece of the puzzle to accomplish this stallion’s goals for absolute power. The catalyst was easily manipulated and had fallen to the stallion’s temptation, making it the point of no return for Equestria and its subjects. Yet the stallion possessed not only power… but love for this mare. An odd romance between captor and captive, but Twilight found it interesting. “He was part of the darkness, and he made me become part of it.” Twilight said the last line of the catalyst to end the story. “Now that’s kind of… I’m not even sure how to think about that.” Twilight closed the book and placed it on the chest drawer right of her bed. She got up and slowly walked over to her dresser, stretching her arms in the air. She felt sleepy after reading the book, but it wasn’t something she was going to forget about any time soon. She kept thinking about the passage. Was it truly something to even think about? Was Equestria in danger somehow? Twilight questioned it and the unknown author of it. It felt so… real, yet it was merely fiction. The author had good taste when writing this stuff down. The princess shuddered down to her spine as the room felt colder by the minute. The book must’ve had her anxious of the future. She was taking it too seriously… But, Twilight looked into her mirror and noticed something daunting. Her eyes were red, with purple energy radiating from them. She took a few steps back from what felt like fear coming over her. The sound of voices could be heard all around her, the multitude of forces cheering for some unknown reason. The room collapsed around her and immersed her slowly into the middle of Ponyville. What she saw made her heart rate skyrocket with the burden of unbearable fear. The buildings were on fire. Sugarcube Corner was in a fiery blaze. The School of Friendship was collapsing to the weakening material it depended on. The pond under the bridge turned to blood and the sky was red with smoke contaminating the once clean air. From outside the village, Twilight could see the mountains of Canterlot burning as well. Not one building in this prosperous city was spared. And to make matters worse. Twilight saw crowds of dragons and griffins in plated armor, wielding heavy weaponry. From afar, she could see her castle in the distance. It was the only building that remained unharmed. Despite this, it had been defaced by vulgar pictures of the princesses trying to force ponies to submit to learning friendship. ‘Friendship really is magic!’ splattered in blood on the crystal walls. The equine statues in-between the entrance of the castle were toppled over, being sledge-hammered by the invading warriors. The Equestrian flag in the center square of Ponyville was lowered by a dragon that ripped it from the rope and set it ablaze with his fiery breath. Twilight’s eyes widened in horror as Ponyville was being destroyed by two kingdoms that she had once believed were her allies. But now, it would seem that the kingdoms had betrayed them, destroying her home like barbarians. She ran forward with no direction in mind of piled dead ponies that littered the village, their blood staining the roads. And rigamortis set in for most she accidently stumbled over, their bodies still warm and covered in soot that tracked to her coat. Fear was consuming her as she could see how everything was being raised. There were even royal and lunar guard personnel among the dead that fared worse in battle of the carnage, with evidence of their heavily stained armor and battered limbs. It was a nightmare unfolding in front of Twilight. As soon as she made her way to the main dirt road of the village, her jaw dropped in seeing things that were not thought possible. Twilight saw ponies who had their hands tied behind their backs. Those who had wings had them cut off to the meaty nub while some unicorns had horn receptors suppressing their ability to use magic. And others had theirs crushed as a reminder of their dominance. They were stripped of their clothes, and were being escorted by both parties. But the weak earth ponies suffered the worst of it all by being the less defended of the trio type. The women and children were taken away from their homes and families, while the stallions were executed in the most cruel and vile of the whole operation. One of the unicorns was trying to look and see what was going on in the village, turning her head to suddenly see a dismayed princess in the distance. Her expression saddened, her tears slowly flowing down her stained face before she was whipped by one of the griffins with a loud crack, causing the mare to yelp in pain before kneeling. She grabbed her by the nape of her neck and threw her to the ground with a loud thud, where all the others were marching off to their unknown fates. “Keep moving, ponies!” The griffin commanded with much aggression. “You’ll be transported to our kingdom very soon! And there won’t be any remorse from us.” The young mare looked forward again, not wanting to anger her any longer. Twilight was in distraught, seeing what was unfolding upon her ponies. She could see they were all young, possibly older teens and young adults. The mares had their clothes clawed from their bodies as they were pinned to the hard ground or on the degraded walls of burned-out buildings. They were screaming in horror with what the dragons and griffins were doing to them. These two creatures did not care about ponies. They made them look like they were nothing but products, ready to be put into slavery, but not without brutally breaking them in. The mares were crying out for help. But nopony came to their rescue. Twilight wanted to do something, but she could not. Fear developed through her like a parasite that disabled her ability to act. She could not see where her friends were. Or where the other princesses were. They’re nowhere to be seen... Twilight assumed the worst. How could this have happened? How could Ember allow such acts to occur? Or why would the Griffin Kingdom ally with the dragons to conquer a place of peace and harmony? These questions were running through her head like a broken record player... Until she saw Spike. He wore armor but no helmet, so his expression showed he had a lust for stripping mares. Twilight was shooketh. Seeing Spike, a dragon that was a son to her, not only commit atrocities against ponies and betray Equestria, but also destroyed his belief in the power of friendship. Her heart felt like it was going to break in half seeing him do something so vile. There was so much greed emanating in the air she couldn’t breathe. The pain was slowly poisoning her like a rusty dagger stabbing her chest. Twilight continued to develop a fear of what was happening in Ponyville. Before she could try to think of something to save her home, someone suddenly spoke directly to her. “This will happen if you do not join me, Twilight Sparkle.” Everything went dark around her, snuffing the haunting noise from her ears in a void of black. There was no pony around or anything for her to see. Only the voice she heard, which Twilight wasn’t sure where the masculine entity was coming from, but it sounded very close. “W-who’s there?” Twilight stuttered, standing with little defense. Her ears perked. “Somepony you knew long ago. But what I have given you is a taste of the future; what Equestria will become…” Twilight gulped in fear for her life. What was this voice telling her? “If you do not become one with me, then your precious kingdom will forever be lost to the barbarians that will pillage your villages and enslave your subjects... And you’ll be hopeless to change the course of history for the better.” Twilight didn’t want to be a failure. Her duty was to protect Ponyville and the rest of Equestria from falling to any foreign force, let alone if the force was domestic. She didn’t want anypony to think of her like that. Not once or twice had she thought of failing her friends or the princesses. She swore an oath to protect Equestria with her last breath! She held herself up, not showing any signs of fear. “I won’t allow that to happen!” Twilight affirmed. “My friends and I would do anything to keep Equestria safe. Our friendship will keep us strong and we won’t allow anything like this to unfold.” The voice made a humming noise, it sounding judgemental. “How are you so certain that your friendship will take you far in life, Twilight?” It asked. “Can you really have friendship be implemented to ensure that your beloved subjects will not fall victim to the hands of these so-called ‘allies’ you still know?” “Friendship has always been apart of me and friends. We’ve used it to solve problems not just for ponies, but for other species in Equestria!” “But this future that I show you is something that may happen even if you were to prevail in your efforts to bring peace and security to your new rule.” The voice explained to her. “Look around you, Twilight. Look at the devastation that these two factions will commit against your people. They spread like a cancer, ravaging through the lands of harmony, and replacing all that your leaders and yourself worked for in chaos and discord.” Twilight shook her head in discontent as she tried to argue with the voice, despite the fact that fear continued to swallow her whole. “I will never allow any of this happen! This I promise!” She was determined in stopping such an event from unfolding as reality. Her voice was filled with determination and the entity took notice to this. But it continued to beg to her with efforts in undermining her integrity. “If you don’t want the barbarians to harm you and your people, then you must become a part of me.” It tried to convince her. “Do not allow your arrogance to blind you in your efforts to prevent this from happening. Such a move would be unwise, wouldn't you agree?” “But I…” Twilight lowered her head, thinking to herself. ‘I’m not arrogant. I would never allow my overconfidence to cloud my judgment.’ The voice spoke again. “Friendship can only get you so far in life that even you, Twilight, know that such a concept can last for a short period of time before it comes to an end. What do you do if that happens? And if so, what if your friendship comes to an end and this event transpires?” Twilight started to think about what the voice said. “Don’t be heavily reliant on friendship. You need options, and I am one of those options you can use in the future.” “I’ll…” She wasn’t sure if doing this was going to make a huge difference in saving Equestria from its future downfall. She was conflicted, as making such a big decision could end not in her favor. To her, she had this bad feeling in her stomach of screwing herself over more in trying to acknowledge this mysterious voice. Before she could give him an answer, she asked a question. “... How can I trust you?” He chuckled heartily, admiring her stubbornness. “Do you think I would seek in harming you? For wanting to become one with me?” Another vision manifested in front of her of what the future held again, with no change in character. All ponies crumbled before the might of the Griffons and Dragons. “Think about everything you’ve built since you became a princess. Lives that you saved, countless battles of great glory for new millennials after you to cherish… Are you going to let this prediction come to pass?” There was a pause as Twilight looked away from the view. “... don’t let this future become a reality.” Another vision started to appear. “Think about Spike...” her ears perked before she revert her eyes. “... the son that you have raised. Will you allow him to turn into the very thing that he has sought to destroy?” Twilight started to tear up as Spike ripped the throat of a pony, roaring with hefty might. She was mortified, scared in seeing the brutality of what she saw in Spike. Lust and absolute hunger for blood. His eyes showed the fire from within him was everlasting, with no way of knowing if he was ever going to resist the urge in not doing monstrosities against ponies. Twilight couldn’t take the visions any longer and broke down. “Okay, I’ll do it! For the sake of Equestria!” The view crumbled as the voice laughed with vigor. “Good...” Suddenly, Twilight saw her surroundings change quickly. A gust of wind whirled around her, its force getting stronger as the seconds went by, making her mane and clothes flow haphazardly. She tried to wrap her hands and wings around herself to no avail. It was a raging tornado filled with anger and rage, the sound it made was a train going full steam ahead, with no indication of stopping. The raging wind lifted Twilight into the air, leaving her stationary in the center of it. She could feel her body slowly expanding itself open like a flower, the wind’s pressure forcing her to flow to its more controlled currents. Her arms were raised above her head, with her legs being spread apart, including her wings, which were extended fully. The strength was so great that it forced her head to look up, her tail and mane doing the same. Fire appeared before her, making Twilight’s heart beat rapidly as the wind became more fierce and clawed right through her clothes like a hungry animal. The fire flowed uncontrollably around her, the heat touching her with an embrace that drained the life of her hair. It felt like she was melting with how close the fire was to her body. Her top was torn along with the rest of her pajamas that met the same fate. From front and back to side to side, it showed no mercy to the inferior clothing it believed to be frivolous. The rapid whirlwind had finally annihilated her pajamas, with the remnants of them being suddenly engulfed by the fire before traveling into a red portal that formed far above her, leaving her with just her black panties and bra still intact. However with it not being derailed in its task to strip Twilight into her birthday suit, it aimed its sights on her bra. It attacked her back strap, being careful of her delicate wings. Then it slashed the front middle strap that held it together, leading to the bra freeing Twilight’s admirable breasts, her nipples hard like glass cutters. The bra ignited into the fire before it was sucked into the red portal. Twilight’s mammaries jiggled freely before they perked up absolutely due to the air current from within the whirlwind. Leaving her panties as the sole protectorate of the princess’ humble offering, the wind didn’t take long as it sliced through the sides of it, letting it fly off of her body before it too ignited into the fire. And like the rest of her destroyed clothes, it was sucked into the portal from before. Twilight was stripped of all her clothes, being left in all her glory while trapped inside the whirlwind. She tried to free herself with her magic, but nothing happened. Moving her arms, legs and wings proved to be impossible to do so. Twilight felt like her body became stiff, not being able to even move her fingers. She was nothing but a prisoner at the mercy of this unknown entity. Still confined in fear, she noticed something coming out of the portal. A black dust cloud appeared before her, getting itself into view. It circled around her body like a slithering snake, making a chill go down her spine. The air current suddenly allowed Twilight to get her head to face forward, feeling at least some sign of relief in not being forced to look at the portal, but still unable to move or use her magic. Twilight saw it configure itself into a solid being. Her eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she noticed what and who was truly involved in everything that happened. Sombra stood before her, badly scarred and naked in all his glory with his cock erect to its fullest, pulsing in a hypnotic way that caused the princess’ cheeks to flush red furiously. His sinister smile made it much more... uncomfortable. “Sombra?!” Twilight yelled, flabbergasted and bewildered at the fact that he lives. “Ah yes. My dear Twilight,” Sombra replied, chuckling with a fatigued cough. “Did you really believe that you had destroyed me back in the Crystal Empire?” He stroked Twilight’s face with no ill intent, “All you did was simply wound me to critical levels, but I knew how to overcome it and conquer.” “But… but that’s impossible!” Twilight affirmed herself, yet still couldn’t believe that Sombra managed to remain alive years after his failed attempt to retake the Crystal Empire. “The crystal heart had the capability to defeat you!” “And I’ll admit, it did. But, do you truly believe that the crystal heart was the ultimate weapon to be my death? Tsk-tsk-tsk.” He tapped her cheek gently before pulling away. “You underestimated my power, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with her. Her mind was going all over the place like a hyperactive animal, incapable of just stopping in its tracks to process everything in a clear manner. She saw his condition and his body was badly damaged from how the crystal heart blasted its energy right into him. Surprisingly, she was amazed that he was even able to take the hit, let alone able to still use magic and function from such power. But something felt… odd. This sudden warmth that was wrapping around her body made her feel… safe. But where was it coming from? She didn’t feel it coming from the portal above her, nor was it the whirlwind that was giving off this sense of safety. Twilight came to the realization that the culprit was none other than Sombra himself. Out of everything that he had done back then and now, Twilight felt something that shouldn’t have been remotely connected to him: love. But love from him felt ironic, considering who he was and how he operated. He was a tyrant that enslaved ponies back when he was the ruler of the Crystal Empire, with no sense of love for his subjects, and she became a witness to it herself. Sombra didn’t hesitate to put his hands on her breasts, causing her to jolt from the unexpected move. He squeezed her mounds as she twinged from what he was doing, yet the feeling was not what she expected. Twilight blushed in embarrassment, not able to stop his actions. “Hmm. You have been holding out, Twilight. Were you waiting for a real king?” He fiddled her nipples with his thumbs, hearing her sigh in irritation. And Sombra could’ve done this for hours, but he knew that time wasn’t on his side. He felt his strength declining, but he was merely getting started. “N-no! I-” He pushed his hard phallus into Twilight’s soaked vagina, shutting her defiance down. The lavender pony grunted as her walls wrapped around Sombra’s thickness, feeling him go further inward. Twilight gave out a yelp of surprise, which felt soothing for Sombra to hear. Without struggle, he could tell that she was letting him do with her body. He could see Twilight blush and sweat from feeling the excitement shower her like mad. He thrust his pelvis into her warm crevice, each time making her moan louder and become more insensible to the adrenaline. It was a delight she had never experienced before. All those years in satisfying herself were nowhere near the caliber of what Sombra had. With each pressing minute, Twilight got closer to surrendering herself to him, giving in to everything she ever wanted. Her breasts pressed up against his torn chest, the roughness of his physique invigorating for her. All this hype, all this fucking was leading her to the teetering edge of orgasm. In her moment of excavating her thrill, Twilight began realizing that she was regaining her ability to move her limbs again. Feeling free from her bounds and sensing the change in gravity, she wrapped her arms around him, not showing any resentment toward him. Nothing felt better than actually wrapping her arms around a stallion, even if that stallion was her sworn enemy. This was something he didn’t expect, but Sombra continued to ravage Twilight’s with as much dominance as possible. The whirlwind caused the two to spin inside of it gracefully as they held each other together. He kissed her, making her feel like she was on fire. So much pleasure made its way to her brain. Her mind was going blank as she was being engorged by his cock. Sombra had to think fast to get her to orgasm. He was nearing the end of his life even while fucking Twilight. Casting a spell, he created a disembodied cock that forcibly went into her mouth, her gag reflex acting based on how deep it goes rhymically. Slowly but surely, semen poured into Twilight’s awaiting mouth, feeling warm and delicious to savor. It leaked out of her mouth and on to her sweaty chest, mixing into her trimmed hair. Some of it was sucked into the portal from above them, but it did not matter either way. She was drinking as much as she could, not wanting to choke from how much the cock was delivering to her. ‘This is too much! But I want more of it!’ Twilight could feel her lust continuing to rise every second. He pressed deeper into Twilight as she set her chin on his shoulder. She was losing breath after he’d already hit her G-spot, continuing to push against her without any problems. With a grunt, he gave it his best shot to go in for the final blow. Having the embodied cock disappear suddenly, Twilight gave out the loudest scream of pleasure that her vocal cords could give her. Her scream echoed throughout the void, making it impossible for the whirlwind to suppress it. With just that sign, her pussy clamped down and squeezed his member, bathing Sombra from his waist down with her. “Now I have you, Twilight,” He said, triumphant. “You will now know what it means to become part of who I am, and you can’t do anything about it. We are one, for eternity.” He let go of her for the wind to pick her back up, turning himself back into a dust cloud while she still explored her afterglow. He slithered into her mouth, eyes and vagina, making his way into her womb. A cold chill had wrapped around her body as if she was in the coldests regions of Equestria. Suddenly, Twilight’s body emitted a purple glow. She could feel her magic drain from her body, leaving her as if she was dying. It sucked into the red portal, unknown to her of its destination. From her midsection, her stomach was emitting a green glow, like a parasite growing inside of her, feeding off her nutrients. Her body was suddenly radiating green magic that infused itself into the purple magic in harmony. The portal acted more and more like a vacuum cleaner that was cleaning anything that was holding onto Twilight, naturally and spiritually. The whirlwind continued to remain in motion while Twilight could feel her body getting weaker as the seconds went by. Immediately, the wind let her go and the void collapsed, bringing her back to where it all started: her room. Everything was still as it was placed before. But her body was still used, and the feeling was still there of what happened. Twilight's mane and tail were both in rough shape, her wings were shaking like a leaf, and her eyes looked red from lack of sleep. She fell to the floor, her body shaking all over. She tried to erect herself to stand up, but her body was in tremendous pain. It felt like needles had stuck themselves in her sides, making her feel like she could die. She noticed that she was still naked, seeing her burned remnants of clothing that littered her room. But she didn’t give into it. With whatever strength she had left, she pushed herself in standing up straight, with the tingling sensation of pain moving upwards through her body. She was trying her damndest to not make any painful noises, gritting her teeth as she slowly tried to get to her bed. She successfully got there, only to fall short on her knees and her arms stretched out to touch it. However, even while she could feel this pain, it started to slowly dwindle, with it slowly fading away. Whatever it was that was eating her was trying to soothe her body from feeling any more pain. Twilight’s body then glowed purely white. She immediately became more relaxed. Her body felt like it was being massaged, having her muscles become more and more rested every second. Her mane and tail were being smoothed back to their pristine state, and her wings were folding up, with them preened and no longer jittery. Her eyes went back to their usual lavender color as all the redness from within them vanished. The white glow had disappeared, leaving her alone in her room purified. With that, Twilight got back up from the floor with no resistance of pain, looking at herself with curiosity. She then turned to her room, checking everything around her. From the window, it was still raining outside, the lightning still crashing under the clouds. “Sombra?” She called for his presence. But he never spoke, never to be heard by her ears. All there was to be was the thunderclap filling the silence. She walked in the center of the room, her vagina leaking drops of her juices to the floor. she could feel the coldness wrap around her. Her body was delicate with how long she remained naked. As Twilight gazed out the window, she placed her hand on her stomach. She recalled what had happened earlier with Sombra. He had not only fornitcated with her, but had placed himself inside her womb. But something popped into her mind. What he did rang through her ears. All that excitement that she had gone through made her feel conflicted. She had not only felt her desires be fulfilled after all those years of not being with a stallion, but at the same time she mated with a stallion that had once plagued the Crystal Empire that he once controlled over. But the love he had given off made her think twice about Sombra. Was he misunderstood? Was there still good in a stallion like him? Or was it nothing but deception that he had committed against her? Such questions were unable to be answered by Twilight. Part of her felt like she had something to think about. A child for her to raise, but uncertain if Sombra was still going to retain any memory of his former self. But then again, she had finally come to realize that Sombra had given her something to cherish for eternity. And that was him giving her a family as his gift for her to grow upon. One problem that came up was how to explain to her friends and the princesses about showing the signs of being pregnant, let alone the fact of who she fucked for it. She wasn’t sure what the reaction would be from Spike. That’s going to take a while to even explain to him alone! “I don’t know how I’m going to explain this to everypony,” Twilight continued to gaze out the window, speaking quietly to herself. “With Sombra now a part of me, I don’t know if there is anything I can do to keep that part a secret from my friends, the princesses. They’ll probably be wondering what stallion was with me, and… the foal in the next eleven months or so.” She was worried about this. This wasn’t something she thought was ever going to happen, but it did. Twilight was already in a difficult spot now, but she was reluctant to spill the beans when the time came to do so. This was now her own problem that she had to solve on her own, even if it meant that it would become difficult to raise a foal of her own… regardless if that foal was a reincarnated Sombra. Twilight could feel his magic lingering inside of her. It was a beast that merged itself with her. She could feel it growing ever quickly. The magic felt incredible to her, but it was something that she was now burdened to control. Magic that she could use against others. It felt invigorating, but she was compelled not to allow herself to falter at this ‘gift’ that he had given to her. She crossed her arms in thought. Could she control it? Or was it going to consume her like it did to Sombra? Even that was something that became more relevant to her from each passing minute. ‘His power is now my own.’ She thought. With everything that had happened, Twilight spoke once more. “He was part of the darkness, and he made me become part of it.”