> A Flurry of Quarrels > by Inactive Pone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fighting for cute > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry is sitting on a cloud peacefully and quietly in her dreams. She’s waiting for your arrival into her dreams. Just around 2 months ago, you made a promise to Flurry you’ll always be there to spend time with her through sharing dreams, thanks to Princess Luna. You’ve always been looking forward to bedtime since then, given the fact of how much you love that little bundle of joy. You always have fun with Flurry when you’re dreaming- Chatting, singing, cuddling, all sorts of things. You’ve even gone wild with your affectionate moves recently. Today’s Hearts and Hooves Day So you thought it’ll be a great idea for you to spend time with your best friend. You wanted to meet up with Flurry in her dreams and have some good quality time together. But before your arrival, something unexpected happens to your friend... ********** **humming** “I wonder when will my friend be here?” Flurry, in her filly self, asks to no one in particular. “*chuckles* Always so late. I’m so bored all the time.” Flurry gets up from the fluffy clouds she laid her little body on as her bed. She enjoys lying down under the stars on clouds, Yes, but it gets boring from time to time. “I wonder... What can make this dream more exciting?” She ponders, stuffing fluffy pieces of cloud into her mouth like it was cotton candy. “It’s just an endless package of boredom sitting here... But I can’t think of anything to dream about at all. Hmmm... I wonder if somepony else shares a dream with me?” As she continues to make snow angels in the clouds, she hears a very adorable, yet a very distinct squeak coming from afar. “*squealing* Cute!!!” Flurry gets up in confusion. “Hello...? Is somepony there? *gasp* Is my fellow cuddly human here yet?” The voice comes back to her with a chuckle. “Oh, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if it’s another companion you seek, I insist.” The pony behind the voice finally decides to show herself. Turns out, it was another filly! But, this was no ordinary filly, and as the little Alicorn floats down back to Flurry, the latter can only gasp. This new filly looked very unique. Her skin was very dark- Like the pitch black sky of a moonless night. Her jade eyes brimmed with a sense of power and intimidation. Her flowing mane, much like Luna’s- Was a shade of glittery, navy blue. She also had dark wings like a giant bat. Her cutie mark, much like Luna’s, has a purplish stain and a blue crescent moon. Flurry steps back a bit. “Wh-Who are you?” She asked. “Why do you look so...” “Look like a villain, hm?” The filly giggled. “W-Well, I’m not as evil as you might think, at least not when I’m here. Please, don’t be scared of me because of how I look.” The filly puts out a hoof. Flurry blushes and shakes it with hers. “Nightmare Moon,” The filly introduces herself. Flurry nodded. “Flurry Heart.” The two sit down to talk. “Are you... The Nightmare Moon?” “Yes, why does thou ask?” “Well, I have this friend from another world. He told me about you once. He told me about how you wanted to rule our land in eternal night or something along those lines. Is that true?” “*sigh* Yes, Yes, That’s true.” Flurry gasps. “I’m rather just an... An outer shell,” Nightmare says. “I’m the embodiment of Princess Luna’s hatred for her sister being famous. You can say I’m the evil counterpart of her.” “Really? That’s very interesting.” “Hm? It is?” “Yeah!” Flurry says, nudging closer. “Oh sure, you tried to kill Princess Celestia and that’s a big no no, but other than that, when my friend told me about you, I thought you were really cool!” “R-Really?” Flurry giggles. “Of course. What? You think I hate you? I mean, you sound pretty powerful and awesome.” Nightmare smiles. “W-Wow, Okay. I... I was never really respected by anypony. So hearing you say that... It warms my heart. Ponies think I’m evil and all... So when I break into their dreams... They all just run away and try to find ways to wake up.” “You... break into dreams?” “Oh, it’s what I do,” Nightmare explains. “You see, I live in the dream world. I’m a dreamy being. I have the power to transfer into others’ dreams too. So I can wreck some stuff, ya know?” Flurry raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t sound nice.” “Oh, Flurry. When you’re in for a little excitement, a little mischief does fulfill your wish, no?” “*chuckles* Well, I can't say you’re wrong.” The two have a light chuckle. Then, Nightmare’s horn starts to flicker. “Hm? What’s going on with your horn?” “Oh, just tracking down somepony. Ugh, she’s so annoying... Always getting to the excitement before I could! Anyway, gotta skedaddle. I’ll hopefully find your dream again to talk to you, you’re somepony nice to chat with.” “Thanks, Nightmare. Hey, now that we’ve talked a bit, I feel like I can trust you and be your dreamy companion! It’s what I do, haha.” Nightmare lets out a slight giggle. “Is that so, hmmm?” She asks, giving a sly smile. “You’re very sweet. And cute, too.” “*giggles* Oh, Stop. Far too many ponies have expressed their adoration towards me for my cuteness.” “Ha, I can see why. Well, gotta go!” ********* A few minutes after Nightmare Moon’s departure, Flurry Heart was getting herself comfortable when she hears a seemingly similar, but a bit more high-pitched squeak. “*gasps* So Cute!!!” Flurry rolls her eyes and giggles. “Who is it this time, hmmm?” She gets up and asks to the one whose voice belonged to. “Oh, why, who else?” This time, another filly Alicorn flew to her side. She was quite different from Nightmare Moon, everything was pretty much the opposite of hers. This new filly had quite a Firey, Orange mane, with a very nice coat of white fur. Though, her wings were just like Flurry’s, just normal white Alicorn wings. Her menacing red eyes were just as intimidating as the last filly. Her cutie mark was a bright sun. “Hey, just a quick question, dear,” The filly says. “Have you been seeing another Alicorn filly running around in your dream, perhaps?” “Why’d you ask?” “Oh, Nothing. I just need to track her down for something. She’s kinda darkish and has a wavy blue mane. Have you seen her?” Flurry wants to answer, but fears this may be a threat to her new dream friend she has made only a mere few minutes ago. She’s not going to betray her so quickly, now will she? “Mmmm, no. Not that I know of.” “Good,” The filly insists on shaking her hoof. “My name’s Daybreaker.” “I’m Flurry Heart.” “I must say, Flurry. You look really cute for a filly. Your wings are huge! Such adorableness for such a tiny little one.” Daybreaker squishes her cheeks with her hooves in excitement. “Thanks!” Flurry says, spreading her wings. “Uh, I mean, I guess thanks? I didn’t really expect something fun like that to come out from an intimidating pony like you.” “Oh, it’s complicated. Basically, I’m Princess Celestia’s counterpart. I am kinda evil in a way, but sometimes I do fun stuff too. Like going around and doing some mischief in dreams. What about you?” Flurry titters. “I enjoy a few wacky things from time to time too. Say, I’m curious now- Another dream companion I have told me about you. He also told me about Princess Luna’s counterpart.” Daybreaker’s face changed from a smile to a bit of a frown. “Oh? Have you met her?” Once again, Flurry lies to help her friend stay out of trouble. “N-No, I haven’t, I’ve told you. What’s the matter between you and her anyway? He told me stories about you two always fighting and all. I mean, I love when two powerful figures have big fights that are super intense to watch, but... Why?” Daybreaker sighs, cutting her off. “W-Well, it’s a little... Hard to explain. It’s also kinda weird in a way.” “How so?” “Let me trace back to when we were first formed in the dream world. So I suppose you know Princess Celestia and Luna. Since they have abilities to predict and control dreams respectively, there’s no way a dreamy version of them can be recreated in the dream world like you and many other ponies because there will be confusion on who’s the real or dreamy Luna, and Celestia has a similar case since she technically sees the dreams as real-life events beforehand.” “So you and Luna’s Counterpart... You were created to compensate that?” “Well, we were created when Luna found out she had this ability, which wasn’t too long ago. And for me, Celestia May have had her ability long ago, but I was created at the same time with the other pony. I don’t know why, maybe because... Hmmm... How do I put it?” Flurry twitches an eyebrow in curiosity. “Go on.” “This May sound weird, but... I think it happened that way because the original princesses are sisters.” “So you’re saying you both are sisters?” Daybreaker nods her head yes. “Yes, it’s weird, I know. And just like Celestia and Luna, we’re counterparts of each other too. I represent the sun and my sister represents the moon. My sister is called Nightmare Moon.” Again, Flurry hides the fact she has met her. “But why would you two fight? You’re sisters!” Daybreaker sighs again. “Yeah, that’s the weird part,” She says. “I know, sisters are supposed to be loving each other and respecting each other and all, but... *disgusted moan* I just don’t like Nightmare. I hate how she wants to make it eternal night, it’s stupid. It’s so dark and gloomy and boring. The sun and Daytime are so much better, Everypony can come out to play all the time, don’t you think so?” “And I guess that Nightmare shares the opposite view?” “Mhmm. We Day and Night really hate each other. It’s just... we’re so different. I love the sun and she loves the moon. We refuse to accept each other’s ideas because we think our symbol is better than the other's. So... Since we were fillies, we’ve always been fighting and arguing with each other for a lot of things. Who’s better, who gets what, or just the most minor things can spark out fights between us. We just hate our sister that much.” Flurry frowns. “Aww... That’s so sad...” “Well, you shouldn’t pity us.” “Why? You both are sisters. You should learn to love and accept each other, even when things don’t go your way.” Daybreaker was about to respond to her suggestion when her horn starts to flicker. She gets up and starts looking around with a pretty cross face, ignoring her new companion. Soon enough, a familiar, dark-shaded filly flies straight into her. Daybreaker lets out a bit of a hmph and grabs Nightmare as soon she tries to crash into her, and she got the same assault done to her by said filly. The two fillies, both alicorns, wrap each other forcefully and tightly, proceeding to roll on the clouds, forming a ball of what seems to be fire from Daybreaker and the glittering mane of Nightmare Moon mixed together in fury, but it was also nonetheless cute to Flurry, who watched the action from aside. A few seconds later the two come to a stop. The two get up and step close in anger. “*grunts* Ugh, Daybreaker!” “Hmph! Nightmare Moon.” The two fillies are both grinding their teeth a little and pushing against each other. Their eyes are fixed upon each other, staring angrily. They put their muzzles and foreheads together and started to push back and forth, annoyed that the other is with them. Their horns make contact too and lit up as they clash together. “Oh, we need to talk, Daybreaker,” Nightmare grunts, pushing. “What?” Daybreaker asks, showing the same action, “About us turning into fillies and all?” “Yeah, exactly! It’s all your fault, Daybreaker!” “What do you mean it’s my fault!? You started our fight first!” Their expression changes. “If you didn’t come in, you fool,” Nightmare hmphed, “Then you wouldn’t have tried to pick a fight with me while the royal sisters are in the dream we’re fighting in! And after we were defeated, Celestia changed us back into fillies again with that spell she used so we wouldn’t cause havoc easily! It’s all your fault that this happened!” “Wh- No, if you didn’t pick a fight with me then, we wouldn’t be like this either! And besides, we have fights all the time, and it’s just that one time we got spotted arguing, so you can’t put the blame on me! Daybreaker retorted. “Hmph, you need to chill when I don’t agree with you on which of us is better. Oh wait, you actually should, because the sun is better and Everypony knows that!” “No, the Moon is better!” “Ugh, again with the eternal nighttime stuff?” “Better than what your eternal Daytime has.” “*sigh* Nightmare... I don’t like you being like this...” “Oh, sisters sisters sisters, blah blah blah, Daybreaker.” “Wow, finally something we can agree on, because I don’t love you at all.” “Well, I wish I didn’t have such a bad sister that I have to cherish!” Daybreaker gasps as the two broke apart, and took off a little bit from the ground. Feeling mad, the two let out a annoyed grunt and held each other close as their wings flapped, so they can show each other how angry they are at each other at a close range. A fight is about to break out between them. That is, until Flurry finally sees what’s going on. “Whoa, Girls! Calm down!” She flies in between them and tries to push them apart. The two naive fillies look at their sister, then at their friend. As Flurry flies down, since they were her friend and all, they follow suit. Soon, the two come to a realization- Their friend was favoring both of them at the same time! And for such a big rivalry, the two hated that. “Flurry, you know her?” Nightmare asked, not happy at all. “Y-Yeah,” Flurry blushed, knowing where this is going. “I met her just now. I mean, she’s a good pony to hang out with.” Nightmare gasps. “You did not!” Daybreaker giggles in response. “Oh, Nightmare. *sigh* When will you just understand the term ‘jealousy’? It is obvious that you’re jealous another Alicorn has decided to come to me instead... Proving she favors the sun, no?” Flurry nervously giggles. “Uh, kinda, haha. But... I-I do favor the moon too.” Daybreaker wasn’t very happy about that, as Nightmare lets out a titter as Flurry nudges herself close. “See, Daybreaker?” Nightmare gives her a taunting wink. “Who’s the jealous one now?” At this point, Daybreaker can feel the flames that resembled her mane and tail get stronger from her anger. She was grinding her teeth already as Flurry unintentionally snuggles with Nightmare Moon. It makes her hard to keep herself under control, too- To See Nightmare having so much fun with Flurry Heart. She wanted that same fun, too. So out of anger, she closes the gap between the sisters a little and grabs Flurry Heart to pull her into a hug. “Oh, Flurry... How can you let the night scare you, hmmm?” Daybreaker nuzzles against the cute filly, as Flurry makes a chuckle. The latter starts to nuzzle back in cheer. Now, Nightmare isn’t pleased- She finds her new friend cuddling with her sister something absolutely disgusting. She hates her sister getting all the fun. She always likes having fun, but she knew from a dozen times over, that whenever there isn’t enough fun for the two to share, they both always resort to the same thing. Nightmare slides over and tries to get her friend back. “No, Flurry... The sun is so hot, it’s so dangerous for you... Stay in my night where it’s pleasant and safe.” The two sisters eyeball each other, feeling furious. Flurry was starting to become worried- She’s going to be the center of their fight! “H-Hey!” Daybreaker says, pulling Flurry. “Give my friend back!” “No, you give her back!” Nightmare yells, reeling Flurry back in. “Stop trying to persuade Flurry to join you already!” “No, you stop trying to make her be your friend!” The two sisters aren’t willing to give Flurry Heart to be each other’s friend. Either she’s friend to one, or neither of them- Because if she’s a friend of them both, she would be on both sides, Sun and Moon. They hate how each other are both getting a share of her friendship. They want it all. But neither of them are willing to share or make way. Flurry can only sigh as she gets pulled back and forth between them. “Give it up, Nightmare!” “No! You give her up!” “Hmph, the Sun is not very pleased about her Lunar sister, Nightmare. It commands that she stops.” “Oh, what’s that, Moon? You say that your Solar sister’s getting in the way? Oh, I’ll stop her, Alright.” “Ugh, for goodness sake. If you give her up, and let her be my friend, this would be resolved so much quicker. Instead, you want to prolong the process because you want her for yourself!” “What? Daybreaker, is that not what you have been doing? Trying to keep her for yourself? Come on, let me have some fun from time to time.” “Why should I? You hog all the fun dreams to mess with!” “What do you mean? You always get to them first!” Now, the two resolve to using magic. Lighting up both their horns, Flurry gets wrapped within a magic aura of both fillies. On her left, is Nightmare Moon’s shimmering crystal blue aura. On her right, is Daybreaker’s ruby red aura. The fillies soon find themselves not having the strength to pull Flurry towards them, as their magic has evened out. Sweating a bit, they come closer, right up against Flurry, and continued fighting over her. “Daybreaker! Stop!” No, you stop, Nightmare!” “I hate you! You always have all the fun!” “Come on! She’s so cute, don’t you think? Let me be her friend.” “No way! She’s my little cute buddy.” “No she is not! She likes the sun more than the moon!” “Uh-Uh! Of course she likes the night better than your day!” “Oh, you’re going to bring our rivalry into this, huh?” Flurry, now trapped between the two naive fillies, have no idea what to do. The two start to slap fight with each other while keeping their magic on her. She could feel herself getting tugged from one way to another. Day, Night. Sun, Moon. Solar, Lunar. The sisters won't let her go to each other’s side. She tries to stop them from fighting by spreading her wings out right between them, so the two can be separated from each other. But the two would not stop- Even after Flurry’s Plan, the two rose to their full height by standing on only two hooves and try to climb over the wings to continue to slap each other’s hooves. Flurry was fed up by their anger and unwillingness to share and hatred for their own sister, also became furious. Not to one of them specifically, but both. She is sick of and annoyed how the two, as sisters, always want to beat each other up when things don’t go their way. Even a young one like her knows sharing is important, and even as a single child, she knows love between siblings is also very important, too. But these two naive children don’t seem to love each other, nor respect each other at all. She hates that- Because as though they are counterparts, there’s no saying that counterparts are enemies forever, right? She finally blew up after a few minutes. “Enough! Day! Night! Stop fighting!” She spreads her wings as wide as possible, even putting in a bit of magic to push the two away. Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon are startled. Their friend just blew up in anger in front of them. When Flurry lowers her wings and signals the two to come over, they follow suit like Flurry was their mother. They look at her and look at each other. What have they done? “*sigh* Girls, I know you both hate each other and you don’t like when I’m a friend of your Rival sister,” Flurry sighs. “But please, there’s no need at all to fight!” She turns to Daybreaker. “Yes, I know you love the Daytime and you hate Nightmare, Daybreaker,” She says, then turning to Nightmare. “And vice versa for you, Nightmare, you love the nighttime. Look, I understand you both have many differences and grudges with each other. But why must you resort to fighting it out? I don’t like when my new friends fight as I have no idea who to stand up for.” The two fillies raise an eyebrow, then both shake their heads. “Well, you can blame Daybreaker since she started the fight first.” “Wh- No, come on. If you did not freaking teleport into this dream as I was trying to bond with Flurry Heart, then we wouldn’t fight! So thanks a lot!” The two stood up and were not happy at each other. Flurry moans. ”Oh, for the love of Celestia...” She moans hopelessly as the two starts arguing again in the background. ”There’s just no way to convince them to stop, now is there? I don’t want my friends to argue...” Just then, you finally come into her dream. “Hey, Flurry!” You greet her, picking her up to give a gentle nuzzle. “What’s the matter? Feeling blue I’m late? Sorry, I sleep late, you know that.” Flurry shakes her head. “No, I'm fine. I just have a slight problem that occurred to me before you came...” She points to the two fillies. When you saw Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon having a slap fight, you couldn’t help but letting out a few squeaks of joy from how cute they are. They are filly alicorns, for crying out loud. And to think fights between naive children or even babies aren’t enough for you, this is between two direct counterparts that you adore seeing together from pictures online. But, you decide to keep your composure. They are having a bit of a quarrel, after all. “Are those two over there Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon as babies?” “You can say that. Fillies should be the right word.” “Right, right. Seriously, what the hay are they doing? *sigh* Are they arguing again?” Flurry shrugs in your arms. “Thanks for briefly telling me about them. I’m a bit worried now, since I just met them and they seem like they want to be my friend. But I don’t wanna see my friends fight over me!” “Oh, Pfft, they’re like that, Flurry. Always fighting whenever they meet each other about everything they can think of,” You sigh. Then you see the two pushing each other with their hooves, at their full height. “Wait, no. Don’t tell me they’re-“ “Uhh, I think they might.” And they did. Daybreaker lunges at Nightmare Moon as they once more lock each other into their hooves. Unwilling to let go, the two fillies are forced to argue as they roll over each other back and forth on the clouds. During the middle of their quarrel, they both start to slap fight while magic from both sides continues to keep them in close range. All while you and Flurry watch, with her filled with worry, but you filled with bliss. “Uhhhh, shouldn’t we stop them?” You shake your head and spawn in some popcorn, since it’s a dream and you can do whatever you want. “Oh, heck no. This is far too cute for me to resist watching. I’d like to see how this will go, actually.” Flurry makes a confused face. “Let them get tired and then we’ll do something about them.” “Ah, good idea!” A few minutes later you can observe that the two fillies are noticeably tired over all their fighting and arguing. You can see they are both panting and lying down from time to time. Frankly enough, the longer this very scene dragged on, the cuter it became when the two start to fight again. At one point, Nightmare just proceeded to flop her body on Daybreaker’s, making the latter retort by just rolling over her since she was so lazy and tired at this point. Another cute moment was when they are just taking turns to slap each other, and you are willing to bet it won’t even hurt. Eventually, they are in the middle of pushing foreheads and their noses, when Nightmare lost her balance while standing on her back hooves. Daybreaker also loses her balance, making them collapse and start to snore from their exhaustion. “Yep, looks like they’re at their limit,” You giggle. “*giggles* I think so too. That... That is kinda cute, though! I mean, I don’t want them to fight, but I can’t deny it’s so funny and cute to see sisters fighting like children like that.” You nod in agreement and pat Flurry’s head. “So true. These two being together is just absolute cute, especially when they’re fillies. Cute things come nicer in small packages, you know? I just love the idea of having the evil counterparts of Celestia and Luna, who already have quite a lot of quarrels already, take the sister rivalry to the next level by actually having fights. Sure, not practical, I know. So, two little filly alicorn counterparts, plus disabling their magic for more close contact and direct fighting, add the squeaky voices of them arguing, and top it all off with the cutest fight moves ever. It’s just.... *squeaks* Cute!” “Hahaha, okay, okay. I get it, you think they’re even cuter than me, don’t you?” “Okay, maybe. Sorry Flurry~” “*titters* No worries. Now, should we actually go check on them and see if we can help them make up, perhaps?” “Yeah, that’s a good idea. Don’t want them two just lying down there.” You get up and walk over to the two fillies. When you do, you couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear and squish your cheeks to contain the amount of joy you have and the urge to squeal from the cute. Because the two are sort of holding each other to allow them to push against each other, when they lost their balance and fell, they collapse onto each other, and now they are seemingly in a hug together! Their hooves slightly touch and slightly hold each other, as they snore in exhaustion in their little nap. But, their hug didn’t last long. As soon as Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon wake up to find out what just happened, they let out a yell of horror and let each other go when they get up. They aren’t happy about each other, and kept themselves close to each other as they argue. “Hey! What did you do that for, Nightmare!?” “What? You also held onto me before we collapsed!” “Ugh... That was so gross!” “Yeah, why did you hug me, Daybreaker?” “What do you mean, I did it? You were the one who fell first!” “Oh, are you saying you are shy on hugs, hmmm?” “You’re shy on hugs too!” “I’m not! I just... I just don’t want to hug with somepony like you!” “Neither do I! I hate you!” Before the two can fight again, you swiftly grabbed the two fillies with your arms as they aren’t heavy at all. Your right arm is holding Daybreaker, while on the left is Nightmare. The two didn’t let that stop them from arguing- They still continue to yell at each other while flailing their hooves, trying to escape. But you are prepared- And you refuse to let them go at all costs. “*grunt* Let me go, you... Whatever you are! I need to teach my sister a lesson!” Daybreaker demands. “Oh yeah? Once I’m free, I’ll be the one doing just that!” Nightmare retorts. You couldn’t help but laugh joyfully at them. “Looks like some little ones need to be taught a valuable lesson about friendship, hmmm?” You say. “I know this fight is cute and all, but I’m not going to allow this to carry on and let you girls hurt each other.” “And what are you going to do?” Both fillies ask at the same time. They turn to each other. “Hey! That’s my line! Ugh, stop copying me, sister!” “*giggles* Really, Girls? You do know I’m holding both of you guys right now. Nothing is stopping me from forcing you two to come closer, so I really hope you both just make all this easier,” You decide to pull out the big guns. “If you don’t... Well, let’s just say nothing is stopping me from pushing you both into a kiss either. *squeaks* So Cute!” “*gasp* No way!” The two fillies yell at you, shaking their heads. And then seconds later, they did stop trying to argue loudly with the other. Seeing the situation under control, you put the two fillies down side by side and sit down. You call Flurry over to join the conversation. “Tell me, what is going on between you girls?” Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon glance to their side, looking at their sister with a fit of annoyance. “*giggles* Don’t you dare give that look, I can see that!” The two sigh. Looks like they’re going to have to cooperate to get out of this one, and they both realize that. So they look at each other, and used thoughts in dreams as they are kind of actual beings. So the fact they are in a dream doesn’t limit their communication to talking like others. It has been something that only they could do. ”Nightmare, I think we might have to cooperate on this one.” ”What do you mean, Daybreaker?” ”As much as I hate you, and same for you with me, I think... We should work together to tell the truth.” ”What prompts me to listen to you?” ”Just for a while. Maybe he has something to say and he needs to listen to our feelings for the other. Just... Keep an open mind about everything we say to each other, Okay?” ”Hmmm... Okay, I trust you for now.” ”Thanks, Nightmare. Just... play it off like we still hate each other, but don’t retort when we say hurtful things like we always do, Alright?” ”I’ll try.” They both nod and turn back to you. They still give an annoyed glance at their sister, though. “Well, we need no introduction really. I am the Solar princess, and Night is absolutely nothing compared to me.” You turn to the other sibling. “I’m the Lunar princess. And I believe Day is nowhere close to being as good as I am.” The two look at each other once more. “I absolutely hate Nightmare. Always taking my fun and trying to make eternal night a thing.” “Mind you, your plans aren’t all that better, Daybreaker.” You tilt your head. “See, I’ve known about you girls for a while thanks to my friend Flurry. I’ll keep the rest of the story short and untold. Now, is the connection between you two really that awful?” With a bit of shamefulness, the two both nod. But that didn’t shadow their hate for one another. “Obviously,” Daybreaker says. “As I said, I hate Nightmare and everything she does.” “Hmph!” Nightmare replies, “I hate Daybreaker back. Point is, we are two sisters that can never mix well together.” “Agreed.” They both let out a hmph as they cross their hooves, now sitting back-to-back. You think about them for a little bit, then come to a pretty interesting question and conclusion. “I wonder,” You say. “Are there any... Similarities, between you girls? You are sisters.” The two open one of their closed eyes and turn their head slightly. “I don’t think so. Nightmare?” “Nope. We’re counterparts, come on.” “Think harder. There’s ought to be something common that you two share.” Surprisingly, that question stuck onto both fillies’ minds. They thought for a good while. “Well,” Nightmare finally says, “We do share a similar personality of causing mischief. We used to go separately into different dreams and haunt people.” Daybreaker nods. “That’s also one reason why we fight. I hate how she takes away all the fun.” “And I suppose she thinks the same way about you?” Daybreaker gasps and looks down. Nightmare unintentionally helps her get the words out. “Yeah, I hate her for that reason too.” You nod. “What else?” “I guess if there’s one common idea we share, is that we both hate one another and uphold what we think is the best symbol, Sun or Moon.” “Hmmm... I wonder if you considered how each other felt when you insult each other?” This time it was Nightmare’s turn to bite the dust. You find it pretty interesting- They seem to be pretty sincere about their answers and they aren’t even fighting this time. This was going well for you. So you move on with your plan. “Do you guys talk together often?” “Well, if you count the arguing, then yeah. Otherwise no.” Daybreaker says. “And you’ve hated each other from the start, Yes?” They nod at you. “Hm, So it wasn’t a single fight that caused you two to always argue and break up. It’s all because you hate the other being in your way of what you think is right. Let me put it this way,” You sit closer. “Daybreaker, you are a princess of the Sun. You love everything about the daytime and you despise the night. Nightmare Moon, you are the princess of the night. You love all that the night brings you- And despise the day.” “But why?” The two turn to you, confused. “What do you mean?” They ask together, without fighting this time. “I’m saying, why do you girls fight over your beliefs? One loves the sun, one loves the moon, and you girls just hate each other because of this one difference? What’s the exact reason for you to despise each other, really?” Upon the question, both alicorns don’t know what to answer. They both share the same answer- Because they don’t like each other. Nothing more. The two look down and start to think. Yes, they are kinda villains in a way, but that isn’t relevant to their rivalry at all. All they are actually asking for, throughout their many quarrels, is simple: They just want each other to respect their ideas. But they have been so blinded by the fact they’re so different, they hated each other so much. Daybreaker, thinking deeply about the subject, feels her mane getting less firey and turning back into more of a flowing, orange and red mane, just like how her sister’s mane shares the same magic characteristic. She ponders about what she says to Nightmare Moon. Does she ever think about how her enemy feels when she yells and insults her? Has she taken the time to listen and talk with her across their differences from time to time? She has always been feeling that something is missing, despite how perfect the sun is. But what? Nightmare Moon shares the same process of deep thought. She too, realizes her mistake of not respecting Daybreaker. She has never really tried to talk it out with her, because they always escalate into a fight. She suddenly had a thought, that if she and her rival are willing to just chill out, and talk sincerely, maybe they can discover each other’s similarities with themselves. She has always been kind of lonely, even with her moon’s friendly company. Obviously, something is missing, but what is it? The sisters couldn’t make up their mind about what they need to truly be happy. You can feel that they’re hiding something. So you encourage them to say it. “Hey,” You say. “I can tell you both have some things to tell each other, correct?” With a hint of shyness and blushing, the two nod at you, uncrossing their hooves. “How about this,” You continue. “Both of you, stand up and face each other eye-to-eye. Then, if you have anything you want to say to each other, feel free to. And I want this to be sincere, so no fighting, Alright?” To your absolute surprise, They Agree. They stand up on four hooves, and do as you told them- Stand close, eye-to-eye, and no fighting. They both look at each other with a noticeable frown on their faces. In a way, they are feeling a bit ashamed of what they’ve done with each other all this time. Plus, they’re too shy to admit their feelings and thoughts for one another. And they don’t want to tell each other in thoughts to spit it out first, or else they’re going to fight, which neither of them wants to after thinking about each other so much for the first time. Daybreaker lets out a sigh, as Nightmare Moon scratches her head. “So... Nightmare?” “Yes, Daybreaker?” The solar princess blushes. “I... I don’t know what I should say. Not that I don’t know what to tell you, it’s that... I have a lot to say.” The Lunar princess just smiles and offers a hoof. “I have a lot to say too. We’re both nervous, I know. I don’t want you to hate me for what I’m about to say, and I suppose you share the same feeling. So... To make this more sincere, I want you to hold my hoof when you confess.” “O-Oh... R-Really?” “Mhmm. I know it’s weird, us holding hooves, but trust me. I want to be sincere to you.” Daybreaker, now confident that they’re on the same page, smiles and takes her hoof. The touch is not the usual kind they do- Not like the hard grasping and grabbing kind where they would tighten their grip on each other. Just a genuine, soft and sincere contact. Nightmare takes a deep breath. “Daybreaker, it’s... It’s complicated for me to explain how I feel. Sometimes... When you yell insults and me and my Moon... I feel so hurt. You’re insulting me in a way. I hate that, so I want to fight back in my defense. I suppose you share the same thought, don’t you? I didn’t mean to make you more upset by doing the same to you, sometimes... *sigh* We just need to be careful about controlling what we say.” Daybreaker blushes. She has never seen her sister say such nice things to her. “Nightmare... See, I feel the same way. I never knew that’s the reason you’re so upset as well. I just wanted to tell you to stop insulting me, nothing more. And yet... I show no mercy upon your hurtful words. That’s why we fight so much. I think... I think we need to talk more. Just to know how to respect each other. We don’t have to be friends so quickly, but I know I’m wrong, and I want to change that. I can tell you want to stop fighting with me too, right?” Now it’s Nightmare’s turn to blush. Both of them move just a tiny bit closer, and let go of each other’s hooves. You smile as you see them willing to be sincere with somepony they used to hate so much. You can definitely see tears forming in their eyes, but they are too busy talking to realize. “Yeah, I do,” Nightmare replies. “I don’t want to fight with you all the time. I’m tired of wasting so much time yelling at you. I just want your respect, Day. I never meant to say you must like the moon. You can still like the sun if you want to.” Daybreaker nods. “Same. I never meant to force you to like the sun either. And Nightmare... We’re sisters. We should be there for each other. We need each other, too. We’ll be lonely otherwise.” The moment Nightmare hears this, she couldn’t help but shed a tear as she gasps. “You... You think so too?” “It took me a while to realize it, but... it’s true.” Now, the two have their hooves on each other’s shoulder. You continue to grin widely at the cute. “*giggles* Daybreaker... I’ve been thinking about that for a while too. Sometimes... Siblings can fight. But they really love each other, too. You’re right, the two of us should stop all of our naive bickering. We need to talk with each other, compromise with our differences, and learn how to cope with it. Of course, instability is always there. Sun and Moon, perfect counterparts.” “*smiles* But a perfect pair, don’t you think?” “Exactly, sister. You see, you and I may differ a lot. But solar and Lunar, it’s what makes an actual day complete- Your day won’t exist without my Night. Yet, my night won’t exist without your day. See? We’re always working together, no matter how much we hate each other. If either one of us controls everything, there’d be imbalance and a lot of problems. And yeah, we are sisters, and we fight a lot a lot. We argue, we push each other around, we slap fight with each other... All sorts of weird things. But... despite all the fighting, quarreling, and us hating on one another, the truth is... Deep down...” Daybreaker can see what she’s about to say. So, she joins in. “We love each other.” Nightmare gasps with a smile. Daybreaker giggles. “*laughs* I bet you didn’t expect me to say it, huh?” “*smiles* Haha, yeah. I didn’t. Sis... Do you really love me?” “Mmmm, it’s hard for me to tell,” Daybreaker says. “Oh, sure. We’ve been arguing and fighting since the day we met. We won’t ever want to be at the mercy of each other, but all we want is just to respect and understanding of our own differences. We didn’t give Friendship a chance when it came to each other. I hate you, and you hate me. We could never mix well together. We’re like dogs and cats always fighting, you know? Slapping, pushing and pulling... It’s like a tug of war, too- We are always evenly matched.” “But despite all of that,” Nightmare tries to change the subject. “Somewhere deep down, we feel bad for each other and feel guilty for arguing, don’t we? We’re sometimes just so naive, fighting over things that didn’t matter at all if we just calm down and compromise. In fact... This may sound very disgusting to you, no offense, but... *giggles* I actually don’t hate us meeting each other.” “Huh? Really?” “Kind of, Yeah.” “I feel so too! But... why? We always just fight when we meet!” Nightmare sighs, and Daybreaker does so too. They feel bad for fighting. But a smile forms on their face from what they’ve confessed. “I think... I think we’re lonely,” Nightmare explains. “We’re lonely in the dream world- Without somepony to talk to us all the time. But, actually, there’s been someone both of us have been neglecting.” “Each other?” “Yeah. As much as we deny it, we’re still family. The one thing that we’re missing is each other. I know we both think our symbols are everything. But... Without each other, I don’t think I’ll be happy. And neither will you, sister. *chuckles* You know... I like when we meet. Sure, I hate you, but I get to talk with you. Just not normal talk, and a bit of a quarrel. However, it still marks us spending time together, doesn’t it? No matter how angry we’ve been at the other.” “*laughs* Haha, right. If we’re not having this confession kind of thing, I would’ve totally snapped at you already, Nightmare. In fact, now that I think about it... our fights were pretty stupid, don’t you think? Especially after we’ve turned to fillies. We just frantically try to beat each other up with no success. It feels... As if we’re playing together. *chuckles* I know, I’m weird. Don’t you share the same opinion?” “Haha, I do, Daybreaker. When we slap fight, it looks so playful. When we chase each other, it’s like playing tag. When we pin each other down and roll, it looks like we’re hugging, I just realized that. Oh, and don’t forget we push against each other a lot. So much sometimes, our muzzles are so close to kissing!” The two burst out into a fit of laughter. This scene almost made you cry, as you’re happy these two are getting along again. Flurry was really happy too. “*blissful sigh* Oh, Nightmare. We do some weird things with each other, don’t we?” “Yep. *blissful sigh* You know what? Let’s chat again like this sometime soon. This is fun.” “Oh? Sure! I’d love to!” You gasp and start beaming. They’re willing to talk to each other again! “Yes!” You celebrate, clapping your hands. “I knew it’s going to work! Works every single time!” “Haha, I never doubted you.” Flurry nuzzles against your arm, glad to know you helped them to settle things out. The sisters both let a chuckle and turn back to each other. “Well, Night, we don’t have to be friends so quickly,” Daybreaker winks. “But I hope this marks a start in our way to recovering our relationship as siblings.” Nightmare winks back. “I hope so too. I do wish for us to be friends, though. But, one step at a time.” “Exactly. Let’s compromise here. For me, I want us to be nicer and more friendly towards each other.” “Okay. In return, I want us to talk and hang out with each other more to strengthen our bond.” “Sure, works with me. One more, and most importantly: No more fighting.” “Mhmm, I like that.” Both fillies give a smile and walk close together, to give each other a gentle squeeze on their muzzles. But instead of pushing, they are nuzzling! They chuckle after the nuzzle and pull back. “I’m sorry, Day. About everything.” “Me too, Night. Let’s stop fighting, Okay? “Mhmm. Truce for now?” “Truce.” They show each other a smile they’ve never seen before. The sisters have never seen each other smile so much about each other. So when they made the truce, they both cry a single tear. To make the truce official, they both spit onto their hooves, and pressed them together for a sincere hoofshake. It was a great sensation, and they love it. As they let go, they seem to be hoping for something more from each other. “Um, Daybreaker?” “Yes, Nightmare?” She blushes. “You know how a second ago... You were talking about how our fights were like playtime?” “Y-Yeah?” “I say our fights sometimes have moves that look like we’re hugging, but... I‘ve never actually hugged anypony. I... I heard it gives you a very warm feeling and it’s what friends do after they make up.” “O-okay... But... We’re not friends so quickly yet, are we?” “*chuckles* Even if we aren’t, sister... Come on, what are siblings for, am I right?” Nightmare sits down and opens her hooves. “So... Shall we?” Daybreaker looks at you while you’re too busy talking to Flurry to notice their idea. The coast is clear, so she turned back with a soft giggle and a blush. “S-Sure.” Upon hearing her reply, Nightmare gasps and a blush forms on her face. Daybreaker shyly nudges herself closer, until her face was an inch apart from her sister’s. Nightmare winks at her, trying to lure her to give the hug first. Daybreaker giggles as she complied. Frankly, they just end up hugging at the same time. They wrap their hooves around each other, and put their heads behind their sister. They took some time to rest into the embrace, feeling every nice moment there is to love. The softness of each other’s fur, the gentle nuzzling of their heads on their shoulder, and the interesting warmth and cold felt from their bodies contacting. Though they have fought in a position like this, they’ve never took the time to appreciate how magical it could’ve been. The sisters smile. They love their little idea. So much, a tear rolls down their faces. It gradually got more frequent, and sniffing noises were heard. “Nightmare?” Daybreaker asks with a chuckle. “Are you... Crying?” The two pull their heads back to look at each other’s lightly stained cheeks from the tears. “*chuckles* Aren’t you crying too, Daybreaker?” “Huh? *giggles* No I’m not! You are!” “Haha, you are too!” They both let out a good chuckle. Seeing as you’re still oblivious to the situation, they went into thoughts mode to discuss another idea. ”Hey, I got a cool way to mark our truce.” ”Go on. Is it about us being cheesy?” ”Nah, let us be friendlier to each other first. I’m thinking... You know that move we always do in our fights? The one you just mentioned?” ”Oh, teehee! Seeing how we loved that hug... It should be a nice treat.” ”Of course it will be. Okay, when I wink, one of us will have to tackle the other. And then we roll 5 circles each, 5 for you and 5 for me on different ways. Just a bit of fun to make sure we love each other.” ”I see, that’s fun!” So as you are talking to Flurry, while you aren’t noticing, the two start to pretend they’re bickering. The two even start to push heads a little with a cold smile. Soon, Daybreaker gives the wink, and by mistake, both fillies try to tackle the other and they crash into each other. “Oof!” This catches your attention. But, rather than feeling mad, you start squealing in cute. Flurry does so too. You can see the two sisters, together in their hooves, lying down. The sisters glance at you, and then back at their sibling under or on top of them. The Lunar filly was on top, and the Solar filly on the bottom. After blushing from that mistake, they let out a laugh and start to roll, keeping themselves locked in their grasp. “Awwww that’s so cute!!!” You squeal. “Look at them!” Flurry squeaks, “Awwww! Sisterly bonding! Teehee!” When they’re done, the two let out a sigh blissfully, before letting go and dusting themselves off. You go up to them, beaming and giggling. “You girls hugging already?” The two gasp, and look at each other shyly. “N-No we aren’t!” Daybreaker says. Nightmare nods. “Yeah! We aren’t hugging! We’re just... Playing with each other.” “Oh, right! Haha, that’s it.” You raise an eyebrow. “I don’t know,” You say with suspicion. “I can totally see you’re giggling and your hooves are tightly wrapping each other.” “No, no. We’re not that close yet, are we, Night?” “Haha, yeah, Day. But, we are planning to spend more time together, now we’ve made up.” “Good! It’s nice to see you two making up, right Flurry?” “Yeah!” She flies in between the two fillies. “Looks like you've realized your mistake. I’m glad you figured it out yourselves- and with each other. I know I’m a single child, but I know how sisters work too. Indeed, they do fight a lot. But they also love each other very much. They’re companions- Best friends. And you two have been friends all along, too- It’s just that it took you longer to realize how you can turn your fights into playtime, you know what I mean?” They both nod. “Well, we couldn’t have done it without you, our friend,” Nightmare says, winking at her sister. “Yeah, I say the same.” Flurry expands her wings and proceeds to pull the two close to her in a bit of a hug. She occasionally gives one of them a nuzzle, and then returning it to the other. The sisters, mischievously, start nibbling lightly on Flurry’s ears, making her giggle. She looks at them both. “I’m just glad you two made up. You’re welcome, by the way, I’m glad to help.” “We’re both thankful, Flurry. Hey, Day, should we give her a hug and a kiss to thank her?” “Oh, haha, sure, Night. Flurry, you Okay with it?” “Oh, I don’t mind. I’ve had my mom kiss me several times so this won’t be any different.” They all have a chuckle, as Flurry winks to you. You suddenly have a feeling the sisters’ plan will go horribly wrong, and Flurry is going to do something with them. You immediately knew what it must be, though pretty cliche, it would be really adorable if the two fell for it, which they seem to be at the moment. As Flurry folds her wings back into position, she counts from 3 to signal the hug. But, to the siblings’ absolute shock, the moment she tells them to hug, she swiftly flies out of the way during that split second of them readying for the contact. With nothing between them, Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon completely fell for her trap. They just kissed each other! “Ha!” Flurry celebrates. “Got you!” “Haha, yes! Flurry, you’re so good at pranks! Awww... So adorable!” The sisters pull away from the kiss, and look at each other in total shock. Looking slightly downwards, they can see each other pressed against themselves, with hooves wrapped around their waist. They sit closely together in the embrace. As they hear the taunting laughter from you and Flurry, both fillies blush with a smile, looking away from each other. They don’t know what to say- They hated having hugs, yet they’re giving it to each other right then and there without agreeing. But rather questioning its logic, they are more concerned about why that just happened. “Nightmare?” “Y-Yeah?” “Wh-Why did we just...” “Kiss, Daybreaker? And hug, too?” The two fillies suddenly start tearing up- Fearing the other May hate them for it. “Ohmygosh I’m so sorry!” Daybreaker cries. “I-I didn’t mean to!” Nightmare sniffs. “No, it’s my fault! I’m sorry! Don’t be mad, please...” The sisters squeeze each other tightly in fear. But soon, they realize that both of them are okay with each other, and don’t want to fight. Instead, they seem to be crying together, making you pretty much pass out from being so happy from their cuteness. When they hear each other cry, after a few seconds, they stop and look at each other, still in the hug. “Wait, you’re not mad, Day?” “*giggles* No! I’m just worried you might-“ “*laughs* Oh, I’m not mad either. In fact... I... I loved that.” “Really?” “I... I guess it’s because I’ve never had somepony kiss me before.” “So... You’re okay with this?” “Kind of. Hey, I know it’s gross, but-“ **Kiss** “You said something?” Daybreaker asks, winking. Nightmare blushes like crazy. Her sister just kissed her. Her former rival, somepony she has always hated, just gave her a loving kiss. “Y-You... *blissful sigh* Did you Seriously...” “I did~” Daybreaker says cheerfully. Nightmare lets out a bit of a hmph, and smiles as she blushes. She leans close to kiss Daybreaker’s cheek. Now it’s her turn to laugh and her sister’s turn to be shy. “Okay,” Daybreaker sighs, blushing. “Look, I love you, Night, but...” “Alright, Fine. You sure you don’t want another?” “N-No, it’s still a bit gross.” The two still keep each other at close proximity. As soon they turn their head to look someplace else, they couldn’t resist the urge. They turn back, thinking to prank each other, but ended up kissing right on the lips instead. Startled, they push a little back and forth, forcefully kissing, even making some sounds as they lean into it. ”Sister!! Stop!!” ”**whines** You stop making me blush!” ”Hmph, you stop being so cheesy!” ”Mmmmm! Hey! Stop kissing so hard!” ”**whines** You’re doing the same!” When they release the contact, they let out a frown and stand up. They look like they are about to fight, but then they smile and share a good laugh, opening their hooves and wings wide for another hug. This time, the hug was not as awkward, and they are giggling and snuggling against each other. Rubbing their cheeks together make them titter the most. Daybreaker pets her sister kindly, rubbing her head and her mane. Nightmare wants to do the same but ends up burning herself a little since her sister’s mane was flaming hot. “Ow! Your mane!” “Oops! Sorry, sis! Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine. Turn it back, will you?” “Okay.” Daybreaker changed her mane to a normal flowing one so Nightmare can play with her mane and rub her head to return the favor. The two sisters, now completely content with each other being their friend, blissfully sigh as they rest into the tight, loving and warm embrace. It’s like yin and yang in a way. Daybreaker’s warmth from the sun and the coolness of Nightmare from the Moon perfectly balance and compliment both sides. “Mmmm, you’re so warm, Day... I love this!” “And you being a little cold matches my heat completely, Night.” They blissfully sigh, before looking at each other. “Day, I’m glad we made up. So we can do stuff like this with each other from time to time. I mean, it’s gross, but over time, I think we’ll be used to it.” “Oh yeah, I totally agree, Night. Ha, that sounds so odd, both of us agreeing on something about each other.” “*giggles* True. How about we set some time off every day to spend time with each other? No need to be all cheesy, just chatting is okay as well.” “Hmmm, I don’t see why not. And we can sometimes be cheesy, just to spice things up. Sisterly bonding, you know?” They both nod and let go. Suddenly, they have an idea. “In the meantime, let’s solve the problem where we don’t get all the fun through mischief, shall we, Night?” “Let’s.” “Instead of you and I fighting for dreams to cause mischief to... Why don’t we work together?” “Ohhhhh! Sure! That sounds so fun!” Flurry overhears their conversation and goes over to them with a sigh. “Leaving So soon? But I just met you girls!” “Oh, don’t worry, Flurry!” Daybreaker says. “One way or another, we’ll find you again to hang out, Alright?” Nightmare nods. “And when we at some point start to fight again, just yell at us and tell us to hug it out.” “*laughs* Really? I thought you two hugging felt disgusting?” The sisters look at each other. “Guess it can be like a kind of punishment for us fighting, right Day?” “*giggles* Yeah, But more importantly, it makes for some good Sisterly bonding.” Flurry smiles. They’ve changed a lot so quickly. “You two sure change your opinions fast, teehee! I’m glad you girls are being nice to each other again.” “Thanks. You know what? We were right about each other. Sun and Moon may be perfect counterparts, but also a perfect pair.” “Indeed, Night. I can only imagine through time, and through us helping each other out, the Sun and the Moon, will be drawn closer together like never before.” The sisters look at each other, smile, and put a hoof around each other as they stand up on two hooves, squishing their cheeks together. Flurry giggles and joins in for a group hug, before saying goodbye. “Bye, Girls! Love you!” Flurry says as they fly off. You wave at them as well as they wave back. Soon, they go through a magic portal, and poof they went from Flurry’s dream. “*blissful sigh* Aren’t Rivalries just so cute?” Flurry turns to you. “Hmm? How?” You rub her head gently. “Rivalries sometimes start as friendships. Think about Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon- They were twin sisters in the dream world. They could’ve been best friends. But, when differences arise between them, it tore the two sisters apart into enemies. They start to hate the other. They argue, they fight, and they push each other around. They think they are counterparts and meant to stay separated as threatening rivals. But, they will soon come to realize, Day and Night are simply best friends meant to be.” “Real friends sometimes are like that as well. They may be friends once. But, when a fight breaks out, and the two sides misunderstand each other, hurtful words come out of our mouths. Worse still, they may start to despise one another. But when they sit down to talk, conflicts between two people, no matter Big or small, can be mediated with conviction and the buddies being sincere to their once called friend.” “Aww... That’s beautiful.” “Indeed, Flurry. So as you grow up and meet other fillies, I’m sure you’ll know exactly what Friendship really is. It sometimes hurts when you and your friends fight, but when it does, I’m sure you’ll know exactly how to deal with it.” Flurry nods at you, as a kind of promise she will do her best to be friendly to Everypony. A minute later, you see another magic portal appearing high up in the sky. You initially thought it was the two coming back already, but no. To your surprise, Princess Luna comes in with a whoosh and lands swiftly, wasting no time and seemingly on the lookout for somepony she needs to get her hooves on. “I’m sorry! I didn’t notice your dream was-“ Luna stops as she sees everything in order. “Uhh... Wha....? I swear I just saw Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon in this dream... Where did they go, guys?” You and Flurry share a laugh. “Oh, you missed out on so much cute, Luna,” You tease. “What? I’m serious! I need to find them before they cause trouble!” Flurry, to Luna’s dismay, shakes her head and stops the dream protector. “Let them have their fun.” Luna raises an eyebrow. “I’ve been missing out, haven’t I?” Flurry giggles. “Let’s just say... They’re doing it for the sake of sisterly bonding.” “Yep,” You agree. “Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, I think they’ve found their partner in crime.” Luna could only watch in disbelief as you and Flurry start laughing.