Equestria's Shichibukai

by XXXScale

First published

[Displaced] Draule Mihawk in Equestria, the most deadly, badass master swordsmen who ever lived. Now travels across Equestria.

[Crossover, One Piece.]

After buying the black sword Yoru, who belongs to the most badass anime character ever, Dracula Mihawk, at a local convention. Is sent on another planet with the body, abilities and looks of the owner of the weapon. Now with his new found freedom he is set on making a new life for himself as the famous warlord of one piece.

Prologue: The Shichibukai

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Canterlot Castle

In a Castle on the side of the highest mountain, two ailcorn sisters lived together and ruled over there home known as Equestria. But today was no normal happy day, today the princess of the sun and ruler was having a hard time getting her nerves and fears together.

"Oh my, Oh my." the light white ailcorn princess mumbled while walking back and forth in her throne room with two gray earth pony's in gold armor with spears in hoof watched while standing next to her throne.

"Dear sister, please be quiet, you haven't stop since we got the latter from the stall-i mean hu-man." the light blue shorter then the sun princess said while her different color mane floated in the air. "Thu should not be nervous."

Princess Celestia looked at her sister Luna with wide eyes while her mouth slightly open. "Luna this human, is more dangerous then any foe we have faced!" she half yelled while she walked over to her midnight sister.

"Then why not use the elements on him?" Luna asked/suggested while she looked out the nearest window into the night stary night.

"Well maybe because...you know I've never thought of that."Celestia said while she ran out of the throne room towards her own room leaving Luna all alone with the two guards who stood there stiff as ever.

With Celestia who was now in her room searching for her paper and ink to write a latter to her dear student Twilight Sparkle. "Dear my faithful student, i need you and the Element of Harmony to come to Canterlot at once! Your teacher and friend Princess Celestia." and with that she quickly sent it out in hopes that her faithful student well come soon.


Twilght Sparkle was reading one of her favorite books while she sat in her couch while her helpful assistant the dragon spike was making dinner. As she was about to call to him she heard a burb of fire from the kitchen, after a few seconds the small baby dragon came out holding a scroll in his claws. "Looks like a late message from the princess Twilight." he said as he handed her the scroll and left back to his cooking.

Twilight looked at the scroll and used her magic to open it and read it, after a few seconds of reading it she blinked a few times as she jumped up looking like she was about to have a panic attack. "She wants us and the other elements to meet her at Cantlot at once?!" she yelled while she ran from room to room. "I gotta get the others! This can be big! Maybe Discord turned evil? A new villain?! Maybe a friendship test?!" she yelled as she ran out her crystal castle and towards to Applejack sweet apple acres.

Unknown location

The sounds of battle and death could be heard threw out the night sky was whimpers and screams of pain came from a small dark cave with a dead diamond dog in the entries with it's chest sliced open as it's blood and insides laid near his body. Inside the cave were more body's of dead diamond dogs as there blood painted the floor and walls. There were many cages but now empy as the locks were sliced in half on the ground. In the end of the cave stood a injured diamond dog who held his side gut as blood spilled out like a river.

"P-please have mercy, Rax didn't know it was wrong to steal from you." the diamon dog known as Rax said while he held a pain expression and was on he's knees looking up at his soon to be killer. "Rax well never do it again, please let Rax live." he begged to the wall figure in front of him.

In front of Rax stood a tall lean man with black hair, a short beard, mustache and sideburns that point upwards. He wears black and red ornate clothing with a crucifix pendant that hides a little dagger, which gives him the appearance of a Spanish swordsman. His attire consists of a wide-brimmed black hat decorated with a large plume, and a long, open black coat with no shirt underneath, with red, flower-patterned sleeves and collar. He wears white pants held up by a decorated belt and tucked inside overly large boots in comparison to his leg size. He wears a kogatana around his neck, appearing as a golden cross-shaped necklace, and carries his sword most famously known as Yoru.

"You have enslaved many different creatures in this hideout of yours and killed many as well, what makes you think I'll let you live?" the man said as he gave Rax the most dead cold expression. "You must take me for a fool, i let all your slaves go and killed all your men, i know you want me dead now." he said as his yellow hawk like eyes looked into Rax eyes.

"I-i beg you, let Rax go." Rax said not wanting to die along with his men knowing full well that the afterlife was going to be hell for him. "Y-you can have this base as your own! It's secret and nobody knows were it is!" Rax said while he could feel his blood lose getting to him.

"Mhm, maybe i will." he said while looking around then back at Rax and without warning or a second thought he swung his Yoru blade at Rax head cutting it clean off as it flew up into the air and landed a few feet away as Rax body fell to the side.

The man then walked over Rax body and towards a chest he spotted in the end of the cave and used his balde to cut the thick rusty lock off. After he put Yoru back to it's olace he opened the chest inside were gold, ruby's, diamonds and many other riches. "Looks like coming here was not a waste of time after all." he said as he started to get as many riches as he can.

After he got enough to set him up for life, he walked off leaving the rest in the cave, walking over every body he walked across then when he reached out he looked up into the night sky as his eyes landed on the kingdom of canterlot. "It's time for us to finally met Celesita." he said as he began his walk to the castle.


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Canterlot Castle

Twilight Sparkle the princess of friendship along with the other elements of harmony and Starlight Glimmer were being escorted by four solar guards in gold armor armed with swords and spears. The young alcorn princess had many thoughts going threw her head, many theory's on why she was summoned to her highness.

"Maybe to ask how our school as been doing? No she would justed have ask about it in ger letter. Maybe she has a test for me and my friend's? Or there could be another new threat to Equestria?!" There were many thoughts and idea's in the bookworms mind her friends on the other hoof were silent not thinking nothing of it. The party pink pony, Pinkie pie was not her usually self, she was quiet really unlike her and all of her color looked like it faded like she had seen a ghost, her hair a little deflated as well.

The apple farmer, AppaleJack seemed to look around every second like somepony or something would pop out and attack them, she brought her laso which she rarly does but it was so near her hoof that it looked like she was ready for a showdown and not to mention that she haven't said word the entire time she was there. Rairy the fashion designer who was in next to the orange earth pony, looked like she was nervous more then ever in fact, her hoofs shaking with each step as her clothe almost looked like armor the thick coat she wore looked like it can stop a bullet close range.

The Pegasus Rainbow Dash wasn't making any cocky remarks or quotes as she walked along with her friends, she didn't look as bad as her friends but she did shoot a few looks around as they passed a corner. But the last pegasus of there group, Fluttershy looked just fine, not glacing around like a madmare or looked like she was devour by fear.

Starlight the apprentice of Twilight Sparkle seemed to noticed there actions and fear/worried expression's, so she decide to ask her friends about this in private. Once they stopped in front of a pair of giant set of doors the four solar guards left back to there post but not before bowing to the princess of friendship, Twilight knocked on the set of doors waiting for a respoed on the other side.

"Come In." said a so comfortable and familiar voice on the other side of the doors. As soon as she heard the voice she used her magic to push the set of doors wide open only for them to go wide eyed in shock and mouth agap.

There sitting in her throne was the two sisters of the sun and moon and in front of them were more kings and queens from other country's!

Lance black-claw the king of the griffin kingdom. He had gold rings, neckless with ruby's and sapphire around his neck and a armored golden beak and talons while he wore simple clothing of those in royalty.

Sharp-tooth the richly who ruled the diamond dog kingdom, he too wore simple royal clothing but with his armor chest plate on the outside and he had his gray furr paw on the butt of his blade on the side of his belt wearing more gold then a dick noble.

And then there stood Prince Rutherford the prince of the kingdom of yakyakistan, he looked a little older and he still had that deadpan stare he always has.

Twilight along with her trusty friend's walked forward and stopped, giving them all a respectfully bow as they did the same. "Princess Celestia, we can as fast as we can, is Equestria in danger again?" Twilight asked seening how this summoning wasn't a normal one with more royalty present. Her friend's stood back watching as they kept quiet.

"I fear that the end of Equestria is nearing." Luna the night goddess said with a bit of fear and held the most serious expression that anypony alive would see. "We face a completely different threat that would slay us all within days." she said once more.

This shocked everyone, how could the end of Equestria is nearing? Is it a dangers foe that somehow escape tartarus? This news shocked everybody to the core in the room Fluttershy was almost to bursting into tears if not for Starlight who held her in a warm embrace. "P-please t-t-tell me it's n-not t-true." sequeled Fluttershy with tears dripping from her eyes.

"This can't be!" roaed Lance who stepped forward to the princess with fear in his eyes while his talons dug into the ground below him. "This must be some sort of sick joke!"

"It is not, i fear." Celestia said while she looked down, her eyes fulled with hopelessness. "This foe, is like nothing you have ever seen or faced before." she said as she trotted over to her former student. "This...creature is like a monster with a never ending thirst for blood." the sun goddess said with even more fear in her eyes.

"Pony princess is right!" Prince Rutherford the yak stated. As his deadpan stare turned into one of regret and pain. "That monster! Kill many Yak! Yak can't fight it even with big numbers!" this new information made the seven ponys more shock lossing all hope at this point. Luna then stepped forward looking at the main six.

"Thu ask, did any of you have nightmares of this creature, who stands on two legs with a gold cross on it's neck?" the midnight princess asked while she studied the movements of the young ponys.

"Y-yes...gruesome, dark, twisted dreams of that...mightmare." answered Twilight as her other friend's nodded in agreement, all expect one.
Fluttershy pulled away from her x-villain friend and faced Luna with puffy red eyes from her sobs of fear.

"I-i haven't." she said quietly but loud enough for the others to hear. They all looked at the young yellow pegasus with shock and confused expression as the young pegasus walked forward three steps all the while she rubbed her eyes of the reaming tears.

"B-but i did however had a weird dream of this..." Fluttershy couldn't find the word to describe the creature but then it hit her as she remembered something that Lyra had told her a few years back about a creature that sounds alot like what they are describing. "It's a hu-man that was in my dreams the creature who stood on two legs!" she said out loud slightly.

"Yes we know that, but what did he say in your dreams or do." asked Luna who was looking at Fluttershy with even more seriously enough to make Celestia stand down.

"H-he pointed at me and said...Castle of two sisters." she answered as Luna looked away while she began to think deeply about what that meant, Celestia along with the other royal allies began to think.

"Luna, how can that monster make dreams? I thought only you can do that." pointed out Rarity as the light blue alicorn faced the white unicorn.

"He has a object with strong dark black magic that grants him the powers of a alicorn." she responded as Rarity watched in shock at the answer.

"What is his name again?" Asked the friendship princess who stood with her friend's trying not to panic or break down.

"Dracule Mihawk."

Story of Mihawk

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Unknown Location

The night sky filled with billions of stars came apon the lands of Equestria making the land shine with beauty all the while non other then Dracule Mihawk, stood apon the victims of his blade that still dripped with fresh blood. Most of the griffins that fell victim were sliced apart, many were missing limbs and had many holes in them as there blood upon the floor shined in the moon light, upon on griffin who held a blood silk scroll in its claws.

As Mihawk walked upon the departed griffin he reached out and snatched the scroll from it's cold dead claws. The huamn swordsmen then unrolled the scroll scanning the paper dripped in blood. As his yellow hawk-eyes read the scroll a strong wind blew as his coat floated in the wind as he looked up upon the stars now.

"What have you become? My old Chum?" asked a new voice behind him. As Mihawk turned his head to see who was the new voice belong to, he saw non other then the god of chaos himself. "You haven't age at all! And you still have that serous face huh? Try to smile once in a while!"

"Discord." Mihawk simply said looking at his old "Friend". He then dropped the scroll upon the dead that Discord fail to see as he looked in a bit of shock. "You know what i want." he said his hawk-eyes staring into the chaos gods eyes as he took a single step back. "But even you can't give me what i want." Mihawk with that turned his head forward and walked away.

Discord stood there watching his target leave but then he glared as with a snap of his fingers Discord appeared in front of the swordsmen who froze in place. "I can't let you leave here Mihawk, my friends and the princess are counting on me to take you down." Discord said as bat-pony's along with dragons, griffins, pony's of all kinds, Yaks and even changeling surrounded the human. "You always wanted a real challenge, so we are here!" Discord roard as they all at once charged at the worlds greatest swordsmen.

Canterlot Castle

It has been several hours later and more royalty came along for there plan, even Queen Chryaslis was summoned! Which the princess shot glares at but held there actions to take her down there and now. Soon Ember along with Thorax and many more kingdom's and not to mention that Star Swirl the Bearded and the Pillars were with them.

Twilight and her friend's had to cancel there school until they make sure Equestria is safe once more. The elements seemed more calm as more and more of there new allias came for the same reasons, putting aside there difference to forces on one goal. Take down Mihawk and his followers. Celestia gave an amusement that Discord along with a small force that can take down an entire kingdom went to try and take down there skilled foe.

"I believe that everybody is here." Luna stated to her sister as the sun princess nodded in agreement watching the allies talk apon themselves about the battle ahead. "Tia, remember Mihawk is skilled and smart, he can take out army's of armored pony's and dragon's! But now with all our allies, we have a fighting chance against him." Luna stated to her dear sister, who nodded but seemed in deep thought about something of important. Celsitsa then stood tall as she looked at her dear luner sister.

"Dear Luna, please make a battle plan with our guest and inform them about our foe, I'll be in my study making a plan for our first encounter." the solar goddess said as she walked off leaving Luna with the kings, queens, princes and princesses to make a plan of attack.

Luna with a small bow to her solar sister walked towards the centre of the allies who were busy talking among each other but went silent as Luna spread her wings wide as they all gathered around the luner princess. "Thu has been charge to explain the plan of attack with allies but first we would like to inform the skills of our enemy! Dracula Mihawk! A hu-man who appeard out of thin air! He also possess great power and skills of his blades! Which earned him the title of the greatest swordsman that ever lived! He is also known as a shichibukai or a warlord of the seas!" Luna announced as many of the gathered allies were in shock of this information, but as Luna continued it got worse. "He also has the eyes of a hawk which somehow allowes him the ability of the sight of a hawk but don't be fooled by his looks! He is every deadly. He also possess three items with great evil power! The stone of magic! That grants him the power of an alicorn! He also uses a ability calledHaki! We do not know what that is at the moment but we well find out soon enough and as for his last item he posses a rare fruit that he himself showed and told us about thounds of years ago! It's was called a devil fruit! The fruit may look like a normal fruit but it's more powerful then that, it grants random ability's to whoever consume it! So if you happen to run by it bring it here for studying! Now any questions about our opponent?" Luna asked as a single blue claw raised into the air. "Yes, Lord Ember?"

The dragon lord Ember looked at Luna with a half glare look. "Yeah, why does this Mihawk guy want to kill us all? I mean as the books say it, it was you pony's who claimed war upon him." she stated as the other allies watched. "As far as I'm conserd about, it's you pony's he wants but the rest of us." she finished while crossing her light blue scale arms across her chest.

"Thu is true but there is a story behind his reasons and ours!" she replied as Ember and the others waited. "Many, many, years ago, Equestria was in peace with no war happening knight's from the kingdom left to travel freely of boredom but they ran into him Mihawk! Mihawk challenge the knight's and they agreed but they didn't expect to be killed by Mihawk for failing. But fortuity one knight escaped and warned us about the human before passing on from his injuries. This Dracula Mihawk, sees this as a game for him!" she stated as Ember watched but nodded. "Even if you don't bother him, he'll come after you." she stated.

"Then what is our plan of action?" asked the horse king as his wife stood next to him. "We can't just go in blind and like you said princess Luna, he is evey powerful."

"We can use the elements of harmony on him!" shouted Rainbow Dash. "We can blast him away or turn him into stone! End of story!" the rainbow maned pony said with a knowing cocky smirk.

"Thu is true Rainbow Dash, but first we need a plan to weaken him." Luna replied as her and the new formed allies began to plan for the up coming battle.

Attack on Canterlot Castle

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Canterlot Castle

Twilight along with AppleJack and Rainbow Dash felt to the castle library to search for any additional information about there opponent in Equestria history, leaving Pinkie Pie, Starlight, Rarity and Fluttershy at the"War-room" but were not alone with there, there close friend's Ember, Thorax and the yak prince.

Back in the library Twilight and her two close friend's searched threw out the books of Equestrian history for any information about Dracula Mihawk. "I can't find anything! It's like he never existed!" stated the wonderbolt who threw yet another book to the side. "Twilight are you sure we can even stop this guy? I mean I'm not afried or anything but he does should pretty strong even for us." rainbow said as she landed next to the orange earth pony.

Before the purple alicorn could answer the pegasus the castle they all stood in began to shaking roughly as books and other objects began to fall and crash into the ground below.

"What the hell?!" yelled the pegasus who held onto her southern friend as Twilight fell flat on the ground as there were many cries and screams of panic threw out the castle. "We need to leave now!" yelled Rainbow dash as her two friends nodded in agreement as Twilight teleported them back to the war-room with the there allies.

"He's here! We are not ready for this!" stated princess Mina of the wolf kingdom. "My army is miles away and i only have a hand-full of warriors!"

"As are mine!" shrieked prince of the Zebra tribe. "We can't win the battle ahead, he'll have our heads!"

"Calm down we'll have to hold down the castle with the forces we have here!" yelled running river of the goat tribe.

"Thu is right! Everybody prepare for battle!"

At the gates of the Canterlot Castle

Many pony, goat, dragon and changeling warriors were charging to the gates as soon as it was sliced down. The tall figure who walked forward made them all freeze in fear as he appeard to be dragging something or someone into the gates as well. Dracule Mihawk stopped a few feey away from the warriors as he picked up with his left arm holding a injured and half dead Discord who had many wounds over his body.

With that Mihawk tossed aside Discord body as he looked at the foes in front of him. Then he reached for his golden cross-shaped necklace and pulled it off as they looked with a bit of confusion.

"Come and face me like true swordsman and warriors." challenged Mihawk as he pulled the top of the cross off showing a small yet sharp blade.

Everybody stood still watching the human who just challenged them many began thinking that they should surrender but quickly tossed that thought aside as a single pony mare armed with a long silver blade in golden thick armor ran forward.

"FOR THE PRINCESSES!" she cried as she swung her blade at Mihawk only for him to up his cross blade blocking hers. She struggled to push forward as Mihawk then thrusted his arm forward sending the pony back and with a quick and sharp attack his blade pierced her armor as it hit her chest.

Everything went silent, as Mihawk pulled out his blade with a splash noise following after, now dripped in fresh red blood his blade then pointed at the warriors as the mare fell to her side with a loud thud.

"Who is next?" Mihawk asked as they all glared and now with rage in there heads all charged at him.

Mihawk then closed his eyes as they got closer then he opned his eyes once more and sped forward as many stabbing and slicing noise came from the crowed as many of the allies warriors fell dead as there blood flowed onto the earth a large body of blood starting to form.

The main six along with Starlight and prince blue blood ran to the gate, hearing that Mihawk made it threw.

Everything was dead silent which made them stop as blue blood used his magic to unleash his sword from his waist and walk forward as the alicorn and two unicorn charged up some magic.

As they were slowly making there way to the gate they felt wet liquid under there hoofs, they all froze not really looking down out of fear but AppleJack slowly looked down with wide eyes filled with fear and discussed started to gag as they all began to look down seeing a red pool of blood with bits of flesh floating around it.

They all began to gag and vomit upon seeing the blood and flesh as footsteps came from the gate. They all watched as Mihawk was making his way to them with no injuries of any kind.

"W-what is he?" asked Pinkie pie as her hair was now completely flat on her head watching him with nothing but fear.

"A r-real monster." answered blue blood as he held his sword high while the main six and Starlight stepped back with fear.

Blue blood with his pride ran forward as he spinned his blade like a propeller as the main seven started to shout about to not attack. As soon as Blue blood got close enough Mihawk thrusted his cross blade forward stopping the propeller like attack he has seen before.

"You are prince blue blood, I've heard many story's about you, but now meet your end." Mihawk said as he pulled back and thrusted his blade into blue bloods skull right under his horn.

As Mihawk was about to pull his blade out of the dead prince skull, a familiar golden blast of magic hit him in the chest sending him soaring threw the air and crashed into the far wall destroying it as the stones fell apon him.

"Run back now! I'll hold him here as long as i can!" raored the solar princess who stood tall with the werewolf king /Like Remus Lupin from Harry Potter.\ and scorpion queen.

"Please be careful...Celestia." Twilight said as she was pulled away back into the castle by her dear friend's.

Celestia watched as her former pupil ran back into the castle as the stones that buried the human began to move as they all got on there guard.

"Looks like you got me." Mihawk stated as smoke came from his chest a small burned mark was all it did to him.

"Now let's see if your the challenge, I'm looking for."


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Canterlot Gate

Princess Celestia along with the werewolf king Scarface and the scorpion queen Hellfire stood against the swordsman. They faced against there common foe known as Dracula Mihawk the world's greatest swordsman. But they needed answers from him.

"Celestia, it has been many years since our last meeting." Mihawk said while he reached for his Yoru as he unleashed it showing it's full size to them, the long black blade that looked sharp enough to cut steel making the three royal rulers stand back.

"Why did you betray me?" asked the warlord.

This cought Scarface and Hellfire off guard as they both turned to glance at Celestia, sure they were both weren't there when Celestia and Mihawk faced off, but from what the princess information them is that Mihawk killed her knights for fun.

"You lie! You were the one to betray us!" Celestia spat back while she charged up a golden blast and sent it at Mihawk. He simple held up the side of his Yoru blade as the blast deflected from his blade to the sky above.

"H-how? You could never do that before!" Celestia shouted as Mihawk watched her with his hawk-eyes.

"You see, after you stabbed me in the back and left me for dead back at the castle of two sisters, i was saved by a mist." Mihawk said as he swung his blade towards them as a huge energy green like force came from the blade destroying everything in it's path as the three jumped to the side dodging Mihawks attack.

"He told me the truth of what you wanted, to kill me off because i held power beyond a alicorn." he stated as the other two warriors stood aside wanting to know the reason of the war.

As both ailcorn and human faced off at the gate, the two royal rulers who stood back ran off to help the injured at the gate. Once there they saw the reason why he is feared. It took them all there willpower to not vomit as they checked for any survivors among the dead, but once they touched a pony on it's neck, they didn't feel a cold body but a warm one as the sean in front of them disappeared showing no blood or gore as they laid many knocked out allies as well as Discord with a huge red mark on his head.

"It was all an illusion?!" asked the scorpion queen in confusion.

"So that means, he really didn't want to kill us, only scare us?" asked the werewolf king.

Back at the gate Celestia was breathing heavily while Mihawk faced her with a deadpan look. Mihawk then jumped forward as he swung his blade at her only for her to summon up a shield as it blocked his attack.

"Dracula Mihawk!" yelled a dark voice from the shadows. Celestia watched his Mihawk jumped back as he placed his blade back onto his back.

Celsitsa waited for the new voice to reveal itself, but deep inside her she felt like she heard that voice before but to her horror right next to Mihawk appeard Cadance and Shining Armor who were tied up with thick rope as a black mist circled them.

"S-s-Sombra!" yelled the solar princess who took a few steps back as the mist soon took the form of a fimmiler evil king.

"Yes! I finally can take over Crystal Empire once more! And now Equestria! Thanks to my new puppet here." King Sombra said as he pointed at Mihawk who stood like a robot with his eyes now showing with green flames.

"B-but w-w-when?" asked Celestia with her eyes as wide as dinner plats.

"Well let's just say humans are more easier to take control when they are blinde with rage!" Sombra answered as he bagan to explain that he was the one who took out her knights without being noticed taking the form of the swordsman, but he explained that he made Mihawk go into a deep sleep within himself so he won't age and placed him at a place were he no one can find him but before he could have done that he needed to make Mihawk anger so he made the princess do the dirty work, after she stapped him in the back back at the castle of the two sisters he saved Mihawk and made him his puppet.

"Y-you monster! He was our friend and you made m-m" Celestia said with tears forming in her eyes. She faced Mihawk swearing to herself she'll free him.

"Aww, does the princess want her friend back? Well, No! Now Mihawk kill Cadance and Armor now!" Sombra ordered as Mihawk nodded and walked over to Blue blood and picked up his blade and walked back to the two rulers and pulled back his arm ready to finish them off as the two pony's held each other but before Mihawk can make his kill.

Mihawk was shot with a dark blue magical blast threw the lower side of his gut as he flew back landing on his back as smoke started to come from the new wound.

Everybody turned and watched Mihawk as the dead body of blue blood disappeared showing blue blood with only a brush on he's head.

"What?! Who dares!!" roared Sombra who turned to face the luner princess along with the main six.

"So it is true, Mihawk never killed anypony only made us think he did." Twilight said as she held a book with her magic with the words. "Equestrian Human: Mihawk".

"You may have control his body but his mind never gave in!" roared Luna as she then smirked.

"What are you smirking at?! I'll make Mihawk kill you once he gets up!" threaten Sombra as Mihawk started and slowly stood up.

"You see Sombra, i know a normal spell won't snap Mihawk out of your control, so i used my most powerful spell to give him control." Luna said as Sombra went wide eyed and faced Mihawk who had his head faces down.

"I'm...free." said Mihawk as he looked at Sombra, then groaned in pain as the hole in his side burned.

"Time to die...Sombra."


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At Canterlot Castle

Sombra took his form as he stepped back his hoof shaking in fear and anger as he glared at Luna. "You! You damn whore! You did this!" he roared in anger as Dracule Mihawk stood while holding his side that had blood dripping from his newly wound.

"You.Don't.Dare.Call her THAT!" Mihawk roared as he jumped right at the fallen king and aimed a kick to his jaw, when Mihawks boot made contact with Sombra's jaw there was a loud cracking sound as everypony watched with wide eyes as Sombra was sent crashing threw the castle wall.

"For too long, I've been a slave under your rule. Now that I am freed, you will pay for your sins!" yelled out Mihawk as Sombra looked at the huamn swordsman with fear as he took a stance and and placed both his palms together as he then moved his right arm up and his left down in a somewhat like circle. The pony's all around the two ran a good distance from the battle as Mihawk body started to glow dark purple and black from what seems to the pony's is magic.

"Chapter 420: Of the book of Zeref!EXECUTION!" Mihawk roared as a huge wave of power dark magic washed over the entire city as every single unicorn and alicorn fell to there knees as Sombra yelled in agony as his body slowly started to burn away into black dust as Mihawk held his pose until Sombra was now completely gone from life.

Celestia watched as her oldest friend from back when she was just a filly murder a fallen king in front of her and her dear sister and the elements along with her pupil. The solar princess watched as the human look there way as he bowed his head to us as he walked away leaving a small trail of blood on his way out leaving us all speechless.

Luna and I didn't want him to leave but yet we could not bring ourselves to call for him or say a single word to him. We stayed there for a long while until most of the royal guards and family charged in, not seeing any threat they begain to tend to the wounded and hurt as I sat there in a different world completely.

Unknown place

Mihawk stood in front of his only home we ever had since we was thrown into this world that happened to be a simply door in the ground. The dark brown wood was old and yet strong it's door handle made a pure gold that only him and him alone can open. He can see deep cuts and burns that shows that many tried to break in and yet were unsuccessful to breach into his realm.

Everything he ever had in this one room, this one room is similar to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber from dbz and yet so different. This room is everlasting, never running out of room with this room. To be honest you can put an entire universe in here and not even Zeno himself can destroy. Within this room is all the knowledge that a god and that's god dad can only have, of different worlds, life, weapons and many more.

"I'm home, but traveling now does sound fun." Mihawk said to himself as he reached down grabbing the handle before pulling it off right out the earth as it turned into a small white ball then he simply placed it into his pocket. Yes it's also portable.

As MIhawk was about to take a step there was a bright flash as a object flew and smacked him right in the face making him fall back onto the ground groaning.

"Huh, my cheek hurts like hell!" yelled Mihawk in anger seeing a small sword on the ground, he reached to it picking it up to examen the piece. Then it started to glow bright yellow as a voice appeard out of nowhere.

"To those who now poses my token! I am hope to all who cry for help! I am a slayer to all those evil! I am Future Trunks! Call me in your time of need and i will appear to slay evil by your side!"

"Looks like i found a new friend, maybe...I can call him. But not now, for now adventure awaits." Mihawk said as he also placed the token into his pocket before walking off deeper into the forest he is roaming in.

Everfree forest: Near ponyville

Zecora was currently making her way to ponyville for her weekly supply's from the market. On her way she hummed to herself out of boardom failing to see the many green eyes watching her every move. And she wasn't alone next to her was a young filly with a big red bow on her mane with a big cheery smile walking next to the zebra mare.

"Thanks ya' again for takin' me out for mix'in more potions Zecora! It was a blast!" the filly known as Applebloom said while smiling at her friend with a happy tone.

"It was my pleasure bloom, but next time remember to not mixed with a broom." the zebra said while chuckling to herself but was stopped by a snapping sound by a near by bush as both mare and filly stopped in her tracks.

"Z-Zecora, what was that noise?" asked a now worried filly while Zercora scanned the area now seeing the fimmlier green deadly eyes.

Zercora then took a single step back as many timber wolf's jumped out from hiding making the young scared filly scream in fear as both began to run back to Zecora's hut. Both ran as fast as there hoofs can take them before the timber wolf's started gaining on them.

As they ran for dear life Zecora tripped on a rock sending her flying forward to the ground. However before she can make impact she was cought while still in air and protected from the ground and rocks below. Zeroca opened her eyes to see both her and Applebloom behind a creature she had never seen before while it stood on two legs.

"Looks like I found you two on time." said Mihawk as the timber wolf's in front of them barked at him making the two watch and yelp in fear.

"Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you." Mihawk said to the two as he punched his fist into his palm as fire coverd his entire fist and hands.

"I'm all fired up."