> Convention Conversion (TG clop) > by abrony-mouse > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the start of the con and I was out of my element. The queue to get in was hours ago and I was just beginning to realise that turning up without friends was a bad idea. There was a feeling of anxiousnessness about the place was getting to me. I felt inside myslef and, in the cavernous convention hall, was questioning why I was here. The introduction event was meant to start a while ago but here we were still in my seat waiting for the opener. The organiser had put on an all day bar and I'd already partaken, but it wasn't enough. It was in this funk (and after a few drinks at the bar) that I decided to hit the Gents. As I headed towarsd the corridor containing the gents I saw the predictable con-goers hanging about. I nodded to them, and received a blank nod back. I pushed through the door to the male loos... I tried to sneak past the urinals to the toilet cubicles at the back but the toilet doors were all closed. I waited outside the cubicles hoping to avoid anyone's eye. To my horror one of the patrons who had been by a urinal looked up and smiled at me. "Hey - how ya doin?" he held out his hand. I gave a half-smile and took the hand awkwardly. "Not bad... are things always this crazy?" I noticed the door to the toilet swing to as a few more guys came through. "Naw," he said. "It'll settle down. You new?" as I was about to reply one of the cubicles opened. I inclined my had as I headed towards it. As I re-emerged from the cubicle and headed over to the sink, out of the corner of my eye I noticed a few guys seemingly waiting for the toilet. At the time I thought that was odd as I had thought the other cubicles were empty. As I washed my hands I had the eerie sensation of these people watching me. I glanced around for the person I'd spoken to originally, but I couldn't see him. As I went to dry my hands, I heard one of the cubicle doors behind me bang. "Oh." I heard a male voice grunt. Soon the other was next to me at the sink, washing his hands. I knew it was the man from before from the straggly blond hair in my peripheral vision. "Oh," I responded non-commitally, wanting to get out of there. Unfortunately the other man took that as a cue to resume the conversation from before. "I wish I was new... fandom was great back them." I nodded and continued washing up. "Yeah." I offered. "Yeah - fandom's just not been the same since season 3." he continued. A few of the other guys grunted in acknowledgment and went about their business. The trouble happened when I tried to leave. As I walked towards the door I felt a meaty paw on my wrist. At the same time I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. "Sorry newbie." the man before said as my vision went blurry... > Changes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the shi--" I yelped and tried to twist away from my attackers. The happy convention feeling was immediately dispelled by the adrenaline rush of being attacked. As I tried to make a run for it I felt strong arms grab me from behind. "Don't worry newbie," the guy from before said pleasantly. "We love new ponies here." As he said that I felt a powerful throb through my body, centering on the place the needle had punctured me. Pins and needles played over my skin which sweated with fever. I opened my mouth to scream but instantly felt it stuffed with something soft and dry - a toilet roll. Shortly after, to my terror, I felt something sharp press against my neck. "Try that again and I'll fucking end you." a gruff sounding male voice said. I nodded mutely, gulping into the dry obstruction in my mouth. "Good girl." said the voice from before. I hung limp against my captors the pins and needles feeling passed through me. The man from before, the ring-leader, came round to my front. He placed a hand on my burning face. I looked at him pleadingly and eventually he released the dry obstruction in my mouth. "Wh-what do you want? My wallet's in my pants..." I gasped, realising that struggle was pointless. The man smirked, "Shhh, don't be upset. You'll soon be with friends." As he said that the feeling that had been building since I had been punctured me intesified around my crotch. The tingling seemed to penetrate into my centre where it grew, creating an almost unbearable pressure outwards. My knees buckled akimbo at the forceful expansion as my burning thighs fought against the pressure. The person who had been holding my hands released them and I stumbled forward into the bathroom. I tried to move towards the door, but could barely make a crab-legged hobble. Rather than humiliate myself further I asked my assailants what they wanted. By way of an answer the ringleader deftly unbuttoned my fly, releasing the pressure on my crotch. He teased my dark jeans down my thighs. I felt another person behind me pushing the jeans down over my ass. "When will she change?" asked one of the men, gawking at me. Wanting to scream back, I could only grunt drunkenly under the influence of the drug they had put me. I choked down a scream as the tingling grew to painful intensity in my rear. I felt a sick feeling as something pushed out from my ass and strained against my boxers. This elicited a woop from my tormentors. "A fucking tail! She's grown a tail. That's amazing! Fuck that's so hot!" Terrified of what was coming, and sensing that they were distracted, I decided to make a break for it at that moment. I wriggled free of the immediate muscle holding me and was close to the door... but my jeans were still round my feet. As I tried to run for the door I fell, struggling with the restrictive leg-wear, my new tail shot sparks of pain as I fell onto it. > Ch-Ch-Changes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My assailants laughed as I floundered. As I tried to struggle to my feet a new wave of dizziness almost toppled me. I felt a deep burning sensation below my hips but simultaneously a deep blissful feeling welled up above the pain. I made a motion to continue my escape... but I no longer felt the urgency. "Why'd she stop?" I heard one of them ask. "What's that on her ass?" another one exclaimed. "N-no way!? Is that a... cutie mark?" My fear had evaporated as I smiled broadly and looked down to see what they were talking about. Sure enough a mark had appeared just below my hips on both sides of my body. It looked like a large tatoo. "Yes gentlemen!" the ringleader pronounced. "Meet Strawberry. Her destiny is to be a 'hostess'." I knew I should feel terrified and should try to get back into the convention where it was safe, but I couldn't connect with these feelings. I felt sluggish and supine and it was only through force of will that I turned away from them and forced myself to stumble towards the toilet door. "Where're you going Strawbs? The cock's over here!" the ringleader taunted. The others laughed. As he said 'cock' the symbol on my thighs burned. I took another step towards the door, but even though I knew I needed to leave, my body knew something different. I faltered as my crotch throbbed and to my horror I felt my new appendage slowly raising... > Strawberry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fighting hard, I managed to force myself to ignore the throbbing from the mark on my thighs and make it to the doors of the toilets. As my hand touched the door it felt strangely numb. In a detached-state beyond horror I observed the digits merge into a fist and then a nub. Suddenly the 'pull' sign on the door took on a horrible signifiance as I struggled against the door handle with my pathetic appendages. A chorus of laughter came from the bastards behind me, but I wasn't going to panic. Calming myself, I lowered my mouth to the door. With an unexpected strength, as if it were designed for the task, my powerful teeth grasped the handle and sprung it free with minimal effort. "Shit!" I heard from behind me, but I didn't wait around - darting through the door as fast as my transformed limbs could carry me. > Convention > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I rushed out of the toilet block my mind was focused on just one thing. Escape as fast as possible. As soon as I was out the door I ruhed out of the toilet block and towards the entrance. However, at the entrance to the toilet block a Steward with a sash came over, blocking my way. I thought for a moment about darting around him, but at that moment the rest of my body felt numb and my new flanks burned with indignation at the idea of ignoring him. "Hey there! Awesome costume." he said. "You're just in time for the cosplay competition." I gritted my teeth in frustration but somehow couldn't summon up the will to interrupt him, even though I could sense my assailants behind me. Finally he stopped talking - "Help me!" I pleaded, but my voice sounded off, less pleading, more... cute. My tail flared as my body tilted forward, my arms and numb 'hands' clopping against the hard convention floor. He looked confused, as if I was speaking a different language. To my horror his expression turned to exaltation, "Oh my! Is that Equestrian... that's awesome!" and he patted my head, which only came up to his waist... "Oh Strawberry's with us." I head the ring-leader from the toilets say from behind me.