> Lyra and Bon Bon's Boyfriend > by tybeeislandguy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. The Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's lunchtime again, and I'm looking for a place to sit. Normally, I sit by the window. But today that spot was taken by Wallflower Blush. So I am now a nomad, looking for a new place for the day. I saw a table which had four members of the Apple family. Apparentely it was Applebloom's birthday, Big Mac, Granny Smith and Applejack were singing happy birthday to her. I did not want to interrupt their family bonding, so I walked on. I then saw Pinkie and Maud Pie sitting at the next table. I liked Pinkie Pie, she was hired by my parents for my birthday party, and it was great! But today, Pinkie looked...odd. Her hair was straight, and her smile was different than usual. Instead of being cute and friendly expression, it was really scary. She was playing with a pile of lint and a bucket of turnips. Maud looked at me and said, "Sorry, but you probably should not sit here, my sister is in one of her moods again." I nodded and kept walking. Walking by, I noticed a table that had a spare chair with two girls sitting there. One was caucasian, the other was mint colored. Ever since that gene bomb attack by a maniac named Discord years ago, this town has had really neat new skin colors! I wonder if that was his intention. "Excuse me, but could I sit here, please? My usual spot was taken," I asked. The green girl said "Sure, if you do not mind Bon-Bon." The white girl with pink and blue hair replied, "I am okay with it." "Thanks. " I then sat down. Now it is chow time. While I am eating my fries, I recognize the girls that share the table with me. After chewing and swallowing, I look at the green girl. " So you are Lyra, right?" "Yeah, how did you know my name?", asked Lyra. I sipped some milk, then said, "I remember yours and Bon-Bon's names from the Battle of the Bands event. I recorded the event with my phone. You two were playing a piano." Lyra responded "Yeah, that was fun." Bon-Bon said, "I do not remember you in the event." "I was just an audience member," I replied, and then started eating my cheeseburger. "So what is your name?" asked Lyra. "I am Henry von Moltke" Lyra was looking at me. " I like your hair." "Oh thanks", I then put my hand on top of my red hair, "it is from my mother's side of the family." Bon-Bon finished her pbj sandwich, then asked, "what is your fathers' hair color?" "Black, but his hair is starting to go gray." We then started talking about other things. Lyra was a big fan of a fan a movie called The Oogieloves in the Big Balloon Adventure. I have heard of the movie but never saw it. But the way Lyra keeps talking about it like it is the best movie ever made has me curious. Maybe I will check it out sometime. I then decided to get my book I got from my home to read out from my backpack. Unfortunatley, a chain of unlucky events happened to me. My lunch tray was on the table in a way that one corner of it was not on anything but air. As I bent down, the top of my head landed on that corner. This made the tray an unintended catapult, launching the food into the air, which then fell on either me or the floor. Before I could get up, I felt some hands on my hair, pulling away french fries. They were Lyra and Bon-Bon's. They then helped me up. I could smell their perfumes; they were both very pleasent, sweet scents. We than sat down, back in our seats. Fortunatley; no one else noticed the accident, everyone else in the cafeteria was too busy talking to each other. That was a relief. "Thanks" Bon-Bon smiled, "No problem." I then went ahead and got the book out of my backpack, without accident this time. Bon-Bon looked at the book I was reading. "What is that?" "It is a biography on former United States of America president Herbert Hoover." Lyra turned her head to me and asked, "Do you have a book report on him to do?" I opened the book where the book mark was. "No, I just like to read about history" I than noticed that Lyra started to frown. "Is something wrong?" "Yes, I am terrible at history, I am probably going to flunk it." Lyra seems really worried. I closed the book after hearing that. "That is a pessimistic view." "It is the truth though. I never seem to do well on my quizzes." I admire Lyra's honesty in admitting her flaws. Bon-Bon had a serious expression on her face. "It's those dvd binge watches again! I told you they would cut into your study time." Lyra held up her hands. "What can I say, it is hard to resist the charms of Cary Elwes as Bobbly Wobbly." I really like these girls. They not only are very good looking, but are very nice. I wish there was something I could do to help out Lyra. As I put my book back in my backpack, I was then struck with an idea. "You know, I could help you study." Lyra thought it over, "That would be great! I hope it is not a burden." She then looked at the clock. "Oh wow, it's almost time to go back to the classroom." "The time really flew by, anyway, helping you out is no problem at all. I like talking to you and Bon-Bon. I hope you two feel the same about me." "I enjoy it, what about you, Bon-Bon? Bon-Bon had a very sweet smile on her face. "I am enjoying this talk too." "Okay, I will see you later tonight, Lyra." The bell rang. It's time to go to class. > 2. Preparing to Study > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, when talking to Lyra and Bon-Bon, we didn't exactly say where or when the tutoring would happen. Too bad that didn't occur to me until the middle of the next class period. Now the classes are over I'm hoping to find Lyra and Bon-Bon before they leave school. I don't recall ever seeing them waiting for buses like I do, so they probably either are picked up by their parents or they drive home themselves. I went to the Canterlot High School's student parking lot to find them. I was able to spot them next to a car. I guess they drive home together. Lyra looked up. "Hey Henry, did you want to drive home with us?" "No thanks, I usually take a bus. I realized that I don't know where or when we're supposed to meet." Bon-Bon reacted, "I know we forgot something." Lyra then got a pen and paper out of her backpack and wrote down something. She than handed the paper to me. "Here's my address. And I was thinking you could come to my place tonight." I put the paper in my right pants pocket. "I'm fine with that." Before Bon-Bon got in the driver's seat (I guess the car is hers) she looked at me. "I'm going to be there to, we usually hang out together." "That's fine, the more the merrier, but now I gotta catch my bus." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later that day after I finished my own homework, I got my mom, Jane Von Moltke (nee Joffre) to drive me to Lyra's house. While driving there, my mom smiled and started a conversation. "It's very nice of you to help out with someone's homework, Henry." I replied; "Well, I am trying to get out more, and Lyra seems like a nice girl, I wanted to help her out." "Oh, you didn't say your studymate was a girl," she turned to me and winked, "Is she a pretty girl, by any chance?", she asked teaseingly. That made me blush, because I did think they were very attractive. It's very nice to think about Lyra's minty perfume, or Bon-Bon's nice legs; and then I realized I should probably her question. "I dunno," there; that's a responce. My mom smiled, "I remember when I was your age; first dates are so exciting, aren't they?" "Yeah, but this isn't a date, me and Bon-Bon are just trying to help Lyra study." "Who's Bon-Bon, another pretty girl?" I shrunk in my seat, feeling embarrased. "She's just a friend of Lyra's." "Wow Henry, you sure move fast, I didn't even meet your father until we were both adults." "Mom!" "I'm just kidding son, parents have a universal right to tease their children." "Don't worry mom, I do have a condom; unlike last time..." My mom suddenly got serious, getting a panicked look on her face. "OMIGOD WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNLIKE LAST TIME, DID YOU GET SOMEONE PREGNANT? DID YOU GET A DISEASE? IF I FIND OUT SOME HARLOT INFECTED MY BABY BOY SHE BETTER WATCH HER BACK. IT WAS THAT CHERILEE TEACHER WASN'T IT? SHE'S PROBABLY GET HER KICKS OUT OF SEDUCING INNOCENT NAIVE STUDENTS. AND, wait a minute, you're just kidding me aren't you?" "Yeah, I'm just kidding mom, teeneagers have a universal right to panic their parents." We both then laughed. -------------------------------------------------------- We than drove up the driveway of Lyra's house. I turned to my mom. "You want to stay and meet Lyra and Bon-Bon? I'm sure you and they will get along fine." "Well, I don't want to stay around and ruin your date." "Mom, it's-" "-not a date, I know," my mom interrupted, "anyway, I would love to meet your new friends." Me and my mom than walked up to the door and I rang the doorbell. "I hope I don't have to wait a long time. I hate it when I ring the doorbell and everyone inside is upstairs or something." That certainly wasn't the case here, my finger wasn't off the doorbell when a the door opened and a green blur suddenly ran out and put two arms around me. The green blur resolved itself Lyra. For a second I relaxed and enjoyed having her arms around me... I was brought back to Earth when I heard a cell phone picture being taken, and my mother's voice saying, "so adorable!" But I then heard a man's voice coming from the house: "Whoa, Lyra; aren't you gonna let the poor boy breathe?" After that Lyra let go. "Sorry, I do get very excited sometimes." "It's fine, can me and my mom come in?" I gestured to my mother, who was putting her cell phone away. "Of Course" Me and my mother walked inside their house. Besides us and Lyra, there were two other people in the room. One was Bon-Bon sitting on one of three chairs at a desk with a bunch of textbooks. The other was a man. He held out a hand, "Hello, I'm Lyra's father." I shoke his hand. "Hello, I'm Henry von Moltke; and this is my mother, Jane von Moltke." My mother pushed her glasses up and said, "Nice to meet you." I looked at the desk where Bon-Bon was at. "I guess that's where the studying is at" Lyra replied, "Would you like to watch a movie first?" I heard Bon-Bon's voice break in, "Oh no you don't Lyra! We're not letting you get distracted again." "Your friend's right honey," lectured Mr. Heartstrings, "this boy very nicely took time out of his life to help you. You need to pay attention to your homework; after all, there's more to life than movies and tv shows." Lyra grumbled, "all right, fine." Wanting to cheer up, I said, "don't worry Lyra, every problem has a solution, and I know that together we can find it." Lyra then smiled, "I'm sure I'll be fine with you around", she said in a kind of seductive way. That definitely sent my heart a flutter. I also felt my face get warm, I'm probably blushing as well. Keeping a professional atmosphere, I walked over to the table. "I'm ready to begin anytime." Mr. Heartstrings looked at my mother, "Mrs. Von Moltke, would you like to watch tv with me, while our kids and Bon-Bon are studying?" My mother said "Please call me Jane, and that sounds nice" Lyra and I than took our seats. > 3. The Homework > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So Lyra, what period in history are we studying?", I asked as my mom and Mr. Heartstring left. "It was about the Greek resistance in WW2." I am a little familiar with that. We went over the facts. We learned about the various resistance movements like EAM, EKKA, etc. We also studied the occupiers; Germany, Italy (the italian part of greece became german occupied after Italy's surrender), and Bulgaria. And then the end of the Axis occupation when Bulgaria and Germany pulled out because of concern elsewhere. The Dodecanese Islands and parts of Crete remained occupied until the end of the war in Europe. Lyra stretched her arms and yawned, "Wow, there's a lot to know on his subject! I'm pretty sure I understand what I need to know to pass the quiz though." "You did great Lyra, I'm so proud of you!", beamed Bon Bon. She than hugged Lyra. They are so right for each other. I wish I could have a relationship like that. Without thinking, I blurted out, "You two are really cute together." That was stupid, now they're going to think I'm a creep or something! I'm such an idiot! Instead of being disguted however, they just smiled. Bon Bon patted the right side of her hair and said, "well, I try my best to be attractive, it's nice to know I suceeded. Lyra looked at me and said, "That's such a sweet thing to say, Henry" Thank goodness they're not offended, the last thing I want is to be thrown in jail like Bill Cosby. Well, time to ask the big question; "I know that dates are usually between only two people, but I was hoping that all three of us would go on a date sometime." Lyra got excited, "Yeah, that's sounds good. How about you; Bon Bon, we could take Henry to our lunch at the diner we go to every saturday?" Bon Bon nodded, "That would be great. She then wrote the address down on a sheet of paper for me. "Plus we got Pinkie Pie as a waitress there." Lyra responded, "What does that have to do with anything?" Bon Bon responded, " I like having one of the rainbooms around, in case of a magical attack." Lyra was putting her tetbooks away. "Oh yeah, good call. Hey, while we're waiting for elders to finish watching tv, I could play my harp for the both of you. I'll be right back, I just need to get to my room and back." Lyra ran upstairs. Bon-Bon looked at me, "I'm glad you came along, Lyra was feeling insecure about her looks. You calling her cute really made her happy." That took me by surprise, "She's insecure? That's crazy, she's one of the nicest, pretty girls I've ever met." Some lime green hands than grabbed me and spun me around. In front of me was Lyra, harp by her feet, who then kissed me on my lips. After the kiss was over, she said, "You're the most gallant, handsome boy I've ever met." Bon-Bon joined in the hug. Lyra giggled, then said, "And you are the most caring, lovely girl I know." Me and Bon Bon than listened to Lyra's harp performance. It was really good. After the performance was over, Bon Bon said, " We may not have won the rainbow rocks contest, but you'll always be a winner to me." Lyra smiled, "I'm only a winner because of the support of some wonderful people." She than went upstairs to put her harp away. Bon Bon looked at me. "Hey Henry, you want me to bake you some candy?" "You're into baking?" "Yeah! Why do you think my name is Bon Bon? "Where your parents psychic when they named you? "It was probably just a lucky guess on their part." "What are you planning on baking?" "Chocolate Bon Bon Candy" "That sounds good, I would love some." "Great!" Bon Bon immediately went to the kitchen. Lyra then came downstairs. "Where did Bon Bon go?" "She went into the kitchen to make chocolate bon bons" Lyra go a big smile on her face. "I love those candies." Pretty soon, candy smells were coming out of the kitchen. My mom and Mr. Heartstrings came in from the tv room as well. We all sat and waited for Bon Bon to finish her cooking. "Bon Bon is a good cook," Mr. Heartstrings said, "Bon Bon stays for sleepovers so much she just decided to keep some of her cooking supplies here as well as her own home." Bon Bon than bought out her candy and we all dug in. They were very good. Bon Bon then whispered to me, "These are for calling me cute, no one compliments me without getting a reward." We then smiled at each other. I looked at my mom, "was there anything good on tv?" After swallowing the candy, my mother said, "We just watched the news. It's the usual reporters and president getting mad at each other." I replied, "Are you talking Donald Trump?" "No, It was the president of Post Chemicals." I got to my fourth Bon Bon candy when I decided it would be the last for the night. I want to look good for my new girlfriends, after all. My mom proclaimed, "this was a wonderful time, but It's time for me and Henry to go home." It's a shame to leave, I had such a nice time here. But then again, there's always the future, with many more encounters to come. My mom got up and walked to the car. I then walked outside, followed by Lyra and Bon Bon. Bon Bon hugged Lyra and me. She then said, "It's time for me to go home as well." She then let us go. I then walked to the car. I heard then say, "Goodnight, new boyfriend." "Goodnight, ladies." I got in the car. My mom got excited. "Did they say boyfriend?" "Yes, Mom," I said as I felt my blushing return, "We are going to a diner on saurday." "That's Wonderful!" We than drove home. > 4. Romance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went to the Sweet Snacks Cafe. Once inside, I saw Lyra and Bon-Bon sitting on opposite sides of a table. Lyra was sitting on the bench weird, she was sitting on all fours, rear pointing to the wall, face pointing the opposite, like a four-legged animal, such as a pony. "Hey, ladies,", I said while siting down. Lyra grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. Lyra looked at me, "It has been way too long since we last met." She then kissed my lips. Bon-Bon smirked, "You gonna let Henry breathe anytime soon?" Lyra broke off the kiss, "Hey, this is my first boyfriend, I am going to enjoy him!" She winked at me, and altered her sitting position, sitting rightway up. I then put my arm around her, she then sighs happily as I sniff her hair. "Hey you lovebirds, the waitress is here", said Bon-Bon. I looked and saw Pinkie Pie smiling, "Sorry to interrupt, but my grumpy-wumpy boss does not like it when people stay here to long without ordering our yummy food!" That is fair, I thought, If we are in the restaurant taking up space, we should order something. I reassured her, "It is okay, I understand." We then all give our orders. Pinkie Pie then goes to the kitchen. "I was kind of wondering how this will work," I say. Lyra stated," We just need to wait a while and then the food will come." "No, I mean our relationship. How will it operate?" Bon-Bon replied, "me and Lyra view it as a threesome, where the three of us just enjoy the other's company." I do like the sound of it. Eventually, Pinkie Pie comes out with the food. It seems unusual how accessible our local super heroes are. Usually, superheroes are only seen when they are needed. And when they are not, they are in their secret identities. But ours do not seem concerned with being publicly known. Anyone can just walk up and talk to them at school like any other student. ONE YEAR LATER DURING SPRING BREAK Me with Lyra and Bon-Bon were in the city park. I have always liked the place. Me and the ladies have made it a regular habit of going there. We play fetch with Lyra's dog with a frisbee. Other times, we just hang out. Our favorite spot is a secluded spot by a creek with a giant tree to provide shade. We would all lie there, Bon-Bon in the middle, me resting my head on her right shoulder, Lyra's head on Bon-Bon's left shoulder. I have been wondering about my future. What happens when I get older and I went to get married. Will I have to choose between one or the other? Because of my upbringing and beliefs, I do not wish to practise polygamy. I am worried that one of them will feel left out. Will of them become jealous, even hate me? Neither of the girls seem to have any sinister shadow in their personalities. Then again, a lot of seemingly normal people have gone on rampages recently. Just then I felt Bon-Bon's hand petting my head, and my worries went away. Sure, things could go bad, but they could also could go good. I will worry about future decisions in the appropriate time. For now, life is good. Eventually, we go to my house. Inside, I find a note saying my parents were out, and dinner was in the fridge. It was three boxes of pizza. "Sweet, your parents got us pizza like I asked," said Bon-Bon. We than got into our evening routine, eating dinner while watching a movie or tv on demand. We never really do anything sexual. I once talked to Lyra and Bon-Bon about it. Bon-Bon said, "I kinda want to concentrate on my career first. I have made plans to start baking with Pinkie Pie. After the business is established and on its feet I made consider being a mother." Lyra was the opposite, "I have always wanted to be a mother, ever since I was little. I do want to wait until after high school graduation before that though." I for one would like to be a father one day. I have plenty of ideas for baby names. Jane, Nicole, Jodie and Kate would be good girls names. Good boys names would be Lloyd, Whitney, Malcolm, Vincent, Jack, Julius, Paul, Richard, Len, Mort, Archie, Robert, Mike, Marv, Roy, Murray, Sheldon, Roger, George, Edward, Robert, William, Horace, Carmine, Gil, Joseph, Michael, Gardner, Alvin, Lew, Jonathan, Perry, Timothy, Eric, Keith, Wayne, Curt, Stan, Edward, Neal, Dennis, James, Jim, Winslow, Edmond, David, Parick, Thomas, Peter, Colin, Sylvester, Christopher, Matt, Peter, Samuel, Otto, Kurt, Doug, Gerry, Neal, Jeffrey, Dennis, or Elliot. Anyway, we are very chaste. We rarely even see each other in our underwear! We do sleep together sometimes, but in fully clothed pajamas. Our parents trust us to not do anything irresponsible also. If we break their trust, it might ruin our relationship with them, which would be tragic. We love our parents too much too hurt them like that. This time we did spent the night in the guest room, but nothing lewd happened. Usually in the morning, Bon-Bon wakes up before me and Lyra to cook breakfast for us. She usually to makes wheat cereal, although on sunays she makes waffles. Today is a saturday, so we just had cereal. We then went to Equestria land. We decided to spend most of the day there. We stay away Flim and Flam's booth, since there are rumors that their games are rigged. The roller coasters are always good. My favorite ride will always be the ferris wheel. We like to eat at the restaurants they have at the carvinal. There are plenty to choose from, Mcdonald's, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Shoney's, Hardees, Arbys, Cracker Barrel, Subway, Pizza Hit, Dominoes, Wendy's, Papa John's, etc. Lyra and Bon-Bon then took me home, before going home themselves.