> Celestia's fight ! > by PrincessSunsetShimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Celestia's fight as a filly! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia woke up by the soft royal guard's voice , the guard was a female pony who once saved Celestia. Then a frantic voice called to the daydreaming filly. "Princess .....your .......sister.....has .......gone.......CRAZY!!" screamed a scared female guard. Celestia snapped out of daydreaming and bolted to the door of her beautiful bedroom. When she opened the door a pale blue pony in shinning spotless armor. Celestia found Luna in the thrown room. "Luna what are you doing ?" said Celestia letting her voice raise . ' you think I would sit in my room doing nothing well Your Ponies Enjoy your light and they sleep in my night!?" The chocolate white filly watched in horror as her younger sister raised the moon, forcing Celestia to lower the sun. Celestia fell down and fainted from shook . Celestia's dream Celestia looked around she was in the middle of nowhere all she could see was white and black. Then she saw Luna . Celestia opened her mouth and tried to talk but nothing came out . Celestia looked closer at Luna , it seemed she was coming closer, Celestia got more scared the closer her little sister came. Luna was inches away , soon only a inch away, then Luna stepped on Celestia. After her dream Celestia found her self in her bedroom , and she heard loud panting , she dared to look in the side of her room. It was Six little fillies looking at the Princess. Celestia tried to walk over to the six ponies she had never saw , but she looked down and saw she was tied to a pole . "Who are you" hissed Celestia. The fillies quickly ran to the side of the room, they tried to hide using each other . Knowing she had scared the fillies , Celestia untied herself and ran over. " I didn't mean to scare you" said Celestia. The fillies looked up at the Alicorn with her wings out. After the fillies explained they were trapped in the locked room by Nightmare Moon. They all did not know how to use their flight or magic yet. "Alright, alright" chuckled Celestia. "Let's start over, I'm Princess Celestia," "I'm Twilight Sparkle" said a little purple unicorn. "Your Royalty " Quickly added the filly as she went in such a big curtsy , she fell over. "I'm Rainbow Dash" said a bight blue pony with wings and a rainbow mane. "I'm Rarity" said a fancy unicorn. "I'm AppleJack " said a country Earth pony. "I'm am Pinkie Pie" said a bight pink , fast talking Earth pony. "Ok " said the Princess. " WHO'S READY TO FIGHT NIGHTMARE MOON!" yelled the suddenly feeling sick Alicorn. Before anything else Celestia fell to the floor! Half an hour later First thing the little princess saw was a yellow filly with wings and a ice pack. "What happened" asked Celestia. "You fainted from a panic attack" said Twilight. Soon the team were in the recovery room. Then the thrown room . The six little fillies grabbed Nightmare Moons hoof and pulled, well Celestia grabbed her horn so she could not do magic. "Get the Elements" called the Alicorn filly , trying to hold her sister to the floor. "Not so fast !" yelled Nightmare moon. Before the young fillies could get the Elements , Night mare moon smashed them! Celestia stared at her young sister and Night mare moon stared at her. Then they made a run for it! "Why are we running?" Asked ,the fillies. "Because....I...I dont know why but I think it's a sign for something good, hopefully ." Sighed the Alicorn. Celestia noticed the fillies were tired . "Your tired huh?" Celestia asked . "Yeah.." come the reply. "Come with me then!" Said Celestia. She lead them to her beautiful bedroom. The fillies looked at Celestia's huge day bed. Then the sat on the ground , and tryed to get comfy to sleep. The Princess stared at them then said. "You guys can sleep on my bed of you want." That was all the fillies needed to hear. They ran on to her bed , and in mintutes they were fast alsleep. Celestia seen as soon as she met the fillies that they were left to starve by them selfs and no parent or guarden. She knew she could only keep one but it was hard to chose . Then she heard sinster cackling. Nightmare Moon! How could she let that slip her mind?! She left the fillies to sleep as she went to fight this Nightmare. One hour later Twilight was the first pony to wake up she looked for Celestia in the room. She was nowhere to be seen. Then Twilight heard Celestia scream. Twilight ran as fast as she could. She found Celestia in the thrown room with Nightmare Moon . Celestia did not see Twilight. Twilight grabbed the elements and tried everything. Then she tried relaxing with them and as if she were an Alicorn herself, the elements rose . Taking her with them . Celestia watched in shock as the young purple filly aimed the elements at Nightmare Moon . Each color from the elements struck Nightmare Moon. She was reformed into Luna who was just as surpised as her older sister was in how Twilight used the elements. By now Twilight was laying on the ground . Celestia carried Twilight back to her room in an bubble on golden aura. Then she carefully put Twilight on the bed with the other fillies. A week later. "Today I would like to say that the filly who stays in the Castle with me and Luna is..........Twilight Sparkle!" said Celestia. Twilight smiled at the crowd as Celestia picked her up yet again in her golden aura. Celestia realized Twilight and her friends were only babies. Ponies adopted all the remaining fillies and Celestia let Twilight sleep in her room . Twilight was happy. Twilight felt free from the life she had only days ago. She felt liked a Princess in the sunset becoming better then before but she knew she would never be a Princess. But......Celestia knew something Twilight didnt ,She could be a future Princess! > Twilight has to go to Ponyville > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was so happy in Cantorlot, getting breakfast in bed, learning magic, and even watching Celestia raise the Sun. One day unlike any other in Equestria, Celestia Raised the Sun in front of every pony who comes. That day was almost here . Twilight was reading some books on the history of Equestria. Suddenly something got her eye. It was about NightMare Moon. Twilight started reading.Night mare Moon was defeated tonight. But what I fear is that she can and will come back to get revenge . That night is unknown. But what I know is that the stars will aid her escape . Celestia. I know have more info about night mare moon she will escape on the 1000th night after her banishment. Twilight started to panic. It was the 998th day after NightMare Moon's banishment. "Spike! " Twilight said to her dragon,she had hatched in Magic School. "A note to The Princess please! " "Yes, Twilight! " Spike said. "Dear Princess Celestia, I believe that I may have found one of your old journals . I didn't know that, I thought it was just a book so I read it. It contained info about Night Mare Moon. I fear that today is the 998th day after her banishment. Legend has it that she will return on the 1000th day. I hope you know what I mean. Twilight Sparkle " "Done" replied Spike. Moments later Spike started coughing and a note come out. "Wow, talk about speed mail! That was fast! " Twilight Exclaimed. Twilight, quickly reads though the note. "I need to go to Ponyville ,and make friends?! " Screamed Twilight. She ran with Spike on her back all the way to the castle. "Princess! Why do I ha-" "Twilight I am very happy you read that book. But that was years ago. It's just a myth, and you need to go to Ponyville because I need you to check the decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration. Also try to make friends." "Yes, Celestia. " Twilight Said. Later Twilight packed a small suitcase for when she was going to Ponyville. All she packed was books, Smarty Pants, More books, a pillow and even more books. "I'm ready, Princess. " Whispered Twilight. "Okay, walk down the hall and I will fly you down to Ponyville." Said Celestia. Twilight was soon in a flying cart, but much more elegant. Upon landing, Twilight met a pink pony, who looked like she had a sugar rush. "Hello, You must be new! If you won't I would know you! Oh, I am Pinkie Pie! " Said the pony. "Any chance you know what pony around here is doing the decorations for the Summer Sun Celebration?" Twilight said. "Oh that's me! " "Well you did a g-great job. " Twilight really didn't want to say that because it looked as if somepony had come with a paint brush, and just painted the town. Walking down the path Twilight got knocked to the ground by a flying pony. "Hey! " Yelled Twilight. "You hit me! " "Gee, relax " Said a pony who had a rainbow hair and blue coat. "And , you are meant to be clearing the sky? Your just sitting on a cloud! " "Ha ha, my names Rainbow Dash for a reason. I can clear that sky in ten seconds flat! " "Prove it." Rainbow Dash leaped of the cloud and sonic rainboomed while kicking clouds. "Done" "Woah, that was fast! Bye, I have to check out the other decorations. " "bye" Twilight was walking down to Sweet Apple Acres. Suddenly a young country pony popped out of a barn. "Howdy, I'm AppleJack! Wanna join us for a brunch? "Said the country pony. "Uhh, Sure." So Twilight sat down to eat so lunch. After she ate she calmly said goodbye and left. Ticking the last thing on her list she thought it was the end she could stay in the Golden Oke Library and the next day she could leave. But unfortunately she thought wrong. A pony who had a purple mane dragged Twilight inside. "Darling, I insist I give you a mane style." Finally Twilight could go back to the library. She was walking down the path and she ran into this pony. "Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going. I am Twilight Sparkle. What is your name? " "I.. I'm F.. Fluttershy " The pony reply so quietly Twilight could not hear. "Excuse me, I couldn't hear you " Fluttershy seen Spike. "OMG I have never seen a baby dragon before! What's your name? "She said much louder than before. At the Golden Oke Library, Twilight opened the door. It was dark. Then she seen the whole town in the library. "Surprise! " yelled Pinkie Pie. It was almost like the whole town was in the room.