> Silence Is Golden > by TrixterCat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > But Laughter Is Eternal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “EEK! N-not there!” “Then where Ms. Pie? Perhaps here?” “AHAHAHA NOOO! E-e-espECIAlly not the-ere!” Pinkie wailed between giggles, desperately trying to wiggle away from the feathers that were currently assaulting her poor ears. A futile effort, as there were dozen others dancing around her in rhythm to the Sun Princess’ hums, ready to strike at her most vulnerable, and ticklish, points whenever Celestia so pleased. The sun diarch had a wicked smile on her face as she relentlessly tormented Pinkie with her arsenal of feathers collected from all over Equestria. It was a rare occasion that allowed Celestia to indulge in more fun activities, and she was going to make the most out of this fortunate situation. “I appear to be at loss Ms. Pie. I’ve tried here...” The alicorn explained mischievously as a feather brushed past Pinkie’s nose, making it twitch madly. “Here…” Another two feathers ran down pink pony’s sides, eliciting a surprised gasp from her as her back arched. “And here,” Celestia finished, bringing feathers down on the undersides of each of Pinkie’s hooves. She let out a loud ‘eep’ before starting to giggle madly. “Yet you seem to suggest that I’m not allowed to tickle any of these spots. Hmm…” Celestia mused, an all too pleased grin on her face as her implements of doom continued their work. “AHAHA! Ma-maybe yOU S-SHouldn’t ti- EEK!” Pinkie let out another gasp as the feathers switched their target from Pinkie’s hooves to her belly. “Yeees?” “MAYBEYOUSHOULDN’TTICKLEMEATALL AHAHAHAHA! NOOOO!” Pinkie screamed in laughter as the army of feathery devils descended upon her barrel in full force. “Shouldn’t tickle you at all?” Celestia gasped in mock horror. “You have some very silly ideas Ms. Pie.” Celestia moved two of the feathers under Pinkie’s forelegs. “AHAHAHA MERCY MERCY!” Pinkie begged between barks of laughter as her body twisted and turned to try to get away from the feathers to allow her even a moment’s respite from the tickling. “Oh fine,” Celestia relented and made an exaggerated show of rolling her eyes. Most of the feathers stopped tickling the poor mare, but Celestia left a few to do lazy, light circles on the bakers belly. “Ahaha...hehe…” Pinkie tried to adjust herself better as she took in gulps of air. “You can really only blame yourself for the predicament you are in,” Celestia playfully admonished Pinkie, poking her ticklish spots with her hoof. Pinkie let out several short ‘eeps’. “What I told you is a state secret after all. I must use every available method to keep it as such.” Celestia’s continued poking caused Pinkie to begin giggling again. “Y-you c-c-could bribe me with pastry instead?” Pinkie suggested and was rewarded with even more poking. “Heavens no Ms. Pie. I would never use such corrupt methods to ensure a pony’s silence. Besides,” Celestia stopped for a moment, only for long enough so that Pinkie had time to notice how all the feathers had gathered around her again. “I think this is far more enjoyable,” she grinned, and sent forth her implements to continue their wicked torture on Pinkie’s legs. “NOOOO! I promise the cake will work!” Pinkie tried in vain and soon succumbed to guffawing madness again. “Perhaps I should add ‘attempted coercing of royalty into committing felony’ to your list of charges,” Celestia said over the laughter. “I’m sorry Ms. Pie, but that means I have use more heavy hoofed methods now.” Celestia grinned, and positioned herself closer to Pinkie. “H-huh?” Pinkie managed to focus her gaze on Celestia through the tears of laughter and noticed the positively evil smile on her face. Celestia slowly brought her muzzle closer to Pinkie’s stomach “Ah! N-no, n-not that!” she pleaded, understanding exactly what Celestia was planning. “Too late,” she joyfully exclaimed, before bringing her muzzle down, and blowing hard on Pinkie’s belly. “Aaaahhh!” Celestia’s eyes shot open from the sudden moan. The feathers fell away as the Princess’s magic sputtered for a moment, and an awkward silence settled in on the room and nopony so much as moved, until Celestia lifted her head to look at Pinkie Pie. The pink mare’s face had taken on an expression of surprised horror, and both of them could only lock eyes as they took a moment to understand what had happened. Slowly, Celestia’s countenance relaxed, before a large, sweet smile formed. Pinkie immediately blushed all the way to her ears. “Pinkie Pie, my sweet little pony,” Celestia began, shuffling closer to her captive, who turned her head away. “That sound you just made,” she continued, dipping her head down, “It wouldn’t have happened to be…” Celestia slowly brought her face right next to Pinkie’s ear, “...a moan?” Celestia quietly asked. Both of Pinkie’s ears immediately clamped against her skull, as she sheepishly turned towards the sun diarch. “N-no?” “Are you sure?” Celestia questioned, keeping her voice quiet and soothing. She placed her left fore hoof on Pinkie’s barrel, gently stroking her. “I have to admit, during the many times I’ve used my ‘special measures’, nopony has ever reacted with such a… delighted sound,” The Sun Princess said with a teasing smile. She dragged her hoof to Pinkie’s chin, lifting her head so that they were nose to nose. “But perhaps I simply heard wrong.” “Ehehe...umm…” Pinkie nervously mumbled. Celestia used her magic to bring forth a few of her feathers again, levitating them to tickle Pinkie’s hind legs. This time, however, they were positioned closer to more intimate areas. The baker inhaled sharply when she felt them brush against her inner thighs. “Well, Ms. Pie?” “I uh….ahaha! Mm, uhh…” Pinkie found it hard to concentrate on a reply as two more feathers joined in, dancing atop her cutie mark. Seeing as how her prey had seemingly lost the ability to speak momentarily, Celestia leaned closer to Pinkie’s ear again, and started to nuzzle the back of it. She didn’t need to do much goading to get Pinkie to turn her head away again, allowing her better access to tease the baker as much as she wanted. The Princess started by gently nuzzling the base of Pinkie’s ear, then moving upwards and blowing a little bit of air against its rim before licking them, and finally nibbling the tip. Each new action was punctuated by a hum of pleasure from Pinkie, although a subdued one. Since there were no objections coming forth from her captive, Celestia switched to nuzzling again, and began to move downwards from Pinkie’s ear. The pink mares breathing started to get heavier as Celestia moved down her neck, giving the occasional kiss or bite as she went. However, she soon took note how quiet Pinkie was under her ministrations. This needed rectifying. As she started to inch her way down Pinkie’s barrel, Celestia brought the rest of her army of feathers back to life. One by one, they were added together with the rest the further down Celestia went. It didn’t take many until Pinkie’s silent moans turned back to giggles, and to full laughter as the diarch reached her belly. “Good to see that you are enjoying yourself,” Celestia said in a seductive voice, slowing the feathers down as she sat upright. Pinkie’s laughter decreased to giggles, but otherwise she kept quiet. Her eyes were closed, but the Princess could see a new blush forming on her. Celestia used her magic to remove the fuzzy hoofcuffs that she had used to tie down Pinkie’s hind legs, and moved to gain a better access to her lower end. Celestia smacked both of her front hooves against the sides of Pinkie’s butt, making her yelp and lift her head to look. Celestia kneaded Pinkie’s rump while giving her a lecherous smile. “And it would seem...” she continues, suddenly lifting the pink mare’s hind legs up, leaving her completely exposed, “...someone wants me to keep going.” “Ahaha…” Pinkie shyly chuckled, averting her eyes. Seeing this, Celestia switched to a more gentle smile. “If you want me to stop, all you need to say is ‘no’,” she said, lowering her head down and resting it right next to Pinkie’s crotch. “...I was just, u-umm...n-not expecting…” Pinkie mumbled quietly, her hind legs twitching nervously a few times. The Princess gave her a calming smile, lifting her head to look at Pinkie’s wet pussy, which seemed to be desperate for attention. Celestia was all too happy to oblige. She started by giving it a few brief kisses, moving up and down, each one followed by a gasp from Pinkie, who was trying her best not to squirm. After a few moments of teasing, Celestia moved to Pinkie’s clitoris, licking and suckling it. She could feel Pinkie’s hind legs jerk, wanting to straighten out, but she had a good grasp of them and kept them in place. It didn’t take long for Pinkie to start panting heavily, and also a ever increasing number of moans to escape her lips. It all felt so good, only compounded by how incredibly sexy it was to have Princess Celestia between your legs. She really had to  fight to not reflexively attempt to shove herself against Celestia’s muzzle. Celestia switched tactics again, running her tongue across the entire length of Pinkie’s pussy, only lightly pressing against it at first, but adding pressure with each passing. At the same time, she summoned two of her feathers, which she made run up and down Pinkie’s sides in rhythm with her. “You didn’t forget you were being punished, did you?” the sun diarch teased, before continuing. Pinkie had really hard time staying still, involuntarily arching her back each time the feathers hit her ticklish spots, which caused Celestia to have to grip her harder to keep her in place. Her moans got louder and louder as Celestia’s tongue pushed in more and more with each passing. “Harder…” Pinkie pleaded, but the Princess kept her current pace, pushing her tongue in, dragging it across slowly, and finally flicking the tip against Pinkie’s clit. Despite the pleasure, the slowness felt agonizing to Pinkie, as she could feel herself getting closer to an orgasm, but Celestia seemingly wanted to drag it out on purpose. When the sun diarch noticed Pinkie getting closer, she slowly started lifting Pinkie’s rump in to the air, and plunging her tongue as far in to the pink mare’s dripping hole as she could. Pinkie dropped all pretense of trying to hold back, moaning loudly and trying to grind herself against Celestia’s muzzle as much as she could in her position. Soon her entire lower end was in the air, and Celestia could feel she was right at the edge of climax. Then she stopped. “Hah, huh…? Nooo, don’t stop…” Pinkie moaned pitifully. “Don’t be so hasty, Ms. Pie. Neither one of us is in a rush,” Celestia answered, pulling her head back, and powering her horn. There was a light popping sound as Celestia summoned something new. “I was so close…” Pinkie lamented, before letting out a short squeal as something cool and rigid was suddenly wrapped around her hips, and something padded around her crotch. She angled her head to see just in time how Celestia clicked a belt of some kind in place, flicking the small lock with her hoof. “Wha…?” “Just something to make sure you endure your entire punishment. You aren’t allowed to finish until I let you. I want to have my fun as well.” Celestia whispered, pressing their noses together, and licking her lips. Pinkie gulped and chuckled nervously, wondering what would happen next. Powering up her horn again, Celestia channeled her magic around the both of them, finishing with a flash of light. Clearing her vision, Pinkie found herself sitting on a floor of a different room now. Gone were the white and golden colors adorning most of the palace rooms. They were replaced with gray stone walls with no windows and furniture with a deep red motif to most pieces. While not as homely as Celestia’s private chambers, the room still made Pinkie feel calm. Until she took a closer look and understood exactly what she was looking at. “Is that a heart shaped bed?” she had to ask. “Why yes it is, Ms. Pie. Do you like it?” “Well… It’s uh...umm…” Pinkie tried to think of a way to say how horribly cliche it was without the fear that Celestia might leave the belt on her for the rest of the day. “It’s horrible, isn’t it?” the Princess tittered. “...Kinda. Sorry,” Pinkie apologized while attempting to stand up. It took some effort since her legs felt like jelly, and wobbled almost as much. “It’s all right. I mostly keep it around to see how those few who get to see it react, and because it conveys well what is about to happen next.” Celestia circled Pinkie, dragging her wing across the mare’s back and rump. “That you are going to get teased,” Celestia continued, slapping Pinkie’s rump with her wing, causing a small moan to escape the mare. “Tormented.” Another slap, followed by a kiss on the base of Pinkie’s tail. “And ravished.” “Mmm-m,” Pinkie mumbled, her tail swishing happily from side to side. “However, before we get to that…” Celestia nudged Pinkie to turn around, where the pink mare spotted a number of odd items, with many including chains or cuffs. “I enjoy this part a great deal,” Celestia whispered right in to Pinkie’s ear. “I let you decide in which of these I strap you in.” Pinkie couldn’t help herself from pawing the ground in a mixture of nervousness and excitement as she looked over the devious devices. The first thing to catch her eye was the large ‘X’ shaped stand. There were metallic cuffs at each end, and it didn’t take a Twilight to figure out how the Princess would strap her on that one. It would leave her completely open for tickling, just like she had been on the table, but she would be standing upright, which would put her on the same eye level with the Princess. Maybe she would kiss me a lot, Pinkie thought, imagining how Celestia would do that wonderful thing where she slowly kissed her way down Pinkie’s neck to her barrel, all the while teasing her with- Pinkie shifted her hind legs and tried to dispel the images from her head before she would accidentally daydream herself in to a climax. The next thing to draw her attention was the large wooden stock. It was made of dark wood and looked strong enough to hold any kind of pony in place, yet it seemed like it would be oddly comfortable. Pinkie felt herself immediately heat up again imagining how it would leave her rump exposed for Celestia to do whatever she wished. She would start with spanking and running her hooves down her legs, she would knead in to her cheeks, kissing and teasing me, reminding me how the belt was still in place, before she would remove it, a-and maybe Celestia would have one of those t-toys, and she would mount me, and- Pinkie let out a strained sigh, sifting her legs again in a vain hope it would alleviate the need she was feeling. She quickly started examining the numerous manacles that were suspended from the ceiling by silvery chains. There were so many in different sizes, and since they seemed to be adjustable, you could have a pony hanging enjoyably in any position you wanted with those, probably even upside down. Pinkie had to wonder what it would feel like to be suspended in the air while making out. What if all the movement would accidentally cause her to swing around? Maybe Celestia would only hang her front legs in the air, and she’d had to stand on her own while Celestia spanks her, prolonging her punishment if she can’t. She would make her beg to remove the belt, not granting her any pleasure until she is done, and then- Darn it brain! “Have you decided, my little pony?” Celestia asked, bringing Pinkie back to reality. “From your scent, I’d say there was something you liked,” she teased. Pinkie turned towards her with a sheepish smile, before turning her gaze back to the myriad of devices. There were a few more items in the mix that she had no idea what the purpose of them was, but fearing that any more daydreaming may cause her to start dripping down her legs, she disregarded them. “Ah...umm… M-maybe...t-that one?” she quietly said, pointing at the stocks. Celestia simply smiled devilishly and lead Pinkie to them with her wing. With a few deft motions and the clicks of locks, the pink mare was snugly secured, her fore hooves and head locked on one side and her rump on the other. However, what Pinkie hadn’t anticipated was a metal bar placed between her hooves and attached to them, forcing her to keep her hind legs separated. “What a tantalizing view,” Celestia commented with a wide grin, unable to stop herself from placing a few kisses on Pinkie’s posterior and tail. “Nopony could resist it.” She dragged her hoof across Pinkie’s chastity belt teasingly, reminding Pinkie that as long as it was in place, Celestia probably wouldn’t allow her to cum. “We just need to add one more thing.” Pinkie’s tail swished in agitation as she heard Celestia step away for a moment, leaving her to listen to her own breathing for over a half a minute. She could hear Celestia tip toe around the room, and had no idea what she was planning next. She nearly called out to the Princess when everything fell silent, but just then she heard the distinct sound of magic being used. Soon, a bit gag and a blindfold levitated right before her. Without saying a word, Celestia started caressing Pinkie’s hind legs, drawing her wings up and down them, while planting the occasional kiss on her rump. She kept it up for a while before slowly putting the blindfold on Pinkie. The bit gag came on equally gently as well, with Pinkie seeing no reason to object. She was way beyond caring, focusing entirely what Celestia was doing to her rear end rather than the front. Moving on from her legs, Celestia next switched to running the tips of her wings against Pinkie’s rump and her left side, which were followed by muffled squeals. She ran both wings across the entire length of Pinkie’s body, doing a small circle at the end, and doing the same in reverse.. Pinkie was thrashing about in the stocks, trying to get away from the tickling, but all she could do was laugh past the gag. Celestia kept teasing the poor mare, pausing to kiss and play with Pinkie’s rump whenever she reached it, before continuing on past it to the other side of her. She passed from side to side almost a dozen times before stopping behind Pinkie. She lowered her head down and ran her tongue up Pinkie’s thigh. “You are absolutely dripping,” she said loud enough for Pinkie to hear. There were small streaks going down Pinkie’s legs, causing Celestia to smile to herself. She straightened back up again, and proceeded to spank the pink mare’s bottom with her wings. “You really enjoy this, don’t you?” There was an equal measure of pained gasps and moans coming from Pinkie as Celestia kept going. “Being held in place, your bouncy little rump free for anypony to play with.” Celestia punctuated her point with a few slaps from her hooves, hard enough to leave a red mark. “How utterly delightful,” Celestia finished, moving back to kissing Pinkie’s behind and running her wings across her legs. Pinkie moaned, wishing that Celestia would just remove the darn belt already, but the Princess kept teasing her. She was helplessly swinging her hips from side to side as Celestia moved around, and even wrapping her tail on to the diarch’s shoulders. “Getting impatient?” Pinkie heard Celestia laugh. “You have been a good filly, perhaps a reward is in order.” Pinkie heard the Princess walk around her, and she soon entered her field of vision. The Princess leaned closer to kiss Pinkie’s forehead. “It will be a bit surprising, so don’t panic,” she calmly explained, before channeling power in to her horn. At first nothing happened, but then Pinkie jerked in surprise as she felt something very warm slowly enter her, despite the belt still being in place. For a moment she thought she might cum right there, but her body being locked in place prevented her from pushing against the whatever it was that was filling her up, leaving her to moan in agony. “How is it?” Celestia asked, not able to hide her playfully evil grin. “I used my magic to create it, it should be very snug.” Celestia pushed the belt with her magic, eliciting a deep moan from Pinkie. “Do you want me to remove it?” she asked. Her voice might have been innocent, but she needed to make sure Pinkie was okay with it, which she was, deducing from her rapidly shaking head and heavy panting. Celestia returned to the other side of the stocks, running her wings across Pinkie’s back as she did. She rested her head against Pinkie, nuzzling and gently biting her, while enveloped her in a feathery hug and reaching over with one hoof to pull Pinkie’s cheeks, ensuring that the stallion toy she had created with her magic would tease Pinkie in all the right places. She didn’t want to spend too much time on it thought, knowing how Pinkie must have been dying to cum already. After nuzzling her way to Pinkie’s tail, she positioned herself right behind Pinkie, facing the same direction. She then started walking forward while still nuzzling and kissing Pinkie’s spine, her height allowing her to get on top of Pinkie with her hooves still on the ground. She could feel how Pinkie wanted to react to her movement, arching her back and turning her head to face her, but the restraints kept her mostly locked in place. She could only lean slightly against one of Celestia’s legs, and her tail curling around another. Celestia made sure to keep her stance wide enough so that she was putting some of her weight on Pinkie’s back, but not much. She craned her neck over the stocks to blow against Pinkie’s ear, making it flick madly, and forcing a playful snort from the mare. Adjusting herself better, the Princess started to slowly rub herself against Pinkie, moving forward and backward, pressing her hips against Pinkie’s. With slight difficulty, she also reached over enough to nibble the mare’s ears, who was now moaning loudly from behind the gag. Lines of drool dripped from Pinkie’s mouth as she focused entirely on the rhythmic movement of the dominant alicorn. Once again Celestia could easily feel how Pinkie wanted to press against her as much as possible, but only managing slight movement of her rump. “Do you like it Pinkie? How does it feel? Does it feel like I’m rutting you?” Celestia asked seductively. She sped up her movement, pressing harder against Pinkie, and wrapping her wings around her barrel. She could her a few muffled cries of laughter before they were replaced by groans of pleasure again. Wanting to tease her just a bit more, Celestia rubbed her feathers against Pinkie’s belly and underarms while slowing down her rocking back and forth. “Mmm! Homh hofh!” She could hear her complain as Pinkie tried to moan and laugh at the same time. “Hmm? What’s that? I’m sorry Pinkie, but I couldn’t understand a word you said,” Celestia mischievously informed, slowing down even more. She continued ruffling her feathers against Pinkie’s sides and stomach, eventually making Pinkie involuntarily try to buck her off. “Mmmmrrrhhh,” Pinkie murmured, feeling the stallion toy dig deep in to her. “Getting a little feisty, are we?” Celestia playfully growled, suddenly slapping her hips against Pinkie’s again, the stocks rattling slightly from the sudden movement. “If only I wasn’t mounting you, you would deserve a few more smacks on that bright red rump of yours.” Celestia lifted her forelegs on to the stocks, and used it to pull herself harder against Pinkie repeatedly, a loud slapping sound echoing in the room. She summoned her magic again, directing it to the belt Pinkie was wearing, and making her magic stallion toy burst with warmth every time their hips connected. It had the desired effect as Pinkie let out a passionate cry every time. Once she was sure that Pinkie was getting close again, Celestia slowed down, lowering herself on to all fours and enveloping Pinkie in another hug. She could hear her breathing very hard, and she was desperately trying to bring herself off by bouncing her rump up and down, but to no avail. The belt and the toy inside it kept her at the edge, but it wasn’t enough to bring her to an orgasm. Once Pinkie stopped moving, Celestia gently got off from on top of her, and strutted in to her field of vision. She used her hooves to take of the gag from her captive. “Hmmh,” Celestia hummed, kissing Pinkie on the nose. “You have been enduring your punishment admirably Pinkie. And like a good little filly, you didn’t cum,” Celestia said with a teasing smile, making the stallion toy flare with heat for just a moment. Pinkie let out a short ‘eep’. Celestia could imagine a pair of pleading eyes behind the blindfold. “I think you have deserved a reward.” Celestia summoned her magic, removing Pinkie from the stocks and taking off the spreader bar between her hind legs, but leaving the cloth covering her eyes. Celestia walked to a pile of pillows against a wall, levitating Pinkie with her, and sat down so that she was comfortably leaning back. She placed the squirming mare right on to her lap, Pinkie’s back against Celestia’s barrel, while she summoned the fuzzy hoofcuffs from earlier. Pinkie took the opportunity to relax her body as much as possible, leaning fully against Celestia’s barrel. If it wasn’t for the throbbing toy invading her private area, she might have been content to fall asleep right there and then. With two clicks, the hoofcuffs were once again attached to Pinkie’s forelegs, and powering up her magic even more, Celestia started to pull the cuffs upwards. Pinkie had to adjust herself so she was sitting upright, and as Celestia kept going, she had to stand up on her unsteady hind legs. Celestia supported her with her own hooves, as exhaustion was evident on the pink mare’s features, and she wouldn’t have been able to stand unassisted. Pinkie could feel the Princess starting to nuzzle her lower back while bringing her wings to tickle her sides once again. At this point she had no qualms about voicing her pleasure what so ever, and groaned lustfully. Celestia pressed one of her fore hooves against the soaked front of the chastity belt, pushing it against Pinkie’s pussy. Pinkie’s legs wobbled as the pleasure hit her, and she had to concentrate with everything she had to stay up right. After a moment of regaining her strength, Pinkie begun to grind herself against Celestia’s hoof. As Pinkie started to pick up speed, Celestia sped up her tickling, running the tips of her feathers up and down Pinkie’s sides, and using her magic to make the stallion toy pulse each time as well. Spotting an opportunity, she also wrapped her neck against Pinkie’s hip, allowing her to reach over and run her tongue across Pinkie’s belly, tickling her even further. Celestia could hear Pinkie trying to say something, but each attempt was drowned out by her loud moans and giggles, all her effort focusing to her approaching climax. She was almost in a frenzy, going as fast as she could, as if to make sure Celestia couldn’t pull away at the last moment again, which Celestia had no intend to do. Right when Pinkie got to the precipice of her orgasm, Celestia summoned her magic one final time, and made her magical stallion toy shoot out warmth inside Pinkie. “AHAHAAAAA I’M CUMMING! I’M...CUMMING…” Pinkie screamed, her entire body shaking. Celestia had to grab on to her with both hooves to keep her from falling over. She could feel Pinkie’s juices dripping to her legs in large droplets. Finally, when Pinkie reached the end of her orgasm, her legs gave out under her, and Celestia lowered Pinkie back on to her lap and in to an affectionate hug. She gently removed the blindfold, the hoofcuffs and the chastity belt, which was overflowing with Pinkie’s juices. “You did very well Pinkie,” Celestia soothed, nuzzling the top of Pinkie’s head. Pinkie gasped for air, her entire body shaking lightly as her body relaxed. A goofy grin plastered itself across her face as she snuggles deep in to Celestia’s embrace. “Best...secret...ever…”