> Showing His Place > by TheVClaw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part One: A Prince's Request > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Sombra, Your presence is requested for tonight in our living quarters at Nine O’Clock. If you’re not able to attend, or feel uncomfortable doing so, then please inform me before then as soon as possible. Otherwise, please come as you are. Princess Cadance and I would greatly appreciate it. :) Sincerely, Prince Consort Shining Armor No matter how many times he scanned the words on that suspiciously short note, the charcoal stallion couldn’t help feeling a little surprised by it being sent to him personally. His fanged muzzle skewed a bit while looking over the note, which had been folded and unfolded enough times to look well-weathered in less than a day. Of course, despite how vague the letter itself may have been, Sombra knew exactly what the Prince was requesting upon his presence. Part of him wanted to be wary, or even offended that the new rulers of the Crystal Empire would even contemplate such a thing from him; however, considering how it’s been almost a year since he returned to the castle under strict probation, the rehabilitated Ex-Tyrant had a feeling this arrangement was planned out for quite some time. Back when he was first unearthed in the Frozen North completely alive and preserved (albeit, frozen and encased in a giant hunk of ice), Sombra expected he’d wind up chained in Tartarus alongside Lord Tirek. But surprisingly enough, the former tyrannical King of the Crystal Empire was not only offered a chance at redeeming himself, but to also live in the very castle he once oversaw as a probationary “guest.” Even though he originally planned to take over the Kingdom and rule as he once had, his demeanor changed fairly quickly upon learning how much had changed since his time. The last thing Sombra wanted to do was submit to someone as incompetent as Princess Celestia, or to have her niece oversee his land as her own; however, after learning how a group of fillies managed to overpower Discord, Tirek, Chrysalis, The Storm King, and Nightmare Moon, the Ex-King proved wise enough to know he wouldn’t fare much better. So instead of plotting to overrule the Crystal Empire, Sombra had grown to be content with his current living arrangements. He may have hated being on House-Arrest in the Crystal Castle, but he understood it was for his safety from the thousands of Crystal Ponies eager to lynch him outside. And during his time learning about modern Equestrian society, as well as his mandatory friendship lessons, the former Tyrant had to admit that Princess Cadance and Shining Armor weren’t nearly as incompetent in ruling his Empire as he expected. In fact, by the time he was able to get a new prosthetic horn to replace the one that had broken off (which also removed nearly all of the Dark Magic that resided within him), he was able to acknowledge and even respect the couple as proper leaders to the Crystal Empire. But alas, even with all the positive publicity between him and the married couple, Sombra had a feeling something was unseen by the masses even before that note was sent to him that night. At first, Sombra just had a few brief suspicions in regards to the two, mostly due to how they acted around him alone in comparison to around others. Shining Armor would usually be a little more timid if he was around the Ex-Tyrant by himself, but still acted overly friendly for some reason. As for Princess Cadance, Sombra almost felt like he was being studied by her whenever they were alone due to how much she stared at him. The former King never said anything about either of the ponies’ behavior, and just assumed that social norms had changed over the millenium he was gone; but as of the last couple of months, Sombra was able to understand they wanted something else. By the time Sombra received that note, he had already been given five different books over the months that involved some rather… unexpected themes. He may have never mentioned his thoughts on the risquè texts towards either of them, nor his feelings about the subject matters that were highlighted within bookmarked pages; however, he did read through them alongside the other textbooks required by Princess Twilight. With all of that “homework” given to him, alongside the couple’s suspiciously nice attitudes in private, the former Tyrant had a feeling what he would be in for if he complied to that letter. But instead of brushing it off as a weird joke, or even questioning what their ultimate goal was, Sombra was curious enough to accept the invitation by the time Nine came around. Surprisingly enough, Sombra didn’t see any ponies as he walked down the crystal halls on his own. Even though he was grateful for that, part of him pondered whether or not the couple arranged for him to be unseen that particular night. Of course, that theory seemed to be pretty much confirmed when he arrived outside of Shining and Cadance's bedroom door. Instead of any Crystal Guards perched outside the doorway, it was only Sombra who stood before what used to be his old living quarters. After looking around the vacant hallway, not seeing anypony from either end of the massive space, the stallion huffed before shrugging his shoulders briefly. Since he left his own quarters about ten minutes before Nine, Sombra saw no harm in knocking a little early. He gave the large crystal door three firm knocks with his hoof, even though he was unsure what might be waiting on the other side. Fortunately for the Ex-Tyrant, he was greeted by the sight of Princess Cadance herself as she opened the door and smiled upon seeing him. “Oh, hi there, Sombra!~” she chirped quite happily, almost as if she was greeting someone who hadn’t tried to murder her and enslave the Crystal Empire just a few years prior. Regardless, the reformed Sombra was able to nod with a light smile of his own. Meanwhile, the Princess stepped back and opened the door wide to invite him inside. “Please, come on in. Shining is still in the bathroom getting prepared.” Sombra nodded a second time before walking inside, his eyes widening upon seeing how lavishly different the bedroom looked now. Even though he expected a lighter-colored decor due to a woman living here now, he was rather surprised when he saw just how drastically his old living space looked. His old King-sized bed remained in the middle of the space (mostly since it couldn’t be moved due to the crystal frame being imbedded to the floor), but his red satin sheets looked to have been replaced with a lavender linen beneath the dozens of ornate pillows. All of the armor and weaponry he once bestowed across the walls were now replaced with flower vases, and photographs of the entire Sparkle family. Even though he wasn’t particularly uncomfortable by how much his old bedroom changed, he couldn’t help cringing a bit when he saw the gigantic portrait of Flurry Heart by the bathroom door. Cadance seemed to have noticed him staring towards that picture as well, and was quick to light up her horn so the frame could be flipped around. “Just so you know,” she said towards Sombra before he could get the chance to speak, “Sunburst is foal-sitting Flurry tonight. The guards have been dismissed by my orders, and the castle staff have been informed not to disturb our room or yours unless absolutely necessary.” As she explained the precautions she and Shining took, Sombra’s brows rose with an impressed look on his face. With the way she made those points so casually while turning over all the other pictures in the bedroom, it was as if the Princess saw his presence as completely normal. Regardless, Sombra took a breath before he spoke while scratching the back of his mane. “Ummm… Wow, I… I wouldn’t have expected you to think this far ahead, your Highness.” “Oh, you don’t have to call me that right now,” replied Cadance with a roll of her eyes, not even bothering to glance back at him as she finished up. However, as soon as the last picture frame of Twilight Sparkle was turned around, the Princess turned back to Sombra with a half-lidded gaze, and a more notable smirk on her muzzle. “Considering how you agreed to come here tonight, I have a feeling you don’t have to act so formal around the two of us~” If there was any reasoning in Sombra’s mind that the couple’s intentions weren’t what he assumed they would be, they were completely vanquished when he saw how suggestively coy the Princess was smiling at him. Even though he already had it figured out, the Ex-King couldn’t help blushing a little as he smirked back at her. “Well, it would’ve been rather rude to not accept a Royal invitation, you know~” Cadance kept her smile unchanged as she giggled a little, and shrugged before replying, “I suppose it would’ve been upsetting if you didn’t show up. And not just because he asked you to~” After that cheekily inflected, and rather unsubtly-worded statement, the Princess narrowed her eyes on Sombra as she walked up towards him. The former King almost stepped back from Cadance's knowing grin, not expecting her to be acting so forward behind closed doors. But just as she got less than a foot from him, the Alicorn brought up her hoof to softly drag down Sombra’s tuft of chest fur. “Sooooo… just so we’re clear,” she said while peering up at him with a deceptively innocent-looking smile, and a quick batter of her eyes, “you are aware why we asked you to come up here, right?~” Sombra bit his lip the instant Cadance began to touch his chest, and his blush felt a little hotter across his cheeks. Luckily for the Ex-Tyrant, his curious smile was unchanged as he responded honestly. “Well, even though Shining’s note didn’t provide me with much info, I have a feeling it’s related to all of that… literature I was provided?~” “Exactly~” purred the Princess as her tone grew much more suggestive, and her smile widened to show off her pearly white teeth. But despite how satisfied she appeared with Sombra’s answer, she still tilted her head as she asked, “Soooo, you don’t need any clarification on what we want?” Sombra’s own smile looked just as knowing of the truth as Cadance's. However, he still felt the need to answer with a reluctant shrug of his head. “I feel like I should say no, but... Given the circumstances, I’d rather not make any assumptions in case I go over the line~” That response was enough to make the Alicorn giggle with a hoof over her mouth. “You know what?” she said as she stepped back from Sombra, and raised her hoof in agreement to his perspective. “Seeing as how you’re still technically on ‘probation,’ I completely understand wanting to play it safe. Besides...” Just as she said that last part, her pause was long enough for Sombra to overhear the sink running from behind the bathroom door. Meanwhile, Cadance's smirk turned more lustrous as she finished her statement with, “... I have a feeling somepony else would like to clarify things for you first~” Sombra had a good idea what the Alicorn meant by that, and grinned a little wider as he nodded with a chuckle. While the two stared at each other with coyer smiles, and undoubtedly randy thoughts playing out in their heads, the bathroom door finally opened. Shining Armor, who was freshly showered to leave his white fur shimmering, froze upon seeing Cadance and Sombra together in the bedroom. And as soon as the two glanced back at him with devilish-looking grins, the Prince Consort couldn’t help gulping while his face grew a heavy blush. “Well, there you are~” purred Cadance as she lit up her horn, and pulled Shining towards the two with her magic. Despite how much the Prince’s hooves skidded across the crystal floor, he was practically frozen-solid as he stood with a tightly pursed muzzle. Sombra may have been able to see clear as day that the stallion looked nervous, but he could also see the slightest glimmer of interest from the way Shining’s lips struggled to curve upward at the corners. But alas, the Prince Consort was too sheepish to speak up towards Sombra, which prompted his wife to take the reins while holding him close beside her. “You know, Sombra and I were just talking about you~” Even though Cadance said that in an innocently chipper tone, her husband squirmed a little while his eyes darted between her and Sombra. His smile grew a little more evident as he chuckled nervously, and needed to take a breath before he said, “W-Well, ummm… that’s… that’s good to know…” After that tremendously timid remark, Shining’s eyes widened as he looked up to see Sombra’s wide and domineering smile pointed at him. Cadance kept her foreleg wrapped around the Prince’s back, and tried to stay supportive for Shining’s sake. “It’s alright, honey. He responded to your note, and now he’s here to play. Isn’t that what you wanted?~” Shining sucked in a deep breath through his nostrils, and closed his eyes as he sighed and nodded his head weakly. “W-Well, ummm… y-yeah, I did…” After taking another much-needed breath, the stallion re-opened his eyes and gazed up towards Sombra. “Uhhh… I’m sorry if I’m acting kinda skittish, I just… I-I just didn’t expect you to, ummm… t-to agree.” Shining tried to smile a bit more naturally up towards the Ex-King, hopeful that his apology was good enough. However, Sombra only tilted his head as he narrowed his eyes back on the Prince. “Weeeelllllll… I was just talking with your wife about what specifically I may be agreeing to...” Since his fake horn was merely a piece of well-crafted carbon fiber, Sombra had to hold up Shining’s note with a hoof for the white stallion to see. “For you see,” he continued as his tone of voice grew more confident, and his smile showed more wickedness behind those fangs. “You left that note pretty vague as for the reason you wanted me to come here tonight~” Shining’s muzzle quivered a little, and his blush grew even hotter while shivering in unease. “O-Oh. Ummm… W-Well, I--” “Let me finish,” interrupted the former King as he raised his hoof up to silence Shining’s rebuttal. Even though Sombra kept his tone and expression casual, even Cadance could sense the slight hint of warning behind his piercing red eyes. As soon as the Prince shut his mouth tightly, Sombra brought his hoof out to grace along the side of Shining’s blue mane. The white pony shuddered a bit, but Sombra was undeterred while he spoke articulately. “Now, I have a fairly good idea what it is you and Cadance want from me. And to be perfectly honest, I’m quite flattered the two of you saw me as a suitable stallion for the job. But before I know for sure what I’m getting into, I want to ask you some questions. Would that be alright?~” Shining pursed his lips even tighter, and his eyes darted back towards his smirking wife. As soon as his eyes locked with hers, the Princess nodded silently to allow him to continue. Shining closed his eyes to take another shaky breath, which was hard to do while Sombra continued to pet his mane. Fortunately, the unicorn was able to exhale hoarsely before looking back up at Sombra. “I, ummm… Sure. I’ll… I’ll answer your questions…” “Good~” Sombra’s hoof reached back a little further, and he began to pet the back of Shining’s neck. While the Ex-King stood less than a foot in front of him, and his wife continued to hold him supportively from the side, it wasn’t too surprising that Shining was struggling not to tremble before them. Nevertheless, the Prince Consort kept his eyes pointed at Sombra’s piercing gaze as he heard him ask, “So, Prince Shining Armor… were you the one who placed those books in with my literature, or was that her idea?~” Shining’s legs buckled a little, but he couldn’t pull away while both of those smirking ponies were keeping him locked into place. Even though he felt uncomfortable, the stallion’s racing heart was keeping him from stepping back from his wife or from Sombra. He was also unable to keep his muzzle shut for too much longer, and he sighed briefly before lowering his head. “I, ummm… I placed those books there…” Sombra smiled devilishly in response to that answer, not needing to verify that Shining was telling the truth. While the stallion had his head lowered bashfully, Sombra turned his attention towards the wife. “So, Cadance… has he ever done this before?~” Despite her confident smirk, Cadance shook her head with a strange look of pride in her expression. “Nope~ Shining never asked for this from anypony else, so you should be quite honored~” “Indeed I am~” he said with a lustrous growl, and a narrowing of his eyes that caused Cadance to shiver in delight. Meanwhile, the Prince saw enough of that exchange to shudder a little himself. It was unclear whether the stallion’s meek response was out of unease or guilty enjoyment, but his wife’s grin towards him made it seem like it was probably the latter. Meanwhile, Sombra only paused for a second before asking, “So, Shining? Am I to believe you wanted this for a while?~” Even though Sombra and Cadance both knew that answer just as well as the stallion, Shining still took a second to wince in confliction. Fortunately for the two waiting ponies, Shining was able to overcome his anxiousness quickly enough to huff sharply and nod his head. “Y… Y-Yeah, I… I thought about it for a long time...” “Well, that’s a good thing to know~” Sombra stated while his grin grew more Cheshire-like, and his stare on Shining intensified greatly. As the Prince stood in growing worry, a cold chill crept up his spine when he saw Sombra’s menacingly cocky smile. There may have been no Dark Magic within the Ex-King, but a strong glimmer of his sinister nature seemed to have remained by the way he narrowed his eyes on the Prince. Shining hooves continued to fidget underneath his weight (as well as the Princess’ as she continued coddling him), but he remained in place as he felt Sombra tighten his grip around his neck, and heard him say in a dominant growl, “Since you thought about it for so long, I don’t think it should be any issue for you to tell me what you want~” Shining’s eyes widened in a panic, while his wife’s smile did the same out of pleased surprise. “Ooooh~” Cadance giggled a little as she glanced back at her husband, whose pupils were slightly shrunken due to how flustered that command made him feel. While Sombra stood with a waiting grin and his hoof holding Shining in place, he watched as Cadance leaned in to whisper into her husband’s ear. “Don’t worry, honey. You already came this far. Just take a deep breath, and say it out loud~” Shining tried to exhale while his eyes were closed, and silently nodded to his wife’s assurance. Meanwhile, Sombra tilted his head while studying the unicorn’s meek and overwhelmed expression. He could tell that Shining was more than a little unhinged about showing that kind of diligence, but Sombra wasn’t one to keep things dragging on. “You know, Shining,” he said in a much colder and sterner tone of voice, “considering how I’ve been frozen for over a millenium, I don’t have very much patience now that I’m awake.” “I-I know, I know,” Shining muttered with a small nod of his head. He wanted to show his insistence, but he needed to keep his muzzle pointed away from Sombra’s face as he said, “I just, uhhhhh… It’s kinda…” The Prince wanted to clarify that he was nervous, but his unfinished words weren’t needed for Sombra and Cadance to already know that fact. Sombra huffed with a flatter expression, and silently glanced over towards the Alicorn. When she looked back at him, the former Tyrant motioned back to her husband, and gave an expression implying he wanted to ask her permission for something. Even though Sombra didn’t open his muzzle, Cadance understood enough to smile somewhat skewedly, and think it over for a second before nodding in approval. Sombra smiled upon seeing that granting nod, but it quickly turned to a much more leering grin back at the Prince. Before Shining could speak up, his eyes shot wide-open as he yelped in immense pain. “GAAAHHH!!” Shining’s hind-legs buckled hard, but his still-smiling wife was able to hold him upright before Sombra. Meanwhile, the Ex-Tyrant had a vice-like grip on the back of Shining’s mane, and was pulling hard enough to make the former Royal Guard scream with a wince. Even when he finished his pained yelp, Shining’s teeth were gritted shut as he looked back up at Sombra with strained eyes. “I’m not going to wait around all night for you to grow a pair, little ‘Prince,’” Sombra spat with a displeased bile in his tone of voice. After inflecting that last word like he was comparing Shining’s title to a slur, Sombra narrowed his eyes on him in disappointment. Cadance seemed a little uncomfortable with the way the former King was treating her husband, but she was able to hide that while holding Shining with a bit lip and a heavy blush. As for Shining, he could only squirm within their grasps while hearing Sombra continue to speak. “Now... I’m going to count to three. And by the time I reach three, you better speak up about what you want me to do tonight. Because if you don’t, I will leave right now, and never return to this room again~” Even if Sombra wasn’t pulling his hair, Shining could tell from the Ex-Tyrant’s venomous tone that he wasn’t fooling around. The Prince wanted nothing more than to speak up, but the burning pain from the back of his scalp was only making him able to breathe in hard pants. His eyes looked towards Cadance for some emotional support, but all she could give the stallion was a judgemental look, and an insistent raise of her brows. “I’d probably listen to him, honey~” she said in a somewhat calming, but mostly foreboding whisper. “ONE.” Shining gasped lightly in surprise as he gawked back at Sombra, not expecting him to start that countdown immediately. But as soon as he saw that brooding, unrelenting glare the former King carried in his eyes, the Prince could instantly tell how serious Sombra was acting about his threat. Cadance could see that as well, but her response was more of a surprised smirk while she kept her husband in place. Shining wasn’t sure how long he stood in that stunned stupor, but his muzzle was barely able to open before Sombra kept counting. “TWO.” Another gasp escaped Shining’s muzzle, but it was fortunately what he needed to actually open it that time. With his eyes wide-open in worry, and his bottom lip quivering as much as his hooves, the stallion wasn’t sure if he could actually speak over the pounding of his heart. But despite how heavy that mental wall of unease felt in his head, the unicorn tried his hardest to take a breath and attempt to speak. “Uhh! I, uhh… I w-... I want… ummm…” Cadance began to look worried when she heard how much Shining was stammering to get a suitable reply said. Of course, the fact that Sombra still had a death-grip on his hair probably didn’t help too much. But alas, as the Prince’s face grew redder out of apprehension and the tension of the moment, he had to clench his eyes to better speak before Sombra could get to that final number. “I! I want, uhhh… I want you to… t-to…” Just as Shining’s face clenched inward especially hard, Sombra’s eyes narrowed even harder with an impatient sigh. “THRE--” “IWANTYOUTOFUCKMYWIFE!!” After that hastily-said, and literal last-second blurb, nopony said anything for several seconds. Shining Armor, the Prince who carried such a high level of respect outside those bedroom doors, could only wince in guilt after making such an impulsively-said admission. Even though he felt a massive weight being lifted from his chest, his eyes remained tightly shut as he felt unable to face either of the ponies’ reactions at that moment. As for Sombra, his pause was accompanied with a raised brow while staring at the Prince in silence. Meanwhile, Princess Cadance smiled warmly as she bent in to nuzzle underneath Shining’s neck. “Daaaawwwww… See, honey? That wasn’t so bad, was it?~” Another moment passed before Shining could gather himself up enough to make a response. After sighing heavily, the stallion’s face remained as red as a tomato as he meekly nodded his head. “I… I-I guess not…” Since his hair was still clenched within Sombra’s hoof, it didn’t take long for the Prince to sheepishly glance back up at the Ex-King’s wide and fanged grin. Sombra looked like he wanted to laugh in delight after hearing what Shining said, but his smile proved to be more than enough to make the white pony squirm. He let go of Shining’s mane, which seemed to be a good sign that he was approving of the Prince’s words. However, that didn’t mean the former Tyrant couldn’t have a little fun before complying with that request. “What was that, my Prince?~” he asked in a teasing tone as he tilted his head, and eyed the blushed Shining with a wickedly wide smile. “You said that rather quickly for me to properly hear it~” Sombra almost expected Shining to glare at him for that clarification, or for Cadance to warn him about overstepping his bounds. Luckily for the larger stallion, Cadance couldn’t help giggling a little as she looked between Sombra’s cheeky grin, and her husband’s bitten lip. Since the Princess seemed okay with Sombra’s playing, there was nothing for Shining to do but close his eyes and sigh deeply. “I… I, ummm…” Despite how uncomfortable he may have appeared, Shining’s hind-legs were writhing antsily as he took a breath, and looked back up at Sombra with his face burning hotly. “I… I want you to… to f-fuck my wife, please…” Sombra smiled pridefully after hearing that request, and glanced over towards the Princess for her opinion. Cadance, who was clearly pleased herself, continued to giggle while holding her hopeful cuckold with her foreleg. Shining’s ears lowered from their shared enjoyment, but his eyes carried an evident glimmer of optimism while his head was lowered submissively. “I must say!~” chirped Sombra with an impressed glance towards the wife. “I wouldn’t have expected your husband to act so polite about being a cuckold~” The Prince’s head lowered even more, hopeful that could keep the two from seeing the faint smile he struggled to keep hidden. Meanwhile, his loving wife shrugged as she replied towards the Ex-Tyrant, “Well, what did you expect? He did have to ask my permission, after all~” “Well, I kinda figured that after I received the third cuckolding book from you two~” The more that Sombra cackled in delight, the wider his smile became to expose his glistening fangs. He then glanced back at Shining, and grew an even cockier smirk as he said, “So, ‘Prince’ Shining Armor… Are you saying you won’t object to anything I might do to your loving wife tonight?~” Shining shivered a little while breathing out through his nostrils, but he was able to look up at him timidly and shake his head. “N… N-No. As… As long as you don’t hurt her, I…” The Prince paused his answer as he looked back towards Cadance, who was smiling back at him proudly. She nodded her head in acceptance, which seemed to be enough to make Shining smile back gratefully. He then let out a quick huff before looking back up at Sombra to finish his statement. “As… As long as she’s alright, then… Th-Then you can do whatever you want with her~” With the way the stallion nervously smiled after that last remark, Sombra didn’t need to glance between the Prince’s legs to tell how badly he wanted to witness such a deflowering. However, it seemed that the former King wasn’t completely satisfied just yet. Despite how much Shining wanted this (not to mention, how much Sombra wanted this himself~), a couple seconds of silence passed before he turned back to Cadance. “Would it be alright if I made some requests, your Highness?~” Even though she specifically told Sombra he didn’t have to call her by her title, Cadance smiled back at him with a carefree shrug. “For you? Absolutely~” Shining could hear the lustful inflection in his wife’s voice towards their former enemy, and it was elating enough to make him shudder with his muzzle tightly shut. Nevertheless, his reaction was unnoticed by the other ponies while Sombra kept his eyes locked onto the Princess. “Good~ Because I have a rather… mean idea for your cuck of a husband~” Shining’s ears lowered even more, and he quivered from Sombra saying that like he wasn’t right in front of him. Meanwhile, Cadance finally let go of her husband so she could lean in with a piqued smirk. “Oh really?~” After shooting a brief, sinister-looking grin back at her blushing spouse, Cadance turned towards Sombra with a lustrous look before leaning her head in. “Well then… I’d like to hear it, big guy~” Shining couldn’t stop squirming as he stood in place, and tried not to groan too audibly from seeing how his wife was acting towards him. As the Prince stared at the two with a nervous and longing expression, Cadance allowed the burly stallion to lean his muzzle in close to her ear. Shining wasn’t able to hear what Sombra was telling to his spouse, but he could see just how much Cadance's eyes widened to the things he said. After a few seconds of whispering, her grin grew immensely wide as her cheeks blushed. “Oooooohhhh…~” When Sombra finally pulled his head back, Cadance's smile looked just as devilish as his own while locking eyes with him. Shining gulped timidly once more, but kept his mouth shut so he wouldn’t interrupt the two. Fortunately, the stallion saw that he wasn’t completely forgotten yet as the Alicorn looked back towards her husband, and said with a mischievous tone of voice, “Oh, honey… You’re going to have a very… very rough night~” Shining trembled in a mix of reluctance and unbridled arousal, and wasn’t able to hide the weak grin he was carrying on his blushed face. However, the instant he saw Sombra’s equally randy stare on him, the Prince’s mouth pursed shut to show how intimidated he truly felt. Fortunately for Shining, that expression was just what the Ex-Tyrant needed to see. Sombra closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, and sighed with a content smile at feeling such a welcome bout of nostalgia. “Ohhhhhhh… Oh, Shining~” As soon as he reopened his eyes, Sombra’s grin grew scarily wide as he pulled Cadance in to his side with a foreleg. The Princess yelped a little in surprise, but quickly giggled like a school-filly from the rough treatment. Shining Armor didn’t say a thing, but the corners of his lips crept upward while seeing his wife with such a confident… studly stallion. While the Prince breathed out sharply to help contain himself, Sombra narrowed his eyes like a true predator and said, “You better hope you’re ready, you so-called ‘Prince’... because I intend to make you suffer~” Despite how menacingly the former King said such a foreboding statement, or how enticed Cadance looked while nestled up beside him, it seemingly wasn’t enough to extinguish the shameful smile that was plastered on Shining Armor’s face. > Part Two: A Tyrant's Response > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the click of that metal latch, Shining Armor exhaled heavily while feeling the restraint wrapped around his neck. As per Sombra’s request, the Prince’s wife was more than happy to provide some… exhilarating accessories for the cuckolded stallion. Meanwhile, the Ex-Tyrant himself was resting comfortably in the armchair beside the bed, and grinning evilly to the sight of Shining wearing a bright pink dog-collar. While the Princess attached a matching leash to the back of her spouse’s new attire, Sombra said with an impressed smirk, “If you don’t mind me saying, Princess Cadance, I’m rather surprised you happened to have all of those items I requested at the ready! It makes me wonder how you usually act behind closed doors~” Cadance wasn’t offended by the burly stallion’s remark, and giggled with a cheeky smile back at him. “Well, I am the Princess of Love,” she replied with a matter-of-fact tone alongside her shrug. “It’s not like an Alicorn can carry a title like that while being a Prude.” “That’s… actually a good point,” responded Sombra as he gave an accepting shrug of his own. “But still, I wouldn’t have expected any pony of Royal blood to have such an extensive array of toys in her closet~” Cadance chuckled a little while using her magic to tug on her husband’s leash. Shining was seated on the floor while being collared, and barely moved an inch as he felt the leash pulling the faux-leather against his neck. After smirking in satisfaction of the product’s strength, the Princess said back towards Sombra, “What can I say? Shining and I are fairly... adventurous in the bedroom~” After hearing that answer, Sombra huffed as he grew a more coy-looking smirk. “Oh, really?~ Because from what I see right now, it seems like you haven’t had enough from your ‘Prince’~” Despite how demeaning that statement was supposed to sound, Cadance didn’t look offended as she narrowed her eyes on him with a lower-pitched chuckle. Meanwhile, Shining breathed in deeply while blushing from that remark, and kept himself from speaking out on the matter. Fortunately, the Prince didn’t need to open his muzzle as his wife responded first. “Well, like we mentioned earlier, Shining and I never tried anything like this before. I mean, I knew for a while that Shining wanted to experience this sort of thing, but it never really came to fruition.” The Alicorn then grew a slyer-looking grin before adding suggestively, “Well, before tonight, that is~” Shining was able to see the bedroom eyes his mate was giving towards Sombra, and it was enough to make him shudder with his fur sticking out. Sombra cackled a little upon seeing that kind of reaction from the cuckold. However, the former Tyrant grew curious as he asked towards the Princess, “So, why haven’t you tried this before? I mean, I’m honored to have such a privilege, but I would’ve figured you or Shining would ask one of your guards to volunteer.” Shining sighed sharply to that suggestion, and closed his eyes as he finally spoke up. “W-Well, ummm… I was always a bit too… nervous to ask Cadance to try it.” “Not to mention,” added Cadance herself while holding her husband’s leash, “given what we were wanting, we really didn’t want to ask some random stallion who could leak that info to the press. If ponies knew that Shining was nothing but a dirty, naughty little cuck, it would seriously damper both of our reputations~” Shining tried not to quiver from his wife’s teasing descriptions of him, but he still smiled guiltily as he nodded his head. Sombra seemed to understand the Alicorn’s point as well, and shrugged his shoulders while responding with, “Well, I suppose that makes some sense. But still… what makes you so confident that I won’t blab about this to your precious Empire?~” Sombra didn’t intend to make that a legitimate threat or warning, but he still gave a cheeky grin after that remark to make Shining squirm. Fortunately, Cadance proved to be just as confident as Sombra when she tilted her head. “Well, for starters,” she stated with a tenacious demeanor in her tone, “there’s the obvious threat of being exiled to Tartarus for eternity alongside Lord Tirek. Of course, that would be a lucky outcome compared to what the crystal ponies might do to you first.” Sombra meant his question as more rhetorical than anything else, but that response by the Princess was more than enough to make him shut up. Shining may have not been in a great position to talk, but he couldn’t help shrugging as he added meekly, “Plus, uhhh… no offense Sombra, but we’d be realllllly surprised if any ponies actually believed you.” Shining may have been a willing cuck, but Sombra still tilted his head with an impressed pout upon hearing that addition. “You know what? Both of those points are completely valid.” He then raised up both hooves and added in a more sincere tone of voice, “And I can assure both of you that I don’t plan on divulging the events of tonight to anypony. Despite how tempting it would be to expose you two, I’d rather not waste such an… exciting opportunity when it presents itself~” Both of the married ponies smiled to that answer, even though Shining’s was a bit more reluctant than his wife’s. But alas, as soon as Cadance lit up her horn again, Shining’s blush deepened when he saw what was being picked up by her aura. Among the various items strewn across the foot of the bed, Cadance floated up the petite, phallic-shaped piece of pink plastic first. Most ponies wouldn’t have guessed what that item was at first-glance, especially considering its purpose. However, Sombra grinned especially wide upon seeing that toy levitating towards the squirming Prince. “My goodness~” he purred as he leaned back in his chair, and spread his legs apart to better expose his half-flaccid sheathe. Cadance and Shining may have taken notice to Sombra’s package earlier, but its presence was still enough to make both of their cheeks redden to the sight. Meanwhile, Sombra decided to ask a question while Cadance got her husband to lean back from his seated position. “I must say, chastity cages have come quite a long way since my time~ I would’ve expected it to be made of metal at least.” Cadance giggled with a shrug to that statement, and looked back at him while the plastic toy was hovering less than a foot from Shining’s face. “Yeah, I suppose this is a bit different from what you used on your guards. But still, I can assure you that it’s just as effective~” Sombra’s brows rose in surprise to hearing the Princess’ cheeky reply. “Wait, so… you actually used that on your husband before?~” While Cadance nodded cheerfully back at him, Shining bit his lip as he writhed his hips a little. He tried to balance on his rump while sitting in a leaned-back position, but the sight of that cage dangling mockingly before his face made him skew his muzzle. “W-Well, ummm… I kinda wanted to, like… test it first? You know… s-so I’d know I can actually handle it…” “I see…” Sombra’s grin grew much wider as he stared intensely towards the cucked stallion. “So tell me, Shining Armor… How long have you managed to go with your puny, worthless little cock locked-away?~” Shining cringed in response to those demeaning adjectives, but he also shivered with a heavy blush as he kept from defending himself. The Prince stayed silent for a moment, clearly too embarrassed to address that topic to the former villain eyeing him. Cadance eventually spoke up as she floated that cage closer towards her husband’s face, and said in a sweetly condescending tone, “Honey, Sombra asked you a question. You don’t wanna be rude, do you?~” As soon as he looked back at his wife and saw her sickly sweet grin, Shining winced with his muzzle clenched before shaking his head softly. He then sighed rather sharply before turning back to Sombra, and answering in a meager tone. “I, ummm… I managed to keep it on for, ummm… f-for a week at the longest…” Sombra didn’t say anything in response to that answer, but he did smile a bit wider while eyeing the Prince with obvious intent. Shining had no idea what the twisted Ex-Tyrant was thinking about, but the implication of that grin was daunting enough to make him gulp nervously. “Well, at least we know you’ll be good with it on tonight, at least~” After making that suspiciously appropriate remark, Sombra nodded back at Cadance and said, “Alright, go ahead, Princess.” Cadance turned her smile from Sombra back to Shining, and made him lean back with his hind-legs sprawled out. The Prince looked a little uncomfortable with the new positioning, but that may have been due to his stallionhood being exposed as soon as he un-crossed his legs. Due to his excitement, Shining Armor’s cock was already fully erect, with his marbled white shaft throbbing with each twitch of his body. Sombra didn’t say anything about the Prince’s slightly above-average length, but he still smiled wide upon seeing the confirmation that he was much more endowed himself. Fortunately, the former King didn’t need to say anything about Shining’s size before the cuckold’s wife could first. “Hehehehe, I know, right?~” she asked with a coy snicker upon noticing Sombra’s smile. “I think it’s safe to assume that your stallionhood is more impressive than Shining’s?~” Shining sucked some air through his teeth while squirming from that accusation, but his eyes carried a faint look of curiosity while staring back at Sombra as well. “Weeeeellllll…” As he sat in his chair with a more gloating grin spread across his muzzle, Sombra didn’t mind the eyes of Royalty peering at him as he brought a hoof down to rub at his crotch. As the Ex-Tyrant’s thick, ebony cock began to slip out of his sheathe, Shining shuddered when he saw just how thick that crowned cockhead appeared while flaccid. Cadance smirked much more notably, and huffed in approval before hearing Sombra say, “judging by how you two are acting already, I think it’s obvious that I’ll do much more than that cuck ever could~” Shining exhaled sharply, but kept a hopeful expression upon hearing such an insulting remark. Meanwhile, his wife simply shrugged before stating, “Well, that’ll certainly be true after I do this~” As soon as she said that last inflected word, Cadance's horn lit even brighter to reveal a bright blue hue of her aura. Sombra wasn’t sure what the spell did at first, but he was able to see that it made Shining let out a high-pitched gasp. It wasn’t until he glanced back at the cuckold’s cock that Sombra was able to see what she was doing. While the Ex-King’s brows rose in surprise, he saw that Shining’s cock was enveloped in that bright blue aura to make him spasm wildly. After a moment of hearing the cuck’s strained groans and heavy breaths, Sombra’s eyes widened when he saw that erection begin to deflate much quicker than expected. While her husband was writhing in obvious discomfort, Cadance only giggled as she watched that meager cock turning soft and flaccid before their eyes. “Don’t worry,” she said in assurance back towards Sombra. “It’s a simple cooling spell. I originally learned it when I was helping Twilight raise Spike, since it helped extinguish any fires he made. However, I also learned it does a rather good job at getting my hubby settled down~” Shining hissed with a strong shiver, clearly feeling the ice-cold magic overstimulating his cock to make it shrink enough for the cage. As the inches slowly decreased with each strong spasm, the throbs of his cock soon turned into weak pulsations that made his shaft flop aimlessly. Meanwhile, Sombra had to cover his mouth with his free hoof while laughing to himself. “Well then!” he exclaimed by the time Shining’s meager stallionhood shrunk to a completely flaccid nub, with its length reaching only a couple inches at best. “Considering what that puny thing looked like while hard, it’s probably for the best that you lock that up for me~” Just as Cadance opened up the latch of Shining’s chastity cage, she smiled back at him with narrowed eyes and nodded diligently. “I couldn’t agree more, Big Guy~” Shining, who was now leaned back and braced by his forelegs, could only blush with a bit lip as he allowed those two to demean him like that. As soon as he saw that plastic cage float down towards his member, the Prince tried not to groan in guilty arousal. Fortunately, his wife’s cooling spell ensured that his tiny, freezing cock wouldn’t stir too quickly before the cage could be installed. As Sombra leaned in with a wide grin and his erection growing, he watched as the thick ring attached to the back of the toy opened up like a hoofcuff, and was placed around the entirety of Shining’s package; since that ring had an especially tight grip around the base of the stallion’s cock, as well as his thick balls, Cadance wasn’t worried about it slipping off as she got the plastic casing latched securely. “There we go~” she chirped with a pleased smile and satisfied tone of voice. However, her eyes then narrowed suggestively on her husband and she kept her horn lit, and brought over the second part of that toy. Shining writhed strongly as he saw that crystalized, magic-resistant lock hovering down between his legs. Cadance kept her lustrous grin as she hooked the metal ring around the top latch of Shining’s chastity cage, but paused before she could lock it in place. “Now,” she said with a caring, but still undoubtedly firm tone of voice towards her spouse, “you understand that the instant I lock up this little thing, you’ll have absolutely no say in what Sombra does with me. You’ll comply with any command he or I give to you, and you’ll have to watch Every. Single. Second.” With that lock dangling temptingly in place around his bondage, Shining couldn’t have shuddered harder to his wife’s words if he tried. With his face burning intensely, the Prince’s shame didn’t keep him from nodding his head quickly. “Y-Yes, honey. I… I understand completely~” “Good~” With that, Cadance smiled proudly as she closed the lock of her cuckold’s cage in place. Shining shivered a little as he looked up at her with an antsy smile, unable to contain how excited this was getting him. Sombra, who was now reaching close to fully-erect, cackled gloatingly as he saw that tiny chastity cage already twitching from the Prince’s immediate strain. Shining lurched himself back forward into a more comfortable seated position, but he couldn’t help wincing as he already felt the pressure of that cage constraining his arousal. Cadance quickly pulled herself up after locking up her husband, and walked back towards Sombra while Shining’s leash was still in her grasp. The Prince barely had a moment to process his cage before he was pulled back onto his hooves, and forced to walk up towards the grinning Ex-King. Cadance then grew a much more sinister smile as she floated over the final item of her husband’s towards Sombra: a small, golden key attached to a matching chain. “Here you go,” she said as she levitated the chain around Sombra’s neck, making sure it dangled over his chest for Shining to see. “This is the key to Shining’s lock, and I’m assigning it to you~” “Why thank you, Cadie~” he purred back at her, grinning wide after referring her by such a casual nickname. While the Alicorn giggled sweetly in response, Sombra locked eyes with the leashed stallion looking up at the two. “You better be on your best behavior for your King, you little colt,” he said in a deeper, and much more intimidating tone that made the Prince quiver. “Because I won’t hesitate to throw your key away if you act up~” Shining could hear the sincerity in his growling tone, and he breathed out shakily as he sat in front of Sombra’s chair. The stallion didn’t want to do anything to risk upsetting his key-holder, and merely nodded without doing anything else. Meanwhile, Cadance leaned in over the side of the armrest of the chair, and grinned evilly as she graced her hoof down the side of Sombra’s face. “Mmmmm… That’s such a naughty idea, Mister Sombra~” Sombra’s eyes peered back at her, and the two completely ignored Shining’s blushed gaze as he said back to the Princess, “That may be true… but I have a feeling you’re much worse~” As Sombra’s face leaned in closer to Cadance's, the mare made one last look towards her husband before saying, “Oh, believe me… I definitely am~” While Shining Armor sat with his eyes as wide as frisbees, he could barely even breathe the instant he saw Cadance turn back to Sombra, and lock her muzzle against his. The Prince shuddered hard, and struggled to stay silent while watching his loving wife kissing one of their former sworn enemies. To make the situation even worse, Cadance's kiss with Sombra wasn’t just some small peck on the lips either; both of their mouths remained open while intertwined, and their light moans of pleasure were muffled as they started to openly make out. Since neither of them were looking down at the cuckold staring at the action, all they could hear were his faint and strained breaths over the sounds of their schlicking lips. Cadance then wrapped her forelegs around Sombra’s back, and pulled him in even tighter for her pathetic excuse of a husband to see. The instant he saw how passionately his wife was kissing that former Tyrant, even going as far as to openly slide her tongue into his mouth, Shining couldn’t help moaning with a strong spasm in his legs. But despite how badly the Prince was blushed and squirming to such a betraying sight, his little cock was hopelessly encased in that plastic cage to ensure he couldn’t properly get off to it. “Mmmmmm…~” Sombra returned the Princess’ affection as he held her tightly as well, and grabbed the back of her mane rather roughly. But despite a small grunt of what sounded like pain, Cadance didn’t seem to object in the slightest as she accepted the treatment. Shining could even see that brute’s long, reptilian-like tongue slipping out when their lips were briefly apart, and slide dominantly into his wife’s eager mouth. The action caused Cadance's eyes to briefly open wide in surprise as she made a muffled yelp. However, Shining could only watch as he saw his spouse’s eyes return to a half-lidded gaze, and her cheeks blush before submitting to the Ex-King. Shining’s hips tried not to thrust involuntarily to what he was seeing, even though his cock was straining hard enough within the cage to test its capabilities. Before too long, the open slit at the top of the mushroom-shaped head was filled by a slither of Shining’s puslating cockhead. He may have not been able to cum, or even get fully hard to the action he so desperately wanted to see, but his withheld groans intensified as he began to leak out a meager trickle of precum from the top of the cage. “Mmmmm… Oh, Sombra~” she moaned in a deep, almost flaunting tone in the brief moment their muzzles pulled apart again. They continued to kiss repeatedly, but they made sure their tongues were in full view of the cuckold as they slithered against each other. By the time the Princess needed to catch her breath, she made sure to nuzzle underneath Sombra’s neck while smiling lovingly. “Nnnnnghhhh… Wow, you’re a good kisser~” “Well, I have been rather pent-up after being frozen for a thousand years~” Sombra quipped with a casual shrug. Cadance giggled up at him with a warm smile, not even giving a split-second glance towards her squirming mate. Shining had to bite his lips shut to keep from being too audible, but brief grunts of arousal still came out with each exhale through his nostrils. Fortunately for the cuckold, those noises weren’t enough to distract Sombra as he asked Cadance lustfully, “But still, I hope it met up to your standards, my sweet~” Cadance grinned back at him with a giddy chuckle, and nodded her head firmly. “Oh, it definitely was, you big Stud~ In fact…” With a slow turn of her head back towards Shining Armor, her eyes narrowed squarely on him while saying with a wide, shit-eating grin. “... I honestly can’t remember you ever kissing me that well~” Shining knew that his wife was trying to be mean to play up the role, but he still tried not to guiltily cringe from hearing how genuine that remark sounded. Sombra cackled even louder after hearing her say that, and reached over to grab one of her flanks hard with his hoof. The Princess yelped in surprise from that sudden grope, but all she did was shoot a wide a lustrous smile back towards the Ex-Tyrant. “Oh, my… You seem awfully eager to fuck me, don’t you?~” Sombra gave a vilely satisfied grin to the Princess’ crass statement (especially to that expletive), and nodded his head before motioning downward. “Well, what do you think, you little slut?~” Instead of looking offended by such an insulting name, Cadance merely glanced downward while keeping her enticed smile. As soon as she noticed the former King’s now rock-hard and rigid cock, her face lit up like a Hearth’s Warming tree. “Oooohhh!~ Holy crap, that’s a big cock~” Sombra rolled his head back as he laughed in pleasure, which caused his eleven-inch monster of a cock to twitch repeatedly in front of the married couple. While Cadance eyed that thick piece of cockmeat with a bit lip and hungry grin, Shining had a heavy blush over his stunned expression. The Prince may have been above-average in most cases, but Sombra’s cock looked absolutely massive compared to his own. And with his own stallionhood confined to its locked cage to timidly twitch and leak without any attention, there was no doubt that the pony truly felt inferior to the former Tyrant. “Yes, it certainly is, isn’t it?~” said Sombra back at Cadance, but he kept his eyes glued on the subby cuck eyeing it just as much as his wife was. “What do you think, Shining?~ You think this will be enough to satisfy a mare like your wife?~” Shining was too stunned by the sight of that thick cock to really say anything, but he did make sure to nod his head while looking up at his face. Cadance giggled from seeing how cute her cuck looked with that response, and “rewarded” him by letting him see her nuzzle Sombra more affectionately. “Mmmmghhhh~ I can already tell that’s gonna scratch allllll of the itches that you can’t, Shining~” The Prince trembled from that humiliating statement by his wife, but he still let out a faint moan when he breathed out shakily. Sombra’s smile turned more sinister as he narrowed his eyes on Shining, and said with a condescending tone, “And guess what, little ‘Prince’?~” The Ex-Tyrant leaned himself down to get a better look at Shining’s sheepish face, and said with an evil-sounding growl, “You’re going to get it nice and wet for your King~” With the audible gulp Shining Armor made after hearing that command, the fur along his back stood on end from how hard he shivered in response. “You… You mean…” “Mmmmmphhh~” Cadance was growing more enticed as she groaned in pleasure over the armrest of the chair, and brought down one of her hooves to start rubbing her aching clit. “Ohhhhhh yeah… S-Suck his cock, Shining~” she moaned while eyeing the stoic Prince with a bit lip. “Nnnnnghh~ I… I wanna see you get a real stallion ready for me~” Shining almost hesitated for a moment, with his eyes darting between that fat cock and the two ponies staring at him mockingly. The cuck may have not been a homophobe by any means, but he was still straight enough to feel unsure about sucking another stallion’s cock. But with the way his heart was pounding in need, and the exhilaration of witnessing Cadance in such a way to make his little cock strain badly in his cage, Shining knew that he couldn’t deny their request. So instead of pausing to think things over, all that the Prince did was take a quick breath before closing his eyes, and opening his mouth wide. “MMMMPPHHH!!” Cadance lit up her horn before Shining could move in himself, and rammed her husband’s muzzle around Sombra’s waiting cock. The forceful nature caught the cuck by surprise, but he could only give a muffled grunt while tasting the strong bitterness of Sombra’s musk. The heady flavor of sweat and unwashed flesh was daunting enough for Shining to feel like his tongue was burning underneath that endowed shaft. However, the realization of what he was doing caused his nerves to stand on end, and his shameful exhilaration to skyrocket as he submitted to his task. “Mmmmmmm…” Less than a few seconds after that slightly uncomfortable thrust of Shining’s mouth, Sombra hummed with a more content smile as he felt the Prince’s pillowy lips wrap diligently around his shaft. The cuckold felt utterly humiliated as he began to suck on Sombra’s cock, but he soldiered on while withholding his strained whimpers between breaths. He may have had no experience with giving a stallion oral before that night, but he tried his best as he sucked on that fat, throbbing stallionhood without complaint. While his mouth began to slide up and down that shaft slowly, making sure to slather his tongue all over that musky flesh, his heart grew heavier while he heard Cadance openly laughing to the sight. “O-Oh my gosh, Shining!~” she cackled with a bemused smile while she and Sombra watched their cock-sucking cuck. “I wouldn’t have thought you’d do this so quickly~ Do you want Sombra to fuck you instead of me?~” Shining wanted to respond with a stern no, but he wasn’t able to pull his mouth away when he felt one of Sombra’s hooves rest firmly on top of his head. While the former Tyrant held Shining in place, all that the Prince could do was take a short breath before giving a muffled, “Nnnn-Nnnn~” Fortunately, that statement made Sombra shiver as the vibrations of the cuck’s voice accentuated well with his humiliating oral. “Oh, man…~” Sombra kept his cocky grin as he marveled at the sight of the Prince of the Crystal Empire blowing him with shameless diligence, while his very wife watched with amusement while rubbing herself. From the angle he had, the Ex-King had to admit that Shining looked fairly serviceable as he slid his lips across more of his daunting length, clearly wanting to get that veiny shaft as wet as possible for Cadance's plowing. Even though he could see how much the Prince was squirming from hearing his wife’s mocking laughter, Sombra couldn’t resist adding some more fuel to that fire by saying, “I must say Shining Armor, you mus--Mmmmnnnghhh, that’s good… Y-You must be quite the little Faggot to give my cock this kind of worship~” Cadance may have been enjoying the sight of her cuck prepping such an impressive cock, but her muzzle skewed in slight distaste to Sombra’s slur. Nevertheless, she kept herself silent on that matter, and instead giggled before adding, “I know, right? He looks like suuuuuuch a little sissy with his cock in your mouth~” Shining tried not to whimper as he heard those degrading words, and kept his eyes closed while sucking the Ex-King’s stallionhood. His little chastity cage continued to twitch from the strain of his own member, but wasn’t able to cum as he heard their mockery continue. “Mmmmmm… Honestly, I can’t see why you thought he’d be a suitable mate for you, Cadance~” “Hehehehe, I know, right?~ Compared to you, he… he’ll pretty much be worthless underneath the sheets~” “Oh, definitely~ Nnnnfffff…. I can only imagine how pathetic he’d look trying to fuck you with his tiny dicklet. Especially after I fuck you hard enough to keep you from walking right for a week~” “Mmmmmghhhh… Oh, yeah~ I… I hope you stretch me out so he’ll never properly fill me again~” Each insult was more degrading than the last, with those words from his wife and Sombra digging into him like a knife. He could feel his confidence being torn to shreds with each degrading remark they gave, with the truthfulness in their words stinging worse than the former Tyrant’s musk lingering on his tongue. But despite how hurt he felt, the Prince couldn’t keep from moaning feebly as he finished his duties for them. By the time he was able to pull his muzzle away from that daunting cock, his own puny stallionhood was left only to leak in its constraint. Sombra hummed with satisfaction as he saw the Prince’s lips finally pull away from his throbbing cockhead, with multiple strings of Shining’s saliva connecting the two briefly. The Prince was left panting heavily while his face was blushed, and carrying a clear look of discomfort from the strong taste. Pleased with the stallion’s diligence, Sombra cackled in delight before saying, “I have to give you credit, Mister Armor. I honestly didn’t think you’d be able to stomach my musk for that long. I made sure to refrain from cleaning my privates for over a week before tonight. I hope that’s okay~” Sombra’s toothy grin was unbearably wide as he laughed after that remark, not that the Prince could focus too much on his face at that moment. With the overwhelming taste of Sombra’s bitter sweat plastering his mouth, Shining tried not to wretch after hearing that unneeded detail. Meanwhile, Cadance let out a hiccuped moan in an attempt to giggle, but was too turned on by what she just saw while rubbing her marehood more intensely. Shining’s senses may have been frayed by inhaling Sombra’s musk for so long, but he was still able to catch the unmistakable scent of his wife’s arousal while she was nestled in close to that proper stallion. “Mmmmm… Oh, Sombra!~” she moaned out needily while squirming from her growing lust. Her eyes were clenched tightly shut, and her head was resting against Sombra’s shoulder while continuing to hoof her dripping pussy. “Aaaahhh!~ I… I don’t know how much more I can take!~” Shining was twitching just as badly as his wife, but he kept his muzzle shut while staring up to see how pent-up Cadance was getting for their former enemy. Fom the way her hips were convulsing while leaning over the chair, he was surprised she didn’t just pounce on top of that fat cock to fill herself to the brim. As soon as Sombra saw how intensely Shining was staring at her, he smiled evilly before pulling her head in, and giving her another intense kiss. This time, their makeout was much more intense as Cadance practically devoured his muzzle, and lewdly moaned while sucking on Sombra’s tongue. Shining’s legs quivered from the sight, and he bit his hoof hard as he struggled not to rub his chastity cage for even the slightest hint of relief. As Sombra claimed the Princess’ mouth with his dominant mouth-work, his free hoof took hold of Shining’s leash to pull him back onto his hooves. While the Prince grunted from the strain of his collar tugging the back of his neck, he could only watch as his wife finally pulled her lips away from Sombra’s; much like how he finished prepping the Ex-Tyrant, a couple lines of their spit connected their tongues as they stared at each other hungrily. “Get on the bed,” commanded Sombra towards Shining’s horny wife. “Bend yourself over, and present yourself for me.” Cadance gave a wide and needy grin, and nodded her head without even glancing towards her blushed husband. “Sure thing, Honey~” Strangely enough, hearing Cadance refer to Sombra as ‘Honey’ instead of him struck Shining the hardest. But alas, his little cage still strained immensely while watching his spouse hop off the chair, and eagerly rush towards the bed they shared for so long. Without even caring to look at her husband anymore, Cadance planted the front of her body on the bed, and spread her hind-legs apart as they remained on the floor. With a look of pure desire burning in her antsy grin, Princess Cadance lifted her tail up high as she looked back at her former enemy, and exposed her wet and winking cunt for him to see. “Mmmmmm.... Oh, Sombra!~ I want you to fuck me right now!~” The sincerity in her needy wail was hot enough to make Shining’s legs buckle, and almost caused him to fall to the floor in front of Sombra’s chair. Fortunately, the former King’s grip around Shining’s leash ensured he’d stay in their grasp to witness what happened next. As he got up from his seat to trot towards that needy Princess, Sombra harshly pulled on the Prince’s leash so he’d be right next to him. As they walked, Sombra shot a glaring grin down at Shining as he growled, “I hope you’re ready for this, you pathetic little cock-sucker. Because I’m going to give you exactly what you wanted to see~” Shining’s expression may have showed a look of downtrodden grief, but his heavy blush and dripping cage made it clear that Sombra wasn’t wrong in the slightest. As soon as he got to the side of the bed, Shining was pushed down to the floor between his wife’s fidgeting legs. The stallion was then turned around so that his back was against the bed, giving him a prime view of his wife’s pristine cunny for Sombra’s use. He could see how much Cadance's pussy was winking and drooling in arousal, causing the fur around her marehood to be matted in her juices. Meanwhile, Sombra’s cock was still glistening in a thick sheen of Shining’s saliva as he came up behind her, and got his front hooves on the bed behind the Princess’. Shining didn’t want to interrupt what was about to happen, but he openly moaned the instant he saw that large, studly stallion in the mounting position before his loving wife. Cadance let out a dire moan as well, with her hips writhing from sensing how close that Ex-King’s cock was to her waiting entrance. The very heat of Sombra’s cock could be felt by the Princess’ exposed folds, which caused her cunt to convulse wildly for her husband to witness. A couple drops of her arousal came down to hit Shining’s forehead, which made him quiver even more to counteract the immense pressure from his chastity cage. “My, my, my…” Sombra looked absolutely elated as he paused in his dominant stance, and his smile as deviously wide as it was during his previous rule. He couldn’t help looking down with a mix of delight and bewilderment at those two writhing, needy ponies waiting beneath him. They may have taken his Kingdom and his Royal seat, but they were still giving into him in the most submissive, and demeaning of ways for their own twisted pleasure alongside his own. Part of him wanted to ponder why the heck he agreed to letting them oversee the Crystal Empire as opposed to himself, but he was willing to put politics aside while he spoke condescendingly. “Mmmmm… I’m going to enjoy this greatly, your ‘Highnesses’… But first…” Cadance let out an impatiently deprived groan, her wings flapping wildly in anticipation for that long-waited filling. But while the Princess’ pussy was left convulsing against nothing, Sombra looked down towards the moaning Prince he had tightly in his leash. The Ex-Tyrant yanked the leash back to pull Shining closer towards him, and narrowed his eyes evilly while he said, “Before I begin, I need to ask you a very important question…” Before Shining could even get the chance to tremble in Sombra’s grasp, he could see how many teeth were exposed in that wicked smile before the fiend had the audacity to ask: “... Are there any contraceptive spells on your wife?~” Shining’s heart shot up to his throat, and his gasp was just as brief as it was mortified. He knew exactly what Sombra was wanting to do, and the sadistic smile he saw on his muzzle made the Prince feel unbelievably helpless to stop it. To make matters worse, he heard how badly his wife moaned in pleasure as she heard that question as well. “Y-Yeah!!~” she cried out as she bent herself over more prominently, eager to give in to Sombra’s sick demand before he could even say it himself. “He… He activated it himself this morning!~” The Prince was frozen in absolute terror, clearly not wanting Sombra to know that tidbit of information. His legs writhed helplessly, but there was no way for him to move away while Sombra had a death-grip on his leash. His expression showed a look of undoubtable dread, which only made Sombra narrow his eyes even more on him with an unrelenting grin. By all circumstances, Shining Armor should’ve been utterly mortified at what his wife’s admission would mean for him, or for their situation as a whole. But from Sombra’s point of view, he was able to see clear as day that Shining wanted it. With the cuck’s chastity cage straining unbelievably hard from his cock struggling to grow hard, his heart was racing as he saw Sombra parting his lips to speak. Part of him wanted to speak out, or to stop this before it turned to something much more serious. But with the way his wife was moaning in need, and how hard his own heart was racing in a mix of panic and excitement, the Prince couldn’t have denied his true feelings if he tried. Despite how horrible it may have been, Shining not only knew exactly what the Ex-King was going to command… He was anticipating it. “Undo that spell, Shining Armor. Right. Now.” Shining Armor, the Prince of the Crystal Empire and loving husband to its Princess, could only wince slightly before lighting up his horn without any hesitance. Due to his willing chastity, the stallion was far too riled-up for his own good as he gave in to that sadistic order from his King. A bright hue of his pink magic surfaced around his wife’s waiting cunny, and caused her to groan in absolute satisfaction at feeling that contraceptive spell dissipate from her body. As soon as the aura of Shining’s magic disappeared from his wife’s backside, Sombra let out a low and venomous cackle as he eyed that unprotected prize. “Aaahhhh!!~” Cadance reeled her head back while groaning through her bitten lip, clearly far too horny to really process the immense danger she just allowed the Ex-Tyrant to put her and Shining in. She may have known deep-down how terrible her husband’s un-casting may have been, but her body was writhing in pure contentment as she moaned out, “Ohhhh!!~ Oh, Goddess, yes!!~ Th… Thank you soooooo much for getting him to do that, Honey~” “I wouldn’t have stayed if your cuck refused~” purred the former Tyrant with a sinister grin, and a sickly-sweet tone of voice that made Shining’s stomach turn uncomfortably. But alas, the Prince still had to purse his muzzle shut to keep his burning arousal silent. By all circumstances, Shining understood how awful he was for not only allowing the former enemy to fuck his wife, but to have him do so with no protection whatsoever. But as he looked up at his Alicorn’s needy form, as well as that glorious cock that was inches from claiming her as its own, the cuckolded Prince’s smile was as clear as his excited blush. “Any last words, you pathetic little worm?~” asked Sombra as he glared down at him with an antsy grin, and a stern twitch of his cock for Shining to see. With nothing but a shamefully timid shudder, all that the white stallion could do was open his mouth, and meekly answer with, “H… Have fun~” “I intend to~” With that, Sombra gave no warning as he pressed his thick, crowned cockhead against those dripping lips of Shining Armor’s wife. Cadance bellowed out a heavy, undeniable cry of pleasure from feeling that hot piece of cockmeat prodding against her. Her pussy hungrily winked and convulsed from the welcome guest, and dripped even more in anticipation for that thick cock to spear her needily. All the while, Shining moaned out like a little bitch as he laid directly beneath the action, and let his spouse’s juices drip over his face as he stared through a half-lidded gaze. “Mnnnnghhhh… My goodness, you’re tight~” cooed Sombra as he pushed his cock in even harder. Shining was squirming uncontrollably as he saw that massive stallionhood trying to slide in between his wife’s soaking lips. Meanwhile, Cadance was moaning even louder from that rigid cock opening her up while hearing him jeer, “I’m not gonna lie, I… I figured a mare who just had a child would be looser~” “Mmmmphhh!!~” Cadance reeled in titilation while shivering from Sombra’s cockhead slowly sinking past her folds, as well as those surprisingly complimentary words. “You… you saw that little thing that Shining has, didn’t you?~ It… It’s not like that little thing ever did much for me~” Shining’s legs clasped tightly together as he moaned from his wife’s insult, but it wasn’t enough to counteract the painful pressure building within his cage. Due to his predicament, the Prince couldn’t do a thing to stop the ever-increasing pain and libido rushing through his system. The debauchery he was witnessing was leaving him a squirming, miniscule mess of a stallion as he watched that beast claim his once-faithful wife. But even with how much it stung with each word she truthfully exclaimed, the feeling of betrayal was nothing compared to that sweet, sweet sight of taboo as he watched Sombra’s cock make one last push. Shining’s own cock may have been locked-up, but it still spurted a measly string of precum the instant he saw that cockhead finally pierce inside of Cadance to make her scream. “AAAAHHHHH!!!~” The Alicorn looked utterly blissful from the sensation of Sombra’s cock filling her, and her voice was heavy with lust as she shrieked out his name instead of her spouse’s. “Ohhhh!!!~ Oh, SOMBRA!!!~” Sombra shivered with a haughty grin at hearing the Princess’ elated words, but didn’t stop to thank her as he continued to push. With their leashed cuck forced to watch in a heavy fog of guilty arousal, he was able to see how much his wife’s cunt was spread open as Sombra gave a hefty thrust into Cadance. His thick, veiny shaft had more than enough lubrication by the Prince’s earlier oral, which allowed a couple inches to sink into the moaning mare without much effort. Nevertheless, Cadance still let out a piercing cry with each movement her new lover made, while her secretions continued to rain down on the spouse slipping further from her lust-addled mind. Sombra wanted to keep mocking the cuckold beneath them, or lay into the Princess for being such a shamelessly adulterous slut, but the alicorn’s tight pussy was enough to keep him silent as he shoved more of his cock inside. With each inch that was forcefully slid into Cadance's lovely cunt, her husband moaned out even more while trembling in envious adoration. Part of him wished that he was giving it to her instead of that former King, just to hear his wife give him that sort of praise for the pleasure she was feeling. But with each painful throb of his inferior cock inside its bindings, and each lustrous shriek of Sombra’s name instead of his own, Shining couldn’t hold back the taboo sense of joy he felt at being in such a submissive stance. “Oh! Oh, GODDESS!!~” Even when Sombra’s medial ridge was pressing hard against the outside of Cadance's drooling lips, the Alicorn herself was still moaning hungrily for more. The mare couldn’t hold back her rapture at the immense fullness Sombra’s cock was providing, and she didn’t care whatsoever that her husband was hearing how badly she loved it. “Aaaahhhh!! Ge… Get the ridge in, you stud!!~ I… I want it allllll in me, Sombra!~” Shining’s breaths were faint and shaky, and he had to bite his lip to keep from crying out in agreement with his promiscuous wife. With the way his own cock was throbbing painfully inside of his cage, he wanted nothing more than to pull it off so he could jerk off to the demented sight he wanted for so long. But with such a studly sadist at the reigns of his leash and key, all he could do was moan like a needy pet while hearing Sombra’s venomous voice. “Ooooohhhh, I’m gonna shove it all in you, you little Slut! And when I do… I’m not going to pull out~” With Cadance's birth control disabled, that last sentence hurt Shining even more in all of the right ways. The pathetic Prince writhed beneath the two as he heard how badly his wife shrieked in bliss. “Ahhhhh!!~ You… You better NOT pull out! I… I want you to BREED ME!!!~” Sombra peered down at Shining with the vilest, most shit-eating smile he could muster. Meanwhile, all the Prince could do was squirm uncontrollably, and glance back up to the superior stallion with a shamefully content expression. Without even thinking, Shining gave a strong nod of his head up to him while his conscious was lost in the moment. And with that, Sombra narrowed his eyes fiendishly as he nodded in return. “Then it’s settled~” With the Prince unable to stop whatever ensued next, Sombra gritted his teeth as he bore down on the Princess with a heavy thrust. His medial ridge popped inside of Cadance's fertile pussy, and made her shriek out without any regret in her strained voice. Down below, Shining was groaning in a deep arousal of his own as he witnessed that beast sliding balls-deep into his spouse, and fully intent on claiming her womb as his own. The devastation alone was enough to make tears bead in the stallion’s eyes, but that leakage wasn’t nearly as prevalent as the precum continuing to spurt from his twitching cage. Cadance threw her head back down as she cried out shakily, now able to experience the Ex-King’s full length as she felt that cockhead pierce into her deepest depths. His thick, fruitful balls pressed in against the Princess’ throbbing clit, and made her squirm uncontrollably in a way her own husband never could. Shining could see how much those balls were pulsating from underneath, and could tell that the former Tyrant could easily be able to breed her like a showmare. If he was in a clearer state of mind outside of his chastity, the Prince may have been able to speak up in protest, or even reactivate the contraceptive spell without either of them knowing. But instead, the worthless cuckold could only writhe his hips in envy as he watched Sombra slide his cock back out, and ready himself to royally fuck Cadance in a literal sense. Just as he felt his medial ridge tugging against the inside of Cadance's clenching entrance, Sombra grinned devilishly as he said, “Long live the King~” Without any reluctance, Cadance pulled her head up as she shrieked in response, “LONG LIVE THE KING!!~” That bellowing cry was more than enough to keep Sombra from holding back, and he rammed his length into the mare hard enough to rock her hips against the side of the bed. The Princess screamed out, but the sound-proof walls of the bedroom ensured that nopony outside knew of the debauchery she and her husband were embracing. More of her juices dribbled out due to the volume displacement of that cock, which made Shining’s face even more matted in his wife’s succulent nectar. But despite the stickiness of his fur, and the taste of Sombra’s cock still lingering on his tongue, the Prince’s mouth was hung open as he moaned to the sight of Cadance giving in to such a shamelessly deplorable act. Sombra was quick to get into a heavy, rapid rhythm as he started to properly fuck Shining’s wife. Each time he slid his cock out to make the Princess moan and quiver for that filling, it was quickly rectified as he slammed back against her thick and supple cheeks to get her crying for more. His balls hit Cadance's clit with every thrust he pounded into her, eliciting lewd smacks of their flesh that could just be barely heard over the Princess’ hungry shrieks. His hooves gripped the Alicorn’s plump rear as he stood on his hind-legs, and plowed into her like his life depended on it. And with Shining’s leash still tightly wrapped around his hoof, the Prince was forced to lean up and get an up-close view of the Ex-Tyrant defiling his wife. “Ahhhh!~” The Prince wasn’t sure if his meager cries weren’t loud enough compared to the two fucking just a few inches above his blushed face, or if they were purposely ignoring his presence while rutting wildly. But regardless of the reason, Shining’s legs were spasming as he hung by his collar, and was forced to breathe in the heavy scent of sex wafting from them. The taste of Sombra’s musk may have been hard to stomach, but his mouth was still watering as he saw how hard those balls were slapping against Cadance's backside. He could hear each schlick of that glistening shaft sliding in and out of his spouse’s dripping cunt, and could only imagine how invigorating that sensation would’ve felt from the mare’s perspective. Of course, even if he wasn’t able to hear her joyous shrieks and moans from their King’s rutting, Shining knew clear as day that Sombra was giving it her far better than he ever did. “AAAAHHHH!!! OH! OH! OH! OH SOMBRAAAA!!!~” By the time she felt how badly she was clenching around that thick and vastly superior cock, Cadance had fully succumbed to the pleasures stemmed from her husband’s twisted fantasy. With the primal thrusts that Sombra was driving into her pussy with unending repetition, the Princess knew she was going to cum unbelievably hard at any moment. Of course, due to how tightly she was clinging to that monstrous shaft, she could feel just how much that stallion was throbbing within her once-sacred walls. She knew how badly things could end if he finished inside of her, but her undying lust overrode her sense of mind as she cried out for more. “MMMMNNNNFFFFF!!! OH GODDESS!! OH GODDESS I THINK I’M GONNA CUM!!~” That rapturous cry from his wife hade Shining’s heart pound even harder in excitement, and his half-lidded eyes refused to close completely while watching the deplorable magic unfold. Even with how terribly constrained his cock felt within that tiny cage, he was almost shocked he still couldn’t cum from the sheer feeling of titillation coursing through his veins. But even with his denial of any semblance of an orgasm, the Prince couldn’t feel any sense of regret as he heard Sombra’s bellowing voice. “Mmmnnnghhh!! Who owns you, Princess?!” he growled through his clenching teeth while pounding the Alicorn relentlessly above their blissful cuck. “You… You better tell me RIGHT NOW!!!~” “S-SOMBRA OWNS ME!!!” she screamed in absolute bliss as she felt her orgasm closing in. She could swear she could hear her pathetic husband’s measly moans from underneath them, but she couldn’t care less as she embraced the shameful pleasure of their former enemy full-force. “You… YOU OWN US, KING SOMBRA!!! I… I NEVER WANT SHINING’S WORTHLESS COCK AGAIN!!! OH… OH GODDESS I WANT YOU SO BAD!!! I WANT YOU SOMBRA, OH PLEASE!! C… CLAIM MY WOMB AND MAKE ME YOUR NEW WIFE!!!~” With that last sentence ringing into his ears like the most painful, and somehow the most invigorating wave of energy, Shining felt completely numb by the time Sombra erupted inside of her. The King’s loud, boisterous roar shook the entire room as he plunged balls-deep into the Princess, and remained deep inside of her during his release. Shining could see how badly his King’s legs were twitching as he kept himself buried in his wife, as well as how much those heavy balls rode up to unload every drop he could inside of her. Even though he was completely unable to do anything but moan and watch the sadistic act with his own two eyes, he wished nothing more than to have seen just how much of Sombra’s cum was flooding into Cadance's womb. The Princess’ body was rocked to its very core from that final thrust that Sombra gave her, and she felt completely weightless as she felt every throb of that wonderful cock imbedded inside of her once-faithful walls. Her fur stood on end as she experienced the hot, taboo warmth of Sombra’s cum flooding every inch of her deepest depths, undoubtedly filling her womb to the brim with that Tyrant’s wonderfully thick and potent seed. Her nerves became frayed from the overwhelming pleasure that shook her body from head to hooves, giving her that feeling of titillating electricity she couldn’t say she ever experienced before. She may have loved Shining Armor with all of her heart, and even still wanted him to stay after the deed was done; however, there was no denial in the Alicorn’s mind or heart that after everything was said and done, both she and her “husband” were rightfully owned by that superior stallion. The Royally-Fucked mare could feel her body giving out to the ecstasy and nirvanic rapture she endured, and she fell face-first into the bed with a deeply satisfied smile on her blushed face. Meanwhile, her cuckolded husband looked equally as content as he was left hanging by his leash, and twitching incessantly from the arousal he knew couldn’t be depleted anytime soon. While he didn’t predict that Sombra would go as far as he did, the Prince couldn’t have wanted his betrayal to have gone any other way in the end. Each breath he took was filled with the rich taste of his wife’s scent combined with Sombra’s musk, and his eyes were greeted with that perfect view of his spouse’s cunt filled with the King’s cock. “Mmmmmmm… Your wife is wonderful, Shining~” purred Sombra with a tired, but very satisfied tone as he grinned evilly down at him. While he was glad to have given the Prince his perverted fantasy in tenfold, he was even happier with what this arrangement could mean for him. By the time he was able to shiver in completion, the former villain kept himself firmly buried inside Shining’s wife as while hearing Shining speak. “Th… Th-Thank you,” he said with a very meek tone, and a smile on his muzzle that was as weak as it was genuine. Even though he appreciated that gesture, Sombra narrowed his eyes even more as he replied firmly through his smile. “Thank you for what, Shining? And to whom are you thanking?~” Shining quivered from Sombra’s dominant tone, but his smile only grew shakier before he complied to the superior stallion’s order. “Th… Thank you for fucking my wife, Som… I-I mean… M-My King~” “That’s better,” Sombra said with a satisfied grin reeking of his older ways. “And you better hope your wife doesn’t get pregnant, Mister Armor. At least, you should if you know what’s good for you...” With that pause, Sombra made sure that Shining was tiredly looking up at him before smiling mischievously. He held up the chain still wrapped around his neck, and made sure the Prince saw that key meant for his chastity cage. “... Because if I did knock your wife up… I’ll make sure she’s the one to break this key into a million pieces, and keep that worthless prick of yours locked-up for good~” Shining’s eyes widened immensely, and he couldn’t stop trembling due to the arousal lingering over his look of dread. But before be could give any legible response, both Shining and Sombra overheard a blissful moan from the Princess that caught them by surprise. She may have been halfway out of consciousness, but she heard enough of that response to ask with a glimmer of hopefulness. “R… R-Really, honey?~” “Why, of course~” cooed their King as he looked back at her sweetly. Shining wasn’t able to see the warm and antsy smile his wife was giving to her new stallion, but he could tell that she was looking at Sombra with the same adoration she used to give him. Sombra then looked back down to the cuck, and tilted his head while his sickening smirk widened. “That is… Unless I don’t get the Princess pregnant with my foal. If that happens, I don’t know what will happen from there~” Shining’s blush grew heavier, and he could tell that Sombra was waiting for him to give an answer. His heart was continuing to thunder as hard as the throbs inside of his cock cage, and it took everything in him not to shiver from the horrible thoughts rushing through his head. But as he looked between that waiting smile the stallion above was giving him, and towards his wife’s pussy still crammed with the Tyrant’s deflating cock, any form of conscience was completely vacant from the cuckold’s mind. Because of that, he could only bite his lip before hearing Cadance ask tiredly, “Wh… What’ll happen if I’m not, Shining?~” Shining Armor closed his eyes for a brief moment, and took a deep breath before reopening them to look back up at Sombra. His cock was still locked-up, and his neck was still bound by that collar and leash, but he felt perfectly content as he grew an excited smile and answered. “Th-Then… “Then I want you to try again, my King~” Even after experiencing one of the best orgasms he had in over a millennium, Sombra couldn’t have been happier upon seeing that smile on the cuckolded Prince’s face. “Wonderful~” Sombra then pulled out of Shining’s wife completely, which made Cadance gasp at the sudden emptying of such a thick cock from her well-used pussy. But due to her exhaustion, the Princess could only moan and shudder from the feeling of Sombra’s warm, gooey cum drooling out for her husband to see. Shining let out a hungry groan upon seeing that massive cream-pie his King left inside of his spouse, and could barely look away while Sombra tugged at his leash. “First,” commanded the ‘Former’ King as he sat himself on the bed beside Cadance, and left his cum-slathered cock exposed for Shining to see. “You’re going to clean up both of us using only your tongue. And you will clean ME first. Then, I want you to go to my previous living quarters while the guards are absent, and move everything back into here. You can still stay as a guest, but you won’t be allowed on this bed any longer. And then, if you do everything quickly enough, I might let you watch me give your wife sloppy-seconds before you sleep on the couch.” Cadance may have still loved her husband, but she couldn’t help looking back at him with a snarky grin while her stretched-out cunny was presented so sloppily. “Hehehehe… Emphasis on ‘Might,’ Shining~” “Do you understand?” Shining may have had a lot to process (especially considering what this meant for him from now on), but his burning arousal and shame prompted him to nod firmly before giving a courteous bow. “I… I-I understand, my King.” With that, Shining Armor sighed in acceptance before he got back up, and began to lick the cum off of Sombra’s half-flaccid cock. The Prince grimaced badly from the taste, but he soldiered on as he submitted himself to his new life. Meanwhile, Sombra breathed out in sweet relief as he laid back on the bed beside Cadance, and savored the feeling of Shining’s tongue dragging up the underside of his cock. As he laid in his old mattress once more, Sombra felt much less upset about his current standing in the Crystal Empire. He may have not been an Official King anymore, but he was perfectly fine with having the Princess and her husband at his whim in such a perverted way. Not to mention, he enjoyed the prospect of having a semblance of his old life without any judgement, or any of those pesky Royal duties that Shining and Cadance possessed as the Empire’s new leaders. In a way, Sombra felt like he had a life much better now than he did before his reign was interrupted. “Aaaaaaahhhhh…” While Shining Armor continued to reluctantly suck all of the cum off of his cock, and Cadance tiredly leaned in by his side with a light nuzzle, Sombra looked up to his ceiling with a newfound look of peace on his face. “I must say… It’s good to be King~”