> The Wrath of Midnight Sparkle > by TheShadowKnight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. Once were the worse enemies and bitter rivals, now became the bestest of friends... and quite possibly, even more. For while after the Battle of the Bands, they have been writing to each other ever since then. Writing about their lives, what they did, and sometimes their most personal secrets; like the one time Sunset told Twilight about her past and her crumbling relationship with her mom: Princess Celestia, which shocked Twilight big time. She told her that after Twilight and their friends reformed her at the Fall Formal, Sunset felt intense guilt for betraying Celestia, the mare who gave her love and care, and in return, spited her and ran away. Sunset thought that she could never be forgiven but Twilight tells her that Celestia felt worried about her, she even kept asking the purple mare that if she was alright 3 times in a row. Twilight even told Sunset that Celestia would be grateful if she was able to come visit her in Equestria. This warmed the teenage girl’s heart. Sunset was also even shocked that, her mom got engaged with Discord of all ponies. Twilight stated her that they began dating after her coronation as Princess of Friendship and after the day of Tirek’s defeat. She and the girls were happy for them, but it took 5 weeks for everypony to get used to them as a couple. For Twilight’s brother Shining, it took a whole year. And so on, every day they would share stuff about their lives, what they did and more of their personal secrets. But there was one secret they both have, one that they never told each other. Was that, Sunset has a crush on Twilight and Twilight has a crush on Sunset. That’s right! For awhile, the two Equestrians developed romantic feelings for each other. And for some time, neither of them could confess their feelings to one another. Sure Twilight had a tiny crush on Flash Sentry during her last two visits to CHS, but it wasn’t anything compared to her new feelings towards Sunset. Most of the time the Alicorn would skip out of her duties as princess so she can have time to write to the red and orange haired girl. The two journals they both have not also magically sends messages to one another, but also emitted the essence of their emotions for the other to feel. At first the emotions from the messages she received from Sunset we’re happy and with love, but in the past two days the emotions from the messages, started to emit pain and despair. For Sunset had wrote to Twilight about the crisis she’s dealing with at the school. That a blogger on MyStable known as Anon-A-Miss who has been posting embarrassing secrets and hurtful gossip about everyone at CHS. And later they accused her as the culprit and everyone easily turned on her, including her friends. After receiving the messages, Twilight couldn’t help but feel worried for Sunset and anger towards her friends and the students. But Twilight never let her anger get the best of her and eventually she wrote back to Sunset, saying that “Sometimes, all you can do is stay strong. Stay yourself. And find your family.” Hoping that it was helpful. Until the day came where Twilight’s anger, finally got to her. And that day came early than as it was expected. Walking down the long empty hallways of the Castle of Friendship, Spike just came back from the kitchen, with pancakes stuffed with gems. Eventually he walked past the doors that lead into the castle’s library, and that’s when he heard.... “WHAT!!!! HOW DARE THEY!!!!!” A loud scream of anger and explosion came from the library, so loud that it startled the dragon which made him drop his pancakes. And it clearly sounded like Twilght was having another rage episode... again. He decided to check on her to see what’s going on. As Spike burst through the doors to see what was going on, what came into sight... shocked him. The entire library looked burned to the crisps, books turned into ashes, the smell of smoke in the air. What’s most weird, is that on the floor, at the center of the brunt library, was the journal he and Twilight use to contact Sunset, opened up to a specific page with a new message sent from her. To his curiosity, Spike walked towards the journal, picked it up with his claws and read what the message said: ”I’m sorry Twilight! They didn’t believe me, not even when I tried to, they just wouldn’t let me speak in my defense! I know you told me to ‘stay strong’ and ‘find my family’ but... I DON’T HAVE A FAMILY HERE NOR ANYWHERE HERE TWILIGHT!!! Once more the other students have been physical with me these past few days. They always shove me violently in the hallways and sometimes they would... beat me violently too! I JUST CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE TWILIGHT!!!! PLEASE I NEED HELP!!!!!!! After reading the message, Spike felt either worry or anger in his mind. He can even feel the Sunset’s pain emitting from the message. And then all of a sudden, the journal was then engulfed in a magical turquoise aura and soon it was then yanked out of his hands. As Spike looked towards the pony who took the journal from him, but what he saw, was something he wished he didn’t see. Standing next to the portal that separates Equestria and CHS, was Twilight. But she was... different and her features looked very different as well. Her lavender coat was ever so slightly darker. Her wings were that of a vulture's, dark and purple with a thin line of turquoise running through them. Her horn looked a little like the Changeling Queen's but instead of uniformly dark, it was glowing turquoise. Her mane and tail were a mess, somehow floating up above her head. Her eyes were turquoise with contracted purple pupils. Her hooves glowed turquoise. She was wearing a dress of purples and pinks that made her look great and scary all at once. On her neck, she wore a purple necklace with a pink, six-pointed star on it. But the worst part, the very worst part, was Twilight's cutie mark. It was no longer a pink star with a white background star and five small white stars surrounding it. Instead, it was a six-pointed ninja star. But her eyes... frightening as they where, are filled with anger and hatred. “T-Twilight?” Spike stutters in fear. ”Spike, watch over the castle for me. I won’t be gone for long.” Twilight spoke in a commanding tone with icy venom in her voice. And soon she placed the journal on the portal to activate it and strolled towards it. “W-Where are you going?” Spike questioned. As she stop about an inch from the portal, Twilight turns to face her #1 assistant, who was still cowering in fear at the sight of her. Her glaring demeanor slowly turned into a comforting smile. “It’s nothing you should worry about, Spike.” She then gestured her hoof to the far left side of the library.“And by the way, I left you a little something to keep you busy.” Then Twilight faced the portal and eventually went right through it, and was gone. Leaving the little dragon in the library alone. Scratching his head in confusion, Spike started turning to where Twilight pointed at. “What did she mean by... HOLY GUACAMOLE!!!” Spike gasps in surprise. Standing a few feet from him, was a towering pile of fire rubies! Gazing at his favorite type of gems in all it’s glory, made him drool in hunger and cleared his head of everything. “You know, I think I’m gonna like the new Twilight... GERONIMO!!!!!” And just like that he ran and jumped right into the pile of rubies, and began chowing down. ~ By the statue, near CHS. ~ A half hour later, Twilight emerged from the statue base (which serves as the portal from that world to Equestria), in her now human form, but with her new features. The winter cold air never affected her, for her anger completely had a hold on her mind. It was like a war was going on inside Twilight’s head, telling her to find the Rainbooms and deliver them the punishment they deserved. But it mostly told her to find Sunset and make sure she is safe, it would seems with all that anger and rage, there was still a little love and kindness in princess’s heart. “Don’t worry Sunset. I will make sure no one will ever harm you again.” She said with empathy in her voice. What she didn’t notice was that two students were walking by, both were male and laughing all of a sudden. She could hear them talking about something, so she decided to get closer to hear more. And as she did, she heard them very clearly now. “Yo, Swift! Just got a text from Gilda. She said that they finally given that bitch what she deserves!” The first boy said. He then showed his phone along with the text he received. As the second boy, now known as Swift observed the text message, he then chuckled. “Yeah Crimson, that’ll teach her not to screw us and the entire school over.” “And what would be the reason for that!” A sickening voice came from behind them, making them shiver in fear. As they turned around, only to see Twilight, hovering in the air, glaring down at them. Seeing her made the two students sigh in relief. “Oh, it’s just Twilight.” Crimson chuckled while Swift continued to stare at the princess’s new form. As the two stood where they are, Twilight began to hovers closer to the two. As she got closer, a glowing turquoise blade made from her magic aura, slowly formed in Twilight’s right hand. “So what brings you here, is it because of Sunset? Don’t worry she’s always been dealt with, so you can—ack” After saying what he said, Twilight plunges her Aura Blade deep within Crimson’s chest and instantly killing him. As he looked at the blade that impaled him, Crimson drew his final breath and was then, no more. Twilight then pulled the blade out of his lifeless corpse and shoved it to the side, as her gaze fell towards Swift. As Swift stood shocked where he was, Twilight then raises her left hand to grip his neck and raise him a few inches of the ground. He tried desperately to get out of her grasp, but her grip was too strong. As the Aura Blade in her right hand disappeared into thin air, she then grabs Crimson’s phone which fell out of his hands when she killed him. She looked over the text message that Crimson said that Gilda sent him. What she saw was a photo of a beaten Sunset, with a black eye, bruises and scars all over her body. What was most shocking was that on her forehead was the word: “She-Demon.” Twilight... became really pissed, so pissed that she instantly crushed the phone in pieces, with her bare hands! She then glared at Swift as she pulled him close to her face. ”Where... Is... SUNSET!!!” She scolded as her grip on the boys neck, tighten even more. As he began to suffocate, he later finally spoke, with fear in his voice and had trouble doing it. That’s what happens when a person’s hand crushes your vocal cord. “At the... Abandoned factory... Just... Outside... Of town! That’s all I... Know! Please... let me... go... Twilight!” He pleaded. As she finally had the information she needed, she then tightened her grip on him, even more. “Only my friends call me that! I, am Princess Midnight Sparkle! And soon you, and all of CHS will face punishment for what you did to the love of my life... Sunset Shimmer!” She stated. ”And that is-“ *CRACK!* ”Death.” Then with a sickening crack, she broke Swift’s neck, instantly killing him. Midnight then tossed him aside, laying dead on the ground. She was now done showing forgiveness, the inhabitants of this world proved that they don’t deserve any. She finally knows where Sunset is, now she plans on getting her back. So with her new dark magic she teleported herself to the abandoned factory where Sunset was now being held at. And you can bet that Midnight won’t show any mercy on her special someone’s attackers and the entire school. > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Abandon Metal Manufacturing Factory, Outside of Canterlot City [Restricted Area] ~ The sick thing was, Sunset wasn't even surprised. This week had gone to absolute hell. One minute, she was having the time of her life, hanging out with her friends at their slumber parties. The next thing she knew, she was accused of a crime she hadn't committed, all her friends dumped her, and she found herself beaten to a pulp, tied to a pole in an old abandoned factory some 20 miles outside Canterlot, with the intent of leaving her there to freeze. Around 7:00pm, Gilda, Lightning Dust and Dumbbell, along with 30 CHS students, lured her into a trap at the school gym and well, you know the rest. And now she had just learned from her old lackeys, Snips and Snails, that Rainbow Dash, her friend, the wielder of Loyalty, had orchestrated this entire thing. She recalled the conversation she had had with Adagio. "And what do you do with a dog that starts biting the hand holding its leash? Get rid of it. They've been playing you like a pipe since day one." She didn’t want to believe the siren, even refused to accept it. But now after today, made her have second thoughts. Rainbow’s betrayal really broke the fiery-haired girl’s heart, causing her to fully given up. With all the pain she endured, Sunset had lost consciousness not long ago, and it wasn’t too long after, that the other students began to take notice. “Hey! Guys!” One of them said trying to get the other’s attention. “I think she’s out cold!” Once the other students began to take notice of this, they began to cease their brutality. One of them checked Sunset for a pulse. “She’s still alive.” They confirmed. “Anyone got a knife or somethin’?” Before anyone could answer that, Gilda came storming over, a large bruise now just below her left eye. “Are you an idiot or something, that would just be too easy!” Then she turned towards Sunset, who was ridiculed with large bruises and her skin grew pale for being out of the cold for too long. “If we want this bitch to fully learn her lesson, we need to take it very slow... And painful! Lightning, did you bring it!” Lightning Dust nodded, knowing what Gilda meant. She then reached into her athletics bag, and pulled out a “branding iron”, it’s what farmers use to leave brands on cattle. Dumbbell then uses a blowtorch to heat up the tip of the iron rod, which looks like the shape of the sun. As Sunset finally woke up, she soon became frightened when she saw what they were planning to do. She was so scared for her life that she tried to break free from her binds. The petrified look on the former Equestrian brought amusement to Gilda. And as the rod was done heating up and, Gilda then aimed the heated tip at Sunset’s face. “Don’t worry bitch! This will only hurt... A lot!” Sunset began to panic, her adrenaline started to rise and her anxiety quickly took over. She could feel the heat emitting off the metal rod. It wasn’t long until she screamed out in terror, as the rod was an inch away from branding her face. “NO! PLEASE! STOP! NO! NOOOO!” But before the rod came close to touching Sunset’s face, the lights within the abandoned factory instantly went out, darkening the entire room. As Gilda pulled the rod away from her face, Sunset felt relieved. The students in the room, including Gilda, Lightning Dust and Dumbbell, were all confused of how the lights went out. Sure the place was old, but generators were in perfect condition, Dumbbell checked and repaired them as proof that the power shouldn’t have been spent. Someone must’ve turned them off... which meant someone else was there with them. “AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Then out of the pitch black of darkness, a sound of a girl student screaming in horror startled everyone in the factory, even Sunset. But without the lights, no one could see what was happening. “AAAAAAAAAAHH-” Then all of a sudden, the screaming stopped. “AAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” “AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” But it was replaced by the screaming of two more students, and when they mysteriously disappear, two more took their place. The screams were also added with sounds of flesh being slashed, ripped or torn. The process kept continuing until the scream of the final student quickly disappeared like all the rest. Gilda, Lightning Dust and Dumbbell; the 3 students that remain were now beginning to panic in fright. Someone is there with them and they’re doing who knows what to the other students. And a small part of them hoped that they would never know their fate. As for Sunset, see found herself unconscious once again. Soon their relief of silence dies down as the power of the factory finally turned back on. But what was revealed in the rays of the headlights, quickly made them both feel disgusted and frightened for their lives. All of the 30 CHS students in the factory, were hanging from the ceiling... all bloody and torn apart. Some of them had their heads and limbs ripped cleaned off, while some others had their wrists and throats slashed, possibly leaving them bleed to death. There were also others who had their intestines and other organs ripped out of their bodies. It looked like a bloody slaughter. But that wasn’t even the worse part of all. As the three remaining CHS students focused on the bodies of their fellow classmates, while Sunset still remained unconscious after the lights came back on. A terrifying sound of evil laughter filled the room, causing the Gilda and her lackeys to froze in terror. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!” The laughter echoed throughout the factory, causing the group to fear more. Even more so as the laughter soon spoke to them. “HAHAHAHAHA!!!!... Oh don’t worry you three! I’ve already have a horrible fate planned just for YOU!” HAHAHA!!!! As they stood where they were; Gilda, Lightning Dust, and Dumbbell were then covered by a strange magic aura and were then lifted up about 10 feet off the ground. They struggle to break free from the magic's grip on them, but it proved useless. “What! What the fuck’s going on!” Gilda shouted in panic. "Oh Gilda, you should’ve known by now that your actions would eventually have consequences. And I will ensure they are enforced... swiftly and painfully." The voice answered. "WHO ARE YOU!!!?" Gilda called out to the voice, only to have laughter as a response again. That’s when out of the darkness, Midnight Sparkle reveals herself to the trio. Blood is seen all over her dress, and some on her face. But that didn’t stop her having a grin on her face, that made them feel more frighten. Could ‘likely’ make the Changeling Queen’s creepy smile look like a tiny smirk. “Someone you shouldn’t fucking mess with!” Midnight stated. She took glee from watching the three teens looking helpless and afraid. Just like the same way they did to Sunset. Speaking of Sunset, Midnight turn towards the red and blonde hair girl, who still remained unconscious for the whole ordeal. She then walks toward the constrained teen and raises her hand to caress Sunset’s cheek. The Midnight places her fingers under Sunset’s chin, raised her faced up and gave a kiss on the girl’s forehead. Then all of a sudden, Midnight’s magic from the kiss began to surround Sunset’s body with a bright turquoise magic aura. Then miraculously Sunset’s wounds and bruises began to heal themselves instantly ‘til she looked like nothing happened to her 2 hours ago. Midnight had fixed the damages they did to her and soon began to unbind Sunset from the pole she was bound to. Until the branding iron next to Sunset, came into her sight, where Gilda had dropped it. As the corrupted Equestrian leans down and grabs the branding iron, she begins to wonder and soon realized what they would’ve done if she had arrived seconds later. ’They were going to brand Sunset! Like some farm animal!’ She yelled in her thoughts. Now Midnight was more angry than she ever was when she arrived to this world. Her hand soon began to engulf in a turquoise flame and instantly the iron rod she grasped, melted into molten liquid and dripped all over the factory floor. After the rod was melted away into a molten puddle on the factory floor, and with her hands looking like they weren’t even burnt. Midnight turn back towards the 3 students and with her magic, she hovered them to her and glared at them for 2 minutes. "What made you three think you could harm Sunset, without me knowing!!!" She growled. Gilda and Dumbbell remain quiet and firm, not answering to the dark princess. As for Lightning Dust, she look like she was about to break, probably she became too frighten to keep up her athlete pride anymore. Of course, the silence cause Midnight to grow impatient. "ANSWER ME!!!!" And like that Lightning became the first to speak. "OKAY, I ADMIT. THE REASON WE DID THIS IS BECAUSE WE WERE ONLY TRYING TO TEACH THAT BITCH A LESSON FOR SPREADING EVERYONE'S SECRETS ALL OVER THE SCHOOL!!!!!" After her loud outbrust of a confession, Lightning took several deep breaths as Gilda and Dumbbell stare at her in disbelief and that she was gonna get them killed. As for Midnight, she glares at the trio, she couldn't believe that these three and all the other students she just killed a minute ago, would commit aggressive assault and attempted murder on a innocent girl, beacuse they were overreacting over a single, lousy post on the screen of a fucking computer! So what you're telling me... Is that your reason for assaulting and attacking an innocent girl... WAS BECAUSE YOU WANTED SHITTY PAYBACK FOR A FUCKING INTERNET POST THAT WAS CLEARLY A FRAME JOB!!!!! Midnight screamed in a 'Canterlot Royal Voice', one which would've made Princess Luna very proud. "HEY THIS BITCH HAD IT COMING TO HER FOR THREE YEARS!!!" Dumbbell yelled out in protest. But it only got Midnight more agitated. "WHAT WE DID WAS!... ARRRHHHHH!!!!" Before he could say another word, Midnight's eyes glowed bright turquoise as her magic surrounded the school wrestler's head, putting a lot of pressure, crushing it slowly. The pain he’s feeling was increasing faster than seconds. "What were you gonna say... mmmm... 'justice'," Midnight stated. "I'll show you what 'justice' truly feels like." Soon she brings her right hand up and then she snapped her fingers. The magic around Dumbbell’s head instantly crushed his skull like a grape. Blood and brain matter splashed all over the floor. Even some got on Gilda and Lightning. Then the magic that held his corpse in the air, dispersed and let the headless body fall to the ground. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Gilda shouted in fear. As for Midnight, her face beared a devilish smile. She couldn't stand that empty-headed imbecile's annoying excuses for hurting Sunset. Just the sight of his torture before his life was clensed felt. Relaxing. She then turn towards her two victims, still hanging in mid-air. She raised her hand again and it was soon engulfed in a bright turquoise flame. "Now where were we." Midnight said with a exciting tone. "Please just let us go. We'll promise to never bother you again." Lightning Dust begged. But her begging only caused Midnight to grow more annoyed as her bright turquoise eyes stared into Lightning's. "Too late. You've chosen your fate. Now there will be consequences," Midnight proclaimed. "But!" Gilda and Lightning tilted their heads in confusion. "Since you two are not as bright to pull this off. That would mean you had helped from someone who knew Sunset well enough for you to track her down and capture her at any place she's at, at any time. So since both of the two of you know who the person is, let’s play a little game shall we. Who ever tells me who that person is, first. One of you may live, so i suggest you hurry it up." Lightning and Gilda were surprised and now are filled with more dread. Both of them are given a chance to save themselves, but only one of them can be spared. At a instant, the two frighten teens blurted out saying that they know who it is. "I know who it is!" "No, I know who it is!" "No, I do!" "No, me!" The two kept arguing with each other, which bored Midnight. She raised her hand to inspect her nails before she swiftly inplales her hand into Gilda's chest, grabbing at her heart. Gilda screamed with intense pain. Louder than she ever did in her life. Lightning could only stare in silence and in horror, watching the Equestrian's hand slowly twisting inside Gilda's chest. Then with a swift pull and a loud cracking sound of the teen's rib cage, Midnight rips Gilda heart out of her chest and grabs at the white-haired teen's head, forcing her to see her own heart beating in the dark princess's hand. Then soon Gilda gave her last breathe as life left her body. The magic around it faded, letting the corpse drop to the floor, with mass amounts of blood pouring out of the hole in the chest. Midnight then drops the heart onto the floor and turns to her last victim. "Alright, you won. So tell me who it is or you'll end up just like your friends on the floor there." Lightning's body was paralyzed in fear. She couldn't stop staring at the bodies of Gilda and Dumbell lying still on the cold factory floor. Her face was frozen in fear, tears flowed from her eyes. Her body's nervous system was completly shut down. She could mumble a few words, and it didn't please Midnight at all. The Equestrian's vulture-lik wings flared up, and her eyes glowed brighter than they did before. "ANSWER ME!" Midnight screamed in anger. Which it forced Lightning out of her paralyzed state, only to see the the glare that the dark princess was giving her. She knows if she doesn't give her an answer, she will kill her. When Lightning answered to Midnight, it only came out as a whisper. "It... Was... Rainbow Dash." Midnight's eyes wided with shock. Rainbow Dash setted Sunset up. The supposedly bearer of the bucking Element of Loyalty. Threw her friend to the wolves to be beaten and tortured! Midnight's eyes flared with intense anger. Her body emited mass amounts with dark equestrian magic. The air around her became thick with rage and betrayal. ”RAINBOW DASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Midnight roared in anger as the magic from her translucent horn shined brighter than ever filling the whole factory with overwhelming turquoise light. The light shined through the windows of the factory. The Rainbows, the students, the school, and this entire cursed world, is now going to feel her wrath.