> The Pony Chronicles: Derpy > by thatguyfromkfc > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Pony Chronicles: Derpy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A note before you read. This series was inspired by My Little Dashie. Also If you wish to find out how Derpy got to where she was then please read the prequel. Derpy looked around the strange room she had crashed into. It had smooth red walls and a bed inside it. It had a silky red carpet and had things scattered on top of desks. It was a truly confusing sight for the grey pegasus as she looked around. She suddenly started panicking as she heard footsteps coming upstairs. If they didn't know someone or in this case something was there at first they were about to. Derpy looked about for somewhere to hide and suddenly she found the place. The creature walked into the room and looked around. He couldn't see anything or anyone there so he turned to walk out. But as he did he heard a BANG! he turned around to see a grey pegasus lying on the floor with books on top of her. He rushed over to help the pegasus. He was a bit suprised but he tried not to show it. As soon as the pegasus looked at him with those frightened eyes he recognised it. " A-a-a-are you Derpy Hooves?" he asked, stuttering. There wasn't any answer. Then he realised that Derpy wasn't very good at talking. He had no idea how Derpy had got there but he decided to take care of her. But as soon as he looked up he discovered how she had got in here. He hadn't noticed it when he had walked in as he was too busy wondering what the sound was too look at the window. The window was smashed and there were shards of glass all over the floor. He put Derpy down on the floor but one of her legs gave way. He noticed something red on his sleeve. Then he realised why one of her legs had given way. He knew he couldn't take her to the vet. I mean what would you think if someone took a cartoon filly to the vet? He looked in a cuboard and found a pack of bandages. Derpy put up a struggle but he eventually managed to wrap the bandage around the wound. It wasn't really that bad but he had to stop it from getting infected. He let Derpy freely explore the house so she could get used to it. Derpy walked into the first room she saw. It was a wide open space with a couch, some chairs and some sort of strange rectangular shaped contraption hanging from the wall. The carpet was a dark shade of blue and felt soft. It felt so soft Derpy felt like lying down on it and falling asleep. The chairs and couches were the same dark shade of blue but they were alot softer. And the strange contraption was a plain black. Just completly. Derpy turned round and felt her hoof land on something. The strange conraption sprung to life and started showing bright colourful scenes. People were talking and shouting. Derpy got scared and ran out of the room straight into the kitchen. Derpy recognised the kitchen. Her mother used to make muffins in there. Muffins were Derpy's favourite. Derpy hoped that the strange creature made muffins too. The kitchen was a plain white. The floor was black and white checkered. The cuboard doors were wooden. The kitchen desktops were white and the tap was silver. Derpy went back up the stairs and into the bathroom. There was a plain white toilet. Nothing much there. The bathroom was white too. The bath, the towels, the floor, the tiles on the wall. Derpy walked out. She had seen all of the house. She walked back downstairs, hopped onto the couch, laid down and fell asleep. When Derpy woke up the creature was sitting in a chair beside the couch. "So you're awake." He said. Derpy looked at him in confusment. "You're gonna have to stay with me for a while so we can find out how to get you back home." he told her. More confused looks. "Uh..." Said the creature "I'm John" Derpy stared at John. "J-o-h-n" Derpy sounded the letters out saying the first thing John had ever heard her say. John looked at her in amazement. Derpy looked back "John." She said. And for the first time in a long while he smiled. When John woke up the first thing he saw was a ball of grey at the foot of his bed. "Morning, Derpy" Yawned John. The ball started to unroll. "M-o-r-n-i-n-g, John" Replied Derpy. So now she can say 'Morning'. Derpy was a fast learner but she had to sound new words out loud as well as in her mind. Both of them went downstairs for breakfast. Derpy had ,to absolutley no suprise whatsoever, had oats and John ,also to absolutley no suprise whatsoever as he always had it for breakfast, ate corn flakes. When they had finished John took Derpy out to practise her flying and explore the neighborhood. Unfortunatly as John then found out she couldn't fly very well. But she was a good jumper so she flew up to the nearest cloud and jumped from cloud to cloud. Derpy occasionally missed a jump and fell but she was getting used to it. And now John knew how the grey furred, cross eyed and yellow maned pegasus could fly. It was because of him. It was weird at first but he soon got used to it. It was weird that he a human was responsible for a pegasus' ability to fly. And once again... he smiled. John had been taking care of Derpy for 5 months now and he was getting used to having a filly. But he was going to need to get used to not having a filly soon. It was a cold December morning and John had just woke up when he heard a familiar theme on the TV downstairs My Little Pony! My Little Pony! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh! My Little Pony! I used to wonder what friendship could be! My Little Pony! Until you shared its magic with me! John's heart turned to ice. He hadn't told Derpy because she was only a filly and she wouldn't understand. But now he knew that was a mistake. It would have been better to tell her when she didn't understand than to not tell her at all. He ran downstairs in a panic and burst into the living room. "Ditzy Doo went north to get the southern birds" Said one of the weather ponies. 'Ditzy Doo' that was another one of Derpy's names. Derpy turned round with fire in her eyes. John knew she couldn't say much but she could do alot. Derpy's mane was mangled and her face was covered in tears. Her eyes were red and puffy. "Derpy--" Started John but he was interupted by Derpy as she ushed passed him and opened the door flying out. "DERPY!" Shouted John as she flew off. Derpy just looked back angrily then continued flying. John's eyes started to water. Just before Derpy dissapeared over the horizon John yelled "DERPY! I'M SORRY!" but Derpy was out of earshot now and just continued flying. At that point John slammed the door shut, put his back to it and slid to the floor crying. What would he do? What if someone came to get Derpy? John couldn't take it. He wanted to scream. He got up and walked into the living room. He looked at the framed pictures of him and Derpy and a tear fell to the floor. John occasionally went for a walk after the incident with Derpy. Part of him hoping to find Derpy and part of him wanting to clear his mind. On this particular walk, though, one of these two things will come true. So John was walking in the forest. The leaves on the trees rustling in the wind. He suddenly heard a noise. It sounded like teeth chattering. "John." Said a familiar voice. "Derpy?" Asked John as he felt a sudden happiness. "John?" Asked the voice. Suddenly a grey pegasus dropped out of the trees, shivering. "Derpy!" Cried John. Derpy ran towards John. "Derpy, I was going to tell you but I thought you wouldn't understand." Explained John "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." He said with tears of joy in his eyes. "Dad?" Asked Derpy. At that moment John's heart stopped but he still went on. "Yes, Derpy?" Replied John. "Can we go home?" Asked Derpy. John tried to make it up to Derpy but Derpy just said it was fine. John started to have a strange feeling that told him his time with Derpy was almost over. And that strange feeling was right. There was a knock on the door. Derpy was in the back garden at the time. John opened the door to see, standing in the doorway, Princess Celestia. "P-p-p-Princess Celestia?" Stammered John staring at the sun goddess as she stood in the doorway. John knew why she was here. "I belive the filly 'Derpy Hooves' is here?" Said Celestia. "Yes your majesty." Answered John letting her in "I'll go and get her." He ran outside to get Derpy. "So let me get this straight." Replied Princess Celestia. John had just told her the story of how Derpy ended up in his house. "You're telling me that Derpy just smashed through the window?" Asked Celestia. "Pretty much" Replied Jake. Derpy was sitting on the carpet watching their conversation. "Well. From what I know of the future, I'm afraid I'm going to have to wipe Derpy's memory." Explained Celestia. "What!?" Exclaimed Derpy and John in unison. "Wipe her memory?" Continued John. "I'm afraid so." Replied Celestia. "Do it." Said Derpy, simply. Celestia and John looked at her. "Are you sure?" Asked Celestia. "Yes." Replied Derpy. "Then so be it." Stated Celestia. She looked at John. "I'd like to say goodbye before you do it." Said John. Celestia nodded in consent and John walked over to Derpy and knelt down. "Derpy, you've been with me for over a year now and now your being taken away. I want you to know that I will never forget you and that you need to live your life to the fullest. Don't let anyone put you down. If you get knocked down you pick yourself back up. You got that?" Jake told Derpy. There were tears in all of their eyes. Even Princess Celestia. "Yes." Answered Derpy quietly. "Goodbye, Derpy." Jake said as Princess Celestia walked towards Derpy with tears in her eyes. There was a flash and Derpy started Glowing. "Goodbye, Dad." Said Derpy and then they were gone. One by one John and Derpy's memories dissapeared leaving an empty canvas. "Goodbye, Derpy." Whispered John as a tear fell onto the empty canvas he was holding. The end > Acknowledgements and Thanks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I hope you enjoyed that story because I enjoyed writing it. Be sure to leave a comment on the story giving me your feedback. Now I would like to ackknowledge some people. Agent Nothing- For giving feedback on not just this fan fiction but others as well. Everyone who has already commented and given me feedback on this fan fiction. Anyone who has criticised my work. You guys helped me get better by criticising my work so I think that deserves an acknowledgement. Picture found after a random google search. Thanks for taking your time to read this. > Epilouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's strange. The humans know so much about us yet we don't know anything about them. It's also strange how they aren't very different to us. They live in houses, eat food, love, hate, cry. Their world isn't different to ours. They have houses and buildings. They have jobs and people who deliver mail but there is one thing Equestria has that their world is missing. And that thing is harmony. There are wars there. Lots of them. In places called Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya... Yet no one notices. They just go on with their lives. It's odd. We aren't much different to them yet at the same time we are. I don't know how to explain it. The only difference is that our world is filled with peace and theirs isn't. I know that at some point we will have a war. There is no changing that. Every planet has wars. But before that time comes... I've got adventures to go on. There's a pony who calls himself 'The Doctor' I've been on an adventure with him before. He invited me to travel with him. I said yes. I mean... what would you rather do, have a boring life in Ponyville with a boring job or go anywhere in time and space? He promised to take me to a planet called 'Clom' tommorow. The next time you'll hear from me will be while I'm on my adventures. -Ditzy Doo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Notes: Sequel coming soon featuring Derpy and The Doctor's adventures. And them a third one depicting the war.