Luna Experiences a Solar Eclipse

by The-Third

First published

Luna watches a solar eclipse for the very first time

Turns out that Solar Eclipses are a pretty new thing in Equestria, and Luna hasn't even heard of them. So when Celestia asks her to move the moon in front of the sun she doesn't take it lightly

hijinks ensues

A quick one off I just thought of in my head

But it's about the moon!

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Most everypony knows the story of Nightmare Moon, when Celestia had to banish her younger sister to the moon, but what many of you may not know, is the many traditions that came soon after, there was of course the Summer Sun Celebration, as well as Nightmare Night, but a much smaller event was also created, the solar eclipse. It comes on the first day of the third month every ten years, and is known as a celebration of harmony between day and night. Twilight read the small plaque connected to the exhibit on a solar eclipse, there was one happening this evening right before the sun sets, and they only happened every decade! It was going to be the first time she would ever see one, being the curious pony she was, she was at a museum, seeing the ins and outs of everything having to do with the event in just a few hours.

She was in Canterlot for the event, with her friends as well as Celestia. The alicorn princess seemed excited, and when asked she revealed that it would be her sister's first solar eclipse, and she would be helping her. It seemed that the Night Princess didn't know, however, as she seemed oblivious to the upcoming spectacle, not even knowing what it was when multiple ponies brought it up.

After the very knowledgeable experience that was the exhibit, Twilight began to return to the castle. When she entered however, it seemed that there was something off. . . .


Twilight stated trotting towards the voice, which seemed to be coming from the throne room, what was even going on in there?

"Well Luna, it's a celebration of you and what you did before" Celestia said, a slight bit of nervousness in her voice

"YOU WANT TO CELEBRATE THE ABOMINATION THAT I TURNED INTO!" Luna seemed to be almost fuming by the sound of her voice, and Twilight sped up and entered the throne room where the argument was taking place.

"No! I wanted to celebrate you, I missed you. Having a solar eclipse was one of those ways!" The elder sister began explaining, hoping that it would cool down Luna.

It seemed to work, as Luna's tone shifted and she stopped screaming "Can you stop calling a solar eclipse, it's obviously about the moon" Her mood lightened, now having a smile on her face "I'm sorry about lashing out so quickly, I just didn't understand you I guess,"

It was at that time that the two princesses noticed the lavender alicorn near the door of the room, Celestia turned to her to ask her a question "How much did you see of that?"

"I'm going to guess I saw most of it" She replied, in response, both of the Alicorns blushed. "What even happened? Was it something with the eclipse tonight?"

"I asked Luna to move the moon in front of the sun for this evening's solar-" Celestia was interrupted by Luna butting in half singsonging "even though It's about the moon"

Celestia sighed as she continued explaining the start of the argument "Luna slightly overreacted"

Luna, in reply, chuckled "I think it was more than a little"

The two sister's began to chat as Twilight decided she was going to leave, she did need to get ready after all, the event was only in a couple of hours

Noticing that she left Celestia turned to her sister "Now that we are on better terms, will you raise the moon for me Lulu?"

Luna grinned at the nickname "Of course Tia"

The time was now evening as both Twilight and the rest of her friends set up in the Canterlot gardens, each having on a small pair of glasses.

"Why do we need these again, I look like a geek" Rainbow asked Twilight

"To protect your eyes, I'm sure you'd prefer looking like a geek than not having eyesight" Twilight replied

"I guess" Rainbow said, seemingly mad at the fact that she had to protect her eyes from the sun

"Oh my gosh this is going to be so much fun, we're going to see a solar eclipse, and then have a solar eclipse party andtherewillbecupcakesandgameslikepinthetailontheponyandthenwewilldanceandstuff" The element of Laughter said, bouncing up and down and seemingly acting out all the words she was saying.

"I just want to enjoy the picnic, I don't know about a party" Fluttershy said in her normal calm voice, she seemed happy in the garden, as multiple birds landed near her.

"I just can't wait to actually see it" Twilight said, "I wonder what the Princesses are doing right now"

At the time, the two sisters were both on the balcony of the younger's room, one getting ready to move the moon, the other to readjust the sun, to make a perfect ring of light around the darker of the celestial bodies.

"Are you ready sister?" Luna looked to the taller of the alicorns, and with a nod of approval their horns began to shine brightly, at first it seemed as nothing had happened, until the moon began to peek it's head over the horizon, moving up higher and higher towards the sun, eventually starting to eclipse the sun. The sun itself began to look as if it was a much brighter version of it's seeming attacker, first a Gibson, then as if it's a half moon, and then, each time, the sky and world around them seemed to get darker, but never quite becoming dark.

Luna had to admit, it was quite a beautiful sight, the combination of both the sun and moon in perfect harmony. It made sense for the world she was now living in. There was no more Nightmare, the Tantabus was gone, even though she still was worried about her past, everything seemed right about this and that the future, while there would be shadow, the light would always shine through