My Moon

by AficionadoAvacado

First published

A human Prince comes home after a long day of work to his beautiful wife, Luna

Luna and I have been married for some time now, but the duties of a Prince have only become more draining. Thankfully, my beautiful Moon has always been here to help me get through the more troublesome days, often in the most lewd of ways.

My Moon

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It was turning out to be a very, very long day. I had just finished another ungodly stack of paperwork, courtesy of being one of the few princes of a nation. It was absolutely maddening to have to work through hours reports and requests. I mean, do you even understand how annoying it is to read over the same document detailing a farmer’s hatred of one particular squirrel six times over? Six. Times. At that point I was willing to force the man into hospice care because I was unsure if he was mentally ill or not. Really, just set some traps or get a crossbow or some shit. You don’t need to petition a prince to send guards out to deal with a suicidal, bushy-tailed rodent.

Fuck it, maybe it's just because I’m human. Maybe it's maybelline, you’ll never know.

Back to the point, however. Even if it was a long day, I knew I had something wonderful waiting for me back in my room. My wonderful, ever so loving wife, Luna.

She was perfect for me, just a few inches off my height, though I would never complain since her shoulders give me the perfect place to rest my head whenever I snuck up behind her. Speaking of behind, goodness gracious does she ever have one. Not too big, not too small, but just the right size for me to grab at my leisure. It was one of those perfect butts that somehow seemed even more attractive when restricted by a nice pair of panties, leaving more to the imagination. Not that I needed to use mine; Lulu and I got along just fine almost every night and day of the week, if’n you know what I mean. I hoped that tonight would be no different.

It was nearing dusk by the time I left my office, the two guards stationed at the door following behind me. I didn’t bother going to the dining hall since I knew my princess of the moon wouldn’t be up quite yet. That left me to pass by multiple other servants and guards, all of them following the same anthropomorphic themes. I still had panic attacks some days due to the situation, but Lulu almost always helped me through them.

I kept up a casual pace as I walked through the castle and to our room, occasionally prodding the guards for conversation. They, of course, remained stoic. It was hard to break through that mask of theirs, but I got lucky sometimes. Since they wanted to play the shut up and look threatening game, however, I left them alone.

And so the casual pace continued as a silent one. That’s how it was until I reached the door to my room and motioned for my guards to join the warriors of the night. For some reason they were fucking adorable to me, what with the little fangs and cute bat wings. Some days they just looked ready to be hugged to death. It was odd how I only felt that when thinking of them or Luna. Prolly some kinda psychic connection thing.

Heh, Pony hive mind. What fun.

Anyhow, I gently opened the door to our room and shut it behind me. I stood still for a few moments to let my eyes adjust to the gentle darkness of the space before finally tip-toeing forward. I decided to take my shoes and shirt off before hitting the sheets of the bed, leaving the former on the floor and the latter on a chair in front of a desk.

The aforementioned sheets were ridiculously soft. Like, imagine cotton candy mixed with the fluffiest cloud you had ever seen, then add in the warmth of putting on clothes fresh out of the dryer. That shit was just that good. Throw that satiny cloud in with my cool, minty minx and you have a tasty treat that's hard to beat. Analogies are weird.

Ignoring that, I decided to slip in bed with my seductive, sexy enchantress and have myself some good old fashion snuggles. I pulled the blankets back as carefully as I could as to not wake Luna, then gently slid into bed behind her. I knew she had already awakened due to the change in her breathing pattern, but it’s not like she didn’t know it was me. Once I was comfy, the blankets took back their rightful place as the king of our massive bed.

The sinfully soft plushness of the bed was tempting my addled mind to rest for just a few short minutes, but the body that I wrapped my arm around made sure that I was kept wide awake. I felt my moon shift in my hold until she was pressed up against me, letting her fur lightly tickle my chest. It was then that I noticed her bedtime attire, or lack thereof.

“Not even halfway dressed, love?” I softly asked into Luna’s ear. “Night court will be starting soon, you know. You’ll have to be up even sooner than that to raise the moon as well.” I didn’t believe that my sister-in-law and wife actually raised the sun and moon in all honesty, but I’ve learned that it’s better to let them think that I do.

Of course, Luna was less than enthusiastic about having to wake up. “Why dost thou not raise the moon tonight? Just because thou does not have magic dost not mean thine hands cannot be useful,” she groaned. It was endearing to say the least, but when she turned around and rested the side of her head against my chest, I nearly had a heart attack. Instead of dying on the spot, however, I just pulled Luna closer to me.

“Was that an innuendo, hun?” I smiled before leaning down and giving my wife a peck on the top of her head. Her normally wavy, astral hair had calmed down considerably and wouldn’t return to normal until she had had her second cup of coffee. “Whether or not it was, my hands are only magical on you. Or that leaking sink down in the kitchen, even if it keeps breaking. I’m pretty sure that’s because that cook wants to nag me for my spaghetti recipe, though.” I continued to look down at my bundle of dark blue fur and diabetes as she nuzzled my chest.

“I like your spaghetti. And your noodle, but less so when it’s limp. Also your hands. Sweet moon above do I love your hands.” I chuckled lightly at my wife’s words, which caused her to hum in appreciation

“Just my hands and noodle? What about the rest of me, hm? I happen to love every part of you, from your weird hoof slash feet things to the tip of that long ass horn on your head.” I smirked playfully at Luna as she turned her gaze back up to me, her lips drawn into a pout.

“My horn is not that long, and you’re the one with the weird hooves. No other race out there has feet. I mean, what even are toes? Why do you have fingers down there?” Luna moved her head so that her chin was now resting against the upper portion of my chest, letting us look each other in the eye. I kissed her nose since she took the bait so kindly.

“I’ve already explained why we have toes, ya silly pony. Though now I’m hurt that you didn’t say anything about loving all of me.” I added a sniffle and tried to push a crocodile tear out from my friendly little eye ducts, though they’re always hard to come by when I have Lulu in my arms.

“Oh no, I’m not falling for this again,” Luna said warily. She moved up so that her body weight fell upon her right elbow and she wasn’t pressed up against me anymore. She continued pouting while I tried my very hardest to not look at her c-cup breasts, unfortunately hidden away inside her sports bra. I barely managed to keep my own lip quivering as I faked a tear rolling down my cheek.

“Y-yeah okay. That’s fine I guess.” I sniffed again and looked away from Lulu, causing her to let out a huff. I could feel her looking at me for a few more moments, though she finally relented when another tear rolled down my cheek.

“I swear, the things I do for you.” That was when I got my sweet, sweet kiss from the love of my life. My right hand reached up to her cheek so that my fingers could touch her face while I smiled into her lips. We melded together for a few glorious seconds before Luna pulled away, making me frown at the loss of the soft and wonderful fleshy bits connected to her mouth.

“Luuuluuu,” I whined gently as my hand moved down her face and to her neck, though she giggled in response to my protest.

“Last time you did that I was late for night court by an hour. I’m not letting that happen again,” she said with finality. It was my turn to huff before I wrapped my arm back around her and pulled her against me. I tilted my head down just a bit and gently nibbled on her ear, which caused her to bite her lip. “You said it yourself, my dear. I’m not even half dressed yet.”

Even while protesting, playing with my woman’s ears caused her to become weak at the knees. It was easily one of my favorite spots of hers. Top ten, probably, after those beautiful eyes that I could look into for days. And those thighs. And hair. And butt. And so, so much more. “Then let’s get the rest of those clothes off, yeah? That way you can be naked and hop right in the shower.” I presented her a compromise in the form of a gentle whisper, which she quietly considered as I went back to toying with her fluffy little ears.

“We both know if I get naked in front of you that we’ll be here for far too long.” There was less holding her back that time, I could hear it. I revamped my attack on my wife’s ears, this time using the hand that pulled us closer to massage her right one. “T-though I guess we could afford one little quickie.” A quiet groan from Luna followed that sentence as I did a mental fist pump.

I finally decided to pull my mouth away from Lulu’s ear and bring it to her lips. “You know I love you, right?” I looked her in the eyes as she stared back into mine, her cheeks now mixing with her blush to form an almost purple looking color. My hand didn’t stop its ruthless attack on her ear even as I spoke.

“‘T-to the moon and back,’” she said, quoting myself. It was an easy thing to come up with, but it seems to mean so much to Luna that I say it when I want to make sure she knows I love her. That being said, I don’t use it terribly often because it makes both of our chests warm up a bit and I don’t ever want to make it seem like I’m manipulating her.

“To the moon and back, my love.” She smiled at my response and lightly pressed her lips against mine, leading to that wonderful feeling of bliss I received earlier. Pulling her furry body to me once more as the kiss started to get a bit more passionate, I let my hands explore the curves of my Moon’s body, from the dip of her stomach to the rise of her hips and back again. The fur covering her body felt wonderful as Luna pressed against my bare chest, both of us trying to get more of each other. Her own chest was still covered snugly by her sports bra, almost letting me feel her against me in the perfect way. Of course, it was still obstructing my prize, but I didn’t think on that and instead pressed into the kiss harder.

She accepted the affection readily, leading to an all out make out session between the two of us. Our tongues danced together as I tried to get a feel for her mouth, though it wasn’t like I hadn’t done it before.

That being said, I couldn’t get enough of her.

I’m not sure how long we stayed locked together, but when we finally pulled away from each other’s lips we were out of breath. I looked at the protrusions on Luna’s back and decided that her wings definitely looked like they needed some attention. I ran my magic digits through her wings slowly, smiling at the blush that grew on her dark blue countenance. Playing with her wings was always fun since the difference in fur and Flying-Pony leaves provided an interesting experience for my hands. Playing with them always put a smile on my face a hard thumping in my chest. Luna giggled lightly at the expression on my face and the beat of my heart before rolling her body over onto my own. Her hips settled onto my crotch and grinded lightly, making Luna bite her lip once more. Mercifully, my Moon finally lifted her arms up and pulled off that pesky sports bra.

What waited underneath was truly wonderful. Luna’s nipples were perky and looked ready to be teased, so that’s exactly what I began to do. Her hips were still grinding down on my shaft through my pants, leaving me to let out a quiet moan. I returned the favor by reaching up and gently kneading her breasts, eliciting some gentle crooning in response. My hands began to work their magic once more as my eyes explored my love’s body.

That was when I noticed the thigh high socks that Luna wore. They were light blue in color, just a shade or two brighter than her fur, and sent my already hard shaft a-twitchin’. She noticed me looking and smirked playfully.

“I know how much you like these, love.” Luna stopped to let out a short gasp as she leaned down, making my member rub against her vulva through her panties. “I-I’ve decided to start wearing them whenever you and I are alone.” She pressed her lips against mine once more, causing me to groan in her mouth as I thought of seeing Luna in thigh highs every day.

I pulled away from the kiss for just a moment. “You know that means I’ll be walking around with a boner all the time, right?” We both smiled before attacking each other’s lips once more. My hands had moved to Luna’s sides by that point, running up and down their length before stopping at her hips and giving them a good squeeze.

It was her turn to pull away this time. “That’s exactly what I want to happen, love.” She giggled before squeaking as I slapped her heart shaped ass. My moon stuck her tongue out at me, which I eagerly moved into my mouth and began to play with. Luna moaned into my mouth as my hands began to grope her wonderful ass through the purple panties she wore.

We continued making our hands speak for us as our lips connected. The appendages moved through hair and grabbed locks, groped asses, held cheeks, and more. Eventually, however, our lust won out. Luna finally sat back up while panting and placed her hands on my chest.

“I think it’s about time to move on,” she said with a smile. I, of course, obliged her humble and endearing request. Luna slid back onto my knees and pointed her lithe legs towards me. I smiled and let my hands roam their length, kissing each one a few times on the socks that they wore. I was stopped by the panties of a pretty pony princess brushing against my cheek after she moved them down to her ankles. I chuckled at the sodden sensation that accompanied the cloth then leaned my head back and pulled them off the rest of the way.

“Already that excited? Jeez, Lulu.” I looked at the purple underwear for a second before tossing the cloth away, then gazed at the temptation that was my near naked wife. She blushed lightly as I stared. “How do you manage to look even more beautiful everyday?” I asked. Her cheeks turned a deeper shade of purple as her gaze shifted to look at my own body.

“You’re one to talk, handsome.” I winked at my wife as she reoriented herself on my crotch, her now bare womanhood rubbing against my pants. She bit her lip before lifting herself up off of me for a moment, then moving her entire body around. Her legs were now on either side of my head and her supple bubble butt hung in the air above me. I could see her wet folds as well, though I quelled my carnal desires long enough to look at what my moon was doing.

As it turns out, she was fiddling with my belt. I shook my head with a grin before she finally managed to get it undone and pop open the buttons. One zip later and my boxers were easy for her to see. That and the massive hard on I was sporting. I saw her lick her lips before taking her tongue to the cloth covering my erection, giving my cock a long stroke with the appendage. I decided to do the next best thing for her and began to giver her thighs kisses.

“You know… you’re supposed… to take those… off first… right?” I closed in on her honeypot with each pause, smiling the whole way. Luna’s attack on my poor rod’s protection never ceased, though it did slow after I spoke.

“Maybe so, but I like your smell after you’ve been at work all day.” She punctuated her response by giving my shaft another lick. Her nose stayed in place for a moment before repeating the motion once more.

“You mean my musk?” Luna gave off a little grunt since her mouth was too busy kissing me through my boxers. “You’re such a silly pony,” I said as I moved my mouth back to her inner thighs. My lips finally found Luna’s labia, and it seemed that she was extremely happy for it. However, I decided that I wasn’t going to dive in right off the bat.

The kisses I planted around the opening of her folds sent her butt a-wigglin’, and that made me happy. I moved my hands to her hips to hold her place, thoroughly enjoying the teasing that was taking place. It was a shame Luna was giving me the same treatment, but winners gotta lose sometimes.

After I heard another deep breath from my love I grinned. “If you don’t start using that tongue or those fingers then I’ll just start smelling instead of licking,” Luna huffed. That gave me a reason to let off a short laugh that Luna was about to respond to, but I cut her off but giving her clit a pressured kiss. She took a sharp intake of breath before letting out a happy sigh. “That’s more like it~,” she cooed.

Since I had given her some very nice lovin’, she decided it was my turn. I could feel her fingers pull down my boxers and toss them aside, leaving my shaft to hang in the air. Luna quickly grabbed it and began giving it long, gentle strokes.

I moved my lips off of Lulu’s button after a few more kisses. My fingers quickly replaced them, however, and moved in small circles. I could feel Luna’s legs try to tighten around my head, but the angle wouldn’t allow for it. Meanwhile, my shaft was being treated to the wonderful feeling of Luna’s tongue flickering and sliding along my length. She moved it with grace along the side of my member before wrapping her lips around it’s tip, letting her tongue work it by circling my own sensitive bits.

I was thoroughly enjoying the attention to my tip, so I increased the pressure on Luna’s clit a bit. I heard her moan from in between her legs, meaning my tongue could begin having fun with my Moon’s folds next. It ran up the length of her entrance more for my own pleasure than hers, but that was just because I liked the way Luna tasted. That should be obvious anyways since I already pointed out that I love every part of her.

My mouth muscle poked into Luna at that point, eliciting a happy sigh from her that quickly changed to another moan as I stroked her nub faster. I kept up the pace just long enough for Luna to begin working my shaft with her hands while her tongue started doing the real work. She treated my tip like one of those raspberry lollipops that she loves so much, which basically entailed lots of lovely licking. Her tongue swirled around the end of my member before her head dipped down, taking the majority of it into her mouth. Her tongue the repeated the action while her head moved all the way back up my shaft, leaving a trail of saliva and pleasure.

With such happy thoughts going through my mind, I decided to spell them out inside Luna, and I’m sure she could feel the naughtiness of the thoughts inside her. I started with the basic ‘I love you’ inside of her, but quickly moved to more raunchy and (what I thought to be) sexy messages. Luna responded by continuing her beautiful moans and the wonderful blowjob she was giving me.

Speaking of, she was working her tongue masterfully. It wouldn’t leave my shaft for more than a second at a time, and even when it did it only switched sides. The swirling of her tongue mixed with the bobbing of her head had started to wear down on my defenses, making me ready to fire my first barrage once she breached my castle walls.

Well now it sounds like anal. Damn.

I could feel Luna’s legs start to twitch as I kept up my own assault on her honeypot, her juices flowing nicely into my mouth. Her nectar had a wonderful raspberry quality to it, and before long I heard her breath start coming in shorter bursts. The ‘music’ playing through the room left me wanting more, so I picked up the pace on Luna. My fingers pressed down a bit harder on her clit and started to rub in faster circles. That alone almost made her cum on the spot, but it wasn’t quite enough.

My climax was quickly approaching however, so I decided to play my final hand in an attempt to make us cum at the same time. As I felt pressure building inside me, I pulled my tongue out of Luna and replaced it with my fingers, which instantly searched out her g-spot. I found it after a moment and applied pressure while my tongue played with Luna’s clit, just as my building climax was about to reach its apex.

The sound of Luna’s orgasms are always wonderful, and the taste of her juices just adds more to be craved. I could hear my Moon’s moans being broadcasted through the room as my own fluids came free of their habitat, instead migrating to a new location in my love’s stomach. My own toes curled as Luna continued her treatment of my shaft, which let me give her a few more bits of my own love. She wasn’t the only one still using her tongue, however, as I was thoroughly enjoying lapping up Luna’s love liquid.

We basked in each other’s presence for some time after that, both of us panting heavily as we pulled away from our recent treat. Once Luna had officially cleaned me up a bit and I, her, she flipped around so that her head was resting on my chest. Her arms wrapped around my torso while her legs entangled themselves with my own. Luna nuzzled my chest once she heard my heartbeat still hammering away, making me smile at her adorableness. Her wings were outstretched on the bed and occasionally twitched.

“Mmm, I love you,” she said quietly. Her eyes had closed by that point, making sleep seem like her next course of action. I had to make sure that didn’t happen since she still had a job to do, so I casually sent a lick from the base of her horn to the tip of it. She shuddered lightly and looked up to me with a pout.

“I love you too, Lulu, but you’re gonna have to get up soon n’ work.” I smiled down at her, though it quickly turned into a lustful grin. “Unless, of course, you’d like to get a bit more intimate?” I wiggled my eyebrows in hopes of getting a giggle, but I might’ve screwed myself out of one since I grinded my hips upwards against her. Keep in mind that our private bits were lined up neatly at that point, so instead of a giggle I got a bit lip and a stifled moan.

“Keep up that thing you do with my horn and we maaaay go somewhere with this.” Luna looked up to me and began to run her finger in circles on my chest, her cheeks coloring slightly. I just chuckled before playing with her horn once more, using my tongue on it like Luna had used hers on my shaft.

I was nowhere near as experienced as her in that regard, of course, but I felt like my slow licks along the length of her horn, coupled with the circles I drew on its tip, made her very excited. My thoughts were only confirmed when I felt warm fluids drip down my member, the only source being Luna’s excited sex. I eventually gave her horn one last suck before popping my mouth off of it.

“I’d ask how that was, but I thin-,” I was cut off by Luna suddenly lifting up and grabbing my shaft, then slowly lowering herself down with a heavenly moan. I couldn’t hold back my sounds of pleasure either, and returned her groaning eagerly. Her folds were like a damp silk that caressed my shaft in every right way. My hands went to her hips to hold her in place while she carefully dropped onto me.

Luna looked down at me with lust filled eyes before falling onto my body, letting me take control. My arms wrapped around my love tightly before I started to push my hips into the malleable surface of our bed. They sunk easily, meaning my member left her with a soft “schlick” sound. Luna voiced her pleasure at the movement, but quickly tried to press her hips down for more.

As she did, however, I decided to give her more. My hips pushed up inside of her quickly, making her gasp into my ear and wrap her arms tightly around my neck. I grunted as my shaft started to slip in and out of Luna’s folds, both of us moaning and grunting in bliss.

I’m not sure how long I spent pushing into Luna like that, but eventually she pulled her body up and sat down on my shaft, deciding that I had taken enough initiative. Her hands went to her ethereal hair and grabbed locks as she started to bounce on my member. I couldn’t help but lean my head back as her muscles squeezed and massaged me to the point of near climax. Her legs pushed her body up and almost threw it back down as she received more and more pleasure from our love making. My own hands reached up and started to knead Luna’s breasts, lightly pinching and pulling on the erect nipples.

“Oh gods, I’m so close,” Luna nearly whispered as her orgasm started trying to push its way through her senses. Once I heard the words, however, I knew I needed to take advantage of the on-edge demi-goddess sitting on me. I lifted my upper body up and laid Luna onto her back in one fluid motion, making my love gasp as I started to really move. Luna’s moans crashed into the walls as I started pumping in and out of her as fast or as hard as she demanded. Her tone often shifted midway through one word as I hit that special spot.

Eventually I knew her time had cum, but I was just as close. I had been moaning over my wife the entire time, my shaft throbbing inside her at every demand.

And just like that, pleasure wracked both of our bodies at once.

I began to empty my seed into Luna as her own fluids splashed against the insides of my legs. My arms wrapped around her and hugged her close to my body, her own arms doing the same. Her legs followed next, twitching as they were, as she pulled my hips further into her. Luna’s head tipped back and she let out another ecstasy filled moan, the walls of her womanhood milking my shaft for all it was worth. Ropes of my cum shot into her as my hips worked in short, piston like movements to increase the intensity of both our orgasms.

I rode through my climax faster than Luna did, but neither of us were disappointed, though it's not like we ever have been. I was breathing hard and holding Luna close while she still twitched, my mind being filled with pleasure and pain from an overly sensitive shaft. My head leaned down to kiss Luna’s neck while she finally fell from her high, her legs dropping back into their splayed out position on the bed.

“That was fan-fuckin-tastic love,” I whispered into her ear before giving her cheek a kiss. She could only nod in response, her arms never leaving their position around me. I stole a glance at the clock and realized Luna was about half an hour late for court, but I honestly couldn’t give a damn. She was my beautiful princess, and I was going to cuddle and bask in the afterglow of sex with her.

Eventually I had to pull my shaft out of her, though I did it with slow and careful movements that made both of us gasp. When it was free I simply fell next to Luna and turned her body sideways, pulling her close to my chest.

“Are you sure cuddling is wise? I’m leaking, late, and your wonderful human member is rather wet from the both of us.” Luna was out of breathe by the time her weak protests were over, for as she finished the sentence she shifted back into me. That only served to rub her plump posterior against me in all the right ways, meaning I had a quickly hardening problem.

“It’s been a month since your last day, or night rather, off. Why don’t you and I,” I whispered into her ear as my hips pushed forward, my nearly erect shaft moving between Luna’s cheeks, “spend the night together?”

She blushed heavily before managing to sputter out a reply, “W-well I certainly wouldn’t m-mind.” And so, a personal guard was called and ordered to let the denizens of the night know that their princess could not attend court today, due to an overly sore body from rigorous dream policing session. I also may or may not have told said guard know to let an extra squirrel lose on a completely random and not at all connected to me farm, but no one could prove shit so eat my ass.

Speaking of, Luna’s was definitely calling to me as the guard left the room.