> From Pony To Tree > by CAPTAIN YOSHI HD > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Dream Come True > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zecora's snoring was the only noise that filled her hut, as she was taking a nap on her chair. Her belly rising and falling in the rhythm of her breathing. A smile pitched on her lips, as she enjoyed having fun in a heavenly world that played in her mind. It was kind of like paradise to her. She was forced awake when she heard a knock on her door. She watched the object crack open, before seeing a yellow head with a pink mane pop through. "Hello, Zecora.", Fluttershy said, as she opened the door all the way. "Hello, Fluttershy.", Zecora greeted, getting off her chair. "How are you doing on a day with the sun so high in the sky?" "Oh, I'm doing fine.", Fluttershy giggled. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything." "Now, no need to lumber.", Zecora assured. "I was just having a nice slumber. I'm always happy for visitors, dear. But, I wasn't prepared for you to be here. Is there a reason why? Tell me, don't be shy." Fluttershy cleared her throat to prepare herself for admitting her explanation. "You see, Zecora.", she started. "I've been dreaming about being a tree my whole life, because I love trees. Those strong trunks, the beautiful leaves. I was hoping that you could help me become a tree." "My, oh my. Of course, Fluttershy.", Zecora said gleefully. "You want to become something that you love, of course I'll help you. It's what I do. It's what I live for. Why didn't you tell me before?" Fluttershy giggled, blushing and stroking the long lock of her mane. "Honestly, I don't know.", she answered. "Well then, I must make a potion to help create your new image of perfection. Unless, you have an objection?", Zecora asked. "Oh no.", Fluttershy said. "Why would I object? Just please make the potion to help me become perfect." She caught herself in surprise. "Oh my, Zecora, I just rhymed." Zecora chuckled and turned around to walk over to her cauldron. "Now, lets get started, must not delay.", she said, grabbing four ingredients, before glancing back at Fluttershy. "Please, don't go away." She started the fire by clicking two rocks together to make a spark. "Oh, I won't.", Fluttershy assured. She watched, as Zecora took first ingredient, which is a small seed, and tossed in the boiling liquid, then a pinch of dirt being sprinkled in. Smokey explosions of color erupted before her and the zebra. For some reason, the way Zecora's making her brew is starting to make Fluttershy's heart flutter. She continued to stare at the working zebra with big smile. Zecora tossed her leaf in the brew, then drizzled some maple syrup in the center. Lastly, she took a long stick and stirred the brew, combining the ingredients together, until a big poof erupted. She quickly grabbed a glass bottle and scooped in the brew, filling it up. She plugged a cork in and sealed it tight, that way it doesn't spill by accident. She faced the yellow pony. "Feast your eyes on this, my friend.", she said, showing her the potion. "The creating of your way to become a tree has come to a complete end." She set the potion-filled bottle on the ground. Fluttershy looked at the potion with joy. "I'm surprised you already know the ingredients for this.", she remarked. Zecora smiled and responded with a shrug. Fluttershy giggled. "I always knew the most helpful creature was you, Zecora.", she chirped, putting a hoof to Zecora's chest. Zecora stared at the hoof upon her chest in surprise. "What is this I see? What makes you think that my chest is the place for you to put your hooves on me?", she asked. "Oh my!", Fluttershy cried, shockingly drawing her hoof away. "I'm sorry, Zecora. I... I..." "Do not fear. Tell me, dear.", Zecora said, putting the Pegasus at ease. Fluttershy took a deep breath, getting ready to admit her feelings for the zebra. "Um... You see, Zecora...", she started. "I know we've been friends for a long while now, but watching you making the potion made me realize that you're the creature I'm... meant to be with, like we have a connection." She hung her head in embarrassment. Zecora lifted Fluttershy's chin up with a hoof with a smile. "I can't say no to such romantic thoughts.", she said with half-lidded eyes. Fluttershy smiled, as a tint of pink appeared on her cheeks. She then noticed something missing from Zecora. "Um, no rhyme?" Zecora shook her head, she didn't feel like she had to rhyme to respond to Fluttershy's feelings for her. "So, I suppose I should take the potion and drink it then.", Fluttershy said, reaching for the potion. Zecora took Fluttershy by the hoof to prevent her. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, I impede.", she protested. "This potion is actually the water and you are the seed." "Oh?", Fluttershy asked. "I'm... the seed?" Zecora nodded. "In order for you to turn into a tree out of the blue, I must bury you.", she answered. Fluttershy widened her eyes in surprise. "Really? Bury me?", she asked. Zecora nodded. "Alive in the dirt. But, don't worry, it won't hurt.", Zecora reassured. "So, let me get this straight.", Fluttershy said. "After you bury in the dirt, alive, you pour the potion on the dirt I'm buried in?" "Mmhmm.", Zecora responded. "So, for your new imagery, think of a place that's suitable. Is there any place where you'll be comfortable?" Fluttershy tapped her chin with a hoof. "There is one place.", she pondered. -0000000- The two creatures were at the grassy field outside of Ponyville where Fluttershy and her friends go for a picnic. They stared down at a foot-and-a-half deep grave Zecora dug for Fluttershy. It was big and hollow enough for the Pegasus to fit the exact same size as her. A big pile of dirt stood at the lower end. Fluttershy knew being buried alive is dangerous, but it was the only way for her to succeed in becoming an actual tree. Although, she was excited about it. The fact was for her to accept that Zecora couldn't think of any other way then this, even though there wasn't a way to persuade the zebra. She turned to her with a smile. "Well, this is it.", she declared. "This is it, indeed.", Zecora agreed, as she kept her hoof hooked around the handle of her shovel. "Do you need some time to get some air before you proceed." "Oh, no thank you.", Fluttershy answered. "I'm ready." Zecora smiled. "Just so you know, before I start the process, I must start with a certain part of your body.", she explained. "Your hooves or your belly?" Fluttershy tapped her chin. "Um, I think it's best if you start from the lower side to the upper side.", she said. "So, start with my back hooves." "Very well. This shall be swell.", Zecora chimed. "Please hop in. So, we can begin. If you wish, every rhyme I say, you can repeat after me. It'll make things easy." She was just giving a bit of a tip to Fluttershy, in case she needs to be at ease. And since they have a connection, Fluttershy can try to get used to rhyming. Plus, rhyming along with each other can make their connection even stronger. Fluttershy looked down at the grave. Then, with no hesitation, she stepped in and laid down on her back. She moved around slightly, snuggling her back deep in the soft soil. There she was, in a grave, with Zecora standing by, and her belly exposed. Zecora took her shovel and scooped up some dirt. "You must not make any moves. Because, you are starting with dirty hooves.", she said, as she poured the dirt on Fluttershy's back hooves. "I must not make any moves. Because I'm starting with dirty hooves.", Fluttershy repeated, as she watched Zecora scoop up more dirt to pour on her hooves. She thought it was pretty to see her own hooves get stuck in the dirt. "Your lower half is about to be blank. Because, I'm now covering up your flanks.", Zecora said, as she scooped up more dirt to cover Fluttershy's left flank. "My lower half is about to be blank. Because, you're now covering up my flanks.", Fluttershy repeated, as she watched Zecora did the same to the other flank. Zecora once more scooped up some dirt. "For you to relax more willingly, I must cover your belly.", she said, pouring the dirt on Fluttershy's bright yellow tummy. "For me to relax more willingly, you must cover my belly.", Fluttershy repeated, watching Zecora continuing to scoop up dirt and pour it on her womb. "I think I should get your forearms too.", Zecora thought, scooping more dirt. "It is sure to make you coo." She poured the dirt on the left forearm. "I think you should get your forearms too. It is sure to make me coo.", Fluttershy repeated, purring with her eyes closed, feeling her right forearm get covered in the dirt by Zecora. "Before I get the rest, I must cover your chest.", Zecora said, scooping more dirt and pouring it on Fluttershy's chest. "Before you get the rest, you must cover my chest.", Fluttershy repeated, watching Zecora pour another scoop of dirt on her chest. Some of the soil sliding down to cover her shoulders. "You must lift up your chin. The dirt is what your neck will be within.", Zecora said, scooping up more dirt. "I must lift up my chin. The dirt is what my neck will be within.", Fluttershy repeated, lifting up her chin for Zecora to pour the dirt, until it was completely covered. "It is me you will hardly be able to hear. Because, you will have dirt in every ear.", Zecora said, scooping up more dirt and poured it on the left side of Fluttershy's head. Some of it filling up the ear. "It is you I will hardly be able to hear. Because, I will have dirt in every ear.", Fluttershy repeated, as Zecora did the same to the right side of her head. The other ear being filled up with dirt. "This is a new cure for a migraine. A scoop of dirt to cover up your mane." Zecora said, scooping up more dirt and poured on the top of Fluttershy's head, her mane disappearing in the soil. "This is a new cure for a migraine. A scoop of dirt to cover up my mane.", Fluttershy repeated, as the little specs of dirt raced the through the hairs to reach her scalp. All that was exposed was Fluttershy's muzzle in dirt, and it was it. Zecora scooped up her final batch of dirt. "Close your eyes, take a breath, and count to three. When you wake up, you'll be a tree.", she said, softly as she hovered the shovel over Fluttershy's face. Fluttershy stared at the shovel above her, then looked at Zecora, who was waiting for her to rhyme before her face gets covered. She glanced at the shovel one last time before repeating the rhyme. "Close my eyes, take a breath, and count to three. When I wake up, I'll be a tree." She closed her eyes and sucked in some air. Zecora tilted the shovel sideways and poured the final scoop of dirt on Fluttershy's muzzle, watching as the mare submerged into the soft soil. She quickly grabbed the bottle full of potion, removed the cork, and drizzled it all over the dirt where the yellow Pegasus is lost in. The liquid raced down through the soil, until it reached Fluttershy's skin. Her body began to glow underneath the dirt. The ground began to slightly rumble underneath Zecora's hooves. She watched as a ray of magic emerged from the dirt grave. It grew and grew, until the top of it turned into branches, and branches grew leaves. The remaining dirt in the grave began to turn back into it's grassy form. The shine from the newly made tree faded. The wood was butter yellow and the leaves were pink. Zecora stared at it, gleefully. "Fluttershy, if you can hear me, you have successfully become a tree.", she chimed. "Please, open your eyes, so your face can be very easy to see." Two turquoise eyes popped out of the front at Zecora's exact eye level. Those eyes were Fluttershy's eyes. Her snout carved underneath them. "This feels amazing!", she cried happily. "So, this is how it feels to be a tree!" "I can't agree more.", Zecora chuckled. "Your trunk has bright nature galore." Fluttershy rolled her eyes around, exploring her new tree self. Her feeling of excitement turned to concern. "You know, while I'm like this, I can't move to other places.", she said. "Trees can only stand one place, right?" Zecora's mouth was agape. "Oh, that is true.", she said. "There has to be something I can do." She tapped her chin in thought. With a smile, an idea came to her head. "Maybe every couple hours a day, I can bring you food to eat. Doesn't that sound sweet?" "Sure.", Fluttershy happily agreed. She and Zecora shared a laugh. Her cheeks became pink. "So, once I turn back to normal, we can start dating, maybe." Zecora nodded. Of course, before Fluttershy got her new tree form, she admitted her feelings to the zebra. So, it would be a delight dating her. Fluttershy raised an eyebrow in wonder. "Exactly, how long is this going to take for me to get back to normal?", she asked. "These effects will last for two weeks... or three.", Zecora answered. "Guess taking care of you will be my big responsibility." "Agreed.", Fluttershy said. She thought of her friends, she wasn't sure what they would think if they find out she's turned into a tree. She did tell her friends one time she would like to be a tree, they didn't think she was being serious when she said that. As for her pets, they don't know about it. "And lets hope my friends or my animals don't freak out, wondering where I am." > Bonus Scene > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been a few hours later. Zecora stared at the large bowl full of lettuce before her. It was a salad for her and Fluttershy to share, since Fluttershy can move anywhere in her tree form. She always knew that Fluttershy was mostly a vegetarian, so she thought of that and a salad was the only option she could think of. Her gaze on the food was being taking away when she heard a knock on the door. She turned to see Apple Bloom entering. "Ah, here's somepony I didn't assume.", she said. "Hello, Apple Bloom. What have you come here for, is there an issue? I need to know, mind you." "Hi, Zecora.", Apple Bloom greeted. "I do kind of have an-" She spotted the salad behind the zebra. "My gosh, Zecora, what are you gonna do with all that lettuce?" Zecora looked back at the salad. "I'm having a guest over for lunch.", she lied with a nervous smile. "So, I made that huge salad for us to have a big munch." Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "Ok then.", she chuckled awkwardly. "So, like I was saying, I do have some sort of issue. Have you seen Fluttershy?" Zecora widened her eyes at the mention of Fluttershy. "Um, no, my dear.", she lied, with a spot of sweat rolling down the side of her head. "Why would you think she'd be here?" "My family's heading out of town for a couple days to see Goldie Delicious, they said I can't come, because the activity they told me about is not foal-friendly.", Apple Bloom explained. "I'll be lonely if I stay at the farm all alone. So, I decided I would stay at Fluttershy's while they're away. When I arrived at her cottage, her animals were freaking out and she wasn't there. I told Twilight, and she thought she would help." Zecora tapped her chin. "I can make a promise to you.", she suggested. "I can take her to you if she shows up to me out of the blue." "Sounds good.", Apple Bloom chirped happily, accepting the idea. "Thank you, Zecora." She hugged the zebra and dashed out. Zecora wiped the sweat off the side of her head in relief. She turned back to the salad and picked it up with her hooves. "It's ok, dear.", she whispered to herself, pretending to be speaking to Fluttershy. She put a hoof to her temple. "It's all in here."