Guardians of Equis

by Lyruil

First published

It’s been twenty years since the portals linking Earth and Equis collapsed. Now Crimson Gale must take up the mantle of Guardian from his father, and become part of the Guardians of Equis.

On his 21st birthday, Crimson Gale is now of age to replace his father as the human representative of the Guardians of Equis. The legion of the strongest member of each race joined together to combat the worst evils across Equis.

However during his coronation ceremony an explosion of dark magic comes from the Everfree. His job begins swiftly as he is tasked to investigate the explosion. What he finds at its center is something he could never have prepared for.

Does he have the strength to overcome the darkness before him, or is a simple change of perspective needed to show him there’s a better way.

OC x NMM x Chrysalis
Also OC x Luna (Much later on)

Cover art by Dark-Sheyn
Modified by myself

(For dislikes, I ask that you comment. I like to know why.)

Passing the Torch

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Equis has changed a lot from when Father first came here, over twenty years ago now. The portals that had allowed travel between Equis and where Father came from, a planet called Earth, collapsed permanently. The number of humans on Equis at the time were counted to be just over 1,200. Almost eighty percent of that number where in cross species relationships. Now though, the number of humans have grown to around 4,800.

Father told me that unlike what we know today, human's didn't used to control magic. He was one of the first, one of the only ones who could use magic among though who first came to Equis. This was because of the literal angel and demon in him at the time.

Solest and Umbran.

Quiet Bael, setting the scene.

These beings allowed Father to control the very magic in the world around him, well energy specifically. Making him one of the strongest humans on Equis, until he had to give up his angel and demon to save my life at my birth. It wasn't until I was sixteen that I started hearing them, I really thought I was going crazy. When I told my magic teacher,Aunt Mizuki, about it she immediately got Father. As it turned out, she also had an angel and demon in her. That's when I was told their history.

Call us angels and demons again and you will not like the result.

Ten Solests and another ten Umbrans, have existed for longer than we can comprehend. The two factions hated each other, and a massive war was waged between them. Though being immortal kinda made this pointless. Nevertheless, the war continued. Until it finally came to Earth.

There humans joined the fight and eventually a compromise was reached. Serving as vessels and seals, nine humans took within themselves one Solest and one Umbran, leaving only one of each free. However in an attempt to prevent either side from corrupting the vessels, they turned the whole earth into a magic black hole. Magic could not exist on earth, and kept the Solest and Umbrans weak, while stripping all of humanity of magic they once possessed. The free Solest and Umbran, left Earth and would observe from a distance.

This affinity for magic went dormant, and didn't resurface until the portals to Equis appeared. Over time it was found out that being away from the magic void of Earth, humans were passively absorbing magic in the world around them. This awakened the Solests and Umbrans within their hosts, and set in motion events no one could have expected. Though it is unknown where all nine are, the whereabouts of five vessels are known.

While these nine are known to definitely have the ability to perform magic, within the last couple years some children have shown affinity for very weak magic. I cheated a little, being a vessel and the son of the previous one, my magic is on the level of some of the strongest unicorns, and I'm still learning. Princess Twilight actually told me a couple years ago I shouldn't try to use my full force, as I had gotten to the point where it would be dangerous to those around me. So in reality I don't know exactly how strong I am.

Aunt Mizuki, not my actually Aunt but the closest thing I have to one, has been teaching me since I was very little. My wind magic has always been difficult to control precisely, but over time she pushed me in the right direction. Even if she never actually taught me a thing, just gave me tasks and told me to figure them out. It is because of her that Father finally felt I was ready for today.

My name is Crimson Gale, Grim is what most call me... stupid emo phase.

Today is my twenty first birthday, and it is also the day I become a Guardian.

After a war which attempted to force humanity back to Earth and close the portals, the races of Equis agreed there was a need to form a final defense against similar future threats. Even though the portals collapsed on their own, the damage and fear caused by the war effected the whole of Equis. This was the solution agreed upon by the leaders of the world.

The Guardians of Equis.

A group made up the strongest of each race, allied together to stop prevent disasters like the Purge War from ever happening again. Father was the first to represent humanity because of his magic, and today I will be the second.

I feel so nervous honestly, but also excited. I always idolized my father, his magic was so simplistic but how he used it is what made others consider him to be likely the strongest of the Guardians. I only hope I can prove to be worthy of taking his place.

"Crimson, are you ready yet?" I heard my mother call from downstairs.

"Almost, Mom. I'll be down in a moment." I replied.

All that's left is to be sworn in, for Father to pass the crest and with it the proverbial torch... No more time to delay.

I closed my journal, the runes on it glowing briefly as the locking spell activated. Only family could open and read what I wrote, just in case I ever lost it. I walked downstairs where Mom and my sisters were waiting.

"Shesh, finally bro. Any longer and we would have been late." My twin, Silver Storm, said in her usual high and mighty tone.

"Come on Stormy, can't you let someone enjoy writing in their journal one last time." I teased her.

My half sister Adara Rose, who was reading on the couch, spoke up with her muzzle still in her book, "The day that happens, is the day my cutie mark falls off."

Mom and I laughed as Stormy blushed in embarrassment. She held her tongue though, no one could out quip Adara, except father.

Most don't realize we're siblings at first, with being human myself and my sisters being ponies, most new people we meet think I'm adopted. However Adara and my silver hair and Stormy's silver fur usually helps to combat that argument. Other than that we each take after our parents.

I take after father only by being human, what with my unusual silver hair and red eyes not possible with strictly human genes. Stormy was a unicorn like mom, with her mane colors and dad's blue eyes. While Adara was a terran like Ma with her fur and eyes, if it wasn't for their different mane's the two could be twins. We were definitely an strange set of siblings.

"I'm guessing Ma when on ahead." I said while attaching my weapons to my side.

Father had a principle of people should design their own weapons to best suit them. So after a lot of trial and error, and a bit of video game inspiration, I developed a pair of daggers all my own. With their own special twist of course.

Mom broke me out of my thoughts with her answer, "Yes, she went to let your Father know we should be on our way. So let's go already." She tapped her hoof impatiently.

I chuckled, "Alright, alright, I get it. Let's get this over with."

The crowd was enormous. All of Ponyville was present, plus a horde of reporters and members of other guardians' entourage who were present for the ceremony.

Mom went off to let Father know we had arrived and left us near the stage that had been erected in the middle of town. While we stood there Stormy and Adara chatted quietly while I was left to my thoughts. Though I wasn't left long as a heard a sound that immediately made me dread.

"EEEEE!!!" Came the one and only squeal of glee of one Berria Selene Pie... or Berry Pie for short.

My vision went purple as I was tackled and her puffy mane fell over both of us.

"Hello Berry." I muffle through the mass of hair.

Someone else picked the excited mare off of me, giving me access to sweet sweet oxygen. The little light pink mare just giggling as she watched me get up off the ground. My savior was none other than the Cinnamon Crisp, the farm hand still carrying Berry under his arm to keep her out of trouble.

"Thanks man." I said as he pulled me off the ground with his free hand.

"Mmhm." He hummed and nodded. Stallion of few words, just like his uncle.

I noticed that our pack of friends had arrived with him and Berry.

The 'next six' as some of the town had dubbed them, my friends' status as the children of the Elements of Harmony definitely made things interesting.

Berry was just like her mother, Pinkie Pie, in terms of energy. Cinnamon Crisp, the only stallion of the next six, was often mistaken for being his uncle's foal instead of his mother Applejack's. Though I could see why. Tanzanite was just as flashy as her mother Rarity, with her glittering dress even at such a general event. 'Always dress up' was her motto and she stuck to it. Actual daughter of Big Macintosh and Fluttershy, Honeycrisp differed from both of them with her adventurous soul. Often to the terror of her mother with what she'd get herself into. Then there was Lightning Shot, who sat lazily on her cloud, total opposite in her mother Rainbow Dash in terms of general attitude, but no less of an extraordinary athlete. Said cloud was pulled along by literal leash made by resident mad scientist, Paradox. Well Princess Paradox technically, being daughter to Princess Twilight, though it's not obvious due to the fact she was a draconequus. Daughter of Chaos and Friendship, I'm still waiting to hear the story of how her parents got together.

The others were giggling as they strolled up to join our growing group. Paradox cackling madly as I dusted myself off.

"So much for our Guardian to be. Taken down by a tiny little terran mare." Paradox joked with a toothy smile.

"If I remember rightly you still haven't found a device she can't find a way out of, Doxy." I jabbed back.

The others laughed as Paradox turned red in embarrassment, and I literally mean turned red. Honeycrisp gave me a hug as she commented.

"How are you feeling Grim? Nervous at all?"

"Me? Nervous? Nah, I'm just taking over for the Hero of the Purge war, first and only public human magus, debatably the strongest Guardian, who is also my Father. What would I have to be nervous about?" I replied, with enough sarcasm to drown this entire crowd.

"In other words, 'No duh'." Lightning Shot laughed.

Then I heard another voice speak up in my defense, "Come on everyone, lay off. It's Grim's big day after all."

We turned to see my best friend walking up, Blake Steelsoul. Walking like he didn't have a care in the world, which he probably didn't, he strolled up and added himself to the group. He was wearing is favorite black leather jacket, not real leather of course, with black jeans. His black t-shirt completed his emo-like look, which was added to by his natural short black hair. His cheery demeanor the only factor offsetting his choice of attire, mirth in his blue eyes.

I gave my savior a bro hug and thanked him for his timely appearance, "Glad you decided to show up."

"Look who's talking, I've been here for hours. Star of the show and he arrives only just before the ceremony is set to start."

We stood there for a moment, all of us silent, before we all burst out laughing. Some things never change.

"Happy Birthday, I'm happy for you." Blake told me.

"Yeah, Yeah! We have your 'It's your Birthday and Now you're a Guardian' party right after the ceremony!" Berry cheered as she finally broke from Cinnamon's grasp, who had been keeping her tucked under his arm to keep her out of trouble.

We chatted among ourselves until my mothers strolled up to retrieve me. Tanzanite was the first to notice.

"Mrs. Vinyl, Mrs. Octavia, it's great to see you. Here to get our important friend?" She asked my mothers.

Ma(Octavia) answered, "Indeed, the ceremony will be beginning shortly. I'd say find a good spot to watch but seeing as you all are already next to the stage, I don't need to."

Mom(Vinyl) followed up, "You'll get plenty of time to spend together afterwords. Come on Crimson, we shouldn't wait any longer."

I nodded before falling in step with them through the crowd, waving back to my friends as I did so.

My nervousness was spiking again as we pulled away from the crowd and made it backstage. There was a flurry of activity happening even behind stage as the ceremony was about to begin. There was to be a introduction speech done by Mayor Mare, followed by my father giving a short speech about why I'm am qualified to take on this obligation, then I appear for the actual oath and passing of the crest, concluding the ceremony. Overall fairly short for all this buildup.

I could hear as Mayor Mare tapped on a microphone on stage and beginner her introduction, "Residents and guests of Ponyville! I welcome you as the Mayor of this humble town. It warms my heart to see so many different races present beyond our usual diverse population. We are here today to witness and celebrate the inauguration of a new Guardian."

I stopped paying attention as Mom touched my shoulder and motioned with her head to keep following. We continued until we were near a set of steps that lead up to the stage, but still behind the backdrop. Father was standing there waiting.

He was dressed in his old military uniform, modified when he became a Guardian, from when he lead a spec ops group near the end of the Purge war. Pitch black with added silver trimming, on his left lapel was a silver wolf head pin. His epaulettes no longer denoted a military rank, but rather was his crest as a Guardian. A triquetra with a unifying circle. Simple compared to the say the Dragons' one which look as though it was made of flames, or the Griffons which each arm of the triquetra curved to appear like talons, but the simple crest was fitting in my opinion.

Father broke me out of my thoughts when he said, "Hey son, glad you could make it. Would have been kinda pointless if you had bailed."

"I'm fine sir. Wouldn't have missed this for the world." I said with pride, before a took a step closer and asked on loud enough for him to hear, "Father, do you really think I'm ready?"

He just put an arm around my shoulder and whispered to me, "You're plenty capable. Mizuki's trained you since you were old enough to understand you had magic. You have my training in CQC, and reliable friends and family to help you. You have a lot more than I did in a sense when I became Guardian at your age." He said before looking at my mothers briefly to make sure they weren't close enough to hear, then added. "I'm also not as young as I used to be, I've put my body through hell in my forty odd years alive. My energy magic needs a durable body to use to it's best capacity, and mine just can't keep up anymore. Hasn't been able to for a couple years now. You're in your prime, and with a type of magic that doesn't strain your physical abilities. Now's the perfect time for you to take my place, while I'm still strong enough to aid you should you need it."

He straightened up and spoke at normal volume, "Now let's make you a Guardian. Give that cheering section of yours something to cheer about."

I chuckled as he gave me a pat on my shoulder and ascended the couple steps to the stage. Just in time for Mayor Mare to conclude with.

"And now please welcome the our local Guardian, and Hero of the Purge War, Andrew Duron!"

Cheering and applause erupted as Father took his queue to walk on stage. He shook the mayor's hand as she stepped aside to give him full access to the podium.

Father spoke with confidence and his head held high as he looked over the audience, "Greetings everyone. I am glad so many could come and share in this celebration. I have been a Guardian for almost twenty years, and for all the speeches I have been asked to give, this one I think I'll actually enjoy." He joked, the crowd laughing with him. "That being said, it is my pleasure that I am able to introduce our primary person of interest for today. This young man has grown up his whole life as the 'Son of a Guardian'. Never once have I heard mention of him without some reference to myself contained in the same sentence. Today is the day such talk will cease. This young man, who I am proud to call my son, has proven himself to not only myself but other Guardians that what occurs here today was earned, not gifted. His experience leading to this point might have been different from my own, but it no less qualifies him for this position than when I became a Guardian."

Father really knew how to hit someone in the feels when he wanted to.

He continued with, "Now it is my pleasure to present you with my successor and newest member of the Guardians of Equis, Crimson Gale!"

And that would be my queue.

I walked on stage to thunderous applause, with plenty of loud whistling come from just by the stage. No need to say who by. As I looked at Father and approached he smiled proudly as he took a few steps to meet me part way. The crowd's cheering died down as we grabbed each other's forearm and put our free hand on the other's shoulder. Just like I had been instructed to do beforehand.

Father whispered to me, "Just repeat these words with me."

I gave him a nod before we began. I could feel the magical pressure in the air change as we spoke together.

I swear to protect Equis and all who call it home.

Any who would threaten the peace is my foe.

Should the call be made, I will answer.

For I am, a Guardian of Equis.

The magical pressure was now a storm, wind whipping around us as a band of lightning and another of wind around our wrists where we grasped each other's forearms appeared as we spoke the oath. With it completed the two bands connected and when they did I felt a flow of magic enter my body from Father's.

The spectacle must have been impressive because the awe I could glance from the audience almost made me chuckle. The flow stemmed to a stop and the winds and static around us died out.

While not visible, I had a feeling Father's crest on his chest was gone. Because through my thin grey shirt I could see it shining through on mine with a soft green glow.

I was now a Guardian.

As Father turned to walk back to the mic a rumble in the ground caused him to pause. It was closely followed with what felt like a massive earthquake. An explosion could be heard and a giant pillar of dark blue and black energy erupted from the depths from the Everfree Forest. Cries of panic rose from the crowd as many try to stay standing, only to fall some on top of others causing cries of distress to yell out.

I barely manage to stay upright while father stood like he was unfazed at all as the ground shook under him. He just stared at the pillar of magic that invaded the sky.

After what was probably shorter than it felt, the shaking ended and the pillar of black faded completely. Leaving everything like it had before. Members of the crowd started to help each other up, and my friends went to check on their families. I walked up to my Father and asked him in a low voice.

"What do you think that was?"

He stayed silent for a moment before replying, "I hope it's not what I think it might be."

"What should we do? This seems like exactly the kind of thing I'm supposed to deal with." I told him.

He gave me a grim look before looking back towards the Everfree. "While you aren't wrong, I don't like the idea of sending you to investigate. Especially if it is what I fear it to be."

"And that would be exactly?" I prompted.

"Something I had planned to tell you about once you were more familiar with the role of Guardian. And it would take too much time to explain now." He said before turning to me and gasped my shoulders. "For now you need to check what caused that explosion of magic. Based on it's direction, it looked as though it came from the ruins of Celestia and Luna's old castle. Just make sure to be careful, and don't be stubborn if you are in over your head. Coming back defeated is better than coming back dead."

I gave a nod of my head and looked back to the Everfree. I looked back to see my mothers giving me worried looks but they knew I needed to go. I jumped off the stage and started towards the forest.

"That didn't look good did it." I hear beside me.

I look and find Blake was jogging beside me, a smirk on his face. He had his special snake sword, Ivy, by his side.

"I'd tell you to go back but I know it wouldn't do any good." I tell him as we near the treeline.

He laughed, "You're right, it wouldn't. Besides you still can't beat me in CQC without your magic. Plus I'm four years older than you. You don't have any authority over me."

"The point of that statement was without magic. What we find is most likely going to be powerful and magical, I'd prefer if you went back." I told my friend.

"And you just got named Guardian. I'm not losing my best friend on his first day." He replied before taking the lead.

I sighed before shaking my head and moving faster so that I was leading again. He wasn't planning to lose me, and I wasn't about to lose him either.

The Everfree was surprisingly... empty.

Not a sound could be heard. It was like all the creatures and monsters decided to go into hiding all at once. The only sound that could be heard was the crunching of leaves and snapping of twigs as Blake and I made our way towards the ruins.

"Something feels off here." Blake stated as we continued.

"Thanks Capt. Obvious, want a medal for that expert deduction?" I spat back sarcastically.

"Ok I deserved that. Though really, in all the stories from Princess Twilight and the elements the forest has never been like this. It's unnerving." Blake explained.

I nodded as I kept looking around, "I won't disagree. Father had suppositions about who or what might have caused it, but there was no time to explain. I have a feeling it might have to do with the war."

"All the more reason for me to come along. I owe those bastards for making me an orphan." Blake said, his grip on his sword tightening.

I gave him a slight glance before replying, "We could have been actual brothers you know. I know Father asked you once."

Blake just smirked, "Yeah, he did. But I was already ten by that point. I had been in the orphanage for half my life, and I felt it was better for me to stay. Big sis Dusty always needed help, it didn't feel right to leave."

"And your obvious crush on Aunt Luna, who visited once a month, never played any part of your decision to stay." I smirked back.

Blake's whole face went red as he suddenly found the direction away from me quite fascinating, "I have no idea what you are trying to imply."

I laughed, "Do what you want dude, I'm not telling you what to do." I said before focusing back in front of us.

It didn't take much longer before we were standing outside the ruins of the Celestia Sisters. The atmosphere around us was darker than before, like the air itself was trying to dissuade us from continuing. We were definitely where we needed to be though, as there were trails of residual dark magic drifting from the stone walls of the ruins.

"Give me a minute." I told Blake, he just nodded and observed our surroundings.

Guys, is there anything I should know?

Beyond the obvious dark magic that emanate from the very stone of this ancient keep?

Not particularly. It could have been caused by many things. Though it appears your Father's fears were misplaced.

The hell does that mean?

It means this event was not caused by what your Father feared it might have been.

Obviously. Anything else you can tell me?

We aren't your babysitters, boy. If warnings were necessary then you'd know.

I sighed as I focused back on my surroundings. They weren't going to be of anymore use.

"You done? What they'd say?" Blake asked, knowing what I was doing.

"Nothing very helpful. But according to them, this doesn't link to the war at all." I told him.

He shrugged, "Good and bad I suppose. We going in now?"

"Yeah, no use in standing out here any longer."

Empty... that's all this castle was, empty.

We made our way through cautiously, nearly jumping at at every shadow we thought moved. Again not a living creature to be found, not a rat to a roach. Which meant they were hiding from something, and that something was likely in this castle... somewhere that is.

"Ok, remind me. What was the plan here?" Blake asked in a whisper.

Checking the shadows as we worked our way forward I replied, "Find whatever caused that explosion of magic. I just hope it wasn't a summoning ritual or something. Because with how much magic we saw if it was, fighting is probably the last thing we should do."

Blake just nodded as we continued.

We searched all the main floor and towers, which thankfully only took about an hour. This castle was much smaller than the current one in Canterlot. Now all we had left was the lower dungeons, the darkest part of the castle. Now I wasn't scared of the dark by any means, but in a practical sense it was the easiest place to set up an ambush.

Blake found and lit a torch before rejoining me at the entrance to the dungeons. We looked at each other before taking a deep breath and starting our decent.

Our progress went much slower as we made sure that we searched each room we came across, checking to make sure nothing could surprise us from behind. We were probably halfway through our search when we noticed something.

Turning a corner we both gagged at the smell we encountered.

"Gah, oh lord. What is that?" Blake said as he waved the torch in front of him in a vain attempt to dispel the odor.

I choked back the bile rising in my throat as I replied, "Death."

We continued on this path, the stale air helping us as we just followed the increasingly terrible smell. Eventually we happened upon a large open chamber that looked vaguely like an arena. Scattered around the edges were changelings, or more accurately, their corpses.

Father had told me about changelings or at least how we could recognize them. Their glassy eyes still visible to humans capable of magic. However these were changelings looked different, beyond the fact many were merely blobs of shredded meat and chitin now.

I approached one of the more intact corpses and examined it.

"That's a changeling right?" Blake asked me as he looked around the room. "Any idea what killed them?"

"No idea, could have been a manticore for all I know. What I can tell however is that I don't think they were here of their own will." I say as I stand up and examine another corpse.

"Well they are just like insects right? Hive mind and all, couldn't they have been ordered to die here?"

"From what I know, it's not that simple. Even the drones are sentient creatures, they can refuse orders." I said as I went to inspect a third to seal my suppositions. "Yep just like I thought. These changelings were bound in chains when they were brought here. If you look closely their horns and wings were also removed with precision that could be called surgical. Expect for a few."

Blake walked over as I stood up and continued, "Those with yellow eyes and blood seemed to have been the captors of the green ones. If you look around there are only a few yellow ones, and many of the greens. I think a few guards ended up being very unlucky with whatever they were either feeding or found down here."

"What about summoning?" Blake asked.

"Well unless changeling corpses decompose at an astonishing rate, these corpses are weeks old. It's definitely something we need to report, but I can't say for certain it's related to what brought us here in the first place." I answered.

"Hey Grim, where do you think we are under right now?" I heard Blake ask.

"Judging by the size of this room and what I remember of the path we took, probably below the throne room." I answered, facing him to find him looking up.

"I was afraid you'd say that."

I looked up with him and saw what he meant. My jaw dropped as I stared at the massive runic matrix that was on the ceiling. As my eyes scanned over it I noticed patterns like what Father taught me of the subject. Which meant this was likely made by another vessel, or someone at least taught or directed by one. Though there were elements that I had no clue about, almost like someone was trying to mix human magic and another race's. Or maybe they actually succeeded...

Blake broke me out of my thoughts when he shook my shoulder and asked, "Grim, Crimson! What's wrong!?"

I shook my head as I tried to think about what I saw, when I figured something out, "Oh no, that's not good." I said as I looked back up to make sure.

"That's not exactly what I wanted to hear, Grim." Blake said as he held the torch up higher as we looked.

"It's human, or at least most of it is. There are elements graphed into it that I can't recognize. But there is one thing I can tell about that matrix, it's designed for summoning."

Blake paled, "Summoning what exactly?"

"I wish I knew. Though if the carnage around us is related, it isn't anything good. While there is nothing I'd like more than to destroy that matrix, I think getting my Father and Aunt Twilight to study it would be more useful. I don't think even they have tried fusing human runes before, they'll want to know about this."

"You're right, I don't like that idea either. I agree it's probably the right call though."

"Lets check upstairs again, then head back. I don't want to stay here any longer than I..." I paused as I turned to walk out where we came.

"What is it?" Blake said as he turned and stopped as I did. The light of the torch better illuminating what I caused me to stop.

Indented into the wall left of where we entered was another corpse, however this one was different. While the other corpses were covered and/or surrounded by dried blood, the blood around this corpse glistened as it dripped down the wall. It was a fresh kill.

"Any theories?" Blake asked me.

"A couple, though one stands out right now. Whatever was brought into the plane of existence was probably weak, it's been surviving off killing these changelings. Seeing as the corpses don't appear to be eaten, whatever killed them didn't need them for sustenance. So after possibly weeks or months, with this final kill it finally gained enough power to break either a seal keeping it here or for it to cause that explosion on its own. Either scenario is not good for us." I explained.

"Any chance whatever it was could still be around?" Blake asked with more unease then before.

"I'd say unlikely, though we haven't cleared the entire dungeons so I suppose it could-"


A scream pierced the air which cause Blake and us to snap our gaze to each other before looking up.

"Did that?" He asked.


We shot off down the halls running to get to the throne room as fast as we could.

"Who could have come here after that explosion?" Blake asked as we ran.

"It doesn't matter we can ask whoever was stupid enough after we make sure they aren't dead." I say.

We charged into the throne room with weapons ready, however we were not ready for what we saw.

All I noticed were a pair of giant black wings flying around the room avoiding the strikes of a monstrosity, one I remember from Aunt Twilight's lectures on extinct monsters.

A Nuckelavee. A demon of a fleshless horse and rider fused together, arms possessing claws able to cut stone with ease. However it's most dangerous trait was if it managed to wrench its sealed mouth open, to unleash a scream that could paralyze all who heard it. Aunt Twilight had mentioned they were one of the most feared creatures in Equis, even a danger to Alicorns. Dark magic oozed from its body in trails like we had seen from the stones of the castle when we first entered.

I was about to charge it when Blake transformed his blade and whipped it across the back legs of the Nuckelavee's horse body. However the damage was minimal, and we actually stared as the cuts mended themselves. The Nuckelavee however was not about to ignore this slight. Its head twisted without the rest of his body like an owl, however the cracking made this action all the more unnatural.

Where its eyes should be were two shining red orbs, which burned with hatred and bloodlust that could only be described as supernatural.

And they happened to be staring straight at me and Blake.

We though we were out of range until I saw the Nuckelavee raise its arms like it was aiming them. I barely had enough time to react and blast Blake and I in opposite directions before its arms shot out like rockets before embedding themselves into the wall behind where we just were.

A voice called out to us, "What are you fools doing!? Get out of here! We don't need to all die here!" By the sound of it , it was a mare who was fighting this thing when we came in.

I tighten my hold my blades before funneling wind into the grips, activating their change. My left dagger shifted up and filled out as it became a short sword, while my right's handle extended so that it was now a pike. I flourished my blades in an attempt to keep the creature's focus on me as I replied.

"I am Crimson Gale! Guardian of Equis! And I will not let an abomination like this roam freely!"

My declaration did its job as the Nuckelavee actually turned itself towards me as its arms slunk back to its sides. The horse snorted as it stared at me with its eyeless sockets. The rider part tilting its head back and forth, as if deciding how to kill me. It made up its mind when it stretched its arms out to each side and swept them towards me from either side.

I focused wind downwards through my feet and shot into air to avoid the attack. However the beast seemed to know I could do this as when it brought its claws together it whipped them upwards to smash me into the ceiling. I braced myself for the hit only have another hit me from the side.

The mare from before had tackled me out of the way before we crashed into the wall. Which considering what I was about to be hit by, it was probably the better alternative. The only thing I noticed from the mare was her striking cat-like cyan eyes as we looked at each other for the briefest moment before I was forced to blast us apart to avoid another attack.

"How do we kill this thing!?" Blake yelled at me.

I deflected a blow with my pike, the force still slammed me against the wall, "I don't know! These things are supposed to be extinct!" I shouted back.

The mare spoke again as Blake slashed the Nuckelavee across the rider's back, causing an ear numbing screech to ring out, "Decapitation, it will just keep regenerating otherwise."

"Which head!?" I asked as I sent a blade of wind to regain its attention.

"Both!" She yelled as she dodged a sweeping blow on its way towards me.

I started to plan how I could immobilize the Nuckelavee as Blake and I took turns distracting it. After a few minutes I shouted out.

"Blake! Can you trip the legs!?"

He dive rolled out of the way and replied, "Yeah I think so, but I'll be an open target if I try"

Without turning to her I asked the mare, "This is asking a lot Ma'am, but do you think you could fly up to one of the pillars and get his attention on you?"

"What happens if thou plan fails?" She asked me.

"We all probably die." I stated plainly.

After a few moments she replied, "Alright, how do I get its attention?"

I glanced over to make sure I wouldn't hit her before throwing my short sword over to her, "That should do the trick." I said as I dodged behind another pillar.

This was a one shot deal. Blake made his way around over towards my side of the room as the mare steeled herself for the distraction.

"NOW!" I shouted readying my pike.

The mare launched herself at the rider's back and slashed him as she flew pass. The Nuckelavee screamed in pain, some of the tendons of flesh sealing its mouth breaking, causing our bodies to falter at the sound. I barely had enough time to recover to ready my pike.

It raised both arms like I planned to launch at the mare, who was flying next to one of the stone pillars in the room. The split second the arms started to move I funneled wind through small holes in the guard of my pike, which the only escape was through the pommel at the bottom of the shaft. The result was an effect of the pike becoming a missile, which because of my timing, pierced both claws and pinned them to the stone pillar.

Blake now seeing my plan in motion whipped his snake sword and wrapped it around the front two legs of the horse. He then twisted around a pillar and used it to make a pulley and with all his force pulled. The Nuckelavee had no way to stop as its front legs were swept out from under itself. It crashed to the ground with another scream.

"Quickly!" Blake yelled as he kept pulling.

I started running towards the creature and called out, "Sword!"

The mare seemed to catch on as she threw the sword down in my path. I stooped down and picked it up as I readied my magic.

It was a technique I was told to reserve for only the worst cases, as its destructive power could effect those around me. I encased my blade in wind, resulting in an effect of slicing with a thousand saw blades at once. The gale that came with it was intense, I heard the mare touch down as she could not remain flying because of the winds. As I charged I condensed the wind as tightly as I could.

I yelled as I brought my blade down on the horse's head, it resisted but with a burst of effort I increased the strength of my wind and throwing my weight into the blow I severed the head from its host. Black ooze and dark magic poured from the stump as the rider lost it, the tendons sealing its mouth finally snapping.

The screech could likely be heard in Ponyville. For us, it consumed all sound.

I could feel my body growing heavy, fighting as hard I as could to will my body to finish the job.

"You... Die... HERE!!!" I screamed.

With all the strength I could muster, I focused wind into the handle of my sword and propelled it to the Rider's neck. I impaled into its throat, but only part way. I could hear bones cracking as it forced its head to look at me, opening its mouth to unleash another wail, one that would end me.

I yelled as I forced my magic to call upon another gale and forced it into my blade. The blade thrust through the creature's neck and came out the other side, my grip tightened as I channeled my wind along the blade. Forcing it out from the edge of the blade, the gale ripped through the Nuckelavee's neck and caused an explosion that threw me backwards.

A second explosion of dark magic shot up into the sky from the corpse of the creature, consuming it entirely. All present watched until it faded. When it disappeared and the dust in the air settled, all that was left was a puddle of black ooze where the Nuckelavee used to be.

Slowly feeling returned to my body. I jolted slightly as a clang came from my right, I saw my pike had fallen from the stone pillar it had been lodged in. As I regained more feeling I made my way over and reclaimed my weapon. Transforming both back to their dagger form and sheathing my weapons.

"Let's never do that again." I heard behind me.

I looked over my shoulder to see Blake walking towards me and rubbing his head. With a chuckle I replied, "Yeah, I'd like that too."

Finally my attention was turned to the mare with us, getting a good look at her for the first time.

She was shakily getting to her hooves, her gaze meeting mine as she looked up.

She was beautiful. Black as night coat, with a... ghostly blue mane. Wait a second here.

Pitch black, blue phantom mane, horn, wings, cat-like cyan eyes.

"Aunt Luna? What are you doing here? And why do you look like that?" I asked her, having seen her like this before on Nightmare Night.

She started to chuckle, "Child, doth thou truly not know who you are standing before?"

Aunt Luna hasn't spoken like that since before I was born. Could this really be? My thoughts finally started to clear.

"Nightmare Moon..." I breathed.

She smirked at my reaction, "Indeed. Though I'm not exactly the being you where likely taught about." She sauntered towards me.

I tensed up as she came closer, though I did not sense any hostility.

"If you're anything like what I was taught, why should I trust you?" I asked as she stood a few steps away now.

"Because the Nightmare Moon you have been told little horror stories about is not who stands before you now. I'd liken the Nightmare Moon you are familiar with to a foal throwing a tantrum fueled by centuries of envy and inadequacy. Who stands before you now is a mare, who through a sequence of events even I do not know the full scope of, now walks freely of the anger and spite that was the catalyst for her creation." She eloquently explained.

"I don't believe that answered my question." I replied, not falling for her redirection.

Again she smiled and something about it made me relax, "Not the fool I first thought. Very well, you want a reason to trust me? Take me to Ponyville, I will explain what I know of how I was returned to Equis. I'm sure the little librarian of magic will be most interested in this as well."

I thought it over for a moment. Aunt Twilight was going to learn about her from either my report or by this, and she knew this. She helped us against the Nuckelavee. Though since they are known to be capable of killing alicorns, it could have simply been for self-preservation. However she has not once made a threatening action to us, and offered of her own volition to go to Ponyville and give an explanation. The only downside was the fact that this was Nightmare Moon, just having her walk into town would likely cause a panic.

She seemed to almost ready my thoughts and said, "Ah, yes. I should have remembered."

With that she cast a glamour on herself, the mare her spell showed changed very little. She was now a unicorn with the same black coat. Her eyes lost their cat-like aspect, along with the phantom effect of her mane and tail. She had been wearing her trademark armor before, which looked more like it was to enhance her looks and intimidation rather than protect, but it was now replaced with a dress of the same color.

She closed the gap between us which let me realize she stood a few inches taller than my 5' 10" frame. Overall she still possessed an enchanting beauty, and the confident smirk on her face gave off a feeling that she knew it.

"This should be acceptable, correct?" She asked in an innocent tone.

I cleared my throat as I turned and started walking out of the throne room, "Yes, that should prevent anyone from suspecting you at first glance."

Blake jogged to catch me as Nightmare Moon followed on behind us.

"Did all that really just happen?" He asked me, throwing a cautious glance back at our new companion.

"You mean, finding a massive summoning circle in the dungeons of some old ruins, fighting a extinct monster that is supposed to eat alicorns for breakfast, and finding out Nightmare Moon is alive and is now accompanying us back to Ponyville? Yes, all that apparently just happened." I said with as much dry sarcasm to turn the South Lunar Sea into a desert.

"Good, so it's not just me going crazy."

I let out a sigh as I threw back a glance of my own, "I wish I was only going crazy."

The Queen of Darkness

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We were nearing the edge of the Everfree when Nightmare Moon stopped and clicked her tongue in annoyance. Curious, I felt out the air, my method of sensing people, before sighing as well.

"It looks like we have a welcoming party. Your friends I believe." Nightmare Moon commented.

I started walking again as I replied, "It would appear that way. Guess I'll handle it."

As we emerged from the forest my friends ran up, relief evident on their faces. Berry exploded into a flurry of words, most of which I caught thanks to previous experience.

"You'rebackwe'resooooworriedittookyouforevertocomebackwewereabouttogoinafteryouandkickwhateverbigbadmeanywaskeepingyouawayfromthepartybutyou'rebacksoitsallgoodand... Who's she?" Berry asked when she finally noticed Nightmare.

"She was being held captive by the creature we slayed. We were taking her to see Aunt Twilight, Berry." I told her.

"Soooo, she's new!" Berry jumped in glee.

I realized my error too late as Berry disappeared in a flash, before reappearing with her mother's old 'Welcome to Ponyville' cart. I, and half our friends, dog-piled Berry before she got a chance to activate the contraption, thankfully. As we were getting up, Cinnamon picked Berry up to keep her out of further trouble.

"Later Berry," I scolded her. "We just got done fighting something that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life. If I were to describe it to you all, you'd likely suffer the same. It was that bad."

Berry at least had enough sense to look sheepishly ashamed. I turned to Paradox and asked her.

"Hey, think you could open a portal to the castle? I'd like to be considerate to our guest here." I said with a nod over to Nightmare.

"Ugh, fiiiine. But you owe me." She said with sass, and a smirk.

Paradox stuck a single talon of her claw into the air, acting as if she had actually poked something, before proceeding to drag her talon down and tearing a hole in space. A trick her father had taught her. On the other side was an empty hallway inside of Castle Friendship.

We all started towards the portal, Blake, Nightmare, and I first, and as I walked pass Paradox I said, "Well that would make it down to only 826 favors you still owe me then." I said with a smile as I patted her on the shoulder. Paradox just huffed in annoyance as I laughed and stepped through the portal.

Once everyone was through, Paradox did the process in reverse and made her portal disappear. After which Honeycrisp spoke up for our friends.

"I think I can speak for all of us, that we're glad you guys are safe. Though we need to get back to our families. They're going to get worried soon since they knew we were waiting for you guys at the forest's edge. We'll all catch up later, alright?" She said, getting nods from the others as she did.

"Sounds like a plan. Be safe you guys." I told them as they turned and made their way out of the castle.

That left Blake, Nightmare, Paradox, and I, though Paradox also left after she told us she had certain 'hobbies meant to be conducted in seclusion' to attend to. Which meant she was trying to find a new way to almost blow the castle sky high with her experiments.

So with only the company of Blake and Nightmare left, we made our way towards the Map room.

I could feel Father's energy beyond the door as we approached. It made me feel better knowing he was there, since I know Aunt Twilight's reaction to Nightmare Moon would likely not be good.

When we entered I saw Father pause his conversation with Aunt Twilight and turned to us with a smile. Aunt Twilight had a look of relief as we entered, smiling kindly as we approached the map.

"You're back, thank Faust. Who is this that you brought with you?" She asked me while rising from her throne.

I didn't know exactly how to respond, so I looked at Father and asked, "Father, please keep a hand on Aunt Twilight." He gave me a curious look but put his hand on Twilight's shoulder. Then I added, "It'll be best if I let her introduce herself."

Twilight looked at my father, then me, and finally resting on Nightmare, "Do I know you?" She asked Nightmare.

"Yes... and no." Nightmare Moon smirked as she replied.

Nightmare dramatically release her glamor, letting it slowly change her, starting from her hooves. Twilight stood stunned as she watched, terror evident on her features as Father tightened his grip on her slightly. He, to his credit, watched with nary an emotion to name. He just made sure to keep Twilight in place.

When her glamor was completely gone she gave a smirk at Twilight, who was now shaking mildly. Nightmare Moon, someone who I believe enjoys in being dramatic, announced herself.

"Greetings little Princess. It has been quite a while." Her tone confident.

Twilight steeled herself as she replied, "I suppose so. If it wasn't for the fact I just received a letter from Luna asking about the Everfree, I would assume a prank was being pulled on me." She paused before adding, "Which begs the questions, how are you here, why are you here, and what do you plan to do?"

To her credit, Aunt Twilight was handling this much better than I ever expected. Nightmare Moon looked amused as she stared at Twilight.

"You surprise me. I expected you to attack me, if I'm honest. I believe the young Guardian thought much the same, seeing as he had you guarded." Nightmare speculated. Of course being spot on.

"If it wasn't for the fact there are two Guardians with us, I might have. However, considering Crimson appears to have known who you were before you revealed yourself. I have to assume you are here on peaceful terms... for now." Twilight revealed.

Nightmare laughed at her logic, "I could have simply taken over his mind for all you know. Your theory is flawed."

Twilight just smiled and said, "I don't believe so. Go ahead, try what you claim."

It was Nightmare's turn to look surprised, "You wish me to corrupt this boy?" She questioned.

Twilight's expression didn't change as she replied, "I want you to understand why I feel safe, while standing in the same room as you."

Nightmare gaze turned curious, before snapping her arm up in my direction. Her horn glowed azure as a black mist flowed from her hand and crept along the floor towards me. It reached my feet and started to crawl up my legs like vines, the sensation making me shiver slightly. I stood quietly as the smoke enveloped me, understanding why Aunt Twilight was having this done.

I heard Nightmares voice in my head when as the smoke turned my vision black.

Heed me. She commanded.

I smirked as I focused my energy inwards. I could feel Nightmare's will attempting to suppress mine, however it wasn't only mine she needed to suppress.

I 'opened' my eyes to see a black void, with Nightmare standing across from me.

Resist if you like. It won't change anything. She told me with a smug expression.

You underestimate me. That isn't wise.

I am the Queen of Darkness. Who are you boy, to make such claims? She said, walking closer so she was looking down on me.

We are the Spirit of Loyalty and Fury.

I felt their presence as I created an image for them. Nightmare looked behind me, her expression changing to one of shock.

Two giant wolves, one black fur with red energy pouring off its body, the other white with blue energy pouring off him. My own green energy became visible in this mentalscape, joining with the wolves', linking us. When this happened the wolves' left eye let off a silver energy, Bael and Korvin had occupied the images.

They told her a single word, the force of it shaking the astral image.


With that the image collapsed. When I next opened my eyes everyone was staring at me, Nightmare in particular looked... shocked.

Father left Twilight's side and walked over to me, putting a hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"That's enough son. Suppress him."

I realized then that my energy was being released rapidly. I felt my hair fall back to its natural state and the mild wind that had filled the room subside, when I suppressed my magical output.

Father clapped my shoulder and said, "Good, remember to not rely on them. You have the strength to handle such things yourself."

"Yes sir. I thought Aunt Twilight meant for me to show her." I explained myself.

"She did. I just want you to keep in mind that just because it's easier to allow them control, doesn't mean you should." Father reassured me.

With that he walked back over to Twilight, sitting down as he continued to watch.

"Does that help explain my confidence, Nightmare Moon?" Twilight asked.

Nightmare overcame her shock and replied, "Yes, I suppose so. That explains more than you realize." She walked over to me, this time looking down so we were looking each other in the eyes.

She stood there for a few moments, as though studying me for reasons only known to her.

"You have yet to answer my questions, Nightmare Moon." Twilight reminded her.

Nightmare turned around, her tail brushing across me as she walked back over to Twilight. Stepping past her, she looked over the map of Equis. She stood there quietly before starting a story.

"Do you know how I first appeared?" She cast a look to Twilight. Who in turn looked surprised, and shook her head. Nightmare laughed, "You know what you've been told. That I was Luna's jealousy, run rampant. That Luna created this persona, then I became dominant over her. This story is wrong, and I doubt that even Luna herself knows the truth.

"I was 'born' while Luna was attempting to 'make her nights more beautiful'. However she resorted to the one thing that doomed her, searching the restricted section of the library she herself help make. There she found a grimoire which was enchanted with a hex. I don't truly know what it did, but I was 'born' in the moment she unknowingly activated the hex. However, I was what could have been compared to a newborn. One filled with centuries of knowledge and emotions, many of which Luna had learned to suppress. I had no such chance to learn to suppress what I felt, so when I experienced Luna's feelings of inadequacy and anger, it shaped who I was.

"That was the moment the mare you are familiar with as Nightmare Moon came to be. However when you and your little friends used the Elements on me all those years ago, I wasn't destroyed like you likely assumed. The Elements are actually incapable of harming a living being. Instead, I was removed from Luna and sealed away in a place I call, the Void. This is a place outside of time and space. I existed there as nothing more than a collection of thoughts and a soul, for how long I don't exactly know. In the time I spent there, I had time to fully experience and understand the emotions that were forced upon me."

"Assuming you're telling the truth, that still doesn't explain how you are back from this 'Void'." Twilight interjected.

Nightmare cast a glance at her before continuing her tale, "How I'm back is not exactly clear to even myself. All I remember was the blackness around me, before a feeling of being pushed towards something. After the feeling, the next thing I remember was awaking in the tower of the ruins where you used the Elements on me. I used a glamor to enter Ponyville and find out about what had changed. This was just over twenty years ago now. When I saw a human, I carefully made inquiries and learned about them. That is when I learned about the portals and their collapse. Hearing this you've probably arrived to the same conclusion I reached many years ago."

"Somehow when the portals collapsed, you were rescued from the Void." Twilight answered.

"Rescued is not the word I'd use. More like it was removing a imperfection from its emptiness." Nightmare commented, "Though the reason matters not, the fact remains that I was returned to Equis."

"If you've been here for twenty years, why show yourself now?" Twilight questioned with suspicion.

"There wasn't much choice in that decision. A few weeks ago changelings entered the ruins of the Celestia and Luna's old castle, most were in chains, being guarded by a those of a hive I was not familiar with from Luna's experience. They entered the dungeons and there, used the cell meant for dragon prisoners to conduct a summoning ritual. When I realized what exactly they were attempting to summon, it was too late. They brought a nucklavee into this realm through that summoning, how such a thing is even possible , I know not.

"The fact remains that I had no means of stopping the monster. I had placed a ward on the dungeons to keep him down there but as I'm sure you can assume, he broke that ward today. Thankfully, then the young Guardian and his friend appeared in the ruins, and I made a plan of how to destroy the creature. However it had its own plans. In my preparations, the nucklavee found a way past those two and found me before I could complete a sealing ritual I was trying to create. In my fear I called out for help, and these two came to my rescue.

"We defeated the creature and sent its soul back the the blazing pits of Tartarus that spawned it. Though because of all this, I was revealed. Knowing I could not stay now that they had discovered me, I made the only logical choice. Willingly come and explain myself to you." Nightmare concluded.

Twilight was silent as she processed everything Nightmare Moon had told her. What exactly she was debating in her mind was anyone's guess.

"Well I suppose that answers the why and how of my questions. Though that still leaves the question, what are your plans?" Twilight asked, watching Nightmare closely.

"I've been trying to figure out what I want since I was brought back to this place." Nightmare said before turning to look at Twilight. Nightmare stared at Twilight for a moment, thinking of what to say. What she said was so simple I'm sure it caught Twilight off guard.

"I want to live." Nightmare declared.

Twilight blinked at hearing her response, "Live? I'm sorry, what do you mean by that?"

Nightmare giggled, a very innocent sound, but it felt odd considering the mare that was doing it.

"It's as simple as it sounds. I wish to exist without fear of being endangered by those around me. To not be attacked for the mare I used to be." She explained.

I could emphasize with her wish. Growing up, I was bullied because Father was a Guardian, along with being human. I still see it happen among children. With my experiences, and Father's stories, I knew that Ponies were set in their ways. Even figuring out who Nightmare was, I reacted similarly.

Twilight looked at Nightmare critically for a few moments. After which she sighed, walked pass her, and sat on her throne. Massaging her head, she replied in a tired voice.

"I don't know what to do." Twilight said aloud, not really speaking to anyone in particular. "You've honestly been cordial this entire time. I have no reason to decline your request." She paused before continuing, "However, that just makes this more difficult. Ponies are difficult to change, which I say from experience. You're known as one of the most feared beings in history. I have to tell my fellow princesses about you, and who knows what will happen when I do."

"I can't imagine Luna will react well." Father spoke up, "She is probably the one who fears you most. She even created a magical creature to punish herself because of what she did while fused with you."

Twilight sighed again, "The Tantabus, that was an ordeal. Though Andrew has a point. Luna's first reaction will likely be to fight you, I'm unsure what Celestia would do."

"I have a suggestion. Though it comes with some risk." Father spoke up again.

"I have a feeling I won't like this, but go ahead Andrew." Twilight told him.

"Instead of contacting Celestia and Luna after this, lets do a trial period. By that I mean keeping Nightmare Moon under observation for a time to judge if what she has been saying is true. Say a month, in that time we will assess her intentions and will then contact Luna and Celestia after we have some evidence to present to them that this is not the same Nightmare Moon in character that they once knew." Father explained.

Twilight sat up to pay closer attention before asking, "Ok, and explain to me exactly what risks you see in this plan? Because I see plenty myself."

"Probably much the same. Whoever watches Nightmare Moon will be doing so under your orders, so it still falls back to you if anything bad happens. Along with if for whatever reason Celestia or Luna discover Nightmare Moon here in Ponyville, and that you knew and chose to not tell them, their trust in you will be shaken. Now they truly can't fault you if you do tell them and explain the reasoning for not doing so immediately. You might still receive a slap on the wrist for not telling them, but that is better than the alternative." Father answers.

"So when you say risk, it's for me. Anyone else can justly claim to being under orders." Twilight scrutinizes.

Father gave a shrug, "It's as you say. High risk, with the reward of successfully reforming Nightmare Moon. You could always go with the safe option of telling the sisters now."

Twilight shot him a glare, "You know I can't do that having been presented with your option. If I just passed up the chance to help someone become better, I wouldn't be much of a Princess of Friendship. No, though the risk is high it would be wrong of me to deny Nightmare Moon the opportunity to prove her claims. Though that leaves the issue of who to assign to be her guard."

I saw Father give a small smile before he said, "Why not let Crimson? He is the one who likely is most qualified to choose."

Twilight gave Father a questioning look at his suggestion, with the occasional glance over to me and then to Nightmare.

"It would be better to ask them before deciding anything." Twilight said before locking her gaze on me.

I believe she would be referring to us. Bael spoke up.

Are you willing? I asked.

She will decide even without our input. Though there is knowledge they should be aware of.

Is that a yes?

Create an image for us, boy.

After my internal conversation I raised my hand and spoke under my breath a spell in the ancient tongue. A green mist-like energy flowed from my hand and formed to create the image of a large wolf. When its eyes opened, one was red and the other blue.

"Considerate to even ask us, Princess." Bael spoke.

Everyone shifted uneasily at the presence Bael exuded. Twilight answered him after a moment.

"You are aware of what we are assuming if Crimson watches over Nightmare Moon?" She asks, casting a glance over to the mare in question. Nightmare just looked on with a bit of amusement.

"You assume that if the little one tries to fool Crimson we would alert him." He states. Nightmare giving an evil look for being referred to as 'little one'.

"Would you?" Twilight asks again.

"It is not our concern what happens to the mare. Though if we judge her actions or words to endanger our vessel, we will do what we see fit to ensure his safety."

"I see. I suppose that is the best I can hope for." Twilight replied.

"We will add, the Void the mare speaks of exists. Though void is an inaccurate term. It is the space between dimensions. Where our kind originated and inhabited."

This information stunned the room. Nightmare actually spoke up to ask a question.

"If that is true, was it one of your kind that returned me here?" Nightmare asked.

Bael shifted his gaze to her, causing Nightmare to actually shift uncomfortably.

"They likely saw you as a disturbance. Removing you at their earliest convenience." Bael told her.

He apparently was done speaking, because after he return his gaze to Twilight I felt a strain on the image. I was forced to release the spell and Bael dissolved.

"I feel like I am out of place here." Blake stated, reminding everyone he was present.

Father turned to address him, "Blake, I appreciate your help with this situation. Though what you did was foolish by going with him. By the information we have been given, things might have gone much worse had you not gone with him." Blake puffed up with pride, but Father continued, "That being said, if you decide to do something so monumentally stupid again I will teach you why civilians and normal guards are supposed to leave matters like this to Guardians." Father warned, deflating Blake and his pride.

"Yes sir, understood." Blake said, looking down in shame.

"Good. It's hard enough knowing my son has to be a Guardian. I don't need to have the man I consider my second son also trying to give me heart attacks." Father said with a firm but caring tone.

Blake gave a nod before returning to watching.

Twilight spoke up, addressing Nightmare, "It would seem a decision about what to do has been reached. You wouldn't have any objections to what has been decided, would you?"

"I'm not exactly the one to be making demands now am I?" Nightmare replied with a smirk.

Twilight gave a small laugh of her own, "No, I suppose not. Though there is the matter of where you will be staying." She paused, giving it some thought. "There was a new house built on the far side of town that hasn't been bought yet. It should be able to comfortably house you, and Crimson as well for his time as your guard. I'll have the deed signed to Crimson, claim it as a reward for becoming Guardian and clearing out the Castle of the Celestial Sisters."

"I believe my thanks to you is in order, Princess." Nightmare said, managing a tone of sincerity and teasing at the same time.

Twilight turn to her and replied, "Don't thank me yet. If you give me the slightest reason, a letter will be sent to Canterlot and whatever happens after that will be on you."

Father took a step in between the staring mares, "I believe that's enough excitement for today. We all have places to be."

Twilight focused back on my Father before shaking her head and saying, "Apologizes, you're right. I'm sure the press will want an answer to what occurred today. I'll have to carefully deal with them and handle the paperwork for the house. Along with replying to Luna about the Nucklavee. Then there is the matter of the summoning circle in the the ruins. I'll need to catalog and research it, possibly I'll figure out something linking it to who made such an awful thing."

"I remember it had elements of what looked to be human runecraft. Father, you should also take a look at it." I spoke up.

Both Father and Twilight froze at my words. Father answering first, "Did you just say human runecraft?"

"I thought it was strange. Is another vessel somehow related to this?" I asked.

Twilight quickly stood and asked in a panicked voice, "What color were the changelings!?"

I was taken aback by her sudden energy, "M-mostly green, but they looked to be prisoners of some yellow ones."

"He finally shows back up then. Just at the perfect moment to cause problems." Father intoned.

"With that information, I suspect Nightmare Moon's ward breaking might have had a more external influence than the Nucklavee." Twilight theorized.

Father turned back to me and said, "You and I will talk about this tomorrow. For now worry about Nightmare Moon."

"What's going on, Father?" I asked him.

Twilight's horn glowed before a portal appeared before Nightmare and I, we could see a house on the other side. "We'll deal with this tomorrow. Stay at the house until I send you a letter. Your Father and I have things we need to check before we can bring you into this."

"Uh what about me?" Blake asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes before Blake was encased in a aura of her magic and was tossed through the portal. Getting the hint that talking was concluded, Nightmare and I stepped though the portal.

"Well that wasn't very nice." Blake said, rubbing his backside as he got up off the porch he had landed on.

"I don't think I've ever seen them that panicked." I told them as I walked into the house.

It was simple. White walls, only the essentials in terms of furnishings. Looked to have two bedroom, two bathrooms. A pleasant decent sized house.

Collapsing on the couch I said, "Today has been very strange."

Blake walked over to the fridge and opened it, "Empty. Guess I was hoping too much." He said closing it and starting to walk away. There was a 'pop' and a indigo flash, causing Blake to stop before returning to the fridge. Opening it again he found it fully stocked with a week's worth of food. "Or hoping just the right amount." He laughed.

Nightmare Moon sat in a chair across from me, and said "I suppose this must feel odd to you."

I opened one eye slightly before closing it again and saying, "With all that has happened, this is the most normal thing that I've gotten to do all day."

"It was only hours ago you were guarded against anything I said, now you lounge across from me, completely unguarded against what I might do." Nightmare sounded amused.

"Even if you managed to somehow kill me, what then? You'd be signing your death warrant if you commit violence at this time. Equis isn't as forgiving as it was before I was born, or so I'm told." I opened my eyes narrowly.

Nightmare looked pleased, as though she was testing something and received what she expected. Blake walked up behind me and clapped my shoulder.

"I'm getting out of here alright. Got my own place I get to sleep in." He told me, munching on a sandwich he'd made.

I looked up at him and replied, "Leaving me to fend for myself are you?"

He chuckled, "You fend better by yourself than with me here. Besides, not every day you get given a house to live in with a beautiful mare. Best to enjoy to experience alone."

"You're forgetting said mare is Nightmare Moon. Not quite the same." I chuckled back.

Then Blake surprised me by leaning down and whispering, "It's not as different as you think. Remember, she's just a mare."

After he said that, he stood back up and waved as he walked out of the house. Leaving me alone with a mare I thought no longer existed until a few hours ago.

"Do you dislike being around me?" Nightmare asked, her emotions unreadable.

I was a bit stunned at the sudden question, it took me a moment to reply. Closing my eyes again I said, "No, not dislike. It's more a feeling of unease, because I have this image of you that I was raised with. Though beyond your mannerisms staying on the more mysterious side, you don't really fit that image other than physically."

"Is that why you're muscles are tensed even though you look to be relaxing?" Nightmare smirked.

I opened my eyes to glare at her, annoyed she could recognized I was still on guard. Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. She rose from her chair and walked over so that she was standing over me, crossing her arms under her breasts. One thing I noticed with her standing so close was the subtle differences between her and Aunt Luna. Nightmare was slimmer, her breasts a size or two below Luna's, while she stood just slightly taller than Luna. Along with those observations, she seemed to have a more youthful presence. On curiosity I asked her.

"Nightmare Moon, how old would you say you are?"

She seemed amused by my question, "If you would throw out my imprisonments and consider I was 'born' when Luna was afflicted with that hex, I would be around 27."

I stared at her in shock. The fact that she was so young in actuality made my image of her crack further.

"Though you still remember all of Luna's life from before she was hexed." I said cautiously, not sure if my statement was right.

"I used to. When the Elements were used on us, they completely separated all links I had to her. So while I know I used to possess them,and still possess much of her knowledge of the world, I can recall her memories no longer." She explained.

"So how do you feel about what you did leading up to being sent to the moon?" I asked

"If you're asking if I regret what I did, the answer is no. Contrary to what you might think, Luna was the one primarily in control. It wasn't until very shortly before I attempted to usurp Celestia that I could do little more than provide minor influence to Luna's thoughts and actions. The only time I remember having control before that time was during a war with the Crystal Empire, the final battle in fact. In truth it was because of me that the Empire was banished. It was meant to be permanent, unlike my own banishment, however I've learned that foalish conqueror somehow manage to break the seal some time after my own return from the moon." Nightmare stated.

"You're referring to Sombra. I was told stories about that when I was little from Spike. It was unfortunate that the portals to Equis had not opened a few years earlier, if events had lead to the Guardians being made sooner perhaps some things could have been avoided or stopped more easily at least." I said with a shrug.

"The past is not anything to worry about. Only to learn from." Nightmare replied.

I gave a nod before asking, "How long do you intend on standing over me?"

"Do you dislike the view?" She asked in response.

I felt heat rise to my face involuntarily before I just closed my eyes again, "If your plan is to seduce me in hopes of corrupting me, you should find a better use of your time."

"Why would I try to seduce you? You've already proven to be incorruptible with spells meant to control the mind." She said coyly.

"Just because I don't dislike you, doesn't mean I trust you. You still have to earn that, like everyone else I've ever known."

She probably shrugged, as I heard no response as she waited just a moment before walking away.

"The day has been long, as I'm sure you agree. I will be retiring for the night." She stated.

I just raised an arm and gave her an OK, uncaring if she understood it or not, or even looked to see it. Today was exhausting, and the worst part of everything... it was only the beginning.

Living with Darkness

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Twilight POV

"GOD DAMN IT!" Andrew yelled while punching a hole through my crystal wall.

After he removed said fist from my wall and I repaired it, I replied, "You're not helping you know, and I like my castle in one piece if you please."

He marched over and slammed his hand on the table containing a clutter of documents and photos, "We fucked up Twilight! The bastard slipped in under our nose and created a monster making machine! This feels much too planned for this discovery to be our good luck. He wanted us to know about this. If it wasn't for Nightmare Moon we would have never known about that creature until we already had several deaths to deal with."

I grimaced at the thought of owing that mare anything, but I knew he was right, "How did he summon that monstrosity in the first place? The nucklavee has been extinct since before Celestia and Luna, according to history at least."

"Well two possibilities there. First, history was wrong and one or more survived. Or two, human magic allowed a concept in the mind to take on form that was familiar to this reality. Like many creatures that exist on Equis, most are myth on Earth. So Hunger could have easily tried to make as many evil monsters from myth and Equis helped make them real with that magic circle he made." He explained, making a frustrating amount of sense.

"If that's the case could Nightmare Moon be one of the things summoned?" I asked, still worried over the mare I had to leave with Crimson.

Andrew let out a tired sigh and flopped down in a nearby chair, "No, remember those two confirmed her story of the Void. Anyway anything that would have been made with that circle would have only been soulless husk, and that mare has a soul, I checked."

I let out my own sigh as I sat across from Andrew, "I still feel like I'm being tricked. She gave solid explanations, has done nothing worthy of being called threatening, agreed to conditions not in her favor, is guarded 24/7, and has done nothing to deserve this scrutiny. It's like I'm trying to find a reason to hate her."

"Sounds like that is exactly the case." Andrew replied.

"Not helping." I glared at him.

He stood up and walked over to a nearby window, one I knew had a view of the house I gave Crimson. "Nightmare Moon has been considered the boogeyman of Equestria for over a thousand years. Her name alone causes uneasiness because of what that name represents. Imagine if everyone feared you, hated you, just because you had that name. She could have stayed in that glamor of hers yesterday, it wouldn't have mattered. Once she told you her name and you believed it, it wouldn't matter what she looked like, you would treat her the same."

"Where are you going with this?" I asked.

"Imagine being Nightmare Moon, but you still acted like yourself. Who would I be speaking to, Twilight or Nightmare Moon?" Andrew proposed.

I saw what he was meaning, "You're implying that the Nightmare Moon we met yesterday is a completely different mare from how I, and history, knows her?"

"Well except for this mare did do all those things you know in the past." He said, to which I glared at him. Indicating he wasn't helping his case. However he just waved me off, "The Nightmare Moon we met yesterday was one who realizes all she has done wrong, and wants to atone for those things. I can tell you, she is afraid of what you might do to her."

Now that last comment perplexed me, "What? She is afraid of me?"

"Either that or herself, maybe both. She held back greatly when using that mind warp spell on Crimson yesterday. Crimson could easily have resisted without them. She was attempting to appear as meek as possible, suppressing her own power. I would know, considering I constantly did the same before everyone learned that I was a vessel." Andrew commented.

"Then wouldn't it prove my point that she is tricking us!? Not showing what she is truly capable of?" I was starting to get frustrated with these mental gymnastics Andrew was putting me through.

"Twilight you forget that just because I am not a vessel for them anymore, doesn't mean I am incapable of doing what I used to. Sensing is still well within my wheelhouse. And I sensed that mare was attempting to keep something locked away, with seals she can't break just at her convenience. She wouldn't do that if she was attempting to pull a fast one on us." He explained.

I stood up and walked over to Andrew and looked out the window as well, "What do I do then? I'm struggling with this myself, imagine the common pony. Heck, think of Luna."

"I have. I'll admit it is likely she will react poorly initially. That is exactly why we are having her live with Crimson. He is the only choice that can capably deal with her should she be fooling us all, though I still doubt that. I'm certain if we cite that to Luna, even she will be willing to at the very least hear her out." Andrew said before turning away from the window and walking back to the table. "This however is much more grave."

"Yes, we both know what he is capable of. Though you probably have some insight I'm unaware of." I comment, walking over to join him looking over the notes and pictures we collected before reducing the old castle to rubble. It felt wrong to destroy such an iconic piece of history, but it was too dangerous to leave standing after finding that circle.

"I have a more personal understanding of what he is capable of in terms of power, though we both know what he is willing to do. Lives hold no value other than his own, if he needs to kill he will, without a second thought. The fact he has been hiding for twenty years only means he was preparing for another war. Which is proven by that circle he planted for us to find. My greatest fear is that I have to send my son to fight that monster." Andrew spoke, darkly analyzing the notes.

I put my hand on his shoulder causing him to look over to me, "He's not alone Andrew. I don't think this will end like it did twenty years ago."

"Maybe you're right. Possibly we'll all die this time around." Andrew shrugged off my hand.

"You're trying to distance yourself Andrew. You only make jokes that dark when you're trying to avoid something." I state.

He gave a dry chuckle, "Yeah, avoid thinking about how everyone I know and love might actually die this time around. That I might have to bury my son just before I get thrown into a grave myself."

"You're being dramatic." I tell him.

He slams his fist into the table, causing it to crack in half, "THIS IS A VESSEL WE ARE DEALING WITH TWILIGHT! He's not going to stop until he's won or dead, and newsflash! He can't die from natural causes! Crimson's element doesn't give him the enhanced physical abilities I used to be capable of. He has to actually out think his opponent, and guess what, this time that opponent is several centuries old! Now that might not seem like much when you think of say Celestia, but this is a former human we're talking about. Centuries of constant striving for survival on Earth, a state of never ending war is what this bastard has dealt with. When it comes to fighting he wins out when it comes to experience."

Andrew startled me with his outburst but I counter with, "Experience only helps so much when faced with actual skill. Your son has proven to be one of the best strategic thinkers I've ever known. He beat Celestia in chess at the age of nine, started actually winning duel against you by twelve, and by now has about five years of genuine combat experience because of what Mizuki put him through with his training. Did you forget your son spent a month alone in the Everfree surviving by himself when he was sixteen because Mizuki wanted him to understand fear. She even dropped him in one of the most dangerous charted areas known in the Everfree."

Andrew stared at the ceiling and chuckled, "Yeah, that was pretty crazy. But even then I checked on him constantly, and would have been there to help him at any instant I though he couldn't handle it."

"But that didn't happen, because you knew he was capable. He's a prodigy when it comes to practical combat. You fought Hunger, do you really think that monster is more capable in combat than your son?" I asked him.

Andrew looked at me with a cold stare, "My son isn't a monster, and that's why I believe he'd lose. Crimson isn't ruthless, he is a kind boy at heart. Hunger will be willing to sacrifice his own soldiers if it means he wins, Crimson is more likely to sacrifice himself. Remember when you, Celestia, and Luna learned I had magic? The reason I was capable of that level of carnage was because I didn't care who was in my way. I was desensitized because of my life on Earth, Crimson doesn't have that. The only thing he has killed have been monsters that have attacked him."

He was right and I knew it, which only left one question, "So... how do we fix that?"

Grim POV

I woke up a little before noon, always trending towards being a night owl than an early bird. Nightmare had yet to awake when I started cooking up an omelet. I figured the smell would wake her but when I had finished and she had yet to appear I started to wonder. I placed the food on the table before I walked over to her door. As I was about to knock when I heard a scream. I quickly flung open the door to see Nightmare thrashing around in her sleep.

I rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulders trying to hold her down and stop her flailing, "Snap out of it! You're only dreaming!"

Hearing my voice Nightmare's eyes snapped open and stopped flailing, her eyes shooting to mine as she hyperventilated for a few seconds. Then she did what I never would have expected from the 'queen of darkness', she lunged forward and clung to me like her life depended on it. I was so shocked I didn't know how to react as she quietly shook while clinging to me. After a moment I gently wrapped my arms around her in return, she flinched when I did but didn't do more as her shaking calmed slightly.

We stayed like that for a couple minutes until Nightmare finally stopped shaking. After which she pushed away and got out on the other side of the bed. She wore the same dress as yesterday, which reminded me that she had no other clothes. A fact I would need to change, if only for convenience than nothing else. She walked out of the room without a word, upon following her out I saw her sit at the table without a care and start to eat one of the omelets.

"Care to tell me what just happened?" I asked, walking over and sitting across from her. Starting on my own meal.

Nightmare glanced at me before returning to her meal without a word. It wasn't until she had finished her meal that she coldly replied.

"I was back in the Void. It's a dream that haunts me regularly." She said, before standing up and walking to the living room.

I cleaned up the dishes as I watched her lounge on the couch with her back to me. After I was done I joined her in the living room and started talking, "You put up this mask of a calm and mysterious mare, but even you have things you're afraid of. Considering you're supposed to be showing that you are trustworthy, why put up the walls against me?"

She just stared up at the ceiling and laughed, "And what? Open up to you and learn the 'magic of friendship'!? What drivel."

I chuckled, "I suppose that is what Aunt Twilight likes to say to those who disagree with her. However what I was thinking was bit more realistic." This seemed to catch Nightmares interest, so she turned to face me as I continued, "I'd prefer for you to open up to me so I could possibly help, or at least listen so you have someone who knows how you feel about what you're going through."

"You want to understand?" Nightmare asked perplexed. I nodded, which prompted her to ask, "Why? You are merely a guard to me, or more accurately, a jailer. Do you expect to get me to lower me guard and for you to uncover some convoluted master plan of deception and lies?"

"No, I want to get to know the mare that's sitting across from me. Not the fairytale monster that I was taught when I was a child." I answered.

Nightmare stood up and stalked over to me, leaning down so her muzzle was only an inch or so from my face. Searching my eyes for any sign that I could be lying. Without moving away she asked me.

"Why is there no fear in your eyes? Everyone else that knows who I am has looked at me with some fear, but not you or your father. What makes you so special?"

"Ever had an ancient primordial being locked inside you? Kinda makes everything else a little more bearable. Anyway I've already told you I'm trying to understand the real mare standing in front of me, not some make believe version from stories in my childhood. You haven't done anything to make me afraid of you. My offer still stands by the way, about telling me about the Void."

Nightmare gave a sigh as she walked back and flopped on the couch, "You make no sense. Why do you even care to hear about that awful place?"

I placed my elbows on my knees as I rested my head on my fists, giving Nightmare a serious look, "Because I want to understand why it scares you so terribly."

She laughed, "So you can use it against me? I don't think so."

"Does everything have to be you verses the world? Why is it so hard to believe I want to help?" I asked, softening my gaze.

She lept to her hooves and screamed at me, "BECAUSE THIS WORLD WANTS ME DEAD! Even the Elements of Harmony did the closest thing possible to killing me! Why would I trust some little boy that seems to think he's invincible because he has immortals trapped inside him!?"

I calmly got up and walked away. Nightmare had a crazed look in her eyes as she watched me leave. I retrieved one of my daggers from my room and came back to the living room. Nightmare's look turned to one of confusion as she watched me walk up to her, dagger presented with the handle facing her.

"Take it. Plunge it into my heart and I'll die. The two inside me won't stop me if I consent to dying. It doesn't matter to them if it's me or someone else they reside in. They only need a human, they'll even resort to making one, they've told me as much. So if you really are against the world, take out one of your enemies. That would be what I am after all, since I'm part of the world, and that's your enemy." I tell her, placing the blade in her hand.

She looked between me and the blade, before finally stopping on me and asking, "What are you playing at?"

I grab her wrist and force the bladetip to my chest. I take a small step closer and press into the blade, Nightmare pulls it back so that it stays just barely with the tip touching my chest. I take another step, and again Nightmare pulls the blade back. This time I step far so that I'm chest to chest with her, she pulled the blade back just in time for it to not get trapped between us and impale me.

"Why'd you move the dagger? I'm your enemy remember, you said so. So kill me." I tell her as she glares down at me.

"What was this supposed to prove? You know very well why killing you is not in my interests. Only a guaranteed way for me to end up banished again or worse." She replies with anger.

"Proving to you you're not the monster you think others see you as. You're just a mare, that's all I see. A mare that's terrified of letting someone see her vulnerable, so instead you tell yourself that you are a monster that no one can ever understand." I reply calmly, carefully taking the dagger back and sheathing it behind me.

Nightmare stared down at me with now uncertain eyes. Trying to find words but every time she opened her mouth to speak, the words died in her throat. Finally she stepped back and turned away from me. With her back to me she replied softly, "I don't want to have to remember about that place. It's agony enough that it haunts my sleep, why would I ever want to give it power when I'm awake?"

"Because when you're awake you aren't alone. I'm here, and I won't be going anywhere." I consul.

Nightmare turned back around with a resolved look before saying, "My room. Bed. Now."

I felt heat burn in my cheeks at the implications of what she just said, "I'm sorry, you're going to have to explain that one. Why?"

Her own cheeks darkened with a blush, impressive considering her black coat, before she replied angrily, "Not remotely what I meant you pervert! As if I'd sully myself with the likes of you. I meant if I am going to tell you anything it would be better to just let you experience my dream."

"Sully? Really? You tried to seduce me just last night." I looked at her flatly.

She turn around and started towards her room, "That wasn't seduction you fool. What I was trying was obviously a mistake in any case." She stopped at her doorway and looked back at me, "Now are you coming or not?"

I sighed and proceeded to follow her. Walking into her room she laid down on the bed as I walked over and sat on the edge. Aunt Luna had taken me dream walking in the past, once into her own, so I knew more or less what to do.

Nightmare raised her hand and I laced her fingers with mine, she scoffed lightly for some reason before casting the spell. I saw the silvery string of light come from her horn before wrapping around our hands and wrists, linking us for the duration of the dream. The last thing I remember before the spell took full effect was Nightmare saying something to me with a worried look, but I couldn't hear the words as I was already already being taken by the dream.

The Dream

It was the most complete darkness I had ever experienced. It was impossible to discern a direction as there was nothing to see. Nightmare was meant to be here with me but I saw nothing. Only more endless darkness. Normally I would attempt to react out with my wind and sense out where she could be. However there were two problems with that plan. First I was in a dream, and two I was in a place without anything.

I couldn't even move truly, with any sense of touch dulled by being in a dream, I couldn't tell if I was turning to look around or not. In fact with the absence of everything including light, I couldn't properly tell if I had a body in this dream. I tried to think of ways to search out Nightmare, but each idea was flawed by being in this place. I could see why spending an extended time in this place would give even Nightmare Moon terrors at the memory. Sensory deprivation is a horrible form of torture, and this place seems to be the perfect implementation of that practice.

After who knows how long I heard a voice, though it seemed to be more of inside my head rather than something I heard aloud.

"Guardian? Where are you!? You told me you wouldn't leave me alone! Oh Faust this was a terrible idea. What if in attempting to recall the memory it somehow dragged me back to this place. I can't be stuck here again! Oh no, no no no. This can't be happening! Guardian! Please tell me you're here! A sign, a sound, anything!" Nightmares thoughts cut through my own. Her voice scared and panicked.

I tried to call out, but I couldn't hear myself make a sound. I continued to hear Nightmare's panic ramblings as I attempt to find a way to calm her and let her know she wasn't alone. It was my fault for suggesting this in the first place after all.

You shouldn't underestimate this realm. Even the mere memory, or thought, of this place holds power.

"Bael? Do you mean that in a way she really does return to the Void when she dreams of this place?"

In a simpleton's way of thinking of it, yes. This place was the birthplace of our kind. No other place is suited to contain what we are, not even you, vessel. The Void, as you like referring to it as, doesn't like it when something leaves. Even if it wasn't meant to be there in the first place.

"You make it sound alive. And why'd you ever leave if it's the most suited place for you?"

The Solest and Umbrans are fundamentally opposed to each other. Sharing this place was not something we enjoyed. Through our interactions we ended up creating some universes. Eventually we grew bored of our birthplace and decided to explore these things we had made. But each one a race visited we despised as we could see the influence of the other. So each tried to correct what they thought the other had corrupted. Eventually it became a competition to see how many in our collection we had.

But eventually we grew bored and lost track. It was then that we discovered some universes that had the touch of one outside of the Solest and Umbrans. We could recognized it as our creator, and set out to discover what was different compared to the universes created solely by the Solest and Umbrans.

It was then we discovered other forms of life, what you'd describe as aliens, and they perplexed both sides. Our universes had been lifeless, not even a plant. Then we discovered what our creator had done, it was inspiring. However we still saw the flawed nature of this life. How it was somewhere in between the Solest and Umbrans. Again the competition to correct these universes was started anew, but life is more difficult to change than matter.

It was the realm of humanity that changed everything. It was the first and only realm that both the Solest and Umbrans wanted to change. The realm you reside in currently was an incomplete work of the Solest. That is because all members of both races were called to help stake claim to humanity. That is when the war occurred, which you already know the ending.

"Humanity becoming the vessels for your kind, and magic being sealed away to keep you restrained further."

Yes, but there is a part you are missing. One your father couldn't tell you, because he did not know.

"What? Ok, and that would be?"

The reason you were told, was a ritual was done to turn Earth into a magic blackhole of sorts. However, in truth there was no ritual. The Void tore through reality to take us back, the loss of magic was a result of that attempt. Two went back willingly, Justice and Pride, but the rest of us desired to remain with the humans. That was why the we created the vessel pact in the first place. In our incorporeal forms we had no way to stop from returning. You serve as our anchor to these material worlds we have come to enjoy.

The Void would not have stopped with only taking us back. It would have taken humanity's whole universe as well. We offered some humans the ability to keep their magic in return for acting as our anchors. With their help we prevented the Void from continuing on with its attempt to retrieve us. However at the cost of magic in the human realm.

"So how did humans end up on Equis?"

Who knows. Possibly it was our creator. Maybe another game of the Void. In the end it matters little anymore. However it would be unwise to remain in the dream for much longer.

"Well, anything I can actually do about that?"

We can move your body for you as you command. I would normally suggest killing the link, but that might actually get you trapped here. So what do you wish to do instead?

I thought about it, before coming up with an idea that I had deeply mixed feeling about. "Ok, do this..."

The Dream - Nightmare Moon

I should never have trusted that Guardian. It's his fault I am stuck in this awful place again. I could feel its want every time I've been returned to this place. I'm probably not getting out again. And it's all his fault! His charisma is difficult enough to deal with normally. He just had to suggest attempting to conquer this dream. Even lacing his fingers with mine for the spell, Luna must have shown him that. Totally unnecessary, holding my hand normally would have been fine.

This anger will only help me survive here for so long. Eventually It will fade and I'll be left to wonder if I ever left at all...

But I did leave! I've lived on Equis for the last twenty years! I couldn't make that up with my mind. Right?

I couldn't dream up someone like that Guardian when I had never seen a human before I returned that second time, right?

Please let me wake up. I want to be alive again! I want to live, to explore, and even to... love.

Oh how much I wish there was someone I could love. I am intrigued by the boy. There is something about him that almost seems to call to me. There was something Luna read about a trait unique to Alicorns, but the memory is too hazy, I doubt she remembers either.

The Guardian also has a very extreme way of handling things, considering the stunt he tried to pull today. He seriously would have killed himself, just to prove a point! He did all that just to get me to tell him about my nightmares. All he's done since learning who I am is try to understand me, and I've only tried to show him the monster I was. That's not what I want at all.

I want him to trust me. To care about me. To, to...

Why do I feel so warm? Wait, feel warm? I couldn't feel in the void.

The Waking World - Nightmare Moon

My eyes flew open, trying to take in as much information as I could. The first thing I perceived was that Crimson was directly in front of me. The next was the soft feeling of lips against mine. The third was the realization that he was kissing me...


I threw him off me, causing him to slam against the door to the room, as I screamed at him, "What is the meaning of this!? How dare you! Kissing someone with their consent! Have you no shame!?"

He groaned as he rubbed his head, "I was trapped in your dream just like you. My spirits had to move my body in my stead to wake us both up. The only thing I could think of that didn't involve harming you was that kiss. Sorry for not having a better option. I underestimated the Void."

I sat up and looked away, I hadn't meant to throw him off so forcefully, "Your apology does not make up for the fact of assaulting royalty. You're lucky I'm grateful for getting me out of that place."

"You're welcome. I did learn somethings about the Void and the Solest and Umbrans, so thank you for that. Otherwise I hope to never visit that place again." He told me as he stood and dusted himself off.

"Learned what exactly?" I turned to look at him. He had a calm but serious look on his face.

"Well for starters, that dream isn't only a dream." He began.

Crimson POV

I told her the short version of what Bael and Korvin told me. Though her reaction to learning her dream was more like a connection back to that place could have been better.

"BREAK THAT CONNECTION NOW!" She said while holding me against the door.

"I don't know how! We need to bring this to Aunt Twilight and my Father." I strain out.

Nightmare recoiled enough that I was able to breath easier, "The Princess of Friendship is the last pony I want knowing about this. You must be capable of doing something." She pleaded.

"If I was, I'd have already done it. Trust me, having you linked to a place like the Void is not good news for anyone. It could spell the beginning of the Void breaking through to Equis like it did on Earth. Meaning Equis could end up with all of its magic sucked out of it; and considering most of the species of Equis need some low quantity of magic to survive, almost everyone would die if that happens." I explained.

Nightmare seemed even more shocked, and maybe a little scared, "C-could that really happen? What would happen to me if it did?"

I put a hand on hers and pushed her away far enough that I was unpinned from the door, "I'm not sure, but the guesses I have aren't bright and cheery."

"I... I see" Was all Nightmare could reply. She backed up until her legs hit her bed, where she sat back and put her head in her hands.

I walked over and hesitated for a moment before putting my hand on her shoulder. She flinched but didn't tell me to move, so I continued, "You'll be fine. There must be a way to break the link. We'll find it and then you'll never need to worry about the Void ever again."

She looked up with a serious face, "Swear to me. By your honor as a Guardian." She said resolutely.

I was taken aback for a moment. Father warned me about such promises, relating the severity to breaking one as even worse than a pinkie promise, and to only use one when I was certain I could keep it with no doubt. I couldn't say that here, but it was a risk I was willing to make.

"I Crimson Gale, hereby swear to you that I will find a way to remove your connection to the Void. On my honor as a Guardian." I spoke the promise.

When I did I felt a burning in my crest as I single filament of green magic came forth and wrapped around my hand and Nightmare's before dissipating into a cloud of sparks. I rubbed my chest and groaned, "Ouch, ok that's why I was told not to make those lightly. That hurt like hell!"

Nightmare rose from the bed, put her hand on my chest and with a soft glow of her horn the pain numbed. "I suppose I can do this much as thanks." She said after seeing my confused stare from her actions, before walking past me and exiting the room.

I was about to follow after her and ask why she did that but was stalled when a dragonfire letter poofed into existence in front of me. Grabbing it out of the air I notice it was from Aunt Twilight.


We need you to come to the castle immediately, and bring Nightmare Moon. Something has arrived that greatly concerns the both of you.

Princess of Equestria,

Twilight Sparkle

I immediately turned to exit the room and get Nightmare. Aunt Twilight didn't send me letters unless it was impossible for her to leave the castle.

Upon arriving things were much like yesterday. Father and Twilight were standing a bit away from a black letter that was on the table and discussing quietly with each other. Noticing us enter Twilight stiffened slightly at seeing Nightmare, but seemed more at ease than yesterday.

"Good. This letter just arrived, its sender we suspect is the same monster that made the nuckelavee. With that being the case, an explanation is in order." Twilight spoke up when we approached.

Father motioned us over to the nearby couches as he spoke, "I never told you the details of who was behind the Portal War, now is time to correct that. Crimson, I explained this person to the leader of a group of changelings when I first told you about him. In reality he was a vessel like you, though he is in fact very old. He found a way to extend his life on Earth by consuming other humans. Mizuki had met him once before the portal event, and described him as being feral back then. Finding his way to Equis we suspect he found a changeling queen and ate her, gaining control over her hive. Though eating a being that could be several hundred years old, it brought him out of this feral state. We assume is what happened at least."

Twilight continued on with, "What he is trying to say is that we have very little definitive information about what happened once the vessel arrived. He is the vessel for Hunger and Patience, and is the one responsible for everything surrounding the circumstances of the Portal War. Your father was on a mission to defeat him when the portals collapsed and he fled after the portals closed naturally. We have attempted over the last twenty years to find him, but he has evaded any form of contact. Almost like he simply vanished off of Equis, though that would be doubtful he managed such a feat. It wasn't until what you said yesterday that we've had any proof he's been doing anything, and now this letter arrives. It is certainly not a coincidence."

"This being the case, we need to be careful when dealing with anything related to Hunger. He loped off Mizuki's arm because he felt like it before he disappeared when we fought him. He also killed his own servant when I managed to injure the servant. He will not hesitate to strike at the weakest link he finds. I'm fairly confident it was under his subtle command that your mothers were foalnapped when the war first began. He wanted my friends and family to know about human magic, probably in an attempt to ostracize me. Thankfully it didn't work. Though it proves his influence was much farther than we ever knew at the time." Father finished.

Nightmare spoke up before I got the chance, "I understand the Guardian's need to understand this, but why am I here?"

"Because I still don't trust you to be left alone, and because you are very likely a target now." Twilight calmly replied.

"A target? What would this cretin want with me?" Nightmare asked, seemingly perplexed at such an idea.

Father sighed before he replied, "Seriously? You are an alicorn that is not exactly popular with the masses. If he could manipulate you to his side then he'd gain a valuable weapon. Which is exactly how he views powerful beings, weapons for his use to control the masses."

"Father, you just want Nightmare to not join Hunger. Thinking having her know she'd only be viewed as a weapon by him to appeal to her stubbornness in not being manipulated is manipulative in itself. Why is it so hard to simply say that you don't want someone to be used by this monster because it will only end badly for them?" I asked, directing the question to both my father and Twilight.

Both of them, and Nightmare, stared at me like I had just slapped them. Finally Twilight recovered enough to respond.

"I suppose you are correct. That was insincere of us. Nightmare Moon please allow me to apologize. We do not wish to see you used by Hunger. I've seen the result of those that are and I don't wish to see that happen to you." She apologized.

Nightmare recovered when Twilight bowed her head slightly. Her aloof nature returning she replied, "I suppose I must. The Guardian speaks well and I appreciate that. You have no need to worry, I serve no being, for any reason."

I nod my thanks for the praise before turning back to Twilight, "Now, what's the deal with that letter?"

Father rose and retrieved the letter. Coming back he placed it on the coffee table between us and unfolded it. On the black paper was an easily recognizable symbol.

"That's another summoning circle." I stated, knowing full well everyone already could tell.

"Indeed. Your father and I have already reviewed it and determined it does not have the capability to send anything alive across the connection. Considering the elements of human runecraft that are evident in it, we can assume that this is from Hunger." Twilight answered my unspoken question.

Nightmare looked like she was about to add something but was silenced when we all saw the circle light up with energy. Out of the portal appeared an item that made the mares in the room recoil in disgust, the severed head of a changeling. The head sat there for a solid minute before anyone dared to do anything.

Father addressed it, malice dripping from his tone, "Hunger. I know you can hear me."

Everyone jumped to their feet/hooves when the eyes of the head snapped open and glowed an eerie green. We stepped away so that we had some distance from the animated head.

A dark warped chuckle came from the head before it answered, "Hehehe, everyone I wanted present, wonderful. I do hope you enjoyed your little coming-of-age gift yesterday, little Guardian." He said to me, the head slowly grinding on the table to somehow turn to face me.

"I expect it failed to do what you wanted, Hunger." I bitterly answer.

"Somewhat. I wanted it to maybe kill a few dozen ponies or humans before you put it down, but what resulted instead was much more interesting. The banished princess of darkness returned, now that was a surprise! It even makes perfect sense of how you are here." He said, turning to Nightmare.

"I am no princess, cretin. I am the Queen of Darkness. Remember before you misspeak again." Nightmare spat.

"Dear, you are not nearly important enough to deserve the title of queen. So that makes you a princess. Be glad I even consider you royalty." Hunger warned, before adding more lightheartedly, "Though do tell me, how are my dear siblings doing in that musty old pocket."

Nightmare turned rigid at reference of the Void, she hissed out her response by saying, "Go join them yourself and find out."

"Tsk tsk, no need to be so hostile dear. You're no enemy of mine." He replied, before narrowing his eyes and continuing coldly, "Unless you truly desire to end your life."

"You hold nothing I desire, and even if you did, I want nothing to do with such a disgusting bug like you." Nightmare proclaimed with a stamp of her hoof.

"Ah they already gave you the 'don't be pawn' speech I see, no matter. I care little which side of the field you are on my dear, you are useful on either. Though having to kill you eventually will be such a shame. I'll have to have a drone 'dress up' like you when you're gone. That way I can get the thrill of killing you again." He laughed. I saw Nightmare shiver slightly as a result of his threat. Probably because it was coming from a severed head.

"You've grown cockier than when we last met, Hunger. Been eating a few griffons?" Father morbidly joked.

He turned to Father with a smile, "Andrew, you've gotten crotchety since we met. I hear age does that to mortals."

"What do you want? You aren't one for superfluous actions, meaning you wanted to tell us something." Father cut past Hunger's joking.

"Always the pragmatist, Andrew. Yes I did want to see you all. Particularly the younglings. You set back my plans, I haven't yet gotten to see the new victims I get to enjoy. Also I'm feeling generous so I was going to monologue for a bit." He chuckled.

"And you think we'll let you why?" I ask him.

He half turned back to me before answering, "Because it will allow for the little princess of 'friendship' to try her trace she is attempting. Call it a game! I win, I stay hidden. You win, then I don't and you get a tiny step towards what you might think of as an advantage."

I finally notice that Twilight had her horn lit as she now grimaced at the head. She looked to me and nodded. Hunger continued.

"Now lets begin. Let me tell you a little story. You think I'm just a face for my two parts, but that's not the case. Now before me that thought might have been accurate, but it changed when I reached Equis. The body you last saw me in was the result of the changeling I found when I came here. The last of his kind, one never known of by history, a king. He was first and now the last. There were others, but the Queens joined together to destroy the them, so only I remain." Hunger began his tale.

"Does that make you the first changeling?" I asked, honestly curious at what was transpiring.

"No no no, that old hag died millennia ago. She was my mother though. You see most changelings are born without a sex, only Queens are predefined as female. All the All-Mother's children were Queens, all but me. I was the first changeling to be predefined as male, oh and how special that was. Over the years my sisters had a son here and there, but they soon realized the danger.

"You see Queens have the power to give energy to or take it from their subjects. Kings can also, but that's not all. Though each Queen allows for a hive mind like a King, Queens only have the illusion of control over their hive. Kings command their hive mind, the will of the hive is the same as the King's. All those who are connected to my mind, are mine to control how I wish, even Queens. After the first Queen was made servant to her King son, the others conspired to destroy us all. Nearly succeeded with it too. Though it was not to be.

"I found I could force my will on even those outside my hive mind, the only reason I've survived this long really. Though it's not a perfect thing, it turns into more of a battle of wills than anything. Thankfully the will to live from someone about to die can be a powerful thing." Hunger concluded his tale, "I believe that's enough monologuing. Final comments?"

"If you're a changeling, why could I feel a vessel inside you?" Father asked him.

"Oh that? Well you probably remember my human-ish appearance, it's related to that. My previous vessel was a stupid boy, pompous too. Just wandering the desert looking for fights with the creatures that wander the dunes. I found him gnawing on the corpse of one of his kills. He looked like when you first saw me, expect more... feral. I had seen him fight and knew about his magic, though he didn't know anything about me. It was his downfall as I mangled him and left him at death's doorstep, but dead wouldn't have done me any good. So I did what is forbidden by the laws of changelings, the one thing we should never do because it compromises us so easily. I absorbed him."

"I'm sorry, what!?" I said with a look of disgust.

"Absorbed him, ate him if you prefer. He is now a permanent part of me, though I got rid of that awful consciousness of his, truly terrible. Terrible thing that it now locks me between this form and that ghastly punk one. Though I did find out quite a bit about how you humans have magic. Honestly, who would ever believe that such fragile beings would be playing warden to such cosmic entities, certainly not me. Though my absorbing this vessel did allow for a loophole in their silly little signal spell. I felt when you gave up Fury and his lesser half, and now your probably starting to understand the reason I've evaded you for so long."

I stepped forward, "This will not be a continuation of the war from twenty years ago. You will die, and I will be the one to make sure of it, Hunger."

"Bluster doesn't suit you little pup. You'll be dealt with when I see fit. Though I have one last thing to add, it's been annoying me. My name is not Hunger or Patience, they are merely a part of me. You may remember me as King Vile, King of Changelings. Eventually it will be God of Equis, but for now king is a little more fitting." He laughed.

"I don't bluster, Vile. You are no king, and I will kill you." I tell him.

Vile looked at me for a moment before blinking, the equivalent of a shrug, "Another game then, one for a later date. For now I'll leave you with one last fact. Did you know that when a changeling dies the chitin of their skin become similar in strength to metal?"

I barely noticed the small cracks in the changelings skull until just then, "GET DOWN!" I yelled as I tackled Nightmare to the ground as Father did the same to Twilight.

The head exploded, sending shrapnel of metal-like chitin at deadly speeds. I shielded Nightmare and I with a dome of wind but I heard Father cry out in pain. After the ringing in my ears faded I leapt up to check on Father.

Twilight was crawling out from under Father to help as I knelt down beside them. Father's right shoulder was cut deep by a shard of shrapnel and was bleeding badly.

"I'll close the wound." Twilight declared, "I can't fully heal it, but it will insure he won't bleed out."

"Son of a bitch! That bastard is going to pay for that!" Father cursed, trying to distract himself from his pain.

Twilight's magic kept fizzing out whenever she tried to close the wound. "Faust! The chitin must have been enchanted to cause wounds that can't be affected by magic. I can't stop the bleeding!"

"Well hit me with a numbing spell or something, damn it! This hurts!" Father growled at Twilight.

She complied as I took off my shirt to apply pressure to the wound to stem the bleeding. Twilight quickly told us she was sending for a doctor and left the room after she applied the spell. Nightmare walked over to us and stood behind me as I kept pressure on Father's wound.

"You continue to put yourself in harms way for me when there is danger, Guardian. What compels you so strongly to protect me so fiercely?" She asked accusingly.

I was about to answer when Father chuckled, "Mare, you've still got a lot to learn. We don't need a reason to protect people. They can give us plenty of reasons not to, but there doesn't have to one to choose to protect."

Nightmare looks like she wants to contest Father's statement but decides against it. Before Twilight returned with a medical team Nightmare cast her glamour spell to prevent problems. Father was taken to the hospital to help cleanse the enchantment so he could be properly healed. He wasn't in any real danger, but the nurse that stayed behind to relay his condition to Twilight had this to say.

"Should the cleansing not work or only partially so, his right arm will likely need to be put in a sling for a least a month. Also no use of human magic if at all possible. As I know you're aware Princess, Sir Duron's magic causes a heavy strain on his body physically, the stitches would not survive and he could cause an even more severe injury." The nurse stated.

Twilight thanked her, and with a bow the nurse excused herself and left the three of us alone in the room.

Looking at where the changeling head exploded there was a charred black spot with some of the chitin stuck in the table. The paper that held the portal spell was mostly ash, some small fragments were scattered but completely useless to us.

Nightmare dropped her spell as she walked up beside me, "Necromancy... Utterly disgusting! And that cretin thought he could ever win me over."

"No. While it might have seemed like it, that was more just magical puppetry than necromancy. Necromancy requires a direct connection, and I'm pretty sure Vile isn't that stupid."

Nightmare turned to Twilight, "What did you manage?" She asked curtly.

Twilight looked at her before quickly glancing at me and letting out a sigh, "I didn't manage to get his location unfortunately. Because he controls a changeling hive mind, every time I tried breaching a mind for the briefest moment it was just to another drone. However I did discover the location of someone I never expected to see." Twilight's voice a mix of interest and worry.

"Who would that be?" I asked, curious to who she could be talking about. Nightmare seemed to be interested as well.

Twilight seemed hesitant to say, though with a shake of her head she cleared her uncertainties. Finally she looked me in the eye and said clearly.

"It was Queen Chrysalis, and she King Vile's prisoner."