Teaching Under the Moon

by Horizon Spark

First published

After meeting an old classmate, Moondancer decides to tutor him in advanced magic. What starts as simple lessons, soon blossoms into something more.

Moondancer is a smart, young mare who know's more about magic than even the top spell-casters in all of Canterlot. She was also a recluse, one who'd rather read than go outside, too nervous to talk with any strangers. In short...she's a total nerd.

One day, she bumps into an old classmate from her time at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, who asks to tutor him in advance magic. Reluctantly she agrees not seeing much in him, but what starts as simple lessons between teacher and student, will soon blossom into something beautiful.

Teaching Under the Moon

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“Hey, Mooney! How’s it going?!”

Moondancer sighed heavily as she placed a bookmark in where she’s reading, laid it on the table, and glanced at the smiling face of her old friend, Minuette, followed by the others, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine. “Well, I was enjoying a nice new book with some coffee alone, but I guess I’m not now.”

Minuette and the others started to giggle. “Well I guess it’s a shame we’re here to bother you!” She sat down right next to Moondancer, much to her annoyance. “Besides, didn’t the Princess say you should be more social? You can’t turn down a royal decree!”

The girl gave a wry glance in response. “What are you talking about? I’ve been plenty sociable with you guys! Just last week, I went to that stupid frat house party with you guys.”

Lemon Hearts rubbed the back of her head. “I...don’t think that’s what she meant by being more sociable.”

“Come again?”

“Well the thing is, Mooney,” Twinkleshine started, “you practically spent that entire night just clinging to us. We even tried to purposely leave you behind so you could actually talk to a stranger for once. You spent most of that night looking for us than actually socializing.”

Moondancer felt an embarrassed blush fall on her face. “I was wondering why all those excuses sounded more fake than those mares in Fashion Magazines Minnie reads. Can’t believe you three would do that.”

“Sorry ‘bout that, but we’re doing this for your own good,” Minuette said, “you need to start a conversation with somepony that isn’t us. Who knows, maybe you could even get yourself a special somepony!”

Moondancer groaned, a slight shade of red on her cheeks. She remembered how ever since Twilight convinced her to start opening herself to her friends, these three constantly kept trying to get her into a relationship. “Oh please, this again? How many times must I say this; I do not need some stallion in my life!”

The three looked between each other in a strange mix of sympathy and annoyance. “Moondancer,” Minuette started, “I really am sorry. I convinced these two to help me get you in a relationship. Honestly, I just don’t want you to go back to being in your house all the time. Sometimes, going out of your comfort zone is a good thing.”

Moondancer felt a bit of warmness wash over her, happy to still have great friends after all this time. Still… “Look guys, I understand what you’re doing and I really do appreciate the effort. I just don’t think I’m ready for dating. Besides, who’d want to go out with a shut-in like me? It’s not like I’m drop-dead gorgeous like those other mares in Canterlot.”

Twinkleshine chuckled as she shook her head, “Come on, Mooney, don’t try to sell yourself short like that. Unlike all these Canterlot chicks, who are all just stuck-up mannequins, you got a lot of unique stuff that stallions would find totally attractive.”

Moondancer raised an eyebrow, “Really, like what?”

Lemon Hearts pondered for a bit, “Well, let’s see...you’re smart, which is something a lot of stallions like. You’re also nice, don’t have any blemishes, you dress pretty well, and I heard being shy is also a major turn-on for some…”

“And you got awesome boobs!”


The other two stared straight at Minuette with an annoyed look, who simply grinned unapologetically in response. “Oh come on, you guys know I’m not wrong. D-cups like those are hard to come by these days.”

“Y-yeah...b-but...I mean…” Moondancer covered her own chest with her arms, “they’re not that great, are they?

“Tartarus yeah they are! I mean, just look at those honkers!” she exclaimed while pointing, nearly touching Moondancer’s breasts, “With those bad girls, your big brain, and your shy personality, you’ll get so many guys who are just as shy and sincere as you. Trust me, socializers like me are pony experts.”

Moondancer thought about her own appearance as her other friends started chastising Minuette about personal space. She was lucky all those years cooped up in her home only resulted in some pudginess around the belly. She even recently started putting on makeup and placed more effort in fixing her hair, thanks to her friends constant nagging. Maybe she really could be considered attractive enough to be asked out.

‘Still,’ she thought, ‘would any stallion really fall in love with me?’

“Hey, Mooney, you alright?”

The bookworm stopped her thoughts as she glanced back at the others, “Oh...yeah, I’m good!”

Minuette shrugged, “Well, anyways, we actually came here ‘cause we were thinking of going to the mall to pick out some outfits. We’re going bowling this weekend, and if you come with us, I bet we could get you something hot! Whaddya say?”

Moondancer genuinely thought about going, as bowling was one of the few sports she enjoyed...or was good at. Before she could answer, she looked at her watch and noticed the time. “Shoot...turns out I won’t be able to go this time. I need to return these books to the library soon.”

The three friends left, and Moondancer was now alone with her books and her lingering thoughts. ‘If only somepony out there who’d find me attractive did exist. Those three don’t need to worry about something like that.’ She looked at her own chest and gave them a quick jiggle. “Well, at least with these, I could get somepony's attention. I just hope they’re not some simple-minded horndog.” She quickly got her things, then started to head out.


With two hours left before the library closed, Moondancer was glad she was able to check all her books back in and still have time to check out some more. Despite having all the time to read back then, she still has some spells to research and hopefully improve on. After only mere minutes of collecting the books that will soon advance her own research, she took a seat and began working. Nopony can take her out from her quiet reading now...

“Moondancer, is that you?”

“Ack!” Moondancer jumped in her seat, her book nearly falling out of her hands. Grabbing it quickly, she took the small moment she had to compose herself and process what’s going on. A stallion who sounded about her age seemed to know who she is, and while she couldn’t pinpoint the name, the voice did sound awfully familiar to her.

“Hey, Moondancer, it’s me!” the voice called out again.

Ignoring him wasn’t going to work, and doing that would rude. Taking a deep breath, she finally turned around to see the stallion. Yellow coat with a shaggy blue mane, he was a tall, average build, wearing a collared shirt with matching jeans. By looks alone, she deduced that he was very carefree and probably just got here from some fast-food job. Still, she promised Twilight that she would start interacting with strangers in hopes to make more friends, even if he does look a little weird.

With steely determination, she greeted the stallion, “Oh...hey you…” she meekly started, “who are you again?”

“It’s me, Comet Tail!” he enthusiastically said, “It feels great seeing you again! We went to the School for Gifted Unicorns together all those years ago. Remember?”

Moondancer’s mind went blank.

Comet Tail sighed, “The kid who once filled the entire lab with cheese-smelling soap because he was distracted by his crush, causing him to use the wrong compound in the potion. Ring any bells now?”

Moondancer immediately started to remember. “Oh, you’re that Comet Tail!” she said blushing profusely, “S-...sorry. I kinda forgot a whole lot about...everypony in class…”

Comet shrugged, “Hey, not to worry, it has been a while, hasn’t it? Almost five years, now that I think about it.”

“Has it really been that long?” she asked, “It doesn’t even feel like it’s been that long, time really does fly.”

“Yeah...I guess if you put it that way,” Comet stood there, rubbing the back of his head as Moondancer coughed in her hand. The awkward silence between them was as prominent as the need for one of them to break it. Much to her own surprise, Moondancer decided to do just that, “So...um, what brings you here? I’ve never seen you in the library before. Not like I’ve looking around to see if students from my old school come here.”

“I only started coming here a couple months ago. Been meaning to come here and start reading up on more advanced magic spells. Know where I can find some of them?”

“Advanced spells?”

“Yeah! Something like fire conjuring and freezing objects. I also gotta work on my teleportation since I can hardly do it without ruining a few apples around the house.”

Moondancer’s curiosity started to get the better of her, “But we already covered heating and cooling spells as one of our first lessons. And wasn’t teleportation one of our last?

Comet sheepishly grinned, “Yeah, but after all these years out of there, I’m in need of a major refresher. As you could probably guess, I wasn’t the smartest kid back then. Certainly not as smart as Princess Twilight, and especially you Moondancer.”

She felt a blush start to rise in her cheeks. She couldn’t remember anypony comparing her own intelligence to that of her former role-model. As good as it felt, it was still weird to her. “Oh, I’m not really that smart.”

“You kidding me? You were like the smartest chick back then. I remember how some of my other friends back then kept talking about how they wish they could copy off of your work instead. I even heard you taught Mrs. Orion a trick that made teleporting much easier!”

“Actually...that was Twilight who did that.”

“Oh…” Comet coughed in his hand nervously, “well, at the very least, I still think it would’ve been you for the past five years.”

Moondancer felt a giggle rise from that comment, “Well, I’m sure even I could teach Twilight a thing or two about advanced spells. Speaking of, I do have some books you could definitely read.”

“That sounds great!” Comet said, leaning forward and putting his hands on the table, “If you don’t mind, it’d be totally great if you’d help me study them. I could even pay you for the tutoring if you want. Though, I’ll admit I don't have a whole lot to spend for that, but I know it’ll be worth it in the end.”

“Uh...Comet…your hand.”

He then realised that his hand was touching her tense fur, and lifting it up from her hand, he placed it on his crimson cheeks, flustered, “Oh! I...uh...so sorry ‘bout that. Your...hand felt nice, and stuff.”

Despite the embarrassing touch she suddenly got, the compliment that was followed by it made her feel much better. “It’s fine Comet…really...” Looking back at the stallion, she couldn’t help but take in how handsome he actually looked. It wasn’t as if he was a head-turner like those in the parties she went to, but he had a much more charming presence than them. “So...you still need me to help you out?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, sure,” Comet sputtered out, his composure starting to return, “I was thinking maybe tomorrow we could meet somewhere and start reading. How ‘bout it?”

“Sure! Oh, and don’t worry about having to pay me, I don’t really feel comfortable charging a friend for book help. How does tomorrow afternoon at Donut Joe's sound to you?”

“Sounds perfect! It’s a date then!”


“Ssshhh!” Went a nearby elderly librarian, who was about done tolerating the conversation they were having.

“Sorry,” Comet whispered. He then looked back at Moondancer, who had a very confused and very embarrassed blush on her face, much to his own embarrassment, “I mean...it’s a date...I’ll be sure to mark on my calendar! You know...that was...exactly what I meant...eheheh.”

Moondancer shook the red out of her face. “Of c-course...that’s how the expression goes apparently,” she quickly got her things together and stood up, “in any case, I’ll be seeing you tomorrow. Oh, and fair warning, I do not let up when it comes to teaching spells, so you best be ready; I won’t let you off if you slack off.”

“O-of course,” he sheepishly responded, “gonna need you to be hard on me if I need those spells in my head. Anyways, if that’s all, I’ll be seeing ya!”

“Goodbye,” Moondancer waved at the stallion. When he was out of her sight, she felt a weight from her body fall, before sighing heavily. She felt like she just got back from delivering a speech to five hundred ponies AND the four princesses...without any notecards. It was just one stallion however, one who obviously wasn’t the brightest star in the sky, and there was no way she would get so flustered over somepony so handsome and…

“Oh my Celestia, I’m in love, aren't I…?”


“Hey, Moondancer, what’ll it be today?”

Moondancer glanced at the menu at Donut Joe’s with tired eyes. Too busy coming up with a lesson, and getting thoughts of any stallions, her normal eight hours of sleep didn’t happen. “Three sprinkled donuts and one medium coffee, please,” Moondancer stated, knowing that coffee and donuts are her way of waking up.

“Got it, coming right up!” Joe said as he started gathering the freshly-made donuts, “So...got a big day ahead of ya? Not that I’m complaining...but all this caffeine and sugar’s gonna make you a bit jittery.”

Moondancer groaned inwardly, pinching the bridge of her nose, “I have to do some tutoring today. Some guy I apparently know from The School for Gifted Unicorns, Comet Tail. He wants to learn advanced magic through my books.”

Donut Joe raised an eyebrow right as he starting brewing her coffee, “Comet Tail, huh? He’s actually a bit of a regular here. Didn’t know you two were friends.”

“He’s just an old acquaintance of mine, that is all. I was always too busy with books to go and mingle with other students...that weren't Twilight. It must be because of that I barely know the guy.”

Putting the finishing touches on the coffee, Joe thought about his next words, “Well, from all the times he showed up, he’s a pretty good guy, if not a bit awkward. If this bit of info helps, then I will say that he mentioned something about not graduating years ago.”

“Now I don’t want to go around spreading rumors and crap, but I heard he didn’t do too well in that place. Said he wished he was better at studying spellcasting like all those top students.”

‘Top students...just like me?’ she thought to herself.

“So if you're planning on teaching him, you’re gonna need to be a bit hard on the fella. Show him that he needs to get serious or else, but try not to push him too hard at the same time. That’s how Mama Donut taught me, at least,” he gave a genuine smile as he finished the order and rung up the register, “anyways, here’s your order.”

“Hmm,” Moondancer reached into her purse and brought out the exact bits for her order. At the same time, however, thoughts of Comet Tail and whatever motivations the guy has for learning these spells peaked her curiosity. She then took her meal after paying for it. “Thank you, for both the breakfast and that advise. Wish me luck.”

“Anytime Moondancer. Be sure to tell that kid I said ‘Hey’!”

Moondancer nodded as she took her seat. After taking a sip from her coffee and eating one of her donuts, she took out the books she prepared for the lesson. She wondered in hindsight if five of these were pushing it, but considering what Joe just told her, she pushed those thoughts away and focused on the lesson. Without any experience on lecturing anypony above the age of five, she had to be meticulous with what she needed to teach. Above all else, do not get distracted by this stallion’s good…

“Morning Moondancer!”

The mare only jumped slightly this time at Comet’s sudden voice. She sighed, turning around to see him wearing a toothy smile, before waving. “For future reference, I’d rather you never greet me like that ever again...”

He gave a bashful laugh, “Sorry about that. Still, I got here as soon as I could,” he then came closer and took his seat right next to Moondancer, “got myself a good breakfast and everything. So, you ready, teach?”

Moondancer hummed, adjusting her glasses, “Of course, we have a whole day of teaching and I’d like to start immediately. I even picked out several from the library and my personal collection that I know will be a perfect beginning for our lectures,” opening her bag, she brought out five different tomes, “these should all be perfect for you.”

“Whoa! Quite the collection here. Clover the Clever: The Advanced Research? Hayscartes' Spells Beyond Equestria? This all sounds pretty cool, I can’t wait to read on through...Advanced Magic Lessons for Dummies?”

Moondancer feigned a smile, “Like I said, perfect for you.”

“In any case, before we go any further, I would like to access your knowledge of magic, that way it’ll be a lot easier to decide how we should go about your tutoring,” Moondancer then pulled out a notebook and a pencil, “now tell me, what kind of spells can you perform right now.”

At this moment, Comet’s mind started to draw a blank. A nervous sweat started running down his neck with the thought of what he can recall, “Well, I can levitate things, which I know is all basic magic stuff, but, uh...I can also heat stuff up and cool them down.”

“That is also basic magic stuff...” Moondancer deadpanned, “I was referring to something more complex, like turning invisible, channeling your voice to the volume of a megaphone, or maybe something even harder, like temporarily giving butterfly-like wings of gossamer and morning dew to an Earth Pony or Unicorn.”

“I didn’t even know you could do that last one,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “yeah, sorry, that’s about all I can really do...”

Moondancer scoffed at the response, genuinely surprised at the answer she got, “Don’t you remember anything from what we learned? If not, then I don’t see how teaching you something so advanced would benefit you.”

Comet flinched, “Hey, wait a sec’ Moondancer, give me a chance here! I really need to relearn these spells if I’m ever going to become a master spellcaster someday. You gotta help me out.”

“I don’t know. I would like to teach magic to...just about anypony really. But I’m only going to teach you advanced magic, so if you can just barely cast the most basic of Unicorn spells, I’m afraid there’s not much I can help you on.”

“I...I mean, yeah, but…” Comet sighed heavily, looking straight at Moondancer’s eyes, “look, I know I wasn’t the best back at the school, but I really want to start learning advanced magic. I know it’ll be hard and all, but I promise I’ll do my best no matter what!”

The girl thought for a moment...this cute, yet naive, stallion is eager to learn, but hardly any knowledge of basic spells means there’s no point to teaching him. Still, glancing back at him, she almost saw the same desire to learn as she had, albeit without the need to stay inside. Teaching him might not be that bad of an idea, especially if she were to get to know this stallion.

Getting an idea, she immediately picked up one of her books and quickly flipped through until she found the right page, “Alright...student. If you’re so serious about learning, then how about we start here.”

“Wait, are you actually gonna teach me?!” he asked very excitedly.

“Yes...now pay attention,” Moondancer showed him the page she was on, “we’re going to start with this; Fixus Reparius. An ancient, yet unique spell that Clover the Clever invented to help fix scrolls, and this allows the user to restore almost any inorganic object to its original state. It’s complicated to cast, but simple enough when used on something small, like these donuts here.” She then used her magic to break apart her two remaining donuts. “We are going to fix them now.”

Comet stared at Moondancer, scratching his mane, “O...k… and how does this work exactly?”

“Well, it’s simple really. You see, all you need to do is imagine a broken object that needs to be repaired, and our magic will bring all the pieces together and attempt to merge all the molecules together. Due to the heat our magic naturally gives off, this spell amplifies it to a level where…” She caught herself before she started rambling about the science behind the spell, “You didn’t catch any of that, did you?”

“Eh...I think you lost me halfway through. Might be better off just giving me an example, Teach.”

She nodded, “Visual learner, fair enough. Just pay attention....” Focusing her attention on one of her donuts, she steadied her hand as it glowed a pale aura. Without much effort, the broken pieces started to float together, twisting and turning in place as if it were a puzzle, until it was perfectly fixed into its initial state, as Moondancer held it in her palm, “And there you have it.”

“Cooooolll!” He stared at the whole donut with bright eyes, his amazement going off the wall. “It’s almost like you never broke it in the first place! How do I do that?”

Moondancer couldn’t help but giggle at his enthusiasm, “Alright tiger, all you need to do is focus your attention on your object. Then, think of something, anything that you desire to repair. Finally, focus all of that attention onto the object, and it should be fixed, good as new.”

Comet nodded as he started his spell. Staring at each of the pieces, he did what he was told and thought of how he’d like to fix, trying his best to ignore all the surrounding noises. His face contorted with all his effort, sweat pouring from his pores, as the pieces of the donut started floating around each other in an uncontrollable manner. After several minutes, the pieces were coming together, until…

His eyes widened, his breath exasperated, as he crashed onto the table. Shaking his weary head, he glanced at the donut, hoping the spell worked, only to find a mashed-up ball of dough and creamed sprinkles. He sighed dejectedly, “Well, it sorta worked?”

Moondancer gave a disgusted cringe as she glanced back at her student, “While this may be passable for something like...this, glass or plastic probably wouldn’t look as pleasing. I’ll give you points for optimism though.” She saw him groan, facing the table in disappointment. She gave him a sincere smile as she got his attention, “Hey, it’s alright. That was still pretty good for your first try. Really!”

“Of course you’d say that,” he said, crossing his arms, “I’m used to ponies saying how great I am, even though I'm actually pretty trash at it…”

“Stop saying stuff like that!” she interrupted, annoyed at what he was saying. Suddenly, she grasped his hand, surprising the both of them. “Most ponies would still have this in pieces, but you managed to get them all together on the first try! Sure, it’s still not right, but that was honestly the best first attempt I’ve ever seen.”

Comet tried to ignore the blush he was giving off and focused on her pretty face. That, along with her compliment, made the silly grin that was now plastered on his face very noticeable. “You really think so?”

Moondancer looked deep in his eyes, then realising exactly what situation she was in right now, she quickly, yet carefully, took her hands away and covered her reddening cheeks. “Err...totally, you’ll be an expert in no time!” Inside her mind, it was like a busy highway of thoughts about her current moment. ‘What am I doing? Getting all starstruck like this feels so weird. Sure he’s a nice guy and all, but is somepony like him really for me?’

Comet’s mind also went into a fumbled mess. ‘I can’t believe it, is she really into me? I thought I’d be too dumb for her, but if my school crush is actually falling for me...’ He looked up at his teacher, who was now rapidly going through the same spellbook, her face hidden away from him to see. “Hey, Moondancer, you alright?”

Moondancer’s hands shook for a moment, her breathing getting slightly faster at the mention of her name. Taking a deep breath, and hoping he didn’t notice anything weird, she placed the book down, adjusted her glasses, and gave a stern glare. “W-...we st-...still have a lot m-...ore to d-...do. What do you want to learn next?”

‘She’s not even good at being subtle…’ he thought. “Well...is there anything else that’s like that Restoring Spell? I actually kinda liked that one.”

The mare hummed as she looked back at her book. There were a plethora of spells she can teach him, and hopefully she’d be able to keep her emotions in check this time. He’s a student and she’s a teacher, nothing more than that. Looking back at him, she started, “Let’s start with a flavoring spell, we’re going to make coffee taste like orange juice.”


Moondancer wiped the sweat from her forehead, the intense heat of the sun starting to get on her nerves. It’s been a week since she started to teach Comet Tail in advanced spells, now the two find themselves in the middle of Canterlot Park, and while they certainly have been making decent progress, it wasn’t without his own brand of mess-ups. For instance…

“Come on, Comet! Is it seriously that hard to get from Point A to Point B?” Under the hot summer’s sun, the two were practicing simple teleportation at Moondancer’s suggestion, wearing covering sweatpants and hooded sweatshirts, also at Moondancer’s suggestion. After thirty attempts and a lot of water drinking, she was staring blankly at the ground where her student laid after barely moving a meter. “C’mon, get up, let’s try this again.”

Dazed from the failed jump from a whole fifteen meters, Comet breathed heavily as he got to his knees. “C’mon, Teach, I’m trying my best here. You didn’t say teleporting would be this hard to do.”

“I told you several times before, these spells ARE hard,” she responded with a stern stomp, “you need to put more focus in your horn, you have to put the image of movement in your head and release it! Without any focus, you’ll never get any better, so...um...focus!”

“Alright, alright already!” he groaned as he stood up, “you know, I’m sure there’s a much better way of doing all this.”

“Shortcuts are not the way to improve your learning, don’t you know that by now? You’re not quitting on me just yet, are you? Because you’re sounding like a quitter right about now!”

Comet felt a slight twinge of anger at the accusation, “I’m not quitting at all! Seriously, I’m giving it all I can, Moondancer, can’t you cut me some slack, especially this early in these lessons?”

Moondancer felt guilty for the stern yelling she gave, even with her efforts to distance herself from him. “I guess you can take five, but there’s just no way I can make any of this easier for you. This isn’t just magic anypony can master in a week, it takes months of dedication and practice everyday.”

Comet arched his back in a stretch, “I know, but that doesn't make this any less frustrating.” Taking a seat on a nearby bench, he took off his hoodie, exposing the white t-shirt he had underneath. “What about you, how long did it take you to learn these spells? Doubt it was that long anyways.”

Moondancer immediately gave herself a slap on the face, which got rid of the other blush she got from his now transparent chest. Composing herself much more easily than last time, she sighed as she took a seat right next to him. “You’re right, it didn’t take that long, but it wasn’t without spending all that time indoors and instead of interacting with others. A sacrifice...I’m still pretty unsure about.”

“Oh…” Comet rubbed the back of his neck, clearly not expecting an answer like that, “but at least all that time in there made you a whole lot smarter, right?”

Normally a comment like that would tick her off, but seeing his nervous grin told her that he was doing his best to make her feel better. She hesitantly decided to keep going, “I guess that is a good compromise. Still, these spells take time to learn, and I’m aware that you didn’t necessarily do that well back then. So, I’m trying to make it so you don’t need to waste all that time learning and failing to do these spells, if any of that makes any sense. I hope you’re not upset with me, I’m also trying my best to make sure you still get this right.”

Comet, feeling rather inconsiderate for the question he asked, gave a slight shrug, “Yeah, guess I should be more thankful that I got you as a tutor. If I did come off as this, I didn’t mean to sound ungrateful for all the hard knocks you’ve been giving me. My bad…”

She gave a small smile in response, “ It’s no biggie, I’m just happy you’re still motivated after all of this. Sorry I’m not much of a great teacher.”

“Well, you’re certainly a lot better than some of our older teachers,” he remarked with a smirk, “remember the music teacher, Ms. Pitch Perfect, or what me and the guys called her back then, Ms. Bitch Perfect?”

Moondancer almost stood up at the sudden curse, “Comet Tail, language!” He laughed at the reaction, which prompted her to suppress an immature giggle from the name. “Anyways, I’m guessing you’re referring to how strict she could be most of the time.”

“She was strict all the time. We may not have had the same class back then, but trust me, if we were even one note off, she’d be sure to let you know. She wasn’t even subtle about it either, she’d even stop a lesson to make you know. So in short, no, I don’t think you’re a bad teacher. Besides, you said you’d be hard on me, so I should’ve expected this kind of treatment.”

“Hey, don’t say it like that, it’s not like this is my first time tutoring ponies or anything. I’m doing the best I can with only a couple unofficial textbooks to go off on, or even a good place to really practice.” It was at this moment the sun’s rays were getting to her as well, trying to pull at the collar of her hoodie to cool herself off. “Speaking of, I’m starting to regret thinking this was a good location, it’s hot as tartarus out here!”

‘Now who’s worried about language?’ he thought to himself. “Well, why don’t you take off the hoodie then? This weather isn’t really that good for these kinds of clothes anyways.”

Moondancer felt an embarrassed twitch at the suggestion. Underneath the hoodie, all she wore was a sports bra Twinkleshine got her when she started going outside on a basis. The very thought of wearing only that in front of him, her large breasts out for him to get a good look at, made her sweat more than the sun did. “I’m good, just need to put up a quick cooling spell is all.”

“Oh, let me help you out with that!” Comet confidently put up his hands, and with a quick glow of his hands, the two of them immediately felt the air around them start to get cooler. They both sighed in relief. “How was that, Teach?”

Moondancer sighed in relief, both from the lowered temperature, and the fact she won’t need to take anything off. “This is definitely an improvement from two days ago. You’re actually catching on quicker than I thought.”

“A lot quicker than I thought too, but it’s all thanks to you, and all that drilling in my head you’ve been doing,” taking a moment to take in the moment the two were sharing, he leaned forward onto his knees with a sigh, “I really wanna thank you again for helping me out. I know I sounded a bit like an jerk back then, but I really am grateful for what we did in the past week, especially since you decided to teach me in the first place.”

Moondancer immediately noticed the lowered volume in his voice. “You asked and I said yes, is there anything more complicated than that, or did you think I’d say no?”

“More like you’d think of me as a joke. Some dropout asking a genius like you for lessons on magic he should’ve already known? Doesn't really look like a good image now does it?”

“Oh please, I’m the last pony in Canterlot who should be judging anypony. Besides you need to give yourself more credit, you're actually pretty good when you put your head into it. If you ask me, I’m surprised you had to drop out in the first place,” she said with a confident smile, right before she noticed the sad bit of laughter her student gave out, “er...sorry, that didn’t offend you did it?”

With a gloomy grin, Comet rubbed the back of his neck and faced the mare, “I came from a line of unicorn spellcasters, those who teach in prestigious schools, and those who go around selling it as a service. Growing up, I was kind of the black-sheep of the family who didn’t really care that much about doing magic. My parents were so upset from all the spell learning I wasn’t doing, they basically forced my way into Celestia’s School.”

“Wow,” Moondancer responded in bewilderment, “that must’ve been a pain to deal with, all that pressure from your own parents.”

“It wasn’t a big deal really,” he said back with a slightly warmer smile, “or at least that’s what I thought at first. Sure, I actually tried to pass some of those classes, but all the hard stuff I kinda just glossed over. Big mistake as when I showed up at my parents place diploma-less, they left me here and moved to Manehatten, telling me not show up until I get one.” He leaned back on the bench, facing the sky. “Mrs. Orion, the teacher I mentioned before, she’s my aunt, and the only one kind enough to give me the bits I need to live on my own, as well as giving me a job as her assistant.”

“That’s horrible! H-...how could your parents do that to their own child? You should've told somepony about this beforehand!”

A toothy grin and shrug was all she got. “It is what it is, they say,” he then gave a more serious look, “but for real, this is why I want to one day master these spells...because I want to prove to my family that I am capable of magic just like them. Honestly, running into you was like the luckiest thing to have happened to me in a long time and I couldn’t be any happier.”

Moondancer started to blush again, not out of embarrassment, but out of sheer captivation, and she didn’t try to hide it either. ‘Nobody ever said something like that to me,’ she thought to herself. She just had to think of something to say back, something meaningful and nice. “I’m happy to have run into you too.”

‘Was that seriously the best I got there. That sounded so lame, not even those dumb romance books would’ve had a line that.’

“Heh, funny, I thought cheesy lines were my thing, but they sound great on you too!”

Moondancer felt her heart start to warm up as the two of them laughed at each other's lame lines. For a while, she forgot about how much she wanted to keep it professional, and actually started to have fun with him...as a friend. She was about to open her mouth, until suddenly...


Moondancer’s spine trembled like an earthquake when she that familiar voice. “Oh no, this is not a good time…” she said to herself as she covered her head with her arms.

“What’s not a good time?” Comet asked as he glanced at the voice’s direction, seeing a bubbly mare in an aquamarine-colored sundress bounce towards them in high heels. His face glowed red as he immediately started to recognize the newcomer. “Minuette?”

‘Why did you acknowledge her existence in front of us?’ Moondancer thought to herself.

“Comet Tail? Well look who we have here!” her face sprouted in a smile as she almost sprinted towards the two, “It’s been ages since I’ve seen that face! How ya been you little rascal you?”

“Oh, you know, stuff,” he nervously responded. Never did he think two of the hottest girls from class would be in the same room with him again, especially after all these years, “what are you doing here Minuette?”

She gave a sly glance at the other mare, who was now sweating bullets, “Oh I was just in the neighborhood, saw my buddy Moondancer right here, and I was wondering just how did she get a guy like you in a place like this. So I thought I’d come in and ask.”

Moondancer’s head immediately shot up, “NOT A GOOD TIME MINUETTE!”

“I’m sorry Moonie,” she said laughing, “you know I’m just messing around with you. I’m honestly just a little excited that my best friend finally got herself a man!”

Comet’s eyes snapped open, “I’m sorry, got a what now?!”

“HEY, LOOK AT THE TIME, GOTTA GO!” Moondancer practically yelled as she quickly grabbed all of her things and started making her way to the exit, “We’ll continue this tomorrow at tomorrow same time, goodbye Comet!”

“But what about our lesson…?”


And before he got a word in, she ran away turning the corner until she was out of sight. The other mare slapped her forehead. “Dammit Moonie, I should’ve see this coming,” she started to give chase, right before she stopped to turn around and look at the stallion, “stay right there, I’ll be back in five!” Then she went back to her chase.

Comet groaned, “Sure, why not...”

Minuette followed the direction she knew Moondancer left in. After a couple seconds, she found the mare hiding behind one of the larger trees in the park, breathing heavily from the run, her hoodie removed in an attempt to cool herself off. “Hey there buddy...you alright?”

Moondancer caught her breath, and after seeing her friend standing in front of her, she clenched her fists and stomped her hooves. “You jerk! Why’d you have to ruin my moment with Comet like that?!”

Minuette held up her hands in defense. “I totally apologize, I admit, that was a bitch move I did back there. I was just so excited to see you with another pony that wasn’t me or the others! You know how my mind just wanders like that.”

The cream-coated mare did her best to calm down, not wanting to lash out at her friend. “Fine, I’ll give you that, but maybe not come up to us like a crazy pony yelling about relationships and all that, just a simple suggestion.”

“Heard you loud and clear ma’am,” she said with a mock salute, “but since you’re now in a relationship, that means you can finally take my advise when it comes to keeping that relationship stable.”

Moondancer groaned, crossing her arms on top of her breasts. “Do you really think I need advice in the intricacies of interacting with the opposite sex? ...Okay, don’t answer that, but still, I’m sure I can hold my own with him without much effort.”

“Oh, that’s bullshit and you know it. Besides, I bet you were so embarrassed to wear that revealing tank top in front of him, you didn’t take off that hoodie despite being so hot and bothered from wearing it.”

“That’s an exaggeration and you know it. Furthermore, it’s a sports bra, and I wouldn't have been embarrassed by something like that.”

“Hey guys, you done yet?”

“Uh oh,” Moondancer tensened up, too scared to think and act in what might be a couple of seconds. Too frozen to do anything, she stood there as Comet started getting closer. “Minnie, you gotta do something, he can’t see me like this!”

Minuette gave a shrug, “Nah...I’m a firm believer that being comfortable with your looks is the fastest way to start a relationship, and honey, I told you to be proud of those honkers, and proud you’ll soon be.”

Before Moondancer could violently vent her frustrations out, Comet was now in front of them. “There you guys are, you guys still busy?…uhh...” Comet stopped to see Minuette casually whistling with her arms behind her back, and Moondancer covering her face with her hands, her bra and hefty breasts out for him to see. “Uh...sorry, I’m not interrupting anything am I?”

“Nope,” Minuette casually answered, “nothing but us mares talking here!”

Pausing to take in the image before him, he coughed in his fist, trying to think of something else to say, “Well, I...was thinking we could get back to practicing teleporting, I think I’ll get it down this time. So, I’ll just wait ‘til you get done with this.”

Moondancer opened her fingers to see her student. “Uh...sure. We still have some time to kill. I’ll be there in a minute.”

“Good,” he said as he waved and turned around, then he faced Moondancer again and cleared his throat, “also, you look real great in that tank top...I like it.”

As he left, Moondancer lowered her arms, hoodie now in her hands as she looked at her friend with a bewildered look. “That went well. Guess your advice is better than I previously gave credit.”

“You see, girlfriend,” Minuette responded giving a sideways hug, “told you I’m a socializing expert. You just need to be more confident in your big brain and bigger boobs and you two will be a guaranteed power couple for sure. For now though, you best stick to the teaching stuff for today.”

Moondancer glanced back at the at where Comet went, then turned back with a groan. “Ok...but what if he doesn’t…”

“Hey now,” without warning, she immediately grabbed her friend by the shoulders and looked her in the face, “now I know you’re thinking that all I’m trying to do is get you laid, and you’re right...but also wrong.”

“Wait, what?”

“Look...I know he’s really into you, been that way since I’ve known him. Consider this my apology for not getting you outside after Twi left. I want you to get out there and finally get yourself someone who’s more than a friend.”

Moondancer, for a second, remembered how much she wanted to distance herself from any personal relation with a stallion. Excuses like ‘she’s just tutoring him’ or ‘no man would really like her like that’, but if what’s Minuette saying is anything to go off of, this was a golden opportunity to get away from this lonely life, one that she shouldn’t let go of. “Alright...I’ll do it,” she said with a determined smile, “now if you’ll excuse me, I got a lesson to teach.”

The blue mare clapped her hands joyfully, “That’s my number one girl! You better knock him dead for me,” but as she saw her walk down the park, she quickly noticed something off, “hey, aren't you gonna put the hoodie back on?”

Without stopping, Moondancer looked back with a sly grin. “It’s a hot day, gotta let the ‘honkers’ breath, don’t I?”


Over a month has passed since Moondancer and Comet started their lessons, and it showed. Comet’s spellcasting immensely improved in such a short time; from the previous teleportation, to other spells like shields and magic blasts. The hard lessons and strict teachings she placed on him did the trick, as the student felt more confident than ever before.

And speaking of confident, Moondancer has been taking the advice her friends have been giving her, too ecstatic to keep their comments to themselves. While it all felt unorthodox to her at first, she soon started wearing slightly more revealing clothes, spending more time away from books, and even started talking more. She almost felt like a different mare.

And thanks to her friends coaxing, Moondancer had the confidence to pop the long awaited question. It all took place a month after their first ever lesson.

“Alright Comet, let’s do it right this time!”

Comet nodded confidently, as he focused his attention on the spot twenty meters before him. His horn sparked a pale blue, his hands pointed forward to where he wanted to go, and his thoughts only on his destination and that alone. After half a minute has passed, his horn flashed blindingly, and in an instance, he found himself standing perfectly still, only a bit off from the mark.

Still, when he saw where he was standing, he found himself pumping his fist up in the air, as he yelled out in an overly ecstatic manner, “Fuck yeah! Teach, didja see that? That shit felt good!”

Moondancer let out a loud groan, but still managed to laugh as she felt the same elation her student had, “That you did, my pupil, that was an outstandingly perfect teleportation...Mr. Pottymouth.”

Looking around himself, and seeing a Mother cover her son’s ears and looking at him in disgust, he gave out a shy shrug with a blush, “Uh...right. Sorry, I just can’t believe I finally got that teleportation right. I didn’t even fall on my face this time!”

“That is true. In fact, I can happily say that all of your spells have have improved greatly over this whole month. Not only teleportation, but heat and cooling, transfiguration, and even shields and combat blasts. Although, you’ll need to work on Fixus Reparius, that still seems to be the hardest spell for you.”

“Don’t ruin this moment for me woman!”

“Guess I can call you Mr. Ego now,” Moondancer casually said as she took a seat on a nearby table. She patted the spot nearby, prompting her student to sit there. “Let’s review for a bit. In the span of a month, we’ve tried to complete thirty spells, and you’ve been able to accomplish twenty of them. Either that magical talent runs in the family, or you’re not as much of an idiot as you said you were.”

Comet scratched his head, “Guess it’s a bit of both, and of course you beating all that knowledge in my head, that also helped too.”

“Yeah...you could say that again,” her thoughts shifted towards a conversation she had only a couple days ago. Minuette giving her a step-by-step plan on how to finally ask him out, giving rather detailed instructions on what to do and how to pull it off: Stay calm, talk normally, and above all else, reel him in before he gets a chance to let go! Her exact words, by the way. She even went as far as to warn her that if she didn’t ask him out tonight, then she’ll personally take her library card and flush it down a toilet.

Despite the few sweat drops she felt from both the date, and the blatant threat on her expression of life, she inhaled heavily and turned towards Comet, who was also looking back at her, “Hey, there’s actually something I wanted to ask you.”

“Yeah, me too,” Comet responded with a blush, “you don’t mind if I ask first?”

“Oh, of course not. Go right ahead.”

He took a deep breath, taking a moment to crack his fingers, his neck, and gave himself a slap on the cheeks in an attempt to prepare himself, “Would you like to go out with me?”

Moondancer nearly had a panic attack when those words practically reverberated in her ears, where each syllable echoed like a gong. “D-...d-...did y-...you just...as-...ask me out?!”

Comet felt his whole body quiver, and his tongue started to become dry, “Uhh...yes?” He could see the mare glow red like a strawberry, her eyes staring blankly at him with her mouth hanging open. “That was a bad question to ask...huh?”

She shook her head immediately, “Wait, no! I mean, no, of course not. I’m just surprised because...I was about to ask you the same thing…”

Comet’s ears popped open in response, “For real?!” to which Moondancer nodded, “Wait a second...let me just take a wild guess and say that it was Minuette who put us up to this. Did I hit the nail?”

“Right on the head, unfortunately…” Moondancer said dejectedly, “I can also take a wild guess and assume that she also set you up with this, am I correct?”

He sighed, “Yeah, you can say that. In fact, she went on about how this was finally my moment, that one of her best friends can achieve his goals and start a relationship with one of her other best friends or something like that.”

“She said all of that?” she thought aloud.

“Yeah, she has the subtlety of a freakin’ flaming train going through an orphanage. I guess at the end of the day, she means well and all, but she should just leave the matchmaker job to Princess Cadence, ‘cause-”

“What time do you want to go out tomorrow?” Moondancer immediately said, interrupting the now confused stallion, “I’ll be free all day, and we still need to decide on how we’re going to celebrate you’re month of lessons...so...how about it?”

And after that day, the two were ready for their first official date. It was also her who suggested that the two of them should spend their anniversary date exploring Canterlot’s nightly hot spots, thanks to her friend’s constant coaxing. After several hours of dining and sightseeing, Moondancer, who wore the only good dress she owned of brilliant violet, and Comet luckily having one more clean dress shirt to wear, found themselves enjoying popsicles together at the same bench they started their teleportation lesson, underneath the night sky.

“Well, Comet, I believe I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this was the best night I’ve ever had,” she stated before taking another taste of her popsicle, “second only to binge reading all of those ancient scrolls in the Canterlot Tower. That was pretty hard to top.”

Comet silently clicked his tongue, “Well, I had to make sure your night was great. It’s all thanks to you that I’m one step closer to proving my family that I can take magic seriously, just you wait and see.”

“Oh, I bet you are, but I still expect you to keep working on those spells, especially Haycartes’ Studying Technique.”

“I’m still never gonna get used to going in books. That whole inside-a-book thing is so not natural.”

“Yeah…” Moondancer looked up to the night sky, her thoughts about how she got to where she is now, going on a date with an old friend after years of neglecting herself inside her own home. Staring back at Comet, who was just now done with his popsicle, she let out a relieved sigh, “Hey, can I ask you something?”

The stallion arched his eyebrow at the question, “Yeah, something up?”

“Why did you fall in love with me?”

Comet nearly choked on what remained of his popsicle, trying his best to process what she just asked, “I’m sorry, the heck you just say?!”

“I wanted to be blunt with you,” she said, taking a deep breath, “when we first met, I honestly didn’t think that much of you. Even though I was happy with just tutoring you and nothing else, I tried to keep it that way, as just student and teacher. Sorry for judging you at first.”

Comet gave a sincere shrug. “I get that a lot, but my irresistible charm and good looks gets them eventually.”

“Don’t ever say that again…” she deadpanned, “anyways, my mindset at the time was that I didn’t I need a stallion in my life, and that I was perfectly content with where I was. If I were to say where that came from, I concluded that it stems from a desire to not get abandoned again, just like what happened at my party all that time ago.”

“Hey now, you should’ve known that I would’ve never done something like that,” he stated reassuringly, “in fact, if you invited me to that party back then, I would’ve gone there, hands down.”

“You say that, but that’s what makes me wonder. I was a social outclass, I cared about learning all that I could about magic and the history of Equestria...I didn’t want to spend time with any other pony, and the one time I did spent time with somepony, it was pony I tried to emulate. I don’t see the logic in why you’d be attracted to me after all these years, that’s what I wanted to know.”

Looking at his date with sheer sympathy, his thoughts on how he could lighten up the mood went all over the place. It wasn’t until he slid close enough to wrap his arm around her, hearing the small ‘eep’ she gave out, that he knew what to say. “We had a lot of smart classmates back then, you know. The only exception was Twilight, who was, without a doubt, the smartest student. So it really wasn’t about how smart I thought you were.”

Moondancer raised an eyebrow, but allowed him continue. “To be fair. it was more of a childhood school crush really, cheese-smelling soap distractions being evidence of that. Yeah, you were smart and all, but you were beautiful, a wonder to watch you do all those cool, complicated spells, and I just thought you’d be great to hang out with.”

“That...can’t be it, can it?” she responded, still in his arms, “if you didn’t know about how smart I was, and you just found me...beautiful, you could’ve gone for Twilight, who I tried to imitate. Heck, I thought Minuette would’ve been perfect for you.”

Comet couldn’t help but giggle slightly, “Maybe they would’ve been a good choice, but I guess I wasn’t really into the popular mares back then, they didn’t felt genuine, you know? I wanted somepony who was more in the background, didn’t have that many friends, somepony who was an outcast just like me. What I'm trying to say, is that even after all this time, I didn’t want somepony else...I wanted you.”

“Comet Tail…” Moondancer choked out.

“I’m sorry you spent all that time cooped up all by yourself, and I’m even more sorry that I didn’t try to help you in your situation when I had the chance. If it makes you feel any better, I got you a little something...” From his pocket, he pulled out a small plastic bag filled with ripped up pieces of what seemed like pink paper. Before Moondancer could question, he opened the bag and levitated each piece in the air with his magic. Then with his hands focused on each one, the paper began to merge, the individual pieces coming to form the shape of a heart. “Ta-dah!”

“You mastered the spell…” the mare whispered in disbelief. Grabbing the heart with her magic, she saw what was written on it:

Thank You For Everything!


Comet Tail

“You know,” she sobbed lifting her glasses to rub her eyes, “you shouldn’t make mares cry like this, it’s not a nice thing to do.”

“Yeah,” he said, hugging her even more, “guess I should apologize for that too, huh?”

“You’re such an idiot!” she yelled out, giving him a hard slap on the face.

“Ouch! Hey, there’s no need to all violent! Besides, I’m the idiot you decided to date, which would make you Mrs. Idiot.”

“Humph!” she pouted, crossing her arms. After a second glance at the card, a sudden thought sparked in her head. All those lessons her friends have given her over the month, she felt as if it all lead to this one moment, and she knew she had to put what she learned to the test, as she cleared her throat, fixed her hair, and gave a sideways glance at her date. “You know, I was hoping we could discuss about what to do for your...payment.”

Comet raised an eyebrow, “Payment? I thought you said you didn’t want any money. And why are you talking like that?”

“Err...no...I mean, the other kind of payment…”

“I don’t follow…”

Moondancer felt that same damning blush coming back to haunt her. She felt immensely stunned, as if she’s now taking an important test after forgetting the answers mere seconds ago, but she couldn’t give up. “Well...you know the old saying, I scratch your back, you scratch mine., and the fact that we’re now lovers…” she scooted closer, placing her hand on his chest as she batted her eyes, “I think it’s only appropriate that we…”

It took Comet all of ten seconds for the slow moving gears in his brain to finally move and tell him exactly what she’s talking about. He wiped his forehead with the back of his head in anticipation. “Hey now...you think we might be going pretty quick here? I mean...you’re beautiful and all, but...I...”

Moondancer felt as if she had enough of this waiting, and immediately stood up and grabbed his arm, “Follow me, we’re leaving.”

Comet felt himself being jerked by Moondancer’s surprising strength. “Oh...okay! Where we heading to?”

“My bed,” she stated straightforwardly.

Comet, upon hearing that, felt a mix of bewilderment, adrenaline, and a goofy sense of utter joy. ‘Luna, if this is a dream, please don’t wake me up!’ A few more minutes later, the two found themselves at Moondancer’s front door. Unlocking the door, they were greeted with the organized and strawberry-scented rooms. Moondancer was relieved she managed to clean everything up before she thought to bring anypony in.

Comet, on the other hand, “Nice place you got here, but are you sure you want to do this? I mean, I’m still a virgin, and I don’t want to make your first bad…” His voice was silenced as soft lips were planted onto his, his surprise soon turning into pleasure, wrapping his arms around her sides. Moondancer moaned in his mouth, arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her mouth as her fur now stood on all ends. After a minute long make-out session, the two were gasping for air, staring into each other’s eyes out of sheer lust.

Comet snickered, “Heh, not bad for a first time, were we? You’re pretty good.”

“Thanks…you too,” she said back, “let’s go in my room~”

Comet nodded. Heading towards her bedroom down the hall, which was filled with books from wall to wall, a work desk with many notes strewn about, and a clean queen sized bed. He glanced at the other who was still breathing heavily. “So...is this the part where we take off our clothes?”

Moondancer’s cheeks almost started to glow red at the mention of that, now realizing that she would have to get completely naked in front of a stallion for the very first time. She then came with a solution. “You turn right around and take your clothes off, I’ll do the same, and when we’re both done, we’ll turn back around, that way we’ll see each other naked at the same time. Got it?”

The rules he was given felt odd to him, but knowing he won’t change her mind, he shrugged and did as he was told. Turning around, first came off his shirt, then came his belt, his shoes and socks, and finally his pants and boxer shorts. He was now fully nude, bare chest with some fuzz out, his average-sized equine member still hard from the earlier kiss. “Hey Moonie, I’m done here…”


“YES MA’AM!” A moment passed as Comet stared at the wall, the sounds of clothes shuffling around.

“…Okay...you can turn now…”

Comet slowly turned around, and at first he only saw Moondancer’s dress, bra, and panties around her feet. Looking up slowly, seeing her now wet pussy, then her supple breasts moving to her breath, and her blushing face looking downward. Even her glasses were taken off. She looked up to face him, her eyes now sparkling under the moonlight “So...how do I look?”

Comet’s only response was to step forward and give her another kiss on the lips, “Even more beautiful than I could’ve ever imagined.”

Moondancer, couldn’t take it anymore, her need for him reaching its limit, as she pushed him towards the wall without much effort. Wrapping her hands around his member, she started feeling up his chest and kissing his neck, as he in turn squeezed her breasts, which made them both moan from the stimulation. She then slowly, but surely, got onto her knees, feeling his tensed up skin on the way down, until she finally faced his thick member.

Without any other word, she began to have her first taste of stallionhood, kissing it lightly at first, then wrapping her tongue all around it, coating it all in her saliva. The taste wasn’t delicious like she had hoped, a bit salty even, but it still felt wonderful in her mouth. She then started taking her whole mouth in swallowing it, almost reaching the base as she bobbed her head back and forth. Her tongue started to move as fast as she could, making sure every last bit got the love it deserved.

Comet, meanwhile, felt like he was on cloud nine, his panting becoming harder the more he watched Moondancer. Mind melting with pure ecstasy as he started feeling up her soft mane, he couldn’t help but close his eyes, the enjoyment he was getting felt unlike anything he felt before. After a while, however, the climatic feeling he was getting started charging in his loins, as he let out a low growl. “I’m...cumming...Moonie…”

Using that as her cue, she started to stroke the cock even harder and faster, pumping it like a piston in her mouth, as she felt his penis start to convulse. Her moans vibrated even harder, as she suddenly felt the Comet’s hand latch onto her head and push her closer to his groin, forcing his cock into her throat, bulging her neck out slightly. Spunks of cum started to gush down her throat, the force of it causing some to rush back up into her mouth, coating it white and filling her cheeks to the brim. Her eyes popped wide open, as the foreign taste was now all she felt. After a couple more squirts, she finally took her grip of his member, as she struggled to swallow his entire load. “I didn’t think that would...taste so...salty…” she breathed out slowly after removing the shaft from her maw.

“Yeah…” Comet said, letting out a sigh of relief, “I heard it depends on your diet...”

Moondancer slowly got to her feet as she wiped the excess cum off her mouth. Yet the yearn for him just was still there, and she was going to get him. Standing straight, she grabbed his face with both hands, much to his surprise, and looked in his eyes. “I want you to suck on my...nipples. Then...could you please lick my...vagina? I...I want to know what it feels like.”

Without much hesitation, he silent;y nodded, as he was guided towards Moondancer’s left nipple. He then continued to suckle on it, placing his palm on her right breast and squeezing it, he gave both the stimulation she deserved. Moondancer whimpered in pleasure, this never-before experienced moment making her pant like a dog. “Oh...please suck on them harder, they’re so sensitive!” She carefully took a few steps backwards with him still latched onto her, until she was now sitting on her bed.

Comet was now hunched over, his mind still fixated on her breasts. He quickly snatched up his beloved teacher and laid her down atop the bed, before he went about groping and suckling at those luscious, soft, pillowy globes, causing an excited moan to escape Moondancer’s lips. With a gentle, yet forceful push, he found himself being lowered off of her breasts and down to her stomach. Going with the flow, he kissed her lower body, until he was faced with Moondancer’s moist marehood. He stuck out his tongue and licked her outer folds, the somewhat pleasant taste making him go further. He moved it around in circles, getting all that he could before pushing his mouth further in, which made his teacher fall back onto the bed, screaming his name out. He gave one long, slow lick before he fell off, kicked to the carpet by Moondancer’s strong legs. “Hey...something up…?”

He was led speechless as the cream-coated mare was now on all fours as she started wiggling her ass back and forth in anticipation. “Please…” Moondancer pleaded seductively, “please fuck me~”

Comet smirked as he approached the presenting mare, until he was finally behind her, his re-erected member mere inches from her marehood. “Whatever happened to language, Teach?” he joked.

“Like I give a shit right now! Just fuck me ri-AAAHHH!” her annoyed anger was soon replaced by sheer pain and pleasure as her pussy was filled by a phallus for the first time the flared tip audibly popping inside loudly, stretching her velvety fold wide. It surprisingly slid in and out very easily thanks to her saliva from the blowjob and her own wetness. She bit her lip and moaned loudly as tears of bliss started to stream down her cheeks. “Oh yes! Harder...please do it harder!”

Wanting to comply, he gripped her sides firmly and thrusted harder. Hearing her practically screaming at this point made his body get hotter and hotter with every moment, it was like a dream come true. Her chubby ass felt more like putty as it bounced to the same rhythm as him, hypnotizing him for a need for more. Going on for several minutes, he then grunted as he began to jackhammer his way in and out which made the mare arch her back. Her tail flicked about as ecstasy fueled her entire being, and it only grew more intense as he laid atop her back, reaching around to grasp her hefty tits, fondling, groping, and squeezing at them as his thrusts grew even more untamed.

Moondancer could take it no longer, soon reaching her climatic orgasm. Her juices now staining her sheets, but this was short-lived as Comet suddenly flipped her onto her back and got on top of her, his member now inches away once more. A second of recuperation later and she found herself staring lovingly into his eyes. “I love you~”

Comet bent over to give her a kiss on the nose. “I love you too~” He started thrusting again, this time even faster than before. The sweat and heat the two gave off was only second to the sheer amount of love and passion they had for each other. They started making out once more, the speed increasing as they wrapped each other with their arms, moving like they were in heat. Their moans were heard throughout the home, Moondancer’s breast getting felt up by him, and Comet’s cock getting hotter with each moment. It wasn’t long until they both felt their limit incoming.

“Moonie...I’m about to cum...where….”

“On...me...please do it on me!"

Comet gave one more hard thrust as he quickly took out his penis and coated all of Moondancer with his own cum, drenching her cream-colored fur a pearly white, as Moondancer absentmindedly licked at a few stray stands of his cum. The two moaned loudly, as they reached their climax at the same time. The mare found her breast and face coated with streams of his sperm, with her own femcum splashing onto his crotch. The two the collapsed on the bed, too exhausted to do anything but breath as their sweat started to mix in with their cum. The moonlight shined upon the passionate aftermath, as they slowly looked into each other’s eyes, before embracing one another in yet another love-filled kiss, until they reached their deep slumber.


When the two woke up, they started kissing each other once more, the memory of last night lingering in their minds. Moondancer sighed happily, leaning on her shoulder as the added thought of the letter he gave her made her joy grew even more. “Thank you Comet, for everything. I’ve haven’t felt this happy in forever. You were surprisingly great at sex!”

Comet cracked a grin as he placed his arm around her, “Yeah...I may have done a lot of research...by that, I mean I read some Playcolt magazines beforehand. That sounded super-lame, didn’t it?”

Moondancer let out a nervous grin, “It would’ve been...if I also haven’t read some erotica from the adult section of the library.”

“Wow,” Comet simply responded, “what a bunch of nerds we are.”

“Yeah...but that must be why we’re perfect for each other,” she snuggled closer to him, feeling his warmth against her, “We are going to continue dating like this, you know. I’m still your teacher, but I want us to be like this from now on. Would you please...stay with me?”

Comet grinned as he gave her one more kiss, “You don’t even need to ask…”

Suddenly, a loud knock reverberated through the house, spooking the both of them. It was followed by a familiar shrill voice, “Hey there Moonie! I wanna know how the date went! You got ten minutes to get your ass out here and meet me at Donut Joe’s!”

Moondancer groaned as she glanced at the clock. “It’s not even the afternoon and she already wants to pester me? She can be such a bitch...” she immediately caught herself as she covered her mouth and glanced at Comet, who couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow, “uh...that never happened before. I blame you for this.”

Comet laughed as he started to get up from the bed and stretched his arms. “Well, I guess we have no choice but to show her how awesome these two nerds are. What do you say, Teach?”

Moondancer smiled as she stood up with him, “I think that’d be a great idea, my student.”

Right as the two were about to get up, though, a realization hit Comet, “...Wait..the library has erotica?!”