> A Dose of Amnesia > by An Intricate Disguise > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Putting her Skills to Good Use > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Th-thank you for picking me up, Shiny..." Twilight faked a hiccup, stumbling a little more than was necessary as they exited the crowded bar, Twilight leaning her weight on Shining. "You're the best big brother I could ever ask for..." She made sure to slur, to let the words carry themselves away lightly and of their own accord. It made it sound as if she had little wherewithal of what she was saying, of what was happening around her. In truth, she'd only had two cocktails and a cider. Shining didn't need to know that. "Whoops!" She fell to the side, away from him, landing on the cobbled path and rolling onto her back, kicking her hind legs up and waving her tail back and forth. "They really ought to watch where they put those..." She knew she was giving him a view, she absolutely knew that the movements of her tail were exposing her down below. She'd read books on pony attraction, seen it in action, and she was certain that she was displaying all of the signs of a drunken, horny mare, even down to the scent. "Come on, Twily, let's get you up," he grunted, pulling Twilight back to her hooves with a strong, masculine foreleg. He didn't even look! It was right there, so obvious that she might as well have begged him to take a peek, yet he was as platonic and chivalrous as ever! Ugh! Twilight forcibly bit back a growl. She walked with stumbles and heavy hooffalls down the street, being sure to rub into her brother as much as physically possible as she went. He barely seemed to notice, almost as if concern for her safety was drowning everything else out. What was wrong with him?! Any other stallion would have jumped her by now, she was sure, but not him, never him! She'd tried everything by now, using his shower, walking in on him as he was bathing, walking around the house in lingerie, masturbating loudly at night in hopes of drawing his attention... Yet once again, there he was, stalwart and looking forwards as if none of this phased him in the slightest. Worse, as if he didn't even notice it, let alone acknowledge it! "Shiny..." Twilight put on her cutest, most inquisitive voice, one that she hoped would drag him back to memories of when they had both been young. "There was a colt in the bar earlier, and he was really rude to me." This got his attention. He turned, instantly perturbed, stopping and looking straight at her. "What happened, Twily? What did he say? Are you alright?" Twilight forced her lip to quiver a little. She'd never been very good at fake crying, but the precursors to it weren't all that difficult to emulate. "He said..." A sniffle. Drawn out silence as she looked her brother dead in the eyes, exuding vulnerability. "H-he said that I have a really big plot, and that I look silly because when I walk it jiggles about and..." She blinked rapidly, looking back at her own hind quarters. "Do I have a big plot? Was he telling the truth? Does it look bad?" Shining lightly tussled her mane, drawing her in for a hug. Twilight sniffed his coat without second thought. "Don't you listen to any silly colt from the bar, Twilight. You're beautiful, and I don't want you ever thinking anything else. You're my special little sister, you know that. I'd never think you were anything but. Try not to worry about drunk, jealous colts." Gods, he was good. He'd managed to in a roundabout way answer her question without being dragged into any discussion regarding the specifics of her body, and he knew it! He was avoiding this so blatantly, it drove her insane! Thanks for nothing, made up colt from the bar. Alright, last ditch efforts, think of some, and squeeze him a little while he's hugging you like this. Twilight could never get enough of the feel of her brother's body, after all. Hmm... maybe that was it. Yeah, she'd just keep rubbing at him, tightening the hug and pressing her body against his, that'd have to work! "Anyways, Twily, it's getting pretty cold, we should probably get home already." Twilight nuzzled into his neck, being sure to keep her lips just close enough that they might occasionally brush against his fur. "No... I'm warm here with you. Please just hold me a little longer, big brother?" "If it'll make you feel better," he chuckled, ruffling her mane again before giving her a pat on the back. They were such typical brotherly things to do, and while it still felt wonderful, would it really hurt him to just nibble on her ears, or run a hoof over her belly, or kiss her on the lips for a few seconds? Surely that wasn't asking too much. Twilight was eighteen now, about ready to embark on the next chapter of her education, and with Shining a guard in training, the time they got to spend together was only decreasing. She wanted to hold him all night, she wanted to hold and never break her grip, but she knew it would come to a close eventually, as all of their brotherly, sisterly exchanges did. She needed something to keep him along for the ride. It was getting to the point where a final effort might have been the only thing between never having him, and having him for life, and with a reluctant but nonetheless present energy that pattered in her anxious heart, Twilight moved forwards once more. She kissed Shining's neck, her lips only lightly brushing him at first. He didn't react, not one bit, and with her libido as a guide, she repeated the motion, the kisses quickly transforming into the soft and tender ministrations of a passionate, inexperienced lover. Still, Shining said nothing, but she could feel his muscles beginning to tense. Was... was he really letting her? It felt like a dream, this perfect moment, everything she'd lusted after finally about to come true if she could only hold onto it, and with another push, she parted her lips, allowing her tongue to trail across his neck, causing him to shiver. She could feel her body beginning to buzz with an unreal excitement at the prospect of what might be about to happen alone, and she could barely contain her want, no, need to rub at herself long enough to ensure that she was still giving Shining the attention he deserved, the kisses and licks and nips she'd wanted to share for her entire life... And then Shining flinched away, and Twilight's hopes crumbled to a dust that floated away on the night air. "Twilight, I think you've drank too much... You don't know what you're doing." He sounded resolute then, not even a hint of hesitation in his voice, and he walked on without another word. He beckoned for her to follow, but his mien wasn't inviting as much as it was frightfully indifferent. But Twilight couldn't have that. She'd come too far, too close to tasting what was always beyond her reach, she needed to have more. Tonight could still be the night! She just had to convince him, no—she jogged after him, motions erratic and slightly panicked, cutting him off before he could walk too far. "W-wait, Shiny!" Her ears were pinned back, she was sure she looked as cute as heck right about then, but Shining's conviction didn't falter, not yet. "It wasn't a mistake. I do know what I'm doing. I was... showing you just how much I care for you." "Twilight." There was already a scolding tone to his voice, bad start. "There's a word for what you were just trying to do, and you know what that word is. We can't do that, no matter how mixed up you're feeling right now, how drunk or out of your mind you are.... we can't. Not ever." It was like having your dreams screwed up and thrown away before your eyes. "No, Shiny, you know that you'd like it... How couldn't you? I've seen what you've got in your magazines, you know," Twilight shot him a wink, but it only seemed to make Shining look more uncomfortable. He groaned, rubbing his eyes with a hoof. "I could be just like those mares, if you let me. Don't you want to lose your virginity, big brother? Who better to take it than somepony that knows everything you could ever want in a mare?" "Twilight!" He turned away from her, a blush on his face. "We're not having this conversation. Not now, not ever. Follow me, I'm taking you home." Twilight tried to speak to him a couple more times on the way back, but he didn't say a word. Truly, it was as if someone had taken Shining's soul and animated a statue to walk in his place. If he acted that way as a guard, he'd soon be captain. But Twilight felt torn, borderline hysterical. After every subtle indication, growing more and more bold with time, the moment she'd finally made a move, she'd been rejected so easily? Did he really not find her attractive, not in the slightest? When they finally got home, Shining said a few words to her before disappearing into the kitchen. He cleared his throat, and chose his words carefully, slowly, as if he'd been mulling them over for a long time and had calculated everything he wanted to say. Twilight had never seen him act so meticulous. "Twily. I love you. You know I love you more than anything in the world, and Celestia knows I would kill for you, die for you if I had to. You are and always will be the most important mare in my life..." The words made Twilight smile beside herself, but his next sentence dashed the feeling completely. "But we can't do that. We can never do that. We can't even think about it." Shining rubbed the back of his neck, looking to the floor. "Honestly, I should have said something sooner. I always had the impression that you had some kind of... interest in me, ever since we were young, but I suppose I hoped it would be something you grew out of... You understand why it's wrong, don't you?" Twilight stopped short of a reply, her mouth open in a wordless gasp. Eventually, syllables managed to squeeze through, conflicted and forced out. "You... you knew?" Reluctantly, Shining nodded. "For a long time, I always thought it might have been true, but I hoped it wasn't. I love you, Twily, but not like that. Never like that. It just wouldn't be right, not for either of us. This doesn't change anything, though. You're still the best sister I could ever ask for, but I really, seriously have to ask you to stop thinking about me that way. I don't know if that's hard for you, but you have to. We're not kids, anymore, Twilight. You'll find a stallion, you just have to go look." He went to bring her in for a hug, but seemed to think better of it at the last moment, faltering. "Just... just come to me if you need to talk. We'll work it out. Anyways, I'm gonna, uhm—" Twilight broke the sentence for him, helping him out of the predicament. "Go. It's fine, honestly. Go and get some rest. Thank you for picking me up, and I'm sorry for all of this. I love you too." As he left, Twilight very calmly walked up to her room. She opened her door and walked through, the picture of serenity. The moment she closed the door behind her, tears began to fall. He just didn't understand how right for her he was! She'd always been able to appreciate other stallions, but the thought of him, it had plagued her mind for so long... and for him to turn around and say no, that it could never work? Twilight couldn't deal with that. She just couldn't. She'd made a move on him, a clear, obvious move. Maybe she could explain it away, blame it on the drink, but Shining said he knew something had always been there... He'd been ignoring it, ignoring it the whole time and hoping that it would go away! That her love would go away, her attraction to him! Why would he want that, want her to stop loving him when he was so damn perfect?! Twilight suddenly wished she had in fact had a whole lot more to drink. She thought back to her night at the bar, Moondancer and Minuette chatting up various stallions, her sipping on her cocktail, and the whole time, her thoughts were on Shining. It was rare that they ever settled on anypony else. Maybe there was something wrong with her, maybe she concerned herself too little with ethics and too much with her heart's desires, but she didn't care. In her eyes, what could ever be wrong about wanting to be with the pony that you cared about the most? But Shining would never see it like that. He'd made that clear, so obvious that Twilight was beginning to consider the notion that she'd never have another chance with him, no matter what she did. And that was a scary thought to have indeed. If only she hadn't done it so suddenly, if only she'd bid her time and won him over in a more clever fashion, none of this might have happened! Not only that, but she'd positively mortified herself just now, she'd be surprised if he ever saw her in the same way again. His cute, adorable little sister. His debauched sex pest of a sister that couldn't take no for an answer. It made her feel pathetic. If only there was a way to make him forget, to make this whole night go away... Twilight blinked. She looked up and around her, as if the preordained answer to all of her problems had a source, for it had quite literally smacked her in the face right there and then. She could make this night go away. She was a powerful unicorn. With strong enough magic, she could make him forget it ever happened! And then everything would be back to normal, and Twilight could go on with her fantasies, and Shining would be none the wiser! And then, another thought occurred to Twilight. It was a thought that might not have ever came to her in any other circumstance, if things hadn't gone the way they did, and if she didn't feel as hopeless as she did at present, but it occurred all the same. Despite the ludicrous nature of it, how devious it sounded in her head, she couldn't help but feel a very real smile cross her lips as she realised something else. With the right level of magic, she could make Shining forget they were ever related. She'd read about amnesia spells before. She'd never cast one, but she knew all of the appropriate theory, and might have even had books detailing the incantation in her house. Quickly, frantically, she set about finding the necessary materials, reading in a fervour as she looked for the precise information she needed. And in one compendium of spells, she found what she was looking for. The spell advised use only by experienced unicorns, as it could potentially damage the subject's memory if sustained for too long, but Twilight was a prodigy. She knew how to cast magic as a child that most adult unicorns could never dream of. This would be simple for her. A gleeful grin crossed her face as she read on, slowly, methodically, being sure to absorb every scrap of information the text could offer. A spell of this calibre would wipe the subject's memories of their past, but it would only work for a single day, unless it was manually renewed by the caster. When broken, the subject would retain all memories of what transpired while they were under amnesia's influence, to the smallest detail. It was that caveat that made it a gamble. If Twilight did this, she'd have to make sure that whatever she did with Shining, she made him like it so much that he wouldn't be angry by the time he remembered, else she'd only have to try and tinker with his memories again. But no, she didn't want to do that. If this was her one big chance at getting a shot with Shining, of showing him just how much he was missing out on, then she wanted him to remember, she wanted him to know. If he truly wasn't attracted to her, he'd reject her even as a mare that wasn't his sister, but if he was? Twilight couldn't even begin to imagine what would happen if he was... She had to plan. She had to make sure she knew this spell to the letter, and then find a way to implement it that would both look legitimate to Shining when he woke up, and keep both him and her away from ponies that could identify her. Not only that, but she'd need to come up with a story, someone for her to be that wasn't his sister, someone for him to be that would keep them away from their friends, parents, colleagues. It would be a lot of work, Twilight was sure, but in the end it would all be worth it if only to spend a single day with her brother as something other than the innocent little sister, as a grown mare that could seduce and fuck him all he liked and make him enjoy every last moment of it. And he would enjoy it, Twilight was certain of that. She carried on into the night, ignoring sleep, too focussed on her grand plans for what tomorrow would hold. > Setting the Scene > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight peered across the street, being sure for the twelfth time that she had her timing absolutely right. Just as she planned, the cab was pulling in, pulled by two stallions. One had a brown coat and red mane, the other a black coat and blue mane, both pegasi. Their cutie marks were obscured by driver's outfits, red with gold embroidery, and they waited outside Canterlot's guard barracks chatting inconspicuously. Twilight gave them both a nod, and they nodded back in turn. They'd already been paid, they knew what they were doing. Any second now, Shining was going to come out of those barracks, having finished his day of training. Twilight knew from experience that he was almost always the first to leave. From there, she'd have a two minute window to get him inside the cab and off the street before anypony saw who came to meet him. But that didn't stop the riotous beat of her heart as she sat there plotting, waiting. Was what she was doing right? Was she even thinking clearly? She hadn't slept since last night, she'd been so busy studying and revising her plans that the idea of rest had taken a backseat, and in that time, she'd managed to concoct a brilliant, ridiculous, and convoluted scheme to finally bed her brother. Maybe she was a little bit crazy. Jury were still out on that one. Thirteenth check was a charm, and in that moment, she caught a glimpse of a brilliantly blue maned, white coated stallion with squared withers and a small smile heading outside of the building. As usual, no one else was outside yet. Twilight didn't usually come to meet him at work, not too often at least, and he looked a little surprised when she bounded up to him, smile all about her. "Hey there, Shining. How are you feeling?" She didn't want to sound too presumptuous, so she held off on any pet names. This situation was precarious, after all, and time was of the essence. He shifted in place, looking a little squeamish, but soon answered. "Hey, Twily. What are you doing all the way out here? Don't you have studying to do?" "I've..." Twilight kept a mental count of the seconds ticking, but he'd smell a rat if things looked rushed, this had to be as organic as it could be. "I've been thinking since last night, and you were right." Shining raised an eyebrow, as if that hadn't been what he was expecting to hear at all. "You really think so?" All going to plan so far. Twilight nodded, not even needing to feign embarrassment for how very real the redness of her cheeks was. "Y-yeah, I do." She sighed, looking at the ground. "I've been keeping a lot of things, well, bottled up for a good while now, and they've been eating at me for a long time. Instead of sharing them with you when it might have been healthy, I kinda let it all fester inside me and then it just, well, burst last night. I'm really sorry about that." Shining was silent for a moment, but he soon put a hoof on her wither, shushing her. "There's nothing wrong with you, Twily. You're just a little mixed up at the moment, that's all. How about we go for a coffee and relax for a little while, and when you're ready, we can talk all of this over." Twilight glanced at one of the stallions on the nearby cab. This was his queue to speak up. "Hey, lady, you getting in here or what? We gotta be in the main plaza in twenty minutes, ride or we go." Twilight blinked rapidly as if she'd forgot either of them were there, turning with a sheepish, apologetic smile. "Yes, just a second! I'm sorry!" She turned back to Shining with a shake of her head, lifting up a hoof and tapping herself on the skull. "Gosh, I'm so silly! I completely forgot that I called us a cab, and I've just left them sitting here! Sounds like they're in a hurry. I can get them to take us to a coffee shop in town square if you'd like?" "Heh, why'd you hail a cab for us?" Shining nudged Twilight forwards, a little closer to the thing, but they still weren't inside. They only had a minute left before others started pouring out of those doors. "Oh, I just know how tiring those long training sessions can be, Shiny. I wanted you to be relaxed, that's all! Also... it's on me, I guess at least the start of an apology for yesterday." "Twilight..." Shining looked as if he was about to say something else, but faltered at the last second. "Thank you. Let's not keep these guys waiting any longer." Twilight took point, opening the cab door and sliding on inside before allowing her brother to do the same. The moment the doors were closed, the cab took off, hooves pressing to the road at a brisk pace. They left the barracks behind just as the doors began to open again, and Twilight sighed in relief. That was phase one over. She peeked to the right of her, looking at the saddlebags that rested on her flanks. She pressed a hoof against them, feeling at what was inside whilst trying not to make a scene of it. She already knew she had everything she needed, but nerves were essentially forcing her to be doubly sure. Everything was imperative right now, absolutely everything. But for now, she'd play the part. "So, Shining, about last night..." "You were drunk," Shining responded almost instantaneously, his eyes reassuring. "Ponies do silly things when they're drunk. We're going to work out why you feel the way you do, and we're going to help you get past it. I promise." The words felt as calming as they did infuriating. She loved that he could be so supportive, but loathed equally the notion of ever 'getting over' the best stallion she'd ever met. "I wasn't actually that drunk," Twilight admitted all straight faced, not taking her eyes off of her brother for a moment. She bit her lip, knowing she was blushing hotly, but she could go through with this, she could be honest. "I... I was just trying to get you to make a move on me, so I was acting more drunk than I really was, and oh gosh, my voice is getting high." Shining nodded, but Twilight felt the distinct impression that he was holding back on reacting. Did he want to call her a freak? Did these admissions only make her worse in his head? "It's alright, you can keep talking. Relax. Take it slowly, I'm here to try and understand." She still had a fair amount of time, so she'd gladly take him up on that offer. This whole conversation might end up inconsequential, but it felt therapeutic to have all the same. "I've never really understood why loving you was so bad." Twilight's ears were perked, her chest barely moving between breaths, but she took Shining's silence as cue to continue. "I know a lot of ponies would look down on the way I see you. I just can't comprehend any reason they would, though. I know studies indicate that ponies that cohabitate are far less likely to want to pursue amorous relations, but I just don't think it applies to me! I don't think I'm entirely like other ponies, Shining." And wasn't that the truth? The lengths she was going to in order to have a chance with him, the lines she was crossing... Was she just a confused, horny teenager after something that was best left untouched for both her sake and her family's? Could she get in trouble for doing this? What would Celestia or her mother think? Shining had been mulling over her words for half a street now, and when he finally spoke, his voice was slow, careful. "I don't think you are either, and I never have. But that isn't a bad thing, Twily. The only bad thing is the fact that... well, while you might not see why other ponies don't accept it, I do. I just... you're my sister. Maybe that sounds like a terrible reason in the face of logic, but it's the one that matters most to me. I couldn't look at you in that way even if I tried, and believe me, I've tried before." A blink as this new revelation dawned on her. Twilight looked dumbfounded. "What... what do you mean you've tried?" "You really want to know?" He was met with an eager, bemused nod. "Fine. When I realised that you might have been...into me, however many years ago that was, I tried to entertain the idea of what it would be like to, well, feel that way towards you. I mean, you're my sister, and I know just how wonderful you are in every way, and I wanted you to be happy, so I thought that if there was even a chance I could bring myself to see the same thing in you, I could tell you, and..." Twilight very suddenly had tears in her eyes. To think that it had torn Shining up too, but for entirely different reasons. Maybe what she was doing was incredibly selfish. Maybe she should cancel it all now, forget the plan, live with her problems and try to move on. Could she do that, or was she already too far gone? Indecision gripped her, lust and reason bouncing around her fragile, confused mind with no hope of balancing out, neither managing to win, but only throw more contention into the ethical quandaries this plan posed. With a short sniffle, she wiped at her eyes, placing a hoof on his chest. It was a genuine thing. She just wanted to feel his heart beat for a moment, feel him as real. "You really tried to look at me like that? Honestly?" "For quite a while, yeah." There was little hesitation now, the words were essentially pouring out of Shining. It was almost as if a veil had been lifted between them, but it was only superficial, as they were still shrouded on one side by the knowledge of what Twilight was about to do. "I tried to imagine myself holding you like a lover, kissing you, doing other things with you. Sorry, that's not very poetic. But honestly, even though I could see just how great you were in every way, you were the mare that would be perfect for any stallion but me." Twilight was almost afraid to ask. "But why?" "I don't know. A stupid, mental barrier. Socialisation, I guess. Just what we're brought up to understand as right and wrong. It didn't matter how sexy you looked, my brain could never compute it. It didn't matter if I saw you in the shower, disgust would win out in an instant, and all because of who you are to me. It's wired in my brain, Twilight. I can't just make it go away." Twilight really hadn't expected the conversation to take this turn. This was unprecedented, and even as she hurriedly checked the street, seeing how much further they'd gotten, she realised she was running out of time. But she wanted to ask this next question more than anything else. "If you could, Shining, would you? If you could just... stop looking at me as your little sister and start appreciating me as a mare, if you could turn off that thing in your mind stopping you, would you do it? Would it matter that it was still wrong in some way?" "Would it matter that it was still wrong? Of course," Shining repeated with a single nod. Then, a pause, and Twilight felt herself leaning in as she hinged on his pursed lips, waiting for his next words. "Would I do it if I could? In a heartbeat. That mental barrier I mentioned? I kinda hate it. The fact that I think you'd be perfect for any stallion but me? I'd be crazy if I wouldn't kill to be any other stallion. But I can't be. I'm me, and you're you. That's why this could never happen, and I'm sorry to say it." And yet he didn't realise what she was attempting to do right at that moment... Everything he was revealing was throwing her head for a spin, contemplation and limited time mixing together and swirling her brain into dizziness. Twilight then said something that she hadn't expected to come out with. Something that might have been the best thing she could possibly say in this situation, but might have been the worst. "What if I could take that feeling away from you for a little while? Just to let you see how it felt? If I had a real, serious way to make that happen, would you trust me?" "Twilight, I'll always trust you. If you really thought you could do that... I don't know how that would work, or what would happen, but..." He closed his eyes, nodded a couple of times, and looked at her with a smile. "Yeah, I think I'd let you." And the words just kept coming. She couldn't believe where she was going with this right now, but it felt like all or absolutely nothing in this moment. She had to tell him, she had to at least give him some indication, she couldn't go through with this otherwise. "Shining, I'm about to do something. I'm not going to explain it to you now, because I haven't got time, but it will make you see me as a different mare, at least for a little while. I'm going to put a spell on you, and maybe, just maybe, you'll look at me differently afterwards. If you don't want me to, tell me right now, and we'll turn this cab around, and nothing will happen. I promise." Shining's lips were parted, shock on his face, but he soon steeled himself. He placed a hoof on Twilight's hind leg, giving her a light squeeze. "It's not going to hurt me, is it?" "I promise I'd never hurt you, Shiny. Never ever." "Then if you really think there's a chance it will make you happy, that it'll fix things, whatever it is, do it. I trust you completely, and I love you. Maybe once whatever this is happens, we'll both finally understand exactly where we sit with each other, and if we need to, we'll be ready to put it all behind us." Twilight was suddenly breathing quite heavily, attempting to focus on the coming turn. He'd just given her permission. After all this, after everything, he'd said that whatever she had planned, it was alright. That she could cast a spell on him, and he wouldn't mind, if only so he might see her as something other than his sister. Twilight could hardly believe it, and she knew that as soon as they emerged on the next street, everything would be set in motion. "Promise me. Promise me right now that it's okay if I do this. I... I feel silly and like I've gone behind your back setting all of this up without telling you, and if you want to stop, just yell 'stop', Shining. Please, if you're doubting me at all, just do it." Her lip was shaking, her eyes teary again, but he shook his head, watching as they careened around the corner. His eyes were on the road, Twilight's too, and there was the roadblock she'd paid to have set up earlier, the debris on the road, ponies walking down the nearby streets... And they crashed, just as they were meant to. Well, pretended to crash. Twilight used her magic to flip the cab to the side, making sure to cushion the fall and prevent the drivers, her, or Shining from being hurt, but to any onlookers, it appeared as if they'd fallen over the obstructions in the road. They fell with a loud crash, and with a final burst of her magic, Twilight rendered Shining unconscious. His muzzle as he drifted off was curved into a small smile. "Help!" One of the drivers shouted after making a show of checking inside the cab, calling out to the surrounding ponies. "One of my passengers looks hurt, we need to get him to a hospital!" Of course, he was fine. This had all been planned down to the smallest detail, from the spell that rendered Shining unconscious to the lines the driver spoke, the timing, the route, everything. No matter where Twilight had indicated she wanted to go, they would have taken the same path. He appeared peaceful in his sleep, and Twilight stopped to simply look at him for a little while. So much had happened so quickly, and she wasn't just talking about the 'crash'. She was distracted by the head of one of the drivers poking his head through the door. "You guys have got some really screwed up family issues, you know. It's kinda hot, honestly." Twilight tutted, turning to him. "Oh, shut up, Blooper. Go make sure the ambulance is coming." "Give me my fifty bits first?" the film student turned driver for the day replied. "And there had better not be any scratches on the cab, or I won't get my deposit back for it." "You're fine, my magic's too good for that, just—" Twilight opened her saddlebags, levitating out a bit bag that she'd labeled with his name. "Here. Now go hurry it up, I don't want too many ponies seeing us." He rushed off, and Twilight made herself busy making sure that Shining looked as if he was truly out of it. When the ambulance arrived, he had to look as if he'd sustained at least a concussion. With a little magical manipulation, it wasn't difficult to give off the illusion of a head injury. When the ambulance arrived, pulled by two paramedics, one came up to the car and opened the door, where Twilight was clutching to her brother. "Hello, ma'am. Don't worry, everything's going to be alright. Could you let us take a look at him?" They checked him over, and true to her spells, he looked as if he was out cold. "Not good..." one of the paramedics said to the other. "Best to take him to the hospital just to be safe." He turned to Twilight. "Do you have his name and address?" "Why, yes," Twilight replied, reaching into her saddlebags and pulling out a forged identity document that she'd spent many sleepless hours on. "His name is Bright Knight, and, well, it's all there." She passed it off to the paramedic, who quickly glanced at the papers. "Alright, good thing you had ID on you, makes everything easier to document. And who are you to him?" "His friend, Moonlight Flicker." She was surprised she was managing to stay so calm and collected while she was doing this, she personally thought the names were terrible. "Alright, that's all good..." He jotted something down in a notepad, then gestured to a colleague. "Help me get him on a stretcher. We'll let his girlfriend ride in the back with him." He said 'girlfriend'! Twilight could have squealed right there and then at the thought alone, but she had more important things to do, things that wouldn't allow her to lose herself just yet. Now came the task of placing the amnesia spell on him, and doing it without being noticed before he woke up. Twilight did seem to love making things hard for herself, but it was all going to be worth it in the end just for what would happen when Shining did wake up. Or should she have said 'when Bright Knight woke up alongside the friend he didn't know, living a life he didn't remember?'. She had to wonder just what it would be like to interact with the stallion she had known for all of her life once he though he was another pony... would his personality change? Would they get along like they used to? Twilight saved the most important questions for last as she watched the ponies carrying him away on a stretcher, suspended by magic. She got a good look over her brother's body then, even if he wasn't her brother right then, and as her mind began to wander, she found herself fixated on that thick, sheathed thing dangling between his legs. The important, real questions that they'd be getting to the bottom of very soon were as simple as what his cum tasted like? What it would feel like to have him inside of her? And more than anything, how long could he go before tiring? Maybe they'd have to make it into a game, see who could tire the other out first. 'Bright Knight' might not have known it, but Twilight had been waiting her whole life for this. Hell, he'd be lucky if she didn't fuck his brains out on the hospital bed the moment he woke up. Restraint was boring anyway. > Wake Up, Bright Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight sat on a chair next to Shining's bed, where he laid peacefully, sleeping off his magically induced fatigue. As Twilight suspected, none of the unicorns at the hospital had been able to detect that the sleep was magical in any way, and they all figured he'd passed out from shock. Twilight, known to them as 'Moonlight Flicker', was left alone with him for when he might wake up. They figured it'd be better if he saw a friendly face, and didn't see any reason to make her wait outside. Unfortunately, leaving an obsessed teenage mare with her unconscious brother might have been a bad idea, even if none of them realised. Once she'd finished placing the amnesia spell on him, and was sure he was still asleep, her eyes began to wander... She pulled back the hospital sheet that covered his body, looking him over for what might have been the millionth time, but in a new light. She felt perverted, like she shouldn't have been doing this, but truthfully, she shouldn't have been doing anything that had transpired in the last hour or two. Twilight placed her hoof over Shining's chest, lightly rubbing back and forth and admiring the presence of his muscle alongside the softness of his fur. She'd never truly had a chance to touch him like this, having to settle for the smallest of feels during platonic embraces, and to truly feel the stallion for the first time, it was a magical, depraved thing. Twilight had her bottom lip bit the entire time, her eyes narrowed, and she watched the way his body shifted when she moved her hoof down to his abdomen, stroking at the longer fur of his underbelly. She didn't touch his sheath, not yet. She might have been doing something rather extreme to him, but she wasn't about to try to molest him in his sleep. Well, unless what she was doing now counted as molestation? Twilight shrugged to herself. She'd already been arguing ethics in her mind for an entire day, and to a lesser degree, for years. It was alright to take a little bit of time off of worrying, surely. Her hoof drifted up to his strong, squared withers, and he seemed to sigh under her soft touches after a little while, the tension in his body relaxing. Checking behind her to see if anyone might see her, Twilight did something a little risky. Well, that was an understatement. She did something incredibly risky. She climbed up onto the bed with him. She didn't straddle him as such, but she did stand atop him, legs spread out on either side of his sleeping form as he laid on his back. She perched her flanks on his stomach, rubbing at each of his withers with a hoof each, simply trying to relax him. She didn't know if he'd incurred any stress through the sleep spell, after all, and she wanted to make sure that 'Bright Knight' felt wonderful when he woke up. Or maybe she just wanted an excuse to touch her brother more. Whatever. Her hooves became firmer, her breath faster as she moved her way back down to his chest, both of her hooves working in tandem. She realised that she was blocking a majority of his body in her current position, so she decided to shift back a little and sit directly on her haunches. Twilight shimmied slowly, setting herself back down, and—oh. That was what she thought it was, wasn't it? She hadn't even meant to sit directly over his sheath, but now she was worried that if she moved away from it too quickly, she might startle him or cause him discomfort. He didn't seem particularly bothered by it, still sleeping soundly, so it was fine, right? Twilight felt around his sides, she slid a hoof over his neck, she even lightly brushed his horn, in a moment of weakness. That was probably a terrible idea, because the first thing she felt after doing so was a stiffening beneath her. Was he... was he getting hard in his sleep? She wasn't going to do anything to him while he slept. No way. She'd already crossed enough lines getting here, putting those spells on him. She wasn't about to go any further than that. But that didn't mean she couldn't... enjoy her situation, did it? Twilight sat up a little, feeling her growing wetness without even needing to touch herself. For her, this was insane, and not just for the risk it posed. In all of her wildest imaginings, she'd done countless lewd things with Shining, but this was by far the closest she'd ever been to any of them. And Gods, his shaft felt as if it was still growing beneath her! It had been a long time since she'd got a good look at him hard. She imagined he'd managed to grow since, seeing as the rest of him had. Still, she didn't want to get up, she just wanted to touch herself a little bit. That was fine, right? That wasn't taking things too far? She was just going to rub at her clit a little whilst sitting over her unconscious memory wiped brother's stiffening cock. Wasn't anything wrong with that, was there? Twilight knew that when the horniness finally died down, she'd be wondering why she hadn't gone to see a damn shrink already. But right now, this was inordinately hot. Her hoof slipped down her own stomach, and rubbed against Shining's as well if only for their proximity as she finally got a good feel of her own slickness, how wet she'd managed to get in such a short space of time. She stifled a gasp, again not wanting to wake him, and with a tremulous hoof, began to transfer the slick juices from her folds over to her waiting clit, spreading them about the nub and only making it more sensitive. With another soft and circular rub, her pants increased, and she shifted slightly in place, feeling the slab of cock twitch beneath her. She was so fucking turned on right now, it would be incredibly easy to just shift up a little and use her magic to force that huge, mare-breaking cock between her folds... Twilight closed her eyes, rubbing against herself harder. She was picturing what she wanted to do but couldn't, what she felt as if she desperately needed, and in the midst of it, she almost forgot that while this might have always been an impossibility for her with Shining, Bright Knight might wake up and be totally fine with it. He might awaken to a random mare he didn't remember bouncing on his stiff cock and simply flip her over to get a better angle. It could be the best introduction they could ever have. Or he could not. She didn't know Bright Knight, after all, and she didn't know how he would react. Her gasps were reaching a volume and intensity that was almost impossible to stifle, her eyes flashing open briefly to see her brother squirming beneath her, his eyes still shut. He might wake up soon, but she could barely stop herself. She wanted to cum so desperately, to squirt her juices all over Shining's chest and give him a delectable little meal to wake up to... She couldn't do it. She was already taking things too far, and she knew it. With a growl and another pant, she lit up her horn and teleported herself from the bed to the chair she'd been sat in, using another spell to wipe away any secretions that she might have produced. Two things happened at once then. Shining's cock, no longer confined by Twilight's ass, sprung upwards in plain sight, and it was obscenely huge. Like, not just the length either, that thing was thick. Oh, and also, Shining woke with a pant. Seemed the bright flash and the sudden absence of contact had been enough to shock him from sleep. He was groggy for a moment, but then he looked down at his body, noticing his engorged cock. Then he looked to the purple coated stranger in his room and gasped, and Twilight gasped too, though it might have been a pant. "I-I... uhh, where..." Shining shook his head, likely dealing with a lot of conflicting feelings right now, ones he didn't know how to process or comprehend, questions concerning his identity and existence, loved ones he could no longer remember, a body he scarcely recognised. Twilight was as patient as she could be as she fought off her orgasm denial, trying to finish panting as inconspicuously as she could. Eventually, Shining found words, turning to Twilight with an utterly befuddled expression. "Why am I hard right now?" Twilight's lips parted. Of all the questions he could have chosen to ask in that moment, of everything that was likely to have been plaguing his mind, that's what he chose to go for? Trust a stallion to only be concerned with their cock. "...morning glory?" Twilight responded with a sheepish grin, hoping to hell that he'd buy it. "...is that my name? Morning Glory?" Shining responded, looking to his cock in confusion. "That'd be... oddly fitting, I guess." Twilight sighed, having finally beaten down the orgasm demon and managing to have cleared her mind. "N-no, it's not. Your name is Bright Knight, and I'm your friend, uhh..." Shit shit shit what name did she pick for herself?! Trust her sleep deprived and lust filled mind to forget it right when it became important! "Midnight Flicker!" she said, maybe too enthusiastically. "No, wait, Moonlight Flicker! Sorry." Shining looked at her blankly. "You forgot your own name?" Twilight's response was far too sharp. "I mean yeah, but didn't you as well? Plus, I'm a little distracted by..." she waved a hoof in his immediate direction. "Oh... yeah. We're friends, right? That's what you said?" He was slowly coming back to some semblance of lucidity, it seemed, right on time too. Twilight nodded at him. "Then I probably shouldn't be..." he waved his hoof in the general area of his tumescence. "Yeah. That." Twilight fumbled for words. She considered saying it was fine and normal, but then realised that she'd given him amnesia, not idiocy. "Y-yeah, this isn't exactly a common occurrence." "Right." Shining nodded, then looked down at himself one more time. "Right!" he repeated, a little more panicked this time, throwing a cover over himself and blocking off Twilight's amazing uninterrupted view. She had to fight not to pout at him. "So... what happened? What the heck's going on? Why are we in a hospital, and why did I think my name was Morning Glory two minutes ago?" Twilight couldn't help but smirk. "Well, that's because you woke up with a hard-on, and then you asked me—" "Okay yes I was here for that," Shining snickered, looking oddly relaxed about the whole thing. "I mean, I guess I was here for the rest too... I just don't remember it. Wanna fill me in?" Was it absolutely terrible that Twilight's mind chose to construe those words as 'fill me up', and then immediately directly attribute them to her? It probably was. Still, she needed to take a small break from thinking about fucking him, if possible. At least long enough to catch him up with the essentials. She'd practiced and rehearsed these backstories for a while, and they weren't very complex, so it shouldn't be too difficult to get her stories right so long as she focussed. "Right, so, your name's Bright Knight, like I said, and we've known each other since we were both students at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns... you remember who Celestia is, right?" Shining nodded, seemingly still aware of major world events, and Twilight was thankful that her spell hadn't been too powerful. "You studied offensive magic and martial weaponry, while I studied transfiguration and advanced magical theory. We only met because we shared a break session and both needed somewhere to sit on the first day, and we've been friends for years." "Heh, guess that explains why you're with me right now," Shining nodded, coming to terms with everything that Twilight had fabricated rather easily. "What else?" "When we graduated, you apprenticed to a master of arms for a little while, but he recently made you redundant due to cut-backs from the Equestrian government. We were on our way to a bar to take your mind off things for a while when we had our crash, but you didn't really get hurt besides a little head injury, and I was completely fine. You woke up for a little bit earlier, babbling about not knowing who you were, so the nurses already explained to me you were likely to have a temporary case of amnesia. They think it'll go pretty soon." Twilight smiled, reaching out to pat Shining on the shoulder. "You worried me a little, but it looks like you're going to be okay. If you felt up for it, we could probably get you discharged now and then hit that bar? I imagine you could use it after all this, and I've already got a hotel booked for after." Honestly, the lengths she'd gone to plan for this were bordering on ridiculous, but to Twilight, that was just the indication of a good plan. Shining shifted in his bed, nodding his head at her. "That sounds... great, honestly. I could really go for a drink right now. Not to take my mind off things though, I guess. I think I've already managed that on my own. Only one problem though." Twilight's eyes widened. Was there something she'd forgotten amidst all of the ideas and checking she'd performed over the last day? What could she have missed out? "Yes? What is it?" Shining pointed downwards once more. "That. Can't exactly walk out of here waving that around, can I? I'll take someone's eye out." "Oh come on, it's not that big," Twilight teased, lightly whapping him on the withers. Shining simply raised an eyebrow. "Alright, fine, it is that big. And extremely noticeable. What do you suggest we do about it?" Shining shrugged, then pulled back the covers. "Think you can help?" Twilight's heart skipped a beat. "Waitwhaseriously?!" That was it, all of her dreams were coming true. Her brother wanted her to 'help' him with his problem, to make it go away! "I mean... I guess I could help you out a bit, if that's what you really want." Twilight tried to sound kind of reluctant, but her mind was repeatedly screaming 'TAKE ME' the entire time, so it might not have come off as too genuine. Shining didn't seem to notice, however. "Great! Maybe see if you can get some cold water to throw on it, or say really gross things to me and see if it'll turn me off. Something like that ought to work." Twilight simply stared at him for a moment, gritting her teeth. Of all the fucking miscommunications... "Fine," she growled, walking off to find something nasty that would shock the erection out of him. "Not like I wanted to ride your huge cock anyways," she muttered under her breath like a petulant child. "What was that?" Shining called out, turning to face her. "Nothing!" A sweet smile, and Twilight turned away in search of the bucket of ice he deserved for leading her on.