> The Witch King of Equestria > by WeAreTheMeta > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > From one world to another > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Listen till the 48-second mark) Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all One Ring to find them One Ring to bring them all And in the Darkness bind them. In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. Shre nazg golugranu kilmi-nudu Ombi kuzddurbagu gundum-ishi Nugu gurunkilu bard gurutu Ash Burz-Durbagu burzum-ishi Daghburz-ishi makha gulshu darulu Ash nazg durbatulûk Ash nazg gimbatul Ash nazg thrakatulûk Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul Daghburz-ishi makha gulshu darulu These words were forever burned into the minds of the princess. For if these words alone were spoken then the Witch King would return. So in a desperate attempt to prevent this all knowledge know throughout the lands relating to the Witch King was collected and burned into naught but ash. But they would soon learn these words would soon lead to their salvation. As the saying goes..... NEVER GET BETWEEN A NAZGÛL AND IT'S PREY. But before this happened let's go back. Way back before the Witch King came to Equestria. No, he was not from the Lord of the Rings but a fan who was cosplaying as the Witch King. He was a fan of the displaced mlp fanfictions but thought nothing of it. But soon he would realize that these stories were not just stories. POV Johnathan (later will become Angmar) I was so excited today is the day that Comicon happens. I saw so many other exciting cosplays. I even saw a very realistic Xenomorph cosplay. My buddy Will decided to come with me as Sauron. "So Will anything you need to get your outfit looks spot on," I asked. "Yea I need the cape. Glad I found a replica ring on the internet, and you were able to make the mace as well. It sucks that you didn't find a ring for yourself." He replied. "I know right I mean the last one just was out of stock right before I managed to purchase it. But it's fine no harm no foul. Why don't we look around and see what souvenirs we can find?" I said. Will nodded his head in agreement, and we were off. As we walked around, we found many cool trinkets and souvenirs, but they weren't either in our budget or our price range. Soon Will and I found a tent hidden in the back. We both heard a scuffle and ran to see what it was. As we walked forward, I saw a person dressed as Alduin and Metal Sonic fighting a man dressed as the merchant from Resident Evil. We rushed to help them and unsheathed both our weapons: my Morgul Blade and Sauron's mace. A little bit of information I am a master blacksmith and I was taught how to use a sword. I was taught these skills by my father and grandfather. So I made my Morgul Blade with actual metal, so it is an actual weapon. I also made the Mace that Will needed, so we both had actual weapons. Thank you, dad and grandpa, for these skills. I also recreated the way the Nazgûl fight in Lord of the Rings. As we rushed in the tent the man dressed as the Merchant was surprised to see us. "Oh and what are you doing here rushing in armed?" he asked innocently. "We saw what you did," I replied before I swung my sword. It hit him across the chest leaving a large gash and making him stumble back. Then Will grabbed him by the neck and swung his mace causing the Merchant to fly back from the force of the hit. Before we could do anything else, both of us were frozen solid and couldn't move. "Now this is becoming annoying. First that Alduin character and the Metal Sonic character then Sauron and the Witch King of Angmar. I have the perfect things for you." The Merchant said in an eerie and dangerous tone. Before either of us could react a ring flew onto my finger, and a cape flew onto Wills back. Before another word could be said, I was blinded by a bright flash of light, and soon darkness encased my mind. Amgmars POV (How you will sound at first. Start at 2:30 and go to 3:23.) I groaned as I woke up. I slowly got up and looked around at my surroundings and found myself in a garden with many different statues. I could hear voices off in the distance, but that wasn't what had my attention. I felt different, and soon my brain finally connected the dots, and I soon figured out I became displaced. "Well this is fine and dandy I am now stuck in a world full of pitiful pastel ponies," I said. I startled myself with my new voice and way of thinking. This isn't like me. I would be happy to be in this world, but I view these creatures beneath me. I soon hear heard the sound of the voices getting closer and the faint noise of horse hooves. "Sister art thou alright? You have been getting less sleep as of late." I heard a woman ask. I knew of Angmar's fatal flaw of only women being able to damage him. So I concentrated my powers and corrected Sauron's gift to include both genders rendering me impervious to men and very hard to defeat by women. (This may seem overpowered, but it will become essential later on.). Soon I found out who was talking. It was an anthropomorphic Celestia and Luna walking in the garden. As soon as they round the corner and spot me, they immediately got into a defensive stance. Horns are brightening signaling they are channeling magic into them preparing for a fight. They could feel the dark aura my presence was dominating. However, they couldn't see what I looked like since I had my back turned to them. "Who art thou creature and what is thy purpose for coming here?" Luna demanded. I soon turned around showing my form startling both of them. I stand there not moving or making a sound unnerving the two even more. I knew what needed to be done. I needed to be stoned so I could be of use in the future. I then pulled out my Morgul Blade and raised it into the air. "You have no right to demand things of me, you pitiful creature. Face the power of the Witch King." I said before starting to screech. I lit my sword on fire and used my magic to use the same technique the actual Witch King used on Gandalf the White to break his staff. When I finished, I released it into one powerful blast blowing the two Alicorns away. As I walked towards the two princesses, they summoned the Elements of Harmony. I knew that this would affect me due to my alignment. I gave an eerie laugh as both princesses fired the beam at me and it hit. I decided to change my form into that of the black rider and put myself in the battle stance of a nazgûl. Before I was completely stoned I told the two princesses this. "If these words are spoken then the Witch King of Angmar shall return. The one who speaks it shall know the strength of the Witch King while their enemy shall know it's fear. So heed these words wisely." I said. Shre nazg golugranu kilmi-nudu Ombi kuzddurbagu gundum-ishi Nugu gurunkilu bard gurutu Ash Burz-Durbagu burzum-ishi Daghburz-ishi makha gulshu darulu Ash nazg durbatulûk Ash nazg gimbatul Ash nazg thrakatulûk Agh burzum-ishi krimpatul Daghburz-ishi makha gulshu darulu. And with those final words, I stand there motionless. Another statue to add to the collection. "Sister dost thou believe that this was too easy? As if this was part of a much larger grand scheme in his eyes?" Luna asked. "Yes, sister I believe that it is." Replied Celestia. Little did they know that these words would soon become their salvation from an enemy that many despise. Its crimes will soon get the retribution it deserves. Not by money, friendship, peace, or jail time. No these crimes shall be repaid in blood. > Update > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating. It's the end of my Senior year of high school and it has gotten me very stressed out and focused on making sure all my work is in and completed. Once this is over with chapters will be out more frequently since I will still be working part-time and taking a year off. So hope you guys have a beautiful day and I will see you later.