> A Filly in the Hoof > by Tsunogami > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A single very messy chapter! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity had been hoping that something like today would eventually happen, and finally it had. While Rarity had been helping her little sister into the tight jeans and top she had chosen out for Sweetie Belle’s school outfit that morning, Sweetie Belle had mentioned that Fluttershy had asked her, and apparently only her, to help with some project out at the introverted pony’s cottage immediately after she finished with school that day. Whatever it was would keep the filly away for several hours before she got back home. Incidentally, Sweetie had also mentioned that Scootaloo’s aunts were out of town that day and asked if Rarity would pick Scootaloo up from school and take her back home with her, and if the two of them could have a sleepover. “Please? Pretty please??” Sweetie had almost begged. Rarity had put on a show of considering the idea, asking if Scootaloo’s two caretakers would be ok with this. After being assured that they would not mind at all, Rarity had acquiesced telling the filly that she would be happy to pick Scootaloo up from school so long as Sweetie Belle made sure to behave herself at Fluttershy’s and do anything the pegasus asked of her without complaint. “Everything! Mind you darling, anything at all, I don’t want Fluttershy to be disappointed with a lazy filly now.” Sweetie Belle had agreed with many nods and promises to be good. On the outside Rarity had pretended indifference and had dropped the subject altogether, instead focusing on packing Sweetie’s school lunch. On the inside she was grinning and wanting to skip a few steps. It was for this reason that Rarity found herself, six hours later, standing along the side of the cobblestone street idly considering that somepony went to a lot of work keeping the grass so neatly trimmed around the posts of the split-rail fence bordering the school yard. It felt strange knowing she was waiting around for a filly that was not Sweetie Belle, though hardly one she was not familiar with. The whole point to considering such trivialities as grass and fences was that it kept her from acting too eager with anticipation. She could already feel her heart rate increase as the minutes crept closer to the end of the school day. As she was not the only pony waiting in the area for some foal or another it simply wouldn’t do to act anything other than as if this were simply another part of her daily routine. A few of the other mares and stallions standing about, some with carts, others just on hoof, had said a few words of greeting to her, she was a familiar sight around here after all thanks to Sweetie Belle, but less so lately as she let her little sister walk home on her own or with her friends more often than not these days. However, it often seemed the stallions were the ones more interested in striking up a conversation. Often the mares, especially the older ones, some grandmothers, tended to eye Rarity askance. Perhaps, Rarity considered with wry amusement, it had something to do with the tight faded denim (very) short shorts she had on, a gift from Applejack, to say nothing of the tucked-in white see-thru blouse which did an admirable job of exposing her black bra, so striking against her snow-white coat. A wide black plastic choker with a silver heart in the center adding a little extra spice to the outfit. At least none of them could see the purple t-back thong she had on under those shorts, though she suspected a few might wish to. Not that this outfit was so much more revealing than what she usually wore in public anyway, well, perhaps it was somewhat… but she had wanted to show off today. If she were honest with herself, she wanted to wear something which would further enhance her excitement at getting to spend so much time alone with Scootaloo today. And perhaps, being so bold in today’s fashion might entice the filly to reciprocate. After waiting what seemed rather more time than Rarity thought she should half to, the ringing of a small bronze bell sounded from the schoolhouse along with the sound of raised voices and hurrying hoofsteps. Within seconds a bustle of colts and fillies piled out almost atop one another. As soon as they reached the assembled waiting parents and guardians many a greeting and hug were exchanged. Once reunited, the adults and their charges quickly filtered away towards their respective homes, some of the older students heading off by themselves. Before she began to worry where Scootaloo had gotten herself off to the filly appeared from around the back of the schoolhouse accompanied by both Apple Bloom and the schoolteacher Miss Cheerilee. The two fillies were giggling about something while Cheerilee looked amused though slightly exasperated. Scootaloo was the first to look up and see Rarity. She looked a little surprised at first, but she smiled brightly and waived. Apple Bloom looked to Rarity and waived as well. Cheerilee looked up and her smile became slightly crooked as she waived her own greeting. Perhaps had she known the teacher was going to see her in her outfit, she might have chosen something just a little more conservative. Oh well, no changing anything now, besides she was a grown mare, she could wear what she wished. Half way to where Rarity still stood waiting, Apple Bloom gave Scootaloo a strong hug, said something else to Cheerilee, and scampered off with her backpack across the school yard and towards the road in the direction of Sweet Apple Acers. Rarity released a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. Whatever Apple Bloom’s plans were for the next few hours they apparently did not involve herself or Scootaloo. Not that she disliked Apple Jack’s little sister in any way. Quite the opposite in fact, but for her current purposes, dealing with one filly at a time was quite enough to be going on with. Besides, when several of them were together it was much more difficult to carry on anything like an intimate conversation. “Hey Rarity! Thanks for letting me come over by myself! You’re awesome! Scootaloo exclaimed as she hurried the last of the distance between them. Cheerilee, having been left behind, caught up a few seconds later, a somewhat more genuine smile now fixed in place, though some effort seemed to be required. “Hello Rarity, thank you for being here to pick Scootaloo up, it’s always nice to see somepony who cares enough to take up responsibility.” While replying her thanks Rarity caught Cheerilee’s quick glance to her outfit and her smile falter again for a second. But neither mare made any other indication they noticed anything else they thought about the other. “Sorry to keep you waiting out here, but I did want to mention something. Scootaloo here had a small um, accident a few hours ago. Normally, I would have called Holiday and Lofty and had one of them bring a change of clothes, but since they are not in town, and it wasn’t that big of an accident, well… anyway she hasn’t had a change yet, and since she’s going home with you, I just figured I’d let you know.” Rarity smiled down at Scootaloo who was pushing the tip of a hoof about in the dirt, not looking up at either of the mares standing above her. “Thank you for telling me, Sweetie Belle’s clothes fit Scootaloo just fine, I’m sure we can find something back at my place. Won’t we?” That last was directed down at Scootaloo, who looked up with a weak grin. “Ah, yah sure.” After a short pause to see if the filly would say anything else on the subject, which she refrained from. Rarity returned her attention to the other mare. Well, again I thank you dear, Scootaloo and I will have a great time today, I’m sure. But If you will be ever so kind, we must get going. We have a sleepover to prepare for it seems.” Rarity said using a hoof to gently ruffle the filly’s close-cropped mane. This time the smile Scootaloo directed Rarity’s way was much stronger. “I see, so that is why she’s been fidgety today.” Cheerilee said eying the filly. “Well, have a good weekend you two, see you on Monday!” “Au revoir!” Rarity replied, turning Scootaloo away from the school house. For a minute or so Rarity walked to the side and just behind the filly she was to spend some time with. Scootaloo really was a cutie Rarity had to admit. Her short purple mane gave her a tomboy look, an appearance enhanced by the faded denim overalls and light green t-shirt she was wearing. But for all that, Rarity didn’t think that anypony would mistake her for a colt. For one, those overalls and t-shirt, though of proper length, were quite tight, and stretched over the beginnings of feminine curves which Rarity doubted any colt could quite match, though a few lucky ones might come close. Not to mention Scootaloo’s face would never be mistaken for anything male, and the simple plastic choker of small black loops around her neck was not an accessory many a colt would admit to owning much less wear in public. A pity, Rarity though not for the first time. Perhaps she ought to try doing something about that, but such was a problem for another day. Of more notable interest to her for the moment though, was the way in which the light faded denim of the overalls turned a bit darker below Scootaloo’s tail. As though watching the little filly’s tight butt was not interesting enough, there was that damp patch. The way Cheerilee had described it, Rarity had at first thought that whatever Scootaloo had done in her pants would be hardly noticeable, but the darker dampness spread most of the way across that butt. It had been even larger too, as testified by a faint ring of discoloration in the denim that marked how far out the wetness had spread before beginning to dry. From the look of things, the filly had wet herself while sitting down, otherwise it surely would have run down her legs, which had not happened. The road they were on now was quite empty and had been ever since they had gone left at the fork just down the street from the school. The enjoyment Rarity received from being able to so openly admire the tight little butt of her kid sister’s friend, and a wet butt at that, was beginning to make Rarity hard inside her shorts, making the bulge there even more pronounced. But that was not any excuse to depart from all reason. In fact, if anything, Rarity was calculating quite furiously. If anypony in this town was one to pay attention to what other ponies wore, it was herself, and she did pay attention, close attention, especially when it involved ponies she liked. What she had noticed not long after parting ways with Cheerilee, was that the tight faded overalls she was admiring so much on Scootaloo, she had admired before, but on a different filly. On her little sister Sweetie Belle in fact. A day had come, over a year ago now Rarity thought, when Sweetie Belle had come home asking Rarity if she would buy her an outfit like her friend Apple Bloom wore so often. What Scootaloo was wearing right in front of her now, was what Rarity had bought Sweetie Belle then. Scootaloo couldn’t have been wearing them long though, Sweetie had been wearing them only last week. Well, fillies were apt to trade clothes more often than not Rarity considered. But that was not all, Rarity couldn’t recall Sweetie Belle or anypony else for that matter mentioning that Scootaloo was prone to these sorts of accidents. Not once. Furthermore, Scootaloo had not seemed to be in any discomfort or any hurry at all to be out of her peed in clothing. All in all, this was enough to make her suspicious. Trotting up alongside Scootaloo, Rarity decided to try ferreting out what she could. “Scootaloo dear, would you like to hear a secret?” Rarity asked conspiratorially, bending down to put her head next to Scootaloo’s as they continued walking along under the thick boughs of leafy green trees. Scootaloo’s eyes widened a bit in surprise but she smiled. “S-sure Rarity, what is it?” “Well dear, I just wanted to say, if it makes you feel better or anything… well, I did, ah, well sometimes still do, pee in my pants like you did today.” The dice were well and truly tossed Rarity thought. This time Scootaloo’s eyes truly did widen. “Really!? You do? Wow, really?” This time Scootaloo looked a little unsure. “To be honest” Rarity continued still in a hushed voice, I rather enjoy how it feels. Do you, ah, do you like how it feels too?” Rarity swallowed, her mouth felt dry This time Scootaloo blushed and looked away from Rarity, but she heard a clear answer from the filly anyway. “Uh hu, Yah… I like it.” She said nodding slightly. Rarity was definitely hard in her shorts now and enjoying every minute of it. “Don’t be embarrassed Scootaloo, it does feel nice, you are not the only filly who likes it. So, when you peed your pants today in class, was that on purpose?” Rarity asked, suspecting she already knew the answer. Though it was yet another gamble. This time Scootaloo stopped where she was along the side of the road, looking hesitant. “I’m not in any trouble, am I?” Scootaloo asked looking suspicious. “Oh no, not in the least darling!” Rarity was quick to respond. She was worried that if the filly thought there was the slightest chance of punishment, she would be much less forthcoming about her true feelings. Pulling the filly closer with a raised leg Rarity spoke more quietly, though nopony else was in sight. “I simply wish to know what you enjoy doing, what makes you feel good. Your being happy is important to me Scootaloo, you won’t be in any trouble for anything you tell me at all.” Rarity hoped her sincerity carried through to the filly. “Ok, yah, I did it on purpose, I mean I like, really had to go, and it was recess so we were outside, and I just went. And I wanted to do it in…” But Scootaloo stopped there, blushing, obviously too embarrassed to continue despite Rarity’s assurances. “That’s ok Scootaloo, I’m not mad at all, in fact I’m proud of you. You know what makes you feel good and were not afraid to be embarrassed for it. That takes courage, Rainbow Dash would be proud of you!” “Really! Scootaloo exclaimed embarrassment quickly replaced by eager happiness on her face. “You mean it Rarity?” “Of course I do dearest, I know Rainbow very well remember. Come on now, we’ll never get home if we just stand here.” Getting Scootaloo to trot on ahead a bit Rarity decided not to press the subject again for a little while. It would hardly do to appear over interested after all. For her part Rarity was more than happy with the way things were going. Scootaloo didn’t know it, but this was not the first time Rarity had seen her wet herself, not to mention the pullups and even true diapers the filly wore on occasion. The amount of time she had spent surreptitiously keeping an eye on Sweetie Bell as she played with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom was rather embarrassing to contemplate. But this was the first chance she had gotten to talk to the filly about her little habit. She had expected to expend more effort to get around to the topic of diapers and wetting and the like, but here Scootaloo had all but given her the discussion on a platter. As Rarity considered the situation, she became aware that Scootaloo was beginning to occasionally glance back at Rarity and also glance around too. Rarity pretended not to notice, figuring that Scootaloo was probably working up the courage to say something, something that she really did not want any random passersby to overhear. The path they were on was not heavily traveled by any means, it was one of several ways a pony could go between the school house and Rarity’s place, though it was by not the shortest. Early on in their walk home Rarity had mentioned something briefly to Scootaloo about taking a longer more scenic route and the filly had said she knew of it already from wanderings with her friends. Taking a path with few other ponies had not been random chance on Rarity’s part. She had hoped, and apparently been proven right, that doing so would increase the likelihood of fewer interruptions to any discussion she might have with the cute filly. Finally as they were progressing down a wide packed dirt and gravel path with a thick hedgerow to the left providing shade and an open wheat field to the right glowing in the afternoon sun Scootaloo finally spoke up. “Hey Rarity, I gotta go again, can I just go here? For a second Rarity though the filly meant to take off her overalls so she could go behind a bush or something. Why, when they were all of a few minutes from being home? But she quickly realized she was being stupid, the filly wanted to go in her pants again, right here, right now. Scootaloo was watching her intently. Rarity glanced behind her quickly but even not seeing anypony was not good enough, luckily there were occasional gaps in the hedge, some opened to paths leading to houses or fields. Fortunately they had just passed one such, and it had led to a fallow field, which probably would not be replanted for another year or two as the farmers often rotated their crops. “Oh, of course Scootaloo, but we wouldn’t want to do that on the road, other ponies have to walk along it you see. Here, I know a much better place, follow me.” She turned and trotted the fifty or so paces back the way they had come, making sure Scootaloo was close by her. “Here we go, let’s just go through here and around.” She ushered the filly through the hedge, which was a good 3 meters thick and blocked their sight of the road as good as any brick wall. Coming out the other side, she turned Scootaloo so they trotted along the boarder of the weedy field until they were far enough from the entrance that nopony could have seen them through it from the road. Stopping, and finally feeling like she could relax a little, she smiled down at Scootaloo showing none of her inner turmoil. “There we go, this is a perfect spot Scootaloo, nopony will mind if you pee in your pants here at all. Go ahead, enjoy yourself.” Scootaloo giggled nervously, but she spread her hind legs slightly staring straight ahead. Rarity thought she might have to wait a bit, especially if the filly was nervous, but to her surprise a spot in the middle of the now mostly dried damp area under Scootaloo’s tail began to darken and glisten with new wetness. The spot immediately grew to a wide patch glistening all the more as it grew across Scootaloo’s butt and down the filly’s back legs. All the while a soft hissing sound issued from inside the now soaked faded denim overalls. Rarity watched in silence, not wanting to blink and miss anything. Both her penis and pussy had been in a constant state of arousal ever since she first laid eyes on Scootaloo’s wet behind. Her pants were extra tight, and it would not be difficult for another pony to see she was quite hard inside them, with her thick shaft pressing in such a delightful way against the inside of the jean shorts. Scootaloo was finished in under twenty seconds, but the flow had been strong, and her entire butt and back legs were shimmering with wetness in the afternoon sun. “Oh goodness Scootaloo, you really had to go, you must feel much better now don’t you?” “Hehe, yah, it’s nice, I like peeing my pants.” Rarity decided to take another chance. “That does look most enjoyable, and your pants must feel nice being so wet, do you, um, mind if I feel them too?” Rarity asked, hoping Scootaloo hadn’t noticed too much of the excitement in her voice. “Oh, sure, if you wanna. I like it when Sweetie Belle feels them too.” Scootaloo said, then blushed, realizing she had said a bit more than she had perhaps intended. Again Rarity worked to keep her smile gentle and unchanged on her face. Knowing what her little sister and her friends got up to was not the surprise, so much as hearing it said out so plainly had been. “That’s very nice, I’m glad you both get along so well.” Rarity said reaching out a hoof towards the oh so tight and wet young filly butt in front of her. Deciding that if she had gotten this far with the filly it made no sense to be too reserved, so she pressed her hoof firmly against a wet butt cheek and moved it around in small gentle circles occasionally pressing a bit harder, feeling the round firmness of the small but beautiful behind. Scootaloo giggled again and raised her tail a bit in an unconscious act of desire that almost had Rarity giggling as well. After performing the same service to Scootaloo’s other butt cheek, Rarity threw caution to the wind and slid her hoof firmly right along the middle seam of the soaked overalls from just under the filly’s tail all the way forward underneath to her navel and back. Repeating the same groping motions half a dozen times. Scootaloo didn’t say anything but arched her back some at the attention. It was Rarity who nearly moaned. “So Rarity, you like my wet pants?” Scootaloo asked with a grin. Reluctantly removing her hoof, Rarity nodded her agreement. “Oh yes darling, your wet pants feel very nice and are very pretty on you.” “Um Rarity, these actually aren’t my overalls, Sweetie Belle let me borrow them, she said I could wear them as much as I wanted…” Rarity could easily guess what Scootaloo was worried about. “Oh I know Scootaloo, I recognized them as soon as I saw you wearing them, but don’t worry, I know Sweetie Belle better than any other pony, and I know she won’t mind you peeing in her clothes at all. Come on, Scootaloo, we really do need to be getting home, especially with you so wet and all.” Rarity said herding the filly back out onto the country lane “Really? She won’t mind? You’re sure?” “Well Scootaloo dearest, let me put it this way, you know that Sweetie Belle wears diapers at night like you do?” Rarity asked, though it was hardly a question. “Well she usually sleeps in just her diaper, but some days, and she knows she is not supposed to do this, but she won’t put on a diaper before going to bed and just goes to sleep in whatever she happens to be wearing. So instead of wetting her diaper she pees in whatever her outfit is. I have seen her in the morning getting out of bed more than once wearing those exact same overalls but even more wet than you are now. So there is no way she will be mad about you doing the same thing in them. Those pants have seen lots of pee!” Rarity was glad that her explanation had Scootaloo smiling again. “Wow that’s cool! I didn’t know she did that, I bet I can make these even wetter than she ever has!” Rarity just had to roll her eyes. Of course, leave it to this filly to make it a contest. Rainbow Dash really would be proud. “Um, but Rarity, when we get to your house, can I keep these- “Oh darling, don’t worry, of course you can keep your wet pants on, I know how much you like them, especially because they are Sweetie Belle’s, just ask before sitting on any furniture though.” Rarity replied cutting in. She had guessed that this question would come up and had prepared her response well ahead of time. “Rarity! You’re so cool! Thanks!” Scootaloo’s reply came in addition to a quick hug before the filly trotted off down the road going a bit more quickly than she had before. At their new pace they got back to Rarity’s house sooner than expected. They had encountered only a few ponies along the way, but those had been busy with pulling carts or talking in pairs, and if any of them had noticed Scootaloo’s state none had deigned to comment. Rarity breathed a sigh of relief at shutting and locking the door behind her. Now that she was alone with the filly more interesting possibilities arose. Rarity followed Scootaloo through the house to the kitchen in back where she levitated her small purse along with Scootaloo’s backpack onto a countertop. As much as she wished to continue their previous topics of discussion she felt that it was time to be a bit more responsible. “So Scootaloo, my guess is that you have some homework in your backpack? If so, I think right now would be a good time to do it, that way it will be finished and you won’t have to worry about it anymore this weekend and you will feel better, not having it in the back of your mind all the time.” Scootaloo replied that she did have some but didn’t seem very excited about the prospect of working on it. “Is it very much dear?” “No, well, just a little reading but I also have to write two whole paragraphs on the first chapter of the book!” Scootaloo seemed affronted by the notion. “Well that doesn’t seem so bad, let’s get out this book and have a look at it shall we.” Rarity decided that helping Scootaloo with her homework might prove to be a valuable friendship building exercise. Rarity rolled her eyes to herself thinking what Twilight would make of that. Having sat herself on the bench in the breakfast nook, Rarity directed the filly to come sit on her lap where they could both enjoy the natural light through a big bay window looking out at the large back yard and garden. “Um, but, my pants…” Scootaloo said, eyeing Rarity’s lap with caution. “Oh don’t worry at all about that dear, I don’t mind, it won’t hurt me, come on over.” Seeming mollified, the filly hopped up and turned around, settling her damp round filly butt right in the middle of Rarity’s lap. She felt her penis begin to grow stiff again under the warm weight of the filly, feeling Scootaloo’s warmth though her shorts and wondering how well the filly could feel the hard shaft beneath her butt. Scootaloo got down to working on her little assignment, either not noticing or ignoring what she felt underneath herself, and for the most part didn’t seem to need much assistance. But Rarity made sure to hold her close. Casually resting her right hoof against the wet denim covering Scootaloo’s crotch, she enjoyed the feeling of warm dampness from Scootaloo’s overalls. To keep from distracting the filly though, Rarity didn’t move much at all until Scootaloo mumbled that she was close to finishing the reading part of the assignment. “Good for you, Scootaloo, you’ll be done in no time.” Rarity began to rub Scootaloo’s inner thigh in slow even circles as she gave her encouragement. Touching the filly felt so nice, not to mention how her actions were making her member grow even harder, trying to force its way out of her shorts to reach the little filly butt above. Rarity wondered if Scootaloo would notice, she began to hope she did. However Rarity kept her actions subdued, it would waste her advice from earlier if she got so caught up in her own desires if she prevented the filly from finishing her homework. That would be simply irresponsible on her part and not at all like her. Despite Scootaloo’s earlier complaints about there being so much to do she finished relatively quickly, and so far as Rarity could see, had done a reasonable job at it too. Before Rarity had a chance to praise the filly she spoke up, perhaps deciding there might not be a better time. “Hey Rarity, um, I gotta go again, but I have to poopy- I mean, poop.” Scootaloo blushed just as much for the accidental lapse into baby talk as she did for the admission in the first place. But that didn’t stop her from watching Rarity intently, waiting for her response. Rarity hesitated. Her instant response was to say yes. After all, she let Sweetie Belle use her clothes as her toilet whenever the filly wanted to, which was often, but perhaps there was a way to get an even better result out of this situation than just letting the filly go straight into Sweetie Belle’s outfit. “Well Scootaloo, how about this, I know you would enjoy pooping in Sweetie Belle’s overalls even more than wetting in them, but Sweetie Belle wears diapers often, as I think you know, and if you want to keep using your pants to go potty in, it might be best to let you wear some of Sweetie’s diapers. That way you don’t have to be so careful about sitting down around the house and you can potty whenever you want to without worrying about making a mess on the floor. How does that sound?” Scootaloo seemed to consider for a second but apparently didn’t need too much convincing. “Thanks Rarity, I wear goodnites at home sometimes, but they don’t hold as much. Not like Sweetie Belle’s diapers do.” I wish my Aunts would buy me some like you get, but they say I should be growing out of diapers, not into them.” Rarity decided to be diplomatic. “Well they do have a point. You see, fillies need to learn to use the bathroom without any issue and keep good control of themselves. But there is nothing wrong with wearing and using a diaper, or even just going in your pants as long as you are not bothering anypony by it, and so long as you can go to the bathroom normally when you have to. And you are certainly old enough to control yourself just fine. That’s why I’m ok with letting you do whatever you want in your, or my sister’s clothes.” Rarity couldn’t help but notice the quick eye roll Scootaloo gave her at that speech. Ok, maybe it had been a little much, almost Twilight-ish. Rarity winced internally at that thought. “Right then… well, come along dear, let’s see what Sweetie has in her room for you. I’m sure we’ll find something you will enjoy” Rarity somewhat regretted feeling Scootaloo’s comfortable weight leaving her lap, that wet butt had felt so nice, and it would have been fun to just let Scootaloo go there and then, but this way she had the opportunity for even more fun. In fact she had something positively wonderful in mind. Smiling to herself as she examined the damp patch on the front of her shorts that the filly’s soaked butt had left, she got off the bench and trotted past Scootaloo back the way they had come when arriving at the house but this time turned left and up a stairway. Listening to the soft clop of Scootaloo’s hooves on the stairs behind her, Rarity found herself sticking her butt out further and swaying a bit more, hoping the filly was enjoying the show. Entering Sweetie Belle’s room Rarity was enveloped by a strong smell which she enjoyed so much and would always associate with her kid sister, that of used, messy diapers. “Hehe smells like diapers again in here.” Scootaloo said. She had her nose scrunched up but was smiling anyway. “Yes, it sure does.” Rarity replied with a wink. “Why don’t you hop on up onto the changing table and take off the overalls ok?” “Sure Rarity, um afterwards can I put them back on? Scootaloo asked. “Of course dear, if that’s what you want.” “Yes, I like them ‘cuz they’re Sweetie’s and they’re comfy too.” ‘Tight, wet, and hot.’ Rarity silently added to herself while turning away. Rarity had something special in mind for this occasion, and figured, based on what she had already seen that Scootaloo would be willing and maybe even eager. She moved to the foot of the bed where a large hard white plastic can sat with a hinged lid. Opening the lid reveled the source of the strong poopy diaper smell filling the room. The can had around half a dozen of Sweetie Belle’s used diapers cluttering the bottom, each one the result of a diaper change after the filly had either spent all night or most of the day wearing it. All of them showed the signs of heavy use but some were not as far gone as others. Levitating the most recent one, easily found sitting atop of the small pile of used diapers, up out of the diaper pail. Rarity smiled as she stared at the floating object before her. She remembered changing her little sister out of it not eight hours ago and regretting that because Sweetie should have a fresh diaper at school, she needed to take off this one even though it hadn’t even begun leaking yet. The diaper was somewhat balled up but she released its tapes and smoothed it out. These diapers were from her own clothing line and she could attest to their quality. A thick layer of absorbent gel which wrapped around to cover the hips for cases of wetting while lying on the side, a thick shiny layer of clear plastic over the white plastic underneath for a strong surface to place the tapes, and a pink lace print running around the leg holes, the top, and down the sides for visual effect. The front was take up with a smiling image of Princess Cadance. In short, a disposable diaper any filly or colt would be proud to wear. Though this one was not so pure anymore. The front and half way up the back were heavy and darker, stained with a combination of several wettings and a before bedtime and pre-morning shower squishy mess. Sweetie had spread her poop all around inside the diaper, even up the front but little to none of that had escaped the diaper. One more big wetting though would put the thing in danger of leaking. Not that this dissuaded Rarity from her plan. “Scootaloo dear.” Rarity said turning around with the diaper bobbing along beside her in the air. “You are obviously happy to wear and use your pants as your potty, even when they are not actually your pants, therefore I was thinking that instead of putting a new diaper on a filly who is already wet and soon to be messy you should wear one of Sweetie Belle’s used diapers instead. After all, if she has to wear her pants that you used as a potty, it would only be fair for you to do the same with her diapers.” Rarity was proud of herself for managing to say all of this with a straight face and slight innocent smile. Scootaloo stared at her and the stained disposable diaper hanging in a violet aura for a few seconds in silence. “But, ah, don’t you clean these overalls before Sweetie Belle wears them again?” Scootaloo asked with a quizzical look on her face.” ‘Damnit, how can kids be so smart one second and yet do stupid things like riding a scooter over a cliff the next.’ Rarity silently mused. “Oh, not necessarily Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle often just wets them herself soon enough or gets them muddy or some such on one of your adventures, I know you’ve seen that happen. So why should I clean them every day, I just hang them up on the clothes line to dry out. A few pee stains don’t make any difference. Scootaloo looked at Rarity surprised. “You mean Sweetie Belle will wear these without washing them?” Rarity found the filly’s blush very cute indeed. I’m sure she will, she’s used to wearing peed clothing and I doubt she’ll be bothered by that pee having come from one of her friends for once. Besides, this diaper of Sweetie’s was never fully used, and should not be wasted.” Scootaloo eyed Rarity and then the diaper she held looking somewhat unconvinced. “I donno… looks pretty used to me…” Rarity held back a sigh. “I’m aware you have worn these kind before, so you know they can hold a lot. Yes, this one is well used, but it has a way to go yet before its finished.” Rarity said with perfect outward patience. “You really like Sweetie Belle, and you like her clothes, why not her diapers too? Especially her used diapers? Wearing these will make your friendship with my sister even stronger. Wearing the same diaper she used will give you both a special connection other ponies won’t have.” Besides Sweetie Belle will be happy knowing you like her so much you wore her used diaper and enjoyed it as much as she did herself!” “Really…? Ugh, it really smells…” Scootaloo said still looking unimpressed. “If it makes you feel better about it, I wear her used ones sometimes myself.” Rarity put in, hoping still to convince the filly. “What? You do??” But you’re too big! I mean…” Scootaloo trailed off sounding embarrassed. “No Scootaloo, actually I’m not, you see these diapers fit kinda like pullups on me. I like to put one on if I’m in a hurry to use the bathroom but know I can’t stay in it for very long. That way I don’t waste any of my own bigger diapers. Besides, I think Sweetie’s used diapers feel nice to wear and I bet you’ll enjoy them too.” Rarity added. “How about this.” Rarity went on quickly. If you agree to wear this one, I’ll also wear another of Sweetie’s used diapers and we can enjoy them together, how does that sound?” Scootaloo paused, then seemed to come to a decision. “Yah, ok I want to, I wanna wear her diaper, even if it smells really bad.” Rarity laughed. “Oh, as if you don’t smell when you poop in your diapers?” Rarity asked with a smile but one eyebrow raised. “Ok, I do, but not that bad!” Scootaloo insisted. “I’m not so sure of that silly filly, I’ve been around you in diapers before you know.” Scootaloo just replied with a petulant look. “Ok, ok, let’s get you diapered up.” Rarity said. Scootaloo lay back on the changing mat, hind legs spread in anticipation of her new messy diaper pants. “Ok then, here we go, lift up that butt for me please.” Rarity said as Scootaloo did just that and raised her rear up off the surface of the changing table with her hind legs. As Rarity quickly slipped the messy diaper under Scootaloo, she couldn’t help staring a little at the light pink slit between the filly’s legs. It glistened wetly from pee and was surrounded by damp matted orange fur. Rarity enjoyed the thought that it would soon be covered in slick brown poopy as well. Scootaloo settled herself down on the open messy diaper with a sigh and a smile. Rarity felt the same way but for different reasons. If she had gotten Scootaloo to go along with her plans this far, perhaps she could go quite a bit further, sooner than she had thought she might. “Just a moment Scootaloo, let me get ready to get my own diaper on before I finish up with you.” Rarity’s horn glowed purple as she tugged and wiggled out of her tight short shorts revealing the skimpy thong underneath. But of more importance her hard penis stuck more than half way out the top of the undergarment which had never been designed to contain something so long, or really much at all for that matter. Her shaft bobbed up and down a bit as she climbed onto the changing table in front of the filly. “I’m sorry Scootaloo, I hope you don’t mind me getting up here with you, it’s just that I forgot to um, well you see I like to get my, ah, myself a little messy in front before putting on a diaper, it feels better that way. I’m sure you understand.” “Here we go, just like this…” Rarity said as she pushed down on her shaft with a hoof so that it pressed into the still cool slick layer of brown poopy between the inside of the diaper and underneath Scootaloo’s cute little butt. Rarity made sure to thrust her hips far forward and back so that her penis repeatedly slid underneath Scootaloo and between the filly’s butt cheeks. Becoming coated in Sweetie’s morning poop. Scootaloo made a move as if to get up, but Rarity had no desire for the filly to go anywhere. “No, Scootaloo, you are just fine where you are, no reason to move. Besides, I remember you enjoyed playing with my penis last time you saw it. You remember don’t you? Scootaloo blushed. “Yah, that was pretty cool hehe, it felt weird! But I liked it. I wish I had one…” “Oh I don’t know about that, it can be quite a bother sometimes, Scootaloo. Just enjoy your body as it is. For now at least.” “Here baby filly, just hold still for a moment.” Rarity said as she quickly lined up her poop smeared shaft with Scootaloo’s thin wet entrance and pushed forward knowing exactly where to press. She slid into the filly with surprising ease, Scootaloo must have been quite wet already. Though despite that Rarity only went about 2/3rdof the way inside before stopping. Scootaloo simply hadn’t grown enough yet for Rarity to fit all of herself inside, but what she could manage was more than sufficient for her desires. “Rarity!” Scootaloo squeaked, her eyes going wide at the sudden penetration. “Hush darling, it feels good doesn’t it dear? You enjoyed it last time, I remember you did.” “But Rarity, you’re all messy down there, and you’re getting it inside me!” “Mhmm, and that makes it feel even better! It’s just something us diaper loving ponies like to do. Just relax, and enjoy how poop makes you feel inside, and don’t forget, its Sweetie Belle’s poop. I know you will want that deep inside of you dear.” “But Rarity!” “Shhh, no buts, just relax and enjoy darling.” Scootaloo turned her head to the side, blushing as she lay back down on the changing table mat, giving in to the continuous thrusting of the mare crouching over her. Rarity began to breathe hard as her thrusting grew more insistent. She put her hooves down on the shoulders of the filly moaning beneath her to keep the young body in place as she put ever more force into her motions. The brown of her little sister’s poop mixed with the clear fluid leaking from the young slit she was filling made a slippery mess which felt so warm and incredible on her sensitive shaft. “Oh Scootaloo… I’m so glad you are such good friends… with my sister. Will you be my friend too? Rarity asked between pants as her exertions became more insistent. “Yah, I like you Rarity, you make me feel…good! I’ll stay your friend forever!” “Mmmm, yah, you too, you make me feel good too…Scootaloo!” A few more deep thrusts, enough to lift Scootaloo’s messy bottom up off the open diaper she was laying it, and Rarity hit her climax, spraying cum as deep into the filly’s body as it would go. Thick ropes and globs of it erupted from her poopy shaft adding one more wet sticky substance to those already filling the young pussy. Rarity shuddered and groaned as she sank down on her knees pressing her chest onto Scootaloo’s as she lost the ability to support herself. After a minute or so of panting and attempts to regain her equilibrium, Rarity managed to get to her feet and back off the end of the changing table, leaving the filly lying there breathing deeply as cum mixed with runny poop leaked out of her slit. “Ok, well, that, that was fun, but I really must get you all nice and diapered up. You can’t just lie on that table forever now can you.” Rarity said smiling down at the filly she loved to enjoy. With a swift glow from her horn and expert motions born of years of practice, Rarity pulled the messy diaper up between the filly’s legs and over her navel, brought the sides up and applied the tapes securely and tightly in place for the second time in two days, but now on a different filly. “There we are Scootaloo, how does Sweetie’s diaper feel on you?” Rarity asked as she used a hoof to rub the stained squishy front of the thick disposable diaper. It was strange but also exciting to see a filly who was not Sweetie Belle laying in a messy diaper n that table. The sight gave Rarity confidence that anything was possible, who knew what other fillies might wind up before her on this very table in the future. “Ok, you were right, it feels great! But Rarity, I think I might be a little sore.” “Never fear about that my dear, as Rainbow will be the first to tell you, good exercise is good for you. A little soreness for now, but it will help make you stronger in the end.” “Hey, you’re right, thanks for helping me exercise Rarity!” Rarity couldn’t help but giggle a little at that, despite not being the kind of mare who really giggled at anything. That was Pinkie’s job after all. But honestly, such naked innocence! “What?” Asked Scootaloo, looking suspicious. “Oh, nothing dear, you are just a gem, Scootaloo, a real gem. Here now, let’s get you back into these wet pants you are so fond of. “Just a sec, Rarity, I still gotta poop remember?” “Oh yes, so silly of me, I actually went and forgot! Well, you’re diapered now, so go on then and fill them up as best you can.” For a reply Scootaloo grunted softly and sighed as the stained seat of her borrowed diaper crinkled softly and bulged out even further as a new large load of filly poop pressed against the already pee swollen padding. “Ahhh, that feels good.” Scootaloo said as she pressed against the diaper with a hoof. “Now, now, there’ll be plenty of time for that later, let’s get you dressed and off that table. I need my own diaper after all.” Scootaloo’s annoyance at Rarity’s impatience melted away as Rarity held up Sweetie Belle’s still damp overalls for her to see. The older pony enjoyed the show as the filly in a very messy diaper squirmed and struggled into the tight denim garment and pulled the shoulder straps tight making the pee stained outfit mold itself around the filly’s body and her swollen diaper in so many excellent ways. ‘Now, as for myself…’ Rarity thought as she reluctantly turned away from Scootaloo to again examine the contents of Sweetie Belle’s diaper pail. The balled-up diaper she pulled out this time was from yesterday afternoon making it half a day older than the one Scootaloo wore. It was even more full than the one she had given to Scootaloo, though not by much. She smiled at the big princess Luna print on the front, similar to the print of Cadance adorning the diaper Scootaloo now wore. It had taken surprisingly little convincing on her part to get the Princess of the Night to agree to having her likeness printed on big kid diapers. Rarity debated for a bit if she wanted to leave her thong on or not. Often when she was simply wearing her own diapers she liked to wear a tight thong under them so she could feel the thin strap running up her butt in combination with the thick padding, but in this case she decided she wanted her pussy and penis to have as much direct contact with her sister’s poopy diaper as possible. Slipping out of her thong, she unwrapped the dirty diaper and pulled it up tightly between her hind legs sighing as the cool thick squishy poop smeared around inside the diaper was pressed into every fold and crease between her legs making her grow stiff all over again. The diaper was of course a little small on her, so it didn’t fit quite like a regular adult disposable would have, but the effect was remarkably similar to wearing a pullup, though still more thick, especially around the hips. The sensation of squishing about in her little sister’s mess meant that the diaper was not high enough in the front to contain her penis, which poked out the top by several centimeters. Rarity didn’t mind one bit, it would simply be easier to show it off to Scootaloo this way. She turned back around only to find Scootaloo seated on the floor rocking back and forth with a smile as she watched Rarity in her newly diapered state. Rarity decided there was no point in waiting, she wanted to play with that filly again now. “Well, you sure are enjoying yourself, I think it’s time I had another turn as well. Come on dear, get up on Sweetie Belle’s bed with me.” Rarity said, following her own instructions and hopped up on the bed, where she immediately lay down facing up. “But I just got dressed!” The filly complained, though she started to shrug off a shoulder strap anyway. “Oh you don’t have to take anything off dear, just come on over as you are. I like how you look with that diaper under your outfit, I’ll need to lend you a choker, it will go well with your style.” “So, wadda you want me to do Rarity?” Scootaloo asked as she climbed up next to the older mare. “Lay down here between my legs, on your stomach, yes that’s it, now…” And Rarity used her hooves to push down on the top of her borrowed diaper so that her long hard shaft was free to spring up so it pointed right at the celling. “So do you remember what I’ve taught you before?” “Yah, I think so, but I haven’t practiced on any stallions. Besides you, only Fluttershy has one of these, but she likes it when I, uh, do what you told me to with her.” Scootaloo said. “I bet she did, in fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if she and Sweetie Belle are doing something similar to what we are doing now.” Rarity replied, adding to herself that Flutters loved fillies even more than Rarity herself did, though the pony was more circumspect about it. “Remember what I told you, don’t be hesitant, use your whole mouth and tongue, and be careful of your teeth.” Scootaloo nodded but then looked at the thin smears of poop coating Rarity’s otherwise creamy white shaft. “Don’t pay any attention to the taste, that’s never going to be good, it’s all about the texture, the feel of a penis and poop filling your mouth. The smell might even become enjoyable to you.” “I donno, but I want to learn how to make you feel good so I can do the same for my friends.” Replied the filly. “I’m glad you are so committed dear, but enough talk, use that mouth to make this filly feel good.” Though there was still a hesitant pause, the filly did as instructed and filled her mouth with the head of Rarity’s penis, bobbing up and down and swirling her tongue around over the head and along the shaft. Rarity had propped her head and back up against the pillows on Sweetie’s bed so she could watch the filly at work. But also it was so she could admire Scootaloo’s backside as the filly busied herself with pleasuring her babysitter. Rarity reached behind Scootaloo’s head with both hooves and pressed them against the filly’s round bubble butt. The combination of her soft body, the thick poop filled diaper taped tightly about her, and the damp faded denim of the tight overalls holding that full diaper close to Scootaloo’s most sensitive places made Rarity almost desperate to fondle the filly’s behind. As though she was giving a massage, she pressed her hooves forcefully, but gently against Scootaloo’s butt cheeks and then ran a hoof up and down along the center seam of the tight denim right down between the filly’s legs. All the while Rarity could feel the big thick load of squishy poop that Scootaloo had added to what had already been in the diaper being squished, kneaded, and spread all around Scootaloo’s butt and crotch. While admiring and feeling all the filly’s smooth curves and the fullness of her diaper pants, Rarity moaned as Scootaloo’s soft mouth made cute sucking sounds as she worked all around Rarity’s penis, paying particular attention to keeping the head wet with saliva. Taking her hooves from the filly’s butt and crotch she brought them up to hold Scootaloo’s head and began gently thrusting her hips up as Scootaloo’s mouth came down. Rarity sat up straighter and bent Scootaloo’s head down so her shaft would better align with the filly’s throat. Tears formed at the corners of Scootaloo’s eyes as Rarity pushed herself forward, her shaft making the front of Scootaloo’s neck bulge out a little as her penis reached nearly all the way down the filly’s esophagus. With her hips still thrusting, Rarity exulted in finely using a hole deep enough to fit all of herself inside. “Ah this is even better than your pussy, Scootaloo, at least this way you can take all of me inside you and pleasure me properly!” Rarity told the filly as she felt herself nearing orgasm. There was no reply to this statement, and Rarity didn’t expect any to be possible for the moment. Feeling Scootaloo breathing through her nose as hard as she could Rarity increased her humping of the filly’s face. It simply wouldn’t do to have Scootaloo pass out from lack of oxygen before Rarity could fill her throat with thick cum. Rarity could hardly hear the faint gurgling noises Scootaloo was making as she groaned and came again, filling the pony with more of her white gooey cum, its slimy texture replacing the brown poopy wetness coating her shaft that had been so helpful as lubricant previously. To think just how much Sweetie Belle’s poop had helped out this afternoon without the filly even being there at all. Rarity pulled herself free from the filly’s face and plopped backward onto her little sister’s bed. Scootaloo gasped and lay there for a while panting, and swallowing, trying to clear herself of all the thick cum her babysitter had left behind. The smell of poop was so strong in her throat and inside her mouth thanks to Rarity’s messy shaft that scootaloo thought it would never go away. But that didn’t mean she didn’t like it. Rarity climbed up onto her feet and pushed Scootaloo onto her back so the filly was staring straight up between Rarity’s back legs at the messy filly diaper there and the penis it was doing a poor job of covering. “I’m sorry Scootaloo, I know it can be a bit uncomfortable having your throat fucked like that, especially when you have had little experience, but I assure you that once you get used to it, it’s one of the best ways to experience sex. Scootaloo coughed a few times before replying. “Gee, thanks, not like I need to breath or anything…but yah I did kinda like it…” Scootaloo replied looking a bit surprised at herself. “Here baby, let me do something to make you feel better, I know you’ll like this.” Rarity said looking down at the filly’s body. A glistening brown stain was appearing in the otherwise blue denim around the leg holes of the diaper Scootaloo was wearing. ‘The filly must have wet that diaper quite a bit more, and very recently, probably while I was cumming inside her neck…’ Rarity thought. But she didn’t pay attention to the new stains for long as she felt the warm pressure of pee rush down her still hard penis and spray down onto the front of Scootaloo’s borrowed overalls, splattering everywhere. There was no way the filly diaper she had on could have contained so much more urine, so what better use for it than soaking such a sexy little filly as Scootaloo. The filly grinned up at Rarity, though she had to squint to keep pee from getting in her face as Rarity bobbed her peeing shaft up and down so her pee soaked Scootaloo from her neck to her crotch. Rarity grinned back as the light blue denim grew darker and shiny first all across the front but soon down over the filly’s hips as the pee soaked through and began to dribble down the inside of the garment as well. Scootaloo sighed and wriggled around as the hot pee soaked into her clothes and covered her in its warm wet embrace. She turned over to give Rarity a chance to re-wet her butt and then up the back of the overalls. She turned back around to face up as Rarity’s stream lessened and dripped to a stop, the last of it into the filly’s open mouth. “Mmm tastes good!” Scootaloo said as she licked her lips while Rarity, exhausted, plopped down on the now wet bed next to the even more soaked filly. “I doubt that, but I appreciate the sentiment.” Rarity replied with some amusement. “You’re right, it tastes bitter, but I like you, so I don’t mind.” Scootaloo said with such childish earnestness. “Oh, Scootaloo darling, that’s one of the kindest things anypony has ever said to me!” Rarity exclaimed pulling the soaked filly into a tight embrace against herself as the two of them lay facing each other on the bed. “Hehe, I love you Rarity, I’m so happy Sweetie Belle has such an awesome big sister!” Rarity’s reply was to kiss Scootaloo deeply, forcing her tongue between the filly’s teeth and enjoying the stink of her poopy breath as they made out. The kissing didn’t last as long as Rarity would have liked as the now tired filly soon closed her eyes and drifted off to a pee soaked nap. After only a few minutes of gazing at the filly and enjoying the thought of her sexy little body resting comfortably in such a filthy full diaper and pee saturated clothing, the sound of a door opening and closing made her ears perk up. “Hey sis, I’m back, and Fluttershy wanted to visit with you too!” Came the raised voice of a filly from the floor below. “Hello? Rarity? Are you here? Um, sorry to intrude.” Came the voice of a special yellow marefriend also from down the front stair way. “Well, well.” Said Rarity softly to the still snoozing Scootaloo. “Looks like the day’s fun has only just begun.”