> Tinkering Tom > by Tea Equine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Here,” The light-brown stallion said, shoving the bag of groceries across the wood counter back at Tom with a disgruntled snort. Tom put on his best customer service smile as the stallion closed the register, a heavy thunk as it locked. “I hope you have a wonderful day Mr. Shine.” The stallion only grunted without looking at him in response as Tom took the bag and left the small grocery store. A soft click of a lock sounded behind him, the store closing for the day. Tom sighed as he looked up at the cloudy sky just outside the store, pegasi flying lazily overhead. “Just another day in paradise.” Shaking his head Tom turned his attention to his task. The sun was about to set and he had a job to finish. “And you’re telling me that somehow I missed meeting a six foot tall bipedal creature that’s been living here longer than I have!?” Starlight asked, an incredulous eyebrow raised at Trixie. Trixie nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Trixie was amazed that you didn’t know either! Really Starlight, for being the student of the princess of friendship you really don’t get out all that often, do you?” Starlight groaned and rolled her eyes at the smug smile on Trixie’s muzzle. “I do have actual job duties you know?” Trixie blew a raspberry at Starlight as she waived her hoof at her. “Oh please. Trixie knows you’ve been keeping yourself locked up and away from other ponies lately. This will be fun!” “I suppose you’re right. And it wouldn’t hurt to at least introduce myself to somecreature new.” “And it’s a stallion,” Trixie said, a sly grin on her muzzle as she winked at Starlight. “Great.” Starlight deadpanned. “Just what I need, a prissy stallion to introduce myself to. How did I let you convince me to do this again?” “Because Trixie is amazing and has great intuition!” The mare boasted, puffing her chest out. Starlight giggle-snorted at Trixie’s antics. “Alright, alright. I guess if it goes sour we can always say we had plans.” “Exactly!” Trixie exclaimed, throwing her right hoof into the air, smacking a passing mare. “Hey, watch yourself!” She shouted, glaring angrily at Trixie. “Oops,” Trixie said, a nervous smile on her muzzle as she urged Starlight along. Starlight rolled her eyes and walked a little faster, a smile on her muzzle. Well, at least things should be interesting tonight. “And here you are. Everything as requested,” Tom said, handing off the bag of groceries to Fluttershy. “Oh, thank you Tom. You’re always a great help. Here, this is for you,” Fluttershy said with a smile as she dropped a bag of bits in Tom’s hand. Tom frowned as he felt the weight of the coin sack in his hand. “Fluttershy, you know better than this...” “Tom, please take it,” Fluttershy said, wrapping her hooves around his hand as she looked up at him with wide eyes and a quivering lip. Tom groaned. There was no resisting Fluttershy when she used the damned puppy-dog eyes. “Fine. But only because it’s you. Don’t you go telling anyone else about this.” “Of course not,” Fluttershy said with a big smile, dropping down to all fours. Well, that was quick. Though, it was always quick. Tom sighed as he pocketed the coin sack into his pocket. I swear, this mare... Paying extra. Tom swore she’d feed and house him for free if he let her. Tom snorted, picturing himself in the animal sanctuary along with the various other creatures Fluttershy cares for. Yeah, no. Fluttershy is a great friend, but living with a mare who has no romantic interest in him would be detrimental towards his aim of having a family someday. Now, the fact that every mare rejects him despite him being the equivalent of a female in this world is another matter entirely… “That must be him.” Tom raised an eyebrow at the voice, turning his body so he can look back at the two unicorn mares at the gate to Fluttershy’s cottage. There was a slender light blue mare with an expression of mild interest on the left while the one on the right was a curvy bodied mare who had a light purple coat with eyes that bore holes through Tom’s soul. Tom grasped the lining of his pants nervously. Why is she staring at me like a fresh piece of meat? “Oh, hi girls,” Fluttershy greeted warmly. “What brings you here?” “Well, I heard there was somecreature that I had managed to miss meeting despite all the time I’ve lived here,” The purple unicorn said, stepping forward, her gaze never leaving Tom. She smiled, reaching out with a hoof. “The name’s Starlight, by the way. Starlight Glimmer.” “Tom,” Tom said, staring right back into Starlight’s eyes, grasping Starlight’s hoof and shaking it. Tom’s muscles tense, he forced an awkward smile. “And I am the Great and Powerful Trixie!” The light blue unicorn announced, rearing up on her back legs, fireworks going off around her as her horn glowed, demanding Tom’s attention. “The great and powerful, eh?” Tom said, a chuckle escaping his lips. What have I gotten myself into now? Are they trying to put on a show of strength to prove how ‘marely’ they are? “Trixie is a top-class illusionist,” Starlight explained, a smirk on her face as she glanced at her enthusiastic friend. “Ah,” Tom said, nodding as he scratched his chin. “That does explain the bombastic introduction.” “Well, of course Trixie is top-class. She is Trixie after all,” Trixie said, brushing her mane to the side with a boastful smile. Tom snorted. Of course she’d be one of those mares. “So,” Starlight said, looking at Tom with renewed vigor. Seriously, just what did I do to warrant this kind of attention? “We were on our way to the pool hall. Would either of you like to join us?” “Oh, that sounds wonderful, but...” Fluttershy said, glancing back at the interior of her cottage. “I really should take care of the animals. It’s been really busy around here lately and I haven’t had as much time with them as I used to with my new teaching responsibilities.” “Sorry to drop in on you like this Fluttershy. I know how hard it can be for you to get away. Maybe next time, then?” Starlight asked, a warm smile on her lips. Fluttershy nodded. “Definitely.” Tom felt the weight of the bits in his pocket. Well, Fluttershy did pay me extra today so it should be fine. But do I really want to? He looked at Starlight who was back to staring at him with those big eyes of hers. Tom pursed his lips. If I don’t do this now, I get the feeling she’ll just come after me later. Might as well get it over with. “Only if you promise not to cheat with magic,” Tom replied. Wait. Might as well test the waters here. After a moment, he added, “And no going easy on me either. I may be male, but I like an actual challenge.” “Are you sure you’re up for that?” Starlight asked with a raised eyebrow as she flicked an ear. “Trixie doesn’t want to hear your crying when the mares reign supreme,” Trixie added as she puffed out her chest, her chest floof on full display. “Oh, don’t worry. There won’t be any crying from this human,” Tom said with a chuckle. “Human?” Starlight asked, tilting her head in Tom’s direction. “Ah, right,” Tom said. “I’ll explain on the way.” “So you just do odd jobs for ponies? You don’t have a mare to support you?” Starlight asked, looking up at Tom across the pool table. “That’s right,” Tom said, taking a sip of his beer. Placing his beer down, he picked up his pool stick. Tom was so tall he had to kneel as he lined up his shot. The stick grazed the right edge of the cue ball, sending it gently rolling towards the side, vaguely in the direction of a grouping of striped balls. Starlight smiled encouragingly towards him. He was a stallion after all. Though, immensely more pleasant to talk to than the regular prissy stallion. Tom seemed much more… down to earth than the average stallion. “Well… why?” Starlight asked, tilting her head in his direction. “Well, most mares seem to be interested in… ‘traditional’ stallions,” Tom said, standing up and taking another sip of his beer. “I’m not exactly traditional.” True. Most mares would prefer a traditional stallion. And a traditional stallion wouldn’t be caught dead drinking beer in a pool hall. Stallions like that were extremely rare. Not entirely unheard of, but rare enough that they stuck out like a sore hoof. “Do you even like mares?” Trixie asked, an eyebrow raised as she sipped from her glass. Tom rolled his eyes and sighed. “Yes. I like mares.” “Coulda fooled me,” Trixie muttered, downing the last of her beer. Slamming the glass down, she stood up. “Alright colt, be prepared for a great and powerful defeat!” Starlight frowned. That was a bit far. Even for you, Trixie. Tom just watched Trixie line her shot up. If he had heard, he didn’t show it. Starlight exhaled. Well, maybe it’s not a total loss. Besides, he’s not so bad after all. He hasn’t even mentioned fashion or shopping once! And we’ve been at this for at least an hour! A small smile graced Starlight’s muzzle as Trixie let loose her shot, sinking the 8-ball in the corner pocket. “Yes!” Trixie said, a big smile on her muzzle. Looking over at Tom, she smirked. “Don’t feel too bad, colt. You were up against a mare after all.” Tom chuckled in response. “Well, how about we make this more interesting then?” “Trixie has no interest in taking advantage of stallions,” She said, placing her pool stick on the rack behind her. Tom shook his head, waiving his hand back and forth. “No, no. I’m not talking about money. How about this. Winner gets one favor from the loser. No restrictions.” “No restrictions?” Trixie asked, raising an eyebrow at him. “As in anything?” “Yup. Anything,” Tom said with a smile and nodded. Trixie frowned, scrunching her muzzle. “Trixie smells a scam.” Tom rolled his eyes and sighed. “Ok, fine. No asking for money as the favor. Or anything that would put the loser at risk of losing their job. How does that sound?” Trixie hummed as she tapped her hoof on her chin. “Trixie doesn’t really need any favors from a jane-filly, so Trixie will pass.” Starlight’s eyes bugged out as she stared at Trixie. Trixie! How could you be so crass! He’s right there! Tom shrugged and turned his attention to Starlight, raising an eyebrow at her. Wait, me? But… well, he is nice. And there’s nothing that says the favor has to be sexual anyways. Not that I would ask for that sort of thing... Starlight shook her head and looked up at Tom with a grin. “I’ll warn you, I usually win against Trixie. I’m not going to go easy on you, just because you’re a stallion.” Tom grinned widely. “Perfect.” The table was set and Starlight looked up at Tom. “Do you wanna break? It’s the least I can do, since I’m going to be calling in that favor later anyways.” “Ohoho! Are you sure you want to do that?” Tom asked, a grin on his face. Starlight shrugged. “I’ve seen you play. Even if you were faking it, you can’t have faked it that much. Your posture was all over the place.” Tom nodded and laughed. “Alright then, miss pretty purple unicorn. I’ll take that invitation then.” Starlight’s cheeks light up as Tom took his place at the end of the pool table. He thinks I’m pretty? Wait no, he’s probably just trying to distract me! Starlight pursed her lips as she watched Tom. That snake! He was faking it! Tom’s posture was entirely different from before. His eyes were focused intensely on the table, completely opposed to the relaxed gaze he had before. He drew back the stick and then… Starlight blinked as she watched the pool balls fly around the table, several of them sinking into holes. “Guess I’m stripes then,” Tom nonchalantly stated, getting in position for his next shot. Three turns later and it was finally Starlight’s turn. Tom looked at her with a grin. “Guess you’re up, Starlight.” Starlight pursed her lips and readied her stick. Stallion or not, she was going to have to go all out. Fifteen minutes later, three balls remained on the table. One solid, one stripe, and the 8-ball. Tom grinned as he readied his stick. “So, are you ready Starlight?” Starlight laughed, wiping her forehead with a free hoof. “For having such a head start, I still caught up. I don’t think I have anything to worry about.” “If you say so,” Tom said with a chuckle. He lined up his shot and sank the striped ball. He pointed at the left side pocket with the pool stick. “Side pocket.” Starlight’s eyes went round as the 8-ball sank into the side pocket. How? I thought I had him. I even caught up to him for buck’s sake! “Wew,” Tom said, wiping his face with a napkin. “That was a good game. Really had me going there.” Starlight just looked up at the tall human, muzzle agape. There was no magic involved. Starlight had checked. The human stallion had done all that on his own merit. “Trixie knew she smelled a scam,” She snarled, slamming down her drink. She trotted up to Tom and stared at him with beady eyes. “You better not break your word.” Tom held up his hands. “I won’t, I won’t. No money or job threatening favors. Don’t worry.” Trixie snorted and turned, flicking her tail in frustration as she deposited a sack of bits on the bar counter. “C’mon Starlight. Let’s get out of here.” Starlight watched as Trixie left the building, slamming the door shut behind her. Sighing, she turned back to Tom. “Sorry, she gets a bit... involved when it comes to things like this.” “Don’t worry about it. It happens,” Tom said with a shrug. “Well, anyways, that was still a lot of fun,” Starlight said with a smile. “I guess I’ll see you later then?” Tom nodded back with a smile. “Yeah, I’ll catch ya later. Go on and catch up to your friend.” “Ok, then. Bye!” Starlight waved at Tom as she hurried out the door. > Favor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Damn!” Tom shouted, dropping his tools as he lifted the dull crystal out of it’s metal casing. Tom sighed, rolling the crystal in his hands. “Damn things are expensive and I can’t afford to get this charged right now.” Tom wiped his sweaty forehead, the summer heat in full force. “Worst time for the air conditioning to go out.” And I’m talking to myself again. Tom sighed, taking a seat in a dining room chair. Tom glanced around the room, the light filtering through the open window over his sparsely furnished apartment, a pile of broken machinery in the corner of the room. One day, you’ll be fixed. A day when I can afford the parts. Tom turned his head, looking out the window, bright sunlight permeating through to his apartment. It had been a slow few days, and Tom’s bit stash was rapidly depleting. At least I have my ramen stash. Tom snorted. It’s like I’m in college all over again. Maybe it’s time to apply for jobs again. See if there’s anything out there... I’m already hating the idea. Tom groaned, grasping his temples. Fuck it. Maybe I’ll just break down and work some ‘colty’ job. It’s not like I’m not doing customer service already. Tom shook his head. For another time. Right now, I need to figure out how to charge this crystal. At the bare minimum I need a unicorn. Preferably a unicorn who’s willing to help me... Tom sat in silence for several minutes, going over the names of every unicorn he knew. There’s Lyra, but she’s out of town. Doctor Horse is always busy with his patients. Princess Twilight is… a princess, so no. Rarity is… no, let’s not go there. Tom clenched his arms tight around his body as a shiver ran up his spine. I don’t know many unicorns, do I? Are there even that many in Ponyville? Wait. There is Starlight. She was pretty nice when we met. Maybe... Tom got up, placing the crystal in his front pocket. Well, it’s worth a shot anyways. The only problem is I have no idea where she is. Oh! I could ask Fluttershy. Tom nodded to himself, locking the door on his way out. Tom glanced at the town clock, which read ten o’clock. He nodded to himself and headed towards the newest building in town, Twilight’s school of friendship. Tom stopped at the path, looking up at the monolithic building in awe. I think I’ve only been to this place once. When was that? Back when it first opened? Tom scratched his chin, staring at the school’s front doors, a slight cold sweat beading on his brow. What if someone thinks I’m here for some weird reason? I do not want some rumor going around about how the big tall human is chasing after children. I have enough problems as it is, thank you very much. Tom took a deep breath. It’ll be fine. Remember, you’re basically a female here. No one will care. It’ll be fine. Tom stepped forward across the path to the door after slapping his face. Swinging the door open forcefully, Tom stopped just inside as he took in his surroundings. An empty corridor with various hallways to choose from. Right. There’s no reception. Wonderful. I guess I’ll just pick one then. Mentally groaning, Tom turned left and started walking. After a few minutes of wandering and several turns ensuring there was no way out without a guide, Tom heard some hoof-steps from behind him. Here we go. A bead of sweat formed on his brow. Calm down, idiot. You’re just here to meet with Fluttershy, not kidnap some foal. “Tom?” A familiar female voice called out. Wait a second. Is that? Tom turned around to find Starlight standing in the hallway, a clipboard floating in her magic. Her mane was slightly disheveled, a few strands poking out from the sides. Her bright purple eyes looking at him with curiosity. “Starlight!” Tom said with a smile. “I didn’t know you worked here.” “Oh! Yeah, I guess I didn’t really mention it last night,” Starlight said with a nervous chuckle as she scratched the back of her neck with a fore-hoof. “So, uh, didn’t expect to see you again so soon. Not that it’s a bad thing! I just wasn’t expecting it y’know? And well, uh. Wait.” Starlight stopped and tapped her fore-hoof to her muzzle. “If you didn’t know I worked here, why are you here?” “I was trying to find Fluttershy so I could ask her where to find you,” Tom said with a chuckle as he fingered the crystal in his pocket. “I was hoping to cash in that favor later when you’re free.” “Oh,” Starlight said, her eyes noticeably larger. “Uh, yeah. S-sure. What did you have in mind?” “Well, I got this crystal and I was hoping you could charge it for me. My air conditioning went out and I don’t exactly have the bits to pay an enchanter to charge it,” Tom said, pulling out the crystal from his pocket and showing it to Starlight. “I understand if you can’t though. From what I hear, it’s a pretty specialized practice.” “Oh? That?” Starlight asked, grasping the crystal in her magic and bringing it close to her muzzle as she studied it. “That shouldn’t be a problem. All I have to do is a little research to make sure I don’t overload the gem.” Tom sighed. “That’d be a great help. I’d appreciate it.” “Is that all?” Starlight asked, tilting her head at Tom. “Nothing else?” “That’s all for the favor. Though, if you want, I wouldn’t mind doing something together again. I wasn’t lying when I said I had a lot of fun a few days ago. I uh, don’t exactly have anything planned out yet. This was kind of a spur of the moment thing, but...” Tom said, gripping his left arm with his right hand. What is this? Why do I feel nervous? I’m not even asking her on a date right now, for Celestia’s sake! Tom exhaled, closing his eyes for a moment. Oh. Right. I barely have any friends. And this is one of the few nice ponies I’ve come across lately. Shit. I hope she says yes. Tom opened his eyes, looking back at Starlight’s eager expression. “I’d love to,” Starlight said, a bright smile on her muzzle. “Tell you what. Why don’t you leave this with me and I’ll bring it back to you fully charged.” “Sure. That works,” Tom said. “Just bring it to 689 Saddle Road. I’m the upstairs unit, second on the left.” “689 Saddle Road, upstairs, second on the left. Got it,” Starlight said, nodding as she wrote something on her clipboard. “I should be able to finish this and be there after I’m done with work. How does seven in the evening sound? I don’t think it will take too long to find the references I need in the library.” “Sounds good to me,” Tom said. “Oh, and uh- right. I may have gotten just a little lost while I was here.” Starlight giggled, placing a hoof to her mouth as she looked up at him. “Well then, I better show you out. Follow me.” Tom followed as Starlight led him down the halls, swaying her hips slightly. Her tail swishing from side to side across her ample rear. Her cutie mark wonderfully accenting the view while- OK! And that’s enough of that! Tom turned his attention to her muzzle, moving a bit faster to walk beside her. “So, are you a teacher here like Fluttershy?” “Actually, I’m a guidance counselor,” Starlight replied. A small smile formed on her muzzle. “It took some getting used to, but I’m enjoying it a lot now. I love the feeling you get when you help a pony with what’s bothering them.” “That’s pretty neat,” Tom replied with a smile. “Did you always want to be a guidance counselor?” “Oh no, not at all,” Starlight said with a laugh. “Twilight just came to me when she opened the school and gave me the role.” “Wow,” Tom replied, an eyebrow raised. “Princess Twilight must trust you a lot then. Especially if she trusts you to help guide her little ponies.” Starlight giggle-snorted into a hoof. “Her little ponies…” “Am I wrong?” Tom asked. “Oh no, it’s just so weird to hear somepo-, somecreature, talk about Twilight like that. It sounds more like something Princess Celestia would say than Twilight,” Starlight replied. “Really? I wouldn’t know,” Tom said with a shrug. “I’m not really close to either one so you’d be a better judge than I would be. Though, since you’re apparently her friend, or at least someone she trusts, you probably know her in a much more casual manner.” Starlight snorted. “Twilight is casual with everycreature. She doesn’t really care too much for the whole ‘princess’ title if it keeps her away from other ponies.” “Well, it’s clear she’s on your good side at least,” Tom said, glancing back at Starlight as her mane bounced lightly as she walked. “If you didn’t originally want to be a guidance counselor though, what did you want to do?” “Well…” Starlight said, looking off into the distance with a pensive look on her muzzle. She looked up at Tom with a small smile. “I’ve always loved magic and studying magic, so that’s been the focus of my life so far.” “Were you a scholar or something?” Tom asked. “Sure. You could say that,” Starlight said with a nervous chuckle. Tom came to a halt as Starlight stopped. “Here we are,” she said as she waive her hoof out with a flourish towards the entrance doors. “Right. You were leading me out. Sorry, I got a little side-tracked. Well, I guess I’ll see you later then?” Tom asked. Starlight nodded with a smile. “Definitely.” “So what do you think?” Tom asked Thunderlane as they sat on the park bench. Thunderlane munched on his sandwich, humming to himself. Luckily, Tom had secured a bench in the shade, away from the oppressive sun and it’s constant attempts to burn him alive. Tom sighed as his own stomach pained him. Later. We need to figure out money right now. Food later. “Why don’t you just shack up with some mare then?” Thunderlane asked, nudging Tom’s shoulder. “You’d get both of what you want. A mare to warm you at night and bits.” “And look how well that’s worked out for me so far,” Tom said, rolling his eyes. “Besides, I’m not looking for a sugar-momma. I just want to have my own stable source of income for now. I can work on the mare problem later.” “I’m telling you that you could work on both at the same time!” Thunderlane said, exasperated. “And I know a mare who might be interested. I could totally set you two up on a blind date!” Tom cringed. “No thank you. Last time you set me up on a blind date, she shrieked in horror when she found out I wasn’t a pony and literally ran away screaming.” “Oh come on, it wasn’t that bad,” Thunderlane replied. Tom deadpanned. “Alright, alright!” Thunderlane exclaimed, throwing his fore-hooves up in the air. “Look, how was I supposed to know she was a shallow cunt?” “What I’m saying is,” Tom said, taking a deep breath. “Is that you don’t exactly have the best track record with picking mares. I mean, I could name any one of your exes and-“ “Alright, alright! I get it! Sheesh!” Thunderlane replied with a sigh. “No blind dates.” “Good. Glad you’re finally on board,” Tom said. “Now, do you have any idea where I could find a job?” “Hmm…” Thunderlane leaned back in the bench, the sounds of the birds chirping in the nearby trees. “I heard the spa is looking for someone right now.” Tom let loose a long, deep sigh as he rubbed his temples. “It just had to be the spa. Is there anywhere else?” “There’s always the strip club I guess?” Thunderlane said with a shrug. “I’m starting to consider it,” Tom said. “Oh, c’mon. It won’t be that bad. It’s a receptionist position, so you won’t have to get intimate with the clients,” Thunderlane said, nudging Tom while waggling his eyebrows. “Alright, alright. Fine. I’ll check it out. But I blame you if shit goes side-ways,” Tom said, nudging Thunderlane back. “Sure, sure,” Thunderlane said with a chuckle. “Maybe it’ll get you to act like a proper stallion for once.” “Dream on,” Tom said, rising from his seat. Turning, he made his way towards the one building he hates the most. I almost hope they don’t take me… ’You’re hired’ they said. ‘When can you start?’ they said. Where was this when I was applying to literally any other job? Tom sighed heavily, laying back against his pillow. I looked for months when I got here. And another couple of months once everyone figured out I wasn’t going to eat them! Tom groaned, flipping himself over and burying his face in his pillow. I really hope they’re not just desperate. That would imply a whole other set of problems… Tom’s musings were interrupted as a knock sounded on the door. “Tom?” A familiar voice called out. “Oh Shit!” Tom called out, stubbing his toe on a misplaced toaster as he rushed out of his bed. “Fuck!” “Is everything ok?” Starlight asked, concern flowing from her voice. “Don’t worry, I’m coming!” Tom said, bouncing over to the front door as he held his aching foot. Tom set his foot down, ignoring the stinging pain as he opened the door, revealing a wide-eyed Starlight. Her muzzle was pointed up at him with her ears pivoted forward. There was a slight swish of her tail as she looked him up and down. Tom grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about that. I just stubbed my toe on something. Nothing to worry about.” Starlight frowned, her right ear flicking to the side momentarily. “Are you sure? I can take a look if you want.” “I’m fine. Seriously.” Tom chuckled as he shook his head. “Come on in. Sorry the place is a bit of a mess.” “Oh please, I’m sure a colt’s room is much more organized than my…” Starlight said, stopping as she stepped into the studio apartment, her left eyebrow twitching. “…room?” The two stood in the center of the chaos that somewhat resembled a livable place. Or, it would resemble a place where someone could live were it not for the mechanical parts and tools strewn about everywhere. A small path formed walkways across the apartment. “Ah, sorry. I was a bit stressed when I got home today so I may have tinkered around a bit with some of my projects to relieve some stress,” Tom said with an awkward smile. “So… you ‘tinker’ to relieve stress?” Starlight asked, looking away from the tornado swept room and back to Tom. “Yeah. I mostly do it for fun, but when I have a hard day I like to crack open something. It helps keep my mind off of whatever’s bothering me,” Tom said with a shrug. Starlight chuckled, levitating a shining crystal over to Tom. “Then I guess its perfect timing for me to show up with this then, right?” Tom grinned, taking the crystal from her magical grasp. “Sweet air conditioning, you shall be mine once more!” Starlight giggled as she watched Tom rush over to the wall unit a/c and place the crystal inside. A few turns of a screw-driver later and a flip of the switch had the air conditioning flowing once more. Tom sighed satisfactorily as he took a seat on a chair, grinning as he watched the a/c work. “Thanks a bunch, Starlight. You really saved my hide there. Without that, the summer would have been horrible,” Tom said, turning to face Starlight. She was looking at him with a curious gaze. “Is this just a ‘you’ thing or are all colts secretly mechanics in their free time?” She asked, hopping onto the seat across from him. “Definitely a ‘me’ thing. I did warn you I wasn’t exactly a traditional stallion didn’t I?” Tom said with a laugh, looking over to match Starlight’s gaze. “You did, but I certainly wasn’t expecting…” Starlight tore her gaze away to look around the messy room. “Well, any of this, that’s for sure.” “Well, you haven’t run away screaming yet, so I’ll take that as a good sign,” Tom said. “True. Though, aren’t I supposed to be the one to say that? I think you have our roles reversed mister,” Starlight said with a grin as she turned her muzzle back towards Tom. “If you say so,” Tom said with a grin. “What’s the plan for tonight?” “Do you like karaoke?” Starlight asked, her right ear flicking slightly. “Will there be alcohol involved?” Tom asked, his face falling to a cold neutral. Starlight’s eyes widened as her ears fell flat against her head. “Uh, well, only if you want to-“ “Let’s go,” Tom said, dragging Starlight out the door with him by her hoof as he walked. “Huh? W-wait!” Starlight exclaimed. “I can walk on my own!” > Karaoke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loud, out of tune singing to a popular hip-hop song met Starlight’s ears as she entered the karaoke bar with Tom by her side. Well, at least I got him to stop dragging me across Ponyville halfway here. Celestia, that was embarrassing. A stallion leading a mare… A light blush adorned Starlight’s cheeks. Grinning, Tom walked to a table at the far-right of the bar, Starlight hot on his heels. The two took their seats as a mare came to their table. “What’ll it be?” The mare asked as she flipped a notepad, holding a pencil in her mouth. “I’ll have a pint of cider,” Starlight replied. “I’ll take a long-island,” Tom said. The waitress nodded, scribbling down their orders. “One pint of cider and a long-island. Will that be all?” Starlight nodded and the waitress walked to a table a few feet away. “I thought you liked beer,” Starlight said, raising an eyebrow at Tom. “I do. I just felt like cocktails tonight. One of the perks of being a male in Equestria is I can drink those and no one bats an eye,” Tom said with a cocky grin. “Was it different where you’re from?” Starlight asked, her right ear flicking. “You could say that,” Tom said with a chuckle.” Let’s just say that, for the most part, guys didn’t drink cocktails in bars where I was from in a traditional setting. There are always exceptions, but for the most part it wasn’t a thing that men did.” “Really?” Starlight asked, tilting her head to the side as she gazed at him. “You didn’t mention anything like that a few days ago when we met.” “It’s kinda hard to put too many details into an hour or so speech about what you are and why there aren’t any more of you in Equestria,” Tom said with a chuckle. “I guess that’s true,” Starlight said, an awkward laugh emanating from her lips. C’mon, Starlight! Don’t be so dense! Of course there’s going to be lots of things you don’t know about him. He came from a whole different world, after all. “And here you are,” the waitress from before interrupted, placing a mug of cider in front of Starlight and a glass in front of Tom. “Let me know if you need anything else, ya hear?” The two nodded and took a sip of their respective drinks as the mare walked away with her tray balanced on her back. “Sorry,” Starlight said, after a moment of silence. “I should’ve figured that there’d be some differences between your world’s culture and ours. I just assumed-“ “That it was a replica of Equestria but with humans instead of ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and whatever other magical creatures reside here?” Tom asked with a wry grin. “Uh, yeah…” Starlight replied sheepishly. Look at what you did! He probably gets this all the time! “Don’t worry about it. Happens all the time,” Tom said with a chuckle as he grabbed his glass, taking a long sip of it. “Mmm, that’s tasty. I like it.” Wonderful. Great impression, Starlight. Starlight sighed, taking a sip of her cider. Now how are you going to recover? C’mon, Starlight. Think. You learned from the princess of friendship for Celestia’s sake. You’ve got this. “So, do you come here often?” Tom asked, interrupting Starlight’s musings. “Sometimes,” Starlight replied. “Mostly I come here for with my friends every once in a while.” “Oh? What else do you and your friends do?” Tom asked. “Eh, sometimes we play poker, sometimes we go to the arcade. You know, mare stuff,” Starlight said with a shrug. “Lucky,” Tom grumbled. “I have a hard enough time to get Thunderlane to agree to do something other than shopping, going to the spa, or going to bed with random mares.” “Wait. You’re friends with Thunderlane?” Starlight snorted. “Is he really as bad as the mares make him out to be?” “Oh, if they make him out to be a huge slut, then yes. He is,” Tom said with a chuckle. “Love the guy, but I swear he’s gonna have a ton of baby-mama’s someday.” “I can’t believe you’d be so cruel to your own friend!” Starlight said with a snort, playfully punching Tom on his arm. “Ow!” Tom said rubbing his arm, looking at her with a glossy-eyed stare. “I d-didn’t know you were the type to hit stallions…” “Wha!?” Starlight’s eye’s went wide, her ears perked up and pivoted towards Tom. “I-I didn’t! It was just-“ Starlight breathed in sharply as Tom leaned in with a hand extended. Closing her eyes, she flinched as she felt a sharp pain on her forehead. Grunting, she rubbed the aching spot, looking up at Tom who had a smug grin on his face. “Naughty ponies get forehead flicks. Unless you like getting forehead flicks for some reason. Then I’ll have to think of something you hate,” Tom said, scratching his chin. “Bastard,” Starlight said, frowning. I can’t believe I was worried about him. “Oh c’mon, lighten up,” Tom said. “Don’t be miss grumpy pants now.” “I don’t even wear pants…” Starlight grumbled. Tom rolled his eyes. “Yes, yes. You don’t wear pants. Very astute observation.” Starlight’s deepened frown only elicited a chuckle from Tom. “Well, miss grumpy pants. Let’s go cheer you up then.” “How are you-“ Starlight yelped as Tom grabbed her by the hoof and dragged her through the bar, past the staring and most certainly giggling mares and stallions, leading them both onstage. What is with this stallion? Starlight squinted her eyes as she looked up at Tom scrolling through the song-book. He really likes to take the initiative, doesn’t he? “No way…” Tom stopped as he stared at the page before him, a large grin creeping onto his face. “What?” Starlight asked, edging closer and peering over his hands. “If this is what I think it is, then it’ll be perfect,” Tom said, pushing the buttons on the karaoke machine. Starlight raised an eyebrow at Tom, grabbing a microphone in her magic as Tom took his in his hand. “What are we-“ The music started with some simple guitar cords, a few seconds in revealed the lyrics on the screen. Starlight face-hooved. Stallions. She looked up at Tom who had a big grin on his face, looking like a foal in a candy shop. Sighing, she rolled her eyes and pulled the microphone close to her muzzle with a slight grin. As long as he’s enjoying it, I guess. I’ll figure out later why he wanted this song so bad. “Just a small town filly. Livin’ in a lonely world…” Starlight sang. “I can’t believe they have that song,” Tom said chuckling as he leaned back in his chair. “Brings back memories of home.” “I thought you said you were from a whole different world though,” Starlight said, raising an eyebrow as she sipped her cider. “That’s exactly why I was so surprised,” Tom said, looking over at Starlight. “The band name is even the same.” “Weird,” Starlight mused, sipping on her cider. “Do ponies, er, I mean humans light up their magic when it plays?” “Close,” Tom snorted. “We didn’t have magic in our world, so we use lighters. But yes, we light up and sway our hands to it all the same.” “Wait. Did you just say you didn’t have magic in your world?” Starlight asked with a raised eyebrow. “Yup,” Tom replied as he took a sip of his drink. “How did you raise your sun and moon then?” Starlight asked, a smug grin on her muzzle. “They don’t raise. The earth just rotates creating the illusion of the sun rising and falling. Duh,” Tom said with a snort. “Sure,” Starlight said, rolling her eyes. “And I’m the tooth-fairy.” “You owe me for that molar, you cheapskate!” Tom said, a playful grin on his face. Starlight burst into giggles, punching Tom lightly. “You’re alright Tom. I like you.” “I like you too,” Tom replied, downing the last of his second… no, third? Drink. “C’mon. Let’s go get some more karaoke in. You pick this time.” “Hmmmm,” Starlight hummed, looking at Tom with a curious expression. “Do you know any songs from Equestria.” “A few,” Tom said with a shrug. “Just pick one and we’ll run with it. Don’t worry about me.” “Alright then,” Starlight said, downing her cider and slamming it on the table. “Let’s go.” “And I said, HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA, HEYYEYAAEYAAAE. I said, hey! What’s going on!?” The drunk human sang swinging his right arm as he leaned against Starlight, holding her with his left for support. Starlight giggled at Tom’s antics as they strolled through the dimly light streets of Ponyville. “So that’s what they called music back in your world?” “No, that’s what they called legendary music!” Tom proclaimed to the entirety of the empty streets of Ponyville. “I’m starting to question your taste in music,” Starlight mused, looking up at Tom’s form as she guided him along to his apartment. “Shhh!” Tom said, clasping his hand around Starlight’s muzzle, bringing his face closer to hers. Starlight scrunched her muzzled, looking up at her drunken companion. His eyes glistened with mirth. What do you think you’re doing? Just grabbing a mare’s muzzle like that in the middle of a dark street. You’re lucky you’re cute... Starlight fought the rising heat on her cheeks as she mentally face-hoofed. Not helping, brain. “This coming from someone from a race that randomly bursts into song?” Tom asked, letting go of Starlight’s muzzle. “I’m wondering if maybe you are the one with the taste!” Starlight just raised an eyebrow at Tom as he laughed, resuming his previous posture. He must be more drunk than I thought. Starlight sighed, her horn lighting up as she gently pushed Tom along as she walked. Best get him to bed before he passes out in the street. Time passed by quickly as Starlight guided Tom through the night to his apartment. As she started to help Tom up the stairs, the door to the apartment across the way to Tom opened up and an old gray stallion looked at Starlight and Tom with a raised eyebrow. “And what do we have here? You alright there, boy?” The gruff stallion asked. “Oh! Hi, mister Shoe! I’m good, yeah,” Tom said with a wide grin. “Just getting back from karaoke with my friend.” Starlight smiled awkwardly as she braced herself, Tom leaning on her for balance. “Oh?” The stallion turned from Tom to Starlight, studying her muzzle. Starlight started to sweat under his intense gaze. Oh, c’mon, Starlight. You’re fine! You have nothing to worry about. It’s not like you’re one of those type of mares. The stallion snorted and smiled at Tom. “She’s a pretty one.” “Yup!” Tom said with a laugh. “She’s pretty and my friend!” The gray stallion chuckled, his smile twisting into a bemused grin. “Is that so?” “Uhuh!” Tom said, hugging Starlight tighter. “Sorry, he’s pretty drunk. I’m just trying to get him home,” Starlight said, looking up at Tom. “I’m sure he’s exaggerating. He should be fine in the morning though.” “Am I not your friend!?” Tom gasped, staring into Starlight’s eyes. “What? No!” Starlight barked. Tom recoiled slightly, a frown forming on his face. Wait! “I mean- of course you are! I meant the other part!” Tom tilted his head. “What other part?” Starlight sighed, rubbing a hoof on her temples. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s just get you to bed.” “Alrighty then!” Tom said, his drunken grin back on his face. “Have a good night, mister Shoe!” “Aye,” The gray stallion said with a chuckle as he turned and closed the door behind him. Starlight turned and guided Tom into his apartment. Well, crisis averted at least. As she helped him traverse the path to his bed, he slumped down into the mattress, a light snore coming from his mouth. Starlight snorted and shook her head as she watched him for a moment. Next time, I’ll make him go easy on the drinks… Starlight turned and walked out the door, making sure it locked behind her. Hope he doesn’t have to do anything early in the morning… > First Day at Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom groaned as a loud, shrill beeping noise assaulted his ears. His hand flopped around on the nightstand until the noise finally stopped. Grunting, Tom rolled over. The shrieking noise of a thousand banshees invaded Tom’s eardrums as he lay with his head towards the wall. “Damnit, fine!” Tom cursed, slamming his hand down on the alarm clock and switching it off as he pulled himself out of bed. “Fucking hate this cursed alarm clock. ‘Guaranteed to wake you up on time’ they said! Of fucking course it does when it gets increasingly louder every time you hit snooze! You’d have to be deaf to stay asleep!” Sighing, Tom stood up, stretching his limbs as the Sun’s rays peaked through the blinds to his room. It is why I got it, though… Shaking his head, he dragged himself to the small restroom, and turned on the shower to begin his morning ritual. Thirty minutes later, Tom was dressed and as ready as he’d ever be to face the day. As Tom locked the door to his apartment, he heard the door open behind him. “Good morning lad,” A gruff voice called from behind him. “Mornin’ Mr. Shoe,” Tom said, turning around squinting as the sun poured its hateful rays into his eyes. “Glad to see you’re still alive and well. Where’s the nice young mare you brought home last night?” The gray stallion asked, tilting his head slightly. Mr. Shoe gasped, as he held a hoof to his muzzle. “She didn’t dine and dash, did she?” “What are you talking about?” Tom asked, an eyebrow raised. “We didn’t even go out for dinner.” “Oh, I see,” Shoe said, nodding his head with a small smile. “Well, she seemed nice enough. And you seemed rather fond of her.” “Ugh,” Tom groaned, face-palming. “Did I sperg all over her? Please tell me I didn’t drop my spaghetti everywhere.” “Wait, what?” The stallion asked, blinking repeatedly. “I mean, I didn’t do anything too awkward, did I?” Tom asked, peaking through his fingers. “Oh, I’m sure she didn’t mind,” Shoe replied, a low chuckle escaping his lips. Tom raised an eyebrow at the stallion’s response. “Well, as long as I didn’t scare her away I suppose.” “You did good, colt,” Shoe said, resting a hoof on Tom’s leg as he smiled up at Tom. “I’m sure everything will be fine. Just calm down and she’ll be back for you sooner than you can say ‘snickerdoodle’.” Tom shook his head as he laughed. “You have some weird mannerisms Mr. Shoe, but thanks.” “Anytime my young stallion,” Shoe said with a smile as he retracted his hoof. “Now you best be getting along now. Don’t want to be late for your first day on the job!” Tom waved goodbye to the stallion as he made his way towards the spa. The one thing in Tom’s favor was that the spa was very close to his humble abode. A few minutes and the doors to the spa loomed ominously as he stared at them from across the street. No sense in trying to back out now. Gotta pay rent somehow… Sighing, he closed the distance and opened the doors to his inevitable doom. The chime of a bell announced his presence, Lotus looking up from behind the front desk with a smile. “Welcome, Tom. Ready for your first day?” “As ready as I’m ever going to be,” Tom said with a shrug. “Perfect,” Lotus said, gesturing for Tom to join her behind the counter. “Let’s get started on training then.” “Tom?” An eerily familiar voice asked as the bell chimed. Tom looked up from the price sheets he’d been attempting to memorize with his best award-winning smile. His smile morphed into an uneasy grin as he noticed the light brown earth-pony stallion with a dark brown mane. Well, shit. There goes any chance to keep this job on the down-low. “Oh, hi Davenport. How can I help you today?” “Why, I came to get my daily usual,” Davenport said, trotting up to the counter as he eyed Tom curiously. “Though, I can’t say I expected you of all stallions to be working here.” “Ah, well, you know. The opportunity presented itself and I took it,” Tom said, a bead of sweat running down his brow. Daily!? You mean I have to deal with this stallion on a daily basis!? “What’s your usual, Davenport?” “Oh, the deluxe package with extra cream,” Davenport said, waving his hoof dismissively. Davenport looked pointedly at Tom with a large Cheshire grin on his muzzle. “More importantly, I heard you were out with Starlight Glimmer last night.” Extra cream? What the fuck? Tom looked down at the price sheets, finding nothing mentioning ‘extra cream’. Is that… Wait. He already knows about Starlight? Tom exhaled as he rubbed his temples, trying to keep his smile in place. Of course he knows. He isn’t the town gossip for nothing. “Yeah, Starlight and I went out to Karaoke last night,” Tom replied with a shrug. “Anyways, I’m sure-“ “Oh, you must tell me all about it!” Davenport squealed, hopping on his hooves in excitement. “To think that Ponyville’s very own janefilly would-“ “That’ll be 25 bits for today, sir,” Tom said, cutting him off with a plastered on smile and nodding towards the growing line behind Davenport. “Oh, yes. Of course,” Davenport said with a huff, hoofing over the bits. “We’ll talk later, then.” Tom’s muscles relaxed a tad as Davenport passed, not missing the hungry glare aimed Tom’s way. Thank Celestia I found that in the price sheet. Though, it’s not going to save me for long… I’m going to have to come up with anti-Davenport measures tonight. Shaking his head, Tom greeted the next customer. “Welcome to the Ponyville Spa. How can I help you today?” “About time,” a light-brown stallion with blue eyes said with a huff. “I’d like the ‘date-night special’, hold the side-bar conversation.” Mother- Tom took a deep breath. Don’t get fired on your first day, Tom. Don’t do it. You’ll only make it impossible to get any other job later on… Putting on his best customer service smile, Tom quickly glanced at the price sheet. “Yes, that will be 20 bits, sir.” “So you can actually do your job? Surprising,” The stallion snorted, placing the bits on the counter. “Please have a seat. Someone will be with you shortly,” Tom said politely, pointing in the direction of a small waiting area. Tom sighed, taking the bits as the stallion walked away. Writing up the two order tickets, he placed the originals in the register with the bits while the copies went into the slot in the wall behind him. “Hey there, hot stuff,” A familiar female voice called out as Tom had his back turned. Why is it all in one day? Just why? It can’t just be staggered. Oh noooo. That would be too easy. Can’t have Tom get the easy route now. Letting out a restrained breath, Tom turned around and smiled. “Hello, Cloud Kicker. What can I do for you?” “Oh, I think you know what you can do for me,” Cloud Kicker said, waggling her eyebrows as she leaned on the counter. “Maybe I can get a ‘happy ending’ with my massage? I’m feeling a bit pent up.” “I’m sure you’ll be very happy with the ending of your massage,” Tom said with a carefully carved smile. “Will there be anything else?” “Oh, Tom. You gotta stop playing so hard to get. What’s a mare gotta do to get a piece of that tail?” Cloud Kicker asked, leaning further forward, biting her lip as she angled her vision downward behind the counter. If it were any other mare… Tom sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Fine. I guess I’ll just have to act the part of an Equestrian male then. “Cloud Kicker, how is Gentle Breeze these days?” “Oh, he’s fine,” Cloud Kicker said, waiving her hoof dismissively. “But I’m not here about him.” “Right. Of course. You’re here to get your massage. How silly of me,” Tom said while nodding sagely, crossing his arms. “That’ll be 15 bits.” “Fine, here’s your bits,” Cloud Kicker said, hoofing over the bits. She snorted as she turned away, mumbling under her breath. “Prude.” Tom’s eye twitched at the sight of a line of stallions forming. This is going to be a long day… Tom sighed as he leaned back against the cushioned seat, sipping from his cider. “Wait, did Cloud Kicker really do that in front of the entire line?” Thunderlane asked, eyebrow raised as he set down his drink. “Yeah, I thought it was a bit bold too. I’m not sure if Gentle knows she’s screwing around and doesn’t care at this point or if he’s truly that deaf and blind.” “Wouldn’t surprise me either way,” Thunderlane snorted. “Though, I did hear you and Starlight got along pretty well last night. Care to spill the beans on what went down after you passed ol’ Mr. Shoe?” Tom groaned as Thunderlane leaned in. “And here I though Davenport was bad…” “Oh, c’mon!” Thunderlane said with a hearty laugh, slapping Tom on the back. “What are stallion friends for if not knowing every little detail about each other!?” Tom rolled his eyes and smiled. “Well, you’re not going to give up anyways, are you?” “Nope,” Thunderlane said simply, sipping his cider. “Fine. But only because, ill-advised as it is, I actually trust you.” Tom leaned forward, lowering his voice. “She walked me home when I was plastered off my ass, we had some conversation with Mr. Shoe, but I can’t remember the details, and then she put me in bed and I was out like a log. Then I woke up the next morning. The end.” Thunderlane rose an eyebrow, “That’s all?” “That’s all,” Tom said with a smirk as he sat back in his seat once more. “What? Disappointed?” “Of course I am,” Thunderlane snorted. “I was rooting for you to get some and you go and do some lame thing like falling asleep on your first real date.” “Hey! It was not a date!” Tom snapped, a frown forming on his face. “Sure, whatever you say. Just like how you were not flirting with each other the whole night?” Thunderlane asked, a grin on his muzzle. “I-“ I kinda was, wasn’t I? Tom stopped, shaking his head. No, no, don’t feed Thunderlane’s ego anymore. That’s no good. “Anyways, do you have any real advice on what to do about Davenport and Cloud Kicker?” “Fine, fine, I won’t pry any farther. I’ll be here when you’re ready to seduce her, though. Just let me know and I’ll help you out with the finer aspects of seducing a mare.” Thunderlane snorted, taking a swig of his drink. “Davenport will just be nosey. You’re just gonna have to push through that one. There’s not really any way around that.” “I was afraid of that…” Tom replied with a sigh. “As far as Cloud Kicker… Well, I’d like to say you could go to your bosses but I don’t really know Aloe and Lotus as well as I’d like. And trust me, I’d like…” Thunderlane drifts off, staring out at the distance with a dopey smile on his muzzle. Frowning, Tom snaps his fingers in Thunderlane’s face. “Right,” Thunderlane said, shaking his head and returning his attention to Tom. “Well, I think you handled it pretty well. If it gets too bad, though, we might have to resort to that plan.” “But that one has so many potential downsides,” Tom whined, resting his head in his hands. “I know, but it’s either that or tell the sisters. I’ll let you decide which route to take but for all we know, you might lose the one job you managed to get in your time here.” Thunderlane replied. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to hope that it doesn’t come to that then.” Tom sighed, sipping his drink.