> Steely Heart, Perpetual Spark > by Unknown Ficwriter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- High above the Everfree Forest, the moon was casting its final beams of light as it sank behind the horizon. The twinkling stars soon faded as the sun began its journey through the sky. All of Equestria was soon bathed in the ever warming embrace of the dawn. However, the thick foliage of the Everfree blocked out the sun. If it wasn’t for the chirping of waking birds, no creature in the Everfree would even be aware that morning had arrived. Slowly Chrysalis opened her eyes, waking from her slumber. Her body felt stiff from laying on a limp, carefully she got to her hooves. Opening her wings for balance Chrysalis was about to stretch but stopped at the sound of a faint coo. Still drowsy, she merely turned her ears listening for the sound again. After a few seconds of nothing but chirping birds, Chrysalis went back to stretching. First, she stretched her front legs along the branch as far as she could causing her body to resemble a descending incline. A couple of pops issued from her forelegs as she briefly held that pose. Next, she reversed her position, pulling her body forward with her front hooves. Her back legs gave a few relieving pops as Chrysalis again remained in that stance momentarily. Once again a small coo could be heard as she returned to an upright posture, Getting annoyed, Chrysalis turned her head to the left but immediately froze as a small tap was felt against the right side of her neck. Whatever it was had gotten the drop on her but she wasn’t giving in so easily. Without warning she spun her head around, hissing menacingly at whatever cretin that dared to challenge her. Her fully exposed fangs and flailing serpent-like tongue portrayed a terrifying visage. Yet with the absence of any sort of creature, Chrysalis discontinued her frightful tactic. It was quite the predicament, something had dared touched her neck yet nothing suggested that her immediate proximity had been breached. After another quick survey of the area, Chrysalis went to examine the area of her neck for bites or the like. That’s when she felt it, a small bulge within her mane. Upon closer inspection, she spotted a tiny blue ball nestled within her hair. Chrysalis deadpanned as she recognized the furball as nothing more than a parasprite. Not wanting to waste any more time, she pelted the bug from her mane. It was flung, end-over-end, through the air before regaining its balance to fly away. Using her wings to control her descent, Chrysalis glided to the ground below. As she landed, a trio of timber wolves leaped out from the surrounding shrubs. They stared at her with hallowed green eyes as they licked their wooden jaws with a branch of pine needles that served as their tongues. A sinister smile crept across her face, revealing her fangs once again. Chrysalis stated in a mocking tone, "your funeral." The center wolf dashed forward with its jaws open, ready to gabble Chrysalis up. With a quick hop to the side, the timber wolf harmlessly rushed past her while receiving a karate-chop to the head. The lumbering beast staggered about for a second before falling to the ground. Not allowing the other two wolves a chance to attack, Chrysalis charged at the far left wolf. As if accepting her challenge the wolf charged as well. Chrysalis began to channel magic into her horn as they quickly closed the distance. With only a foot separating the two combatants, Chrysalis leaped into the air. The timber wolf opened its jaws wide, savoring the meal to come. A crazed grin spread across Chrysalis’s lips as she soared through the air. Double checking that her legs, wings, and shell was pulled close to her body as the wolf’s hot breath assaulted her nostrils. Her horn began to emit green sparks as she pointed it directly at the back of the predator’s throat. With a dull thwack, the timber wolf’s jaws slammed shut. Instead of feeling content, a small pain began to agitate the back of its throat. It instinctively started to scratch at the irritation, as if trying to beat Chrysalis into submission. The third wolf whimpered, watching the aforementioned wolf’s eyes fade to black and its rear leg return to the ground. Soon its head fell to the ground with a thud, revealing a warped sort of circular hole burnt completely through its body. Menacingly, Chrysalis turned to glare at the remaining wolf as the eviscerated corpse collapsed between them. A few magical flames continued to dance about her mane before dissipating. With a quick downward glance, she spotted what appeared to be the wolf’s femur bone. With a mere thought, the log rose from the ground and hovered in the air. Her eyes reflected a twisted joy as she moved toward the cowering timber wolf. It attempted to make a hasty retreat but was brought to a halt when the log slammed hard against its back. Chrysalis lifted the log back into the air and brought it down again as the wolf tried to escape. With each consecutive strike, the timber wolf yelped in pain until it laid motionless on the ground. Stopping her assault, she strolled over to check if it was dead. As she walked a small portion of the log wobbled precariously with each step. Holding her weapon at the ready she peered at her fallen foe. The force of her attacks had caused the timber wolf to sink slightly into the ground. A portion of its legs and torso were no longer visible, the branches that ran along its backside was pulverized into varying sized twigs. The wolf’s head laid on the ground a few inches from its body. With a satisfied chuckle, Chrysalis chucked the log and returned her gaze to where she had incapacitated the first wolf. Noticing that it wasn’t there anymore, she quickly got into an attack posture. Her ears slowly rotated as they strained to hear any sort of noise while she methodically surveyed the area. Only after she was convinced it was no longer in the vicinity did she relax. Apparently, that wolf had enough intelligence to flee while it could, Chrysalis thought to herself as she left the battlefield. She simultaneously thanked and cursed the wolves appearance. On one hoof the battle allowed her to banish the stiffness from her muscles. Yet not having fed for weeks, the exhibition of magical prowess had taxed her already meager amount of strength. Although the Everfree provided an excellent hideout, the constant scrimmages were beginning to be problematic. She knew that she had to leave the forest, even without a formulated strategy for her enemies. After what felt like hours of walking, a bright wall of light shone against the thick edge of the forest. As soon as she exited, Chrysalis shielded her eyes from the excessive amount of light. Although a slight sting could be felt as a result of being plunged into darkness for so long. Once her sight cleared up, Chrysalis looked about her new surroundings. The field that she found herself in was a luscious green, with the exception of a dirt pathway. Looking along the path, she made out what appeared to be a small wagon pulled by a single pony. An idea popped into her mind as her body was engulfed in a flash of green magic. Once the magic dissipated, Chrysalis found herself staring at the numerous blades of the moderately grown grass. A brief sniff of the air allowed her to locate the traveling pony. With her new form, Chrysalis could effectively stalk her pray without being detected. Navigating by smell, she hastily made her way to the edge of the road. The ever-growing sounds of rubbing wood and clop falls confirmed that she was closing in on her target. Meanwhile, an earth mare with a blue coat and dark magenta hair was pulling her wagon down the road. A pair of thulian pink stripes ran the length of the upper portion of her mane. Her cutie mark appeared to be a bow with two arrows laying across it. The mare stopped trotting as she caught the sound of rustling grass. She turned her head toward the general direction of the disturbance. Depending on what might emerge would determine her next action. The rustling became more prominent as whatever creature was getting closer. The mare tried to calm herself as she reassured herself that it was nothing to be afraid of. However, the road’s close proximity to the Everfree Forest kept her on edge. Her panic grew as another audible rustling sound was hear, closer this time. The mare nearly leaped out of her harness as a white and brown spotted rabbit leaped out of the tall grass. The animal sniffed the air and hopped around while the startled pony attempted to catch her breath. After a few deep breaths, the pony remarked brusquely to the rabbit, “you nearly gave me a heart attack cutie.” It stopped and stared at the pony as its nose twitched occasionally. The mare gave a soft awww as the rabbit resumed hopping around. Unhooking her harness, the mare sat down as she rested from her trip. “Come here little rabbit, I’m sorry that I scolded you earlier,” the pony spoke softly. The rabbit flicked its ears toward the pony as if listening to what she was saying. “Come on, I won’t hurt you,” she cooed. To the pony’s astonishment, the rabbit began to cautiously hop toward her. Once the rabbit was about an inch away, the pony slowly extended a hoof out. It stopped and sniffed at the hoof before eventually rubbing the side of her head against it. The pony slowly moved her hoof to gently rub its back. For about fifteen minutes they enjoyed each others company. The mare petting the small woodland animal and the rabbit returning the affection with gusto. However, the traveling mare reluctantly got to her hooves and turned to leave. The rabbit bounded toward her, nuzzling her fetlock in protest. Stopping momentarily, the mare turned and stared at the rabbit. “I’m sorry but I have to… t..” she trailed off as an unusual sensation dulled her senses. Her awareness slowly drained from her body, leaving a blank expressionless pony behind. A fleeting sheen of green energy cascaded across her eyes to signify her absolute enthrallment. Surely you can stay a little longer, a seductive voice resonated within her mind. “Yes my queen, I can stay,” the pony droned as an audible whoosh was heard. Several green flames erupted underneath the rabbit’s feet. The mesmerized pony stared with its dead eyes as a form-fitting ring of flames traveled up the rabbit‘s form. If not hypnotized, the pony would have fled in terror from witnessing Chrysalis’ transformation. As the fiery ring traveled skyward, the rabbit’s body constricted into a tiny filament milliseconds before passing through it. After her disguise was vaporized, the aforementioned filament then expanded below to reveal Chrysalis’s intimidating form. The flames fizzled out of existence once her appearance was completely restored. Chrysalis strolled toward the enthralled mare and stroked her cheek with the underside of her hoof. “You've helped rejuvenate my strength so let me show you my appreciation,” Chrysalis spoke in a level-headed voice. She drew her magic into her horn and placed the tip of it against the pony’s head. The entranced pony didn’t react to the contact nor from the visually transparent green tendrils that slithered on Chrysalis’ horn. The wispy tendrils of magic extended outward and encased the pony’s head. Beginning to seep into the cranium via the pores of the scalp. Saturating the entire brain, the organ began to slowly rot away. It gradually shifted through the darker shades of the spectrum as it shriveled up. The pony fell to the ground as its brain was left a black and mushy shadow of its former being. Chrysalis looked down at the dead pony, “a quick death was the least I could do for your aid.” Lifting the now vacated body with telekinesis, she tossed it into the high grass. It made a soft thud against the ground and formed a pony-shaped impression in the grassy field. With an about-face, Chrysalis walked toward the wagon and opened its door. The inside of the wagon was small and cluttered with several trinkets, porcelain kitchenware, refreshments, and knick-knacks. Chrysalis concluding that she might have confiscated a merchant’s wagon. In the back of the wagon was a small bed that ran the wagon’s width. Against both walls sat a shelf on the floor, both on and under the shelves where the previous owner kept their wares. The right shelf was noticeably shorted to make room for a water basin stand and mirror combination next to the door. Nearly concealed by the random items in front of it was a window centered in the left wall. Surprisingly the middle of the wagon, although narrow, was relatively clear of any obstructions. It only took a few minutes to toss out everything she considered junk onto the roadside. With that task done and a quick glance to make sure every non-essential thing was tossed. Chrysalis stepped in front of the mirror and closed her eyes as she tackled the next task. Within her mind, she visualized the body of a mare about eleven hooves tall from the ground to her back. Next, she began to change her carapace to blue coat. Visualizing a magenta mane with two pink thulian stripes down it along with a magenta tail. Finally a bow with a couple of arrows as its cutie mark. Opening her eyes, she examined herself in the small mirror over the water basin. The image that stared back wasn’t Chrysalis but an exact replica of the traveling mare. Yet as she stared at her new appearance, Chrysalis couldn’t help but scrunch her nose in disgust. Looking at her newly acquired color scheme, she had to admit that it looked better from a distance. Closing her eyes again Chrysalis began to modify her appearance. The first thing she did was change her coat from blue to alabaster white. While keeping the two stripes, she did change from thulian pink to dark teal. Next was her cutie mark, Chrysalis thought a mark of such a menial activity was beneath royalty. Instead, she changed it to a bass clef of cerulean and finally, she gave herself a unicorn horn. She thought about her magenta mane and tail but ultimately decided to keep them as they were. Opening her eyes again, she studied her new look in the mirror. Satisfied with the changes Chrysalis walked outside, closing the door behind her. Spotting the pile of junk she’d previously tossed out through the corner of her peripheral she turned to face it. Not wanting to leave any reason for a pony to stop, Chrysalis fired a bolt of magic at it. Upon contact, the pile instantly turned into a mound of ash. She eyed the harness with disdained but reluctantly put it on since she wanted to conserve her magical energy. With no idea of her location, she decided to continue in the direction the merchant was traveling. Normally she would have just ignored the wagon and teleported to a nearby safe house. However, since her defeat and loss of her hive, the safe houses were nonexistent. It wouldn’t have been a big hassle to build and populate a new hive. Yet, it would have proven more of a hindrance than a boon in the long run. The years of training a new army were inconsequential to her, the real concern was the fact that the wretched equines knew how to convert her changelings. While the bolstered numbers would increase her chances of victory, it would also provide just as many potential traitors. As she traveled down the road, she started to entertain potential plots to achieve her revenge. Unfortunately, only a few of her concocted ideas seemed plausible for actual application. A couple of times she unhooked herself from the wagon to rested her hooves and rehydrate. As she emerged out of the wagon from her second break, the sun was already halfway through its descent. Once again, she hooked herself up to the wagon and started to climb a rather big hill. She grinned as the village known as Ponyville could be seen from its peak. She made her way toward the village with a new found vigor. Immediately she thought about several of her dismissed plans to systematically eliminate the element bearers. They all started with Twilight being the first to fall but after that, they varied. One plan marked the blue pegasus as second, then the pink one, followed by the stuck-up one, then the bumpkin, ending with the timid pony. Another plan targeted them by classifications: alicorn, unicorn, pegasus, earth pony. By now Chrysalis was approaching the outskirts of Ponyville. The stretched shadows of trees and buildings accompanied by the red, orange, and violet streaks of color in the sky signaled the end of the day. Unable to decide on a plan to exact her revenge, Chrysalis decided that a good night sleep might be the best course of action. Besides, a rested mind was much more preferable than a tired one. She started listing to the right until she was facing away from Ponyville. Then slowly backing up until the wagon was no longer on the road. Chrysalis undid her harness and was about to retire for the night when an orange earth pony in a Stetson hat approached her. “Howdy there stranger, I don’t recall seeing ya round these parts,” came a deep feminine voice. As Chrysalis turned to face the pony, she mentally cursed her luck for running into one of the bearers so soon. “Hello there, do you know if it would be alright to park my wagon here?” Chrysalis spoke in a kind voice. “I reckon there’s no harm in it but why do ya have a wagon for?" She tried to get a good look at the mysterious pony but the approaching dark made it nearly impossible. "Ya not another travelin show pony are ya?” the pony inquired with the slightest bit of annoyance present in her voice. Meanwhile, Chrysalis was quickly losing her patience and just wanted the annoying pony to leave. “I’m just a nomadic pony and was wondering if I could stay here for a while.” Chrysalis quickly fabricated. "If not, I'll simply be on my way," she quickly added. “I reckon that won't be necessary, ev'rypony is welcome in Ponyville. I’m sure it’ll be fine to hunker down here for a while, so long as ya mind yer manners," the orange pony said with a small chuckle. However, seeing that Chrysalis didn't share her sense of humor, the laughter quickly faded. “Th’ name’s Applejack, what’s yours?” Applejack stated. Not having thought of a name, Chrysalis quickly racked her brain for one. To buy a precious few seconds, she brought a hoof up to her mouth to cover a fake yawn. “Oh, pardon me it's been quite a day of traveling, my name is Sonorous Forte by the way, nice to meet you Applejack,” Chrysalis replied “Likewise, well I best be headin' back home before it gets too late, see ya later Miss Forte.” Applejack called out before trotted down the road. Chrysalis turned, opened the door to her wagon, but didn’t immediately enter. Instead, she staring after the fading form of Applejack into the darkness, the thought of attacking her came to mind. Dismissed as a passing fit of rage since she knew ponies would come searching if she went missing. She needed an accident or a monster attack to dispose of the bearers while remaining under the radar. Chrysalis entered the wagon, locked the door, and made sure the window was locked as well. Drawing the curtains closed, she didn’t want anypony to discover her true identity. Briefly sitting on the bed, she swung her rear legs to rest upon it. Laying her head onto the pillow, she soon drifted to sleep due to the combination of a soft bed and exhaustion. > Masquerading For The Masses > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chrysalis slowly woke from her slumber to the sound of a dull rumble from outside. She opened her eyes to notice the dimly lit interior of the wagon. Although the curtain was a fairly dark color, the bright sun still managed to pierce through them. Not having a proper bed for so long, she just wanted to lay there a little while longer. Her jaw rested against her right forearm, while the hoof of her left arm hung off the bed. Her rear legs laid atop each other and were outstretched toward the bottom right corner of the bed. With a slight groan, she wrestled herself out of bed. Yawning, Chrysalis levitated a bottle of water and brought it to hover in front of her. Removing the cap, she took several gulps to quench her dry throat. Carrying the rest to the small mirror, she poured it into the basin. Using her magic, she gathered the water into a circular shape. While maintaining that shape, she began to meticulously alter its texture to a more cloth-like composition. It wasn’t the most efficient way to wash one's face but it was better than nothing. Chrysalis began to clean the dirt that had built up while being in the Everfree from her face. Once done, she levitated the soiled water back into the basin. With the removal of her magic, the water instantly reverted to its original fluid state. Next, she directed her magic to the roots of her mane and combed outward. As the magic traveled the length of her mane any tangles were straightened out. While any split ends were reinvigorated by the sweeping magic. Once finished, Chrysalis’ mane looking very sleek and voluminous. She then repeated the procedure with her tail. Once that was completed she donned her crafted disguise. In a blink of an eye, Chrysalis vanished and in her place stood Sonorous Forte. Unlocking the door, Sonorous stepped out and immediately squinted. The afternoon sun was bright, although not as bright as when she emerged from the Everfree Forest. Once her eyes had adjusted, Sonorous closed the door and trotted into town. Despite being a stranger, the residents greeted her like a fond friend. Walking in no particular direction, Sonorous merely waved back as they greeted her. Soon finding herself staring down a long street lined with shops and food stands. With no other ideas on where to begin gathering information, she continued down what appeared to be the town's marketplace. Meanwhile a few buildings away, a pure white unicorn was making her way out of a store called Taffeta’s Fabric. This unicorn had slightly longer than your average eyelashes and irises of moderately bright azure. Her hair was a royal purple with a tiny splash of sapphire blue mixed into it. The upper half of her mane seemed to imitate the tip of a well-formed wave, curving up in a wide arch yet plummeting just over her ear. Like the spray that rose off the plunge pool of a waterfall, her mane drifted upward to curl in upon itself. The lower half of her mane seemed to adopt the more gentle nature of a babbling brook. It elegantly flowed into an outward descending curve until reaching the base of her neck. Reversing its flow, floated up into an introverted ringlet. Her tail, not as fancy as her mane, was styled into a triple downward corkscrew. On her flank were three light cerulean shaped diamonds in a bipedal trackway pattern. The unicorn turned to walk but froze when she spotted Sonorous. Captivated at how her alabaster coat and magenta hair seem to exquisitely compliment each other. The unicorn was brought back to reality when the store owner kindly asked her to clear the doorway. With a quick apology to Mrs. Taffeta, the unicorn rushed off, slightly embarrassed for zoning out. Sonorous, who had just turned the corner of the street, hoped that the purpled haired unicorn hadn‘t spotted her. The voice of a prim and proper mare soon shattered what hope Sonorous had. “I’m glad I caught up to you darling, might I say that your mane is even prettier up close.” “My name is Rarity and who might you be?” she inquired while quickly falling into step with Sonorous. “My name is Sonorous Forte, how might I assist you Miss Rarity,” Sonorous replied as she continued on her way. The two ponies walked side by side, Sonorous' expression remained calm and collected, even as she visualized Rarity being thrown off a cliff. The thought of teleporting away was tempting yet the desire to remain inconspicuous compelled Sonorous to endure Rarity’s rambling. Catching bits of what the pearled unicorn was ranting about, Sonorous occupied her mind with memorizing the layout of the alleyway. “Pardon me but you seem distracted,” Rarity tactfully commented. Realizing that she was being addressed, Sonorous swiftly answered. “I was hoping to find a music hall or something similar. It has been quite a while since I’ve performed alongside another musician,” Sonorous fabricated. She grinned as Rarity had accepted her mendacious statement. Taking the lead, Rarity hung a left with Sonorous following her. As they strolled down the road, she confidently inquired if Sonorous played or sung. With a touch of pride in her voice, Sonorous stated that she played the violin. A high pitch squeal which caused Sonorous to shield her ears, perverted the usually quiet atmosphere. Catching herself behaving in an uncouth manner, Rarity quickly toned it down. Embarrassment was prominently displayed on her face which grew exponentially due to the staring bystanders. However, a nervous chuckle and a stern ahrrrm were all it took for Rarity to regained her practiced poise. “Pardon me but I simply adore the violin,” Rarity declared. “Uhh… I can tell,” Sonorous awkwardly answered yet smirked inwardly having found a potential exploit against her. They walked in silence for a while due to Rarity being self-conscious. She silently chastised herself for acting like a filly at a concert. It was true that Rarity collected records of highly sophisticated violin compositions. Yet, the continual replaying of them started to feel more like a tedious chore then relaxation. To drive the musical stagnation ever further was the lack of classical violinist that Rarity could add to her repertoire of records. The unicorn was snapped from her thoughts when Sonorous asked if this was their destination. As Rarity looked at the building that stood before them, she realized they had indeed arrived. “This is Ponyville’s Musical Hall,” Rarity awkwardly stated. Sonorous thanked her before climbing the stairs. Rarity, unable to contain herself, called out. “Excuse me, Miss Forte,” she started but found herself getting cold hooves as Sonorous stopped to look at her. “Yes?” Sonorous replied as she wondered what could have caused her to look paler, if that was possible, then she already was. Rarity swallowed hard before continuing. “This will probably sound absurd but I would greatly appreciate it if you would perform a piece for me.” Sonorous just stood there silently, eyebrow raised at the unusual request. “Of course I’m willing to pay, I just want a divergence from the drought of original violin compositions,” Rarity finished with a slight plea in her voice. The small pause felt painstakingly longer to the fashionista as Sonorous mulled the proposal over. “Once I’ve settled in, I’ll consider it Miss Rarity,” Sonorous stated in a banal tone. Once again, she fought her natural urge to just leave, for the sake of remaining incognito. “Ok, I hope you have a nice day Miss Forte,” Rarity spoke with forced cheerfulness. As Sonorous entered the building, a discouraged Rarity walked unenthusiastically back down the way they came. Sonorous quickly closed the door behind her before sitting in the nearest seat. I’ll never get anything accomplished at this rate, she thought. Why must fate keep tossing the bearers into my path like an overly contrived plot. I’d appreciate a little more ingenuity in stringing events together and a little less suckling the teat of convenience. she silently monologued while enjoying the isolation in the top row of the auditorium. After about ten minutes of waiting, Sonorous got up and cracked the door open to look out. Noticing that Rarity, along with any other ponies she’d rather avoid, was nowhere to be seen. Sonorous started to slip out but the sound of hoof steps echoing from the stage below gave her pause. Curious, she stood with the door partially opened while studying the unfolding scene below. Sonorous was able to make out two ponies casually walking to the center of the stage. There was a gray pony carrying a big brown case on her back. While next to that pony was a light greenish colored unicorn, surmised by the similar colored magic field above her head. Sonorous was teetering on staying or leaving until she heard the sound of plucked strings. Deciding to deprive fate of the chance to toss another element bearer in her face, Sonorous closed the door and reclaimed her seat. While it appeared that the gray pony was still setting up, the unicorn already had her instrument out and was assumingly tuning it. A few plucks could be heard than silence followed by more random plucks. Sonorous’ eyes drifted back to the gray pony who was now standing on their hind legs. A brown hour glass looking object stood next to her as if being cradled. Similar to the unicorn, the second pony began to tune her instrument. However, it appeared that her instrument needed what appeared to be an oversized bow, to utilize its melody. To further differentiate itself, its tune was influential, unlike the plucky melody of its companion. Several minutes passed as they tuned their instrument to pitch perfection. Her mind drifted to the sound of their offbeat attunement until a sound from somewhere to her right immediately refocused her attention. With a reaction smoother than silk, Sonorous leaped to the aisle, poised to attack. Her knees were slightly bent, granting her more stability. Her magic raring to usher the unfortunate creature to its maker’s embrace. Sonorous curled her lips into a snarl, her acute vision allowing her to glare at the intruder without being hindered by darkness. Several seats away, an unknown pony could be seen waving their forehooves in front of their face Their mouth was agape in fear, an odd assortment of gasps and gargled sounds could be heard. Suddenly realizing that the pony wasn't trying to sneak around, Sonorous adopted a more docile stance while extinguishing her magic. Yet the damage had been done as the frightened unicorn rushed toward the stage below. With a loud thud, the theater lights blared to life accompanied by several galloping hooves. When Sonorous' vision had adjusted to the sudden light, she found herself nose to nose with the gray pony she had previously been watching. “What’s your bloody problem, you sneak in here and threaten my friend!” the gray mare screeched at Sonorous. The brazen earth pony caught Sonorous completely off guard. All she could muster was a blank stare at her assailant. The mare cocked an eyebrow at the lack of any reaction until she realized they were still touching noses. A slight blush began to color the mare’s cheeks before Sonorous’ vision irrefutable shot to the left. A searing pain grew in her right jaw moments before her involuntary head jerk. Yet like a yo-yo, she whipped her head back to its previous position. The other ponies stood silently around the gray mare, observing the confrontation. The pony that Sonorous had threatened to vaporize was among them but still looked quite unnerved. The newly formed group stared at Sonorous as if ready to rumble. The sheer absurdity of the situation caused Sonorous to smirk. Here stood in front of them one of the most feared adversaries of Equestria. Both beast and equine fled at the mention of her name while the foolish found themselves traversing the ethereal pathway. She was second only to serendipity and a twisted sense of luck. Yet here stood a group of three mares ready to defend their friend, forcefully if need be. The group stood there watching the spectacle with mixed attitudes from annoyed to clueless. The gray pony asked in a deadpanned voice what was so funny. “I’m not laughing, it is just touching that you’d stand up for your friend,” Sonorous answered. Dumbfounded, the mare asked what she'd meant by her previous statement. “Its just refreshing to see ponies willing to resort to violence for the sake of a friend instead of their own selfish needs. My name is Sonorous Forte and I'd appreciate it if you'd pardon my brusque behavior, it was merely a reaction,” Sonorous replied. “What in the molten bowels of Tartarus would warrant such a reaction?” asked a pony with a slight nasally voice. This pony had a light beige coat, sea foam green eyes, and pink/midnight blue striped hair. Sonorous replied in a calm voice, “unfortunately, not every place is as hospitable as others. I learned quickly that I had to be ruthless to protect those I held dear.” Silence rapidly spread throughout the theater as the dark undertones of Sonorous’ explanation oozed into comprehension. A look of disbelief painted their faces as they glanced at each other as if seeking reassurance in case a brawl came about. Throughout her unnaturally long life, her innate hyper-alertness, as well as her fight response, had always caused complications. Overall they proved invaluable in her survival amongst both her enemies and inhospitable environments. However, they were a burden that caused her to constantly break an imitated character during infiltrations. That and her unwavering bluntness were usually enough to throw up flags of incongruity. Sonorous was beginning to wonder if she’d have to resort to mind controlling these four. Although it wasn’t a technique she held in high regard since it reduced the affected to a single-minded minion. The sound of approaching hooves shattered Sonorous’ thoughts as the light green colored unicorn took a couple of steps forward. “It’s unfortunate that you’ve encountered such awful inhabitants but it doesn‘t excuse what you‘ve done here,” she said in a stern tone. Sonorous immediately recognized this pony as one of her former flower mares from the Canterlot Wedding. Her sunglow colored eyes, light cyan hair with a single white streak, and now distinguishable light aquamarine coat confirmed it. Internally, Sonorous wanted to bash the pony’s face in for its condescending tone. She could excuse the gray mare’s actions since it was a justifiable course of defending her friend. Sonorous turned to stare at the unicorn with dead eyes. Slightly unnerved, she took a couple of steps back. “You speak of things that you don‘t understand, I‘ve apologized for scaring your friend. However, I’m not sorry for the way I reacted. Perhaps you wouldn’t be so quick to condemn me after having lost everypony dear to you.” Sonorous coldly finished before turning on her hoof to leave. The door behind her closed with a heavy thud. Annoyed, she stood at the top of the stairs, wanting nothing more than to get out of town. In the midst of teleporting, she paused as the door behind her opened. Turning her head, she saw that it was the mute unicorn from earlier. This unicorn had an eggshell white coat and wore magenta tinted glasses. Her hair was deep cobalt with mildly dark cyan strips through it. Within her magic were a small rectangular notepad and pen. In a disinterested voice, Sonorous stated that she was the last pony she expected to chase after her. The unicorn began to scribble her name and a short message. When she was finished, she turned the pad around for Sonorous to read, her elegant writing style instantly stood out. Sonorous returned her gaze to the unicorn and replied. “So Vinyl, you think I shouldn’t be too hard on them. Your right of course but you just can’t flip off an instinct that’s practically embedded into you.” Vinyl began to jot down another message on her notepad. Sonorous stood patiently until Vinyl was done despite wanting to leave. She felt obligated to allow her to state her piece, considering the unwarranted confrontation a few moments ago. Once again Sonorous read what Vinyl jotted down. “If you must know, the rulers of our homeland decided we were traitorous and demanded our extermination. Several family members were slain as we made our escape, soon afterward we became nomads. On that day, I swore to protect my family from any harm that might befall them,” Sonorous finished in a sorrowful tone. Her gaze drifting skyward as if conveying her affection to the changeling spirits that perished in her service. A plop and a light tick sound caused her to return her gaze to Vinyl. Her things laid on the ground, glasses floating in the air, as she wiped the tears from her eyes. “There’s no need to cry, it won’t change the past,” Sonorous retorted. Without warning a high pitched voice caused both unicorns to focus at the bottom of the stairs. There stood a bubblegum pink pony, with hair of bright pink. Contrary to the popular sleek and smooth hairstyle, this pony’s hair was a chaotic mess of curls. Although her cutie mark couldn’t be seen from her current position. Sonorous knew that this pony bore three identical balloons, the first and third shared the same color scheme of blue and yellow. While the center was slightly elevated and had a yellow balloon and a blue string. The pink pony zipped up the stairs after spotting a distressed Vinyl before asking what was wrong. Vinyl quickly wiped her persistent tears before placing her glasses back upon her nose. Her notepad and pen leaped back into the air as she wrote a reply. Shifting her attention to Sonorous, the pink pony enthusiastically held out a hoof while welcoming her to Ponyville. “I haven’t seen you before, my name is Pinkie Pie. It’s nice to meet you unless you’re the reason why Vinyl is crying in which case it’s not nice to meet you. So tell me why is Vinyl crying,” Pinkie’s finished her rant with concern brimming in her dark blue eyes. Sonorous’ cold persona promptly returned due to Pinkie’s intrusion into their private conversation. “I did make her cry but it was unintentional,” Sonorous dryly replied. Upon hearing this, Pinkie immediately bombarded Sonorous with questions. Quick to make a hasty retreat, Sonorous informed Pinkie that she was feeling tired. Sonorous turned to Vinyl and bade her farewell before vanishing with a brief flash of light. Pinkie turned to Vinyl with an expression of confusion. Vinyl quickly flipped the page and wrote an additional note. Once she was done, Vinyl levitated the pad to Pinkie so she could read what was written. The first page explained that Sonorous was telling her a very sad story from her homeland. Flipped the page when Pinkie had finished reading. The second page explained that Sonorous preferred a one on one interaction rather than a gathering. “So she’s a little shy around ponies then?” Vinyl shook her head but Pinkie had already launched into a guessing game. “Is it because she only associates with musicians? Or.. Or maybe she’s a spy sent here to observe us,” Pinkie blurted as her mind drifted through theories. Only when Vinyl lightly tapped her shoulder did Pinkie snap back to reality. Staring at Vinyl’s deadpanned expression, Pinkie felt her cheeks heat up slightly. The pink pony had just realized that while she was speculating a reason, Vinyl had written another note and was hovering in front of her. The message informed Pinkie that Sonorous was a nomadic pony that only interacted when she wanted/needed to. “Doesn’t she realize that its lonely being alone? Perhaps I can show her how fun friendship can be,” Pinkie exclaimed as her eyes lit up like fireworks. A slow head shake from Vinyl doused the idea quickly, “or perhaps I should wait until she talks to me,” Pinkie solemnly added. Vinyl effortlessly switched to a head nod as she flashed a smile at Pinkie. Pinkie returned Vinyl‘s smile before speaking again, “At least you aren’t hurt, that’s the important thing.” Pinkie’s smile grew wider as Vinyl wrote a single sentence, conveying her gratitude for her concern and reassurance that she‘d be fine. “Okie dokie lokie,” Pinkie Pie replied before turning to leave, bouncing merrily away. Unbeknown to Pinkie Pie, Vinyl’s demeanor faded as Sonorous’ story reemerged in her mind. Meanwhile, inside her wagon, a fleeting burst of light preceded Sonorous’ arrival. Although there was a couple of hours of daylight remaining. Sonorous decided that she’d mingled enough for one day. Having bumped into the snobby and eccentric bearers, she decided that a romp through the night might prove more fruitful. The thought of an entire afternoon wasted because of frivolous encounters made her angry. Not willing to whittle the remaining hours of the day twiddling her hooves, Sonorous locked the door before getting into bed. Dropping her disguise, Chrysalis laid on her stomach, legs stretched out, while she fluffed the pillow with her forehooves before resting her head upon it. Usually, when she slept, she could hear the chattering of her drones via the hive mind. Unfortunately, her mind had been depressingly void of anything but her own thoughts. The loss of her hive was more than a mere coup, the pain went much deeper than that. Much like a parent who had to bury their child, Chrysalis’ soul had suffered a mortal wound. The fact that she was a changeling only elevated the pain to a demonic level. The hive mind was a wondrous connection that allowed any changeling to mentally communicate to any other changeling within their collective. To accomplish this feat, the mind of every changeling that was born or turned was incorporated into the neural network. Essentially making every changeling into a single being yet able to think, act, and resolve any complex situation independently. Yet the severing of such a connection wasn’t just the loss of a conscious mind, it equated to the severing of a limp. Having lost every connection, Chrysalis felt like a singular speck of awareness. Condemned to aimlessly wander through a dark infested field of razor wire. However, a muffled sound sliced through the empty abyss, slowly bringing her roaming spirit back to her body. Awake, she got out of bed and looked through her window. The moon’s light was a welcomed change to her sleepless slumber, even if the moon was waning. The strange sound was heard again but it now sounded like singing. It was more audible once she teleporting outside, it glided gracefully through the still air. Following the sound, Sonorous soon found an unusual sight. Bathing in the moonlight sat a group of assorted nocturnal creatures. She spotted a badger, a pair of bears, foxes, bats, and several fireflies all converging into a semi-circle. At the center, sat a pegasus with pink hair and a yellow coat. Chrysalis wasn’t sure of the pony’s identity nor did she really care. All that mattered at the moment was listening to the song. It was a softly toned almost like a lullaby yet it didn’t invoke a sense of drowsiness. On the contrary, She felt herself being revitalized with each angelic note. As she stood there and listened to the pony’s song, an aroma wafted into Chrysalis’ nostrils. Her eyes grew exponentially while her mouth watered at the succulent scent. If not for her strong will, she would have bolted out of the shadows and devoured every last morsel of love that permeated the air. She was struck with an epiphany as she fought against her overanxious legs, heavy breathing, and famished stomach. Not wanting to tease herself anymore, she teleported into the Everfree Forest. Neither the yellow pony nor the animals seem to have heard the soft poof sound. Inside the Everfree Forest, Chrysalis conjured a small magical blade and began to cut away the bark of several trees. After several minutes of searching, she finally found a cherry wood tree. Without wasting any time, Chrysalis used her magic to slice three fairly long and bulky limbs. After removing all the smaller branches from it, Chrysalis teleported herself and the small logs back to her wagon. Once inside, she began to saturate them with her magic. The first step was easy, now came the hard part as she poured more magic into the spell. The dim green light that coated the interior now escalated in intensity. At first, it looked as if nothing was happening but slowly the logs began to withdraw into themselves. After a few minutes of strained concentration, a large ball of wood was floating inches off the floor. Using her magic in the same way a sculptor used his tools, Chrysalis began to mold it into what she desired. The main body began to reshape itself into a two-dimensional hourglass. While a long slender neck-like appendage jetted out from the top of its body. Once that was finished, the main body readjusted its width until it was two and a half inches. At the point where the neck and body intersected, wood crept outward to form a brace. After stopping three inches up, it stretched out to matched the neck’s two-inch width. The lower part of the brace inched to the back of the body, resulting in a gentle curve. Beads of sweat were forming on Chrysalis’ brow from pouring so much magic into her creation. As tiring as it was, she couldn’t stop, not when she was so close to completion. Within her magical grasp, she could feel the body hollowing itself out. That wood was redistributed to reinforce the outer walls. After a few minor additions, she proceeded to create a bow. Sonorous halted the flow of magic as soon as she was finished. With a strained smile, she stared at the violin that now floated where nothing but a lump of wood was previously. After an hour of rest, Chrysalis began to craft some violin strings. This was significantly easier compared to her previous task, within a matter of minutes she was finished. After stringing the instrument up, she cut some of her tail hair and strung up her bow. With everything completed, she laid the violin and bow on the shelf. Reaching her bed, she collapsed on her side as sleep eagerly consumed her weary consciousness. > Savior, Thy Name is Music > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The muffled chirping of birds could be heard from inside her wagon as Chrysalis pulled the pillow over her head. The strain of creating her violin had taken its toll on her. While her body was rested, her magical reserve was dangerously close to depletion. To make matters worse, a changeling didn’t rejuvenate their magic like other magical beings. A depleted reservoir was the equivalent of a starving creature. When a changeling completely exhausted their magic, their higher cognitive functions were completely eclipsed by the desire to feed. A changeling’s body could process actual food, excellent for blending with the crowd, but only the consumption of positive affection could fully sate their hunger. With a low grunt, she sluggishly flipped the pillow off her and got out of bed. To an onlooker, her body showed every sign of receiving a healthy amount of sleep. However, her mental awareness was slightly impaired. Conserving what magic she had left, Chrysalis performed her morning routine manually except brushing her hair since she couldn’t find a brush. Opting to run a hoof through it several times, she donned her disguise. Disgusted by how disheveled her hair looked, she tore her gaze from the mirror to fetch her violin. Feeling diminished, she manually placed her violin and bow upon her back. Careful not to drop it, she exited the wagon. Closing the door, she made her way to Rarity’s Boutique. Unfortunately, she soon found her condition to be worse than previously assessed. Nearly stumbling several times, her vision was beginning to fluctuate. Barely reaching the fountain in the town square, Sonorous felt her hind legs give out. A few passing ponies stopped to investigate the dull sound that originated from beside the fountain. Sonorous was now struggling to breathe, a symptom of her rampant condition. Ignoring the sting in her ankles, she sat perfectly still. Propped up by her front legs, the growing numbness within caused them to shake. “Are you alright miss,” one of the by passers called out. Sonorous remained still except her horn, which began to glow a light green. The concerned pony, along with a few others that had stopped, took a few steps back upon witnessing the influx of magic. Attempting to steady her breathing, a faint scent reached her nostrils. Quickly identifying it as concern for her wellbeing, which now hung heavily in the air. Her stomach shamelessly publicized its yearning for nourishment with a deep grumble. However, she refused to allow such primal desires to dictate her actions. With great effort, she turned to lean her back against the fountain’s foundation. Levitating the violin and bow that had fallen a couple of feet away, she placed them in her awaiting hooves. Firmly grasping the bow in her right hoof, the neck of the violin in her left. Once she had a grip, her magic quickly dispersed. Positioning the chin rest under the left side of her jaw, she drew the bow across its strings. Although a was a simple scale, it effectively silenced any murmurs among the small gathering. No longer able to see anything other than a sea of distorted colors and shapes, Sonorous closed her eyes. Now playing in earnest, she slid the bow across the strings. The resulting notes were so sad and melancholy that an onion would have cried. After performing a few bars, the melody began to conjure several images of her past. The first being the hatching of her first clutch of eggs. The start of her hive in the badlands, the small larvae wiggled and squirmed to break through their shells. She stood proudly watching them as any parent would with their offspring. That memory faded only to be replaced with another, Sonorous recognized this one as being a few days afterward. Entered the hatchery where her larvae were playing, transforming, and a few were even fluttering about. Upon seeing their mother, they stopped what they were doing and rushed toward her. Like fledglings birds greeting their parents, they squeaked with glee. With love brimming in her eyes, she smiled broadly at them. Gathering the love she’d collected from her recent hunt into her horn, she evenly distributed it to every larva. By now she felt tears welling up in her eyes but she refused to stop until she was done playing. The next serving of pain arrived in the form of moments after being expelled from Canterlot. She found herself sprawled on the ground surrounded by her scattered brood. Getting up, she surveyed and divvied up a portion of the love she had acquired from Shining Armor to each of her changelings. Soon they were back on their hooves, thanks to the assistance of their benevolent queen. The next memory was when she leaped off the ledge in the Badlands. Although she had acted hateful and steely, her heart had shattered from the betrayal of her brood. An uncontrollable fountain of tears was left in the wake of her hasty retreat. Unwilling to continue, due to her bow-hoof starting to shake, Sonorous drew out the final notes before stopping. She kept her eyes closed, stubbornly holding back her tears. Sonorous slowly lowered her violin and bow to the ground, she remained still as her head drooped low. So overcome with emotion, her other sense barely registered as a result. An eerie silence hung over the town square until a single stomping sound broke the silence. The lone sound quickly grew into a thunderous cacophony. Bitter happiness began to swirl within Sonorous’ mind. Although she wouldn’t be able to avenge her fallen changelings. Gods willing, at least she’d be able to see them again and finally rid herself the pain that plagued her heart. This odd sensation stoked a flame she believed dead along with her reign. Abandoning her instrument on the ground, she rose from her slouched position, standing erect, with her head high. Equestria might claim my body this day but it’ll never break the spirit of QUEEN CHRYSALIS! She stomped a hoof while loudly reciting her epitaph within her mind. Her eyes shot open, allowing her tears to flow down her face unobstructed. She was ready to face her attackers, to spit in their faces. However, the scene she beheld was so jarring, it left her stupefied. What had begun as a few ponies staring at her, had grown into a multi-layered encirclement. Slowly gathering her wits again, two incongruities immediately caught her attention: the first was the cheering crowd of ponies. They were all smiling, while tears of varying intensities streamed down their faces. The second incongruity was the fact that she hadn’t reverted to her original form. Retreating inward to figure everything out, she was oblivious to the outside world. The group of ponies began to disperse after announcing their praise and compliments. Meanwhile, Sonorous had deduced that she had absorbed love, or at least enough affection, that had preserved her consciousness. Not having extracted any energy from them nor convinced that sadness was suddenly a filling substitute. She was left with a strange conundrum. Sonorous was snapped from her deep thoughts as a voice called to her. “That was absolutely sublime darling,” Rarity commented as she approached the statuesque unicorn. By now the bulk of the crowd had already left. Sonorous turned her head to gaze at Rarity. “I’m pleased that you liked it, although I wish it could have been a more cheery song,” Sonorous replied. Rarity whipped her eyes with the back of her hoof before scoffing at her comment. “It doesn’t matter if the song is happy or sad. In the end what matters is the life you bestow it. From what I caught, it sounded quite personal,” Rarity finished. “That song was dedicated to the loved ones that I’ve lost,” Sonorous grimly replied as she recovered her instrument with her magic. No longer emotionally compromised, her other senses were slowly returning. She positioned her violin and bow to float beside her. Rarity gasped and before Sonorous could react, she was confined in her embrace. Sonorous stood awkwardly as Rarity squeezed her neck in an attempt to comfort her. “I‘m so sorry for your loss dear, I just wish there was something I could do." You could die, Sonorous venomously thought as she pried Rarity from her neck. “To be completely honest, I was actually on my way to your boutique. I have decided to take you up on your offer from yesterday. However, I was overwhelmed by emotion and the song just burst forth as I played,” Sonorous conveyed her reason for the impromptu performance. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of, I’ve also had moments where I felt compelled to exercise my craft,” Rarity replied matter-of-factly. “Unfortunately, I was on my way to the spa when I heard your performance. If you want to come along I wouldn’t mind and you’d get to meet Fluttershy as well.” Sonorous genially thought about the offer, having her hair cleaned and primed was tempting. Especially in light of the morning’s rush, besides she could spend the time pondering about what exactly happened while she was playing. “Sure but I don’t have any bits with me,” Sonorous replied. The white unicorn gave a subdued chuckle before responding, “There’s no need to worry about money, it’ll be my treat.” Looking at Rarity, Sonorous tried to ascertain the real reason for Rarity’s insistence. However, after studying her expression and analyzing her tone, she concluded there wasn't any hidden agenda. “Alright then, lead the way,” Sonorous said before falling in line behind Rarity. A few minutes later, they entered The Ponyville Spa where Rarity was greeted by Fluttershy. After seeing the yellow coated, pink-haired pegasus. Sonorous realized that it was Fluttershy who was serenading the animals the previous night. A small eep issued from the pegasus, who was now hiding behind Rarity. Fluttershy had just noticed that Sonorous was observing them intently. “Where are my manners, Fluttershy, this is Sonorous Forte, Sonorous this is Fluttershy,” Rarity politely stated. A weak hi and hoof wave was all the subdued Fluttershy would convey. Ignoring her timid demeanor, Sonorous returned the greeting and asked if she was the pony she witnessed serenading a group of animals the previous night. With a couple of steps backward, she turned her head so that her face was hidden behind her flowing mane. “I’m sorry if I disturbed you, I wasn’t aware that anypony was around,” she squeaked. “Not a problem, in fact, it was quite inspiring,” Sonorous replied. A barely audible, thank you, penetrated her thick locks. “Her singing voice is quite pleasing to hear, now if only we could draw her out of her reclusive shell. I’m convinced she could take the musical world by storm,” Rarity proudly stated. Before either of them could reply, a voice issued from an open door. “Ah Rarity, I’m so glad you finally arrived, do you and Fluttershy want the usual?” asked a light cerulean pony. Rarity confirmed the pony‘s assumption with a slight head nod. She then turned her azure eyes toward Sonorous. “Hello my name is Lotus and welcome to The Ponyville Spa, have you decided on a treatment?” she asked while pointing a hoof to the list of services above her head. “She’ll be joining us today Lotus,” Rarity interjected. Lotus lowered her hoof and gave the three of them a comforting smile. “As you wish Miss Rarity but I‘ll have to ask your friend to allow me to store her violin at the desk until her visit is complete.” Sonorous reluctantly levitated her instrument to Lotus, “I’ll just put it right under the counter. Now if you’ll please follow me,” Lotus finished while turning to guide them down the hall. Her pale pink hair gently bounced with each step she took, Lotus turned into the third room on her left. Standing on the other side of the doorway, she gestured to some empty seats. Sonorous raised an eyebrow in puzzlement at the chair’s small backrest. What really caused her confusion was the small square shaped hole that appeared to have been cut from the seat. Observing Rarity and Fluttershy, Sonorous soon discovered that was where you stuck your tail through. Quickly following their example, she stuck her tail through and sat down beside Fluttershy. Lotus was busy gathering shampoo and conditioner bottles, which she placed beside the large sinks behind Fluttershy and Rarity. Next, she strolled over next to Sonorous. “What are you doing,” Sonorous asked as Lotus reached for her hair. “Don’t worry ma’am, I’m just checking to see what type of hair you have so I can choose the appropriate shampoo and conditioner for you. Do you dye your hair?” Lotus inquired. Sonorous replied with a no, “I only ask because that’s an unusual hair color. I’ve only seen one other pony with it,” Lotus mentioned as she walked back to the cabinet. “Are you the only pony here today,” Rarity asked curiously. Not turning around, Lotus stated that her sister was assisting another employee with a couple of ponies. "Last time I checked they should be finishing up soon,” Lotus stated having placed the bottles she was carrying down behind Sonorous. Slowly her chair began to recline back until Lotus was satisfied with it’s adjusted angle. Gently pulling Sonorous’ mane so it would hang into the sink, Lotus turned the water on. Adjusting the faucets until the water was a fairly warm temperature, she removed the shower head. Careful not to get water in Sonorous’ eyes, she began to spray down her mane. After thoroughly drenching her hair, Lotus turned the sink off and replaced the shower head into its holder. About this time a kind feminine voice sounded within the room. Sonorous was unable to see from her current position but from the conversation, she surmised it was Lotus’ sister. From the corner of her eye, she spotted both Rarity and Fluttershy’s chair begin to recline as well. Returning her gaze to the ceiling, the sudden message of her scalp made her sigh with pleasure. I could get used to this, Sonorous thought as Lotus shampooed, rinsed, and lathered conditioner into her mane. After a few moments of having her scalp messaged, Lotus began to rinse the conditioner out. “Please hold still while the chair is elevated,” Lotus said to Sonorous. After being lifted a few feet off the ground, Lotus halted the chair’s motion. She applying the same process to her tail that her mane had received. Once completed, Lotus dried her tail with a large towel before lowering the chair to its original height. Drying Sonorous’ mane was easier due to dripping dry while her tail was being washed. Once the chair was sitting upright and Lotus had finished brushing her mane, Sonorous got out of the chair. She noticed the two additional employees as both Rarity and Fluttershy were having their mane brushed. The attendant next to Fluttershy was a white mare unicorn with sandy colored hair. The pony next to Rarity was undoubtedly Lotus’ sister. This pony had a pale pink coat, azure-colored eyes, and light cerulean hair. To Sonorous’ astonishment, both sisters had a lotus flower as a cutie mark. After a few more minutes both Rarity and Fluttershy were finished and standing next to her. “If you’ll follow me I’ll lead you to your next treatment,” Lotus said as she walked to the door. The group of three followed her up the hall to the second room on the right. This room contained several chairs but unlike the last, there weren’t any sinks to be seen. Another difference was these chairs had a taller backrest and resembled the pathway of a wide arching snake. The three ponies took their seats, their backs sank into the chair’s gentle curve. Their rear hooves stuck into the air, due to the chair’s convex shape. The masseuses gathered supplies from the cabinet and placed them on rolling trays. Lotus soon returned to Sonorous’ side, the other masseuses did likewise to their chosen clients. “Close your eyes please,” Lotus politely requested. Cautiously, Sonorous did as requested. She felt a warm washcloth against her face followed by a dry one. Afterward, she heard a soft squishing noise, like mud being trampled under hoof. Sneaking a peek, Sonorous spotted Lotus dapping a medium sized brush into a green colored substance on the tray. She quickly closed her eyes again before Lotus noticed. She didn’t have to wonder for long about the green substance, as a cool like paste was being spread across her face. Sonorous immediately felt her face begin to tighten under the applied goop. “What is this suppose to do?” Sonorous inquired. Lotus informed her that it was a beauty mask that would rid her facial pores of dirt and grease. Reassured, Sonorous relaxed and remained so until Lotus had finished applying the mask. Assuming that it was Sonorous’ first spa visit, she informed her that she was placing cucumbers over her eyes and decided to walk her through each portion since she currently couldn’t see for herself. “I’m going to file down any rough areas on your hooves now,” Lotus informed Sonorous. A light clanking noise was heard from the tray which led to Lotus gently lifting Sonorous' right forearm with her own. Sonorous twitched slightly when she first started to file her hoof. However, she soon relaxed as the file sent a gentle pulse through her leg with each rhythmic stroke. After their treatment was over and Rarity paid the bill, Sonorous retrieved her violin on her way out the door. As they departed, Sonorous discovered that she had mixed feelings about her spa visit. While the experience was very enjoyable, it dredged up memories of her attentive brood. “Well that was quite invigorating, wouldn’t you say?” Rarity asked nopony in particular. “That was very nice Rarity,” commented Fluttershy in a quiet tone. Spinning on a hoof, Rarity did a one-eighty to face them with an enthusiastic expression. Both ponies stopped suddenly as Rarity happily chirped, “You know what would make this day simply magnificent, a violin solo.” Quickly recomposing herself, she turned to Sonorous and humbly added, “that is if you wouldn’t mind Miss Forte.” Sonorous smiled as she replied, “I don’t mind besides I was on my way there anyway.” Much like the cat that filched the salmon from the table, Rarity’s smile bridged her ears together. “It sounds like you two have plans so I’ll just go,” Fluttershy said in a disheartened voice. However, Rarity caught her by the hoof. “Nonsense, I’m sure Miss Forte wouldn’t mind a few additional attendees,” she exclaimed. Rarity gave Sonorous her best puppy dog eyes. Sonorous pulled her head back, wide-eyed, as she gulped loudly. They might have interpreted her actions as nervousness, in truth it was to cover up a dry heave from Rarity’s cutesy act. She averted her gaze to Fluttershy, who seemed to flinch under her scrutiny. “If you insist Miss Rarity,” Sonorous answered after a few seconds. “Please call me Rarity, Miss is so formal and I believe we're past that,” Rarity corrected. “Sure, if you’d extend the same courtesy,” Sonorous added. Although Fluttershy still seemed subdued, she was at least smiling and showing some excitement about being included. The three ponies walked side by side, as they made their way to Rarity’s boutique. “There’s something I’d like to ask you about your earlier performance, why didn’t you use your magic,” Rarity queried. “I’m sure your aware of what happens when a unicorn has been mentally compromised to an extreme. Their magic can become faulty and possibly fail altogether. I didn’t want to botch the song, given my personal feelings attached to it,” Sonorous calmly replied. Rarity gave a silent nod while Fluttershy didn‘t know how to react. Remembering that Fluttershy wasn’t present at the time, Sonorous merely stated that the song she played was about the loss of her family. As expected Fluttershy gave a sharp gasp and apologized for her loss. Sonorous was getting very annoyed at hearing everypony apologize for her loss. Yes, it was a traumatic experience but she didn’t need to hear their hollowed words of pity. She walked the rest of the way stewing in her hatred and fortifying her desire to hurt Princess Celestia. It was true that her brood’s betrayal was perpetrated by Starlight Glimmer. However, she was merely a pupil to Twilight Sparkle which in turn was Celestia's pupil. Although Celestia was captured, it was her that started the chain of events that lead to her brood's betrayal. She’d deal with the rest in a time of her choosing but Celestia had to pay, the sooner the better. “We’re here Sonorous,” Rarity announced as they approached her boutique. Sonorous snapped out of her self-indulging imaginings and looked at the building that stood in front of her. “It looks really nice Rarity,” Sonorous choked out, to which Rarity only giggled in delight. It’s perfect Rarity, a rejected circus building for a pony that probably uses more product than a clown on debut, Sonorous hatefully thought. She stifled the ensuing laughter by a cough. “Darling, are you alright? If you‘re not up to it, we could always reschedule,” Rarity spoke as she turned to look at Sonorous. “I’m fine, my throat is a little dry though,” Sonorous replied. Despite her inner voice mocking the place, there was something that Sonorous found appealing. Maybe it was how the mannequins appeared to have been skewed through the barrel. Perhaps it was the symmetric window looking eyes, silently observing ponies as they scurry through their tedious lives. As Rarity opened the door, a young unicorn filly rushed out to hug her. This filly had the same white coat as Rarity yet her hair had streaks of grayish mulberry and light grayish rose. Her eyes were a light harlequin while her cutie mark resembled a heraldic shield with stripes of cerise, light rose, and bright amaranth. Sonorous could barely see more designs within but they were hard to make out. “I’m glad your home sister,” the filly exclaimed in excitement. “So am I,” Rarity replied before breaking the hug and stepping aside. “Sweetie Belle, I’d like to introduce you to Sonorous Forte. She has agreed to perform a song on her violin,” Rarity concluded. Sweetie Belle dashed up to Sonorous and extended a hoof. Putting aside her cynical self, Sonorous took Sweetie Belle’s hoof in her own and shook it gently. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Sweetie Belle,” Sonorous responded. “What would everypony like to drink,” Rarity queried as they made their way inside. “I’d appreciate some earl grey if you have it,” Sonorous answered. “I’d like some rosemary tea, if you please,” Fluttershy spoke softly. As Rarity made her way to prepare the tea, Sonorous, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Bell retrieved a stool, Sonorous took two, one for Rarity when she returned, from against the wall and sat at a small table in the showroom. The room was fairly spacious, a slightly elevated circular platform occupied the upper-center of the room. Behind the platform stood a tri-paneled mirror, its outer panels barely folded inward. This slight adjustment bestowed a hundred and eighty-degree vantage point for whatever it reflected. Flanking both sides of the platform in an evenly spaced line stood a couple of elegantly dressed mannequins. Each mannequin proudly displaying a different outfit for anypony to admire. In the center section of the room sat two small circular tables, strategically placed at the quarter and three-quarter point of the room. These tables probably displayed something small, like jewelry or accessories. Against the interior wall mirrored a couple of curving clothing racks, hanging from them were a multitude of outfits. Dressers about shoulder high sat in front of the windows and at the end of the cloth racks. Both dressers appeared to serve the same function as the small circular table did. Sonorous had a sneaking suspicion that the thin drawers also housed additional complementary pieces within. Like the windows, the dressers flanked the entryway. In between the two display tables was a small circular counter big enough for a single pony to occupy. “Make yourselves at home, tea will be done shortly,” Rarity announced from an open door in the back of the room. Above the door that Rarity poked her head out of was a large painting depicting a strawberry colored pony. She had a mane of flowing gold locks, her tail was cut short yet just as radiant as her mane. She was portrayed in mid-twirl, the lower portion of her face was covered by her cascading mane. Above her head was her left hoof in a way that looked as if reaching for an unseen lover. The dress she wore was violet, its design was very formal as if created for a fancy gala. Like her mane, her full-length skirt leisurely cascaded to the right while its hem imitated a gentle wave pattern. The pony was dancing in a newly cut field, the sky painted orange, violet, and midnight blue by the early morning sun. After glancing around the room, her gaze returned to their table. Unable to contain herself any longer, Sweetie Belle began to bombard Sonorous with questions. “I haven’t seen you in town before, did you just arrive in Ponyville? When did you meet my sister and Fluttershy? Are you a traveling minstrel or a traveler that can play the violin?” Sonorous gave a slight chuckle as she interrupted the curious filly. “One question at a time, otherwise how am I to give you an answer?” clearing her throat before continuing, “I arrived in Ponyville two days ago. Your sister chased me down in the marketplace to compliment me on my mane and I met Fluttershy at the spa when I tagged along with Rarity.” Sweetie Belle burst out in giggles as she imagined Rarity gushing over Sonorous’ hair. Although she had to admit, she did have pretty hair and its color was vibrant. Sonorous took a breath before answering the last question, “I learned to play the violin to help lift the spirits of my family. Being a nomadic tribe, we never stayed in one place for long.” “So classifying me as a traveler that plays the violin would be an accurate observation.” Before Sweetie Belle could continue her inquisitive stream of questions, Rarity returned with a large silver tray. Sonorous levitated her instrument from the center of the table to the counter to make room for the tray. Rarity gingerly levitating it onto the table before pulling the fourth stool to the table. Sitting between her sister and Fluttershy, she levitated the proper beverage to the correct pony. Having prepared a cup of earl gray for herself, she gave Sweetie Belle an apple juice box. Sonorous noticed the tray also contained packets of honey, sugar, creamer, and a saucer of mint leaves. Looking around the table, she spotted Fluttershy emptying a packet of honey into her tea. Rarity took two mint leaves and let them simmer in her tea. “Is something wrong dear, you haven‘t touched your tea,” Rarity asked while looking at Sonorous. “Not at all, I was merely observing how everypony prepared their tea. You might be interested to know that your preference in tea, among other things, could be used to better know what type of pony you are. This small bit of information would help me in deciding what sort of melody to play. Perhaps you would be so inclined to listen to what I've deduced?” Sonorous replied. “By all means,” Rarity proclaimed, interested to hear what their tea had revealed about them. Sonorous took a sip of her tea before she turned to look at Fluttershy. “Your tea says that you prefer candor when interacting with others. Yet the honey suggests that you prefer tact opposed to bluntness.” Fluttershy just smiled which only credited Sonorous‘ words. Sonorous then turned to face Rarity, “Your tea says that your ready to seize the day for everything it’s worth. While the addition of mint suggest that you may become blind sighted if a personal project goes extremely awry.” A gasp issued from Rarity’s mouth, which she quickly covered with a hoof. Her eyes were wide as the accuracy of Sonorous words struck home. Finally, Sonorous turned to Sweetie Belle, who was feeling slightly nervous about being portrayed based on apple juice. “Your drink states that you enjoy the simple things. You know what you want and will do your best to achieve your objective.” Sweetie Belle couldn’t help but blush in amazement. She could understand how Sonorous might have guessed Fluttershy and Rarity’s personality from their tea. Yet apple juice was a far cry from anything so defining but Sonorous was able to accurately guess her personality regardless. “What does your tea say about you Sonorous,” Rarity asked curiously. Obliging her curiosity, Sonorous stated that both she and Rarity had earl gray. Remembering what was stated about Earl Gray Tea, they quickly nodded for her to continue. Concluding her explanation, she revealed that by not adding a garnish or additive meant that she could become overconfident if things were going perfectly. Rarity began to clap her hooves, Sweetie Belle and Fluttershy joined in moments after. “That’s quite an impressive talent you have Sonorous,” Sweetie Belle chimed. "Thank you, my elders taught everypony of the tribe this talent. We utilize it to detect if somepony tried to conceal something or a merchant tried to swindle us,” Sonorous explained. “That’s so cool,” Sweetie Belle admitted with elation, “can anypony learn how to do that?” Sonorous replied with a grin, “of course they can but it takes extensive training to be able to notice all the telltale signs.” Sweetie Belle gave a disheartened groaned before taking a long draw of her juice. The conversation soon turned to idle chit-chat as Rarity and Fluttershy took the reins. Sonorous sat silently as she piecing together a song to play while sipping her tea. Sweetie Belle seemed to have adopted a similar pose. However, the bridge of her nose was slightly scrunched up as if hopelessly trying to grasp an elusive concept. Sonorous leaned over to speak with her, “What’s wrong Sweetie Belle?” Somewhat startled from her thoughts, she replied without shifting her gaze from the table. “Well, I was just thinking of what my friends and I could do tomorrow. We used to try everything we could to get our cutie marks. Once we finally got them, we decided to help other ponies find their cutie mark. Lately, it seems that nopony needs our help though,” Sweetie Belle confessed. “Have you attempted to expand your services beyond the confines of Ponyville?” Sonorous asked in a calm tone. “We sure did but it hasn’t really improved things as much as we thought. We did get to help a griffon and even traveled to Mt. Aris to help a hippogriff but that was all. I love helping ponies in need, its just the waiting becomes discouraging at times,” Sweetie Belle finished. Sonorous offered a solution with an almost sagely tone. “Well, it sounds like you need to take your business on the road, although Mt. Aris might be a bit far-reaching at your age. Maybe start at one of the surrounding towns or city, then as your reputation spreads you could attempt to branch outward.” “That sounds great but we’re only fillies, we aren’t allowed to travel alone.” Sweetie Belle slouched forward as she spoke in a sad voice. “It took forever to get our cutie marks, most of the time ending in failure. I'm just concerned that since we're still young, this might end in failure as well.” Sonorous couldn’t help but sympathize with her, even if she didn’t show it. She leaned closer and whispered into Sweetie Belle‘s ear. “A failure teaches us more about ourselves than an easy victory ever could.” Sweetie Belle gave a weak smile as she finished her juice box. Downing the small amount of tea left in her cup, Sonorous stood from her chair. Wrapping her magic around her instrument, she extending her magic to encompass her stool as well. With little effort, Sonorous moved the stool several inches away from the table and took a seat. Fluttershy and Sweetie Bell turned on their stools to face her. Positioning her chin against the violin’s rest, Sonorous slowly levitated the bow to sit on the strings. Pausing briefly to make sure they were settled. The bow gently caressed the strings and with it, a strong set of tones burst forth. Gradually increasing her pace, the three listeners soon found themselves swept away by an energetic melody. Unlike her previous performance, Sonorous kept her eyes open in hopes of witnessing the cause of her inexplicable recovery. Watching the three ponies become enamored caused her to smile. If she knew music was the ponies’ Achilles Heel, she would have conquered Equestria long ago she thought. Sonorous’ gaze drifted between the three ponies but soon landed on Sweetie Belle. She had closed her eyes, wanting to be completely enveloped by the enchanting music. As she listened, Sweetie Belle’s previous worries of doubt and failure faded away. In its place were thoughts of happiness and joy, starting with a booming cutie mark camp. Piled upon her and her friend’s shoulders were their ever-mounting successes. So successful in fact that they reduced the bullying of blank flanks by eighty-five percent. Taking notice of such an achievement, the princesses of Equestria agreed to grant them a single desire each. Having conveyed their desires, the princesses merged their magic high in the air. Which speedily shot toward the three friends in a mixture of amethyst, topaz, rose, and sapphire streaks. The impact engulfed the three fillies in its magical aura. Once the spectacle faded, it appeared as if nothing happened until Scootaloo went to inspect her wings. Tears immediately formed in her eyes as fully developed wings had replaced her underdeveloped ones. Scootaloo eagerly leaped into the air, struggled to stay aloft, and fell to the ground. A rainbow blur rushed to assist her but Scootaloo’s overwhelming happiness completely eclipsed the setback. Both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom watched their friend with insurmountable joy. Tears began to form in Sweetie Belle’s eyes at the sight of Scootaloo hovered in the air, even if it was only five feet. Before anypony knew it, She was zooming through the air beside Rainbow Dash. Even if she couldn’t fly, Sweetie Belle's spirit was so high it felt like she was right beside them. After a few simple aerial maneuvers, Scootaloo landed beside her friends. No words could describe the joy on her face as she tackling them. They laid on the ground laughing with joy at the fulfillment of Scootaloo's deepest desire. Unfortunately, reality wrenched Sweetie Belle from her wonderful daydream as the music stopped. Opening her eyes, she was greeted by three curious mares staring at her. She quickly wiped her eyes and sniffled softly. She was saddened by the crushing realization yet it reiterated her desire to help others. Sonorous’ song, along with her imagining, rekindled the fire she felt when she first joined the CMC. “That was beautiful, where did you learn to play like that?” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. Fluttershy and Rarity smiled, realizing that Sweetie Belle was alright while Sonorous explained that she was self-taught. Sweetie Belle’s jaw dropped, completely befuddled from what she heard. Rarity quickly closed Sweetie Belle’s gaping mouth with a gentle upward motion of her hoof. “That’s very impressive to be able to teach yourself to play with such heart,” Fluttershy replied. “Thank you, Miss Fluttershy, but it was supposed to be a happy song,” Sonorous politely argued. “It was happy, so happy that it brought tears to my eyes,” Sweetie Belle croaked hastily. “Quite true,” Rarity concurred as a gentle aura seemed to radiate from her jovial expression. Sonorous took a slight bow, honored by their praise. As she raised her head, a glimpse of a pony staring through the window caught her attention. Not drawing attention to them, Sonorous gestured to the clock above the entrance instead. The mysterious pony seemed to relax until Sonorous shifted her gaze toward the window and smirked, causing the hidden observer to bolt. “Oh my, is it really that late,” Fluttershy exclaimed in a low gasp. With a hasty farewell to the group, she dashed to the door, opened and closed it behind her, before flying into the painted sky of deep lilac, burnt orange, and scarlet. “I guess I’ll head back to my wagon, thanks for the tea,” Sonorous stated. “Don’t mention it, darling, truthfully it is I who should thank you.” Rarity stood from her stool and walked to the side of the counter. “You indulged a strange pony with your wondrous composition when you could have easily declined.” A dull grinding noise could be heard as Rarity had apparently opened a metallic drawer. Pulling something from under her desk, she withdrew a clump of bits. After several seconds, the grinding sound could be heard again. Rarity levitated a pouch of deep purple from behind the counter. Pulling the drawstrings tight, she made her way back to the table. “I’m a mare of my word, compensation for such a beautiful performance,” she finished. Rarity’s light blue aura retracted as Sonorous’ green aura surrounded the bulging pouch. Sonorous shifted her gaze from the bag to Rarity. “You know I didn’t really expect you to pay me,” Sonorous admitted. “I insist besides what are bits compared to an original composition?” she countered. “Well, if you insist then who am I to argue,” Sonorous conceded while levitating the pouch next to her instrument. With a final farewell from the sisters, Sonorous departed from the boutique. Rarity gave a final look after Sonorous before closing the door. Sonorous was in a particularly joyful mood despite having spent the day with her enemies. Not wanting to accidentally contradict herself later down the road, she was truthful during her own analytical breakdown. It was that very flaw that cost her a victory during the Canterlot invasion. However, the current mystery was the reason why she was in a good mood. It would provide an alternative focal point for when her arrogance began to rear up. Sonorous decided to put that particular distraction away for such an occasion. She suspected that it was intertwined with her playing but how intricately remained shrouded. The walk to her wagon was uneventful but only after she was inside and the door locked did she relax. Placing her violin and bow on the shelf, she made her way to the bed. Sonorous placed the pouch of bits on the nearby nightstand as she laid down. The near catastrophe was a harsh reminder that the longer she procrastinated, the greater chance they would have in discovering her true identity. Fortunately, she now had a fairly solid plan to infiltrate Canterlot. The only possible hitch was convincing another musician to accompany her. Although Equestria was pretty lax in security, the appearance of a strange musician wanting to perform for the princesses would most likely draw the attention of the guards. However, an already know and trusted musician would be able to deflect most of their mistrust over a new face. Letting her guise vanish, Chrysalis sighed heavily. That gray pony from the theater was her preferred choice. Hopefully, her reconciliation with Vinyl would be enough to persuade her to be more civil. Her alternative was that condescending ass of a unicorn, the mere thought of that caused her to shake her head in disgust. Figuring the best place to start would be to revisit the theater. As sleep began to claim her, she reminded herself to keep an eye out for Vinyl as well. Remembering that the gray mare called Vinyl her friend, perhaps she would find them together and save herself a trip across town. > Hardships > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once again, Chrysalis found herself standing in darkness. Floating in front of her was the shadowy ruins of her once flourishing hive. It was in this isolated somnium1 that Chrysalis felt she could express her emotions if need be. Within a matter of moments, the darkness warped and twisted until molding into the hatchery of the hive. An archway formed above Chrysalis while an illusion of herself and several clutches of eggs appeared ahead of her. After a few more steps, she stopped beside her doubleganger. They both stared at the eggs before them, seconds felt exhaustingly longer before the first egg began to crack. The doubleganger gave a loving sigh as the larvae within fought to free itself. What started as one soon multiplied into a symphony of crackling eggshells. Her projection let out a giggle of joy as they stood erect. Despite her best effort to remain steadfast, Chrysalis could feel her emotions breaking through her stoic disposition. They observed as a larva slowly crawled toward them. “I’m sorry, I failed you all,” Chrysalis somberly whispered. “I did the best I…” was all she was able to get out before she was interrupted. The closest larva had cooed the word, mama. Chrysalis knew that it couldn‘t see her and that its innocent coo wasn‘t for her. Yet this realization did nothing to prevent her heart from breaking, perfectly mimicking her projection, she reached for the larva. For a split second, it was within her grasp before being hoisted through her hooves. The grim reality caused Chrysalis to pull her arms under her forehead and wail uncontrollably. Following their linear path, the projections shared a lovingly embrace, completely oblivious to Chrysalis‘ plight. Waking from her slumber with a jerk, Chrysalis discover that her pillow was drenched. Sitting upright in the bed, she levitated it into the air. Her first thought was to ring it dry but after a moment of thought, she disintegrated it instead. Deciding to purchase another would be better than trying to salvage it. Chrysalis set about her morning routine, donning her disguise, making sure to retrieve the pouch of bits from the nightstand before leaving. Sonorous instantly realized this was the earliest she had ever set out since arriving in Ponyville. With the sun only a fourth of the way in the sky, she decided to do a little shopping before searching for Vinyl's friend. Heading toward the market district, she reveled in the crisp morning air. She was about to pass a convenience store but stopped as the open sign was flipped over. Noticing that the other stores were still closed, she entered. Inside, she was greeted by a dull colored butterscotch pegasus with sandstone colored hair. "Welcome to Acrum’s Emporium, if you need anything just ask," he called to her. Sonorous gave a small wave as she walked down a random aisle. Scanning the shelves she noticed several rows of inkwells, each one displaying a different colored label. Across from them was that strange writing utensil that Vinyl wrote with, the label “pens” was taped below them. Sonorous nodded, now knowing what they were called, further down was a rack of saddle bags. This rack contained saddlebags of a wide variety, from your generic brown bag to several jeweled encrusted, over-the-top designs. It didn’t take long for Sonorous to select a plain leather pack. Its only embellishment were three small topazes on each flap. Two gems adorn the lower corners while a slightly larger stone was perfectly centered in the middle. Levitating it off the rack, she placed it on her back and pulled the strap securely around her barrel. Trying it out, Sonorous continued down the aisle. Reaching the end, she saw several larger items for sale against the wall. At the furthest end sat a bench, followed by a desk, lamps, dressers, a nightstand, among other miscellaneous items. The bench was a standard park bench with a plain metal frame and wooden planks that made up its seat and backrest. To its left was an elegantly crafted nightstand, the wood had a grayish color to it, two separate drawers, while the top was enclosed by its slightly raised edges. Further down stood a variety of differently designed floor lamps, hanging lamps, and table lamps. From what she could tell, the lamps ranged from single fixed lamps, suspended lanterns, and even a lamp shaped candelabra. To her immediate right sat a very impressive writing desk. Intrigued, Sonorous walked closer to it. The design seemed to resemble a Late Victorian piece, each side of it contained a single drawer. In the center cubby hole of the desk sat a chair with no armrests, its back rose two feet high, and the cushions were made from a sunset-colored terrycloth. The upper portion resembled a double door mini wardrobe. Under the doors was a painstakingly smooth desktop, on the inner right and left doors was a slightly protruding shelf. The bottom right door had a spice rack sort of design, an additional metal rod traced an inch above the shelf. Chrysalis surmised that this was where the inkwells went. The bottom left door had an enclosed rectangular shelf with a hinged lid, upon inspection, it appeared to be a place to store spare quills. The entire desk and chair had been stained a red oak color. Beside the desk were several dressers of varied size, shape, and colors. Satisfied by how the saddlebag felt around her, Sonorous glanced at the signs hanging from the ceiling. Spotting the sign marked bedding, she made her way there and down the aisle. This aisle contained quilts, sheets, blankets, comforters, and most importantly pillows. Not wanting to waste any more time, she chose a pillow that only cost three bits and made her way to the front counter. “Did you find everything you needed ma’am,” the cashier asked as Sonorous placed her pillow and tag for the saddlebag onto the counter. Not waiting for an answer, the pegasus began to tally the cost of her purchases. “That’ll be thirteen bits,” he cheerfully stated in a deep tone. Sonorous withdrew the bits from her pouch and levitated it over to him. “Thank you, ma’am, hope you enjoy the rest of your day,” he replied. “You wouldn’t happen to know where I could get something to drink?” Sonorous asked. The cashier thought for a moment before answering, “I’d suggest The Pep 'n Ya Trot Café just down the street.” “Thank you,” Sonorous replied as she made her way out the door. From the Emporium, Sonorous quickly spotted the sign for The café. It was an unimposing sign, its coffee cup shape was its only defining feature. It was only a couple of blocks away, Sonorous judged the time was eight forty-five in the morning via the position of her shadow. By now shopkeepers could be seen switching or changing displays in their windows as they attempted to lure potential buyers. The bell above the door announced her entrance into the small café. As Sonorous walked to the counter, a certain pony partially hidden by an opened newspaper caused her to grin. “Welcome to The Pep 'n Ya Trot, what can I get you today,” spoke a radiant voice. Behind the counter stood a pegasus mare staring at Sonorous with her adorable peacock colored eyes. Dark rosewood and almond comprised the mare’s swirled hair color. Her bangs, which were loosely braided together, was pulled to the right of her face. It trailed closely beside the front of her ear before looping under to merged back into the main body of her mane. The interwoven streaks of colored hair only added to its intriguing style. The rest of her mane wasn’t as elegant although its volume would suggest otherwise. Her tail was just as copious except the occasional rouge lock disturbing its otherwise wavy pattern. A light mahogany color illustrated her head and face yet seemed to slowly shift into a shade of cerise as it ran the length of her body. “I’m looking for a drink that packs more than a mere wake up call, what would you suggest,” Sonorous replied. The mare dipped her head below the counter and quickly reemerged with a menu clenched between her teeth. Placing it upon the counter, she began to point out drinks from the specialty section. However, it seemed that every drink she suggested, Sonorous rejected. As they reached the end of the list, she did take notice of a certain drink. Although the barista did her best to skip it, Sonorous read its description, rekindle the blaze of consciousness. Intrigued, she pointed out the corresponding drink to her. “I wouldn’t suggest that one ma’am, only a few ponies have ordered that. Its called Pul Salèt2, I’ve never seen anypony purchase it myself but I hear it’s a sort of dare among patrons,” she finished. Sonorous smirked as she confirmed that was what she wanted. The pegasus’ expression shifted to one of vacancy as she set about preparing the drink. This drink sounded like it had enough oomph to power through the day. She watched intently as the barista put a teaspoon of several powders into a wooden mug. Once finished, pulled a tall metal kettle from under the counter and placed it onto a stovetop grate. Pulling back the attached lid, she poured water and two different scoops of an unknown powder into it before pressing a button on the counter. Sonorous’ question about not using the coffee machine was pushed aside as a rapid clicking noise sounded. A single flame of blue erupted from the hole below the kettle. The flame must have been scorching since steam began to rise shortly after. The barista snagged a pot holder between her teeth before grabbing the kettle’s handle. The flame immediately extinguished as her hoof was removed from the embedded button. Closing the lid, which doubled as a strainer she poured the liquid into the mug. Placing the kettle into the sink, she stirred the drink, before placing the mug along with a glass of water on the counter. “That’ll be three bits please,” the barista stated. Sonorous levitated her pouch from her bag and extracted the amount due. As she gave the bits to the barista, she inquiring to the addition of water to her order. “That’s customary since everypony who has tried that drink ended up spitting fire. So now we include a free glass of water with every purchase,” she finished. Sonorous merely nodded as she levitated her beverages and walked off. The few customers that were present were too engaged in conversations or enjoying their beverage to pay her any mind. Reaching the left side of a table, Sonorous asked if she could join the mare reading the paper. The newspaper, encased in a moderate magenta aura, leisurely closed before folding over itself. Depositing the paper to the side, Vinyl’s smiling face was revealed. She courageously welcomed Sonorous to sit with her. As Sonorous got comfortable, Vinyl levitated her drink to her lips. Drinking with a form similar to that of high society, she took a few sips. The formality seemed slightly odd when compared to her wild hairstyle. Lifting her drink up, Sonorous was surprised to discover that her tea wasn’t a typical brown, a variation of, or black. Instead, a beautiful hue which mimicked a dusky sky shone up at her. Impressed, she stared into the scene as if expecting the red-orange colors to shift into dark blue. The scent of cinnamon and nutmeg rose up to entice her sense of smell. The pleasant aroma began to shape Sonorous’ blank expression into one of contentment. From what she had saw and smelt, she was convinced that the barista was exaggerating about the drink. Bringing the mug to her lips, she took a few sips, unaware that she was being watched by Vinyl. She quickly changed her opinion as soon as the liquid touched her tongue. Heat surged throughout her mouth, trailing down her esophagus, and pooled in her stomach. Having only consumed a small amount, the resulting heat reminded her of a cozy fire. Returning the mug to the table, Sonorous gave a leery stare at Vinyl’s new position and expression. While drinking, Vinyl had placed her elbows on the table, her chin resting on her crossed hooves, staring at Sonorous with an almost expectant expression. Having heard what Sonorous had ordered, she waited for the inevitable reaction that everypony experienced. “I’m glad I ran into you Vinyl, Id like to ask you a question,” Sonorous began. Vinyl didn’t reply but locked eyes with her, acknowledging that she was listening. “Do you know where that gray pony from a couple of days ago is?” Sonorous asked. Vinyl’s ears and expression instantly changed to disappointment. Retrieving her notepad and pen from beneath the folded paper, Vinyl scribbled no. With a sigh, she levitated the pad toward Sonorous. The bluntness, crude writing, and her dejected display were quite peculiar. Having little patience for such trivial things, she replied in a rather gruff voice. “Why are you suddenly being so standoffish over a measly question.” Startled by the harshness of her voice, Vinyl turned to stare at Sonorous with glum filled eyes. Taking her pad back, she wrote a whole page before passing it back. Sonorous snatched it off the table, read it, then placed it back down. Staring at Vinyl with an infuriated expression, she leaned closer and whispered in a reprimanding tone. “You are greatly mistaken in your assumptions, I do not favor your friend over you. The type of music I play doesn’t dictate who I associate with. Lastly, I had no idea that you even played an instrument, I’ve only known you for two days.” “So before you go acting like a temperamental foal perhaps you should get your facts straight.” Sonorous returned to her side of the table, encased her mug, and downed the rest of the drink. Having chugged a larger quantity, Sonorous could definitely feel the burn. Yet, it paled to the scorching heat of the badlands. Being spoken to in such a forceful tone shocked Vinyl. Her temper began to rise but its agitator was divided between Sonorous’ crass reaction and her unsubstantiated jealousy. She stared blankly at the notepad, while Sonorous waiting for her riposte. Again Vinyl wrote in her disheartened scribbles and pushed the pad toward her angered company. As she read the single sentence, Sonorous narrowed her eyes in disdain. Ripping the paper from the pad, she levitated it into the air. To the surprise of the entire café, Sonorous blew a stream of orange flames from her mouth. The fire was brief yet did what was intended as the paper began to burn. The small fireball, safely encased in Sonorous’ magic, quickly reverted to ash before Sonorous replied in a more restrained tone. “You should have guessed from our first encounter that I don’t mince words. I’ve no need to oblige anypony with anything but the truth. So when your done wallowing in whatever this is, perhaps we can continue our discussion.” Having finished talking, Sonorous dipped the ashes into the glass of water, levitated her belongings, and walked out of the café. Vinyl was torn between rushing after her and slamming her head against the table. She had allowed her anger to resurge again after years of containment. She hung her head in despair, her sunglasses fell to the table with a dull thud. Crushed, Vinyl retreated within her mind, attempting to salvage the situation that her ill-fated outburst had wrought. For the longest time, she had felt adrift among a sea of interactions that she would never be able to join. Apparently fated to envy the simplicity of carrying on a conversation. After befriending her schoolmate Octavia, Vinyl had thought her jealousy would have subsided. Unfortunately, it merely transformed into loathing for anypony that interacted with Octavia. She knew that it was nothing more than her fragile psyche unwilling to share their friendship. To her, Octavia was the single ray of sunshine among the otherwise dismal horizon of her life. The fear of having her friend taken was so overwhelming that Vinyl would experience occasional panic attacks. Octavia was the first to offer her genuine friendship, first to overlook her handicap. The other fillies tried as well but soon gave up due to the difficulties of maintaining a conversation. As they progressed through school together, Octavia learned about Vinyl’s fear of abandonment. To her credit, Octavia tried to ease those fears that Vinyl held deep within. It was during this time of internal stability that Vinyl was able to give the world more than just a passing glance. Vinyl’s thoughts were interrupted by a gentle hoof against her shoulder. Looking to her right Vinyl saw that it was Elara, the proprietor of the café. She quickly turned to wipe the tears from her eyes. Elara silently took a seat on the right side of the table and waited until she was done. “Who was that and why do you look so disheartened,” she asked. Reluctantly, Vinyl shifted her gaze to lock eyes with her. The tear streaks down Vinyl’s face triggered a mixture of concern and anger. Elara asked if that unicorn had upset her. Vinyl shook her head yet the trail of fallen tears were less than convincing. “What did she say that made you cry?” she asked anxiously. Stifling a sniffle, Vinyl began to carefully summarize the conversation through her slightly blurred vision. As she wrote, Elara could feel her anger rising toward the unicorn that had plunged Vinyl into such distraught. By the time Vinyl was finished, the barista was ready to storm out and give the unicorn a piece of her mind. Flipping back to the beginning of her summarization, Vinyl laid the notepad in front of her, then placed her cheek against the table to brood some more. Elara’s heart sank at the sight of Vinyl before curiosity caused her to look at the notepad. The first page contained a single paragraph briefly explaining their first meeting. Elara's temperament fluctuated like ripples on a pond as she read through Vinyl's explanation. Immediately recognized the first passage as what had just transpired moments ago. Her anger boiled as she read of Sonorous’ brutal honesty. Scanning the second passage, she immediately noticed two major differences. The most prominent was the length of it was longer than the former. Secondly, it seemed to explain Vinyl’s current gloomy appearance. It briefly described how Vinyl, at the time, felt that Sonorous seemed to favor Octavia. Also included was the realization that it was only her tenuous fear that had started the argument. Vinyl just watched as she studiously read her words. Finished, Elara’s gaze drifted to Vinyl’s slumped form upon the table, the glass of ashy water, then back to Vinyl. Clearing her throat, she began to speak, “honestly Vinyl, I think you’d be better off without her.” Vinyl’s head shot off the table, her waterlogged magenta eyes focused intently on Elara. Her sad expression contorted by a factor of ten. The corners of her mouth threatened to plummet off her face. While her now inverted U-shaped mouth quivering uncontrollably. The notepad began to scoot towards her in sporadic spurts of telekinetic energy. Stopping abruptly as Vinyl laid her forehead on her now encircled arms, muffling her soft wails. “Vinyl,” Elara pleaded, “come on Vinyl don’t shut down now.” Her words were in vain as Vinyl neither lifted her head or halted her sobbing. Witnessing a pony so energetic and optimistic as Vinyl consumed by sadness was like watching the death of hope. The tightening of her chest and misty eyes implored, what her mind already knew. By now a few ponies had taken notice of the unfolding scene. Knowing her merely as DJ PON-3, they felt sorry but didn’t want to intrude on an obviously vulnerable moment for the disc jockey. Elara leaned closer to Vinyl’s drooping ear and spoke in a stern yet kind voice. “I stand by what I said earlier but it would seem that your set on remaining her friend. Go find her and if she refuses to be your friend after hearing your reasons for being upset, then it wasn’t meant to be.” “Either way, sitting here and crying about it won’t resolve anything.” Having said her peace, Elara quietly waited for Vinyl to reply. Slowly, the sound of her sobbing began to subside. With a few remaining sniffles, Vinyl lifted her head to give Elara a weak smile. A spark of determination flickered to life in her eyes as she got up. Levitating her glasses from where they had fallen, she put them back on the brim of her nose. Elara could barely react as Vinyl pulled her into a hug. The coffee house was soon filled with the soothing sound of the patron’s awwws at the warming display of comradely. She dashed out the door, making sure to gather her belongings before departing. Elara watched as Vinyl left, happy that she was no longer sad. Yet, unsure if she should have encouraged the reconciliation with such an abrasive unicorn. Vinyl made a beeline toward the theater, she had a hunch that Sonorous would eventually make her way there. Skillfully bobbing and weaving through the crowd of leisurely strolling ponies. She shaved a good fifteen minutes off the normally half an hour trot. Rounding a corner, she nearly ended up with a face full of dirt from skidding on the dirt. Despite that, she was soon standing at the base of the theater’s stairs. After a few deep breaths, Vinyl charged up the stairs. In her haste, she neglected to note the eerie stillness that had blanketed the area. She trotted toward the entrance, gripped the door handle, but froze as a large shadow crept up behind her. Sonorous, who was halfway down the auditorium’s stairwell, stopped as her ears flipped backward. A horrific cry followed by a thunderous crash rang out behind her. Both Sonorous and Octavia looked up to spot a white pony streaking overhead. Immediately recognizing Vinyl, Sonorous tried to lock on with her telekinesis. To no avail since Vinyl was moving to fast. Sonorous bolted as fast as she could toward the stage, focusing her magic on Octavia instead. Octavia felt a sudden pressure as if being yanked backward. Soon finding herself staring at a singular point of multi-shifting colors, lost among a void of darkness. Any other time she would have panicked but the sight of Vinyl flying through the air caused her to go rigid with fear. Although the experience was terrifying, she was quickly yanked back into the theater before her mind could react. However, Unlike before it was a forward momentum that dragged her through the shifting colors. Octavia, once again found herself in the theater yet she was too disoriented to deduce anything else. An unknown object slammed into her stomach, completely vacating any air that was in her lungs. Octavia doubled over to discover that a pony seemed to be huddled against her stomach. While struggling to breathe, She felt as if her hair was fluttering in a vertical motion, which confused her even more. Their gentle descent wafted a familiar scent from the mysterious pony’s hair. After a few sniffs, Octavia recognized the smell as Vinyl’s conditioner. A gasped of relief and bewilderment escaped her lips. The immediate question was how did she end up in the air and why hadn’t they plummeted to the ground yet. Slowly getting her bearings again, Octavia looked down to see Sonorous staring upward. Noticing that her horn was glowing, Octavia surmised that her unexpected flight was her doing. A murderous roar attracted Octavia’s gaze several feet behind Sonorous. There among the newly destroyed chairs and ripped carpeting laid an extremely large timber wolf. If not for the teal colored net that was firmly holding it in place, Octavia would have screamed in terror. Not that she wasn’t afraid but the previous two events had suspended her disbelief pretty far already. Opting to watch her descent, she craned her head off to the side. It felt longer than it really was before her hooves touch the wooden floor again. “There isn’t much time, take Vinyl to the hospital,” Sonorous yelled over the wolf's snarls. Octavia was about to retort but decided to refrain as the net disintegrated right in front of her. Regaining its footing, the timber wolf straightened itself before focusing on the three ponies. Now able to witness its towering frame, Octavia couldn’t help but stand paralyzed in fear. It launched its right claw for a quick swipe, the speed of its attack was unbelievable for its size. Shutting her eyes tightly, she feared the worse. A few seconds passed before a sound reached her ears. Although, a dull thud wasn’t quite what she had expected. “Go now,” Sonorous shouted with a thunderous volume that seemed to rattle the very walls around her. Opening her eyes, Octavia gulped as the tips of its claws were mere inches from her face. Tracing her sight down its paw, her gaze rested upon Sonorous. She had conjured what appeared to be a scimitar and was holding its attack at bay. Quick to regain control over her body, she carefully hoisted Vinyl upon her back. Octavia bolted out the back way as if all of Tartarus was nipping at the back of her hocks. Finally able to fully focus on her adversary, Sonorous conjured a second sword and jammed it deep within the center of its paw. A deafening howl of pain filled the air as she dashed from the stage. Sword hovering above her, she raced towards its chest. From the corner of her eye, she spotted its left claw sweeping low. Falling flat on her stomach, a loud “whoomph” was heard from overhead. As well as the clanking of chairs ripped from their bases. Once the noise settled down, Sonorous got to her hooves. Unfortunately, the timber wolf was prepared as she was soon knocked straight into a wall. The impact knocked the wind from her lungs and caused several cracking sounds. With her concentration broken, her sword vanished into thin air. Her barrel also endured several small cuts, a few of which blood began to trickle from. Collapsing onto the floor, she drew several shallow breaths as the timber wolf approached her. Its progress was slowed due to its injured paw and having to avoid several pieces of protruding metal. Sonorous forced herself back to her hooves and conjured a spear. Needing a little more time to recuperate, she hastily launched it at the timber wolf. Its trajectory was a little wobbly but successfully embedded itself into its right shoulder. Although intending to pierce its face, the shoulder still provided an adequate distraction. The pain caused it to furiously clawed and nipped at the spear. Sonorous took the small reprieve to check for any broken ribs. Upon contact, she winched as her hoof touched the midsection of the right side of her barrel. Unable to discern if it was just bruised or something more severe. She quickly changed tactics, not wanting to sustain any more damage, She began to gather copious amounts of magic within her horn. Distracted by the throbbing pain in its shoulder, it paid no heed to Sonorous‘ next attack. Aiming slightly upward, she unleashed a beam of destructive energy that engulfed the front half of the timber wolf. The constant roaring sound that emitted from her blast drowned out any other noise. Although her attack was powerful, she couldn’t sustain it for long. In fact, it had already begun to wane mere seconds after its utilization. Sonorous fell to the floor from exhaustion, a huge billowing shroud of smoke lingered in front of her. Her chest heaving, she was sure it was finished as well. Struggling, she used her front hooves to push herself into a sitting position. After a couple more deep breaths, she slowly began to rise from her haunches. Feeling quite pleased with herself, she slowly hobbled toward the exit that Octavia had previously used. Her high spirits were brought low by the sudden sound of wood splintering. Turning to see behind her, the partially blackened paw of the timber wolf emerged from the smoke to slam against the floor ahead of it. Extending its claws into the floor, the sound of splintering wood was once again audible. Hurrying as fast as she could, Sonorous climbed upon the stage with some difficulty Once again a loud slam followed by the cracking of the floor could be heard. The door was in sight now, gathering what little stamina she had left, she quickened her pace. Curiosity compelled her to look back, doing so filled her with a sense of admiration. It had lost its right leg, a good portion of its chest, and head. The remaining portions were charred and smoldering. Its face was blackened, the timber wolf stared at her with its remaining eye. The left side of its lower jaw swung freely from its precariously attached joint. Despite all the damage it had sustained, it continued to pursue her. They might not be able to gauge their adversaries’ properly but they did seem to possess an unwavering tenacity, she thought. Refocusing her attention, she slammed against the door, causing it to fling open. Unable to keep her balance, Sonorous slumped against the ground. Remembering the amount of time it took to stand up, she began to crawl away. She could have easily transformed into a snake and slither away. However, she felt that any magical exertion would completely drain the scant amount she still possessed. A loud crash caused her to look back at the door she escaped through. Its paw was sticking out and flailing wildly along the grass. Eventually, its claws seemed to snag what could only be surmised as tree roots. Despite the Timber wolf's attempt, the wall proved sturdy enough to impede the beast’s advancement. Retracting its claws, it raised its massive arm and began to pound against it. Knowing what would inevitably happen next, Sonorous continued to crawl as far away as she could. After hearing its paw slam several more times into the wall, a new sound joined the fray. Unlike the sound of crashing wood, this sound was a hollow, higher pitched sort of rumble. Having several of its bricks destroyed, the wall fell in on itself. Turning onto her side, she laid there and watched as the scene unfolded. The wall, along with a part of the roof, began to pummel the timber wolf below. Its claws jolted out to dig into the ground but slowly retracted shortly afterward. Observing the now motionless paw a little while longer, Sonorous concluded that the beast was dead. Turning to lay on her back, she gave a ragged sigh of relief. Although her magic was still dwindling due to her disguise, it was a matter she’d attend to shortly. Right now she wanted to revel in the fact that she had vanquished a giant timber wolf. Yet her internal celebration was cut short as voices could be heard in the distance. Craning her head to the right, she weakly groaned at the sight she beheld. The element bearers were approaching her, Sonorous assumed they were talking amongst themselves. What really grated her though was the sight of Starlight among their ranks. Exhausted, she laid her head back upon the ground while they approached the fallen wall and exposed paw. Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy, upon the advice of Twilight, began to check the surrounding area for possible injured ponies. While the rest examined the scene that laid before them. A sharp gasp from Fluttershy drew her two compatriot’s attention. There in front of the yellow pegasus laid Sonorous, battered and bruised from her ordeal. “Hello,” Sonorous replied to Fluttershy’s gasp, she was about to speak again but was silenced by the pegasus. Advising that Sonorous remain quiet, she asked Applejack and Rarity to help lift her. Although it proved rather tricky to lift a unicorn that was taller then they were onto their backs. The three of them accomplished the task and carefully made their way to their friends. Applejack and Fluttershy carrying Sonorous on their back, while Rarity used her telekinesis to help alleviate the pressure that her friends bore. “I don’t understand any of this, why would timber wolves suddenly attack Ponyville,” asked Rainbow Dash. “Your guess is as good as mine, usually they don’t venture out this far unless they were hunting. We need to get to the bottom of this mystery. Before that though, we need to make sure that nopony was trapped within.” Twilight stated as she pointed toward the dilapidated theater. “There were no other ponies inside,” Sonorous spoke as loud as her weakened state would allow. Surprised by the unfamiliar voice, the four ponies turned from the rubble to confront the mysterious speaker. What they saw instead caused them to gallop toward the slow-moving group. They all came to a halt when they were a few inches apart. Spotting Sonorous’ bloodstained coat, Twilight calmly asked who they found and how badly they were hurt. Fluttershy answered by informing them that her name was Sonorous. She also stated that Sonorous had sustained some injuries, none of them appeared to be life-threatening. Nodding her appreciation, Twilight walked past Applejack until she was beside Sonorous' head. Sonorous felt like a sack of potatoes flung across their backs. Although she imagined looking rather ridiculous, she had to admit she was surprisingly comfortable. She laid on her left side, looking back at the spot she was laying moments before being hoisted onto their backs. The center of her neck rested slightly below Applejack’s withers. While her thigh seemed to be resting about the middle of Fluttershy’s back. A force, most likely telekinesis, seemed to be pushing upward against the left side of her barrel. Sonorous curled her legs inward to prevent them from jarring around as they walked. Doing so caused them to rest gently upon the croups of both ponies. Twilight politely asked how she knew that no other pony was in the building. To which she explained that the two ponies, Vinyl and Octavia, escaped while she fought the timber wolf. Everypony, except Rainbow Dash, gasped upon hearing that a single unicorn had bested a timber wolf that was capable of demolishing an entire building. Rainbow Dash, in her usual fashion, jabbed a hoof into the air and exclaimed how awesome it was to have beaten such a beast. “If you think its so awesome, go fight one yourself,” Sonorous replied in a snarky tone. Applejack stifled her laughter, resulting in a muffled chuckle. Pinkie Pie openly giggled at the remark which caused Rainbow Dash to blush in anger. “I was trying to give you a compliment you stuck uphhf.” Rainbow Dash’s began. Twilight was quick to cut her rant short by shoving a hoof into her mouth. “Calm yourself Rainbow, remember that not everypony will be able to handle your level of enthusiasm. Besides after the ordeal she’s been through, don’t you think she deserves a pass this time?” Twilight whispered into Rainbow Dash’s ear. After blowing a rather loud raspberry, Rainbow Dash flew a few feet into the air and fluttered in place. Wanting to taunt the pegasus again, Sonorous bit her lip as she listened to Twilight’s hurried apology. “Could we please hurry this along,” Rarity complained as beads of sweat were now forming across her brow. As they began to walk toward the hospital, Sonorous was beginning to feel better partially due to her feeding upon the concern that radiated from Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Concern although not as filling as love, its close relation to the emotion made it a quick snack for any changeling in a pinch. Although there was hardly any sustenance to be gain from it, the emotion could at least stave off a changeling’s appetite. After what felt like an hour, the Ponyville Hospital could finally be seen. Noticing that Rarity was now visibly struggling to maintain her telekinetic presence. Starlight invoked her telekinesis to support Sonorous, allowing Rarity to recuperate herself. “Thank you Starlight,” Rarity spoke graciously to the lilac colored unicorn. Starlight just smiled back at Rarity as they approached the main entrance. Once inside, both Starlight and Twilight carefully levitated Sonorous off the backs of Fluttershy and Applejack. Now free, Fluttershy approached the nurse's station and began to explain the situation. Meanwhile, the two unicorns gentle placed Sonorous onto a bench until an orderly arrived to escort her to an examination room. Not wanting to associate with either Twilight or Starlight. Sonorous kept her eyes closed as if trying to catch a quick nap. Once Fluttershy rejoined the group, Twilight asked in a hushed tone, if any other pony had associated with Sonorous. Applejack mentioned that she had a brief conversation with her a few days ago. Next, Fluttershy, with input from Rarity, revealed that they had spent a day with her. Once that was finished, Twilight spearheaded the next topic. From what Sonorous could make out, Twilight had inquired about the mysterious beam they briefly saw. She continued by stating that Rainbow Dash had confirmed that the beam had originated from somewhere within the theater‘s vicinity. Starlight suggested that given what they knew, Sonorous was most likely the caster. Several murmurs of agreement could be heard until Rarity chimed in. “I know that I’m no expert in magic but that spell looked quite advanced. I realize that she appears to be a couple of hooves taller than us. However, are we just assuming that her height equates to the amount of magic she’s capable of?” They immediately fell silent as they considered Rarity’s words. Until Twilight spoke up after some deep contemplation. “Rarity is right, we can’t just assume that Sonorous conjured that spell simply by her physique. As you all may recall during Tirek’s invasion, I was able to wield the power of three alicorns. However, that only leaves one other possibility, that spell was cast by somepony else.” The automated double doors opened with a soft hiss of air, successfully halting their discussion. The seven companions turned to see a gurney, pushed by a pegasus orderly, approached them. Hearing the clacking of hooves against the tiled floor, Sonorous opened her eyes and assumed a sitting position. The orderly glanced at the seven ponies before resting his gaze upon the injured alabaster unicorn. “Are you Sonorous,” he asked in a deep gravely voice. She simply nodded as she stepped off the bench onto the floor. The orderly applied the brakes before pressing a lever with his left forehoof. The gurney’s crisscrossed assortment of rods began to fold upon itself. Causing the mattress to lower as pressurized air escaped their cylindrical confines. Only after the bed was level with Sonorous’ knees did he release the lever. She easily stepped onto the bed, folding her legs underneath her, and laid down. Once she was settled, the orderly flipped a peddle downward before using his rear hoof to constantly pump it. As he did so, the bed portion began to rise upward. After a few pumps, he flipped the peddle back into its upright position. As he was releasing the brakes, Sonorous looked toward the group. “I appreciate the assistance,” she said with a soft demeanor. Although they assumed it was for helping her to the hospital. Sonorous was referring to the revitalization of her energy. The orderly began to push Sonorous to the next available examination room where a doctor and nurse were waiting. Stopped next to the examination table, he applied the brakes and assisted Sonorous onto the table before leaving. “Now let’s have a look at you,” the doctor casually stated. With his stethoscope, he checked her heartbeat and breathing for any abnormities. After a few deep breaths, he was certain that she hadn’t sustained any damage to her heart and lungs. Gently, he placed a hoof against her left side and delicately pressed inward several times. Sonorous didn’t react until he applied this process to her right side. The injury she had sustained earlier caused her to grimace. He continued to gently prod her legs, back, and neck. Placing his hoof back upon the floor when he was done. With a partial smile, he informed her that she didn’t appear to have sustained any broken bones. Although, if she wanted, he would schedule an appointment for some X-rays. Sonorous fabricated a reason to decline, knowing that they would suggest staying overnight. Respectful of her choice, the doctor stated that they had to clean and bandage her lacerations. He bade the two ponies farewell before departing. The nurse immediately set about the room, collecting the disinfectant and bandages. “You wouldn’t happen to know which room Vinyl Scratch is in would you,” Sonorous asked. “Are you a friend of hers?” replied the nurse as she continued to gather supplies. Sonorous cringed, remembering all the dribble that Purple Pompous and her friends spouted on about friendship during their encounters. “I merely wanted to check in on her,” Sonorous snapped back. “Alright, you don’t have to get snippy,” the nurse playfully retorted. Sonorous was taken aback at such a mild reaction to her aggression. Perhaps the nurse wasn‘t taking her seriously or had misinterpreted the cause of her anger. Regardless of what it might have been, she revealed Vinyl’s room number as she finished bandaging Sonorous’ barrel. Thanking the nurse for treating her, She was about to exit when the nurse called after her. “I won’t tell anypony that you have a friend, I know how you loner types like to appear detached,” she said with a smile. Sonorous returned a weak smile before setting out to find Vinyl’s room. As she searched for room two hundred and fifteen, her mind reeled at the absolute ignorance she had just witnessed. The dimwitted nurse had somehow confused anger with a loner complex. Sonorous had started to think that Ponyville had achieved an everlasting contentment among the chaotic world. However, she was now convinced it was just blissful ignorance. Glancing at the room numbers above, Sonorous slowed until she reached Vinyl’s room. Knocked on the door and after Octavia’s invitation, she entered. > Closed Window, Open Door > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She was greeted by the shocked expressions of the two occupants. Surprised to see her up and about so soon after the battle with the giant timber wolf. “How are you feeling,” Sonorous asked as she trotted across the floor to Vinyl’s bedside. Both pen and notepad rose into the air as she began to jot down a reply. Meanwhile, Octavia’s temper suddenly flared up. The cause wasn't just the realization of how powerful she could be but the fact that Vinyl could have easily been killed that day. Octavia’s dislike for Sonorous was quite plain from the moment they met. Her detached and blunt personality was quite off-putting. However, this new realization only fueled Octavia’s bête noire1 for the strange unicorn. Even with Vinyl trying to persuade her otherwise. Octavia refused to alter her opinion, surmising her backstory was merely a fabrication to excuse her atrocious behavior. Maintaining an indifferent expression, several questions swirled in her head. If not for Vinyl‘s plea to give Sonorous a chance, she would be firing each one off in rapid succession. Her thoughts were interrupted by Sonorous, “I’m relieved it was only a couple of bruised ribs and not something worse.” Vinyl smiled and retracted her notepad to write something else. As she did so, Sonorous turned to Octavia. With a smile that seemed rather odd, Sonorous expressed her relief that Octavia was safe as well. She continued by saying how lucky they were that they didn’t encounter any other timber wolves along the way. Both ponies stared at her in horrid shock, “What do you mean?” Octavia asked in a rather harsh tone. Vinyl shot her an annoyed glance while Sonorous answered, ignoring her hostile tone completely. “After dispatching the timber wolf, I encountered Fluttershy and her friends. While helping me to the hospital, I overheard them talk about how they dispatched some timber wolves in the area, she replied.” “Was anypony else hurt,” Octavia blurted out as Vinyl started swiping her pen across the page. Sonorous simply shrugged which caused Octavia to contort her face into a worried expression. From her peripheral, Sonorous noticed Vinyl’s notepad floating beside her. Taking it in her magic, she noticed that a partial question about what happened was crossed out. Below it was a question about how she was able to deal with such an imposing beast. Levitating it back, she began to inform them of what transpired after they left. Once finished, both ponies merely stared in awe. Octavia broke the silence by confessing how impressed she was that she had subdued it by herself. She continued by expressing her gratitude for saving them. Usually, Sonorous would gloat about such a feat. However. she decided against such an action and instead asked a question. “Octavia, is there any way that you could arrange a concert in Canterlot for me?” The question was so far off topic that Octavia was momentarily dumbstruck. “We just survived an attack from a giant timber wolf and you're worried about performing a concert in Canterlot. Vinyl had mentioned your desire to seek me out but I’d no idea this is what you wanted. Normally, I wouldn’t care to lend a hoof to a fellow performer but to ask after what just happened is simply absurd,” Octavia concluded in a disbelieving voice. Unfazed, Sonorous asked if it was possible or not in a more stern tone. Reminded herself that this was just how Sonorous was, Octavia replied in an annoyed tone. She informed her that it would be a month, at the least, to secure an opening at the Canterlot Performing Arts Hall. As Sonorous listened attentively, Octavia began to name other locations. Yet, with each location, she explained that they were most likely booked months in advance. She went on to tell Sonorous that countless performers, musicians, and singers all vied for a turn to perform in Equestria’s Capital City. Sonorous carefully considered Octavia’s words, once she finished her explanation. The room became silent for several minutes until Sonorous spoke up. “Hmmm, well that is disheartening but I would appreciate it if you could make the preparations Octavia.” The genuine sincerity sounded foreign for the usually cold unicorn. Octavia gave a half-hearted sigh before reluctantly agreeing. A knock sliced through the silence that threatened to permeate the room again. The door opened moments later, to reveal Nurse Redheart pushing a cart of food. “I’m sorry but visiting hours are over, its time for Miss Vinyl’s dinner,” she stated as she approached the bed. Glancing out the window, they noticed the sun had nearly vanished over the horizon. Both Sonorous and Octavia gave their farewells before vacating the room. As they walked toward the elevator, Sonorous spoke in a stern voice, “I know you have more questions for me.” Octavia replied, matching her tone, that the timber wolf in the theater seemed to be searching for something. She went on to accuse Sonorous of possibly knowing why Ponyville was attacked. While pressing the call button for the elevator, Sonorous demanded that Octavia explain her accusation. Octavia recited what Applejack had conveyed in a town assembly after having saved a mother and foal a year ago. Stating that a timber wolf would pursue its target relentlessly. Furthermore, Octavia remembered a separate occasion where a timber wolf had apparently tracked Applejack to Sweet Apple Acres after saving Spike. Although these were the only occurrences of a timber wolf straying from the Everfree, she believed it was enough to draw an assumption from. The elevator doors opened with a ding as they walked into the empty compartment. Selecting the ground floor, Sonorous answered. “Your assumption is correct, it was probably hunting me.” Octavia spun around to glare angrily at Sonorous while the elevator began its descent. “You engaged a timber wolf in combat, did you even consider that it might want revenge!” Octavia began to chastise her but stopped when Sonorous held up a hoof for silence. “Don’t be so condescending, it doesn’t suit you,” Sonorous dryly stated. Taking a breath, her annoyance shifted back to a more submissive tone. Octavia narrowed her eyes but remained silent. “As for our earlier encounter, it attacked me but ran off when it discovered I wasn’t an easy target.” Sonorous spoke in a prideful tone. Octavia studied her as if trying to discover any outward sign of insincerity. As the elevator doors opened, she realized that Sonorous might be telling the truth. “If that’s true then I apologize for accusing you of being an instigator. I am curious about the spontaneous friendship between you and Vinyl though,” Octavia inquired. To which Sonorous replied that she could relate to being treated differently by others. “How were you treated differently, you seem normal,” Octavia stated. As they walked from the hospital, Sonorous revealed that her homeland considered her and her family repugnant. Octavia went silent, trying to comprehend why anypony would shun another to such a degree. Strange hair, coat color, different outlooks on life, or different political views presented themselves as possibilities. Yet, those reasons seemed asinine to rationalize the complete preclusion of an entire clan. As they came to a fork, Octavia gave Sonorous a brief farewell before venturing down the left path. Sonorous took the right, like Octavia, her mind was occupied as well. This marked the second time she nearly exhausted her magic. The element bearers had unknowingly helped preserve her sanity. The irony of it all caused her mood to plummet. Adding insult to injury, her presence would be more renowned due to the day’s events. Sonorous let out a ragged breath as she trotted outside the Ponyville City Limits. Completely distraught by the fact that her revenge had come to a jarring halt. Sonorous opened the door to her wagon and flopped face first onto the bed after securing it. Anger flared wildly within her mind until she finally succumbed to sleep. A loud rapping at her door and the voice of a well-spoken mare caused Chrysalis to bolt upright in her bed. She didn't have a clock to check the time but it felt like she had just laid down. “Excuse me Miss Sonorous, are you awake?” came the voice again. Assuming her disguise, she unlocked the door. Taking a deep breath to alleviate her annoyance, she slowly opened it. There stood a smiling, elderly looking, beige earth mare. She wore around her neck a plain white cravat, its fringe dyed a deep jade color. On the brim of her nose sat a pair of golden brim spectacles. Behind her glasses beamed a pair of cheery soft blue colored eyes. Her mane had a single streak of light gray flowed through dark gray, while her tail was a dark gray/light gray-streaked scheme. Her smooth skin belied the mountain of knowledge that her hair implied. The pony’s cutie mark was a rolled-up scroll, bound in the middle by a single blue ribbon. “Hello Miss Sonorous, my name is Mayor Mare. I’m aware that you’re not a resident but we’d like to hear any ideas you might have for the restoration of our town,” she finished. Sonorous stared at Mayor Mare as she cordially declining her invitation. Undeterred, the mayor mentioned that Sonorous, along with several others, was to receive a medal during said meeting. Adding that the princess herself would be presiding over the ceremony. Sonorous’ ears perked up at the last part, observing her reaction, Mayor Mare surmised that she had reconsidered. Informing Sonorous that the meeting would commence at noon, she turned to leave but stopped as Sonorous called out. “You wouldn’t have the time would you?” she asked while opening a bottle of water. Glimpsing quickly at her shadow, Mayor Mare stated that it was a quarter past eleven. A stream of water spewed from her mouth as the door slammed shut. I’ll see you there, she thought while trotting away. Twenty minutes later, Sonorous burst from her wagon and galloped toward city hall. Partially out of breath, she arrived a couple of minutes later. Several ponies were patiently standing on the stage as she slowed to a trot. The line was fairly long, comprised mainly of emergency responders, guards, and a few good-willed citizens. Surprisingly, Twilight and company were absent from the stage. Tracing the line to the podium, her eyes fell upon the princess. There, before the entirety of Ponyville stood an alicorn with a pink coat and tri-color hair of gold, pink, and purple. It’s the wrong princess, Sonorous mentally screeched. Either the mayor purposely omitted which princess would be there or something prevented Celestia from attending. The reason hardly mattered, if Celestia wasn’t there she wouldn't be either. Turning to leave, She was startled by Mayor Mare, who was standing behind her. “I’m glad that you made it, now we can celebrate all the heroes of yesterday,” she spoke with a hint of excitement in her voice. Mayor Mare made her way toward the stage, followed by a reluctant Sonorous. As they ascended the stairs to the left, Sonorous couldn’t help but wonder how an ordinary pony had snuck up on her from apparently nowhere. Mayor Mare took her place to the left of Princess Cadance, who stood at the podium. “Good afternoon, I’m glad to see everypony here. As you all know, Ponyville was attacked by a large number of timber wolves. Although the town didn’t emerge unscathed, we are relieved to inform you that there were no casualties, thanks to these brave ponies.” The alicorn finished before waving her hoof at the ponies to her right. The crowd exploded into a roar of cheers, honoring the aforementioned ponies. After several moments, Cadance’s dignified voice rung out, instantly quieting the crowd. “It is with great honor that I present these medals of courage to them for safeguarding the residence of this fair town.” With her speech concluded, she flipped open a box that had sat on the podium. Levitated a medal up high for all to see, she turned to face an earth pony to her right. The pony took a few steps toward her, stopped, and bow his head several inches. The princess spoke once again, “for protecting those who were unable to, I bestow you this Medal of Courage.” The pony raised his head and walked down the stairs on the opposite end of the stage. Meanwhile, the line shuffled forward, the pegasus followed the previous pony’s etiquette behavior. “For assisting the guards in the evacuation of the town regardless of the potential danger, I award you this Medal of Courage,” she stated. This continued for several minutes as each recipient received their award. Finally, Sonorous approached Cadance and bowed although not as low as the others had. She didn’t seem to mind or take notice as she slipped the medal over her head. “For safeguarding it’s citizens, despite not being a resident yourself, I award you the Medal of Courage.” she finished. Sonorous raised her head and their eyes met. A horrid sense of fear gripped Cadance’s mind. Sonorous strolled past her and off the stage to join the rest of the crowd. Pushing aside the unnerving feeling that had overcome her, she turned to address the crowd again. “Before I relinquish the stage to your mayor, how about another round of applause for these brave ponies.” Nopony seemed to notice but her voice had taken on a slight quiver. Numerous hooves sounded off for several moments before falling silent. The alicorn took several steps back as Mayor Mare approached the podium. “Thank you for that lovely ceremony and without further ado, I now call this meeting to order.” “As mentioned before, our town has suffered some collateral damage. We at city hall want to hear any ideas that you may have to help facilitate the town’s restoration.” As soon as she finished, several murmurs erupted throughout the crowd. Sonorous ignored their chatter as she quickly began to think of a different way to get at Celestia. While she schemed, the mayor was calling on several ponies to discuss their idea. A chocolate coated unicorn with mint green hair had suggested a charity festival. Another suggestion was given by a pegasus with a taffy pink coat and strawberry colored hair. Their suggestion was to set up an anonymous donation chest in city hall. The mayor pointed a hoof at a blue mare that desired to speak. The earth pony wore an apron, her hair was a striped pink/light pink color. Her mane looked as if somepony styled it to resemble a descending line of wavy icing. She wore a pair of pink pearled earrings. Her cutie mark was three pink frosted cupcakes with cherries on top. “Well it’s not really an idea, per se but we’d be willing to allocate the next two weeks of profit to Ponyville’s restoration,” the mare stated. “That’s very generous Mrs. Cake, and if any other business would like to do the same, please see me afterward,” Mayor Mare exclaimed. An alabaster hoof shot into the air, “What’s your idea Miss Sonorous,” the mayor called out. As with the other ponies that voiced their idea, the entire crowd turned to her idea. “I was thinking that we could hold a music festival where any practitioner of music could perform, be that singing, performing, or instrumental. However, since we don’t have a stage or a concert hall, I’m not sure if we could,” Sonorous solemnly spoke. The crowd buzzed with whispered opinions, the few that reached her ears seemed to favor her suggestion. This caused her to smile inwardly, perhaps she’d be able to rekindle her stalled revenge. Meanwhile, Cadance was beginning to doubt her intuition. Comparing Twilight’s description of her encounters with Chrysalis, this mare didn’t seem anything like her. Perhaps it was just a coincidence that they shared the same colored eyes. However, Chrysalis could easily alter her personality to throw any off her trail. Flaring her wings out, she shot into the air to pass over the crowd, landing in front of Sonorous. The crowd was deftly silent as Cadance spoke. “You mentioned that Ponyville no longer had a place to perform at, might you have a solution in mind?” Smiling, Sonorous suggested that the event could take place in Canterlot. “That’s an interesting proposal, why Canterlot though, certainly there are more suitable locations to host such a festival,” a scrutinizing Cadance inquired. Taking a deep breath, Sonorous locked eyes with the inquiring alicorn. “As you’ve suggested there are other places that would be a better location. Manehattan, Fillydelphia, or even Vanhoover would be a splendid location but Canterlot is a more centralized location.” Sonorous countered. “Canterlot is indeed the center of Equestria but its performing centers are usually booked months in advance. Ponyville needs to raise money as soon as possible not eventually,” Cadance retorted. By now the crowd was watching the two mares. Entranced by their verbal jousting, they listened as they attempted to outmaneuver the other. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem, especially when everypony hears that its to raise money to rebuild the hometown of The Bearers of Harmony.” “Furthermore, performers that might not be able to afford it otherwise are given a chance to showcase their talent in Canterlot,” Sonorous countered. Murmurs of approval cascaded throughout the crowd, even Cadance appeared to favor the idea. “Lastly, it would allow all four princesses to once again congregate in Canterlot, which is a momentous occasion on its own. That is if you're able to attend Princess Cadance,” Sonorous quickly added. Cadance thought it over but couldn’t detect any ulterior motive. “You’ve made some excellent points, so let's assume that we could procure you a location. Do you have an idea on how much admission would cost?” Cadance asked. Numerous heads shifted toward Sonorous, waiting for her reply. “Of course I do, I propose a small admission fee of three bits, as to allow as many ponies the opportunity to attend. With the chance to aid Equestria, possibly meeting the princesses, and experience numerous performances for a reduced cost. I expect a huge turnout for this event,” Sonorous confidently stated. “I’ll see what I can do but I make no promises,” Cadance replied before flying back to rejoin the mayor. After several more hours of listening to ideas, Mayor Mare brought the meeting to a close. Expressing both the princess and her gratitude for the abundant amount of support, they left the stage and entered city hall. Mr. and Mrs. Cake, along with several other ponies, soon entered city hall as well. With the crowd dispersing, Sonorous made her way back to her wagon. Absolutely giddy at the fact that her entrance into Canterlot was practically assured. Despite all the snags so far, it felt like things were starting to go her way. > Silliness and Summons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Mare, followed by Princess Cadance and several other ponies, entered her office. It was a humble room containing a fairly long desk positioned opposite the door. A tall, slender window embedded in the left wall allowed the fading sun to illuminate the room. A set of flags stood behind her desk. The flag on the left was The National Flag of Equestria, embroidered on a sky blue cloth. A white alicorn with turquoise hair represented Celestia, while a dark blue and purpled haired alicorn representing Luna, comprised the second half of the circle. Mimicking their equine equivalents, the sun and moon pursued each other in their endless cycle. The princesses were surrounded by stars while the white borders beautifully framed the flag itself. While the flag on the right was The Elected Flag of Ponyville. In the center of a yellow flag, rested a moderately sized heart, slightly stretched vertically. Mirroring lines emanated from the hearts lower point, branched out, and formed an inverted curl below it. Its design resembled a chassis that one might associate with a fancy carriage. Flanking in on both sides were the silhouettes of two identical earth ponies, colored in a shade of maroon. The mayor’s desk was a simple stained desk of oak, to the bottom right of the desktop sat a pile of blank sheets. To the top left sat two conjoined trays, one bore the words ‘Incoming’ while the other displayed ‘Outgoing’. In the center of the desk, slightly to the left, sat a capped inkwell. Next, to it was a slightly worn, red-feathered quill rested in its upward slanted holder. Mayor Mare strolled around the desk, sat down, before withdrawing a blank sheet of paper. Princess Cadance stopped to stand at the mayor’s left while she explained that any donations or allotments were to be written down along with the owner’s name(s). First up was Mrs. Cup Cake, she wrote down an allotment of two weeks profit and signed her name. Moving aside, a slender stallion approached the mayor’s desk. This pony also wore an apron, a candy cane striped bowtie, and a bakers hat. His coat was a lemon yellow, with pumpkin orange hair, and a cutie mark of three frosted pumpkin squares. Underneath Mrs. Cake’s name he wrote, Mr. Carrot Cake before returning the quill to its holder. Having concluded their business, they strolled out as another stallion took their place. This stallion had slick black back hair, a beige coat, and he wore an informal suit. Around his neck was his iconic red tie, a money sign was embroidered in gold on the front of it. Lastly, his cutie mark was three sacks of money. Taking the quill, he dipped it into the inkwell, then skipped down a half-space before adding his contribution. Very elegantly, he wrote down a fifteen hundred bit donation and across that, he signed Filthy Rich. Several other proprietors made a contribution as well. Only after everypony left the room did Candance address the mayor, “That went better then I would have hope.” “I never had a doubt,” Mayor Mare replied. “We may be a small town but there’s no community so interwoven as ours.” After a warm smile and a few words of departure, the pink alicorn vanished, a soft poof signaled her departure. In a matter of seconds, she materialized in front of a pair of tall double doors. Summoning her magic, the doors opened. The pair of guards on either side of the doors saluted as she entered. Cadance approached Celestia, who sat upon the throne. The luxurious red carpet muffled her hoof steps, glancing at the stained glass windows along the way. A smile formed on her face, reminding her that anything was possible through friendship, cooperation, and determination. “Welcome back Cadance, did you enjoy your visit to Ponyville?” Celestia addressed her in a motherly voice. Stopping at the base of the circular stairs she replied in an official tone, “It was quite uplifting, the residents of Ponyville are certainly a shining example of generosity. Although I was a little nervous as to how they would receive me instead of you.” Smiling, Celestia rose from her seat and descended toward her. Stopping beside her, a sinister grin formed across her lips before putting Cadance into a headlock. Pulling her close, she gave a playful nuggy. “Oh very mature,” Cadance impishly reproached as she struggled to free herself. Yet, her grip held firm as she continued her assault. By now Cadance’s mane was nothing more than a tri-colored mess of hair. With no hope of overpowering her, Cadance began to flap her wings instead. Unable to withstand the repetitive stroking of feathers against her side, Celestia broke into a fit of laughter. Seizing her opportunity, she broke away, spun around, and tackled Celestia. The two alicorns tumbled to the floor in a flurry of playful jabs and roughhousing. Lost to their merriment was the sound of approaching hoof steps. With an indifferent “Ahrm” the romping alicorns stopped and looked up at their mysterious guest. “I hope I’m not interrupting,” a deep feminine voice called out. Before them stood the dainty figure of Luna. Celestia was the first to recover herself, soon followed by Cadance. “Not at all sister, Cadance was preparing to brief me on Ponyville’s situation,” Celestia replied gleefully. Without another word, Luna smiled before continuing to replace the lavender in the metal sconces. Glancing at Celestia, Cadance saw a mischievous smirk spread across her lips. With the prowess of a tiger, she silently stalked Luna. Stopping when she did as not to draw her attention, she slowly began to overtake her. Impressed that she moved so silently while wearing her royal attire, Cadance watched with bated breath. Luna, making her way across the room, appeared to have not noticed her slinking sister. Now within an arms reach, she tightened her leg muscles before she pounced at Luna. It happened so fast that Cadance nearly missed the whole affair. Before Celestia could successfully tackle her sister, an audible poof was heard. Her smirk changed to shock as a series of clops sounded from the floor. Another poof rang out, followed by a wheeze from Celestia. Nearly laughing out loud, Cadance drew a hoof to her mouth. Craning her neck around, she saw her sister was now perched upon her back. Leaning forward, Luna began to rustle her mane with both hooves. An action which was met by her playfully trying to buck her unexpected passenger. Unable to contain herself anymore, Cadance broke into a laughing fit as Luna shouted yeehaw. Due to her smaller stature, she was eventually flung into the air. Gracefully landing next to her sister, the two alicorns looked toward Cadance. Watching as she rolled on the floor, consumed by laughter. Shooting Luna a sideways, both sisters grinned as they closed in on her. The sound of clattering shoes upon the marble gave her pause. With speed yet unseen by the sisters, Cadance leaped away from being an alicorn sandwich. Trotting backward, she stuck her tongue out before moving away. Getting back to their hooves, the three alicorns frolicked around for several hours. Unfortunately, Luna had to return to her duties, officially ending their festivities. Hugging both Celestia and Cadance before leaving them. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen Luna in such a playful mood,” Cadance stated. Celestia smiled warmly, “The same could be said about you. We were worried you might have changed since starting your reign.” “Is that why you put me in a headlock earlier?” Cadance deadpanned. With a giggle, Celestia nodded. “I‘d be lying to say it has been easy. Especially since our attempts to alter their regal portrayal of the royal family, failed,” she passively confessed. Celestia wrapped a wing around her barrel, pulling her close. Cadance could feel the love and concern that radiated from her aunt. “My dear niece, don’t ever lose hope. It’s challenging to reshape the public’s opinion. However, I know you’ll do marvelous as their princess,” Celestia spoke as would a doting mother. Overwhelmed by her aunt’s unwavering confidence and concern, she laid her neck across her withers. Only after a soft yawn from Cadance, did they break apart. With Celestia leading the way, they left the throne room. Clearing her throat, Cadance prepared to deliver her report but was hushed by Celestia. “I’m sure they have everything under control. Besides, why spoil the moment with work,” she replied. Smiling, they made their way to their rooms. Another beautiful sunrise peaked over the horizon to bath Ponyville in it’s warming glow. Waking from a dreamless slumber, Chrysalis rose to her hooves. She found herself humming, in what felt like forever. Perhaps it was because the entire town called her a hero. Maybe it was due to Cadance and the bearers being taken by her fabricated persona. For whatever reason, she regarded the day with a sense of wonderment. After several minutes, she left her wagon, high-stepping as she made her way to the hospital. However, as she entered the town square, a group of ponies caught her attention. Curious, she approached and asked the nearest equine what all the fuss was about. They informed her that they were signing up to perform for the big fundraiser being held in Canterlot. “Can you believe that we’ll be able to perform in Canterlot. This could be our band’s big break,” an excited earth pony exclaimed. A huge grin formed on her lips, thoroughly enraptured that Celestia had moved on her suggestion. Sonorous patiently waited to add her name to the list. For what felt like hours, the group finally thinned out enough for her to approach the bulletin board. Dipping the quill in ink, she elegantly wrote her name and her act in the provided lines. However, before she could continue to her original destination, a voice addressed her. Turning to see who it was, she spotted a small purple dragon standing beside her. Her smile waned slightly as he spoke, “It’s nice to finally meet you Miss Sonorous.” As her attention focused on him, he nervously began to fidget his claws. He couldn‘t understand why he felt nervous. Having met several exotic creatures, some of which were more intimidating than a lone unicorn. Perhaps it was her steely and detached gaze. Maybe it was due to having heard that she had slain the giant timber wolf by herself. Whatever the reason, he swallowed hard before speaking again, “Princess Twilight has asked me to escort you to her castle, please follow me,” he calmly stated. “For what purpose am I granted an audience with the princess,” she flatly inquired. “Well, this morning she received a letter inquiring about how they were to accommodate the influx of ponies that would occupy Canterlot. Since it was your idea, she thought it would prudent to include you in finding a suitable solution,” he replied. Accepting his explanation, Sonorous motioned for him to lead the way. They walked in silence for several minutes until she asked a question. “Does Ponyville have a problem with eavesdroppers?” Stunned by her blunt question, he quickly denied the accusation. Noticing that he suddenly looked tense, she followed up by suggesting that her performance might have sparked their curiosity. “Yea, that’s probably what it was,” Spike quickly answered. “I wonder what they thought of it since it was my second performance. I’m curious if everypony will enjoy my music,” she stated nonchalantly. Shocked to hear her doubting her ability, Spike replied that they would utterly enjoy it. He went on to state that her music was quite enthralling before suddenly clamming up in embarrassment. “I’m glad you enjoyed it,” she spoke in a giddy tone. “Although, I’m curious why you decided to stay outside. I’m sure Rarity would have to invite you to stay.” His faced drooped as he explained that he didn’t want to intrude. Taking on a serious tone, Sonorous informed him that the worst she could have done was turn him away. Of course, this only caused the dragon‘s face to fall into an almost pouting expression. “Listen, Spike, I don’t claim to know the relationship between you and her.” “However, I’m getting the distinct feeling that you like her more than just a friend,” she finished. At breakneck speed, he cocked his head to stare up at her. “No, it’s not that I. I… I mean she’s a pony and I’m… a dragon,” he half-heartedly blurted. “What’s wrong with that, are dragons not entitled to happiness? You might be surprised to know that love isn’t as black and white as you may think,” she replied in a cheeky tone. “Take it from me, different species fall in love with each other all the time. I should know,” she spoke in a tortured voice. Snapped from his dreary mood, he couldn’t believe that he wasn’t the only one to have feelings for a member of a different species. Pushing aside his sadness, he inquired about her plight. “I’d rather not get into it, despite the years, I still feel the pain. What you must remember is to keep trying. Don‘t come on too strong but don‘t slink away at the first sign of resistance.” she replied. Spike could feel his conviction to woo Rarity reinvigorated. Spurred on by Sonorous’ words, he was soon lost to his own imaginings. In doing so, he failed to notice the tear she quickly flicked away. It wasn’t long before they found themselves standing in front of the crystalline doors of Twilight’s castle. Opening the door, he motioned her to enter. Closing the door behind them, he guided her to the study. It was an enormous room, lined with more book than any library she’d ever seen before. In the middle of the room, sat a large round table. On the opposite side, sat Twilight busy hoofing through several sheets of paperwork. Loudly clearing his throat, Twilight looked up to see them waiting in the doorway. Scooting her chair back, she hopped to the floor and approached them. Watching her, Sonorous could feel her anger seeping through her mind. Stopping a couple of inches away, Twilight held up a hoof as she greeted her. “I take it that Spike has already informed you why I’ve asked you here,” she spoke as Sonorous shook her hoof. After a short acknowledgment, Twilight quickly jumped to the heart of the matter. “So how would you suggest we deal with the situation at hoof?” inquiring as she prepared to record her suggestions. “Since this fundraiser will take several days to complete, from the sound of it. I would suggest you divvy the performances into different days. Arrange their performances so where that day will feature the same, if not similar genres.” She was about to continue but was interrupted by Twilight. “What about groups and non-instrumental performers,” she asked. “I guess you could make three separate groups, one for each category. Afterward, you could start placing them into their respective genre. Although I‘d surmise that group performers might be a challenge since they may derive from several different sources.” Sonorous finished. Once Twilight finished writing, she thanked her for the suggestions. As Spike began to show her out, Twilight called out for them to stop. Being the curious mare that she was, she just had to know what happened that day. When posing the question, she was shocked to learn that Sonorous was the caster. She went on to reveal that it was the collapsed building that finally brought it down. Thanking her again, Spike showed her out. Quickly returning to the library, Twilight was already preparing to send a second scroll to Cadance. “Twilight, are you sure it was right to lie to her about her visit,” he asked. “Yes Spike, Cadance asked me to look into her. Besides we did get her opinion, so it’s more stretching the truth than lying,” she assured him. Levitated the two scrolls, a bright green flame engulfed them. The magical particles that remained, sped off to their destination. Returning to her paperwork, Spike walked back to his room. His head buzzing with his next attempt to win Rarity’s affection. > Shattered Ambitions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nearly a week had passed with not a hint to the festival’s progress. Several saunters through the Everfree or short musical endeavors helped pass the time. On the sixth day, a knock resounded from her door. Due to the prolonged drought of information, Chrysalis’ patience was nearing its limit. Assuming her persona, she opened the door. Standing at the bottom step, was a cheerful gray pegasus. “The mayor has informed the mail carriers that we could find a Sonorous here. Are you her,” the pegasus finished. After confirming her identity, the mail mare plunged her hoof into the mailbag. While she fished around her satchel, Sonorous wondered how the pegasus could perceive anything with her eyes crossed. Extracting a scroll, she held it toward Sonorous. Noticing Celestia’s official seal, her magic quickly drew the scroll closer. Enthralled by what the message might state, she closed the door. Unperturbed by her rudeness, the mail mare flew to her next destination. Dropping her disguise, she ripped off the ribbon and unrolled the scroll. Dear Citizen, We’re happy to inform you that the preparations for Equestria’s First Continental Gathering of Artists, is complete. In five days, Canterlot will host a week-long celebration to both known and yet to be discovered practitioners of the performing arts. Each performance will be categorized by its genre. If the theater isn’t your delectation or your specific preference is performing another day. Don’t fret, come join the fun at our citywide festival. Enjoy numerous games and entertainment hosted throughout Canterlot. Enjoy both cuisines and games from both native and foreign lands. All patronage will be allotted to the Equestria’s relief funding. Princess Celestia All her frustration instantly faded, leaving a somber expression on her face. As she stood there, images of her triumphant victory flashed within her mind. The four slain princesses, trampled underhoof as she danced atop their corpses. Informing all of Canterlot that she now sat upon the throne. Swept up in her ecstatic conceptions, she scanned the wagon‘s interior. However, as the truth of her predicament seeped back in, she dropped onto her haunches. Dejected, she lowered her head as her smile morphed into a sorrowful frown. Chrysalis silently crooked, damn it, before assuming a prone position on the floor. The fleeting happiness she felt was replaced with a heart-wrenching sadness. Desperate to ease her faltering mood, she slowly drifted to sleep. The next two days, Chrysalis remained shut up in her wagon. Even the slow decline of her energy didn’t rouse her from the stupor that had consumed her. On the third day, however, a rather loud knock reverberated through the door. Even after several refusals to open the door, the force against it only grew stronger. Realizing that it wouldn’t hold out against such abuse, she reluctantly transformed into Sonorous. After a few more bashes, the door slammed hard against the wall with a loud thud. There stood in the doorway, was Octavia, righting herself to face Sonorous. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself. You’re the last pony I’d expect to see mopping,” she said in a stern tone. Laying in her bed, Sonorous turned to look at her. “What do you want Octavia,” she halfheartedly replied. Finding it hard to believe that the despondent pony before her was actually Sonorous, Octavia replied. “I thought you’d be interested to know that Vinyl has been released from the hospital. Although, you’d already know that if you weren’t wallowing in pity.” Sonorous just stared at her with dead eyes. With a cathartic sigh, Octavia made her way to her bedside and sat down. “What’s wrong, this is very abnormal for you,” she stated with concern in her voice. Silence filled the wagon for several long minutes until the rustling of the covers cut through. Laying on her stomach now, Sonorous lifted her head wearily. “I know that I should be happy, my desire to perform in Canterlot is coming true. It’s this realization that drowns me in sorrow. I just wish my family could be here to spur me onward during my performance,” she droned. Furrowing her brow, she attempted to comfort her. As she did, her mind recalled the story that Vinyl had relayed to her. Feeling ashamed to have dismissed it so quickly due to Sonorous' apathetic attitude. “I’m sorry your family isn’t here but they’ll always be with you, both in heart and spirit. Besides, they wouldn’t want to see you so distraught, Octavia finished. After a meek word of appreciation, Sonorous turned her back toward Octavia. Unsure of what else to do, Octavia stood up to leave. Stopping in the doorway, she turned back to glare at her. Anger rose within her, the pitiful sight of the once strong and confident pony made her sick. Loudly clearing her throat, she waited until she knew Sonorous was listening. “I may not particularly like you and find you as emotionally aware as a rock. However, Vinyl considers you a friend, which makes us friends by association, even if we don’t want to be. I’d be remiss as her friend if I didn’t try to cheer you up. So I’ll tell you what you essentially told her. Get your shite together, I understand your hurting." "We’re all been plunged into the depths of misery at one time. However, that’s no excuse to exclude everypony from possibly helping,” she growled. Sonorous didn’t move but her turned ear signified that she was listening. “I’ve seen you with other ponies, I’m sure they would lend you their help. I know for certain that Vinyl would do anything to help as well. This moping isn’t productive at all, not to mention nopony can help if you don’t ask,” her voice livid. Unwilling to gaze at the miserable unicorn any longer. Octavia stormed out, slamming the door behind her. With a weak sigh, Sonorous turned her attention back to the wall. She appreciated what Octavia tried to do. Unfortunately, she would never know the depths of her particular pain. It wrenched her heart to the point that made her wish for its exclusion during birth. She’d thought to seek containment of her grief and believed to have achieved just that. However, the recent wave of agony proved her control was nothing but a farce. Discovering the cause of her anguish, only flung her deeper into despair. Her vendetta, the metaphoric blade that she brandished against the Diarchy. The very instrument brought forth to exact justice would inevitably bring neither comfort nor any conciliation. Only now did she realize that the memories of her fallen drones were inexorably tied to the princesses' fate. The reaping of their lives would accomplish nothing but a hollow victory. Yet, her besmirched pride wouldn’t allow her to deviate from the path set forth. Disinclined to think about it any longer, she closed her eyes. Desperately hoping that sleep would fetch her a pleasant dream. Extending a salve, if only briefly, to heal her trampled spirit. > Chipped Armor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Vinyl you need to get up, we're going to miss the train," Octavia prodded her sleeping roommate. A groggy Vinyl swatted her hoof away before pulling the covers over herself with a groan. Slipping a hoof under the sheet, Octavia flung them off the bed. To combat the sudden chill, Vinyl curled into a ball. Rolling her eyes, she bit her tail and dragged Vinyl into the kitchen. The scent of freshly cooked haystrips with biscuits slathered in gravy, made her nose twitch in delight. Leaving Vinyl on the floor, she pulled out a chair and sat in front of her plate. The soft clops against the floor made Octavia smirk as the dark blue/cyan ball of tangled hair rose above the tabletop. "Good morning sunshine," she playfully cooed. Shooting her roommate an annoyed glare, she pulled out her chair and began to eat. What started out peacefully ended abruptly as dinnerware clanked together. Octavia's gaze focused on a stone-faced Vinyl with a hoof pointing at a nearby wall. She didn't have to look to know that she was pointing at the clock on the wall. "Can you blame me for waking you early, although the letter from yesterday didn't specify a specific time for us to arrive. I'd thought it'd be better to arrive early instead of rushing through the streets of Canterlot. Besides, now you have time to shower," Octavia spoke with a coy grin. Sticking out her tongue, Vinyl finished her food before excusing herself. Placing her plate and mug into the sink as she made her way to the bathroom. Unable to contain herself, Octavia let out a giggle at Vinyl's lackluster display of annoyance. Having been roommates for years, she knew there was no malice behind her actions. It was simply the response she'd come to expect from a night owl being deprived of their normal routine. Yet, she couldn't shake the playful smile that seemed to brighten her morning. Having just finished washing their dishes, she spotted Vinyl down the hall. Having retrieved her glasses and notepad, she stood at the table and began to jot something down. Although her hair no longer resembled a rat's nest, it still looked pretty untamed in her opinion. "Do you feel better now," she asked as Vinyl finished writing. Nodding her head she turned her pad around for her too read. After a quick moment, Octavia replied that the letter they received yesterday didn't specify the performance schedule but surmised that everything will be explained when they arrived. Gathering a few essential supplies, they fastened their saddlebags and exited the house. Spotting a couple more early risers, they began to converse amongst each other as they headed to the station. They, among other ponies, boarded the train. Stowing their saddlebags on the overhanging rack, they sat down and waited for the train to depart. More than once Octavia noticed Vinyl glancing back toward Ponyville. "I know what you're thinking but she wasn't among the ponies we arrived here with. Perhaps she's not an early riser," Octavia chuckled. However, her attempt to lighten the mood fell flat as Vinyl sunk into the bench. With an outstretched arm, hoof upturned, she gently raised Vinyl's head until they were eye level. "I hope she works through her depression, who knows maybe she's on her way right now," she kindly replied. Comforted by her words, Vinyl managed to smile weakly back. Sadly, the screeching whistle decimated their optimism as both mares looked out the window in disappointment. Octavia, assuming how this turn of events might effect Vinyl's mood, turned to face her. To her surprise though, Vinyl was emoting an oddly warm smile despite the departure of the train. Confused yet relieved that she seemed to be taking the situation in stride, Octavia returned the gesture. Earlier That Day The interior of her wagon was dark, the meager sunlight of a partially risen sun barely scattered the darkness that clung to the curtain. Chrysalis was sitting on the edge of her bed, the letter from Canterlot tossed to the floor below. The once hell bent queen, head hung low, wrestled her demons in an attempt to clarify her now obscured path. Despite dedicating a good portion of the morning to the conundrum, no substantial headway was made. Weary of playing the metaphoric cat, she made her way to the basin. Emptying the bottle of water she snagged along the way, she plunged her hooves into the water. Hoping the water would help clear her mind, she splashed some against her face. "Awww, poor queenie weenie feeling down," came a mysterious voice. Fearful that somepony might have been spying on her, she viciously growled while surveying the area. "Oh, looks like kitty has claws, sadly no backbone," the voice taunted. Unable to find the intruder, she shapeshifted before throwing her door open. Sonorous frantically circled the wagon in hopes of catching the interloper, much to her dismay nopony could be found. Before re-entering her wagon she scanned the area once more. Closing the door, she returned to the basin and splashed another hoof full of water onto her face. "Calm down, its only your nerves," she told herself. A maniacal laugh assaulted her ears and seemed to emanate from everywhere. Wiping the water from her eyes a shocking image met her gaze. The familiar visage of ashen black slowly opened her glowing lime green eyes while her irides of dark turquoise stared maliciously back. Its mouth jerked wide, revealing its sharp, elongated fangs. If not framed by its dark cyan mane, her eyes and fangs would've been lost among the darkness. Disgust twisted her insides as she inquired to its sudden appearance and identity. The image shook its head, its long mane swished gently as it expressed its disappointment. "I'm here to prevent you from screwing up again," it sneered. Chrysalis became angry as it slandered both her and her convictions. Continuing to salt the wound it parodied the loss of her hive. Enraged, she slammed her hoof into the mirror. Slivers of varying sized glass fell onto the wooden floor. Due to the altered composition of her body, red blood trickled from her hoof. She instinctively cradled the wounded limp, while extracted bits of glass. As she finished, the mysterious voice returned to taunt her again. "You cling to you replicated form as if that's who you are, a testament to a warped perception. You confident facade may fool others but not me. You're the worst queen we've ever had, second only to the late Queen Elandrya." Sonorous' form faltered as dark energy began to swirl around her. "She should've never become queen, her idiotic ideas nearly killed us all. We'd high hopes when you strayed from such poisonous actions, pity you relapsed," it smirked. Dispelling her disguise, Chrysalis was soon engulfed in a sphere of darkness. "Your wrong, mother tried to find a better way for us to live," Chrysalis retorted. Haunting laughter filled her ears as the surrounding darkness converged opposite of her. Ignoring the slush and squishing sounds it made, Chrysalis tried to determine what shape it was going to take. "Mother, such a silly notion, yet you cling to it like an old teether. She filled your head with moronic thoughts like coexistence and emotions. These very implements led to her untimely demise. The sooner you put aside your weaker side the sooner we get to our vengeance," it whispered enticingly. Chrysalis wasn't startled easily but the form that emerged from the undulating darkness did just that. Bumping into one of the protruding shelves, she stared at a facsimile of herself. Instead of her normal chitin skin, it opted for dragon scales. The doppelganger brought its face an inch from hers. A curious smile creased her reptilian lips soon afterward. "Perhaps all isn't lost, despite your muddled mind, your heart pulses with animosity," it stated. The doppelganger lifted its leg toward her. Not wanting any contact with the thing Chrysalis attempted an escape. With a poof, she vanished, only to reappear in the same spot. Her initial shock was cast aside as her throat slowly contracted. "Such rude behavior is unbecoming, I came here to assist you," the doppelganger scorned. Tightening her grasp, it stared deeply into her convulsing eyes. As they slowly rolled back into her head, Chrysalis fell to the floor. Ignoring the sound of gasping, the doppelganger glared coldly at her. After several breaths, Chrysalis stared up at it with disdain. "If you have a point, for the love of the swarm get to it," Chrysalis hissed. With a backhoof that sent her crashing into the wall, she found herself staring into a cloud of darkness once again. "Shut that cesspool you call a mouth and listen," it growled menacingly. "Your 'majesty' is simply the conduit from which I exert my influence. After watching you flounder about all these years I decided to intervene." The pupils of her eyes shrunk to pinpricks as its words painted the intended picture. Chrysalis knew the hive mind contained the consciousness of both changeling and queens of the past. However, it never occurred that such a connection could serve as more than a data retrieval system. "How is this possible, I've never heard of such an occurrence," Chrysalis confessed. "As it should be," it smirked before several tendrils of smoke shot from its body. Upon contact with her skin, a barrage of screeches and jeers assaulted her mind. The voices were numerous but all chanted the same thing, failure. Chrysalis writhed in pain as the tendrils burrowed into her flesh. Marked by visible bulges of the skin they worked their way throughout her body. Her brain felt as if slowly being melted by dragon fire. As the world started to flicker out, a soft kind voice seemed to drift through the noise. Desperate for some relief, Chrysalis attempted to focus entirely on it. Slowly, the deafening roar faded to a dull rabble, returning a small measure of relief in turn. Taking advantage of the lull, she gathered her magic. A blood-curdling scream filled the wagon as the shield tore tendrils from her flesh. Falling to the floor, Chrysalis gasped for air. Ignoring the streams of blood from her many thread-like wounds. She dedicated her concentration to maintaining the shield. The voices soon returned although quieter due to her shield. Within the darkness, a pair of cold dead eyes stared through the ethereal wall Her eyes shot open as she flopped onto the floor. It took several minutes before her heart stopped pounding. Chrysalis searched frantically for the shadowy being among the dim interior. Getting to her hooves, a familiar parchment caught her attention as it sat on her nightstand. Before she could discern what happened, a low shrilling noise caught her attention. With ears perked, a rush of relief swarmed her mind. Although her objective and desires seemed fray and distorted. A small glimmer shone brightly against the insurmountable dark and twisted wreckage of her mind. Determined to cling to the last semblance of sanity, she burst out the door. Aided by magic and coaxed by preservation, Sonorous blipped through town. Only the transparent green flickering of light indicated her momentary presence as she chased after the train. Stopping atop a hill for air, she scanning the tracks for her target. Once located, she was off again with a poof. Although not as disorienting as teleporting through town, the illusion of quicker progression caused her to slightly delay her teleporting to keep her bearings. After a few more spells, she breathed an exhausted sigh of relief as she stood on the back of the caboose. Attempting to open the door she groaned when it held fast. Kneeling under the window and began to pour magic into the lock. As it moved down the key slot, the tumblers were pushed into position. Sunlight was immediately doused as the train entered a tunnel. With an audible click, she entered the car. Extinguishing her magic, Sonorous navigated the scantly lit car. The passenger cars, unlike the caboose, bathed its interior with warm inviting light. Carefully maneuvering down the aisle, she scanned for either Vinyl or Octavia. It wasn't until the third car that she spotted them. As soon as the Vinyl saw her, she smiled. Returning the gesture, Sonorous could feel her concern wafting in the air. Octavia had yet to realize that Sonorous was making her way to them. The sudden appearance of Sonorous gave Octavia quite a startle as she hugged Vinyl. The two equines exchanged confused expressions as Sonorous gave Octavia a hug as well. After she'd taken a seat Octavia asked about the sudden display of affection. Stating that it was slightly weird from what they'd come to expect from her. Motioning for them to lean closer she described her nightmare to them while omitting anything related to changelings. For the rest of the trip, they speculated what could have triggered such a dream and its possible meaning if any could be revealed. > Your Actions, My Will > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was several hours before they reached Canterlot, confirmed by the announcement over the intercom. They rose from their seats and made their way onto the platform. It was a weird sensation to be returning to Canterlot again. To their right was a deep indention next to the road where patrons could procuring a carriage. Clearing the platform, they walked ahead several feet before stopping. Realizing she'd left her bits in her rush Sonorous was eyeing the long road into the city. It would certainly give her a chance to stretch her muscles, especially from the long train ride. A tab on her shoulder caused her to look directly into the eyes of Octavia. "We're going to rent a carriage did you want to join us," she asked. Although her mood brightened because of their chat, a concern still nagged at her. Sonorous reluctantly accepted and after paying for the carriage, they took a seat inside. Moments later heavy steps from the hitched stallion could be heard as they started to move. After several minutes of silence, Sonorous spoke up, "Do you think everypony deserves forgiveness?" Shocked at such an out of the blue question both mares stared at her. Their awe quickly subsided as Sonorous' sincere gaze met theirs. "Of course we do," Octavia replied as Vinyl nodded in agreement. "Even if they've done something terrible?" Sonorous added. By now they were wondering if she was leading up to something. Placing a hoof on her knee, Vinyl gave her a concerning look that befitted a well-known friend. Sonorous felt a lump forming in her throat while maintaining her composure. She debated whether or not to reveal everything to them. She quickly dismissed the idea, no pony would ever forgive the things she'd done she thought. Instead, she purposed a hypothetical scenario where Queen Chrysalis was forgiven. They didn't burst out laughing as she thought, in fact, their responses actually brightened her mood. "I guess it would be possible for her to earn forgiveness. Although it would definitely take time to offset her crimes," Octavia finished. Sonorous shifted her gaze to Vinyl who was finishing up her explanation. Taking the notebook, she read her words out loud. Returning the notebook she thanked them for their opinions in an uplifting tone. Before another word could be spoken the carriage came to a stop. Opening the door they file onto the marble walkway. Following the group, they passed several equines that had stopped to admire the beautiful sights. They soon reached a set of ivory stairs leading to the castle entrance. At the top stood a pair of guards on either side of elegantly crafted doors. "Presenting Princess Celestia of Equestria," a guard boldly declared after the doors were opened. Everypony bowed as the gentle steps of Princess Celestia sounded throughout the courtyard. "Welcome to Canterlot, it warms my heart to see so many eager performers. Whether you're here to support Ponyville or to test your mettle upon a grander stage is of little consequence. What's important is that ponies of every trot of life have gathered to make this event the best it can be." "Without further ado, I present to you the schedule for the following week. Within this pamphlet, it lists the theaters we were able to procure and each scheduled performance. Fret not on how to pass the time, we've organized a week-long festival that'll coincide with the performances. The attractions, concessions, and events can be found within. Finally, a map of Canterlot has been included for those that may not be familiar with the city." Having concluded her speech tables emerged from several spheres of radiant gold. With another display of magic, stacks of pamphlets sat upon the tables. Everypony applauded thunderously before trotting to the tables a few moments later. Sonorous suddenly stopped, causing the ponies behind her to bump into her. Ignoring the grumbles of passing ponies, a sinister voice rang in her head. "Fight as you might, my will is law," the raspy voice sneered. Covering her ears, she dropped to the ground struggling against the indomitable force. Her strange behavior soon attracting the attention of the crowd, guards, and Celestia. Vinyl, closely followed by Octavia, pushing through the crowd to stop by her side. The sight sent ripples of fear throughout their bodies. Choking down a lump in her throat, Vinyl cautiously reached out to her. Seconds felt like hours before her hoof finally tapped Sonorous' shoulder. The innocent contact seemed to snap her back to reality. Lifting her head, she stared at them with bloodshot eyes. No longer obstructed, tears streamed down her cheeks. Her lower jaw quivered as she attempted to speak. After several attempts, she weakly said the word run before streams of smoke burst from her eyes. The crowd immediately dispersed as additional streams of smoke emerged from her body. Heeding her words, Octavia was about to run but stopped as Vinyl remained stationary. Gripping her hoof, she pulled Vinyl away. Her body convulsed a few more times before the entity took full control. Her prestigious form fell away to reveal the chitin skin of Queen Chrysalis. Summoning her scimitars, she turned to face the guards and Celestia. Charged at them after a violent hiss, she morphing her tail into the tail of a manticore. She parried the spear of the first guard before plunging the stinger of her tail into their throat. After several venomous infusions, the guard dropped to their knees, eyes rolled into their head. With a swift swing of her tail, the guard slid from the stinger to slam against the marble. The other guard was closing in quick weapon poised to attack. Spotting the discarded spear, Chrysalis levitated and launching it through the air. Realizing that Celestia was the intended target the guard threw her spear. Her aim struck true as both spears clanked together before falling harmlessly against the marble below. Shifting into a tatzelwurm, tentacles rushed from her mouth. Wrapping around the waist of the guard, screams echoed as they were ripped in half. Tossing the bloody halves aside Chrysalis leaped onto the balcony the princess occupied. Reverting to her normal form, Chrysalis slowed the transformation of her head. The sickening sound of tri-angled jaws fusing and visible rows of razorlike fangs worked well in unnerving her. The appalled alicorn stared at the warmongering changeling. A mixture of tears and sweat dripped from her face. In a flash, a sharp pain formed in the right side of her chest. "Burn in Tartarus," Chrysalis sneered. With a sudden twist, a pained gasp followed, she slowly extracted the ethereal blade. Celestia dropped to the floor with a dull thud as blood pooled around her. "Sister," came the shrieking voice of Luna as she, accompanied by a group of pegasus guards, arrived. Shifting her gaze upward, Chrysalis smiled maliciously. A folly of green bolts soon followed her deathly stare. With little effort, Luna deflected them with an erected barrier. "We both knew this was unavoidable," she mocked. Despite Luna's attempt to control her emotions, storm clouds began to emerge. Gathering her magic, a dark blue crystalline scythe appeared in front of the Night Princess. Diving down, weapon readied, Luna confronted Chrysalis. The joyous ring of metal reverberated through the town below as weapons clashed. Breaking apart, they charged again attempting to overpower the other. As before, the scrimmage ended in a draw of green and blue sparks. Desperate to gain the advantage she swung the blunt end of her weapon catching Chrysalis in the jaw. Initializing a vertical flip with fluidlike control, she scored an additional strike on the backswing. Several drops of green blood splattered onto the marble floor. "At least one princess knows how to dirty her hooves," Chrysalis smirked. An emerald aura manifested around her in a show of power. In turn, Luna manifested an aura of midnight blue. Giving a light hmph, Chrysalis brought her swords to eye level. Likewise, Luna drew her weapon to her side. Streaks of blue and green filled the air as they swung their weapons at blinding speeds. The resulting sparks lit up the sky as If an unscheduled festival was taking place. Realizing that they couldn't assist Luna, they opted to safeguard the civilians instead. More than once sparks bathed them as Luna foiled Chrysalis' attack. Tiring of their stalemate, Chrysalis plunged a dagger into her thigh as they clash again. Momentarily distracted Luna, her pained groan escalated as a pair of blades slide across her chest. Crashing into the stone railing, she laid unconscious in the rubble. Landing a few steps away, Chrysalis flourished her swords on either side of her. Grimacing at the sight of her superficial chest wounds, she drew both blades to her throat. As Luna's skin gradually parted, a crazed delight flooded her mind. Before she could deliver the fatal strike, Chrysalis was sent flying over the cliff. Attempting to regain her balance, she flipped and spun several feet away. Beside Luna, a mysterious equine lowered an ear to her chest. After determining that Luna would pull through, they set their gaze on the now righted changeling. Chrysalis stared in disbelief, the alicorn she saw appeared to be Celestia but simultaneously wasn't. Instead of her quadri-colored hair, flickering flames of orange and yellow. Her white coat had shifted to a very pale yellow/white hue while her regalia resembled an overly intimidating version of gothic armor. Finally with eyes of red, irides of gold, and thinly slit pupils the alicorn glared at her. Focusing on the latest adversary, she charged at the fiery alicorn. An intermingled flame of green and red arched into the air as her hoof struck the alicorn's jaw. Chrysalis was beside herself to see her punch was completely ineffective. Streams of fire shot from the alicorn's nostrils as it exhaled. "You dare sully my coat with your filthy hooves," she scoffed. "You should be dead Celestia," Chrysalis shouted. Earning herself another strong jab that knocked her back a few feet in the air. "My name is Daybreaker," she replied in a chilling tone. Her flaring mane and tail illustrated her anger of being misidentified. Reviving her emerald aura, Chrysalis refocused her concentration. "Perhaps you could be entertaining," Daybreaker added. Sensing the sudden increase in magical energy Chrysalis raised a shield. Not a moment too soon as Daybreaker unleashed a dense beam of energy that engulfed her position. Several moments later, thinking Chrysalis dead, Daybreaker grinned in satisfaction. Diminishing her magical output her smugness immediately faded as a sphere or green energy remained. "You may be strong but lack control, perhaps Celestia could teach you," Chrysalis taunted. An enraged Daybreaker charged her horn again, Chrysalis followed suit. Having evacuated the citizens to the outer rim of the city, the guards were returning to the castle. A huge shockwave cascaded from the point of the colliding energy. Due to the partially damaged railing, Luna slipped over the side with several chunks of rubble. Spotting a blue object falling, they doubled down to coax whatever speed they could. Several blocks from her estimated trajectory, a few more explosions sounded above. Pushing that aside for the moment, the furthermost guard reached out his arms while arching into a gentle incline. Realizing that the incoming collision was unavoidable, the guard pulled Luna as close as she could. Remembering a lesson from flight school, she prepared to tuck and roll. Due to her excessive speed, they rolled up the mountainside a little way. Small protruding rocks felt like jagged blades as her body scooted over them. Kicking off with her rear legs both ponies flew away from the cliff face. Pain shot through her back as the guard attempted to fly. Positioning herself so that she'd hit the ground, she silently assured Luna of her safety. Reaching the apex before the plummet a pair of arms cradled the guard's backside. Her relief eased the sting her body felt from their contact. Finally reaching the overhanging balcony, they laid both guard and Luna down. Upon seeing her wounds, another guard picked Luna up and rushed to the hospital. A half an hour later, Daybreaker landed beside them. "Where is Luna," she demanded in a panicked voice. The strange alicorn shifted back to Celestia as they were relaying Luna's location. Levitating the injured guard, they made their way to the hospital as well. > Hopeless > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following her escape from Canterlot, Chrysalis set her sights to the North. Stubborn as she may be, she knew the importance of a tactical retreat. With the appearance of Celestia's alter ego known as Daybreaker, she reluctantly accepted the fact that she wasn't strong enough as is. "Why didn't you stay to fight," the voice of Chrysalis resounded in their mind. "We both know that I'd lose in a drawn-out fight against her. Besides, I have no desire to fulfill any wish of yours," it jeered back. Morphing into a gyrutia1, she flew deeper into the frozen tundra. After four whole days of flight, the Crystal Empire finally came into view. Holding her breath, she flew across the threshold into the unnatural biome of summer. Exhaling, which sounded like a long caw, she was surprised that a barrier hadn't been erected yet. Landing on the nearest roof for a quick rest, the strong aura of love immediately engulfed her. Reflexively, her wings opened and propelled her through the air. The density of love, coupled with her recent exhaustion of power, overwhelmed her. She was drawn to the highest concentration like a bee to a flower bed. Finally, able to wrestling control from her primal instincts she realized her trajectory lead to the castle. Setting down atop a rooftop, Chrysalis spotted Shining Armor outside. Remembering past events, she gave chase, waiting for her moment to strike. Yet the constant pull of an unknown source of energy continuously divided her attention. Furthering her confusing was the fact that the second blip never seemed to move from a seemingly fixed position. About halfway through the city, Shining Armor was joined by a fellow pony-in-arms. They exchanged banter, none of which Chrysalis found important, as they enjoyed a break from patrolling the city. Stopping at a bistro they requested a coffee and some food. By the time their order arrived, his acquired companion had glanced her way several times. "Is something wrong soldier," Shining Armor asked. "No sir, it's just that gyrutia over there, it seems to have taken an unusual interest in us," the guard replied. Following his gaze, he spotted the bird in question. With the scrutiny of both ponies now upon her, Chrysalis swooped down and snatched a pastry from the table. After a short caw, with plundered confection in tow, she flew out of sight. The guard was about to suggest purchasing another pastry but was hushed by mild laughter. "Don't worry about it corporal, it seems the bird was hungrier than I," Shining Armor replied. Having finished their break, they continued to patrol the city. Not wanting to raise their suspicions again, Chrysalis headed back to the castle, ditching the pastry along the way. "Are you thinking of using Shining Armor again?" Chrysalis spoke in a condescending tone. The hypocrisy of her words caused her stomach to turn. "Certainly but unlike you, I'll be taking a more direct approach," the entity replied. As before, the density of love increased the closer she flew to the center of town. Prepared, she maintained her cognition while landing in the first open window. Chrysalis scanned the empty room. In the far left sat a crib across from it was a changing station. The floor was littered with toys and other stuff for a foal. About to move to the next open window, she froze as muffled voices could be heard approaching. The first voice was soft and unfamiliar but the second was unmistakenly Cadance's. Always eager to gain an advantage, she remained on the sill to eavesdrop. Soon enough the door opened, held by a mare guard, Cadance trotted in with Flurry Heart. Approaching the changing table, they chit chatted while she attended to Flurry Heart. Chrysalis studied the three, attempting to pinpoint the source of power that had captured her attention. "Perhaps I could use Cadance, she did drive us off with love after all. Although a foal's love is the purest of all," it thought while shifting her gaze between them. Her concentration was broken by the guard trying to shoo her from the window. Protesting angerly, Chrysalis hopped off the ledge, fluttered under the castle to land on the Crystal Heart. Lost in thought, she was unaware of the slow absorption of the heart's energy. A couple of hours passed and with no solid leads, she prepared to camp on a rooftop until nightfall. However, she paused shortly after opening her wings. Something was amiss, it felt as if some of her energy had been restored regardless of not having absorbed any love. She couldn't spot anything strange as she hopped atop the heart. Once again interrupted in mid-thought, she found herself being levitated from her perch. A moment of clarity immediately filled her mind as the unicorn sat her on the ground. "Its time for you to head off little birRAAHHH!!!" The guard's words turned to screams as Chrysalis shifted from a harmless Gyrutia to a diamond dog. Without missing a beat she grabbed the heart, darted for the closest patch of soil, and burrowed underground. Due to her newly formed claws, she effortlessly escaped the ever-growing rabble of guards above. To make sure she wasn't being followed, she collapsed the tunnel about a mile out. After an additional mile, Chrysalis made a small cavern and set about draining the heart of all its energy. Returning to her glorious form, the piercing cold of the tundra above caused her to shiver. The thick skin of a diamond dog made her oblivious to the sudden drop of temperature. To combat this, she grew long warm fur all over her body. Although curious to why the fur was pink, the slight nuance was easily overlooked. Taking a moment to bask in the sudden warmth, she picked up the heart and gently began to examine it. Careful not to compromise its integrity, she cautiously wormed her magic through its molecular lattice. Rushes of euphoria bombarded her mind as her magic coated the copious sentiments of love within. Knowing its intentions, Chrysalis furiously fought to regain control of her body. Unfortunately, her struggle was for naught as the entity continued to saturate the heart in magic. "What's the point," she lamented in defeat. With a long sigh, she allowed visions of her old home and joyful moments had there flashed in her eyes. With each new vision, the pain in her heart grew heavier. It was the final vision of her budding friendship with Vinyl and, to a lesser extent, Octavia that crushed her spirit. A solitary tear ran down her face despite the gleeful expression the dominated her face. Having never absorbed so much love at one time, the connecting stream of magic began to fluctuate. As an hour passed a golden glow began to surround her body. Unable to reinforce the faltering magic, an explosion of light illuminated the small cavern in the wake of its dissolution. The Crystal Heart softly landed in the loose dirt while Chrysalis was flung onto her back. Her body twitched and spazzed as her body scrambled to evenly distribute the energy. She, slowly began to regain control of her body. Getting to her hooves, she spotted the Crystal Heart laying on the ground. Brimming with power, the entity began to taunt Chrysalis for being unable to stop it. Not waiting for her response, she morphed into a diamond dog and headed back toward Canterlot.