> The fight of King Sombra > by PrincessSunsetShimmer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just the beginning. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ha ha!" , yelled Princess Luna " We have you now!" It was midnight and the four princess's were fighting King Sombra. When the fight was over Twilight realised a scar under her wing. She asked Celestia what it was , Celestia gasped. She told Twilight to get on her back, within an hour Twilight felt really dizzy. Celestia explained it could be fatal if not treated in a OW my wing! > The tragic news. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ZECORA! " screamed Celestia.T-Twilight .....her wing .....look." "Fear not i have a cure , hot water!" "Read this book for info" "Bye , Crazy Cora" chuckled Celestia. Back in the castle Celestia gave Twilight some rainbow water and got her to bed. "Here drink this I just made it fresh" Twilight gulped it down. YUMMY! "Good night " Said Celestia. "I told Luna to give you a nice ,calm dream".The next morning Celestia came in Twilights room early in the morning with Cadance and Luna, even Shinning Armor."Aww shes so happy"Said Cadance . Twilight wake up! "WHATS HAPPENED" She screamed. " You cant fly anymore" Celesia said, hardly letting the words leave her mouth Twilight Fainted on the ground , right a midday . . > The even worse news > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Uh , Celestia is she ok" asked worried Cadance . "I dont know " said Celestia "I told you not to say that". Cadance left feeling bad. Shinning Armor comforted her. Luna and Celestia wait for the pale alicorn to wake up. An hour later Twilight woke up and screamed " WHY CANT I FLY!?" hissed Twilight. The Alicorn sisters had left the room but could still hear her. " RUN SISTER....I MEAN FLY" Yelled Luna. Celestia stoped running . She walked towards Twilight , really slowly. The large sparks coming from her horn. " "Twilight its ok" soothed Celestia. "Huh"? Said Twilight " what do you mean , I was playing"? " I got you good right?" "Ohhhhhhhhh" Said Luna . Celestia said everything . Tears streamed down Twilights face . She decided to do something . Leave Equestira! > Prepare for the trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "No" Screamed the princesses! "Im not able to fly im going the live with Sunset Shimmer , GOODBYE . " She left and went to her bedroom sat down and packed. She carefully folded her pale purple bed covers and stacked her books. She put her coloring in pencils and pens neatly in a pencil case then grabbed Smarty Pants her doll. She put her pictures in the suitcase and her hair stuff in too. She put in the book Sunset Shimmer writes to her in and then left her room. She walked into the basement and walked right in the mirror. The mirror pulled her in like a dog wanting food! But it did not hurt her. > The trip > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stepped into Cantorlot High, as she was now a young student. She went in the school and saw Sunset Shimmer. "Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight said . "Im here to stay!!" " Oh, my God!" Exclaimed Sunset Shimmer. " you can sleep in the room next to me! At Cantorlot high we have dorm rooms! Lets get you cheeked in the school!" Sunset ran to the nearest teacher and got Twilight signed up for the school. At Twilights dorm she slowly unpacked at lunch break. Soon after every student saw a stream of purple , blue and pink. Sunset Shimmer found Twilight at her locker. . She explained she was not aloud to run in the hallway. After school Sunset saw the purple colored girl sitting on her bed with her head down. Sunset know something was wrong , then she saw Twilight had a picture of all her friends and the Princesses . Sunset realized that Twilight knew everything about friendship , but one thing The Princess Of Friendship must be with her friends. Sunset did not dare to tell Twilight that, she was not letting her leave! The next day Sunset saw Twilight at the teleport to Cantorlot . Sunset saw Twilight leap in. Sunset stared. Sunset screamed. Sunset cried. Sunset fainted . When she woke up she had a evil plan! > The happy ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your back" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Alicorns hugged Twilight really hard they flew around together . The next day they made Rainbow Cupcakes! A week later Twilight cried because her friend, Pinkie pie had fell off a cliff and sadly died but her ghost still brings happy things. Celestia cast a speed spell on Twilight and she ran the whole castle in ten seconds flat! Every night Twilight prays and drinks yummy hot chocolate . In the Sunraise Twilight flaped and flew into the Sunrise and made a rainbow! The sparkles drifted down then the Alicorns laughed and enjoyed the day. Little did they know , Sunset Shimmer was planning revenge for Twilight , Celestia, Luna and Cadance. Sunset Shimmer found a dark magic spell and planned to cast it on the Alicorns. They didnt know it but they were in big danger! > Not so happy ending after all > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer, jumped in the portal and landed outside the royal sisters castle . She run inside and went in their room. "Im here" She said . The alicorn blasted magic at her and she did the same. Twilight ducked and went to Sunset Shimmer. When Twilight had talked her out of fighting they talked for a while and had fun , playing games. Untill bed time. They said Sunset Shimmer could live with them. She happily agreed. > Nearly the end > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset Shimmer and Twilight were on their own in the castle. "Twilight I learnt a lot from you but ill will never forgive my self for what i did in Cantotlot High." whispered Sunset Shimmer. " Dont be silly you changed in the end , changed for the best . Besides I forgave you already." Said Twilight . "Thanks but......" Sunset could not finish and cried. Luna walked in and Glared at Sunset Shimmer "YOU again?" Luna hissed. And left in a cloud of blue. "Sorry Sunset , Luna thinks your bad or something" . " Its ok " Said Sunset. They played the rest of the night like two tigers fighting! "Oh Twilight Your Fun!" laughed Sunset. "Watch this" Giggled Twilight. Magical beams flew around and around them and joined together then turned into sparkles . "Woah" Said a amzed Sunset Shimmer. "Alicorn can do anything" Sunset said. " Not EVERYTHING but alot of things " Twilight chuckled then gasped . "be right back Sunset I gotta raise the stars" "Doesnt Luna do that" Asked Sunset. " Yes but Luna let me take over her role so she raises the moon." "Ill be back" Twilight said before flying away. A while later "im back Sunset" yelled Twilight. She found Sunset Crying on her bed . She explaned she wanted to be a Alicorn. "I have a idea " Said Twilight > The End > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight and Sunset raced to Celestias room and asked if Sunset could become a Alicorn . "Yes" said Celestia " Twilight can Sunset help you rule Neptune ?" "YES" Screamed Twilight. Sunset was now a Alicorn and Twilight helped her fly and control her magic. They controled Neptune together and did EVERYTHING together . The ate the same breakfast out the same bowl . They slept in the same bed. Even showered in the same shower. Everypony knew they were crazy but they didnt care. Twilight raised the moon and stars on Neptune and Sunset raised the Sun. They Loved It on Neptune. Soon their magic become a mix of aqua and pink. Celestia asked them to do a show for Cantorlot . They agreed and had fun training. They were courses to complete and pools the swim. At the show Sunset And Twilight flew and did a rainboom 100x then Rainbow Dash ! Then with magic they created fire works. Last but not least they made beams in the sky then they turned into sparkles and showered down on the crowd! Everypony knew this was going to be in Pinkie Pies Party History Book for sure. Later that night "Twilight?" Asked Sunset " This was really fun right?" "Yeah" Replied Twilight. "Its the best in the history of Cantorlot" They both said. Then both gasped . "WE ARE LONG LOST TWINS" "YAY" "YAY " "YAY" After the two ponies calm them self "Lets watch the sunrise , seen we were screaming all night" Said, Twilight. "Okay" Replied Sunset. The two pony Princesses watched the Pony-tastic sunraise!