A High-Flying Wager

by Inky Writes

First published

Racing twins Sky Rider and Cloud Skipper make a bet with a bat pony rival.

Racers Sky Rider and Cloud Skipper are twins with a secret. Sundown, a bat pony rival of theirs, is witness to this secret after a recent match. They make a friendly wager on the next match to determine who gets the upper hand after the race.
Commissioned by Sea Gnash, Thumbnail art by dead-kittens3

A High-Flying Wager

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Sweat dripped away from Sky’s face. It slowly gathered on her flight goggles, pooled and went sailing into the air behind her. Her peach colored wings beat steadily in the afternoon sun. Her arms lay beside her in flying position, mane flying wild in the wind. Another two mares were up ahead, dressed similar to her in spandex bodysuits and goggles. One of these ponies was her sister, Cloud Skipper, just trailing behind a yellow bat pony.

“I’m coming, Cloudy!” she yelled. This act was difficult for the tired mare. The race was much longer than anticipated. It would not have been quite as difficult had it not been for the sudden headwinds at the start of today’s match. Unfortunate circumstances were bound to happen to athletes such as Sky Rider, but this particular race was an outlier especially.

The two ahead of Sky took a twist around a thick, white cloud. Her sister was only a head away from matching the bat pony’s speed and flanking to the left. Sky grit her teeth, summoning the strength she needed to keep up. The only way the tired pegasus could stay with the two leaders was to draft behind them both and save some energy.

Cloud Skipper did not respond to the call. Even if she heard it, there was no time. The yellow bat pony with the red mane eluded her with strong beats of her fleshy wings. Every time the mare in front dove under or around a cloud, she’d drag her shoe against it ever so slightly. This kicked up a mist into Cloud’s face, stalling the endurance flier with each passing weather pattern.

“Dammit, Sundown! Why’d you gotta do that to my sister?!” screamed Sky, now panting hard. She was losing progress and Sky knew the finish line was not far away. It was either make a break and push as much energy into her wings as she could to catch up, hopefully overtaking both of them or maintain her third place and save her energy for the next leg of the race.

“Fuck it,” Sky muttered. She pushed her wings as hard as they could take her. Sky was always more of a sprinter in both flying and running. Though she was prepared for the length of this stretch of the race, there were many more climbs and not to mention the headwinds.

Sky pushed harder. The two in front weaved in between two large clouds. Cloud was forced to back up behind Sundown to avoid getting caught in the thick water vapor. Sky wasn’t so lucky.

Her wing touched inside of the cloud on the left, dragging her and sending Sky into a spiral. Losing elevation, Sky knew it was over for her as she barely had enough time to swoop out of the stall and avoid going out of bounds. Sixth, seventh or maybe eighth place for her.

“Shit! Dragon shit! Steamy fucking dragon shit!” called Sky to no pony in particular as she climbed for the last time, getting back on course and smoothly following a purple pegasus stallion.

Cloud continued through the obstacle, determined to get ahead with the reserves she had left. Her breathing was steady, eyes peeled for any more of her namesake ready to take her down like her twin sister. Luckily, she could feel the air change. It grew warm and thin, the perfect time for her to attack.

She beat her wings harder, finding it easier to pick up speed. Rounding Sundown’s flank, Cloud kept her eyes on the approaching finishing gate.

Sundown turned her head slight enough to see Cloud. She was also sweating hard, though the bat mare seemed more than rested at least compared to Sky. “Not today, ponytail,” she yelled back at Cloud, making a swift march ahead. The bat wings beat gracefully and powerfully. Cloud had never seen such efficient use of motion in a racer before.

She knew she was beat. Second place would have to do for Cloud. They flew through the finish line with ease, Sundown a full body’s length ahead of Cloud. Sky eventually came through, wheezing as if she was an amateur to the profession.


The twins only had a few words for Sundown. The bat pony merely shrugged off the “congratulations” Cloud gave, returning the gesture with a wry smile. Sky simply waved once and walked away. “Nice try, piercings!” called Sundown as Cloud quickly walked up to her sister.

Sky’s heart was still pounding as the two headed toward the racers’ facilities. Her fists were balled, face sweating still but no longer hot from exercise. “Did you see what she did, Cloudy? She kicked clouds into your face!” Cloud simply matched Sky’s pace, holding onto her twin’s left hand with both of hers. “And not to mention the fact that she doesn’t remember our names. You’d think she’d get them by now.”

“Don’t worry, Sky-Sky. She doesn’t mean anything by it,” replied Cloud.

“Today’s race was bullshit. I’m just drenched. I’ve never worked so hard to get eighth place in my career.” Sky squeezed her sister’s hand back. “Ever.”

Cloud looked to her sister’s heavily pierced face and smiled warmly. They were nearly to the building, their pace slowing to a stroll. Cloud took a gentle hand, moving some of Sky’s green, messy mane away from her eyes.

Sky wrinkled her nose. “You minx. Stop doing cute things when I’m ranting,” she whined.

Giggling, Cloud Skipper let her twin open the door to the race’s rest building. Some ponies were idling, some where heading in or out. Most were thin pegasi, built for speed and endurance. All of them were eye-catching.

“Shh… Sky-Sky.” Cloud’s eyes drifted back and forth between a few other racers looking at them. She dropped her sister’s hands upon making eye contact with a curious stallion.

“Sorry, it’s just, I—“ Sky noticed Cloud’s wings sticking out. Their fleshy bridges were engorged in excitement. “We should get to the showers. Fast.”

Cloud nodded in agreement. Once they were away from prying eyes, the demure sister grabbed Sky’s hand again. The other gladly held fast.

They burst into the locker room, glad to find the expansive room empty and devoid of other racers. Sky realized they must have spent some time recovering from the race even though her heart was beating fast and hard with the moment of relaxation.

“You have the biggest wing boner, sis.” Sky pointed out, giving the root of Cloud’s right wing a tug.

Cloud squeaked, jumped up and blushed. “I was so close to winning, Sky-Sky. Sundown was so prepared.”

“Excuses.” Sky unzipped her body suit. She leaned against a set of tall lockers, opening hers in preparation. “Were you staring at her ass?” Sky’s eyes narrowed.

Cloud Skipper shook her head vigorously. “I wouldn’t have gotten second with that kind of distraction. I was being a responsible flier, Sky-Sky.” Her peach coat matched Sky’s, both of them staring into each other’s eyes.

Sky finally removed the top of her suit. Her slim, athletic frame was fully revealed to her sister. Bare breasts hanging free, perfect size for a handful and not much more or less. Sky’s nipples pointed at her sister, red and hard. Cloud looked down to her sister’s crotch. It was more than just wet from sweat. Her mouth cracked open slightly.

“I was staring at yours,” whispered Sky. Her hands grasped Cloud’s zipper, slowly drawing it down her body to help her out of the suit. Cloud acquiesced, stepping out of the legs when it was time to do so.

Now, they were both naked mares. Just two sisters standing in a locker room, caked in sweat and one in her own mare juices. Said juices dribbled down Sky’s legs with wanton lust. She leaned in to kiss Cloud. Cloud kissed back, pressing her muzzle hard against her sister’s without any complaint.

Sky’s hands drifted down Cloud’s back. They started at her wings, dancing along to massage Cloud’s low back and finally reaching the athlete’s firm ass. They did not break the kiss once, breathing each other’s air and momentarily becoming one.

Cloud Skipper pushed her body closer to Sky’s, all four nipples pressed together and rubbed. She moaned. Her little raspberries were sensitive from the spandex suit. Cloud knew Sky felt the same way but her sister would never show it.

“I don’t care about Sundown,” admitted Sky as she popped away from the kiss. “I just wanted to finish with you. Hell, I wanted to finish ahead of you so I could claim you as mine.”

Cloud panted. “Please?” she whimpered. Her legs wrapped around Sky’s as they stood intertwined.

Sky needed nothing else. She was ready for this and motioned with her hands for Cloud to flip around. Her sister faced the lockers, leaning her entire weight against one. Sky took a large chunk of Cloud’s rear, squeezing it next to her sister’s swirling zephyr and cloud cutie mark. “Of course, Cloudy.” Sky got on her knees, kissing down Cloud’s back.

Eventually she got to her sister’s underside. Cloud wasn’t so different from Sky in excitement as her pussy leaked fluid all over the locker room floor. Sky said nothing more and buried her face in Cloud’s crotch. Her tongue lapped up her twin’s pussy, toying with Cloud’s folds and separating them out with the occasional prod.

Cloud breathed heavily. Her face lay flush against the locker door as she let her sister play with her. Sky did not hesitate to continue. Her muzzle firmly lay against her sister’s cute little asshole, her tongue on autopilot, licking up and down Cloud’s marehood.

“Ah!” gasped Cloud Skipper who loosened her legs just enough for her weight to push into Sky’s face. Sky responded by holding up Cloud with strong hands against a firm butt. Cloud wiggled, trying to get the most out of Sky’s tongue. She whined, “I want to taste you, Sky-Sky,” but there wasn’t a response. Her sister was too determined to get her off.

After moments of licking and face grinding, Sky found herself on her back with her sister’s rump fully encapsulating her face. Each time her sister squeaked and cooed, Sky’s own legs would shudder in delight. Cloud’s cunt was intoxicating. The mix of exercise and excitement made her taste musky and dark, but also fresh like mint and chocolate. Sky felt the need to penetrate her sister-love with her deft tongue. A second or so later, Cloud’s entire body shook, gushing fluid onto her bolder sister’s face.

Cloud panted. Sky looked up at the other’s back while giving kisses to her rear. “You came all over me,” she chuckled low.

“Mhm,” responded Cloud. She lowered herself, her head in between Sky’s legs. She did not waste time reciprocating. Cloud slowly pet Sky’s engorged clit, progressively swirling it harder with her fingers.

“Oh shit! Mm!” Sky didn’t expect Cloud to respond so quickly, but her sister had a habit of surprising her. “Put some fingers in there. Fuck me with your hand!”

Cloud did so, still working Sky’s sensitive little button but also using two, then three fingers to pump in and out of her sister’s pussy. Sky pumped against the fingers, losing herself in the moment.

Cloud shifted her position, sitting on top of Sky’s abdomen. Her focus was on her sister’s pleasure. Sky simply pet Cloud’s peach backside. “Oh shit, Cloudy. Keep going. Get your fist in there if y-you can.”

There was a brief pause as Cloud waited for Sky’s hole to accommodate her fourth and then fifth fingers. Sky grunted with each addition, moaning happily after every finger made space within her aching slit.

“You got it?” Sky asked.

Her sister nodded, leaning down as she put her hand into a ball. Cloud pushed it in and slowly pulled it halfway, repeating the process. Sky loudly moaned, forgetting they were in a public place. “Keep fucking me, Cloudy! Oh sweet Celestia…”

“S-Sky?” Cloud whispered.

“Keep fucking me, Cloudy,” repeated Sky, who could no longer feel the pull and tension she longed for.

“N-no… Sky-Sky.” said Cloud in an unsteady voice.

Sky looked around her sister’s body. “What?” She immediately saw a red-maned, yellow figure standing at the end of the row of lockers. “Shit! This isn’t what it looks like.”

“Sure it isn’t, piercings,” said Sundown with a glint in her eye.


They took a quick shower while Sundown waited. Normally Sky would continue to tease Cloud, but now certainly wasn’t the time. When they got back and changed into their street clothes, the twins sat down on a bench. Sky’s face was red. Cloud simply looked down to the floor. Sundown paced up and down the locker aisle with a sardonic grin plastered on her face.

“So, you two are more than just twins, eh?” she stated the obvious. “You like to fist your sister, ponytail?”

“It’s Cloud Skipper,” Sky replied, turning her eyes toward the bat pony. Fierce as they were, Sundown’s slitted eyes stared back with no hesitation.

“Right.” Sundown leaned against the locker in front of the two pegasi. “And this info is so juicy, I wouldn’t know what to do with it. Maybe—no, that would be too cruel of me to do to fellow racers.”

Sky growled. “Don’t tell me you’re going to blackmail us or something.” Cloud sniffed. Her sister immediately put a calming hand on her back.

Sundown gestured to herself. “I would never do such a thing. First, it’s illegal and second, I don’t need the money from all this winning I do,” she laughed. Sky winced. “Your secret’s safe with me. I’ve seen weirder coming from some racers. Hot athletes in their prime do some crazy things.”

“Whatever,” rebuked Sky.

Sundown tittered and wagged a finger. “But, seeing you two like this gets me revved for the next leg of the race. Gotta admit, as much as I’m far more skilled at flying, you two are incredibly sexy.” She bent down in front of Cloud, trying to get the mare’s attention. Sundown was wearing a low cut top, easily exposing her braless C-cups and excited nipples. Cloud blushed at the sight, now paying attention. “I propose a little wager. For fun.”

Sky wrapped an arm around Cloud. “Fine. Let’s hear it,” she barked.

The bat pony straightened out, putting a finger to her lips in thought. “If, sorry, when I beat you in the next leg, I get to play with you two any way I want to after the race.”

Cloud smiled, leaning her muzzle into Sky’s heavily pierced ear. She whispered something and Sky grinned in response. Clearing her throat, Sky Rider nodded. “Okay, Sundown. As long as you do anything we want you to do if just one of us beats you.” She stuck her hand out.

Sundown grabbed the hand and shook it enthusiastically. “Deal. And I’ll be seeing you two lovebirds’ faces in my puss tomorrow.” She swirled about, giving a brief wave of her hand and soon the bat pony was out the door.

Sky looked to Cloud, rubbing the mare’s thigh up and down. “You think we can do this? That’s all we have to do?”

Her sister nodded. “Yes, Sky-Sky. It’s foolproof.” She kissed her sister, letting it linger and backed away.

“Oh, fuck me!” Sky looked into the distance, smiling wide. “We’re gonna have to bust out the toys for extra punishment.”


The next day started slowly. Sky did not get out of bed for breakfast and Cloud was forced to bring the meal bedside. Thankfully the race organizers gave each racer a choice for their sleeping arrangement at the hotel. The twins did not need to worry over their activities in their room.

Cloud Skipper eventually got her sister out of bed, dragging the messy-maned mare by the arm and nearly forcing Sky into her Spandex suit. They did this wordlessly, their sleepiness nearly made them forget the events of the previous day. Once they were fully dressed, geared up and ready to go, Sky nodded to her sister. The walk to the starting line was easy. Flying races could generally start on any cloud platform near the hotel so there was no need for the twins or any other racers to hurry.

The twins warmed up, ran a few laps around the starting line and stretched out. Once their routine was finished, the announcer called for their positions. They were slotted in the same order of their previous stage rank. Cloud flanked Sundown who gave the pegasus a long stare. Cloud simply focused ahead, running through the steps her and Sky established before they went to bed.

Sky sat back in eighth place adjacent to two stallions that hulked in size compared to her thin frame. They exchanged a few words of good luck and set their positions when told.

Soon, the racers were off, flying up in the air and following the floating magical markers. The winds had died down over night, presenting a clear day with little to no cloud coverage. Sky smiled, bobbing and weaving behind larger stallions, making breaks and passing them with ease.

Cloud did not fare as well. Sundown made loose swerves back and forth in the air, making it difficult for her to stay out of the frontrunner’s wake. She tried to compensate, yawing in the direction of the course before the bat pony could make her move; Sundown just made quicker, jerkier movements in response.

The bat pony kept a continuous eye on Cloud, almost to a obsessive level of attention. That’s when she noticed something about Cloud, her suit was opened slightly at the top. She felt her pace slow a tiny amount. Her rival wasn’t wearing a sports bra underneath, she could see the suit press the peach-colored orbs together, creating a delightful crease of cleavage. Remarkable, thought Sundown, how could she deal with that amount of drag?

Answering Sundown’s silent question, Cloud pushed up alongside the bat pony. She was blushing from the wind or possibly from embarrassment, Sundown could not tell exactly. The two flew side-by-side, twisting and turning through the air. One tried to regain dominance and the other challenging.

Sky eventually drew close enough to witness this dance. There were only a couple of mares between her and her sister so the view was clear, the plan was working. She pumped her wings harder, tucking them next to her body with smooth strokes to get the most efficient cadence. Soon, Sky passed the two mares, both clearly taking the flight easy after such a difficult leg on the previous day. It was time to commence the second part of the plan.

Cloud spotted her sister not too far back. She flew close to Sundown, mere inches from the yellow mare. Her wings almost slapped the other’s, staggered to prevent either of them from tumbling into a spiral.

“What the fuck, ponytail?!” replied Sundown. She backed away, only for the braless twin to silently sidle up against her.

Sky swiftly came up to the two. She sighed audible relief. Sundown looked back to her, snarling. The three maintained a formation whether the bat pony wanted it or not.

This continued for the next few minutes. Sundown would push to the left, right, up, down and Cloud would follow suit. Neither of them tired, but the twin behind them did not either. “Fine!” Sundown yelled, losing some momentum. “You want to have first, be my guest!” With that, Sundown shot back, pushing in behind Sky.

Cloud immediately zipped her outfit back up, looking behind to her sister and their rival. Sundown grinned back. Cloud could slowly feel her limit. The finish line wasn’t too far from their position but she was unsure of how long her sacrifice could last.

“I’m going to fist you like your sister did, piercings!” Sky could hear the taunts. She knew they were meant to distract her, but all she could think about was yesterday’s interruption by the very same mare. Sundown was now beside her, utilizing her second wind to her full advantage.

“Go, Sky-Sky!” Cloud said, startling her sister out of her stupor. Sky set her eyes ahead as her twin relaxed to the side, taking third. The swifter flier pumped her wings. Maybe it was the thrill of pushing for first or the throbbing excitement from Sundown’s taunts, but nothing was clearer to Sky in that moment.

She matched Sundown’s speed, that was easy enough, but the pegasus kept going. Her wings beat with a liquid-like flow. It was more akin to her sister’s style of efficient long distance flight but with added power. Sundown cursed, pairing up with Sky for a few moments but Sky had more energy than was needed to maintain the pace.

“No!” shouted Sundown, and in that moment Sky knew she had first place. Sundown lagged, struggled to maintain composure then achieved it though not in time to make a significant comeback. Sky passed the finish line, followed by a foul-mouthed bat pony and two other strangers.

Eventually Cloud came in at sixth, panting lightly from the excess workout. She found her sister and Sundown standing next to each other panting as well. Neither exchanged glances, both chuckling under their heavy breath. Cloud giggled, patting her sister on the back.

“Shit, you two.” Sundown grimaced, her face orange from the exertion. “You can really fucking work together, you know that?”

Sky nudged the bat pony with a lightly balled fist. “You’re hard to take down alone.”

The bat pony dismissively waved a hand. “Take the fucking compliment, piercings. It’s not like I didn’t have a plan. I just got sidelined by boobs McGee over here,” she said, gesturing to Cloud.

Cloud blushed, making sure her suit was fully zipped. She helped her sister stand up straight, carefully holding the other’s hand. “We won,” she said.

Sundown cocked a brow. “She won.” The bat pony pointed to Sky.

Sky wagged a finger, expecting the response. “You said ‘if anyone of us beats you,’ we’d win our little bet.” She waited for a retort, smug smile plastered on her face.

The bat pony’s eyes widened. Her slit pupils dilated into black orbs. “Oh. I guess we did shake on that.” She looked away from the twins, staring into the distance at nopony in particular.

Sky stepped up behind their rival. She thrust an open palm up onto Sundown’s rear, making a loud smack. Sundown jumped, turning to face the music. “Good hustle, Sundown!” she chirped. The pierced twin forced a key into the bat pony’s hand. “Our hotel room in an hour. Make sure you shower beforehand so we can get you filthy again.”


The twins spent the next hour dipping in and out of the shower, shuffling all of their personal items into their travel bags, and shuffling all their other ‘personal’ items out of their travel bags and onto the king-sized bed. Sky could not help herself from giggling. She constantly mumbled about small moments when she swore she could have seen Sundown’s expression go from confused to devastated. Cloud would chuckle in response, keeping her hands hard at work as they sorted through various bits of clothing and a sizable collection of adult toys.

Most of the instruments of pleasure had been unused since the beginning of the tour. 
On the usual night the twins would find themselves too tired to whip out a dildo or too exhausted to even think about using the butt plug. This didn’t stop Sky from occasionally suggesting that one of them should wear the plug while flying. Cloud would scrunch her muzzle up and cross her arms while her twin would keel over laughing.

This time was certainly different. After a small snack, Sky and Cloud took a moment to center themselves. Cloud wore a pair of long pajama bottoms and a tee shirt. Her breasts were neatly covered by a bra within. Sky wore a pair of small track shorts and a tank top. She had no bra to speak of. Whenever there was an opportunity to press her breasts against Cloud’s back, Sky would take it. After repeated attempts to massage her sister, Sky finally sat down to do some slow breathing with Cloud.

The door opened. There were some clicks on the floor and then a slam. “Hey, uh…” A red-maned head popped from the corner of the hotel room hall. Again, Sundown walked in on the twins doing something intimate, though this time was far more saccharine. “You guys meditating or something?” she asked, helping herself to a seat next to the obligatory hotel television set. Her eyes strayed away from the twins to the collection of toys on the nearby table. Sundown snickered.

The bat pony had worn a red, silk dress that evening. She tossed a pair of high-heeled shoes away, grumbling about them being a waste. Her mane was held fast to her head, tightly wound into a bun. Her figure fit nicely in the dress, long and slim but not without some musculature around the tummy. Sundown’s large handful-sized breasts pushed against the fabric, aching to be released. Her nipples perked, clearly aroused and visible to anypony who’d take the time to glance.

Sundown whined. “You two beat me and now you’re ignoring me?” she asked, almost pouting. She reached for the toys on the desk. “Maybe, I’ll just take one of those for myself and—“

“We’re done, Sundown,” piped up Cloud as she breathed out. “We weren’t meditating, just calming down before you came.”

Sky nodded after her sister. “She said I was too riled up from my win.” Sky turned fully, facing Sundown and grinning wide. “Do you think I’m too riled up from my win, Sunny?”

“Ugh!” Sundown slapped her thighs with both hands. “Are we gonna fuck or are you two just going to make fun of me? You won, fair and square. I wouldn’t have come if you didn’t.”

The pierced twin gave Cloud a sly look. Cloud continued, “no, I guess you wouldn’t. What you saw yesterday is us, in the flesh. We are sisters, twins, and lovers.”

Sundown rolled her eyes. “Duh, I got that from your arm stuffed up her pink box.”

Sky folded her arms, standing off the bed to tower over the bat mare. “You only wish you had someone like Cloudy!” She pointed to her twin, getting on her knees in front of their rival. “Now, you know the truth, but you must swear to tell no one, okay?”

Sundown frowned. She looked at Sky who frowned back. Cloud nodded silently. She sighed. “Alright. I admit, I didn’t expect it. It’s not like I haven’t fantasized about having a twin sister to fuck. I won’t say anything.” She blushed, smiling at the two pegasi.

Slapping Sundown’s leg, Sky stood up. “That’s the spirit!” she said, gathering a few toys and dropping them on the bed.

Cloud shuffled over to Sky on her knees. She kissed her marefriend once then twice. Soon they were making out in full display, showing off their love for each other without judgement.

Sundown tilted her head. “Oh fuck me,” she said, feeling warmth build below her waist. “I think I just stepped into a porn flick.”

An index finger belonging to Sky shot up to silence the bat mare. The twins showed off their practiced, simultaneous tongue wrestling. Sundown stood up and rubbed her tits from outside of her dress. “Oh shit, keep kissing. I’ve never seen anyone so passionate before.”

The silencing index finger flipped about, the back of the hand and an extended middle finger faced Sundown as the two necked. Sundown laughed and removed one strap of her dress. Her right breast fell out, laying to the side. She kneaded it, grabbed the nipple and gave a small tug.

Sky saw the bat pony undress. Not being outdone, the pierced pegasus withdrew her tank top entirely. Cloud immediately latched onto her nipples with her tit-hungry lips. She could feel the hard, little nodule roll about in her mouth. Her sister pulled her head by her green mane, moaning all the while. Cloud replied with her nimble tongue playing with her twin’s sensitive nip.

Sundown couldn’t stand up any longer. She joined the twins, removing her other strap and pulling the dress halfway down so her abdomen was exposed. Sky leaned over, kissing Sundown on the lips. The bat mare obliged, closing her eyes only to feel a hand cup itself around her left orb, squeezing it. “You two g-going to use any toys on me?” she asked.

Cloud popped off of her sister’s boob, scooting her rump to have a closer view of the toys on display. She pulled out a long string of beads, each of them very large, about the size of a small peach per bead.

Looking to her sister, Sky’s eyes glistened in the bright light of the hotel room. “Oh, shove that in her ass. That will teach her to stop looking at my sister’s tits.” Sky turned to Sundown, gripping the mare’s dress and pulling it off in one sweep like a stage magician with a tablecloth. Sundown squeaked, flopping onto her back, luckily on an assortment of pillows. Her legs were soon propped up in the air by a pair of greedy hands. Sky stood there, topless. She stared down at Sundown’s marehood. The mare’s juices dribbled down into her little butthole. “I think she’s ready!” called Sky.

Cloud shuffled over, leaning down between her sister and their rival’s pelvic region. She smeared a little more girl fluids into Sundown’s tight pucker, pushing a finger inside and giving it a few stretches. All the twins could hear from their bat pony friend were soft pants. Cloud gathered up the seven beads, each right next to each other on the taught cord. “The first one’s the biggest,” warned Cloud. She pressed it against Sundown’s pucker, it accepted it willingly if not with some moans of protest from the owner of said asshole.

The rest of the beads went in smoothly and Cloud gave Sundown some time for her asshole to fully wrap around the last one. The bat pony was panting and stroking herself fiercely, staring at the two twins, one of them still fully clothed. “Please, strip for me,” she pleaded in a soft voice.

Sky turned to Cloud, winked and kissed her. She lifted her twin’s shirt off, revealing symmetrical boobs to her own. She went down to her sister’s pajama pants a pressed her muzzle against her crotch. The pants were loose enough that her timid sister’s wetness didn’t show, but the kiss made the light green fabric turn dark instantly.

Cloud rubbed her sister’s back, allowing her to face away from Sundown who lay supine looking up at the two athletes. Cloud calmly and sweetly looked into Sundown’s eyes, slowly pulling her sister’s shorts to reveal a rump, a tight hole, and a wet pussy with no panties to cover them.

“She probably wants to lick my wet slit, sis,” Sky cooed. She shook her tight posterior and backed closer to Sundown. Sundown nodded emphatically. “But, I want her to get you off, first. You did all the work today, Cloudy. My love.”

Blushing from the romantic admittance, Cloudy took her shaky hands and removed her pajamas. She finally discarded the pair of soaked, magenta panties. Sundown’s ass shook up and down, her fingers probing herself as she witnessed the spectacle. Her left hand reached down to the anal beads’ ring only to be pinned by Sky’s foot. “No, you don’t. I’ll handle that.” Sundown whimpered in response to her rejection.

Cloud shyly straddled Sundown’s face. She gripped the bed’s backboard and pressed her crotch against the bat’s lips. Sundown uttered a ‘sweet Celestia’ and grabbed Cloud’s ass with both hands. Her mouth went work on Cloud’s pussy. She slurped away all of the excess liquid, trying her hardest to get into the shy mare’s folds. Cloud rocked her hips up and down, grinding against their rivals face like she had a devastating itch to scratch.

Neither Cloud nor Sundown noticed Sky coming from behind, holding a conical object and a tube in her hands. She squirt some oily lube all over Cloud’s backside, causing the other mare to flinch. “Agh!” she squealed. “Sky-Sky! That’s cold!” Cloud slowed down, but Sundown permitted herself to lap at her clit, making circles and giving the occasional sucking kiss. Cloud grew quiet once again.

“Sorry, sis. I saw your ass and I couldn’t help myself.” Sky smoothed the oil around her sister’s tight little star, kissing her rump and giving the same flank a small slap. Cloud moaned, Sky used the opportunity to press the butt plug against the hole. With a few pushes, it popped in.

“Agh! Agh!” Cloud squirted a little bit of fluid onto Sundown’s face. The mare below closed her eyes in response.

“What the fuck?!” she retracted her head. She felt a sudden pull in her butt. Sky had yanked the two smallest beads out of her. “Oh no, you… Piercings, shit, I’m…” Girl cum spilled out of Sundown almost at the same speed it came from the mare above her.

“Five more, you losing slut.” Sky dropped the ring only to back away from the two of them. “Finger yourself while we fuck a vibrator.” Sky wasn’t one to mince words.

Sundown did as she was told, growling, “second place, asshole.”

Sky shrugged, hugging her sister from behind. She pat Cloud’s bottom and kissed her cheek. “This is first place asshole. Mine is second place,” she stuck her tongue out at Sundown.

Cloud turned about, pressing her sister against the bed. She whipped out an average-sized vibrator and turned it on. It hummed sweetly. The twins lay side-by side, heads toward the foot of the bed and spread out enough to give their guest a show. Cloud handed the toy to Sky who grasped it and licked it. It buzzed in her mouth and the pierced sister made joke gagging noises in response.

She placed it between the two of them, first rubbing Cloud’s clit and then her own. Sky shivered every time the toy touched her swollen marehood. After it was passed back and forth enough times, Sky put it inside of her sister. It slid into her pussy swiftly and neatly. Cloud’s eyes rolled back and she bit her lip. Sky chuckled, playing with her sister’s breasts without a care.

“You two are impossible,” Sundown complained half-heartily. “I don’t think you exist and…” Her eyes trailed off, noticing a large horsecock pointing at her. It rest on the bed, making a definite indentation in the sheets. It was the biggest dick she had seen not attached to a pony.

Sky noticed her gaze. She stopped rubbing at her shaking sister’s clit and tossed the heavy dong to Sundown. “Go nuts. Good luck.”

Without hesitation, Sundown pressed the giant sucker against her wet lips. They spread much easier from her horniness, but the huge, flared dick was still too big. “I c-cant,” Sundown admitted.

Sky laughed. She had mounted her sister’s pelvis with her own pussy. She always enjoyed the closeness with Cloud as the vibrator stimulated them both. The pierced mare put a firm hand on the dildo, pushing it into Sundown.

The bat mare screamed in ecstasy. The push wasn’t sudden, but the feeling of the massive dick spreading her while rubbing against the five remaining beads was almost too much to handle.

Pop went another bead. This was followed by a smug Sky delighting in their guest’s moment of being solidly filled. Sundown did not even mind one bit. She pumped the huge cock in and out, slowing down as she did so to accommodate it.

Sky moaned loudly, hugging her sister as they both came with the same sighing tones. They added to the mess of girl cum layering the top comforter. The twins kissed over and over, but before Sundown could get used to the sight, Sky grabbed the ring and yanked, pulling two more beads out.

With a shrill moan, Sundown slammed her back into the bed repeatedly, not expected the two medium-sized beads to affect her so greatly. By now she was furiously jamming the giant dick into her pussy. It kissed her cervix with each pump, causing her tummy to distend with each thrust.

“Alright, where were we before top bitch here interrupted us yesterday?” asked Sky to Cloud.

“I was making a fist and…” interrupting Cloud, Sky flopped onto her back, keeping the vibrator inside of her sister, knowing the kinder of the two would do her best to keep it in. “I-I guess we’ll continue,” she giggled.

“Please do,” insisted Sky.

Cloud pushed her fingers, then her entire hand inside of Sky’s gaping pussy. She pumped it over and over, able to go faster with each passing moment. Sky grabbed the ring of the anal beads by her big toe. “When I cum from this fisting, Sundown, you’d better be ready.”

Sundown could not respond. Her mind was filled with thoughts of a shy twin fisting her bolder sister. She had to shift her body slightly to even witness the scene beyond the cock. With too many orgasms under her belt in that evening, Sundown couldn’t even remember why she lost the bet, let alone count the appropriate number of times she came.

“Oh shit… Cloudy, I love you so fucking much. Oh…” Sky’s entire lower half shook, signifying the mare’s intense orgasm. She came all over again, dampening the bed in new, previously dry areas. Her toe pulled out the last two giant beads, causing Sundown to scream and whip out the dildo.

“Fuck me, that was insanity!” Sky yelled, beaming at her sister who willingly removed her arm from within.


Sundown lay there for the next fifteen minutes, panting and wishing for a drink of water. The sisters kissed and groped. Once they felt it necessary, the two of them got up and took a shower together, leaving Sundown to her own devices. When the pair got back, there was no sign of the bat pony but a small note on the desk pad written in faded ink: “You two are the most fun I’ve ever had. I left without saying anything to help protect your secret. Even if you can’t be public, I hope to do this again some day. Thanks, Sky. Thanks, Cloud. See you behind me in the race!” It was signed by Sundown.

Cloud neatly folded it and placed the note in their travel bag. “What are we going to do, Sky-Sky? She does know our secret,” she said, wet, naked and slightly worried.

Sky walked to her sister, kissing her on the lips and petting the other’s wet mane. “I guess we’ll just have to invite her over if she has any second thoughts.”

The shy twin blushed and nuzzled her head against Sky’s neck. “I told you she was nice,” she concluded.

“Not as much as the both of us,” said Sky.