> step by step and spin by spin > by Shycubkovu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1.Dash, I'm only dancing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 01 "Dash, I'm only dancing" . . Scootaloo, a 10-year-old pegasy filly had lived in ponyville for quite a while. It was still hard for her to believe that she was not just accepted as a member of the community but also well liked. In her mind it was only a matter of time before someone would find a flaw in her personality and expose it for all to see and make fun of. The Inception of this idea had its ruts deep in the past. Back in a different time , in a different place,in the mind of a much younger scootaloo. years ago "Lookie, lookie,lookie. What do we got here ? " The fire-red maned colt closed in on Scootaloo, as she tried to back away, even though her rump was already pressed against a wall. "Seems like a useless waste of air and space to me." Said a voice from behind the red colt. A gang of three colts had been bullying and harassing Scootaloo ever since she arrived at the orphanage. Alex, the undisputed leader, Falconhoof, the second in command and Walter, the simple-minded ruffian. "Yup" said Alexander. "That there is definitely a breathing, talking , walking piece of shit." Alexander grinned a cruel grin. "Right boss, wha' do we do wit' pieces o' shit?" Asked Walter, dimly. "We beat the shit out of it" Exclaimed Alexander. "Please" winced Scootaloo meekly. "leave me alone." The trio just laughed in unison. "Oh no , dun't hert me." Mocked Falconhoof. Scootaloo knew what was going to happen next. It had happened many times before and she was cruely aware that it would happen many times again. Punch after punch,kick after kick rained down on her and she was helpless. She tasted blood. She tasted tears. She didn't move. . Scootaloo remained in a fetal position long after the gang had stopped beating her up and left. She didn't dare to open her eyes . She feared that they were still here, waiting for her to get up. After a while she just fell asleep on the cold and hard granite floor. - The whisper of a kind voice awoke her from her sleep. "I'm so sorry, I'll promise I'll see to it that all of this will soon come to an end" Scootaloos eyes adjusted too slowly to the dark for her to see who was talking. She only saw a figure vanish into thin air. Present day. Scootaloo was alone, pacing up and down in her room. "Hey " She started,"Rainbow Dash, my dear sister, i...naw that sounds dumb" For the last ten minutes she had been trying to think of a way to tell her big sister something important. It was dear to her to let her sister know. But she didn't know how,since she was a bit embarrassed about it "Hey dash, could you sign this, please ? What is it? Well glad you asked ...ugh no" "None of this will work , she'll just laugh at me." Scootaloo said in defeat. "Who will laugh at ya Scoots? Without Scootalo noticing ,Rainbow Dash had just entered the room. Caught up in her mental introspectivety Scootaloo answered. "Well Rainbow Dash of course , she's gonna laugh once she knows that I want to learn ballet. I can't..." She stopped , becoming aware of her surroundings again and in doing so noticing Rainbow Dash, who was standing right in front of her, sporting a warm and knowing grin. 3 years ago . "You good for nothing brat!" Spat the Director of the orphanage at Scootaloo. "I'll teach you not to accuse others of rampant behaviour. "I wasn't lying. They attacked me and i tried to defend myself." Scootaloo whimpered. The director slapped Scotaloo across the face. "Liar!" She raised her front hoof to strike again. Scootaloo started to cry. The director scoffed. "Cry all you want. Nobody can hear you" Just as the director was about to strike , a glowing white circle popped into existence and grew bigger. "Stop this instance" A majestic voice , coming from the circle. Then, the eternally ruling god princess Celestia stepped out of the portal. The director stared at the princess in fear. "Your royalty , i was just ..." She didn't get to finish her sentence because Celestia did it for her. "just abusing your power over those who were at your mercy. I've been observing this orphanage for a while now and i must say i am aghast. On the other side of the portal awaits a comite from the ministry of social matters ready to ask you some questions. Go ! Now!" Ordered Princess Celestia. "Y-Y-Yes" said the director hurrying into the portal, which vanished a second later. Celestia looked at the small curled up filly in front of her. "Hey there young one. Are you alright ?" Scootaloo didn't dare to move. She just whispered in fright. "Please don't hurt me." Celestia was perplexed. "Why would i hurt you, little one?" She asked softly Back in the present "Ballet, huh?" Rainbow Dash said while playfully raising her left eyebrow. "Er....i ....You misheared." Scootalloo tried to parry. "I didn't say ballet, i said crocket...yes, crocket. Such a silly sport." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Of course, crocket is the sport you're too embarrassed to tell me about." Scootaloo didn't say anything but just grinned nervously. "Ok, listen little sis, " Rainbow Dash said, "either you tell me what you really wanted to tell me about, or..." "Or what ?" Scootaloo asked, with a tad more nervousness in her voice than her face led on to believe. "...or I'll enforce your usual bedtime during the next sleepover sweetie belle, Applejack and you have at our house." Scootaloo gulped. "It will be..."Rainbow Dash went on. "something that you will feel embarrassed about for a good reason." Rainbow Dash looked mockingly stern into Scootaloos eyes. "So what's it gonna be then, eh?" Scootaloo sighed and lowered her head. "Alright, i did say ballet. I've been practicing in my spare time but i want to learn it from a real teacher" Scootaloo sounded as if she was close to tears. "You can now make fun of me if you want to." Rainbow Dash shook her head in disbelief and mumbled to herself. "..and there i thought Rarity was a drama queen." She took Scootaloo in a hug and said. "Ok, two things you should know by now." She cleared her throat. "First of all, i would never make fun of you. Second, you can always confide in me" Scootaloo raised her head and looked into her big Sisters eyes. "Now, tell me what i need to know." End of Chapter 01