Anon wants a date

by Bronytymes

First published

Anon has been in Equestria for a while now and he wants to court a few ponies. This is a few stories on how he tries to court a few ponies.

Anon has come to Equestria and he wants to go out with some ponies. You can suggest some ponies but I'll only write the ones I want to. Each story will be semi unique and there may be Continuations on some ponies if I feel like it.

Twilight Sparkle (1)

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You are anon.

You came to Equestria a few years ago and have taken up residence in a small house by the everfree forest. The warm sunlight from your open window is shining in your face. "Gah, fucking sunbutt and her damn sun..." you mutter as you roll over and pull the blanket over your shoulder. Sleep starts to take you over before you hear three knocks from your front door.

Damn it fluttershy, when will she learn that you don't want to date her. Her daily fetish guess' are irritating you to the point where you can't sleep in past 8 anymore. letting out a long suffering sigh you get up and walk down your hallway to the front door. Opening it as she is about to knock again you see her recoil and give you a sheepish look.

"um... hi anon." fluttershy squeaks out as you lean against your door frame. She looks up your body as she takes in your appearance. Wearing only PJ pants you roll your eyes as you snap your fingers in front of her eyes as she ogles you bare chest.

"Earth to shy, whats your guess today?" you say.

"... uh um... is. is your fetish blue balling?" she says as she reaches her hoof out toward your genitals.

"no shy." you say as you slap her hoof away. "when will you stop with the fetish guessing? I'm not interested." she gives you a dejected look as she looks down and blushes.

"oh. ok... I'll get it right one day." she says as she turns around and walks back down the path to her cottage.

Your day goes the same way it always does. Shit, shower, shave. eat a healthy breakfast that you wish could be changed. The ponies would have a field day if they ever caught you with anything but fish to eat considering almost all the animals have some sort of sapience. finishing your forced healthy breakfast you do the dishes so they don't pile up and get ready for your daily friendship lessons with twilight sparkle.


Walking up to the Friendship castle you wave at the guards posted at the front door. They know you by now and never give you trouble seeing as you've been taking the "lessons" with twilight for over a year now. You enter the overly large crystal tree and open the door of the 'Classroom'. "Yo Twi, whats cracka-lackin."

Twilight lets out a sigh and gives you an annoyed look. "Anon, your late again."

Frowning you reply "If you would just set our lessons at a realistic time I wouldn't be late. 7 A.M. is earlier than any school I ever went to." shaking her head she just points to a desk.

"7 A.M. is a perfectly reasonable time to be up and ready to learn." she replies as she takes her place in front of her chalk board.


Something is off about twilight today as she goes over her boring lessons. her hair is up in a bun and she is wearing a form fitting black dress that stops just above her hind leg knees. Its almost kinda sexy. ANON what the FUCK are you thinking? sure you have been here over 2 years now but are you seriously thinking about twilight like that? I mean her round ass is jus- Jesus anon quit your shit you'll just have to visit Ms. Rosy Palm later to take care of this problem your having.

Twilight turns around and smacks your table with a ruler. "Anon we're you paying attention?" snapping out of your mind you stare at Twilight who has an angry glare.

"uh... yes?" you say not wanting her to get in one of her moods.

"Then you won't mind a pop quiz will you?" she levitates a paper before you face.

"of course not Twilight. what were we studying again?" you say while trying not to imagine her using that ruler to- Get it together man only a few more hours and you can go home and take care of this problem.

Shaking her head, Twilight scowls at you. "I can't believe you Anon, every day its the same thing. You come here and I try to teach you the importance of friendship and you can't even stay focused for 10 minutes before I catch you off in dream land! You used to be so attentive in the first few months but I just can't get across to you anymore! What will it take to get the lessons across to you Anon tell me how I'm supposed to teach you." she slouches in defeat looking at the ground.

You feel like shit. "Cmon Twi. I can learn its just I'm more of a hands on learner you used to learn your friendship lessons with your friends right? why can't I just go out and hang out with friends and learn that way? It worked for you." you reply petting her behind the ear.

Twilight lets out a soft moan as she pushes into your hand. All the ponies never resist the ear rub. "may... maybe that would work." she says as she pulls away shaking her hair out of the bun and standing up blushing slightly. "Alright then lets go out and do this!" she says enthusiastically pulling the dress off over her head with her magic. While ponies are always naked seeing a pony undress makes your earlier thoughts about Twilight come back in full force.

She turns around to trot off to the door as you watch her tail flick back and forth as you catch an eye full of what makes Twilight a mare. Shivering in delight and rearranging yourself so your half chub isn't noticeable you get up from the too small desk (which twilight refused to change to your size), you stumble your way catching up with Twilight.


"Anon." Twilight says looking up at you with hatred in her eyes. "Yes Twilight?" you reply looking down at her with a false smile. "Why in the name of Celestia did you think telling Mrs. Cake she had a 'rockin booty' in front of Mr. Cake was a good way to make friends?" she didn't word it like a question more like a statement.

"Uh you said giving Ponies compliments was a good way to make them like you and that's a compliment where I come from." hiding a smirk you look back up and start walking away from Sugar Cube Corner.

Twilight hovers in front of your face with an angry glare. "You know how to make good first impressions anon why did you have to do that? You know better than to make suggestive comments on married mares, not to mention not doing so on a first impression, Anon." she pokes you in the chest. Rolling your eyes you bat away her hoof.

"Twilight, I know how to make friends I'm friends with lots of ponies. Rainbow Dash and I read Daring do together, Applejack and I grow crops together, Octavia likes to come over and play with me when I play piano. Need I go on?"

Twilight scoffs. "You know what I mean anon you can't just go around antagonizing ponies or no one will want to be your friend anymore!" she says as she tries to keep up with you.

"Twilight. I haven't needed friendship lessons with the ponies for a long time. I know how to be sociable I just like pushing your buttons." you say as you decide to stop in your tracks and look at her in the eye. "You're too cute when you get mad. The only reason I don't do it more is cause you can blast me to the moon and no one would bat an eye cause your a princess. I love the faces you ponies make when you guys get all flustered."

Twilight's wings ruffle and her face blushes deep red. "OOHhhh anon..." she stares at you then drops her head down losing her ability to fight.

"I know you don't need friendship lessons anymore anon... Its just... when you showed signs of not needing my lessons anymore i got... I got scared okay?" she says dejectedly as she turns away. You see a few tears wetting the ground in front of you. Confused you decide to walk around to face her seeing her tears streaming down her cheeks.

"why are you scared Twi? You know your my best friend here in Ponyville." you state kneeling and giving her a hug.

"Once you're done with your lessons you don't need me anymore and then you wont come around anymore, then you'll see me less and less and before you know it you won't come around to see me and I lose you." she blurts out and then cries into your shoulder. Shocked by her outburst you can only smile as you hug her a little closer. You know Twilight by now and once she gets something in her mind its hard to get out.

"Twilight Sparkle, You should know me better than that. I would never abandon a friend. You've helped me far to much to ever repay and I couldn't let our friendship drift like that. Why didn't you say something earlier? we can always find out other things to do together. We could always go out and have lunch together and talk about our days, or have some tea and read a few books together like I do with dash? There are plenty of other things we could do together." you say rubbing the back of her neck and gently stroking down her back to her wings.

"But I like teaching you things, and since you can't learn magic and you already know the magic of friendship what else could I show you?" she replies as she pulls back and you look into those big beautiful purple orbs. Stroking her muzzle and holding it in your hand you reply.

"Anything else your interested in. Teach me about the constellations or something I know your telescope hasn't seen use in a while and I don't know about your worlds stars yet." you say pulling that right out of your ass not even knowing if she has used it recently.

Smiling Twilight's eyes become bigger somehow and she smiles largely. "Really? I didn't know you were interested in Astronomy Anon!" You aren't. "Ohmygosh you should come over tonight! There are so many Constellations going to be visible tonight because of the new moon! There are so many possibilities for learning! Orion will be out in full force and Scorpios will be brilliant because of Taurus-Mph" you silence Twilight with a finger smiling like an idiot. "Show and tell later and since we'll probably be up pretty late we should probably go take a long nap so we can stay up tonight." you reply as Twilight's eyes sparkle at you.

"Its a date!" Twilight says jumping and flying away quickly towards the castle.

Is it a date?


You tried to sleep when you got home but you couldn't. Was Twilight serious when she said it was a date? I mean sure she is pretty cute for a pony (Not that you'll every admit it) but you couldn't stop thinking of her in that school teacher outfit she was wearing earlier. She never wore it before and all of this seems kinda out of the blue. Before today you never really looked at Twilight with the idea of being a girlfriend but the more you think about her like that the more you seem to think that you and her would be great together. You're a big goofball and like to poker her admittedly easy buttons and she is a huge nerd just like you. Before you two started the friendship lessons you just kinda hung out together and read in the library before she became the princess of friendship (which didn't really make sense to you but whatever). Then the lessons started and she just became more annoying than anything.

Now that you have stewed here long enough to finally start thinking of ponies as more possible romantic interests the more your mind drifts back to the days where you and Twilight would sit together in silence only to read and be in close proximity to each other. Before you got your own house after Tirek fucked up the library (Luckily you were getting groceries at the time) you did your best to help Twi organize her library and took over making food for your friends.

Rolling over in your bed you look at the single suit Rarity made for you that one time you went to the grand galloping gala. You hated that thing and the gala but you could never throw it away because Rarity worked so hard on it. It was a nice suit, Black slacks dark red coat and a matching tie with her cutie mark in a deep blue that contrasted the red quite nicely. Maybe you should wear it to your 'date' tonight. I mean that's what you do on those right? dress up and show up with wine or something. Maybe flowers. Shit you don't really know the first thing about pony dating customs you thought you'd never want to actually date one so you skipped over those books.

Deciding you should er on the side of caution you decided to just say fuck it and get all dressed up and show up with a nice big bottle of wine from berry, she still owes you from when she pants-ed you in a pinkie party and everyone saw your white boxers with the red hearts all over them. Some ponies still call you lover boy.


its almost 9 P.M. and you picked up that bottle of wine and got all dressed up. Some towns ponies were wondering why you were all dressed up but you just said you were going star gazing with a friend. While not false you never told anyone just who you were going with they all smirked and wished you luck though so that's nice.

Walking up to the castle you see the guards with their same stoic expressionless mugs. "yo dudes whats cracka-lackin?" you say as you lean up against the door staring at the guard on the right. Behind you the other guard kicks the door open making you fall on the floor almost dropping the wine. "Hey man this shits expensive." you grumble as you pick yourself up as you dust off your suit turning around to see twilight come around the corner. Her eyes widen in shock as she looks at you up and down and gulps and blushes a deep crimson. While you smile at her you notice she is naked obviously not having dressed up at all. Your smile falters and becomes a frown as your face heats up. She didn't mean a date as you thought she meant.

Turning around in embarrassment you quickly rush off back home. God damn it anon you are so stupid! Why did you think that she meant a real date? No one but Fluttershy is into that inter-species crap and twilight would never be into you like that. You're her best friend not her love interest!

"Anon wait!" you hear Twilight gallop after you but you decide to run quickly back home trying to hold back some tears. Loneliness is all you'll know on the romantic front. Until you eventually give in to fluttershy obviously. But your still a few years from her breaking you down she is just too weird with her constant guess' of your fetishs. Reaching your home you slam your door shut and slide down it sitting on your rear in front of the door.


Opening the bottle of wine in the kitchen you decide that you might as well try and forget tonight and pretend it never happened tomorrow as you pour yourself a glass and sip it. You finish the glass in record speed and are about to pour another when you hear three knocks on your front door. God damn it fluttershy a second time today? You're really starting to lose your patience. Stomping over to the front door you rip it open "If your here for another fetish guess you can shove... it..." you drop your glass of wine as you realize its not fluttershy but Twilight in a sparkling purple dress with a shade so deep its almost black at the bottom. Her hair is up in a braid and hanging off to the side while her bangs are swept gently to the right. she's breath taking.

"Tw-Twilight?" you sputter like a retard. "wow." you say blushing just as hard as she is, considering her face is as red as a tomato your blushing pretty damn hard.

"Anon." she says gently as she shuffles back and forth on her hooves. "ca-can I come in?" using her magic she fixes the broken glass on the floor and shoots the wine off the front porch into the bushes before placing the glass back in your hand.

"O-Of course Twi" you say holding the door open watching her trot in and she nervously twirls her dress a bit.

"Do you like it?" she says smiling at you her blush only slightly receding.

"Yeah. I, I thought you meant date tonight like Date date, but I guess i was-Mph" Twilight shushes you with a hoof.

"I didn't but that doesn't mean I don't want it to be one." She says while she looks deep into your eyes. Her purple orbs look hopeful as she removes her hoof. "C-can we make it a real date? I've never been on one." she mumbles out while shuffling her hooves and ruffling her wings.

"Sure Twi. To be honest I. I never really thought about you like that before earlier when you called it a date and the more I thought about it the more I liked the idea. I mean we used to gel so well together before you became a Princess and I miss the days when we would just... you know be together in the same room and do nothing but read and be near each other." you say as you move to the couch and sit down.

Twilight follows you levitating the wine and another glass over to the coffee table setting it down. "I never really thought about you like that till the gala about a year ago anon. I mean seeing you all dressed up and taking an interest in the nobles even though I knew you didn't like them. Standing by me while I dealt with all the snobs and helping me curb some of the more... forward ones. It made me want to... To just..." she pours herself a glass and decides to trot over to the window and teleport her telescope near the window.

You get up and pull the couch closer to the window and sit back down pulling Twilight into a hug from behind she lets out an adorable squeak. "Anon what are you doing?" she cries as she wiggles against you.

"Hugging my Best friend." you say as she calms down a bit. You can't see it but she is frowning. "why didn't you ever tell me?" you said as you start to gently rub her furry chest.

"I didn't want to push you away, I know fluttershy is constantly trying to win you over and you just seemed so against dating a... a pony." she whimpers and lets her head sag and rub against your hand.

"I have to admit before today I couldn't really ever see myself with a pony but. You just... You aren't like any other pony Twilight. You're special to me. You were there for me before anyone else and I'll never forget your kindness." you say kissing her cheek from behind. Her face immediately flushes and she tries to hide it by drinking her whole glass of wine.

"Do you really want to learn about astronomy or were you just trying to be nice?" she says as she regains her composure.

"Honestly? I never cared about all that junk I just like spending time with you Twilight." you say as you hug her closer. "I'm sure you could find some way to make it interesting. I like history more so maybe you can tell me the stories behind the formations?" you say as you pet her mane as she shudders slightly when you rub betwixt her ears.

"O-Of course anon. I love spending time with you too." she says as she leans back farther into your chest.


"And that's why Orion's belt had three stars on his belt not four." Twilight says as you look up to the stars.

"Wow Twi I never knew Astronomy was so interesting." You say as you pull away from the telescope and look at Twilight giving her a large smile.

"Hehehehe..." Twilight stifles a laugh as she covers her muzzle with a hoof and looks away.

"What? what are you laughing at?" you say as you give her a frown. She simply levitates a mirror in front of you and you see a black circle around your eye. "oh you're going to get it!" you say as you leap towards her just as she 'eeps!' and teleport's away behind the couch laughing in a full giggle fit. Recovering quickly you vault over the couch and snatch her up before she could teleport and wrap your hand around her horn. "ah ah ah..." you say as she squeaks and then gives a small moan as your hand slips up a bit on her horn.

"Uh did I do something wrong?" you say as you realize just what kind of compromising position your in with be hind legs splayed out and your pelvis up against her and your hand resting on her horn. "horns are... a sensitive..." she mumbles out the last part and you realize just what your doing.

"oh shit I'm sorry Twi I didn't mean t-MMMMpphhhmmmmmm" you start to sputter but she quickly wraps her front hooves around your neck and pulls you into a kiss. letting go of her horn you start to kiss her back as her tongue gently probes your lips. Opening your mouth you let her tongue enter your mouth as your hand quickly finds its place behind her head. Your fingers feel like their running through silk while your tongue fights Twilight's for dominance easily overtaking her inexperience.

Breaking the kiss and pulling up for air you look down into her dreamy half lidded purple orbs. She is smiling softly as she caresses your cheek with a hoof. "I love you." she says as your face burns bright red.

"Uh... I... um." you stutter out and she looks ashamed and teleport's out from under you and beside you.

"sorry! sorry. I just... I've waited so long to say that and I know its probably too soon for you to say it back I just have thought it for so long." she rubs the back of her head as you turn and sit on your carpet looking at her. She is shifting from left to right on her hooves and blushing furiously while finding her telescope particularly interesting right now. "You don't have to say it back I just wanted to let you know and Its just waiting to say it for over a year makes it hard, and when we finally kissed I couldn't help myself i......" she trails off as you gently put your hand under her chin and pull her face to yours.

"I love you too Twilight. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it." You say as you pull her into another kiss. She moans gently into your mouth as you seek permission to her mouth this time, gently running your tongue over her soft velvety lips. She opens her mouth as you pull her whole body closer before gently picking her up and hold her into your standing form. Holding her by her rump you gently squeeze her round flank.

"Anon~" she croons into your neck while gently biting down on your shoulder. You walk over to the couch before you gently lay her down on it and gently lay on top of her resuming your previous kiss. When you pull away a small string of saliva hangs between your lips and hers and she smiles at you with a big goofy grin.

"Do you want... want to get more comfortable?" she says as she slowly starts pulling at your tux coat with magic. nodding you start pulling her dress up from the bottom pulling it over her head. when you lay eyes on her naked form you realize just how sexy of a mare she is. Her curved flanks her taught and lean barrel. her perfectly shaped legs sculpted by the gods just for you. The tuft of hair on her chest that just slightly longer than the rest of her fur and her sparkling purple eyes. Her braided hair that is just a little messy and has a few strands out of place while she looks at your in nervous anticipation to see your naked form.

You pull the jacket of your tux off and slowly unbutton your dress shirt before pulling it apart bearing your chest and the patch of hair covering it. Her gaze turns lustful as she runs a hoof down your pecks to your happy trail below your belly button. Gently pulling on the clasp that holds your pants then undoing the belt you let your pants drop as you step out of your slacks pulling your socks off with each foot as you kick your pants and socks away leaving your white boxers that have hearts on them. Twilight's blush covers almost her whole head as she looks at the tent in your pants and she rubs your slightly muscular legs (Which you've gotten from all your walks everywhere). "wow anon... You've really taken care of yourself since you've come to ponyville." She says as she pulls you with magic right back on top of her lavender form.

"You're looking better too, don't think I haven't notice your tighter barrel and those beautiful legs of yours." you say as you run your hand up her hind leg, making her shiver in delight.

"Anon~" she sighs as she pulls your face further down back into a passionate kiss. Her tongue pushes against your lips as her hind legs wrap themselves around your waist pulling your barely covered dick right against her sex. Twilight's warm mare juice covers your boxers and makes you even harder.

"I've dream't of this day for so long Anon." Twilight moans into your ear after breaking your kiss.

"Let me make up for time lost then." You whisper in her ear before nipping at it and biting softly down on the tip of her ear. She lets out a moan of delight as her hooves unwrap themselves from your neck and you start kissing your way down her cheek. Stopping at her neck you bit down a bit harder letting your canines push against her soft skin underneath her soft fur.

"Ooohhh Anon~" she croons as she rubs the back of your neck before gently pushing you farther down. Your tongue traces a wavy line down her chest and then stops at her barrel. Using both your hands you gently rub them across the joints of her wings pushing into them and making her moan even harder. You eventually find the points that make her react the most and focus on them as you kiss even farther down her barrel stopping at her teats.

"Anon~ please~" Twilight begs as her pushes you farther down with her front hooves while you chuckle. Letting go with your right hand you bring it down and gently massage her right teat and you suckle at her left nipple. Gently biting it and rolling your tongue around it. Twilight gasps and moans louder "How are you so good at this? I thought you weren't interested in mares..."

"I wasn't, I was interested in A mare." you put an emphases on A and she smiles a big goofy smile and gasps again when you gently lick all the way up her winking marehood.

"I've also had sex with human females before and they seemed to like the same stuff. You know besides the wings and horn I kinda know what I'm doing." you say as you start to prob the entrance of her vagina with your tongue. Groping her teat a bit harder and pushing her wing joint you quickly try to catch her winking clitoris before sighing and bringing your left hand down and around her glorious flank. Running your finger up and down her soaking vulva you gather enough juices to lubricate your finger easily before gently pushing farther in. Twilight lets out a loud moan and arches her back and her clitoris winks out in time for you to latch onto it and give it a strong tug.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" Twilight cries out in ecstasy, As the muscles in her marehood clamp down on your single digit. Small amounts of fluid drips out around your finger and you let go of her clit to lap up her precious marecum. Once her high from cuming goes down you look up to see Twilight in a state of pure bliss. Kissing your way back up not taking your time in the least. You reach her lips as you kiss her as she tries to focus back on what you were doing.

Pulling your boxers down and kicking them off you line yourself up with Twilight's Soft lips gently rubbing up and down to lubricate yourself. "Anon, please... please take me. Make me your mare." Twilight sighs and kisses your deeply. Her tongue pushes past your lips again and she easily dominates yours while your lost in the feeling of the heat of her pussy lips. Its so warm and slick that you actually slip out of her tight hole twice before she grunts and envelops your dick in magic holds your stead against her entrance.

"Make it quick. Then hold still so I can adjust. I... I'm still a Virgin." Twilight says with slight apprehension and nervousness in her voice.

"Anything for you... My love." you say as she looks into your eyes with pure love. Then hurt as you quickly hilt yourself inside her as she opens her mouth in an 'o' and silently screams. You hold yourself hilted in her tight marehood as it grips your dick like a vice grip. It massages you to the point where you almost cum instantly inside the tight warm walls as they ripple and squeeze around your shaft.

As almost a full minute passes twilight finally nods her head as you take it as a sign to start moving. You pull out gently and slowly as she lets out a loud moan, followed by a gasp as your head is the only thing remaining her soft velvety folds. You can feel them pulling you back in begging you to make her full again. So you gently start pushing back in. One hand holds her right wing pushing softly into a wing joint and the other hand holds her muzzle as you finally hilt yourself again your pubic bone pushed right into hers as your cock twitches inside of her. "Fuck Twilight." you gasp out. "You're so fucking tight." you moan as you pull out again.

"Faster Anon. I need you." Twilight shudders as she can feel your cock twitch deep within her pressing right up against her cervix. You pull yourself out quicker and start fucking her at a steady pace. As your hips meet in there is a nice loud slap that makes you smile. Twilight is yours now. She is your mare and nothing can rip you two apart. So you decide to pick up the pace as she starts to whimper. At first you think you might be hurting her before she cums around you shaft and her pussy grips your harder then ever before and ripples up and down your shaft with her velvet walls. You have to stop yourself mid thrust because you cant push any farther in without hurting her. It almost sends you over the edge and if you had been hilted you probably would have but this gives you an opportunity to make this even better.

After Twilight's orgasm you pull her up before she can regain her senses and pull her onto your lap sitting her upright and facing you. You lower yourself off the couch enough to where you can thrust into her easily and start pushing up into her right against her G-spot. Her cries of ecstasy makes you smirk as you let your left hand wander up a wing while you right hand goes right for her horn. She immediately screams as she has another orgasm from all the stimulation and your fully hilted this time but you push your own orgasm back down as you start to fuck her through hers. With how much marecum there is on your dick it shouldn't hurt her now and you start pounding into her.

After a few minutes you feel your balls tighten up, Twilight had cum two more times and you have to tell her before you blow your load. "Twilight.... I'm... I'm Close." you say as she is riding you.

"please... Cum inside me... Cum inside me and make me your mare." Twilight all but screams as you start pushing yourself to the limit. Your Hips are pistoning in her as fast as you can. You can't take it anymore and the pleasure rushes up your cock.

"I'm cumming!" you groan as the first spurt of your spunk coats her cervix with a thick glob of cum. Spurt after spurt coats the rest of her rippling vagina as Twilight orgasms on your throbbing dick.

Finally after glob after sticky glob of cum is released inside of Twilight she finally falls against your chest her head buried into you. "Oh fuck Twi. That was so good." you gently stroke her mane. Twilight's soft breathing reaches your pounding ears. Your heart rate slows over the next few minutes and you realize that Twilight has actually fallen asleep on you. Chuckling softly you lay back on your couch letting her sleep on top of you as you pull the blanket out from under the coffee table that you keep there for long nights of drinking. Throwing it over you both you gently stroke her back as you let yourself be taken to dream land.

Today was a good day.

Pinkie Pie (1)

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"Noooonnnnyyyyy~" Pinkies muffled voice echos through your hallway. Inching toward your closet you scramble in and leave a sliver to see through. "Come out come out wherever you aarreee~" her voice is getting closer and the clip clop of hooves on wood echo through your house. Your heart beat quickens. With the quiet thumping in your ears you see your bedroom door open.

"Come on nonny, You pinkie promised me you'd help me prepare this party in canterlot!" Pinkie said while looking under your bed.

Realizing this was an effort in futility you open the door and sigh. "Yeah but you didn't say it was a bachelorette for Fleur. You and I both know I don't belong there." you try to argue before your fate is sealed.

"Nonsense nonny~!" Pinkie exclaims as she turns around and faces you with that big goofy grin you've come to know oh so well. "You're my number one party planner partner person! What would I do without you?" she says as she jumps up and hugs you close.

"Okay but I get overtime for this boss, I don't do bachelorette parties." You say with finality as you shudder remembering Cadence's party where you foolishly accepted before knowing what happens at those kind of events.

"Nonny~" Pinkie pouts "You know as long as I'm there I won't let anything bad happen to you." she says while looking up from your chest.

"You say that now but what happens when you and the other girls get drunk?" You reply as you raise an eyebrow. "You know as well as I do that we both aren't going to make it through the night without at least a few drinks."

"I'll get you a special room that wont let anyone in you don't want in. I know last time Cadence came on a little.... Stron-" you shush her with a finger.

"We aren't supposed to talk about that Pinkie." you say while searching your room for anything that could be recording what you say. "Shining still has some guards following me even though its been like 3 years." looking under your bed you find nothing but a few dust bunnies.

"stop being silly nonny, you'll be fine." She insists as she turns around. "We'll leave in two days." She clops out of the room and your fate has been sealed. You knew you shouldn't have had those drinks a few days ago with her. She always gets you to do shit you don't want to when you drink together.

~~ Two days later~~

The train ride to Canterlot was nice enough but the stares you still get even though you've lived here for 6 years now still annoy you. Some ponies just won't ever get used to your odd appearance. Disembarking from the train Pinkie bounces next to you often almost hitting eye level with you which is impressive as always since you're a good 2 feet taller than most ponies here. Bouncing around everywhere has left Pinkies legs and flank fairly toned and you don't mind when she leads the way.

Realizing your staring at her ass you quickly find the buildings around you very interesting. This is how things usually go with pinkie she doesn't realize the effect she has on you or ponies around her. You often get an eyeful which you do "your best" to not notice. But you've often lusted after her in your late night activities.

"So where is fleur's party going to be?" you idly say while catching up beside Pinkie Pie.

"It'll be at the Hoofton hotel on the east side of Canterlot, where we can all party in the dining hall, I also got our favorite DJ Pon-3 to be there! By the way can you help with the setlist? I think a few human songs will make it all the more special." Pinkie asks while looking up with big puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, but I'm not sure what songs I have that go with a Bachelorette Parties. First things first though, Lets get the hall decorated and set up the Dance floor. Then set up a table for the Confections." Tapping your chin with a finger you think of all the phallus shaped party supplies Pinkie must have packed.

"I'll let you set up the stage with Vinyl so go ahead I've got a few extra's to pick up at the Special store for mares! See you at the hotel nonny~" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced away towards the west side of Canterlot.


"Yooo, my biggest human fan how ya been?" Vinyl asks as she hops off the Stage almost tripping on a large wire.

"Whats good fam? You excited for this gig? I heard there is some special music appearing in your setlist." You say with a grin pulling out your Phone turned MP3 player. You never had many games on your phone and now that there is no Cell service your phone is pretty much that.

"Wait seriously dude? I thought you only brought that out on super special occasions like new year and your birthday?" Vinyl exclaims while pulling her shades down to rest on her nose. Her Ruby eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Pinkie asked for it and you know I can't really say no to my boss." You shrug and toss your phone at her.

Catching it in her magic she replies "You totally could but I know a love struck fool like you would never say no to her." Smirking she floats the phone up to the Turn Tables.

"You know besides Princess Cadence you're the only other one to pick up that I like pinkie. I don't know why these ponies cant see it or pinkie herself but you know I can't make the first move. I'd rather be friends then ruin it by trying anything."

"You need to grow a pair and just ask her. I'm pretty sure she likes you more than you think. She is a strange one but so are you so you'd be a cute couple." Vinyl says while making her way towards the Fancy Tables pushed into the corner. "Now lets rearrange this place to make it a proper party!"


"Anoneemouse? Iz dat you I zee? My my my vat a special treat for moi?" Fleur says from the Large Double Doors. "Ven Princess Mi Amore Cadenza zaid I'd be a Fool not to Hire Pinkie Pie az my Party Planner I thought she was pulling my Chain but now I Zee she vas right!" '

Smiling, Kneeling, and pulling her front hoof for a kiss you reply. "My my madam Fleur, You know just how to flatter a man."

Giggling and brushing her mane from her eye she retracts her hoof and blushes slightly. "I vish you vould have stayed here in Canterlot Ven you first arrived. I vould have soared even higher vith such a unique modeling partner vith such a Unique Physique."

"You know I'm not good in front of a camera Fleur. How is Pants the old bastard anyway?"

"Better than the last time ve met at ze Grand Galloping Gala. Ve ended up throwing away that suit by ze way." She said turning and walking with you towards the rest of the group.

"Hey I'm not the one who thought that getting into Celly's 700 year old Sunlight Reserve was "Just what the Party needed"" you air quote at her.

"Fancy had a good time that night though, He often tells that story at his parties. But I must go and zee my guests. Ve must catch up zometime zoon. Ta ta mine favorite hueman." She says while blowing you a kiss with her hoof.

"Have a good time tonight fleur."


As the Music starts, the lights in the Ball room dim. The Ball room of the hoofton hotel is the size of a basketball court and covered in white and pink decorations. It looks like Pinkie spared no expense on this party, not that that surprises you, you usually handle the books. No Pinkie definitely does not make a profit while paying you. But she was quickly losing anything she was saving by working for the cakes. You like to think that your little relationship stabilized her bank account from bleeding bits to unhealthy looking scab that might or might not bleed if you peel it off.

Realizing you're literally standing in front of the DJ Table while the music plays you jump up and take the mic from Vinyl.

"Whats up FLEUR! You ready to tie the knot? I know you've pretty much all but married the poor fool in the 4 years you've been dating, and the 4 years on top of that since you met! I've never met a pair more perfect together since peanut butter and pickles." you exclaim over the music. The crowd chuckles and fleur sends you a mock glare.

"No but this song is one of my favorites from my small collection. So please enjoy the music, the company, and the party!" the crowd and fleur cheer as you put the mic down and jump off the stage, giving vinyl free reign over your phone.

"Non-non!~" Pinkie bounces over to you with an extra large grin. "You're little speech was perfect. Just the right amount of serious, fun, joking and Familiarity! now all that's left to do is enjoy the party till tomorrow when we clean! Let's get DOWN!"

~2 ciders and 4 shots later~

"Pinks, can... Can I tell you a secret?" You say as you slouch into a chair near the far end of the ball room.

"Of course nonny, You need me to pinkie promise not to tell or is this a "Secret" secret." She giggles as she sits next to you and slumps her head on your shoulder.

"No need for promises. I just..." Your confidence fumbles as you try to formulate a way to tell the mare you've been working for for the last 5 years that you love her. "I need you to know that..."

"I love you." Pinkie whispers. But you don't hear her over the Music

"I think you're my favorite boss I've ever had." You chicken out.

"I..." Pinkie starts but looks at you hurt. You don't know what that look is for but it makes you feel worse. "Thanks non non. You're my bestestest...employee." she finishes weakly giving you a half hearted smile.

Fuck it you can deal with the possibly disastrous consequences tomorrow. Standing up quickly and almost falling over you shout. "I LOVE YOU!"


The ponies all around you are staring at you with shocked looks and vinyl turns the music down and takes her shades off. "I ahem I love you." You repeatedly hit yourself on the forehead with a fist. Turning slowly you see pinkies shocked face start to twitch. Then her smile grows slowly getting bigger and bigger until she is beaming up at you and tears start to stream down her face.

"I love you too." she cries and she jumps from her seat and into your chest. Pulling her higher you lean in to kiss her and you smack her forehead, you both pull back and laugh. You also hear laughing behind you. You lean in again slower this time and Kiss the mare in your arms for the first time. Cheers erupt around you as you pull apart.


Pinkie Pie (2)

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Laughing, you run down a hallway. Chasing after a pink bundle of energy, excitedly giggling. "Noonnyyy~" she stops suddenly causing you to run into her and you both tumble into her room. "I've waited for you for soooo long." Her nose meets yours as you look into each others eyes.

Deciding not to say anything you just push your head further until your lips meet in a soft sensual kiss. Pinkies eyes glisten in the moonlight of the suite she always gets on her visits to the castle. Pinkie gets off you and walks to the door swinging her hips and swishing her tail side to side. The light in the room slowly seeps out of the room like honey from a spoon, turning so her face is the last in the light she whispers "I've dreamed of this so many times and now its finally here I'm nervous."

Smiling and tilting your head you reply, "I'm not sure either, but I know that I want to try with you." Standing and moving onto the bed you hear the clip clop of hooves following you.

"I love you nonny." Her voice seemed slightly off, as if she was tearing up. feeling the weight on the bed shift you look over to her dark form. Even in the dark the vibrant pink of her coat shines in the moonlight. Her poofy hair starting to straighten. "You were mean to keep this from me for so long. But I forgive you. I never said anything either." Pulling her closer you kiss her on the cheek.

"Its ok pinks, we can show each other now." Pinkie lightly gasps as your hand travels down her back until you reach her flanks.

"Mmhmm nonny~ I love your hands." Pinkie squeaks as your firmly grasp one of her plump cheeks. Teasing her further you start to rub her lower tummy till you reach one of her perk teats. Giving the nipple pinkie squeaks again this time you catch her open mouth in another kiss. Your tongues wrestled but her longer flatter tongue won. Deciding to try catch her off guard your hand reaches further down gently stroking her labia. Her break of the kiss and gasp afterwards told you that you did indeed do a good job.

"Getting right to the goods huh noOOO~nnnyyy" interrupting her mid sentence you slip just the tip of your finger inside the heat around her folds were warm but inside was almost scorching. Her clit seemed to wink as you felt a gentle flesh kiss your palm. Smirking you gave the tunnel around your finger a search. Pushing further and further in your smirk seem to fade a little until you found it. A small patch of flesh that was textured different. You were glad that your first girlfriend showed you how to find a G-Spot and that the ponies also had one. Giving it a long stroke pinkie shuddered in delight.

"I can't just let you do all the work tonight." Pinkie breathed as her tail snaked under your shirt. Using your other hand you unbuckle your pants and let pinkies tail pull down your pants and underwear. Blushing slightly you choose to focus on what you had earlier and start to try and coax her clit out once more. Giving into the shifting pinkie was doing you let her roll on top of you as she rotates around you. Giving you sight that would make you rock hard if you weren't already.

Pinkies slightly puffy labia glistening in the moonlight, a few stray strands of her tail pressed into her luscious flanks. Larger than your average mares with just enough to make them a perfect heart shape. Licking your lips you approach your prize. Starting in the inner thigh you kiss gently on her hind leg and work your way up. Mid way through your ascension her hot beath is felt on your spire. Rigid and tall pinkie first smells your glands taking in your natural musk. Gently she presses her nose to your base and slides it slowly up meeting your pace kissing up her leg. When you both reach your goal you probe your tongue inside feeling the heat turn your face slightly red. Her sex seemed to constrict around your tongue like a vice while her mouth wrapped around your swollen head. Licking around it and pressing slightly into your urethra you give a hearty moan into her folds. The vibrations from your moan made her moan in turn and her clit winked. Taking advantage of the moment your hand takes hold of the pearl. Her moaning intensifies making your swollen spire flex and your hips buck slightly.

"Mmfmfffmmmm" pinkie says. Having had to interpret pinkie with her mouth full plenty of time before you know exactly what she said and let go of her clit and her rump while her mouth pulls off of your cock. "Are you ready?" Is all she says as she moves to the end of the bed and lowers her front half and wagging her flank invitingly.

Nodding your head dumbly up and down you scoot up to her generous flanks taking each cheek in hand you squeeze firmly the flank you've watched for so long. "I love you so much pinkie" Your voice comes out before thought can happen. You start to rub her lips with your engorged head. They almost swallow your entire girth before you angle your shaft foreword and start to sink into her molten depths. Hissing slightly from the difference in temperature your transported to a world of bliss as before halfway in her walls convulse around you.

Sighing in delight pinkie pushes back and you hilt inside her. She turns her head and says. "Perfect fit." Then at once your whole shaft feels like its being pulled deeper, her walls massaging you. Moaning loudly you grip her flank a little harder than necessary as her walls give one good squeeze before she stops to catch her breath. Pulling back and sliding your cock out as far as you could while keeping your head in you thrust quickly and set a rather quick pace. Her moaning and shuddering keeping your smile lustful.

Deciding to throw caution into the wind you move one hand to the base of her tail to give you support and push your other thumb to her tail hole. Her moaning stopping but her shuddering coming full force and your waist grows wetter and wetter. She just came from that and you just touched her puckered ring. Smiling evilly you start pounding her faster and faster while pushing your thumb in further and further. She came again soon after making you flex hard to keep yourself from tumbling over the point of no return.

"Buck me harder anon." Pinkies voice shook with each word. She even called you anon, which she only does when she really needs your help. Your thrusts become reckless with no sense of pace as you are approaching your climax. Gripping the base of her tail and pulling your engulfed thumb out of her ass, You spank her hard once as your cock erupts. The tip of your head swells to its largest as your seed frosts the inside of her walls.

Panting heavily you fall backwards pulling pinkie with you, her of course giggling the entire way."Hehehe... Nonnnyyy~ There is so much inside me." Putting a hoof to her belly she smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too pinks." You sigh as the exhaustion catches up with you. Closing your eyes you smile and hold pinkie to you closely.

"So... Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?"

Christmas Special

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You awake in your bed. The morning light shifts across your eyes slightly as the curtain sways gently in the breeze. You got hot in the middle of the night and cracked a window. Thinking back that was foolish as the fire went out hours ago the ash has long since grayed. Feeling the chill in the air you get up and close the window and head downstairs to the living room. Walking over to the fireplace you sluggishly place a few fresh logs in and sprinkle some kindling on top. Grabbing your tinder box you pull out some flint and steel sparking the kindling to life. After some work you get the fire started and can feel the warmth already.

Standing you walk over to the corner table and grab some Apple Family Spiced RumTM and take a nice big pull. Letting the alcohol burn in your throat you savor the spices and apple taste. Coughing slightly you walk into the kitchen and start heating up the oven as well. Ever since you arrived in Horse land you have been an outcast. A few mares were assigned to help you adjust to living in this little girls fever dream. They eventually got you a house built, of course it was well out of town and close to where you work. Not much you can do but manual labor and you weren't fast enough to work at the apple farm so they decided you'd be better as a grave keeper. Its kind of fitting of course. You're life is dead to you and you haven't been able to sleep through the night unless you were black out drunk. Even then the "Friends" that you made quickly turned their back on you leaving you to your own devices. They tired of the drunken outbursts you'd make while staying at their places so they decided to get you your own. It's not much but you make payments on it and make enough to get yourself something nice for Christmas. A slightly damaged old piano from the school. Its been banged on so much that its hard to keep in tune and has hoof dents all over it. The keys are also much larger that your used to but you've gotten used to it.

The pan on the stove has warmed up quite nicely and you crack an egg into a bowl and whisk away. Grabbing some chopped peppers and mushrooms from the fridge you pour the whisked eggs onto the pan hearing the familiar sizzle. The first "friend" you made was a fashionista. She immediately insulted your choice of dress. Seeing as you ended up here after you went to sleep in your Sweatpants and a large shirt that had Metal band logo on it, you weren't surprised. Its not what you would want to introduce yourself in to anyone let alone miniature horses with horns and wings. She gave you a "makeover" which you actually didn't mind. She ended up making you a somewhat nice outfit. Gray slacks and a light purple polo like shirt that had sleeves down just past your elbows.

The sizzle starts to quiet down and you add the peppers and mushrooms. Lazily flipping the omelette to the uncooked side you reach into the fridge and grab some cheese. The next "friend" you made was a shy yellow pegasus. She didn't come over again after introducing herself for about a month. But you quickly got tired of the butter colored mare. She seemed to develop a crush on you that went way out of control. She kept trying to guess your "kink" that would make you fall in love with her. She would come over every day for a while but she started coming over less and less as the months passed. Eventually she never came back and the only time you'd see her would be out and about in town. She would wave and give you a small sad smile. You felt somewhat bad about not denying her for so long but you didn't want to love something that looked like an unintelligent animal from your world. It just rubbed you the wrong way.

Flipping the omelette in half you sprinkled some cheese on top and let it melt just a bit before you scoop it onto a place and put some bread in a toaster. The third and most annoying "friend" you made was a bouncy pink mare. She was one that grated on your every nerve. She spoke way too fast and too often for your liking. But she had a good heart. She always tried to make you smile. But she knew your smile was never genuine. It was her goal for a long time to make you smile wide and true. She was never able to do it.

Grabbing the hot toast that popped up with quick fingers and sliding it onto the warming plate you spread some butter on it. Putting the plate down on the small table you ended up buying from a yard sale you sit on the floor and start to eat. The fourth "friend" you made was an orange mare who worked way too hard. Well if she was human she worked too hard but apparently these "earth ponies" were strong as fuck. When you first saw how she could kick a tree so hard all the apples fell into a few baskets littered around the tree you were amazed and scared. If she kicked you like that you'd probably break a few bones. She quickly became one of your drinking buddies though. She never minded that you were so different she just cared that you were honest. You would tell her some of the worst things you went through back in your world. That time your girlfriend cheated on you, When one of your parents died, And the most hurtful time... When you came to this world.

Standing and grabbing the bottle from the counter you take another swig. and walk back into the living room. You look at the old beat up piano you bought from the school. The next "friend" you made was a cyan pegasus. She was probably the most obnoxious of all of your "friends". She would sometimes drink with you and the orange mare. But most of the time you would sit in the park and watch her free aerial show. She would come down and ask for pointers but you knew nothing about those kinds of tricks. Your advice always kind of sucked but she would put on a smile and thank you anyway.

Getting up you walk over to the piano bench and sit. You take one more swig of the rum and open the fall board. the last "friend" you actually made was the one you met first. A purple mare who was waaayyy too curious for her own good. You can't count how many times she asked questions that made you uncomfortable. She seemed a bit too interested in anatomy for your liking but eventually she ran out of questions and left you alone with a second thought. It hurt more than you thought it would.

You start to Play a soft piano riff. Before you can start singing you hear your front door open. Deciding you don't care who it is you start to sing.

"I hope it snows this week, a snow flake on your cheek would make this Christmas so beautiful." you hear hoof steps but you don't stop. Whoever is here can listen. "But that would just bring the pain, 'Cause things just can't stay the same these holidays won't be wonderful." you hear a sigh.

"I look under the tree but there's nothing to see, 'cause it's a broken heart that you're giving me." You give into your piano playing and close your eyes while bobbing your head. You get lost in your music.

"I can't figure you out, is this is what Christmas is all about, 'cause it's a broken heart that you're giving me" you hear a small sniffle.

"I don't wanna talk, i'm sick of all this talking." You open your eyes to see a snow white mare with stylish grey beanie on. "A broken heart all wrapped up in a box, there's tear drops in my stocking" She smiles weakly at you.

"I look under the tree, but there's nothing to see, 'Cause it's a broken heart that you're giving me" You sing to her now. Your eyes watering heavily.

"I can't figure you out, Is this what Christmas is all about, 'Cause it's a broken heart you're giving me" her eyes are flowing freely now.

"I hate Christmas parties, They offer me some punch. But I just shrug
I hate Christmas parties, You and the cookie tray. both hear me say "Bah Humbug" hammering harder on the piano you miss a few keys but it doesn't stop you as you start to sing your heart out.

"Fa la la la la la! la la la la la la! Fa la la la la la, la la la la la la! fa la la la la la, la la la laaaaaaa!" you let the dissonant chord ring out.

You hear muffled sobbing from the white mares direction.

"I look under the tree, but there's nothing to see. 'Cause it's a broken heart that you're giving me" you weakly cry out.

"I can't figure you out! is this what Christmas is all about, 'Cause it's a broken heart that you're giving me." you suspended the chord but never resolve down. Your eyes are full of tears and you can't look up.


Valentine's Day Special (Rarity Pt. 1)

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"Anonymous." 'Her' voice came ringing through the air. Nodding slightly and picking up the sweating bottle you bring it to your face.

"Rarity." you croak out hoarsely before taking a long pull from the cool rum.

"I... I came by to drop off your Hearths warming presents." Her voice started sternly but dropped low and quiet while mentioning Hearths warming.

"Yeah? Put em underneath the tree while I put the kettle on." You rise from the Piano bench and she nods to you levitating a few packages out of her saddle bags as you move into the kitchen. You hear the tell tail sounds of clip clopping as you set the kettle on the still warmish hot plate. Your uneaten omelette sitting on the table cooled to room temperature already in the slightly chilly kitchen. You notice that rarity's beanie still perched on her head.

"Sorry bout the cold. Just re-lit the hearth half an hour ago." You say sitting and plucking the toast from the plate.

"Dear, How much have you drank today? Now don't look at me like that." She said giving you a womanly look. "Its hardly noon and it smells like you haven't showered yet."

"Just woke up half n hour ago." You say rubbing your cold face with a sleeve. "I had a long night last night. This is just hair o the dog." You meant to say it with a bit of enthusiasm but it sounded more like resignation. The grimace on her face let you know just how well that sounded. "eh, I'm fine Rare. I only had a few swigs to help the headache." This time you sounded more like you were trying to convince yourself. But she smiled weakly. Her horn lit and your food warmed up instantly, the steam rising gently from the plate in the cool air.

"Now eat up, The reheating spell doesn't work as well the second time around" She had barely finished the sentence when you shoveled a large fork full of eggs and a bit of toast had met your awaiting maw. Breakfast went by quickly as you didn't realize just how hungry you were. Feeling full you let out a small belch and Rarity's scowl was ignored as you picked up your plate.

"Shoo, Let me do the dishes so you can shower. You positively reek." Your cheeks blush slightly as you let her take your plate and you sneak the bottle into your off hand that she couldn't see. Going down the hallway you reach your bathroom. The tiles freezing your clothed feet. Turning the hot water on the tub first you start to plug the bath before you realize that you shouldn't keep Rarity alone too long in your living room. Pulling the tab you see the water cascade down the far wall. Pulling the curtain closed you hear the door open behind you.

"Dear, are you decent?" Her soft voice echo'd slightly in the confined space muffled by the water hitting the tub.

"Yeah I haven't stripped yet." You reply before pulling your shirt back over your head. You hear the door open fully as you pull your shirt over your scarred belly facing away from her.

"I didn't see the... Ah there it is." The sound of her magic tinkled and your bottle of rum lifted into the air. Instinctively grabbed it out of the air, Rarity's magic sputtering to a stop.

"You can take it after I have one more." Your voice sounded a bit harsh and you hear a single clop as she stepped on one back leg back before she replied.

"Alright. But please anon. If not for your sake for mine. I can't bare to see you turning to a bottle instead of a friend." Her reply stung and made something in you snap.

"What friends." Your voice was icy. You didn't mean it like that. It just came out.

"Anon... Please." Rarity voice sounded hurt.

Slowly you put the bottle to your lips and took two large gulps before putting it back on the counter. "Take it." You replied while sticking a hand in the hot water. It almost scaled your hand but the pain felt nice. Numbed from the liquor you turned. "Go on since I stink so bad." You hated the words coming out of your mouth.

She turned and levitated the bottle out the room and trotted out. You watched her flank sway for just a moment before you kicked the door shut and ripped your shirt off and pulled off the bloody bandages. Taking a look at the burnt skin on your chest you tenderly touched the wound. Right above your left peck you had burned yourself. The semi burnt log burned more of you than you wanted but the pain felt nice. Pushing a finger into the burn't flesh you gasped. "Fuck" you moaned as your body was covered in the hot water.

Lathering up with soap you clean your body leaving only water to rinse your burnt flesh. Pulling out the cream you've kept stock piled for these darkest times. Lathering your hands you gently spread the cream all over your scarred body before rinsing your hands and washing your shoulder length hair. You couldn't be bothered to cut it. Not since you arrived here. Rinsing everything out and off you get out and shave the stubble from the previous few days.

Leaving the bathroom feeling much better you forgot Rarity was here and as you turned the corner to your bedroom she dropped all the empty Apple Family Spiced Rum TM bottles to the floor with a clang. Luckily none of them broke and you frowned. Then comprehension dawned on you. You were only in the towel from the waist down. Looking down at the scarred chest and long horizontal scars across you stomach you pushed past Rarity. You slammed your door before she could react she still seemed to be in the hall. Then you heard it. What you feared to hear the most.


Hours had passed and you never hear the front door open. You heard shuffling every once in a while but mostly it was just muffled crying. The now empty bottle of Apple Family Spiced RumTM sat on the floor. You had two more in the closet but you were waiting to for Rarity to leave. You were getting hungry and felt pretty buzzed but that didn't make you feel better like it usually did. Or like you convinced yourself it did.

Finally the door opened and you heard another pair of hooves clop in. Sighing you got yourself to your feet and stepped forwards to the door. Grunting slightly you pulled the door open harder than you needed too and you moved to the living room. Rainbow Dash was there hovering slightly and she looked at you smiling. "Whats up Bro? You wanna hit up the bars?" She looked at Rarity sleeping on your couch before looking back and smirking. "That is if you're done buc... Wait why doesn't it smell like... You guys didn't? Then whats she doing here so late?"

Late? You looked confused. You could have sworn it was late afternoon but looking at the window you saw that night had fallen. "And why is her make up all smeared? It looks like she was crying... Whats going on Anon?" The last part sounded much more like a statement than a question. She wasn't going to let it be till you told her. Nodding to the kitchen you enter it and pull out another bottle of Rum and two tumblers. Pouring yourself and Rainbow a generous amount you recap it and sigh.

"She saw my scar's." You said. Your voice hallow. Only Rainbow and Applejack knew about them. You had told them each in confidence but never showed them. They understood that you had no intention to kill yourself after a pinkie promise but nevertheless they decided to check up on you when you went dark for a few days. They might be your best friends but you feel like its a hallow friendship. Like they don't want to be your friends but are forced too.

Nodding she took a gulp and looked at you. "Did you tell her or did you shut her out like you did us." She said with a sternness in her voice. You knew she would be like this. They always pressed you to tell the other "Friends" you had about your problem so they could all help you but you didn't need help. You were surviving just fine and the freak already had body marks. Tattoo's and Piercings. Whats a few scars to add to the mystique.

"I... It's not my fault she saw them. I don't care if she wants to be my friend after this she can hate me like everyone else." You say firmly taking another pull from your now half empty glass. "Besides I don't think she eve-" You never got to finish what you were going to say before you heard the clip clop of hooves against the wooden floor. You knew Rarity was awake.

Coming around the corner you saw the Beautiful mare come into the room her make up runny. She looked at you and in her eyes you saw stronger emotion than you had ever seen on her face. Recognition followed by anger, and then by utter sadness. Despair you could say as her voice rung through the now silent kitchen. "Why Anon?" Her voice was full of pain.

You couldn't speak you just frowned.

"Alright its time for everyone to go." You stood and pushed Rainbow out of her chair. "Out. I need time. You can come back tomorrow. Just leave." You heard protests from Rainbow and Rarity as they were pushed out the front door. "I don't care Ill talk tomorrow. Just go." Looking at Rarity she got up on her hind legs and only reached your chest with the tip of her horn her legs locked on your torso.

"So help me I will blow your house to pieces if I have too tomorrow. You be ready when we get here or the scars you have will look like scrapes when I'm done. You get one day." Her voice was final and her eyes were full of anger again. Then something you didn't expect happened. Magic engulfed your head and it was pulled down. Then she kissed you.

She kissed you hard. There was no opening of the mouths but you felt the fire in it. Then a crack and they were both gone. You stumbled over and hit your face on the front of your porch.

Rarity pt2 Or AJ?

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Your mind is racing. What? Why would Rarity kiss you? Looking into all the hazy memories of your interactions together since you first arrived you can't fathom an interaction that would suggest to you that she would be even remotely interested. Your suddenly clearer mind reeling you get up off your front porch and slowly make your way back into the kitchen. Setting up your coffee machine you quickly start making yourself a pot of coffee.

While your coffee machine burbles you decide to go look at your tree and presents. It seems there are four gifts that Rarity brought. Judging by the wrapping paper colors one is from her, one is from rainbow, one is from applejack, and one is from pinkie.

Pouring yourself a cup of joe you sip and sit before your fireplace and pull the one from applejack closer. The wrapping paper slides off quickly and you see a simple brown box. Opening it up there is a solid grey cowboy hat inside with a note affixed to the rim.

“Dear anon, I know you’re still struggling but know you’ll always be part of the Apple family to us. We sure miss ya at the farm and Granny Smith wants me to invite you to dinner tonight. Happy hearths warming!”

Smiling you pull the cowboy hat on and tip it slightly to the side and mock pull out gun pointing your finger at an empty bottle sitting on the top of the fireplace.

Taking a larger pull from the coffee then splashing in some Apple Family Rumtm you pull the pink box closer to you. Pulling the blue bow loose you open the box and reveal a brand new shovel. Its bright green handle matches your eyes. Of course Pinkies gift is thoughtful and useful. She was always a good gift giver, plus your dingy old shovel needed to be retired.

Taking a small sip of the spiked coffee you judge its mixture level to be just right and sip a bit longer while you pull the bright blue box with the rainbow ribbon to yourself. Opening the box you find a small stack of free drink tokens for berry's bar. They were stuffed inside a bright blue replica of what looked like a mare's... parts. needless to say her raunchy gift would not come to use any time soon and she will take the mickey out of you for even keeping it. Contemplating heavily about just throwing it away you decide to stash it in the closet. Maybe you can use it to prank RD back sometime.

Coming back from your room you notice that the cabin has gotten pretty warm, your fire had been restocked while you hid in your room like a coward so at least you wont freeze to death opening your last present. Looking at the wall clock you realize its already past 6 and Dinner with the apples would be well underway by now. Cursing to yourself you open the closet and grab the few gifts you've stock piled for the apples.

sighing and closing the fire grate you wish you could stay longer in the warmth. Dressing in your heavy coat, snow pants, boots, and brand new hat, you stick the presents in a large sack and head out the door feeling like Santa Claus.


The cold starts too seep through your clothes as the big wet snowflakes stick to your face and hair. Maybe you should have worn a scarf but its too late to turn back now. It only takes you 20 minutes to reach the gates of Sweet Apple Acres, and only another five to reach the homestead. Knocking on the heavy wooden door you wait patiently for entry to the farm. You know you should have brought some food or something, more than just gifts. They won't care either way now though they will just be happy you showed up.

The door creeks open as you see a large red frame come into silhouette the light pouring out of the door. A small smile and tip of the hat greets you as he opens the door wider and lets you in to brush off the snow and wet. You hear AJ call from the dining room.

"Is it Anon? Did he finally get here?" Her southern twang made your heart feel just a bit lighter.

"Did uncle 'non make it bro?" Blooms higher but equally adorable voice rang out less than a second after.

"That young'n better 'ave made it or I'll tan 'is hide myself." Grannies called out last. chuckling a bit and passing mac you start to remove all your excess winter gear. Finally getting it all off you turn to see Big Mac still looking at you with your Santa Sack on his back. His smile looks much more forced and concerned than before.

"Glad you made it Non." His deep voice said quietly and he hoofed the bag back over.

"I almost didn't, It's quite cold out there." you smile weakly and pull a Bright red box out of the sack and hand it over to him, He smiles and rests it on his back while walking you to the kitchen. Rounding the corner you see a sight for sore eyes. AJ, Bloom, and Granny sat around the dinner table with a large pile of food half gone onto plates there. Smiling wider than you have in a while you take a seat and slump your sack to the floor opening it back up and rooting around for the gifts you brought. Taking out an Orange box you pass it over to AJ, A yellow box and pass it across the table to Bloom and a lime green box for Granny.

"Why thank ya Non, We all Appreciate the gesture." AJ says while tipping her hat.

"Ya thanks Nonny!" Bloom squeaks as she immediately pulls at the ribbon only to be stopped by Granny.

"Thank ya kindly sonny, and wait till after supper Bloom" Granny replies as she sets her gift on the counter and passes a dish across the table to you. Smiling you take the plate and start helping yourself to the plethora of food at the table.

"No thanks necessary Apple clan. I really appreciate all the hospitality given since I arrived here." You set your plate down and start to dig in. General merriment was had as the evening passed by slowly filling yourself on apple family staples. When dinner was finally over you all retire to the living room and you start to stoke the fire. Adding logs and opening your sack up one more time you pull out a bottle of Lunar Black Berry Moonshine. It was a bit pricey but you know the apple family drinks their own liquor enough to be happy to have something they haven't made on special occasions. You find the tumblers on a side table and pour Four glasses for you and the three adults.

"Whoo-ee that's a mighty fine bottle you've gotten for us tonight Non, Thanks again." AJ says as she takes a small nip and sighs. Mac just nods and smiles while taking a larger sip. Granny smith knocks the tumbler back like a seasoned pro and taps it against the coffee table indirectly asking for another pour. Laughing you pour her another drink and take a sip yourself.

"Nonny, can I have some? I'm a mare now I got my Cutie Mark and Everythin'!" Bloom exclaims as she puts a tumbler for herself on the table. Raising an eyebrow you look at AJ, who in turn looks to Granny and she nods. "But only a bit yer still a young'n even fer a mare." She says while rocking slightly in her chair.

You pour her just more than a nip for her to taste while chuckling to yourself. She smiles wide and tries to take the entire shot at once. When the drink hits her mouth she cringes and spits it back into the glass making the entire room start laughing.

"BLEH! how can ya'll drink that stuff. It smells OK but tastes like the hospital smells!" She complains as the laughter increases in volume.

"It'll put some tuft on yer chest when you get older, now don' let it go to waste just take smaller drinks now till its gone." Granny replies after she finally calmed down enough to speak.

When the laughter finally comes to a stop everyone grinning at each other mac is the first to pull his Present out and pull on the lime green ribbon on his red box. When he pulls out his gift he grins wide and pulls you in for a hug.

"Some new O&O mini's and a new paint set. You know just what to get me Non" He says as he releases you from a tight hug. You ruffle his bright orange mane and just say "Eeyup"

Laughing again the room now focuses on Bloom as she pulls open her present. Pulling the box set of Beginners Potion Ingredients and the book "Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and cure all's that are simply super", she squeals and hugs you close. Smiling and giving her a half hug back you look at granny and nod.

Nodding back and smiling at the display she opens her box and gasps lightly to herself. Pulling out a new cast iron skillet and a piece of paper stuck into the center of it. Her eyes water a bit as she reads it.

"It's my moms Apple Cobbler recipe, It might not be as good as an Apple Family Original recipe but it means a lot too- OOF" Grannies hug takes you by surprise.

"This means a lot, Family is whats most important round here and you sharing this means yer family Non." Her warbling voice made you feel closer to the Matriarch then you ever had and you feel a tear go down your cheek as you hug her back. AJ, Mac, and bloom all gather around and hug you as well. This truly made you feel like part of the family. After a minute of hugging and finally pushing them all away while laughing you settle back down and finish your drink and pour everyone another. (Except Bloom)

"Right, now, It's my turn." AJ says as she pulls her present closer to herself smiling at you. Now you were nervous. AJ had been your closest friend and you took a long time deciding what to get her and in the end you figured simple is best and took a stab in the dark. It took a bit of work with your boss but you managed to pull some strings at the graveyard. When she opened her thin orange box and only saw a piece of paper she was confused. Until she read it and she started crying. She didn't even say anything as she raced to you and hugged you tight.

"I can't believe ya'll we're able to do that fer us. How can we ever repay you?" She sobs as she hugs tighter. Mac and Granny look over the paper and get teary eyed themselves. They look at you and pull you back into a hug.

"Geez guys we just did this." You chuckle as you squeeze what you can back and finally push away.

"What's the big deal? It's just a plot ah land by the cemetery?" Bloom says while looking confusedly at the paper.

"It's not jus' a plot ah land bloom, Its big one that'll let us relocate mom n' pa AND let us plant tree's at the head of their graves. And enough room for at least 3 more generations of apples to be buried there, Extended Family and all." AJ replies pulling bloom tight. Bloom looks at you with big eyes.

"But how'd ya 'ford something like that non?" Bloom asks while looking from Granny, to AJ, then to you.

"Well I told old Tombstone I'd pick up extra shifts if he gave me a discount on it, Safe to say I won't have much time off the next few months." You chuckle and scratch the back of your neck. None of the ponies around you say anything but smile at you as you take another swig of your glass.


A few more hours go by and Bloom falls asleep on the couch pretty quick, followed by Granny on her chair while you and AJ talk and mac interjects every couple of minutes. Eventually Mac scruffs Bloom and puts her on his back then brings her to bed. Staying upstairs you figure he'd gone to bed as well. The Fire starts to wane and you add a few more logs to the fire. The bottle almost empty you pour out the last shots for you and AJ. She puts her glass up for a toast and you meet hers.

"To being part ah the Family." She says as she clinks her glass to yours.

"Cheers." You reply and take your shot as she follows suit. Her cheeks are rosy as are yours most likely, She looks back up at you smiling.

"Thanks sugar cube. Fer everythin' today. Ya'll really made it special this year." She scoots a bit closer and leans her shoulder to yours.

"Of course AJ, Your family has been very kind to me since I got here so I had to return the favor." You turn your head slightly and look down at her, Her large emerald eyes looking into yours.

"Yer family now, In all ways but name n' blood." She replies and looks at you slightly differently. You can't tell what look it was but it changed. Then she wraps a leg around your neck and gently pulls you down into a kiss. You pull back after a second and look at her confused.

"AJ?" you ask confused, This has to be the liquor talking she couldn't feel like that for you could she? Her hurt eyes quickly harden back to normal and she smirks.

"Just a lonely mare tonight, sorry about that my hormones got tha better ah me tonight." She turns to the fire and stares into it.

"Yeah... Sorry I can't help with that... I..." You trail off. Applejack turns back to you.

"I''ma head off ta sleep. The extra room is there if'n you need it." She ascends the stairs and you turn back to the fire.

"She's been holding those feelings in fer a long time ya know." Grannies voice comes from her chair.

The fire crackles as you pull out the flask from your pocket.

"Ah, I see. I... I don't know if I feel the same." You pull from the flask and turn to Granny. "Even if I did, I'm not sure if I'm good for anyone." You get to your feet and start pulling on all your winter clothes.

"You've been good fer us so far young'n. Don't you ferget that. You mean a lot to us now." She knocks back the remainder of drink that was in her glass and starts heading up to bed herself.


The walk back to your house was better than the walk to Sweet Apple Acres. The skies had cleared and the moon shone bright. And the warmth of liquor in your stomach made it much more bearable. The stars and moon made you stop out on your porch to watch for a bit. Pulling your flask out you drained it within a few minutes just enjoying the sight. When you finally started getting cold enough to head in you turn and enter your abode.

Closing the door you brush as much snow off your boots as you can and remove them but keeping your coat and snow pants on. Getting to the Hearth you open the grate and start a fire as quickly as you can before grabbing your last bottle of liquor you have in the house. You'll need to restock soon. It keeps going quicker and quicker and you don't feel proud of that. Taking a long pull you finally start to strip off your winter gear and sit in front of the hearth till you feel like the house has warmed up. It takes almost a full hour till the home is feeling cozy again. Almost half the bottle is gone and your head is so foggy you can barely see straight. You decide its too much effort to stand and just pull the couch pillows and cover to yourself as you lie in front of the fire. Making sure to add another few logs before you drift to sleep.
