> The Many Lewd and Dangerous Inhabitants of the Everfree Forest > by MyMan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > That's Not How I Thought This'd Go at All! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The invasion of Canterlot had failed and every one of the changelings had been expelled. Groups of changelings had been launched every which direction, landing all over Equestria and beyond. This story, however, is about a group of changelings that found themselves only a short distance from Canterlot, in the heart of the Everfree Forest. Maxilla, a rare female changeling, had been placed in charge of a small group of thirty or so changelings. Most of the changelings occupying an intermediate position, those below the queen but above the common grunt, were female on account of their ability to become queens themselves if the conditions were right. There were a few males that had been placed in a position of authority by Chrysalis herself based on their merit, but they were few and far in between. Maxilla had been doing her job, keeping her command of soldiers in line while they fed on all the delicious love in Canterlot, when a wall of pink light came out of nowhere and sent her and all of the changelings around her in flying through the air. When the light touched her, it seemed to fry her nerves, making her feel disoriented and uncoordinated. As she flew through the air, her last moments of consciousness were spent staring at Canterlot as it receded into the distance. When she awoke she found herself embedded in a small changeling shaped depression in the mossy ground. She made herself get up despite her aching limbs, groaned, shook her head, and looked around. She was surrounded by many changelings in similar craters, many of them part of her charge. "All right, you grubs! I don't know what that was but the conquest of Equestria isn't over yet! Now get yourselves up and get to work making a camp, I want bunks, food, and a latrine ready by nightfall." -- It had been a few days since Subcosta's platoon of changeling warriors had landed in the Everfree Forest after being forcefully ejected from Canterlot by some kind of huge pink wall. Maxilla, the group's commander, had ordered them to set up camp while waiting for new orders to come from the queen. That meant every changeling had to take shifts keeping watch, building shelter, gathering materials, and finding food in the wilderness of the Everfree. Now, much to his dismay, it was Subcosta's turn to go out looking for food. That meant going out past the edges of the clearing the changelings had made and venturing into the dense foliage of the jungle-like forest that surrounded them, then successfully foraging for enough eatable vegetation to feed the entire group. What fun. As Subcosta navigated the dimly lit forest floor in search of something that was probably not poisonous, something caught his attention: a pink-ish tube laying on the forest floor. It ended on one end with what appeared to be petals pulled tightly closed like a flower bud not quite ready to open, while the other end it tapered into a thin dark-green vine that snaked out of view. "Hm? What's this?" He took a few tentative steps towards his strange find, careful not to get his hooves caught on any of the clingy vines that wriggled along the dense forest floor. Once he reached the strange tube he gave it a small poke, prompting no reaction. After cautiously waiting a moment, Subcosta leaned down to give it a closer look. Its skin was a deep purple-pink color, covered with small bumps and ridges like a pickled cucumber. "Alright, first find of the day!" Subcosta said with a cocky smile. He carefully wrapped the plant in a magical grip and began to tug at it, trying to find a good angle to sever the vine it was attached to. Suddenly, the tightly closed petals began to unfold, prompting Subcosta to stop out of surprise and curiosity. The petals that had composed the bud folded out, forming what appeared to be some kind of flower. It consisted of one central hole that seemed to be quite deep, so deep, in fact, that Subcosta couldn't even see the bottom in the dim light that made it through the forest canopy. The five petals, each coated with small green bumps, pointed outward in a star shape with the odd petal pointing down. The entire face of the flower was a bright, eye-catching pick that darkened near the hole, with the inside gradually changing to more of a deep red than pink. Weird, what is this thing? Subcosta tried his best to peer inside, but he still couldn't see the bottom. Trying again, he stood up, tilted the opening of the tube upwards, and pulled it close to his face. Suddenly, a small amount of pink liquid sprayed out of somewhere inside the tube. Subcosta's instinctual reaction was to pull away and keep whatever it was from getting on him, but by the time his brain registered what had happened, it had already caught him on the muzzle. In shock, Subcosta dropped the tube to the ground and backed away while trying to wipe the strange, oily fluid off his muzzle. "What was that for, huh?!" Subcosta hissed as he gave the plant his most accusing glare and waited to see if the it would try anything else. As he stared as it, he because more aware of the stuff on his muzzle. It was a strange, thin film that seemed to coat and stick to everything it touched. It was a bright pink color, like some pony bath-soap he had once seen. However, it was currently dripping down over his nostrils, and the scent was what really caught his attention. It smelled like both the sweetest, most wonderful fruit Subcosta had ever smelled; and at the same time, it had the distinct sour smell of a mare in heat, ready to breed. Sexual frustration was common among the changeling workers and soldiers, and Subcosta was no exception. With so few females, any male drone who wasn't gay or willing to experiment would be left without an external means of sexual release and would have to turn to the tried and true method of magical masturbation. Rumors about how this wasn't anything like the real thing were common among the young, mostly virginal drones. Subcosta was fortunate enough not to be included with the lonely virgins, as one of his trainers back at the hive had once promised to suck him off if he did exceptionally well. After hearing that, he did his absolute best at every challenge she could throw at him and she eventually kept her word. That whole experience, however, hadn't been quite what Subcosta had been pining for. While it was pleasurable, she had been the one in control of the entire interaction, not, as he had hoped, himself. Thereafter, he had been left only to fantasize about what it would be like to be the one in control. Now his thoughts of being the one in control were coming back with a vengeance. This plant thing here in front of him seemed perfect for using to fulfill to his long unsatisfied desires. It might not be a real mare, but that just meant he didn't have to worry about pleasing a partner and could focus on his own pleasure. Subcosta's dick jumped in anticipation, slapping against his belly with an excited, fleshy smack and flaring outwards at the head before flopping back down. Subcosta snorted and stepped forward. "Hfh, that wasn't very nice of you, you know." Subcosta said with a grin and new-found confidence as he picked the tube up in his magic, bringing it up to his chest and sliding it under his belly. His dick kicked again and this time he was ready for it; Subcosta gently rubbed the outer lips of the entrance on his head as it flared, sending sparks of pleasure lancing through his shaft. "Yeah, I've got the perfect way you can repay me." Without further buildup, Subcosta pressed the plant's opening against his tip. The supple petals that made up its entrance easily spread apart and allowed Subcosta to sink into it's depths. He paused to enjoy the moment, and then he began fucking the plant internist. The excited changeling pushed the tube firmly along his shaft, its lips bulging around his medial ring as it it slipped past. The tube felt cool and soothing around his burning, pulsing rod. Subcosta pressed as deeply inside as he could, but bottomed out before hitting the other end. He began gently pulling his shaft back out, then pushing it back in. A rhythm slowly built and Subcosta found himself loving it. This is what he had been missing. This is what he needed. Prompted by the stimulation he was receiving, Subcosta's mind started to conjure up fantasies to further fuel his arousal. His imagination rotated through the banks of females he had felt attracted to, placing each one underneath him before she faded away and was replaced by the next. Eventually, Subcosta found himself imagining his demanding commander, Maxilla, wrapped around his cock. He imagined her desperately moaning for more, telling him that she had always secretly wanted this, but had been to shy to ask and so had hidden her feelings behind a mask of gruffness. She thanked him for giving her what she had always wanted by just taking her, forgoing the useless conversations where she would have denied wanting him. Lost in his personal fantasy, Subcosta could feel himself getting close. His balls tightened and pulled up to his body in preparation of pumping their payload out to the lucky recipient. He wanted to finish inside, his fantasy Maxilla begging him to do so. His thrusts grew more and more erratic as his head flared, Subcosta giving the hardest, fullest thrusts he could manage. Right as Subcosta felt himself approach his peak, he was struck by a sudden and unexpected pain that mixed with the peaking pleasure in the strangest way. "AH!" Subcosta ceased thrusting immediately and tried to figure out what had gone so wrong. When he tried to pull back, he felt a sudden and and very uncomfortable burning-cool feeling covering his dick, along with a pinching pain. It felt like a million tiny hairs or scales facing inwards had suddenly sprouted from the inner walls of the tube, and every time he made any motion against the grain he was punished with more intense pain and burning sensation. What is this? Subcosta could feel the burning-cool sensation sinking into his cock-flesh, numbing it and blurring the line between where his body began and ended. Dimly, Subcosta could feel something soft and thin flicking around the tip. When it it brushed by the opening of his urethra, it stopped. For a moment there was nothing, then a new, hotter burning and stretching feeling was added to the burning-cool feeling already assaulting his sensitive flesh. The stretching feeling slowly traveled up Subcosta's stallion-like member, eventually pushing past his medial ring and into his upper shaft. What is it doing? The continued advancement of the intrusion seemed impossible to stop as it pushed itself all the way through Subcosta's still hard shaft and into his body. the poor, uncomfortable changeling stallion shifted back and fourth on his hooves, fidgeting as much as he was allowed without receiving a sharp, punishing punch from the plant that literally had him by the dick. Once inside his body, the thing was a bit harder to track. It was definitely there, and more of it was coming in, judging by the continued movement and friction coming from Subcosta's tip. "Get out, get out, get out!" Subcosta shouted, anger and fear for the thing currently violating him mixing in his voice. The plant showed no sign of having understood his words, or any sign of stopping on its own. "If you don't stop this and let me go this instant I-" Subcosta's threat was interrupted by a sharp jolt lancing through his prostate, almost causing him to thrust forward on reflex. He caught himself just in time to avoid the painful punishment that would have resulted. While he managed to hold himself still, Subcosta could not prevent several grunts from escaping him as the thing pushed itself past his delicate, vulnerable prostate, roughly and distinctively uncomfortably stimulating it all the way. Subcosta, although having never purposefully pursued prostate stimulation before, felt himself growing hotter and hotter from the unfamiliar and exiting sensations. He felt himself beginning to peak once again. The plant seemed to sense it too and reacted by ceasing all movement and giving him a sharp, painful pinch to the base of his shaft while increasing the numbing effect across its entire surface area until he could hardly feel where it began and ended Argh! Fucking plant! Subcosta inwardly cursed at the plant as it robbed him of his orgasm. After a short pause, the plant resumed its advance into its trapped victim. Deeper and deeper it pusher until, finally, Subcosta felt something brush his balls. Not on the outside, but on the inside. FUCK Subcosta had the sensation of his stomach both tightening and contracting into his body, while simultaneously dropping away from it. Although he didn't feel any pain, he was treated to an icky, intrusive, something-is-wrong feeling as more of the invading thing slid into his sack. He couldn't quite be sure of it, but Subcosta thought he could feel a warm-ish liquid coming from the tip of the tendril, making his sack feel hot and tight. Subcosta was so focused on the bodily invasion he was currently being subjected to, he failed to notice the weird taste in his mouth. Subcosta gave one huge, surprised heave, then made a second and emptied his stomach onto the forest floor. Even after he had expelled everything he had eaten, he continued to heave for what felt like forever. The heat in his balls turned in to a burning sensation and he started to fidget. It still wasn't exactly painful, but it definitely fell into the category of things his body instinctively disliked. As the burning continued, Subcosta felt the thing inside him begin gently thrusting back and forth. His dick was numb enough that he could hardy feel the movement inside it, but the small motion sent sparks flying from his mostly un-numbed prostate like saw teeth on magnesium. Am I seriously getting some kind of reverse-raped by a plant!?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! How the FUCK did it come to this!? Why me? As Subcosta inwardly questioned how he found himself in his current, unexpected, position, the stimulation caused him to begin steadily inching toward climax once again. NOT AGAIN Subcosta tried his best to probe the invisible shackles of immobility the plant had trapped him in, but every time he went to pull himself free he was struck by the painful punishment that held him captive. He felt his peak quickly approaching as the stimulation from the thin tendril inside him increased, its gentle thrusts becoming hard and forceful. NOPE By this point, the poor bug-horse' balls felt like they were on fire. They seemed to be subjected to the same numbing effect as his shaft, but the sensation of burning, minus the actual pain of being burned, was intense, persistent, and only seemed to grow. His sack had the feeling of a bloated burn blister under soothing cream. The feeling itself was strangely arousing and pushed Subcosta towards his climax almost as fast as the motions of the tendril, but he was having absolutely none of it. FUCK THIS In desperation, he tried to tear the vine by twisting it in two different direction with his magic. All at once, sensation exploded across his dick like gasoline soaked sawdust exposed to a spark. Subcosta didn't stop, continuing to twist with his magic. The sensation on his dick grew stronger. With a horrified expression, Subcosta realized it was the feeling of a twisting-induced friction burn; a mirror of the exact thing he was doing to the vine. As the implications sunk in, Subcosta stopped his assault on the plant, and the plant stopped its identical assault on his dick. THIS CAN'T FUCKING BE REAL! What the plant did not stop, however, was its now powerful thrusting. With one final, extra powerful thrust, it pushed Subcosta over the edge. FUCK NO! FUCK YOU! FUCKFUCKFUCK! FUUUUUUUUUU Instead of the usual relief of ejaculation, Subcosta only felt himself flex and ripple around the thing inside him blocking his urethra. The normal feeling of tightness in his ball was accompanied by a strange suction, but Subcosta wasn't in a position to pay it any thought. The tube thickened as fluid was sucked through it and Subcosta felt the tension in his sack begin to slacken. He groaned as the invading plant relieved him of his burden, his orgasmic contractions assisting it in its efforts. The feeling of relief faded and the pressure was released as the drain continued. But the sucking didn't stop. The suction only seemed to get stronger and stronger, and the feeling in Subcosta's balls turned sour again. In gross contrast to the too-tight fullness they had been subjected to a moment earlier, his balls now felt empty and cold. His sack pulled up against his body the way it might it it were cold or he was surprised. All sensation was gone from his balls, but Subcosta was only vaguely aware of it. With its conquest complete, the creature began to retreat from the used-up reproductive tract. As it pulled out, it left behind a cold sticky goo. The grip of the tube around Subcosta's dick loosened and he ceased his chance for escape. "Get off!" he bellowed as he gave a hard pull with his magic and stepped back. On cue, the tube popped off with a distinct toilet-plunger-pop sound. Still in a bit of a haze, Subcosta stumbled back, trying to put as much distance between the plant and himself. Once at what felt like a safe distance, he flopped onto his rump to check on his violated dick. The equine-esque phallus in question was swollen and puffy, especially near the tip. Even after his orgasm, the head was still flared in a plug shape. In contrast to its native color, the entire shaft bore the deep red symptomatic of over-sucking. None of this was what caught Subcosta's attention. His eyes stared down in abject horror at his gaping urethral opening as it drooled a steady stream of green slime mixed with foamy red ooze. In spite of the obvious deformation, there was hardly any pain, and the changeling dick continued to soften, making its retreat back into its sheath as if nothing was wrong. Subcosta knew that something was definitely very wrong. In a panic, he rushed to check his balls. Instead of a healthy, plump pair of bug-horse sperm factories housed in a protective leathery sack the color of his chitin, he found only a flabby, empty pocket devoid of any contents. He poked at it with the tip of his hoof several times in desperation, but the truth did not change. With a blank, unseeing stare, Subcosta unsteadily got back onto his hooves. He blinked several times and shook his head to clear it. "W-what the fuck IS this?!" Blinking back tears of shock, rage, and fear, he gave a huge heaving sigh. Then he did the only real thing he could do; he began discoordinately making his way through the think foliage back to the changeling base-camp, still dribbling an unsteady stream of the plants left-overs and its gooey deposit out of his sheath.